irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060413

00:00.12JeffM2501I've seen 3500's in a nforce 4 mobo for usualy around 200$
00:00.25DTRemenakI'd buy that
00:00.28JeffM2501or 3800's with a mobo for 300-350
00:01.41JeffM2501just make sure you get socket 939
00:01.47JeffM2501and 2 dimms
00:01.50JeffM2501dual channel rocks
00:02.11JeffM2501usualy you can get a gig of ram in 2 dimms for 100$
00:03.56JeffM2501if you do find a good deal on an ATI X800, you may think about it, it's not a bad card
00:03.58JeffM2501for an ATI
00:04.10CIA-6BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/common/cURLManager.cxx: use CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE to avoid stale waiting connections
00:04.33JeffM2501X800's an higher get the nod of "they suck a lot less"
00:05.02DTRemenaklinux drivers still suck
00:05.08CIA-6BZFlag: 03dtremenak 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/src/common/cURLManager.cxx: use CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE to avoid stale waiting connections
00:05.10JeffM2501that is possible
00:05.31JeffM2501the windows drivers are a lot better on the X800 and better
00:05.35DTRemenakI buy nvidia for the drivers.  Both windows and linux are better.
00:05.50JeffM2501wonder if they have a PCI-E 6200
00:05.54JeffM2501those suckers are cheap
00:05.57JeffM2501and not bad at all
00:06.17JeffM2501AGP ones are like 70$
00:06.42DTRemenakthey probably want people who are looking at that range to go 7300 anyway.
00:07.47JeffM25016800GS is the bang for buck card
00:07.51JeffM2501in the PCI-E range
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00:17.23lan56where is the avatar selection on bzbb?
00:17.41JeffM2501in your profile
00:17.50JeffM2501there is a "view gallery" option
00:18.27lan56I don't seem to see it, maybe I am just not looking hard enough tho
00:18.51lan56on the edit profile page correct?
00:19.01JeffM2501near the bottom
00:19.05brlcadDTRemenak: i might have the problem, but I don't see them as CLOSE_WAIT
00:19.29JeffM2501it's riight above the "submit" button, says "Show gallery"
00:19.35JeffM2501it's like the very LAST item
00:19.46lan56the last item for me is Date Format
00:19.56lan56then Submit|Reset
00:20.02JeffM2501what username?
00:20.08DTRemenakbrlcad: it looks like it closes them all once it's done downloading the map and all files
00:20.17DTRemenakjust leaves motd and list server open
00:20.34JeffM2501wierd, for some reason your avatar perms were revoked
00:20.39JeffM2501I turned them back on
00:20.44lan56k thx
00:20.52*** part/#bzflag Carnage (
00:21.15lan56all I had was a dog as my avatar anyway, so it wasn't too big of a deal if I didn't have em
00:30.23JeffM2501well you can set it to whatever now
00:30.57lan56right the dog is fine tho, I was more curious than anything. thanks for fixing it for me
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00:45.37A_MeteoriteI thought of a good 2.0.8 codename: "the really good enough for now this time" :P
00:46.17CBGhow about "this time it's _really_ good enough - sorry about the confusion last time"  too long? :P
00:46.29blast007"are we there yet?"
00:47.57Thumper_"Slightly Better"
00:47.57purple_cowi didn't think there was going to be a .8
00:48.03A_Meteoriteyes, to fix a problem
00:48.07A_Meteoritea big one
00:48.19A_Meteoriteit happens that curl doesn't close the motd connection
00:48.22A_Meteoriteso it bogs down apache
00:48.35A_Meteoritethat's why the list server and the bzbb has been slow lately
00:49.39blast007and spawns are borked in 2.0.6
00:53.05trepanjeff's "it sucks less" is a contender
00:53.50CBGtrue enough.
01:03.49*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
01:06.16a-delusiongood enough to ----
01:06.53*** join/#bzflag [shorty114] (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
01:32.22menotumewe will wait a bit before a 2.0.8 release i hope
01:32.47menotumesince all 'probalems' are in the server so far, and we don't want a 2..10 :)
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01:59.16Thumper_trepan: map cache files (created with -cacheout): does geometry only go in those?
01:59.57Thumper_trepan: or do I need to generate a new cached file if I edit an option like -public ?
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02:22.11CIA-6BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/ ( readd the second ..\Dev-C++, its worth a few extra characters to stop any future problems
02:25.54trepanThumper_: depends on the option, try 'cmp' if there's doubt
02:29.43Thumper_trepan: thx
02:53.06*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (
03:52.09CIA-6BZFlag: 03bryjen * 10bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): /jitterdrop server command for in-game changing the -jitterdrop command line option
04:00.33*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
04:01.05WonderMopis anyone getting weird jitter w/ 2.0.6?
04:04.08lan56what do you mean by weird>
04:04.37WonderMopin 2.0.2 my jitter was about 5ms and in 2.0.6 it's almost 50
04:04.40WonderMopi ran both again to check
04:04.50WonderMopon the same network and got the different jitters
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06:19.00L4m3rdoes bzfs now load plugins with an older API? or was it not bumped for 2.0.6?
06:19.31JeffM2501it only bumps when an existing function changes
06:19.36JeffM2501or a data structure
06:19.43JeffM2501so it hasn't changed in a while
06:20.00JeffM25012.1.x will have some backwards compataiblity for older API verisons
06:20.08JeffM2501( but not back to 2.0
06:20.16L4m3rso, what happens if I use the new flag give thing, compile, and try to run it in a later 2.0.5?
06:20.39JeffM2501if the bzfs dosn't have the function it will not load
06:20.54L4m3rok, that's fine then
06:21.06JeffM2501yeah it's a clean error ether way
06:21.16L4m3rgood. just checking. :)
06:21.39JeffM2501the API version prevents a plugin that expects a function to structure to be a certan way, but bzfs does it another way
06:21.42JeffM2501that would make a crash
06:21.44JeffM2501or other bad things
06:22.06L4m3ryes, I would think so.
06:22.51L4m3rI'm preparing a beta release of a "kill limit" plugin, so I'm getting all my API stuff in order and up to date.
06:23.13JeffM2501I was gonna add that as a feature in 2.2
06:23.24JeffM2501and fix game resets so they don't kill the server
06:23.24L4m3rgo ahead, that's always cleaner :P
06:23.28JeffM2501but force everyone to limbo
06:23.33JeffM2501and then respawn
06:23.41L4m3roh, no, this is flag kill limits
06:23.56L4m3rlike shot limits, only they count kills instead.
06:24.13JeffM2501so misses don't count off the total
06:24.14L4m3rhelp prevent whoring, but less restrictively. :)
06:24.22JeffM2501that's a good plugin
06:24.36L4m3rfirst of mine to use a conf. gonna release a beta first
06:24.43L4m3rtheme97 has been testing it for a while too
06:24.45JeffM2501well to prevent whoring I want to do ammo
06:24.50JeffM2501but we'll see how that goes :)
06:24.57L4m3reh... lol
06:25.31L4m3r(this plugin was why I was griping about API inconsistencies the other day)
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06:25.50JeffM2501yeah I'm trying to clean it up for 2.2
06:26.04JeffM2501this was the first version with it so it's kinda iffy
06:26.12L4m3rBTW, you know that kills by steamrolling and indirect geno show as flagless kills, right?
06:26.39JeffM2501they are handled difrently in the code
06:26.42L4m3rwell, now you do :)
06:26.46JeffM2501probably don' t have a shot record
06:26.47L4m3rI figured as much
06:26.58JeffM2501superkill probably does too
06:27.10L4m3rthe SR thing is annoying but the geno thing isn't all bad
06:27.28L4m3rthe plugin has an option to count geno kill cumulatively, or by direct hits only
06:27.46JeffM2501the event for kill is probably put too low in the real bzfs functions
06:28.15L4m3roh, and something I did that you may like to add to shot limits...
06:28.21L4m3r"relative" limits
06:28.44JeffM2501relitive to what?
06:28.57L4m3rI've got it set up so that if you put "n" after the limit, it will set the limit to the number times how many players are on the server
06:29.11L4m3rset at the first kill
06:30.04JeffM2501shot limits are a band-aid for a larger problem
06:30.13JeffM2501I'd rather see the larger problem addressed
06:30.28L4m3rwe'd have to close the game to new players, or something :P
06:30.50JeffM2501or change the base rules
06:30.53L4m3rthe ultimate cure is flagless play, or assigned superflags (as I have tried)
06:31.09L4m3runfortunately the latter proved rather unpopular
06:31.20JeffM2501or change flags into a more generic powerup system
06:31.28JeffM2501where you get weapons and charges
06:31.33JeffM2501and they arn't allways the same thing
06:31.51JeffM2501more quake like
06:31.55L4m3rpossibly. but couldn't that conflict with the "no multiple flags" bit?
06:31.57JeffM2501but then that would catch some flak too
06:32.07JeffM2501limit them to one weapon at a time
06:32.27JeffM2501and if the rules are changing, who says we can't allow multiple power ups
06:32.34JeffM2501just limit them to one per class
06:32.43JeffM2501or something
06:32.45L4m3rI've found bad flags are an effective shopping deterrent also
06:32.47JeffM2501there are many ways it can be done
06:33.16L4m3ra few people hated it, but when I set bad flags to last forever on my server, shopping pretty much ceased
06:33.29a-delusionyes, making powerups progressive opens up worlds of opportunity.
06:33.42JeffM2501this game will never change it's use of flags tho
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06:34.17L4m3ryeah. I think quantitative powerups could overcomplicate things.
06:34.51JeffM2501they worked in subspace
06:34.56L4m3rsometimes I think this game needs to split into two :P
06:35.05JeffM2501it does
06:35.07trepanany of the Descent games have a team mode?
06:35.23JeffM2501the last one may have
06:35.24L4m3rone side, that silly, simple arcade-like game, and one complex, sophisticated, "tank sim"
06:35.28JeffM2501or freespace may have
06:35.46JeffM2501L4m3r, I want something inbetween
06:35.50JeffM2501and action tank game
06:36.03JeffM2501but not super mario kart simple
06:36.41L4m3rpersonally I love the fact that the game can be as intense as an FPS, but there's this excellent "art of driving" aspect to it
06:36.44JeffM2501play subspace ( continum ) and you'll see what I want
06:38.57L4m3rI'll look into it.
06:39.32L4m3rBTW, I don't know if I mentioned it already but the new laser is awesome :D
06:40.35JeffM2501it still needs some work
06:41.03L4m3ryes, but the concept is very good
06:41.16L4m3ractual 3D is a great idea
06:41.33JeffM2501it makes the onboard video on this machine cry like a little girl
06:41.36L4m3rmake sure you add a BZDB variable for the laser radius... >:)
06:41.50JeffM2501the old one didn't have one
06:41.51L4m3rwell, that's why it's called "expirimental"
06:46.19JeffM2501actualy it's called that cus noone liked "super"
06:46.19L4m3rmaybe "ridiculous"? "superflous"?
06:46.19L4m3ror perhaps "rich jerk" :P
06:46.48JeffM2501it's not that bad
06:46.55JeffM2501should run fine on the low end cards of the day
06:47.12JeffM2501I mean even a 5200 should run it fine
06:47.19L4m3ryeah, I know, but I'm sure it'll get that why when someone (trepan) gets bored enough
06:47.42JeffM2501I don't think it'll ever top any current game
06:47.55L4m3rI've got a 5200 in the linux box, but that computer hates the client unfortunately
06:48.02JeffM2501everyone is just used to bzflag being 10 years behind, when we just want to make it 3  years behind
06:48.40JeffM2501I mean hell the onboard SIS video on this 180$ computer runs the thing at HIGH
06:48.59L4m3rbut my 5200 was capable of running everything maxed at 1024x768 at 60fps under windows when it was my main rig
06:49.15L4m3rbut that was... 2.0.4ish?
06:49.15JeffM2501and that is a cheap ass card
06:49.27L4m3rI know, my Ti4200 was better, until it died
06:49.35JeffM2501in 2.1 what was experimental is now high
06:49.41L4m3rI was just lucky to have the 5200 as a spare
06:49.44JeffM2501geta 6200, they are cheap
06:49.53L4m3rdon't need it anymore, that box is a server
06:50.08L4m3rgot a 6600GT in my main box, more than enough
06:50.29JeffM25016600's are ok for BZ
06:50.33JeffM2501not so much for other games
06:50.35JeffM2501but ok for bz
06:50.42JeffM2501eq2 eats it alive
06:50.47L4m3rto lag it I have to run 8xAA, and even then it only happens when someone dies
06:51.03L4m3rI know, I am a bit disappointed with it as far as other games go
06:51.12L4m3rbut I splurged on the mobo instead
06:51.32JeffM25016800GS seems to be a good bang/buck card
06:51.37L4m3rthey call the 6600GT "poor man's SLI"
06:51.39JeffM2501haven't looked into the new 7x00s
06:51.44JeffM2501it is
06:52.13L4m3rso eventually I'll have to decide whether to just get another 6600GT or spend more for a 7000 series
06:52.34JeffM2501what games do you play mostly?
06:52.53L4m3rGTA:SA... even that gets choppy at times
06:53.06JeffM2501does it have an SLI profile?
06:53.17L4m3rgames come and go, but this card will get old quick
06:53.17L4m3rno idea
06:53.17JeffM2501not all games work faster with SLI
06:53.24JeffM2501you have to pick the SLI profile for the game
06:53.31JeffM2501it's not a flat out speedup to all things
06:53.40L4m3rwell, newer games will, and that's what I'm more concerned with
06:53.52JeffM2501a 6800GS was WAY faster then 2 6600 GTs
06:54.01L4m3roh, I know, and that will go under consideration depending on what I play at the time
06:54.02JeffM2501not not all new games will
06:54.06L4m3roh really? how much?
06:54.09JeffM2501not all things are speed up by SLI
06:54.25JeffM250130-40% in EQ2
06:54.32JeffM2501how much ram is on your 6600's?
06:54.45L4m3rand I only have one :P
06:54.46JeffM2501oh yeah
06:54.57JeffM2501don't waste money on another 6600
06:55.00L4m3rhow much for a 6600SE?
06:55.08JeffM2501get something with 256 megs
06:55.12JeffM2501you cant' mix em
06:55.16JeffM2501has to be the same chip
06:55.24L4m3roh, I know that, but I'm just curious
06:56.00JeffM2501never heard of an SE
06:56.21L4m3roh, oops, meant GS
06:56.40JeffM2501I got mine for 200
06:56.42L4m3rhm... $190-ish, not bad
06:56.46JeffM2501when I had it
06:57.27L4m3ryeah, as for the 128 megs of ram on my card... I figured it wasn't worth the extra cost, considering it was just a 6600GT
06:57.48L4m3rI intended it more as a hold-over (that I'll probably never replace)
06:57.49*** part/#bzflag a-delusion (
06:57.54JeffM2501newer games are going to expect 256
06:57.58JeffM2501it's a big speed increase
06:58.06JeffM2501since it dosn't have to tag system ram as much
06:58.11JeffM2501even on the slower GPU
06:58.26JeffM2501with less ram, your GPU will stall and not be feed as fast as it can draw
06:58.37L4m3rwell, I have an excuse to upgrade then :D
06:58.50JeffM2501I'm going to replace my current card with a 512er as soon as they are reasonable
06:59.07L4m3rthe other reason I didn't splurge on video was that they evolve the fastest... ugh
06:59.37JeffM2501that's why you get them based on the games you play
06:59.43JeffM2501not what is the current top end
06:59.52JeffM2501the 6800GS runs a lot of current games well
06:59.53L4m3rI guess I'll just wait for the next awesome game
06:59.59JeffM2501you can run quake 4 at high
07:01.32JeffM2501my propblem is that even a 7900GT isn't gonna speed me up much more now
07:01.51L4m3rit figures, too, I got a nice mobo only to see a revision come out like a month later
07:04.56L4m3rDFI makes some nice products, this mobo is a good one, but layout is not the best, and the revision fixed some of those issues and added a third PCI slot :\
07:05.14JeffM2501will you actualy use that slot?
07:05.26JeffM2501there arn't many aplications for PCI cards these days :)
07:05.33L4m3rbut it's more like two more, also
07:05.40JeffM2501one for sound
07:05.45JeffM2501the rest is on the mobo
07:05.54JeffM2501maybe  a nic
07:06.14L4m3rsee, mine has four PCIe, with the lower right up against the top PCI slot
07:06.46L4m3rthe revision added another one AND put the x4 or whatever in between the second x16 and the first PCI
07:07.06L4m3rso running SLi won't block one of them either ;)
07:07.12JeffM2501and how many of the non 16x slots are you using now?
07:07.35L4m3rwell, none. but the point is, it separates the lower x16 from the old-school PCIs
07:07.57JeffM2501and my point is, your probably never gonna have a problem with it ;)
07:08.15L4m3rplus, the NB is in a smarter spot, in between the two cards instead of under one >_<
07:08.41L4m3rI cant' change that stupid cooler because the video card is right over it
07:08.57JeffM2501yeah that I do hate
07:09.05JeffM2501tho I don't see my NB get that hot
07:09.12JeffM2501my entire system runs cooler n' hell
07:09.22JeffM2501but then I have airflow up the wazzo
07:09.22L4m3rnah, but I'd like to change it to a bigger, passive cooler
07:09.32JeffM2501mine is pasive
07:09.34JeffM2501no fan
07:09.34L4m3rlol, me too... 7 case fans running low voltage
07:09.45L4m3ryeah, mine's low-profile with a fan
07:10.09JeffM2501I think mine has 8 or 9 120's I forget
07:10.18L4m3rjesus >_>
07:10.34L4m3ronly two of mine are 120... chieftec 601, you know, a lot of spots for 80s
07:10.39JeffM2501it only had slots for 120's
07:10.50JeffM2501the thing dosn't take any 80's at all
07:11.02L4m3rwhat case? a UFO? :P
07:11.13JeffM2501coolermaster stacker 830
07:11.22L4m3roh, I think I've seen that one
07:11.39JeffM2501all aluminum
07:11.43JeffM2501fully reversable
07:11.47JeffM2501convertable to btx
07:12.03L4m3rwow, nice
07:12.40L4m3rI'm gonna hang on to ATX as long as I can just because the UCLA desks have drawers on the right, forcing one to put the case on the right side of the desk
07:12.45JeffM2501intel's new format
07:12.48JeffM2501moves stuff around
07:12.56JeffM2501flips the slots and the backplane
07:13.00JeffM2501and some stuff like that
07:13.04L4m3rupside-down, except for the drives, basically
07:13.19L4m3rgood for airflow at least
07:13.28JeffM2501and the heatsink connetcs to the mobo baseplane
07:13.31JeffM2501for better cooling
07:13.46L4m3rinteresting, didn't know that
07:14.02JeffM2501yeah it's part of the spec
07:14.09JeffM2501bracket thing that goes thru the mobo
07:14.21JeffM2501your shuttle is probalby the oposet of my case :)
07:14.32purple_cowlooks like
07:14.48JeffM2501my mac mini fits in the top fan bay
07:14.54L4m3rmine's pretty big too... I might add a few inches in height over the summer too
07:14.56purple_cowthough you can actually fit 3 3.5" and 1 5" drive in it
07:15.15JeffM2501I can have 12 3.5's
07:15.35JeffM2501or 3 5's for every 4 3.5's your remove from that number :)
07:15.56L4m3rbut if I had room (and money) I'd grab one of these mofos:
07:15.57JeffM2501or I guess 9 5s
07:16.11purple_cowof course, i can also carry it under one arm ;)
07:16.30L4m3rit'd make watercooling a breeze... I could do a nice, quiet server
07:17.17JeffM2501wow that's ugly
07:17.32L4m3rit just has a lot of room
07:17.59JeffM2501so does a stacker 810
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07:18.06JeffM2501and even room for 2 power supplys
07:18.11L4m3rand I'd paint it and stuff, of course
07:18.15JeffM2501and the cables to work both of em
07:18.20L4m3rdamn, is that thing wider than 8 inches?
07:18.34JeffM2501it's like a foot wide I think
07:18.55L4m3rsee, at first glance it looks about the size of mine, but mine is standard width :P
07:19.22L4m3rnot sure I could fit that, my monitor, and speakers on this desk >_>
07:19.39JeffM2501ahh it's just under 10
07:19.40JeffM25015.12 x 21.10 x 9.84
07:19.49JeffM2501sorry 25.2
07:20.07JeffM2501this case does not go ON a desk
07:20.10JeffM2501it goes under
07:20.13JeffM2501full tower
07:20.28L4m3rI figured
07:20.44L4m3rthing is, desks in this sardine can go wall-to-wall with the fridge
07:21.20L4m3rJeff, do you use fan filters?
07:21.30JeffM2501the case comes with them
07:21.45JeffM2501all the vents are filtered
07:21.53JeffM2501even all the front panel bay covers are
07:21.58L4m3rover spring break I rigged some out of pantyhose.. except now I need to figure out how to clean them
07:22.10JeffM2501throw them away.. get new ones
07:22.23JeffM2501and why did you happen to have pantyhoes laying around?
07:22.28purple_cow12.8 x 8.6 x 8.2 :)
07:22.34L4m3rI didn't... I was at home
07:22.55JeffM2501purple_cow, I think I could fit about 6 of those in my case
07:23.05JeffM2501it's like a shuttle mothership
07:23.21L4m3rlol have you seen that PC that someone built into a large-ish whiskey bottle?
07:23.33JeffM2501if I wanted the case with max room inside I'd get the stacker T01
07:23.38JeffM2501yeah I saw that
07:23.45JeffM2501people will put an ITX system in anything
07:24.10L4m3rI saw the mobo for that thing for sale somewhere... insanely small, think it was a p3
07:24.27JeffM2501my friend has the t01, with dual power supplys and room for the full water cooler inside
07:24.38L4m3rI almost want to get one and hide it in my case with an LCD in three bays, for chatware
07:24.46JeffM2501many ITXes are small low power CPUS
07:24.52JeffM2501like P3's and low end P4s
07:25.12L4m3rsince you can't cool well in most cases anyway
07:25.25JeffM2501this one is fine
07:25.37JeffM2501at the lowest power setting it's at like 34c
07:25.49JeffM2501and I can't hear it
07:25.56L4m3ryeah, but for the people who build systems into router cases and shit...
07:26.09L4m3rSFF is usually harder for cooling
07:26.10JeffM2501well they are just wierd
07:26.31JeffM2501that's what 1RU systems are for
07:26.54JeffM2501I got this case so I'd never have to buy another case for 5-6 years
07:27.27L4m3rI'll probably use my chieftec until I break it or until the matching monitor dies, whichever happens first
07:27.30JeffM2501it'll hold anything I'll need to put in it
07:27.47JeffM2501and that will mostly be the second 7800GTX
07:27.54JeffM2501they are down under 450 now
07:28.17L4m3ror you could wait for the dual ones to come out, they're what a grand apiece?
07:28.20JeffM2501I was hoping the 512meg 7900's were going to come down faster, but dosn't look like it
07:28.32JeffM2501I don't need that much
07:28.41JeffM2501I didn't pay anything for this card
07:28.55JeffM2501so I can  justify spending 430 on it's SLI brother
07:29.18L4m3rwhat do you cool the current one with?
07:29.29JeffM2501and it's fan
07:29.34L4m3rwell, yeah, but a stock cooler?
07:29.53JeffM2501never gets over 35-38
07:30.19L4m3ryeah, I SLi always looks like a cooling problem though, for the top card anyway :P
07:30.39L4m3ror the bottom card, depending on which way you've configured your case
07:30.40JeffM2501the mobo leaves a double slot beteen them
07:30.45JeffM2501and it's a single wide card
07:30.48L4m3rah, well, that's nice
07:30.51JeffM2501so there is a full slot between em
07:31.15L4m3rI saw a nice-looking cooler the other day, it was like a laptop CPU cooler
07:31.35L4m3ruses a blower to draw air into a duct, through a heatsink, and out of the case, all enclosed
07:31.35JeffM2501there are many wacky coolers out there
07:31.42JeffM2501most are made to just get people to buy them
07:31.49L4m3rlol true
07:31.50JeffM2501and just make your case REALY messy
07:32.12JeffM2501adding cooling is only a problem if you are runing too hot in the first place
07:32.31L4m3rI could use a new GPU cooler because my one card runs at 50 or so
07:32.43JeffM2501that's not that horible
07:32.45L4m3rbecause I was an idiot when I cut the holes and didn't ventilate that part of the case right
07:32.46JeffM2501and within specs
07:32.55JeffM2501ATI cards run near 100
07:32.59JeffM2501for the newer ones
07:33.07L4m3r100C? holy shit!
07:33.18JeffM2501and language please
07:33.24L4m3roh, my bad
07:33.55JeffM2501yeah they run realy hot
07:34.00JeffM2501compared to others
07:34.10JeffM2501with water cooling you get them down in the 60s
07:34.23JeffM2501but then add another in crossfire mode...
07:34.29L4m3rjeeze, if your watercooler stalls you could pop the block by boiling the water!
07:34.42JeffM2501then don't fill it with water :)
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07:35.27JeffM2501why are all serial ATA cables red?
07:35.32JeffM2501or that UV reactive crap?
07:35.52L4m3rmine are green... but they're UV reactive :P
07:36.16JeffM2501I just want a nice blue one
07:36.18L4m3rmy mobo came with some opaque yellow ones
07:36.26L4m3rbut they turn pale under UV
07:36.53L4m3rwhy not just get a UV reactive one?
07:37.05L4m3rit won't make a difference unless you actually use UV
07:37.23JeffM2501I want clean blue
07:37.33L4m3rhow long?
07:37.50JeffM2501prolly 2-3 feet
07:38.37JeffM2501yeah those look to be externals
07:38.39L4m3rno UV
07:38.45JeffM2501they may work
07:38.53JeffM2501dono if internal sata is the same as external
07:38.59L4m3rnah, the pic is just magnified
07:39.09L4m3rthey look just like mine and mine work fine inside
07:39.35JeffM2501I should get rid of the ide cables too
07:39.39JeffM2501oh well
07:39.42JeffM2501time for sleep
07:39.44L4m3rAFAIK the only variance is whether or not there's a locking mechanism, and those don't really matter
07:40.05JeffM2501see ya
07:40.06L4m3r'night. :)
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08:01.20rtylerany of you built 2.06 correctly on Mac OS X?
08:01.30rtyler2.04 constantly segfaults
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08:13.41rtylerDTRemenak: you wouldn't happen to have built 2.06 on OS X would you of? :)
08:14.17DTRemenakrtyler: not a mac guy here, sorry
08:14.19DTRemenaklast time I used a mac was in gradeschool
08:14.31rtylerheh, unix at all? :)
08:14.36rtyleroh bloody hell
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08:15.35lan56rtyler, brlcad/learner is the one that does much of the os x bzflag stuff. JeffM2501 also does a little IIRC
08:15.54lan56you should contact either for os x builds/help
08:15.57rtylerlan56: there's a slight problem for some reason running the autogen script too
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08:16.10lan56as for linux?
08:16.17rtyleras per *nix yeah
08:16.47lan56well, I don't know much about that but as for the os x stuff those are the people to look out for, since they aren't here (clearly), or pm on bzbb in the mean time
08:47.26lan56Agent Dero, ping
08:47.55lan56oh its YOU! :) jk
08:48.09rtylerthere has to be some bloody way to get this autogen script to work
08:48.24lan56there is, but that I don't know, so false alarm :)
08:48.36rtylerlan56: the problem is that the script won;t run, so I cant run configure, so I can't build my intel version >={
08:48.54rtylerlan56: that's a fun game, btw, wish I could join you guys longer for 25 seconds >:(
08:49.16lan56the prebuilt binaries don't work?
08:49.44rtylerlan56: the prebuilt OS X stuff is PPC specific, so BZFlag runs, but under Rosetta on my intel iMac
08:49.57rtyler(Apple's PPC emulation runtime, which does a decent job I guess)
08:50.39lan56I wish I had updated Mac knowledge, used a Performa with classic mac os for 10+ years, then moved onto the powermacs
08:50.39lan56from ebay
08:50.41lan56trashed that
08:50.45lan56well I am getting ot
08:51.25rtylerI just need somebody that's built this stuff on *nix who's confident in their leet unix skills :)
08:51.36lan56don't worry this place is usually more alive during daytime United States time
08:51.40lan56*much* more alive
08:52.02lan56if its inconvenient for you you can also post a msg on bzbb
08:52.24rtylerlan56: i've got to pretend I'm "working" during the day ;)
08:52.44rtylerlan56: besides that, is there any way to limit this damned keyboard lock
08:52.52lan56keyboard lock?
08:53.05rtylerkeyboard input is locked into BZFlag while it's running, but mouse input is not
08:53.25lan56ahh, that I also don't know :(
08:54.03lan56well I am sorry I haven't been much of a help
08:54.11rtylerget back to your game, no worries :)
08:54.23lan56ahh the game can wait
08:54.34lan56well okay I'm out of things to say :)
08:54.54lan56back to the game! :) (but if you msg, I will still hear it)
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08:57.13rtylerlan56: I think I found 2.0.4 version for MacOS X (intel), hopefully i'll be back in there shortly ;)
08:57.26lan56does it work?
08:58.24lan56oh have you read
09:02.26rtylerlan56: yep, seems too
09:02.30rtylertoo bad I suck :)
09:02.37lan56how long have you played for?
09:02.49rtylerabout an hour, in between these crashes ;)
09:03.09lan56now I feel even worse that your experience so far has been bad
09:03.29rtylerheh, no worries, I'm a developer, I understand that "these things happen" ;)
09:03.50rtylerI struggled once or twice a few years ago getting it to agree with SDL on my FreeBSD workstation
09:04.01lan56did it work after all?
09:04.21rtyleron my FreeBSD box, I could never get it, it's working fine on this mac now
09:04.38rtylerlan56: are you still playing?
09:04.41lan56yeah freebsd seems to have stopped being maintained
09:04.48rtylerbummer :)
09:04.58lan56well I might come out shortly again :)
09:05.27rtylerwell, for some unexplained reason, this keeps locking my keyboard, so I can't type in IRC and play at the same time; thanks for your help, i'll mirror this DMG on my server as well
09:05.43lan56my help? I didnt do anything
09:05.54rtylera valiant attempt none the less ;)
09:06.19lan56I suppose, but the joy is just knowing you got it work, even tho it is 2.0.4 and not the latest, at least its still something
09:06.23lan56I remember my first time
09:06.33lan56I knew how exciting it was
09:06.45rtylerI'm not a gamer mind you, this is pretty extreme for me ;)
09:06.45lan56it was more smooth than yours tho :(
09:06.59rtylertired of debugging (it's 4am)
09:07.10lan56well rule 1: don't let people get you down if they ever call you a "n00b"
09:07.12lan56as you may know
09:07.39rtylerlan56: I played a reasonable bit of couter strike when friends would invite me to lan parties a few years back; I'm accustomed to 'n00b' comments
09:07.42lan56you probably will encounter it, tho bzflag is more friendly than some other games (or at least I think so)
09:08.00lan56you're prepared, a good relief :)
09:08.23rtylerheh, just switched computers for IRC, w00t for screen :D
09:08.54rtylerthis iMac is a powerful machine, might as well use it
09:09.07lan56what year is it from?
09:09.20rtylerlan56: I bought it about 2 weeks ago ;)
09:09.28rtylerdeveloping on my Powerbook was getting to be a pain
09:09.32lan56ahh a new one, those are always the best :)
09:09.41lan56I see
09:10.17rtylerhad to get my first _top_ of the line machine ;)
09:10.27rtyler2Ghz/2GB 20" intel iMac :)
09:10.32lan56with technology today, already its old news :)
09:10.52lan56nice specs
09:10.56lan56how come only 2 gb tho?
09:11.04lan56hard disk space you mean?
09:11.55lan56ahh now THAT is impressive
09:12.04lan56I didnt even know they made that much
09:12.22rtylerthe Powermac G5's are truly impressive
09:12.30rtylerquad core Powermac G5, with 16GB of RAM
09:12.36rtylerunder your _desk_
09:12.39rtylerin a TOWER
09:12.50lan56oh yeah, I don't have one but I have spent soem time on them
09:12.53lan56they are works of art
09:13.15lan56well mac os x is at least :)
09:13.46rtylerexcept recently, hit a bug that's been killing me for days
09:14.07lan56what is the "in" ide for macs nowadays?
09:14.16lan56I rememeber it was MPW on classics
09:14.30lan56the groovy ide to use, that type of thing
09:14.55rtylerlan56: XCode, it's a fantastic IDE
09:15.07rtylerI work in .NET by day, with VS.NET 2005
09:15.14rtylerand XCode is still the best IDE i've ever used
09:15.39lan56ahh I oughta look into that
09:15.43lan56I've only heard of the name but not much more
09:16.45rtylercheck it out ;)
09:16.53brlcadrtyler: looks like you downloaded the zip
09:17.03lan56checking :)
09:17.19brlcaddownload the .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 instead
09:18.27rtylerbrlcad: you mean the source?
09:18.44rtylerok, let me see here
09:18.57rtylerthis is gross, ssh from powerbook to iMac, to build on the imac ;)
09:19.58rtylerbrlcad: what's the different?
09:21.36rtylerdifference* even
09:24.30rtylerwhoa, what the hell
09:24.35rtylerautogen is working now
09:28.50rtylerlan56: to give you an idea of how fast this machine is, i'm building bzflag, and running it, without lag :)
09:29.22lan56wow I wish I could do that, my computer is quite sluggish when I try that
09:31.42rtylerbut damn, this takes a while to build! :)
09:32.02lan56bzflag? to say the least
09:32.13lan56after a while you get used to it tho IMHO
09:32.42rtyleri'll be sure to post this 2.0.6 build as soon as I'm done ;)
09:34.03rtylerlan56: you should come back in, this game is insane
09:34.15lan56ok this sounds fun
09:39.08brlcadrtyler: the zip has file line endings for windows, the others have unix line endings
09:39.33brlcadhence why ./ didn't work originally necessitating a sh
09:40.04rtyleris that documented anywhere? :-o
09:40.18brlcadnot sure where :)
09:40.22brlcadbut somewhere
09:40.34rtylersomebody shoudl...
09:42.07Pimpinellahowever, it makes sense, i'd expect unix folks to d/l tar.gz instead of zip
09:43.00rtylerPimpinella: I'm mac ;)
09:43.03rtylermiddle of the road really
09:43.14Pimpinellamac is unix
09:43.42lan56what happened to the .sit/.hqx ending?
09:43.45rtylerPimpinella: but most files for mac aren't distributed as .tar.gz, since that takes two unzippings really
09:43.45lan56is that still around?
09:43.49rtylerlan56: yeah, meh ;)
09:43.56lan56outdated huh?
09:44.41Pimpinellartyler: 2 unzippings?
09:45.41rtylerPimpinella: by default, it unzips to .tar
09:45.44rtylerthen to what you "want"
09:47.13rtylerfuck, i really suck ::P
09:47.33rtylerPimpinella: i'm playing right now ;)
09:49.55_Manu_hallo Pimpinella
09:54.39lan56rtyler, cya later
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11:30.01ruskie[12:23:10] <cbv> hell has finally frozen over ... not only does bheron agree with Deek, but todays headline  apparently is ... *drumroll*
11:30.04ruskie[12:23:16] <cbv> Duke Nukem Forever In Final Stages
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16:18.46menotumeYAY for Windows !
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16:19.20kierraah, they're all sleeping
16:19.27kierraor maybe they agree
16:19.34CBGWindows is da bezt.
16:19.41CBGda shnizzle.
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16:20.47menotumethey're dropping like flies
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18:22.36ATDnever heard of Winternals
18:26.00JeffM2501they make the magic disk
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21:46.59lan56are the plugins for bzfs a vc++ only thing or is it also on gcc builds?
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21:51.05JeffM2501linux and mac can build them using libtool
21:51.46JeffM2501and that builds them with GCC
21:52.03JeffM2501mingw suposedly can build DLLs
21:52.03lan56libtool, okay I'll look into that
21:52.15lan56it can build dlls, sure
21:52.21JeffM2501but I odn't know if it can generate an export lib from bzfs
21:52.28JeffM2501can it use a VC export lib?
21:52.33JeffM2501when building a dll?
21:52.39lan56.lib? I don't believe so
21:53.01JeffM2501then it would need it's own export lib from devC++ bzfs
21:53.04JeffM2501and link to that
21:53.12lan56and libtool makes one?
21:54.33JeffM2501libtool makes linux dynamic libs
21:54.37JeffM2501or mac dynamic libs
21:54.51JeffM2501I don't know if your devC++ can make VC compatable DLLs
21:54.58JeffM2501if it can't use our export lib
21:55.40lan56no I don't think so, but then again I might not know enough on the topic
21:55.51JeffM2501I don't know what devC++ can do
21:56.00JeffM2501can they do sub projects yet?
21:56.03lan56whatever gcc can do
21:56.10JeffM2501gcc can do a lot
21:56.26JeffM2501I'm not sure devC++ exposes every gcc function
21:56.41JeffM2501I'm also not so sure how important devC++ is, now that there is a free VC++
21:56.47lan56true true
21:56.57lan56well I'll look into it, thanks for your help
21:56.57JeffM2501have you tried the free VC++?
21:57.09lan56vc++ 2005 express? I have it but not really done much with it
21:57.17JeffM2501I haven't used it yet
21:57.29lan56it doesn't seem to come with the platform sdk
21:57.32JeffM2501I've heard people are making plugins with it tho
21:57.35JeffM2501no it dosn't
21:57.39JeffM2501you have to get that and direct X
21:57.42JeffM2501to build BZ
21:58.10JeffM2501yeah students get it easy
21:58.14L4m3rcollege rules
21:58.22lan56ucla? thats a nice school
21:58.36JeffM2501MS has a very agress ive student discount program
21:58.39L4m3ryeah, it has its nice points
21:58.46lan56I like their cafeterias, all you can eat is nice
21:58.51JeffM2501you can get the full visual studio for like 18$
21:58.58L4m3ryou've been down here? heh
21:59.09JeffM2501he lives in glendale IIRC
21:59.12L4m3rwe get it free for comp sci classes, thankfully
21:59.12lan56well 3rd parties can walk in a get a bite to eat
21:59.21lan56well this is ot and I started it, so I will end it
21:59.22L4m3rah, cool
21:59.33TD-Linuxvc2005 express works for me
21:59.51L4m3rdoes vc++ 05 have any newer features I should be aware of?
22:00.19TD-Linuxit needs .net 2.0
22:00.23TD-Linuxthat's all
22:02.00JeffM2501it has more stuff
22:02.41JeffM2501DTRemenak says the debuger is nice
22:03.01JeffM2501tho he never used 7.1 so he may just be comparing it to 6
22:03.15L4m3rI'll remember that next time I get stuck :)
22:03.24JeffM2501express is a very viable solution now that we have VC8 projects
22:03.38JeffM2501the debuger is your friend
22:03.44JeffM2501use it often
22:03.55JeffM2501I allmost never build or run in release now
22:04.24L4m3rI don't either, generally, unless I'm packing a plugin binary for release
22:05.58JeffM2501I'm still trying to see why it seems many *nixie kids fear the debuger
22:06.47purple_cowbecause gdb is hard to learn
22:07.01JeffM2501isn't there a graphic shell for it?
22:07.10L4m3rI don't use it that often, just because I mostly deal with smaller projects and can fix things just by knowing what line a problem is on
22:07.27L4m3rbut it has saved my arse a couple times, definitely
22:07.47purple_cowthere are a few
22:07.48JeffM2501you should allways step thru your code at least onece to make sure it'd doin what you want it to do :)
22:08.02JeffM2501kdev had a prety cool debuger
22:08.16purple_cowyou and your crazy ideas
22:08.33purple_cowno, i just enjoy surprises
22:08.35JeffM2501you know me, alloways on the edge
22:08.48JeffM2501me and my silly "logic"
22:09.29bryjenyou don't know what code you wrote is going to do? ;)
22:09.48JeffM2501sometimes it dosn't get writen the same way you think you wrote it :)
22:10.06JeffM2501get drunk.. write some code.
22:10.12JeffM2501then come back and look at it the next day
22:10.16JeffM2501that's always fun :)
22:10.22JeffM2501"who wrote this crap"
22:10.36bryjenhehe.  harder to debug the wetware ;)
22:10.42purple_cowand the night before it was beautiful and perfect
22:10.59JeffM2501and now it involves 14 goto statements
22:11.42JeffM2501tho I did find the line of code that is the VC debuger's nemisis
22:11.48bryjengremlins hacked in through your dsl and rewrote all your .cpp files! :)
22:12.02JeffM2501for (ting;thing<thing;thing++)if (thing) setthing();
22:12.14JeffM2501all on one line
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22:14.25menotumeahhh, fork it
22:14.36JeffM2501well I'd fork it after the libcurl thing was fixed
22:14.57JeffM2501and if I fork it do I stick it in bz cvs under a branch? or something else like a svn project
22:15.17L4m3rI think a fork could be disastrous to this game :\ not enough players yet
22:15.24JeffM2501I think I'd do health and splash damage first, just to make it difrent enough
22:15.51JeffM2501then turn the superflags into powerup boxes that are picked up
22:16.29TheRedBaronlike mario kart?
22:16.42JeffM2501like subspace had
22:16.53JeffM2501not like "super speed" for 10 seconds
22:17.01TheRedBaronah, you were a big subspace fan?
22:17.07JeffM2501hell yeah
22:17.13JeffM2501that was a great game, just before it's time
22:17.23JeffM2501the net wasn't ready for people to pay to play a game yet
22:17.32JeffM2501or for games to have that many people
22:17.43purple_cowsome of us still aren't ready ;)
22:17.48JeffM2501but the game mechanics were solid and would work great in a 3d tank game
22:18.04JeffM2501well also bandwith is cheaper now where it can be hosted for free
22:18.20JeffM2501It just died as a comerical one cus it was trying to do the EQ thing before it's time
22:18.28JeffM2501the game is still played free
22:18.52purple_cowyou just need to have portal based servers!
22:19.11JeffM2501like the servers that link to others?
22:19.15TheRedBaronI think they made a sequel
22:19.19purple_cowtap into the infinite resource that is 13-year-olds who want to run servers
22:19.33JeffM2501infinate monkeys :)
22:19.43JeffM2501TheRedBaron, well yes and no
22:19.55JeffM2501the game was remade for free as continum (sp)
22:20.09JeffM2501the author of the origonal went to work for sony
22:20.17JeffM2501they made there own called Cosmic Rift
22:20.49JeffM2501none of them are diectly related to the origonal as in like a "subspace 2" but they both play nearly the same
22:21.20TheRedBaronit wasn't called freespace 2?
22:21.35JeffM2501that's from the "desent line"
22:21.44JeffM2501that is more of a full blown 3d space sim
22:21.56JeffM2501yet a fun game
22:22.05JeffM2501but not realy multiplayer on the level of subspace
22:22.06TheRedBaronI can't do 3dspace sims
22:22.16TheRedBaronI lose track of up and down :)
22:22.17JeffM2501yeah they are hard to do right
22:22.27JeffM2501subspace was totaly 2d
22:22.29blast007TheRedBaron: then don't play the Descent series  ;)
22:22.45blast007and I saw a reference to Descent earlier, wondering about team play
22:22.47JeffM2501I want to take the flags that change shot types, and turn them into weapon pickups
22:22.54JeffM2501but let you only have one weapon at a time
22:22.58blast007even Descent 2 (maybe even the first Descent) had CTF
22:23.01JeffM2501then make there be ammo packs for those weapons
22:23.18JeffM2501and turn the other good flags into accesories that you can pick up and activate
22:23.34JeffM2501and the bad flags are just what happen sometimes when you pick up a "busted" pickup
22:23.40JeffM2501like a trap
22:24.00L4m3rLike the exploding crates in Red Alert :P
22:24.19JeffM2501then it's obvious what you are geting when you get it
22:24.20L4m3rman those things ruin your day
22:24.30JeffM2501except when it's a bad goodie :)
22:24.38JeffM2501and you can trick yourself out how ever you want
22:24.39TheRedBaronright off to home with me
22:24.47JeffM2501you want lazer and sealth, have at it
22:24.53JeffM2501your just gonna have no power for your shields
22:24.58JeffM2501and be an easy shot
22:25.20JeffM2501you wanna give up your accessory slot for double ammo capacity.. have at it
22:25.22TheRedBaronJeffm2501: promise me a radar, a  beautiful radar, and I"m all over it :-D
22:25.29JeffM2501a nice round one
22:25.36TheRedBaroncan I make it big?
22:25.37JeffM2501with bings and boops
22:25.49L4m3rwith blips that indicate the direction tanks are facing :D
22:25.53JeffM2501if you want a 2d client, just ask for a 2d client
22:26.04TheRedBaronJeffm2501: can I have a 2d client?
22:26.21JeffM2501cus radar is affectd by jamming
22:26.31JeffM2501TheRedBaron, you ReaLY should play subspace
22:26.32TheRedBaronew, you'd put jamming in?
22:26.33JeffM2501it's all 2d
22:26.35JeffM2501you'd love it
22:26.52JeffM2501I'd make it be an accesory a tank could run to jam the people around him :)
22:26.56JeffM2501at the cost of power :)
22:27.15L4m3rone of the pickups should be a busted alternator. Man that would suck.
22:27.28TheRedBaronwill I need 3 hands to play this game?
22:27.34JeffM2501yeah you could have a bad thing be lowerr recharge rate
22:27.42JeffM2501why would you?
22:28.02TheRedBaronif you've played Free-space, you need at least 4 hands
22:28.11TheRedBaronI gave up on that game
22:28.26blast007I think I still have that
22:28.30blast007haven't played it in a while
22:28.35TheRedBaronthey should have made it a RTS, not FPS
22:28.50blast007if it was, I would not have bought it :)
22:28.54TheRedBaronbecause of the commands you have to give to your wingmates
22:29.16TheRedBaronif you memorize the controls and can hit them while dog-fighting, its really cool
22:29.20TheRedBaronbut that wasn't me
22:30.11TheRedBaronI'm getting blasted into the 4th dimension while looking up commands to get my wingmates to bail my sorry rear out of trouble
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22:34.18JeffM2501I'm talking about the same movements of bzflag
22:34.32JeffM2501just change the way the weapons work
22:34.36JeffM2501and do damage
22:34.54JeffM2501give everyone the big slow gun and it'd play a lot like normal shots now :)
22:35.41JeffM2501I don't expect everyone to like the idea tho
22:35.54JeffM2501the players who play bzflag more like chess then quake will not like it
22:36.27JeffM2501or I should say more like pool
22:36.43JeffM2501"red tank, off the corner box"
22:37.13JeffM2501that is one way people play
22:37.17JeffM2501and one reason people like it
22:37.29JeffM2501it's slower and more of a thinking game then just a quake fragfest
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22:37.58ruskiefreespace was nice...
22:38.03L4m3rthere are a lot of people who just add "jump" to the newbish "spray n' pray" technique :\
22:38.25JeffM2501those are the players I think would like this new way better
22:38.32JeffM2501where you can spary
22:38.36ruskieno clue what redbaron is talking about... all I needed was a joystinck with 2 buttons...
22:38.45JeffM2501but that dosn't mean you'll kill evryone you hit in one shot :)
22:38.57JeffM2501ruskie, he likes 2 games
22:39.00JeffM25012d games
22:39.07ruskieI do as well :)
22:39.07JeffM2501that's why he plays with full screen radar
22:39.17JeffM2501it's the pool mentality thing
22:39.30JeffM2501where it's more about the long shot and trick driving then about agression
22:39.58ruskieI prefer such games anyway :)
22:40.09JeffM2501many who play bzflag do
22:40.10ruskiewhere you need to think atleast a bit
22:40.19JeffM2501that's why I don't think a fork on those lines will hurt bz
22:40.21ruskiekeeps me from falling asleep
22:40.22JeffM2501cus they would be difrent
22:40.32JeffM2501people would be able to play ether or, based on there mood
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22:40.55JeffM2501sometimes you just want to frag some punkbitches
22:41.02ruskiethat's true
22:41.02bryjenbut would there tank change color....
22:41.22JeffM2501change color?
22:41.29bryjenbased on there mood
22:41.41JeffM2501mood dank
22:41.46JeffM2501"I think your angry today"
22:42.16QuantumBeep"You wouldn't like me when I'm angry"
22:42.27ruskiethat would be mine 99% of the time
22:42.39ruskieand the "Mad as hell" the other 1%
22:44.04*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
22:44.07ruskiehmm so would this be a mixed in game thing? or would it be use a diff client way?
22:44.17JeffM2501that is why I said FORK :)
22:44.21JeffM2501I don't think they can be mixed
22:44.23JeffM2501at all
22:44.32ruskiesorry missed the fork...
22:44.32JeffM2501I think they can share code and technology
22:44.41JeffM2501but I don't think they could be the same game
22:45.14JeffM2501or I could just be talkin out my butt again
22:45.43ruskiewell it could be incorporated into tho game I guess...
22:46.14ruskiebut the ployers using it should be nitcabely different diff color tone and lighter
22:46.33ruskiewould make an interesting tactic
22:46.52ruskieor simply a flag that does it...
22:49.13ruskiebut scrolling up having pickups and so on would be nice...
22:49.38ruskiethough I'd add you need to return to base/safe zone to have it installed
22:49.43JeffM2501I would not want to do it as a "mode" in the main line
22:49.46JeffM2501too much would change
22:49.58JeffM2501and would make the simple bzflag way too complex
22:50.11ruskieand the base should have a spherical area around it in which you can't shoot nor bo shoot at... same for safe zones
22:50.13Pimpinellawhere is bzflag's config file on windows sysrems?
22:50.50DTRemenakmy documents\my bzflag files\2.0
22:51.20Pimpinellaty again
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22:55.03Pimpinellai need somebody who can speak french on #bzchat please
22:55.26Pimpinellatrepan probably?
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22:59.38JeffM2501ride the split!
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23:03.00A_Meteoritesecond time this week
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23:06.15JeffM2501poor level3
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23:08.21QuantumBeepsweet merciful lord and saviour, is IRC undergoing The Blessed Hope?
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23:12.50DTRemenakit's like a roller coaster in here :)
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23:18.57menotumeahh, the 'T's are coming back now
23:21.09L4m3r(16:12:45) lilo: (notice) [Global Notice] We are told that a huge asteroid just hit the atlantic. In addition to a loss in connectivity between America and Europe, you are all going to die in a few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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23:23.28menotumelol @ L4m3r
23:23.53menotumedid you send that to lilo ?
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23:24.30L4m3rjust making fun of lilo
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23:34.11kooseefooHello... is anyone on here?
23:34.34L4m3rfor the moment.
23:35.29kooseefooDo you know anything about the problem with GCC v4.0.x? Basically, when you fire, the shot doesn't show up on anyone else's client, so they don't die... I've been trying to fix it without any luck
23:35.52blast007kooseefoo: have you tried compiling yourself?
23:36.02kooseefooYes, that's what i've been doing
23:36.14blast007which version of the game?
23:36.16kooseefooI added in the CXXFLAGS=-O1, but that doesn't seem to help
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23:37.06blast007I was thinking that was supposed to fix the issue
23:38.18kooseefooYea... I added that option in and rebuilt it from scratch, but to no avail
23:38.28kooseefoo(I can always WINE it though)
23:39.21blast007I mean just building form source was supposed to fix it
23:39.53blast007but I'm more of a Windows guy, so I don't know if anything else was discovered to cause an issue
23:40.14Chestalkooseefoo: bz has been working with gcc 4.x for some time
23:40.16brlcad_yay subspace
23:40.29brlcad_they were way before their time
23:40.42Chestalkooseefoo: is this AMD64 or something?
23:40.46kooseefooYes, it is
23:41.25Chestaldon't really know somethign about that specific issue, thought it was fixed, too, whatever it was
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23:42.33Chestalkooseefoo: do you kno wwhether somethign shows up about your shots in server logs?
23:44.30kooseefooYea, I've been looking for the updated version of GCC for my distro, but that also seems to evade me
23:45.18kooseefooNope, I don't know about that
23:46.09Chestalshould start there, then maybe do some tst output in server to print what values are received wrong. Cannot do this tonight, bed time here. cu
23:46.28kooseefoothx though
23:47.13blast007kooseefoo: I have a server running at if you want to test
23:47.27blast007I can see if the logs here show anything strange
23:48.42kooseefoowhich logs would you be looking at? (I'm just interested because i've set up a server of my own)... i wasn't aware that you could log with that sort of detail
23:49.39kooseefooalrighty, i'll jump on there for a second
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23:50.31blast007I'll just look at the bzfs server logs
23:50.50blast007with -ddd   (level 3 debugging)
23:53.21kooseefooohh, gotcha
23:58.05kooseefooit won't even launch anymore
23:58.17kooseefooI'm gonna try to sort that out first... thanks for the help anyways
23:58.20kooseefoohaha yea
23:58.26kooseefooc you later
23:58.38*** part/#bzflag kooseefoo (

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