irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060508

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00:43.01Think_Different_hello everyone
00:48.10orchidhello Think_Different_
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03:45.22CIA-6BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 07playground_branch * 10bzflag/ (20 files in 3 dirs): team logo image files
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03:49.44supertankeris it just me or is Wget 2x faster than using a web browser to download?
03:50.03A_Meteoriteit seems that way for me too :)
03:50.24A_Meteoriteargh, I so wish anoncvs was working
03:50.25JeffM2501your browser probably does other stuff
03:50.34supertankerdo all web servers support --continue?
03:50.34JeffM2501A_Meteorite, what do you need from CVS?
03:50.51A_MeteoriteWell, I see a lot of commits there... :)
03:50.52JeffM2501nothing to see here
03:50.54JeffM2501move along
03:50.56supertankerIt worked for me an hour ago, I downloaded the db module again
03:50.56JeffM2501move along
03:51.14JeffM2501this isn't the code your looking for
03:51.24A_Meteoriteummm... riiiight :P
03:51.48supertankeromg I am getting 5.37 K/s! that is 2x than normal!
03:52.06JeffM2501I do not think your god has anything to do with bandwith
03:52.08supertankereither that or my grandmothers line down in Santa Barbra is 2x than our line up in the mountains...
03:52.15JeffM2501supertanker, or wget just reports it wrong ;)
03:52.36A_Meteoritebest thing to do is get the same file and time it with a stopwatch ;)
03:52.44supertankermost likely...
03:52.46A_Meteorite(or use the built-in timer)
03:52.59A_Meteoritebigger files == more accurate results
03:53.00supertankerproblem: i'm downloading a 671 meg file
03:53.03JeffM2501well SB is closer to the bandwith
03:53.08supertankerthat would be a LONG experiment
03:53.30supertankerKubuntu linux v 5.10
03:53.36A_MeteoriteI would get a 10MB file and download it with wget and the browser
03:53.39supertankerETA 34:21:12
03:53.43A_Meteoritewould be a good estimate
03:54.01JeffM2501why does your grandma need linux?
03:54.14supertankerokay...i'll do that after I download this. One question, do most  HTTP servers support continuing a file?
03:54.26JeffM2501supertanker, not that I am aware of
03:54.28supertankerI need linux, i'm visiting my grandma
03:54.45supertankerand I forgot my Fedora distro disks
03:55.28JeffM2501why do you NEED linux
03:55.37JeffM2501when you are suposed to be visiting your grandma
03:55.58lan56thats a high tech grannie
03:56.16A_Meteoritelan56: especially considering my mom can barely use Windows XP
03:56.24A_Meteoriteor Mac OS X, for that matter...
03:56.29JeffM2501I don't see the problem, says it'll take 28 min to get the install ISO
03:56.31supertanker'Grannie" doesn't have a computer...
03:56.51lan56A_Meteorite, hah
03:57.39JeffM2501you could drive down here and get it faster then you'd download it
03:58.14JeffM2501and he ain't gonna get it in one shot
03:58.31A_Meteoritea download manager can, afaik
03:58.48JeffM2501if the server supports it
03:58.49A_Meteorite(well, at least you can resume it, not sure if that's a server dependency, though)
03:58.52JeffM2501but that ain't "wget"
03:58.53supertankerI'm using an FTP server with continue. Weird, downloaiding from korea is faster than a mirror in sacromento
03:59.08JeffM2501just the pipe
03:59.11JeffM2501difrent route and load
03:59.12supertankerno, it supports -c
03:59.29supertankerYES crossing Jordan is on tonight...YAY
03:59.30JeffM2501I've got 85 megs of it allready
03:59.42supertankerI've got 10 megs of it already
03:59.45A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: You have an 85Mb pipe?
03:59.56JeffM2501100 megs
04:00.03JeffM2501naw, just DSL
04:00.04supertankerOMG Law and Order CI is next!
04:00.10supertanker10.2 megs
04:00.18JeffM2501supertanker, umm yeah we don't care about your TV shows
04:00.21JeffM2501get a TIVO
04:00.27JeffM2501don't let the tube rule your life
04:00.42supertankerIn New York city's war on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursuied by the members of the Mega BZFlag squad. These are their coolest matches/
04:01.02JeffM2501wow, I think I got stupider reading that
04:01.28supertankerI actually rarely watch TV...only on sundays sometimes for Crossing Jordan. Other than that, I usually just do other stuff.
04:01.37supertankerI don't get how people watch tv for 7 hours a day
04:01.52JeffM2501they are called "homeschooled" ;)
04:02.12A_MeteoriteI'm homeschooled ^_^
04:02.30JeffM2501and how much TV do you watch?
04:02.37A_Meteorite(and sometimes I be a bad boy and go on the computer during school)
04:02.42A_Meteoriteprobably 3 hours daily
04:02.50lan56well 7 hours is a little extreme but many times tv can be a good background noise and entertainment on the side, in addition to something else, so it isn;t really watching with passion as much as just having it on for the company
04:03.21A_MeteoriteI like Lost, Numb3rs, Survivor, Amazing Race, and a few others
04:03.49supertanker2 hours a night usually...all TV cop shows. Good family time with my parents. Yup, Numbers, Without a Trace, Cold Case, the CSI series, the Law and Order Ceries, etc
04:04.06A_MeteoriteWithout a Trace is also a good one. :)
04:04.09supertankercrap, I mean numbers
04:04.12supertankerI'm not tired
04:04.40JeffM2501silly people tied to the times broadcasts are on
04:04.48A_MeteoriteI'm not a big fan on investigation... Numb3rs isn't that "investigationess" or however you want to put it
04:04.54JeffM2501live TV is so 20th centry
04:05.13A_Meteoritewe also have an antenna for our TV :o
04:05.18supertankerwell, its usually a good time for me and I don't really care about recording. If I can't see it, so what. I'm not 'tied' to the tV
04:05.22JeffM2501why bother?
04:05.24A_Meteoriteyup, no cable here (we can't afford it)
04:06.19JeffM2501what is this term "cable"?
04:06.20supertankerno cable here either.....only antena
04:06.24A_Meteoriteor satellite
04:06.37A_MeteoriteJeffM2501: Not a TV guy?
04:06.40JeffM2501mmmm digital satallity goodness :)
04:06.54supertankerCable: noun: a thin wire which transmits information. Satalite: floaty box in the sky transmits information
04:07.00JeffM2501I program machiens to save things for me
04:07.06JeffM2501then watch them when ever I wish
04:07.09A_Meteoriteand we live in apartments, would you beleive they want a $500 "deposit" to put a stand on our back porch?
04:07.17A_Meteoritefor satellite
04:07.17JeffM2501that is illegal
04:07.35A_MeteoriteI figured, since that's not doing anything to their property
04:07.37JeffM2501if it's your controlled area, they can not prevent you
04:07.40supertankerWould you beleive that we pay 500 a month for a 1100 sq foot house?
04:07.47supertankerthat is illegal
04:07.53A_Meteoritesupertanker: err... that's CHEAP!
04:07.55lan56no that is a steal
04:07.59JeffM2501supertanker, you must live by oildale
04:08.19supertankerWe can't make full payments of 900 :( stupid divorce. At least our landlords are understanding :)
04:08.20A_MeteoriteWe pay almost $1,000 for 900 square feet
04:08.21JeffM2501or just purchesed it a long time ago
04:08.45A_Meteoriteheh, that's the best we can get here
04:08.54A_Meteoritemy mom is on a couple programs that help pay the rent though :)
04:09.01JeffM2501supertanker, prices are difrent in difrent places
04:09.04supertankerActually we live up in the mountains, on 2.5 acres of property
04:09.21JeffM2501ahhh, hicks :)
04:10.09A_MeteoriteI wonder how BZ turned into TV/download speed/rent ;)
04:10.19A_MeteoriteOh noes! Killer hummingbirds! ;)
04:11.29supertankerAnd evil bears
04:11.34supertankerand blue pigs
04:11.39supertankeroh wait...nevermind
04:11.54supertankerOkay, lets switch topics. I just got slauhterd by acouple of bots
04:12.11A_Meteoriteyeah, those bots are gnarly, they can't jump but they sure dodge and shoot well
04:12.19supertankerMake them jump!
04:12.32supertankerAre you sure you have the -j option on ?
04:12.36A_Meteorite(if you keep going a certain direction, they know EXACTLY when to shoot so you run in their bullets)
04:12.52A_MeteoriteDepends if it's auto-pilot or the solo kind
04:12.54supertankerif you suddenly change directions. they STILL know exactly where to shoot :(
04:13.36supertankerand if you stand still, they STILL know where to shoot :( wierd huh?
04:14.43supertankerI don't understand it. I get shot faster if I don't move than if I do. What the heck is going on? :)
04:15.41supertankeroh BTW my freeware zone site is open for public editing
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07:28.41ToughShooterhmm, links to etc but all links are broken..
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11:52.09ruskiesheesh what a useless team...
11:54.29gsneddersruskie: whatcha expect?
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12:00.03ruskiegsnedders, atleast a bit of teamwork would have helped
12:00.17gsneddersruskie: who does that nowadays?
12:00.36ruskieyou mean besides us?
12:01.27ruskienot to mention my geno shots went bye bye due to some cheating...
12:01.37ruskieI shot and shot ended immediately
12:01.48ruskiebut only with geno
12:03.21ruskiesomeone got kicked for endshod credit soon after that...
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14:05.58Mr_Molezbrlcad: ping
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14:44.22brlcadMr_Molez: pong
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14:48.44Mr_Molezbrlcad: can you set up the thing jeff was talking about. so people can add funds to feature requests. So the person that codes a feature that is requested gets the money
14:51.02brlcadwhat exactly do you mean?
14:51.25brlcadthat is what do you mean by "set up the thing"
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15:01.10brlcadthat can all be done already just by deciding on a single person to be held in trust of funds, reporting funds designated to feature requests, reporting on distributions, etc with relatively minimal overhead -- that does have some complications, but it is the easiest to put into place that could be done "today"
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15:10.11brlcadi'd rather like to see something like a non-profit that could hold, distribute, and manage funds in trust
15:10.23brlcadthat's quite a bit more effort to set up, though
15:18.24Mr_Molezbrlcad: we all trust u ! :)
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15:22.45PuMpErNiCkLeYes... even I trust you to manage other people's money. :)
15:23.43Mr_Molezsee , now get it done ;)
15:23.58Mr_Molezplease :P
16:14.13Mr_Molezdoes anyone know if the match time -time can be set on the fly ? (in game) ?
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16:56.50Mr_MolezJeffM2501: brlcad is gona do the code a feature - get funds thing :P
16:57.22JeffM2501yeah we've both said we'd put up money for features
16:57.32Mr_Molezyou know. people add funds to what feature they want coding. and who ever codes it gets the money
16:57.40JeffM2501the term is "bounty"
16:58.00JeffM2501I've had a bounty out on the image submision system for a while now
16:58.04JeffM2501still got no system
16:58.19Mr_Molezwell there needs to be a place so anyone can request a feature and anyone can add money.. I think the money should be seperate for each feature
16:58.41Mr_Molezcuz i wouldn't like to pay for something i care nothing about to be done
16:59.18Mr_Molezwhich is the way you were hoping to do it, right ?
17:00.50pyr02k1mmm, paying people to code stuff i see...
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17:01.14Mr_Molezwhat's wrong with that ?
17:02.00Mr_Molezit will encourage coding and stuff. Also put higher priority on stuff people care about :P
17:02.01pyr02k1nothing, never said there was. just stating it so i could ensure i was correct in the thought
17:02.12JeffM2501but that dosnt' mean that the feature will go into the mainline
17:02.29JeffM2501pyr02k1, it's offering an incentive
17:02.32JeffM2501for desired features
17:02.51JeffM2501since there arn't exactly a lot of people willing to put time into it
17:03.12pyr02k1no no, i understand that, and even agree with it. this way it doesnt put the stress of the "magical bullet" someone wants on you, someone else can take the cash and do it
17:03.18pyr02k1unless you want the cash, in which case...
17:03.46JeffM2501well if it's done as a site there needs to be very fixed rules about who gets the bounty and when
17:03.46pyr02k1i'd help, but i dont remember even the slightest bit of anything but php. the c is gone
17:04.13JeffM25012 people may submit solutions, one sooner then the other, but the faster one may suck
17:04.16TuponeJeffM2501: I think ibot messaging does not work always, well, at least I did not get your message. I read the log, though, and I'm sorry you were annoyed by my complains. I'd try to not make them anymore
17:04.20blast007pyr02k1: some of the bzflag stuff is PHP
17:04.27blast007all the web stuff
17:04.33JeffM2501Tupone, I know you didn't mean bad things
17:04.43JeffM2501just some times things come off wrong as text
17:04.47Mr_Molezhow about a coder agrees to code the feature ? and no 1 else can agree to code once another person has agreed ?
17:04.56JeffM2501Tupone, and why arn't you in hungaray? ;)
17:05.04Tuponetomorrow morning
17:05.07pyr02k1but what if he fails to code it molez?
17:05.14JeffM2501Mr_Molez, what prevents somone from just siting on it and it never geting done
17:05.20Mr_Molezthen the coding opportunity is reopened to everyone
17:05.23JeffM2501the point of the bounty is to gat it done fast
17:05.35JeffM2501or what if that person does a poor job, and somone else could do better?
17:05.40pyr02k1time limits would need to be applied, but then what if it is only a week and takes him 1 week and 1 day and someone else already took the coding job
17:06.01Mr_Molezwell there should be strict rules in what is expected of the code
17:06.01JeffM2501it's a thin hard line to walk
17:06.05orangethere's not already a web-based service to run this kind of thing?
17:06.07JeffM2501yes there should be
17:06.10orangeI'd think these rules have been thought out
17:06.25JeffM2501there are sites that have programers sign up for odd jobs
17:06.32orangethey might take a small cut
17:06.33JeffM2501basicly it's paymnet on acceptance
17:06.35orangebut it'd probably be worth it
17:06.39*** part/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
17:06.41pyr02k1if you do it. make sure the coder and the person with the cash agree to it together, then the coder has the time agreed upon
17:07.00pyr02k1so if he misses it by a day, it is his problem
17:07.07Mr_Molezyep :P
17:07.17JeffM2501Mr_Molez, are you saying brlcad is going to set up a site? or just the fact that we are offering cash for the image system?
17:07.30JeffM2501I put forth a spec for the image sysem
17:07.32Mr_MolezJeffM2501: well we need some 1 trustworthy
17:07.39Mr_Molezi think brlcad is the perfect person
17:07.46JeffM2501to do what?
17:07.54Mr_Molezmanage the money and distribute it
17:08.08JeffM2501so realy your just pusing your ideas onto the stuff we were speaking about yesterfay
17:08.23Mr_Molezi didn't see you talking about it yesterday
17:08.25Mr_Molezbut whatever, sure
17:08.32JeffM2501Mr_Molez, that is a bad idea, what if what brlcad things is OK, is not what the pwerson fronting the money things
17:08.58Mr_Molezwell someone will need to do it
17:09.00pyr02k1could take the money from paypal for example into an account for this when the jobs put up, then upon completion, if the person agrees to the code, the money goes to the coder
17:09.01orangeare you saying brlcad agreed to act as third-party arbitrator/escrow service?
17:09.19pyr02k1if he doesnt, we hold the money, check the code and ask why he doesnt like it
17:09.25orangepyr02k1: yes, escrow
17:09.28JeffM2501Mr_Molez, yeah what exactly are you trying to say?
17:09.51Mr_MolezJeffM2501: well is there any way to make it automatic ?
17:09.53pyr02k1meh, i lost my train of thought
17:10.06Mr_MolezI dont really care who manages the money aslong as a system is made soon :D
17:10.21JeffM2501what were you saying about brlcad when I signed on?
17:10.29pyr02k1tis why i said paypal, i used php to control paypal stuff without touching the paypal site
17:10.35JeffM2501has he agreed to do anything other then the stuff from weeks ago?
17:10.39pyr02k1it did, i didnt
17:10.57pyr02k1off to work for me, emerge world and system will take a while
17:13.50JeffM2501I love how you keep skiping over answering my questions ;)
17:14.07Mr_Molezcuz all you do is argue
17:14.28JeffM2501if your idea can't be defended then it dosn't have much merrit
17:14.38JeffM2501and when you make a statement I want to know what you are saying
17:14.39Mr_Molezwell its your idea actually
17:14.59JeffM2501all I wanted to know was what you meant by your statement
17:15.05JeffM2501and if it is anything new
17:15.08JeffM2501that I am unware of
17:15.14Mr_MolezI was just saying brlcad is trusted. why doesn't he do it ?
17:15.16JeffM2501I'm just looking for clerification
17:15.29JeffM2501you said "JeffM2501: brlcad is gona do the code a feature - get funds thing :P"
17:15.36JeffM2501that indicates he is doing something
17:15.42JeffM2501not that you just trust him
17:16.22Mr_Molezwell the maner in which he was speaking earlier made me believe he would be willing
17:16.33JeffM2501he is willing
17:16.35JeffM2501same as I
17:16.43JeffM2501so nothing new has changed
17:16.53Mr_Molezwell get it done then ;)
17:16.55JeffM2501I'm offering 25$ for image submision, and he is matching it
17:17.01JeffM2501somone has to write the damned thing
17:17.08JeffM2501then they get there money
17:17.09Mr_Molezimage submission ?
17:17.11purple_cowimage submission?
17:17.36JeffM2501an automated way to have users upload images, get admin aproval and move them to images.
17:17.39JeffM2501for hosting
17:17.50JeffM2501right now it's a big fourm thread
17:17.52JeffM2501and a pain
17:18.01JeffM2501the more we automate it the better it will be
17:18.15Mr_Molezno, thats not what i was talking about
17:18.27Mr_MolezThere should be a way anyone can easily offer money for features
17:18.39JeffM2501then make it
17:18.46JeffM2501I'm just trying to see if the concept even works
17:18.50JeffM2501this is a test run
17:18.59JeffM25013 people have expressed intreest
17:19.06Mr_Molezok, but does anyone even know there is a bounty for that ?
17:19.14JeffM2501if it works out well maybe we'll look more into oficial pages and systems and stuff
17:19.22JeffM2501as a small test, it was done here
17:20.34JeffM2501if it dosn't seem like progerss is made, I'll put something on the froums
17:20.44JeffM2501after that... don't know how much more work to put into it
17:21.04JeffM2501think baby steps Mr_Molez
17:21.13JeffM2501when dealing with money it pays to be cautious
17:21.33Mr_Molezok a test is cool :)
17:27.08Mr_MolezJeffM2501: do you know how to get 2 red flags and 2 green flags ? and allow for 2 red and 2 green bases ?
17:27.24brad+f g*{1}
17:27.30bradjust add bases as normal
17:27.57braddon't know what bases the flags spawn on though
17:28.06bradnot sure whether you can specify that
17:28.12Mr_Molezill test it
17:29.49Tropican8Jeff have you played Lamer and I's new gamemode yet?
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17:38.12purple_cow"I's"?  Who taught you English?
17:40.19JeffM2501Tropican8, play?
17:40.25JeffM2501what is this term "play"?
17:40.55JeffM2501I played UT 2004 last night
17:40.57JeffM2501that was fun
17:41.00JeffM2501and some DDO
17:54.56Tropican8The term 'play'?
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17:56.28JeffM2501are you speaking of your bacon mod?
17:56.40JeffM2501or one flag CTF as I like to call it :)
17:56.47Tropican8purple_cow: "I's" -- It is better than 'lol' 'np' 'sry''pwn'
17:57.03Tropican8no We developed the whole thing yesterday
17:57.12purple_cowi like bacon
17:58.31Tropican8I'm making a post and putting it up today, all very alpha stuff.  This blows bacon away IMO, but maybe that's because this one was partially my idea
17:58.51JeffM2501what is it?
17:59.04Tropican8Ok well I had this idea for Rabbit
17:59.14Tropican8When a rabbit shoots you, you also become a rabbit
17:59.27JeffM2501infectious rabbit?
17:59.31Tropican8until there is 1 guy left, he wins, is rabbit next round, everything resets
17:59.46JeffM2501so what is the point of the mode?
17:59.51Tropican8Since the API doesn't do rabbits yet, we are using zoned and unzoned tanks
17:59.53JeffM2501to be the rabbit or to NOT be the rabbit?
18:00.03Tropican8To not be a rabbit
18:00.16JeffM2501do you become rabbit if you shoot the rabbit?
18:00.27Tropican8it works the other way around
18:00.40Tropican8If the rabbit hits you, you are also rabbit
18:00.42JeffM2501so the objective is to run and hide
18:00.57JeffM2501wings would be god in that mode
18:01.01Tropican8Until you are shot, then you search and destroy
18:01.11purple_cowwings are god in any mode :P
18:01.13JeffM2501seems rather complex
18:01.56Tropican8not really
18:02.06Tropican8But well beyond the api for real rabbits
18:02.33Tropican8With PZ (how it is right now) all items have to be shootthrough and drivethrough
18:02.57Tropican8so the real players have no advantage against the zoned (rabbit) ones
18:03.06Tropican8So only maze maps work right now
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18:21.08bryjenhe's got the sides implemented backwards for that.
18:22.19bryjenthe hunters should be doing the hunting, turning a goup of "rabbits" into more hunters, until the last rabbit is the winner
18:25.51purple_cowpork, of course
18:26.13purple_cowpiggies taste yummy in my mouth
18:26.22JeffM2501bacon is a vegatable
18:27.52bryjenoh yes.  "JeffM2501: play bzflag?" and "purple_cow: play bzflag other than decks?"
18:29.03JeffM2501I still think bz needs a good CTC mode
18:29.49bryjenmore white meat :)
18:30.44JeffM2501UT2k4 had an interseting "mutant hunt" mode
18:30.51JeffM2501first to kill was the mutant
18:30.56JeffM2501they got all weapons and speed
18:31.05JeffM2501all other players could not hurt themselves
18:31.14JeffM2501or each other
18:31.21JeffM2501and were shown where the mutant was on screen
18:31.36JeffM2501then the person with the lowest score was the "bottom feeder"
18:31.47JeffM2501they coudl kill other players to get on top
18:32.01JeffM2501was interesting
18:32.29*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (n=Alex135@
18:32.43JeffM2501and now lunch time :)
18:33.22Alex135JeffM2501, can you post a link to my bzflag forums on the links page (
18:34.28Alex135my forum:
18:36.20Alex135i g2g, ill be back in less then 1 hour... :) i gota get home from school... perhaps you will be done with Lunch then :)
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19:25.37Alex135JeffM2501, do you think you can add my Forum ( to the bzflag links page(s)
19:26.28Alex135its a bzflag forum / other things to
19:27.37blast007Alex135: it's a wiki, add it if you want
19:27.49blast007register on the wiki so you can change stuff
19:27.59Alex135... oh lol i didn't notice, shows how smart i am, thx :)
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19:48.12SpazzyMcGeehi all, there is a test game of the zombie tag plugin starting now at, if anybody is looking for some crazy fun
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20:05.45ruskiezombie tag?
20:06.01L4m3rWhat about it?
20:06.12ruskiewhat is it...
20:06.48L4m3rit's sorta like rabbit hunt.
20:06.55L4m3reveryone is rogue
20:07.04L4m3rone person starts zoned
20:07.20L4m3rzoned can kill non-zoned and vice versa
20:07.38Gnurduxits awesome
20:07.42L4m3rwhenever the zoned person kills an unzoned tank, that tank spawns zoned also
20:07.46Gnurduxand when you are killed you get zoned
20:07.54L4m3rit continues until everyone but one is zoned
20:08.00ruskiesounds fun
20:08.06Gnurduxyou know what it is?
20:08.07L4m3rthe "last one standing" wins the round and starts zoned in the next one
20:08.14Gnurduxits ghosts in the graveyard!!
20:08.20Gnurduxthe stupid kiddie game
20:08.24Gnurduxbut phantom == ghost
20:08.45L4m3rtropican8 actually looked it up on wikipedia, it's called "zombie tag" or "matrix tag"
20:08.57Gnurduxi have an idea
20:09.22Gnurduxunzoned shouldnt be able to kill anyone
20:09.35Gnurduxie their shots should do nothing
20:09.55L4m3rnah, then it'd get boring and the zoned people wouldn't have to work for it
20:10.15ruskienot really :)
20:10.23ruskieadd some super bullet flags:)
20:10.24L4m3rno radar and a high spawn point is enough of an advantage for the zoned people
20:10.43ruskieno radar is an advantage???
20:11.08SpazzyMcGeethat plugin is aweome, l4. brilliant work
20:11.23L4m3r:) thanks
20:11.24SpazzyMcGeetheres about 10 ppl there now
20:11.45SpazzyMcGeetropican is trying to teach the n00bs how to play ;)
20:11.51Gnurduxi guess its fair that they can be killed
20:12.00ruskieto bad your server is a bit to far for me...
20:12.08SpazzyMcGeebut i g2g, bye all
20:12.15GnurduxZombie gammemode L4m3r ?
20:12.39Gnurduxwhy did i start in the box?
20:12.44L4m3rhopefully it can get into mainline as a rabbit derivative.
20:13.08Gnurduxyou mean not a plugin?
20:13.11Mr_MolezGnurdux: u wanna code something cool that everyone will love and praise you for and give u loads of attention ?
20:13.18GnurduxMr_Molez, depends what
20:13.30Mr_Molezserver side bots for 2.0.7 ;)
20:13.42Gnurduxhahah L4m3r i just pause-dropped PZ
20:13.58L4m3rit shouldn't let you pause when zoned
20:14.08Gnurduxthen i nr-dropped it
20:14.12Gnurduxi minimized
20:14.24Gnurduxbut it autodrops during NR too it seems
20:14.39Gnurduxwhy do I star tzoned?
20:14.52ruskieprobaly cause you're it :)
20:14.52Gnurduxalso: it says "  wins"
20:15.08L4m3rI'll be there in a few
20:17.01GnurduxMr_Molez, those wont work
20:17.04Gnurduxthey are impossible Mahdi
20:17.18Gnurdux2.0.7 API doesnt support em
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20:17.39L4m3rWhile you're at it, Gnu, go sweep the beach for me
20:17.43bradGnurdux: how about a seperate thing like bzadmin?
20:17.53Gnurduxthat would be cool
20:17.58Gnurduxi could play around with that
20:18.00bradindeed it would
20:18.02Gnurduxtry to hack -solo bots
20:18.10Gnurduxor would you rather have autopilot bots?
20:18.35Gnurduxbrad, what do you like better, solo or autopilot
20:19.00bradautopilots are better
20:19.09bradcan you have more than one with one client?
20:19.22Gnurduxnot in normal bzflag
20:19.22CBGThis channel is constantly lighting up because someone has posted. I figured Gnurdux _must_ be here. :P
20:19.30bradI mean in a seperate thing
20:20.00*** join/#bzflag sussi (
20:20.00Gnurduxof course you CAN
20:20.06Gnurduxi dunno how EASILY
20:21.50sussisometimes on the new 2.07 , if it indicate the fps and the time , sometimes it shows a 3. number. What do it mean?
20:22.16blast007probably triangle count
20:22.44blast007probably labled 'tris'
20:23.29Gnurduxsolo bots might be easier
20:23.55Gnurduxbrad, how about solo bots that dont need a client?
20:24.09bradGnurdux: that's the kind of thing that would be great
20:25.18blast007Gnurdux: though if server-side bots make headway in 2.1, -solo bots will be useless
20:25.30Gnurduxyes, this is just for until then
20:25.48blast007and I don't like bot's on servers anyway  :)
20:25.53Gnurduxbrad, do I get a free shell account on a 100mbps server if i do?
20:26.12blast007you get a pat on the back
20:26.23bradnah you can have that too :P
20:28.15GnurduxMr_Molez, does the cleanness of the code matter?
20:28.52Gnurduxyou know, it might not be so easy even to just rip the GUI off of bzflag
20:29.00Gnurduxill think about it
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20:29.31GnurduxMr_Molez, any other ideas, that arent as difficult?
20:32.49Gnurduxbrad: if i was going to try to make something like the python plugi n with another language, what would you suggest?
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20:59.48JeffM2501aww no cvs :(
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21:32.16Aribethno cvs?
21:32.37Aribethdown, broked?
21:32.46JeffM2501down I would guess
21:33.09Aribeththat no good
21:33.19JeffM2501it's SF
21:33.22JeffM2501it happens
21:34.12AribethSF is always slow or broked
21:34.20JeffM2501not always
21:35.11Aribethwell, i started my AQ quest last night
21:35.31JeffM2501it's good stuff
21:35.38Aribethwent from level 17 to 21 in i day
21:36.16Aribethi got in a group for a while and one guy mentored me
21:36.34JeffM2501makes it go much faster
21:37.09Aribethwe went into stormhold, but i died when we got ambushed by segeral heroics
21:37.13*** part/#bzflag Think_Different_ (
21:38.10CBGSounds like fun, what is "AQ" exactly?
21:38.17JeffM2501Armor Quest
21:38.19Aribetharmor class quest
21:39.11Aribethheroics are strong
21:43.50JeffM2501that they are
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21:54.55Gnurduxhi A_Meteorite
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22:27.59Mr_MolezGnurdux: no u goda do that
22:28.13Mr_Molezif u do it, everyone will love you and want to talk to you and they will concider you their bestest friend ever !
22:28.21Mr_Molezand no. code can be as bad as jeff's i dont mind :P
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22:53.53GnurduxMr_Molez, Jeff's worst code is gold compared to my best code.
22:54.01Gnurduxand i would be writing my worst code
22:54.16Gnurduxand i probably wont do it: too much work
22:55.42Gnurduxwhy dont YOU do it?
22:55.57Gnurduxi dont use bots much
22:56.05Mr_Molezi dont do things myself, i moan and moan at other people till they do it
22:56.19Gnurduxwaht about those awesome cheats?
22:56.28Gnurduxthose were msotly 1-line fixes tho
22:56.28Mr_Molezdidn't do them either
22:56.35Gnurduxyou didnt?  you lied to me!
22:56.48Mr_Moleznope u just assumed
22:57.24Gnurduxwho made em>
22:57.32Mr_Molezcant say its like secret and stuff
22:57.42CBGthe $1,000,000 question.
22:58.29GnurduxThe 1,000,000 Question: Where did Molez get his cheats?
22:58.29GnurduxMr_Molez, do you know C++?
22:58.29Mr_Molezthat much ! ? nah i will tell u for £1000
22:58.29CBG for Mr_Molez and myself?
22:58.29Mr_MolezGnurdux: nope
22:58.32Mr_Molezknow a little vb thats about all
22:58.51Mr_Molezheehehh CBG
22:59.40Gnurduxthat sounds lame
22:59.51CBGsounds sweet to me
22:59.53Gnurduxlearn C++, it aint to hard if you learn it badly like I did
23:00.09CBGI looked at bzlist.php today, could not see, for the live of me, anyway to reorder the servers.
23:00.21Mr_Molezu kidding ? vb was hard enough, how i passes the exam for that i will never know
23:00.33Mr_Molezlive ? life ?
23:00.54Mr_Molezlist order is done by the client aint it
23:00.56CBGbah, that is twice I made that mistake today
23:01.02CBGbut I never made it before today. :|
23:01.33Mr_MolezGnurdux: any good websites to learn ?
23:01.45Gnurduxgoogle C++ tutorial
23:01.52Mr_Molezi have nothing better to do with my time i may aswell
23:02.02Gnurduxit gets the C++ tutorial on C++ online, which looks decent enoughn to me
23:02.10Gnurduxi learned from a book, C++ for Dummies, which sucked
23:02.19Gnurduxit was just a bad book
23:05.56SaturosI own that book.
23:06.01SaturosAnd yes, it sucks.
23:06.18Gnurduxi "generously" gave mine away muhahahahaha
23:06.27Mr_MolezCBG: ill race u, who can learn c++ and make the sexiest program first :)
23:06.30Gnurduxi learned from that book like 3 years ago
23:06.59Gnurduxi can help you
23:07.02CBGMr_Molez: you win.
23:07.12Mr_MolezCBG: im dumb , you will win
23:07.14CBGI quit already, :P
23:07.26Gnurduxcome on
23:07.46CBGMaybe this summer
23:07.54CBGI finish exams in a month, so... maybe.
23:07.56Mr_MolezCBG: when do you exams finish ?
23:08.08CBGMind you, this is what I said about PHP 3 years ago.
23:08.12Gnurduxsummer is fine
23:08.16CBG... that never happened. :P
23:08.21Mr_Molezhope u do well in your exams :)
23:08.38CBGoh, wow - I need one of these:
23:08.42CBGMr_Molez: thanks :)
23:09.04Mr_Molezcomputer be dlol
23:09.06CBGBusiness should be a doddle, Physics if I learn the equations, and ICT is just a load of c**p anyway.
23:09.33CBGMaths I am worried about. And that is the first (in a fortnight today errr... yesterday).
23:09.42Mr_Molezi actually failed ict lol
23:10.15Gnurduxwhats ICT?
23:10.42Mr_Molezi didn't do any courcework which was like most of the marks
23:10.51CBGInformation, communication technology:
23:10.52Gnurduxsounds like me
23:10.57CBGMr_Molez: lol :P
23:10.57Mr_Molezict = information computing techonology or something
23:11.07Gnurduxwhy the hell are you 2 taking such a foolish class>
23:11.20CBGwhat else should I take?
23:11.31Mr_MolezGnurdux: its apart of the curriculum we have no choice
23:11.36Gnurduxumm if i had a free space, id take an extra language
23:11.39Gnurduxprolly latin
23:11.47Mr_Molezhave /had
23:11.48Gnurduxor a REAL computer class
23:11.51CBGLatin is a dead language. loool
23:12.01CBGand I hate languages in general.
23:12.09Mr_Molezlearn welsh !
23:12.09Gnurduxdead languages are the best
23:12.11CBGand ICT is the ONLY computer type course
23:12.14Gnurduxoooh welsh is awesome
23:12.23CBGdead languages are dead... a.k.a useless.
23:12.25JeffM2501perhaps #bzchat for your school discussions kids
23:12.44JeffM2501since it is.. you know.. chat
23:12.49Mr_Molezlol i was waiting for jeff to say something like that
23:13.04JeffM2501ok, where peraps means, 'move"
23:13.08Mr_Molezok so lets sum up
23:13.11CBGdone and done
23:13.12Mr_MolezGnurdux: is gona code server side bots
23:13.16Gnurduxno, he isnt
23:13.17Mr_Molezand like everyone is gona be happy
23:13.22Gnurduxthey are already coded Mr_Molez
23:13.26JeffM2501no they arn't
23:13.27Gnurduxin case you didnt know
23:13.38JeffM2501in case you didn't know Gnurdux
23:13.42Gnurduxthe hooks are
23:13.47JeffM2501no they are not
23:13.50JeffM2501they are STARTED
23:13.57JeffM2501that does not mean anywhere near finished
23:14.08JeffM2501get real info before you open your mouth
23:14.15Gnurduxwell Mr_Molez it takes people like Mr_Molez who actually code for a living to do that sort of stuff
23:14.19JeffM2501don't fill in facts from your imagination
23:14.38JeffM2501Mr_Molez, your a programer?
23:14.41JeffM2501I never knew
23:14.44Mr_Molezfirst i knew  :D
23:14.52Gnurduxi meant JeffM2501
23:14.57JeffM2501he rejects our reality, and replaces it with his own
23:15.19Gnurduxi guess im as bad a typist as JeffM2501
23:15.21JeffM2501Gnurdux, the more you spout out about the "way it is" the more you look like a fool
23:15.30JeffM2501get your facts right before you say stuff. ok
23:17.16Mr_MolezCBG: come to #lintux
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23:36.05GnurduxCBG, stop that
23:36.45JeffM2501he's not doing anything
23:36.50Gnurduxyes, hi is
23:36.52Gnurduxhe is
23:36.59JeffM2501not here
23:37.14Gnurduxhes invite flooding me
23:37.22JeffM2501then use a /msg to tell hiom
23:37.25Gnurduxi did
23:37.26JeffM2501not in this channel
23:37.42Mr_Molezyes, stop flooding the channel with useless crap
23:37.46JeffM2501your private war with him is not our problem
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23:50.24bradjust wondering, is there any reason why "profont" isn't the default font?
23:50.40bradit's much better than the current one
23:51.13JeffM2501because it's an opinion
23:51.18JeffM2501others like the default font
23:51.35bradI'm surprised but ok :)
23:52.04JeffM2501we realy should put a gui in to let users change it
23:52.23CBG... :)
23:52.36bradyeah someone mentioned that earlier
23:54.32JeffM2501many things "should" be done
23:54.43bradhehe yeah I know
23:54.53JeffM2501like why do the tanks still look like 1992 ass?
23:54.55Mr_Molezyeh many things especially bots that work with bzadmin
23:55.37JeffM2501I don't thik bots are a widely used feature
23:55.41JeffM2501not in public games
23:55.43Mr_Molezi read there was a fork of bzflag to use a new graphics system, what happened to that ? can its work be brought into maintream bzflag ?
23:55.43JeffM2501that use bzadmin
23:55.58JeffM2501Mr_Molez, who was doing it?
23:56.07JeffM2501and it's not the graphics system  that makes it look bad
23:56.08JeffM2501it's the art
23:56.14Mr_Molezim not sure. I read it was started but soon stopped
23:56.26JeffM2501wonder where you read it
23:56.32Mr_Molezill see if i can find it again
23:56.53Mr_Molezah found it
23:57.49Mr_MolezThere was an attempt [] to fork Bzflag and use an updated graphics engine called OGRE but it turns out that the bzflag code isn't very modular so it has stalled.
23:58.04JeffM2501ohh if you only knew
23:58.07JeffM2501it wasn't realy a fork
23:58.38JeffM2501wonder who "krackhouse" is
23:58.44JeffM2501and where they get there info
23:59.11JeffM2501I was experimenting with ogre and did a bzflag style world in it as a test, that is all
23:59.20Mr_Molezdid it work out ?
23:59.27JeffM2501ogre is very cool
23:59.36Mr_Molezdo you have any pictures of what you did ?
23:59.42JeffM2501but it's not a drop in replacement for what bzflag has
23:59.47JeffM2501it looked the same as a bzflag world
23:59.49JeffM2501same source art
23:59.52Mr_Molezah ok

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.