irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050723

00:00.06JeffM2501I can get you there
00:00.07JeffM2501it's easy
00:00.10brlcadJeffM2501: ze train!
00:00.15autocosm2i'm bored, and plus it's nice to have more than one conversation.  For example:  what the heck are you guys talking about?  
00:00.25brlcadJeffM2501: from baltimore to L.A. ;)
00:00.30JeffM2501good lord
00:00.42DTRemenakbrlcad: add 50% to the scheduled arrival time
00:00.45autocosm2what's wrong with trains?
00:00.49JeffM2501they are slow
00:00.54brlcadDTRemenak: hehe, it's quite a bit more than that
00:00.54autocosm2who cares
00:00.59DTRemenakUP likes to make Amtrak trains wait for freight :S
00:01.00brlcad3 days (60 hours)
00:01.08JeffM2501people who have lives care
00:01.12autocosm2at least there's a lower chance of falling to your death....
00:01.13DTRemenakyeah, if it's scheduled for 3 days, count on 4.5
00:01.28brlcadthat's 3 solid days of uninterrupted comfortable isolated working
00:01.31JeffM2501autocosm2, more people die in train accedents every year
00:01.34DTRemenakyup :)
00:01.36autocosm2and trains are fancier unless you have first class
00:01.46JeffM2501brlcad, your ass is going to kill you
00:02.06DTRemenakJeffM2501: nice thing about trains is there's lots of room to walk
00:02.11autocosm2i mean planes are only good if u take 1st class, trains everybody feels good
00:02.19brlcadnah, the 8 hours ride up to Boston was excellent -- no ass soreness at all
00:02.20JeffM2501I went one one from AZ to here, did not like it
00:02.25brlcadvery comfortable actually
00:02.29autocosm2how did u like boston?
00:02.47DTRemenakI like train travel in general.  just wish UP would get with the game and give passenger trains the priority they used to have before Amtrak :(
00:02.57JeffM2501hmm... to keep the bzedit changes or to revert them....
00:03.01autocosm2try going to Portland, ME
00:03.05brlcadboston was great, siggraph will be fun next year there
00:03.35autocosm2I like the Quincy Market in Boston
00:03.58brlcadhaving all that time before and after siggraph to work is the primary reason
00:04.10autocosm2I like the food, my friends say i'm a human garbage disposal
00:04.11brlcad3 days uninterrupted, heck -- that's good codin' time
00:04.32DTRemenakalso train stations are far, far superior to airports.  especially these days.
00:04.33trepanthe gov. monitors IRC too?
00:04.48brlcadthe gov monitors all *ahem*
00:05.09autocosm2what dosen't the govt. know about?
00:05.17brlcadDTRemenak: no kidding -- hop'd on, picked my seat, gave the guy my ticket after we were well under way
00:05.46brlcadautocosm2: the gov't doesn't know how to do anything efficiently
00:05.52autocosm2I got on picked my seat, and played video games for an hour
00:05.53DTRemenakyup :)  I arrived two minutes before departure time last time.
00:06.12DTRemenakwalked straight through the station, handed my ticket to the conductor, got on the train
00:06.41autocosm2my conducter was English, he had a cool accent
00:07.01autocosm2and he was dressed like something from the early 1900's
00:07.02brlcadboston's (big) station had wireless, albeit at a fee
00:07.07DTRemenakcourse the time before that I arrived five minutes after departure time and the train hadn't even arrived yet :)
00:07.31autocosm2that normally happens
00:07.57autocosm2Amtrack goes by near my friends' houses going like 50 mph
00:08.13autocosm2We almost killed ourselves on accident
00:08.20brlcadboth coming and going to boston were late (though departure was always on time) -- but the thing is that I don't really care since I can be productive
00:08.31DTRemenakyup.  trip from portland to sac schedules for 18 hours or so, took me 26.  most of the extra just sitting on sidings waiting for freight to pass.
00:08.40brlcadI lose two entire days when flying to cali -- i'd lose no days by train
00:09.01autocosm2well, you sit in an airport for hours
00:09.13DTRemenakheh, screw productive I was playing Alpha Centauri the whole time :)
00:09.20brlcadhehe, taht works too
00:09.30JeffM2501brlcad, so you may or may not be here for the weekend?
00:09.32autocosm2I was pplaying Need for Speed Underground
00:09.54autocosm2!weather 03801
00:09.56TheLastSpartanautocosm2: The current temperature in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (03801) is 70°F (7:55 PM EDT on July 22, 2005). Conditions: Heavy Thunderstorm Rain Hail Mist. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 68°F. Pressure: 29.89 in (1012 hPa). Visibility: 0.8 miles (1.2 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 16
00:10.08JeffM2501autocosm2, please do that in a /msg to the bot
00:10.23autocosm2oh somebody tells me
00:10.25brlcadJeffM2501: there's only about a 5% that I'll be taking the train this late (I'd have to leave tues/wed)
00:10.51JeffM2501brlcad, what kinda place would you want to have a shindig at?
00:11.10brlcadis remmy of age?
00:11.14DTRemenaknope :(
00:11.21JeffM2501purpie is
00:11.40DTRemenakguess I'm the last one
00:11.45brlcadand scanline will/would be maybe too
00:11.49JeffM2501I know of places where we could go and get drinks and he could still be in tehre for dinner
00:11.59JeffM2501yeah scanline may comedown if it's weekend
00:12.02brlcadDTRemenak: that just makes you the designated monkey
00:12.03JeffM2501he'll have a long drive
00:12.03autocosm2what's going on?  Some kind of conference?
00:12.08DTRemenakheh :)
00:12.45JeffM2501brlcad, I am thinking of the universal citywalk, a number of resturants and stuff, it's a cool place if you've never been, and it's in the middle
00:12.54brlcadJeffM2501: I'm not planning on getting a car this year, so someplace that we can cab to would be good (unless scanline cruises us)
00:12.56JeffM2501about 20 min maybe from the convention center
00:13.01autocosm2Wait DTR?  Aren't you like 15 or something?
00:13.10brlcad20 min aint too bad
00:13.12JeffM2501brlcad, I could come get you guys
00:13.13DTRemenakautocosm2: not any more
00:13.21brlcadthat would work too
00:13.37brlcadautocosm2: he is "like 15" but only at heart
00:13.37JeffM2501also sporty would have to pass you to get to universal
00:13.41JeffM2501she could pick you up as well
00:13.48autocosm2*severly confused*
00:14.01JeffM2501autocosm2, it is not required that you understand all things
00:14.05brlcadyeah, I'm easy -- don't matter how we get around to me
00:14.06autocosm2i know
00:14.26brlcad20 min cab ride is not really a problem either, longer maybe would be
00:14.28JeffM2501around the center I don't know much
00:14.42autocosm2hey brad2901 are you still here?
00:14.43JeffM2501I'd rather not make the long treck out to redondo beach again
00:14.52brlcadfair enough
00:14.56brad2901autocosm2, yes
00:15.02JeffM2501I can if need be tho
00:15.03brlcadso north it is ;)
00:15.12autocosm2have u checked your messages on your website?
00:15.48brlcadbut probably not kosher to the crowd :)
00:16.16JeffM2501and parking is usualy a bear
00:16.41brlcadI'm up for anything, especially if there's scenery or good food/drinks ;)
00:16.55JeffM2501it's right next to universal studios
00:16.59JeffM2501many shops
00:17.06JeffM2501many resturants
00:17.15autocosm2Going to Florida?
00:17.30JeffM2501THE universal studios
00:17.34JeffM2501the origonal one
00:18.45purple_cowJeffM2501 / brlcad: scanline is legal
00:19.56autocosm2sounds like a vacation or conference and before or after whatever you guys are going to go 'shopping'
00:20.57brlcadautocosm2: siggraph
00:21.15brlcad~google siggraph
00:21.36DTRemenakhm, ibot is a tad slow
00:21.50brlcadyeah, or googlie is
00:21.57autocosm2okay now I get it
00:21.59orchidautocosm2: its where a group of guys get together and talk about thier dream weddings
00:22.10autocosm2what's AMI?
00:22.24autocosm2what the?
00:22.31autocosm2'dream weddings'
00:23.11autocosm2cool George Lucas
00:23.16orchidyes, brlcad wants swans at his, white swans on the lower lawn
00:23.39JeffM2501google says it's 10 miles from the convention center
00:24.06autocosm2lol, the computer stuff is on my dogs birthday, and August 1st is my dad's
00:24.51brlcadswans would be nice
00:24.57brlcadand a waterfall of some sort
00:25.00brlcaddoesn't have to be big
00:25.07brlcadi'm not picky
00:25.20JeffM2501and it's 16 miles for DTRemenak
00:25.37JeffM2501DTRemenak, basicly you'd get on the 134 and just go over to the 101
00:26.22*** join/#bzflag kid_red (
00:26.41JeffM2501it would be about 50 miles for me
00:26.58autocosm2it would be like 4000 miles for me :P
00:27.14JeffM2501ummm great
00:28.12kid_redneed some help
00:28.30autocosm2with what?
00:28.30kid_redcan't get binoculars to zoom in and out
00:28.38JeffM2501DTRemenak, you've never been to citywalk?
00:28.45DTRemenakJeffM2501: nope
00:28.52JeffM2501autocosm2, if you arn't going to help for real, then please shut up
00:28.58JeffM2501DTRemenak, it's a fun place
00:29.06JeffM2501gladstones == good fish
00:29.11autocosm2I'm  BORED!  All I can do is watch this stupid storm...
00:29.22JeffM2501autocosm2, and that is not our problem
00:29.39kid_redany suggestions?
00:29.46JeffM2501kid_red, have you checked your key bindings to make sure you have them set right?
00:30.14kid_redbind B down "toggle displayBinoculars"
00:30.15JeffM2501purple_cow, there is even a sushi resrturant named after your old settop box :)
00:30.26kid_redis that right?
00:30.37JeffM2501that displays them, there should be keys for zoom in and zoom out
00:30.58purple_cowJeffM2501: heh, that's a lot more likely than named after the new one ;)
00:31.04autocosm2Blue collar tv show is on...
00:31.07JeffM2501what's the new one?
00:31.23kid_redany way to set "B" as zoom in AND zoom out?
00:31.40JeffM2501kid_red, you can't set the same key for zoom in AND zoom out
00:31.43JeffM2501that would make no sense
00:31.47brlcadautocosm2: you could try playing with a long metal pole outside ;)
00:31.47JeffM2501how would it know what way to go?
00:31.48DTRemenakJeffM2501: huh?  toggle displayBinoculars should switch between zoomed in and out.  only two settings you know, this isn't quake
00:31.59JeffM2501my bad
00:32.01autocosm2nothing better to do
00:32.07JeffM2501it's radar zoom that can be smooth
00:32.18JeffM2501I get confused sometimes :(
00:32.23DTRemenakkid_red: so what happens/doesn't happen when you hit "b"?
00:32.26kid_redim confused all of the time
00:32.32kid_redwhen i hit B, nothing happens
00:33.06JeffM2501hmm there is a 10$ parking hit
00:33.12JeffM2501but it's not horible
00:33.55DTRemenakkid_red: looking at the code, should probably be "viewZoom toggle" actually
00:34.43kid_redbind B down "viewZoom toggle displayBinoculars"
00:34.47kid_redis that it?
00:34.50DTRemenakJeffM2501: and you're partly right, can set "viewZoom in" and "viewZoom out"
00:35.09JeffM2501yay for consistent code!
00:35.10DTRemenaknope, just "viewZoom toggle" "displayBinoculars" at all
00:35.20DTRemenakJeffM2501: :)
00:35.37kid_redgotcha.... thanks.... i'll go try it now
00:36.02JeffM2501Buca di Beppo's would be good for large table dining and talking
00:36.19JeffM2501Hard Rock Café would be good for the drinking
00:36.31DTRemenakJeffM2501: probably someone changed it and didn't bump the config-file version and add a translator
00:37.24kid_redworks now... thanks a million
00:37.41brlcadwe accept visa and mastercard
00:37.55kid_redand id gladly pay if i wasnt broke as hell
00:38.12kid_redthanks again
00:38.52*** part/#bzflag kid_red (
00:38.52DTRemenakkid_red: no problem
00:38.52JeffM2501I would think hell would have fat pocketbooks
00:40.38DTRemenakheh, yeah looks like Tupone changed it in 1.11.14 or so, and it never got added to the config-updater.
00:41.44JeffM2501the scad
00:41.50SportChick!weather 90277
00:41.55TheLastSpartanSportChick: The current temperature in Redondo Beach, California (90277) is 81°F (4:47 PM PDT on July 22, 2005). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 64°F. Wind: WNW at 14 mph (22 km/h). Pressure: 29.82 in (1010 hPa). Visibility: 20.0 miles (32.2 kilometers). UV: 4 out of 16
00:42.17brlcadSportChick: you up for the place jeff mentioned?
00:42.33SportChickbrlcad: i just got here - did I miss something?
00:42.39JeffM2501she'd have to drive about as far as I would
00:42.41brlcadyou missed lots
00:42.42JeffM2501SportChick, citywalk
00:42.49SportChickJeffM2501: what day?
00:42.49JeffM2501it's kinda centeral
00:42.51JeffM2501and fun
00:43.25SportChickk - it'll be pretty busy on a saturday, but as long as we're in town, we should be good for it
00:43.28brlcadpresumably saturday evening
00:43.29SportChickwhat's the date?
00:43.48SportChickjuly or august?
00:43.55brlcadheh, july
00:44.07brlcadi.e. 8 days
00:44.07zolylemme guess:  SportChick, you're a windows user ?
00:44.21SportChickLet me talk to kirk - we are just getting back from berkeley right before that
00:44.30SportChickzoly - why do you ask/
00:44.40zolyto confirm a theory
00:44.58JeffM2501that 97% of all Mp3 players are iPods?
00:45.08JeffM2501regardless of end user OS
00:45.18JeffM2501SportChick, there is a sushi place there
00:45.20SportChickah, yes, I'm windows.  hubby has both windows and os
00:45.22JeffM2501as well as other places
00:45.32SportChickbut of course, we're all about the sushi!  :)
00:45.43SportChickosX that is
00:45.46JeffM2501there is a gladstones too
00:46.03SportChickgladstones?!  yummy clam chowder there
00:46.14brlcadhmm.. chowda
00:46.15JeffM2501probalby just go get another one
00:46.19JeffM2501they are cheap
00:46.35zolytoo late to ask autocosm2, but i think he was on windows as well.
00:46.48SportChickwe got a 40 gig for $203
00:46.49brlcadafter a week up in boston, I would have a lil trouble believing any place else could live up to the taste I've put up on a pedestal ;)
00:47.17JeffM2501SportChick, it would only cost 129 to replace mine
00:47.25SportChickwhy's that?  insurance?
00:47.34JeffM2501no thats just how much they cost
00:47.38SportChickwhat size?
00:47.42JeffM25011 gig
00:47.45SportChicktoo small
00:47.55JeffM2501not for me
00:47.57JeffM2501I don't put my entire library on it
00:48.02JeffM2501just the music for today
00:48.04SportChickI need at 80 gig - all our music won't fit on my 40
00:48.13JeffM2501that is why you have a "computer" :)
00:48.18zolyJeffM2501:  thanks for telling me.
00:48.24SportChickhehe, all our music won't fit on MY computer
00:48.30JeffM2501telling you zoly?
00:48.33SportChickwe have to put it on hubby's
00:48.38JeffM2501SportChick, get a new drive :)
00:48.49zolyJeffM2501:  you just told me   "-JeffM2501- VERSION xchat 2.0.8b Windows 5.1 [i686/2.16GHz]"
00:48.52JeffM2501I also prefer the flash drive, and not having to deal with a cable
00:48.56JeffM2501zoly, it's automated
00:49.05SportChickjeff - this IS a new drive - it's just a lappy  - so only 80 gig - that would leave me no room for my computer programs!
00:49.10*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
00:49.18zolyif you CTCP VER me, your client tells me your version.
00:49.19JeffM2501SportChick, get a 120
00:49.30JeffM2501zoly, ok
00:49.59JeffM2501my library woudln't even fit on an 80
00:50.03JeffM2501so I deal with the gig
00:50.06zolyis a bit the wrong way around, but i find it quite funny
00:50.08JeffM2501and they are a lot msaller
00:50.13JeffM2501zoly, whatever
00:50.14zoly"-brlcad- VERSION irssi v0.8.9 - running on FreeBSD i386"
00:50.21SportChicktrue - /me is happy with her 40 gig for $203 tho
00:50.57SportChicknope - was a display unit at ?? best buy or office max or something.  We got it and it didn't work so sent it in for warranty and they just shipped us a brand new one
00:51.07JeffM2501ahh nice
00:51.34orchidzoly: but yours blocks ctcp?
00:51.44zolyit just returns the request
00:52.09orchidI dont see your version
00:52.25JeffM2501orchid, he just bounces the request back, so your client sends him yours
00:52.34zolyright, because i see yours
00:52.37brlcadzoly just thinks he's being clever by not following the spec -- nothing to see here, move along
00:52.41JeffM2501whopty do
00:52.42orchidno you dont
00:52.42zolybut is dangerous if you do the same
00:52.53zolyendless loop of bounces...
00:53.03JeffM2501zoly, and your point is?
00:53.36zolyhaving ppls clients tell me what ppl want to know about mine.
00:53.56JeffM2501and the point of that is?
00:54.20zolybeing interested in wanting to know what ppl want to know of me.
00:54.26brlcadsounds pretty dumb, and defeats the purpose of the request
00:54.45JeffM2501yeah specialy when they start filtering logins based on it
00:54.55JeffM2501you notice freenode versions you :)
00:55.02zolyi do
00:55.03CIA-3BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/ ( fix curl lbraries
00:55.17JeffM2501what kinda lame person would feel the need to hide there version?
00:55.23orchidwe should fine zoly $50 for not conforming
00:55.31JeffM2501or just kick
00:56.01brlcadsee if he can get that kick to turn around on the kicker
00:56.12JeffM2501that would be a feat
00:56.19orchidthat would be l33t
00:56.26JeffM2501uber l33t
00:56.48brlcadindeed, anyone can break a spec that presumes cooperation
00:56.51JeffM2501I guess making up "theorys" on OSs and iPod users is more fun
00:57.32brlcadcoming from our favorite german isp even
00:57.52JeffM2501gotta love it
00:58.06JeffM2501at least it's not that onion thing
00:59.39*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
01:05.13CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/plugins/api_notes: remove that what has been done.
01:07.18*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak_ (
01:08.07*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTremenak] by ChanServ
01:08.29*** join/#bzflag autocosm2 (
01:08.45autocosm2hey Jeff i'm back
01:09.16autocosm2all the lightnings gone but i still made a makeshift tower
01:09.40autocosm2!weather 03801
01:09.43TheLastSpartanautocosm2: The current temperature in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (03801) is 68°F (8:55 PM EDT on July 22, 2005). Conditions: Light Thunderstorm Rain. Humidity: 94%. Dew Point: 66°F. Pressure: 29.87 in (1011 hPa). Visibility: 7.0 miles (11.3 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 16
01:10.12autocosm2there's no way it can still be here...
01:10.17DTRemenakautocosm2: and you think we care now why?
01:10.23autocosm2Who knows
01:10.37DTRemenakwhat channel is this?
01:10.39autocosm2well, Jeff did tell me to go outside and find a metal rod
01:13.12brlcadhe didn't
01:13.14brlcadI did
01:13.33autocosm2i still did it, but it was too late
01:13.42brlcadbetter luck next time
01:14.13orangedon't taunt the stodgy old men on a Friday night
01:15.46autocosm2DTR isn't that old, not sure about brlcad
01:17.21*** join/#bzflag callofhonor (
01:17.33callofhonorhoo hah
01:18.14JeffM2501I told you no such thing
01:18.28callofhonorlightning rod?
01:18.41callofhonori thought it was you, oh well
01:19.55JeffM2501sure ya did skip
01:20.54callofhonori'm tired, it's late, bye
01:26.32Nidhoggroof. heat here is gunna kill me.
01:26.43JeffM2501how bad?
01:27.14Nidhoggr110 today
01:27.18Nidhoggrand a bit humid
01:27.30JeffM2501that's decently warm
01:27.46Nidhoggrit's been over 12 days of 110 and over
01:27.58Nidhoggrand it hasn't been dropping below 90 at night.
01:28.24DTRemenakisn't it supposed to get cold at night over there?
01:28.42JeffM2501the ground there retains all the head
01:29.19Nidhoggrover 20 deaths related to the heat.  at least a dozen homeless ppl.
01:30.30Nidhoggrsee ya
01:30.49menotumeNidhoggr: where are you, the Saraha ?
01:30.56Nidhoggrphoenix, arizona
01:31.19menotumeclose enough :)
01:32.55Nidhoggrjust trying to stay hydrated.
01:33.47*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
01:35.22menotume~weather kdvt
01:35.51orchid~x es en se pregunta que esta haciendo la preciosa
01:36.20menotumeow, at 8:30 pm
01:36.39*** part/#bzflag WonderMop (
02:00.47shorty114~spell relevence
02:01.47Aribeth!weather 30040
02:01.50TheLastSpartanAribeth: The current temperature in Cumming, Georgia (30040) is 81°F (10:00 PM EDT on July 22, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 79%. Dew Point: 72°F. UV: 0 out of 16
02:03.05*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~jeffm@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
02:03.05*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
02:03.06zolyAribeth, are you running windows, by any chance ?
02:04.31zolythanks :)
02:04.44Aribethonly unix here
02:05.24zolyno weather plugin for those ? is a good site
02:06.05shorty114!weather 98020
02:06.08TheLastSpartanshorty114: The current temperature in Edmonds, Washington (98020) is 70°F (6:53 PM PDT on July 22, 2005). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 57%. Dew Point: 54°F. Pressure: 30.13 in (1020 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 1 out of 16
02:08.15zoly!forget weather
02:08.16TheLastSpartanzoly: I'm sorry, I was listening to Fatboy Slim.
02:08.43creeperzTheLastSpartan: you would :-P
02:08.44TheLastSpartancreeperz: Buy me dinner first.
02:10.51zolyTheLastSpartan:  weather is The state of the air or atmosphere with respect to heat or cold, wetness or dryness, calm or storm, clearness or cloudiness.
02:12.36TheLastSpartanzoly: Guu des whakaremasen!
02:12.52TheLastSpartanzoly: are you 12?
02:13.10JeffM2501use /msg if you want to just taunt the bot
02:13.21brlcadtry harder
02:13.29zoly<TheLastSpartan> Error: Command must be sent in a channel.
02:13.42JeffM2501then you lack the required amount of fung shue
02:13.56JeffM2501zoly, are you running windows by any chance?
02:14.07zolyno, i don't
02:14.19JeffM2501then it all makes sense
02:15.03Aribethhi noodle
02:15.27noodlehi :)
02:29.37*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|L (
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03:27.16*** join/#bzflag Sharpshooter (
03:39.27*** join/#bzflag BIYA (
03:40.04BIYAAre you busy jeff?
03:40.54*** join/#bzflag Dodge_This (
03:42.03*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
03:42.11RPG_is there any secretplace admins here?
03:42.33BIYAhmm why?
03:42.38RPG_we got a teamkiller
03:42.44RPG_and people don't know how to type "/vote yes"
03:42.52RPG_anyways, gotta get back to my game!
03:42.53*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
04:44.59*** join/#bzflag Harlin (~Harlin@
04:49.27*** join/#bzflag koalabear (
04:49.32koalabearhiya all
04:49.42koalabearwhat a map! on DTRemenak server
04:49.59koalabearthe test server
04:50.13koalabeargeeze talk about detail complex
04:52.27koalabearkinda reminds me of total recall
04:54.19*** join/#bzflag Dodge_This (
04:55.48Dodge_Thisanyone ever get bxflag to compile on kernel 2.6 (Fedora core 3)? The make errors with "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lidn"
05:15.41*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
05:19.54*** join/#bzflag zoly (
05:23.44SportChickJeffM2501 and fuzzy: shoot me an email with the details of next week.  I think we're gonna try and join y'all
05:27.03*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
05:59.00*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
06:01.08*** join/#bzflag DrBob (
07:28.15*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
07:37.09CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: new tracking control style for observers
07:39.26trepanack, found a segv to kill
07:45.37Aribethim in aw of mikeeusa's programming skills....not :P
07:46.10Aribethi found his bzflag hacks
07:46.16CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: fix a couple of segv
07:47.25Aribethhis so called fork of bzflag
07:48.22purple_cowlink? :)
07:48.59Aribethhis web site. i can email the *.cxx files
07:49.55Aribethi closed my browser because of his cert
07:57.28Aribethmotd.cxx is mostly stubs in his version
08:04.09CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: another touchup
08:09.57*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
08:09.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
08:10.43purple_cowoh no! he removed the athoriarian BS!
08:54.56*** join/#bzflag koalabear (
10:06.48*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
10:59.19*** join/#bzflag autocosm1 (
11:00.04autocosm1!weather 04043
11:00.06TheLastSpartanautocosm1: The current temperature in Kennebunk, Maine (04043) is 64°F (6:55 AM EDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 88%. Dew Point: 61°F. Pressure: 29.93 in (1013 hPa). Visibility: 9.0 miles (14.5 kilometers). UV: 1 out of 16
11:00.26autocosm1!weather 03801
11:00.29TheLastSpartanautocosm1: The current temperature in Portsmouth, New Hampshire (03801) is 66°F (6:55 AM EDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 78%. Dew Point: 59°F. Pressure: 29.92 in (1013 hPa). Visibility: 20.0 miles (32.2 kilometers). UV: 1 out of 16
11:01.26autocosm1!weather 07890
11:01.28TheLastSpartanautocosm1: The current temperature in Branchville, New Jersey (07890) is 67°F (6:53 AM EDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 93%. Dew Point: 65°F. Pressure: 30.00 in (1016 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 1 out of 16
11:01.56autocosm1!weather 90210
11:01.58TheLastSpartanautocosm1: The current temperature in Beverly Hills, California (90210) is 68°F (3:51 AM PDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 81%. Dew Point: 62°F. Pressure: 29.90 in (1012 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 16
11:02.46autocosm1!weather 45890
11:02.48TheLastSpartanautocosm1: The current temperature in Vanlue, Ohio (45890) is 62°F (6:53 AM EDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 87%. Dew Point: 62°F. UV: 0 out of 16
11:03.10ruskiethis is annoying
11:03.10purple_cowautocosm1: please use /msg if you want to talk with the bots a lot :P
11:03.24autocosm1i can't! i've tried
11:03.29purple_cowtry harder
11:03.58autocosm1doesn't work'
11:04.12purple_cowwhat do you mean?
11:04.14purple_cowworks fine for me
11:04.30autocosm1i typed: /msg !weather *****
11:04.38purple_cowdon't use !
11:04.59autocosm1the *'s means numbers
11:05.17*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
11:05.36purple_cowread what i said :P
11:06.12autocosm1nope still doesn't
11:06.40purple_cowoh, right. you also need to give it a nickname :P
11:07.17purple_cowdespite all that, there's absolutely no reason for you to ask for the weather in places that you aren't located :P
11:07.21purple_cowit just annoys people here
11:08.30autocosm1well i am in portsmouth right now and my friends and my mom live in maine
11:19.46purple_cowi don't think he gets it
11:21.46Grumblerlittle early in the morning for colored cows isnt it
11:26.58purple_cowyeah :P
11:28.10*** join/#bzflag BIYAl (
11:29.04BIYADoes anyone know where the Flag list is.  I need some flag ID's.  Current flags though not the idea list.
11:30.19Grumblerarent they  listed in the wiki   ....
11:34.07Grumblerbummer guess not
11:34.14Grumblermust be in the man page though
11:35.28trepan'bzfs -help' will also list them
11:39.00Grumblerhmm, not in the man page
11:39.08Grumblermaybe they  should be?
11:40.15trepanthere online help in the game that lists them...
11:43.00Grumbler"online" you mean, or do you mean the client
11:44.02Grumbleryeah,  i guess i could have guessed it from that
11:44.39trepanmaybe, "for a list of flags, see..."
11:45.09trepanotherwise, it'll just be another spot that will be overlooked during changes
11:45.55trepan(unless you want to setup some sort of autogen sourcing from Flag.cxx)
11:53.38Grumblersure part of the make
11:54.13trepanwhip it up
12:08.17*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
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12:54.34_Manu_hi fuzzy... k :)
12:55.27brlcadhowdy :)
13:08.03*** join/#bzflag BenUrban_ (
14:07.58CIA-3BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: avoids some flipping, looks a little better
14:08.08*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
14:39.30zolyhmm. would any of you call a server line  "low lag - no Brooks" on a pillbox server offensive ?
14:49.34orchidI dont know what no brooks means
14:50.46zolybrooks is a high-lag low-tolerance admin on kniga
14:51.47brlcadwhy would that be offensive?
14:52.10brlcadI don't particularly find it offensive, brooks might
14:52.17zolybecause it singles a person out, by naming him.
14:52.56brlcadserver ops can do that if they want
14:53.36zolywithin certain limits, i suppose
14:53.47brlcadnot really
14:53.53brlcadit's their server
14:53.53zoly(not that i think naming brook is outside of those)
14:54.25brlcadthe only thing that matters from a larger perspective is what affects the network publicly (i.e. their public message)
14:54.45brlcadotherwise ops pretty much maintain authoritative control
14:54.55zolyah. i misstated. public message is the one appearing in the server list ?
14:55.02brlcadif people don't like that, they should perhaps let that operator know, and play elsewhere
14:55.53zolywhat i called "server line" would actually be the "public message"
14:58.33zolyi'd think too it would be ok. it is not sexist, racist, and definitely within legal boundaries.
14:58.58brlcadpretty much
14:59.26zolyok. thank you for your opinion on this matter,
15:07.04*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (
15:13.51*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (brad@brad2901.user)
15:23.48zolyhi brad2901`
15:23.58brad2901`Hey zoly
15:24.02zolymay i pm you ?
15:36.09*** join/#bzflag bz1123 (
15:36.42bz1123can anyone help me with textures on bzflag2.0.2 on MacOS?
15:38.40blast007what is the issue you are experiencing?
15:50.07trepan~blast007++  worthy effort
15:50.30blast007hehe  :)
16:04.50*** join/#bzflag BIYA (
16:19.23*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
16:19.37RPG_is anyone else having CVS trouble right now?
16:25.15blast007anon CVS is down, afaik
16:25.28RPG_i think i had trouble yesterday too though
16:25.43blast007the status page should say
16:26.25blast007"As of 2005-07-27 anonymous access to CVS for projects starting with l, s, f, b, r, k is currently offline."
16:26.54RPG_i can't find that though
16:27.53blast007on their home page, on the left bar, is "Site Status"
16:28.01RPG_aah now i see it
16:28.32RPG_it's the 23rd
16:28.54blast007oh, hmm
16:28.59blast007wonder if that's a typo
16:35.36RPG_are you still here?
16:36.33RPG_were you with us yesterday when JeffM said to use the function BZF_API bz_getTeamScore(1);
16:37.32RPG_because something's not working right
16:38.03blast007yup, I was here at that time
16:38.17RPG_because it says
16:38.17RPG_2645 G:\Programs\Dev-Cpp\repisitories\bzflag\src\bzfs\commands.cxx expected primary-expression before "__attribute__"
16:38.36RPG_2645 G:\Programs\Dev-Cpp\repisitories\bzflag\src\bzfs\commands.cxx expected `,' or `;' before "__attribute__"
16:38.48RPG_and here's my line
16:38.53RPG_RedTeaminfo = BZF_API bz_getTeamWins(RedTeam);
16:39.20blast007k, let me check how that works
16:41.59blast007try: RedTeaminfo = bz_getTeamWins(RedTeam);
16:42.37RPG_it comiled
16:42.41RPG_now time for the test
16:44.45RPG_seems to work right
16:44.54RPG_1 more test
16:45.46RPG_Blue Team:
16:45.46RPG_Score: -1
16:45.46RPG_Wins: 0
16:45.46RPG_Losses: 1
16:46.16RPG_now, is there a possible way to reset the team scores from commands.cxx ?
16:49.55RPG_the boss wants the scores to be reset ;)
16:52.30blast007look down in handleCountdownCmd and find this:   // reset team scores
16:52.33JeffM2501RPG_, I made a API function that does it
16:52.37JeffM2501just use that
16:52.51RPG_does it take any parameters?
16:52.57RPG_well... duh...
16:52.59JeffM2501read the header
16:57.03RPG_is there function that lets you HTTP POST ?
16:59.00JeffM2501there is now
16:59.05JeffM2501http jobs
16:59.36RPG_and do you have an API function that can move players from one team to another?
16:59.58JeffM2501I don't think the game supports that
17:00.00blast007that's not even possible
17:00.15JeffM2501you can prevent them from spawning
17:00.17RPG_i was gonna have all the playerse on teams get bumped to observer
17:00.19RPG_you can?
17:00.26RPG_because that was my next questoin :P
17:00.30JeffM2501there is an "allow spawn event"
17:00.48RPG_but i'm calling all these functions from commands.cxx
17:00.52JeffM2501yesterday I did everything you should need to do your thing in the API
17:00.58JeffM2501RPG_, so
17:01.13*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
17:01.14JeffM2501RPG_, you should use the custom / command API for your command
17:01.23a_monkeydoes this mean i don't get bzfs?
17:01.43JeffM2501you allways get bzfs
17:01.49a_monkeyi see
17:02.18JeffM2501RPG_, you should do it like a plugin, just do it in the main exe, not in the dll, that way it's modular
17:02.32RPG_that's what I was going for
17:02.39RPG_I want it to be one single chunk of code
17:02.43JeffM2501not if you are in commands.cxx
17:02.46RPG_so i only have to copy and paste one chunk
17:03.00RPG_it already is in one chunk
17:03.08JeffM2501how did you add your /command?
17:03.20RPG_} else if (strncasecmp(message + 1, "reportmatch", 11) == 0) {
17:03.26JeffM2501yeah that's lame
17:03.37JeffM2501use the registerCustomSlashCommand
17:03.48JeffM2501then you can put it all in your own file
17:04.10RPG_but then do I have to do anything special to have BZ compile my extra file?
17:04.31JeffM2501but it's not hard
17:04.43JeffM2501your on devc++?
17:04.49JeffM2501the toy compiler
17:04.55JeffM2501just add it to the bzfs project
17:05.23RPG_do i need a header file for it?
17:05.35JeffM2501only if you need to expose things to other files
17:05.38JeffM2501so I don't think so
17:05.44JeffM2501you do know c++ right?
17:06.09RPG_i know PHP, and i'm using my knowledge on that to help me get by
17:06.12RPG_i understand the basics
17:07.16JeffM2501you may want to learn a bit about the language first :)
17:07.28RPG_i read a help tutorial
17:07.35RPG_but i don't think that did much
17:08.03JeffM2501welll that could be a problem
17:08.34RPG_the mofo league needed a bzfs plugin to handle matches, and since i was the only person in the league that remotely knew anythign about C++, i was given the job
17:09.03JeffM2501why didn't they ask for help?
17:09.13JeffM2501I know meno is going to be working on one after he moves
17:09.23RPG_on one of our problems?
17:09.39JeffM2501help in making a plugin, in general
17:09.43*** join/#bzflag wizart (
17:09.48RPG_and i guess they nominated me to ask for help :0
17:09.51JeffM2501it's not like you all are locked away in your own room
17:09.58JeffM2501you are part of the comunity
17:11.39RPG_plus i think i just learned a ton about C++ by working on this
17:11.55JeffM2501well that's good
17:12.01JeffM2501I'd get a real compiler tho
17:12.16RPG_would that be visual studio?
17:12.22JeffM2501or gcc
17:12.26RPG_cause i'm on window
17:12.46RPG_i tried switcing over to linux, but none of the programs i was familiar with worked there
17:13.14blast007you wouldn't have to 'switch', just dual boot  ;)
17:13.22RPG_i do
17:13.28RPG_actually, i have tripie-boot
17:13.31RPG_except i can't boot to linux
17:13.38RPG_i made the mistake of installing windows second
17:13.44JeffM2501there are gcc implementations on windows
17:13.44blast007ah  :)
17:14.01RPG_but i like the dev-cpp function browser
17:14.05JeffM2501visual studio is by far the easyest in my opinion
17:14.11JeffM2501devc++ is a toy
17:14.19JeffM2501it has some stuff vc has like that browser
17:14.19RPG_i might look into the student and teacher edition of VS
17:14.24JeffM2501but as a compiler it sucks
17:14.36JeffM2501there is probably still a free version of .net 2005 beta
17:14.53JeffM2501vc has a full class browser
17:15.10RPG_back to the plugin; registerCustomSlashCommand needs a value called bz_CustomSlashCommandHandler *handler
17:15.23JeffM2501it's a callback class
17:15.32JeffM2501derive your own handler class
17:15.36JeffM2501pass a pointer to it in there
17:15.47JeffM2501and it'll be called when ever the / command is hit
17:15.56JeffM2501and the paramaters will be passed to you
17:17.37*** join/#bzflag CBG (
17:18.01RPG_how could microsoft give somethign away for free?
17:18.10JeffM2501because they are not stupid
17:18.19JeffM2501they want more devs using there stuff
17:18.24JeffM2501that means more software for windows
17:18.33RPG_you need SP2
17:18.33CBGRPG_ yo
17:18.50RPG_i never updated
17:18.56JeffM2501so update
17:18.56RPG_i heard bad things about SP2
17:19.03JeffM2501it's fine
17:19.18JeffM2501it's not like you use IE right?
17:19.40RPG_IE screws up too many people's computers
17:19.55JeffM2501umm it's not IE that does that
17:19.57JeffM2501you still have IE
17:19.59RPG_plus FF has adblock
17:20.01RPG_no i have firefox
17:20.09JeffM2501IE sp2 has a lot of that stuff
17:20.18JeffM2501and in ff it's a plugin, just like ie
17:20.36RPG_'cause people I know who don't know what an activeX control is would click yes to all of those things
17:20.42RPG_and then i had to fix it all for them
17:20.54JeffM2501that is not IE's fualt, that is the stupid humans :)
17:21.03JeffM2501FF just makes it harder to click yes
17:23.15RPG_this won't work in C++?
17:23.15RPG_global match_in_progress = true;
17:23.23RPG_it says global does not name a type
17:23.25JeffM2501true is not a thing
17:23.29JeffM2501it's TRUE
17:23.42JeffM2501and global is not a thing
17:23.49RPG_in php it is
17:23.58JeffM2501you want bool match_in_progress = TRUE;
17:24.02JeffM2501c++ is NOT php
17:24.10JeffM2501you have to get that out of your head now
17:24.14JeffM2501C is a typed language
17:24.18RPG_but i want match_in_progress to be accessed from another class within the file
17:24.21JeffM2501not that typeless stuff you get in php
17:24.32JeffM2501then put it outside any class def
17:24.36JeffM2501you don't have to define your globals
17:24.43JeffM2501they are defined by there scope automaticly
17:24.58CBG"typless stuff" ?
17:25.09RPG_you don't have to define variables
17:25.13JeffM2501in php you don't really define what type a variable is
17:25.25JeffM2501it just works it out based on it's scope
17:25.28RPG_and you can append an interger to a string and it'l work
17:25.32RPG_in PHP
17:25.38JeffM2501you can not do that in C
17:25.44RPG_i found that out ;)
17:25.59JeffM2501so you didn't read anything in the basic C tutorial did you?
17:26.13RPG_i did
17:26.28RPG_it was at , so i don't know if it was teh best
17:26.33JeffM2501then how did you not pick up basic variable definitions?
17:26.37JeffM2501it's like chapter 2
17:27.06RPG_i just forgot you couldn't mix two data types together
17:27.13JeffM2501you can
17:27.18JeffM2501there just needs to be a cast
17:27.26JeffM2501and it as to be an explicid asignment
17:27.30menotumephp = (php)c;
17:27.37*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
17:27.37*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
17:27.54JeffM2501reemember you have REAL memory access here
17:28.12JeffM2501none of this garbage cleaning, mamby pamby protected stuff
17:31.32*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
17:35.14RPG_will bz_registerCustomSlashCommand accept a function pointer instead of a class pinter?
17:39.15JeffM2501c++ does no automatic stuff like that
17:39.18JeffM2501just use a class
17:39.48JeffM2501look at the vocaliser for an example of how it's used
17:40.07CBGIf ya'll have nothing to do, perhaps you can visit and maybe even reply to my BZFlag post with comments on how truely amazing it is. :)
17:40.47JeffM2501not a bad layout
17:40.50JeffM2501but kinda bland
17:40.51Tuponemenotesting what ?
17:41.11CBGJeffM2501: Its not my own... although I do hope I can make my own sometime... :)
17:41.22RPG_can this: bz_sendTextMessage(int from, int to, const char* message) send a message to ALL Players?
17:41.26JeffM2501ohh it's a generic blog template?
17:41.40JeffM2501RPG_, yeah there is a #def for an "everyone" player ID
17:41.44*** join/#bzflag menotume_ (
17:41.46CBGJeffM2501: Its a pre-made theme...
17:41.54JeffM2501and make the "from" be the server player
17:42.01RPG_CBG: this is what happens when you try to make your own layout:
17:42.09RPG_i' m not one with layouts yet
17:42.26CBGRPG_ I like your layout... and thast not wordpress?
17:42.40RPG_it's running on software called phpSiteManager
17:42.52RPG_i'm still in the process of developing it
17:42.56CBGWhich is more of a CMS than just a blog
17:43.10RPG_well phpSiteManager is a total CMS
17:43.18RPG_click on site map
17:43.38RPG_its got photo gallery, catagories, search, countdowns, random quotes, stuff like that
17:43.42RPG_a guestbook
17:43.46RPG_template manager
17:44.39*** join/#bzflag sc-phone (
17:45.07CBGCool. :)
17:45.08a_monkeyhow do i add optimization flags with the "make" command again?
17:45.36a_monkeysomething like make C++="-O3"
17:45.41sc-phonehi all
17:45.44a_monkeybut i don't think it's that...
17:45.59Tuponehi sc-phone
17:46.24CBGJeffM2501: on my site,  under "Author" on the right, is there a "DevDreams" link or just the url: ?
17:46.49sc-phonehiya tupone - at the gym
17:47.20CBGWow. What phone are you on?
17:47.24RPG_you can IRC on a phone?
17:47.32JeffM2501CBG, huh?
17:47.33CBGRPG_ seems so!
17:47.43blast007the phone runs Palm OS
17:47.44sc-phonetreo 650
17:47.55RPG_its one of those phones that's more like a computer than a phone
17:48.16RPG_i can update my website from my phone, but thats about al
17:48.37CBGJeffM2501: Look on my site... There is an Author section on the right. Somehwere in that section should EITHER be a Link "DevDreams" or just the long url which looks like normal text and doesnt act like a link... Can you tell me what you see?
17:49.26a_monkeywas it
17:49.29sc-phonecbg: it runs bzadmin too
17:49.34CBGCooooool :D
17:49.37a_monkeymake CXXFLAGS="-O3"
17:49.40a_monkeyor what?
17:50.20RPG_and it's only $400!
17:50.28CBGplus the contract....
17:50.32*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
17:50.35*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
17:50.42RPG_i lost that last message
17:50.44CBGI wonder if you can get it Pay As You Go? :o
17:50.53RPG_i doubt that
17:50.55sc-phonemine was $250
17:51.12RPG_mine was $270 and it's only a flipphone!
17:51.33sc-phonebut it replaced my visor
17:51.55RPG_what OS do you have on there that runs bzadmin?
17:52.11sc-phonepalm os 5
17:52.29TuponeI think she run bzadmin on another machine and get it to the phone
17:52.30blast007then SSH to another maching, I'm assuming
17:52.39sc-phoneit actually runs ssh client
17:53.06RPG_but does it have voice activeated dialing?
17:53.37sc-phoneblast, yes
17:53.48sc-phonerpg: yes
17:54.27RPG_i could have saved $30
17:54.32sc-phonehubby is using his as a mini ipod
17:57.12*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
18:06.22*** join/#bzflag bz4603 (
18:08.34bz4603does anyone of you have windows xp?
18:08.48Tuponesome yes
18:09.03blast007I have XP, whacha need?
18:09.23bz4603since today i cannot open my bzflag
18:09.37bz4603on thursday it was because of the config file
18:09.53blast007any error message?
18:10.00bz4603i will tell you
18:10.23bz4603bzflag.exe has found a problem and had to be ended
18:11.03blast007have you tried reinstalling the game?
18:11.13bz4603and then i should send a problem messagtr
18:11.15bz4603and then i should send a problem message
18:11.19bz4603yes, i have done it
18:11.37bz4603but the problem is still here
18:11.46blast007is this version 2.0.2?
18:12.29blast007and you tried deleting the "My BZFlag Files" folder from My Documents?
18:12.33*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
18:12.48bz4603the other version works
18:12.50RPG_which would be faster: using the API functions or using the BZ functions
18:12.57blast007which is what version?
18:12.59RPG_by faster i mean during runtime
18:13.04bz4603i mean the 2.0.3b10
18:13.17JeffM2501RPG_, there is no real difrence
18:13.21bz4603but 2.0.2 not
18:13.31JeffM2501RPG_, the bzfs code just calls the API anyway
18:14.04RPG_so if i wanted to reset flags, should i use zapAllFlags or bz_resetFlags
18:14.38bz4603so, can anyone help me
18:15.19blast007well, it's strange that 2.0.2 doesn't work
18:15.25Tuponewhy you not just use the 2.0.3b10 ?
18:15.39bz4603but the quality is not so good
18:15.40RPG_i think b11 is out
18:15.51bz4603i cannot explain the word
18:16.04bz4603i mean a picture after the other
18:16.34bz4603slow pictures
18:16.39*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
18:17.06bz4603on 2.0.3b10  there are often slow pictures
18:17.12bz4603what should i do now?
18:18.37bz4603when i open 2.0.2 and close it by the error, there is still 1 bzflag.exe in the task manager under processes
18:19.25Tuponehave you tried running bzflag with a command line? like bzflag -window -d -d
18:20.00menotumesounds like 2 instances are running
18:20.14Tuponedunno the detail ... Have to select run the cmd
18:20.23bz4603hey meno
18:20.30blast007so 2.0.3b10 is giving a slow frame rate
18:20.32bz4603i have a problem again
18:20.38bz4603very often
18:20.38menotumei see
18:20.44bz4603it is
18:20.51bz46032.0.2 gives an error message
18:20.55Tuponethen you get like an old dos window
18:21.06bz4603and 2.0.3b10 has an old frame rate
18:21.14bz4603and 2.0.3b10 has a slow* frame rate
18:21.24blast007Start > Run, type cmd, press OK
18:21.27menotumelike, REAL slow ?
18:21.41bz4603and what should i do
18:21.47blast007then type: cd \program files\bzflag2.0.2\
18:21.53menotumekill the other instance !!
18:22.23bz4603the system cannot find this
18:22.28bz4603you mean programm
18:22.35bz4603you mean programms*
18:22.43menotumeyou had a problem the other day where it would start, but would be minimized, right ?
18:22.59bz4603it was not minimized
18:23.01menotumemaybe ?
18:23.04bz4603was because of the config file
18:23.10bz4603now that is ok
18:23.30bz4603first the frame rate was bad on bzflag 2.0.2.
18:23.34menotumeok, i'll let a windoze person help
18:23.41bz4603then i reinstalled windows xp
18:23.51bz4603then i reinstalled windows xp today
18:23.59bz4603i did it today
18:24.10Tuponeso probably you need better driver
18:24.21bz4603i had the best driver
18:24.28Tuponeand now?
18:24.34bz4603but 2.0.2 did not work with it
18:24.38blast007you reinstalled windows?
18:24.39bz4603and not i cannot open 2.0.2
18:24.50bz4603but, without losing my data
18:24.54bz4603my files
18:25.03blast007oh, so just a repair/overlay
18:25.14bz4603it was like update
18:25.25bz4603i really dunno
18:25.31bz4603but it worked after the reinstall
18:25.41bz4603only now i cannot open it
18:26.04blast007do you know what video card you have?
18:26.30bz4603where can i read it
18:27.43blast007in the Control Panel, go to Display and open that
18:28.04bz4603where do you mean
18:28.16bz4603i have it
18:28.35bz4603you mean
18:29.19bz4603clicking with right mouse on the desktop and then options
18:29.22JeffM2501fun isn't it blast007
18:29.32bz4603can you help me?
18:29.48JeffM2501what video card do you have?
18:30.02JeffM2501find out
18:30.02bz4603dunno where i can read it
18:30.05blast007right click on desktop, and then 'Properties' works too
18:30.13blast007then there will be a 'Settings' tab
18:30.14JeffM2501right where you are
18:30.47bz4603i am there
18:30.57JeffM2501what is your display adapter
18:31.58bz4603my grafic card
18:32.37bz4603nvidia geforce 4 ti 4200 with agp8X
18:32.44JeffM2501what OS you on?
18:33.28JeffM2501you have the drivers that came with XP? or the ones from ?
18:33.29bz4603one thing
18:33.49bz4603i had them
18:34.01JeffM2501or have?
18:34.05bz4603yes had
18:34.20bz46032 days ago i haad a problem with my config file
18:34.35bz4603i solved it then
18:34.53bz4603and, yesterday it worked
18:34.54JeffM2501the bzflag config?
18:35.00bz4603and, yesterday it worked
18:35.01JeffM2501ok so what did you do today that made it not work?
18:35.17bz4603today 2.0.2 had a slow frame rate
18:35.28bz4603so often very slow frames
18:35.33bz4603like every 10 sec
18:36.28bz4603and then i decided to reinstall xo
18:36.30bz4603and then i decided to reinstall xp
18:36.44bz4603but, not that option that my files would be deleted
18:36.52JeffM2501dosn't mater
18:36.55bz4603another options, like update
18:36.59JeffM2501it blew out your drivers
18:37.03JeffM2501reinstall directX
18:37.07JeffM2501and the nvidia drivers
18:37.23bz4603then everything worked again
18:38.09bz4603but then i could not open it
18:38.13bz4603an error message
18:38.35JeffM2501and that error message is?
18:38.42bz4603i told it already
18:38.50JeffM2501tell me again
18:39.14bz4603bzflag.exe has found a problem and had to be ended
18:39.25JeffM2501standard crash message
18:39.26bz4603bzflag.exe has found a problem and had to be closed*
18:39.30JeffM2501blow out your config
18:39.35JeffM2501and reinstall
18:39.41JeffM2501go get the nvidia drivers
18:39.45JeffM2501AND directX 9
18:39.52bz4603i have 9
18:40.04JeffM2501did you do the nvidia drivers?
18:40.14bz4603please wait here
18:40.21bz4603i have to restart xp more times
18:40.47JeffM2501yes, random bzflag user
18:40.58bz4603jeff, wait, i will come back
18:41.12JeffM2501umm ok
18:41.17bz4603delete config file, then reinstall, then driver
18:41.24JeffM2501how long will it take you?
18:41.29JeffM2501it's not rocket science
18:41.35bz460310 min i think
18:41.43bz4603perhaps faster
18:42.06creeperzyou better be making chili or like a roast or something in that 10 minutes :-P
18:42.17bz4603c u in 10 min
18:42.50blast007it probably take 10 minutes to restart cuz he has 15 toolbars in IE
18:43.14CBG"blow out"? heh
18:43.36creeperzi think it only takes about 20 seconds total for my machine to boot :-)
18:44.05CBGditto. :)
18:44.13CBGcreeperz: you have a mac too?
18:44.24JeffM2501CBG, XP boots fast as well
18:44.30blast007my computers take a bit to load, cuz they aren't the fastest, and they run stuff like web servers and databases  ;)
18:44.31JeffM2501it does the same thing as tiger does
18:44.37creeperzno, but I do have an intel mobo :-P
18:44.42CBGJeffM2501: Maybe... I was just making a little joke. :)
18:44.52JeffM2501creeperz, just like the new macs :)
18:45.01creeperzmm hmm ^^
18:45.25CBGSo, What are these major changes trepan is making to the graphics engine, then?
18:45.41JeffM2501I dono
18:45.42JeffM2501ask him
18:45.56JeffM2501he did some radar stuff
18:45.56CBGI just did, in a roundabout kinda way. :)
18:46.50JeffM2501what have his commit messages said?
18:53.07trepanCBG: modified the observer tracking mode controls
18:53.24CBGI didn't! :P
18:55.58jpa-CBG: we know you did
18:56.13CBGNo. You can't pin this on me!!
18:57.05*** join/#bzflag bz2812 (
18:57.12bz2812hi back
18:57.34CBGThat was 14 minutes.
18:57.41*** join/#bzflag steven__ (~steven@
18:57.41CBGDid you bake a cake?
18:57.46bz2812jeff, please help me, my pc needs nearly 1 minute until the booting window goes away
18:57.50JeffM2501CBG, be nice
18:57.57steven__nick s7even
18:58.02CBGJeffM2501: I was :)
18:58.03JeffM2501sounds like a slow computer
18:58.12s7evenhi all
18:58.18bz2812it worked yesterday
18:58.55JeffM2501well bz2812 you changed things, so stuff tends to break when you do that
18:59.02JeffM2501did you reinstall bz?
18:59.18s7evenanyone ever have to deal with 2 team flags?
18:59.26bz2812i reinstalled it
18:59.29JeffM2501s7even, you can
18:59.57s7eveni am trying to get rid of it.
19:00.10s7eventhere is no +f (team) anywhere
19:00.16JeffM2501s7even, how many bases are on your map?
19:00.25JeffM2501then you get 2 team flags
19:00.27s7eveni am using the overlord map
19:00.32JeffM2501you want to do a -f
19:00.37JeffM2501with the team flag
19:00.40s7evenfrom dutchrai
19:00.41JeffM2501that may do it
19:00.51s7evennever thot of that!
19:00.55JeffM2501by deafault you get 1 flag per base
19:01.25s7evenk, brb if it doesnt work :)
19:01.29s7eventhx again
19:01.38creeperzs7even: old map, cant go wrong with a classic ^^
19:02.18*** join/#bzflag bz8551 (
19:02.22creeperzshaddap, cabbage :-P
19:02.59bz8551why is it so slow, please help me
19:03.00JeffM2501did it work?
19:03.01trepanfor future reference:  [+f {good|bad|team||flag-id}[{count}]]
19:03.16JeffM2501does it run at all
19:03.27CBGtrepan: he left. :)
19:03.36JeffM2501does bzflag run now?
19:03.49JeffM2501then you have other system problems
19:03.58JeffM2501where did you get your install?
19:04.05trepanCBG: had a shot of stupid when you woke up this morning?
19:04.09bz8551it worked 2 days ago
19:04.15creeperzlol, trepan
19:04.21JeffM2501then 2 days ago your system didn't have the problems it has today
19:04.21CBGtrepan: I didnt wake up this morning.
19:04.34CBGtrepan: I went to bed this morning. Woke up this afternoon. :)
19:04.55*** mode/#bzflag [+o trepan] by JeffM2501
19:05.03CBGuh oh! :o
19:05.23bz8551should i deinstall my xp
19:05.29JeffM2501bz8551, dono
19:05.37JeffM2501we can not offer help on the OS itself
19:05.41JeffM2501bzflag should run
19:06.01bz8551it does not
19:06.01JeffM2501you may have problems like spyware
19:06.10JeffM2501then there is something else wrong
19:06.18JeffM2501did you throw away your "my bzflag files" folder?
19:06.36bz8551the config
19:06.42JeffM2501the entire folder
19:06.44JeffM2501did you remove it?
19:07.06*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (
19:07.23bz8551i removed the config file
19:07.38JeffM2501do the folder
19:07.57bz8551it is away
19:08.06JeffM2501try and run
19:08.40bz8551i will deinstall xp now
19:08.48bz8551not important what happens
19:08.51JeffM2501best of luck
19:09.00JeffM2501what version are you running?
19:18.56a_monkeyi get this error when i try to compile bz: cc1plus: warning: command line option "-Wstrict-prototypes" is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
19:20.16a_monkeythen i get a bunch of these: error: `fd_set' has not been declared
19:21.27a_monkeycan someone help
19:22.17a_monkeymac schmack
19:22.21a_monkeywho cares
19:22.34a_monkeypretty much same thing as linux
19:22.40a_monkeyor bsd
19:22.58a_monkeypretend i'm on linux
19:24.18a_monkeywell i gotta go
19:25.54*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by ChanServ
19:28.50*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
19:36.44creeperzi have foudn the secret to the best coffee ever
19:37.40creeperz!weather 57350
19:37.41TheLastSpartancreeperz: The current temperature in Huron, South Dakota (57350) is 97°F (1:55 PM CDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 41%. Dew Point: 70°F. Pressure: 29.69 in (1005 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 11 out of 16
19:37.55creeperzuugh, 97
19:37.59Death_Barrel!weather 77095
19:38.01TheLastSpartanDeath_Barrel: The current temperature in Houston, Texas (77095) is 105°F (2:35 PM CDT on July 23, 2005). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 45%. Dew Point: 72°F. UV: 10 out of 16
19:38.07creeperzuugh 105
19:38.13Death_Barrelyep it sucks
19:38.42creeperzeveryone turn your air conditioning units on full bast and open all of your doors and windows
19:38.57Tuponecreeperz ???
19:39.16creeperzto cool the world
19:39.23creeperzand mainly me
19:39.26TuponeI think it will warm it
19:39.28creeperzcuz my A/C is broken
19:39.37Death_Barrelquick someone melt the polar ice caps
19:39.55Death_Barrelwaz up creeperz  man
19:40.02Death_Barrelyo yo blast007
19:40.09creeperzDeath_Barrel: the heat index :-P
19:41.11creeperzyup, its drastic, but I must
19:41.42Death_Barrelok guys cya off to see fantastic 4
19:41.56Death_Barreldon't forget your panties
19:42.54*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
19:46.09CBGDeath_Barrel :D
19:46.13zolybrad2901:  now try ducati for a change
19:46.54CBGWho wants to do me a quick favour?
19:47.16creeperzblack & mild > marlboro reds
19:48.14*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
19:48.19brad2901zoly: same place?
19:48.24zolyjust any.
19:48.38zolyfeels like your tank is sticking to mud
19:48.57zolyyou want to get out and push
19:55.24*** join/#bzflag raz77 (
19:56.39*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
19:57.03raz77hey, ive installed 2.02 on windows and noticed a diff to an older vers. under linux: the radar is sticking out beyond the radar window border
19:57.19raz77is this a bug or a feature?
19:58.51*** join/#bzflag raz77 (
19:59.40a_monkeycan anybody help me compile bz?
20:00.10Tuponewhat machine, what OS, what version ?
20:00.21a_monkeyi get
20:00.32a_monkeyTupone: powerpc, os x, 2.0.2
20:00.46a_monkeyi'm compiling a version optimized for my slowass machine
20:00.58Tuponewhat gcc version ?
20:01.40a_monkeyi was able to compile 2.0.0 successfully
20:01.46a_monkeybut not 2.0.2 for some odd reason
20:01.58a_monkeyi have no idea what that error means...
20:02.46a_monkeyTupone: do you know anything about this error?
20:05.50Tuponethose printout seems strange? Have you removed some lines?
20:06.20Tupone... no reference on where the select.h is included
20:07.32a_monkeyi dunno
20:07.42a_monkeyi'll paste what comes before that
20:09.38a_monkeythen the errors come
20:09.41a_monkeyand that's it...
20:09.54Tuponedid you add -O3 ?
20:09.58a_monkeyi did
20:10.22a_monkeyit does the same thing without -O3
20:10.28a_monkeyso it's not that...
20:11.27TuponeI know, just curiosity
20:14.21a_monkeyi want my bzflag. :-(
20:14.24a_monkeylol stumped, eh?
20:17.28Tuponecan you update to last CVS ?
20:17.46a_monkeyis it stable enough?
20:17.52_Manu_a_monkey, when you say optimized, do you mean you changed something?
20:18.02Tuponebleeding edge
20:18.05_Manu_or just compiling from sources
20:18.14a_monkey_Manu_: no. i mean optimized via gcc
20:18.38_Manu_try to download from anoncvs and compile it
20:18.47blast007is anon back up yet?
20:18.52Tuponea_monkey, I play regularly with it . But not judge from my performance .. I suck whatever
20:19.15blast007apparently's asking for a password
20:19.43_Manu_oh.. is down?
20:19.56blast007was down yesterday too
20:20.15a_monkeynow whaddami s'posed to do?
20:20.40Tuponeyou can hope some of the dev get a tar for you ? I cannot :(
20:20.42blast007but only for projects who's name starts with certain letters
20:22.10Tuponecould someone post a make dist produced tar ?
20:24.26_Manu_a_monkey, I can send you a bzflag tar if you want
20:24.40_Manu_with a working cvs update
20:24.47a_monkey_Manu_: k
20:24.51a_monkey_Manu_: thankx
20:24.59a_monkeyerr, thanx :-)
20:25.18a_monkeya mix of thanks and thanx
20:27.12*** mode/#bzflag [-o Tupone] by Tupone
20:27.38*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
20:33.44*** join/#bzflag kierra (
20:48.53*** part/#bzflag kierra (
20:49.20*** join/#bzflag stinkbomb (~steven@
20:49.28stinkbombHi all
20:49.51stinkbombfyi.. i had posted earlier about duplicate flags.....
20:50.09*** join/#bzflag SC (
20:50.13stinkbombi had a '-c' in both .conf and .bzw files
20:50.37a_monkeybrlcad: you around?
20:50.43stinkbombdunno (for sure) if that was it, because there was also -f G and -f R
21:09.43*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
21:11.09*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
21:12.11*** join/#bzflag Dodge_This (
21:12.53*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
21:13.13Dodge_Thiswhen running bzflag in a window, how is the cursor/mouse released from that window?
21:16.16_Manu_Options->Input settings->Confine mouse=No
21:16.29Dodge_Thiscool, thx
21:17.16Dodge_Thisi thought it would be like <ctrl><shift> or some other key combo
21:35.23*** join/#bzflag Meatwad (
21:44.32*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
21:50.42*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
21:55.00*** join/#bzflag linuxclub (
21:56.12RPG_can someone test a server with me?
21:58.09RPG_let me get it started
21:59.46RPG_port: 5154
22:01.46blast0071 sec, my config is messed up
22:03.53RPG_gotta change /repormatch to /matchend
22:04.27blast007or you could do something like "/match end"  and "/match start"
22:04.43RPG_i have /startmatch and /endmatch
22:04.58RPG_/match start and /match end would seem more logical
22:05.13RPG_but then i'd have to separate paramaters
22:05.14*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
22:05.56RPG_i'm gonna need another test roudn soon :)
22:06.06RPG_i need one team to get to 7 points
22:07.03*** join/#bzflag bz8341 (
22:08.36*** join/#bzflag Dream (
22:09.14*** join/#bzflag Dream (
22:09.22RPG_who's up for a game of CTF?
22:09.31RPG_a test game of CTF?
22:10.13blast007can't really play on here, no 3D accel  ;)
22:10.25RPG_port: 5154
22:10.26DreamCan someone tell me how to play? Where to I find a client server to join? Etc.
22:10.32RPG_join either blue or red
22:11.16DreamI've never played before, and I know nothing about BZFlag. !
22:11.41brad2901RPG_: coming =)
22:11.43DreamBut where is the link to play a game? I am confused.
22:11.49RPG_brad: jon red
22:12.27blast007Dream: start up the client, go to "Join Game" and then "Find Servers"
22:12.55DreamHow do I start up the client?
22:13.07blast007did you install the game?
22:13.33DreamWell, I got an editor, and something else which doesn't have an exe file for me to open....
22:13.48blast007could you elaborate?
22:14.10blast007well, I'm assuming you're on Windows
22:14.25blast007and bzedit is not the client
22:14.54blast007try this:
22:15.40blast007download that, run it, and it should install
22:15.48blast007then you can go to your start menu to run it
22:16.18blast007Start > Programs > BZFlag 2.0.2 > Start BZFlag 2.0.2
22:19.12*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
22:21.08RPG_that was the first successful run all day
22:21.16RPG_it worked like a dream
22:21.34RPG_i just have one more thing and then it's finishe
22:21.42RPG_what function is used to HTTP POST something?
22:23.18RPG_Callsign: brad2901
22:23.18RPG_E-mail: [ForestForce]
22:23.39brad2901Is that in the .txt file?
22:23.41RPG_i was showing brad the outpust
22:23.47RPG_i know why team is messed up
22:24.00RPG_oh you ARE brad
22:24.11RPG_thought u were blast007 :)
22:24.16RPG_don't ask
22:24.21DreamOkay, it's installed, and I got the BZFlag 2.02 windowed opened, though it looks a bit rough, and the screen navigation seems limited.
22:24.53blast007screen navigation?
22:25.27blast007I'm still not sure what you mean
22:25.43blast007the menu only has a few items
22:25.45blast007main menu*
22:26.06DreamIt is working better now...
22:27.41RPG_...but is it working like a dreaM?
22:28.02DreamIt says "Server started."
22:28.17blast007you are not wanting to start a server...
22:28.24blast007you want to _join_ a server
22:28.29blast007Find Server
22:28.30RPG_You have to press connect instead of start server
22:28.36DreamOh, ok.
22:28.41RPG_i've seen many people make that mistake
22:31.13DreamWhat is an easy way to "enter a server', or select one before I connect?
22:31.41DreamOh, 'Find Server'...
22:31.45RPG_yep :)
22:31.52*** join/#bzflag wegstar_library (
22:33.59*** part/#bzflag RPG_ (
22:39.08*** join/#bzflag Dream (
22:39.12*** join/#bzflag linuxclub (
22:39.41DreamI am playing. This Seems to have worked. Thanks for your help. : )
22:39.59blast007np  :)  enjoy
22:40.20*** part/#bzflag Dream (
22:40.33*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
22:41.24linuxclubmenotume:: you here?
22:47.19*** join/#bzflag sc-phone (
22:48.05sc-phonehi all
22:56.47*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
22:59.16*** join/#bzflag CBG (
23:05.30*** join/#bzflag brad2901` (
23:10.39CBGoh, nothing...
23:19.31zolycan i re-read an updated -helpmsg without restarting the server ?
23:20.16zolyoh well.
23:21.38blast007it's too bad that /reload doesn't do that..
23:21.43blast007it could though
23:22.04brad2901reload should reload all files
23:23.10CBGwtf is /reload ? lol
23:23.32brad2901it reloads groupdb userdb and passdb
23:23.37zolyreread user/group files
23:23.48CBGhmph. nobody told me. :P
23:24.02zolyis written in manual
23:24.04brad2901well maybe you didn't RTFM? :P
23:24.25CBGwhat Manual. :P
23:25.14*** join/#bzflag RPG_ (
23:25.28CBGheh. its the last but one on the wiki/ServerCommands :P
23:26.02blast007doesn't mean it doesn't exist/matter
23:26.25CBG:) Yeah... I was just messing :)
23:27.24RPG_who set up that site?
23:27.49RPG_i need one of those!
23:27.50CBGme... today
23:28.00CBGZazzle? Its free...
23:28.18CBGTimRiker said he doesnt make any profit on the cafepress one.
23:28.33RPG_then who does?
23:28.44blast007he sells them at cost
23:28.50CBGI said he should - nobody would complain. He replied that cafrepress makes it difficult.
23:28.57CBGI found an alternative to cafepress.
23:29.03RPG_which is zazzle?
23:29.08CBGiirc, I get 10% of anything anyone spends there.
23:29.30CBGWhich, of course I will pass onto the devs, if they approve it.
23:29.52CBGOr I can maybe change the settings to that of TimRiker's name and address, etc.
23:30.11RPG_that'd be considered identity fraud here in the states
23:30.11blast007what does Tim think of the design? he like it?
23:30.18CBGHe hasn't seen it.
23:30.28CBGYou folks are the only ones that have.
23:30.33CBGHi JeffM2501 :)
23:30.47CBGI prefer Gold.
23:31.00JeffM2501it's yellow
23:31.05brad2901since when was there a gold team, CBG?
23:31.07blast007<TimRiker> CBG: fine with me. I'd like folks to run the designs past me before selling stuff.
23:31.08CBGheh. If you insist.
23:31.09JeffM2501lemon drop tank
23:31.18RPG_that'd be ugly
23:31.22CBGbrad2901: I never said there was.
23:31.33CBGblast007: yeah... but he's not on. :P
23:31.54JeffM2501bzflag font is wrong
23:31.56CBGI am sure he will see this in the logs at some point. :)
23:32.04CBGJeffM2501: it's all wrong.
23:32.08JeffM2501and did you just gank staturos's artworkl?
23:32.25CBGI don't believe any of it is Satu's ?
23:32.33JeffM2501I belive it is
23:32.43JeffM2501who made that layout
23:32.54JeffM2501it's a hodge podge of net images
23:32.57JeffM2501on the shirts
23:33.44JeffM2501the icon is his
23:33.50JeffM2501as well as I think that tank
23:33.56CBGThe tank, maybe.
23:34.04JeffM2501there are NO other images in it :)
23:34.05CBGI had some kind of model.
23:34.19CBGI "rendered" it, and coloured it gold in PS.
23:34.31CBGI thought it was the old tank. not Satu's own
23:34.32JeffM2501renderdd it?
23:34.40CBGAnd the icon is bundled with bz now anyway.
23:34.49JeffM2501but what did you render it in?
23:35.10CBGI just opened it.
23:35.23CBGpress render, and took a screeny. iirc
23:35.23JeffM2501yeah he did the cell edge stuff
23:35.40JeffM2501the design has no consisencey
23:35.50CBGwhat design? the tank?
23:35.51CBGOh. Has anyone got the actual bz-tank model then?
23:35.52JeffM2501yellow, green, rainbow on the back
23:35.58JeffM2501the desging of the shirt
23:36.00JeffM2501en toto
23:36.12JeffM2501CBG, that IS the bzflag model
23:36.13CBGJeffM2501: I am not a Professional Designer... :P
23:36.33CBGYou just said it's not?
23:36.36JeffM2501CBG, I can tell, why make shirts with designs
23:36.38JeffM2501no I didn't
23:36.48JeffM2501I said it was his art
23:36.51JeffM2501and it is
23:36.55JeffM2501he did the tank that way
23:36.58JeffM2501the model is of the tank
23:37.05JeffM2501but he did the settings to make it render like that
23:37.12JeffM2501he got the tank model from me
23:37.16JeffM2501I exported it from bz
23:37.45JeffM25011) it's a shirt, noone is going to read all that text
23:37.52CBGCan I have the original, 2.0.x model please?
23:37.55JeffM25012) pick a color theme, remember the shirt has to go with others
23:37.59CBGJeff: I know.
23:38.01JeffM2501there is no "2.0" model
23:38.05CBGIt's just a mock....
23:38.09JeffM2501it's the same as the old one
23:38.17blast007it's a mock, yet it's up for sale?
23:38.32CBGWell - people cna buy it if they really want.
23:38.35blast007a mock would be a PNG image of the design
23:39.25CBG1. Please can I have the bog-standard tank model that is used in-game and permission to use it.
23:39.44JeffM2501it's on bzbb
23:39.45CBGOtherwise I won't be doing this store which is gonna be eraning money for you guys.
23:39.54JeffM2501in a number of forms
23:40.10JeffM2501CBG, you'll sell no more then 10 shirts
23:40.16CBG2. What is in the store now was not made by a professional designer. Just some crappy things I shoved together.
23:40.28JeffM2501why put it in a store then?
23:40.28CBGJeffM2501: you mean with these designs?
23:40.35JeffM2501I mean with any design
23:40.56JeffM2501the shirt thing has been done many times
23:41.00CBG10 shirst still makes you atleast $17.
23:41.07JeffM2501whopty do
23:41.13JeffM2501oooo 17 bucks
23:41.16CBGgee man
23:41.21JeffM2501it costs more in time to collect it :)
23:41.21CBGwtf is your issue?
23:41.29CBGI am gonna earn you $17
23:41.35CBGyou have to do f***-all.
23:41.41JeffM2501me personaly?
23:41.43JeffM2501no your not
23:42.02JeffM2501will they even cut you a check for less then 25?
23:42.19CBGThats not the point.
23:42.25CBGYou dont have to do ANYTHING
23:42.37JeffM2501CBG, somone has to play devils advocate, if the idea is good enoguh itll stand up to the cirtisism
23:43.05CBGthen I wont do it
23:43.11CBGI wont make any donations to the devs
23:43.15JeffM2501then you don't have the drive
23:43.25JeffM2501the devs never get any money
23:43.29JeffM2501it all goes to Tim
23:43.29CBGYou want me to do it or not?
23:43.38JeffM2501he usses it to pay his cable bill
23:43.47JeffM2501cus it runs the dns server
23:43.54CBGOh. Fair enough
23:44.01CBGBut what happens if there is extra left over?
23:44.17JeffM2501there never is
23:44.31CBGUse your imagination!
23:44.32JeffM2501it's not like we are a non profic org
23:44.34CBGwhat if there was?
23:44.42JeffM2501that would be up to Tim
23:45.11JeffM2501if it was up to me, I'd pay nid
23:45.25JeffM2501then if there was more left I'd run a subscription based bzflag server
23:45.43JeffM2501and then use that cash to put bountys on features
23:45.44CBGand what about the proceeds from that?
23:46.13JeffM2501but that would require a real design
23:47.01JeffM2501then if there was still more left I'd advertise
23:47.23CBGSo, you want me to TRY and earn you some of this money?
23:47.34JeffM2501I never said I didn't
23:47.51JeffM2501I just was seeing if you had the energy to keep your idea up against critisim
23:47.54JeffM2501and you didn't
23:47.56JeffM2501you gave up
23:48.12CBGDid I?
23:48.27CBGI just stopped the arguement.
23:48.29JeffM2501<CBG>then I wont do it
23:48.39CBGIf I gave up, would I say "So, you want me to TRY and earn you some of this money?"?
23:48.39JeffM2501that looks like you giving up
23:48.47CBGLoks can be decieving.
23:49.06JeffM2501if I were you I'd make a black shirt
23:49.13JeffM2501icon on the back, large
23:49.23JeffM2501simple logo and URL on the front
23:49.28JeffM2501and that's it
23:49.39CBGJust one shirt?
23:49.41JeffM2501something people would actualy wear
23:49.46JeffM2501out into the world
23:49.48CBGHardly need a zazzle account fro that :)
23:50.11JeffM2501I don't think you have a target audience large enough for more then one design
23:50.17JeffM2501and you can allways add more later
23:50.24a_monkeyhey, my thread is ready for posts: :-)
23:50.47a_monkeyit's got the whole shabang of my 'make' output
23:51.06CBGI can harldy compile myself, so I am no use. sorry.
23:51.11JeffM2501did you do a autogen?
23:51.17JeffM2501and the configure?
23:51.23a_monkeyof course.
23:51.27a_monkeyno autogen
23:51.33JeffM2501then you didn't do it right
23:51.40a_monkeythere was already a configure script there, so i used it
23:51.48JeffM2501then you didn't do it right
23:51.53blast007iirc, the source archive doesn't need
23:52.06blast007or was this from CVS?
23:52.13a_monkey2.0.2 stable
23:52.13JeffM2501run autogen
23:52.17JeffM2501it sets up some stuff
23:52.34Nidhoggrpay me!!!! I heard that!
23:52.50JeffM2501well I would
23:52.53NidhoggrI'm at a coffee shop on my notebook.
23:53.04JeffM2501hows it all going?
23:53.07Nidhoggryeah. things are very tight right now for cash.
23:53.14Nidhoggrit's going good
23:53.27Nidhoggrtrying to get my beading business ramped up.
23:53.53Nidhoggrhanded of most server administration to our trusted admins.
23:53.59Nidhoggrerr handed off
23:54.25JeffM2501hence why we should pay you :)
23:55.11NidhoggrI got a settlement from global crossing for bankrupt 401k, so I actually got to pay a chunk of my internet bill this month.
23:55.57JeffM2501want us to take up a colection plate for the list server?
23:56.07a_monkeyJeffM2501: interestingly enough, i get the same error when i do it "right"
23:56.09*** join/#bzflag wizart (
23:56.14Nidhoggrany donations are very welcome and helpful.
23:56.27JeffM2501you have paypall?
23:56.27CBGnidhoggr: lol. :)
23:56.40Nidhoggrpaypal is
23:56.56CBGJeffM2501: iirc, the readme says that if there is already a configure file, taht you don't need to do autogen
23:57.09CBGLast time I updated CVS I didnt do the autogen stuff and it worked fine.
23:57.13JeffM2501CBG, you should do it again, in case any optiopns changed
23:57.21NidhoggrCBG: seriously... I make 200 dollars a week on average right now.  I wish it was something to lol about.
23:57.26a_monkeyi guess nothing changed then
23:57.49NidhoggrI am just able to keep my servers running.
23:57.58CBGNidhoggr: sorry, I was behind the times a bit. I was lolling about your post "pay me!! I heard that"...
23:58.19CBGJeffM2501: Is the current, clean model?
23:58.23NidhoggrI'm insanely happy, just very broke. ^^
23:58.49JeffM2501CBG, sure
23:58.56CBGJeff: ok. :)
23:58.57JeffM2501but if you can get to that file, I'll give you money
23:59.29CBGServer down?
23:59.41JeffM2501it's right here

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.