irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050712

00:06.06BenUrbangood enough, or do you need some more?
00:07.27CBGthat version is amazing :)
00:07.45CBGits almost like the feeling when I first got 2.0.0
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00:49.27shorty114bryjen, is your "2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1" thing IPv6?
00:50.59bryjenyes, that's an IPv6 address
00:59.46shorty114IPv4 IP's are definately easier :)
01:00.38purple_cowcould have written his address as 2002:45a6:86ae::1, which isn't that bad
01:14.07cosmosMon Jul 11 15:14:20 2005
01:14.07cosmosReported by Abid: Hey hepcuts u cant ban me long so i be back and u be sorry hahah!
01:27.39shorty114purple_cow, ah, yeah, that's a lot easier :)
02:02.40cosmoshow do you change the idle kick on the fly?
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02:34.46cosmosahh yes, reduce players on server == threats and cursing out admins in the game
02:43.39orangepeople are bizarre
02:54.03Eowynhi orange
02:56.30orangehey there
02:56.50orangemoving trucks come Wednesday... we're outta this traffic zoo :-)
02:57.18Aribethdon't blame you
02:57.19orangeit will get better, but it's just no longer the place I wanted it to be... what it was 8 years ago
02:57.36orangeso I'm moving to the country again :-)
02:58.08Aribethits not the same when i was here 6-7 years ago
02:59.10orangeI know lots of people who are quite happy with what it is and what it's becoming, it's just not my thing
02:59.18Aribethyou have a home owners assoc there?
03:00.45Aribethi like that things are not so far away, but the roads cant handel the traffic
03:02.07orangeyeah, we have a home owners assoc... has been pretty good for our neighborhood
03:02.34Aribethjust found out we have one. the owner never disclosed there was one.
03:03.18Aribethgot a warning about how the yard looked
03:03.35Aribethi hate them
03:03.53cosmoslove those home owners assoc.  friend of mine got warned because the color of his car was not allowed
03:03.54Aribethi call them the yard police
03:04.07Aribethheh. figures
03:04.47Aribethi have a horable sun burn from mowing the lawn in 92 degree weather
03:05.14bryjenit was the 10 of 16 UV that got ya
03:05.43BenUrbanwhy would you do such a thing?
03:05.44Aribeththe lot is 1/2 acre or more
03:06.13Aribethwhen the home owner's assoc warns you, you have to respond
03:06.18Aribethor be fined
03:06.38Aribethsomehow that does not seem American to me
03:06.43BenUrbancharge them for sunblock
03:07.02BenUrbantell them you got skin cancer
03:07.05BenUrbanand sue them
03:07.12BenUrbanTHAT's american :P
03:07.15orangethere are psychos everywhere... a psycho on a homeowners association covenant committee can be a bad thing
03:07.21orangewe've been lucky here
03:07.23cosmospersonally i would just replace my grass with cow manure
03:07.24Aribethfighting them is very hard from what i have read
03:07.35BenUrbancosmos: fire hazard
03:07.53cosmosgood maybe it will burn down the lawn gestapo
03:07.58BenUrbanfighting them is what you have to do
03:08.00Aribethorange, yes it can be bad.
03:08.12BenUrbanit's your duty as an american
03:08.16orangebut it's the owner's fault for not disclosing
03:08.16BenUrbanto fight for your country
03:08.20BenUrbanagainst oppression
03:08.22BenUrbanand persecution
03:08.25orangeyou go into these things eyes wide open, or you're supposed to
03:08.31orangeif someone doesn't tell you, that sucks
03:09.09Aribethif anything happens i will tell them it wasn't discloded
03:10.36Aribethheh, the old mower died trying to get the lawn done before i got the warning
03:10.49BenUrbancharge them for a mower
03:10.57Aribethi should
03:11.04BenUrban...and yet you're not going to
03:11.06BenUrbanare you?
03:11.17BenUrbanwhat's the worst they can do?
03:11.32Aribethit can be a real battle fighting them. :(
03:11.45BenUrbanthat wasn't my question...
03:11.47Aribethand it may not turn out well at all
03:11.58cosmosshow up naked for your association hearing
03:12.00Aribethprolly not.
03:12.09cosmosthey can have you removed from your home
03:12.10BenUrbando they have legal authority?
03:12.15cosmosand you lose all your equity
03:12.22Aribethi rent
03:12.30BenUrbanthat's different
03:12.35BenUrbani think
03:12.36cosmosie your home is turned over to the bank/assoc
03:12.38BenUrbani dunno
03:12.51Aribeththey have power
03:12.58bryjenwow. thats insane
03:13.02BenUrbanwhat givse them power?
03:13.20BenUrbansounds to me like you need to find out
03:13.25cosmosstupid white people and their white flight gated communities
03:13.33Aribethim only here for 1 year
03:13.48BenUrbani don't see how that matters
03:14.02BenUrbanheh, i'm a man of principle
03:14.14cosmosonly those yuppie morons would come up with crap like home owners associations
03:14.18orangethey get their power from you signing legal documents
03:14.23Aribeththey control what color your house is, when you can paint it, etc
03:14.35BenUrbanwho gives them authority to influence the documents?
03:14.50orangeif you don't like it, you don't buy it
03:14.58orangeit isn't complicated... when you buy
03:15.10orangerenting is a different matter, and I don't understand all the nuances there
03:15.14cosmosyou know what orange i dont like your houses type of wood!!  please change it to hickory now or lose your house!
03:15.28orangeyeah, but they can't change the rules on you in midstream
03:16.00BenUrbanyou can't agree to follow rules that haven't been made yet
03:16.14orangethe rules are made in advance, usually by the neighborhood builder
03:16.18BenUrbanand if they have been made, it should be in the document
03:16.33orangeit is in the document, covenants are provided to the home buyer
03:16.47BenUrbanand it's your own fault for not reading it thoroughly enough
03:17.03orangeAribeth wasn't provided it... that's a different problem
03:17.13BenUrbanthen he didn't sign it
03:17.24BenUrbanand he isn't bound to do anything
03:17.27orangefor me, I'm not complaining, it's worked well enough for my neighborhood, and our guys aren't (usually) nazis about things
03:17.31Aribeththe owner never disclosed it
03:17.39orangeread the lease... it's the ultimate answer
03:17.41BenUrbanthen you don't have do to squat
03:17.52BenUrbanwell you may have to squat
03:17.53orangeit may not even be required to be disclosed... if the lease says you agree to abide by all covenants, then so it is
03:18.22BenUrbanif you're not able to know the rules beforehand, i can't imagine anyone can hold you to them
03:18.27Aribethit only said we are responsible to keep the yard up. thats all
03:18.46BenUrbanthen you have no deadline
03:19.08BenUrbanyou can wait until the uv levels go down
03:19.24Aribethnot really
03:19.44orangeyour lease is the only thing that matters
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03:20.08orangeif it says you comply with covenants then for better or for worse, so be it :-/
03:20.10BenUrbananything not on a contract that you sign is not your problem
03:20.13Aribethyes, but i dont want to let things get out of hand
03:20.27BenUrbanthen don't get yourself snburned
03:20.37BenUrbanand don't break a lawnmower
03:21.07BenUrbanit can be very simple if you have the right perspective
03:21.23Aribethwell, it was as much for the assoc as it was to get it done before the storm
03:21.30orangeever been in a contract dispute BenUrban?
03:21.41orangeAribeth: I heard that, brutal rains last night
03:21.57orangeBenUrban: it's never simple
03:21.59BenUrbani negotiated the contracts that i signed when i was hired
03:22.02Aribethand the grass was 1 foot tall in some places
03:22.09BenUrbanwell not quite when i was hired
03:22.16BenUrbantook 6 months or so to negotiate
03:22.22BenUrbanand iron out the kinks
03:22.27bryjenas pointed out earlier, BenUrban also does not have tens of thousands of dollars tied up in a house he'd be risking losing....
03:22.36BenUrbanheh, indeed
03:23.08Aribethor landlords that would come crashing down on him
03:23.11orangethe risk for Aribeth is that the HOA will go after the owner and the owner will claim a broken lease
03:23.23orangeeviction is the biggest risk here
03:23.32orangeor penalties, if such are specified in the lease
03:23.34BenUrbanthe main reason i got a job in the first p[lace was because of my "landlords"
03:23.36Aribethyes it is, so i will comply
03:23.49BenUrbanaka parents
03:24.11Aribeththigs are different in the south
03:24.18bryjenyeah, as you get older, they start making more crazy demands like that
03:24.21orangeof course different states have different laws, but in Georgia, what you sign is the ultimate authority
03:24.42Aribethorange, it sure is
03:25.19Aribethit was my fault for not wearing proper clothing while working outside
03:25.29BenUrbanthen you better make damn sure you know what you're signing before you sign it
03:25.48orangeyes, well, that *should* go without saying
03:25.51Aribethwell, one year from now yes
03:26.13BenUrbanheh, i've heard enough horror stories about contracts to know to do that
03:26.14Aribethim out of this house in April
03:26.29orangestaying in the area?
03:26.52Aribethorange, yes, just not this house with its bad contract
03:27.12orangefinding a home in a neighborhood without an HOA will be pretty much imposssible
03:27.39orangebut they're not all bad
03:27.53Aribethi think tegan's mom's sub hasnt got one
03:28.04Aribethand a house is for sale there
03:28.13orangewhich neighborhood?
03:28.27Aribethoff of pilgram mill
03:29.48orangean older one... close to the lake?
03:29.56Aribethnear 400
03:30.10Aribethnear the place
03:30.37Aribethyes, its about 1991
03:32.35Aribethno HOA there
03:34.04Aribeththis is a nice house, but the contract sucks
03:35.48Aribetha neighbor saw us with the old mower and drove his tracter down to help out
03:35.57orangethat's nice
03:36.32Aribeththe yard was almost dead when we moved in
03:37.17Aribethnow its green
03:37.52orangeit's been fantastic lawn weather
03:38.13Aribethi wasnt prapared for how fast things grow here
03:38.28Aribethim used to mowing the lawn every 3 weeks
03:38.29orangeif we wait even a week our lawn gets too long
03:38.52Aribethi need to get out there soon
03:39.15orangeuse sunscreen :-)
03:39.50Aribethim prone to burn easy though
03:40.11Aribethmy blood preasure meds make me burn fast
03:40.28Aribetheven with sun screen
03:44.39Aribethorange, good luck with the move
03:45.49*** join/#bzflag option (~koala@
03:46.27optionThe new cvs version of bzflag is giving me a few little problems
03:47.05optionit segfaults when pressing on find servers
03:47.57optionand says it can't load texture rouge icon
04:41.36orangeAribeth: belated thanks :-)
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10:04.56ibunnyhow are you today?
10:07.23Tuponebored :)
10:08.39ibunnyget ops then
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10:09.08ibunnysee i have to give up voice for you to get ops :D
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10:20.23CIA-3BZFlag: 03dbrosius * 10bzflag/win32/VC71/zlib.vcproj: update dsp to reflect removed files
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12:18.33optionhiya  ^_^
12:26.27RatOmetermmmmm, sourceforge is dinked today?
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13:35.43Grumbleroh those crazy norweigians
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14:04.01TheRedBaronhuman body is 70% water
14:05.10RedBaron2yea, but if you throw that ballance off, say make it 75% you'll desolve..
14:10.02TheRedBaronno... you just have to pee like a race horse
14:10.20RatOmeterrace horses pee more than others?
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15:28.58TheRedBaronjpa-, your silence is very reassuring
15:40.46Aribethwell, looks like mikeeusa is still whinning about his ban
15:41.20menotumegeeesh, men !
15:42.26TheRedBaronit wasn't me meno... it was jpa-!
15:43.11jpa-did i do something wrong?
15:44.21*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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15:48.33Aribethyuck :P
15:48.41TheRedBaronmouth to mouth eh?
15:50.36jpa-RedBaron2: your brother is kinda cute, no? :)
15:51.00TheRedBaronjpa-, wrong person to aks.
15:52.27jpa-what do you have to wonder about me? i've been quite open IMO :)
15:52.28TheRedBaronaribeth: don't...
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15:53.30AribethTheRedBaron, i must, i must
15:53.44jpa-Aribeth: just tell, what you wonder? :)
15:54.06Aribethjpa-, your kissing everyone :P
15:54.20jpa-not everyone
15:54.43jpa-i'd never kiss CBG, for example
15:55.01Aribethgot me there
16:08.30Aribethlooks like mikeeusa is forking bzflag
16:09.40trepani'm expecting good things from that boy, hope he doesn't disappoint
16:14.29brlcadtrepan: hehe
16:15.23*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (~benurban@
16:15.33PimpiBirdie wishes to record 1vs1 matches, but since they take place on random map servers record/replay won't work
16:15.41Aribethhe will likely turn it into a pokymon game
16:16.05Pimpiso he'd like to see somebody make it work
16:16.05trepanthose 1vs1 servers are patched?
16:16.21trepani can tell you what mods to make...
16:16.39Pimpii won't have time for it either
16:17.25Pimpisure you're able to
16:17.49trepansimple calls to Record:stop(), saveBuffer(), and start()
16:18.07trepando the stop and save after the match is over, and start after the map has been regen'ed
16:19.04trepani'd save with a filename related to the player names, ex: TRB_vs_Bob.bzr, possibly with numeric suffixes for similar matches
16:20.23Pimpii hoped to find a way saving the map with  the record
16:20.38trepanah, throw that into the filename as well then
16:20.55Pimpimaybe i take a look at it when i find time
16:21.55Pimpibut Birdie, as i said before, this will need testing and i won't throw this in while the chmpionship is running
16:22.03TheRedBarondang, i knew it.  that bob guy gets me everytime...
16:22.32trepanwho's your daddy? Bob's your daddy!
16:22.35Pimpimaybe it's for the next one if this becomes a success
16:23.23trepanshould be a fairly safe change, haven't had any problems with the recording feature
16:23.41Pimpihow can i remove any sticky cvs-flags from my workcopy?
16:24.13Pimpithought it was up -A but they still seem to last
16:24.13trepancvs up -A, iirc
16:24.16menotumeupdate -A
16:34.19Pimpiyeah, -A worked, i made another mistake
16:34.20CIA-3BZFlag: 03pimpinella * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: use instead what we already have to prevent /countdown from giving players a state they shouldn't have
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16:36.11Pimpimaybe in sparta?
16:36.37JeffM2501she's gone?
16:36.38JeffM2501one sec
16:38.24TheRedBaronshe had a date with spartacus
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16:39.32TheRedBaronthelastspartan: how was the date?
16:39.33TheLastSpartanBut how is that possible, TheRedBaron.
16:40.11TheRedBaronmust have been a rought date :)
16:40.22JeffM2501I guess it must have been restarted
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17:22.40menotumepurple_cow: ping
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17:26.36SaturosDid you read my icq-message meno?
17:28.38menotumeabout the gu cheater ?
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18:52.20Votexi hope, you can help my... ;-)
18:53.06Votexi hope, you can help my... ;-)
18:53.18ibotmethinks ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Remember, we're all volunteers. Please don't /msg people without permission. See also
18:53.31Votexi'm trying to get stats out of my bzflag server
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18:54.12Votex.... shit... cgi irc client ;-(
18:54.27Votex.... shit... cgi irc client ;-(
18:54.50blast007what are you wanting to use to get the stats, and what kind of stats? players and their scores?
18:55.15Votexanyone answered?
18:55.49Votexyes, players and their scores.... i want to fill a database with this stuff
18:55.50blast007not yet
18:56.23blast007one method would be using the info from
18:56.31blast007they have RSS feeds available at
18:56.43blast007you can even specify a certain server to look at
18:58.42blast007there are also Perl and Python scripts in the source code misc/ directory
18:58.47Votexwhat i have to do on the server site?
18:58.59blast007are you using PHP?
19:00.10blast007what you have to do on the server side will depend how you implement it
19:00.48blast007it would be helpful if I know what scripting language you are using
19:01.00Votexyes, php would be nice... but the looks quite good
19:01.13blast007I have a PHP one:
19:02.38blast007for the php one, you just include the file, and run bzfquery(""); and it returns stuff in a nice array
19:04.40Votexok, an how do you use this query function to display the stats? or what are you doing with the function?
19:04.54Votexaaa, ok, thx
19:05.10Votexcgi script here is quite slow
19:05.16blast007ah  :)
19:06.21blast007hmm, and I suppose that script could use a little trimming, cuz right now it would display a server list
19:07.06blast007but the functions you would keep are bzfquery1910, bzfquery0026, and bzfquery (and optionally bzfdump)
19:09.04Votexyes, it only shows a server list ;-)
19:09.49blast007it was based on an earlier script that showed the list too, but was updated to support the 2.0.x servers
19:12.24Votexan now? any idea?
19:13.25blast007if you pull those 3 functions out, throw them in a file, then include that file in your script, you should be able to use the bzfquery() function
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19:16.08Votexi used: echo bzfquery0026(""); but it only shows a global server list
19:16.12Grumblerah, nice simple twm
19:16.36Votexthe same with bzfquery()
19:16.56blast0071 sec
19:17.28Grumbler~literal gmm
19:17.28ibot"gmm" is "<reply> see bzfquery"
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19:21.23Votexits a php script.... bzfquery0026 is not doing anything ;-)
19:22.09blast007for one thing, you don't run bzfquery0026 directly, you run bzfquery and it pick the right function to run
19:22.25blast007second, it doesn't return a value that you can just 'echo' out, it is an array of data
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19:22.48blast007if you want to do that, you can use bzfdump(bzfquery(""));
19:24.35Votexo0, ok, and how can i see, how the array is structured
19:28.15blast007I'm gonna update the script on the site, and include a basic example of how to use it
19:28.29blast007(taking out the server list part)
19:29.46Votexthx, that would be nice
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19:33.55Votexo0, i see... its online on sf
19:34.07blast007example script is coming now
19:35.17blast007there we go, done
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19:38.44Votexperfect man... perfect
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19:40.52SportyGalhi highkaratekitty
19:42.41cosmosTue Jul 12 10:32:57 2005
19:42.42cosmosReported by Abid: OK so u ban me cuz i swear to admin but they start it.  Now igo to secretplace and i get them to come mess with u server asswholes!
19:43.29cosmosthis is after he was spamming about becoming an admin on hepcat
19:47.18cosmoshrm, Timpson Texas causing probs too
19:49.34cosmosthe forums got hacked?
19:49.37cosmosoh boy
19:50.14Grumbleryeah, that kinda puts a question mark on every identified player
19:50.35cosmosjust great
19:50.53*** join/#bzflag Tegan (
19:51.36SportyGaltegan: hi
19:51.48Teganhi SportyGal
19:52.01menotumethe forum explooit has been fixed
19:52.15cosmosbut how many passwords etc have they run off with
19:52.25Grumblerso, does that imply we should all go out and change our passwords
19:52.31Grumblerand are you sure
19:52.32menotumeno - all is good
19:52.33Aribethabid is a loser
19:52.40menotumeGrumbler: nope :)
19:52.43cosmosanother argument to not use open source :)
19:52.50cosmosabid causes probs every day it seems
19:52.53menotumewas a script-kiddie
19:53.08Grumblerdang norweigians
19:53.28Grumbler~spell norweigian
19:53.43Grumblerthought that "i" looked a little funny
19:53.48menotumenoggin, ya, that's it
19:55.23Teganhi Birdie
19:56.04Birdiehi tegan
19:56.10Birdieprotect me from meno..
19:56.56menotume"Pull" is the expression a skeet-shooter uses to signal the luanching of a clay pigeon, in ord to shoot it mid-flight
19:57.06blast007ah, hehe
19:58.30cosmosi first saw skeet shooting on a cruise ship in 1984.  one of the "guests" accidently shot a waiter on the other deck
19:58.37cosmosminor flesh wound of course
19:58.47menotumenot a very good shot
19:59.00cosmosnot a very good idea to have skeet shooting off the back of the ship
19:59.03menotumeis easier to hit at op of arch, not on the way down :)
19:59.06cosmoswith people on either side
19:59.28wizartdepends on if you shot over  the shpi
19:59.49wizartotherwise it's hard to hit something if you arer on the ocean.
20:00.55cosmospoor guy was delivering lunch, blammo shot in the side of the back
20:01.27cosmosflabergasted 90 year old cruise guest promptly has shotgun taken away
20:01.31menotumemaybe he didn't like how his hamburger was cokked
20:01.35Birdiefor catching me
20:02.08cosmosnow all i read is how cruise ships poision people
20:10.46cosmosoh Abid was spamming us advertising "meoteorite server" too
20:14.24cosmosthen acts surprised when banned after berating admins, calling the server lame, and cursing players
20:22.58*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
20:23.46cosmoslunch time
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21:17.42TuponeCBG: cvs worked ?
21:17.53CBGTupone: yes. I love it :D
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22:19.24cosmosheh, jessica simpson and that idiot from dude wheres my car talking about how pisspoor the original dukes of hazzard series/actors were
22:20.10cosmosa couple of thespians promoting their new 0 star remake
22:22.04menotumethespians? where ?
22:22.11*** join/#bzflag Blue_Beard (
22:22.22Blue_BeardHello, peoples.
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22:23.55menotumehellos Blue_Beard
22:24.26Blue_BeardHeya, meno.
22:25.27Blue_BeardI see this place is as bustling as ever.  =P
22:26.35cosmosits bad when your car catches on fire
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22:27.45Blue_BeardCar?  I thought you all drove tanks?  =)
22:28.22cosmosi had one 67 ford falcon that is now a pile of ashes
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22:32.03Blue_BeardOh dear.
22:32.07Blue_BeardLook what I've done.  =0
22:32.28Blue_Jeans"Be careful what you wish, because your wish might come true!"
22:32.50Blue_BeardBut it's not a bad wish.  You all look so much cooler in blue.  =P
22:33.11menoblueblue is good
22:33.18Blue_Jeansblue is cool
22:33.29Blue_BeardBlue is the color of my beard!
22:33.29Blue_Cheeseblue is life
22:34.05menoblueBlue_Eyes: no comments ?
22:37.28Blue_Eyesyes the blue is great hehe
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22:47.03blast007hmm...that was odd
22:47.27blast007my connection seemed like it was totally down, yet this client didn't disconnect  :/
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23:28.40cosmosoh no!  i just spilled mt dew on my cat :(
23:30.15Grumblerhmm, spiff'er
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23:32.13NeoTronsticky. now you get the joy of cleaning said cat in shower/tub
23:32.14jpa-omg brad
23:32.20NeoTronor it'll keep sticking to you
23:32.22jpa-it is hot enough here already
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.