irclog2html for #bzflag on 20051104

00:20.13*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
00:26.21*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
00:29.25*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
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00:34.32TD-Linuxdie, TD-Linux_
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00:59.11JeffM2501ahhh Mr. Oakenfold sure can turn a nice tune
01:01.00*** join/#bzflag Inferno285 (n=beaulieu@
01:01.49JeffM2501Tell me, tell me.. is life just a playground?
01:02.06Inferno285can someone scroll up and tell me what brlcad told me to do after "batxh"
01:02.15JeffM2501think you'r the real deal honney, and somone will allways look after you?
01:02.33Inferno285are you talking to me?
01:02.45JeffM2501wake up baby, your's so totaly diluted, you'll end up alone and lonely, if you don't get a bullet in your head
01:03.03JeffM2501good luck... good luck in your new bed.
01:03.17JeffM2501enjoy your nightmares, when you a restin your head.
01:04.15ibothmm... logs is,  or stats
01:04.56Inferno285Jeff, what the hell are you talking about?
01:05.32blast007Inferno285: the logs won't show up until a day later, and Jeff is probably reciting the lyrics from a song or something  ;)
01:06.31blast007and in my logs, I don't see "batch"
01:06.37blast007except for where you said it
01:06.49Inferno285hm, ok
01:06.52blast007have something else that was nearby?
01:06.56devsterInferno285: he said 'bash' then 'gmake 2>&1 | tee build.log'
01:07.17blast007ah, thx devster   :)
01:07.29Inferno285thanks alot devstart :)
01:07.51Inferno285my head is really fried today..not enough sleep
01:07.52JeffM2501Inferno285, you should get your client to log
01:08.03JeffM2501it's all them nightmares in your beed
01:10.10JeffM2501gaim should log for you
01:10.30Inferno285yeh, I looked into. Is now logging :)
01:12.13JeffM2501I scrolled all the way up and didn't see "batch"
01:12.47blast007it was bash
01:12.56blast007devster found it
01:12.59JeffM2501first thing i see is
01:13.14JeffM2501<Inferno285> I didn't know I could do that with a goat.
01:14.16Thumper_JeffM2501: are plugins loadable and unloadable at runtime?
01:14.54Thumper_that command is missing from /?
01:14.58Thumper_that's why I can't find it
01:15.05JeffM2501then your client does not have plugin support
01:15.09Thumper_yes it does
01:15.11Thumper_I'm using it
01:15.18JeffM2501it's a cutom command
01:15.25JeffM2501so it dosn't list like the others
01:15.36JeffM2501the / needs to know to list thru the custom commands too
01:15.47JeffM2501basicly the API itself loads the command the same way a plugin would
01:16.36JeffM2501should be
01:16.41Thumper_ok thx
01:16.42JeffM2501check bzPlugins.cxx
01:16.46JeffM2501it has them all
01:16.55Thumper_I thought there was a way (from the API description) just couldn't figure it out
01:17.24Thumper_now we return to our regular programming....
01:18.20JeffM2501And they say that a hero can save us.. I'm not going to stand here and wait
01:18.30JeffM2501I hold on to the wings of the eagles, watching as love flys away
01:18.43Inferno285is that a song?
01:19.00JeffM2501what does your heart tell you?
01:19.22Inferno285I donno, what about you ;)
01:19.32JeffM2501I do know
01:20.33JeffM2501Mary belongs to the words of a song
01:20.41JeffM2501I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her
01:20.48JeffM2501but she will not wait for me anymore
01:21.05JeffM2501why did I say all those things before?
01:21.07JeffM2501I was sure
01:21.10JeffM2501she is the one
01:21.22JeffM2501but I have a puropuse
01:21.29JeffM2501the villian I can't knock down
01:21.31trepanno, spam
01:21.40JeffM2501as you wish my leige
01:22.01JeffM2501tis late in the day
01:22.06Inferno285trepan, why aren't you an admin?
01:22.08JeffM2501mental degousing
01:22.15JeffM2501he's to smart to be an admin
01:22.54trepanbecause i'm surly
01:23.03JeffM2501he's a manly man
01:23.21Inferno285ibot doesn't respond when I IM him?
01:23.56JeffM2501ibot is on instant messanger?
01:24.18Ice_Wewecalm down
01:24.31JeffM2501look who's talking
01:24.40Ice_WeweI don't do those things
01:24.50Ice_WeweI consider myself to be mildy annoying
01:25.02Ice_Wewewhat? *looks at other players*
01:25.09Ice_Weweoh... majorly?
01:25.32JeffM2501I consider you to be a theif and an asshat
01:25.33Inferno285...spelling correction
01:26.16teh_conquererim an asshat
01:26.33JeffM2501not you
01:26.38teh_conquererjeff's gunna ban me for curcing now :-P
01:26.40Ice_Weweteh_conquerer: aparntally I'm more asshatishly than you
01:26.57Ice_Wewe~define asshat
01:27.02JeffM2501don't forget a thief
01:27.06Ice_Wewehmmm, gues that doesn't work
01:27.10Ice_Wewe~dict asshat
01:27.12JeffM2501how about /msg ibot
01:27.17Inferno285asshat is etc
01:27.24JeffM2501or google
01:27.29Ice_Wewe~dict ass
01:27.33Ice_Wewe~dict hat
01:27.47JeffM2501please use the bot in /msg
01:27.53teh_conquererthe she ass
01:28.03Ice_WeweThe male ass "tunic."
01:28.06JeffM2501and you all can stop saying ass now
01:28.19teh_conquererJeffM2501: after you :-P
01:28.25JeffM2501hey I stoped
01:28.44Inferno285I'm going to make a spelling bot :)
01:28.50JeffM2501I made one comment on it, that dosnt' mean it's your turn to go into a beavis and butthead giggle session
01:28.55JeffM2501Inferno285, not funny
01:28.59Thumper_Inferno285: you *are* the spelling bot
01:29.15teh_conquererand the problem with beavis and butthead is....?
01:29.23JeffM2501it would be stupid
01:29.26JeffM2501and infantile
01:29.33Inferno285ok, give up
01:29.39Ice_Wewe"Thumper_ Inferno285: you *are* the spelling bot" Seconded!
01:29.55Ice_Weweohh, this is a good def
01:29.56Ice_WeweOne who has their head up their ass. Thus wearing their ass as a hat. Asshat
01:30.00JeffM2501Inferno285, I can't type well, deal with it. I don't need you correctin them all, people get the idea
01:30.04trepanblast007: a unit vector in the a** direction, odd melange
01:30.21Ice_Weweyep. that is me ;)
01:30.26Inferno285huh, I've only corrected ya..say 1ns
01:30.31JeffM2501Ice_Wewe, I highly recomend you keep it to yourself
01:30.36JeffM2501you are disrupting the channel
01:30.45Ice_WeweJeffM2501: ok
01:30.53JeffM2501Inferno285, I know, that is why I'm telling you
01:32.13menotumeDTRemenak: please make a list of fields you need to have added to player profile
01:33.05*** join/#bzflag Death-Barrel (
01:34.09JeffM2501have fun
01:35.57*** part/#bzflag Ice_Wewe (
01:36.29TD-LinuxI feel sorry for that bleeding edge
01:36.34teh_conquereri jsut sneezed unexpectadly
01:36.35Inferno285George Bush is, like, the best American of the 21st century.
01:36.42teh_conquererall over my monitor and keyboard
01:36.47Inferno285~George Bush
01:36.48iboti heard george bush is eehhh..ehhhh...dunno, or a short-dicked, draft dodging, weed smoking, rubber bellied hillbilly
01:36.58JeffM2501Inferno285, what are you talking about?
01:37.09Inferno285I just got that from another channel.
01:37.16JeffM2501Inferno285, umm ok
01:37.53TD-Linuxhmm... wonder what ibot's political preference is?
01:38.05TD-Linux~John Kerry
01:38.11ibotmethinks kerry is something you eat
01:38.23TD-Linuxhmm... ibot must be independent
01:38.36ibot[green] a very active ipaq kernel hacker or
01:38.42JeffM2501again, how about using FREAKING /MSG
01:38.43blast007dang, /msg or #botpark please  :/
01:38.48teh_conquererwhats wrong with being a weed smoking hillbilly?
01:38.50JeffM2501come on kids
01:38.56teh_conquereri consider myself to be all of that :-)
01:39.05TD-Linuxforgot about #botpark again.... /join
01:39.58TD-Linuxwow, my theory is true!
01:40.11JeffM2501that you all don't know when to quit?
01:41.12Inferno285I live in MN....don't ask
01:41.17teh_conquererJeffM2501: if i were you'd I'd just walk away :-)
01:41.18TD-Linuxhey, me too!
01:41.37teh_conquereryou use to do say these things to me 3 years ago
01:41.42Inferno285yeh, I live in the north though :(
01:41.44teh_conquererthen ban me after I wouldnt stop :-)
01:41.55JeffM2501and so how have you changed?
01:42.08teh_conquererwell I guess I dont play with the bots now
01:42.18teh_conquererequally annoying
01:42.26teh_conquererjust had to compensate in other areas
01:42.36JeffM2501that dosn't make you any "beter"
01:42.54Inferno285TD-Linux, it is rochester. Right?
01:43.06JeffM2501Inferno285, just like the forms, use /msg for personal crap
01:43.23teh_conquereractually, to be honest I dont even talk in this channel anymore
01:43.25TD-LinuxInferno285: did you just see a new tab pop up?
01:43.38teh_conquerertoday has been the first day that I've talked in here in quite a while
01:43.39TD-LinuxInferno285: that is where private msgs go
01:44.09teh_conquererusually I just idle and watch the cvs updates
01:44.15JeffM2501umm ok
01:44.29teh_conquererso how havent I gotten any better? :-D
01:44.50JeffM2501as of right now I only see you perpetuating the stupid chat
01:44.51Inferno285do I have to be registered to PM or something?
01:44.58JeffM2501when it has long been past time for the sillyness to end
01:45.02JeffM2501Inferno285, yes,
01:45.10JeffM2501Inferno285, as you have been told MANY times
01:45.53Inferno285um, actually no
01:46.12TD-LinuxInferno285: I have sent you at least 5 PMs. Go to #botpark.
01:47.46*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
01:50.29menotume/set defcon 3
01:51.52*** join/#bzflag bz9502 (
01:52.15*** join/#bzflag Inferno281 (
01:52.18*** join/#bzflag Ice_Wewe (
01:53.29TD-LinuxIce_Wewe: the edges didn't bleed enough?
01:53.39Ice_WeweTD-Linux: no, not enough
01:54.04SilentSwanuh oh
01:56.20SilentSwanforeach $user (@userlist) { sm00000ch($user); }
01:56.31SilentSwanwith a few exceptions
01:58.05TD-Linuxwhat language is that?
01:58.24Inferno281perl rocks!
01:58.26TD-Linuxdon't know perl, oh well
01:58.35SilentSwanperl is great until you have to maintain someone else's code
01:58.39SilentSwanwhich i'm presently doing at work :(
01:58.42TD-LinuxPeople tell me that if you don't know perl, you are in peril
01:58.51SilentSwanthis is true
01:58.56SilentSwanand perl == peril
01:58.57TD-LinuxOthers tell me that perl IS peril
01:59.11SilentSwanit's easy to learn
01:59.13TD-LinuxI take the side of the latter ;)
01:59.14SilentSwanand easy to f* up
01:59.29Inferno281perl still rocks
01:59.33SilentSwanperl makes it way too easy to write really bad code
01:59.53TD-Linuxin that case, I could easily win a code obfuscation contest :)
01:59.54SilentSwan"There's More Than One Way To Do It"
01:59.59SilentSwanoh god
02:00.04SilentSwanlook for obfuscated perl on the net
02:00.21TD-Linuxmy favorite decodes the cuecat
02:00.29TD-Linuxit is 4 short lines
02:00.41SilentSwani did submit an application to an employer with a line of perl in my cover letter
02:00.50SilentSwanmy contact information in binary :)
02:01.01Inferno281SilentSwan, who do you work for?
02:01.04SilentSwanthey were looking for someone perl literate
02:01.12SilentSwanInferno281 it's medical services company
02:01.22SilentSwancan't really say who
02:01.32Inferno281oh sure
02:01.38Thumper_JeffM2501: /loadplugin and /unloadplugin commands are executable by any admin?
02:01.41SilentSwani *used* to work for SPSS
02:01.45Thumper_is there a way to restrict this ?
02:01.46SilentSwanbefore my job went to china
02:01.49JeffM2501yeah I thik so
02:01.56SilentSwan<- Skillset Exportable
02:01.59JeffM2501umm no
02:02.04SilentSwan<- Insufficient ROI
02:02.07Thumper_ie ... some cop can do it...
02:02.24Thumper_and if the plugin makes a file... where the param is the filename...
02:02.31Thumper_they can overwrite pretty much anything they want
02:02.33SilentSwanand working for SPSS was rather interesting given the brain power of some of the top devs there...
02:03.57SilentSwani guess because they're not paying me anymore
02:04.30JeffM2501it realy should be it's own permision
02:05.04JeffM2501Thumper_, yes the server owner should only have plugins they trust in accesable paths
02:05.21Thumper_i trust the plugin
02:05.24Thumper_since I wrote it :)
02:05.31Thumper_but I made it general so it takes a filename that
02:05.32Thumper_it creates...
02:05.38Thumper_and the param is the filename
02:05.38JeffM2501but yes it should be it's own perm
02:05.56Thumper_so you can load the plugin and specify some 'bad' filename
02:06.07Thumper_like bin/bzfs and toast the bzfs image for instance
02:06.33Thumper_or any other file you have write access to
02:06.48*** join/#bzflag Blue_Beard (
02:06.49JeffM2501what server owner would install that plugin?
02:06.54JeffM2501that would be stupid
02:06.57Thumper_just me :)
02:07.11Thumper_I didn't want the plugin output filename to be static
02:07.19JeffM2501Ok, I'll pull the API, so it won't be a security issue
02:07.32JeffM2501it's the only real way
02:07.40Thumper_also I stumbled on a weird bug
02:07.49Thumper_messing with /loadplugin and /unloadplugin
02:07.53Thumper_without passing it the filename
02:08.41Thumper_and i loaded it without the ,filenamegoeshere param
02:08.53Thumper_must be my bug... :) but... a file got created which was part
02:08.57Thumper_of the server conversation at the time.
02:09.01Thumper_gotta fix that :-o
02:09.10JeffM2501you probably read bad mem
02:09.13JeffM2501and asumed it was good
02:09.17JeffM2501you shoudl check for the param firstb
02:09.21JeffM2501before you use it
02:09.23Thumper_thougth I did
02:09.33Thumper_see - I can't spel either ;)
02:09.33JeffM2501why are you making a server rape plugin?
02:10.13Thumper_no... it's a plugin that writes the current playerlist to a file
02:10.17Thumper_you specify the filename...
02:10.21Thumper_as the param to the plugin
02:10.33Thumper_and it overwrites that file with teh data
02:10.36JeffM2501so if you screw up it could blow over something
02:10.39Thumper_um yeah
02:10.48Thumper_the only reason I did the param in the first place was
02:10.52JeffM2501you should have it say "overide yes/no" :)
02:10.57Thumper_so maybe it could be used on other systems too
02:10.59JeffM2501actualy what I'd do is not make it do it on load
02:11.06Thumper_and I didn't want the pathname hardcoded in there
02:11.15JeffM2501leave it loaded and have it take a /dumpplayers command
02:11.19JeffM2501then you can be interactive
02:11.23JeffM2501and do your own perm stuff
02:11.50Thumper_um huh ?
02:11.54Thumper_i leave it loaded
02:12.00Thumper_it gets loaded at server startup
02:12.04Thumper_and until today it's always loaded
02:12.13Thumper_I was just playing with the /unloadplugin /loadplugin commands
02:12.16JeffM2501oh it keeps it maintainged
02:12.16JeffM2501got it
02:12.17Thumper_for the first time...and OOPS
02:12.19JeffM2501got it
02:12.25Thumper_each player join/part updates the data
02:12.29JeffM2501yeah, you need some sort of error detect :)
02:12.34Thumper_um yeah :)
02:13.00Thumper_i assume the /unloadplugin
02:13.09Thumper_server command is not distinguisable from a server shutdown
02:13.14*** part/#bzflag brlcad (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
02:13.15Thumper_unload plugin operation
02:13.42Thumper_ie we can't make it ignore user /unloadplugin commands
02:13.56Thumper_but honor server shutdown /unloadplugin operations
02:14.50JeffM2501the plugin is a pawn
02:14.55JeffM2501it WILL be unloade
02:15.15JeffM2501the /load /unload commands were not meant as an inteface
02:15.22JeffM2501but as a way to turn them on and of, that's it
02:15.26Thumper_that's what I thought
02:16.58Thumper_hmmm so other than hardcoding the playerlist filename in the plugin
02:17.01Thumper_is there a safe way to do this?
02:17.21JeffM2501you could have it read it from the config
02:17.25JeffM2501as a bzdb vart
02:17.32JeffM2501that would be best
02:17.45JeffM2501if it isn't in bzdb you use a default
02:17.53Thumper_the default is no output file
02:17.58Thumper_if nothing is specified
02:18.06JeffM2501then there ya go
02:18.10JeffM2501just have it get input from the vars file
02:19.36Thumper_hmmm how does the filename get into the bzdb var in teh first place?
02:20.07JeffM2501the server operator puts the pathname in his vars file with a set
02:20.17JeffM2501so basicly it's part of the config when the server starts
02:20.47Thumper_so -set _playerlistFilename filenamegoeshere.txt
02:20.50Thumper_in the config?
02:21.03JeffM2501that is one way yeah
02:21.10JeffM2501if they have a vars file they can add it to that too
02:21.13JeffM2501or even to /set in game
02:21.54Thumper_ok I've never done 'new' vars before
02:21.58Thumper_just tweaked existing stuff
02:22.26blast007won't that say the variable doesn't exist?
02:22.35Thumper_that's what I was thinking... :)
02:23.11JeffM2501it should support custom vars now
02:23.22JeffM2501I made changes to make it work when I hooked it into the API
02:23.31JeffM2501if not, we should support it
02:23.43JeffM2501bzdb works for innards, nothing says plugins can't use it too
02:24.05blast007Unknown BZDB variable: _playerlistFilename
02:24.13trepancan't plugins take params?
02:24.33Thumper_and it does
02:24.41Thumper_and... the var won't make that any safer
02:24.43Thumper_same problem
02:24.44JeffM2501he was looking for alternate means
02:24.49JeffM2501not nothing makes it safer
02:24.52trepancan't they also register new cmds?
02:24.53JeffM2501you just have to code your plugin smarty
02:24.55blast007JeffM2501: I tested the var thing with 2.1.2, and it doesn't work  :)
02:24.56JeffM2501they can
02:25.02Thumper_joeCop can set var filename to whatever they want
02:25.05JeffM2501blast007, ok
02:25.12Thumper_then joeCop loads the plugin and stomps on file they specify
02:25.19JeffM2501Thumper_, that is why maybe you should do your own perms and custom commands.
02:25.34JeffM2501use your own config file
02:25.44JeffM2501and use your own perms with a /setmydir command
02:25.49JeffM2501to change it
02:26.18Thumper_yeah that's probably the route I have to go with this
02:26.40Thumper_normally this plugin should always be loaded (on my servers)
02:26.47Thumper_but I can't enforce that
02:27.07JeffM2501the only code you can be sure of is your own
02:28.13Thumper_ok thanks. I'll go chew on this for abit
02:36.24*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
02:41.41SilentSwan*sigh* spammers must die
02:47.50Blue_BeardMaybe some spam would liven this channel up for a change. =)
02:48.31SilentSwanIncrease your Size NOW!!!!
02:49.02SilentSwanugh, i feel dirty now
02:50.55Blue_BeardHotmail seems to be getting worse these days.  I used to get it in Yahoo, but now it comes to Hotmail too.
02:51.17SilentSwancomes to or comes from?
02:51.44Blue_BeardTo... it seems to come from a lot of those "" places. Heh.
02:53.11Blue_BeardYep.. I know.. lazy.  =)  Haha.
02:54.09SilentSwan*tsk tsk*
02:54.51Blue_BeardHey.. wait a sec!  =o
02:54.58SilentSwanbrb - smokin' time
02:55.20Blue_BeardNow it's my turn to tsk at you.  ;-)
02:57.31Inferno285are you addicted?
02:58.50SilentSwanyeah, you could say that :(
02:58.54SilentSwantobacco, in this case
02:58.58SilentSwanhad to give the good stuff up
02:59.10SilentSwani cheated once though
02:59.39SilentSwanbut a) i was starting to feel the effects of it, b) made a promise to someone close that i'd stop
02:59.42SilentSwanso i stopped
03:00.11Inferno285cool, good for you :)
03:01.07SilentSwanbut... if things ever go wrong btwn me and said close friend... i'm starting right up again haha
03:01.10SilentSwanjust for spite
03:01.20SilentSwanbut... that won't happen
03:02.15Inferno285do you "want" to give up tobacco?
03:02.30SilentSwanoh yes
03:02.36SilentSwani quit for 2 years
03:02.44SilentSwanbut then started up again 2 years ago
03:03.53Blue_BeardIt's easy to stop smoking.  I've done it a few hundred times.
03:03.55Blue_Beard=P  ;-)
03:04.14SilentSwanit was really not so bad
03:04.20SilentSwanonce i got past the first week, it got easier
03:04.39Blue_BeardActually, I don't smoke... but a good cigar... =D
03:05.22SilentSwanwell.. that's one thing
03:05.34SilentSwanharder to get addicted
03:05.45SilentSwani've had cigars before :)
03:06.15Blue_BeardHehe.  True, true.  Oddly, I like cheap cigars.  Dunno why though.  Haha.
03:06.45SilentSwanthey smell nasty
03:07.03Blue_BeardNah.. at least not the tipped/flavored ones.  =)
03:07.19Inferno285I'm not even old enough to smoke yet :p
03:07.22Blue_Beard(I wasn't referring to 10c cigars, just not the $10 ones).. haha.
03:07.51SilentSwanInferno285 and if you start, i'm gonna find you ;)
03:07.58SilentSwanand give you a whoopin
03:08.43*** join/#bzflag wizatcom (
03:09.41menotumea good cigar smells good while burning, but stale smoke is always bad
03:10.07menotumegood = hand-rolled imports
03:10.08SilentSwanSilentSwan's rules: 1) No smoking in the house, 2) No smoking in the car
03:10.14SilentSwanthose are major sins
03:10.33SilentSwanso even if it's bitterly cold, i'll go outside to smoke
03:12.03SilentSwandon't share :)
03:12.03SilentSwanoh, it doesn't make me smoke less ;(
03:12.03*** join/#bzflag lovebug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:14.14menotumeDTRemenak: any thoughts on the fields you'd like to see added to player profiles ?
03:14.14menotumeand data type, length
03:14.18menotumeand, what should be set at registration, which should be set on 'gettoken'
03:14.39SilentSwanbut can't
03:14.47menotumelol !
03:14.51SilentSwanhehe sorry
03:15.17menotumetokin has bad long-term affects, /me knows
03:15.27SilentSwanyeah, i know too ;(
03:15.41SilentSwani was a regular (daily) stoner for wayyyyy too long
03:15.57SilentSwanever seen a stoned swan? not pretty
03:16.16menotumegave it up one day - cold turkey - about 10 years ago
03:16.26SilentSwanyeah, quitting weed is easy, i've noticed
03:18.14SilentSwanbut so far, it's the only thing i've cheated with...
03:18.14Blue_BeardWow.. this convo. just got a whole lot more strange......
03:18.14menotumeya, first few days was 'Jonesing', but after that not bad
03:19.09SilentSwanBlue_Beard you think this is strange?  you should see me when i'm completely baked
03:19.10SilentSwani start on things like quantum physics... and existentialism
03:19.10Blue_BeardA friend of my family used to make pot brownies at every chance.....
03:19.38SilentSwani dunno.. i just started to feel really crappy about myself when i realized that i was getting baked *EVERY* night...
03:19.49SilentSwanhealthier ways to deal with one's problems
03:20.03SilentSwanand i met my healthy alternative :)
03:20.13menotumeyays :)
03:21.35Blue_BeardCongrats. =D
03:21.43SilentSwanthank you :)
03:21.47SilentSwantook long enough
03:22.21SilentSwantrouble is, said friend works late, so makes getting together a bit awkward
03:22.30SilentSwanbut this weekend, we've plans :)
03:22.47*** join/#bzflag wegstar (n=foo@allegro/user/wegstar)
03:23.58Blue_Beardw00t =)
03:24.19SilentSwanindeed *grin*
03:25.39menotumelaters folks, gonna try to actually get to bed before midnight .. /me is catching a cold
03:25.49*** join/#bzflag DeathBarrel (
03:25.55SilentSwanyou're missing an 'e'
03:27.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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03:27.34SilentSwanwhy hello, JeffM2501
03:29.23teh_conquereranyone from the uk here?
03:29.23teh_conquerertaht can do me a favor :-)
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03:34.33Thumper__JeffM2501: is the /loadplugin syntax the same as the -loadplugin syntax?
03:34.33Thumper__for parameters?
03:34.33Thumper__(if you happen to remember offhand)
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03:35.34JeffM2501Thumper__, yeah
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03:39.24orangetrepan: pretty
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05:28.38SilentSwanhmm... ich hab' kein mehr lust... gute nacht
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05:49.23cosmosanother lord jesus sighting
05:49.28cosmosman this turd is persistent
05:50.01PimpiFri Nov  4 05:30:16 2005
05:50.01PimpiReported by badgerking: lord jesus was here effing up your server
05:50.19cosmosyeah i just banned him right after he threatened to DOS us again
05:50.25cosmosand several cheating reports
05:50.34cosmos[SERVER->] 69.236.244.* banned by: cosmos
05:50.40cosmospardon my french
05:54.17lan56my big fat greek is my guess at what your name means, a spinoff of the movie title
05:54.59mbfgme big fat guy
05:55.15mbfggood guess tho
05:56.47lan56I was close :) I thought about that at first, but I had not seen you use that name before so I thought it was someone else
05:57.31Pimpimbfg: you're mac?
05:57.56mbfgthat i am
05:58.13Pimpihey, already tought we lost you ;)
05:58.24mbfgstill breathin
05:59.15cosmosThu Nov  3 21:40:11 2005
05:59.16cosmosReported by Lord Jesus!: Your server will be packeted to hell now
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09:32.58bz4651how are you??
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11:35.45NewartHi everybody!!
11:36.21NewartHows going?
11:40.21NewartWhat everybody gonna do today? It's Friday!!!
11:43.13NewartNo no no. Partyyy!!
11:45.14brlcadthat really wasn't meant to be funny either
11:45.19Birdiebrlcad has a morning grumpyness?
11:45.26brlcadoh yeah
11:45.34Birdiefirst time i hear that
11:46.14brlcadi try to avoid being online in the mornings is probably why you don't hear it much ..
11:46.43brlcadunless i've been up all night, then I'm usually just loopie
11:47.11brlcadcourse morning for me isn't morning for half of you :)
11:48.12Birdieits 1pm almoust but its morning for me:)
11:53.29NewartOoookey. But now I gonna go to home. See ya everybody!!! :D
11:53.53brlcaddarn, and we were just getting acquainted
12:55.21*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
12:55.36Birdiethoughshooter ping
13:01.06ToughShooterbirdie: pong
13:01.23Birdiewanted to leave you a memo but said your callsign is not registered
13:01.39Birdiegot a mail back from owner gu, he doesnt log any ip's (will he propably will do in the future after this)
13:01.44ToughShooteryou misspelled it ;)
13:02.01Birdietook that one
13:02.28ToughShooterumm, I don't understand :/
13:02.38Birdieme neither:)
13:02.40Birdiei'll try again
13:02.57Birdie-MemoServ- The nickname [ThoughShooter] is not registered
13:03.16ToughShooterSure, you have one 'h' too much
13:03.49ToughShooternp ;)
13:39.53*** join/#bzflag ep (
13:41.48Grumblerbrlcad, leave the grumbling, grumpies to the experts
13:57.40brlcadGrumbler: true true, my bad
13:58.44Grumblerthe proper response would have been to ban the suckers......ban'em all.......
13:59.51ToughShooterbrlcad: Can you help with the spin bug please?
14:00.11brlcadToughShooter: not really, especially not right now
14:01.13ToughShooterbrlcad: well, trepan seems to be unable to reproduce. thanks for a response anyway
14:02.01brlcadtry to get others to reproduce it
14:02.19ToughShooterI saw people with Macs can reproduce it
14:02.46brlcadis it mac-only for _certain_ or only for you?  does it _always_ happen for some people but not others?
14:02.49ToughShooteralso one linux guy had been able to reproduce but I was unable to ask whether he uses PPC CPU
14:03.10brlcadall good questions to figure out beforehand
14:03.17ToughShooterA player called "panther" got stuck, too
14:03.42brlcadit's not a matter of whether they can get stuck, it's a matter of pinning down the commonality between everyone that does
14:03.50brlcadyou know it can happen as it happens to you
14:03.58ToughShooterfor CBG I don't know but I get stuck on my lappy with official 2.0.4, too
14:04.17brlcadto be useful to someone who is going to debug it, they need to know specifics
14:05.02ToughShooterI will try to provide more info but not much people with macs are playing :/
14:05.24brlcadi see people with macs playing all the time
14:05.46ToughShooterheh, they don't come to my get stuck server
14:05.46brlcadget some friends from different servers
14:06.02brlcadto help test it
14:06.14ToughShooterthe friends use linux-sdl and w32 :x
14:06.37brlcadit sounds like an old map issue -- having a thin object in a bad location causing issues
14:06.45ToughShooteroh well, I will try to install linux on my lappy to see whether PPC linux is affected
14:06.52brlcaddoesn't matter what they use
14:07.10brlcadgood to know if it's really just mac, or just easier on mac
14:07.17brlcadi suspect it's the latter
14:07.27ToughShooterthey said the got a flickering "Ready"
14:08.10ToughShooterin whole map after jumping on the box. sometimes it flickers for me when I am stuck, too
14:09.09brlcadthe easier answer is to review the map and determine what's in there that's causing it
14:09.46ToughShooterbrlcad: Saw my sample map?
14:10.32brlcadand no, i'm not going to look at it now either
14:10.47ToughShooterI am not asking to look at it right now
14:11.02ToughShooterit's not that important but it would be nice to be fixed
14:12.56brlcadi have a very long list of those kinds of things, hence why figuring out what in the map causes it would be useful too if you haven't already
14:16.00ToughShooterIt is caused by having a box in a define, and using spin -90 0 0 1 in group instead of spin 270 0 0 1 (which should be equal)
14:16.18brlcadthat'd be floating point fuzz
14:16.26ToughShootera single arc with spin -90 0 0 1 makes no probs
14:16.49ToughShooterbut I haven't tested yet what happens when the arc is in group
14:17.36brlcaddon't bother checking on the other platforms, that already narrows it down
14:17.51brlcadit's simple differences of compiler options and floating point arithmetic
14:19.19ToughShooterok, arc is completly unaffected
14:19.57ToughShooterPPC is less precise on floating point stuff so it might be due to CPU :/
14:20.09*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
14:20.34TD-Linuxis it possible to make an object invisible to radar?
14:20.42brlcadless precise?  where the heck you pull that from?
14:20.56brlcadit's simply different
14:21.35ToughShooterumm, I don't remember
14:21.40brlcadsame bits of precision are guaranteed, that's defined by IEEE
14:22.05brlcadwhat's not guaranteed is the representable types/numbers
14:29.57*** join/#bzflag Fant (
14:30.46Fanthi all
14:33.15*** join/#bzflag wizatmac (n=wiz@
14:33.45wizatmacanyone know who runs the servers?
14:38.08brlcadwizatmac: yes
14:39.01wizatmacmy friend got my school's IP banned from some of the servers hosted on
14:39.13wizatmacand i was wondering who ran them so i could talk to them
14:39.38brlcadand prey tell how he got the school's IP banned?
14:40.14brlcadand which sort of ban?
14:40.19wizatmache was capturing his own teams flag
14:40.24wizatmacand our school uses 1 IP
14:40.34wizatmacbanned from the servers, and it's been over a week
14:41.29brlcadokay, that'll be a game server issue then -- is host to several server owners
14:41.44wizatmaci think it was from louman's servers specifically
14:42.13brlcadthen I'd suggest contacting louman ;-)
14:42.37wizatmacdo you have his email or any other way of contacting him?
14:42.52brlcadhe's not been into here in about a month
14:43.00brlcad~seen louman
14:43.01ibotlouman <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 37d 11h 48m 29s ago, saying: 'ah - cool - i knew about the plugin, but too complicated for me ;)'.
14:44.26brlcadwizatmac: who made the ban?  that would be your next alternate
14:44.54wizatmaci can connect and find out
14:45.02wizatmacas i wasn 't there when he was being stupiud
14:45.34brlcadany one of the admins should be able to discuss the ban and remove it for you if they so decide they want to
14:46.04wizatmacit was "high kirate kitty"
14:46.24wizatmaci'd leave a message for the admin, but i can't connect to the game to actually do that =/
14:47.50brlcadleave them a message on bzbb
14:57.04wizatmacwhere would be the best place, as the board states that no one there can help
14:57.12wizatmacand aparently my proxy idea didn't work
15:03.15*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[RU] (n=den@
15:07.16Grumblerbrlcad, bzbb is old school....its now    
15:07.52brlcadbzbb is so much more catchy
15:09.20wizatmacwell since "The karate kitty" dosen't seem to exist on "bzbb", would it be ok to PM louman?
15:09.31TD-Linuxis it possible to prevent an object from casting a shadow?
15:09.36brlcadof course
15:10.24Grumblerwizart, its High Karate Kitty
15:10.31Grumblererr, wizatmac
15:11.31wizatmacwell, i searched for "kitty" and there wern't any results
15:13.12wizatmacPM sent, now to hope that it all works out
15:13.49TD-Linuxwow, my water looks really cool with noshadow enabled!
15:23.46*** join/#bzflag gina (
15:24.58TD-Linuxis there a lazy way to take a normal arc cylinder and apply a texure to a part of it?
15:25.19TD-LinuxI want grass texture on the top, and wall texture on the rest
15:43.43ToughShooter~seen Tupone
15:43.48ibottupone <n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 16h 23m 25s ago, saying: 'Ice_Wewe: 99.99% of the time I just talk about linux'.
16:02.03*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
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16:40.30ToughShootermenotume: ping
16:42.57Birdiehe is playing
16:46.17*** join/#bzflag kahcepb_ (n=den@
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17:32.37ToughShooterCan someone with an x86-CPU compile bzflag with ./configure CFLAGS=-ffloat-store and join for jumping on the box in the middle please?
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17:50.08ToughShooterI want to see whether someone on x86 gets stuck on the box in the map when it the client is compiled with -ffloat-store
17:50.45cosmosahh, i live in a pc proof bunker
17:51.10ToughShooterI have no x86 CPU yet
17:51.27cosmosme neither, pcs are not allowed in my house :)
17:51.33brlcadToughShooter: remove "-ffast-math" from the mac optimization CPPFLAGS in and give that a try
17:52.14brlcadthat option doesn't require ieee conformance, so interesting things are allowed to occur for the sake of performance, and it's something that only the macs do -- so likely cause
17:52.20*** join/#bzflag cs-student (n=cs-stude@
17:52.36brlcadnot that the code should be so closely reliant on ieee floating
17:55.04brlcadToughShooter: for that matter, IFF that doesn't work, retry with -O2 instead of -O3 next .. but definitely try removing -ffast-math first all by itself
17:55.11brlcador not
17:55.40*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
17:55.54ToughShooterarg, my fingers are too fat
17:56.01brlcadToughShooter: for that matter, IFF that doesn't work, retry with -O2 instead of -O3 next .. but definitely try removing -ffast-math first all by itself
17:58.37*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
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18:26.51*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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18:41.00SportChickJeffM2501: ping
18:44.45*** join/#bzflag kierra (
18:47.11ToughShootererr, -O3
18:47.29Tuponehmm compiling is so fast ?
18:47.49*** part/#bzflag kierra (
18:48.11ToughShooterTupone: ?
18:48.36Tupone12 minute to compile -O2 and test?
18:48.55ToughShootercompiling lasted 7 minutes
18:49.06ToughShooterthis is not my lappy :)
18:50.21ToughShooterstill I would like to see whether a client under x86 with -ffloat-store would get stuck :/
18:52.14*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
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19:05.37ToughShooterHmm, I even get stuck with -O3
19:09.07ToughShooterWell, I could imagine the x86 could be more precise when -ffloat-store is not used than a PPC so it may could not be fixed via compiler options on a PPC based computer :/
19:17.43*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[RU] (n=den@
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19:32.49CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: bzfs used to get all CPU available
19:33.35Tuponewith bots, shame on me
19:40.44*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
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20:34.12ruskiehmmm are bzflag source tarballs signed by anyone?
20:35.55brlcadsigned? no.
20:36.07ruskieas in gpg signed
20:36.18ruskieor pgp or whatever...
20:36.42ruskieany plans to do it anytime?
20:37.09brlcadi doubt it
20:49.19JeffM2501everone in the world is sick :(
20:50.01*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/ruskie)
20:51.26Tupone_Manu_: would you like to join my server?
20:53.43*** join/#bzflag callofhonor (
20:57.03Tuponethanks _Manu_ :)
20:57.09_Manu_np :)
20:58.10*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (
20:58.55CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (Player.cxx playing.cxx): Fixing score system. It is absolute now, not incremental.
21:03.05*** join/#bzflag ruskie (n=ruskie@sourcemage/ruskie)
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21:39.21Tuponebryjen: ???
21:40.20Tuponenet is whiming ?
21:43.12*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
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21:46.05Tuponewelcome back
21:48.42*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
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22:07.00TuponeRPG_: I need some testing don't leave
22:07.18RPG_i'm having some troubles of my own
22:07.22RPG_BZ doesn't like my card
22:07.28RPG_gotta run in 8 bit mode
22:07.39RPG_so i got like 2 SPF (seconds per frame)
22:07.51Tuponeahh. ok
22:08.34*** join/#bzflag MostlyWater (n=bryjen@
22:14.29RPG_can anyone speak for a good GFX card, AGP, under $150?
22:15.29JeffM2501many of them
22:15.46JeffM2501why are you in 8 bit mode
22:15.49JeffM2501most cards suck in 8 bit
22:16.08RPG_my radeon 9250 doesn't feel like hardware rendering today
22:16.18JeffM2501it's not your card then
22:16.21JeffM2501it is your driver
22:16.33RPG_got the *newest* one
22:16.40JeffM2501if the hardware had failed 2d would be bad too
22:16.48JeffM2501well that may be your problem
22:16.57JeffM2501I've seen ATI drivers eat themselves
22:17.09JeffM25011) uninstall the ATI Driver
22:17.18JeffM25012) set your cards driver to VGA
22:17.25JeffM2501then install the driver clean
22:17.33JeffM2501don't run in 8 bit
22:17.37JeffM2501run in 16 or 32
22:17.39*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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22:17.52RPG_8bit was all it would do
22:17.55RPG_but i'll try
22:18.03JeffM2501you in windows?
22:18.22JeffM2501go to your device manager
22:18.24RPG_but i want to get something better to play battlefield 2 on
22:18.34*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (n=kyelewis@freematrix/staff/kyelewis)
22:18.44RPG_i need AGP
22:18.46JeffM2501or like an X300
22:18.51JeffM2501they have AGP 6600's
22:19.05Aribethit is AGP
22:19.21Aribethgood gard
22:19.38TuponeRPG_: I play with an FX5200, cheap card
22:19.53Aribeth6600 gt is much better
22:19.55Tuponeonly bzflag sorry
22:20.19JeffM2501150 will only get you low end cards
22:20.23JeffM2501the 6600 line isn't bad
22:20.31JeffM2501expect to pay 250 for midrange
22:21.04JeffM2501that is for a 256 meg card
22:21.12JeffM2501it's closer to 100 for a 128 meg
22:21.34JeffM2501or a non GT
22:21.47JeffM2501how comfortable you with overclocking :)
22:22.29JeffM2501RPG_, how soon do you plan on doing a mobo upgrade and geting off AGP?
22:22.30RPG_my mobo won't do it
22:22.40RPG_not in the near future
22:22.42JeffM2501no I mean OC of the video card
22:23.07RPG_never tried
22:23.21JeffM2501you can often OC 6600's to GT speeds
22:23.27RPG_figure i'd read more on it before i blew my computer up :)
22:23.28JeffM2501there are also the new 6200s
22:23.30JeffM2501they are not bad
22:23.35JeffM2501and REALY cheap
22:24.42JeffM2501for ATI options you can go with like the X700 line
22:24.51*** join/#bzflag Legoguy_ (n=Legoguy@
22:31.05CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Shot attribute computed at the receiver.
22:39.16*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
22:42.32CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Removing cheat check on shot cinematic.
22:45.22trepanTupone: your changes take into account the fact that shot/player state might not be sync'ed?
22:45.37TuponeI send a playerupdate just before the shot
22:45.45Tuponeand I put in the same buffer
22:46.15trepanplayer update has flag type info?
22:47.02TuponeI don't think. Should I send that too?
22:47.25*** join/#bzflag retro (
22:47.27trepani think you should take a step back and decide on what it is you'
22:47.31trepanre trying to do   ;)
22:47.49*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|L (n=Legoguy@
22:47.50Tuponenot a step back, perhaps a step forward
22:49.19Tuponetrepan: you get commits emails?
22:49.48bryjenyou cannot move forward until you're sure which way it is to your destination ;)
22:50.13Tuponebryjen: I move forward before to look at the way I want to go
22:50.25*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
22:50.26trepan1000 monkeys?
22:51.38MostlyWaterthis client seems to deal with the new firewall better.  unfortuneately, its gaim :(
22:51.51*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
22:52.01RPG_tupone: i can test now
22:52.17Tuponelemme restart it
22:52.18JeffM2501driver fix it all up?
22:52.28RPG_did trepan add LOD's to 2.1?
22:52.35RPG_'cause i was getting in the range of 150 FPS
22:52.41trepanlod's where added in 2.0.4
22:52.49trepanand fixed for the mac somewhere in 2.0.5
22:53.09JeffM25012.1 was made after 2.0.4 for s they will ahve them
22:53.14trepanTupone: another tip, getMuzzle() isn't necessarily sync'ed
22:53.22JeffM2501and I think dtr has synced head with 2.0 a couple times
22:53.33Tuponetrepan: why not ?
22:53.41TuponeI have to look at it
22:53.44RPG_i'm hitting myself for getting an AGP mobo+card back in Feburary
22:53.48Tuponeflag ?
22:53.50trepanyou're playing with stuff you don't know, not a good recipe
22:54.22RPG_when do you want me to jion
22:54.49bryjenRPG_: you should never look back, the technology never stands still.  what you could get today is always better.
22:55.03bryjenand often cheaper
22:55.39JeffM2501by those same rules, you shuld get the newest you can afford when you upgrade, to keep it as long as you can :)
22:55.54JeffM2501I should not have goten 6600s
22:56.24bryjenyup. more $$ just pushes your obsolescence farther into the future
22:56.38bryjen~spell obsolescence
22:57.29trepanalthough the return on margin peters out
22:58.02JeffM2501yeah it can deminish
22:58.18JeffM2501it's best to get the newst bus that you can get
22:58.23JeffM2501for more upgrade options in the futlre
22:59.07*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
23:03.31*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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23:07.28bz4484can someone tell me how to convert an rgb color to 'diffuse' numbers
23:07.37JeffM2501divide by 256
23:07.56purple_cowwell, 255...
23:07.57bz4484can someone tell me how to convert an rgb color to 'diffuse' numbers
23:07.58JeffM25010 = 0, 255 = 1
23:08.00JeffM2501yeah sorry 255
23:08.08JeffM2501bz4484, stop asking and read :0
23:08.17bz4484sry it wasn't showing up
23:08.30JeffM25010 = 0, 128 = 0.5 255 = 1.0
23:08.35bz4484ok ty
23:08.41JeffM2501so white is 1,1,1
23:08.41bz4484c ya all
23:10.54ToughShooterpurple_cow: Is that you with the callsign "purplecow" playing on several servers? The username is not registered.
23:11.37purple_cowToughShooter: i haven't played in months
23:12.06ToughShooterpurple_cow: Then it seems to be an impersonator :/
23:12.18JeffM2501they can happen
23:13.28ToughShooterI doubt some even have their own callsign
23:19.03trepanJeffM2501: or, just plain "white"
23:20.10trepan(not that that was useful in the slightest)
23:20.37*** join/#bzflag bz3505 (
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23:20.58JeffM2501that was like on freaking cue
23:33.43*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
23:52.22*** join/#bzflag bz0716 (
23:52.42bz0716is there a way to set a box so that only tanks of a certain (specified) team may drive through it?
23:53.05bz0716i know i saw it done on one server
23:53.17bz0716maybe not a box lets just say an [object]
23:54.01trepanfind that server, save the map
23:54.21bz0716don't know what it was I played it along time ago, and now i have gotten into map making
23:55.37bz0716well then
23:55.53bz0716wait... can u set it to a physics driver
23:58.13bz0716well then i g2g
23:58.18*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (

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