irclog2html for #bzflag on 20051023

00:01.53*** join/#bzflag Ethan (
00:03.19Ethanim having problems compiling bzflag 2.0.4 on my debian box with an Nvidia video card.
00:03.25Ethani keep getting this error
00:03.26Ethanconfigure: WARNING: Client build has been requested, but GL is not fully available (missing gl.h)
00:04.05Ethanif i locate gl.h i get this
00:04.06Ethanethan@debian:~/bzflag-$ locate gl.h
00:04.49SilentSwani ran into that same issue on solaris and have still not resolved it
00:04.57SilentSwani ended up hacking up the configure script
00:05.28Ethandid you have to remove gl support?
00:05.37SilentSwani got it to build
00:05.49Ethanor did you just tell it to look in /usr/include/GL/
00:06.00SilentSwanit was only a *test* so i never really looked into it any further
00:06.16SilentSwanno, i just basically bypassed the gl test in configure
00:08.51SilentSwanoh this is nice
00:09.00SilentSwanapparently there are some header file "issues" on solaris 10
00:10.18SilentSwananyone want an ultra10? makes a great doorstop
00:12.41Ethanok.. i think i hax my way around the configure file
00:14.30Ethani changed it so that if it didnt find gl.h it would still enable client.
00:15.19SilentSwanhmm.. i thought there were a few other bits and pieces i had to tweak in there, but i forgot now
00:16.10Ethanat the bottem of the config it said it was going to make the client
00:21.56trepanEthan: i use this soft link:  /usr/X11R6/include/GL -> /usr/include/GL/
00:22.45trepanlooked into your config.log to see exactly what's happening?
00:23.03Ethanno i didnt
00:29.14SilentSwani always find it amusing that gnu tar is distributed in a tar file
00:41.04*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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00:43.47I_Died_Onceor to compile gcc you have to run "make"
00:44.11I_Died_OnceI got a color question...
00:44.23I_Died_Onceanyone ever heard of ROY G BIV
00:44.31I_Died_Oncethe spectrum...
00:44.48I_Died_Oncered orange yellow green blue indigo violet
00:44.50SilentSwanthough i think the gas station attendent nearby bears that name
00:45.09I_Died_Onceyeah, i learned it in elementary school
00:45.27I_Died_OnceI'm trying to think of a more common name for "indigo"
00:45.30SilentSwanhuh... in all my playing around with photoshop, i've never seen it
00:45.36SilentSwanturquoise, sort of
00:45.42SilentSwanonly more.. purple
00:45.48I_Died_Onceno, thats violet
00:46.08I_Died_OnceI wanna set the sky color a shade between blue and violet
00:46.46I_Died_Oncebzflag doesnt take Indigo
00:47.27I_Died_Oncefor a  server test
00:47.31SilentSwanmagenta maybe?
00:57.29*** join/#bzflag Inferno (
00:57.54*** join/#bzflag bz2901 (
00:59.37Ethanconftest.c:32:20: GL/glx.h: Too many levels of symbolic links
01:03.01*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
01:05.27*** join/#bzflag wizatcomp (
01:07.15TD-Linuxmy bzflag won't compile - for the sole reason that the HTF plugin's makefile dosen't exist :(
01:08.02TD-LinuxI'll just delete the HTF plugin entirely :)
01:09.35TD-Linuxwait a minute... I don't have the HTF plugin at all... but I just did a cvs update
01:10.16TD-Linuxwhy does it try to compile a HTF plugin that isn't there? Do I have to do a cvs update 'with vengeance' ?
01:12.18*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (
01:21.30BenUrbanTD-Linux: it's ./configure --with-vengeance
01:22.36TD-LinuxBenUrban: wrong, it was a cvs update thingy
01:22.45BenUrbanbe that way
01:23.04TD-LinuxI think the cvs might be messed up... I should have gotten the hold the flag plugin
01:23.17TD-Linuxdon't know why it insists on compiling it anyway, it dosen't exist
01:23.47TD-Linuxwas it cvs update -vP?
01:24.26TD-LinuxBenUrban: does the latest CVS work for you?
01:24.36BenUrbannever tried it
01:30.18trepanTD-Linux:  cvs up -d   (in case you are missing a new dir)
01:30.37TD-Linuxtrepan: ty
01:31.27trepanbetter yet, stick it in your .cvsrc
01:38.55*** join/#bzflag learner (n=brlcad@pdpc/supporter/silver/brlcad)
01:38.55*** mode/#bzflag [+o learner] by ChanServ
01:41.48*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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01:52.05*** join/#bzflag enmand (
02:04.19*** join/#bzflag z_k (
02:16.14Thumper_hmmm it's snowing outside.
02:17.51Thumper_North of Toronto
02:18.10Thumper_my grass is white.
02:19.18Aribeth!weather 30040
02:19.20GuuAribeth: The current temperature in Weather Underground is 45°F.
02:19.40Aribethit was in the 80's just the other day
02:20.00Thumper_!weather CYYZ
02:20.04GuuThumper_: The current temperature in Weather Underground is 37°F.
02:20.28Aribethi think fall just arrived
02:20.53Thumper_it's been here for a few weeks already. leaves have turned and are dropping
02:21.23Aribethleaves are dropping here, but its been warm mid 80's
02:21.43Aribethit just started to cool off here
02:21.46BenUrbanso they're burning off
02:22.14Aribethhehe, ya they get singed before they hit the ground :P
02:22.20Thumper_uh... as in changed colours :)
02:22.45*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
02:23.00Aribethhavn't really seen a lot of different colors in the leaves yet
02:23.31Aribethhelllllooo mbfg
02:23.32learnerprodigal big guy returns
02:23.47learnerbeen a lil while :)
02:24.02learnerdon't worry, you haven't missed anything ;)
02:24.09mbfgit took awhile to remove the rope and cans
02:24.36learneris .. that .. oh my
02:24.39learnercould it be??
02:24.48learnermbfg on broadband!
02:25.15bryjens/guy/pipe/ ?
02:25.42mbfgof course now i've got to change the 50 or so mailing list subscriptions
02:26.02learneryeah, i'm sure it sucks
02:26.06learnershould probably just cancel
02:26.30learneroh, and more importantly.. how're the horses? :)
02:26.33mbfgthis time at least i'm changing to my own domain, so it won't happen again
02:26.37mbfghorsies are good
02:26.44learnerstill kickin'
02:26.50learnerstill poo'in
02:26.52mbfgand poopin
02:29.46mbfg...and dusts of Studio
02:31.04SilentSwan*burp* that was tasty
02:31.25SilentSwanno, the food that caused it
02:31.39Aribethzantac time
02:31.58Aribethi take 2 every day
02:32.06SilentSwani should be taking my prevacid
02:32.16Aribethi cant aford it
02:32.22SilentSwanit's just one more thing to spend money on
02:32.53SilentSwani'm coming off these other hideous meds, too... it'll take about 2 months to do it
02:34.21Aribeththats a pain
02:34.36SilentSwani'm bored, so... it keeps my bird-brain busy
02:35.03SilentSwantried gentoo on this machine... turns out, i couldn't get the creator3d card to work in X
02:35.11mbfgpdcurses from ?
02:35.38brlcadmbfg: i believe so
02:35.38Aribethwhat machine?
02:35.51SilentSwansunffb is the driver
02:35.55SilentSwanbut it's b0rked
02:36.07Aribethworked on my ultra 5
02:36.09SilentSwanwish suse was available for sparc
02:36.36brlcadmmm.. an ultra10
02:36.41brlcaduseful compilation machine
02:36.48brlcadheh, or that
02:37.03SilentSwanwhere i used to work, we had about 30 of them in use by developers
02:37.13brlcadI'm sorry
02:37.26SilentSwandevelopers and QA testers
02:38.28brlcadmbfg: so how long ago was the last build? 2.0.0 release?
02:38.53mbfgprolly like february
02:39.29brlcadjust a few changes then..  
02:41.03mbfguncle sam still keeping you busy?
02:41.38brlcadI've not been around a whole lot myself since 2.0.0 until just recently
02:41.59brlcadenough to keep tabs on what's going on, the occasional fixes, release builds, etc
02:42.49brlcadwork on brl-cad has been taking up most of my time
02:43.43cosmosthey looked at it and exclaimed "oh it has lame graphics what a pathetic game"
02:46.25bryjenthen they'd just *love* BZFlag ;)
02:47.08brlcadyeah, but we got tanks
02:47.12brlcadthat shoot stuff
02:47.36bryjenand jump
02:47.47brlcadthat's a bug
02:49.22bryjen~jump brlcad
02:49.24ibotACTION scrambles up the nearest tree, screams, then leaps feet first on top of brlcad
02:49.39bryjenthat's tamer than i expected
02:52.51cosmosthese are the same developers who stated the original star wars movies were shameful and the worst special effects ever
02:53.02cosmosi love the youth
02:57.22*** part/#bzflag [BrianH] (n=[BrianH]
03:02.37*** part/#bzflag EbErT (n=edwardhu@
03:04.18orchid~8ball tea or pepsi
03:04.20ibotAre you smoking crack?
03:07.05bryjendrink the pepsi and smoke the tea? ;)
03:09.11orchidno more smoking for me :)
03:10.50SilentSwanis everyone giving up their naughty habits? :)
03:14.19brlcadSilentSwan: I wouldn't .. but then smoking isn't one of mine :)
03:14.26bryjennaughty is OK, it's /the cancer/ that is to be avoided
03:14.43orchidyep :-|
03:14.49SilentSwani've given up a) alcohol, b) weed (and this one hurts)
03:14.59SilentSwanthere are some other naughty habits i will not be giving up :)
03:15.25SilentSwanlike... um... coffee... yeah
03:19.20*** join/#bzflag wizatcom (
03:29.59*** join/#bzflag mbfg (n=dave@
03:36.32CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX/ (SDLMain.h SDLMain.m): update to new SDLMain, sdl 1.2.9, that fixes several issues including the ability to add -window and still receive key events
03:37.10CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/README.MacOSX: sdl bz on mac can't be run with -window on the command line due to loss of key events. run fullscreen and switch to windowed via f1
03:37.21CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag.cxx: Reverting a changes. dunno why, it causes a crash to MacOSX
03:37.30mbfgnice smoke rings, (land, shoot, spawn) etc
03:37.35CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/geometry/FlagSceneNode.cxx: speedup/touchup
03:37.38CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ (BUGS ChangeLog): Support for -window on Mac command line executions is fixed
03:37.49CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/
03:37.50CIA-3BZFlag: update to latest. adds support for a libtool restart check on automake (in case
03:37.50CIA-3BZFlag: an autoconf sans -f worked), a non-forced automake check, as well as support for
03:37.50CIA-3BZFlag: detecting unsupported macros (which indicates your versions are
03:37.50CIA-3BZFlag: wrong)
03:37.58learnerhey, look who decided to wake up finally..
03:55.10*** join/#bzflag Tegan (
03:55.24learnerhi Tegan
03:55.32Teganhi learner
03:55.52learnerwould you mind testing something for me?
03:55.58Teganwhat's that? in the latest cvs
03:56.17learnershould be fixed to do what you manually did last night
03:56.21learnerbut I wanted to make sure
03:56.35Teganso first remove acinclude.m4
03:57.59learnerand cvs update, then cvs status
03:58.08learnershould say 2.12
03:58.44learneror I can upload it if you don't have a checkout
03:59.35learnerit should give a warning about probably wanting to set ln -s as root and maybe a restart
03:59.44learnerbut ultimately complete
04:00.09Teganyeah, still on "Preparing build..."
04:00.25Teganthere it goes.
04:00.39Teganreturns 0
04:01.00learnercan you paste the output to pastebin?
04:01.04Tegangenerated acinclude.m4 okay
04:01.15Teganwant I should run it with -v first?
04:01.24Teganremove acinclude.m4 and run it again?
04:01.26learnernah, what you have should be good
04:06.18learnerTegan, perfect -- thanks!
04:06.26Teganno, thank you
04:07.26learnerit is true about those symlinks, ports folk expect you to create them yourself :)
04:08.31SilentSwanwhat about bsd?  i've spent way too much time working with it...
04:08.32learnerthat's why it dumps out the instruction, just in case ;)
04:08.55*** join/#bzflag iwcylabumf (
04:10.53Teganwhat is it?
04:11.02SilentSwansolaris packages
04:11.24SilentSwanpresently installing the entire kde distribution
04:11.52learneryou mean you don't love cde?
04:12.29SilentSwancde is good enough for a lot of things
04:12.41SilentSwanit's the Java Desktop *hack* that i cannot tolerate
04:13.10learnergood enough being the key words
04:13.19learnerso is pen and paper most of the time ;)
04:13.56SilentSwanconsidering 99% of what this machine does is run a) DNS server, b) test web server, c) compilers...
04:13.58learnerthis isn't on your sparc10 is it?
04:14.19SilentSwanand most often, it provides a nice place i can ssh to from work
04:14.33SilentSwanno, i'm not using the sun compiler at the moment
04:14.38SilentSwanmay install later on
04:14.44SilentSwanif i can find the media
04:15.01learnerone of the few compilers to actually compile worse code for their own patform than gcc ...
04:15.43SilentSwani've been spending my evening building/rebuilding all sorts of things with ultrasparc optimizations, etc...
04:15.59SilentSwanand sort of gnu-ifying solaris
04:17.24learnerreasonable price, just a smidgen more than the music by itself and the video was pretty cool
04:17.41*** join/#bzflag kyelewis[2] (n=kyelewis@freematrix/staff/kyelewis)
04:17.49learnerNIN video "Only"
04:18.55SilentSwanugh... getting cold here... have to put on the fuzzy socks
04:19.17SilentSwan!weather 60515
04:19.20GuuSilentSwan: The current temperature in Weather Underground is 33°F.
04:19.31SilentSwan!weather 60126
04:19.34GuuSilentSwan: The current temperature in Weather Underground is 39°F.
04:20.11learner~weather kbwi
04:20.23SilentSwan41F... close...
04:20.48*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
04:20.54learnerhmm.. i have the windows wide open, sure don't feel like 50
04:22.03Teganhi SportChick
04:22.31SilentSwananyway... think i'll be running along now... bye
04:22.32*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
04:26.50*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
04:31.28*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
04:35.27CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/README.MacOSX: whadaya know, -window works now that I've updated sdlmain
05:01.46*** join/#bzflag wizatcomp (
05:09.25*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
05:17.07CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (3 files in 2 dirs): sequential OBJ mesh ids
05:22.10*** join/#bzflag ep (
05:35.23CIA-3BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ cannot want ansi and still expect to be able to compile objective-c/c++ files with gcc 4
05:43.33*** join/#bzflag iwcylabumf (
05:48.17*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
06:30.15*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
06:30.43*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
06:54.14*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
06:59.16*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
07:17.08*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
07:18.11SilentSwanhow's things?
07:18.25Teganhow do I know?
07:18.36SilentSwangood question
07:19.19SilentSwan<- quit drinking, quit weed.  feeling it.
07:19.59Tegandidn't quit bz, though, eh?
07:20.05SilentSwanthat too
07:20.13SilentSwanhavn't played in near a month actually
07:20.16ToughShooterMorning Tegan
07:20.26Teganhey ToughShooter
07:21.34ToughShooterStill up so late? ;)
07:21.53Tegansort of
07:21.56SilentSwanhmm... anyway, was hoping to see someone here, but said person is not present.  bye.
07:21.58*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
07:22.24ToughShooterWell, I t
07:22.38ToughShooterbah, I hate my dumb fingers
07:23.05Teganshh they might be listening
07:23.14ToughShooterI think I can go on testing something for Tupone
07:23.28Teganyou don't want to get your fingers mad at you
07:47.09*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
08:10.23*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=one@unaffiliated/brad2901)
08:27.45ToughShooteribot, botmail for Tupone: The client runs fine with newest CVS now
08:33.08*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
08:33.08*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
08:36.17*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
08:37.12ToughShooterTupone: heh, that was pretty close
08:37.28*** join/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
08:38.11Teganhi Birdie
08:38.24Birdiehello tegan
08:38.27TuponeToughShooter: you have tried brlcad changes too
08:38.28Birdienice to see you
08:38.34Tuponehi Tegan
08:38.49Tuponesee? you have a webcam ?
08:39.13ToughShooterTupone: yeah
08:39.42ToughShooterNow I have a running gdb session with BZFlag dying due to SDL and now brlcad or learner :/
08:39.53ToughShooter*now no
08:40.01ToughShooterMorning Birdie
08:40.07Birdiehey TS
08:40.41TuponeToughShooter: so yours still dieing? The -window things?
08:41.27*** part/#bzflag SilentSwan (n=silent@unaffiliated/silentswan)
08:41.42ToughShooterTupone: started without -window
08:42.02Tuponehmm, you said it was ok :/
08:42.42ToughShooterIt didn't crashed yesterday
08:42.55ToughShooterand it worked hours today without problems
08:43.22ToughShooterthen suddently it crashed and I ran it in gdb and switch it got boom:
08:44.15Tuponecan you compile sdl with debug symbols ?
08:44.40Tuponeand without stripping either sdl and bzflag
08:45.40ToughShooterbzflag isn't stripped
08:45.54TuponeSDL ?
08:46.01ToughShooterbut lemme look what I can do with SDL
08:46.14ToughShooterI don't know whether SDL is stripped
08:46.36TuponeI think is builded without debug information
08:47.04ToughShooterall I remember is that I did ./; ./configure; make; sudo make install
08:47.15ToughShooterwith sdl source of 1.2.9
08:47.19Tuponefor SDL too?
08:47.31Tuponehow did you build SDL?
08:47.50ToughShooterthat have been the instructions for SDL
08:48.08ToughShooter(and I built BZFlag with same commands)
08:48.27Tuponeif you have still the SDL tree, try ./configure --help
08:48.40Tuponeand see if you have a way to build with debug
08:49.14ToughShooterThat's why I said let me look ;) I want to do a RTFM now
08:49.36Tuponeaww, I just skipped that sentence
08:50.55ToughShooterso it's built with debug by default I assume
08:51.19ToughShooterNow there's a framework with SDL in my system, too
08:51.20Tupone:/ I don't see the line for SDL. Lemme look at the tree
08:55.13ToughShooterIt doesn't use /Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework
08:55.42ToughShooterSo it only utilizes my build SDL
08:56.35ToughShooter(I have installed the one in /Library because I had used Xcode for a clean 2.0.4 binary before an official was out)
08:56.45TuponeToughShooter: do you have ldd in MacOSX
08:57.02*** join/#bzflag kahcepb[RU] (n=den@
08:57.08ToughShooternot installed via default
08:57.24ToughShooterI could look for it it port if you want
08:57.44Tuponeno command like ldd, to know what library you load?
08:58.00ToughShooterI have fs_usuage
08:58.12ToughShooterif that is of interest
08:58.54Tuponedunno what is :/
08:59.07ToughShooterneither fink nor darwinports have ldd
08:59.41Tuponeshould be into the system :/ It says what shared library a program will load if started
09:00.09ToughShooterhow about otool -L ?
09:01.28Tuponetry that, on bzflag
09:01.34ToughShooterthat would print the used shared libraries
09:02.50CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (7 files): Removing includes from World.h
09:03.19Tupone@executable_path/../Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL ?
09:03.48TuponeIs that what you want?
09:04.26ToughShooterThere is no framwork at that location
09:06.12Tuponewell, is the first time I read this command, but it seems you get both libcurl and SDL from a framework :/
09:06.15ToughShooterI mean the executable is in "MacOS/", one dir down is "Contents",
09:07.07Tuponethat says executable_path, could be whatever is in your $PATH
09:07.23ToughShooterI'm stupid
09:07.36ToughShooterI used otool on the stable binary :x
09:07.44Tuponehehe :)
09:08.47ToughShooterTupone: I think this is the right one:
09:09.17Tuponestill SDL is wrong
09:09.35Tuponewhile curl is now ok
09:09.42ToughShooteryeah, but it's the right binary
09:12.29ToughShooterAnyway, by looking back I found out that gdb was recording the 2.0.4 stable crash
09:13.47ToughShooterAnd BZFlag 2.0.4 ships with a stripped SDL
09:14.10Tuponegood, at least we found coherence
09:15.52ToughShooteralso gdb complains a lot about the missing framework with devel app
09:16.25ToughShootermight be my costum installation stuff
09:17.14ToughShooteras I want a doubleclickable bundle, no app somewhere in the file system I don't know it's location
09:20.34TuponeBetter see how you can get the new version of SDL
09:22.36ToughShooterI have the SDL.framework with version 1.2.9 installed, my source installation is also 1.2.9
09:22.39CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (BackgroundRenderer.cxx BackgroundRenderer.h): moving effectRenderer include from spec to body
09:23.03ToughShooterbut the framework was precompiled
09:23.22ToughShooterI have to find out how to create one with debug informations
09:23.41TeganFlemish and Waloon are languages?
09:23.54Teganoops, wrong channel
09:24.15Birdieapperently she is talking to me:)
09:25.06ToughShooterHow can I find out whether a framework is stripped?
09:25.27TuponeToughShooter: --enable-debug still have -O2, CXXFLAGS="-g -O0" ./configure do not
09:26.07Tuponedon't know ;(, on linux you can strip a library. If the size is still the same, it was stripped
09:27.43teh_conquererfor those about to rock...
09:27.45ToughShooterI'll switch over compilation process to Xcode and then use the one installed by me
09:27.47teh_conquererI salute you
09:44.50*** join/#bzflag yummy (
09:46.05CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (13 files): moving include in the HUD objects
09:58.41ToughShootermenotume: ping
10:20.10*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
11:02.00*** join/#bzflag CBG (
11:02.14CBGbb admins:
11:21.47CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (15 files in 4 dirs):
11:21.47CIA-3BZFlag: save boxes, pyramids, bases, and teleporters into OBJ files
11:21.47CIA-3BZFlag: - texture coords need work
11:21.47CIA-3BZFlag: - materials are slightly tinted (in case the textures are not available)
11:30.15CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/World.cxx: use the orig. textures for teleporters
11:47.34*** join/#bzflag CannonBall (
12:28.45*** join/#bzflag tavla (
12:29.10tavlahi all
12:29.36tavlai've got a question about
12:29.47tavlahow is that possible?
12:30.20tavlawhen it is the one being shot that determines whether he's been hit or not
12:31.19*** join/#bzflag ep (
12:52.29CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/World.cxx: save a ground plane into the OBJs
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15:20.20RPG_has anyone had apache just suddenly stop on windows XP?
15:21.04blast007only when I do "net stop apache2"  ;)
15:21.22RPG_a few days ago, apache just stopped, and wouldn't start up again
15:21.29blast007does it give an error when you try to start it up?
15:21.40RPG_I repaired, uninstalled/reinstalled, stull doesn't work
15:21.46RPG_yes, it does
15:21.50RPG_but it's a Windows error
15:21.53RPG_rather general
15:21.57RPG_hold on
15:22.37RPG_"The apache service on Local Comptuer started then stopped. SOme services stop automatically if they have no work do to, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts servic.
15:23.05blast007okay, so try launching it manually, via the command line
15:23.19RPG_ehhh what's the command for that?
15:23.22blast007see what command it uses in the service to launch it, and duplicate it
15:23.32blast007"apache"  ;)
15:24.12RPG_"I:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\Apache.exe" --ntservice
15:24.39blast007k, you could probably try that from the command line, but without --ntservice
15:24.57RPG_it's running now
15:25.10RPG_there it goes
15:25.14RPG_thanks blast007
15:25.18RPG_~blast007 ++
15:25.29blast007strange that the service didn't work though
15:26.37RPG_hmm, it won't let me edit the startup options in the Windows Serivices
15:26.48RPG_it's EVIL
15:27.20blast007kill it, and try using the --ntservice
15:27.26blast007see if _that_ give any clues
15:27.43RPG_[Sun Oct 23 10:24:22 2005] [error] (1063)The service process could not connect t
15:27.43RPG_o the service controller: Error starting service control dispatcher
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16:16.14yummyis that the server otr client that compute the lagstats values ?
16:16.57yummydamn it :)
16:17.43yummycuz i still have a lagstat Pb ... that shows huge values which isn't the case
16:17.45blast007hehe, so no, you can't change it  ;)
16:18.34*** part/#bzflag T-Terror (
16:18.41blast007also, in regards to your traceroute problem, my ISP blocks traceroutes from working...
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16:19.09blast007dies at the third hop for me
16:19.09yummyi guess i have the same .. someone at 1 point blocking traceroute
16:20.10yummyi made a 1v1 ... i had a lag over 1000ms  while a ping on console shows 65ms and my mate said i wasn't laggy at all
16:20.13blast007ah, you might be able to use ping to simulate a traceroute
16:20.28blast007you can increase the TTL by 1 each time, and it will get 1 hop further
16:20.48blast007so you could basically skip the ones that block the "ttl expired" message
16:21.43blast007ex on windows, for 6 hops to ping -i 6
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16:22.08blast007you'll get a reply like this: Reply from TTL expired in transit.
16:22.18blast007then you can ping that IP, and see if that is your source of lag
16:22.45ToughShooterWill post data show up in server logs?
16:25.09ToughShooterIn case it does don't wonder why login stuff was send to and not to the file login.php because it was me who has set the wrong path for a script and spend hours to find out that the location the info was sent to was wrong.
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16:30.47yummyanyone has an explanation to my lag pb ? : ping in a console shows 65ms while lagstats shows 300 up to 1500ms .. and from others playing guys it sounds to really be 65ms
16:32.42ToughShooteryummy, the 1vs1 server is behind a firewall that will filter out traceroutes
16:33.46yummyit was actually on dub on port 59998
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16:34.33ToughShooterdub, viper and 1vs1 are the same server, AFAIR
16:35.23yummyToughShooter: k ... but traceroute isn't really a/my Pb  that i want to find the cause
16:35.51jpa-hmm.. i just came from helping my sister with physics homework.. does that look like a (t,v)-graph for constantly accelerating movement?
16:38.06cosmoldoesn't v=m/s , not m/s^2
16:38.36jpa-humm yeah :D
16:38.41jpa-a little bug there
16:39.21cosmolotherwise I think it's right :D
16:40.51usojpa-: the line yes, the points no ;)
16:42.35ToughShooterif you ignore the first point the rest looks like constantly getting lower
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16:44.18jpa-uso: yup, the line is just drawn "somewhere there" because the points were so strange :)
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16:45.39Jo-Wkewl i just had that chapter :)
16:48.10jpa-you can guess how fun it was to write the "Examinating errors and probable causes for them" part :)
16:50.27Jo-Wbtw.. a is in m/s/s and v is in m/s
16:50.54jpa-yes, i already noticed that bug
16:51.03jpa-i just made the picture quite fast
16:54.27Jo-Wwhat does alakatsomot mean?
16:54.49RPG_~dict alakatsomot
16:54.57RPG_~spell alakatsomot
16:55.22Jo-Wits finnish
16:55.37jpa-Jo-W: lower viewing stands
16:55.46Jo-Wcant find any translators online
16:55.47*** part/#bzflag tubbie (
16:55.52jpa-not many for finnish
16:55.59jpa-jpa- is one of the few
16:56.07Jo-Wyeh i know :P
16:56.12Jo-Wand vilk?
16:56.51jpa-vilk is not a word..
16:57.11Jo-Wis it a name or something?
16:57.22jpa-no, not really
16:58.17Jo-Wits the name of a mp3
16:58.24jpa-sounds like mistyping for "vilkku" as in blinking light, commonly used in cars to show they are going to turn.. (dunno the word in english)
16:58.40jpa-hmm.. just "vilk.mp3"?
16:58.50jpa-no idea
16:58.59Jo-Wits on ur server lol
16:59.37Jo-Wdirection indicator or something
16:59.54jpa-well i don't usually give very descriptive names for things
17:00.04jpa-it is a soundtrack for one wild-demo
17:00.14jpa-i think
17:00.42jpa-browsing one's www-dir is not very nice >:(
17:01.50Jo-Wi did it on mistake :P
17:02.18Jo-Wmy backspace key was stuck
17:02.40Jo-Wand pix/kuvaaja.png was removed from the url
17:02.58Jo-Wwhen i jammed my backspace key back i hit my enter key
17:03.17jpa-yes yes
17:03.38jpa-that shall not save thou from my anger!
17:03.53Jo-Woh ok
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17:19.22JeffM2501how do I find out if a linux install is SMB or not?
17:19.29JeffM2501SMP sorry
17:20.05jpa-uname -a?
17:20.14jpa-Linux 2.4.31-ow1-lakka #1 SMP Thu Jul 21 10:46:59 EEST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
17:20.34JeffM2501hmmm mine didn't say it
17:20.44jpa-so it is probably not SMP..
17:20.46JeffM2501when you install do you have to tell it to use the multi CPU kernel?
17:20.56jpa-depends on distro
17:21.22jpa-i would think so.. ubuntu is much like debian and for debian you have to
17:21.36JeffM2501do you do that when you first boot?
17:21.37jpa-in first boot menu, behind F4 or so, it says to type smp
17:21.57JeffM2501I would think I 'd want smp for a dual core right?
17:24.24jpa-i'm not exactly sure it _always_ is noted in uname -a if you have a SMP kernel..
17:25.01JeffM2501not seeing an option for smb
17:25.11JeffM2501at the first boot menu
17:26.28jpa-maybe dmesg|less, and find for CPU?
17:26.50jpa-Initializing CPU#0
17:26.57JeffM2501gunna see if it will let me pick a kernel on install
17:27.10jpa-yeah.. and one can change it later on anyway
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17:59.39JeffM2501DTRemenak || learner if I have the choice for what version of automake what should i pick?
17:59.46JeffM2501then newest?
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18:09.17JeffM2501now this is funny
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18:09.22JeffM2501it sends text mode to one card
18:09.33JeffM2501and graphic mode to the other card :)
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18:29.13cosmosthose 3 point earthquakes are a nasty tease
18:29.19DTRemenakJeffM2501: newer is better
18:29.32cosmoswe really need an 8 pointer here.  i need affordable house prices again
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18:30.32cosmosthey have 3 room single story houses selling for 1.2 million in my area
18:30.38cosmosthats with a whole 6 feet of lawn too
18:30.58DTRemenaksounds to me like it's time to pick a different area
18:31.14cosmoswell i could move with the white supremacists 3 hours out of the city
18:31.16JeffM2501I did 1.7, they had automake 1.9
18:31.27JeffM2501trying to figure out my X problem now
18:31.41cosmosor the same house is an affordable 850,000 in the valley
18:31.53DTRemenaktry a different state :)
18:32.27cosmoswell i still have all my teeth so i cant move to missouri, arkansas, or mississippi
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18:33.09DTRemenaksure you can, you just might not have them any more after being there for a bit :)
18:33.12cosmosbut trust me i would move in a heartbeat if i found a job elsewhere
18:33.19JeffM2501DTRemenak, wana hear my wierd problem?
18:33.22cosmosid like to go back home to chicago
18:33.31DTRemenakJeffM2501: I like weird problems :)
18:33.40JeffM2501got linux installed on the beast
18:33.45JeffM2501all things are cool
18:33.46DTRemenakyeah, cause everyone knows houses are cheap in chicago...
18:33.47cosmosoh linux is weird...
18:33.54JeffM2501text mode uses 1 card
18:34.00JeffM2501graphic mode uses another
18:34.09JeffM2501aka, X comes up on card 2
18:34.25DTRemenakyou should be able to swap them in your x config
18:34.29cosmosyou must first pray to Tux before every install
18:34.39JeffM2501cosmos, it's not that bad
18:34.47JeffM2501DTRemenak, any idea where to look?
18:34.48cosmosnot if you pray it isnt
18:35.07JeffM2501cosmos, this isn't your typical machine
18:35.07learnerJeffM2501, yes the newest
18:35.12cosmosdid it state the card during Xconfig in the install
18:35.19JeffM2501techincaly I should turn of SLI, but I don't want to
18:35.32DTRemenakurgh, you have sli on?
18:35.34JeffM2501cosmos, yeah it knows the cards
18:35.37JeffM2501totaly :)
18:35.42JeffM2501and I don't want to change it
18:35.52JeffM2501in windows the driver can just not enable it
18:35.59DTRemenakthen you get to deal with your own problems :P
18:36.00A_MeteoriteSo you have two monitors?
18:36.09JeffM2501A_Meteorite, no
18:36.20JeffM2501DTRemenak, I think I can make it work
18:36.32DTRemenakif your bios has a primary/secondary switch you could swap it there, so your text would come up on 2 also
18:36.47JeffM2501I think text is on2
18:37.10JeffM2501I'll check the xorg thing in a bit
18:37.13JeffM2501it's updateing
18:37.17JeffM2501kde and all that
18:37.29JeffM2501even got the smp kernel going :)
18:37.39cosmosi think we have a similar setup i recall someone having this prob at work too.  /me goes to look
18:40.46cosmosoh looks like we disabled sli
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18:48.02cosmosheya sporty
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18:53.46Alex135i have a nother question lol
18:54.28Alex135how do i monitor and record activity on my server like the server mesiges and the chating that people do?
18:54.51A_MeteoriteWhen you start bzfs do this:
18:55.10A_Meteoritebzfs -allMyOptionsHere > /path/to/log/file.txt
18:55.26A_MeteoriteYou can also do the same with bzadmin
18:55.33Alex135ok thx
18:55.37JeffM2501there we go
18:55.45A_Meteoritebzfs logs everything
18:55.48JeffM2501all I had to do was change the PCI bus from 4 to 5
18:55.52A_Meteoriteinclusing private chat
18:56.17Alex135that is axactly what i need thx
18:59.13A_Meteorite(brb in about 5 min)
19:02.54JeffM2501ok this synaptic package manager thing, it's pretty damned cool
19:03.08A_Meteoritewhat distro?
19:03.30A_MeteoriteThat is one wonderful distor
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19:09.42silverfoxIs there a way to get ibot to tell me the "public" message for a given server?
19:10.33silverfoxibot, I'm disappointed.  I thought you could do anything.
19:14.26jpa-silverfox: depending on what you want it for, one could probably get it from the url where the server list is..
19:14.31jpa-(can't remember it :(
19:14.48A_Meteoritethe server tab
19:15.22ToughShooterA PHP script could grab it for example
19:15.39A_MeteoriteWhy do you need to go on port 81?
19:15.56JeffM2501he's probably proxyed
19:15.58jpa-well 80 would work too
19:16.00ToughShooterJust like the script I've done to print out the group members of a given group
19:16.03jpa-i pasted that from my config
19:17.46blast007if he's proxied, then his browser should use the proxy  :)
19:18.37JeffM2501he probably just copied it from his config
19:18.39jpa-i just think the :81 is cuter, ok?
19:18.59jpa-JeffM2501: yes, very good guess if i say "< jpa-> i pasted that from my config" :D
19:19.08A_Meteoritedefinitely looks more "technincal"
19:19.24JeffM2501didn't even read it
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19:55.56JeffM2501is there anyway to have the makefile compile more then one file at a time?
19:57.18BenUrbanmake -j
19:57.34JeffM2501it will do more then one?
19:57.41JeffM2501how do I tell it how many?
19:58.45BenUrbanmake -j3
19:58.46BenUrbanmake -j2
19:58.52JeffM2501ahh cool
19:59.05JeffM2501got the 2 cores, may as well put em to use right :)
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20:04.42cosmostry gmake -j2000
20:05.47BenUrbanJeffM2501: the recommended value is one more than the number of cpus
20:06.10BenUrbannot sure why
20:06.18BenUrbanbut that's what they recommend at gentoo
20:06.34JeffM2501maybe modern CPUs can hyperthread better with that
20:06.40JeffM2501or pipeline or osmtheing
20:06.56BenUrbanor maybe the idea is to keep the cpus busy for as long as possible
20:06.59JeffM2501or maybe so it's never waiting
20:08.14devstermmm pipelining
20:09.15ToughShooterHmm, but all halfway decent CPUs have pipelines
20:09.24ToughShootereven the p4
20:10.22JeffM2501that's probably why they recomend it then
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20:11.02Alex135i have a nother question... agin
20:11.17ToughShooterI only wondered because devster wrote it as if pipeling would be something special
20:11.25A_Meteorite(what is it?)
20:11.40Alex135what is the best program to make grate looking maps
20:11.51ToughShootervim SNCR
20:11.53A_MeteoriteIf you're on Windows...
20:12.05JeffM2501depends on what kind of map you want to make
20:12.12cosmosalex, define a grate map
20:12.16JeffM2501the best maps are made with more then one tool
20:12.19ToughShootervim is best for all ;)
20:12.29A_MeteoriteIf you want modeler you could use Wings
20:12.43A_MeteoriteMore opinion than anything
20:12.43JeffM2501usualy you use a modeler and a text editor
20:12.44Alex135say if i wanted to make ones like tadds
20:12.46A_Meteoritethere are other ones
20:12.57cosmosoh then you mean great not grate....
20:13.06JeffM2501if it's made out of boxes and pyrmaids with no 2.0 features then bzedit will work fine
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20:13.21A_MeteoriteIf not then you handcode, right?
20:13.28trepanbut it won't look "great"  ;)
20:13.29A_MeteoriteOr Wings?
20:13.32JeffM2501if you wish to use 2.0 features you will have to ether do them by hand in a text editor, or merge them from a modeler
20:13.38Alex135how do i use wings aneway
20:13.43JeffM2501A_Meteorite, wings is only for meshes
20:13.50JeffM2501and meshes are only part of a map
20:13.56A_MeteoriteSo, what's a modeler?!
20:13.57ToughShooterit's a 3d modeller out of many
20:14.04A_Meteoriteone for mac?
20:14.08JeffM2501a modeler makes meshes
20:14.20JeffM2501wings is a modeler
20:14.52A_Meteoriteyou started to confise me!
20:14.59JeffM2501Alex135, basicly you often use 3 tools, a bzeditor ( if there is one for your OS ), a modeler for your meshes, and a text editor for all the stuff that the other 2 don't support
20:15.02Alex135i am already confused
20:15.04JeffM2501and to merge it all together
20:15.09JeffM2501Alex135, it's not a trivial task
20:15.15JeffM2501you have to know the map format
20:15.27JeffM2501there isn't a single tool that just lets you make maps with all features
20:15.32A_MeteoriteBut if you learn it well you *can* handcode...
20:15.42A_Meteoritethat's what I did for Battlefield: Chaos
20:15.43JeffM2501Alex135, what OS are you on?
20:18.17silverfoxyes, the x3000 silverfox compiler which whizzes, bangs and poof!  A bzw spits out for bzfs to read.
20:18.49ToughShooterI haven't looked at the source yet but as they are getting compressed and the content is changed it seems possible
20:19.06JeffM2501they are not "compiled"
20:19.21JeffM2501they are parsed by the server and turned into a binary format that is sent to the client
20:19.29JeffM2501the parser is only in the client
20:19.39JeffM2501but it's not like it's "compiled"
20:19.45silverfoxthe binary parser?
20:19.58JeffM2501sorry parser is only in the server
20:20.05JeffM2501we turn them into data structures
20:20.09JeffM2501and send that data over the wire
20:20.12JeffM2501it's a lot smaller
20:20.25JeffM2501and has to be done at some point, may as only do it once
20:20.28silverfoxmakes sense.  Probably less duplicated work for the client too.
20:20.28Alex135i have kinda an advanced question also.. it is non server related
20:20.40Alex135how do i edit the sorce of bzflag
20:20.42JeffM2501but it's not like  the maps are turned into opcodes or something
20:20.49JeffM2501Alex135, you get it, edit it and compiler it
20:20.58JeffM2501you'd have to get a compiler and know C++
20:20.59silverfoxAlex135, with a editor presumably.
20:21.04A_MeteoriteYou can also check out CVS
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20:21.14A_Meteoriteif you want the bleeding edge code...
20:21.26JeffM2501windows does not come with a compiler
20:22.15silverfoxI'm gonna have to make a irc alias for /clientquery
20:24.27ToughShooterJeffM2501: My understanding from a compiler is: scanner -> parser -> semantical analysis -> between code generation (don't know the correct word) -> optimization -> end code generation
20:25.12ToughShooterAs I said, it could be. Never said it is like that for sure.
20:26.25JeffM2501there is no "code generaton" for maps
20:26.33JeffM2501the data is just red into memory and prepared for use
20:26.38JeffM2501same as a text editor reads a file
20:26.43JeffM2501or an image editor reads a picture
20:26.55JeffM2501often the in memory format is very difrent from the on disk format
20:27.08JeffM2501but we don't say that vim "compiles" text files
20:27.25JeffM2501there is also no real "optimisation"
20:27.28ToughShooterI meant bzw -> bwt
20:27.29JeffM2501the map is just read
20:27.40trepanhas a map "compiler" that "optimizes"
20:28.23trepanheck, that could even be said about bzmapper with its box merging
20:29.35JeffM2501but saying the maps are compiled by bzfs is somewhat misleading
20:29.57JeffM2501it's just data
20:30.14JeffM2501now something like a quake map is compiled
20:30.43JeffM2501as it is converted from a universal text format to a specific optimised binary format before it can even be used
20:30.59JeffM2501as it has had computations performed on it
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20:31.46trepansemantics, bzfs can triangulate now too, altering geo so that they can be used
20:32.32JeffM2501it's going to do more and more
20:32.42trepanand it does "compile" them for its own use, group gen, octrees, etc...
20:32.49JeffM2501specialy once it makes lods
20:33.02JeffM2501be cool if you couldmake bzfs read the binary verison
20:33.06JeffM2501that is saved in cache
20:33.07trepanna, lods gen and stripping is better done offline  :)
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20:41.48lalan/join #bz-inc
20:42.33ibothmm... n is the disease bzflag players get when they play too much
20:42.41SilentSwannyep :)
20:43.06ibotn is probably the disease bzflag players get when they play too much
20:43.24A_Meteoritethese bots are pretty cool 8)
20:43.34SilentSwan~spank ibot
20:43.35ibotACTION bends ibot over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on ibot's pasty white buttocks.
20:43.35BenUrban~lart A_Meteorite
20:43.47BenUrbanhow appropriate
20:43.59SilentSwani discovered the "spank" option by accident last night :)
20:44.28CBGSilentSwan: "accident" eh? :)
20:44.30SilentSwanwell, i started to enjoy it after a while :)
20:44.39CBGSome of us didnt.
20:44.48A_Meteorite~spank SilentSwan
20:44.49ibotACTION bends SilentSwan over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on SilentSwan's pasty white buttocks.
20:44.52CBGWe dont like the image of Jeffs pasty white ass just before we go to bed.
20:45.25SilentSwani'm sicker than all of you
20:45.39BenUrbanthat seems obvious
20:45.41CBGYou got that rught.
20:45.42teh_conquererwe know
20:46.06SilentSwanwell, since we're all in agreement... :)
20:46.24CBGAnyone heard of TeamSpeak for Mac OSX?
20:46.34SilentSwansounds familiar
20:46.42CBGfor Mac?
20:46.56teh_conquereremulate the windows or linux version
20:47.16SilentSwanUnofficial Teamspeex Mac Client in Beta
20:47.54CBGbah, I just found that a seconds befor you posted
20:48.03CBGpardon my ignorance, and thanks SilentSwan
20:49.25CBGonly 400k. :)
20:49.30teh_conquererteamspeez is kinda pretty
20:50.03CBGNot one built in?
20:50.10BenUrbanmac mini?
20:50.16SilentSwanG4 tower
20:50.31silverfoxis teamspeak full duplex, or is it push to talk?
20:50.39CBGIt may have low specs, but it atleast has some of everything :P
20:50.39SilentSwani've firmly decided i will not likely be purchasing any more apple products
20:50.52SilentSwansilverfox sounds like PTT from what it describes
20:50.53silverfoxwow.  Thats an unusual attitude.
20:50.57CBGsilverfox: you gotta pusha button to talk i think
20:51.07*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
20:51.12SilentSwani only skimmed over it
20:51.14CBGSilentSwan: WHY?? o.O
20:51.16silverfoxwhy not SilentSwan?
20:51.17SilentSwanhello Legoguy
20:51.33SilentSwantheir decision to switch to intel (among many other minor annoyances)
20:51.46silverfoxthey're going CISC?
20:51.46BenUrbanso you'd rather by an intel pc?
20:51.46CBGWhy is that bad, in your opinion?
20:51.57SilentSwanBenUrban no, i'm building an AMD one
20:52.10silverfoxbesides being an inferior technology, nothing.
20:52.13*** join/#bzflag ep (
20:52.13SilentSwanwhy should i pay apples insane prices to run on the same hardware i can make for 1/2 the price?
20:52.24silverfoxSilentSwan, I agree.
20:52.29BenUrbanbecause it Just Works (tm)
20:52.33A_Meteorite'cause you don't get the beauty of Mac OS X
20:52.37CBGWell, will you put Mac OS on your "PC" if/when that is possible?
20:52.49CBG(Apple say it wont, but it's already been hacked, afaik)
20:52.57SilentSwanonly trouble with this is a) no photoshop on linux, b) no music editing apps (Finale/Logic/etc) on linux
20:53.06SilentSwanCBG it has and i've seen it done
20:53.16silverfoxSilentSwan, WINE works nicely.
20:53.17CBGSo, any plans to do that, if it becomes legal?
20:53.25SilentSwanwine's a possibility
20:53.26CBGlol BenUrban
20:53.28A_MeteoriteYes, I want to hack it to work on a PC I'm building
20:53.31silverfoxSilentSwan, CrossOffice works even better.
20:53.32A_Meteoritea dual boot
20:53.34SilentSwangimp? hahahaha
20:53.37BenUrbanyeah i know
20:53.43SilentSwan<- photographer
20:53.49SilentSwanto a photographer, gimp is useleess
20:53.55silverfoxYou think so?
20:54.09silverfoxI don't like gimp, but I always presumed that's because I can't understand how to use it.
20:54.16CBGRun Photoshop on your existing (superior) Apple product?
20:54.24silverfoxSilentSwan, take a look at
20:54.36SilentSwanmy existing apple product is inferior.. 800MHz g4
20:54.49CBGeven my ibook beats that :(
20:54.51SilentSwanit needs to go
20:55.32*** join/#bzflag googelen (
20:55.41CBGsilverfox: why paste the link? is that stuff done on gimp?
20:55.55silverfoxIt has user level logins that allow customers to preview and select the pictures they'd like to order.
20:56.10SilentSwanuhh... i see
20:56.26silverfoxThe photographer uploads all the photos and manages the user accounts from the webpage.
20:57.04CBGi dont see the relevance... :(
20:57.08cosmosgimp is appropriately named
20:57.11cosmosits gimpy
20:57.12silverfoxShe's a photographer.
20:57.29CBGhehe cosmos
20:57.31silverfoxCBG, I created that website.
20:57.40silverfoxDoesn't that make it relevant?
20:57.43CBGsilverfox: oh. :) ok... but, still...
20:57.47SilentSwanyou didn't say that :)
20:57.47silverfoxby about 3 degrees.
20:57.57silverfoxI was waiting for you to be impressed.  ;)
20:58.04CBGits awesome :)
20:58.05*** join/#bzflag blast007` (
20:58.12SilentSwannice clean interface
20:58.13CBGits awesome :)
20:58.19CBGits very awesome :)
20:58.20silverfoxthanks.  ;)
20:58.25SilentSwanand i *like* nice clean interfaces...
20:58.30SilentSwanthey are sadly not used often enough
20:58.52CBGagreed, SilentSwan
21:06.50bryjen~weather kowb
21:07.30CBGCan anyone here help me connect to a sever with teamspeak?
21:07.40*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
21:07.40*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
21:09.57CBGHave I been muted on the whole of freenode? :(
21:10.18A_MeteoriteI don't know how to do that, though. :(
21:10.18CBGand Nobody here can help me with TeamSpeak?\
21:10.28A_Meteoritenever used it
21:10.37bryjenis this #teamspeak ?
21:10.54CBGbryjen: ...
21:11.22CBGGo there, bryjen. I dare ya.
21:13.36bryjeni don't even know if that's a channel.  just pointing out that _this_ channel is not the best place
21:14.04CBGbryjen: I don't know anywhere better. I know many bzflaggers us teamspeak, I thought one might be here....
21:14.49bryjenfair 'nuff
21:15.38silverfoxCBG, may have better luck in #bzleague
21:15.59CBGI have asked there, silverfox. It's dead.
21:17.08TuponeCBG: I cannot say the name, but I can point you the highest who have voice here
21:17.26*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
21:17.38CBGTupone: why can't you say it?
21:17.53TuponeI'm not a spy
21:18.35CBGWhat does that mean? :(
21:18.50TuponeCBG: you are very slow :/
21:19.08CBGIm fat and have little legs... I cant run fast...
21:19.08Tuponeread between the line
21:19.32CBGwell, between the lines, it is just SC joining and me talking.
21:19.47Tuponewho have just voice here ?
21:20.05CBGI know who you mean, but not why you cant say it.
21:20.12Tuponej/k :)
21:20.28CBGDTRemenak, ping?
21:20.31bryjen"<Tupone> I'm not a spy"  is exactly what a spy would say... ;)
21:20.40CBGindeed, bryjen
21:20.53Tuponebryjen: :)
21:21.49Tuponehowever I prefer a real phone to team speak
21:22.13CBGLike thats gonna work with dozens of others while playing bzflag :P
21:22.25bryjenconference call
21:22.46TuponeI think works. Have to check
21:23.00CBGgeez, how much do you guys earn an hour? :)
21:23.10TuponeCBG: VoIP
21:23.20CBGThats what TS is...?
21:23.38SilentSwanmmm... food
21:24.29TuponeSoftware Phone :)
21:25.12SilentSwanmmm... soft fuzzy phone
21:26.06SilentSwani have concluded that no phone made in the last 10 years can be comfortably held against the ear for long periods of time
21:26.19SilentSwanand i'm the sort that does 4 hour phone calls
21:26.32CBGoh no.
21:28.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (Plan.h clientConfig.h commands.h effectsRenderer.h): include
21:32.33SilentSwanhmm.. i'm kinda curious.. is there a way to find out how many "active" bzflag players there are?  (by active, i mean played in the last 30 days)
21:32.48A_Meteoritenot that I know of
21:33.03SilentSwanah ok... didn't see anything on the stats page really
21:33.51bryjenmaybe by poking at the registration database.  iirc there's a field for last logon
21:33.56SilentSwanhah, i havn't played since Fri Sep 30 23:19:48 MST 2005
21:34.05SilentSwanbryjen ahhh
21:34.12CBGplay now, SilentSwan :P
21:34.18SilentSwanwas just idle curiosity
21:34.21SilentSwanCBG nah
21:34.27SilentSwanthis computer has been getting flaky
21:34.45SilentSwanbesides, i don't have the time anymore really to play much
21:35.11SilentSwanbut... what i'm doing with my time is a little more fun :)
21:35.14SilentSwananyway, brb
21:35.39googelena little question about -- how is that possible, when it is the one being shot that determines whether he's been hit or not?
21:38.24purple_cowgoogelen: i don't think it is possible...
21:38.43googelenthat's what i was thinking, purple_cow
21:38.57googelenit's a mistake in the wiki, no?
21:39.41brlcadonly way that could be possible would be if the remote client send a position update for that shot in flight that made it reposition in front of the tank in question (giving the perception of a wide shot)
21:39.58brlcadand even that is a bit dubious as to whether the protocol would allow it
21:42.04googelenhmm, but shots, once they are fired, then their trajectory is calculated/checked by the server, no?
21:42.27Tuponeserver no!
21:43.28bryjeneach client calculate the path from the shot begin message.  only GM updates in flight
21:43.45A_MeteoriteI'll bbl - much later. cya
21:44.03CBGbye :)
21:44.08*** part/#bzflag A_Meteorite (n=A_Meteor@
21:44.16googelenso the client can 'bend' its own shots, bryjen ?
21:44.54googelenif it has been modified, that is?
21:45.48bryjenonly in it's own perception of reality.  the server doesn't care, and the other clients have already calculated the path and /should not/ accept updates, except for GM
21:46.54googelenah, okay, so "wide bullets" aren't possible
21:48.24DTRemenakCBG: pong
21:48.45CBGDTRemenak: Can you help me with TeamSpeak or more specifically TeamSpeex?
21:49.12DTRemenakpossibly with teamspeak.  certainly not with any xes :)
21:49.27CBGI just cant connect to anything...
21:49.37DTRemenakworks for me
21:49.46CBGCan you give me the details for an active server? :)
21:51.29CBGHmm, someone else just did,and it seems my client is broke.
21:51.47DTRemenaksounds likely
21:51.48CBGWhich is odd since I just downloaded it and opened it...
21:52.20*** join/#bzflag eXtreme (n=foo@unaffiliated/brad2901)
21:53.33bryjen"unofficial, 3rd party Macintosh client"  First news item at
21:53.44CBGbryjen: yeah. :)
22:06.43*** join/#bzflag silverfx (
22:13.34*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (
22:16.57*** join/#bzflag BenUrban_ (n=benurban@
22:27.27*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (
22:29.10*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
22:29.25Alex135great just perfect i forgot how to log activity becus just after i was toled my little brother kiked me off the computer can somone tell me how agin
22:29.43CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (10 files): include ... last one
22:29.57*** part/#bzflag googelen (
22:31.59Alex135can somone tell me how to monitor activity on my server?
22:32.13Alex135and log it
22:33.08Alex135??? is anyone here?
22:33.31brlcadirc ettiquitte is to ask and just wait quietly
22:34.00Alex135o ok
22:34.04brlcadwe don't all sit around waiting for you to ask questions
22:34.10*** join/#bzflag CBG (
22:34.54brlcadbzfs will log automatically, just add some -d -d -d command line options and redirect the output to a file
22:35.14Alex135o ok
22:37.43brlcadyou could also attach with bzadmin if you don't want/need to save it to a file
22:59.55cosmosalex if you donate $150 via paypal im sure we could help
23:03.00blast007sigh...more spam  :/
23:04.13silverfxtime to disable guest posting.
23:04.40silverfxIf you post the IP of that poster, I'll ban it from our webserver to avoid the same thing.
23:08.06blast007the guest posting is needed on the board where registration issues are posted
23:08.15blast007cuz...they are having problems registering  :)
23:26.45silverfxmaybe a feedback form with an email address or something.
23:27.16silverfxI bed it wouldn't be hard to get a small group of users willing to handle unregistered "support requests" via a mailing list.
23:27.34blast007it's not that big of a deal though, we can just delete the spam
23:27.51blast007the way it is set up, anyone can post help to new users
23:31.51*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:36.07cosmosuntil you get 30 spams per minute
23:36.58bryjenthankfully, our little corner of the web doesn't attract that much attention
23:38.37cosmos[Admin] KILLER_1: hi need any admin i have always wanted to be one can i ple
23:39.12cosmosafter i say no he threatens to hack the server.  i forgot why i loved this game
23:40.30bryjenyou seem to attract them somehow :(  i've had a few ask, but no threats.  then again, my box has less traffic...
23:41.11SilentSwanin the approximately 5 days i'd actually had a bz server running, i was pestered at least twice per day
23:42.31SilentSwanso i made a rule that said something like "admin-begging results in ban"... :)
23:42.39*** join/#bzflag wegstar (n=foo@allegro/user/wegstar)
23:42.43cosmosi dont have much traffic right now
23:42.57cosmosbut they see a new server and they come running to beg
23:43.15SilentSwanit probably settles after the svr has been up a while
23:43.26cosmostoo bad they dont realize cosmos bans first and ask questions later
23:43.28SilentSwanwouldn't know, i killed mine pretty quick
23:43.43brlcadyou did
23:43.45wegstaryay! it's cosmos :)
23:44.29cosmoshey wegstr
23:44.29*** join/#bzflag CBG (
23:44.30cosmosthis guy is persistant though
23:44.51SilentSwantrouble is, sometimes you ban too fast, they try to retaliate... most don't succeed, but many do
23:44.55SilentSwansame thing with IRC
23:45.36cosmoswell if he rejoins again with his crap his whole isp will earn the ban
23:45.59SilentSwanhmm... i wonder if my impostor is still running around..
23:47.08SilentSwannot a very good player, either
23:48.17CBGSO, not so flatttering, then?
23:48.42SilentSwanoh i don't know that this person is doing anything malicious... it is possible they just came upon the same name
23:48.52SilentSwanbut i questioned them about it one night and got no reply
23:49.02CBGAlso proved nothing.
23:49.14CBGMany people do not use the chat facilities at all.
23:49.17SilentSwandoesn't matter to me, as long as people don't think it's me
23:49.29CBGHow could we ever? ;)
23:49.30SilentSwanesp. if they're being naughty
23:49.34SilentSwaner.. wait
23:49.38SilentSwanis that the other way around?
23:49.44CBGheh :)
23:49.49SilentSwanif they're NOT being naughty, it is not me
23:49.54CBGwe just gotta see their reaction to being spanked.
23:49.59bryjenby the ibot tattoo ;)
23:50.03CBGthats a sure-fire way :)
23:51.24SilentSwanah, nothing like building from source...
23:51.29SilentSwanan a 400MHz ultra10
23:52.21bryjenif that's not a sign of masochism...
23:53.33SilentSwanbehold - the dungeon of ancient computers
23:53.54bryjenwhat's that smell?
23:53.56SilentSwansee that sun 3/50 over there?  with the spider webs?
23:54.57cosmosi still run sunos 4.1.4 here
23:55.13SilentSwanwhatever for?
23:55.28cosmosit powers our $15k per day porno batch processing
23:55.35SilentSwanoh sweet :)
23:56.37bryjenif it ain't broke, noone touches it, and it gets old and crusty
23:57.03blast007"if it still runs, you ain't trying hard enough"
23:57.06SilentSwani still had a sparcstation 4 running solaris 7 just before i moved here.. now it's just sitting in my basement with all the other junk
23:57.30*** join/#bzflag Greasy_Peanut (n=Greasy_P@
23:59.36SilentSwanuh oh
23:59.39ibotACTION gets out the Spanking Paddle

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