irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060301

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02:28.47trepanjust had my first crash with this machine, rather pleasing
02:29.05trepanjournalling fs's rock
03:12.13trepan... and GL_TEXTURE_1D for no good reason
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12:35.49LePoulpe303anyone awake  ?
12:37.34LePoulpe303i'm alone on DUB server , if you want a moving target practice session :)
12:37.50LePoulpe303i sdon't want to jump today
12:38.30LePoulpe303what is your own server address BzFire ?
12:40.39BzFiresorry I can't I am busy trying to work out why bzflag is running so jumpy
12:40.54LePoulpe303np ;)
12:53.38*** join/#bzflag orion_fr_24 (
12:55.16orion_fr_24BzFire: could you send me a copy of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
13:10.13orion_fr_24BzFire: check that
13:27.30*** part/#bzflag orion_fr_24 (
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14:02.01craigbass1976Can someone point me in the direction of some Linux install instructions?  I can't seem to find them on the bzflags site
14:02.27learnerdepends on your distribution of linux
14:05.21learnerand you downloaded what?
14:05.26learnercompiling from source?
14:07.24craigbass1976I downloaded bzflag- and I'm running Fedora 4.  I've untarred the package, but didn't see any readme's.  I could have missed one.
14:08.12craigbass1976./Install ?
14:10.27learnerthat's an Oblisk package
14:11.14learner"our" last binary for fedora was 7.0.0, there's an rpm on
14:11.27learneri'm not incredibly familiar with oblisk packages
14:11.41learnerthe download page on the wiki had a link to follow
14:12.27learneri.e. follow the oblisk link on where you downloaded it from, or e-mail that guy -- it's a user-provided binary
14:14.13craigbass1976All right. Thanks
14:15.38craigbass1976Ooh, actually I was able to yum install it.  Well, I'm on dial up so I didn't install it, but I'm able.  I didn't think it would be in any repositories.
14:16.00craigbass1976Very nice.  See you later.
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14:49.34{janis}hi all
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18:39.05menotumegot a strange problem with a particular user with the listserver
18:39.29menotumewhen his client gets a token, it reports one ip, when it checks the token, it uses a different ip
18:39.33menotumeany ideas ?
18:40.37JeffM2501some ISPs do that
18:40.42JeffM2501usualy with a proxy
18:40.55JeffM2501or he's behind some sort of uberNAT
18:41.15JeffM2501basucly game stuff goes thru a difrent route then web stuff
18:41.27JeffM2501have them try the port 81 thing
18:43.28menotumewe did the port 81 thing :)
18:43.47menotumehe says no proxy that he knows of
18:43.52menotumeyes, odd
18:44.01JeffM2501then it's proxying that too
18:44.16JeffM2501or it's just one wierd ass route
18:44.31menotumeya, ips are completely different
18:44.41menotumei put temp trace code in the list server
18:44.58JeffM2501the web one is probably there central proxy
18:47.34menotumeya, both IPs resolve to same ISP in Spain
18:47.55JeffM2501what is the SSL port?
18:48.00JeffM2501443 or something?
18:48.38JeffM2501cus I think that's active on the server too
18:48.45JeffM2501could try that
18:49.29JeffM2501same as :443
18:50.02JeffM2501they may not proxy SSL
18:55.03JeffM2501basilcy you gotta find a way to get to the list server the same way the game does
18:56.49menotumei had him go to a webpage that shows IPs
18:57.02menotumethe ip matched the ingame (not http) IP
18:57.10menotumei'll follow up with him later
19:01.16conanhomeBzFire: hi
19:01.36conanhomeBzFire: blazer told you were looking for me
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19:07.17conanhomeBzFire: do you read me at pm?
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19:09.18conanhomeBzFire: strange
19:09.24BzFiretry again
19:09.24conanhomeBzFire: i read you
19:09.35conanhomeBzFire: now?
19:10.10BzFireok well basically
19:10.25BzFirei have made a php interface to my server
19:10.36conanhomeBzFire: oh, cool
19:10.40BzFireyou can edit files upload files/download files
19:10.51BzFirethere is a script so you can start the server
19:10.52conanhomeBzFire: you can send me the necesary stuff by mail
19:10.54BzFireso in bzflag
19:11.01BzFireyou can shutdown the server
19:11.05conanhomeBzFire: a pitty pm doesn't work...
19:11.08BzFireand in the script you can start it
19:11.18conanhomeBzFire: yeah, blazer told me that
19:11.21BzFireall i need from you is a password for your account
19:11.27conanhomeBzFire: wait! i know what's happening
19:11.36BzFirei will e-mail you with a temporary password
19:11.45BzFirekeep it if you want
19:12.02BzFireit will mean less work for me :)
19:16.48*** join/#bzflag JBGood (
19:17.59orangemenotume: doesn't the token checking get done by the server, not the client?
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19:35.34blast007orange: when the client requests a token, the list server stores the IP address of the client
19:35.52menotumeorange: right
19:36.05blast007the server also sends the IP to the list server when checking the token, and the list compares the two IPs
19:36.12menotumeand, the servers passes the client's ip on
19:36.39orangeperhaps one of those anonymizing proxies, menotume?
19:36.49menotumeno, it wasn't
19:37.05menotumeboth IPS belong to the same IP
19:37.19menotumeerrrr, other way around :)
19:38.21blast007so there was two different IPs?
19:39.31blast007so it could still be a proxy of some kind
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20:42.20SportChick_awayorchid: vbz party on 59998
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21:25.18fhffhqvbi see things haven't changed. bamf is still a nazi scumbag liar as usual and i don't see why dub has given him any power whatsoever on their server. that's all i have to say.
21:25.32*** part/#bzflag fhffhqvb (i=Ferret@unaffiliated/sussudio)
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21:27.23orangeso, did anybody get the drive-by insulters IP?
21:27.50orangeI'd be interested to cross-reference it
21:29.31orchidorange: fhffqvb?
21:29.53orchidthat was sussudio
21:35.55Tuponehi orchid
21:36.02orchidciao Tupone
21:44.46JeffM2501wow, he's a bitter ass isn't he?
21:45.49*** mode/#bzflag [-b %_Captan_Kirk_!*@*] by JeffM2501
21:45.59*** mode/#bzflag [-b USAPATRIOT!*@*] by JeffM2501
21:46.07*** mode/#bzflag [-b *!*gqwfdhur*@*] by JeffM2501
21:46.10*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*@unaffiliated/sussudio] by JeffM2501
21:47.19JeffM2501why does he even still play if all he does is get pissed?
21:47.40Tuponehmm, I don't think he deserve that, for just one leave message :/
21:47.53JeffM2501Tupone, it's not the only time he's done that
21:48.03TuponeI know is a bit bitter sometime
21:48.07JeffM2501and he damn well knows the rules of this channel
21:48.34JeffM2501if he wants to come in here for real talk, he can ask about the ban and if he's civil it will gladly be removed
21:48.41orchidbamf never uses irc so I don't see his point
21:49.04JeffM2501I haven't seen him come here for any other reason other then to rant and curse in the last year
21:49.31JeffM2501he may disagree with choices people make, and that's fine, but he can't just come in here and spout that crap
21:49.31*** join/#bzflag test (
21:49.55Tuponewell, he is not spamming, is not giving big problem to whatever now, except the problem he had with chiko, but that are at least 1 year ago :/
21:50.18JeffM2501he's never understood ( or cared  ) that this channel or the "comunity" has no controll over serves.
21:50.27JeffM2501spaming is only one reason for a ban
21:50.29JeffM2501there are others
21:50.46blast007test failed
21:50.50testc'est moi
21:50.51JeffM2501I feel that it is the best way to let him know that he can't just come here in and say that stuff
21:51.51JeffM2501he dosn't come here for any other reason, so it just prevents his outbursts
21:52.18JeffM2501maybe he should try decaf too
21:52.21Tuponehe has been banned for a year ... and he has never behaved like, e.g. , one good friend of us :)
21:52.38Tuponeneither here, neither in game
21:52.47JeffM2501in game I don't know his actions
21:52.57JeffM2501here he's allways been one to rile people up
21:53.16JeffM2501he has been baned before, his ban was removed, he went right back to profane ways
21:53.29JeffM2501again he shows that all he wants to do here is rant
21:53.33JeffM2501and that is not what this place is for
21:53.41JeffM2501I understand the need to vent and rant
21:53.45JeffM2501that's why I have a blog :)
21:54.34TuponeI don't get why removing ban on worst people and get on a bad mooded guy
21:55.34BearPersonthe bans were probably old and moldy
21:55.40blast007was the ban list just full?
21:55.42JeffM2501the list was full
21:55.45JeffM2501and those were REALY old
21:55.47JeffM2501and generic
21:56.10JeffM2501the people with those bans would have goten around them EASY if they wanted to
21:56.17JeffM2501so I felt they were not realy needed anymore
21:56.19JeffM2501to make room
21:56.43JeffM2501I left like the cell ban
21:56.44JeffM2501and others
21:56.51JeffM2501ones that seem to have sticked
21:57.19Tuponeperfect cell behaviour was 1000 times worst then sussudio
21:57.31JeffM2501and that is why cell has like 5 bans
21:57.43JeffM2501and is baned from list server/ bb, etc..
21:58.17JeffM2501I'm not baning sus from any game stuff
21:58.20JeffM2501just this one channel
21:58.22JeffM2501tha'ts it
21:59.16JeffM2501I don't think anyone here apriciates his comments here
22:00.34JeffM2501what would you have me do about him? just say "ohhh... that susuidio.. gosh darn him...."
22:00.51Tuponehis comment or is away message ?
22:01.04JeffM2501I take offense at both
22:01.16JeffM2501nether of them is approriate for his channel
22:02.19Tuponeyep i know, but you know he will not come here either, with or without ban. He is not more an abitue'
22:02.34JeffM2501it's more of a message to him
22:02.36JeffM2501then anything else
22:04.36*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
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22:34.07brlcadheh, sussudio .. he hasn't had a temper tantrum in ages
22:41.11Tuponehi brlcad
22:54.27*** join/#bzflag BeerPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/pdpc.bronze.BearPerson)
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23:24.48brlcadhowdy Tupone
23:51.04*** join/#bzflag CallofHnor (
23:51.20CallofHnorHello all people who hate my guts
23:52.02JeffM2501who hates your guts?
23:52.27CallofHnorjust wondering why everytime I make an apology on bzbb, using another computer and another name, it gets deleted along with the post!
23:52.43JeffM2501because that's not what bzbb is for
23:53.07JeffM2501it isn't about you apolgosing
23:53.08CallofHnorwhat if its under the General Chat (NOT THE BZ ONE)
23:53.13JeffM2501it's about you playing nice with others
23:53.21JeffM2501it's NOT what the forum is for
23:53.34CallofHnorsome other guy did it too
23:53.51CallofHnori didn't see his get deleted
23:53.53JeffM2501then it shoulda been removed too
23:53.59JeffM2501every case is difrent
23:54.13CallofHnorso I guess mine is bad then
23:54.16JeffM2501you ahve found places to play that let you back on then?
23:54.50CallofHnorI have other computers, but I kinda temporarily retired
23:55.00JeffM2501I didn't ask if you have other computers
23:55.05JeffM2501or if you "retired"
23:55.48CallofHnoryes i have, but I can't use Call Of Honor, or say that I am coh
23:56.03CallofHnorthen I just get banned, again.
23:56.04JeffM2501and noone has complained about you or baned you on those servers?
23:56.12JeffM2501using the other names?
23:56.26JeffM2501that's good
23:56.35JeffM2501and they are happy to have you play?
23:56.49CallofHnorno idea
23:57.23JeffM2501you don't know the people you play with?
23:57.43CallofHnorno, no one from the 'old days' are on anymore
23:58.05CallofHnoror at least not at the moment, or they are gone
23:58.23JeffM2501I mean in general
23:58.36CallofHnorno, i'm afraid not
23:59.11CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10admin/master-bans.txt: remove call of honor's ban.
23:59.17JeffM2501well, I don't want to see any complaints about you ok
23:59.27JeffM2501just try to remember that people have feelings
23:59.33CallofHnoryes sir. *salutes*
23:59.39JeffM2501and take it serious
23:59.42JeffM2501not as a joke
23:59.47JeffM2501like that
23:59.55JeffM2501what are your Ips that are baned on the froums?
23:59.58CallofHnorI am completly aware of the fact

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.