irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060227

00:03.13trepanmy view:
00:03.34trepannormal mapped sphere, reflection on the rest of em
00:46.40wizatcomputeris that in 2.1.x?
00:47.31trepannope, planned for 2.0.6
00:48.40wizatcomputeris that in CVS?
00:49.24silverfox2.0.6 breaks proto, right?  2.0.4 clients won't work with 2.0.6 server, right?
00:49.35trepanno proto break
00:49.36blast007no, it's compatible
00:49.40silverfoxoh,. cool.
00:50.01wizatcomputertrepan:  will it be in cvs anytime soon? :)
00:50.20trepanwhen it's ready  ;)
00:50.34trepanall the basics are done, need to touchup some details
00:50.55trepanex: just made it so that map defined lights can use dynamic colors
00:53.25trepan(flickering street lamps)
00:53.35wizatcomputertrepan:  is the "fountaiin" also going to be in CVS sometime? =)
00:54.01trepanit all comes at the same time, the fountain requires vertex shader and point sprite
01:15.42*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
01:15.54Gnurduxwhat does a bzdb var being persistant mean?
01:16.06trepangets stored in config.cfg
01:16.21Gnurduxwhich does?
01:16.29Gnurduxmeans it gets set on restart?
01:17.18Gnurduxdoes that mean it gets set in /reset ?
01:17.44Gnurduxtrepan, does that mean if you /reset it, it loads the correct value?
01:17.46trepanconfig.cfg is a client thing
01:18.00Gnurduxim tlaking about bzfs
01:18.07trepanby restart, i was referring to hitting F12, then starting the client again   ;)
01:18.08GnurduxBZF_API bool bz_setBZDBString( const char* variable, const char *val, int perms = 0, bool persistent = false  );
01:18.19trepanconfig.cfg does not relate to bzfs
01:18.21Gnurduxwhat does it mean their
01:18.33Gnurduxwhats persistance here>
01:20.41*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
01:20.41*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
01:22.29GnurduxJBdiGriz, whats persistance in BZDB in Bzfs
01:24.30Gnurduxpurple_cow, ?  are there ANY devs here?
01:26.57*** join/#bzflag fankkkkkkkk (
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01:28.47statico(c'mon, big money, big money...)
01:29.59Gnurduxi need heeelllp
01:32.58trepanGnurdux: review what I've told you
01:33.39Gnurduxtrepan, it being peristant in the server means it gets stored by the client?
01:34.05trepandunno if it transfers, why do you need to know?
01:35.06trepannope, always set the non-persistent in playing.cxx
01:35.33trepanGnurdux: if you're trying to code something, I'd suggets you learn how to trace through code yourself
01:36.20Gnurduxits a permission
01:36.25Gnurduxim not gonna worry about it
01:43.50*** part/#bzflag sussi (
01:51.38*** join/#bzflag silverfx (
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03:33.53spldartMuwahahaha ......... sorry :-(    hehe
03:57.42*** join/#bzflag JBGood (
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04:49.29*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
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04:52.31zee461you guys are faggots
04:52.58zee4618====D  <---dick butt----> (   o(     )  
04:53.44blast007zee461: and your IP is  :)
04:55.11blast007sooo...any ops around?
04:59.07BzFireblast007: why did you tell him his ip ?
04:59.30blast007because people who use CGI:IRC sometimes think they are anonymous
04:59.58blast007so I show them they are not by decoding their hex ip
05:00.07BzFireI still dont see the point :)
05:00.20blast007he shut up after I said that  ;)
05:00.47blast007in any case, what is wrong with me saying it?
05:00.51BzFiremaybe he has a small mind and that is all he could think oh
05:01.14BzFireblast007: I just wondered how that made any difference
05:01.32blast007cuz now people know his real IP
05:02.08blast007but more just to scare them off
05:02.24BzFirehe probably won't even know what an IP is
05:02.55blast007but technically server owners could now preemptively ban the IP  ;)
05:08.50BzFireI would have thought if no one said anything he would think noone is here and gone away anyway :)
05:09.18blast007or he would just start spamming screen fulls of text
05:09.45orchidBzFire: obviously wasnt here two months ago for the spam fun
05:09.55blast007yeah  ;)
05:16.30brlcadthat ip doesn't match, you sure you converted it right?
05:17.49trepanlooks right to me
05:18.01blast007I just verified it
05:28.57*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
05:29.54spldartmmmm ban time
05:30.14spldartnew waveguide is getting at least 9db more than old :-D
05:30.20BenUrbannice welcome ;)
05:55.53*** join/#bzflag benplaut (
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12:12.50*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
12:19.14*** join/#bzflag Legoguy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
12:50.57*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
12:53.05ruskiemmm I love totaly uncoordinated teams...
12:55.08ruskiehalf the team stands aroun wigling fingers a quarter does all out killing a a quarter tries to play ctf
12:56.23_Manu_:) happens
12:59.32*** join/#bzflag silverfx (
13:20.55*** join/#bzflag bz39 (
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14:16.34brad2901any #bzchat ops around?
14:23.04trepan : needs some tweaking, but it does look a lot better animated  ;)
14:24.29brad2901 -- same guy is back again now
14:34.17*** join/#bzflag Grackshrike (
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15:07.45devsterunrelated to bzflag, but any visual c++ people around ?
15:20.40*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
15:27.05*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
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15:46.56*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
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16:31.14*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
16:50.23*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
16:52.28a_temp_distwhen I start a local server (via the client "start server") one of the options is "Server Reset: yes, reset for more games" - does something like that exist for bzfs from the cmd?
16:52.54*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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16:53.21brad2901a_temp_dist: the -g option in your config
16:59.47trepan : updated, if the corona works out, it's a keeper
17:10.19CBGtrepan: they look nothing like beach balls....! :P
17:10.19*** join/#bzflag Torps (
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17:35.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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17:40.39ToughShooterHmm, CVS HEAD is broken :(
17:45.09*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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18:06.45*** join/#bzflag PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
18:18.29*** join/#bzflag Pauchy (
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18:21.35CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 * 10bzflag/misc/bzfquery.php: Update script to read message code and length headers of each packet, and ignore any other packets that come prior to the requested information
18:28.32*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
18:34.03CIA-3BZFlag: 03blast007 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/misc/bzfquery.php: Update script to read message code and length headers of each packet, and ignore any other packets that come prior to the requested information
18:35.03blast007of course, the one in HEAD will need to be updated after the protocol is stable, but for now it's a starting point
18:41.58*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (n=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
19:15.15ToughShooterI get this error while compiling bzflag head (v2_0branch works perfect):
19:16.12ToughShooterAny ideas how to fix? Is it a problem on my side or in the source code?
19:16.36_Manu_it works fine in linux
19:16.44_Manu_can be a mac issue
19:17.32ToughShooterI try rebuiding using --without-regex for configure now
19:20.42*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
19:23.04*** join/#bzflag sniperyyd (i=cristi@
19:38.47brlcadtrepan: particle trail?
19:38.54brlcadwhich way is it going? :)
19:39.37CBGbrlcad: Left to right, I believe.
19:40.01brlcadthe corona is a little funky in that screenshot, if that is a particle trail, maybe a little less coherency
19:40.54ToughShooterAh, a recompile helped, now it only errors in plugins :)
19:44.51staticobrlcad: Sunlight glare effects?
19:47.44_Manu_ToughShooter, yes, you must disable it :)
19:56.51*** join/#bzflag amcnabb (n=amcnabb@
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21:02.23Deepabzflag owns!
21:04.20*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
21:07.38gsneddersDeepa, of course :)
21:15.33Deepathis is something many people find hard to belive
21:15.36Deepapeople agree with me XD
21:23.48gsnedders(or rather lack thereof)
21:24.00*** part/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
21:24.34brlcadstatico: hmm?
21:41.12*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (
21:45.30staticobrlcad: I saw mention of corona
21:45.40brlcadthe drink?
21:45.52brlcadah, trepan's image
21:46.03brlcadthat's not glare
22:00.33*** join/#bzflag amcnabb (n=amcnabb@
22:26.35*** join/#bzflag YOURDEAD (
22:26.46YOURDEADhi jeff
22:27.10*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks_ (
22:27.22YOURDEADhi tim
22:30.02Deepawhich ironically gives me a chance!
22:30.14Deepaso now you are dead
22:30.16DeepaYOURDEAD :)
22:30.25Deepathis means i can shout and yet not spam! :D
22:31.34brlcaddon't tease/taunt capsy guy there, he's already on his last warning
22:35.30YOURDEADhi cbg!
22:35.55YOURDEADDeepa kills your dead?
22:36.06TuponeYOURDEAD: your nick ... try to avoid it to be all caps lock
22:36.40YOURDEADany 1 wana come 2 my server?
22:36.46YOURDEADcbg i made locals now
22:36.51YOURDEADi can make u admin
22:36.51DeepaYOURDEAD: well yourdead now :)
22:36.58YOURDEADplz come
22:37.00CBGYOURDEAD: No thank you.
22:37.11TuponeYOURDEAD: you are very near to be kicked from the channel
22:37.15Deepapop in to mine instead
22:37.25brad2901YOURDEAD: if people want to come let them do so of their own accord, don't force them
22:37.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by ChanServ
22:37.43Deepaand dont REPEATDLY
22:37.45Deepawait dont kick him!
22:37.49Deepai wanna say a couple of things first
22:37.59Deepaand dont REPEATDLY tell them TO join your server
22:38.07Deepaand btw what defines it as "YOUR" Server?
22:38.08CBGbrad2901: He isn't forcing. He is bribing. :)
22:38.14Deepa"YOU" havent really made it! :)
22:38.45brad2901CBG: right :)
22:38.53YOURDEADyes its my server my conf but Gnurdux is osting
22:39.04Deepawell it might be your conf
22:39.08Deepaand it might be hosted for you
22:39.12Deepabut that doenst make it "YOUR" server
22:39.22YOURDEADthen wat does
22:39.26Deepamaking one
22:39.29Deepacode one from scratch
22:40.01CBGDeepa: Now you're just nit-pinking.
22:40.02YOURDEADi can host but i dont have bandwidth
22:40.20YOURDEADyes u are
22:40.25CBGIf I run bzfs on my machine with my conf, I would call it MY server. It's not STRICTLY true, but people know what you mean.
22:40.29DeepaCBG: yea
22:40.32Deepabut his name is in caps :P
22:40.50CBGHeh, true also.
22:41.02YOURDEADand wats wrong wit dat?
22:41.25YOURDEADim leaving u guys obviously dont want me here so bye
22:41.36*** part/#bzflag YOURDEAD (
22:41.38Deepaeverything got hostile
22:41.44Deepaand Tupone oped
22:42.04Deepagot oper'ed
22:42.09Deepawas given operator status :)
22:42.19*** mode/#bzflag [-o Tupone] by Tupone
22:42.30Deepaif it was my IRC server you were on it would have been got owned by bots :P
22:42.34Deepamy chanserv etc
22:42.37Deepahas been slightly recoded
22:42.46Deepakeeps the channel quiet :)
22:42.48Deepakicks everyone who talks
22:42.57Deepaand bans those who parts/gets kicked
22:43.03Deepai havent had a user in 3 months :D
22:43.08CBGI bet!
22:43.11TuponeI see him twice asking repeatly people to join , today and yesterday IIRC
22:43.22CBGbut Deepa... I have a much more efficient method.
22:43.35Deepa+b *!*@*
22:43.36GuuDeepa: beats the heck outa me.
22:43.39Deepaset a bot enforcing the ban :)?
22:43.43CBGI simply be nasty to people who know about MY channel, so that they don't EVER bother going there.
22:43.53Deepawell that works fine too
22:43.57Deepabut i got a whole server :O
22:44.05brad2901Deepa: show off :P
22:44.08CBGTupone: I have seen him do it 3 or 4 times in the last week or so...
22:44.13Deepao btw #help #feds #support and all other supporty channels are invite only :)
22:44.14CBGDeepa: Great.
22:44.19Deepabrad2901: closed it down 4 days ago :)
22:44.31Deepakillall -9 bircd
22:45.14*** join/#bzflag triclops (
22:46.35Deepai could start it again tho
22:46.38Deepajust for show-off
22:46.44Deepabut i cant be arsed to start the bots :P
22:54.13*** join/#bzflag BeerPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/pdpc.bronze.BearPerson)
23:02.18*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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23:12.16*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
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23:14.33*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (n=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
23:15.03*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
23:16.08GnurduxJeffM2501, i have some Qs a bout server bzdb: #1 what is persistance?  #2: how do you set variable permissions? #3: does /reset reset persistance and permissions?
23:16.52JeffM2501asin what does the word mean?
23:17.02Gnurduxmeans lasting
23:17.11JeffM2501bzflag servers have no real persitance
23:17.19JeffM2501they don't keep a state over a restart
23:17.26JeffM2501no like real persistant games do
23:17.29Gnurduxok, so that one doesnt matter
23:17.30JeffM2501like MMOs
23:17.38Gnurduxwhy is that there tho?
23:17.44JeffM2501is what there?
23:17.47Gnurduxwhy can you set persistance with the APU?
23:17.57JeffM2501where do you see that?
23:18.22Gnurduxin bzfs API header file
23:18.26JeffM2501oh oh oh
23:18.27Gnurduxfor the bzdb functs
23:18.27JeffM2501for the db
23:18.51Gnurdux<Gnurdux> JeffM2501, i have some Qs a bout server bzdb
23:19.01JeffM2501yeah I see now
23:19.20JeffM2501the same class for client and server is used
23:19.26JeffM2501so it was just exported
23:19.35JeffM2501IIRC on the client it would save it to the config
23:19.44Gnurduxbut why is it in the API?
23:19.57JeffM2501just for consistency
23:20.03JeffM2501maybe one day the server will save a config too
23:20.20JeffM2501what do you mean by "variable permisions" ?
23:20.23JeffM2501you mean /set?
23:20.26Gnurduxthats also in the header
23:20.44Gnurduxand when /set runs it checks whetehr the permissions is READWRITE or some other things
23:20.50Gnurduxotherwise, it wont set it
23:21.09Gnurduxi found that in the code
23:21.09JeffM2501yeah the command checks for the set perm and i'f it's a setable perm
23:21.18Gnurduxso how do you change those perms?
23:21.20JeffM2501not all vars are run time setable
23:21.25Gnurduxcause perms are also in the API
23:21.28Gnurduxyou can change em
23:21.46JeffM2501I don't think you can
23:21.56Gnurduxwiht the API you can
23:22.01JeffM2501you just SET it again wiht the right per
23:22.14JeffM2501i'll overwirte the old one
23:22.17JeffM2501what ever it's perm was
23:22.29JeffM2501the 3rd param in the set function
23:22.37Gnurduxso i should check perms and persistance if im setting a var, then, pass the same onee again so it doesnt replace with 0
23:22.51Gnurduxok thnx
23:35.35*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
23:40.35*** part/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.