irclog2html for #bzflag on 20051212

00:29.14*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=chatzill@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
00:48.27BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 00:36 => T.B.O. (the better ones):9, [ForestForce]:2
00:53.53JeffM2501man nothing beats crawing around on the roof with electricity :)
00:59.29Workaphobiaquick question: I seem to be using evdev for my joystick now instead of SDL like I was before my last distro update. How would I change that?
01:01.42JeffM2501probably a config option
01:02.44Workaphobiain bzflag, or in sdl? I didn't see much in my bz config file
01:03.18JeffM2501IIRC bzflag can use SDL or a couple other libs
01:03.25JeffM2501sounds like this time you had the lib so it tried to use it
01:03.38TuponeWorkaphobia: you did a kernel change for that
01:03.52Workaphobiaah, that makes sense.
01:03.54TuponeI think
01:04.35Workaphobiaso is there an easy way to change it back? Not that there's so much of an advantage to using sdl, but I had a couple of mods that were specific to it
01:05.18Tuponedid you make your kernel?
01:05.53WorkaphobiaNo, it's from suse 10.1
01:10.50Tuponeyou have to remove from the the linux/input.h existence check. I guess is enough. Or removing the SDLPlatformFactory.cxx lines that are on the #if HAVE_LINUX_INPUT
01:11.20Tuponeso you have to rebuild bzflag or your kernel
01:11.40Workaphobiaheh, I'll build bzflag over the kernel.
01:12.39Workaphobiaok, I'll give that a try. Thanks.
01:24.02*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
01:24.15Mr_Molezanyone that can register a player so they can play on gu match servers ?
01:25.13Mr_Molezmenotume: ping
01:27.45Mr_Moleznevermind :P
01:33.38*** join/#bzflag DarkMaster (
02:18.49BZBotNew news from matches: Dec 12 02:13 => Bz Incorporated:8, The Barbarians:1 || Dec 12 02:13 => The Barbarians:5, Bz Incorporated:2
02:20.48*** join/#bzflag silverfx (n=vircuser@
02:24.54*** join/#bzflag A_Meteorite (
02:25.00A_Meteoritehey all :D
02:25.27A_Meteoriteso glad I'm back... my ISP (SBC) decided to pull the plug on my DSL without telling me
02:27.15*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
03:00.54*** join/#bzflag PKMOBILE (
03:19.06BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 02:57 => T.B.O. (the better ones):8, Insane Crazy Funsters:1
03:28.20*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
03:32.18*** join/#bzflag twogigovercu (
03:49.14BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 03:37 => T.B.O. (the better ones):9, Insane Crazy Funsters:2
03:49.17BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: rework the hud to make more sense make the chatbox smarter ( uses screens ize )... || let images and quads be scaled when drawn with the util functions || X Y Z is as good as an array
03:53.44*** join/#bzflag Roxport (
03:54.08Roxportis the whole Internet slow tonight, or just my connection?
03:57.05blast007I'm getting 2.87Mbps of my 3Mbps max
03:58.29Roxportrunning apt-get update on deb box. noticed really slow. logged on winxp laptop. really slow internet cnxn (sbc dsl).
04:09.57*** part/#bzflag Roxport (
04:49.28BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 04:26 => T.B.O. (the better ones):12, Insane Crazy Funsters:1
05:19.35BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: show the last chat senders's avatar in a little window over the chat box then...
05:51.54*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
06:01.14*** join/#bzflag slvrsox (n=vircuser@
06:01.17*** join/#bzflag A_Meteorite (
06:19.55*** part/#bzflag EbErT (
06:50.15*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
07:08.54*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
07:11.19*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
07:21.21BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: show the last chat senders's avatar in a little window over the chat box then... || rework the hud to make more sense make the chatbox smarter ( uses screens ize )... || let images and quads be scaled when drawn with the util functions || X Y Z is as good as an array || move fps counter to bottom over radar, it looks better allways show the last... || add the coolest self scaling chatbox window evvar || score, sh
07:26.47*** join/#bzflag bz3672 (
07:27.32JeffM2501having fun?
07:27.41bz3672whois fun ?
07:27.57bz3672no more flood
07:28.09bz3672keyboard is dead
07:29.09bz3672/kill bz3672
07:29.13purple_cowtired cliche^w^w
07:30.46purple_cowJeffM2501: in unix shells, control-w backspaces a word, control-h a character
07:31.00JeffM2501umm ok
07:31.53purple_cowabout 10 years ago (maybe 15?) you'd see word^w in a chat program if someone had their terminal misconfigured and they typed something and then deleted it
07:32.33learnermore frequent in 'talk'
07:32.54learner"most" of the time, there was something not configured well enough to do what one expected in talk :)
07:33.35purple_cowthis is very true
07:33.44learnereven back then it was a tired cliche
07:34.30learnerthat's just crazy talk :)
07:34.55purple_cowyeah, but it had a fancy curses interface and everything
07:36.55purple_cowhey, not wearing shoes is your own fault
07:37.05JeffM2501was it like IRC?
07:37.09learnermet some random person from korea that way that talk'd me one day
07:37.09JeffM2501or just per machine?
07:37.16learnerwe've been penpals for over 10 years now
07:37.33learnernah, not like irc
07:37.50learnerit's real-time chat usually person to person, split text screen
07:38.08learneryou see the other person type, typos and all
07:38.30JeffM2501IIRC ICQ works that way too
07:38.32learneri like it actually
07:38.56learneryeah, that's where icq borrowed the idea, not that it's anything groundbreaking
07:39.15purple_cowi remember when i figured out what "ICQ" meant
07:39.21purple_cowi was king of the world that day
07:40.52learner"I see Que", from TNG of course ;)
07:41.10purple_cowof course, i was like 11, so my sphere of experience was somewhat limited
07:41.37*** join/#bzflag SC (
07:42.07learnernow your sphere has been all borgified
07:42.21learnerto beat that metaphor a little further with a dead horse
07:43.08purple_cowhow pissed were you in "first contact" when they had that borg sphere come out?
07:43.29purple_cowi mean, it totally flew in the face of the whole "a cube of twisty passages, all alike" thing
07:43.35learnerstill haven't bothered to watch it yet
07:43.46ruskiepurple_cow, guess you never watched voyager
07:44.01purple_cowruskie: i saw a couple episodes and gave up
07:44.14ruskiewell tons of borg stuff in voy :)
07:44.17purple_cowlearner: you should! it's one of the best
07:44.39purple_cowruskie: i don't care! after first contact the borg stopped being scary
07:44.59purple_cowthough i *do* remember seeing a part of a voyager episode where they were using the borg to represent fascism
07:45.00ruskieacctually after voyager they ceased to be for the most part...
07:45.27ruskieyou should watch voyager end game part I and II
07:45.29purple_cowwhich was hilarious, given that the borg were obviously communists
07:45.47JeffM2501after they got the "time travel disease" all of star treck became booring
07:45.59purple_cowyou'd think the writers could at least keep their metaphors straight
07:46.12*** join/#bzflag wizart (
07:46.13ruskieafter s3 voy kinda sucked...
07:46.23purple_cowJeffM2501: time travel disease?
07:46.34ruskieI watched it just to get my fix of st...
07:46.43JeffM2501when they started puting in time travel every time they ran out of ideas
07:46.57purple_cowJeffM2501: they did that in the first season of the original ;)
07:47.08JeffM2501yeah, but they used it sparingly
07:47.15JeffM2501it's ok every so often
07:47.21purple_cowexcept then, it was because their budget was running low and it was cheaper to just film it in the city
07:47.25ruskieent was st's downfall
07:47.30JeffM2501but comon.... tempral torpeedos?
07:47.50ruskietemporal shields...
07:48.21learnermy fav of all the movies is still Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, time travel put to good use
07:48.32JeffM2501well those batman shields on voager did look cool
07:48.38ruskietng was imho THE best of all st...
07:48.39JeffM2501yes 4 put it to fine use
07:48.48ruskieJeffM2501, that's ablative armour :)
07:48.48JeffM2501that's when it should be used
07:48.50JeffM2501when it's funny
07:48.58JeffM2501ruskie, make it look like the batmobile
07:49.04ruskiebut it's imho great
07:49.30ruskieI just hope they get rid of braga&co if they ever plan to do any more st
07:49.44ruskiesince those were the ppl responsible for the worst of st
07:50.08purple_cowi think they just need to abandon the franchise
07:50.20JeffM2501enterprise showed it was dead
07:50.30JeffM2501there is only one way I'm watching a new star trek show
07:50.30ruskieent was dead when it started
07:50.38JeffM2501and that involves the term Joss Weadon
07:50.51_Manu_learner, my first tv serie was Lost in Space.. years ago ;)
07:50.55purple_cowi mean, hell, for the most part, it *wasn't* good, even back when it was good
07:51.06*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
07:51.42ruskieI hate to admit it but most of st is just a soap in space with a few good moments...
07:51.45purple_cowTOS is entertaining because it was so campy, TNG had some good spots, DS9's couple politics seasons were good, and the rest was just terrible
07:52.09ruskiewell there's always sg...
07:52.12learner_Manu_: I used to watch lost in space too.. saw just about every episode
07:52.23learnerearly 90's maybe late 80's
07:52.32ruskiehmm need to get lost in space..
07:52.39ruskieas well as babylon 5...
07:52.44learnerdanger danger!
07:53.03JeffM2501it's all about the new bsg
07:53.11ruskiecan't stnad bsg
07:53.19JeffM2501then you should sit for it :)
07:53.22purple_cowruskie: yes, the new dr. who is awesome :)
07:53.39ruskiedid they start with the new eps yet?
07:53.59purple_cowi don't think the next season starts until february
07:54.12purple_cowbut there's a christmas special coming up :)
07:54.16ruskiewell atleast I've got sg:a till then...
07:54.22ruskieand sg-1
07:54.51purple_cowgotta love the brits, who will do a christmas special for just about anything
07:55.24purple_cowi'm curious to see how david tennant does
07:56.01*** join/#bzflag SilverFox (
07:58.58*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
07:59.45JeffM2501purple_cow, this better?
08:01.12purple_cowwow that's loading slowly
08:01.19JeffM2501yeah it's my.b.o
08:01.24JeffM2501so it's flooded
08:04.57ruskiehmmm that looks nice...
08:06.52purple_cowwhere'd the player list go?
08:07.02JeffM2501that is a real in game shot
08:07.08JeffM2501haven't implemented it yet
08:07.13JeffM2501the other was a PS
08:07.15purple_cowcertainly lots of polish and tweaking to happen, but upper right's layout looks good
08:07.24purple_cowahh, gotcha
08:08.35ToughShooterThe view from sky down to tank seems to  be a bit unusual for me, but it looks cooler than the BZFlag screenshots
08:08.56JeffM2501the view dist is moveable
08:10.58ToughShooternice but it misses a scoreboard
08:11.33JeffM2501that is the PS with the scoreboard idea
08:13.57purple_cowwow, lookit all this tnl garbage in the screamers directory
08:17.35ToughShooterit misses kill ratio etc
08:18.10purple_cowJeffM2501: why doesn't it look just like bzflag?!
08:18.10JeffM2501that can be on an extended info page
08:18.30ToughShooterI hate staring to the BZFlag scroreboard, when I was only a player I have always hidden it
08:18.34purple_cowsometimes i really start to wonder if it's possible to choke to death on one's own sarcasm
08:18.50ToughShooternowadays I can't do that always :/
08:19.10JeffM2501cus ya know that SHIELD icon with 100 after it isn't a dead giveawy
08:20.06purple_cowwell, that shield is obviously your flag
08:20.18purple_cowand the 100, well, that's your score!
08:20.23JeffM2501and the shell casing?
08:20.32purple_cowjust decorative
08:21.23JeffM2501just like the "inf" part :)
08:21.32JeffM2501tho thats only cus the font I have dosn't have a sideways 8
08:22.18BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: direction indicator for the radar
08:22.29purple_cowso i'm confused
08:22.40purple_cowif bzbot reports everything that comes from the CIA RSS feed
08:22.45purple_cowwhy aren't you just using CIA? :)
08:22.59JeffM2501it's less frequent and combines updates
08:23.04JeffM2501like cia digest
08:23.18JeffM2501I just have to get the timer to be longer
08:23.25JeffM2501like ever hour
08:23.38JeffM2501just to be less anoying
08:23.47JeffM2501so they don't see every single little commit
08:24.26JeffM2501figured it was a fair compromise
08:25.37JeffM2501if this takes off more, and people care about more up to date cvs, then maybe I'll go back to CIA
08:25.54JeffM2501as it is right now, it only works in windows debug :)
08:27.56*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
09:00.19*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
09:04.10*** part/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
09:08.35*** part/#bzflag Workaphobia (
09:47.33*** join/#bzflag teh_conquerer (
10:07.47*** join/#bzflag [brad] (
10:45.18*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
10:45.18*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
10:47.54SportChick~seen Pimpi
10:47.58ibotpimpi is currently on #bzflag (8h 20m 43s) #debian (8h 20m 43s) #bzleague (8h 20m 43s) #dub (8h 20m 43s) #silvercat (8h 20m 43s)
10:48.07SportChick~seen Pimpinella
10:48.08ibotpimpinella <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 2d 22h 42s ago, saying: 'jm_: if you tried you'd have seen, that no answer matching my description is provided'.
10:48.37Tupone~seen SportChick
10:48.38ibotsportchick is currently on #bzflag #kierra #bzleague #mtc #dub #silvercat #bz-inc #icf.  Has said a total of 4 messages.  Is idling for 31s
10:49.48SportChickTupone: good morning!
10:49.56Tuponemorning SportChick
10:50.22Tuponehehe, I thought it so early for you :)
10:53.35SportChickit's 12:47
10:53.59TuponeSportChick: where?
10:54.15_Manu_Redondo Beach? :)
10:54.26SportChickTupone: Maui, Hawaii
10:54.41_Manu_you are lucky :/
10:54.45SportChickin Redondo, it's 2:54
10:54.46TuponeI want to stay there "(
11:09.42*** join/#bzflag Blue-Eyes (
11:12.22*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
11:33.13*** part/#bzflag ToughShooter (
11:36.43CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Removing unused code
12:05.19*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
12:30.21*** join/#bzflag mmuman (
12:36.23*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
12:58.16*** join/#bzflag londonboi2k3 (
12:59.59londonboi2k3Guys, I need a little help on something I want to get sorted out with BZ, b4 I changed ISP, I could log on to BZ no problem and I would have a + next to my name, IE +londonboi2k3
13:00.11londonboi2k3now tho, since I have gone to NTL, i get -londonboi2k3
13:00.25londonboi2k3does anyone know of a solution to this?
13:03.34*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
13:05.04Tuponewhat is NTL ?
13:05.23Tuponeanother provider?
13:06.04londonboi2k3NTL is a cable tv and phone provider
13:06.27Tuponedid you get the token good when you list server?
13:06.35londonboi2k3I think I have found the problem now, NTL use some sort of proxy
13:06.48londonboi2k3sorry did not understand what you mean?
13:06.52Tuponetry :81 on the list server
13:07.11londonboi2k3oh, you just said whats on that link ;)
13:07.19londonboi2k3just changing it now
13:09.34*** part/#bzflag londonboi2k3 (
14:23.49BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 11 18:02 => T42 (tea for two):9, Day of Destruction {DoD}:2
14:32.41*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (n=greg@pdpc/supporter/bronze/grumbler)
15:01.10*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
15:29.11*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
15:29.23menotumeFinally, a useful device for USB
15:30.06menotumelol, remote operation
15:32.19menotumewonder what the range is on those missles
15:33.09TuponeI think they are ballistic missile
15:35.06*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
15:35.07CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Sending broadcast is achieved looping on all network connections
15:35.10*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
15:36.06gsneddersi'm getting so bored on viper's... having to tell people what CTF is... a couple of months ago there simply weren't any newbies on viper's...
15:46.14menotumeya - /sendhelp ctf
15:50.54menotumeSimply call out for delivery (helpfile NeedFoodForLunch sent by menotume)
15:52.42Grumblerooo, now there is an idea..... #papajohns  ....send your order in via irc
15:53.44Thumper_yeah but is it a good idea? (bogus orders would be a problem)
15:56.31Thumper_sounds a bit like coding and totally ignoring errors and exceptions... ;)
15:56.33ToughShooterThumper_: Why don't you give verified group requireIdentify permission at norang servers?
15:56.57Thumper_ToughShooter: not sure... sometimes verification fails
15:57.33Thumper_ToughShooter: probably just because I haven't thought about that yet... :D
15:57.37ToughShooterThat usually happens to me when I did a typo in my password ;)
15:57.57Thumper_if the listserver is slow it can fail
15:58.00Thumper_that's happened to me a few times
15:58.05Thumper_even with the right password
15:58.09Thumper_reconnecting normally fixes it
15:59.48ToughShootersometimes I see I get no + instantly but waiting a few seconds changes the - to +
16:00.27Thumper_ToughShooter: done.
16:01.06ToughShootertnx :)
16:01.33gsneddersmaybe i should do some homework...
16:01.40gsneddersnah. can't be bothered.
16:11.17*** join/#bzflag teh_conquerer (
16:17.04*** join/#bzflag LukeK (
16:31.20*** join/#bzflag st4lker (
17:04.19*** join/#bzflag catay (
17:11.27*** join/#bzflag SC (
17:35.45*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
17:35.45*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
17:41.02*** part/#bzflag LukeK (
18:07.58*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
18:07.59*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
18:19.04*** join/#bzflag arseian (
18:20.10arseianhello, does anyone know of a 'whos playing online'kinda webpage?
18:21.10arseiancould do with tracking my son : /
18:22.27arseianty orange
18:23.16arseianahh thats the one i wanted ...great cheers....tata
18:34.13Grumblerhmm, somehow i feel good about giving that info out, and i joined the dark side.....big brother is watching
18:34.34JeffM2501allways watching
18:34.53orangeGrumbler: got kids?
18:35.15Grumblernot that i know of
18:35.29orangehehe, if you did, you wouldn't even hesitate about something like that
18:35.44ToughShooterWatch this then instead:
18:46.28*** join/#bzflag n3ur0t1c` (
18:50.50*** join/#bzflag minimusX (
18:54.39*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
19:05.31*** join/#bzflag BusyBeaver (
19:06.01*** join/#bzflag Ice_Wewe (
19:06.35BusyBeaveri need to unwrap uv coords, for my models, which is a horrible task, but i try it now with 3dsmax 8
19:06.46BusyBeaverany other cool tools to do it?
19:10.36trepan , blender and wings3d are a couple of other free progs. that uvmap
19:11.01BusyBeaveroh thx
19:16.03*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
19:16.04*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:32.02*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
19:34.45JeffM2501every face I see is cold as ice.. everything I touch is pain.. ever since I lost imagination.  Like a stream that flows into the sea... I am lost for all eternity.. ever since you took your love away from me...
19:35.05JeffM2501some times the sound of goodbye is louder then any drum beat
19:44.26GrumblerJeffM2501: you getting depressed again.....we going have to ship you a couple "attitude" adjusters
19:44.59JeffM2501do they have red hair?
19:45.29JeffM2501then no, I am not depressed
19:45.33Grumblerwell, at least not that one can see in normal wear
19:45.43*** join/#bzflag silverfx (n=vircuser@
19:46.59JeffM2501if I go crazy will you still call me superman?
19:47.15trepannever did, never will
19:47.23JeffM2501fair nuf :)
19:48.41Grumbleri'm not gonna give up, i'm not stop, i'm gonna work harder
19:50.49JeffM2501well you don't know what we can find.. why don't you come with me little girl on a magic carpet ride....
19:52.26Grumblerdoors to nowhere
19:53.18Aribeththere are many doors. which one is the right one is the mystry
19:54.55*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
19:55.09Tuponehi Aribeth
19:55.17Aribethhi Tupone
19:55.26Aribethhow goes the quest?
19:55.45Tuponehehe, bad. ANy time I go in the wilderness, I am attacked by someone
19:56.05Tuponeso ... trying to get more strength
19:56.09Aribethahh.  I havn't been there yet
19:56.14Aribethme too
19:56.22Aribethim up to level 54
19:56.24Tuponeyou mine mine mine
19:56.40Aribethi mine lots of essence
19:57.02Aribethi sold 4k for 130k
19:57.36Tuponeeek, you get 4000 ess !!
19:58.15Aribethi burn up the money on runes :P
19:58.17TuponeI think in 2 you can do better. One mine and one transport to bank
19:58.48BusyBeaveri tell you uare all lame :), trust me mototfukerz
19:58.50Aribethmy mining level is 50
19:59.00JeffM2501BusyBeaver, please watch your lanuage
19:59.01Tuponemine is 59
19:59.48BusyBeaverhaha, i go to that one next thirtday:
19:59.58BusyBeaverjust a quick job
20:00.22Aribethsoon i will start mining gold
20:00.29BusyBeaverwhy that?
20:00.55JeffM2501BusyBeaver, please don't post inapropreate links
20:01.07BusyBeaverok i am SORRY
20:01.25BusyBeaverjust a wrong paste
20:01.36AribethTupone, what is your strength?
20:01.47JeffM2501BusyBeaver, sure it was
20:01.47Tuponetotal? 61
20:02.12Aribethnice, mine is 45
20:02.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by JeffM2501
20:02.51Aribethheh, a level 9 guy challenged me the other day
20:03.11BusyBeaverhm i wonder how many variables are necessary to describe a 3d model of a woman, if had that i could tweak the veariable values to create another model
20:03.19Aribethwhen he realized i was leading him to the wild he ran
20:03.30BusyBeaverthough it must have been enough variables to make it look high quality
20:03.34BusyBeaveror realistic
20:03.52Aribethi think he didnt see my level
20:03.57BusyBeaverthat i could make some playboy pics and get richt :)
20:04.13AribethBusyBeaver, can it
20:05.18Aribethi also do rune crafting :)
20:05.38BusyBeaverhow stupid/poor must someone be to play/deal with bzflag in his sparse time, i mean that game is pretty nice but you cannot earn a buck with it
20:06.16BusyBeaverits just a damn war game
20:06.29Aribethand your point is?
20:06.33Tuponeand why you loose time on it, or lost ?
20:06.36orangeyes, much more interesting to come troll a channel, that's a great way to make money too
20:06.43BusyBeaverthe point is that there is no point at all :)
20:06.46Tuponeor making cheat
20:07.39Aribethwell, i for one dont like trolls, so i just get out my axe and have at :)
20:08.20BusyBeaverits nice to be troll, because girls liek trolls, and game companies do too
20:08.31_Manu_BusyBeaver, hola!
20:09.23Aribethas far as im conserned trolls serve no usefull pourpous
20:10.00BusyBeaveryeah thats right, but hm i dont thing that someone servers any purpose anyway
20:10.00Aribeththey are fat, ugly, and talk too much!
20:10.16BusyBeaveronly one is true for me
20:10.33Aribethnay all are true :P
20:10.53BusyBeaverfuck u :)
20:11.11TuponeBusyBeaver: language
20:11.18BusyBeaverwhats that
20:11.21Aribethso with that, the worrds of the troll are unimportant and are therefor not heard
20:12.28BusyBeavermerry xmas
20:12.29BusyBeaveru are such disabled beach bastard that stick its little fuckshit
20:12.39Aribethboot time
20:12.41*** kick/#bzflag [BusyBeaver!n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone] by Tupone (bye)
20:12.57Aribeththank you
20:13.04orangeI'd have done it ten minutes ago
20:13.09orangehe obviously had nothing to contribute
20:13.12orange_Manu_: you know him?
20:13.18TuponePerfect Cell
20:13.19_Manu_not exactly
20:13.40orangewell, if you see him, ask him not to be an idiot
20:13.56_Manu_he is only a poor guy
20:13.57Grumblerhe was around awhile before he went off....odd
20:18.42Aribethmy conversation with Tupone seemed to have set him off
20:21.16trepanand to think that i helped that idiot...
20:24.23Aribethi wonder if he's bipolar :P
20:27.21Ice_Weweyour nutty server keeps going NR, and I'm mad about it cause I Seg Faulted, and I was WINNING!!!!
20:27.46Ice_Wewewhy does it do that?
20:27.54Ice_Wewedo you take pleasure in pulling out the ethernet cable?
20:28.16Aribethhe only does it for you :P
20:28.27Ice_WeweAribeth: I know, and it ONLY does it on one port!!!!!!!!
20:28.57Ice_Wewetrepan: do you enjoy the thought of the rage that would be showing on the player's faces at that precise moment? (only joking)
20:29.13Ice_Weweits sooooo annoying, what causes it?
20:29.22Aribethwell, being all charged up aver it wont help fix it
20:29.32Ice_WeweAribeth: I know, but it helps me
20:29.42Aribethnot really
20:29.59Ice_WeweAribeth: did you know, that parents buy themselves gifts, then wrap them, and give them to themselves?
20:30.07Ice_WeweAribeth: that is So what I'm gonna do!
20:30.33Aribethmore power to ya
20:30.33Ice_Wewe"Oh look! An AMD64 3800+, _just_ what I wanted!"
20:31.21Aribethi just really dont care much either way
20:31.31Ice_Wewearggg.... I'm gonna go vent my anger on some other room
20:32.01Aribethno way
20:32.44Aribethgo yell in the closet. it helps :P
20:32.50Ice_WeweChanserv got sad, and left crying
20:33.01orangego chop wood, it's the ultimate stress reliever
20:33.08Ice_Weweorange: seriously?
20:33.33Aribethor go kill hill giants in runescape. it helps too
20:33.39Ice_Weweyessssssssssss (hehehe, the forest will _never_be the same)
20:33.43orangeyou get to beat the crap out of something and you're allowed to
20:33.45Ice_WeweAribeth: or, I could kill noobs
20:33.51orangeencouraged to, actually
20:33.58Ice_Weweorange: cool
20:34.26Aribethand im no noob at it :P
20:35.35Ice_Weweok, I'm back
20:36.11Aribethno wood to chop :P
20:36.27Ice_Wewewhat wood? I went to the fridge...
20:36.52Aribethoh, then no meat to chop :P
20:37.00wizatcomis SF CVS having issues again?
20:37.02Ice_Wewewe've got tonnes of wood, I'm just to lazy to chop it ;)
20:37.10Ice_Wewewizatcom: yea
20:37.19Ice_WeweAribeth: yep, I live with a Veggie
20:37.28Ice_WeweAribeth: (I'm _not_ the Veggie)
20:37.41Aribethdint think you were
20:38.22Ice_Wewedang it
20:38.28Ice_WeweCVS is broken still?!
20:38.43wizatcomit seems like CVS is down more than it's up
20:38.48Ice_Wewedang, that's going on a week now
20:38.52*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
20:38.55Ice_Weweor at least a couple days
20:38.58wizatcomit was working a few days ago
20:39.03CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (bzfs.cxx bzfs.h bzfsAPI.cxx): Reworking SendTeamUpdate
20:39.04wizatcombut it wasn't working last week
20:39.12Aribethhello SportChick
20:39.27Ice_WeweTupone, stop, this is torture... updating the source, and yet we can't "Check-out"
20:39.28wizatcomi wonder what "partial outage" means
20:39.33SportChickAribeth: hiya
20:39.45wizatcomIce_Wewe:  there's always the web version if you're that desperate :)
20:39.51Aribethhow are things sporty?
20:39.55Ice_Wewewizatcom: bah.... no time
20:40.02Ice_WeweLogging in to
20:40.03Ice_WeweCVS password:
20:40.03Ice_Wewecvs [login aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
20:40.34ToughShooterPimpi: ping
20:40.59TuponeIce_Wewe: you are getting CVS from another repository, so don't get mad about me
20:41.00Ice_Wewewizatcom: gimmie that
20:41.12Ice_WeweTupone: bah
20:41.26Ice_Wewewizatcom: what? you got a developer's login?
20:41.40wizatcomjust saing you'll have to wait
20:41.40Aribeth~lart Ice_Wewe for being a hot head
20:41.41wizatcomme too
20:41.46wizatcombut you seem to be in such a hurry
20:41.51Ice_Wewe~bzfrag Aribeth for being mean
20:41.53ibotACTION destroys Aribeth for being mean with a guided missle
20:42.07ToughShooterShe's not mean
20:42.19Ice_Wewewhat is this, the 90's?!
20:43.58Aribethwho, me mean? never :P
20:44.34Aribethi only call em as i see em
20:44.53Aribethits the 60's man
20:45.08Aribethfar out!
20:48.37Ice_Weweholy cow! the Xbox360's FSB is running at 5.4Ghz!!!!!
20:50.16Ice_Wewewow, that's like the speed of every one of the computers in this room combined
20:50.34Ice_Wewemakes my 800Mhz FSB look like waste
20:50.48Ice_Wewe(glad I'm jumping to an AMD64 with a 2Ghz FSB, w00t!)
20:52.03Ice_Wewequestion. what software do you have to run to get this BIOS "Boot off of network" to function?
20:53.54TuponeIce_Wewe: I think you have to put some eprom on the ethernet card
20:54.13Ice_WeweTupone: eprom? what if it's intigrated?
20:54.43Ice_Weweboth my current mobo, and new AMD64 mobo have intigrated ethernet
20:54.45Aribethyou need a nic card with an eprom for remote boot
20:54.52Tupone~spell intigrated
20:55.19Ice_Weweso, if the BIOS has that function, wouldn't they make the card have it too?
20:55.33Ice_Wewethe card chip*
20:55.35purple_cowa lot of ethernet cards nowadays can do PXE booting
20:55.52purple_cowwhich doesn't require an EPROM but does require a custom dhcp server
20:56.15Ice_Wewepurple_cow: oh boy, if I remember correctly, our DHCP server was last updated in 1999
20:56.30Ice_Wewepurple_cow: so, I have an AMD64 with my old 32bit system on it
20:56.45Tuponepurple_cow: can you give-me some url or i just google ?
20:56.48Ice_Wewepurple_cow: I now have a P4 mobo, memory, and PSU, but no HDD, can I boot it off the net?
20:56.56purple_cowTupone: google ;)
20:57.02Ice_Wewepurple_cow: net = LAN
20:57.18purple_cowIce_Wewe: sure
20:57.27purple_cowwell, *probably*
20:57.33AribethIce_Wewe, really?
20:57.47Ice_WeweAribeth: does that surprise you?
20:58.07Aribethheh, i was being sarcastic :P
20:58.14Ice_WeweAribeth: I have a 512 module, and a 1GB module. The 1GB goes to the AMD64, and the 512 stays in the P4
20:58.35Ice_Weweand I'm using an aftermarket heat sync, but I kept all the parts I'd need to reuse the stock one
20:58.46Ice_WeweAribeth: yep, I'm set to have both running ;)
20:59.38Ice_WeweAribeth: I already have the most CPU power in the house, in my room, and I'll also have the first 64bit machine in the house
21:00.06*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
21:00.11Ice_Weweall-in-all, I have around 5.6Ghz in here
21:00.24Ice_Wewe(that's a P4, P3, MIPS4000, and a G4)
21:00.38Aribethbeen there, done that
21:01.22ToughShooterThe question is where you're getting the clock speed exactly and how many "losses" you have in pipelines
21:01.52Ice_WeweToughShooter: I have 1100Mhz of Bus speed in this room
21:02.01Ice_WeweToughShooter: perhaps more, I'm not quite sure on the PSP ;)
21:02.13Aribethnot really cause it does not combine
21:02.19ToughShooteralso superscalar processors do educated guesses, that means they can guess wrong, too
21:02.29Ice_WeweToughShooter: that's why the AMD64 is so attractive, it's 3.5 times the bus speed of my P4
21:02.44Ice_WeweAribeth: I know, but if they did
21:02.58Aribeththen it can make 3.5 times more errors :P
21:03.09Ice_WeweAribeth: but it wont ;)
21:03.14Ice_WeweAribeth: oh wait, I get it
21:03.29Ice_WeweAribeth: it can make 3.5 times as much errors, and I still wont notice the difference
21:04.29Aribeththen its a dumb processor
21:04.52Ice_WeweAribeth: yes, but if AMD64's made that many errors, they wouldn't sell as well as they do...
21:05.17Aribethim just teasing you :P
21:06.16Ice_WeweAribeth: that's not nice :P
21:06.33Aribethits only meant in fun
21:06.38ToughShooterStill, I wonder why no VLIW processors (like modern ones who ft the EPIC-concept) aren't competitive
21:06.41Ice_WeweAribeth: meh
21:06.48AribethAMD makes some good stuff
21:07.06Ice_Wewepurple_cow: I wish I had my AMD64 right now so I could try out that network boot thing
21:07.28Ice_WeweAribeth: and yet you wonder why I'm dumping intel for AMD....
21:07.30ToughShooterbah, my grammar gets worse and worse every day :/
21:08.08Ice_WeweToughShooter: it's ok, my manners get worse and worse every day :\
21:08.17Ice_WeweAribeth: what _do_ you have?
21:08.20Aribethim just indiferent to computers right now. burned out on the IT thing
21:08.36ToughShooterAribeth: Yeah, that's a good idea :)
21:08.46retrotoughshooter, VLIW is not competitive because no one is willing to spend the money to properly build the chips, _AND_ also make incredible compilers for them.
21:09.08retroThere is just a phenominal amount of money thrown at x86 chip development.
21:09.27Aribethyou do 6 years of IT listening to snivileing users, and taking the heat for everything that goes wrong
21:09.32retroAmazing how fast they can make the arch when they throw money and transistors at the problem.
21:09.39Aribeththen you'll understand how i feel
21:09.42Ice_Weweretro: I have a question. (not surprising) If AMD is x86 compatable, then what is it normally?
21:09.51retroIt's x86.
21:09.59retroJust a different micro-arch inside
21:10.01ToughShooterSeems so, that's why they're still halfway competitive at server market with ppc
21:10.04Ice_Weweretro: then why is it only 'compatible'?
21:10.12*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
21:10.15retroBecause Intel controls the spec. ;)
21:10.33Ice_Weweretro: ok.... so, if do you get more work out of them if you run them in whatever they actually are?
21:10.34retroI prefer AMD chips to Intel myself.
21:10.40ToughShooterbut they have to be forced to use AMD's 64 bit extensions
21:10.56Ice_WeweToughShooter: dua, it's intel, typical idiots
21:11.04JeffM2501you mean just like AMD was forced to use the x386 archetecture :)
21:11.07retroAn AMD64 FX processor will outperform an Intel processor even in 32 bit mode.
21:11.10Ice_WeweToughShooter: they're the people who made their 64bit CPUs non-32bit compat
21:11.13ToughShooterIntel looks to me everything but inovative in CPU area
21:11.25JeffM2501intel has one good CPU
21:11.29JeffM2501the pentium M
21:11.41Ice_WeweJeffM2501: no question, that thing supports PCI-E!
21:11.45ToughShooterThey have not developed the Pentium M, AFAIK
21:11.54retroThe memory bus bandwidth of the AMD64 FX processors is staggering
21:11.56JeffM2501they are developing it
21:12.07Ice_Weweretro: as opposed to the regular ones?
21:12.09JeffM2501when they have it in desktop configs it will be interesting
21:12.12Ice_Weweretro: what is it around?
21:12.12ToughShooteryes, now
21:12.22JeffM2501the FXs are very fast chips
21:12.28JeffM2501but very expensive
21:12.35*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/wizard/pdpc.sustaining.BearPerson)
21:12.36Ice_WeweJeffM2501: they're also two arms and a leg
21:12.38retroIce_Wewe, the memory bandwidth really shot up with the FX line of chips.  Check out the PC tech review websites for details.
21:12.42JeffM2501if you want the fastest single core system around you get an FX
21:12.58retroYou get what you pay for. :)
21:13.00JeffM2501they are multiplyer unlocked too so you can twiddle with em
21:13.06Ice_Weweretro: so it seems
21:13.13JeffM2501overclocking dosn't void there waranty ether
21:13.19Ice_WeweJeffM2501: I thought that the normal ones were too...
21:13.23retroWhen I was younger, I though overclocking was cool.  Now, I just crave stability.
21:13.26ToughShooterMaybe a PPC with very good cooling can beat it but that's all I could think of
21:13.45Ice_WeweJeffM2501: dang
21:13.49JeffM2501the PPCS are starting to stall out
21:13.56JeffM2501and are taking huge amounts of power
21:14.06retroThe answer is to revive the transputer. :)
21:14.23ToughShooterIt's IBM, they want no mobile processors
21:14.32JeffM2501tho most PPCs are draged down by the microkernel they run
21:14.38ToughShooterand thus not developing them
21:14.45retroWell, if they run Linux, they're not running a microkernel.
21:14.57JeffM2501they run better on linux for somet hings
21:15.08ToughShooterJeffM2501: Heh, OS X is slow, I know
21:15.11retroSeveral of my coworkers bought ibooks and put Linux on them.
21:15.24JeffM2501ToughShooter, it's the kernel, it dosn't do multi process well
21:15.26retroHe even has power management working well on it.
21:15.38JeffM2501but there ain't no photoshop on linux
21:15.52JeffM2501gimp is not photoshop
21:15.59JeffM2501not for a number of years
21:16.01ToughShooterJeffM2501: what I've heared from the intel macs is that they run even worse (but that can have many reasons, too)
21:16.01retrotrue, but the price is right. :)
21:16.23JeffM2501retro, not when it dosn't do waht you need to do
21:16.29JeffM2501free crap is still crap
21:16.33JeffM2501it does you no good
21:16.34retrodetails details. :)
21:16.43ToughShooterYou pay the price via looking at the UI
21:16.46JeffM2501computers are meant to be used
21:16.54JeffM2501not talked about :)
21:17.00retroIs there a windows emulation package for PPC linux?
21:17.05retroI'm guessing no.
21:17.14JeffM2501ToughShooter, intel often does a worse job at threading then others :)
21:17.27JeffM2501there is wine
21:17.29JeffM2501and winelib
21:17.46retroI doubt that will run photoshop.
21:17.55JeffM2501wine is prety cool
21:17.59retroSo, wine doesn't rely upon the x86 underneath to execute code?
21:18.00JeffM2501for what it does
21:18.16JeffM2501you could rebuild an app with winelib and it would run native
21:18.30ToughShooterOne would think a CPU with doubled clock speed should run twice as fast but at Intel this is not necessary true, only seen this from IBM and Motorola
21:18.37retroGood luck rebuilding photoshop Jeff. :)
21:18.50JeffM2501ToughShooter, core speed dosn't mean anything, it's the bus
21:18.53JeffM2501retro, I don't have to
21:18.54retroTS, it all comes down to work per cycle.
21:19.00JeffM2501I use them in there native OSs
21:19.08JeffM2501retro, it's also bus speed
21:19.14JeffM2501that's a big factor
21:19.52retroIntel actually shortened the pipeline in the new Pentium M, and did more work per cycle, and dropped the clock speed, and they are decent performers
21:20.15ToughShooterThey hate the losses nowadays, too :)
21:20.20retroMaking the pipeline too long really makes branches painful.
21:20.48ToughShooterhehe, invalidating the whole pipeline ;)
21:20.54retroWell, Intel is getting what they're due.  They have been laying off folks left and right over the last few years to keep costs down, but that meant work wasn't getting done either.
21:21.09retroafter a few years, that starts to show in the company's product offerings
21:22.17Ice_WeweAs mentioned before, these are the Venice with 512 kB L2 cache and San Diego with 1 MB. (sweet)
21:23.06Ice_Wewethat means that if the place I'm looking at getting this from has a Venice, I'll be able to OC it even more
21:25.36BZBotNew news from matches: Dec 12 20:57 => Bz Incorporated:9, The Barbarians:0
21:29.34trepanJeffM2501: it depends on what you're doing with the machine (core vs. bus speed)
21:30.18JeffM2501most operations use ram and other thigns then just the CPU tho :)
21:30.45trepancache also factors in heavily
21:31.00trepan(again, depending on the task)
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21:48.01*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
21:48.40brad2901bzbb admins: spam in registration issues again
21:48.52JeffM2501ohh noes!!!!!!
21:49.27JeffM2501there ya go
21:49.55JeffM2501that spam will never disrupt your forum trolling again
21:50.08brad2901great, you made my day
21:50.22JeffM2501I made the day?
21:50.52brad2901you know what I mean ;)
21:50.59JeffM2501if I can make time
21:51.03JeffM2501that makes me godlike
21:51.14JeffM2501wonder what else I can create
21:51.33Aribethlet there be light
21:51.40JeffM2501it is now 3
21:52.01AribethjeffM2501 goes flying into space
21:52.37*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[RU] (n=den@
21:53.10Aribethall the munchkins float away and become some other universes problem
21:53.48JeffM25011) why do you asume that changing the constant would remove gravatitic acceleration?
21:54.03JeffM25012) woudl the same thing that happens to you, not happen to all other mass as well
21:54.08Aribethjust speculating :P
21:54.09JeffM2501aka, the room, ground, etc...
21:54.28JeffM2501human meat is not special in the space time continum
21:55.39Aribethor we all could sink to the center of the planet
21:55.46BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 21:31 => [ForestForce]:7, Enough Is Enough!:3
21:55.49BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: need that bad rocky wall texture || split world out to it's own file. give the world some boxes.
21:56.08JeffM2501or it could just stay the same, forces canceling each other out :)
21:56.38Aribethor everying could just go poof
21:56.59JeffM2501boxes look funny in top view :)
21:57.34JeffM2501and F2 modes makes me sick :(
21:57.56JeffM2501what is essence?
21:58.06JeffM2501tradeskill component?
21:58.17Aribethrune essence for spell casting
21:58.40JeffM2501spell components, how quaint :)
21:58.42Aribethrune essence has to be converted into different runes
21:58.59JeffM2501it a decently complex magic system?
21:59.14Aribethearth, air, rire, water, chaos, death are some runes
21:59.52Aribethi mine essence to sell, and for rune crafting
22:00.05JeffM2501they have an acution system?
22:00.18JeffM2501or you just vendor sell?
22:00.47Aribethrunescape has a full economy. i biought a attamant axe for 7K and sold it for 10K
22:01.00Aribethvendor, auction
22:01.01JeffM2501that I gathered
22:01.20JeffM2501eq2 has a nice thing, you can get a merchant board and sell stuff outa your house
22:01.23JeffM2501even when loged off
22:01.44JeffM2501people can hit a broker who will list what you have to sell
22:02.00Aribethrunescape has a wild part where players can kill players
22:02.07JeffM2501and there is even a "fence" that will sell from the oposing factioins players :)
22:02.11JeffM2501yeah PvP
22:02.59JeffM2501most games have some pvp component now
22:03.11Aribethi just got full attamant aurmor and someone wanted to buy it for 100K
22:03.24JeffM2501buy low, sell high
22:03.31JeffM2501friend of mine does that every day in wow
22:03.34Aribethbut i need it
22:03.37JeffM2501has tons of gold
22:03.49JeffM2501free horses for everyone :)
22:04.16JeffM2501or robo-chickens for the gnomies
22:04.17Aribethim working on leveling up, so i need my aurmor
22:04.42JeffM2501ahh the grind :)
22:04.52Aribethyep. im at level 54
22:04.58JeffM2501how many levels?
22:05.11Aribethduno. saw one at 159
22:05.19JeffM2501ahh goes prety high then
22:05.28JeffM2501most comercial games don't go that high
22:05.42JeffM2501the highest I've seen is StarWars Galaxys at 90
22:06.01JeffM2501eq goes to 60 IIRC
22:06.03Aribethrunescape seems to not follow the traditional D&D rules that closely
22:06.14JeffM2501then it would stop at 20
22:06.29JeffM2501it class or skill based?
22:06.41Aribethskill based
22:06.51JeffM2501then it ain't d&d
22:07.03JeffM2501skill based games become less fun at higher levels
22:07.06Aribethyou can specilaze, but there aren't different races
22:07.12JeffM2501as everyone is just uber at all things
22:07.25JeffM2501no class dependence
22:08.32JeffM2501I'd love to see one that does proper D20 multi classing
22:09.16JeffM2501maybe DDO will do it
22:09.28Aribethi would hope
22:09.43JeffM2501they have changed the rules somewhat to make it work realtime
22:09.44Aribethrunescape has some drawbacks, but its free
22:10.00JeffM2501I'd love to make my own mmorpg
22:10.10JeffM2501I think there are a couple ways to do it and make it free
22:10.14JeffM2501biz wise
22:10.26JeffM2501well at least free to try out parts of it
22:10.48JeffM2501having more content for paying players isn't bad as long as it's reasonable
22:10.53JeffM2501then they get to chose
22:10.54Aribethim prolly gona become a member at some point
22:11.23JeffM2501I think it'd be cool to let other people sign up, desing world areas, and run servers for those areas
22:11.31JeffM2501and they would all conect together
22:11.46JeffM2501they'd just have to agree to your common ruleset and management system
22:11.55Aribethjagex runs it all
22:11.57JeffM2501like not making tons of free money
22:12.28JeffM2501then you could get the creative effort of a huge number of people
22:12.46Aribethyou have to mine, etc to earn money in runescape
22:12.57JeffM2501no monster loot?
22:13.13Aribethyes there is monster loot
22:13.29JeffM2501can't that be sold for cash?
22:13.40Aribethbut the way to make big money is mining, and but low, sell high
22:14.01Aribethi just sold 1500 essences for 45K
22:14.02JeffM2501you should see the tradeskill system in eq2
22:14.07JeffM2501it's a game in itslef
22:14.17JeffM2501you have to activly do stuff while you are making something
22:14.23JeffM2501or it will be of lesser quality
22:14.32JeffM2501and there can be "misshaps"
22:14.38JeffM2501that can even cause damage
22:14.42JeffM2501a forge can kill you
22:14.49Aribethrunescape dosnt have that
22:15.06Birdiearibeth: your runescape addicted!
22:15.17Aribethwell, it does, but very limited
22:15.21JeffM2501it's funy to see a healer in a tradeskill instance keeping somone alive long enough to make something:)
22:16.38Aribethwhat does a eq2 subscription cost?
22:16.58Aribethfor how long
22:17.10JeffM2501it's cheaper if you get more months at a time
22:17.20Aribethnot too bad
22:17.30Aribethrunescape is 5.00 per month
22:17.30JeffM2501the general price is 10-15
22:17.40JeffM2501that's what they found most people will pay
22:18.16JeffM2501in old eq, some people would pay 25$ a month for the legends server
22:18.19JeffM2501but those are freaks
22:18.47JeffM2501that server had a lot more activity too
22:19.04JeffM2501basicly there was a 24/7 admin staff that would run events on the server
22:19.11JeffM2501making it much more dynamic
22:19.19Aribeththats what jagex has
22:19.38JeffM2501does the world ever change?
22:20.09Aribeththey just added a new city, and some stuff was added today
22:20.47TuponeAribeth: you are a member now ?
22:20.55Aribethnot yet
22:21.05Aribethim thinking hard on it
22:21.15Aribethit would open up many things
22:21.59TuponeI will not
22:22.29*** join/#bzflag reihou (
22:22.51Tuponehehe, I'm getting bored rapidly, so I stop for some months and then back
22:23.06Aribethahh good reason
22:23.33*** join/#bzflag Chesta| (
22:23.46Chesta|hmm, did bzfs 2.0.4 have a bug with respect to flag reset after capture in CTF?
22:25.10AribethTupone, what quest are you working on?
22:25.50BZBotNew news from gumatches: Dec 12 22:18 => Charm:10, Kick Ass Squad [KAS]:1
22:27.34Tuponedragon slayer
22:27.50Aribethi hear thats hard
22:27.52JeffM2501what did the dragon ever do to you?
22:28.43Birdieit might sound annoying to hear the question..but its possible to the line of your emailstring moving when you typ some words in it and its longer than the line gives you?
22:28.45Aribethit singed my hair :P
22:28.47TuponeJeffM2501: Never seen one
22:28.59Birdieif you know what i mean:(
22:29.03JeffM2501then why do you want slay it?
22:29.06Aribeththere is one in the wizards tower
22:29.11Birdiecause now its mostly guessing if the line is done:)
22:29.33Birdiesame for talking in the game, (although its not a chat game, but of observer or pm talk)
22:29.51JeffM2501yeah text entry should stay right justified
22:29.53JeffM2501not left
22:45.00*** join/#bzflag triclops (
22:47.04A_Meteoritehi everyone
22:59.54*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
23:00.32RPG_~seen blast007
23:00.35ibotblast007 is currently on #bzflag (1d 3h 36m 15s).  Has said a total of 8 messages.  Is idling for 19h 3m 30s
23:11.20CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ instead of not even trying autoreconf on a configuration where it's well known to not work (e.g. mac os x), give it a try anyways but with a little more explanation. perhaps raise awareness of broken configurations.
23:11.40*** part/#bzflag Chesta| (
23:13.18CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/plugins/RogueGenocide/ missing @ char
23:13.31*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
23:14.57brad2901killer_1 is registered as your dead now.. still the same old password ask nonsense
23:15.41brad2901could someone "remove" him? :p
23:16.03brad2901he is asking people to go to some server saying he will tell them the password.. and then banning them
23:16.14JeffM2501how do you know it's him?
23:16.59brad2901because he told me?
23:17.20JeffM2501I dono, you tell me
23:17.28JeffM2501I can remove the global account
23:17.34JeffM2501but I must be sure it is him
23:17.38brlcadso he's suckering people to join a server where he can ban people
23:17.51JeffM2501sounds like people are stupid
23:17.54brlcadthey're obviously falling for it
23:17.57brad2901*** 'YOUR DEAD' joined the game as Green Team from
23:17.58JeffM2501and who cares if he bans them on his server
23:18.01JeffM2501they won't go there
23:18.08JeffM2501after that
23:18.11JeffM2501whopty do
23:18.12brad2901it's the server
23:18.18JeffM2501who runs that?
23:18.38brad2901dunno :)
23:18.45JeffM2501then it's more of there problem
23:18.52JeffM2501to be better with there password
23:18.57JeffM2501or to use global perms and groups
23:22.54*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
23:22.54*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
23:26.10BZBotNew news from matches: Dec 12 23:08 => [TE] The Explorers:8, Bz Incorporated:2
23:32.51*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
23:32.53*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
23:39.40*** join/#bzflag triclops_ (
23:47.40*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
23:48.33JeffM2501how does this look?
23:56.16BZBotNew news from opencombatproject: add walls, a fake test map, outer dirt, and other stuff to make the world look... || more textures for the world, because 1 texture is booring.
23:57.08TuponeBZBot is becoming annoying

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.