irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050619

00:33.59*** join/#bzflag bz4025 (
01:19.43rkrsilverfox: Is that from the "Rummy-Fu" web page?
01:47.39*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:55.43*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.staff.freematrix)
01:59.29*** join/#bzflag blast007_away (
02:01.21*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
02:15.02shorty114hi Aribeth
02:15.22Aribethim getting whooped in bzflag
02:15.42shorty114what server?
02:16.04shorty114what's the full address?
02:16.46Aribeththere is a guy there thats very good
02:17.00Aribeth101 in less than 1 hour
02:17.26*** join/#bzflag WonderMop (
02:17.38Aribethi wonder if its Frank
02:18.04shorty114how do you get the score on bzadmin?
02:18.32Aribethim not sure
02:19.45Aribethhes only been killed 38 times
02:22.31WonderMoplol... beats a cat
02:22.34shorty114what's his name?
02:23.31Aribethi know i've seen this guy before
02:23.50shorty114what's up with s.b.o?
02:24.03Aribethjust wondering who he is
02:24.13Aribethseems to be really good
02:24.47shorty114and, uh, RSS goes to viewsource
02:25.16blast007shorty114: s.b.o. is broken due to a reliance on register_globals...
02:25.28shorty114is someone gonna rewrite it?
02:25.47blast007doesn't need a rewrite, just needs to have register_globals turned back on
02:25.52blast007they upgraded to apache2
02:27.07Aribethi was just wondering if he is the Frank of old
02:28.51WonderMophe has too many names to track :P
02:29.06Aribethi figured
02:29.34WonderMopChester, Cheshire Cat... list is too long
02:30.02Aribethwhere is the list
02:30.24WonderMopLOL... I've seen him around sometimes. Somehow most people know it him no matter the name
02:30.48Aribethya. almost to good to beleive
02:31.43WonderMopalso, i keep getting creamed by gerbil and harmless....uggh
02:32.19*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.staff.freematrix)
02:36.55DTRemenakgeez, I change two characters in one file and get all this lovin'...
02:38.29Aribethwhat does s.b.o. do?
02:38.55shorty114is supposed to go to the RSS feed
02:39.02shorty114but it shows the source for the RSS file
02:39.37shorty114yeah, but that's the link
02:39.41shorty114at the bottom of the pages
02:39.50blast007that's to view the source code
02:39.55blast007there's an XML button on the left
02:41.58Aribethmam he has 122 and the next hiest score is 16. lol
02:42.17BenUrbanbzflag has no scoring system
02:42.23BenUrbanit has a random number generator
02:42.30BenUrbanbut not a scoring system
02:42.48Aribethplayer score
02:42.54BenUrbanbzflag has no scoring system
02:43.05BenUrbanit may as well be random
02:43.13shorty114you're not registering here
02:43.15BenUrbanit does not reflect skill
02:43.37Aribeth!lart BenUrban
02:43.39shorty114well, people who are better/have been playing for longer are up on the top of the chart
02:43.42shorty114~lart BenUrban
02:43.44Aribeth~lart BenUrban
02:44.19DTRemenak~minnowslap BenUrban
02:44.21ibotACTION waves a small minnow in front of BenUrban's nose
02:44.31BenUrban~blinky DTRemenak
02:44.32ibotACTION slaps DTRemenak on the head with a three-eyed fish named Blinky
02:44.45ibot[blinky] a server in emcnabb's rack
02:45.01BenUrbanthat's just wrong
02:45.47BenUrbanuntil bzflag adopts ELO scoring, the "scoring" system is completely worthless
02:46.04BenUrbanyou shuold ignore those numbers next to people's names
02:46.10Aribethnot really
02:46.29DTRemenakBenUrban: exaggerating does not help your point :)
02:46.39BenUrbanyes it does
02:46.43BenUrbanit always helps :D
02:46.45DTRemenakno, no it doesn't
02:46.47Aribethno it does not!
02:47.01BenUrbanthose numbers are not completely worthless
02:47.10ibotpatches welcome is probably a common response by maintainers of Open Source products. It's roughly means "We don't have much time on our hands, so if you write that feature and send it to us we will likely roll it in. If you don't have the time to write it, we don't either. Stop asking for it."
02:47.10BenUrbanbut they do not accurately reflect skill
02:47.30DTRemenakand on that, I'd say you're right on the money
02:47.36BenUrbani would submit a patch, but i don't know how to implement elo scoring myself
02:47.44BenUrbanand i hate c++
02:47.57Aribethlearn to use the force++
02:48.10BenUrbani didn't say i don't know c++
02:48.12BenUrbani said i hate it
02:48.25Aribeththen learn to embrace it
02:48.30BenUrbantoo late
02:48.36BenUrbani can only embrace one language at a time
02:48.42BenUrbancurrently it's python
02:48.52BenUrbanand there's no end in sight for that
02:49.11DTRemenaklanguage is irrelevant, it's the alogrithm that's important
02:49.15Aribethas a Systems Engineer i must embrace many languages
02:49.22Aribethriggers of the job
02:49.22BenUrbanDTRemenak: i disagree
02:49.37AribethDTR, i agree
02:50.10BenUrbansome languages provide the means to change your way of thinking
02:50.24BenUrbanwhich makes the algorithm better
02:50.29BenUrbanor worse
02:50.32BenUrbandepending on the language
02:50.40rkr"elo scoring"?
02:50.41Aribethi disagree
02:50.43BenUrbanlisp for example
02:50.47purple_cowsome algorithms are difficult or impossible to implement in some languages ;-)
02:51.03BenUrbanyou can't tell me that a lisp programmer has the same way of thinking as a c programmer
02:51.14rkrUnless they are the same programmer.
02:51.22BenUrbaneven then
02:51.27DTRemenakrkr: even then they think differently ;)
02:51.35BenUrbanyou can't think about lisp and c the same way
02:51.37rkrAt the same time?
02:51.50BenUrbanyou can't program lisp and c at the same time
02:51.50rkrSMP consciousness...
02:51.58BenUrbanrkr: those people are called women
02:52.15rkrYou don't have to be programming to be a programmer.
02:52.47BenUrbanprogrammer is a type of mindset
02:53.05rkrtypedef struct mindset mindset;
02:53.26BenUrbanclass Mindset(object): pass
02:53.56Aribethi prefer perl and C++
02:54.08rkrI never got into PERL...
02:54.29rkrAWK, LISPs, REXX, C and friends, Python (more than a little rusty), ...
02:54.46Aribethhard to master, but very powerfull
02:56.03DTRemenaknobody masters perl, it masters you :)
02:56.24Aribethi've programmed in AWK, C, C++, Perl, Shell
02:56.56rkrYes, Pascal, but that's a dull language.  Like C with a straightjacket.
02:57.05rkr(And too verbose.)
02:57.17Aribethit was fun though
02:57.19rkrI won't admit to having done some BASIC and COBOL.
02:57.55Aribethi've done basic, Asmbly, machine code
02:57.56rkr(I might be more tolerant of Pascal if I had learned it before C.)
02:58.11Aribethi did
02:58.12rkrNever did much machine code, but assembly on a few CPUs...
02:58.30Aribethi started on machine code
02:58.38rkr(68K, x86, IBM 360, 68HC11...)
02:59.27Aribeth8080, 68k, z80, Dec Vax
03:00.30Aribetheach language has it strong and weak points
03:00.44rkrOh, yes, a little bit of Z80, and read a bit of a bad Cybex (Sybex?) on the PowerPC.
03:02.50rkrAnd Uedit's config language.  And DME's language.  And TeX.  And shells...
03:03.39Aribethto many languages to remember
03:04.13bryjenyeesh. ten shots and eleven wing flaps.
03:05.02DTRemenakbryjen: so switch servers :)
03:05.46Aribethi need to tone down the flaps
03:07.19AribethWG is too powerfull on my server
03:07.19DTRemenakI'll join it if you will :)
03:22.38blast007hmm....second time the 2.0.3b7 windows build has froze up on me ;)
03:26.38*** join/#bzflag learner (~brlcad@brlcad.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
03:26.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o learner] by ChanServ
03:29.35AribethHowdy Learner
03:32.13*** join/#bzflag spldart (
03:32.26spldartGood evening
03:41.09Aribethhi speldart
03:41.18spldartHi... It's quiet in here
03:41.28Aribethright now it is
03:41.36spldartAh.. I missed something?
03:42.02Aribethtalkin about programming languages is all
03:42.04spldartlook out
03:42.18spldartah. compy geek stuff...
03:42.37spldartThat reminds me.. I was going to ask my brother a C+ question :(
03:42.38spldartoh well
03:48.35*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
03:48.35*** join/#bzflag noyb ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:48.35*** join/#bzflag lovebug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:48.45*** join/#bzflag silverfox ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:48.45*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@2002:45a6:86ae:0:0:0:0:1)
03:48.45*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (~david@ElectricElf.developer.debian) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:48.45*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
03:50.52DTRemenakI heard my name so I came to check it out
03:51.04DTRemenakbut it was just ibot saying I was still there :)
03:51.15bryjeni was lagged out by the netsplits
03:51.24DTRemenakah, that what it was?
03:51.58spldartAh.. wife got home.. bye all
03:52.15*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.staff.freematrix)
04:10.19*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
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05:19.44*** join/#bzflag gvdm (
05:38.36*** join/#bzflag fatso (
05:38.47fatsohow do you lock on to someone?
06:01.27*** join/#bzflag silverfox (
06:29.42bryjenwell carp.
06:30.47Aribethwhats wrong?
06:31.21bryjenthe speed checking auto-kick in bzfs
06:32.15bryjenmaybe its just from my tinkering with it.  i don't recall it being a problem on secretplace.
06:33.21bryjenah, there's a % tolerance setting too.  I wonder if they've adjusted that
06:33.32AribethLenoon still dominates my server.
06:34.16Aribethdont lnow. score of 259
06:34.41Aribethhes from Hungary
06:36.11Aribethso far noone can best him
06:36.52bryjenhow long has he been going?
06:37.10Aribethhours now. i lost count
06:38.24Aribethhis total kills is 491
06:38.49bryjen~ 492 / 228
06:44.33Aribethi wonder if Lenoon is running a cheat client
06:46.01bryjenthat's not a bad wins/losses, but the high score has to do with longevity too
06:49.43Aribethyes, but he seems able to elude shots that would kill others
06:50.03Aribethi have seen shots go through him
06:50.29Aribethhis lag is about 163 +- 10ms
06:51.25bryjeneh, it's hard to be sure
06:52.00Aribethyes it is. i have reports thet he seems to be able to see ST and CL without the SE flag
06:53.03Aribethvery hard with him
06:53.26Aribethi know i have seen him before
06:54.42Aribethahh, he just left after ToughShooter came in
06:58.34BenUrbanif he can see ST and CL without SE, his client is a cheat client
06:58.37BenUrbanplain and simple
06:58.51BenUrbani've seen that code
06:58.58BenUrbanit's very easy to take out the filter
06:59.04Aribethbullets seemed to go through him at times
06:59.16BenUrbanthat's probably a little bit more complex
06:59.19BenUrbanbut not much more
06:59.50BenUrbani presume ToughShooter is one of the cops/admins there?
06:59.56Aribethand he was a bit faster without the hispeed flag
07:00.08BenUrbandefinitely cheating
07:00.26Aribethi think so, but hard to tell for sure
07:00.39Aribethi've seen him before
07:00.56BenUrbanheh, there should be a score kick
07:01.03Aribethhe split after ToughShooter joined
07:01.15BenUrbanif score > 250, kick "Get a life, loser!:
07:01.34BenUrbanis ToughShooter an admin of secretplace?
07:01.49bryjenthis is on Aribeth's server
07:02.07AribethTS is admin on my server
07:02.27bryjenyou can set the server to declare a winner at a given score and reset the game
07:02.47BenUrbanso bullets sometimes pass through him, he can see ST and CL without SE, he bolts as soon as an admin enters, ...
07:02.49bryjennot the same message you're looking to send...
07:03.14BenUrbanoh, and he's faster than normal tanks
07:03.30BenUrbanseems to me it's beyond a reasonable doubt
07:03.41BenUrbandid anyone complain about him?
07:04.01Aribethif he is who i think he is then he has a dynamic ip
07:04.43Aribethi have to grep the old logs to be sure
07:04.53Aribethme three
07:05.18Aribethwell, see y'all later
07:32.55*** join/#bzflag silverfx (
07:33.45*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
07:41.50*** join/#bzflag WolverineJrDUB (
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09:51.31*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
09:52.04*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
09:55.08Mr_Molezanyone notice in current cvs... when u jump and look at tanks on buildings the tanks look like they are half in the building ?
10:12.57*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez (
10:24.04*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
10:24.04*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
10:29.47*** join/#bzflag menotume_ (
10:31.21*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
10:32.26*** join/#bzflag CBG (
10:42.36*** join/#bzflag CBG (
10:45.52|zongo|hi there, i had some troubles in building 2.0.3 under macosx
10:46.28CBG|zongo|: :o Hi!
10:46.37|zongo|hey CBG :O)
10:47.33Birdieyo zongo!
10:49.36Tupone|zongo|: what kind of trouble? are you building with autotools or with "project files" ?
10:50.45|zongo|project files i guess, i did an anonymous cvs update
10:50.55|zongo|same problems with ares stuff
10:51.06|zongo|hey Birdie btw ;)
10:51.42|zongo|Tupone, here are the errors
10:51.43|zongo|ares_gethostbyname.c:19: error: parse error before '<<' token
10:51.43|zongo|ares_gethostbyname.c:20:1: unterminated #ifdef
10:52.47Tuponeyour file had merge conflict
10:53.03Tuponeremove the file and cvs update again
10:54.11Tuponeforse hai fatto modifiche localmente ... prima
10:54.24|zongo|si, me le hai suggerite tu :)
10:55.16|zongo|2 o 3 mesi fa avevo un problema simile e tu mi hai detto di modificare alcune linee di codice
10:55.35Tuponesi, pero' l'ho parecchio modificato
10:55.44|zongo|ah ok :)
10:56.21CBGis "OK" universal? hehe
10:56.30|zongo|prolly :O)
10:57.22TuponeCBG: you know where OK comes from ?
10:57.34CBGErm... I guess not.
10:58.04TuponeI think in the RAF ... when they accomplished mission they used to make a count of kill
10:58.21CBGOverKill ? hehe
10:58.23Tupone0K meant 0 kille
10:58.33Tupone0 not O
10:58.34CBGoh right. gotcha
10:58.46CBGcool! :)
10:59.51|zongo|grazie Tupone per il momento tutto procede per il meglio :O)
11:04.05CBGIs it possible that when not many people on the same ISP as me are using the internet, that I kinda get extra bandwidth?
11:04.05CBGBecause I was hosting a server fine with low lag, then later it shot up to over 50ms jitter for everyone.
11:04.05CBGI was the only one using internet on our line the whole time.
11:04.19Mr_Molezif its cable yeh
11:08.54*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (brad@brad2901.user)
11:08.59rkrI've heard that it was used for "All Correct" (mis-spelled & abbreviated) on trains.
11:09.03CBGMr Molez: Ok, thanks.
11:09.11rkrI've also heard that it derives from an African language.
11:09.33rkrI think that there's at least one other that I've heard.
11:10.10CBGrkr meacan interesting.
11:10.11meacanThat is what the links says.. ok = okay = "Oll Korrect"
11:10.13rkrI had not heard the RAF version.
11:10.27CBGRAF version is the best though. :P
11:10.59rkrThe link is a bit vague about it, though.  The explanation for "Oll Korrect" that I'd read before was specifically re. train freight.
11:11.31rkrThe URL is the first time I've heard it suggested that it was a "joke". confirms its oll korrect.
11:12.09meacani use alot, so i hope they got it right :)
11:12.22rkr...well, given the proliferation of origin theories, I am not inclined to believe any single one to be authoritative.
11:12.36rkrHere's another to look up: Bar-b-cue.
11:12.45TuponeI'm not sure my version is right, though I like it more
11:13.03Tuponemy ... I read in some place
11:13.05rkrI seem to remember one person claimed "barbe et queue" (roughly translated "head to foot") to refer to roasting on a spit, but that was discounted.
11:15.38rkrSome more explanations:
11:16.14rkrtupone: Some place == dictionary of word origins.
11:16.28rkrI don't have it handy, so I can't give the title.
11:16.42rkrBut, really, this is all argument from authority, so who cares what the "authority" is?
11:16.56|zongo|Tupone, scusa il disturbo Alfredo ma ho ancora un problema
11:17.01rkrIt's not conclusive of anything, even if we only had a single reference.
11:17.58Tupone|zongo|: ?
11:18.12|zongo|MacDisplay.cxx: In member function `virtual bool
11:18.12|zongo|MacDisplay.cxx:45: warning: unused parameter `BzfEvent&bzf_event'
11:19.07|zongo|dice: CarbonSound.h: No such file or directory
11:20.06Tuponedon't know that file ... is Mac specific :/
11:21.14|zongo|the error comes from MacDisplay.o
11:22.25Tuponeci dovrebbe essere una suite di sviluppo, che non so come si chiama, di mac, che contiene questi files
11:24.00*** join/#bzflag gina (
11:58.12*** join/#bzflag LouMan (
12:00.25ginajpa- :)
12:04.08*** part/#bzflag LouMan (
12:32.10*** join/#bzflag [1]LePoulpe303 (
12:32.19[1]LePoulpe303hi all
12:33.41*** join/#bzflag Electric1lf (~david@c60a88ebae29ad68.session.tor)
12:56.11|zongo|some dev around? i still have problems building under macosx
12:56.28|zongo|../../include/Singleton.h:102: error: 'atexit' is not a member of 'std'
12:56.28|zongo|make[2]: *** [SceneRenderer.o] Error 1
13:02.56CIA-5BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/include/Singleton.h: since someone added a namescape using, should be sufficient to just check if atexit is available
13:05.15Tuponenamescape ?
13:05.39Tuponeescape from name ?
13:06.11|zongo|how can i fix it?
13:09.52Tuponeopen include/Singleton.h
13:10.27Tupone-#ifdef _WIN32
13:10.27Tupone+#ifdef HAVE_ATEXIT
13:10.28Tupone-      std::atexit(Singleton::destroy);
13:10.29*** join/#bzflag brad (
13:13.32*** join/#bzflag CBG (
13:36.28|zongo|grazie Tupone ha funzionato :O)
13:37.28|zongo|cu later all
14:03.03*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (~benurban@
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14:54.28*** join/#bzflag Electric3lf (~david@078d65eea28629bc.session.tor)
14:56.58*** join/#bzflag CIA-1 (
15:00.43*** join/#bzflag Teppic (
15:14.50*** join/#bzflag CBG (
15:20.17CBGHello?? 1vs1 anyone?
15:20.36CBGOoops. Wrong channel. Sorry!
15:53.59*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
16:13.36*** join/#bzflag Naruto_desu (
16:31.10menotumeLePoulpe303: ping-pong-ping
16:31.33Birdiehe wants to be added on private servers of gu meno
16:31.47*** join/#bzflag iwcylabumf (
16:32.08menotumedoes he have global login? if so, what account name ?
16:32.14Birdiedunno, check his irc name
16:32.19Birdieif he has one like that
16:35.43menotumehow about that, it's: LePoulpe  (done)
16:36.17Birdiecheck ip of that user with the ip he has here and you will know it:)
16:36.20jpa-grep the nick from logs by ip?
16:36.41Birdiecant vieuw logs
16:37.01jpa-even menotume can't?
16:37.13jpa-o-mighty-meno can't read logs? :(
16:37.22Birdiei can normal chat ones a bit, but you cant see there if he uses his real callsign and if he is registered / identified
16:37.30Birdieonly one person can read the real logs on gu..
16:37.33menotumenope - no log access
16:38.22jpa-hmm.. not on my server logs
16:38.50Birdieah maybe on dub, pimpi ping
16:39.01Birdiei saw him playing there before
16:39.38PimpiBirdie: pong
16:40.03Birdiei wished every one was as fast in ponging than pimpi
16:40.26Birdiecan you search dub logs for the guy lepoulpe (ip + global login or not with that nick)
16:40.35Pimpijust by chance, returned 2 minutes ago and will be away in another 2 minutes
16:40.50Birdie83.201.177.147, should be dynamic with this
16:42.03jpa-log-river-14-05-05-15-48:Player LePoulpe303 [3] has joined from at 2005-05-14 16:01:05 with token "66504436"
16:42.21jpa-it is there, just so dynamic address my grep didn't get it
16:43.24menotumeno need - no one else would use that name
16:43.33menotumeand, i will verify with him - no big deal
16:43.47jpa-yes, it is the same ISP anyway
16:43.57PimpiLePouple isn't mentioned in last 14 days in any servers log
16:43.58menotumeok :)
16:44.21Pimpiat least my servers
16:44.56*** join/#bzflag iwcylabu1f (
16:45.20Birdielol and i was sure i saw him:/
16:45.57Pimpioh, wait, he is
16:47.08Pimpiso what do you want about him?
16:47.27menotumenothing, it's resolved :)
16:47.52Birdiebut his ip?
16:48.27Pimpidynamic, wanadoo france
16:48.29menotumewhat would that prove anyway?  Doesn't confirm that it's the saem as on m.b.o.
16:49.38Pimpinetname:      IP2000-ADSL-BAS
16:50.22Pimpithis would be the most specific to get about him
16:53.09jpa-~seen sgk284
16:53.10ibotsgk284 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 12d 13h 9m 43s ago, saying: 'hey aribeth!'.
16:53.16jpa-aaaaaaaaaaargh i need him!
16:54.50*** join/#bzflag jolie (
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16:54.58creeperzjpa- needs men >.<
16:55.30jpa-and my hair is not blonde!
16:57.36jpa-aarrgh even tankitty isn't here :/
16:58.28Birdiepoor you
17:02.46*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (karsten@BearPerson.sourcemage)
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19:09.43menotumePimpi: 59998 down ?
19:10.59*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak_ (
19:11.44*** mode/#bzflag [+v DTRemenak] by ChanServ
19:13.29jujibomenotume, running now
19:18.51*** join/#bzflag CBG (
19:24.18*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
19:24.18*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
19:25.31jujiboTupone, hola!
19:26.06Tuponejujibo: what you did with _Manu_ ? You killed him ?
19:26.28_Manu_heh.. i forgot it :)
19:26.34Tuponehola _Manu_
19:27.27_Manu_Tupone, I use boths.. but here usually only _Manu_  :)
19:27.57Tuponej/k I knew it
19:28.13CBGJEFFM2501: SWEARING!! lol hurry....
19:28.23CBGbefore all the little kids see it... :/
19:28.50_Manu_Tupone, is this channel going to be moderated? i can see some voice rights:)
19:28.58_Manu_or is only for getting up in the list?
19:29.12Tuponenope, just to be up in the list
19:29.29_Manu_heh  I imagined it :)
19:31.52TuponeI asked Tim to let newbie know when an answer from this channel is just a joke, like sometime happens in this channel even from "op" :(,  or is authoritative, giving op to someone. He preferred giving voice
19:31.52CBGWho else here is a mod/admin at the bb?
19:32.14CBGOk. nevermind. :)
19:32.38CBGWho deleted the swear word i linked to?
19:34.00JeffM2501CBG, what post?
19:34.05_Manu_Tupone, I see :)
19:34.05CBGIt's gone now...
19:34.20JeffM2501who was it?
19:34.22DTRemenakJeffM2501: "bz audi" just got himself a warning
19:34.29JeffM2501first post?
19:34.29CBGThere was a post on the end of that topic that just said "F**K!"
19:34.42JeffM2501others ok?
19:34.43DTRemenakfirst two are on that thread also
19:34.53TuponeFornicature Under Consens of King ?
19:35.04_Manu_moderators never sleeps :)
19:35.06CBGjolie: :O Not in public. Sheesh!
19:35.18JeffM2501I'm younking the entire thread, that is not what the players forum is for
19:35.25DTRemenakyeah, I told him that too
19:35.35DTRemenakfigured that could just be a misunderstanding though
19:35.41jolieCBG: who cares? i mean he doesnt even notice.
19:35.54CBGjolie: maybe he will if I do....
19:36.21DTRemenak"lick" is only one character from "kick" :)
19:36.27CBGAh. :) I got a response. ;)
19:36.40JeffM2501she did too, you just didn't see it :)
19:36.48CBGOk ok.
19:36.53CBGI don't think I want to know.
19:36.56joliei ...
19:39.18jolieOh its much more than ok
19:40.21*** mode/#bzflag [+o jolie] by JeffM2501
19:40.26jolieCBG: still no prom date...
19:40.34*** part/#bzflag CBG (
19:40.34JeffM2501CBG, that is not true
19:40.36Tuponenooo, not again ...
19:41.00JeffM2501I'm packing beause I'm moving
19:41.08_Manu_jolie, jolie :)
19:41.17*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
19:41.19joliemanu manu
19:42.26_Manu_jolie, where is Tupone? ;)
19:42.33Aribethnot to change the topic, but be on the look out for a player names Star Wars.
19:42.48jolie_Manu_: ni idea... :(
19:43.00Aribethhe has been imperonating other players to try and gain admin access to my servers
19:43.19_Manu_jolie, just curisosity.. everytime you get op he is gone :)
19:43.34*** join/#bzflag CBG (
19:43.54jolie_Manu_: en serio?
19:43.59Aribethhe came in as Lou Man today
19:44.13CBGJust so you all know, I have no date because I am too addicted to the evil game you have all made and have no time for girls.
19:44.14_Manu_jolie: también puede ser casualidad :)
19:44.38DTRemenakAribeth: could you pm me the IP(s)?  I'd like to check something
19:44.50AribethDTR ok
19:49.57*** mode/#bzflag [-o jolie] by JeffM2501
19:50.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o DTRemenak] by JeffM2501
19:52.56*** mode/#bzflag [+o CIA-1] by JeffM2501
19:53.16menotumeAribeth: that is 'Saturn' aka 'Yugi'
19:53.21menotumea big troublemaker
19:53.29*** mode/#bzflag [+o TheLastSpartan] by JeffM2501
19:53.37JeffM2501saturn is yugi?
19:53.51menotumei thought i told you that
19:53.57JeffM2501if you did I forgot
19:55.09AribethJeffM2501 when your done with the banhammer pas it to me
19:55.45JeffM2501the banhammer can not be wielded by many
19:56.26Aribethi was speaking figurativly :)
19:57.20*** join/#bzflag bz8037 (
19:59.36JeffM2501saturn is now baninated
19:59.47menotumeyay :)
20:00.24ToughShooterHe also used satur in past
20:01.01JeffM2501not as a global
20:01.31DTRemenakas "star wars" he's a smooth operator.  seems to trie to gank p/ws and privs
20:01.55ToughShooterWell, it just means he'll figure out what was done with his callsign
20:02.52DTRemenakheh, I doubted if Sharpshooter was a good choice for admin when BIYA picked him.  more confident now...
20:02.54Aribethwell, he will get a surprise next time he comes in on sleepycows
20:02.57DTRemenakPlayer star wars [7]: helloo admin if i behave can i get pass
20:03.03DTRemenakPlayer Sharpshooter [1]: i dont even know you
20:03.08ToughShooterDTRemenak: "star wars" also asked me for secretplace password several times just with another callsign but same IP-adress
20:03.27DTRemenakyeah, and he tries to use registered nicks to do it too
20:03.44DTRemenakso far he's tried LouMan, Elem3nt, and Teppic on my server.  who knows what elsewhere
20:05.30Aribethand he tries to act like you should know him
20:06.04ToughShooterAlso said some other players would know him
20:06.21ToughShooterSo I should give him password
20:07.26ToughShooterIt was funny when I informed Agent 99 that he asked me for password and got reply that Agent was being asked as well
20:08.10DTRemenakmakes me curious what he'd do if he were admin.  almost tempted to give it to him and see what he does :)
20:08.10Aribethhe tells me "very nice server you are the best aribeth"
20:08.11DTRemenakhe told biya exactly that
20:08.22Aribethya, i feel the same. setup a dummy server
20:09.00Aribethhe says "can i be a admin if i am good"
20:09.22_Manu_"stars wars" simply want to run a server.. and he is unabled to configure it
20:09.35ToughShooterHeh, have you grepped spheres log Ari?
20:09.38_Manu_he asked me how to set a password for his server
20:10.12Aribethya im reading it now
20:10.39Aribeththis guy is to much
20:10.42DTRemenak_Manu_: that doesn't explain why he wanders around trying to use other people's callsigns now does it :)
20:11.04_Manu_JeffM2501, is Saturn banned.. he asked me why he can't use global login
20:11.16Aribethgetting the passwords to many server could do some damage
20:11.18_Manu_DTRemenak, I think simply he is a noob..
20:11.53_Manu_and if any admin gives him a password.. then fear those admins :/
20:11.54ToughShooterI hope password isn't still being used for most servers...
20:12.19ToughShooterSaturn was made an admin at :x
20:12.31_Manu_ToughShooter, yes i know
20:12.32DTRemenak_Manu_: he joins and tries to hold conversations with other people's callsigns, and asks for admin.  classic social engineering whether or not he's a noob
20:12.51Aribethvery classic
20:13.07_Manu_DTRemenak, yes can be... but i think that is very low level "social enginnering".. heh
20:13.17_Manu_when most of servers not using server password
20:13.30Aribethnot really, you would be surprised
20:13.39DTRemenakyeah, it'd be better if he was knowledgable and spelled things write
20:14.01_Manu_Aribeth, I mean serious servers ;)
20:14.01DTRemenakbut it's still surprisingly effective
20:15.02DTRemenak_Manu_: I still use -password on my servers.  Seen the list server die too often, I'm gonna keep my local admin password until we have true redundancy.
20:15.15_Manu_The funnies thing i saw.. was one admin making some players cops at his local server.. then used their passwords in the servers they were admins.. heh
20:15.32Aribetha little smooth talking to an inexperianced admin can go a long way to getting what he wants
20:15.45_Manu_DTRemenak, :)
20:16.07DTRemenak'course I'm the only one who knows it and I'm not about to tell anyone :)
20:16.08_Manu_DTRemenak, you don't need to use Global nor List server..
20:16.34_Manu_I'm using global.. but if it fails.. i also can use /identify... but using menu options :)
20:17.04DTRemenak_Manu_: the local auth system is seriously flawed.
20:17.21_Manu_DTRemenak, yes.. but still usable :)
20:17.31DTRemenakI do not use it at all, knowing the code :)  Global or -password for me.
20:17.49_Manu_DTRemenak, lol ;)
20:18.36DTRemenak-password is also useful when you accidentally remove yourself from the admin group :)
20:18.59ToughShooterMaybe for a short period of time but not for the long run
20:19.00_Manu_DTRemenak, well.. you allways can connect to your server  using ssh or whatever... and change it
20:19.54DTRemenaktrue enough
20:20.57_Manu_DTRemenak, then can I use /password supersecretpassword in your servers? ;-p
20:21.04DTRemenak_Manu_: nope :)
20:21.08menotumenope - i tried it alrady
20:21.28DTRemenakhah, actually you'd laugh if you knew what my password was
20:21.49menotumeDataTerminalReady ?
20:21.54_Manu_DTRemenak, /password DTRemenak  ? kk
20:21.58DTRemenakhrm, this guy actually tries guessing passwords too
20:22.22_Manu_DTRemenak, kidding :)
20:22.26DTRemenakgot three consecutive /identify attempts from him under callsign "LouMan"
20:22.37DTRemenak_Manu_: definately not :)
20:23.03Aribethhumm..i dont like that
20:23.34ToughShooterI would like to write a auto ban plugins for certain mount of tries within a special delay
20:23.45Aribethold fashioned unix passwords are the best
20:23.58ToughShooterIf the sample plugins would compile :((
20:24.09DTRemenakalso tries stuff like Player Lou Man [6]: tread said i can be admin
20:24.20menotumeyep - that's him alright
20:24.31DTRemenakLMAO: Player star wars [6]: hey have you seen lou man he is not the real lou man
20:24.36ToughShooterYa, have one password that is so sure that nobody knows it, even I don't know it
20:24.51DTRemenakthat's just funny
20:25.08Aribethwhat i pill this guy is
20:25.22ToughShooter~dict pill
20:25.33*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
20:25.33*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
20:25.42menotumehellos Tupone
20:25.44Aribethita also a slan term from the 1920's
20:25.47DTRemenakhah, and then this: Player star wars [6]: see I can be a good admin.  please make me admin?
20:26.00ToughShooterHmm, I'm not american
20:26.00Tuponehellos ? how many ?
20:26.06Aribethyup i have that one too
20:26.07menotumeAri - you are not THAT old
20:26.30Aribethno, but i am 51
20:26.53DTRemenakthis guy is a crackup
20:27.00Aribethhe sure is
20:27.12ToughShooterSeems to have always the same IP-adress
20:27.37DTRemenakthat's the most persistent social engineering I've seen in bzflag yet.  almost two weeks of tries
20:28.02Aribethyes. he is nothing if not persistant
20:28.23ToughShooterMore than 2 weeks, IIRC
20:29.37DTRemenakheh, compare this:
20:29.42DTRemenak<Aribeth>he tells me "very nice server you are the best aribeth"
20:29.51DTRemenakPlayer star wars [4]: hello biya
20:30.03DTRemenakPlayer star wars [4]: nice server, very nice you are the best
20:30.26_Manu_DTRemenak, lol..he told me the same.. heheh ;)
20:30.51ToughShooter_Manu_: AOL ;)
20:30.52Aribethwhat a tool
20:31.10DTRemenakso classic though.  like he read the book on social engineering and he's going all-out
20:31.25_Manu_but that's too much cheap :)
20:31.38*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (debian-tor@ElectricElf.developer.debian)
20:31.39DTRemenakappeal to flattery, appear to be someone you aren't, be persistent...
20:31.52menotumeand lie when caught
20:31.58ToughShooterHe should try to be nicer over a longer time, say 2 weeks before asking
20:32.00_Manu_when they ask me... can I become admin? my response is allways: "Who knows!" :)
20:32.02DTRemenakhe's just not very good at it :)
20:32.23DTRemenaklittle bit of work and he could probably pull admin on quite a few servers that way though :(
20:32.55DTRemenak_Manu_: my response is "if you wouldn't have asked I would have said yes"
20:33.45DTRemenaknobody who's ever asked me for admin on my servers has ever gotten it
20:34.22JeffM2501DTRemenak, can I be admin?
20:34.28DTRemenakJeffM2501: you already are
20:34.44_Manu_well.. they can aski you in another servers :)
20:34.59ALame12yearOldDTRemenak, can I be admin?
20:35.05ToughShooterI'm joking around somethimes, saying "Can I be no admin please" to some players who ask often
20:35.06*** kick/#bzflag [ALame12yearOld!] by DTRemenak (no)
20:35.07*** join/#bzflag ALame12yearOld (~jeffm@
20:35.14_Manu_nice :)
20:35.26Patlabor221DTRemenak, can I be admin?
20:35.28_Manu_he got hunted :)
20:35.32DTRemenakyou probably already are too
20:35.40DTRemenakdunno when your nick change took place :)
20:35.45JeffM2501DTRemenak, only have 1 global
20:35.51DTRemenakah good point
20:36.00*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
20:36.15DTRemenakalthough it's by nick not by bzbb id :(
20:36.29JeffM2501you do local groups?
20:36.47DTRemenakgood question, actually
20:36.51JeffM2501I mean local user db
20:36.54DTRemenakbecause that's the way I set it up before? :)
20:36.56JeffM2501not groups
20:37.02DTRemenakuserdb is always local
20:37.15JeffM2501not when you are doing global only :)
20:37.31JeffM2501you can go global only, but still allow anyone to play
20:37.34DTRemenakyeah, but if you have any local groups you have to have a local user
20:37.39JeffM2501just means people with perms have to global
20:37.46JeffM2501DTRemenak, true
20:37.57JeffM2501you'd have to convert all your groups to bzbb groups
20:38.47DTRemenakthree sets of three groups if I was going to switch all my servers.
20:39.04JeffM2501groups are cheap
20:39.27JeffM2501hmmm wonder if I shold move current comptuer, or just buy new one....
20:39.36_Manu_DTRemenak, lol.. "star wars is a dumb" read this:  Player star wars [10]: /password manu
20:39.51DTRemenakworth a try anyway :)
20:40.25_Manu_heh.. poor :)
20:40.35DTRemenakJeffM2501: where you moving to?  different place in the same area?
20:40.56JeffM2501Thousand Oaks
20:40.59JeffM2501next town over
20:41.09Aribethwhats your password bob?  its bob
20:41.09DTRemenak_Manu_: if he did that on every server on the list I bet he'd get one or two
20:41.25DTRemenakremember the thing about persistence? :)
20:41.26Aribethor more
20:41.28_Manu_and other flower: Player star wars [3]: do you want to exchange passwords i give you mine you give me this one
20:42.00Aribethlike i said...a complete tool
20:42.10DTRemenakhe got caught twice for faking callsign on biya's server.  both times someone noticed the "-"
20:42.21_Manu_lol.. I can write a book only using his messages :/
20:42.25DTRemenakwhoever's idea that was gets a bunch of bonus points :)
20:42.40_Manu_he is worse than a spammer
20:42.45DTRemenakyeah, we could probably make a really funny editorial of some kind :)
20:42.49DTRemenakpost it on bzbb... :)
20:43.07DTRemenak*public humiliation time* :)
20:43.43Aribethdo it
20:43.59JeffM2501has AMD just stoped making athalonXP processors?
20:44.09JeffM2501and only doing semperons and 64s?
20:44.15DTRemenakJeffM2501: no, the top-end XPs are still in production afaik
20:44.25_Manu_yes.. or they will be  past september
20:44.30JeffM2501cap out at what XP3000?
20:44.37DTRemenakget a 64 though
20:44.41DTRemenakthey are cool :)
20:44.46JeffM2501looking at 4200 dual core
20:44.52JeffM25014 gigs of ram
20:45.01JeffM25012 GF FX 6800's in SLI
20:45.18JeffM2501and 3 displays
20:45.20DTRemenakJeffM2501 obviously plays games other than bzflag :)
20:45.24JeffM25011 dell 24" and 2 19's
20:45.47JeffM2501tho looks like only the 24 would run in SLI mode
20:46.08JeffM2501right now I don't play much that would use SLI
20:46.09DTRemenaktho you only get one gl display in windows anyway iirc
20:46.20JeffM2501mostly I want 2 cards on a fast buss
20:46.27JeffM2501I can't deal with old PCI now
20:46.29DTRemenakToughShooter: video card serialization
20:46.37DTRemenakparallelization rather
20:46.42JeffM2501DTRemenak, depends on how I Set the driver
20:46.46DTRemenaktwo GPUs working on one display
20:47.07JeffM2501basicly I want 3 displays
20:47.11JeffM2501and I want them all fast
20:47.21JeffM2501PCI33 can be slow even for 2d
20:47.33DTRemenakused to stand for "scan-line interleave" when 3dfx did it.  not sure what nvidia claims it stands for now, but it sure as heck ain't scan-line interleave :)
20:48.11JeffM2501Scaleable Link interface
20:48.12JeffM2501or something
20:48.16DTRemenakPCI can handle 2d fine with a really good 2d chip.  unfortunately nobody makes really good 2d chips anymore :)
20:48.31*** mode/#bzflag [+o jolie] by JeffM2501
20:48.33ToughShooterDTRemenak: Is SLI efficient? I know from dual processor macs that they don't utilize all CPU power..
20:48.35DTRemenakerr, I guess the G450 is still in production
20:48.36*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by JeffM2501
20:48.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o Nidhoggr] by JeffM2501
20:48.48DTRemenakToughShooter: yeah, it splits the geometry between the cards
20:49.07JeffM2501DTRemenak, depends on how you set it
20:49.19DTRemenakJeffM2501: I thought nvidia only had one mode?
20:49.19JeffM25011 mode has each card draw alternate frames
20:49.28JeffM2501ATI crossfire has 2
20:49.30JeffM2501has 1
20:49.54*** mode/#bzflag [+o _Manu_] by Tupone
20:49.59*** mode/#bzflag [-o Tupone] by Tupone
20:50.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o Nidhoggr] by JeffM2501
20:50.15*** mode/#bzflag [+o Nidhoggr] by JeffM2501
20:50.21*** mode/#bzflag [+o Tupone] by JeffM2501
20:50.29*** mode/#bzflag [+o brlcad] by JeffM2501
20:50.43DTRemenakno, crossfire has 3 modes
20:50.55JeffM2501I didn't research crossfire much
20:51.00JeffM2501I will not buy a ATI chipset
20:51.18DTRemenakheh, no kidding
20:51.41JeffM2501he's no fun
20:51.53*** mode/#bzflag [-o _Manu_] by JeffM2501
20:51.58*** mode/#bzflag [-o _Manu_] by JeffM2501
20:52.05*** mode/#bzflag [-o brlcad] by JeffM2501
20:52.10*** mode/#bzflag [-o CIA-1] by JeffM2501
20:52.16*** mode/#bzflag [-o Nidhoggr] by JeffM2501
20:52.23*** mode/#bzflag [-o TheLastSpartan] by JeffM2501
20:53.19JeffM2501like I say, SLI isn't my main concern, it's the number of displays
20:53.36DTRemenakwhat is the other SLI mode?
20:53.44DTRemenakI can't find it anywhere
20:53.55*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
20:53.58JeffM2501alternate frames, or spliting the screne into workloads
20:54.05JeffM2501aka spliting up the geo
20:54.08DTRemenakah, ok
20:54.18JeffM2501well mostly the shaders I think
20:54.22Aribethstar wars just tried his pitch on secretplace
20:54.36JeffM2501what is this guy doing?
20:54.50DTRemenakJeffM2501: trying out his social engineering abilities
20:55.01Aribethwarf told me he said "are you owner"
20:55.06DTRemenakfor the last couple weeks he's been running around trying to get admin on various servers
20:55.35DTRemenakoffering to trade passwords, asking for admin, impersonating people and asking for the passwords, smooth-talking, etc
20:55.50DTRemenakit's actually really amusing
20:55.58DTRemenakhe's got a bunch of standard lines
20:55.59JeffM2501I see
20:56.07JeffM2501gonna masterban?
20:56.11Aribethhe is smooth
20:56.40DTRemenakmaybe should masterban, dunno.  he's not very good at it, but he tries hard :)
20:57.21DTRemenakJeffM2501: does bzbb have an ip-lookup function?  e.g. if I have an IP can I see what users have posted from it?
20:57.26Aribethi almost thought he was louman til i saw the space in his name
20:57.29DTRemenakor just the other way around?
20:57.42JeffM2501DTRemenak, you can do an IP lookup on a post
20:57.49JeffM2501and see what otther users have posted from that IP
20:57.55JeffM2501and what other IPs that user has posted from
20:57.59JeffM2501bt it's trigerd by a post
20:58.08DTRemenakok, nuts
21:01.43*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
21:01.43*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
21:01.54_Manu_DTRemenak, well it seems like he is caughting passwords: Player star wars [5]: i want to help you and i love this serevr you can trust me i am admin on 4 serevrs
21:02.00*** mode/#bzflag [-v Tupone] by JeffM2501
21:02.04DTRemenakor else he's lying
21:02.32_Manu_I'm not sure.. heh he can lie some noobs admins
21:02.40DTRemenaktrue :)
21:02.57DTRemenaknext time someone should ask which servers :)
21:03.22_Manu_I'm reading the logs.. just for fun! :)  incredible
21:03.29DTRemenakyeah it is isn't it
21:03.54DTRemenakI still think we ought to put together a compilation of his "best work"
21:03.57Aribethhere is some more from him
21:04.00Aribethdumbalore likes me cedric likes me shadow likes me tread baron likes me alot of people no me and like me tough shooter
21:04.10_Manu_heh :)
21:04.32DTRemenakhey, anyone know any mozilla extensions to do a regex search of a web page?
21:04.39Aribethi will give yu a pass if you let me be cop
21:05.25Aribethhe did manage to do one thing. he got us reading our logs
21:05.51DTRemenaktrue :)
21:06.21_Manu_but no problem, it's so fun :)
21:06.46Aribethbetter than a beral of monkeys
21:07.13DTRemenakheh, he says "tread baron likes me" huh...
21:07.39DTRemenaktread plays exclusively on my servers afaik
21:07.41DTRemenakegrep "[Ss]tar [Ww]ars" servout-biya | egrep "[Tt]read"
21:07.48DTRemenakPlayer star wars [6]: hello tread
21:07.56DTRemenakPlayer star wars [6]: i wont tread said i could have it when he comes back
21:07.59DTRemenakthat's it
21:08.09DTRemenakTread has never said anything to him :)
21:08.20DTRemenakand he only said one line to tread
21:08.33DTRemenakand lied about tread saying he'd give him admin :)
21:09.00jpa-does it show privmsg destinations?
21:09.10jpa-mine doesn't
21:09.10Aribeththen he says "darth vader and sonic and this is bull s......t"
21:09.13DTRemenakerr, maybe not destinations
21:09.14Pimpibtw, who is star wars?
21:09.25jpa-but if that is all star wars has ever said..
21:09.26Pimpishould i know him?
21:09.31DTRemenakheh, "this is bull s.....t" is from HIS OWN ip
21:09.42DTRemenakPimpi: grep your logs, fun stuff from him
21:10.03DTRemenakhe tries to get admin all over the place, impersonates people, sucks up, tries to guess passwords
21:10.12Aribethhummm...sould he be in the topic?
21:10.16Pimpiyeah, he asked me for privs, though i didn't see him mode but 2-3 times before
21:10.29DTRemenaklook for nicks from his IP
21:10.49Aribethhe impersonates other players like louman
21:10.55_Manu_Pimpi, he just got banned at vipers
21:10.57DTRemenakI get him trying to impersonate at least three different respected players
21:11.22_Manu_Pimpi, he tried to hack my password.. o_O
21:11.40DTRemenakyeah, he does repeated /identifies to guess passwords
21:11.48_Manu_well... really server's password
21:12.15DTRemenakhe didn't try for /password in any of my logs but apparently he has on other servers
21:13.23DTRemenakI'd say he spends at least a half-hour every day on biya's server doing his thing.  for the last couple weeks
21:13.42_Manu_he asked almost everybody for it
21:14.21DTRemenakyeah, he's asked six of my admins
21:14.25AribethDTR, he also came in as MY TANK OF STEEL, A HILLBILLY, SWEET TOOTH, and ANTHRAX
21:14.37_Manu_but not only admins.. also non registered players..
21:15.07DTRemenakyeah, "sweet tooth" was his u/n for a long time before.  first entry in my log is near the beginning of my 2.0.1 logs
21:15.23DTRemenakbut it doesn't look like anything overtly agressive in there
21:16.22Aribethhe even came in as Thumper
21:17.38DTRemenakso...opinions on a masterbannage?
21:18.16menotumecan't masterban - he has too many dialup accounts
21:18.27DTRemenakmenotume: this person is != yugi
21:18.32DTRemenakI'm sure of it
21:18.39DTRemenaksame range, but always from one IP
21:18.49DTRemenakno other impersonations anywhere in the range
21:19.16_Manu_he allways uses the same ip..
21:24.10jpa-hasn't asked on my server :/
21:24.33_Manu_heh... :)
21:24.39Aribethhe will
21:25.02jpa-not if JeffM2501 uses his Blessed +3 wand of master banning
21:25.13DTRemenakcan anyone confirm that that address was used by Yugi with a primary source (e.g. reading the log)?
21:25.37_Manu_iirc there is more than one "yugi"
21:25.37jpa-that exact address hasn't been used by yugi
21:25.47jpa-only star wars
21:25.48DTRemenakI'm currently floating a theory that this idiot tried to impersonate Yugi, and that's why that address is on "the list" :)
21:26.00menotumeright - i've seen that one from 'saturn' only
21:26.09_Manu_Saturn also tried Yugi, but he isn's
21:26.38DTRemenaknot that it really matters, I suppose
21:26.43jpa-and star wars has completely different isp to, it is not yugi
21:26.46_Manu_and as Yugi is so popular because cartoons... many players used it
21:26.51menotumethe 'saturn' that i've seen, has asked me for passwords, and asked how to change his IP, among being a PITA
21:27.12menotumei have 3 diff ips that i wrote down when he did that
21:27.15_Manu_the Saturn i know is from Germany
21:27.35_Manu_and Yugi is from USA
21:27.59DTRemenakstar wars does not type like either yugi or saturn does either.  might be intentional but it's really good if it is.  different typical mistakes.
21:28.06menotume69.119... is germany
21:28.11_Manu_he got in troubles with cosmos because using nazi words..
21:28.12menotumeso are the other 2 ranges i have
21:28.25menotumeooops, no
21:28.38DTRemenakone of them is HMC, I think
21:30.18menotumeheh, 69.119 is NY
21:30.30menotumewell, they say the same things
21:30.41DTRemenakah well.  does anybody at all have opinions on masterbanning
21:30.45Aribethya, he said he was from New York once
21:30.45menotumegood one to impersonate :)
21:30.48DTRemenakmenotume is in favor
21:30.50jpa-DTRemenak: do it
21:31.09DTRemenakalrighty then, on the list he goes
21:31.13menotumeand waves them at JeffM2501
21:34.09*** part/#bzflag _Manu_ (
21:34.24*** join/#bzflag Rusure (
21:35.07*** join/#bzflag wizart (
21:36.13DTRemenakanyone have any special desire to be listed as "banner" for him? :)
21:36.42DTRemenakSOLD to menotume :)
21:36.44jpa-just put us all :)
21:36.48jpa-i want too!
21:36.58menotumejust put 'everyone' :)
21:37.00jpa-"By menotume and jpa"
21:37.02Aribethme too
21:37.17DTRemenak"the general population of #bzflag" :)
21:39.25CIA-1BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10admin/master-bans.txt: star wars gets "the ban" on multiple counts of impersonation, social engineering, and brute-force password guessing
21:40.15ruskiewhat did star wars do...
21:40.24ruskieonyl thing was that he was annoying to me...
21:40.33DTRemenakruskie: got your server logs handy?
21:40.40DTRemenakthey can be pretty amusing
21:40.45DTRemenakor just read the backlog here
21:41.11DTRemenakgrep for his ip address, he tries to impersonate lots of folks
21:41.13JeffM2501DTRemenak, have have a master account to?
21:41.26DTRemenakJeffM2501: unregistered
21:41.39JeffM2501well tha'ts at least something goo
21:41.41DTRemenaknear as I can tell anyway
21:42.24DTRemenakhah, actually his IP is already on the bzbb banlist
21:42.32ruskieDTRemenak, I was on viper at the time
21:42.39ruskiehe was behaing like a total noob
21:42.45ruskiedidn't even know how to reg
21:43.08DTRemenakwould be pretty hard for him to reg since his IP is banned at bzbb already... ;)
21:43.35menotumeruskie: yes, that is hid mode of operation. i thought he was a troll at first
21:44.44*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
21:46.07ruskiehmmm should check if he visited my server...
21:46.59ruskiehmmm he was there... but nobody was around...
21:47.13DTRemenakyeah, same at my :7000 and :6002 servers
21:47.28DTRemenakhe drops in, if no admins are there he leaves, or tries to guess the password
21:47.41DTRemenakif someone is there he'll try to get them to give him the password
21:47.44DTRemenakor admin privs
21:47.52DTRemenakhe's very systematic
21:47.59ruskiewhoaaa he tried diff names as well
21:48.07DTRemenakincluding registered ones probably
21:48.25ruskieyjtyhm7ytkmf and Lou man
21:48.33DTRemenakdid he try to /identify as Lou man?
21:48.55ruskiejoined and left
21:49.01ruskiewas on for less than 10 s
21:49.12DTRemenakyou have kick unregistered users on? :)
21:49.21ruskieHouseWarfare.log:Player yjtyhm7ytkmf [4]: hey besr person can i get password to server
21:49.31ruskiehe did try though :)
21:49.32DTRemenakyup, that's him alright
21:49.38DTRemenakconvinced yet? :)
21:49.50jpa-argh am i the only one who hasn't got any bad actions?
21:49.59jpa-oh yes i do :E
21:50.03jpa-log-river-19-06-05-14-44:Player Lou Man [0] has joined from at 2005-06-19 15:21:01 with token ""
21:50.10DTRemenakheh :)
21:50.11ruskiejust grep for the ip
21:50.37DTRemenakprobably would have gone totally unnoticed if Aribeth hadn't brought it up
21:50.44Aribethsavwafair is everywhere
21:51.21Aribethi knew something was up when he came in as Lou Man
21:51.45DTRemenakyup.  that was his big mistake actually...asking for passwords is not a masterbannable offense
21:51.54DTRemenakimpersonating people is
21:52.02DTRemenakand it got him noticed
21:52.17ruskiehmmm I'm amazed my server acctually got a few visits...
21:52.57Aribetha big mistake on his part
21:53.07*** join/#bzflag iain_mac (
21:53.23jpa-oh no.. will i get banned because i have claimed to be jpa :o
21:53.45DTRemenakjpa-: _are_ jpa :)
21:54.52jpa-does it make a difference?
21:55.07ruskiethere we go reset the tally for the rotation and uped 3 maps to 1 hour instead of 30 min...
21:55.22DTRemenak20 mins on a map is not a lot
21:55.34DTRemenakusually if I play I do for a couple hours at a time on one server :)
21:56.19ruskieDTRemenak, well I have a rotation of a few maps and a voting system for the maps :) so players can vote which map they like and which they dislike...
21:56.36ruskie2 weeks in a row for a dislike means it's dropped from rotation...
21:56.50jpa-i'd still say that player counts vote for themselves..
21:57.09DTRemenakjpa-: if you have a fast rotation, yeah, I'd agree
21:57.26DTRemenakif you use 6-hour rotations some will have lower player counts just because of where they fall
21:57.28ruskieany map that get's 2+ good votes and no bad ones(as in good bad even out to 2+ good) then it get's a half hour increase
21:57.54ruskiewell it's easy as doing a /map good|bad|average
21:57.56DTRemenakjpa-: or you could do what I do and just run them all :)
21:58.03ruskieand the tally is proccesed through a simple script :)
21:58.31ruskieshould really finish making my own labyrinth map...
21:58.40jpa-i have 2 hours rotation, even time for every map
21:58.55ruskiestill wondering if I should add a radar or not to it though...
21:59.41DTRemenakjpa-: I'm betting your player counts will not be a good indicator then...if it shows up at night for instance...
22:00.53ruskiethere any log analyzers or something along those lines available yet for bzflag logs?
22:00.59jpa-yup, but i don't really care
22:01.34DTRemenakruskie: not really.  simple shell scripts do the job pretty well
22:01.55DTRemenakshould probably write something more detailed is nice too
22:04.58DTRemenakI prefer :)
22:08.39jpa-~slap DTRemenak
22:08.40ibotACTION slaps DTRemenak, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
22:08.53DTRemenakhey, I was just counting its memory
22:09.19jpa-you get some kicks of touching sdram?
22:09.52DTRemenakheh, I wish it was sdram :)
22:09.59DTRemenakall edo here
22:10.44DTRemenakand I'm not even sure the 16s are edo, they might be fp
22:12.03jpa-you're so cute and nice
22:13.03jpa-the one time i thank you for something you just dislike me :/
22:14.42DTRemenakthanking me is cool.  saying I'm cute is a little...odd.
22:15.02DTRemenakand I don't dislike you, I just didn't want to be so close to you
22:16.01Aribethstar wars is on my server now
22:16.44DTRemenak1. I need to tell the web server to update
22:16.51DTRemenak2. you'll need to do a masterban reload
22:16.55jpa-masterban doesn't update without server restart?
22:17.06DTRemenakrestart or masterban reload
22:17.23Aribethya, i just want to have fun with him first
22:17.41DTRemenakwhat server, I'll join :)
22:17.46jpa-me too :)
22:18.14Aribethif i stay and show you i am nice can i be your last admin
22:18.30Aribethsleepycows 5154
22:25.51Aribethsry jpa. i had trouble holding him there
22:26.05jpa-well yes
22:26.19jpa-he wanted to go to mine but it had reset and he was banned x)
22:26.26jpa-i think
22:26.41DTRemenakno, probably not
22:26.43Aribethi need to reset my server
22:26.51jpa-Aribeth: reload will be enough
22:26.53Aribethi did a local ban for now
22:27.01jpa-reload masterbanlist i mean
22:27.02DTRemenak not there yet
22:27.13jpa-well then he sucks
22:27.13DTRemenakcvs from shell is busted
22:32.35*** join/#bzflag Naruto_ (
22:45.24purple_cowJeffM2501: made some good progress last night. we have the most important feature now (an FHz counter)
22:46.49Aribethstar wars on 5159
22:49.31Aribethanyone interested ?
22:49.49DTRemenakdidn't get the hint, huh?
22:50.04Aribethport 5159
22:55.56JeffM2501purple_cow, cool, I'll look at it when I feed
23:11.55purple_cowbzbb had an email address for me that i haven't used for >3 years
23:17.29*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
23:18.38*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
23:27.07Aribethhi Shorty114
23:27.53shorty114hey Aribeth
23:37.03*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
23:38.41*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:42.16*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (~benurban@
23:43.16BenUrbanlucky me
23:43.18BenUrbanthere's a hotspot here
23:43.20BenUrbani wonder how laggy it is....
23:43.56*** join/#bzflag BinarySpike (~BinarySpi@
23:44.02shorty114not very laggy...
23:44.06shorty1140.74 seconds
23:44.23BenUrbanand thanks ;)
23:44.32shorty114/ping is the magic command
23:44.50BenUrbanmeh, i wouldn't have bothered
23:45.14BinarySpikeDoes anybody know how to use Windows XP command line to "cd" into the bzflag folder?
23:45.37Aribethcd /directory
23:45.40BenUrbanBinarySpike: cd "\Program Files\Bzflag" <-- something like that?
23:45.53BenUrbani dunno exactly wwhere it puts it
23:45.53BinarySpikeDo I need the '\' before it?
23:46.00BenUrbanor whether it includes the version nmber
23:46.10BenUrbanthe \ tells it to start at the root
23:46.24BenUrbanAribeth: / doesn't work in the windoze shell
23:46.38BinarySpikeI know
23:46.39Aribethya. old unix habbit
23:47.01Aribethi dont do windows
23:47.22BenUrban^^^ workgroup
23:48.00BenUrbanpassword protected file sharing
23:48.10BinarySpikeOk, I type this
23:48.13BinarySpikecd ..
23:48.23BinarySpikecd "\program files"
23:48.39BinarySpikeand I get "incorrect format"
23:48.55BinarySpikeYes, it didn't start in C:\
23:49.10BinarySpikeIt started in C:\doc-6 or something
23:49.14BenUrbanyou said xp, right?
23:49.19BenUrbandoesn't matter
23:49.24BenUrbanwith the preceding \
23:49.28BenUrbantry this...
23:49.34BenUrbancd \Progr<tab>
23:49.47BenUrbanwhere it says <tab> hit the tab key
23:49.55BenUrbanit should fill in the rest of that dir name
23:50.02BenUrbanand put quotes around it
23:50.24brad2901Why don't you just make it simple and type: cd c:\program files\bzflag2.0.2  ? :)
23:50.40BenUrbanbecause he doesn't follow directions
23:50.47BinarySpikebecause that didn't work
23:50.48BenUrbanand i didn't know the exact dir name
23:50.57brad2901What bzflag version are you using?
23:51.00BenUrbanoh sorry did i say that out loud?
23:51.09BinarySpikeI think
23:51.22brad2901Is it in program files?
23:51.34brad2901And is the folder name "BZFlag2.0.2" ?
23:51.48BinarySpikec:\Program Files\bzflag files\bzflag2.0.2\
23:51.55BenUrbanah, that's why
23:52.05brad2901cd c:\Program Files\bzflag files\bzflag2.0.2\
23:52.07BenUrbancd "c:\Program Files\bzflag files\bzflag2.0.2\"
23:52.13BenUrbanbrad2901: quotes are required
23:52.19brad2901You don't need quotes...
23:52.23brad2901Just tried.. ;)
23:52.27BenUrbanlast i checked you do
23:52.29BinarySpikebut that doesn't work...
23:52.37BenUrbanBinarySpike: what does it say?
23:52.52BinarySpikeJust a sec...
23:53.02BinarySpikeDoes "ls" list files and folders?
23:53.06BenUrbandir does
23:53.18BinarySpikeso instead of ls I use dir?
23:53.26BenUrbanls gives the nt equiv of "bad command or file name"
23:58.26shorty114ls -> dir
23:58.44shorty114microsoft just has to do things different ;)
23:58.52BinarySpikeMac uses ls
23:59.04BinarySpikeI'm IMing with a friend to get cd to work.
23:59.29*** part/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.