irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050821

00:08.50RPG_oh no
00:08.55RPG_not bedtime!!!
00:09.14CBGit is, if the evil cat will budge over enough so I can get in, without attacking my foot.
00:09.21CBGg'night all.
00:19.14*** join/#bzflag bz5528 (
00:19.34geoffreyA List Apart is so useful :P
00:25.10geoffreymy new moto:
00:25.19geoffreyWhitespace is nice space
00:26.23learnershouldn't that be, W h i t e s p a c e   i s   n i c e   s p a c e
00:27.10geoffreyWhitespace is (in sensible amounts) nice space
00:30.49geoffreyin PHP, what is the difference between:
00:30.50geoffrey$body = & new Template('body.tpl');
00:30.54geoffrey$body = new Template('body.tpl');
00:31.12RPG_& is some sort of operator
00:31.22RPG_i know @ is an operator that hides all errors produced from that line
00:31.30geoffreyi know that as well
00:31.34geoffreybut what does it do?
00:31.43RPG_dunno what & does
00:32.49geoffreyit creates a reference
00:39.53geoffreymaking a CMS at 1:39am is tiring
01:06.06wegstarstrings.h? in bzfsAPI
01:07.26trepanshould prolly be string.h
01:08.21trepanwegstar: where do you see it exactly?
01:08.35wegstarin bzfsAPI.h
01:08.47wegstarline 18
01:09.45trepanthere is no strings.h in bzfsAPI.h  (not in CVS)
01:09.58JeffM2501it will include <string> that's it
01:10.04JeffM2501does string.h even exist?
01:10.15trepanstring.h does, it's strings.h that's off
01:10.40*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
01:10.50JeffM2501line 19 is <string>
01:10.59JeffM2501line 18 is a comment
01:11.05trepanah, nope, strings.h is BSD'ish if I'm reading it right
01:11.05geoffreyhas whatever has been stopping bzadmin from compiling been fixed yet?
01:11.18JeffM2501geoffrey, noone has worked on iot
01:11.23JeffM2501wana do it?
01:11.33geoffreywanna know how much C I know ;)
01:11.40JeffM2501ok then
01:11.50JeffM2501people work on things that interest them
01:11.54JeffM2501there are no asignments
01:12.12geoffreyI've been meaning to learn Cocoa Obj-C for almost a year
01:12.18geoffreynever got round to :P
01:12.24JeffM2501umm ok
01:12.26orchidlearner tries to assign me stuff
01:12.29JeffM2501how ever that ties in
01:12.37wegstarquick question.. are stuff declared in a constructor of a class available to other member functions?
01:12.41JeffM2501orchid, that is because he is secretly in love with you ;)
01:12.49geoffreyI can't be bothered to try learn anything new :P
01:12.55wegstarguess not
01:13.00JeffM2501wegstar, if it's a local to the contrustor, no
01:13.08JeffM2501if it's a class member, yes
01:13.30JeffM2501geoffrey, have you reported the problems with it to SF?
01:13.38JeffM2501usualy a SF bug list scan is made before a release
01:13.47trepandon't forget to include your system/compiler info
01:13.47JeffM2501so it's the best place to keep it
01:13.51geoffreyI reported a bug before 2.0.0
01:13.58geoffreyand it's still not been fixed
01:14.04geoffreyor maybe it was only before 2.0.2
01:14.05JeffM2501not all bugs are fixed on the next release
01:14.07trepanwhich one?
01:14.29JeffM2501many are evaluated to see how big a change they are right before the release
01:14.35JeffM2501or often just missed on that pass
01:15.17JeffM2501probalby was just too hard to track down
01:15.18trepangeoffrey: esoteric case, low priority
01:15.25JeffM2501or so rare that it was not point
01:15.25geoffreyafter 2.0.2 :|
01:15.38JeffM2501geoffrey, so we should drop all things and fix just your bugs?
01:15.57JeffM2501geoffrey, 2.0.2 is a prety good turn around for a bug of that rarity
01:16.16JeffM2501how close to 2.0.0 did you submit it?
01:16.36JeffM2501if we were in the last stages of testing it was probably a "screw it, noone really hits that, just ship it"
01:16.36geoffreyit seems to be 3 days after 2.0.2
01:16.48geoffreyi could've sworn it was before 2.0.2
01:17.06JeffM2501wait you submited it AFTER 2.0.2?
01:17.27geoffreyI'm sure I didn't
01:17.29JeffM2501SportChick, and say what?
01:17.37trepangeoffrey: either way, that's a symptom of a fundamental problem with the bz physics
01:17.38JeffM2501geoffrey, was it right near 2.0.2 ?
01:17.39geoffreybut the date says it was
01:17.40geoffreyoh well
01:17.45trepanit really only considers 1 object at a time
01:18.05JeffM2501not all bugs can be fixed with a simple change
01:18.18JeffM2501what is your bzadmin bug?
01:18.21JeffM2501simiar rarity?
01:18.30geoffreyjust fails on make
01:18.45JeffM2501and the error it fails on is.....?
01:18.53geoffreylemme try
01:19.18JeffM2501if you are going to make complaints about a problem, best to have the the info at hand, somone may listen to you
01:19.26JeffM2501I know bzadmin builds for everyone else
01:19.41geoffreyi was just closing loads of windows
01:19.44geoffreygot to many open
01:19.52geoffreyaccidently closed the terminal with it in
01:21.13geoffreyjust updated to (very) latest CVS
01:21.18JeffM2501does it say it can't find a header or a lib or something?
01:21.20*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
01:21.21JeffM2501like curses
01:21.22geoffreysomeone made a commit in the past couple of minutes
01:21.34geoffreynow makes
01:21.51JeffM2501anon cvs takes up to 5 hours to sync to dev
01:22.02geoffreyyeah, I learnt that a couple of days ago
01:22.12geoffreytelling someone to download something I had just commited
01:22.23JeffM2501TheLastSpartan, devcommits bzflag
01:22.26TheLastSpartanJeffM2501: nothing bash-specific about it that precludes it from being the more... || umask || someone added a bzflag-specific doxygen mod.. probably should be another script... || ignore compiled python || ignore cvs and doxygen || add doxygen || cron settings
01:22.49JeffM2501TheLastSpartan, projectcommits bzflag
01:22.50TheLastSpartanJeffM2501: Executing abbreviated commands || allow larger textures || shadow warning || replace Extents.copy() with an operator || - calculate visual extents so that passable objects don't get clipped when using... || fix /shutdownserver, touchup the help || bbdbname || utf8, not latin1
01:22.58geoffreyoh well, maybe just acciently fixed it :)
01:23.06geoffreythings like that happen :P
01:23.08JeffM2501don't see anything that was about bzadmin make
01:23.08geoffreybut now:
01:23.10geoffreyConnecting to (Un)Guided using central login
01:23.10geoffreyCommunication error joining game [Wrong Code 6d67].
01:23.21JeffM2501you have the wrong code
01:23.32geoffreywhat code?
01:23.43geoffreybzadmin code?
01:23.47geoffreywhich is?
01:23.47JeffM2501proto code
01:23.59JeffM2501what version of bzfs you connecting to?
01:24.29geoffrey2.0.3 CVS
01:24.34trepanit's prolly due to the entry holdoff code
01:24.45JeffM2501trepan, what is that?
01:25.02trepanplayers don't enter until validate, or something along those lines
01:25.24JeffM2501the tupone stuff?
01:25.25trepanshould be relatively easy to fix
01:25.31JeffM2501where he delayed it
01:25.32trepanyup, tupone and friends
01:25.36JeffM2501fun fun
01:25.40*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
01:27.17trepanyup, looks like bzadmin is the only one using readEnter() now
01:27.41trepanfixed in a moment...
01:28.10geoffreythen the 5 hour wait for SF to get it to the public servers...
01:28.44JeffM2501just use 2.0.2 bzadmin till it's in
01:28.46*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
01:28.52JeffM2501nature of the beast and all that
01:29.04geoffreynah, going to bed shortly
01:29.10geoffreyit'll be in when I wake :)
01:29.26trepanJeffM2501: that won't help
01:29.34JeffM2501ohh yeah
01:29.36JeffM2501it's the server
01:29.39JeffM2501fun fun
01:29.42geoffreyoh gawd...
01:34.59CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ServerLink.cxx:
01:34.59CIA-3BZFlag: - fix bzadmin w.r.t. MsgMessage's sent form the server before auth.
01:34.59CIA-3BZFlag:  (should probably also display these messages, but I'll leave that
01:34.59CIA-3BZFlag:  for somebody else)
01:36.38*** join/#bzflag bz3311 (
01:38.37*** join/#bzflag SiriusB (
01:38.43trepandidn't make it MsgMessage specific either, bzflag isn't at the moment
01:39.51JeffM2501what? tupy HARD CODE something.... pshhh naw... ;)
01:40.38*** join/#bzflag thonuz (
01:40.48geoffreyGary about me: "Well what can you say about Geoffers - the kid talks in Binary! The guy looks a bit pasty, needs to get out in the Scottish sun a bit more (is that an oxymoron?)"
01:40.57thonuzcan anybody helpme?
01:41.01*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
01:41.05*** join/#bzflag durt (
01:41.07trepanJeffM2501: na, that was old stuff, larsl did the orig. stuff iirc
01:41.09geoffreyi can't help myself
01:41.21thonuzshpts going straight through other players
01:41.42JeffM2501thonuz, depends on what you want help with
01:41.44thonuzworks in windows but oproblem is in Debian side
01:41.58thonuzi tried recompiling
01:42.10trepanthonuz: which compiler?
01:42.10JeffM2501what happens when you run in debian?
01:42.17trepanversion, that is
01:42.43thonuzi just did apt-get install bzflag
01:43.02JeffM2501and what happens wen you run it?
01:43.08JeffM2501since apt dosn't compile it
01:43.16blast007JeffM2501: his shots go through other tanks
01:43.44JeffM2501probably UDP firwall or extreEEEEEM lag
01:43.50thonuzi got 3.3 and 4.0
01:43.55trepanChestal reported that the current debian version might have problems if it was compiled was gcc-4
01:44.00JeffM2501do you have native video drivers?
01:44.02thonuzthats right any tank e
01:44.12thonuzexcept i can shoot myself ot be shot
01:44.26orchidtrepan: I compile it with 4.0.2 and have had no problems
01:44.36trepanorchid: cvs ?
01:44.37blast007orchid: 2.0.2? or CVS?
01:44.37JeffM2501drivers that come with debina?
01:44.42orchidyes cvs
01:44.45trepanorchid: cvs is fixed
01:45.09trepanChestal doesn't usually let those kinda bugs lie around  ;)
01:45.42trepan(then again, i'm assuming he's the one that fixed it)
01:45.46thonuznot sure what to do
01:45.47JeffM2501thonuz, where did you get your drivers?
01:45.57thonuzfrom kanotix latest
01:46.05thonuzthey are debian latest
01:46.17JeffM2501so they are the "nvidia" in your x config? not "nv" ?
01:46.33JeffM2501debian does not ship with hardware accelerated drivers for nvidia cards
01:46.35JeffM2501ok good
01:46.37thonuzi have awsome 3d
01:46.42JeffM2501I'm sure you do
01:46.57JeffM2501well you could see if anything is blocking your UDP
01:47.01thonuzi wonder if its xf86
01:47.07trepanwhat's your FPS?  ('t' key)
01:47.10thonuzmaybe i should switch to xorg
01:47.33trepanand, if you are familiar with compiling, you might try compile from CVS
01:47.51thonuz1027,000 fps
01:47.53orchidisnt kanotix buildt off Sid?
01:48.05trepanthonuz: huh?
01:48.11orchidit should already have xorg
01:48.32thonuzive been holding back
01:48.43thonuzfps thats glxgears
01:48.52trepani don't care about glxgears
01:48.55thonuzim always a little afraid
01:49.29thonuzwhats the 't' key then?
01:49.36trepanin bzflag
01:49.39blast007shows the FPS in bzflag
01:50.00durtthonuz: maybe u have the phantom zone flag
01:50.07thonuzlet me try it. this is a sony notebook. so ive had some acpi problems
01:50.41thonuzive tried many servers.
01:50.52trepansry  ;)
01:51.03thonuzdiofferent times. no flag
01:51.14*** part/#bzflag geoffrey (
01:52.46durtanybody know how to get the sound working in bzflag?
01:53.17thonuzim going to try cvs
01:53.45thonuzhow do i get the "t" key to work?
01:53.46blast007durt: does sound work for you in other stuff?
01:54.00orangethonuz: once you hit t wait a few seconds
01:54.09orangethen you'll see the display of fps just above the little mouse box area
01:54.17thonuzk thanks
01:54.26orangeit'll say fps: 150 or, like my system, fps: 20 :-)
01:54.48durti get an "audio not available" message on starting bzflag
01:54.57durtim using alsa
01:54.58SportChickJeffM2501: whatever you want!  it would be YOUR bz-podcast - you could discuss development, ideas, history, players, maps, and general bz-comedy
01:55.19thonuzi got 126 fps
01:55.30thonuzyou need to run alsaconfig
01:56.12thonuzmake sure alsa is updated and then run alsaconfig as root, then up all your mixer stuff alsamixer
01:56.28thonuztdurt: are you using kde?
01:56.59durthold on
01:57.00thonuzi seem to have to run alsa config almost weekly
01:57.08thonuzalsaconfig that is
01:58.14thonuzthen alsamixer. turn it all up
01:58.25thonuzif it still does not work get out of gnome
01:58.57durtwhat do you know, it worked!
01:59.02durtthanks thonuz
01:59.44thonuzno prob.
02:00.04thonuzwhen you run other sound apps it may break alsa config
02:00.19thonuzdurt: what distro?
02:01.11thonuzanything debian should be good
02:01.36thonuzim running kanotix.
02:01.46JeffM2501SportChick, would that cut into my CoH playing time?
02:02.10SportChickJeffM2501: only if you're playing CoH too much!  ;)
02:02.41JeffM2501deffine "too much"
02:10.51wegstar -- problems with socket part in plugin.. help?
02:11.10wegstarIt doesn't connect to freenode..
02:12.51JeffM2501bzfs allready inits winsock
02:12.59JeffM2501and dude, use libirc :)
02:14.09JeffM2501with libIRC you'll be cool on any OS too
02:14.23wegstarbut for my BZFSBot plugin, this worked:
02:15.28JeffM2501I never used raw winsock when I did libIRC
02:16.07wegstarwell... I'll check that out ;)
02:16.32JeffM2501I thought about a relay one
02:16.37JeffM2501wouldn't take long at atll to make
02:16.49JeffM2501since the libIRC bot code sample does 99# of it allready
02:17.55wegstarhmm.. no files released..
02:18.23JeffM2501use it's cvs
02:18.27JeffM2501it's fine for a client
02:22.36*** join/#bzflag orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
02:22.36*** mode/#bzflag [+v orchid] by ChanServ
02:56.37*** join/#bzflag bz3613 (
02:57.27blast007yes?  :)
02:57.42bz3613are there any silvercat admins around?
02:58.38bz3613server won't let me log on. i have no idea why. no problem anywhere else
03:14.46*** join/#bzflag bz7521 (
03:16.17hacimdoes the jitter problem occur on all servers?
03:41.09*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
03:43.02silverfoxhello all
05:40.47*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
05:42.57*** part/#bzflag WonderMop (
06:16.04*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
07:17.49*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
07:26.31*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
08:05.27*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
08:05.27*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
09:05.44*** join/#bzflag yummy (
09:06.17yummyhi, anyone here that tried to compile latest cvs on osx .... i have Pg
09:06.44DTRemenakstate the problem, even those of us who are not on macs might be able to help
09:07.25yummywhen i run ./configure (after i get message: configure: error: cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub
09:08.26yummyand indeed no config.sub file ... :(
09:08.38DTRemenakcopy config.sub and config.guess from somewhere else on your machine to the bzflag directory.
09:09.02DTRemenak"automake --add-missing"  might also fix it.
09:10.18yummyautomake not helpful .... however will try to find on my comp where those files are .... i guess i just don't have them
09:12.59yummyi don't have on my comp config.sub and config.guess files .. were they removed from cvs or is that dynamic build files during some operation ?
09:15.26*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
09:24.40*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
09:24.58DTRemenakthey are supposed to be generated by autotools
09:25.10DTRemenakbut it's broken on the mac for some reason
09:26.34yummyso i guess i have to wait  ;)
09:27.28DTRemenakI'm trying to find the canonical urls for them :)
09:27.38DTRemenakah, got it
09:28.03DTRemenakgrab those two files and drop them in your bzflag directory and you should be good to co
09:31.29yummythx DTRemenak
09:34.30*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
09:43.42Birdiemoinsen fimfi
09:43.49Birdieif thats the good german word for your name:)
09:48.17*** join/#bzflag mmbm (
10:12.22ToughShooterMoin Pimpi
10:21.04CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/ (9 files in 7 dirs): misc plugin & api cleanups. mostly speling and typso.
10:36.03CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/plugins/ (6 files in 3 dirs): add killall and fixedspawn to the plugin build solution. clean them up and fix their useless readmes.
10:38.43Tuponedid someone here put on gu a bot that is fixated on getting green flag ?
10:42.36CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/plugins/SAMPLE_PLUGIN/ReadMe.txt: couple more little things. rewrite SAMPLE_PLUGIN readme to be in comprehensible english instead of druken english
10:44.48CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/plugins/ (api_notes scorereset/scorereset.def): actually commit the "couple more little things."
10:45.05DTRemenakautopilot is always fixated on the team flags
10:49.01Tuponebut it does not show it as autopilot
11:02.27brad2901it doesn't show as auto if you join after they put it on auto
11:08.17*** join/#bzflag mmbm (
11:09.44Tuponeany one opposes to remove CLIENTQUERY ?
11:22.09DTRemenakI suggested it some time ago, learner (I think) was opposed.  Perhaps now he is not, I don't know.
11:22.24DTRemenakor you could just get rid of it and see if anyone complains ;)
11:22.53TuponeI wonder why he opposed :/
11:23.29DTRemenakI think someone added a deprecation message to it shortly after that conversation, should probably have at least one release with that in there
11:25.37TuponeI guess next protocol breaking release, it should come in binary, at the join possibly ?
11:27.09Tuponeno deprecation message :/
11:27.32jpa_what, why remove CLIENTQUERY?
11:27.41Tuponeyou need some rest ...
11:27.49Tupone/clientquery is the equivalent
11:28.17Tuponeand actually that command is sent to the server
11:28.33DTRemenakwho needs some rest?
11:28.37DTRemenakI just woke up
11:28.48Tupone4:30 am ?
11:28.53DTRemenakwell, couple hours ago
11:28.55DTRemenakmore like 2 am
11:29.16DTRemenakI've been rotating my sleep schedule to match Alexandre's so I can get wine patches committed faster
11:29.40DTRemenakso you could say I'm on french time now :)
11:30.31TuponeIIRC I was not able to let wine work on amd64
11:31.00DTRemenakno, there are a lot of type definitions and stuff that make it not work in 64-bit mode
11:31.07DTRemenakit's being fixed slowly
11:31.39DTRemenakand at some point it will need win64 functionality also
11:31.52Tuponebzflag run correctly, instead :)
11:32.07DTRemenakbzflag runs in wine, too :)
11:32.25Tuponedirectx ?
11:32.35DTRemenakwe use very little directx
11:32.46DTRemenakand very old
11:33.10TuponeIs not another project wine based that is great for gaming and graphics ?
11:33.51DTRemenakwinex/cedega was developed with that in mind.  it is non-Free and is now being surpassed in many ways by wine proper.
11:34.51DTRemenakoliver steiber's direct3d work makes many things work now under wine that don't work correctly under winex.  of course there is still a lot that is the other way around.
11:35.06DTRemenakparticularly directdraw-dependent stuff
11:35.40Tuponeare there IP problem with M$ ?
11:35.51DTRemenakno, all is clean-room
11:36.01DTRemenakmostly written off the documentation
11:36.25DTRemenakand off of application behavior where there is no documentation or where the documentation is crap
11:38.33Tuponegreat. I wonder why there is the problem with mingw with some header
11:38.54Chestalthis reminds me of old project Odin on OS/2
11:39.00DTRemenakodin was wine-based
11:39.00CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/plugins/doc/ (6 files): proofreading
11:39.08Chestalfirst thing that ran with it was Quake :-)
11:40.28DTRemenakTupone: I don't know why mingw doesn't include their own headers for that stuff
11:41.12TuponeI guess they can get from wine if they miss ideas
11:41.32DTRemenakthere's a lot of header back-and-forth between mingw and wine actually
11:42.18DTRemenakwindows.h and all its various derivatives are syncronised occasionally
11:45.47*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (i=brad@unaffiliated/brad2901)
12:24.42ToughShooterIs there something like GroundMaterial for walls?
12:27.50DTRemenaknot afaik
12:29.02*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
12:30.34ToughShooterIs fog available or have I to place little meshes with high transparency and almost no colour all over the map?
12:34.54jpa_and transparent meshes hurt fps
12:36.20jpa_humm.. maybe a drive-through water?
12:36.31jpa_it would make it "foggy"
12:37.00ToughShooterjpa_: It is without color betweeen top and down point of  a mesh
12:37.38ToughShooterSo when being between it everything looks like the mesh wouldn't exist
12:37.40jpa_you need an inside point
12:37.49jpa_or maybe couple of them
12:38.17ToughShooterDo inisde points also work with meshboxes?
12:38.45jpa_humm.. meshboxes should not need separately specified insidepoints
12:38.49jpa_as they are built-in
12:40.41jpa_what you might want is meshbox with inverted faces, but i'm too bored to explain it :P
12:42.25ToughShooterSetting inside material is useless
12:42.43jpa_inside material is for arcs
12:42.54jpa_and it is just the inner circle
12:43.16ToughShooterIt sounded so good :(
12:43.35jpa_let me test something..
12:51.51jpa_meshbox with passthru should work just fine
12:52.51ToughShootercan you show me a concrete example?
12:54.56ToughShooterI don't see that "passthru" would be allowed in the online version of manpage
12:55.36brad2901use "drivethrough"
12:57.07DTRemenakpassthrough sets drivethrough and shoothrough simultaneously.  it is valid but probably not documented.
12:58.45ToughShooterbut I already have drivethrough and shotthrough (and bzfs tells me it skips the unknown passthrough)
12:59.12jpa_yeah, passthrough seems not supported anymore
12:59.17jpa_but drivethrough work
13:00.25ToughShooterCan you please look at it? It's at
13:00.39ToughShooterit just don't work for me
13:02.14jpa_is that a mesh or a meshbox?
13:03.06ToughShooterjpa_: You need  a valid gloabal login to join.
13:03.45ToughShooterThis is a stripped down version of the water stuff:
13:03.45jpa_i joined just fine
13:04.14*** join/#bzflag a-delusion (
13:04.22jpa_it is just the idiotic way bzflag uses server from commandline that the global login doesn't get used
13:04.26DTRemenakah, "passable", my bad
13:05.00jpa_ToughShooter: i saved the map from that server, and code like that definitely isn't in that map
13:05.17ToughShooterHmm, then I suppose I've included the wrong groups database
13:05.39ToughShooterWhat you save is different than the source "code"
13:05.58jpa_meshboxes shouldn't get changed
13:06.03ToughShooterthere is some kind of compression etc
13:06.07DTRemenakshould be functionally identical
13:06.15DTRemenakmeshboxes are blown into meshes
13:06.29ToughShooterI tried to upload the whole map but it's far too big
13:07.14jpa_why is that meshbox above ground anyway?
13:07.22DTRemenaknot ugly.  a meshbox is like a macro, that autogenerates a valid mesh.
13:07.49jpa_why doesn't same happen to arcs?
13:07.56ToughShooterJust because of the water level. It wasn't blue inside
13:08.12DTRemenakthe same should happen to arcs
13:08.34jpa_the meshbox turns into an arc
13:08.49jpa_ToughShooter: no, it is not blue
13:08.52jpa_it is grayish
13:08.59DTRemenakah, yeah.  something like that
13:10.44jpa_hmm.. where were the meshbox-replacement meshes again?
13:11.01ToughShooterDTRemenak: It's funny that groups of boxes get split into individuals
13:12.06a-delusionsuddenly I cant get onto the listserver OSX10.3.9
13:12.44a-delusionhave no idea why..
13:14.04a-delusionits yesterdays cvs build
13:14.53ToughShooterNo problems for me, using Mac OS X version 10.4.2
13:15.18a-delusioni need a new computer, waiting for the intel chipets
13:16.02a-delusiongot 1100 bucks saved, im pretty excited they're finally going intel
13:16.04ToughShooterjpa_: Are you sure your code works? I get the same like before, just a different colour at top and down of the meshbox
13:18.29jpa_the one i pastebined works for me
13:18.36jpa_but it is not blue inside, just grayish
13:19.22jpa_maybe you want something like
13:22.50jpa_(it is running on
13:26.03ToughShooterjpa_: Yes but how can I do something like this with a meshbox (meaning merging it in my existing stuff)
13:26.38jpa_just use group strangebox in place of meshbox
13:27.12ToughShooter...but that box looks odd ;)
13:27.42jpa_what do you mean.. my strangebox is oddbox? ,)
13:27.49*** join/#bzflag ep (
13:28.05jpa_just change the insidemat and outsidemat (possibly to the wasser-material?)
13:28.14ToughShooterIt looks really strange, some sides outside have slightly different colors etc
13:28.56jpa_please send some screenshot
13:36.18CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (JoinMenu.cxx playing.cxx): Fix the idiotic way global login being not used when joining from command line
13:37.22jpa_should be just fine if insidemat == outsidemat
13:37.43jpa_while that is strange, doesn't happen for me
13:38.47*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
13:43.30jpa_even grass looks strange on my computer
13:43.37ToughShooterStill visible when insidemat == outsidemat
13:44.18ToughShooterbut now there's the interesting part: it gets completly transparent inside when I do that
13:45.00ToughShooterwant some screenies from it?
13:46.30jpa_again, not for me
13:46.42jpa_i get a very nice looking effect
13:46.53jpa_what gfx card
13:49.15ToughShooterRadeon 9600
13:49.51ToughShooterYou should know 'cause you called it "state of the art" yesterday
13:50.24a-delusionso my server startup gets this far, then stops.  Queuing ADD message to list server
13:50.44a-delusionis it not sending the message or the listserver not recieving it
13:53.39jpa_ah, true
13:53.46jpa_it depends on lighting setting
14:00.21jpa_i know
14:02.56ToughShooterI'll add a gate system in the end. If someone complains I'll point to the devs ;)
14:06.32ToughShooterIt seems like the less FPS you get on a map the better the map (at least according to some coments on bzbb)
14:10.25*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
14:22.28usoToughShooter: try to switch off z buffering (Depth Buffer)
14:23.01usokills performance but with z buffer on most of the new stuff maps looks ugly for me
14:24.30usohehe, there are maps looking nice and maps to play ;)
14:27.06ToughShooteruso: It looks exactly equal whether depth buffer is activated or not for me
14:28.33usowas a try only, as i also have a radeon
14:32.46*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (i=karsten@sourcemage/pdpc.sustaining.BearPerson)
14:34.02*** join/#bzflag Erlenmayr (
14:34.11Erlenmayrhi all
14:34.36*** join/#bzflag uso (
14:35.11Erlenmayrhow can i change the controll keys in bzflag?
14:35.43*** join/#bzflag CBG (
14:43.01meacanErlenmayr: In BZFlag: Options -> Input Settings -> Change Key Mapping
14:43.46ToughShooteror edit the configuration file directly (in case you want to unmap a certain command like fas quit)
14:44.24meacanThen you better tell Erlenmayr how to do that :-)
14:44.54ToughShooterIt explains itself ;)
14:44.54CBGon what OS?
14:45.13meacanToughShooter: if it did, would he be asking? :)
14:46.13CBGon Mac OS the look for "config.cfg" in Users/*You*/Library/Application Support/BZFlag/x.x
14:46.17ToughShootermeacan: I found the key mapping stuff in options first time I launched BZFlag...
14:46.38CBGWhere *You* is you account name and x.x is the latest bzflag version, probably 2.0
14:46.51ToughShooterCBG: Your path is not correct, you missed the /
14:47.02CBGToughShooter: but how long did it take you to find the config without help?
14:47.11CBGThe path is fine. :P
14:47.32ToughShooterCBG: Maybe one minute
14:47.53CBGtook me some time WITH help. :P
14:48.36ToughShooterThere's not much genious need
14:48.51CBGThere is...
14:48.51Erlenmayrit there such an option?
14:49.01Erlenmayri didn't see it
14:49.03meacanErlenmayr: In the menus, yes
14:49.03CBGImagine, you just downloaded this thing and you hardly know what it is...
14:49.04ToughShooterThere is no genius needed to search for the name of the app
14:49.10CBGANd people tell you to edit the config...
14:49.13CBGwhats a config?
14:49.17CBGwhats it called?
14:49.19CBGwhere is it?
14:49.54meacanErhm guys. He left. :)
14:50.01CBGI know. :)
14:50.13ToughShooterI described when directly editing the config file makes sense...
14:50.46CBGyou what with a what what?  :S
14:51.16a-delusioni just crashed the race plugin at brad 2901's ... at the second match start
14:51.29CBGa-delusion: lol. well done.
14:51.30meacanHow rude :)
14:57.34a-delusionjust did it again, this time it was brad
14:57.45brad2901yeah ;)
14:57.54brad2901with no other plugins loaded
14:58.17a-delusionwe need a new name for the plugin now that the flag cap number is configurable
14:59.14a-delusionnthat would be   "race to n"
14:59.36CBGWhy not X?
15:00.36*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
15:00.40a-delusionn is the correct variable to use there
15:00.50ToughShooterHiya Sporty
15:00.50CBGThe latest versions of bzflag are 2.x or 2.0.x
15:00.58CBGnot 2.n or 2.0.n ;)
15:01.12a-delusionnthats not a variable
15:08.47a-delusioni sure do wish my server would get on the listserver...
15:31.26*** join/#bzflag geoffrey (
15:47.43*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=jeffm@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
15:47.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
15:47.50geoffreyhi jeff
15:48.17geoffreyit's very quite here today :)
15:48.28JeffM2501it's sunday
15:48.31epits quite quiet
15:48.58a-delusionseems you and dtr were up very late last night Jeff
15:49.12geoffreysigh... I suppose many people in the US will be at church
15:49.14geoffreyor not up
15:49.15DTRemenakI was up early
15:49.19DTRemenaknot late
15:49.27a-delusionhe posted at 451 this morning
15:49.42JeffM2501I played CoH till 11
15:49.46JeffM2501thats it
15:50.05a-delusioni sometimes forget this is a worldwide thing.
15:50.38a-delusionI can't get my server on the listserver,
15:55.41CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
15:55.41CIA-3BZFlag: no need to make things more complicated than necessary. take a playerID instead of a playerData for hasPerm/grantPerm/revokePerm
15:55.41CIA-3BZFlag: add an undocumented api function to set a player's admin bit (if possible, you should use permissions instead)
15:55.41CIA-3BZFlag: bump API revision to 11 in light of the above changes
16:01.34JeffM2501makes sense
16:01.43JeffM2501if you have a playerData, you can just use the memembers
16:01.54DTRemenakyeah, just pass it playerData->playerID
16:02.19JeffM2501playerdata has a member, that calls it, so you don't pass anything :)
16:02.25DTRemenakor that :)
16:02.53DTRemenakjust didn't seem right to me that I had to request a huge structure be created and then destroyed in order to set a permission for a player I already had the ID for :)
16:04.53hacimhmm there hasnt been a new debian package for some time, I wonder if the jitter problem will be fixed soon :P
16:05.01DTRemenakdid a lot of random cleanups for the plugins/api stuff earlier this morning too.  mostly spelling stuff.  for future reference, "caped" refers to Superman, "capped" refers to a flag :)
16:05.35JeffM2501what's wrong with superman?
16:05.43DTRemenaknothing wrong with superman :)
16:05.44JeffM2501and I have been playing a lot of CoH ;)
16:06.12DTRemenakI even proofed the docs
16:07.53JeffM2501I'ma gonna try to debug the score thing today
16:11.01DTRemenak'twould also be nifty to have the fake player stuff fleshed out.  the alternative is...ugly :)
16:11.17JeffM2501it's no small job
16:11.25DTRemenakyeah, that's why I didn't do it :)
16:11.38DTRemenakI might end up doing it anyway but I didn't want to take it on at the time
16:11.53DTRemenakdidn't realize quite how messy it would get without it though :)
16:14.06DTRemenakit just feels so wrong to hack bzadmin code into a plugin and connect back to the parent server with it
16:14.57JeffM2501or just wait for server side bots till later
16:15.03DTRemenaknot really a bot
16:16.06DTRemenakjust the only way I've found to execute arbitrary server commands.  the server expects to have a player object in order to process the command.
16:19.24meacanI've got minor notes on bzapi: it still says playerCaping in doc (for bz_eCaptureEvent). The eventdata for:  bz_eGetAutoTeamEvent, bz_eGenerateWorldEvent, bz_eGetPlayerInfoEvent, bz_eAllowSpawn, bz_eListServerUpdateEvent is missing. Typo in doc at bz_eGetPlayerSpawnPosEvent. It says playeID. I think that was all
16:19.44JeffM2501yeah, all those places need to be changed, to check and see if there is a server side player objet, and call that instead of doing the real thing
16:19.56DTRemenakhm, I missed a Caping?
16:20.47meacani think i've been looking at a outdated doc
16:21.50CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/plugins/doc/functions.html: oops, missed playeID
16:24.23Birdiecan it be cause of a sucky graphic card that i somethimes dont see tanks on my screan(of course no cloacking), and that i somethimes see tanks going in buildings?
16:25.39JeffM2501how low is your frame rate?
16:29.11Birdiei didndnt had troubles with the first versions of 2.0 (i think)
16:29.13JeffM2501no that should not be the cause of the problem
16:29.21JeffM250140 is fine
16:29.44Birdieis what i thought
16:30.01Birdieand it would be strange if i can change it with some kind of option?(searched much allready)
16:30.46JeffM2501there is no 'Screw up the game' option :)
16:30.55Birdiebut also
16:31.01Birdieon ground mostly i dont have it
16:31.14Birdiebut if i'm above and i look down(hix 2 map) from base to building below, i almoust always have it
16:42.32*** join/#bzflag BadBoyBeyer (
16:53.54*** join/#bzflag wegstar (n=foo@allegro/user/wegstar)
17:02.14*** join/#bzflag Thonolan (
17:11.55*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
17:12.09RPG_spelling, gyus
17:15.08JeffM2501brlcad/learner/any other mac person.... ping.
17:15.17a-delusionim mac
17:15.35JeffM2501where can I put shell commands on the mac so they are auto execute?
17:15.51JeffM2501like export CXS_RSH=ssh
17:16.13a-delusionsorry jeff, i could guess, be wrong
17:18.24a-delusionallow me to give a one man standing ovation to the development of plugins, clap,clap,clap
17:18.33RPG_yes plugins are the bomb
17:18.41JeffM2501do they work oh the mac yet?
17:18.47a-delusioni wish
17:18.54JeffM2501have you tried?
17:19.15a-delusioni did do a fresh vs this morning, but my server stops at....
17:19.33a-delusionqueueing add message to listserver
17:19.35brlcadJeffM2501: same as *nix, you can shove them into your ~/.bash_profile for example
17:19.46brlcadand that'd be CVS_RSH=ssh
17:20.10JeffM2501I have a .profile
17:20.15brlcadthat'll work
17:20.18*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
17:20.26brlcadpresuming there's not a .bash_profile
17:20.32brlcadone takes precedence over the other
17:20.37JeffM2501only .bash... is history
17:20.53brlcadso then .profile should be good
17:21.28JeffM2501and really... would an insert key kill them?
17:21.32JeffM2501thanks :)
17:21.56brad2901Is it possible to see which line causes a plugin to crash bzfs? (on windows)
17:22.12brad2901I hope that makes sense:)
17:22.20JeffM2501brad2901, if you are running from the debuger, yes
17:22.20RPG_does anyone know, offhand, what children classes/functions are in the parent flagType in BZFlag?
17:22.57JeffM2501find it's definition'
17:23.01brad2901JeffM2501: "running from the debuger" ?
17:23.07RPG_MSVC++ is all crappy
17:23.07brad2901how do I do that?
17:23.15RPG_it won't give me it's children classes like always
17:23.16JeffM2501brad2901, did you build the plugin?
17:23.23JeffM2501RPG_, children?
17:23.28brad2901RPG dii
17:23.30JeffM2501brad2901, then no
17:23.35RPG_i call them children
17:23.50JeffM2501call what children?
17:24.16RPG_functiosn inside classes
17:24.28trepanRPG_: don't rely so much on your IDE, it'll make you dumb  ;)
17:24.52JeffM2501the IDE even calls em methods
17:24.56JeffM2501he just dosn't know C++
17:25.49trepanthat i took as a given
17:25.58RPG_i'm learning
17:26.16JeffM2501just look at where the class is defined
17:26.24JeffM2501it has all the methods and members
17:30.18menotume~seen bryjen
17:30.21ibotbryjen <n=bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4d 14h 16m 9s ago, saying: 'in the playHistoryTracker plugin'.
17:33.29BenUrbanibot lies
17:33.29ibotof course I do
17:33.46menotumeok ...
17:33.51menotume!seen bryjen
17:33.52TheLastSpartanmenotume: bryjen was last seen here 4 days, 14 hours, 19 minutes, and 1 second ago saying: * bryjen is looking at the code
17:34.21BenUrbansomeone fixed ibot?!
17:35.11BenUrbanor did someone break TheLastSpartan?
17:35.21menotumeahhh :)
17:35.40menotume!seen ibot
17:35.41TheLastSpartanmenotume: ibot was last seen here 2 minutes and 11 seconds ago saying: <ibot> of course I do
17:35.50BenUrban~seen ibot
17:35.51ibotibot <> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 318d 17h 23s ago, saying: '800 inches is approximately 2400 barleycorns'.
17:35.59BenUrbanah ok
17:36.03BenUrban~seen TheLastSpartan
17:36.03ibotthelastspartan is currently on #bzleague (2d 14h 17m 8s).  Has said a total of 19 messages.  Is idling for 22s
17:36.04TheLastSpartanI don't have a clue.
17:36.18BenUrban~seen TheLastSpartan
17:36.18ibotthelastspartan is currently on #bzleague (2d 14h 17m 23s).  Has said a total of 20 messages.  Is idling for 14s
17:36.18TheLastSpartanBugger all, I dunno, BenUrban.
17:36.26BenUrban!seen TheLastSpartan
17:36.26TheLastSpartanBenUrban: I have not seen TheLastSpartan.
17:36.48menotume!seen Star Wars
17:36.48TheLastSpartanmenotume: I have not seen Star Wars.
17:36.58menotumewell, what are you waiting for ?
17:37.22RPG_what's the desired way of submitting patches?
17:37.23menotumedon't get out much, TheLastSpartan ?
17:37.33RPG_~seen TheLastSpartan
17:37.33ibotthelastspartan is currently on #bzleague (2d 14h 18m 38s).  Has said a total of 23 messages.  Is idling for 45s
17:37.33TheLastSpartanI have no idea.
17:37.34menotumeRPG_: sourceforge
17:38.07a-delusionSpeaking of starwars, I can prove that player, abid is starwars, who was banned
17:38.21RPG_he's active in the adrenaline league
17:38.31a-delusioni have them both logging into my league site from the same IP
17:38.44a-delusionabid and starwars
17:39.01a-delusiona few weeks ago, the day starwars was banned
17:40.04ibotTry using -o nolock,soft (soft will help stop the error cascades, especially over wireless)
17:40.17brad2901~nfs server
17:40.27*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
17:40.27*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
17:45.43brad2901~spell mightn't
17:45.48*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
17:46.29*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
17:46.29*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
17:47.12Tuponewelcome back ... being a long time
17:52.26JBdiGrizI've been around, just not managing to do any coding.
17:53.42orchidhi JBdiGriz
17:54.40JBdiGrizG'day to you, orchid ;)
17:54.50TuponeI have not seen here in ages .. so around means playing :)
17:55.45JBdiGrizI've been playing on hepcat/silvercat, but I haven't been doing any work with the code. It's time for me to get back to looking at it.
18:05.06*** join/#bzflag McShooter (
18:05.26McShooterhio all
18:06.16brlcadhowdy JBdiGriz
18:09.03brad2901A-DELUSION: YOU STILL THERE?
18:09.17brad2901sry for the caps
18:09.55brad2901a-delusion: I only have the .DLL
18:10.18McShooterhey brad
18:12.04a-delusionyes back...
18:12.31a-delusionlittle runaround there brad, np
18:20.36a-delusionNote to self: must remember to use memory.
18:23.58hacimJeffM2501: do you have the patch necessary to fix the jitter problem?
18:24.27JeffM2501and jitter?
18:24.35Tuponefix ?
18:24.36JeffM2501what "jitter problem" do you speak of
18:24.54JBdiGrizIt must be that duct tape around the routers.
18:25.25hacimthe jitter = -21xxxxxxxx problem
18:25.46TuponeI think some hardware has a very bad clock. I mean a random one
18:25.48JBdiGrizI have noticed that issue with the huge negative jitter.
18:25.49hacimsomething caused 2.02 not to work with g++4.0
18:26.01hacimapparantly there was a bug fixed
18:26.02hacimafter 2.02 that fixes this jitter problem
18:26.46JeffM2501you speak of many things
18:26.46Tuponehacim: could you rephrase
18:26.58JeffM25011) 2.0.2 did not compile with GCC4.0
18:27.04JeffM2501cvs fixes that
18:27.08JeffM2501there is no "patcH"
18:27.31JeffM25012) there was a jitter problem, in windows, on laptops. any of the current windows beta versions fix that
18:27.34hacimChestal said yesterday that there was a fix right after 2.0.2 was released that resolved the 4.0 problem and the jitter problem
18:27.51JeffM2501all the fixes are in CVS
18:27.54JeffM2501we don't make patches
18:27.59JeffM2501what OS are you on?
18:28.16hacimI'm running the debian version and I can't play on any servers because of this "jitter"
18:28.28JeffM2501then go get current code with CVS and build it
18:28.33hacimI guess then I am looking for the "diff"
18:28.34JeffM2501and see if that helps you out
18:28.41JeffM2501there IS NO DIFF
18:28.44JeffM2501just get cvs and build
18:29.14hacimI would like to isolate the fix so that it can be submitted for the debian package
18:29.23JeffM2501we are preparing for 2.0.4
18:29.30JeffM2501that will be a package with all the fixes
18:29.39hacimthere are diffs in CVS that if I knew where it was I could construct a patch from a commit delta
18:29.50JeffM2501sure if you dug thru it all
18:29.55JeffM2501we don't track that kind of stuff
18:30.00hacimthats what I was asking
18:30.04JeffM2501many changes have been made to many files since 2.0.2
18:30.16JeffM2501I'd rather see 2.0.4 just be done
18:30.24hacimsounds good to me
18:30.28JeffM2501why force a hackish patch package when the release is nearly done
18:30.29*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
18:30.42hacimI was unaware of the proximity of a release
18:31.05a-delusionthats why i'm hanging aaround, proximity...
18:31.17JeffM2501what one?
18:31.23hacimand was hoping to help debian users be able to play, but 2.0.4 being near sounds better
18:31.29JBdiGrizIf you really want the diffs, run cvs to get the original 2.0.2 release, and then run cvs diff to get the patch, but it would be easier just to run cvs to get the sources.
18:32.23JeffM2501I mean if you realy wanted, make a debian beta package
18:32.30hacimJBdiGriz: yes, I know how to get a diff from CVS, but what i didn't know is if anyone knew where that fix was so I could isolate it
18:32.30JeffM2501with the current cvs
18:32.39JeffM2501no need to isolate or anything
18:32.49JBdiGrizWhy would you want just the one fix?
18:32.58hacimI'm sure Tim will update the debian package to 2.0.4 when its out
18:33.15*** join/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
18:33.17JeffM2501ahhhh the faith of the sheep :)
18:33.18hacimJBdiGriz: because that one fix seems to be the thing that keeps any debian unstable users from plaing on a server
18:33.21ibunnyhello guyz
18:33.32Tuponeibunny: :*
18:33.34hacimJeffM2501: I'm not a sheep, I've updated the debian package before myself
18:33.54JBdiGrizI'm sure Tim will update the package as well. He's good about that.
18:34.21Birdieoh oh ibunny
18:34.24Tuponehacim: the jitter fix was for windows. If there is some benefot to jitter from other change nobody seems aware
18:34.40hacimTupone: hmm, then perhaps its an unknown issue for linux
18:35.04hacimTupone: I'd be happy to provide any information for anyone who has the skillz to track it down
18:35.16JeffM2501hacim, i'm sure you have
18:35.22Tuponeyou have the dump of the packet
18:35.27hacimJeffM2501: sure I have what?
18:35.28JeffM2501JBdiGriz, I
18:35.37JeffM2501I'm sure he will to, just not WHEN ;)
18:36.04hacimTupone: you want me to give you a tcpdump?
18:36.21Tuponethat is too hard to analyze
18:36.32hacimTupone: what is "dump of the packet" mean?
18:36.43TuponeI need the MsgPlayerUpdate information
18:36.47JeffM2501step 1 is to try CVS and see if that fixes your problem
18:36.57hacimok, I'll do that
18:37.03JeffM2501to see if there are any other changes that cause it
18:37.46hacimuhh, this page doesn't look like it has beta builds anymore:
18:38.06JeffM2501we don't do linux beta builds for minors
18:38.09JeffM2501just use the coe
18:38.10Tuponein the MsgPlayerUpdate there is a field called timestamp. I need it. So check with the new version, and if the problem persist, I need all of those
18:38.14JeffM2501in CVS
18:38.22hacimTupone: how can I get that for you?
18:38.43JeffM2501Tupone, why won't you let him see if he still has a problem first?
18:38.50JeffM2501why go to all that when it may be fixed?
18:39.00TuponeIt is exactly what I wrote
18:39.15Tuponeread :)
18:39.18JeffM2501why even mention the timestamp?
18:39.41JeffM2501a simple "yeah try it and let me know" would have worked
18:40.25*** part/#bzflag ep (
18:40.26trepanTupone: Chestal said that it might be related to a gcc-4 compilation problem
18:40.28JeffM2501bzflag mainpage has a link to the sf page with instructions
18:40.48a-delusioni can give you cvs commands hacim....
18:40.56Tuponeahh, so they are running with unstable or testing
18:41.44hacima-delusion: is it anything other than: cvs login; cvs -z3 co -P bzflag
18:42.03Tuponethat is
18:42.07hacimTupone: yes, I'm running unstable with gcc-4
18:42.08a-delusionlooks good to me
18:42.39a-delusionill pm you what i have, if it helps...
18:42.46trepani noticed the "white material" problem that was reported within the last couple of days
18:43.40hacima-delusion: sure... any special build instructions for a CVS build, other than what would be included?
18:43.41trepanvery briefly (one or two frames), not very reproducible
18:44.00trepan... wonder if it relates to the font gstate reset touchup
18:44.27hacimTupone: how can I get the timestamp field from MsgPlayerUpdate?
18:44.49TuponeI will do a patch for you eventually
18:45.35a-delusionsent to hacim, seems you didnt need it tho
18:46.32hacima-delusion: I didn't get a /msg from you
18:46.50a-delusionsent pm on the forum,
18:47.08a-delusionthere are special instructions for including a patch
18:47.08hacimon the forum, ok
18:57.57*** part/#bzflag ibunny (n=alex@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
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19:18.06hacimappears as if CVS solves it
19:18.23a-delusiondid i help?
19:19.06a-delusionseemed like you already knew what i saent you
19:39.23*** join/#bzflag wegstar (n=foo@allegro/user/wegstar)
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20:30.26a-delusionuh. oooohh
20:30.46a-delusioni got my macserver running it says "no plugins loaded"
20:31.24a-delusionill start simple, race to
20:38.28*** join/#bzflag wizart (
21:13.32CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (5 files): use sinf cosf instead of sin cos where is ok
21:17.33*** part/#bzflag ToughShooter (
21:20.39CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): add bz_getDebugLevel to the API
21:29.20a-delusionnew to x-chat aqua- whats the command to view memos?
21:31.37brad2901/msg memoserv help
21:31.51a-delusionthanx brad
21:32.02a-delusionasx server is now accepting plugins
21:32.52a-delusionyou want to get on a channel, i need to learn theat here to
21:32.57a-delusionhow to invite?
21:35.15brad2901/join #channel
21:35.22a-delusionman im learning alot today...
21:35.56a-delusioni kinda need to step back, becoming a bzholic
21:36.24a-delusiongot my server up for the first time in a week, and somebody is blasting away now...
21:43.09brad2901my jitter is 27815ms
21:43.19brad2901I see everything in slow motion
21:43.30brad2901everyone else see's me as NR
21:43.34brad2901I can chat perfectly
21:43.44a-delusionI had a player at lanet mofo yesterday that was +- 245 million
21:43.47brad2901rejoining doesn't fix it
21:48.48a-delusionalright, mac server plugin test....
21:49.16a-delusiontried em'all cant load a plugin from my client, using pass too
21:50.06JeffM2501yay the headake is gone
22:00.17TuponeDTRemenak: do exist in windows a function that get sin and cos together ? like sincos in glibc
22:00.26Tuponedoes it :)
22:01.10DTRemenaknot afaik
22:01.49TuponeI was thinking to do that, but gcc-4 will do automatically, so I just wait.
22:03.01DTRemenakif you have either one the other is sqrt(1 - first*first)
22:03.24Tuponeyeah, but FP processor do it faster
22:03.56DTRemenakcalculating them simultaneously can be very cheap because of tricks
22:04.18DTRemenakbut a sqrt should be faster than calculating the other one independently
22:05.50TuponeSo, if there is some need to speed up windows, we could do that, otherwise, for all the OS provided with gcc compilers we just need to wait the gcc-4.0
22:06.22Tuponethe sincosf is only a GNU extension
22:06.48DTRemenakI doubt there's any need to do so
22:07.07DTRemenakand if there was it would perhaps be better to use a lookup table anyway
22:07.54TuponeI think that is the way is done in hardware, mostly. Shorter table
22:08.22DTRemenakI don't know the hardware side of it :S
22:08.56TuponeI'm pretty sure is not using a mechanical synchro
22:10.56Chestalin a microbench with g++4 I get 11s for sin/cos, and about 7.5s for both sincos and sin/sqrt
22:11.42Tuponeso 30 % saving
22:11.52Tupone-fastmath ?
22:12.04DTRemenakinteresting that you get the same for sincos and sine/sqrt
22:12.08Chestalno fastmath
22:12.11Chestaland co is faster than sin
22:12.36DTRemenakreally.  cos/sqrt is faster then sin/sqrt also then?
22:12.47Chestalhmm, what is the -fastmath option again exactly? or is it gone with gcc4?
22:12.54ChestalDTR: will try
22:13.24TuponeI don't think is gone. I read that do not make some validity check
22:13.41Tuponegcc should inline with fastmath
22:14.04Tuponeexactly is too much for me now :)
22:14.12Chestal5.7 vs 7.3s (cos vs sin)
22:14.36Chestalman gcc | grep fastm  gives nothing
22:15.09TuponeI don't have here so .. lemme google it
22:15.09Chestalhmm, but 3.3 should have them, maybe a search problem
22:15.17Chestalah fast-math
22:17.46Chestalthe effect of -fast-math is about 10% in different scenarios here
22:18.04Tuponeso you are -O3 and -fast-math
22:18.30Tuponehardware I guess
22:18.47Tuponewhat processor?
22:20.02DTRemenakhm.  if it's using a table-based approach then it could be converting the sines into equivalent cosines so it can use a single table.
22:21.01TuponeI guess is using different algorithm based on the size of the angle
22:21.23Tuponeso the time spent should depend on the data
22:21.35Chestalwith -fast-math it does direct fsin/fcos calls, without it calls a lib function
22:21.35DTRemenakthat could be.  what sort of input were you using?
22:22.01Chestalhmm, yes, that's possible, using values 0..1 here
22:22.04DTRemenakguess I assumed randomized input [0,2*pi]
22:45.15*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
22:45.30trepanorange: saw your "white buildings" problem today, but haven't been able to reproduce
22:45.42orangeheh, I just happened to be sitting down for a few seconds
22:45.46orangeamazing timing
22:46.00orangeI have some snapshots, but it wasn't position or game-time-of-day related
22:46.12orangebecause I could sit still and it would flash white every 10-20 seconds
22:46.36orangebut I'm glad to see it's not me
22:46.40trepancool, might also help to get a recording with the /roampos
22:46.46orangeI did that... want them?
22:46.56trepanyou've got the recording stored too?
22:47.02orangeoh, recording
22:47.06orangeno, but I had roampos on the screen
22:47.18*** join/#bzflag orchid (n=bzgirl@unaffiliated/orchid)
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22:47.19trepanheh, that might help too   =)
22:47.22*** join/#bzflag McShooter (
22:47.42orangewant them in email?
22:47.48orangeif so, pm me
22:47.57trepanthe screenies? sure
22:48.04McShooteri have a simple question....
22:48.19McShooterhow to set up a map cycle...
22:48.19trepanorange: how often do you get it?
22:48.29orangeI haven't really played since then
22:48.32orangeand that was the first time
22:49.16McShooterif someone here know how to set up a map cicly PM me in Forum , please...
22:49.53orangemcshooter, put the whole thing into a shell script
22:50.04orangewhile true ; do
22:50.18orangebzfs (with first set of options)
22:50.21orangebzfs (with second set of options)
22:50.25orangebzfs (with third set of options)
22:50.42orangeand set each of those bzfs calls to have a different map and a time limit or some other way of ending the game that causes the bzfs process to end
22:50.50orangeunless you're in windows, then I have no clue
22:51.05orangetrepan, sent... gotta run, lmk if you want me to try more testing
22:52.03McShooteroh crontab
22:52.12McShooterokey thx
22:52.57trepana crontab version should be easy to setup as well
22:55.11McShootermaybee a put a mix of shell...and cron...and database flag to start/stop
22:55.15trepanorange: thx for the email problem is a bit give access to ppl to upload maps...
22:56.40trepanMcShooter: what exactly are you trying to do?
22:56.53McShooterhm... i think i will use that shell
22:57.02McShooterand set up a web-based administration
22:57.19McShooterso an admin can set maps into the rotation
22:58.59McShooteri mean simply copy them or delete them from the actual folder
22:59.26McShooteror something...will see...
22:59.41McShooterfirst i need some players on the server ;)
23:02.23McShooterhad 9 players today was the maximum...but the map changed a lot last 2 hours
23:02.39McShooterso check out map and make suggestions ;)
23:02.53McShooterif someone has time to do...
23:04.11McShooterjust go to the server and idle there a bit, with 3 or 4 players others will follow ;)
23:04.33McShooterit is with trampoline and world weapon...
23:04.37McShooterCU laters all
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23:21.31wegstar~seen JBdiGriz
23:21.33ibotjbdigriz is currently on #silvercat #bzflag
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23:29.20scubawesgot a UDP question
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23:44.43*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
23:45.16I_Died_OnceIs anyone alive in here?
23:49.53I_Died_OnceYou guys said this RAM test would take about an hour...
23:50.14DTRemenakyeah, just saw your posts.  one pass is enough.  sorry about that, forgot it would run infinitely
23:50.19I_Died_OnceIts almost ten hours into the test...
23:50.33I_Died_OnceSo I'm good, and can stop the test?
23:50.52I_Died_Oncewell, no erroras have been found, whatever its worth
23:51.01DTRemenakworth quite a bit actually :)
23:51.02JeffM2501are you still running scoreReset?
23:51.21I_Died_OnceIt may have been on. I will remove it until given the green flag
23:51.33JeffM2501it is evil
23:51.57DTRemenakwe used to run it for 24 hours for a burn-in test on new machines.  one pass is enough to see if your memory is toast or not though.
23:52.11I_Died_OnceI got one other problem with this computer...
23:52.28I_Died_OnceWhen I power off, it loses its boot files
23:52.41DTRemenakheh.  that seems like it would be a bit of an issue :)
23:52.51I_Died_Onceand I end up having to put the suse disc in, and run repair to reinstall them
23:52.57DTRemenakwhich files specifically?
23:52.57I_Died_OnceI rarely turn off this computer though
23:53.02DTRemenakgrub stuff?
23:53.10JeffM2501that indicates a much larger problem
23:53.16JeffM2501like the disk is bad
23:53.24DTRemenaknot necessarily
23:53.37DTRemenakI'm guessing probably you have "boot sector virus protection" turned on in your BIOS
23:53.48DTRemenakand it sees grub as a boot sector virus :)
23:53.49I_Died_OnceI don't think so
23:54.08DTRemenakso it doesn't write it to disk.  other than that, I'm not sure what could cause it.
23:54.09I_Died_OnceI'm about to go in its BIOS right now
23:54.37I_Died_OnceSOrry, caps
23:55.21DTRemenakfsck never reports problems, assuming you run it?
23:55.35I_Died_OnceKnoppix rules
23:55.43I_Died_Onceno, I will shortly
23:56.22I_Died_OnceI gotta put in a disc and restore the boot sector
23:56.27*** join/#bzflag zongo_ (
23:56.59DTRemenakhm.  so when you restore it it works once but not the next time?
23:57.29I_Died_Onceyeah - when i reboot, it goeas fine... but if i shut it down, then it has to be re-done upon turning it back on
23:57.56Tuponea virus?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.