irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060220

00:00.15*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad2901@unaffiliated/brad2901)
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00:21.02SportChickJeffM2501: ping
00:21.08SportChickDTRemenak: ping
00:21.28menotumeDTRemenak: ping
00:21.36SportChickmenotume: I beat you to it :p
00:22.15SportChickJeffM2501: in windows, how does -echo know where to write the file?
00:22.33JeffM2501it's hardcoded
00:22.52JeffM2501so the answer is "magic"
00:22.57menotumewe don't rust that windoze users can redirect ?
00:23.08JeffM2501it's not a redirect thing
00:23.16JeffM2501only stdio is redirected
00:23.21JeffM2501NOT stderr
00:23.24JeffM2501or vice versa
00:23.38JeffM2501basilcy windows only has one
00:23.40JeffM2501not both
00:23.51JeffM2501so the same thing that works on nix would not work on windows
00:23.57JeffM2501so I made it dump to a file
00:25.01JeffM2501it should be trivial to have it look for a file path in the config, and then hardcode it if it dosn't exist
00:25.25menotumei think what is need is to append i/o overwrite
00:25.41JeffM2501IIRC it wipes out the file on launch
00:25.44JeffM2501then appends from then on
00:27.05*** join/#bzflag tokimi (
00:27.38JeffM2501best would be to have it go out to a generic loging system on any OS
00:28.21JeffM2501then I'm sure it's fine on nix
00:28.35menotumesure, you can do whatever you want with it
00:28.43menotumesame for win, if you write a batch file i suppose
00:28.46JeffM2501it dosn't realy matter for me
00:29.14YOURDEADhi jeff
00:32.40YOURDEADwho ownes this chat?
00:32.57JeffM2501and the server owner
00:33.07JeffM2501as it is spaned
00:34.43JeffM2501what exactly are you needing to know about it?
00:36.24*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
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00:37.19*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
00:37.26*** part/#bzflag Gnurdux (
00:39.52YOURDEADhi gnurdux
00:40.22YOURDEADi jus am wondering
00:44.43*** part/#bzflag tokimi (
00:50.50*** join/#bzflag Erroneous_ (
01:24.58*** join/#bzflag broken_chaos (n=akatsuki@
01:33.41*** join/#bzflag ohgood (
01:34.36ohgoodi just emerged bzflag- but game play is sloooooooow. glxgears is working fine. anyone have an idea what can cause this  ?
01:39.08*** part/#bzflag ohgood (
01:48.31*** join/#bzflag YOURDEAD (
01:51.21YOURDEADhi all
01:53.18CBGHey! :)
01:54.32*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
01:54.45*** join/#bzflag Erroneous_ (
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02:06.04*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (n=Sir_Pant@
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02:51.49trepanDTRemenak: , 30000 particles, big FPS hit up close with the overtexturing
02:52.25brlcadmm.. better blending
02:53.36trepanup close:
02:53.38brlcaddo the particles collide with each other?
02:53.51trepanheh, nope
02:54.14brlcadwith the world? :)
02:54.18brlcadthat's nice..
02:54.19trepansimple parabolic
02:55.08trepan(correct gravity though  :)
02:56.10brlcadpoint based with one of a set of fixed set of render contexts?
02:56.38brlcador do they have dimension too?
02:56.59trepangl points in a drawInfo (random cylindrical dist.), mod'ed by the vert shader for position and point sprite size
02:57.24trepanalso use the normals for some extra speed controls, and texcoord0 for coloring
02:58.18trepancan do manual shaping on the flow, waves and what not
02:58.26brlcadahh, glpoints
02:58.43trepanwith point sprite ext.
02:58.44brlcadno wonder framerate takes a hit :)
02:59.01trepanso it is textured
02:59.21trepangl points don't really cause the fps hit
02:59.26trepanit's the overdraw
02:59.48trepanif I limit the point size, the fps stays over 1000
03:09.11*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
03:10.17trepanstill haven't done alpha threshold + texture for shadows and preZ pass
03:10.27trepanpurple_cow: which engine?
03:10.40purple_cownone in particular
03:10.55trepanwhat features would make it real?
03:11.08purple_cowit's not so much a feature thing as an architecture thing
03:12.48trepanwhich arch then? deferred?
03:13.27purple_cowsomething less hacky than bzflag
03:13.59trepanit's hacky, but the core idea is the same, sceneNodes/culling, renderNodes/material management
03:14.52trepanwouldn't be as much fun to hack on ogre or osg cores when they're already settled
03:15.33trepanand doing the conversion is almost a no brainer, just a bunch of typing   :)
03:16.47trepan(then again, the same description could be used for the additions i've made)
03:17.59*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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03:53.12trepansuckered myself that time, posted a 25 byte example map on bzbb to show that map size != complexity, and locked up my comp for 5 mins.
03:56.26*** join/#bzflag DtTvBz|Sleep (
04:11.07orangetrepan: lol
04:48.04*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
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07:31.43*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
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08:17.13*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
08:17.35LePoulpe303Hi all !
08:24.58*** join/#bzflag wizart (
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08:30.41*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
09:15.26LePoulpe303i was wondering if it would'nt be interesting to make an UI for bzadmin
09:21.57*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
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13:48.00DtTvB- -+
13:48.32YOURDEADu wana be a op at my bzflag chat?
13:48.40YOURDEADtype /join YDs
14:00.57*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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14:21.20YOURDEADhi blast
14:33.53*** join/#bzflag CBG (
14:34.50CBGIs there any reasonable reason why I can reach the list server from a 2.0.4 clint opened from terminal, but not my old 2.0.5 client which was opened by double-clinking the .app...?
14:37.17*** join/#bzflag CBG (
14:39.19YOURDEADoh hi cbg
14:40.00CBGMy IRC client also won't connect.
14:40.05CBGThis is really odd.
14:53.02DtTvB - any ideas?
14:54.02DtTvBAll I know that last 26 hex numbers
14:55.20DtTvBis max players, purple current, purple max, blue current, blue max, green, green max, red, red max, rogue, rogue max, observ, observ max
14:55.59*** join/#bzflag Blue-Eyes (
14:59.25*** join/#bzflag yossnet58 (
15:00.08*** join/#bzflag CBGx2 (
15:00.25eXtremeCBGx2: :o
15:00.37eXtremefirewall problems?
15:00.42CBGx2no icea
15:00.56CBGx2Can't connect to freenode from either of 2 irc clients
15:01.04CBGx2but can from CGI:IRC as you can see.
15:01.09eXtremetry disabling your firewall for a bit
15:01.21CBGx2I dont think its on.
15:01.26menotumeCBGx2: 2 words .... NEW ISP
15:01.35CBGx2menotume: heh
15:01.50CBGx2I was fine at 3AM... now, at 3PM......
15:01.51eXtremeyeah, go for AOL
15:01.58YOURDEADcan some 1 help me?
15:01.58CBGx2~lart AOL
15:02.09eXtremeYOURDEAD: with what?
15:02.23YOURDEADANY 1 KNOW Alex 135?
15:02.32CBGx2I know of him.
15:02.41YOURDEADnsome jerk banned me and him from that cheat server for no reason
15:03.07YOURDEADcbg wana be a op at my chat?
15:03.17YOURDEADntype /join YDs
15:03.27CBGx2YOURDEAD: no thanks
15:03.45eXtremeYOURDEAD: How can we help?
15:03.51eXtremeYOURDEAD: contact the server owner.
15:04.03*** join/#bzflag polytan (
15:04.24polytancan we play bzflag alone with bots ?
15:04.31YOURDEADthe server owner is bzfire hey bzfire u hear??
15:04.48eXtremestart your client with -solo <number_of_bots>
15:04.54menotumebzfire has a cheat server ?
15:04.55polytanonly ?
15:04.59eXtremebzflag -solo 3
15:05.01polytangood !
15:05.19polytanand there are intellingence levels ?
15:05.27eXtremeheh, no
15:05.33menotumeyes, one level - dumb
15:05.35polytanall right
15:05.47polytanwhat's dumb ,?
15:05.54eXtremeyou can also put your client on autopilot by pressing 9
15:06.05eXtremepolytan: the bots are dumb
15:06.29YOURDEADnyes menotume he does
15:06.34polytani've just a low internet connections, so i play alone :/
15:06.40YOURDEADhey menetume wana be a @ at my chat?
15:06.41DtTvB - Are there the structure of it for each line?
15:06.48*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
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15:07.27eXtremeDtTvB: have you looked at bzflist.php ?
15:07.30eXtrememight help you
15:07.37eXtremeit's in CVS
15:07.46eXtremein the misc/ dir
15:07.46YOURDEADmenotume u hear?
15:07.54menotumei heard, adnd not hx
15:07.58polytangood bye,
15:07.59menotume(no thx)
15:08.01polytansee you later !
15:08.13YOURDEADokey dokey
15:08.14Guu`polytan: WTF mate?
15:08.15menotumeand, its ... /join #Yds   (note the #) :)
15:08.33eXtrememenotume: don't need the # in cgi:irc :S
15:08.34YOURDEADnnoits /join YDS
15:08.41*** join/#bzflag CBG (
15:08.50menotumewho uses that ?
15:08.55*** part/#bzflag CBGx2 (
15:08.57eXtremehim I guess :)
15:09.05YOURDEADnits my chat
15:09.14DtTvBWhich file ing...
15:09.23DtTvBthe source that shows it?
15:09.33YOURDEADwho wones this chat???
15:09.44DtTvBI know from Packet Filterer
15:09.50eXtremeYOURDEAD: TimRiker is the channel owner.
15:09.59DtTvBthat it connects by the post method to
15:10.03menotumeDtTvB: I think you want bzfquery.php
15:10.04eXtremeif you menats "owns" :)
15:10.11CBGI had manually set my network card to always use I reset it to DCHP and now it works.
15:22.47*** join/#bzflag Vizsual (
15:27.09YOURDEADntype /join YDs
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15:47.41*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
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16:29.53*** join/#bzflag pianoboy3333 (
16:30.46pianoboy3333What would I have to do to start a LAN game with bzfs, I know how to use bzfs, but it resolves to which is localhost, how do I use that for a LAN game, I think I'm confused...... HELP!
16:33.37pianoboy3333please.... :-)
16:51.21pianoboy3333Can anyone tell me how to start a LAN game with bzfs?
16:51.52menotumehave the other users on the LAN do a 'find server'
16:52.46pianoboy3333menotume: and I can use localhost for the IP addr to host?
16:53.12menotumeyes, for the machine that is running bzfs
16:53.21pianoboy3333menotume: kk, thx
16:54.06menotumei bet he'll be back :P
17:04.56*** join/#bzflag Blue-Eyes (n=Blue@
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17:15.43*** join/#bzflag findlay (n=justin@
17:16.00findlay~seen TimRiker
17:16.08ibottimriker <n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker> was last seen on IRC in channel #classiccmp, 1d 12h 20m 23s ago, saying: 'nite'.
17:21.42BenUrban|work~seen BenUrban|work
17:21.46ibotbenurban|work is currently on #bzflag. Has said a total of 1 messages. Is idling for 4s, last said: '~seen BenUrban|work'.
17:22.05BenUrban|workhe didn't lie about that...
17:22.14BenUrban|work!seen BenUrban|work
17:22.34BenUrban|workwhat happened to guu?
17:22.35*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (
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17:22.58findlaysure ibot isn't a she?
17:23.14ibotI'm not sure
17:23.20BenUrban|workno, i'm not sure
17:24.05CBGBenUrban|work: Get back to work!
17:24.15BenUrban|workwindows takes a long time to reinstall
17:24.46BenUrban|work* BenUrban|work is at work <-- redundancy
17:25.33BenUrban|work<BenUrban|work> * BenUrban|work is at work <-- redundancy <-- more redundancy
17:26.18BenUrban|workhmm this install is running much faster than some
17:26.23BenUrban|workit's already rebooting
17:26.33BenUrban|workyay, less waiting for me
17:26.44CBG... Spam!! :P
17:28.08BenUrban|workit then cooks it, and i eat it
17:28.25BenUrban|workthe ink tends to cause problems thogh
17:34.04*** join/#bzflag romfis (
17:35.06CBGhey romfis :)
17:35.32romfisi testing trillian :)
17:35.39CBGcool ;)
17:35.47CBGseems to work ;)
17:37.12*** part/#bzflag romfis (
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18:01.26*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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18:03.27*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (n=jbdigriz@
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18:11.33*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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18:32.19Birdiegu is down,
18:32.52findlay~bzfrag gu
18:33.03ToughShooterBirdie: huh?
18:34.45CBGSeems fine Birdie :)
18:36.58*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter_ (
18:41.50*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
18:59.48*** join/#bzflag me1 (
19:02.36me1is it possible to make it so a team flag doesn't spawn at the base, but only in the flag zones i set?
19:02.48*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (n=greg@pdpc/supporter/bronze/grumbler)
19:03.43*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
19:03.56Gnurduxi still need help with my problem
19:04.03Gnurduxbzflag looks really crappy when run in a window
19:04.21JeffM2501what driver?
19:04.50Gnurduxthats not my main problem
19:05.04Gnurduxthe problem is causing me to have to run it in a window
19:05.09JeffM2501what driver?
19:05.19Gnurduxthe problem is that, during full screen mode, only one quartile of the screen shows up
19:05.20JeffM2501and OS
19:05.32JeffM2501it allways comes down to the driver
19:05.37Grumblerah, i have seen that before
19:05.39Gnurduxand thtis wasnt happening until a couple days ago when i dbooted the cop up after a week, upgraded debian, and restarted
19:06.01Gnurduxi have an integrated Intel video card
19:06.07JeffM2501what OS?
19:06.19Gnurduxdebian GNU/Linux testing, etch
19:06.22JeffM2501oh you upgraded debian
19:06.24Gnurduxit uses Xorg
19:06.29JeffM2501you probalby lost your drivers
19:06.39Grumbleri my case the defualt desktop resolution was different than my bzflag playing resolution...always have to go back and change the bzflag resolution, then change it back....pita
19:06.41*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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19:06.44Gnurduxi did a standard apt-get dist-upgrade
19:06.49JeffM2501I'd see if there are any updated drivers
19:06.50Gnurduxand glxgears works
19:06.57Gnurduxit didnt work right after the upgrade
19:06.59JeffM2501bzflag is not glxgears
19:07.07Gnurduxbzflag ran really slow and direct renderring didnt work
19:07.15Gnurduxso i rebooted and it was fine
19:07.15Grumbleralthought it did stay at a holiday inn last night
19:07.31Gnurduxcan glxgears be run full screen?
19:07.35JeffM2501Gnurdux, do you even KNOW what drivers you are using? or do you just keep rebooting
19:07.41JeffM2501glxgears is NOT bzflag
19:07.43Gnurduxi only rebooted one
19:07.46JeffM2501it works using difrents tuff
19:07.52JeffM2501what driver are you using?
19:07.53Gnurduxlet me check the driver
19:08.17TimRikerglxinfo | grep renderer
19:08.28GnurduxMikey:/home/gnurdux# glxinfo | grep renderer
19:08.28GnurduxOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 865G 20050225 x86/MMX/SSE2
19:08.36JeffM2501IIRC intel has a 3rd party driver for linux
19:08.37Gnurduxthnx TimRiker
19:08.43JeffM2501your using mesa
19:09.01GnurduxTimRiker, have you ever heard of only the bottom left-had quartile showing buildings?
19:09.11Gnurduxthe rest just showing grass
19:09.12TimRikerGnurdux: not till now.
19:09.13JeffM2501it happens when the stencel buffer is wrong
19:09.17JeffM2501I've seen it
19:09.21JeffM2501on non compliant drivers
19:09.23GnurduxJeffM2501, you have?
19:09.27Gnurduxstencil buffer?
19:09.31Gnurduxwhats that?
19:09.39Gnurduxand how do i fix :(
19:09.41JeffM2501part of what we use to clip out stuff for the hud
19:09.44JeffM2501you get a good drier
19:09.46TimRikerI've seen just the left half of the screen. similar driver issue.
19:09.47JeffM2501your using DRI
19:09.54JeffM2501let me find you a real driver
19:09.55JeffM2501one sec
19:10.00JeffM2501DRI blows
19:10.02JeffM2501and blows hard
19:10.14Gnurduxi never had any problem until 2 days ago
19:10.27JeffM2501when you upgraded and changed your driver
19:10.43JeffM2501is this a laptop or desktop?
19:10.47Gnurduxyou think the upgrade installed a new driver?
19:11.05JeffM2501I know the upgrade installed a new driver
19:11.08JeffM2501since it upgraded X
19:11.16Gnurduxhow do you know it upgraded X?
19:11.39JeffM2501because that's what dist upgrade does :)
19:11.46Gnurduxnot always
19:11.51Gnurduxi dist-upgrade every time
19:11.53JeffM2501often L(
19:11.59Gnurduxonce a week or so
19:12.01JeffM2501and if you have problems now, it has to have
19:12.40JeffM2501basicly you need to do what this page says
19:12.45JeffM2501or get a real video card
19:12.49JeffM2501that uses real drivers
19:12.54Gnurduxdo i wanna run a closed source driver?
19:13.19JeffM2501the usualy are the best
19:13.40Gnurduxwhat is wrong with my current driver?
19:13.41JeffM2501since they are made by people who know the hardware, not people guesing
19:13.45JeffM2501it dosn't work forbzflag
19:13.48Gnurduxthe problem is restricted to bzflag
19:13.48JeffM2501as you have shown
19:13.58JeffM2501glxgears dosn't use a stencel buffer
19:13.59JeffM2501we do
19:14.06JeffM2501your driver is not open GL compliant
19:14.45Gnurduxbut it used to be
19:14.54JeffM2501then ether you used to use another driver
19:15.00JeffM2501or they broke something
19:15.05JeffM2501what driver were you using before?
19:15.10Gnurduxsame driver
19:15.14GnurduxJeffM2501, one thing
19:15.23JeffM2501same exact version?
19:15.27JeffM2501and same version of mesa?
19:15.34GnurduxLinux* and many other operating systems use a standard display method called an X Server. This driver is an X Server, actually a popular version called XFree86*, which many Linux distributions support today. This driver is based on XFree86 3.3.6 and should only be used on systems with XFree86 3.3.6 installed. Although this driver was tested on Red Hat* Linux* 6.2 distribution, it can be adapted for use with most other operating sys
19:15.39Gnurduxthat seems a bit old
19:15.48GnurduxJeffM2501, it prolly got upgraded
19:15.59JeffM2501it's an old message
19:16.14Gnurduxit also says they opened to soruce
19:16.21Gnurduxso where would i get another driver
19:16.27Gnurduxone that workso n xorg
19:16.28JeffM2501I don't know
19:17.03JeffM2501it's your system
19:17.22JeffM2501personaly I'd check and see if there are any driver packages for your chipset
19:17.28JeffM2501in your distro
19:17.32*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
19:17.35JeffM2501if not then see if there is new dri
19:17.45JeffM2501but then I'd also never run that video
19:19.26JeffM2501umm ok, what is that suposed to do?
19:19.49JeffM2501at some point your going to have to do the research yourself
19:19.51Gnurduxreturns all packages with the word xorg in their descriptions
19:19.51JeffM2501it's YOUR system
19:20.07JeffM2501the same drivers work for xorg as for xfree
19:20.23Gnurduxthat intel driver looked a bit old
19:20.29JeffM2501if you say so
19:22.11JeffM2501basicly you need a driver that works, how you choose to get it is up to you. I've given you what I think is where you have to go
19:22.14JeffM2501what you do is up to you
19:22.53Gnurduxso the stencil buffer in this driver is borked
19:22.56Gnurduxone thing
19:23.04Gnurduxwhats another prog that uses a stencil buffer
19:23.08JeffM2501that is what it apears to be based on your description
19:23.12JeffM2501I don't know
19:23.20JeffM2501but it could just be the way we use it
19:23.24JeffM2501or the order we do things in
19:23.27Gnurduxbut glxgears doesnt?
19:23.29JeffM2501trying other apps won't get you fixed
19:23.52JeffM2501stencels are not used that much, mostly in HUD stuff, and shadows
19:23.53Gnurduxi know
19:24.03GnurduxJeffM2501, but the shadows show up
19:24.09Gnurduxon the missing side of the screen
19:24.17Gnurduxits only the buildings that dont
19:24.24Gnurduxand it works fine in windowed mode
19:24.29JeffM2501the stencels job is to block out parts of the scene
19:24.50JeffM2501to me it sounds like your chipset dosn't have enough video ram to make all the full screen buffers
19:24.57JeffM2501how much do you have and what res do you run?
19:25.13Gnurduxwhy would that change?
19:25.14blast007he said it worked before he upgraded his system, iirc
19:25.19Gnurdux8mb, 1024x768
19:25.26JeffM2501then his driver is dealing with ram difrently after the upgrade
19:25.30JeffM2501wow that's not much
19:25.33JeffM2501but it shoudl work
19:25.37Gnurduxits integrated
19:25.55JeffM2501the only other thing I can tell you is to talk to your driver deveoper
19:26.01blast007my i855 on 'doze doesn't have any issues like that, even at the same res
19:26.04JeffM2501there isn't anything in bzflag that can be done to "fix" it
19:26.19JeffM2501blast007, because your using a real intel driver, not DRI :)
19:26.25blast007yeah  ;)
19:26.31JeffM2501it's all the driver
19:26.45blast007but I don't like the intel driver either
19:26.52JeffM2501they do suck
19:27.25blast007it keeps switching to the external display when I use RDP, so when I go back to the laptop, I have to blindly type my username/password
19:28.00blast007my Savage IX was better in that regard  :)
19:28.09Gnurduxmaybe i ought to ask in #xorg
19:31.40ToughShooterblast007: This reminds me a bit on my laptop, when it starts it needs around 45 seconds to even display something on the screen. When I've turned off sound I often shut the OS down while booting because I think it doesn't start. :)
19:33.43ToughShooterOverall performance is really good (except the old graphics card that doesn't deliver very much FPS in bz), including startup, just the screen stays black a long time
19:39.48JeffM2501the intel video solution just isn't that good
19:40.00JeffM2501a 20$ nvidia card beats it in every way
19:44.06bryjeni think the xfree-to-xorg fork may have destabilized something in the intel drivers.  i've got a i810 machine that would play bz with xfree, but after moving to xorg, i get crashes
19:46.03bryjenit does draw ok, albiet slowly, right up to the crash ;)
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21:32.46Grumblerg'day JBdiGriz
21:33.26Grumblerhey birdie
21:33.31Birdiehow is you?
21:33.50Grumblernot bad, a bit busy, but, i have new toys
21:34.03Birdietoys like?
21:34.09Birdienew kinds of beer you discovered?:)
21:34.40Grumbleri usually forget the beer i drink, so every bottle is a new experience
21:35.05Grumblera couple new processing units.....mac based
21:35.20CBGyay for mac
21:35.21Birdieoh your a mac boy?
21:35.39CBGboy? :P
21:35.42Grumblerheh, i am person of all OSs now
21:35.54Birdieeven windows:)
21:36.07Grumbleryeah, although that one is turned off right now
21:36.17Birdiehehe i wonder why:D
21:36.29Grumblerit was loud :)
21:36.57Grumblerthe iMac and the powerbook are much, much quieter
21:37.15Birdieat least you HEAR windows working so your sure he does work:)
21:37.15CBGBirdie: You are one of the few windows users that knows there are *OTHER* Operating Systems! *Gasp*!
21:37.28CBGGrumbler: of course they are. :)
21:38.02Grumblerheh, yeah, the windows box is still my gaming system.....but these macs are pretty swanky
21:38.19Grumblerand openoffice rocks the boat
21:38.28CBGI don't understand people who have windows for gaming...:
21:38.31Birdielol openoffice, worked with that last week
21:38.39CBG1. BZFlag works on MANY other Operating Systems
21:38.53Birdiei had something cool made in office xp (word), nice layout etc, i copied it to openoffice cause my friend uses that
21:38.58CBG2. If you *really* need other games, get a PlayStation or GameCube.
21:39.00Grumbleri have only found one bug so far...but it seems pretty much a free microsoft office
21:40.20Grumbleri have had that problem with just going between different versions of office, so, i expect always seems to tick me off.
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21:40.50blast007the paperclip is back! *rocks back and forth in his chair, glazed over eyes*
21:41.13CBGOh, dont get me started on Microsoft Office. ...
21:41.52schanianybody able to help me with bzflag on macos (10.4)?  it comes up with a black screen, the config file it generates sets a much too high resolution, and if i change it, it changes it back.  any idea?
21:43.20blast007what does the current "set resolution" line in the config say?
21:43.42schaniset resolution "2304x1728    "
21:44.01schaniit always goes back to this, no matter whether i change it, or whether i delete the file
21:44.02blast007ah, let's see, try running this from a terminam: bzflag -window
21:44.15blast007not sure if Mac needs to cd to the right directory
21:44.26blast007but then when that loads, hit F1
21:44.32blast007see if that fixes it
21:44.36schanithen it comes up in a window, with graphics intact, but keybindings don't work (go to the terminal)
21:45.54blast007but changing that line in the config doesn't help?
21:46.21schanino, it just overwrites the file again
21:48.15menotumeschani: did you exit the client before changing the config ?
21:48.35menotume(when the client exits, it rewrites the file)
21:48.52schanii only change the config file when the client doesn't run
21:49.52schaniwhat's the oldest version that still plays with current servers?
21:50.21menotume2.0.0 i guess
21:51.58JeffM2501no guess about it
21:52.13JeffM2501by definition it's allways the 0 version of the current even minor
21:52.30JeffM2501we bump proto when we make it the release master
21:56.23schanihmmm, when i start in full screen and switch to window, at least the keybindings work, so i can play, sort of (window's too small though, and the mouse wraps around vertically...)
21:57.06blast007if you can get it to a window, you can go to Options > Display Options > Change Video Format
21:57.13blast007then set the resolution
21:59.43schanithat worked!  thanks!
21:59.50blast007cool  :)
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22:33.32RPG_how would i configure BZFlag to get it to run on one of my two monitors, connected in dual-head mode ?
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22:41.05CIA-3BZFlag: 03timriker 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/ (include/md5.h src/common/md5.cxx): md5 code hacked, needs passwd testing
22:41.47JeffM2501RPG_, what OS?
22:41.53JeffM2501and what card?
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22:44.28RPG_nvm just got it working
22:44.35RPG_Win XP, GeForce 6600 GT
22:44.39RPG_i put it to -view three
22:45.10JeffM2501I guess tha'ts one way
22:45.25JeffM2501or just run in multi display mode and let windows do the dual head
22:45.54RPG_what would that provide though?
22:46.33JeffM2501then it woudl tell BZ only about the main display when it asks for all the posible reses
22:46.38JeffM2501and know not to span
22:46.56JeffM2501puting the nvida driver in dual head mode tells the OS it's one big ass monitor
22:47.02JeffM2501so that's all the OS knows about
22:47.08RPG_and it is :)
22:47.16JeffM2501mostly it's for OS that don't dual multi head
22:47.20JeffM2501no it's not, it's 2 displays
22:47.31JeffM2501windows can handle 7 displays it's self
22:47.36JeffM2501you don't need the driver to do it for you
22:47.43JeffM2501you can even mix and match cards
22:48.04RPG_display properties?
22:48.19JeffM2501dualhead works for some custom display sistems, like ones made out of 2 LCDs, and when you want the taskbar to span
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22:50.51JeffM2501at home I'm runing 2 displays off my 7800gtx and bz allways only shows me the reses for my main 24inch display
22:50.56JeffM2501never for the 19 on the side
22:51.11JeffM2501if I want to swap them I can go into the driver and tell it the side one is the main
22:51.18JeffM2501but then that woudl be dumb :)
22:51.50purple_cowbzflag does seem to have gone stupid wrt xinerama/twinview on linux
22:52.54JeffM2501I had it working just fine
22:53.03JeffM2501had to define a "meta" display for just my main tho
22:53.09JeffM2501to get it on one screen
22:53.14purple_cowyeah, i've got that
22:53.31purple_cowit just positions the window in the middle of my display and turns off the other monitor
22:53.34purple_cowso i see half the screen
22:53.34JeffM2501then it just showed me both the big double one and the single
22:54.06JeffM2501I have to redo my driver for leenox now
22:54.12JeffM2501card changed 2 times
22:55.24JeffM2501under windows I only get 560 fps in bz on the new card :(
22:55.42TimRikerI removed the RSA md5 code and replaced it with public domain code. seems to work fine.
22:56.08JeffM2501so it's no longer "tainted"
22:56.51TimRikertesting on HEAD now.
22:57.52Birdie"only 560 fps", lol i only have 40
22:58.50TimRikerlike you can see more than 70 anyway.
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22:59.37RPG_in Windows dual-head mode, when bzflag is running on one screen, whenever I click on ap rogram in the other screen, BZFlag minimizes
23:00.18TimRikeryou mean that's not what you wanted? ;-)
23:00.24RPG_nope :-/
23:00.51RPG_my setup looks a tad strange right now with a CRt and an LCD :)
23:01.02RPG_just testing to see how it works to see if i should buy another LCD and go true dual-head
23:02.42purple_cowdual-head with two of the same model screen is beautiful
23:02.48JeffM2501it is
23:02.54RPG_i bet
23:03.13JeffM2501tho that'd be dam spensive for me :)
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23:03.38jcapeYo, any admins around?
23:03.46Birdiewhat do you want?
23:03.59jcapeThere's a cheater, Jimmy the Cricket
23:04.25TimRikerg++: @CONF_CPPFLAGS: No such file or directory
23:04.36JeffM2501purple_cow, I'm using the 24 and a 19, it's working out quite well
23:05.32JeffM2501and it lets me run games in silly aspect ratios :)
23:08.42jcapeTimRiker: It's missing the trailing '@'
23:09.19TimRikerjcape: yeah, but I don't see why.
23:09.50jcapeTimRiker: Is this CVS?
23:09.59TimRikeryes. cvs head.
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23:11.08TimRikerjcape: rebuilding the world now...
23:15.25TimRikerjcape: rebuild fixed it.
23:15.40jcapeYeah, co just finished :-)
23:30.40ibotcvs -d co -P -r v2_0branch bzflag
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.