irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050620

00:03.14BinarySpikeDoes anybody know how to take a picture of the screen (windows XP, not bzflag)
00:03.49brad2901Use the print screen button, if you have one
00:04.02brad2901"prt sc" or similar
00:04.18BinarySpikeok, I just need to know to see what he's doing. thx
00:06.16BinarySpikethx guys... I'll come back later if I still have trouble.
00:06.21*** part/#bzflag BinarySpike (~BinarySpi@
00:18.14*** join/#bzflag BinarySpike (~BinarySpi@
00:18.45BinarySpikeOk, now this works in command line.
00:18.52BinarySpikecd progra~1
00:19.24BinarySpikebut cd BZFlag2.0.2 doesn't work???
00:20.26shorty114cd bzflag~1
00:20.33BinarySpikedid, not reconized
00:20.46BinarySpike(didn't work)
00:22.24AribethXP = Experimental
00:22.29DTRemenakit would be bzflag~1.2 most likely
00:22.40BinarySpikeOk, I'll try that.
00:24.03BinarySpikeTHANKS! I THINK IT WORKED
00:24.44DTRemenakNO PROBLEM
00:25.03BinarySpikeYEAH! I'M REALLY HAPPY!
00:29.57shorty114OMG OMG WTF LOL BBQ NO WAY
00:30.21brad2901You need to add :D :D :D
00:31.20BinarySpikeOk, so what does BBQ mean. (if it doesn't mean the sauce)
00:31.41*** join/#bzflag orchid (~bzgirl@orchid.user)
00:32.20BinarySpikeThat's what I thought
00:33.49BinarySpikeis, localhost?
00:34.22BinarySpikeok, thx
00:34.26BinarySpikeI was wrong then
00:45.21*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
00:53.36Aribethhi silverfox
00:56.58*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
00:56.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
00:59.39*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
01:05.10*** join/#bzflag Rusure (
01:07.37*** join/#bzflag darth_mall (
01:10.10*** join/#bzflag purple_cow_ (
01:14.40*** join/#bzflag LouMan (
01:16.29LouManFYI all server owners: watch out for an impersonator who has been using my callsign, Thumper's and a few others - he is not me and
01:17.08LouManhe is trying for passwords etc.  His real callsign(s) have been dvnklr, dvn and star wars
01:17.10Aribethhi louman
01:17.11*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
01:17.11*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
01:17.22Aribethwe are aware of him
01:17.28LouMank, good
01:17.35Aribethstar wars was added to the master ban list
01:17.52Aribethi cought him on my server useing your name
01:18.03LouManvery good - I was in process of adding to my banlist, but I guess I don't need to now
01:24.57*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
01:28.58CIA-1BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/data/ ( blade.png): remove blade.png
01:31.35*** part/#bzflag LouMan (
01:35.22*** join/#bzflag BinarySpike (~BinarySpi@
01:35.37BinarySpikein the windows xp command line how do I copy and paste
01:35.51blast007right click, and there's 'Mark'
01:36.02blast007that let's you select a rectange on the dos screen
01:36.12blast007then press 'enter' to copy
01:36.20BinarySpikecan I drag-and-drop?
01:36.28blast007there's also a 'paste' item in the right click menu
01:36.37blast007no, this isn't a GUI....
01:36.46BinarySpikeright-click doesn't work...
01:37.01blast007does for me
01:37.14BinarySpikeyeah, did for him... now it doesn't.
01:37.24BinarySpikeanywhere I need to click specificly?
01:37.47*** join/#bzflag brad2901_ (
01:37.52blast007well, on the window
01:38.09blast007preferable in the black area with white text
01:38.23blast007did you turn on QuickEdit mode?
01:38.48blast007right click on the title bar, go to properties, then see if the 'QuickEdit' box is checked
01:39.25blast007also, make sure you ran 'cmd' and not 'command'
01:42.23BinarySpikeok, I got everything good. except I get an error connecting to server
01:42.32BinarySpike(acualy my friend is)
01:42.43blast007which server?
01:42.56BinarySpike(well, was public for a sec)
01:43.03blast007hosted on your computer?
01:43.10BinarySpikeNo, my friends
01:43.16BinarySpikeso my question is
01:43.33BinarySpikehow do I host a public server that doesn't listen on
01:43.59blast007it's fine if it listens on
01:44.12blast007that's the broadcast, so it will listen on all interfaces
01:44.42BinarySpikeso do I need to do anything for a private server?
01:44.51blast007to do public, you need -public "Server description" -publicaddr ""
01:45.03BinarySpikeI know that.
01:45.08BinarySpikeI think I found the problem
01:45.22blast007for private, just leave those off
01:46.06BinarySpikeOk, I think the error was the map has four CTF bases and I have -mp 5,5,5,0,0,2
01:46.58BinarySpikedoes this channal have a bot?
01:47.46BinarySpikeany that I can play games with?
01:47.51BenUrban~blinky BinarySpike
01:47.52ibotACTION slaps BinarySpike on the head with a three-eyed fish named Blinky
01:48.07blast007might try #botpark
01:48.08BinarySpike!blinky BenUrban
01:48.14BinarySpike~blinky BenUrban
01:48.16ibotACTION slaps BenUrban on the head with a three-eyed fish named Blinky
01:48.20BenUrban~whaleslap BinarySpike
01:48.21ibotACTION slaps BinarySpike upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
01:48.26blast007and so it begins
01:48.38BenUrbandon't blame me, blame BinarySpike
01:48.44BenUrban~fishslal BinarySpike =
01:48.51BenUrban~fishslap BinarySpike
01:48.52ibotACTION slaps BinarySpike up side the head with a wet fish.
01:48.53BenUrbangod i suck
01:49.13BenUrbanhaha it's ignoring you
01:49.35BenUrban~lart BinarySpike
01:49.46BenUrbanthat sholdn't be in lart
01:49.52BinarySpikehow do I get a list of that?
01:49.52BenUrban~bzkill BinarySpike
01:49.58BinarySpike~help me
01:50.02BenUrban~bzflag BinarySpike
01:50.04*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
01:50.04*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
01:50.21BenUrbanwhat's that one that does a bzflag-style kill?
01:50.26BinarySpike~tell BenUrban
01:50.54BenUrban~lart BinarySpike
01:51.34BinarySpike~lart BenUrban
01:51.50BinarySpike~lart BenUrban
01:53.39Aribethooooo, thats a lot of donuts
01:53.42BenUrban~lart BinarySpike this must be why my #bzflag log is pushing 30MB...
01:54.09Aribeth~lart BenUrban
01:54.23BinarySpike~lart JeffM201
01:55.07*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
01:55.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
01:55.27BinarySpike~lart JeffM2501
01:55.46*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
01:55.59BinarySpike~lart JeffM2501
01:56.20Aribethyes you need help
01:56.35BinarySpike~say Hi
01:56.48BinarySpike~say I command you to do something
01:56.49ibotI command you to do something
01:56.50ibot#BotPark is a channel for testing and talking to irc bots. Please do not talk to the bots too much in normal channels. You may msg them or talk in #BotPark
01:58.10BenUrban~say /kickban BinarySpike
01:58.11ibot/kickban BinarySpike
01:58.15BenUrbanthought not
01:58.58BinarySpikeibot please don't use the the addressCharacter when private messaging?
01:59.04BinarySpikewhat's that mean?
01:59.19bryjenyou don't need the ~
01:59.49*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
02:00.10BenUrban~me is a bot
02:00.15BenUrbanyes you
02:00.34ibotibot is, like, a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported.
02:00.43BenUrbanaww perl :(
02:00.48ibotperl is probably at or at, or a knitting stitch, or the Pathologically Eclectic rubbish Lister, or that other "P" language
02:01.01ibotit has been said that python is Available at    Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
02:01.38BinarySpike~lart BenUrban
02:01.56BinarySpike~fart BenUrban
02:01.57ibotACTION farts in BenUrban's general direction
02:02.42blast007oh no, it's an infinite loop of lol's and haha's !!
02:02.52ibotextra, extra, read all about it, lol is stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
02:03.28ibotrumour has it, rofl is Roll Over Fat Lesbian. rolling on the floor laughing.  Or see rocl.
02:04.07ibotsomebody said lmao was laughing my ass off, or see lol
02:04.23*** part/#bzflag BinarySpike (~BinarySpi@
02:06.13Aribeth~karma Aribeth
02:06.13ibotaribeth has karma of 15
02:06.30BenUrban~karma ibot
02:06.30ibotibot has karma of 13
02:06.49BenUrban"someone already said that 5 seconds ago"
02:11.05*** join/#bzflag ibot (
02:11.05*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || || ||
02:11.05*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
02:11.19BenUrban~lart itself
02:11.28BenUrbanooh, not ignored
02:19.49*** join/#bzflag hardwire (~hardwire@
02:20.46*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
02:21.54Aribeththose poor penguins
02:26.06*** join/#bzflag darth_mal- (
02:30.17*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
02:30.17*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
03:21.35rkrHow so?
03:23.47JeffM2501the star wars
03:23.56JeffM2501it holds to special a place in my heart
03:24.40JeffM2501the movie sucked
03:24.45JeffM2501but they make legos
03:24.53JeffM2501and miniatures games
03:25.02JeffM2501my powers have grown weak
03:27.00BenUrbannot The Dark Side
03:27.12BenUrbancome back to the communists!
03:43.47*** join/#bzflag LouMan (
03:44.33Aribethhi LouMan
03:46.25LouMani was looking for trepan - he asked me for some .obj files from LegoLand, wanted to know why. Hmmm
03:47.13Aribeth~seen trepan
03:47.15ibottrepan <~trepan@trepan.user> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 12d 13h 52m 44s ago, saying: 'there's all kinds of docs out there'.
03:47.26LouManmaybe he wants to clean up something I may have screwed up ;)
04:00.01*** part/#bzflag LouMan (
04:02.24*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~jeffm@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
04:03.29*** join/#bzflag bz9806 (
04:11.08*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
05:00.35rkrYou know, bzflag seems to fail rather gracelessly if the world is too complex for it...
05:46.29*** join/#bzflag jolie (
05:46.29*** mode/#bzflag [+v jolie] by ChanServ
05:50.39*** join/#bzflag trepan (~trepan@trepan.user)
06:01.59*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
06:02.49rkrYou scared jolie off, _Manu_.
06:06.27*** join/#bzflag gvdm (
06:10.48_Manu_rkr, probably :)
06:10.59*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (~david@ElectricElf.developer.debian)
06:12.53rkrWhat is the format of a bzfs -conf file?  Just whitespace-separated stuff that looks like command-line options?
06:13.39_Manu_yes, but you also can write every option in one line
06:13.40rkr(And can you specify -conf multiple times?  (^&)
06:14.21_Manu_really i never tried, I only use one conf file
06:15.05rkrAh.  I was thinking about putting a rotating server up, and sticking generic stuff in a conf.generic, and then map-specific stuff in conf.<n>...
06:15.26_Manu_rkr, you can put it in the map too ;)
06:16.45rkrYeah, I know...but some things feel less intrinsic to the map and more how I choose to run the map...
06:17.23rkr(Not many, I'll grant, but some...a time limit, comes to mind, if not all maps are to have equal time.)
06:17.32rkrOh well.  Thanks.  (^&
06:20.00rkr(Another example is: A few maps don't really vary in any detail but bzfs options.  A whole separate map just for that is...a bit much.  (^&)
06:29.16rkrSomeone was complaining about maps that specify 0 rogues, rather than disallowing the rogue team altogether.
06:29.53rkrHow can you disallow rogues?  If you leave that blank in the -mp field, won't that mean "no limit is set for" rogues? (per the man page)?
06:30.53purple_cowput a 0 there
06:31.30rkrThat's exactly what someone was complaining about.  It results in rogue joins being blocked, rather than reassigned to a valid team.
06:31.36rkr"Team is full" error.
06:39.19ruskiegood morrow all
06:39.58ruskierkr, you want some help with setting up a rotation server?
06:40.00ruskieI did set it up
06:40.40ruskieall map specific options like flags and time limit are in the map files and only some generic confs are in the main config file
06:40.56rkrHm.  Setting 0 for rogue size does work...not sure why someone was complaining...
06:41.23ruskieno clue
06:41.41rkrruskie: Well, I have it working, after a fashion, though it's not terribly clean at the moment.  (^&
06:42.14ruskiewell if you'd like I can put the scripts I use online somewhere?
06:42.26rkrMy approach is to have numbered directories and a little shell script: while true; do; for c in 1 2 ... ; do; <setup>; bzfs <options>; done; done;
06:43.35rkrI guess it wouldn't hurt.  (^&  But if there are any subtle tricks to doing it well, sharing those would help more than sharing the scripts.
06:44.47ruskiewell why numbered dirs...
06:44.58rkr(Right now, I have it on a 1 minute revolution while I test things, and only 2 maps.  The maps are generated by a little AWK script from a description file---or at least, the objects are...)
06:45.36rkrWell, why not numbered?  (^&  Could be anything, but the maps are generated differently by minor variations at the moment, not by loading vastly different maps.
06:46.36ruskie <-- my script and default conf file
06:47.39ruskiehmm the conf file isn't looking...
06:47.42ruskieerm working
06:49.22rkrI wasn't aware of the /map command...(^&
06:49.51ruskiethat's a costum patch
06:50.30ruskieI wanted to have a map voting system :)
06:51.11rkrI'll worry about that later, I guess.  (^&
06:51.39ruskiewhat kind of weird smilies are you using?
06:51.50rkrExactly that kind: Weird ones.
06:52.03rkrThe eyes (&) are supposed to look a little squinty/demented.
06:52.28rkrI never liked smilies until this one...
06:52.29ruskiewell if you need any help deciphering the script lemme know...
06:52.51rkrThanks.  Looks pretty straightforward.  I apparentlky missed the -reportfile bzfs option.
06:53.30rkrIt is a good reference to make sure I didn't miss anything, but looks pretty close to what I use...
06:53.31ruskiewell as said the map specific configs of game type, flags, variables and time limits are in the map files direct
06:53.53rkr...except that I'm generating the .bzw files, so I can't dothe for CONFFILE in *.bzw as you do.
06:54.56ruskiewhy do you do it like that?
06:55.27rkrSo that I can change the master definition file and the next rotation will pick it up.  (^&
06:55.44rkrIt also seems more natural to never store anything that can be generated.
06:56.07rkr(I probably picked that up from some exposure to database design years ago...)
06:56.25ruskieI meant why are you generating the maps?
06:56.57rkrBecause bzw(5) doesn't have things like walkable ramps built in.
06:57.12rkrSo I wrote an AWK script that generates such a ramp (out of a series of boxes) from a description.
06:57.28ruskiewalkable ramps?
06:57.47rkrYes.  Sort of.
06:58.06rkrIn 2.x, bzflag introduced the idea that you can walk up over very small bumps (default limit, up to .33 units).
06:58.24rkrSo you can use a chain of them as stair steps that can be walked up without jumping.
06:58.34rkrBut to get any height at all requires a *lot* of steps.
06:58.40rkrSo I wrote a program to generate them for me.
06:58.54rkrNow I can say something like:
06:59.07rkrramp: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
06:59.10rkr...and get my ramp.
06:59.41rkr(Actually, there are additional params for width & height; and the syntax is ugly because AWK's default parsing on whitespace is limited...)
07:00.01ruskieayou mean as a delimiter?
07:00.03rkrThe optional params, in order, are width1 width2 and max-step-size
07:00.17rkrIt would be nicer to do something like:
07:00.34rkrramp: <x1, y1, z1> <x2,y2 , z2>
07:00.44rkr(note varying whitespace and use of brackets & commas)
07:00.49rkrI was too lazy for that.  (^&
07:02.02ruskiehmm sounds like a nice idea the ramps...
07:02.09ruskiecan it do spiral ramps?
07:03.26rkrSpiral ramps were on my agenda, but the current ramps are all linear.
07:04.00rkrHelixes would also be nice.
07:04.46rkr(Actually, the script is built with some forward-thinking in mind.  I called the current ramp "ramp1:", so I can add others. And "helix<n>:" types can be added fairly cleanly...)
07:05.03rkrI'll take suggestions on syntax and provide the AWK script if you like.
07:05.25ruskiewell if you get helixes and such I'd like the whole pkg...
07:05.38ruskiewould be interesting to see it in my labyrinth map
07:06.09rkrI have just done linear ramps, but could add other types.  If you like I can offer you the script as it stands.  Or if you have clear ideas to add, I'll take suggestions.
07:06.50ruskiehmmm does it only generate the ramps or does it generate any other part of the map?
07:07.41rkrRight.  The idea is to have it generate objects, then you use a cat command to produce the final .bzw, pasting onto it things like waterLevel, zone, base, ...
07:07.59*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
07:07.59*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
07:08.04rkrI could put all of that into the AWK script, but the idea is to have the script generate the stuff that is hard to do by hand.
07:09.55rkrSo, what would a helix look like?  Would it be a series of bars centered on the core of the helix?
07:10.20rkrOr would it be 1 (or more?) walkable ramps going up around the outside of the bounding cylinder?  (^&
07:10.36rkrOr can those cases both be caught by some generalization?
07:10.48ruskieboth with the cyluinder
07:10.49rkr(And, of course, "cylinder" could be a conical shape...)
07:11.13ruskiesimply put cylinder to a small enough size :)
07:11.28rkrI'm not sure what "both with the cylinder" means.  There would be a cylinder/cone in both cases, implicit in the shape.
07:12.18rkrA series of bars, rotated varying degrees, and centered on the center of the helix, might go something like:
07:13.15rkrhelix1: x1 y1 z1 z2 [optional max step size]
07:13.34rkrThat would not allow the helix to tilt (same x/y across the whole thing).
07:13.52rkrBut that doesn't encoumpas the idea of a stair running around the outside of the cylinder.
07:16.14rkrhelix-stairs1: x y z1 z2 [sets [width [stepheight]]]
07:16.38rkrOh, radius.  Heh...
07:16.49rkrhelix-stairs1: x y z1 z2 radius [sets [width [stepheight]]]
07:17.19rkrIf sets==2 and width==raidus, you get a series of bars that appear to span the diameter of the bounding cylinder.
07:17.49ruskieso basicaly you could do x y z1 z2 [radius [sets [width[ stepheight]]]
07:18.02rkrIf sets==1, you get a single staircase.
07:18.17rkrI guess width=2*radius and sets=1 would also give you the "bars" type of result.
07:18.54rkr(Assuming that "the outside" of the step is at "radius" and the "inside" of the step is at radius-width.
07:19.13rkrThat seems workable.
07:19.49rkrYes, basically that.
07:20.47rkrMaybe a second radius in there, somnewhere, so that you can get a conical boundary, rather than cylindrical.
07:21.03ruskieyou're full of ideas
07:21.27rkr...the question is whether to allow x/y to change over the height.  It wouldn't really be a helix, then, but...
07:21.38ruskiewould be a nice thing though :)
07:22.13ruskiehmmm I really should finish my labyrinth map...
07:23.13ruskieneed to add some more world weapons, some phsyics objects and some fake walls and floors...
07:23.24rkrThat leaves questions of default values for things like sets (1 or 2?), width (set to radius?)...step-height and radii are easy.
07:32.40rkrOkay, I think that I have it.  Now to write the code to generate the helix...(^&
07:34.25rkrTotal degrees of revolution...
07:34.50rkr(Or radians...but I guess bzw uses degrees so I'll be consistent with that...)
07:36.12rkrPity we can't rotate boxes in 3D or walk up meshboxes...
07:40.16ruskieiirc bzw uses radians
07:40.24ruskieor does it use degrees
07:41.04ruskiehmm ohh it does use degrees
07:41.14ruskiehmmm but the vars for gm use rads...
07:41.22ruskienot really consitent then :)
07:42.14rkrWell, doing a 90 degree rotation is easier if you use degrees.  I, for one, can't tell you pi/2 off the top of my head, beyond a couple of digits.
07:42.36ruskieno clue as well
07:42.43ruskiewe only did pi/2 and so on
07:42.47ruskieand even most of that I forgot
07:43.12rkrI don't want to add arithmetic evaluation to this script, so the user will have to know the angle measure they want.
07:43.17rkrDegrees makes that simpler.
07:44.11ruskiehmmm I wonder if the gm can be made to do tight turns...
08:01.43rkrHm.  A starting rotation would be good, too...
08:01.52*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.staff.freematrix)
08:20.43*** join/#bzflag CBG (
08:26.56*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
08:29.25*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
08:44.17*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
09:04.38*** join/#bzflag bz8466 (
09:18.34*** join/#bzflag jolie (
09:18.34*** mode/#bzflag [+v jolie] by ChanServ
09:21.08rkrWelcome back.
09:21.36rkrI guess you.  You're the most recent person to return.
09:21.45jolieerk, thx
09:28.50rkrBrand new ibook?
09:29.57rkrI might find myself in possession of an older power mac notebook...
09:30.36rkrI don't throw money at Apple as a rule, but my oldest brother is a doctor and is considering giving up one.  Me being a computer geek, he was talking about giving it to me.
09:30.59rkr(Its battery is apparently dead, and the power jack connector is broken, so it needs a little surgery to repair...)
09:31.30*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
09:32.09rkrUm, just to be clear: The bzflag "box" objects have positions based on their center, right?
09:32.40rkr(nod)  THanks.
09:34.15jpa-actually no
09:34.21jpa-by the center of their bottom face
09:34.39jpa-so size 10 10 10 is actually 20x20x10 box
09:35.00jpa-and position 0 0 0 is (-10,-10,0) - (10,10,10)
09:35.27ruskieweird but ok...
09:35.29rkrThanks.  Just double-checking.
09:36.01rkr(center-of-bottom; yeah, eek, ook...)
09:36.27rkrIf you can extract tank positions and a tank model, etc., that would make it more interesting.
09:36.29jpa-ruskie: obj to bzw exists.. is there a pov->obj?
09:36.41rkr(Capture in-game rendering...(^&)
09:36.46ruskieI doubt it
09:51.16rkrruskie: Just noticed you use !/bin/bash for the shell script.  (^&
09:51.44rkrMay I suggest that !/bin/sh would be better, unless you really need a bash extension?
09:54.34jpa-atleast i don't know difference between sh and bash extensions, and have no means to test
09:54.44jpa-so !/bin/bash is good IMHO
09:54.51ruskiebash is good
09:54.58ruskieand since sh is just s link to bash :)
09:55.02rkrI don't have bash installed on my system.
09:55.12ruskieyou don't
09:55.14ruskieyou usre?
09:55.18rkrNo.  /bin/sh is the system Bourne shell.
09:55.31rkrYes, I'm sure.  NetBSD doesn't include bash in the base system, for various reasons.
09:55.31ruskienot on my systems :)
09:55.52rkr$ locate bash
09:56.23rkr(Sorry, couldn't paste directly because of leading slashes.)
09:57.22rkrAnd, for that matter, /bin/csh is *not* tcsh.  Nor is /bin/ksh just another link to bash.  (^&
09:57.59rkrAnyway, just a comment.  (^&
09:58.22rkr(Oh, and yacc is not bison and awk is not GNU awk, and ...)
09:59.50ruskieksh is kron shell csh is costum(or c?) shell tcsh is extended csh... I think
09:59.52jpa-thank god python is python
09:59.52rkr(And cc is not gcc, though even NetBSD uses gcc for that purpose.  (^&)
09:59.57*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (
10:00.01rkrcsh is the C Sehll.
10:00.28rkrK is for Korn, original author of ksh at AT&T, though NetBSD (at least) uses a variant called "pdksh", due to AT&T licensing...
10:00.38rkrYou forgot about the Java version of python....(^&
10:00.45rkr(Is it still maintained?)
10:00.54jpa-jython.. yup
10:01.04jpa-i hate you!
10:01.50rkrOkay...I *think* that I have a working helix stairs feature, ruskie.
10:02.15rkrThe syntax is:
10:02.16rkr# helix-stairs1: tx ty tz tx ty tz fd td fr tr sets fw tw stepHeight
10:02.20rkr(Without the hashmark.)
10:02.30rkrOops, typos...
10:02.40rkrhelix-stairs1: fx fy fz tx ty tz fd td fr tr sets fw tw stepHeight
10:02.56rkrThere.  fx fy, ... tz are From x/y/z and To x/y/z.
10:03.04rkrfd/td are from/to degrees.
10:03.16rkr[ft]r is outside radius.
10:03.27rkrsets is.,..errr, whopus, unimplemented.  Need to add that.
10:03.42rkr[ft]w is the width (side to side) of the stair.  If width==radius, you get radial spokes.
10:04.51rkrYou can connect to to see a sample map, using ramps and helixes.
10:04.58rkrThe map has a 1 minute timer on it.
10:05.21ruskiecan't am at work and the boxen are to poor to run bzflag... :(
10:05.41rkrOh well.  I haven't added the <sets> support anyway.  (^&
10:06.46*** join/#bzflag CBG (
10:18.37rkrHm.  When I login to my server, I get the -srvmsg twice, it seems.
10:19.04rkrIs that a familiar problem with something stupid that I'm doing?
10:19.18ruskiemaybe you have it defined twice?
10:19.29rkrI looked for that.  I can't see that I"m doing it.
10:19.37rkrI have it once in the .bzw file, I think...
10:20.24rkrI see.  (^&
10:20.52rkrI had a conf.generic passed in to -conf.  That included another world file that had the duplicate messages.
10:28.20*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
10:33.22CBGCurrently, flags stay where they were dropped...
10:33.39CBGHow do I make them disapear and reapear elsewhere?
10:34.46jpa-you need to modify server source
10:34.50jpa-it is quite easy
10:34.54meacan/flag reset
10:35.06jpa-there is a dropsleft value for flags
10:35.21jpa-meacan: that is only one-time thing.. i think he wants them to disappear always
10:35.55jpa-is there a such thing?
10:36.13CBGI want it so that anytime a flag is dropped it goes somehwere else..
10:36.43jpa-trepans thing would do that
10:36.51jpa-(does it do it for teamflags too?)
10:37.31CBGOk. Thanks trepan :D
10:40.36CBGtrepan has karma of 116 :O
10:40.47CBGcbg has karma of -2 :(
10:41.31CBG~karma rkr
10:41.31ibotrkr has neutral karma
10:41.43rkr(ruskie, if you're still listening, looks like it's working now.  (^&)
10:41.49jpa-just for being nice and not doing too much karma checks :)
10:42.08*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
10:42.14rkrAh.  The true karma is not bestowed upon he whom asks about it?
10:44.13*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:46.54*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
11:03.31rkrAnyone able & willing to test something for me?  (I may have a new bit of info on a bzflag client bug that can cause tanks to freeze...but need some other people to confirm behavior...)
11:04.11ToughShooterWhere should I join?
11:15.01*** join/#bzflag Naruto_ (
11:30.51*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
11:31.17rkrYou say Trepan has fixed it...
11:31.37rkrBut we can't be 100% sure unless we try with the new protocol...(^&
11:31.57rkrThanks for helping confirm, ToughShooter.
11:32.18*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
11:33.19jpa-what bug is it?
11:33.44jpa-stuck-on-mesh-while-teleporting or stuck-while-going-from-box-to-mesh?
11:34.06rkrNo teleporters, no meshes.
11:34.14ToughShooterSeems to get stuck with certain box overlappings that depends on height, moving speed and tank angle
11:34.24rkrThe particular issue occurs very reliably if you are stuck right over a base.
11:34.40rkr(But only if close, vertically; say 5 or 10 units up.)
11:34.49ToughShooterStuck tanks look jittery vertically but not on HUD of tank which stuck
11:35.21jpa-ah, crazy stairs
11:35.23ToughShooterObserver also sees this jitter when driving with stuck tank
11:35.27rkrSimilar/same bug can occur with some randomness with other occasions.
11:35.49ToughShooterI think I saw it at spiralzone, too
11:35.53rkr(I once got stuck similarly on someone else's map that just had some big boxes stacked together---you couldn't walk up...)
11:36.00rkrYeah, spiralzone type of stacking.
11:36.04jpa-i've seen this somewhere before.. was it on the spheres map?
11:36.20ToughShooterThat was a different bug
11:36.25jpa-but jitter there too
11:36.38*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.staff.freematrix)
11:36.40ToughShooterHad to do with spin 90 0 0 1 instead of spin -270 0 0 1
11:40.18*** join/#bzflag bz9924 (
11:42.29ToughShooterHmm, when I get stuck at spiralzone there is no jitter. Must be a 3rd bug
11:43.34rkrIs it similar enough that there could be a grand unified bug theory?  (^&
11:44.04ToughShooterMine only occurs for 1/50 of players
11:44.39ToughShooterSpiralzone and your bug happens for all players
11:45.32rkrPerhaps something about the bug makes it more likely to manifest under certain conditions, and in "your bug" case, other details about the clients prevent it from happening?
11:45.43*** join/#bzflag zaph (
11:47.57rkr(BTW, for the moment I've moved the bases on the 4-player CTF version of my map.  If anyone needs it back the way it was for testing for any reason, let me know...I can also provide the map if someone wants to test fixes against it.)
11:54.08ToughShooterzaph: Why don't /msg ibot directly?
11:54.42zaphwell...i'm a "beginner" in serving....
11:55.22ruskiezaph, did you setup a -pubaddr or something like that?
11:55.33zaphyes i did
11:55.45ruskieand to what did you set it?
11:56.04ToughShooterFirewall or packet filter blocking port?
11:56.13ruskieyeah possibly...
11:56.30zaphi opened a lots of ports at my router 5154-5255
11:56.46ruskiedid you route them to your serving box?
11:57.05ruskieit's not enough to just open them.. you have to forward them to the proper host in the lan
11:57.18zaphsorry guys..have patience with me:::::what is a serving box?
11:57.29ToughShooterDNS doesn't resolve
11:58.01ruskieit does has address
11:58.23ToughShooternot for me
11:58.30ruskiezaph, you have a router and some box in the LAN that's connected to that router...
11:58.51ruskiethe box in questionis runing the bzfs proccess
11:59.01ruskieso you have to forward ports from the router to that box
11:59.02zaphno ...comp...router...and out there
11:59.34zaphis it a physical box your are talking about?
12:00.03ruskiebox is just a different term for a computer
12:00.19zaphlol...ok got it!
12:00.53ToughShooterHmm, I tried it out another time and now it's resolved :o
12:00.59zaphabout ports...i choose just one and open it with the router? thats all?
12:01.10ruskiezaph, no you need to forward it as well
12:01.30zaphhelp me here please::::from where to where....
12:01.39ruskiefrom your router to your box
12:01.55zaphthat should be ok?!?!
12:02.27ruskielet's get some facts straight...
12:02.30ruskieyou know what a router does?
12:02.58ruskieand it seems you know what an open port is...
12:03.05ruskiedo you know what a forwarded port is?
12:03.24zaphi opened them with NAT
12:03.39*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
12:03.59ruskieso it is taking the data it get's through the port to the box?
12:04.18zaphhow can i check?
12:04.39ruskiecheck the settings of the router...
12:05.36zaph???NAT:::SUA only:::it is open?!
12:06.01zaph5154 to 5256
12:06.06ruskieyou just told me nothing much....
12:06.32zaphthx for you patience!!!!! but help me here!
12:07.01ruskietrying to but can't due to lack of data
12:07.18zaphtell me what you need to know
12:08.02ruskielet's try thi give me brand&model of the router or point me to some manual and I'll check and then ask you if the settings are ok or not...
12:08.07*** join/#bzflag menotume (
12:08.26zaphits a ZyXEL prestige 600
12:10.26ruskie <-- so you have set things in here with the proper ports?
12:10.33rkr(Question about administrative groups: Are they case-sensitive? E.g., is "admin" the same as "ADMIN"?)
12:10.56zaphhold on a sec....
12:11.31ruskieand you have a static ip for your box...
12:13.27zaphyes i have? the router did not accept it though;but i set the pool size to 1 and i guess i cheated him
12:14.15zaphyes it is correct!
12:14.26zaphthe box tells me the correct ip
12:14.57zaphdid i opened to many ports or is one enough?
12:15.19ruskieone is enough
12:15.35zaphis it 5154?
12:16.06ToughShooterrkr: Regarding group database?
12:17.24ruskiezaph, that's the default...
12:17.52ruskieif you didn't specify any it should use that
12:18.14zaphok!BIG thx here!!!!!
12:18.19ruskiedid you specify -i you_ip
12:18.23rkrToughShooter: Yes.
12:18.41rkrI have been using an admin password since I'm the only admin, but would rather use groups.
12:19.39rkrThe bzflag WIKI docs talk about "ADMIN" as a group; not sure if it has to be (or should be) uppercase...
12:20.07zaphbe right back!!!!
12:20.08ToughShooterThen write something like into your User Privilege Database
12:20.40ToughShooterI guess you're smart enough to replace my callsign ;)
12:21.06ToughShooterAs far as I know groups are not case sensitive
12:22.58rkrThanks.  (^&
12:23.32LePoulpe303menotume, are u there ?
12:25.49*** join/#bzflag DarthValou (
12:25.59menotumeno, i am not, sorry
12:26.12menotumebut, if you leave a message at the beep .....
12:26.45LePoulpe303i'm actually waiting for the beep
12:27.20*** join/#bzflag CBG (
12:32.39zaphruskie:::little patience left for me?
12:34.04zaphi set -i in the conf.file but what happens when ips changes the ip
12:35.55jpa-zaph: why do you need -i?
12:36.03jpa-you have many network card?
12:37.56zaphruskie told me to try the -i setting....
12:38.38rkrI have 2 cards and another interface on the motherboard, speaking for myself.  I assumed that it listens on all interfaces if you don't specify otherwise...
12:39.31ruskiejpa-, -i made my server work properly...
12:39.41rkr(Which is what I want.  the RealTek (el-cheapo) NIC talks to my DSL modem for world access.  The fxp (Intel chipset) is for my private network...(^&
12:39.42ruskiezaph, your ip changes???
12:40.10zaphyes, but i have a dns update programm running
12:40.31ruskiezaph, well I think you set that to your lan ip...
12:40.43*** part/#bzflag DarthValou (
12:41.15jpa-ruskie: mine too, because i have many ip
12:41.41jpa-zaph: i think you can use -i too
12:42.01zaphok...thx...lets see!
12:42.05jpa-i'm not sure
12:42.56rkrman page says that -i takes an "interface".  I assumed you'd give it something like "rtk0" or "fxp0" (or, in GNU/LINUX, "eth0", "eth1", ...).
12:43.08ruskieinterface means the ip assigned to it
12:43.25jpa-it takes the ip
12:43.28rkrThen should perhaps s/interface/ip number/ to avoid confusion.  (^&
12:43.37jpa-rkr: it says so
12:43.52jpa-rkr: This  is  the  TCP/UDP/IP
12:44.20rkrThe last sentence says that, yes.
12:44.40rkrBut that comes off sounding like a watered down explanation.  The rest of the entry talks about "interface".
12:44.55jpa-yup, a bit misleading but..
12:45.00rkr(Which to me corresponds to the meaning of "interface" from ifconfig, etc.)
12:45.45rkr(I didn't actually read the last sentence; saw the first line and thought, "Well, I don't care which interface is used; any/all on my machine is fine with me," and skipped to the next option.)
12:45.48jpa-excuse me, but bzflag works on windows too
12:45.59jpa-so, we can't use just some linux/unix specific "eth0"
12:46.23rkrYes, but we're reading the man-page, here, which is placed in the classic UNIX documentation context.
12:46.45jpa-but it is on the web too
12:46.49jpa-and..argh, don't care
12:46.59rkr(and "eth0" is quite linux-specific...(^&)
12:47.23zaphwiki says::::the -i parameter is used here to force an IP address. This server happens to have more than one IP address. This is not required on most servers.
12:47.33rkrWould it make it harder for MS-Windows users to understand if "ip address" were used instead of "interface"?
12:51.47*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
12:57.05*** join/#bzflag CBG (
13:16.19*** join/#bzflag sniperiid (~sniper_@
13:16.40sniperiidwhat does mean 'voice' ?
13:17.07sniperiidhow can i be voice/
13:34.09*** join/#bzflag ep (
13:41.43_Manu_sniperiid, read here:
13:42.42_Manu_sniperiid, and don't write using bold
13:43.45_Manu_sniperiid, or somebody can kick you :)
13:43.53sniperiidok :) this is better/
13:46.36sniperiidThis font is bette?
13:46.47_Manu_is the same
13:46.52sniperiidhm wait
13:47.17_Manu_don't waste time... the fonts you are selecting.. only you can get it
13:47.17*** part/#bzflag sniperiid (~sniper_@
13:52.47*** join/#bzflag sniperiid_ (~cristb@
13:52.51sniperiid_hi :)
13:53.19sniperiid_is this better?
13:54.07jpa-but did you get some brains too?
13:58.34sniperiidwho can make me some rocks ?
13:59.45jpa-just steal the trepan ones
13:59.50jpa-they're the best anyway
14:00.11sniperiidis there a scrshot of them ?
14:00.51jpa-oh no, you are you
14:01.22jpa-could you bother not to change your nick and host all the time so my ignore wouldn't break?
14:01.47*** join/#bzflag zaph (
14:07.01zaphi'll get it one day......
14:07.26sniperiiddo u have screenshot of the map ?
14:08.03zaphits very mario like though
14:09.06*** part/#bzflag zaph (
14:33.53*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (~david@ElectricElf.developer.debian)
14:45.51*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (
14:58.48*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (~david@ElectricElf.developer.debian)
14:59.39*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
15:03.50rkrOkay, question about groups: I've put myself in a couple of groups, but I don't seem to be in them when I connect.  (I am globally registered; I don't /identify...)
15:04.50rkrE.g., then, if I try to do /playerlist, I'm told that i don't have permission.  But I'm in group "admin", and also added myself to a group called "cops" (which has /playerlist, /ban, and /kick).
15:13.24*** join/#bzflag orchid (~bzgirl@orchid.user)
15:15.17*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
15:15.25rkrOkay, I see the problem.  I added myself to "admin" not to "local.admin"
15:21.46*** join/#bzflag S1gn (
15:24.29S1gnhi. I have stupid question :-) why with -synctime  it's always day there and sun always in same position?
15:26.35*** join/#bzflag Teed (
15:26.51Teedhello ;)
15:27.17Teedis there
15:27.23Teedpolish ???
15:28.46learnerS1gn: could be a bug, it's supposed to be the server's time
15:29.05learnerso if the server's clock is wrong, then it won't work..
15:29.29learnerpoor teed
15:29.34learnerno sausages for him
15:29.38*** join/#bzflag bz7621 (
15:30.13bz7621shpan ;)
15:30.42learner~dict shpan
15:31.03bz7621nie t o!!!
15:31.11learnerstop it
15:31.16bz7621ok ...
15:31.20bz7621but ...
15:31.25bz7621ok ...
15:31.43silverfoxTeed: JA nie mówie Jezyk polski (polski; blask), ale JA ma *http*://**/
15:31.50silverfoxoh, he left.
15:31.57learnerhe's still here
15:32.07learneras bz7621
15:32.35bz7621what ??
15:32.36silverfoxbz7621, Co robi wy potrzebujecie?
15:32.37bz7621co ???
15:32.52bz7621coooooooo ???
15:32.59bz7621co tak gadasz ???
15:33.22learnermust you repeat all your punctuation? :)
15:33.38silverfoxJA moge próbowac (wypróbowywac).
15:33.50bz7621i don't understand you ...
15:33.56silverfoxhehe... oh well.
15:34.12*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@JeffM2501.sustaining.supporter.pdpc)
15:34.12*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
15:34.20bz7621co ???
15:34.21silverfoxJeffM2501, hello.
15:34.25bz7621gadajcie zesz po polsku ...
15:34.44learnerhola jeffmeister
15:34.50bz7621ehhh ...
15:35.26bz7621ej wiecie moze
15:35.36learnerback home from chowda-ville, taking the day off
15:35.37*** join/#bzflag CBG (
15:35.47bz7621czy port servera moze byc jakis.. np egzotyczny ???
15:35.53bz7621np. 14004 ???
15:36.05CBGJeffM2501: Whats the policy on flaming on the bb?
15:36.20bz7621jeszcze o to chodzi %u017Ceby by%u0142 public :|
15:36.30bz7621CZY KTO%u015A MNIE WOGULE SLUCHA ?!?!?
15:36.46bz7621CZY KTOS MNIE WOGULE SLUCHA ?!?!
15:37.48learnerbz7621: stop it -- wait for a response
15:38.03JeffM2501bz7621, please use english
15:38.07CBGbz7621: Do you speak english?
15:38.16JeffM2501CBG, what are you like the little board rules fink?
15:38.17learnerhe does not, polish
15:38.31bz7621englisz ???
15:38.35CBGJeffM2501: eh? Whats your problem? time of the month?
15:38.36bz7621yes :|||||
15:38.42JeffM2501CBG, ?
15:38.45bz7621no !!!
15:38.55learnerhe also insists on using punctuation in duplicate or triplicate ;)
15:38.55CBGJeffM2501:I wanted to point out that som people are flaming each other at
15:39.03JeffM2501CBG, ok
15:39.13bz7621i have a question
15:39.23CBGJeffM2501: if you dont care about flaming, no problem, if you do, you may want to edit/remove those posts.
15:39.24JeffM2501we guessed that
15:39.42JeffM2501CBG, I never said I didn't care, youjust seem to point out a lot of them :)
15:39.49JeffM2501how bad is it?
15:39.55CBGNot awefully...
15:40.09*** join/#bzflag bunniWork (
15:40.14bz7621how to add my server to public list ???
15:40.26CBGsomeone made a comment that their own name was odd, another said "ou cant complain about your name because YOU chose it. dont like it, just change it....idiot..."
15:40.27learneruse -public and -publicaddr
15:40.36ibotsomebody said bzfs was the BZflag server, you need: -publicaddr *and* -public " come play here" must be set in your bzfs.conf, *also* open the port (5154 in this case) in your firewall/router *also* see, or see
15:40.48JeffM2501CBG, dude that's pushing it
15:40.51JeffM2501pushing it HARD
15:41.03CBG:) Well, Glad to have helped.
15:41.08bz7621i know ...
15:41.15bz7621use -publick. ...
15:41.19bz7621but ...
15:41.28learnerbut ...
15:41.29bz7621i must mave port 14004 :|
15:41.30JeffM2501bz7621, are you behind a router?
15:41.43bz7621no ...
15:41.47learnerbz7621 -p 14004
15:41.49bz7621why ???
15:41.59bz7621a hia ...
15:42.04bz7621-p 14004
15:42.10bz7621i knnow this :|
15:42.19bz7621but !!!
15:42.28learnerand add the port on the publicaddr
15:42.32JeffM2501bz7621, add :14004 to your publicaddr line
15:42.44bz7621is it work ???
15:42.49JeffM2501it should
15:43.02bz7621thanks ;)
15:43.05learnerunless you're behind a firewall/proxy
15:43.05CBGso JeffM2501: You want me to keep informing you of stuff like that or not?
15:43.08JeffM2501you will not know untill you try
15:43.49JeffM2501CBG, it's up to you, that is such a small thing that I am not woried about it, calling somone an idiot in jest is not worth the time. If it escalates to a flamewar then yeah
15:44.10CBGOk. sure. :)
15:44.44CBGso, what did you mean by "dude that's pushing it HARD" ?
15:45.15JeffM2501that calling somone an idiot, and saying that it's a flame, is pushing the defenition of flame
15:45.47CBGOooh. Ok ;)
15:46.06CBGIts not just what he said, more the WAY he said it....
15:46.12CBGor the WAY i percieved it.
15:46.19JeffM2501that is more like it
15:46.33JeffM2501when you have to go to that depth to see that it's a problem, then it's probably YOU not them
15:46.54CBGAnd someone responded with something like "Shut Up. He's much cooler than you'll ever be"
15:47.05JeffM2501well the entire thread is lame
15:47.08JeffM2501and will be mvoed to chat
15:47.08CBGSo it seemed that peopl were taking sides...
15:47.10bz7621how to make help file ???
15:47.21JeffM2501bz7621, man bzfs
15:47.28JeffM2501if you are on linux
15:47.32JeffM2501what OS are you on?
15:47.46bz7621now ???
15:47.50bz7621windows ;|
15:48.01CBG"me1" is also a troll
15:48.11CBGif a troll is someone who asks for server passwords, etc.
15:48.29JeffM2501CBG, you have proof of this?
15:48.40CBGHe asked me himself.
15:48.42bz7621thanks ;)
15:48.51CBGFor the pass to MY server which i was testing my map on.
15:49.08JeffM2501ok, does he do it on other servers?
15:49.09CBGIll see if I have any Evidence and/or his IP.
15:49.14CBGI believe so...
15:49.25*** join/#bzflag bretzel (
15:49.26JeffM2501maybe he just wants to be an admin
15:49.33*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
15:49.33JeffM2501is there a crime in that?
15:49.36*** join/#bzflag Digitalbear (
15:49.36bretzelHi there
15:49.47CBGMaybe... but still...
15:49.55CBGI was just SAYing...
15:50.21CBGAnd no, I have no actual evidence...
15:50.24learnerno harm in asking
15:50.30CBGWell, there is.
15:50.33learner"just say no"
15:50.36CBGBecause why would he ask?
15:50.40bretzelFinished compiling bzflag 2.0.2 and ingame menu  "search servers" fails: can't lookup hostname ( )
15:50.44CBGwhy does he want to be admin?
15:50.55learnerCBG, uhm, because he wants it?
15:51.03learnerCBG, can I have 10 thousand dollars?
15:51.08CBGBut why? whats he want to do with the power?
15:51.20CBGlearner: sure. whats your bank number? I'll wire it to you.
15:51.38learnerpaypal it
15:51.52bretzel:-( -- please, any hints why it can't conntect ? - or resolve the hostname for servers list ?  typo on your part, I assume
15:52.37blast007bretzel: can you ping ?
15:53.23bretzelmaybe I've typo, but the game I doubt... yes I can go to, but ingame menus for searching servers fails
15:53.32orchidwhy cant we murder CGI:IRC?
15:53.47learnersuch violet words
15:54.05CBGCan anyone help me log the bzfs/bzadmin output in Terminal?
15:54.11orchidyou mean violent?
15:54.15learnerthat too
15:54.35orchidits second nature to me
15:54.43bretzelwe can become violet when we are beeing violent :-)
15:55.13CBGya know, If your *really* angry you can see violet. :P
15:55.28bretzel-- Maybe is there a bug in 2.0.2 in the network stuff of the game ?
15:56.30orchidbretzel: ping works from the comand line yes?
15:56.46blast007bretzel: what operating system?
15:56.48bretzelCBG: and getiing heart attack if we get too much violet :-)
15:57.08learnerCBG, I generally run my bzfs through a script like and then capture the output to a file
15:57.40bretzelping works as I said earlier, website work, but it is in game when I want to get the servers list to connect on that fails to "lookup" the hostname
15:57.49learnermmm.. hamburgers
15:58.16bunniWorklearner: they are soooooooo.... yummie specially the lacrosse players
15:58.20CBGLearner: ok. i dont much understand the script and I just want to log the bzfs/bzadmin output :(
15:58.42*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
15:59.15learner./bzfs > somelog.txt 2>&1
15:59.40bretzelblast007: soryy for this late respond: Linux Fedora (FC4) got bzflag sources 2.0.2, compiled and that 's it///
15:59.56learnerif you just want chat, you'll need bzadmin, but bzfs itself will output just about everything
16:00.13CBGyeah. so I just type that line where?
16:00.45CBGIn another terminal window?
16:00.52learnerehm, no not exactly
16:01.05learneryou certainly have other bzfs options you use to start your server
16:01.26bretzelI would like to know how I can catch some log infos about my bzflag errors...
16:01.28learnerhowever you start bzfs.. add "> somefile.txt 2>&1" to the end of it
16:01.58CBGso I would run bzfs with: ./bzfs -conf conf.conf > TestLOG.txt 2>&1
16:01.59learnerbretzel, there's a -d debug option
16:02.06learnerCBG, yes
16:02.10CBGThanks :D
16:02.28learnerassuming bzfs was in . of course
16:02.38CBGYeah. ;)
16:02.39CBGWill it create the file if it doesnt exist?
16:02.47bretzelThe errors bzflag reports is that it can't resolve but it certainly something before that step... my network works... I am here online thus ---
16:03.02learneryou can watch the log with "tail -f TestLOG.txt" or using the Console application
16:03.03bretzelthank you learner, I am trying that now
16:03.32learnerbretzel, you can use multiple -d's so maybe -d -d -d
16:04.58Digitalbearcan anyone recommend a good map editor?
16:04.59bretzelsignficative debug trace I've found: "curl_easy_perform() error: 6"
16:05.28learnerDigitalbear, there are only a couple
16:05.41bretzelI know curl is the place to look for the error, maybe I have misconfiguration data ?
16:05.42learnera good text editor is always a good start ;)
16:05.49CBGlearner: So then I type tail -f TestLOG.tx into Terminal? That doesnt work :(
16:06.34learnerwhat do you mean by "it doesn't work"?
16:06.50*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
16:07.05CBG"-bash: tall: command not found"
16:07.30bretzellibcurl found by bzflag: "LIBCURL: libcurl/7.13.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7f zlib/ libidn/0.5.15"
16:07.42Digitalbearthank  you learner . :)
16:07.50*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (~Lego|
16:08.17learneri didn't say tall.. I wrote tail ;)
16:08.36learnerlike "shake your tail-feathers"
16:08.43CBGill change my irc font.
16:09.09bretzelYou know what ? - I think I will re-compile bzflag from scratch, I suspect a preivious compilation break that could corrupt a binary object file.....
16:09.18*** part/#bzflag Digitalbear (
16:09.49learnerbretzel, it's very likely -- there is a reported problem of a bogus netowrking library getting used (that was fixed in recent cvs)
16:10.09learnerbretzel, check out the sources from cvs and run that
16:10.33bretzellearner: okay, If that recompile doesn't change a think I will grab that cvs version then :-)
16:11.07learnerjust recompiling shouldn't fix the problem if it's the one that was reported a couple weeks back
16:11.50bretzellearner, ah! that is a known bug... then why bzflag home site/download doesn't tell that ?
16:12.24learneri didn't say that's what the problem is, I don't know for certain that is what your paricular problem is
16:12.29learnerbut it sounds a little bit like it
16:13.11learnerif it adds -lbind to the compile line along with -lsocket, it's wrong
16:13.30bretzellearner: hehehe cool, it seems to be my probs anyway - unless I install a non-buggy curl lib version ?
16:13.37learnerlook in your file for a line that has -lbind and remove it before compiling
16:13.52learnernothing to do with curl really
16:14.36*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|L (~Lego|
16:14.39bretzeloh! it is already commetned out!! :-)
16:15.29learnerhmm.. then it might be a different problem (or there's another lbind line)
16:18.45bretzelah! I am missing "adns" tool on my system! :-)
16:21.16*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
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16:26.02BirdieJeffM2501 ping
16:34.36bretzelit links with bind even if that -lbind line is commented out
16:35.06bretzelokay getting from cvs anyway...
16:36.37JeffM2501Birdie, pong
16:36.48Birdiei think your bot crashed again
16:37.48*** join/#bzflag TheLastSpartan (
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16:52.59bretzelNow compiling the cvs version :-)
17:02.56bretzelcvs version works!!!!! I do can pick servers to connect on ! wooooooo!!!!! :-P
17:03.17jpa-it will crash soon :)
17:03.30jpa-and because it is cvs, you are forced to fix any bugs you find ,)
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17:03.53bretzelhahahah! :-) doh! I am not a 3D programmer!!!!
17:04.10jpa-erm.. 3D programmer :DD
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17:04.30bretzelyet I do c++ programming but never led to doing 3D graphics coding
17:04.47learnerbretzel, good enough :)
17:04.59learnerthere's no 3d in the server anyways, or half the client for that matter
17:05.27bretzel..yeah! and I am so much pleased to know that bzflag in written in C++!! I love C/C++
17:06.15learnerand we'll love you for loving c/c++ when you start submitting code :)
17:06.35*** mode/#bzflag [-v CBG] by learner
17:07.02CBGI had no voice in the first place ...:S
17:07.20*** part/#bzflag jolie (
17:07.22bretzelas most crashes are memleaks, I guess from 3D stuff - thus lost or invalid pointers, I just can't melt my brain into that strange world :-)
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17:10.19bretzelokay leaving and saying thanks all, must be now focussed on my Fedora fc4 update stuff ( kde-3.4.0 -> 3.4.1 and especially KDevelop 3.2.1 :-) )
17:10.21*** join/#bzflag wizart (
17:10.46learnerhmm.. could almost set the channel to moderated with a few more voicings.. :)
17:10.52*** part/#bzflag bretzel (
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17:12.29Birdiei need ops to do that cbg:)
17:12.45CBGBirdie: haha. You? OP? hehe
17:13.10Pimpinellawow, lots of cookies
17:14.00learnermm.. cookies
17:14.27CBGchocoltad chip?
17:14.56CBG*chocolate :/
17:15.28jpa-go back and play. and don't forget the cookies.
17:15.36*** mode/#bzflag [+vv bryjen Pimpinella] by ChanServ
17:15.36*** mode/#bzflag [+vv Birdie Aribeth_away] by ChanServ
17:15.36*** mode/#bzflag [+vv _Manu_ gonkulator] by ChanServ
17:15.36*** mode/#bzflag [+v orange] by ChanServ
17:15.36Pimpinellaonly green and yellow cookies :(
17:15.55CBGChanServ is stoopid :(
17:16.05Pimpinellaeven more cookies
17:16.15*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
17:16.23Pimpinellabut still no chocolate
17:16.32Birdiepoor pimpi:)
17:16.44jpa-nicks look stupid with "+" x)
17:17.27learnerPimpinella, here ya go:
17:18.57JeffM2501no voice for the wicked
17:19.56JeffM2501I dono
17:20.08JeffM2501you didn't get the refrence
17:20.18JeffM2501that tells me you aren't ready
17:20.23learnerit does make for a more effective mode when the conversation turns towards the annoying and stupid, at least more effective than +R
17:20.41JeffM2501learner, I like pie
17:20.43jpa-if i could get global +v and global +l, it might read "jpa-(+evil)"
17:21.08CBGI think i get the re.f but I'm still not wicked.
17:21.11learnerJeffM2501, me too.. though rhubarb crunch takes the cake for me
17:21.20jpa-acutally no.. stupid alphabet
17:22.05*** mode/#bzflag [+m] by learner
17:22.16learnerhmm.. oh the fun one could have
17:22.29learnerlet the demigods protect and serve
17:23.23*** part/#bzflag zaph (
17:23.58learnerpretty effective
17:24.32*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (brad2901@brad2901.user)
17:25.11JeffM2501requiring voice does break the "IRC is for help" idea tho
17:25.13bryjenlearner: i think TimRiker went about setting thinks via ChanServ...  It was ChanServ that did the voicing
17:25.25*** mode/#bzflag [-m] by learner
17:26.36learnerJeffM2501, yeah .. though somewhat useful for short periods of time
17:26.40*** mode/#bzflag [+v TheLastSpartan] by JeffM2501
17:26.46JeffM2501learner, true true
17:26.54CBGCan you put any of the bzfs options in the option par of a .bzw ?
17:27.18learnerbryjen, I know/figured as much -- only a couple folks can set the chanserv's permanent
17:27.28Tuponelearner: is +z better ?
17:28.07JeffM2501oh Tupone, if you have a problem with what I do, best to take it up with me... not the other.
17:28.26bryjenCBG:  any of the command-line options can go in the options block
17:28.47TuponeI'm not taking with anyone else. I just exiting from the channel if I don't like it
17:28.54bryjenwhich is the same stuff in a .conf file too
17:29.48CBGI copied my conf file and pasted it into my bzw between "options" and "end" after the world object...
17:30.03JeffM2501Tupone, kinda sad if you ask me. best to voice your opinions.
17:30.06CBGbut when I run bzfs -world mr.bzw it just prints the Usage...
17:30.16DTRemenakCBG: not all options can go in a map block
17:30.36DTRemenak-public* can't, -password can't, -world can't
17:30.37JeffM2501like -password
17:30.45TuponeI guess you know my opinion, I did some sad face when you did that. more then once
17:30.47JeffM2501worlds loading worlds, that would be fun :)
17:30.53bryjenah, yeah no -world makes sense
17:30.58DTRemenakyou can do that, just not with -world :)
17:30.59CBGhmm. ok thanks
17:31.00JeffM2501Tupone, a sad face is not comunication.
17:31.10CBGI don't have -world... lol...
17:31.47TuponeI'm not op, you op decide what to do with the channel, I abide or leave. That is what I know.
17:31.59Tuponeand I don't want to be one
17:33.35TuponeI don't know what abide means :( That just came out from the fingers
17:35.06DTRemenakTupone: roughly, it means dwell or stay.  you used it correctly.
17:35.16bryjen~ibot dict abide
17:35.40Tuponemy other life I should have been an englishman :)
17:35.47CBG~dict 2 abide
17:36.04CBG~dict 3 abide
17:36.18CBG~dict 4 abide
17:36.19JeffM2501you still could
17:36.22JeffM2501just mary rich
17:36.25JeffM2501CBG, enough!
17:36.26learner"Tupone: and I don't want to be one" .. that pretty much means he should probably be one :)
17:36.45Tuponewell, no. That is social engineering :)
17:36.49CBGIm done already, jeffy.
17:37.03bryjennoisey bunny
17:37.25learnerreverse psychology
17:38.26TimRiker~reverse psychology
17:38.53TimRiker~scramble psychology
17:39.38_Manu_~scramble bzflag
17:39.53_Manu_CBG, slow
17:40.05CBG:( ibot don't like me.
17:40.26CBG~scramble bzflag
17:41.33JeffM2501it prints right on CDs
17:43.04JeffM2501no burner?
17:43.31JeffM2501ibooks ship standard with a burner
17:43.33CBGI mean, Yeah, I DO have a burner...
17:43.37blast007dang, my Pentium 133MHz has a burner...  :P
17:43.45JeffM2501how do you hide the pr0n from your parents?
17:43.56CBGIts MY laptop.
17:44.04CBGI dont need to hide it.
17:44.17JeffM2501they bought it, you just use it :)
17:44.37CBGHeck, I could set porn for all my bookmarks... nobody would know.
17:44.40JeffM2501but really, I thought all macs came with at least a CD burner
17:44.42CBGThe GAVE it to me.
17:44.50CBGMine DOES have a burner... duh.
17:45.01JeffM2501<JeffM2501> no burner?
17:45.01JeffM2501<CBG> Yeah...
17:45.14blast007<CBG> I mean, Yeah, I DO have a burner...
17:45.16CBGthen what did I say?
17:45.20CBGThanks blast.
17:45.25JeffM25011.2 min ago
17:45.34CBGBuesides: I am never away from my iBook for more than an hour at a time (unless I have school/exam or I'm sleeping.
17:45.57JeffM2501that is perhaps unhealty
17:45.59CBGSo why would I need to burn my toons?
17:46.03CBGperhaps? rofl.
17:46.13CBGIm gonna be infertile very soon. :(
17:46.16JeffM2501animated pron?
17:46.32JeffM2501what ever floats your boat man
17:46.36CBGnot that animated pron is necessarily bad.
17:46.46JeffM2501uhhhhh huhhhh
17:47.48learnercha cha cha
17:48.28CBGanimated map-making..... ;)
17:48.38CBGDTR: speakers plugged in?
17:48.53CBGVolume turned up?
17:48.56JeffM2501linux sound system suckage :)
17:48.59learnerDTRemenak, need me to sing louder?
17:49.00DTRemenaksoundcard is not being recognized by windows
17:49.09JeffM2501maybe it asploded
17:49.10CBGah... windows...
17:49.12DTRemenakcould be
17:49.16Tuponewindows sound system suck ?
17:49.16CBGyou actually expect stuff to work?
17:49.35JeffM2501CBG, it does more often then not, just wait till you install it on your next mac :)
17:49.56DTRemenakCBG: I expect it to keep working if it worked yesterday :)
17:49.56JeffM2501DTRemenak, if you need a SBLive I have some
17:49.57CBGno way will I wait.
17:50.02DTRemenakJeffM2501: that's what's in there now
17:50.10CBGI'de be waiting for eternity.
17:50.24DTRemenakmay need another one though :)  gonna check it out, brb
17:50.25JeffM2501anyone know how good linux support is for the nforce4 chipsets?
17:50.33DTRemenakuh...nonexistant :)
17:50.42DTRemenakfor some parts
17:50.46JeffM2501what parts?
17:50.59DTRemenakLAN is one, I believe
17:51.00CBGDTR: just because it worked before is not a reason for it to work now.
17:51.11JeffM2501it should only be a mater of time tho right?
17:51.13CBGquite the opposite in fact, where windows is concerned :P
17:51.16DTRemenakCBG: actually it's a damn good reason for it to work now :)
17:51.19JeffM2501how good are they at supporting the nvidias?
17:51.31DTRemenakJeffM2501: nvidia refuses to release docs on it
17:51.45DTRemenakit's probably the same hardware as the nforce2 but there are no drivers for that yet either
17:51.46learneryou've been hax0rzd
17:51.51CBGDTR: This is Windows............
17:52.16DTRemenakCBG: I know...I've been using windows for ~9 years now...
17:52.32JeffM2501CBG, give it a rest, he knows what he's doing
17:52.34CBGDTRemenak: WHY?? :o
17:52.35blast007CBG: so you assume that hardware in Windows just randomly vanishes on a regular basis?  :)
17:52.35DTRemenakstuff doesn't stop working spontaneously :)
17:52.41CBGJeffM2501: Ok;)
17:52.54CBGblast007: That seems to happen with me...
17:53.00CBGwell not really hardware...
17:53.04CBGjust files, etc.
17:53.04JeffM2501CBG, all I can say is my mac locks up more then my PC
17:53.08learnerheh, that's almost how long ago I stopped using windows as a primary
17:53.31DTRemenaklearner: heh.  that's about the last time I used macs with any regularity too :)
17:53.36CBGAll I can say is I have had a PC lock up on me more often than any Mac and I use PC's far far less...
17:53.41JeffM2501DTRemenak, so if I used a PCI nick and sound, would I be able to get linux running on one? or is it just too much a PITA?
17:53.51blast007CBG: then don't use Windows Me
17:54.04DTRemenakJeffM2501: yeah, the basic chipset, IDE controller, etc etc work fine afaik
17:54.12CBGI have used 2000, 98, and some others...
17:54.14JeffM2501then it's not too bad
17:54.20JeffM2501CBG, anything 98 is ass
17:54.21CBGcan't remember what ones. lol
17:54.23blast007my XP machine can run for weeks at a time, and usually a storm occurs before a system crash
17:54.30DTRemenakI had way better luck with 98 actually
17:54.39JeffM2501DTRemenak, that's because you are wierd
17:54.42CBGJeff: I am talking about when it was current... ie before 2000.
17:55.00JeffM2501CBG, still anyting with 9x or ME is ass
17:55.03JeffM2501total ass
17:55.05DTRemenakaside from the whole unprotected memory thing where an app can kill the whole system...
17:55.08JeffM2501NT for life!
17:55.41JeffM2501DTRemenak, new system is being priced out right now, just wondering what my nix options are, I'd like to set it up dual boot
17:55.49DTRemenakI've found that 2k rots much more quickly than 98 does
17:56.08learnerDTRemenak, eww i didn't go from win to mac .. that would have been os 7 days..
17:56.37learnernot as a primary at least..
17:56.41JeffM2501hey, multifinder was the shizzle when it came out :)
17:56.54DTRemenaklearner: hrm, '95...what'd you switch to, out of curiosity?
17:57.00learnerthat went fazizzle
17:57.15JeffM2501naw it was merged in :)
17:57.31DTRemenakI don't remember the keystroke for force-quit but I've still got the muscle memory :)
17:57.36JeffM2501comeon, didn't you like calling 25 calls to "MoreMasters():" at the start of every app? :)
17:58.10JeffM2501and checking every call to malloc
17:58.14JeffM2501because it just MAY not work :)
17:58.31learnerDTRemenak, that was the start of experimental times.. solaris and irix ultimately settling on linux after a year or so
17:58.50DTRemenakheh, linux in '96, that must have adventure :)
17:58.56learnerit was :)
17:59.09DTRemenakI started beating my head against slack in '98 or so
17:59.11JeffM2501linux96, it's not an OS, it's an adventure!
17:59.25learnersilly people with their "text menus" and "mouse interface" .. pfft
17:59.34learnerprecompiled kernels.. bah!
17:59.47DTRemenakhah, the precompiled kernel didn't work for me ;)
17:59.57DTRemenakmissed half my hardware
18:01.30JeffM2501I think the first linux I did was some net install from a flopy
18:01.34JeffM2501mandrake maybe
18:01.41JeffM2501I had no clue what I was doing
18:01.52JeffM2501then they guy who was helping me moved to seatle
18:02.07learneri actually sort of miss compiling my kernel on os x now from time to time
18:02.30learnerused to customize lil bits of code to be a "little more creative" when reporting things
18:03.09ToughShooterI think it's funny to look at things like 4MB RAM for such high prices in past
18:03.10DTRemenakhah, a few months ago I pulled out that same p-100 and booted it up, logged in as root (suse replaced slack after not too long), got a kick out of "User root: last login: 10 September 1999 01:12:31"
18:04.31JeffM2501wow p100
18:04.33learnera kernel that uses colorful metaphors when something goes wrong is so much more entertaining
18:04.40JeffM2501I'm throwing away all my "P" computers
18:04.43JeffM2501evne the P2s
18:04.55JeffM2501I'm wondering what I'm going to do with the P3 1 gig
18:05.07DTRemenakhey, I could use that actually
18:05.07learnercompile node
18:05.49JeffM2501dude I think I got like a dual 666 somehwer
18:05.58DTRemenakthat'd be cool
18:06.07JeffM2501if I see It, I won't huck it
18:06.27JeffM2501where you at now? up north or in pasadena still?
18:06.35ToughShooterP3 was rather good for a x86
18:06.47JeffM2501the 1 gig is sasami
18:07.02JeffM2501once I get my new PC, it'll be upgraded to a semperon 2800
18:07.07DTRemenakah, cool
18:07.10JeffM2501or something like that
18:07.24JeffM2501then second machine goes to the full XP 2800
18:07.37JeffM2501so won't know what to do with sasami
18:07.41JeffM2501may keep her has a backup
18:07.50JeffM2501but I think I got faster then a 200
18:07.56JeffM2501how many systems you want?
18:08.01JeffM2501if I have more then one?
18:08.42DTRemenaktwo would be cool.  can't think of any use for any more
18:08.57*** join/#bzflag zaph (
18:09.32DTRemenakseeing as how I just got a 5900 I'm not too worried about video cards :)
18:09.57JeffM2501most of them where like trident and tseng crap
18:10.03JeffM2501did have one GF2 tho
18:10.05JeffM2501no fan
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18:11.04DTRemenakI think my GF3 will be going in my mom's computer, and will be the slowest card in use in any of our systems, probably
18:12.43JeffM2501hell sasami has a GF I think :)
18:12.48JeffM2501at least a 2
18:12.50JeffM2501maybe a 3
18:14.32DTRemenakdromihete is currently running headless
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18:17.58bryjendidn't even think about the main chips themselves not liking Linux
18:18.56JeffM2501I think the problem is, linux dosn't like them
18:19.09bryjenalthough, they had other names for the sound and nic parts
18:19.30DTRemenakyeah, if you have non-nvidia sound and lan they should be ok
18:19.49DTRemenakmost nforce boards these days have 2 lan ports, the nvidia and a second one
18:20.04DTRemenakdunno about sound.  nforce2 sound was the roxor
18:20.10DTRemenakerr, teh roxor
18:20.33Tuponebryjen: I have an nForce based laptop (nForce3) and is all ok with linux. Windows came shipped with that, and I removed. Don't want to accept M$ rules
18:21.17DTRemenakyay, defenistration! :)
18:21.24Tuponelaptop is an amd64
18:21.50JeffM2501well that's at least good to know
18:21.55JeffM2501what distro did you use?
18:22.04JeffM2501and will linux run ok on a dual core?
18:22.12bryjenin soviet russian, windows get thrown out you!
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18:22.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
18:22.40Tuponegentoo, no dual core
18:23.02JeffM2501well the dual core was a seperate question
18:23.15bryjendebian's x86-64 is out
18:23.40DTRemenaklinux will run fine and dandy on dual-core
18:23.42Tuponeand with 2.6.12 I think I can get irda too (from a 64 bit enabled kernel)
18:23.51JeffM2501will it huall ass?
18:24.13bryjenthen i stumbled upon this
18:24.15JeffM2501and support 3 displays?
18:24.17DTRemenakmore so than windows anyway
18:24.27DTRemenakyup, my dad's running 3 displays
18:25.04ToughShooterTupone: What's with the power consumption of AMD64?
18:31.22*** join/#bzflag bz8364 (
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18:41.03ToughShooterrkr: Sourceforge only allows files being uploaded until a certain size
18:42.31shorty114whoa what's with all the voices?
18:43.29learnerthey're practicing for a choral concert
18:44.28learnerhey, I could get used to this
18:44.38learnercept DTRemenak can't sing
18:44.51TuponeToughShooter: I use it normally AC powered. I need another battery for big travels :(
18:45.48learnerare those grapes sour?
18:46.06jolieare baby grapes, green and seedless
18:46.12joliethe only kind i eat
18:46.25learnerjpa-, I doubt you're the right gender or skilled in the right means to make me happy in the ways I most appreciate ;)
18:46.58jpa-if i was skilled enough, gender wouldn't matter? :)
18:49.28jpa-practising is of no use.. i'll never learn to code c++ anyway
18:50.26Aribethcodeing in C++ takes time
18:50.45jpa-must be some other way to make learner happy
18:52.35bryjenhe went quick
18:52.36jpa-he left before i had time to kiss him pretending it is mouth-to-mouth
18:53.03learnerjpa-, really good code and time efficiency are almost the pinnicles on the list of things that make me happy
18:54.31jpa-learner: :/
18:54.37jpa-two things i'm bad at
18:54.45learnerhe left them to me in his will
18:55.24learner~spell pinnacle
18:55.26bryjen!weather pasadena, ca
18:55.29TheLastSpartanbryjen: The current temperature in Pasadena, California (91101) is 77°F (11:42 AM PDT on June 20, 2005). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 46%. Dew Point: 52°F. UV: 10 out of 16
18:56.06learnerjpa-, can you cook? I'm a big sucker for good food too :)
18:56.07bryjennice, but no help for the lightning rod
18:56.34Aribeth!weather cumming, ga
18:56.37TheLastSpartanAribeth: The current temperature in Cumming, Georgia (30028) is 78°F (2:50 PM EDT on June 20, 2005). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 60°F. UV: 9 out of 16
18:56.42jpa-learner: my sister can, i can sell her as a slave
18:56.47learnerheh may work here
18:58.13Aribethscattered thunder storms forcast for here.
18:59.46menotume~hapbir Kierra
18:59.47ibotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to Kierra
19:00.10menotumeneven ibot sings
19:00.14Aribethoh no
19:01.09jpa-woke up already?
19:01.52Aribethhummm....still not awake
19:02.14jpa-wow he is difficult :/
19:03.33jpa-~gender jpa-
19:03.36ibotjpa- is hermaphroditic
19:04.39jpa-i'm male
19:04.43jpa-and that was a joke!
19:08.11*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
19:08.33ibotI'm hermaphroditic
19:08.51shorty114lol learner
19:08.53jolieDTRemenak: can i feed you cherries now?
19:09.12DTRemenakjolie, how about not quite yet, I just got back from being dead
19:09.13Aribethjpa gets a big shock
19:10.04Aribethyou had your chance jpa
19:10.06bryjenget a room already ;P
19:12.57jpa-learner: that is quite sick.. you're "continuing" with Aribeth while I lie dead next to you..
19:12.58jolieno more place?
19:13.53Aribethjpa fails
19:16.03jpa-they were seedless ones
19:16.12CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/game/ServerList.cxx: Don't start a new list-server request, if previous has not ended yet
19:17.06jpa-jolie: hold the rod high, towards the sky
19:17.50Aribethnothing happens
19:18.22jpa-learner: tell me when you are done
19:18.26learnerthis is like DnD without a purpose or dungeon master
19:18.52jpa-erm.. i'm dead :/
19:19.00jpa-Aribeth: you have necrophilia, don't you?
19:19.36Aribethyep im sure
19:23.15*** part/#bzflag jpa- (
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19:25.38Aribethits alive its alive
19:26.07jpa-you say i do my master
19:31.34DTRemenakyeah, right
19:35.36*** join/#bzflag LouMan (
19:36.37jpa-hi LouMan
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19:40.51Bagheerasomeone has been going voice crazy i see
19:40.51BearPersonyeah, indeed

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.