irclog2html for #bzflag on 20060216

00:02.19*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (
00:23.59*** join/#bzflag Remginton0 (
00:24.21Remginton0How long does it take to recieve the varification email from bzbb?
00:25.01JeffM2501depends on your ISP
00:25.09JeffM2501usualy it's withing 30 seconds
00:25.16JeffM2501yahoo and others can take longer
00:25.17Remginton0what if i have a fast connection
00:25.23Remginton0I use netscape
00:25.25JeffM2501it's not your conection, it's your ISP
00:25.30JeffM2501and there mail server
00:25.34JeffM2501and how often they distribute
00:25.38JeffM2501how long has it been?
00:25.44Remginton05 minutes
00:25.53JeffM2501do you have spam software?
00:26.06JeffM2501does your ISP have spam software
00:26.10Remginton0no idea
00:26.13Remginton0hold on
00:26.20JeffM2501what username did you register?
00:26.45Remginton0I can control spam myself, it says
00:26.47JeffM2501I manualy activated it
00:26.58JeffM2501often the bzbb e-mail gets grabed as spam
00:26.59Remginton0activated what?
00:27.02JeffM2501your account
00:27.13Remginton0what about it sir?
00:27.21orchid:) hes activated it
00:27.23JeffM2501I manualy activated it
00:27.33orchidyou don't need to wait for the email now
00:27.33Remginton0activated what?
00:27.36JeffM2501orchid, it's BEAUTIFULL
00:27.38JeffM2501your acount
00:27.43Remginton0oh thnx :)
00:27.44JeffM2501on bzbb
00:27.47JeffM2501good lord
00:27.51JeffM2501who's on first
00:27.51orchidJeffM2501: oh you got one already?
00:27.54JeffM2501I did
00:28.04orchidbig eh?!
00:29.01JeffM2501need a better video card tho
00:29.09JeffM2501it chunks on some things at 1920
00:29.16orchidhmm I should try that with xorg
00:29.19Remginton0should I ask about something on Sonicwall here or in the General Chat?
00:29.45JeffM2501the firewall people?
00:29.53Remginton0Sonicwall (yes firewall people)
00:29.57JeffM2501what about them
00:30.25orchidJeffM2501: will you hook your mac mini to the second port?
00:30.27Remginton0My school just got it and its screwing everything up, I found a way around it, but I'm sure that the school com. admins. will find it
00:30.33JeffM2501orchid, allready done
00:30.46JeffM2501Remginton0, there isn't realy a way "around" it
00:30.55JeffM2501if they are blocking it then your not suposed to play games at school
00:31.07JeffM2501you'd have to ask them to set it up so you can play
00:31.14Remginton0My way only works if the website has a "secure" connection
00:31.23JeffM2501bzflag does not use HTTP
00:31.29Remginton0I know
00:31.31JeffM2501so they don't have "secure" connections
00:31.48orchidyou will need bigger wallpaper now :)
00:31.50JeffM2501yeah hit that last night orchid have a nice space one
00:31.59JeffM2501from deviantart
00:32.18JeffM2501Remginton0, if your firewall is blocking the bzflag ports, then there isn't realy any way around that
00:32.22Remginton0My friend and I have been bypassing sonicwall for like a month, either the com. admins. are just plain stupid, or they know and they don't care
00:32.25JeffM2501bzflag needs both TCP and UDP on that part
00:32.49JeffM2501and it's not our place to help you break rules at your scholl
00:33.00Remginton0I already did.
00:33.19JeffM2501I mean we don't care, nor will help you
00:33.24JeffM2501so please don't post about it
00:33.33Remginton0the sever at my school works by block websites usingnvm
00:33.41Remginton0thnx though
00:34.06JeffM2501kids these days
00:34.28JeffM2501I'm bummed it won't do PIP between the 2 computer inputs
00:34.35JeffM2501just between the TV and computer
00:34.39orchidyeah that would be really cool
00:34.41JeffM2501and it looks like crap as a TV
00:34.49orchidbut you can watch movies with pip
00:35.03JeffM2501they look jaggy to me, I'd reather watch the DVD in software
00:35.12JeffM2501purple_cow, the 24's man, the way to go
00:35.29purple_cownaw, i'm looking for two 1600x1200 LCDs
00:35.29JeffM2501one of them is where variables go
00:35.35purple_cownot enough pixels on the 24
00:35.39JeffM2501get 2 :)
00:35.57JeffM2501actualy IIRC vewsonic made a single 3200x2400 display
00:36.08purple_cowthere's no way i can afford 2
00:36.15JeffM2501sell blood
00:36.15purple_cowJeffM2501: yeah, that thing is gorgeous
00:36.37JeffM2501the 24 does look in scale next to my new case tho
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00:42.02wizatcompin bzfs, where does it look for a plugin when I use /loadplugin?
00:42.32I_Died_Oncewhere ever the plugin is, you have to specify where the plugin is and what plugin to use
00:42.34JeffM2501where ever you tell it to
00:42.49JeffM2501the default is the current working dir ( usualy the bzfs dir )
00:43.04JeffM2501tho IIRC it will search a couple preset paths too
00:43.05wizatcomphmm... it didn't seem to look there, but i'll try with a full path
00:43.06JeffM2501what OS?
00:43.16JeffM2501so linux
00:43.18JeffM2501let me look
00:44.03JeffM2501first it will try the full path you pass in
00:44.16JeffM2501then it will try the full path + .dll or .so ( depending on OS )
00:44.32JeffM2501then it will check the config dir
00:44.48JeffM2501then $(prefix)/lib/bzflag/
00:44.58JeffM2501if it fails all those it will die
00:45.19wizatcomp$(prefix) would be?
00:45.29JeffM2501I'm guessing the root
00:45.32JeffM2501of your drive
00:45.43JeffM2501or maybe home dir
00:45.46JeffM2501I don't reemmber
00:45.52JeffM2501I thnk it's the root tho
00:46.01wizatcompalright, i'll try a few places
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00:51.00wizatcompwell, it works when i give it an absolute path, but it doesn't seem to look in the dir that it's running in/from
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00:53.15trepanJeffM2501: "$(prefix)/lib/bzflag/" prolly won't get evaluated the way you're hoping
01:00.33wizatcompthe only time $(prefix) is mentioned is in that one line of code
01:01.19brlcadprefix is meant to be the prefix that you provide to configure
01:01.35brlcadi.e. ./configure --prefix=/path/to/something
01:01.41brlcadand /path/to/something becomes your prefix
01:01.45brlcadinstead of the default
01:01.49brlcadwhich is usually /usr/local
01:01.57brlcadthough it can be overridden
01:23.17JeffM2501trepan, I didn't write it
01:23.23JeffM2501IIRC the cow did
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02:29.48spldartIs [all recursive] error1 in  chathistory.lo and plugins normal, @ this time, for the 2.1.6 proto 0036
02:30.02SportChickorchid: pingaling
02:30.36bryjen"all recursive" not the error, look a few lines higher
02:31.03bryjens/not/is not/
02:33.32SeaSharpanother day in paradise
02:33.37SeaSharpsnowing like mad
02:35.01SeaSharp16 INCHES ARE LIKELY.
02:36.43devsteri wish i had snow
02:36.44CIA-3BZFlag: 03bryjen * 10bzflag/plugins/ (chathistory/chathistory.cpp logDetail/logDetail.cpp): update to new api chat event types
02:43.59spldartOH ic... some undececlared event stuff thingamadiddilies
02:44.42learnerheh, louman's new space test server is pretty amazing/creative
02:47.05spldartAh. finally got cvs punched through :).....
02:57.33learnerhis other tree map is pretty nifty too
02:58.30purple_cowthat's cool and difficult
02:59.30*** join/#bzflag Sir_Pants (
03:04.49spldartMakes me wish I could have pursued map making more... Hopefully now that I've gotten some craziness out of my life I can get back into it... Would like ot have finished my air-hockey table map :(
03:18.39SportChickorchid: come to bzg, please
03:23.17*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (n=shorty11@unaffiliated/shorty114)
03:43.57bryjenlocate elvis
03:44.06ibotWrong Window.
03:44.47*** join/#bzflag Digital_Pioneer (
03:45.03Digital_PioneerI am the harbinger of the bot!
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03:45.38Digital_Pioneerjust checking.
03:45.42fajitaWell, stop it. It makes me paranoid.
03:45.43*** part/#bzflag Digital_Pioneer (
03:58.27menotumebryjen: he has left the building
04:09.36bryjenbut he's not dead. he just went home.
04:10.33menotumeMen in Black ?
04:17.34*** join/#bzflag Digital_Pioneer (
04:17.45fajitais there anybody out there
04:18.02Digital_Pioneerjust checking...
04:18.06fajitaWell, stop it. It makes me paranoid.
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12:29.09I_Died_OnceThat should be a part of the rules: If you ask for help, and find your answer elsewhere, you must post your resolution regardless.
12:31.06LePoulpe303anyone needs points in 1vs1 tourny  and want to play against me  ?
12:31.23I_Died_OnceI'm not in a tourny but I'll throw down
12:31.32LePoulpe3035155 ?
12:31.37I_Died_Oncewhat server?
12:32.03I_Died_OnceI'm not familair with the 1 vs 1 world, youhave to spell it out
12:32.10I_Died_OnceI'm from Planet MoFo
12:32.19I_Died_Onceok gimme a quick sec
12:39.01I_Died_Onceyay LePoulpe won, but ti was close
12:39.14LePoulpe303yeah great match ;)
12:39.28I_Died_OnceI'll challenge for a rematch later when i wake up, that was my first game of the morning
12:39.32LePoulpe303are u in a ducati or gu  team ?
12:39.43LePoulpe303it's lunch break here
12:40.25I_Died_OnceNah, I come from one of the lowly "multi-shot servers with FLAGS!!!" so I'm not supposed to play worth a damn
12:41.00LePoulpe303hmm different tactic
12:41.15LePoulpe303luck has more place with (super)flags
12:41.16I_Died_Oncegreat game though, I do wanna try that again
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15:54.55|zongo|hey all, im trying to compile latest cvs version under macosx 10.4.4
15:55.02|zongo|i get the following error
15:55.04|zongo|cd .. && /bin/sh ./config.status plugins/Makefile
15:55.04|zongo|config.status: error: invalid argument: plugins/Makefile
15:55.04|zongo|make[1]: *** [Makefile] Error 1
15:55.04|zongo|make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
15:55.18|zongo|can someone help me?
15:57.07*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe301 (
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16:23.05ToughShooter|zongo|: From what I've seen until now everyone gets that in CVS HEAD
16:23.27|zongo|ToughShooter, thx :)
16:24.23ToughShooterThe error means the plugins won't get built
16:25.00|zongo|i figured that out, but thought it was some problem with me
16:25.33|zongo|thx for the info ToughShooter, at least im not the only one :)
16:26.56*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
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17:45.21menotumetrepan: pingy
17:47.18*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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17:47.49menotumeciao Tupone
17:48.00Tuponeciao menotume
17:51.19*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
17:53.00menotume~seen trepan
17:53.06ibottrepan is currently on #bzflag. Has said a total of 34 messages. Is idling for 16h 59m 51s, last said: 'JeffM2501: "$(prefix)/lib/bzflag/" prolly won't get evaluated the way you're hoping'.
18:02.59*** join/#bzflag Polar (
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19:31.27TD-Linuxwhere can I go for hardware help?
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19:51.17CBGTD-Linux: perhaps #hardware?
19:51.31TD-Linuxalready there :)
19:51.39CBGit exists? :P
19:51.59menotume~lart CBG
19:52.11CBGthanks menotume
19:52.15menotumenp :)
19:52.45CBGmenotume: still cant access bzleague
19:53.04CBGI turned router off for like, 10 hours or something, and still have the same IP
19:53.17CBGand it is not *my* router, so I can't do anymore there.
19:53.22menotumei dunno if changing IP will do anything for you anyway
19:53.26CBGand I have NO idea what else it will be.
19:53.31CBGI tried clearing cache, etc.
19:53.35CBGtried all my browsers.
19:53.42menotumehow about lynx ?
19:53.46blast007have you tried a proxy?
19:53.46menotumejust for grins
19:53.54CBGmenotume: lynx?
19:54.02CBGblast007: a proxy site thing works
19:54.18menotumewinblows ?
19:54.19CBGso that is why I thought could be my IP
19:54.30CBGperhaps mine is blocked for some unknown reason..?
19:54.35CBGmenotume: OS X
19:55.14CBGin terminal?
19:55.19menotumeyes :)
19:55.42menotumeit's a 'text-browser'
19:56.22CBGw00t. -bash: lynx: command not found
19:56.27orangetry links
19:56.42menotumeorange lurker
19:56.48CBG... -bash: links: command not found
19:56.56menotumelocate lynx
19:57.13orangetelnet 80
19:57.17orangewait for connection
19:57.22orangeGET / HTTP/1.0
19:57.25CBGmenotume: locate: no database file /var/db/locate.database.
19:57.32orangethen hit enter again
19:58.01orange(so a blank line after Host: line)
19:58.02CBGorange: doesnt seem to do anything
19:58.09CBGoh, ok
19:58.18CBGstill nothing
19:58.23orangedid it connect?
19:58.33menotumeah ha
19:58.36CBGthen I did GET.... and enter.
19:58.43CBGthen Host:... and enter twice
19:58.57orangeit should return a page and then drop the connection
19:58.58orangemine did
19:59.10orangeif yours didn't, then we have eliminated browser issues
19:59.12CBGwell, I *am* having problems... so...
19:59.16menotumemine doesn't
19:59.27CBGorange: well, I already tried 4 browsers. none worked
19:59.39menotumeoh ya, mine does
19:59.46CBGfinally: "Connection closed by foreign host."
19:59.49menotumebut you connected to port 80
19:59.57CBGnothing between Host:... and Connection Closed.
20:00.13CBGSo, what else could it be? I can only think of IP.
20:00.19menotumetry: wget
20:00.40menotumeor ...  wget
20:00.43CBG-bash: wget: command not found
20:00.54menotumetry:: locate " a real o/s"
20:00.54CBGheh... seems I have NOTHING installed. ;)
20:01.15CBGharhar :P
20:01.21meacanmenotume: locate: command not found ? :)
20:01.33menotumelocate locate
20:01.34blast007dang, my 80MB linux install even had wget  :)
20:01.41blast007and links
20:01.46CBGblast007: pff. shush :P
20:02.02CBGany other ideas?
20:02.13orangecbg, my point is, if you can't reach it with telnet, then there is no point in even trying web browsers
20:02.13Tuponefind / -name lynx
20:02.22CBGorange: yeah, ok.
20:02.28menotumeya, but it connects
20:02.38orangeprobably some goofy proxy between
20:02.40menotumeso, he's not sending the GET ?
20:02.47orangecan you confirm the IP connects, menotume?
20:02.51orangehis IP, I mean
20:02.58orangeand what is in the log for it when he does that?
20:03.05orangeif not, it's proxy-hell
20:03.53CBGfind: /.Trashes: Permission denied
20:03.56CBGshall I sudo?
20:04.25TuponeCBG:  curl
20:04.26menotumeeeek - being called to a match
20:04.32blast007CBG: can you get to  ?
20:04.37CBGok, no worries menotume
20:04.44*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad2901@unaffiliated/brad2901)
20:05.06CBGblast007: in browser?
20:05.12blast007or an ftp client
20:05.17blast007but either should work
20:06.00CBGftp works
20:06.31CBGwhen I curled http://1vs1... I got: curl: (52) Empty reply from server
20:06.33orangeproxy hell
20:06.46orangetell your stupid ISP to turn off their stupid proxy
20:06.55CBGwhen I curl ftp://1vs1.... I get some files...
20:07.01orangewell, ask nicely if perhaps they might be proxying your requests :-)
20:07.02CBGorange: heh
20:07.31Tuponeor ask meno to answer to 81 too (?)
20:07.38CBGI have always been behind a cahcing proxy as I had to edit my config to allow me to use global login.
20:07.57CBGBut, the bzleague site worked fine for many months, then one day stopped.
20:08.06orangethe proxy's cache is probably corrupt
20:08.07CBGand has not worked for me since.
20:08.23menotumei don't see your IP in the access log
20:08.45menotumeTupone: i can't :(
20:08.56CBGSo, I can only contact my ISP? Nothing else?
20:09.06blast007pretty much
20:09.11blast007seems to be on their end
20:09.12orangeyeah, tell them you can't get to a website, and it is their fault for having a busted proxy
20:09.13meacanor change isp :)
20:10.48CBG"You &^$*$*£ morons have %£^&*$ something up! I can't get to half the @^&$($ sites I want to and it is all your @^$*£( fault. You &@*$*@ £*$*£s..."
20:10.48CBGWill that do?
20:10.54blast007haha, they'll likely ignore that  ;)
20:11.32blast007just let them know that for a while this site has worked, and explain that using a proxy works as well
20:11.37meacanyet another proof that their proxy dosnt forward the request, i guess :)
20:11.55blast007also mention that you are considering switching ISPs if the issue is not resolved in a timely manner
20:16.32ToughShooterISPs don't often react to requests from their own users. A lot of ISPs are pretty ignorant.
20:18.03CBGWell, I can ask.
20:20.19ToughShooterI remember when I asked my ISP whether they can fix the peering point to EWE they didn't even respond. Later I found out it was EWE's fault but they could at least have responded as I pay extra money for lower ping I'm still totally laggy at GU since mid December :x
20:20.24CBGoh man, why can't NTL just have a '' email address?
20:20.42menotumemeacan - can you match ?
20:20.52menotume3v3 @ DUB:59998
20:21.00CBGThey say I have to phone or go through a stupid, irrelavant tutorial... >:(
20:21.02meacanmenotume: in about 5megabytes (downloading)
20:21.24meacanmenotume: in 2-5 mins :)
20:21.54ToughShooterCBG: Be happy you won't have to call a German hotline..
20:22.06CBGToughShooter: heh, ok.
20:22.24menotumemeacan: kewl
20:23.12CBGHmm, They have a feedback type form, with many levels...
20:23.24CBGThey ask if I use a NTL service --> yes.
20:23.31CBGThen later, what is my account number? Bah!
20:23.44CBGI am not the account holder. Can I only contact them through my father? Pff!
20:24.07CBGHah! They accept 12345 as an account number. W00t!
20:24.27trepanmenotume: pong
20:24.47CBGblast007: bah
20:24.54CBGno other way for *ME* to contact them.
20:24.57blast007CBG: if you provide a fake account number, they might just filter it out
20:25.15CBGbut, if you put none, they dont accept the form.
20:25.20ToughShooterI'm sure they will, that's why they ask for the number ;)
20:25.37CBGI would think that they would not accept a fake one at all - rather than accept it then filter it out.
20:25.52blast007nice, their only validation is through javascript
20:25.59blast007so you turn that off, and you can submit the form
20:46.43ChestalToughShooter: because it is based on MsgPlayerUpdate packets
20:47.52ToughShooterChestal: Umm, that means because of bad code and not intentionally, correct?
20:48.08Chestalwell, not really
20:48.43Chestalwhat would you propose?
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20:49.47ToughShooterhmpf, where is ibot when I need him/her/it to translate
20:50.17Chestalretranslate my German thoughts back to German? :-)
20:50.35ToughShooterYes, but wait, there's jbot :)
20:51.06ToughShooterAh, I think it should compute lag, jitter and loss the same way for obs and actual players
20:51.46JeffM2501observers don't send updates
20:51.57JeffM2501and there lag dosn't affect the game
20:51.59ChestalToughShooter: but Observers do not send any packets except for chat messages and replies to lag ping messages (which are used for the displayed latency in lagstats)
20:52.45Chestaltheoretically, these ping messages could be used to calc loss+jitter, too, but they are so infrequently sent that it would not be very useful
20:53.10JeffM2501how would observer jitter be a usefull stat at all?
20:53.25Chestalone other option would be to calc these values on the receiving end in the client then, but that would require modified or additional timestamps and after all not be very useful as JeffM said
20:53.40ToughShooterWell, it could help for understanding whether it's me or the players on field that behave strange
20:53.55Chestalwe had a version which would not even display latency value for observers, but it was changed so that Obs get a lag estimate
20:54.18Thumper_trepan: ping
20:54.24Chestalthe client could display a per-player jitter value from its point of view
20:54.30ToughShooterHmm, there was a version that showed loss for bzadmin clients, IIRC
20:55.13blast007it was actually a bug in bzadmin iirc
20:55.24blast007it showed 100% loss
20:55.48ChestalI'm not sure, maybe bzfs can display loss for observer vlients, would have to look at code. Lost lag pign reply packets maybe
20:56.00Chestalbut there's only one such packet every 10s
20:57.00ToughShooterThe point would be that then I would not have to join at GU and steal a player slot when checking whether my lag is acceptable to play
20:57.27blast007but you wouldn't know anyway
20:57.41blast007a lot more traffic is send when you are a real player
20:58.23Chestalactually, the jitter value in /lagstats only covers jitter on the client's upstream
20:58.44Chestalif your jitter is assymetrical, you might not even see it in stats
20:59.04ToughShooterYes, but loss like I have sometimes on GU is sometimes around 12% nowadays
20:59.10Chestalthe upstream jitter is the one which is more important to the other players, though
20:59.43Chestalthat's extremely high, sounds like severe network congestion
21:00.01ToughShooterIt is a broken peering point
21:00.54Chestalthe lag stats could be improved, no question. But there will always be a difference for players and obs
21:01.05Chestalthere is less data available for obs
21:01.25Chestalunless you make them send useless messages, that is :-)
21:01.54ToughShooterIf it works okay I have 28 +-1ms with 0% loss, otherwise 160-340 +- 1ms and 4-12% loss..interestingly the lag is only shown as 31ms when being obs and the point has malfunction
21:04.10ToughShooterYes, it's an efficiency question, I just asked because the same data could be available for both actual players and obs, as it's a matter of implementation
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21:17.37Thumper_brlcad: ping
21:19.08awelux__you  can always add an option to send lagstats packets as obs
21:19.29awelux__wwould that put additional stress on the servers?
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21:51.40menotumetrepan: re-ping :)
21:54.30menotumeerr, 4-byte probably
21:55.46Chestalhmm, dub has issues tonight
21:58.06menotumeit was not nice to USA players
22:03.27Tuponemenotume: I'd follow the RTP practice
22:03.46ibot[rtp] The Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video. RTP is used in virtually all voice-over-IP architectures, for videoconferencing, media-on-demand, and other applications. A thin protocol, it supports content identification, timing reconstruction, and detection of lost packets.
22:04.32menotumelol, a fancy name for:   ID, time, SEQNUM ?
22:06.22menotumeID and SEQNUM have been around for decades, i would just add some kind of timestamp - keep it short, full time is not required
22:07.03menotumecould go the other way too (server->client). client could periodically report results
22:07.04TuponeI don't care the name. See what travel.
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22:09.26menotumedont' ask mw how to sync :) maybe sync packet once a second
22:10.02Tuponethere is an algo to compute the jitter, and one to sync
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22:39.41Tuponeany reasone why instead of a simple strncpy there is an if len > max then strncpy else strcpy ? a windows bug ?
22:41.31trepanit helps to have context, file/line
22:42.07Tuponehehe :) src/game/PlayerInfo
22:43.02Tuponelot of place with that structure there
22:46.03trepanTupone: that does seem odd, esp. with the memset()'s
22:46.46Tuponeperhaps strncpy is not in the windows api, and we have a macro? I don't know :/
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22:47.15DTRemenaknot a windows thing.  we a strncpy set up in win32.h or config.h.
22:48.05exp[x]I have a problem with my client: my tank's shots pass right through other tanks but other tanks can shoot me
22:48.12Tuponehmm, strncpy does this already
22:48.17exp[x]they hit walls, though
22:48.21blast007exp[x]: what version of the game, and what operating system?
22:48.25DTRemenakstrncpy is always null terminated
22:48.36exp[x]2.04 Ubuntu amd64
22:48.49trepanstrncpy isn't always null terminated
22:48.54blast007exp[x]: try building from the source code
22:48.56exp[x]err, 2.0.4
22:48.59exp[x]I did
22:49.03trepanbut it would be in this case, with the memset, and the length limiting
22:49.15DTRemenake.g. with string "abc", n = 3, strcpy would do "abc", strncpy would do "ab\0", right?
22:49.24trepanDTRemenak: nope
22:49.33DTRemenakk, I'm not looking at the code :S
22:49.49trepanthat's not a matter of the code, it's the def. for strncpy
22:50.00exp[x]the only change I made to the source code was flipping the y axis for joysticks
22:52.40trepanbecause strncpy will also pad the remainder with nulls, strncpy(dst,src,buflen-1) followed by buf[buflen-1]==0 should do the same thing
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22:53.37trepans/buf[/dst[  ;)
23:03.47trepanhehe, s/==/=, good thing i'm not making any changes these days
23:05.12BzFiretrepan: did menotume talk to you ?
23:05.48trepanBzFire: yup, the ahod stuff is unavailable
23:10.47BzFiretrepan: can i ask why ? did you lose it ?
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23:24.43CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (bzfsPlayerStateVerify.cxx bzfsPlayerStateVerify.h): Missing new line at end
23:27.59CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx): Unused vars, shadowed var and bad indent :(
23:30.53CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Unused var, shadowed var, bad indent, and signed/unsigned compare :_(
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.