irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050802

00:00.14*** join/#bzflag Tegan (
00:00.33JeffM2501I had my field names defined wrong
00:00.50DTRemenakbellowing would be kind of an odd thing for a form to do
00:02.11JeffM2501allright, now I'm to DB errors :)
00:02.16JeffM2501now I'm geting somewhere :)
00:02.34DTRemenaklove finding empty boxes that I thought were full :S
00:03.01blast007JeffM2501: Might be nice to do:
00:03.01blast007$redirURL = str_replace(Array('%TOKEN%', '%USERNAME%'), Array($token, $username), $URL);
00:03.08blast007where $URL is something like:
00:03.59JeffM2501so that they can pass more info in?
00:04.02JeffM2501if they need to?
00:04.49JeffM2501I was thinking of how to do that, but figured I'd work it out later
00:07.30JeffM2501cool the base system works now :)
00:09.28blast007do global logins work on private servers yet?
00:12.25*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
00:12.31JeffM2501how say I had a URL like that, how would i pull out just the part?
00:14.07blast007still will want to validate stuff probably
00:19.46*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
00:24.30blast007hi wegstar
00:25.13wegstarhello blast007 ;)
00:32.15WonderMopOh no... "PHP" is on my screen
00:35.00WonderMopThx :)
00:35.16WonderMopPHP is useful though...
00:39.41JeffM2501I think this should work well in a popup
00:44.10JeffM2501blast007, I did the parse thing works great :)
00:44.21blast007cool  :)
00:44.23JeffM2501now all I need is to make 2 php functions
00:44.35JeffM25011 to bring up a popup window with this page and the URL they want
00:44.56JeffM2501and another to take the username,token, and a group list, and ask the list server if it's valid
00:45.14JeffM2501how would I do a popup?
00:47.40blast007either javascript, or <a href="bla" target="_blank">
00:47.56JeffM2501hmmm maybe best to leave it up to them, then
00:48.26JeffM2501they may want to put in (shudder) a frame
00:48.41WonderMoper, evil
00:48.46WonderMopthe "frame" word!
00:48.56JeffM2501it's not my website
00:50.31*** join/#bzflag retro (
01:03.49*** join/#bzflag blast007` (
01:05.29SportChick~karma sportchick
01:05.29ibotsportchick has karma of 98
01:06.19WonderMop~karma WonderMop
01:06.19ibotwondermop has neutral karma
01:06.25WonderMoplol.. makes sesne
01:06.27WonderMoper, sense
01:06.41WonderMopis it random?
01:06.44WonderMop~karma WonderMop
01:06.44ibotwondermop has neutral karma
01:06.51blast007~karma WonderMop
01:06.51ibotwondermop has karma of 1
01:06.53WonderMopguess not :)
01:07.12WonderMopooh.. people add to it?
01:07.25blast007or take it away  ;)
01:07.43DTRemenak~karma TimRiker
01:07.43ibottimriker has karma of -653
01:07.52WonderMop~karma blast007
01:07.52ibotblast007 has karma of 41
01:08.09WonderMopcool. i gonna look :)
01:12.08WonderMop3 kinds of karma... didn't know that
01:35.28Aribethhi SportChick
01:37.35wegstar~karma blast007
01:37.35ibotblast007 has karma of 42
01:38.17Aribeth~karma Aribeth
01:38.17ibotaribeth has karma of 17
01:38.27wegstar~karma wegstar
01:38.27ibotwegstar has karma of 12
01:46.51Grumblerdang, i really hate the way secretplace plays lately
01:47.55foo-on-firesince there isn't a channel for c-ares, i'll just ask here, since some cvs users have probably compiled c-ares: when i try to compile, i get this error:
01:50.49foo-on-firethat sentence didn't sound very grammatically correct
01:50.56*** join/#bzflag bz7008 (
01:51.00*** part/#bzflag bz7008 (
01:52.13foo-on-fire...also, i was wondering at what time GMT is the cvs updated?
01:52.38blast007it's updated every 5 hours
01:52.52foo-on-firewhen was it last updated, then?
01:53.09blast007somewhere between 0 and 5 hours ago  ;)
01:53.41blast007it doesn't "say" anywhere when it was updated
01:54.28foo-on-firehow am i supposed to know when i can update my cvs-obtained bz?
01:56.17blast007just update it on a regular basis, like maybe once a day
01:56.38foo-on-fireor twice, one in the morning, one in the evening
01:56.47foo-on-firefive hours pass between morning and evening
01:56.53blast007yeah, whatever you want
01:56.57foo-on-fireand evening and morning
01:57.02foo-on-firethat sounds good. :)
01:57.08blast007there wasn't necessarily any changes in that 5 hour period though
01:57.50blast007that gives you an idea of when things are commit to cvs
01:57.53foo-on-fireyes, i guess the developers need a break
01:58.26foo-on-firethey're not coding 24/7, updating it every 5 hours. at least i hope not. they should be getting some sleep. :-D
02:03.18foo-on-firei like the idea they implemented in the cvs, where you have little bars displaying how each shot is charging up
02:03.47foo-on-fireexcept it's kinda sucks on those stupid 200 shot servers
02:04.00blast007turn it off then  :)
02:04.12foo-on-fireyou can?
02:04.12blast007I think it's in GUI Settings
02:04.16foo-on-firei didn't realize
02:06.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~jeffm@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
02:06.03*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
02:42.25SportChickhi ari
02:45.15orangesportchick is in a good mood tonight :-)
02:49.07*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (
02:57.40*** join/#bzflag foo-on-fire (
03:19.32*** join/#bzflag sc-phone (
03:20.08sc-phonehi from the gym
03:22.42*** join/#bzflag bz3029 (
03:23.04bz3029what do u do on
03:23.23bz3029any1 ?
03:23.39sc-phonewhat r u trying to do?
03:23.47bz3029run a server
03:24.02bz3029the command prompt gives a message
03:24.15blast007you don't have to do anything on that site..bzfs should do it for you
03:24.16bz3029it says using default on no help then
03:24.32blast007it adds your server to that site
03:24.42sc-phonehave u read the forum instructions?
03:24.51bz3029what forum
03:25.22sc-phoneservers: gen discussion
03:26.23bz3029how do u make a private server
03:26.41blast007just don't use -public
03:27.26blast007bz3029: here, look this over:
03:28.24bz3029how do u play in single player mode again
03:28.41blast007there isn't a single player mode, really
03:28.51blast007but you can add bots with -solo 5  (for 5 bots)
03:28.52bz3029something similar
03:28.56blast007bzflag -solo 5
03:29.35*** join/#bzflag Barcode (~Barcode@
03:33.28bz3029-solo doesn't work
03:34.13sc-phonedid u use a number after it?
03:34.51*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
03:35.04blast007did you run bzflag with -solo, or bzfs?
03:35.34blast007run bzflag with -solo 5
03:37.11Aribeth!weather 30040
03:37.13TheLastSpartanAribeth: The current temperature in Cumming, Georgia (30040) is 70°F (11:30 PM EDT on August 01, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 70°F. UV: 0 out of 16
03:37.17bz3029what do u mean when u say run bzflag -solo 5
03:37.28Aribethhi Sporty
03:37.32bz3029sorry i'm new at this
03:37.37Aribether sc-phone
03:37.51sc-phonehi aribeth
03:38.01RPG_bz3029: with solo 5 you're running BZFlag with 5 bots
03:38.01sc-phoneat the gym
03:38.04RPG_or comptuer players
03:38.15blast007run a command prompt, cd to the bzflag directory, and then run bzflag -solo 5
03:39.37Aribethwhats that?
03:39.51blast007RPG_: cool  :)
03:40.09sc-phonegoogle it
03:41.11Aribethahh i see
03:43.29RPG_to have BZFS load a plugin, all you have to do is put it in the BZFS directory, right?
03:43.44blast007you have to tell it to load it too
03:43.53blast007might be a command line option for that
03:43.56RPG_how thoust do that?
03:44.05blast007but I usually use /loadplugin and /unloadplugin
03:44.24blast007I think it's based on the filename
03:44.38blast007like somePlugin.dll would be /loadplugin somePlugin
03:44.48RPG_i thought it was autmoatic
03:45.27RPG_maybe you should have a file with a predefined name, such as pulgins.txt, and in that file you can list all the plugins you want loaded, and on startup BZFS would automatically search for the plugins.txt file
03:46.38blast007-loadplugin works too
03:46.51blast007just checked on that
03:47.23blast007[-loadplugin <pluginname,commandline>]
03:52.21RPG_the VC++ compiler keeps displaying fatal errors but keeps compiling
04:01.10*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
04:21.48BenUrbanwow, you have a *poof* when you get home?
04:25.40Aribethhi SportChick
04:32.02*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter__ (~chatzilla@
04:41.20*** join/#bzflag foo-on-fire (
04:50.25*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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05:06.49*** join/#bzflag bz6624 (
05:30.59*** join/#bzflag Guest958 (
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05:34.05*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
05:34.53*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~jeffm@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
06:00.47*** join/#bzflag CatScan29 (
06:01.24CatScan29greetings all
06:02.28CatScan29troubleshooting question if anyone has a momeny to spare
06:02.47CatScan29er moment
06:04.19EbErTmost people sit idle on here, i would just post your questions here and come back
06:04.25EbErTand you will have answers
06:08.41CatScan29thank-you for the reply... i am having an issue running bzflag on my box. i can launch the app ok but when i go to enter the game (any game) the game terms and takes me back to my desktop
06:08.55CatScan29system in win xp pro w/ sp2 and latest patches
06:09.29CatScan29running windows 2003 small biz server and dourter and dns... proxy disabled.
06:10.36CatScan29more deatils... intel d845pebt2, 1gb ram, 4 hd's 3 cd's (1 ext.)
06:10.52CatScan29uninstalled and reinstalled with no change
06:11.45CatScan29problem occurs even when entering a localhost game
06:14.37CatScan29graphics card is an evga geforce4 mx440 agp
06:15.18CatScan29i must get to bed. but will stay here looking for responses when i awake in the morning... thank-you in advance and have a great evening
06:22.31blast007CatScan29: you could try a recent beta build, such as
06:22.57blast007if that works, then the problem has been fixed, and will appear in the next stable (2.0.4)
06:23.13blast007if not, make sure you have the most recent DirectX and video drivers
06:25.24blast007finally, you could try deleting the "My BZFlag Files" folder from your My Documents folder
06:46.58*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
06:52.00*** join/#bzflag SiriusB (
07:13.14*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
07:14.28*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
08:17.35*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks__ (~frobozz@
08:38.54*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (
08:42.51*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks___ (~frobozz@
08:48.39*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
09:17.51*** join/#bzflag cods (
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09:49.35*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:08.51*** join/#bzflag bz4633 (
10:41.25*** join/#bzflag cods (
10:52.32brlcadssh -v morrison@cad
11:12.22Pimpinellanow, i'm surprised
11:13.21Pimpinellafrom july 19 on my traffic was cut off to half
11:13.55Pimpinellaeven after hepct went down and there were significantly more players on viper it was less
11:15.17Pimpinellasame for dub, or even better, traffic is even less than half
11:20.10Pimpinellatupone reduced the amout of data sent to the listserver at some point, but this alone can't do the trick
11:28.03brad2901is it possible to have -27812696 jitter?
11:37.28*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
11:39.11*** join/#bzflag DarthValou (
11:39.28*** part/#bzflag DarthValou (
11:58.55*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
11:59.06*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
12:20.43_Manu_brlcad, heh.. just type your pass ;-p
12:49.14*** join/#bzflag mmu (
13:09.52GrumblerPimpinella< cut in half?, that is impressive.
13:11.12Pimpinellayeah, and i have no idea who made that, _Manu_ gave me a hint though
13:26.42*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
13:31.44*** join/#bzflag RedBaron2 (
13:32.57*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
13:33.37*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
13:37.05*** join/#bzflag awelux (
13:37.15*** join/#bzflag SiriusB ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:37.16*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:37.18*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|L ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:37.30*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
13:37.45*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:41.55*** join/#bzflag Tupone ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:42.00*** join/#bzflag ep (
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13:42.18*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
14:12.27*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
14:20.27*** join/#bzflag ibunny (
14:34.29*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter_ (
15:01.08*** join/#bzflag foo-on-fire (
15:02.15foo-on-fireso, to update my cvs bzflag, i cd to the bzflag directory, type "cvs update", then "make"?
15:02.21foo-on-fireand make install
15:03.06Tuponemake install is not mandatory, but is ok
15:06.11foo-on-firei have to issue the "make install" command to update my install of bzflag in /opt/local right?
15:08.48foo-on-firei would think so
15:09.42*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (
15:10.22foo-on-firewhen making an updated cvs version, i get this: "override rw-r--r--  root/admin for .deps/buildDate.Po? (y/n [n])"
15:11.29foo-on-firenow, i choose "yes" if i want to update my code?
15:13.20foo-on-fireit's saying something about "overriding" something
15:13.52bryjenpermissions on a file.  did you previously run make as a different user?
15:14.02foo-on-firei don't think so...
15:14.13foo-on-firethe only other user on this machine is root
15:14.46brad2901Are there any bzbb admins around?
15:14.55foo-on-fireand i don't think i ran anything except make install as root
15:15.11foo-on-firewell, what should i choose? yes, or no?
15:15.20bryjenchoose yes
15:15.36brad2901DTRemenak, ping
15:15.54bryjenbrad2901 ?
15:16.03foo-on-firewhat happens when i choose "yes"/
15:16.15TheRedBaronmy theory is: try it and find out :)
15:16.23TheRedBaronbut then again, i've rebuilt lots of computers :)
15:16.39foo-on-firesometimes weird things happen when i use the "try it and find out" method
15:16.54brad2901bryjen: can you activate "silvercat" please? -- I changed the passwd and it is now saying I need to reactivate it.
15:16.58bryjenits wanting to write to that file, but the file is owned by root and set so only root can write to it.
15:17.34bryjenits a file generated during the make process, so whoever runs make made/owns it
15:19.56wegstarwhat's this plugin thingy in bzflag? been hearing talk about it :/
15:20.07bryjenbrad2901: it is already active...
15:20.31brad2901Ok, i'll try again, thanks.
15:36.24*** join/#bzflag LilDog (
15:42.59*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
15:47.26bryjenhmm, that post has nothing to do with that thread :/
15:47.51TheRedBaronexcept a possible explination?
15:48.40*** join/#bzflag SportyGal (
15:49.47bryjenno, iirc, the "hacking" was via a flaw in phpbb
15:50.39TheRedBaronwell i know nothing of how the 'hacking'  was accomplished
15:50.49TheRedBaronand I assume lildog has the same mentality
15:51.00TheRedBaronuntil he found out that information
15:51.12bryjenand LilDog messed up his own profile yesterday trying to get into that league site
15:51.20TheRedBaronand assumed or guessed that it could have happened that way
15:56.01foo-on-firewhat was the command for requesting players' client versions?
16:01.54*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
16:01.54*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:07.01TheRedBaron!weather TLH
16:07.02TheLastSpartanTheRedBaron: The current temperature in Tallahassee Regional, Florida (32310) is 75°F (11:53 AM EDT on August 02, 2005). Conditions: Light Rain Mist. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 73°F. Pressure: 30.07 in (1018 hPa). Visibility: 5.0 miles (8.0 kilometers). UV: 5 out of 16
16:07.49wegstarPimpinella: thanks
16:10.06*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
16:11.29orangedoes ibot have to be specifically told which channels it is allowed to join, even if invited?
16:12.27*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
16:12.27*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:12.37orangelet me ask that again :-)
16:12.42orangetimriker, does ibot have to be specifically told which channels it is allowed to join, even if invited?
16:12.56ibotextra, extra, read all about it, rpg_ is not fat
16:14.18TheRedBaronorange: not that I know off.
16:14.32TheRedBaronI've invited and he's joined channels, the hard part is getting him to leave.
16:14.42RPG_how do you invite him?
16:15.21RPG_it says he's not allowed to join my channel :(
16:22.38*** join/#bzflag RedBaron2 (
16:29.41TimRikerorange: yes.
16:30.17orangeTimRiker: would it be OK to have one of your bots join a new bzflag-related channel?
16:30.25TimRikerTheRedBaron: any channel that apt/ibot/jbot/purl are allowed to join any of them will join. this is actually a bug, as both personalities in the same channel causes grief.
16:30.58TimRikerorange: sure. register the channel with chanserv, and have the contact (perhaps you =) make the request to me.
16:32.00orangewill do, thanks timriker
16:34.13jomojocome one come all #silvercat is where the old hepcat players now go
16:41.08*** join/#bzflag awelux (
16:42.46Birdiehe isnt used to that:)
16:43.59TheRedBarongo hug jpa- instead. he enjoys it
16:44.19Birdieor redbaron2
16:44.27RPG_or ibot
16:44.39RPG_~botsnack hugs
16:44.39ibot:), RPG_
16:45.36wegstarno, I was just excited about pruple_cow's python plugin thingy ;)
16:48.40Pimpinellawegstar: API == Application Programmers Interface
16:48.43*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
16:49.24Pimpinellaread my comment below JeffM's on the topic i named you
16:49.40Pimpinellawe were both answering, he was faster ;)
16:52.29RPG_~lart ChanServ
16:53.12*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (
16:58.39jpa-wegstar: :)
17:04.45JeffM2501purple_cow, like you'll finish it :)
17:05.02*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
17:06.29purple_cowi did some work on it yesterday....
17:06.40JeffM2501tho if you do get it close, I should probalby see how you hook into functions so I can just keep the new API functions I add hooked in
17:06.43JeffM2501I saw
17:07.12JeffM2501what did you think of the violin stuff?
17:07.24purple_cowi actually haven't listened :P
17:07.31JeffM2501j00 suxors
17:07.34JeffM2501this is true
17:07.36JeffM2501how is the conf?
17:07.50purple_cowpretty good so far
17:08.08JeffM2501well it's bloody better well be, it's got an x-wing
17:08.21JeffM2501and as george showed us, anything with an x-wing is good
17:08.23brlcadand a mars rover
17:08.25purple_cowit started out a little slow, but it's getting faster
17:08.32JeffM2501hence why his last 3 offerings sucked
17:09.40purple_cowi must say that last night was the first party i've ever been to where the projectors were showing effects reels instead of more typical vj stuff
17:15.37*** join/#bzflag SportyGal (
17:30.32Aribeth!weather 30040
17:30.35TheLastSpartanAribeth: The current temperature in Cumming, Georgia (30040) is 84°F (1:30 PM EDT on August 02, 2005). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 61%. Dew Point: 69°F. UV: 9 out of 16
17:31.43SportyGal!weather 90277
17:31.46TheLastSpartanSportyGal: The current temperature in Redondo Beach, California (90277) is 66°F (8:57 AM PDT on August 02, 2005). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 63°F. Pressure: 29.96 in (1014 hPa). Visibility: 2.0 miles (3.2 kilometers). UV: 1 out of 16
17:33.25*** join/#bzflag EbErT (
17:33.46Aribethhi SportyGal, EbErT
17:35.44EbErTdoes anyone know if there are any already-compiled versions of the latest build (2/0.3b13 i guess) for mac?
17:36.01JeffM2501we don't build betas for mac
17:36.12JeffM2501they kinda a pain in the butt to make
17:36.25EbErTwell, i thought a mac person might have done it and posted it somewhere
17:36.47JeffM2501ohh I build it every time
17:36.52JeffM2501noone else can use it for some reason
17:37.01JeffM2501making a distributable build seems to be an art form
17:37.12JeffM2501picky OSX is
17:37.43JeffM2501I build on 10.4 and for some reason the linker includes libs to X11
17:37.48JeffM2501and then none can use it
17:38.01JeffM2501every mac user has a compiler
17:38.08JeffM2501so they can build if they want
17:38.56EbErTjeff, is there any progress being made on the voice project thing- similar to unreal tournament?
17:39.04EbErTyes, i know I have a compiler
17:39.06JeffM2501it's a plugin
17:39.08JeffM2501it's done
17:39.13JeffM2501somone just has to set up a server using it
17:39.20EbErTit has all teh voices?
17:39.28JeffM2501it has no voices
17:39.41JeffM2501that's part of seting it up, geting all the sounds, and asigning them
17:39.47JeffM2501we won't ship any default sounds
17:39.58EbErTwell, i was asking if you had some that were going to be default in the package or something
17:40.08JeffM2501no, it's an optional plugin
17:40.14EbErTok, that's fine
17:40.15JeffM2501we won't make the download biger for that
17:40.27JeffM2501the client will download them from wherever the server says to
17:40.28EbErTwell, it wouldnt' be much bigger would it
17:40.35JeffM2501sounds are not small
17:40.40EbErTyeah, that's true, it could do that
17:40.50JeffM2501and I haven't eard any I would want for default
17:41.19JeffM2501the vocaliser plugin is part of the normal distro tho
17:41.21EbErTi get an operation timeout and my computer seems to not dowload all the textures and things when i get on new maps for the first time
17:41.25JeffM2501at least in source and on windows
17:41.39EbErTyes, we need more people trying
17:41.40JeffM2501it's probably your version of curl on the mac
17:41.47JeffM2501the new version should be better
17:41.56EbErThow would i get that
17:42.00EbErTi don't know what curl is
17:42.08JeffM2501did you install your dev tools on your mac?
17:42.27JeffM2501then use fink to update lib curl and build from cvs
17:43.35EbErTbtw, what is your callsign when you play?
17:43.42JeffM2501I don't play
17:43.43EbErTi don't know if i have seen you or not
17:43.51JeffM2501I find the game kinda silly
17:43.53EbErTok, that's what i thought
17:44.01EbErTheh, u r weird :)
17:44.09JeffM2501everyone is wierd in some way
17:44.12EbErTyes, its silly
17:44.36EbErTi'm kinda getting tired of only having the regular retro round balls coming out of tanks
17:44.46EbErTthere should be an option some time to make them balls of fire
17:44.59EbErTor look like that- different colored balls of fire would be nice
17:45.01JeffM2501I got sick of having to only shoot somone once
17:45.34EbErTwell, put a whole bunch of shield flags in and you have to shoot them twice or more
17:45.40JeffM2501becomes more like a game of chess then an action game
17:45.51EbErTheh, i see
17:46.16EbErTrebounding, especially on gamesunited, gets overwhelming
17:46.33JeffM2501with high shot counts, the fact that it's one hit to kill, makes it lame
17:46.44EbErTwell, there it is only 3
17:46.46JeffM2501I understand why people like high shot counts, because it's fun
17:46.58JeffM2501but then it should take 3 hits to kill :)
17:47.05EbErTbut that is true, i do not go to places with high shot counts anymore, like secretplace
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17:47.30EbErTthey don't even aim, they just spray everywhere man
17:47.33JeffM2501I'd prefer fixed ammo counts, and some more variation to the weapons
17:47.42JeffM2501more of them using the 3d nature of the world
17:47.49JeffM2501bzflag gameplay is allmost nearly 2d
17:48.29EbErTyes, but you figure out which plain the enemy is on and sometime you can hit them from very far away
17:48.51EbErToh well
17:48.53JeffM25012d makes it simple
17:49.07JeffM2501like I say, it's about planing and foresight more like chess
17:49.11JeffM2501then rugby
17:49.18JeffM2501I prefer the seat of the pants games
17:49.40EbErTwhy are you so interested in managing the forums to this game and all if you dont' like playing it?
17:49.55JeffM2501the people
17:50.10JeffM2501and I don't think it's a bad game, it's just not one I play right now
17:50.13EbErTgood answer
17:50.14JeffM2501I see where it could go
17:50.47EbErTit took a step downhill for me when wings was added
17:50.55EbErTthat should have stayed as a cheat only
17:50.57JeffM2501it's just a flag
17:51.01JeffM2501you don't have to use it
17:51.28EbErTno, but others put it on their version 10 designed maps and hunt you down with them
17:51.51JeffM2501so don't play on those servers
17:52.03EbErTyeah, that's what has happened
17:52.26JeffM2501sw is there worst fear
17:52.35blast007hehe, yup
17:52.42blast007I hunt _them_ down with that  ;)
17:52.43EbErTsince it is so popular, i say there should be another flag besides sw to combat them
17:53.09Aribethif you have time to find the flags
17:53.16JeffM2501same thing happens on every new flag
17:53.24JeffM2501people used to complain about GM
17:53.25EbErTno, i want a spreadshot like many bullets that goes in a general direction
17:53.29JeffM2501people used to complain about laser
17:53.38JeffM2501I want a 3 way as well
17:53.48EbErTgm can be desensitized now
17:53.50JeffM2501but the man woudl have to aprove that
17:53.51GrumblerGM is useless against WG
17:54.03JeffM2501he would be the man
17:54.15JeffM2501TimRiker, can I add a 3 way flag to 2.2.0 ?
17:54.17brlcadn-way.. you pick up extra shot flags, accumulate them and for each one, get m additional shots
17:54.20EbErTheh, ya, i've actually played with him a long time ago
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17:54.33Grumblerthe default settings for WGs are such that instant acceleration of the WG flap causes the missle/missles all the time
17:55.06JeffM2501Grumbler, sugested default changes then?
17:55.28_Manu_JeffM2501, better wait for the 3.0.0 because the 3 way... ;)
17:55.46EbErTmaybe a "get rid of annoying wings hunters" flag that instantly vaporizes them
17:55.46Aribethmake the default gmTurnAngle = 0.9 to 1
17:55.52JeffM2501don't make me make all flags into atributes
17:55.56JeffM2501that would jack you all up
17:55.57Grumblera 3-way....??........we are not going san andreas are we?
17:56.10JeffM2501Grumbler, no the girls are coming here
17:56.30EbErTyou could put pics of stuff like that on the flags
17:56.33brlcadAribeth: heh, you're supposed to be able to outrun it :)
17:56.37EbErTinstead of dumb tanks
17:56.58brlcadat 1, i don't think you can
17:56.58JeffM2501sadly we can't do per flag graphics
17:57.00Grumblerbrlcad< outrun or outturn
17:57.09Grumbleri think outturn
17:57.09JeffM2501not with the present flag system
17:57.15EbErTyou can't put the same pic on all of them?
17:57.24Aribethbrlcad, ya, but it wont stay locked on wingies without bumping it up a at least a little
17:57.29EbErTi thought different pics would be hard, yes
17:57.35brlcadwell you avoid it by driving perpendicular to the gm's curvature arc
17:57.39JeffM2501sure there is a graphic for the glag
17:58.12JeffM2501it's not hard to do per flag graphics, it's just not posible with the way the flags are done now
17:58.15brlcadnot being able to lock on wingies might be a different issue
17:58.20JeffM2501they are all created at startup
17:58.51Aribethi have seen it many times, mostly on the receiving end ;)
17:58.59EbErThow bout a flag that puts a slant on the bullets when you jump up and down
17:59.08Grumblerdepends on the lag.......wings and V are both "edge" flags with lag differential, so killing either is a bit of pain.......but wings is near impossible
17:59.12EbErTlike the vertical velocity setting or something
17:59.18Aribeththat is already in the game
17:59.33Aribethserver setting if im right
17:59.39Grumbleryes you are
17:59.40EbErTyes, but you don't want it on all the time
17:59.47EbErTif you dont' want it on all the time
18:00.12Aribethmy solution was to remove wings from my maps
18:00.16EbErTbecause you dont' want the wings guys to have that setting on when you are shooting them
18:00.22JeffM2501see this is why I say it is more like chess, there are all these ballance and "this needs to beat that" discussions
18:00.23EbErTvery nice solution
18:00.36JeffM2501you shoudl jsut be able to shoot the living piss outa people :)
18:00.41Grumblerwings has no equivalent
18:00.51JeffM2501and GM does?
18:00.51EbErTyes, that is because of the many different flags that change the dynamics of it all
18:00.56_Manu_we have WG limited to 2 flaps and 25 shots
18:00.59AribethGrumbler, that is right
18:01.13GrumblerWG needs like a buckshot flag
18:01.24EbErT25 shots, do they have to aim?
18:01.26JeffM2501Grumbler, that's why I said 3 way
18:01.32JeffM2501fires 3 shots
18:01.36JeffM2501in a cone
18:01.41EbErTyes grumbler, i said that earlier
18:01.45EbErTgood idea isn't it
18:01.47Grumblerah, i remember someone had that as a patch
18:01.57JeffM2501and I asked tim
18:02.00JeffM2501we'll see what he says
18:02.08JeffM2501I'll do it in 2.2
18:02.09Grumbler....only, not cone like, more like planar
18:02.11JeffM2501tha'ts no bigie
18:02.17_Manu_EbErT, when you fired your 25 shots.. the flag is auto-droped
18:02.18JeffM2501Grumbler, a fan?
18:02.23JeffM2501fan is easy
18:02.29Grumbleryeah, it was a fan....
18:02.31EbErToh, i see manu, sry
18:02.34JeffM2501one forward 2 at 30 each side
18:02.38JeffM2501takes 3 shots
18:02.40EbErTthought you were talking about reload
18:02.44JeffM2501can only be done on multi shot servers
18:02.52JeffM2501when you have 3 shots available
18:03.09JeffM2501sound ok?
18:03.21EbErTwhat about in a plus shape- 3 across and 3 up and down
18:03.27EbErTtoo many bullets?
18:03.37JeffM2501that would be 5
18:03.43JeffM2501that's a lot of shots
18:03.55EbErTit would be cool tho, and get rid of them
18:03.57trepanhow's a z-plane spread suppose to help against WG?
18:04.03Tuponewhy this work against wg ?
18:04.03EbErTyou aim the center bullet towards them
18:04.10GrumblerJeffM2501< planar, no, cone, yes, 4 shot i would think......30 deg, left, right, up, and one center
18:04.10JeffM2501that's why I thought cone
18:04.21JeffM2501Grumbler, I'd add some random to it
18:04.25JeffM2501so it's not allways the same
18:04.28JeffM2501like buckshot
18:04.33trepanmight as well make a 'tilt' flag
18:04.35JeffM25014 is a lot tho
18:04.38EbErTrandom is good
18:04.56GrumblerJeffM2501< yeah, 4 is, but 3 would allow the tank to land, which is the pain
18:04.59JeffM2501trepan, I think on a shot is the closest we'll ever get
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18:05.32JeffM2501did you mean a tilt flag for aiming?
18:05.45JeffM2501don't think timy will go for that
18:05.49Grumblertilt would be rough.....another aswd control
18:05.56EbErTheh, how would it look anyway
18:06.25Grumbler....and then the logical step is to always have tilit control.....
18:06.38Grumblerand then Tim would hate it
18:06.53Aribethsome players with WG are so good with it they can avoid most shots
18:06.53EbErTyes, and that is going too far, some people have enough trouble staying alive
18:07.00JeffM2501that's why I'm thinking just a shot that does a spread
18:07.13JeffM2501not as guided as GM, but gets some shots spread around
18:07.13EbErTyes, i agree jeff
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18:07.18Grumblerbuckshot, sounds fair to kill the winged birds
18:07.19JeffM2501it'd be simple
18:07.26trepanJeffM2501: you were suggesting 3 shots z-planar, which would be useless
18:07.35EbErTi didn't think you and i were on the same page earlier, but spread and cone are pretty much the same
18:07.37JeffM2501trepan, I said cone
18:07.41JeffM2501grumber said plane
18:07.51JeffM2501I want 3 random in a 30deg cone
18:08.06EbErTthey shoot out at an angle?
18:08.09Aribethsounds good to me
18:08.14JeffM2501yeah a real cone
18:08.25JeffM2501with a max deviation of 30deg
18:08.29JeffM2501some may go down
18:08.34JeffM2501some may go up
18:08.43JeffM2501it's a crap shoot :)
18:08.53JeffM2501heck can even make the shot count a server seting
18:09.04EbErTjeff, its a shoot the piss out of them flag
18:09.07Tuponedon't think is effective
18:09.18JeffM2501Tupone, you don't like most thing I sugest
18:09.33JeffM2501and only way to be sure is to test it
18:09.37Tuponeit is you the suggest he things I don't like
18:09.42EbErThey, i suggested first:) i brought it up
18:09.51Aribethanything that tones down the power of WG is good :)
18:09.55JeffM2501EbErT, it's been sugested many times in the past
18:10.02JeffM2501I just thing it's a fun flag
18:10.07EbErTya, probably
18:10.16Aribethi have seen players dominate with it even with 2 flaps
18:10.20Grumbleri like the idea of a separate "number of shot" setting for that flag
18:10.38JeffM2501all things should be configed bia bzdb
18:10.43Grumblerso on low shot servers you could still get a decent spread......
18:10.46JeffM2501can't do it in 2.0.x tho
18:10.58EbErTwell ari, places like hepcat with 1 or 2 flaps and only 1 wings flag seems to not be aproblem at all
18:11.00trepanflag negotiation
18:11.05Grumbler2.0 is dead, 2.1 is suppose to be the bomb
18:11.11EbErTits when you put 6 and have 3 or higher flaps
18:11.14CBG2.1? when? :P
18:11.22JeffM2501can't work on it till they freaking tag
18:11.50JeffM2501and you know who has been awol of late
18:11.51GrumblerEbErT< hepcat is dead
18:12.02EbErTya, i know, just an example
18:12.04trepanyou need to wait until a freaking tag
18:12.16EbErThe was paying way too much, he paid by usage
18:12.16trepans/you/you don't
18:12.26GrumblerEbErT< even two flaps is flap is nice
18:12.28JeffM2501it's just my whiny excuse
18:12.43EbErTok grumbler
18:13.11JeffM2501trepan, you know we all have our reasons for not doing the things we'd REALY like todo ;)
18:13.33Aribethjust change the WG gravity to +9. that will fix them :P
18:13.58SportyGalhi Aribeth (a bit delayed but "hi" nonetheless
18:14.19Grumblerthere was a setup trepan had that was nice, wings was rough to control which made it somewhat fair
18:14.29EbErTis sporty gal like sportchick?
18:14.31JeffM2501ahhhh what a management style he has
18:14.38SportyGalsportgal = sportchick at work
18:14.55blast007why not make each 'flap' add to the vertical velocity, instead of _set_ the vertical velocity
18:15.02Grumblercoachgal = sportchick at home :)
18:15.11Grumblererr, couchgal that is
18:15.11blast007and then set the max at the flag velocity
18:16.05blast007then they can't instantly move up whenever they want
18:16.23Grumblerwithout playing with something like that, i am not sure it would help with wings
18:16.33TuponeSportyGal: when are you going to get my changes for antiban at SP ?
18:17.08Grumblerask wiz, he is da'man now
18:17.35SportyGalTupone: server-side changes?
18:17.43Tuponeonly server side
18:21.58Grumbleroh yeah, as for my tests with b11,b12, notes are, b12 is crap with lag.   b11 and b13 are similar.  i had several GM kills through the floor with b13 and b11.  I can only assume that even though i was not intentional moving over the edge of a block/road, the other client thought i was and killed me
18:23.23bryjenGrumbler: there's a BZDB setting, wingsSlideTime, that makes driving in-air like having the momentum flag
18:23.31Grumblermy lag during these tests was 110-120ms
18:24.36Grumbleryeah, i assume thats was trepan was fooling with.   unfortuneately, most people dont fool with any of the settings beyond the defaults
18:24.49EbErTit was better, but the setting didnt' stay
18:25.06SportyGaltupone, okay, I'll let wiz know
18:25.09GrumblerEbErT< many of the admins on spirals are WG centric people
18:25.14trepanmy default wings setup is slide=1, wingsjumpvel = 0.5 * jumpvel, wingsgrav = 0.5 * grav
18:25.28EbErTyes, that's why i dont' go there much:(
18:26.21TuponeSportyGal: glad to help you
18:26.42Grumblerbecause the crack that is WG, has been released upon the BZ world, the only option is to come up with a better counter-flag
18:27.00bryjenwings doesn't have a direct counter flag.  GM-ST, L-CL, OO-SB....
18:27.07Aribethi agree
18:27.54EbErTpeople saw cheat servers where there were massive sw's and people flying around the map, and thought the latter would be a good addition to the normal game
18:27.59EbErTa cheat's a cheat
18:28.27Grumbleryeah, its too late now though
18:28.46AribethSW is not a good counter to WG
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18:29.17Aribethall they need to do is stay out of range
18:29.46Tuponewhat about a GM that you can make explode ?
18:30.13Aribethhuummmmm.....kinda like an atom bomb?
18:30.18EbErTwhen you hit the button again?
18:30.33Aribethi like it
18:30.40Grumblerlike a GM missle that SWs on close range
18:30.44EbErTthat's cool, but there might be many misfires
18:31.04EbErTor mad people because they didn't think they were hit
18:31.07trepanbase camping galore, avoids the recent SW on base prob
18:31.15Aribetha GM that kills everything in a small radius
18:31.40EbErTa guided sw- that sounds like a problem too
18:31.44EbErTvery powerful anyways
18:32.02bryjenthe "activation delay" and turn-radius limit makes GM less effective against wings.  the turning limit should probly stay so unflagged tanks can still out-drive the GM
18:32.09Grumblerwe can all talk, but unless one of us DOES it or hammers Tim into a solution, talk is wasted air
18:32.34EbErTheh, i remember you saying that almost exactly before, bryjen
18:32.39EbErTand it is true
18:32.53Aribethmaybe a tow missle flag
18:33.02Grumblerhence, since JeffM2501 voluteered for a buckshot/cone shot flag......i will support trials of that
18:33.15Aribethi will too
18:34.06Aribethi still like the corbomite flag idea
18:34.07blast007Descent II even had that, and that was for DOS  ;)
18:34.08Tuponemanually guided don't think can be viable.
18:34.13Grumbleri dont like the idea of manual guided missles against wings......its a nice idea, but not a great counter flag
18:34.14bryjendonno how well that'd work tho
18:35.14RPG_the user's tank would be extremely vulnerable when he is controlling the missile
18:35.38Grumbleri would think it would be asdw control
18:35.55bryjenyup, and the way wings tanks can suddenly jerk upwards may defeat manual guidance
18:36.03EbErTit would only work well with very low lag
18:36.08Aribethan atom bomb flag might work
18:36.50Aribethjust get it near the WG
18:36.53EbErTthat name still sounds very dangerous, hope there aren't too many atom bomb flags on the server
18:37.19EbErTi say we need fireball bullets
18:37.25RPG_~say Fire hurts
18:37.25ibotFire hurts
18:37.31Aribethor a countermeasures flag that jams the WG ability to flap
18:37.38EbErTi'm getting tired of only having retro style bullets
18:37.45EbErTwe need options people
18:37.51blast007a gravity flag, that pulls wings people in  ;)
18:37.59RPG_switch out your bullet texture
18:38.33EbErTbah, i bet it wouldn't work
18:38.36EbErTwith my luck
18:38.40TuponeI vote for a flag that kill all WG tanks :)
18:38.40AribethTegan has a bullet set on
18:38.52_Manu_actually G does it :)
18:39.02blast007the 'clip' flag, that clips their wings  ;)
18:39.03EbErTreally? i'll look into that
18:39.23RPG_~karma tupone
18:39.23ibottupone has karma of 134
18:39.35bryjenmodify the kill-all-rogues plugin
18:39.37EbErThey, why the hate retro
18:39.44EbErTi'll kill u fool
18:39.54retrojust making a joke.  Don't take me soooo seriously.
18:40.00retrosorry if I offended you.
18:40.07EbErTyou are a serious person man
18:40.09Grumblerwe are always serious here
18:40.12EbErTits all good
18:40.29EbErTseriously weird that is
18:40.48_Manu_Tupone, or a flag that drops all the wings :)
18:41.04TuponeI want to shoot to all birdie
18:41.12Grumbler_Manu_< i thought of that, the problem is how do you trigger it
18:41.16EbErThow about a flag that sticks them to the ground temporarily
18:41.18retrohrm, is not responding...
18:41.20Aribetha countermeasures flag that jams/stops WG
18:41.29_Manu_the server drops all the wg flags.. not difficult I think
18:41.33Grumbler"dead air" flag
18:42.03EbErTthat would be kinda unfair, dropping the wings, but sticking them to the ground would be a little fairer
18:42.08TuponeWG does consume network a lot, AFAIU. DR model is not based on that. Better destroy all
18:42.13retrouh oh, is having problems.
18:42.20EbErTis fairer a word...
18:42.21Grumbler_Manu_< not difficult, but is it like a geno, or is it like, get to this space on the map and all tanks drop their wings
18:42.30retrolots of mysql error messages.
18:43.16_Manu_Grumbler, one player pick up a flag... notify to server.. server checks if is the DW (drop wings).. then in a loop checks for all the player with WG and drops it
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18:44.19Grumbleri would, as a player, want to have more control when the winged-freaks dropped their i could set them up
18:44.20_Manu_or at last is how I understand it
18:44.41_Manu_also I can replace the Drop message by the Kill message.. heh
18:44.45EbErTthat is just a hateful thing to do tho, because the admins could do it
18:44.54_Manu_WK flag  (wings killer)
18:44.58*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
18:45.00EbErTits like a selective flag reset,
18:45.08EbErTnot a neat flag
18:45.37EbErT"wax melter flag"
18:45.48_Manu_but really a WG flag with limiteds flaps and shots is not so powerfull
18:46.10orangesomething that would limit wg nicely would be that if you have wings and fall a certain distance you die
18:46.17retroya, my wings killing sprees are not what they used to be on secretplace.  only 2 flaps really limits their power.
18:46.18EbErTdepends on how many wings people are coming after you
18:46.31retroand the ground based players are getting better at killing winged tanks too.
18:46.32Aribeth_Manu_, i have seen players dominate with just 2 flaps
18:46.39EbErTwhat about an option so that wings can only kill other wings
18:46.40retroricochet shots off of pyramids are very effective. :)
18:46.57EbErTthen if there are no more wings players left other than one, that person can do what they wish
18:47.01orangemake the wings player have to manage their altitude better than other player
18:47.03_Manu_Aribeth, yes.. but if has limited shots.. is funny watching them falling when they wasted all their bullets
18:47.03retroI find the wings discussion very enlightening.  Some love them (me) and others hate em.
18:47.11orangeso the advantage becomes a slight disadvantage too
18:47.34_Manu_also WG is very powerfull for laggy players :(
18:47.44Aribethyes it is
18:47.47trepanlimit WG anglular vel to 0.1 rad/sec
18:47.54EbErTyes, that's why manually guided missles would be a nightmare
18:47.56trepanno more air power...
18:48.29Grumblermake is so they have to land to fire
18:48.30trepanthe flag can already be toned down, server ops choose not to do it
18:48.47Grumbleryep, its admins on crack
18:48.50Aribethi know ;)
18:48.56bryjenthe limits on wings all require an admin to tweak something.  I'd like an active counter-agent to help KILL them
18:49.21trepanthe admins?
18:49.31orangehow about an increased vertical kill zone
18:49.41_Manu_we can reverse controls for wings.. hehe
18:49.54orangea 'taller' kill zone if you will
18:49.56bryjen_Manu_:  that's just too evil ;)
18:50.04Aribethi like a countermeasures flag that jams their ability to fly
18:50.12*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
18:50.45Grumblertrepan is right, if the server is setup, WGs is not powerful, the problem is that no server owner does that except trepan.......
18:51.04_Manu_not only trepan :)
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18:51.28trepani'll also note that you have to tweak the settings to make wings more powerful in the first place
18:51.31Aribeththe maps i do have wings on, WG is crippled
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18:51.45Grumblerit is the only power flag that has no equal
18:51.45trepanat 1 jump, it's not so bad
18:51.46bryjentrue, additional flaps are not default
18:52.16bryjenGrumbler: s/equal/opposite/
18:52.43trepanR has no counter-flag, but it is balance
18:52.59trepanreduce shot length
18:53.04bryjenArrrr, matey!
18:53.06trepanhm, F?  hehe, fast shots
18:53.10_Manu_we also at viper ser _laserAdVel 20 resulting in a short range.. then less power
18:54.04DTRemenakGrumbler: I get about 7 ms lag on the server I usually play on ;)
18:54.44Aribethsame for me bryjen
18:54.55Grumblerand thats default
18:55.11orangebryjen: increased vertical kill zone would stop that
18:55.26orangeand would provide the balance, like shorter shots with F do
18:55.39Grumblerwhy not make winged tanks be obese as fat turkeys flying through the air
18:56.10bryjenorange: that'd just look silly (and perhaps like cheating).  something should visually hit the tank to make it die...
18:56.26orangeso change the tank model to include extra hardware to handle wings
18:56.35orangeand make those things taller
18:56.46Grumblerorange patches are welcome
18:57.00orangeI'm engaged in social patching right now, grumbler
18:57.14orangeI'm not asking for it, just offering suggestions in the middle of a discussion about it
18:57.22bryjenthey're not drawn as wings.  the "jump jets" were tacked in to fudge /explain the motion
18:57.41trepanthey accounted for both regular jumps and wings
18:58.19Tuponeyou can't navigate with those jets
18:58.21*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
18:58.28bryjenhmm, how tall is the tank, compared to its width and length?
18:58.33orangethe biggest problem with wings imho is exactly what bryjen said, they can land, shoot, and jump out and not get hit
18:58.40trepan2.05, 2.8, 6
18:58.51orangeand I was just suggesting something that would naturally balance the flag without anybody needing any counterflag
18:59.01_Manu_orange, yes and worse when it's a laggy player :(
18:59.26bryjen2.05 tall?  so in that dimension is smallest? might explain some of why they're harder to hit...
18:59.37trepanit's a spherical test, iirc
18:59.46bryjenah, yeah
19:00.15retroToughShooter's wings jitter is much better now.
19:00.42trepanany mind if i tweak the defaults right now? server ops can change it back if they want
19:01.24DTRemenaktrepan: imho we should change all the defaults at once.  there are a lot of really stupid/silly defaults anyway
19:01.24ToughShooterUnluckily nowadays all complain about my lag when picking up GM, when I shoot I get very jitter (up to 90ms jitter)
19:01.50trepanDTRemenak: which ones?
19:02.14DTRemenaktrepan: I should be keeping a list but I haven't been.  Just every once in a while I come across one or two
19:02.29trepanDTRemenak: change 'em then...
19:02.43DTRemenakbit hesitant to change defaults
19:02.45DTRemenakand of course there's underlining
19:02.55trepanunderlining defaults?
19:03.07trepandoesn't see an immediate relation  :)
19:03.21DTRemenaksay, you don't suppose you could change the default killer highlight from underlining in your next big patch, do ya? :)
19:03.41trepanto pulsating?
19:03.49DTRemenakor nothing, whatever
19:03.59trepandon't think i go anywhere near it
19:04.07trepanbzflag.cxx, that is
19:04.33DTRemenakjust turn off the damn underlining by default.  tim insists on it, even though it looks aweful and is bad for performance
19:05.13DTRemenakmaybe I should write a big patch again sometime :)
19:05.21CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/common/global.cxx: slightly different WG flag defaults
19:05.23trepanthat's a bit different from changing server side defaults  :)
19:05.37DTRemenakyeah, I know
19:05.51DTRemenakTupone was grumbling about some defaults too
19:05.58DTRemenakdunno which
19:06.02bryjenwhat's so hard about underlining?
19:06.11Tuponewhen what
19:06.28DTRemenakTupone: a couple days ago you said something about some defaults needing to be changed
19:07.10DTRemenakTupone: on thurs or fri probably.  maybe sat. before the bz-get-together
19:07.27TuponeSry, I don't remember now
19:07.39DTRemenakheh, ok
19:08.59DTRemenak21:39.56TuponeI think we must change default for confine
19:09.04DTRemenakthat might have been it
19:09.09Tuponeahh yeah
19:09.20bryjenDTRemenak: why is underlining a performance issue? its just a row or two of pixels.....
19:09.21_Manu_oh.. good.. heh
19:09.21DTRemenakthat is client side also though
19:09.36DTRemenakbryjen: state reset primarily
19:10.21DTRemenakguess brlcad did some tests on it
19:11.23ToughShooterBeing confused about BZFlag source code, like me ;)
19:11.24Birdieau lucker
19:11.46Tuponedoes Birdie has WG ?
19:11.53Birdieits my cheat
19:12.00bryjenGrumbler: pull!
19:12.02Tuponewe can test counterflag with him
19:12.56Birdielol bryjen
19:13.37ToughShooterretro: I spend hours looking how some things work and gave up frustrated, it just feels good not to be alone
19:14.18Birdiereally if i'm playing so much people hunt me
19:14.39Birdieand some asses, cbg kuch, do "haha" in pm once they did it..
19:16.03retroout numbers (and power) are growing.
19:16.13retrogah, s/out/our/
19:16.47retrook, back to real work.
19:16.56ToughShooterWhile a 20" widescreen display is excellent it just makes me seeing more of this strange code :-/
19:20.44*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
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19:21.24RPG_is there a way to show line numbers on the side of the editor in MVC++?
19:23.27DTRemenaktools->options->text editor->c/c++->display->line numbers
19:27.42ToughShooterRPG_: Are you on Mac OS X?
19:27.47purple_cowDTRemenak: you haven't seen 5th element?
19:28.05trepansearch for:   I don't like warriors
19:28.13DTRemenakpurple_cow: no, I havenot
19:28.29purple_cowshame on you!
19:29.03DTRemenakhm, or maybe I have
19:29.08DTRemenak'cause I remember that scene :)
19:29.39purple_cowit's a terrible movie, but so much fun to watch
19:30.31purple_cowdude, not in public
19:31.12*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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19:32.30SportyGalTupone: I talked to wiz - he is going to get the server upgraded sometime this week.  He may need to chat with you ahead of time, but that's the plan.
19:32.41SportyGalTupone: btw, wiz=bzflagwiz
19:33.11iboti heard logs is,  or stats
19:33.12Tuponenothing has changed except the people will get a delay before entering, but chat is welcom
19:33.16RPG_i ought to just bookmark that
19:34.35*** join/#bzflag tavla (
19:36.14RPG_must i compile BZFS before i compile a plugin?
19:37.33purple_cowyou shouldn't
19:37.41purple_cowerr, shouldn't have to
19:37.46RPG_i can't copmile a plugin, nor BZFS
19:37.48purple_cowyou're allowed to compile bzfs first ;)
19:38.09RPG_heer's the error:
19:38.09RPG_g:\Programs\Dev-Cpp\repisitories\bzflag\include\cURLManager.h(28) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'curl/curl.h': No such file or directory
19:38.29RPG_i'm not using Dev-cpp, my CVS sandbox was just in that folder
19:38.54purple_cowwell, that shouldn't cause plugins not to build, but i bet you can figure out that error :P
19:39.10RPG_that was the BZFS
19:39.18RPG_plugins make differente errors
19:39.32*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
19:39.42RPG_LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'bzfs.lib'
19:39.52trepanpurple_cow: willing to put money on it?   ;)
19:40.01RPG_thats why i wondered if compiling BZFS also made a bzfs.lib file
19:40.07purple_cowtrepan: hell no
19:41.24*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
19:43.08wegstarjpa-: :)
19:46.05trepanDTRemenak: underlining vs. full reset, what's the exact problem? would disabling the TEXTURE_2D do the trick?
19:46.24trepanand why the ALPHA_TEST ? the BLEND is get, but ALPHA_TEST ?
19:46.47DTRemenaktrepan: I dunno anything except that what's there works ;)
19:47.03DTRemenakhaven't looked into it at all
19:47.24DTRemenakdunno what ALPHA_TEST does even, I probably copied it from somewhere else
19:48.44DTRemenakI never really cared about underlining.  I certainly don't use it.
19:49.20trepanit's for alpha thresholding, can make edges grainy down?
19:49.41Birdienvm its just very slow
19:49.42trepanprobably not needed there
19:50.42trepantry disabling TEXTURE_2D, it could be that it's writing from alpha'ed texcoords
19:50.56trepanmight be the reason for the full reset making it work
19:51.14trepanheh, guess i can do that...   :)
19:56.18trepanyup, seems to have done the trick
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20:52.10*** join/#bzflag christof83 (
20:52.42christof83I'm having a problem with starting a server
20:53.03christof83When i say "start server", the screen changes colors and the text is unreadable
20:53.49brlcad"don't do that" :)
20:53.52christof83any clues to what i'm doing wrong?
20:53.58wegstarhow are you starting hte server?
20:53.59christof83that sounds like my doctor
20:54.10wegstarfrom your client?
20:54.14christof83in bzflag i go to "join server"
20:54.34christof83then from "join" it says "start server"
20:54.40brlcadchristof83: why the start server isn't working would be a bug
20:54.46brlcadbut there are other ways to start a server
20:54.56christof83oh ok
20:54.57brlcadeven other preferred methods for starting it
20:55.11brlcadthe bzflag server is called bzfs
20:55.20brlcadif you installed bz, you got bzfs too
20:55.29wegstarwhat os?
20:55.36brlcadtry running it directly
20:55.56brlcadbzfs -help
20:56.05christof83thank you
20:56.12brlcador man bzfs for a much longer info page
20:56.29brlcadi'd suggest reporting the start server thing to the bug tracker
20:56.48christof83does just bzfs plain start a default server and game?
20:57.49brlcadpretty much
20:57.57brlcadbut a pretty bland one at that :)
20:58.34brlcaddepending on what you want the server to do, how you want it set up determines all the options
20:58.38brlcadlike how many shots
20:58.44brlcadwhether you want jumping
20:58.53brlcada random map or a specific map
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21:08.45christof83Well, i started bzfs and tried to connect to the localhost, but it said error. What could that error be?
21:09.01brad2901what port did you try?
21:09.20brad2901did you specify the port from the command line?
21:09.27brad2901with "-p"?/
21:09.36christof83no, i just did the default. i'll try again
21:09.40brad2901try 5154
21:12.46christof83thanks guys
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21:14.57brad2901~lart cbg and wegstar
21:15.15CBGeh... keep attending those english lessons, ibot.
21:15.31brad2901you can't with dev-c++
21:15.40wegstarwithout MSVC++
21:15.58wegstarI'm reading this:
21:21.11JeffM2501techincaly devC++ can build DLLs
21:21.25JeffM2501the project just isn't set up to do so
21:21.37brad2901that's what I meant to say :)
21:21.51JeffM2501it's a total pain in the butt on devC++
21:21.56brad2901Is Lan the only dev who can do it?
21:21.58JeffM2501but it's posible
21:22.13wegstar~seen lan56
21:22.14ibotlan56 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4d 18h 38m 43s ago, saying: 'hey, any others devs get an email message from a one "joelee (at) axs (dot) net" (replace parenthesis with appropriate symbol) that says it is a spam filtering thing responding about an email from your sourceforge account? I ...
21:22.19wegstarI know, done it many times before
21:22.22JeffM2501you'll have to modify the bzfs project too
21:22.27JeffM2501to do an export lib
21:22.36JeffM2501because the plugins need functions that are in bzfs
21:22.49JeffM2501or the plugins won't link
21:23.20JeffM2501all the BZAPI functions are exported
21:23.27wegstarexcept last time I doubled clicked on it and pressed compile...
21:24.45JeffM2501I don't think the current project even includes the api
21:24.49JeffM2501you'll have to add it
21:24.53JeffM2501and the #DEF i needs
21:25.24brad2901isn't that src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx ?
21:25.48wegstarwhat's that?
21:25.57brad2901read it :)
21:26.05JeffM2501it is
21:26.27brad2901It explains the different API 'things'
21:26.38ToughShooterHmpf, window switching keeps crashing for me but now it isn't in SDL:
21:26.44wegstarwell.. sure
21:30.57*** join/#bzflag toaster (
21:31.11Aribethhi toaster
21:31.30toasterhi Ari!
21:32.53JeffM2501it is a form of documenation
21:32.56JeffM2501it is not complete
21:32.59JeffM2501but it is better then nothing
21:34.31JeffM2501I need to add to it, explaining about the bzapiString and lists and stuff
21:35.00brad2901JeffM2501: Is the shockwave on flag cap thing a bzfs option or a plugin?
21:35.04JeffM2501tho what I could probably also do is just build a header/lib kit, and then people could use the free vc 2k5 thing toi build just plugins
21:35.13JeffM2501brad2901, an option
21:35.22JeffM2501but it uses the plugin API
21:35.34brad2901What is the option? :)
21:35.40JeffM2501the plugin you are thinking of is shockwavedeath
21:35.45JeffM2501it is a map option
21:35.53JeffM2501you put it on the base
21:35.59wegstar"free vc 2k5 thing "???
21:36.01JeffM2501and/or on a world weapon
21:36.13JeffM2501visual c++ express 2005 beta
21:36.14brad2901oh, ok
21:36.27wegstarit's free?
21:36.38JeffM2501but it will not build bz by itself
21:36.39brad2901I have that wegstar :)
21:36.43JeffM2501it dosn't have the windows SDK
21:36.49JeffM2501but it could be used for plugins
21:36.58JeffM2501since they don't need anything OS specific
21:37.05JeffM2501I'd have to build you an export lib tho
21:37.36JeffM2501probably should just make the installer package the lib and the headers with the binary
21:37.39JeffM2501would make stuff easyer
21:38.04JeffM2501it's what we do with our closed source stuff
21:38.22JeffM2501even tho bz isn't closed, if people can't build the full thing, it's efectvly closed to them
21:39.25JeffM2501bahh, devC++ isn't even using the correct icon
21:39.41JeffM2501lame the way lan set it up
21:40.35CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/bzflag.ico: make devC++ use the correct icon since it's "too good" to live in the win32 folder with the rest of the projects.
21:49.30CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/package/win32/nsis/BZFlag.nsi: package an export lib and the API header for budding plugin developers ( so they can use .net 2k5 express beta )
21:50.48Aribethhow/where can i make a sugestion for a new flag?
21:51.11*** join/#bzflag bz1229 (
21:51.15JeffM2501Aribeth, where ever you want
21:51.19CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/package/win32/nsis/BZFlag.nsi: package API doc into the docs dir
21:51.28DTRemenakAribeth: code it up and stick it in the patch tracker ;)
21:51.38JeffM2501that's the best place :0
21:51.50JeffM2501DTRemenak, I asume you have no problem packaging the lib and header?
21:51.56Aribethok. i cant add it to the wiki
21:52.01JeffM2501you can
21:52.05DTRemenakJeffM2501: none at all.  you want to stick your docs in there with it?
21:52.10JeffM2501it'll probably be ignored like the other wiki flags
21:52.17JeffM2501DTRemenak, read my second commit :)
21:52.18Aribeththe wiki wont let me edit
21:52.26JeffM2501Aribeth, register
21:52.30Aribethi could try codeing
21:52.33DTRemenakok, forget I mentioned it then :)
21:52.59Aribethmy sugestion is an Icarus flag
21:53.19DTRemenakmelt dat wax
21:55.38JeffM2501what does it do?
21:55.50bryjen~dict icarus
21:55.59JeffM2501just cuse all flyers to fall?
21:56.12DTRemenakprobably have to be targetted somehow
21:56.27JeffM2501and what use would it be in non wings servers?
21:56.28DTRemenaklike a cone with the vertex on the originating tank or something
21:56.40JeffM2501and why not just kill them then?
21:57.02JeffM2501do we have any "non lethal" good flags?
21:57.14JeffM2501it's a one shot tho right?
21:57.19bryjencloak, stealth
21:57.29JeffM2501those 2 don't remove your ability to kill tho
21:57.33JeffM2501you still have a real shot
21:57.33DTRemenakbryjen: those don't take away your gun ;)
21:57.43JeffM2501any flag that "fires"
21:57.53JeffM2501theif is an interesting example
21:58.06JeffM2501I think it's balanced by the fact that you "get" a flag after you hit once
21:58.25JeffM2501Aribeth, we talked about a shotgin one that would fire a spread up and down
21:58.29JeffM2501to help get flyers
21:58.43bryjenperhaps it steals their flag and they die if they fall too far? or die when they land?
21:59.16AribethjeffM2501, i like that flag as well
21:59.17DTRemenakdie if they fall too far is an interesting idea
21:59.39bryjenhmm, still leaves you without a weapon to defend yourself against other tanks...
21:59.42Aribethi think the icarus flag would be a direct counter to WG
22:00.13DTRemenakbryjen: L can't defend against CL either.  you just drop it if someone attacks
22:00.23JeffM2501it dosn't have any use in non wings
22:00.35JeffM2501we don't really have any flags that are direct snubs
22:00.40DTRemenakJeffM2501: jumping has no use in jumping words either
22:00.48DTRemenaknor does pz in non-teleport worlds
22:00.48JeffM2501but it's not a direct counter
22:00.50JeffM2501same for rico
22:00.52bryjenlike rico, pz, geno
22:00.53DTRemenakor rico in rico worlds
22:00.58DTRemenakor geno in rogue-only
22:01.09Aribethit would imho jam their ability to fly
22:01.11JeffM2501Aribeth, so you just want to fire it and drop all flyers?
22:01.12DTRemenakor theif when there are no other flags
22:01.16DTRemenakor jamming with no radar
22:01.20JeffM2501that a bit to hand of god
22:01.22DTRemenakor useless, any time
22:01.25Aribethsomething like that
22:01.40bryjenuseless is funny. once.
22:01.57JeffM2501yeah, it mostly seems the action of someone who is just bitter about WG and can't deal
22:01.59DTRemenakJeffM2501, Aribeth: I was envisioning something like a cone, vertex on the tank, facing up
22:02.02JeffM2501like the "godzilla" flag
22:02.12JeffM2501DTRemenak, if you do that, why not just kill em?
22:02.13*** join/#bzflag amathis (
22:02.16DTRemenakso it would only "cover the world" at very high altitudes
22:02.18JeffM2501like a little shockwave
22:02.18amathishey! I know there are smart developers here.
22:02.30amathisIf Sally can paint a house in 4 hours, and John can paint the same house in 6 hour, how long will it take for both of them to paint the house together?
22:02.39JeffM2501once you knock them out of the sky you can't kill them then
22:02.40amathisis there a formula, or method for solving these things?
22:02.43JeffM2501why not just kill them?
22:02.44Aribethim still thinking about how the flag would work. perhaps for a limited number of times
22:02.54DTRemenakamathis, yes, solve for T = S + J
22:02.55bryjenat least we're not saying "Get rid of wings, it suxors!" ;)
22:03.06JeffM2501Aribeth, that is a server option, we have no flags that are use by default
22:03.25JeffM2501if it suxors why do server owners add it to so many servers?
22:03.30DTRemenakamathis: all about the linear systems
22:03.32amathisDTRemenak: S and J represent the time it takes them to do a whole house?
22:03.46DTRemenakno, the time each of them contributes
22:03.53JeffM2501I don't see any point in just droping them if you have to "hit" them
22:03.57JeffM2501if you hit them then just kill them
22:04.03DTRemenakthen you have a second equation that solves for proportional time
22:04.25DTRemenakyou end up with two equations and two unknowns
22:04.28JeffM2501and if it's an area, how is it difrent the SW?
22:04.35DTRemenakJeffM2501: shape
22:04.37bryjeni'm NOT saying it sucks.  i'd just like an active counter flag to balance it some mor
22:04.45DTRemenakSW is centered on the tank
22:04.50JeffM2501so it's a taller narower sw
22:04.54DTRemenakSW is not infinite length
22:05.02amathisDTRemenak: but how would you solve from just the data you get?
22:05.09amathisisn't it variable how much they contribute?
22:05.10JeffM2501amathis, learn math
22:05.12DTRemenakamathis: that's all the data you need
22:05.16*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
22:05.19amathisI should learn math
22:05.21DTRemenakyes, so you have an equation to solve for that variable
22:05.35DTRemenakI'm not gonna tell you that part, you have to figure it out ;)
22:05.39amathisof course
22:05.56JeffM2501people have asked for difrent shaped SW's before
22:06.02JeffM2501like front only
22:06.05JeffM2501in like a cone
22:06.29bryjennobody had a reason other than "Wouldn't it be cool if..."
22:06.49JeffM2501well SW's power is you don't have to aim
22:06.52DTRemenaka front cone does not make much sense.  if it's limited in length it's like sw, if it's unlimited it's like L
22:06.55JeffM2501but it's a lot shorter range
22:07.08JeffM2501an up cone has some use tho
22:07.20DTRemenakyeah, as an infinite length cone
22:07.20JeffM2501would it go thru a building?
22:07.38JeffM2501if so then it could be used against jumers too
22:07.50JeffM2501decks would be very difrent
22:07.52DTRemenakfor simplicity, it would need to.  unless you want to code partial shape interference junk
22:08.01DTRemenaknot if it just dropped flags ;)
22:08.11bryjenkeeping with the icarus theme, it would be a bright/hot light to melt the wings
22:08.15JeffM2501it could but that seems like a cheeze out
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22:08.39JeffM2501bryjen, the wings are jump jets :)
22:08.43JeffM2501they don't melt
22:08.55DTRemenakheh, have the jet fuel explode then
22:08.56bryjenthen call the flag JJ instead of WG
22:09.06JeffM2501now a set of jaming flags could be interesting
22:09.11Aribethbut they could be jamed so they dont work
22:09.21JeffM2501this is why I wanted to add the ability to have shot effects on weapns
22:09.29JeffM2501you could do a SW that just make them unable to jump
22:09.33JeffM2501for like 1 min
22:09.50bryjenreverse-theif them a bad flag
22:09.53JeffM2501or like a radar or blindness jam
22:09.53Aribethya. thats kinda what i was thinking
22:10.07JeffM2501that adds a lot more complexity to the game tho
22:10.11JeffM2501I'm fine with it
22:10.20JeffM2501but you'd have to ask Tim
22:10.30bryjenhmm, "reverse-theif"...   Planting a flag on them...
22:10.35JeffM2501I think tanks should have other activatables other then weapons
22:10.42amathisI knew how to do that
22:10.51JeffM2501like a one shot pickup that would drop all flyers in a rad
22:10.53DTRemenakbryjen: how about icarus changes wg to nj? ;)
22:11.00JeffM2501or like a EMP one shot that would drop everyones flags
22:11.18JeffM2501DTRemenak, then a wg flag would be out of the world
22:11.29DTRemenakJeffM2501: it was a suggestion in jest :)
22:11.34JeffM2501I know
22:11.43JeffM2501the effect is a good idea
22:11.53JeffM2501I just don't know if it works as a weapon flag
22:11.54DTRemenakalthough it could be done as an effect on the tank.  if hit by icarus && wings, act as if you have nj
22:12.05JeffM2501yeah that's what I was thinking
22:12.08JeffM2501you keep your gun
22:12.09DTRemenakset the bad flag timeout and everything
22:12.10JeffM2501move 1/2 speed
22:12.18JeffM2501but have a NJ ball around you
22:12.27JeffM2501if somone hits it, they get NJ for N secodnds
22:12.40DTRemenakinteresting idea
22:12.42JeffM2501like a disperal field
22:12.52JeffM2501works in non wings cases too
22:12.57DTRemenaktim would so never go for that though
22:13.03bryjenhitting a winged player with the standard gun is part of the problem tho
22:13.33JeffM2501bryjen, if they got in range of your field, they would be non flying for some time
22:13.35JeffM2501so you can shoot them
22:14.04DTRemenakJeffM2501: as long as you're adding complexity, you could have "good effects" too
22:14.09JeffM2501as a fired weapon I think it's too complex, in a 1vs 1 case, you'd have to drop the flag to kill
22:14.10bryjenthe vertical motion is really outside the original design
22:14.17DTRemenaklike an anti-jamming effect
22:14.18JeffM2501DTRemenak, I totaly want too
22:14.26JeffM2501I even have a document on it :)
22:14.35JeffM2501bryjen, yes it is
22:14.38DTRemenakso people holding jamming within your little bubble would be unjammed
22:14.38JeffM2501it's 2d gameplay
22:14.45JeffM2501all vertical motion has done is screw up stuff
22:14.55JeffM2501and we hack and hack fixes to flags in, it just makes a mess
22:14.57DTRemenakJeffM2501: tell that to the folks on Hills
22:15.08JeffM2501DTRemenak, I could rebel again
22:15.10DTRemenakthe worlds have to be designed for it
22:15.12JeffM2501it's been a while
22:15.25bryjenhills is waaay different
22:15.29Aribeththe icaras flag could be a one shot flag that prevents wings from flying for x amount of time
22:15.32JeffM2501I could go for a good keel hualing
22:15.39Aribethonce fired the flag is dropped
22:15.44JeffM2501Aribeth, you'll never get that
22:15.59DTRemenakbryjen: exactly.  superwings on otherwise normal maps is not balanced, but if the world is set up with that in mind, it can be
22:16.01JeffM2501the noob wings player would not know what happend
22:16.22JeffM2501hills as a map REALY wants people to drive up the hills
22:16.35DTRemenakyeah it does
22:16.42JeffM2501it's kinda sad
22:16.45DTRemenakbut even the bump code doesn't work right
22:16.49JeffM2501since it showcases the limits of the game desing
22:17.18JeffM2501that's what I'm saying
22:17.22DTRemenakbryjen: that's part of the fun
22:17.26JeffM2501it's like fighting on a trampolene
22:17.35JeffM2501by throwing baseballs at each other
22:17.52bryjenarmloads of baseballs
22:18.04DTRemenakthe jump is too fast and too far for a winged player to keep up.  and it's fast enough that the v.v. addition to laser (which is really lame btw) lets you snipe flying wings
22:18.05JeffM2501well everyone has access to the plane of baseballs
22:18.59DTRemenakbryjen: that's necessary for 3-d fights.  I've tried it with 2-shot, doesn't work at all
22:19.22Chestalwould it make a difference if wing would be sluggish when on ground?
22:19.29Chestalor are the wingers in air all the time anyway?
22:19.35DTRemenakChestal: then you'd just jump to do anything
22:19.37bryjenprobly 'cause the 3d aspect is crap :P
22:19.53JeffM2501the gameplay is basicly combat from the atari :)
22:21.02bryjenits too much disparity to have some players able to manuver vertically while others are mostly stuck to the ground
22:21.35DTRemenakbryjen: so limit your wings to 1-jump
22:21.38bryjenthis is why it was a popular cheat
22:23.27DTRemenakbryjen: and I like playing on your world ;)
22:25.23JeffM2501what would be cool is to ahve some sort of "test" version that we could try stuff like new flags in and see
22:25.31JeffM2501some thigns you don't know till you try
22:25.43bryjenlike a development branch? ;)
22:25.48JeffM2501well that
22:25.58JeffM2501but even so like a build mode that just changed the version
22:26.14JeffM2501so that you could test changes even in the same proto
22:26.17DTRemenakthat would get real ugly real fast
22:26.21JeffM2501it could
22:26.52JeffM2501the idea would be that you could give out binarys that could have features that could be cheats to existing version, but they would be unable to work with existing servers
22:26.59JeffM2501depends on how it was managed
22:27.01JeffM2501I dono
22:27.06JeffM2501I'm just thinking outlout
22:27.15bryjenjoin in DTR
22:27.28JeffM2501how many more fixes are there?
22:27.38DTRemenakJeffM2501: trepan's got some stuff he's working on
22:27.48DTRemenakit seems to be mostly debuggered
22:27.51JeffM2501how hard would it be to apply those changes to 2 versions?
22:28.19DTRemenakJeffM2501: the idea is that he wants to get the framerate boost stuff to a wide audience asap so mapmakers can get on with their stuff
22:28.39JeffM2501so we just wait
22:28.50DTRemenakso releasing 2.0.4 before it was there would be worse for it
22:29.08JeffM2501I guess for testing ideas we could jsut snap off little test branches when ever, do the test, then kill the branch
22:29.41JeffM2501and on those, just change the proto versions
22:29.46JeffM2501so that bins don't get "out"
22:30.10JeffM2501because ther are some things that would be cool to have tested by more then just the dev working on it
22:30.30JeffM2501in the MMORPGS, they have a seperate binary that only connects to a test server
22:30.32JeffM2501works well
22:30.51JeffM2501lets some of the player base test features and provide feedback before it goes live
22:30.58JeffM2501but then they have an auto update feature too :)
22:31.06JeffM2501and no need for backward compatability
22:31.30JeffM2501now if we could just auto update servers........ :)
22:31.45JeffM2501stupid lan game requirement
22:33.48JeffM2501not like any other dev would come along
22:33.50bryjendon't poke at resistors (like those in a toaster) with a fork!
22:34.29DTRemenakheh, yahoo news headline "Astronaut to Employ Ingenuity in Repair"
22:34.30TlmRikerummm yeah
22:34.33Aribethnot unless you want to act like Dr. Lazardo
22:34.41TlmRikerlet there be tilting tanks!!!!!!
22:34.52TlmRikerand shotguns
22:34.56TlmRikerand remove all flags
22:35.04Aribethhi tim
22:35.12TlmRikerhello fair maiden
22:35.15TlmRikerhow are you today?
22:35.28TlmRikerwoudl you like tilting tanks?
22:35.35Aribeththinking on an icaris flag idea
22:35.51TlmRikerI like pie
22:35.56TlmRikerA lot
22:36.11*** mode/#bzflag [+o bryjen] by TlmRiker
22:36.18*** mode/#bzflag [+o Aribeth] by TlmRiker
22:36.29TlmRikerOps for everyone who like PIE
22:36.34*** mode/#bzflag [-v DTRemenak] by TlmRiker
22:36.39Aribethsomething jeffinetly funny
22:36.42*** kick/#bzflag [TimRiker!~bryjen@] by bryjen (Out, out, ye imposter!)
22:36.52DTRemenakbryjen: hah
22:36.53bryjenoh carp.
22:37.12*** mode/#bzflag [-o bryjen] by TlmRiker
22:37.21TlmRikerdude kicking noobs isn't cool
22:37.22bryjenawww, to fast fer me
22:37.23TlmRikerno pie for you
22:37.33bryjenalmost got ya
22:37.39DTRemenakbryjen: kicking the channel owner right after you get ops.  nice move ;)_
22:37.42TlmRikerI can't belive you missed
22:38.04JeffM2501not to remove all evidence
22:38.10*** mode/#bzflag [-o Aribeth] by JeffM2501
22:38.19*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by JeffM2501
22:38.31JeffM2501I am totaly sowing disention in the ranks
22:39.07JeffM2501lets just say there was a fork, for arguments sake, what would it be called?
22:39.20DTRemenakJeffM2501: you could call it...firestarter!
22:39.24DTRemenakoh wait, tried that
22:39.27JeffM2501that is a silly name
22:39.31DTRemenakhow about...opencombat!
22:39.32JeffM2501tho not bad code
22:39.36*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
22:39.36DTRemenakoh wait, tried that too
22:39.37JeffM2501naw too hard to get
22:39.44JeffM2501see all those had dumb names
22:39.56JeffM2501purple_cow has shown that all you need is a cool name
22:39.59JeffM2501like libsexy
22:40.11JeffM2501and he thinks I jest
22:40.17DTRemenakI know you do not jest
22:40.25DTRemenakand that knowledge amuses me
22:41.29JeffM2501wonder how long it'll take him to notice he got kicked
22:41.35DTRemenakno idea
22:41.41JeffM2501at least a couple hours
22:41.46*** join/#bzflag foo-on-fire (
22:41.47JeffM2501that's management for ya!
22:42.36JeffM2501yeah that's prety damned funny
22:43.14bryjenI should've know better when it kept tab-completing to lowercase i without noticing the other option
22:43.30JeffM2501I was unaware that my mask would be that efective :)
22:43.42DTRemenaksuppose it's probably a bit long for
22:43.56JeffM2501crop it
22:44.05bryjenJeffM2501: fooled this stupid IM client well enough
22:44.21Aribethyou had a good mask JeffM2501. almost fooled me
22:44.21DTRemenakbryjen: IRC != IM no matter what the gaim and trillian folks say ;)
22:44.35bryiendude I like goats!
22:44.57JefM2501so do I!
22:45.12*** kick/#bzflag [JefM2501!] by bryien (bryien)
22:45.17bryienjefm sucks
22:45.29*** part/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
22:46.08bryiennow that should confuse him :)
22:46.09JeffM2501yeah fetta cheese is the best cheeze evar
22:46.56*** mode/#bzflag [+o DTRemenak] by ChanServ
22:47.03bryienthere we go
22:47.26JeffM2501TheLastSpartan, nick DTRemenak
22:47.49*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by JeffM2501
22:49.03*** part/#bzflag RRRPPPGGGG (
22:50.21bryienDTRemenak: do you like pie?
22:50.21DTRemenakI don't know.
22:51.32*** join/#bzflag CBG (
22:54.53foo-on-fireinstead of taking a single screenshot, is there a way to sort of take a little video of bzflag action?
22:55.28JeffM2501couple people did patches and stuff for them
22:55.34JeffM2501but there is nothing built in
22:55.42JeffM2501you notice taking a screenie takes a LONG time
22:55.42foo-on-firei'll see if i can find a path
22:55.58JeffM2501makes you go NR if you take too many
22:56.20foo-on-firewhat's "NR"
22:56.20brad2901Not Responding
22:56.45JeffM2501basicly you lag out
22:56.50CBGfoo-on-fire: you' not "Foo"?
22:56.54brad2901..if your ping reply is over 5000ms
22:57.11foo-on-fireCBG: huh?
22:57.35brad2901he prolly means "you're" :)
22:57.59CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/misc/checkToken.php: add in RPG's token verification function to help people use the global web login page for other websites
22:58.10CBGyeah... :) foo-on-fire: you're not _the_ "Foo"?
22:58.58foo-on-fireCBG: foo-on-fire = a_monkey
22:59.31foo-on-firei'm a ball of foo -- on fire!
22:59.37CBGAh. :) Ok.
22:59.53foo-on-fireby the way, sorry i forgot about our match
23:00.01CBGIt's just there is a well-known player called "Foo" who I am sure would know what NR meant.
23:00.12CBGOh, no problem. Sussi turned up! :)
23:00.22foo-on-firei was so busy i didn't get back to you :(
23:01.00CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ChangeLog: stuff
23:01.45CBGWell, I won 1 out of3 matches against sussi, so, I'm happy.
23:04.11foo-on-firewhy the heck are rogue tanks blackish-gray, anyways...?
23:04.50*** join/#bzflag rabbit25 (
23:05.05CBGfoo-on-fire: I don't think _anyone_ knows.
23:05.16CBGIt's just, _everyone_ is too scared to change it. :P
23:07.27blast007it's so we can blend into the shadows, and pounce on unsuspecting victims
23:07.56CBGYeah - like thats a good reason. ^o)
23:11.36foo-on-firesomebody on the forums had a good idea - they photoshopped the tank texture to make it goldenish
23:11.44foo-on-firei'm gonna do the same
23:11.51CBGThats nothing new.
23:12.06CBGI bet peiople di that back in 1803. ;)
23:12.13CBG*people, *did
23:13.02foo-on-firewith their old G-negative-100's
23:13.18blast007hmm...the b13 installer is 10MB vs the b12 at 8.9MB
23:13.44CBGNah, but seriously, I did it a couple months back, and i know at least one other person did it some time before me....
23:13.56CBGblast007: lol. Why would you notice that?
23:14.05blast007ah, there's a 880KB .wav file that doesn't need to be there..
23:14.11blast007thumbs.wav in the data directory
23:14.31blast007it doesn't even play anything, besides a little static at the beginning
23:14.52Grumblerits the virus wav ;)
23:15.15blast007CBG: cuz the build index page has the sizes listed right there  :P
23:15.46CBGahh. ok :)
23:16.00blast007and the builds were only a few days apart
23:20.56JeffM2501I add crap all the time :)
23:21.03CBGlol Jeff
23:21.03JeffM2501DTRemenak built 12 I build 13
23:21.04DTRemenakJeffM2501: Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-go
23:21.19JeffM2501wow dtr you curse in chinse well
23:21.28JeffM2501I didn't know he could put that there
23:21.36JeffM2501DTRemenak, who is your daddy?
23:21.37DTRemenakJeffM2501: okay
23:21.48JeffM2501DTRemenak, gender
23:21.49DTRemenakI'm a spartan
23:21.53JeffM2501good answer
23:22.01JeffM2501blast007, what file do I have extra?
23:22.23JeffM2501ahh stupid thumbs
23:22.42ErroneousJeffM2501: are the spree's used?
23:22.53JeffM2501if you have the plugin
23:22.58Erroneousahh, ok
23:23.02JeffM2501well if your server uses play history tracker
23:23.23JeffM2501DTRemenak, nick TheLastSpartan
23:23.47blast007the spree4-old1.wav in there is 0 bytes too  :)
23:23.52Erroneousloved your reaction when he cursed at you in chinese though :)
23:23.54JeffM2501what? you wanted somone to make you sing the "i'm a little tea pot" song
23:24.47JeffM2501you do know what it said right?
23:25.20JeffM2501"all things in the universe as shoved up my ass"
23:25.28JeffM2501I tink
23:26.29JeffM2501yeah tha'ts it
23:27.00JeffM2501tho my personal fave is "Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze fuh ur-tze"
23:31.57foo-on-firehmmm. when people talk about the server "MOFO", what server are they talking about
23:32.08CBGPlanet Mofo.
23:32.14CBGThe server address is an IP.
23:32.26JeffM2501they are talking about your mom
23:32.33CBGIts hosted by Darth Vader aka I_Died_Once.
23:33.16JeffM2501your mom
23:33.23JeffM2501it's all about your mom
23:33.42CBGmethinks jeffs nephew is using his IRC account...
23:33.55JeffM2501your mom is using my IRC account
23:34.12CBGshes not sleeping with you? :/
23:34.23JeffM2501no, it's day time
23:34.31CBGSo? :P
23:35.48JeffM2501your mom lifts an eyebrow
23:37.01*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:37.18JeffM2501your mom has joined #bzflag
23:37.20CBGJeff... seriously... you gotta cut back on the sugar!
23:37.32JeffM2501your mom has to cut back on the sugar!
23:38.19CBGYour mom better shut up, Jeff.
23:38.25JeffM2501my mom is dead
23:38.37ASleepyCowsomething amiss here
23:38.54ASleepyCowso is mine :(
23:39.07blast007did someone inject a high dosage of caffeine into #bzflag when I wasn't looking?  :)
23:39.19ASleepyCowheh. looks like it
23:43.18*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
23:49.29amathisor the GOOD pot.
23:51.42*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
23:52.17trepanJeffM2501: if you plan on using a gfx engine in the fork, there's no reason to wait on me...
23:52.46JeffM2501ohh I was just musing
23:53.10JeffM2501we all know how well I do at making new stuff with new graphic engines
23:53.21CBGhmmm... seems the real jeff is back. :)
23:54.14JeffM2501I'll give ya an easy one
23:54.18JeffM2501look at who it's for :)
23:54.25trepanit's for LouMan
23:54.35JeffM2501he is prety cool
23:54.48JeffM2501but who's really going to use his stuff?
23:55.16trepancould just get to the point where i know the client side works
23:57.14trepanone sec, we're LGPL  :)
23:58.11Erroneoussame basic idea
23:58.26trepanbut with enough of a twist to make a diff
23:58.42Erroneousbasically the only difference is that you can link with proprietary libraries
23:58.45JeffM2501you don't have to distribute the source with the binary
23:58.50JeffM2501you just have to have it available
23:59.17JeffM2501that's how we can ship binarys on windows with no source

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.