irclog2html for #bzflag on 20051025

00:00.46JeffM2501I think eventualy they all will get that complex
00:03.29*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
00:03.45JeffM2501ok well they could if there were mapers of the proper talent
00:03.50JeffM2501like in the other games
00:04.08trepanas opposed to, oh, say, one?
00:04.08JeffM2501the current gameplay dosn't realy draw people of that type tho
00:04.19JeffM2501and he did come from that world
00:05.54*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
00:06.34SilentSwanok... strange question... this channel seems to come equipped with some strange emoticons i've not seen anyplace else... so... given that....
00:06.56SilentSwanif someone sent you this ->  )o(  <- what would you say that means?  I'm assuming it's something not so nice
00:07.30SilentSwanand here is the only place i've ever seen it used
00:12.27SilentSwanso i'm guessing right then?
00:12.55SilentSwani'll have to figure out what so-and-so's problem is
00:13.07bryjeni don't know. i see where you're going with it... and i'm not sure what else it could be :/
00:13.27SilentSwanthat's ok.  just if someone has something to say, they should SAY it
00:13.41*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
00:13.41*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
00:13.45SilentSwanso, i'll save them the trouble and give them a good chance
00:16.12purple_cowi can see either a man with his arms in the air or a belly button
00:16.45SilentSwanthe arrows aren't part of it :)
00:17.44*** join/#bzflag Tegan (
00:18.12purple_cowi've never seen that one before
00:18.22SilentSwanah well, no matter
00:18.31SilentSwannot worth pursuing
00:18.32bryjenand that's something coming from a purple_cow ;)
00:18.55purple_cowit's just the internets. even if someone's a complete asshole, it's easy to ignore them
00:19.02SilentSwanthe new me just sits back and smiles, doesn't go after and attack them
00:20.19SilentSwananyway, back to rebuilding meanwhile, i'll just be "running along".  if anyone wishes to say anything, i'm still logged in on another channel.
00:20.20*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
00:31.24*** join/#bzflag asdfaerfawer (
00:32.12*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
00:36.19*** join/#bzflag me1 (
01:14.38*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
01:20.48jomojohey can an Denial of service attack cause major jitter, and lag?
01:23.48*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
01:24.46trepanjomojo: yup
01:30.28*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
01:33.28*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
01:33.29*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
02:10.52*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (
02:11.37*** join/#bzflag spanky (
02:11.50spankyhi orange (Erio here).
02:12.10orangehi Erio
02:12.13spankyI heard (from Orange) that this is where all the cool Debian folks hang out who can't shoot anyone.
02:12.23orangehehehe... he has the huge negative jitter thingy
02:12.37orangeand I didn't know how to tell him to upgrade... I know you can download source and compile it yourself
02:12.40spankywas I like bouncing around on the screen?
02:12.43orangebut there is probably an easier way
02:12.47orangeyes, you were
02:13.19spankysurprised no one else said anything.  I played to about -20 (yes, I'm stubborn), and no one said squat.  haha...
02:13.24orangeone guy still on the server says "get the source .deb from testing or experimental"
02:13.29orangeyes, you're stubborn :-)
02:14.05orangeany other debian users with words of wisdom?  I told him somebody here was bound to know the answer
02:14.08spankyhmm... not sure how to make a deb package from that though..
02:14.25spankylet me see what packages I can find...
02:16.02DTRemenak~bzfrag spanky
02:16.06ibotACTION tries to kill spanky, but finds the shield flag
02:16.17orangeoh, sure, and he can't shoot back either
02:16.25orangemean old DTRemenak :-)
02:16.25spankylooks like 'unstable' has a much newer build than mine.  I'll give that a stab.
02:16.50spanky??? you trying to bzfrag me in irc?  
02:16.57DTRemenak~bzfrag spanky
02:16.58ibotACTION makes spanky feel the effects of a shockwave
02:17.03DTRemenakgotcha that time :)
02:17.34spanky~bzfrag DTRemenak
02:17.36ibotACTION skewers DTRemenak with a super bullet
02:17.40Death_Barrelanyone know>> when you are in bzflag window mode (linux) how do can you use other windows while bzflag is open?
02:17.52orangeDeath_Barrel: look under options, input, capture mouse
02:17.54orangeor just hit f4
02:18.10Death_Barrelorange, thanks man, i have been wondering that one forever
02:18.28spankyhaha... I've wondered that too... always played fullscreen.
02:18.50Death_Barreli play fullscreen, but i just like to keep it open while i am doing other things in linux
02:19.00Death_BarrelF1 toggles fullscreen, window
02:19.21Death_Barrel~karma orange
02:19.21ibotorange has karma of 22
02:19.36orchid~stab gcc-4.0
02:19.38ibotACTION runs at gcc-4.0 with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
02:19.47orangelol, that's hilarious
02:21.14spankywow... what's this CA-certificates?
02:21.40orchidspanky: packages are signed now
02:22.14orchidyour getting some key errors with apt?
02:22.49spankynope... I just installed unstable's bzflag. libcurl and ca-certificates were dependencies.
02:22.57spankyI just wondered what ca-cert was...
02:23.23spankyall packages are signed?  what does that mean exactly?  
02:23.43spankyorange: ok, here goes nothing.
02:24.04orangegood luck :-)
02:24.05orchidoh, the authors digitally sign stuff now
02:28.51*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
02:36.20CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/LoginMenu.cxx: this actually compiled for you?
02:37.49JeffM2501I didn't do it
02:39.24DTRemenaktupone did it :)
02:41.21CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (clientCommands.cxx commands.h): command "mousegrab" to toggle grab mouse functionality. bind it to some convenient key.
02:42.27DTRemenakshould probably add a menu item for it too, but it mousegrab doesn't work in windows to begin with
02:43.22orangeyay :-)
02:46.00*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
02:48.01CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ActionBinding.cxx: whoops, need this too
02:54.48orangeDTRemenak: I looked at it once, and I got totally lost in a maze of similarly named variables and subroutines for mousegrab, grabmouse, isoktograb, shouldgrab, wouldgrab, wannagrab, etc.
02:54.58orangeso I'm glad you were able to do it in like 5 minutes :-)
02:54.58DTRemenakhehe :)
03:15.45I_Died_OnceCivil rights pioneer Rosa Parks died tonight. She was 92 :(
03:16.26I_Died_Once"Get your own damn seat, whitey!"
03:23.36bryjenhmm, LoginMenu ?  is that even used? or was it part of the kerberos stuff?
03:25.13bryjenRedundant DTRemenak Presence
03:31.58*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
03:48.33*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
03:49.10*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
04:18.58*** join/#bzflag PKMOBILE (
04:21.17*** join/#bzflag wegstar (n=foo@allegro/user/wegstar)
04:23.06*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
04:58.03I_Died_Onceanyone seen trepan's planet textures?
04:58.24lan56yes they are very neat
04:58.40I_Died_Oncei wonder how hard it would be to have a deathstar one
05:01.00trepanit's easy, so is making a model for it
05:01.37I_Died_OnceI have no clue as to haow to go about doing on
05:02.03I_Died_OnceI am googling for one in the background
05:03.39I_Died_Onceso you're saying to make one from scratch?
05:05.22I_Died_Oncenm, forget it
05:05.45I_Died_Onceit wouldnt work anyway
05:06.38trepanworld weapons setup just right, and you could get the combining lasers...
05:07.06I_Died_Onceyeah but I couldnt get past getting my textures hosted
05:07.09*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan), talk to jeff
05:08.08I_Died_Oncehe already denied me all image hosting prospects
05:08.30trepani'm guessing you was a bad boy, ridin' that edge of yours
05:08.55I_Died_Onceno, I dont think thats it
05:09.59I_Died_Oncei was told no before i had a change to screw up the opp
05:12.41trepanyou could add instructions in your srvmsg as to how to allow texs. from your site
05:14.38I_Died_Onceits a sore subject. brlcad balks at the idea of allow me space, jeff has no faith in me, I swear to abide by all rules but hat dont matter.
05:15.06I_Died_OnceI dont have enought faith in people to read the server message to begin with, let alone be able to follow complex directions to edit a file in a (usually) hidden folder
05:16.44I_Died_Oncebut if i had a deathstar panet texture, i'd use it
05:18.54I_Died_OnceOR - here's a revolutionary idea - allow images from by default
05:18.54orangethere's a difference between having rights to post and asking someone to post a specific texture, no?
05:19.23orangethere's a reason that wasn't done... and I agree with it
05:19.44orangemy kids sometimes play, and I don't want them picking some server with goatse on a building
05:20.15orangeI mean, how do you explain that to a kid?
05:20.40I_Died_Oncewell contrary to poular belief, I do not, nor do I ever intend on having goatsex or on stuff LIKE that on my server
05:20.48orangebut can't you request specific, reviewed images to be posted on the official location?
05:21.03orangenot you, necessarily, but if you open it wide up, you can't stop it
05:21.06trepani've seen offsensive junk on your servers
05:21.26I_Died_Onceyeah, on servers you have to edit a file to see
05:22.00trepanthink you just made our case
05:22.04I_Died_OnceI done went over this with the powers that bo that I would put stuff LIKE that up on bzflag webspace
05:22.09*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
05:22.09*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
05:22.11I_Died_Onceand i would completel respect rhe rules
05:22.17I_Died_Onceand be subject to veto/review
05:23.06I_Died_OnceI even submitted a handful of pics for analysis and was summarily denied
05:23.27trepanfor carte blanche access, prolly
05:23.44I_Died_Oncei couldnt even get a logo hosted
05:24.35orangei don't know the policy on that, but I'd think within reason a few files that are reviewed should be allowed, but it might also be a space/bandwidth issue, you know.
05:25.00trepanthis one time... if you get a decent deathstar texture, i'll host it
05:25.27trepanthat is, i'll put it up on learner's server under my account
05:26.11orangesee, reasonable people exist :-)
05:26.15trepanprolly make a decent addition to the planet sphere maps  (if it doesn't suck)
05:26.28I_Died_Onceif i find one
05:26.34I_Died_Oncei appreciate that
05:26.38I_Died_Oncemighty white of ya
05:26.47trepanwhat's that supposed to mean?
05:27.05I_Died_Onceabsolutely nothing
05:27.17I_Died_Once(its a good thing)
05:27.29orangequit while you're ahead
05:27.37I_Died_Oncefigure of speach
05:27.41trepannot too hard to make it into a racial slur
05:28.00I_Died_Oncei didnt mean it like that...
05:28.11trepanthen find a better expression
05:28.26I_Died_Onces'all good, dont worry about it
05:28.33SilentSwan*sigh* guess it's bickering night everywhere i go...
05:28.39*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
05:29.20TuponeJeffM2501: have you tried alsamixer?
05:30.21Tuponeor amixer
05:30.52*** join/#bzflag GDTRFB (
05:34.50orangethe flags spin about their poles :-)
05:35.10trepanesp. on moving tanks  :)
05:35.35*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
05:35.36trepanthey also tilt up/down while jumping/falling  (except for N)
05:35.41orangethat's rick
05:35.57trepanonly in enh. mode though, they are harder to see
05:36.10orangeyes, I noticed that tonight
05:36.21orangethat's why I started zooming in and looking
05:36.26orangenice touch
05:36.27trepanyet another effects option...
05:36.43orangeah well, it doesn't affect them on radar, so no option needed :-)
05:36.53trepannoradar maps
05:37.43trepanthey're also affected by wind, you'll see them move around over time
05:38.28orangeohhh, so that's why it is spinning around
05:38.43trepanya, the wind part kinda sucks at the moment
05:38.51trepanneed more 'gusting'
06:01.16I_Died_OnceLouMan's Metropolis + wing & rain = New Orleans Hurricane Katrina Map!
06:01.25I_Died_Once**wind & rain
06:04.35*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
06:10.57*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
06:12.08*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[Ru] (n=den@
07:16.11CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (8 files in 5 dirs):
07:16.11CIA-3BZFlag: - don't add wall scene nodes if they can't be seen
07:16.11CIA-3BZFlag: - don't draw ground receivers if the ground isn't drawn
07:16.11CIA-3BZFlag: - don't use display lists for lights (BZDB 'lightLists' var)
07:16.11CIA-3BZFlag: - don't check MeshSceneNode lighting if the material doesn't support it
07:21.46*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
07:22.28*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@
07:38.44*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
07:46.04CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/scene/Octree.cxx: remove repeated comments
07:46.30cosmosjust hanging around
07:46.45*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=atupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
07:46.45*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
07:51.32*** part/#bzflag Tegan (
07:55.55*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
08:00.04*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
08:01.06*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
08:05.05*** join/#bzflag trepan_ (
08:28.09*** join/#bzflag Mise (
08:42.30*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
08:42.30*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
08:50.54*** join/#bzflag wizatcomp (
08:51.33CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (9 files in 3 dirs): cull shadows for dynamic nodes
09:20.49*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
09:32.39*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
09:58.15*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
10:26.17silverfoxanybody here design websites professionally?
10:30.06meacangot a friend who do that
10:34.30*** join/#bzflag bz3756 (
11:21.48*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
12:46.47I_Died_OnceGood god I got heartburn like a bastard this morning
13:17.22*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
13:20.47*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
13:36.49*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
13:55.52*** part/#bzflag Mayhem (
14:03.40*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
14:13.12*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter (n=chatzill@
14:17.20*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
14:24.37*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
14:24.39Thumper_Plugins: bz_PlayerRecord bool admin doesn't seem to be set correctly - shouldn't this be true if a player has an @ ?
14:33.34trepanThumper_: iirc, it represents the 'site admin', a.k.a. the /passwd owner  :)
14:38.54*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
14:42.18*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
14:58.24Thumper_hmmm the code says it should be set to isOperator
14:58.53Thumper_trepan: last thing was for you
14:59.31Thumper_trepan: which I think is the same thing that is checked for processing ban commands etc
15:00.00*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (
15:00.03*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak|RDP] by ChanServ
15:02.19Thumper_trepan: hmmm looks like maybe it is only set if /password command is issued
15:02.46Thumper_trepan: I'm trying to get the player status ' /-/+/@' in a plugin
15:03.14Thumper_trepan: I can work around that though. thx
15:06.40*** join/#bzflag blast007 (n=blast007@
15:20.32*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
15:21.10*** join/#bzflag PKMOBILE (n=Apathy@
15:25.11*** join/#bzflag kierra (
15:26.18kierrachestal ping
15:32.00Chestalkierra: pong?
15:32.10kierrapm. ches
15:43.38menotume/kick kierra
15:44.00Birdiewhy not?
15:44.09orangethe soap opera is leaking
15:44.23kierrab/c they dont do that on #bzflag
15:44.25orangeI'll try to drag it back home
15:44.30kierraits for serious discussions
15:44.37kierraask learner
15:44.49menotumerevenge for Chestal :P
15:45.05kierraChestal can take care of himself, I'm sure
15:46.04TheRedBaronnah, Chestal is too nice :)
15:46.26Birdieyea he agrees with 4vs4:)
15:46.44kierrahmmm, d___ if i do and d___ if i dont....but here goes....who says Chestal is TOO nice
15:47.21cosmoswhats shaking birdie
15:47.54Birdiehey cosmos
15:48.58cosmosthere is a post on bzbb that sounds like yugi :)
15:49.18TheRedBaroncosmos you addict... you'll never be free from bzflag :)
15:50.18cosmosnope i can take breaks but thats about it
15:53.28*** part/#bzflag kierra (
16:16.59*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
16:16.59*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:19.45*** join/#bzflag wizart (
16:32.54*** join/#bzflag gina (
16:33.18Thumper_hi JeffM2501
16:33.38ginahi Thumper_  :-)
16:33.56Thumper_hi gina (and everyone else - before this goes nuts ;)
16:33.58JeffM2501how's it going?
16:34.13Thumper_JeffM2501: good - do plugins have access to the server data for player status
16:34.21Thumper_JeffM2501: ' /-/+/@' ?
16:34.23JeffM2501what do you mean for "status"
16:34.35*** join/#bzflag frank__ (
16:34.35JeffM2501there is an "is admin" and "is verified"
16:34.38JeffM2501so yes
16:34.44Thumper_anon player, registered but not verified, verfied, admin
16:34.54JeffM2501I dono "anon"
16:34.58ginaGutenabend Frank
16:35.10silverfoxanon is perls boyfriend.
16:35.16silverfoxThey've been dating for about a week.
16:35.17JeffM2501ummm ok
16:35.40JeffM2501Thumper_, there isn't realy a flag in the normal play record for "reged but not verified"
16:35.47JeffM2501users that have not verfied are all the same
16:35.58JeffM2501so there is verified, and admin
16:36.17silverfoxisn't there a UNVERIFIED ?
16:36.17Thumper_player->globalUser player->verified player->admin where player is bz_PlayerRecord *player
16:36.23JeffM2501that is a permision
16:36.28silverfoxah, sorry.
16:36.30Thumper_that or something else?
16:36.37JeffM2501global user
16:36.39JeffM2501who added that?
16:36.46Thumper_not me :)
16:37.09JeffM2501that could be it, if it's hooked into the right thing
16:37.11JeffM2501let me check
16:37.40Thumper_admin seems to be set by isOperator() - does that only get set if someone issues the server password ?
16:38.03JeffM2501no, if they have ban and kick
16:38.09JeffM2501it's the same thing used for @
16:38.10Thumper_ok that doesn't seem to work
16:38.24Thumper_on a playerjoin event
16:38.37JeffM2501on a join they probably haven't IDed yet
16:38.52Thumper_yeah that's what I figured
16:39.08Thumper_is globalUser the '-' ?
16:39.13Thumper_since you were checking that...
16:39.26Thumper_ok didn't think so
16:39.29JeffM2501it just says that if they did auth
16:39.31Thumper_docs say just globally registered
16:39.35JeffM2501they did it via global
16:39.46JeffM2501it means did they use a token or not
16:39.50JeffM2501when they did auth
16:39.51Thumper_so i have default is ' ', verified and globalUser set '+' (but verified alone is enough)
16:39.58Thumper_and @ isn't set yet when join happens
16:40.17JeffM2501yeah just verified could be a local user
16:40.18Thumper_is there an event for player authenticated?
16:40.21JeffM2501who /identified
16:40.28JeffM2501no event for that
16:40.34JeffM2501you could add one
16:40.36JeffM2501it would make sense
16:40.48Thumper_I'd like to have a current playerlist with login status
16:40.54Thumper_available via my plugin
16:40.59JeffM2501perhaps just a geneeral "player data change" event
16:41.01Thumper_but the 'status' of the player isn't reliable yet
16:41.38Thumper_but I don't want an update everytime the score changes
16:41.44Thumper_for this
16:41.46JeffM2501no no
16:41.54JeffM2501I mean for core player data
16:42.01JeffM2501like groups, perms, team
16:42.06JeffM2501stuff that changes rarely
16:42.15Thumper_most of that is set at join time though
16:42.21Thumper_just the authentication can change later right?
16:42.22JeffM2501but not all
16:42.30Thumper_id you can /identify anytime later
16:42.40JeffM2501the groups you are in can change at any time
16:43.10JeffM2501and I can see team changes later
16:43.35*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
16:43.41JeffM2501the goal of API design is to make the functions be very high level
16:44.02JeffM2501so that the backend can change with out realy affecting the plugins
16:44.14JeffM2501kind of abstracting them from the guts
16:44.19Thumper_ok - basically I'm spewing out a playerlist.txt file each time a playjoin/part event occurs now
16:44.43Thumper_and I'd like to have player status as part of the data
16:44.51Thumper_so far I can only check if verified or not
16:45.09JeffM2501I'd add the data change event
16:45.18JeffM2501and call it when a token is verified
16:45.26JeffM2501I'd also put in a token error event
16:45.34JeffM2501for times when a token fails
16:46.30Thumper_player->admin never seems to get set
16:46.40Thumper_I've been globally auth'ed on the server for awhile
16:46.49Thumper_and there have been lots of join and part events since
16:46.57Thumper_but that isn't getting set I think
16:47.06JeffM2501playerRecord->admin = player->accessInfo.isOperator();
16:47.11Thumper_yup saw that
16:47.27JeffM2501you have an @?
16:47.31Thumper_and isOperator is set when global auth works and you are in a group with ban privs?
16:47.44JeffM2501something like that
16:47.45Thumper_yup - bzadmin connection
16:47.53Thumper_2 other players also have @ via bzflag and they don't show up either
16:48.14JeffM2501then looks like your debugin :)
16:48.17Thumper_oh wait...
16:48.28Thumper_it's me. nevermind
16:48.58ginaAccessControlList.cxx:136: warning: shadowed declaration is here
16:48.58ginaAccessControlList.cxx:136: warning: declaration of `__x' shadows a previous
16:49.12Thumper_or maybe not. have to do debug it
16:50.30*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
16:50.32*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:50.42Thumper_my userline output is "+Thumper_ (bzadmin)"
16:51.05Thumper_so that should be an @ if admin is true right?
16:52.31bryjensetOperator is called by the API or when someone /passwords.  isAdmin is isOperator() || hasPerm(ban) || hasPerm(shortBan)
16:53.19Thumper_so... player->admin should be set by isAdmin not isOperator() then
16:53.25Thumper_bryjen: right?
16:53.41gina/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-suse-linux/3.3.5/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lslang
16:53.44ginawhat's that
16:54.07*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[RU] (n=den@
16:56.21ginaokok found it myself
16:57.57JeffM2501it has long since evolved and passed it's creator by
16:58.02Thumper_JeffM2501: I patched my local bzfsAPI.cxx to try it and see if that works better
16:58.50bryjenI was looking in bzfs...
17:00.26Thumper_@Thumper_ (bzadmin)
17:00.28Thumper_that works
17:01.35Thumper_in bzfsAPI.cxx just s/isOperator/isAdmin/
17:02.20*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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17:02.23Birdiehey gina
17:03.17*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@
17:26.51brlcadThumper_: player->admin no longer exists, not that you should have been accessing it directly regardless
17:27.01*** join/#bzflag wizatcom (
17:27.17brlcadplayer->isAdmin() or player->isOperator() are the calls in question
17:28.18brlcadthe equivalent of player->admin is now called player->serverop
17:28.56brlcadserverop's provide the server password, admins have the ability to remove players permanently
17:30.06JeffM2501I thouht it used to call isAdmin
17:30.10Thumper_brlcad: um that is from my plugin code
17:31.05brlcadi'm only going by the code that you pasted.. and that presumes that your player object is a bz "Player" object
17:31.37JeffM2501brlcad, he is testing his plugin, he says people with the @ in game, don't have the api "admin" bit set
17:31.43JeffM2501it is calling isOperator
17:31.50JeffM2501it used to call isAdmin
17:32.03JeffM2501so it dosn't look like isOperator is ever true
17:32.06JeffM2501for him
17:32.09brlcadJeffM2501: right, but then isAdmin was renamed to isOperator, and a new isAdmin was added
17:32.15brlcadit was just renamed
17:32.31JeffM2501he is saying that the new isAdmin works for him tho
17:32.35JeffM2501what is the diff between them?
17:32.38Thumper_brlcad: farther back (almost an hour ago I wrote: player is bz_PlayerRecord *player
17:32.55brlcadJeffM2501: operators have given the server /password password only
17:33.00brlcadadmins can ban you
17:33.12Thumper_chaing isOperator to isAdmin works
17:33.14JeffM2501so we don't have an API way to find out if a user is just admin
17:33.20brlcadit should probably be using isAdmin
17:33.33JeffM2501and we add a new field called operator
17:33.56JeffM2501tho that means you can't be operator from a global login
17:33.57brlcadthere were lots of places in the code that called isAdmin() that seemed to think it was something more than /password'd people
17:33.58JeffM2501that sucks
17:34.01brlcadwhen it wasn't
17:34.11JeffM2501brlcad, I totaly agree on the split
17:34.16JeffM2501the API wants the ban thing
17:34.21JeffM2501well the API wants both
17:34.27brlcadyeah, espectially for @ display
17:34.34brlcad@ should be admin
17:35.53CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: call isAdmin instead
17:36.16Thumper_JeffM2501: uh why not just make 'admin' return isAdmin instead of isOperator ?
17:36.20Tuponebrlcad: you could have noticed that I removed the --enable-plugin
17:36.47Tuponebrlcad: hi (should bet the first :) )
17:36.51Thumper_brlcad (thx - you did it already :)
17:37.18brlcadyeah, I did notice
17:37.33brlcadtied it as a side effect to enable-shared
17:37.46Tuponeso nobody can complain your libtool does not work :)
17:38.03*** join/#bzflag Guu (
17:38.16*** join/#bzflag JeffM2502 (
17:38.23brlcadi'll probably be changing it yet again here too -- going to give the plugins their own subconfigure so they can be standalone
17:38.47brlcadwhich will let them be shared only and bz static only
17:38.50*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
17:39.17JeffM2501heh, can't use the term "operator" in a structure now can I :)
17:39.17brlcadJeffM2501: the one side-effect of the change is the api call to setplayeradmin -- that sets there operator status
17:39.34JeffM2501brlcad, I am changing that call to be "set player operator"
17:39.38brlcadthere's no means to "set admin" status other than granting the ban permission (or setting operator)
17:39.44*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
17:39.56JeffM2501brlcad, I think that's how it should be
17:40.08JeffM2501set op for op, set ban for admin
17:40.09brlcadsetting operator will make them an admin, so it's not a lie, it just grants them potentially a lot more ;)
17:40.23JeffM2501I think it' should be very clear what it's doing
17:42.32JeffM2501plugins that want to limit there use to server operators shoudl use the "operator" function, or a custom permision
17:42.44JeffM2501plugins that want to know the display state of a user should use "admin"
17:42.52JeffM2501they are both valid uses
17:43.12*** join/#bzflag ep (
17:43.55JeffM2501so may as well get them seperated as soon as possible :)
17:44.30brlcaddoes any of the plugin api rely on common.h/config.h?
17:45.01brlcaduse any of the defines or somesuch
17:45.28JeffM2501they should not, no
17:45.39JeffM2501some that used to use text utils direclty did
17:45.43JeffM2501but they are phased out
17:45.55JeffM2501since it uses regex now
17:47.15JeffM2501yeah beacause your plugin is WIERD
17:47.17DTRemenakerr bzfscron
17:47.20DTRemenakheh :)
17:47.31DTRemenakwouldn't have it any other way :)
17:49.15CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
17:49.15CIA-3BZFlag: leave admins as admins ( the '@' people )
17:49.15CIA-3BZFlag: add in op ( the /password peoiple )
17:49.15CIA-3BZFlag: get all the names straight
17:49.15CIA-3BZFlag: bump api version.
17:49.37JeffM2501Thumper_, that change should work for you, it seperates them out
17:50.07Thumper_JeffM2501: ok thx
17:50.41JeffM2501admin means @
17:50.46JeffM2501operator means server /password
17:50.48Thumper_that's what I want
17:51.04JeffM2501tho I still think we should have a way to set operator via global
17:51.13JeffM2501some may not want to have a /password
17:51.13Thumper_my server pwd is almost unusable :)
17:51.21Thumper_only the scripts use that
17:51.23Tuponebrlcad: In case plugins looks for bzflag libraries, they have to export symbol. Does it work static ?
17:53.15brlcadTupone: yeah, that'll work
17:53.56Tuponehmm, I wonder how this work. We need to export all symbols from the build
18:04.13I_Died_Oncedid anyone see RAW last night?
18:10.49bryjenadmin and operator aren't specific enought terms.   perhaps hasServerPassword and hasBanHammer ? ;)
18:10.59*** join/#bzflag orchid_ (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
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18:11.07Birdieciao bello orchid
18:17.06*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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18:23.57orchidciao Tupone
18:28.04*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
18:34.53*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/pdpc.sustaining.BearPerson)
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18:55.58*** topic/#bzflag by Tupone -> || || || || || || #bzchat if you just want to chat || paste errors to || BZFlag 2.1.x branch will happen very soon. Do not make any commit, please.
18:56.06*** join/#bzflag sussi (
18:56.26sussijust was on 1vs1 server
18:56.52sussiafter reconnect -it was downloading map
18:57.11sussibz shows 194.5 % and than died
18:59.11*** topic/#bzflag by Tupone -> || || || || || || #bzchat if you just want to chat || paste errors to || BZFlag 2.1.x branch happened. To make commit for stable update specifying the v2_0branch
18:59.47*** mode/#bzflag [-o Tupone] by Tupone
19:00.04Tuponesussi: you have a stack trace of that ?
19:00.21brlcadTupone: so is that a 2.0 branch or a 2.1 branch? :)
19:00.29Tuponethat is for 2.0
19:00.34Tuponewe develop on head
19:00.53brlcadso then the "BZFlag 2.1.x branch happened" didn't happen ;)
19:00.57ToughShooterWith 2.0.4 "STABLE" this is no unusual behaviour, IIRC
19:01.02Tuponeyep, I should fix
19:01.11*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by ChanServ
19:01.56Tuponebrlcad: you write :(
19:02.31TuponeToo much wording. I want people know that commit will go to unstable, if they don't change anything
19:02.55*** join/#bzflag SportChicky (
19:03.40*** topic/#bzflag by brlcad -> || || || || || || #bzchat for casual chat || paste to || CVS HEAD is now 2.1 unstable, commit stable to v2_0branch
19:03.51Tuponety :)
19:05.22ToughShooterWhy does bzfs not know the players positions? (I was told that, IIRC)
19:05.38DTRemenakbzfs knows player positions
19:05.43DTRemenakbut not shot positions
19:05.54Tuponesome anticheat
19:06.32brlcadit could easily know shot positions, indirectly knows them
19:06.40brlcadjust doesn't use them
19:06.43DTRemenakdoesn't store them
19:06.49DTRemenakcan't calculate the ricochets
19:07.04ToughShooterHow can you then avoid new players spawning into shots? For now it happens a lot on busy servers.
19:07.23ToughShooterI've even spawned on burrowed mates
19:07.25TuponeToughShooter: just looking at the tank aims
19:07.37DTRemenakmatter of perspective :)
19:07.37Tuponenot shot :(
19:07.46DTRemenakcan't without changes -> doesn't
19:07.59ToughShooterit should know the shots starting position and vector
19:08.03*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
19:08.13TuponeToughShooter: but it does not
19:08.20brlcadToughShooter: on busy servers, there's not much that one can do -- the server tries to place them and after a while just has to say "this is good enough"
19:08.28brlcadotherwise they wouldn't be able to spawn
19:09.05Tuponewell, knowing if a shot is really there could help, or spawning a tank in front of one that has no more shot :)
19:09.08DTRemenakbrlcad, I have not had a spawn failure due to timeout in a long long time.  it's pretty obvious when it happens.
19:09.14DTRemenakit drops them in at 100 height or something
19:09.45ToughShooterah, I know this problem from calculations when our politicans should meet when and where. Currently it needs 9 months to make sure most people can come, AFAIK
19:10.59*** join/#bzflag BusyBeaver (
19:11.05Tuponethe 9 month?
19:11.21Tuponethat is the nature
19:11.45ToughShooternah, shot position known to bzfs to be able to create better spawn behaviour
19:13.29ToughShooterthe delegate problem has been already fixed by just picking up a date and location a certain percentage can come, the rest just don't join the meeting
19:18.07brlcadDTRemenak: that would be interesting on a busy ducati map :)
19:22.18DTRemenakbrlcad, yup :)
19:22.33DTRemenakdoesn't happen though.  10ms is an eternity as far as bzfs is concerned
19:23.01DTRemenakyou'd need like 100 people on a ducati server to get there
19:23.49brlcadit could happen ;)
19:24.11DTRemenakhmmm :)
19:24.42ToughShooterAre you coding and then checking in or doing a theoretical proof of algorithms before?
19:29.18*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
19:30.29ToughShooterI wonder if this proof stuff is used anywhere in real world apps outside universite
19:31.30brlcadit's used in certain sectors of business, regularly
19:32.45ToughShooterI mean except OS stuff or employes who get paid for that
19:32.53brlcadjust not generally/necessarily as pedantic or rigorous just for the sake of being complete
19:35.15brlcadso it does happen .. just how much and for what purposes
19:35.37*** join/#bzflag devon (
19:36.33ToughShooterToo bad the most naive code isn't always the most efficient :(
19:36.38CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/date/buildDate.cxx: Birth of a new age
19:37.01brlcadheh, it rarely is actually
19:37.18ToughShooteryeah, bubblesort vs heap/quicksort etc
19:37.29brlcadthough what's naive and simple to one is not necessarily to someone else
19:41.26CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (NEWS ChangeLog): ChangeLog to be built automatically. NEWS is the standard for user changes.
19:41.32Tuponebrlcad: moved ChangeLog to NEWS.
19:41.49*** join/#bzflag hansemann (
19:42.24Tuponeyou have to build it now :)
19:43.38brlcadit only needs to get generated once before making source tarball distributions, replaced at every release with the changes since the previous
19:43.57Tuponeyep, I'd put a command on makefile
19:44.08ToughShooterCould someone tell me the impression about the following patch?
19:44.10Tuponehmm, why not all?
19:44.19*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
19:44.39brlcadall what?
19:44.44Tuponebrlcad: if you look at tcl, like you had, actually, ChangeLog have all the changes
19:44.51Tuponefrom birth
19:45.16Tuponenot birth, but near
19:45.24brlcadyou could do all, but that does make it a little harder to upload to at release time
19:45.57brlcadno, the ChangeLog field -- not to files
19:46.10brlcadthere's a specific field for notes and changelog when you make a release
19:46.27brlcadyou're supposed to upload your file (or file segment) there
19:46.36brlcadit could be all, that works
19:46.46Tuponewill see :)
19:46.46brlcadmimics NEWS somewhat
19:46.56brlcadjust makes for a longer rcs2log
19:47.05brlcadand a huge file :)
19:47.26TuponeI like cvs changelog, is useful
19:47.53brlcad"cvs changelog"?
19:48.09Tuponethe one from cvs2cl :)
19:48.52TuponeI have not made any rules, just space for it :)
19:50.27*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
19:51.21Mr_Molezis it usual for bzflag to use 100% cpu ?
19:51.42brlcadMr_Molez: yes
19:52.03brlcadMr_Molez: there's an "Energy Saver" option in the latest CVS version that makes it use considerably less
19:52.16brlcadby limiting your framerate to a fixed number
19:52.40Mr_Molezahh ok thanks.. wow i cant belive all this time i have been maxing out my cpu's
19:52.54blast007games are supposed to do that  :)
19:53.31Mr_Molezi thought with it being such a small game it would use barely any resources. how wrong i am :P
19:53.44brlcadon my Ti notebook, it cut usage back from 100% to about 20% at 30-50fps
19:54.34Mr_Molezi think ill install that tomorrow, i have enough cooling problems as it is without the cpu running at 100% for hours :P
19:55.38*** join/#bzflag wizatcomp (
19:56.02CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/misc/.cvsignore: ignore COPYING.backup
19:56.10*** join/#bzflag blast007` (
19:56.10CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/defaultBZDB.cxx: increase limit to 50 just to avoid any low fps visual effects
19:56.46*** join/#bzflag SportyGal (
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19:56.52CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/misc/.cvsignore: ignore COPYING.backup
20:00.02*** join/#bzflag DarkMaster (n=Apathy@
20:02.20_Manu_brlcad, is that fpsLimit because something like BearPerson patch?
20:05.54brlcad_Manu_: yes, at least that's how it started, though it's evolved into an implementation rather different
20:06.07brlcadthough the same end effect, limit fps
20:06.16_Manu_is what I though
20:15.26ChestalI have set the limit to 150 or so
20:15.43Chestalwith 50 or 60fps it just doesn't look smooth enough for me
20:16.21Chestalhmm, actually it's 100
20:16.26_Manu_50-60 fps drawed by force brute is not good at all
20:16.33Chestalthought the real fps would always be <= limitfps, obviously not
20:17.06BearPersonbrlcad, did the oldsleeptime patch go in yet?
20:17.47_Manu_50 fps vsync'ed are fine
20:18.23BearPersonmy patch was essentially "static SleepTime=0; SleepTime+=DelayPerFrame - dt;" with some sanity checks on SleepTime, and phrased differently
20:21.06BearPersonthough it should probably be "static SleepTime=0; if(DelayPerFrame+SleepTime-dt>0) { SleepTime=DelayPerFrame + SleepTime - dt; sleep(SleepTime); }"
20:22.01SportyGal!weather 90277
20:22.04GuuSportyGal: The current temperature in Weather Underground is 68°F.
20:22.55brlcadChestal: I would presume that's vsync issues, not necessarily framerate
20:23.06brlcadpresuming bz's fps calculations are actually correct
20:23.13brlcadand not 1/2 or 2x
20:26.47*** join/#bzflag teh_conquerer (
20:28.19CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10tools/bzedit/ (77 files in 15 dirs): add current files for new cross platform, flexable format, map editor
20:31.39*** part/#bzflag ToughShooter (
20:34.21*** join/#bzflag blast007` (
20:35.35BearPersonbrlcad, with the OldSleepTime correction, it ought to get exactly the set fps, if the computer can handle more than it
20:35.53BearPersonexactly on it, maybe 1 frame less, within 1-2 seconds
20:36.47brlcadBearPerson: trepan made a timing modification that gets exactly the set fps and avoids the timing issue
20:37.03BearPersonavoids the timing issue?
20:37.14brlcadtiming the sleeping
20:37.47brlcadtry out the latest and see what you think
20:39.17brlcadhe had it done and working that same day, so I didn't bother checking the difference with oldsleeptime yet
20:39.46BearPersonwhen was this patch?
20:40.04brlcadsame evening you mentioned oldsleeptime iirc
20:40.26BearPersonmy cvs update didn't mention patching anything... weird
20:40.38BearPersonplaying.cxx, I presume? ;-)
20:41.20brlcadmaybe you already ahve it
20:42.04BearPersoncvs update -CdPAf
20:42.07BearPersonthat did something
20:42.27*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:43.54BearPersonhmm... he's calling TimeKeeper::getCurrent() once per frame ;-)
20:53.42*** join/#bzflag ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
20:53.42*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || || || #bzchat for casual chat || paste to || CVS HEAD is now 2.1 unstable, commit stable to v2_0branch
20:53.42*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
21:09.00CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (14 files in 7 dirs): Inertia is a bzdb var
21:09.56brlcadit's not at all expensive
21:11.59*** join/#bzflag bz6470 (
21:17.16CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ChangeLog: Needed by make dist
21:22.22Tuponeno 2.1.0 servers yet :(
21:24.18devsteri see more people using 1.x servers
21:25.01*** join/#bzflag wizatcom (
21:31.47*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
21:31.50trepanTupone: you broke protocol for that?
21:32.12Tuponenot only
21:32.13RPG_Is the PHP website at in CVS?
21:32.18trepanwhen there are some very decent fixes that could have been put into a 2.0.6
21:32.30trepanagain, you broke protocol for that?
21:32.31Tuponeyou have a brach to work on
21:32.47trepanah, branched, not in HEAD?
21:33.01Tuponeyou can fix into the branch
21:33.04Tuponesee topic
21:34.08Tuponethen had to merge :/
21:34.19trepanTupone: still think you should have waited for 2.0.6
21:35.15Tuponewell, I changed the topic yesterday to say abouth that and talk to someone. Is good to have feedback just after I did :(
21:36.06trepanthe end of the '/topic' doesn't show in my irssi window   :)
21:36.16Tuponesorry :/
21:36.21trepanplus, why not send out an email? do a bogus commit?
21:36.49TuponeBZFlag 2.1.x branch will happen soon. Please commit what is supposed to go into 2.0.6 ... That was yesterday topic
21:37.22TuponeIf I knew you have so much to commit, I had waited :(
21:37.43trepanguy who branches early should have to do all the upstream merges  :)
21:38.06Tuponeearly is not the right term :)
21:38.49Tuponehow much do you have to? If is much I wait to do other changes
21:39.14Tuponeso merge will be easier
21:40.32Tuponehowever, next time I will e-mail
21:41.12*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
21:46.32*** join/#bzflag teh_conquerer_ (
21:46.37trepanTupone: custom tanks were gonna get dropped in within the next week, wanted that in for 2.0.6
21:47.07Tuponeok I'll try to reduce commit rate
21:47.41trepanit's fairly localized
21:48.33trepanyou're not still on that header crunching kick are you?
21:48.42trepanthat'll be a pita wrt merges
21:58.17*** join/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
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22:04.29*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
22:10.07Tuponetrepan: includes no more :)
22:13.33*** join/#bzflag ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
22:13.33*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || || || #bzchat for casual chat || paste to || CVS HEAD is now 2.1 unstable, commit stable to v2_0branch
22:13.33*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
22:17.09*** join/#bzflag gsnedders (
22:18.51*** part/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
22:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan 07v2_0branch * 10bzflag/src/ (bzflag/playing.cxx common/cURLManager.cxx):
22:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: [NOT IN HEAD]
22:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: - a little test commit
22:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: - cleanup the initial debug output
22:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: - cleanup the console header message
22:44.00*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
22:45.01trepanah, good, the notification email lists the Tag:
22:56.03*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
23:19.50teh_conquerer_quake4 is pretty entertaining :-)
23:20.16blast007a friend of mine said it's awesome  :)
23:20.30teh_conquerer_the multiplayer is really fun too
23:20.57JeffM2501it's very short
23:21.06JeffM2501the multiplayer is quake3
23:21.08teh_conquerer_you've beaten it already?
23:21.11JeffM2501map for map
23:21.16JeffM2501umm yeah, took 2 days
23:21.16teh_conquerer_i know
23:21.34teh_conquerer_well I should have it done within the next few hours
23:22.03JeffM2501fear is a much better game
23:22.09teh_conquerer_they have a couple different maps that I never noticed in wuake 3
23:22.21teh_conquerer_fear is very good
23:22.27teh_conquerer_do you own that aswell?
23:22.29JeffM2501some maps are based on the in game stuff sure
23:22.35JeffM2501but the number of maps and modes is pathetic
23:22.43JeffM2501it's like they just cheaped out
23:22.52blast007I played the demo of fear, very impressed
23:22.53JeffM2501it's shinny quake3
23:23.00JeffM2501down to the same ammo boxes
23:23.04teh_conquerer_I'm sure there will be updates later
23:23.19teh_conquerer_doom 3 engine
23:23.23teh_conquerer_so is quake 4
23:23.26JeffM2501it sadens me that people pay cash for 1/2 finished games
23:23.59JeffM2501ID just needs to stop making games
23:24.07JeffM2501and just do engines
23:24.11teh_conquerer_mm hmm
23:24.55teh_conquerer_but quake4 was a much better use of the havoc engine than doom 3 was
23:25.05JeffM2501they've had longer to use it
23:25.17JeffM2501and they had an art team that cared
23:25.28JeffM2501now they just need a game design team
23:26.26*** join/#bzflag spldart (
23:27.12spldartwow... got debian netinst/xfree/gnome/irc and a few other appys down to 30 minutes total time from first boot to talking to peeps
23:27.26gsneddersgood night all
23:27.35spldartnight gsn
23:28.00spldartnow to attempt a quick compile of bzflag
23:28.25trepanso is there to be another 0026 release?
23:28.32*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
23:31.37spldartdoes anyone know a quick way to confirm my debian install recognized my dual cpu's
23:31.38jomojowell since there has been a proto break
23:31.55jomojothere has been something i have wanted but told it would require a proto break
23:32.27spldartOh... And I'm drinking red wine in a gallon jug again *elbows Jeffm*
23:32.56jomojothat something is an message or warnings sent by an admin or the server that the player will have a hard time missing
23:33.38jomojobasically a loud noise that will also bring the console backup in case it has been minimized
23:34.18jomojothat way a player cannot not claim innocence if they get a warning, and players do not miss the warnings
23:35.34orchidspldart: cat /proc/cpuinfo should show them both
23:37.31spldartI only see 1
23:37.43spldartthanks for the response orchid (btw(
23:38.15spldartprocessor                  :    0
23:38.54spldartupgrade kernel?
23:39.21orchidyeah, or grep the /boot/config* file
23:40.03orchidbut there might be a smp kernel you can get with apt perhaps
23:40.14spldartlemme check that out
23:46.30blast007jomojo: maybe like an 'important' flag on MsgMessage
23:46.46blast007if it's flagged important, it plays a different sound, and restores the console if hidden
23:47.04jomojowhat i was thinking
23:47.27jomojolike maybe they are reaching high level tk ratio, lagwarn, carrying flags with uneven teams
23:48.49teh_conquerer_i wish I could team kill everyone
23:49.00teh_conquerer_especially you, jomojo
23:49.05*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:49.10jomojoor they are doing something that is forbidden by the server
23:49.38jomojoteh_conquerer_: do i know you?
23:49.48teh_conquerer_but you will
23:49.55teh_conquerer_i am teh_conquerer
23:50.06teh_conquerer_now I can kill you, right?
23:50.07trepanyou want to make it effective, make them have to click or type in something to get rid of the message
23:50.14trepanuntil then, controls are disbled
23:50.35jomojooh trepan i like that idea
23:51.21jomojoteh_conquerer_: ah your are creeperz
23:51.35teh_conquerer_...maybe... :-)
23:51.37jomojoyou are welcome to play but if you teamkill i will ban you
23:51.39teh_conquerer_how'd you guess?
23:51.53jomojobecause i compared your ip to my logs
23:52.00jomojoreally quite simple
23:52.02teh_conquerer_nah, I'm getting prepped to play more quake4
23:52.25teh_conquerer_migrating some snacks to my desk
23:52.38teh_conquerer_and letting my right arm take a rest

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