irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050413

00:22.59*** join/#bzflag bzflagwiz (
00:50.17*** join/#bzflag wegstar_away (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
00:50.20*** join/#bzflag redsoxfan90 (
00:50.51redsoxfan90im allowed back on ur server?
00:51.22menotumeIt is a sad day in Ducati-land.
00:51.30menotumeTLZ has left the league
00:51.41menotumeOne of the orignal teams
00:52.23menotumeread the league forums - 'general discussions'
00:52.30redsoxfan90ok hold on
00:54.25redsoxfan90doesnt say why tho
00:55.04menotumekeep reading
01:00.21orangeoh, #bzflag has been left out of this whole firestorm
01:00.46menotumethey refer to the mouse enhancement thread
01:01.44orangeand by the way redsoxfan90, trolling the various admins who happen to be on the server asking for the password, saying you were trusted, etc.  -- that's not the best way to show you deserve any slack.
01:04.01brlcadmenotume: basiclly due to cheating?
01:04.15menotumewell, not really cheating
01:04.35menotumei'm not sure I understand the Zees position on this yet - have not talked to them
01:05.03trepanbrlcad: heh, increasing mouse sensitivity
01:05.10trepan(from what little i read)
01:05.10menotumeperhpas they don't see the league as friendly as it once was
01:05.21menotumetrepan: yes
01:05.46trepanand any display over 19" should be banned too
01:05.54menotumethere's moer to it, increased radar size, extra radar zooms, etc.
01:05.59menotumeall normal stuff
01:06.10menotumetrepan: well, if you play against them
01:06.23menotumeyou would probably think that they are cheating
01:06.34menotumecan't explain it
01:06.59[wegstar]menotume: its called skill ;)
01:07.09menotumeI think they have developed a differnt playstyle, based on extrem mouse adjustments
01:07.42menotumemouse boz size=1, acell all thew way up, mouse sensitivity up
01:07.55menotumecannot drive a straight line :)
01:09.26brlcadyeah, I know the "effect" .. just wondering if that is what the Zee's are upset with
01:09.27menotumeI don't think TLZ is an slouch when it comes to skill
01:09.57menotumecould be more the bickering, and 'secrecy'
01:10.24brlcadmaybe they just miss me
01:12.58menotumethta's it, the entire league is going down the tubes, because learna left
01:15.15brlcadwegstar: did/do you know learner?
01:15.34brlcadhe used to play quite a bit.. hrmph
01:16.00*** join/#bzflag nixdepp (
01:16.09brlcadlearner: get you butt back in the game :)
01:16.18nixdepphi, any admin of hepcat online?
01:16.19menotumehe's too old now
01:16.26orangenix, sure, what's up?
01:16.29menotumewhat'up nix ?
01:16.39nixdeppthe racist again
01:16.44orangewhat callsign?
01:16.49nixdeppnits not possible top ban him
01:16.59wegstardid see him once in 1.10.8 or what seemed to be him...
01:17.01nixdeppnthe voting stops with an error, cu
01:19.09*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
01:19.54wegstarhey lan56
01:20.04wegstar~bzfrag lan56
01:20.09ibotACTION kills lan56 with a shot from his BZTank
01:20.15wegstarfor the other day ;)
01:20.19brlcadnixdepp: what's the error?
01:20.41lan56wegstar: :)
01:20.41nixdepphis callsign began with:
01:20.41nixdeppPhuu ...
01:20.57nixdeppthe poll ended
01:21.14brlcad"Phuu ..." ?
01:21.21nixdeppand the player should leave
01:21.23brlcador "Phuu" ?
01:21.43brlcaduh, which :)
01:21.55nixdeppbut stazed
01:22.01nixdeppbut stayed
01:22.09brlcadthe poll said it was going to kick player Phuu?
01:22.25nixdeppna new vote was impossible, maybe only a small bug
01:22.33wegstardid it even say that it was sucessful?
01:22.43brlcadnew vote is impossible by the same player for a short amount of time
01:22.50nixdeppit was successful
01:22.50brlcadbut possible for other players to initiate it
01:23.05brlcadwhat kind of poll was it?
01:23.09nixdeppi didnt start the vote
01:23.30brlcad(kick, ban, etc)
01:23.37nixdeppi dont know. Had GM, so I had other probs :-)
01:24.00nixdeppjust watch the logs
01:24.35brlcadthis was which server?
01:25.09nixdeppthe map switched a 2 minutes before
01:25.18*** join/#bzflag AndyIII (
01:25.53brlcadhello AndyIII
01:25.58brlcaddid you eat the other two?
01:26.05nixdeppcya, need to work in a few hours
01:26.17brlcadthanks for the info
01:26.25*** part/#bzflag nixdepp (
01:27.05AndyIIIlol.. nope... killed them off
01:27.33brlcadeating them didn't imply needing to kill them first I suppose
01:27.51AndyIIInah... just killing... sorry :P
01:32.00brlcadwhere's the fun in that
01:32.12brlcad:) tank sushi
01:32.12AndyIIILOL!  No comment
01:32.33brlcadisn't that where Andy Capp fries come from?
01:32.56AndyIIInever heard of that one b4...
01:32.58brlcadAndys that have been "capped off"
01:33.35brlcadcapped off, sliced up, deep fried, and seasoned to taste .. mmm mm.
01:34.22AndyIIIgood done
01:34.24AndyIIIer, one
01:37.38*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
01:37.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
01:37.53*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
01:38.40Silver1I could use help with a bzbb account.  The account hepcatADMlN is apparently no active, so I can't send myself the password (mine doesn't appear to work), and its the moderator for one of my groups.
01:39.54SilverFoxThe account "hepcatADM1N" on isn't allowed to log in.
01:40.24SilverFoxsorry, "hepcatADMlN"
01:40.25JeffM2501I don't show a user by that name
01:40.41SilverFoxerror message "Sorry, but your password cannot be retrieved because your account is currently inactive. Please contact the forum administrator for more information."
01:40.56JeffM2501you give it a valid email when you made it?
01:41.18JeffM2501did you click the link in the activation email?
01:41.23SilverFoxit exists.  Look here:
01:41.28JeffM2501I foudn it
01:41.37JeffM2501did the 1 part first :)
01:41.39SilverFoxJeffM2501, not sure.  I thought I did.  I'll look through the gmail archives.
01:41.43JeffM2501you didn't
01:41.45JeffM2501I fixed it
01:41.51SilverFoxthank you much.
01:41.52JeffM2501it's activated now
01:42.28sgk284trepan, ping
01:44.10JeffM2501something like that
01:45.17*** join/#bzflag BIYA (
01:52.37*** join/#bzflag smallspy12 (
01:57.52*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
02:08.53AndyIIIDid the entire room get sw?
02:11.21brlcad~bzfrag AndyIII
02:11.23ibotACTION skewers AndyIII with a super bullet
02:12.48AndyIII~bzfrag brlcad
02:12.51ibotACTION skewers brlcad with a super bullet
02:13.36*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
02:14.33*** join/#bzflag bzflagwiz (
02:19.46*** join/#bzflag YAKarsten (
02:31.24*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
02:43.08spldarthrm... On a hard game where I score pretty bad I do seem to pull off some captures on hepcat ctf :confused:
02:43.44spldarthehe... I had the worst kill to death ratio but pulled 3 captures :/
02:44.01MeBigFatGuyoften folks play on ctf without really caring about the flag - part
02:44.35spldartI seem to get pissed and go after the flag hard over and over while shooting at every opposing team member.
02:44.45spldartMost of the time I get killed. but  few times it pays off.
02:45.10spldartI saw the most beautiful escort by my team I have ever seen in CTF so far :-0
02:45.19spldartOf course I've not been playing long.
02:45.36spldartI had a two layered defense all the way to near home base.
02:45.51spldartIt was glorious ;)
02:46.42spldartI always though I'd prefer playing rogue on maps like spiralzone... and still do sometimes. But CTF is really addictive
02:47.08*** join/#bzflag jomojo (~jomojo@
02:47.22spldartTo bad the LouMan map I'm hosting doesn't lend itself to CTF
02:48.12spldartMaybe I should host two on my new linux server. One intranet (Time Trials) for the kids. One internet (Bridges) for CTF ;)
02:48.24spldartSorry... I'm rambling
02:48.36BIYAkeep going :)
02:48.36spldartI guess I still love this game :)
02:48.54spldartHehe.. I'm done.. I promise
02:49.33spldart[/ramble] [serious question]
02:49.48spldartI can host two maps on one linux server correct?
02:50.03cosmosive had over 50 on one server before
02:50.06spldartDifferent directory for each... One intra and one inter?
02:50.33spldartThis weekend is going to be busy... After I get back from my trip.
02:50.51cosmosyeah you need to organize it a bit
02:55.52spldartOrganize the linux machine?
02:57.00cosmosyeah make sure your bz structure is easy to manage
02:57.07cosmosnot just a directory full of stuff
02:57.24cosmosie i have a maps, config, logs, binaries directory
02:57.32cosmosconfig file for each map/server
02:57.59cosmoscontrolled via daemontools so i can change/bounce in seconds
03:09.44*** join/#bzflag captrespect (
03:10.31*** part/#bzflag captrespect (
03:10.36cosmos"put pillbox back up on 2.0 or kiss your servers goodbye biyatch"
03:10.40cosmosi love server /reports
03:10.47spldartwoah... daemontools is a new one on me. I was thinking two seperate directories under bzuser. One labeled specific to each map
03:11.15spldartI could just bounce back and forth between config timetrials and config bridges
03:11.19spldartor some such thing
03:11.24spldartLOL at the /report
03:11.28spldartLemme check mine
03:11.53cosmos  look for daemontools
03:12.24spldartI've got somebody username crash13 asking to admin on my map :rolleyes:
03:12.35cosmoswe banned him today
03:12.47cosmoshe came in started spamming about other servers with better maps
03:12.50cosmosand cussing admins
03:13.46spldartLOL wow
03:13.59spldartI seem to get the kid'ees wanting to cop
03:14.40spldartThese kids are so disfunctional nowadays :(
03:15.30spldartis this yours or someone else site you linked me to?
03:16.07cosmossomeone elses
03:16.58spldartOnce I get my new server all set up and I'm happy... I'll look into this daemon tools thing :)
03:20.09*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
03:20.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
03:20.45cosmosits handy
03:23.31trepansgk284: pong
03:25.07orangeheh, cosmos, hepcat is full even with observers
03:28.16Thumper_JeffM2501: ping
03:28.45Thumper_that was fast :)
03:29.03Thumper_does bzfs care if the masterban list has duplicate entries in it (mine not yours)
03:29.46Thumper_I'm thinking I can just build my masterban list from yours + the individual ban files from each server
03:29.59Thumper_and feed that to my servers as it's master ban file
03:30.15Thumper_that way admins can still do /ban /unban on the servers and
03:30.24Thumper_affect the contents of my masterban list
03:35.15Thumper_well it's late again.. night all (thx Jeff)
03:38.49trepananother satisfied customer:
04:34.10Pimpi~x en de toddler
04:56.10*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
05:15.30*** join/#bzflag cods (
05:33.56*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
05:41.22*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
06:32.50*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
06:36.18*** join/#bzflag crko` (jan@crko.user)
06:55.47*** join/#bzflag gvdm (
08:31.22*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
09:39.57*** join/#bzflag tupone (
09:40.15*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:08.59*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
10:20.52*** join/#bzflag theEnemy (
10:30.18*** join/#bzflag AlexanderTheGrea (
10:36.13*** join/#bzflag delfia (
10:44.41*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
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10:52.37ToughShooter~weather EDDF
11:16.31*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
11:28.55*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
12:01.52*** join/#bzflag crko (
12:07.33spldart~weather ksgr
12:23.55*** join/#bzflag bz0198 (
12:27.57*** part/#bzflag spldart (
12:53.02Thumper_~seen JeffM2501
12:53.23ibotjeffm2501 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 9h 24m 1s ago, saying: 'no'.
13:22.26*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
13:26.16*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (karsten@BearPerson.sourcemage)
13:26.38*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
13:31.07*** join/#bzflag crko (
13:41.38*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
14:08.28*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@
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14:09.17*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@
14:21.37menotume~dict masochist
14:28.53*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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14:49.26*** join/#bzflag poppy (
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14:50.47*** part/#bzflag poppy (
14:57.41_Manu_ruskie, ;)
15:04.23Mr_Molezcan the bzflag client record players playing ?
15:04.40*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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15:07.30*** join/#bzflag eric (
15:11.30*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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15:17.02*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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15:26.29*** join/#bzflag darth_mall (~evan@
15:43.11*** join/#bzflag tupone (
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15:55.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
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16:12.27*** join/#bzflag CBG (
16:23.00*** join/#bzflag cods (
16:29.47PimpiBranden Robinson, is that the xfree86 maintainer?
16:30.03Pimpisry, wrong window
16:31.33*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
16:32.32_Manu_Pimpi, :)
16:32.45Pimpi_Manu_ !
16:33.13Pimpiwe all here :)
16:33.22_Manu_yes :)
16:35.13BearPersonSomeone came up with the idea of a "slap" command... a command to let ops move someone to a new random spot on the map (anti-camping)
16:35.27BearPersonIf you have the guy doing base-camping when it's 8vs4
16:35.33JeffM2501would simply be a forced respawn
16:35.47BearPersonwithout dying, losing points or losing the flag
16:35.55_Manu_BearPerson, for changing your pos just press Del key
16:36.09BearPersonlol... but for changing someone else's pos?
16:36.30_Manu_BearPerson, then just press P key
16:36.34BearPersonwe just had a base camper on red when there were 8 reds vs 3-4 blues
16:38.09*** join/#bzflag DarthValou (
16:38.15_Manu_BearPerson, camping 8-3 is not funny :(
16:38.25JeffM2501you'd have to have a new message that would tell the client to despawn the player with out killing them
16:38.29*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
16:38.41BearPersonthat's why a /slap command would have been nice
16:38.42Pimpii think anti-campin is a map issue
16:38.45ruskieyeah idea waas mine for the slap...
16:38.54JeffM2501it would need a client and server change
16:39.02BearPersonkindof a soft /kill
16:39.10JeffM2501if you going to that lenths why not give the ability to just bump them to oberserver
16:39.14JeffM2501same kinda deal
16:39.18Pimpinot before 2.2
16:39.32BearPersonI guess
16:39.40JeffM2501it would be incompatable
16:39.44JeffM2501with 2.0.x clients
16:40.23Pimpibut anyway, we have zones, isn't one of the zone option useful for anti base camping?
16:42.03Pimpiscoreboard patch?
16:42.17BearPersoncustom sorting by different functions
16:42.38BearPerson(entirely client-side and non-play-changing)
16:43.57_Manu_BearPerson, for base campers.. an automated shockwave before the team respawn is nice :)
16:44.14BearPersonyeah, that'd be sweet :)
16:44.20_Manu_a server weapon... :)
16:44.24BearPersonshockwave when the flag is placed there maybe
16:44.37Pimpicool idea
16:44.49_Manu_is not difficult to implement.. :)
16:44.50BearPersonthat shouldn't be hard... when the flag is reset after a cap the flag emits a SW
16:45.04BearPersonwant to leave it to me for practice or what? ;-)
16:45.18_Manu_and this can be enabled/disabled by the server admin..
16:46.05Pimpipatches welcome
16:46.11BearPersonwell, brb, eating :)
16:46.42PimpiBearPerson: i don't really understand your patches description
16:47.31Pimpi"hopping around half the board when
16:47.32Pimpithey just came in" ?
16:48.34JeffM2501ruskie, patches welcome :)
16:49.13ruskieJeffM2501, well a) I don't code b) when I plan on learing it will be C/ObjC c) if I ever learn then I will surrley make contributions
16:49.39_Manu_ruskie, actually you can move!!.. the map
16:49.58_Manu_ruskie, or making the map moving..
16:50.04ruskie<-- has flag ideas rolling...
16:50.18ruskie_Manu_, I was thinking more along the lines of moveable objects
16:50.34_Manu_ruskie, actually you can move all the objects..
16:50.49ruskieat various angles and so?
16:50.54JeffM2501moving objects is kinda a pita, cus you have to then time sync worlds
16:51.03JeffM2501so that the stuff that moves is in the right place for everyone
16:51.04_Manu_ruskie, yes.. there is a trick for it.. ;)
16:51.10ruskieyeah that's true
16:51.35_Manu_ruskie, do you know how to make it?
16:52.13ruskienot really interested... don't have a server...
16:52.15_Manu_well.. it's very esasy
16:52.27_Manu_no need a server.. you can do it from client side
16:52.53_Manu_when you respawn.. just press and hold pressed... right arrow key... all the map moves round you
16:59.55*** join/#bzflag eric (
17:00.05*** join/#bzflag scanline (~micah@
17:04.52Pimpiaaaaaaiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee, apt want's to download 727MB of updates
17:05.01brlcadhar har :)
17:10.02TimRikerPimpi: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get -d -y dist-upgrade    is a nice thing to run now and then when you have bandwidth to spare.
17:11.31Pimpiyep, i had to finish an very urgent article and i didn't want any changes on the system while it was still unfinished
17:11.54Pimpijust in case anything would break
17:13.07Pimpihm, it's no good sign if root's history is unusual short...
17:13.50jpa-why not?
17:14.10Pimpiwhy was it purged?
17:14.20Pimpior who purged it, and why?
17:14.22jpa-maybe a boot or something?
17:14.51jpa-i think it is pty dependant etc.
17:14.55TimRikerhmm (Wins-Losses)/(Wins+Losses) score. /me ponders
17:15.10jpa-maybe ls -lh /root/.bash_history
17:16.18jpa-TimRiker: hmm.. wouldn't that limit it to +-1?
17:16.41jpa-ewww.. bzflag players would have to learn to deal with floating point numbers :/
17:16.56TimRikeryep. could then normalize to 0-100 or similar "score"
17:17.17jpa-hmm.. isn't that the one we use in rabit chase now?
17:18.23TimRikerI'm pondering if there is a way to add a time curve. ie: linear scaling based on max player's win+loss
17:18.52TimRikerplayer with max win+loss if loss=0 would = 100 score.
17:19.13TimRikermy same token all losses for that player would == 0 for a score.
17:19.25TimRikerplayers would enter with a 50 and move up or down.
17:19.35jpa-we could make it sqrt(wins-losses) and laugh at people trying to deal with their imaginary scores :)
17:21.14Chestalit would also be possible to use ELO
17:21.31Chestalso killing a player with a high ELO would be worth more
17:21.39TimRikerlike "Turn to Stone" or "Fire on High" ?
17:22.00Chestalthis would assume that all battles are 1-1 whic they are not of course
17:22.48JeffM2501what does the electric light orchistra have to do with tanks?
17:31.15JeffM2501I am older then time
17:33.24BearPersonwell, what I like about (Wins-Losses)/(Wins+Losses) is that it does not change at all over time
17:34.37BearPersonHowever, if someone goes from 1-1 to 2-1 the player would hop from 0 to 1/3, which usually will make him go from place 10 to place 3
17:34.49BearPersonwhich is what I called "hopping"
17:35.34BearPersonhmmm... /me starts to think assigning low priorities to things makes them considered earlier ;-)
17:38.38JeffM2501anyone ever use plib?
17:41.17TimRikerkeeping a matrix of who killed who and ranking recursively might be nice too.
17:41.21TimRikerBearPerson: =)
17:42.12BearPersonHmm. but then you'd have a>b>c>a situations
17:42.36BearPersonmaybe sorting by number of people that the player killed>was killed by
17:43.13TimRikerBearPerson: I wasa thinking of scaling over "time" where time == w+l such that the player with the largest w+l could get 1 or -1 but someone with 1/2 the w+l could only get .5 to -.5 or similar.
17:43.37TimRikerlinear scale might not be the best thing, perhaps reverse exponential or something.
17:44.02BearPersonso basically (W-L)/(Wmax-Lmax)
17:44.03TimRikerthen I'd convert the -1 to 1 scale into a 0 to 100 rank.
17:44.25BearPersonI have it from -1000 to 1000 on my box
17:44.45BearPersonworks pretty well... nobody usually gets more than +-300
17:44.54TimRikerI find 0 to 100 easier. then you can shoot for a perfect 100
17:45.02TimRikeror a perfect 0 =)
17:45.17BearPersonI saw a perfect -1000 today
17:45.27TimRikerlame bots. ;-)
17:45.34BearPersondon't think it was a bot even
17:45.43TimRikershoulda been
17:45.48BearPersonmanaged to get and lock on with a GM
17:45.59BearPersonbut the people were evading too well
17:47.14BearPersonbut I think having some "warmup time" where you don't divide by w+l yet may serve us best
17:47.14TimRikeran ideal rank would take into account who you kill. so if the guy that w=70 l=4 gets killed 8 times by the newbie who happens to ignore the other lamers, then newbie could get ranked higher than the 70 guy.
17:47.48BearPersonwould be cool then if the high ranked had some way of showing...
17:48.00BearPersonI was thinking of glowing turrets
17:48.34TimRikerscale tanks by rank.
17:48.34BearPersona perfect +1 would illuminate a good lot at night
17:48.47BearPersonof course, it would make them easier targets, but probably just slightly
17:48.49TimRikerhigher rank means larger, slower tank.
17:48.53JeffM2501it's called fatboy TimRiker :)
17:48.58BearPersonand may have effects on teamplay, positive or negative
17:49.03TimRikerJeffM2501: ok, fatboy
17:49.18JeffM2501UT did it to great sucsess
17:49.37JeffM2501but fat people look funnyer then fat tanks :)
17:50.05BearPersonhmm. maybe tall tanks :)
17:50.09JeffM2501would be an easy cheat to get around tho
17:50.17JeffM2501since you'd have to send a "fatness" message
17:50.24JeffM2501and trust the client to use it
17:50.27JeffM2501for coldet
17:50.42BearPersonthe bot would be a disc, and Manu would be a skyscraper ;-)
17:50.50JeffM2501mmm maybe the code for fatmessage could be LARD
17:51.25TimRikereach client would know the ranks for all the other players based on scores, and calculate the tank sizes. so the other tanks would look right, but a hacked client could ignore that and make themselves small.
17:51.43JeffM2501TimRiker, would you not want the server to compute the fatness?
17:51.43TimRikerif speed were effected though, the server speed checks would enforce that.
17:51.59*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
17:52.09TimRikerJeffM2501: I'd want the server to send out the rank info in some form.
17:52.48TimRikerBearPerson: the tanks have red and green lights. just grow those or add more.
17:53.10BearPersondo they? never noticed them
17:53.31BearPersonI suppose you can have a "brightness" for lights?
17:53.41TimRikerJeffM2501: server would likely also send a size/speed/shotlength/etc factors for the handicap settings.
17:54.18TimRikerBearPerson: just put a pillar of light shining up (ie laser) from the top of the winner.
17:54.31BearPersonhehe, that'd look sweet too
17:54.47BearPersonbut also I'd like me to have headlights depending on how well I'm doing ;-)
17:56.13BearPersonhmm. white lights or team-color lights... decisions, decisions
17:56.53BearPersonIt might be considered cheatey though, because you can easily spot who's good and who's bad
18:00.38BearPersonhuhhh? What makes you get the message "Tank Rusted"?
18:01.27DTRemenakBearPerson, death by waterlevel
18:01.36BearPersonah, I see
18:09.09JeffM2501TimRiker, server should be the one ring
18:18.06*** join/#bzflag bzflagwiz (
18:35.55BearPersonHmm. Now how do I call a function associated with the player playing the tank when I'm in TankSceneNode.cxx ...
18:39.22JeffM2501IIRC you generaly don't know the player, the player sets all it's data in the scenenode
18:39.37JeffM2501graphics and gameplay are "suposed" to be seperated
18:42.10BearPersonso if I want to carry score data into rendering I have to make the score get set in some value in the node...
18:42.42JeffM2501just like color, position, and all that other stuff
18:42.49JeffM2501so the graphics system can stand alone
18:43.21JeffM2501or build a new node that is somehow linked to the tank node and moves with it
18:43.38JeffM2501you going to draw the score over the tank?
18:44.26BearPersonI was going to make a light at the tank getting brighter with higher score
18:44.54JeffM2501game is limited to 8 lights isn't it?
18:44.57JeffM2501GL lights that is
18:45.14JeffM2501those are allmost allways taken up by shots first
18:45.23BearPersonyeah, I guess
18:45.24JeffM2501or were you going to make a kind of "fake" light?
18:45.32JeffM2501like a bright ball?
18:45.36*** part/#bzflag DarthValou (
18:45.37BearPersonwhatever works I guess :)
18:45.39JeffM2501or were you going to move the GL light?
18:45.50BearPersonbut making it illuminate the ground would just look sweet :)
18:45.55JeffM2501no mater what, you'd want it set as an atribute
18:45.58*** join/#bzflag gina (
18:46.05JeffM2501becuase there may be other ways to set it later down the road
18:46.12JeffM2501like making the rabbit have the glow
18:46.20BearPersonbasically just a "headlight" that brightens the area around the tank
18:46.22JeffM2501then only the game code has to change, not the rendering
18:46.27JeffM2501ohh a world light
18:46.31BearPersondoes the rabbit glow already?
18:46.31JeffM2501that's going to be a GL light
18:46.40JeffM2501it's just a bright texture
18:46.54BearPersonahh, well, I'll go see whatever works best I guess
18:47.30BearPersonI mean, it would just look so _sweet_ to see a bright light coming round the corner and everyone just going "uh-oh" ;-)
18:49.12JeffM2501what did you plan on doing for light?
18:49.18TuponeJeffM2501: IIRC, trepan removed that
18:49.24TuponeI mean used more light
18:49.32JeffM2501Tupone, I don't see how, since it's a GL limit
18:49.41JeffM2501unless he redid the entire lighting thing
18:49.45TuponeI think it change the light dynamically
18:49.46JeffM2501to allways use the 8 closest lights
18:49.50Tuponenot sure
18:49.56JeffM2501so there is a "bz light" then?
18:50.03JeffM2501it's posible he did
18:50.07JeffM2501now shot glows arn't lights
18:50.08Tuponewell, I suppose yes :/
18:50.29JeffM2501show glows are like a projection thing
18:50.37JeffM2501at least on the ground
18:50.46JeffM2501the boxes are a teselation thing
18:50.57TuponeI'm sure he did something about. Not sure what
18:51.05JeffM2501well how did you plan on doing the light
18:51.25JeffM2501Tupone, I think he changed them somewhat
18:51.33BearPersonI think I saw some code around that selects the closest/most important lights, yeah
18:51.36Tuponeyeah :)
18:51.53JeffM2501that would be the logical thing
18:52.31BearPersonWell, the idea from my side would simply to take some normalized score and make players illuminate the area or something depending on it
18:52.52BearPersonso you'd somehow recognize a good player, especially at night
18:52.54*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
18:52.54*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:53.18BearPersondidn't think so much about the actual how-to-make-this-work-in-OpenGL part ;-)
18:57.55jpa-hi gina :)
19:04.22BearPersonHmm. Now I think all I need to do is find a way to call the setTankScore function of TankSceneNode for every tank being rendered...
19:07.09*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
19:08.49jpa-you found how to do the lights? :)
19:08.58jpa-good. now make a light-object for me :)
19:09.08jpa-my maps need it :)
19:09.26orangetrepan already did it, didn't he jpa-?
19:09.34jpa-did he?
19:09.41orangethere is a forum post about it
19:11.08jpa-ah, with shots :)
19:11.17jpa-i've been thinking about that
19:13.01jpa-if bzfs only was in python, or if i only could do c++... :)
19:17.34BearPersonby patching bzflag ;-)
19:17.46BearPersonbut then again, I'm a halfway-seasoned C programmer
19:18.07jpa-i was too.. until those stupid pointers started being mean at me :S
19:18.37jpa-i can do some c too, but mainly on µCs
19:18.40BearPersonhehe, yeah, I know the kind
19:18.58jpa-so my c code is badly commented and looks like asm :I
19:19.18BearPerson"Why do I have a segfault? ... ohh, it's an _integer_ pointer, so every index is 4 bytes wide" ;-)
19:20.44BearPersonthere's only one way to find out
19:21.21jpa-three cases possible: a) instant segfault  b) eating 100% cpu and not working  c) segfault when connecting
19:24.08*** join/#bzflag cods_ (
19:24.48BearPersonnot really
19:24.52BearPersonworks as usual
19:25.08BearPersonmeaning I don't see anything that it may be having extra lights or anything
19:27.40*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
19:28.08Grumblerwow, mac?  ....its only 3pm.
19:28.11BearPersonfloat rgb values... what range should they have?
19:30.05jpa-BearPerson: maybe 0..1?
19:30.15BearPersonthat's what I'm thinking too...
19:32.39brlcadGrumbler: mac?  where?
19:33.26Grumblerhmmm, i thought mac and mbfg were the same....maybe i got confused?
19:33.28jpa-hi brldad
19:34.08*** join/#bzflag _bubbles_ (
19:36.03brlcadi'm not a daddy yet
19:36.21jpa-hm :D
19:36.21brlcadfew close calls, but not yet ;)
19:36.24Tuponeei, brlcad
19:37.02jpa-may i still call you brldad anyway? :)
19:37.43*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (
19:37.56BenUrbanoh cool so there is a #bzflag
19:38.17BearPersonhmm. actually it does seem to work...
19:38.41BenUrbanwell two
19:38.51BenUrbanChanServ and theEnemy
19:39.57BearPersonhmm. yeah, it does work
19:40.23BearPersonnow the tanks look like they have freak neon tubes attached at the bottom :)
19:40.44BearPersonso all you ever see them shining on is themselves from below... hmm
19:41.49CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (include/cURLManager.h src/common/cURLManager.cxx): cURL multi handler. To be a substitute of URLManager, or included in
19:42.20brlcadBenUrban: there's a #bzflag?!  no!  where??
19:42.36jpa-brlcad: you are so funny :)
19:43.46brlcadBenUrban: lots of folk in IRC use different names than in the game
19:43.54brlcadsome don't but many do
19:44.17BenUrbanyeah i guessed that
19:44.18CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (include/ src/common/ cURLManager added
19:44.33brlcadhang around long enough and you'll figure out who everyone is ;)
19:44.55BenUrbani don't hang around many bzflag servers that long :)
19:45.55BenUrban!seen ibot
19:46.17Tupone~seen brlcad
19:46.18ibotbrlcad is currently on #brlcad (2d 3h 12m 43s) #bzflag (2d 3h 12m 43s).  Has said a total of 220 messages.  Is idling for 12s
19:46.22BenUrbanah so it's ~
19:46.25BenUrban~seen ibot
19:46.26ibotibot is currently on #zaurus (14d 3h 41m 20s) #opencombat (14d 3h 41m 20s) #opie (14d 3h 41m 20s) #tomcat (14d 3h 41m 20s) #familiar (14d 3h 41m 20s) #uclibc (14d 3h 41m 20s) #intimate (14d 3h 41m 20s) #gllug (14d 3h 41m 20s) #brlcad (14d 3h 41m 20s) #gpe (14d 3h 41m 20s) #oe (14d ...
19:46.39Tuponebut play with bot in PM
19:46.40BenUrbanwhat an excessivle plain respionse
19:47.22BenUrbanso this is devel and support, right?
19:47.31Tuponemainly yes
19:47.39Grumblernope, this is where we plan to take over the world
19:47.48BenUrbanthat explains the CIA-3 bot
19:48.00jpa-~hugg brlcad
19:48.01ibotewwwww.. /me feels like throwing up
19:48.44Grumbleryou would think CIA-3 is a bot wouldnt you.......
19:49.34jpa-i thought it was TimRiker's another personality, and he is just writing that stuff when someone commits
19:50.03BenUrbani've seen other CIA bots
19:50.05Grumblerthats just cover for scanline's dark projects
19:50.09BenUrbanthere's one in #gentoo-dev iirc
19:53.12Grumbleryes, its a bot and is in no way a group of deep operatives tracking/modifying open source code into a system of collective of back doors waiting for the leader to give the word....
19:53.26Grumbleryes, its a bot.
19:54.35Grumblerit has nothing to do with langely or undisclosed locations in utah
19:54.36CIA-3BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (Downloads.cxx Downloads.h playing.cxx): texture are downloaded with cURL
19:54.51jpa-Tupone: thanks :)
19:54.59jpa-now i understood the name 'curl'
19:55.42Grumblerfor awhile there i wondered what it had to do with large stones being thrown down ice
19:56.05TimRikerit's just c-url no?
19:57.18jpa-TimRiker: yes, probably :)
19:57.40jpa-but i didn't understand that before tupreone wrote it 'cURL' :)
19:57.46Tupone cURL on the logo
19:58.17jpa-hmm..tupreone.. sounds like toblerone.. mmmmmm
19:58.46TuponeI don't like my taste, it hurts me
20:02.44BearPersonHmm... the lighting patch works more or less
20:02.45cosmosnice. NPR reports another american kidnapped in iraq while an iraqi 7 year old was beheaded early tue
20:03.34BearPersonthe tanks are lighted up very much from below, have a small circle on the ground which they illuminate and they illuminate walls...
20:03.39BearPersonmaybe I should use flares
20:03.51BearPersonor any ideas how I can get the lights "bigger"?
20:04.30Birdiebrclad ping
20:05.53cosmosbirdie do you like the new rotation better?
20:06.16Birdiecosmos: yea, i think its more fair like this, people from all timezones can play both
20:06.42cosmosand no threats yet
20:07.00Birdienot even after a day:)
20:07.06Birdiemust have been a good idea;)
20:09.01*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:11.18BearPersonokay, this is starting to look cool ;-)
20:13.19Grumblercosmos<  "no threats yet" ........that just means they are planning an all out assault.........shutter the windows and lock the doors
20:14.09GrumblerThumper_<  nice bz site.....the rabbit style made it fun........well, at least for me.......  :)
20:19.45*** join/#bzflag bz5949 (
20:20.24cosmosEW YORK (AP) -- Irked by the success of the nationwide Day of Silence, which see
20:20.24cosmosks to combat anti-gay bias in schools, conservative activists are launching a co
20:20.24cosmosunter-event this week called the Day of Truth aimed at mobilizing students to ca
20:20.24cosmosrry out acts of violent retribution against homosexuals deemed to be cast away b
20:20.29cosmosy God.
20:21.38*** join/#bzflag sbo183 (
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20:29.08TimRikerOT: if anyone here has access to surplus outlets at universities. I'm looking for old HP hardware and/or old teletypes.
20:30.22JeffM2501what you gonna do with that?
20:33.16Grumblerhow old is old
20:35.23*** join/#bzflag cods (
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20:41.15JeffM2501if I was doing a bad job on bzbb you all would tell me right?
20:41.48*** join/#bzflag brad2901 (
20:42.17orangethat sounds like a loaded question :-)
20:42.24JeffM2501no not realy
20:42.36JeffM2501I'd hope I'm not
20:42.42JeffM2501but if I was, I'd hope somone would tell me
20:42.46*** join/#bzflag eric_ (
20:44.38JeffM2501I guess that means you wouldn't :(
20:46.16*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
20:55.53orangeJeffM2501: got distracted... if I thought you were doing a bad job I'd tell you (I'm not really shy) but honestly, I don't use the forums enough to know... I guess since I don't see any problems when I do, you must be doing a good job :-)
20:59.01Grumblerbad job is a relative term.  bad in relation to what.  the forum is up, and there are few of the ramblings there are harsh at times, but that is about it.
21:00.08JeffM2501I try not to be
21:00.30JeffM2501but I think sometimes ya gotta stick to a rule
21:00.54Grumbleryeah, like i said there are fewer rambliings
21:01.02Grumblerso the harsh is working
21:01.10JeffM2501I'd hope that's a good thing not a bad thing
21:01.24Grumblernot my style.
21:01.27JeffM2501I screw up some times
21:01.30JeffM2501and that is bad :(
21:01.49Grumblereverybody screws up
21:02.02JeffM2501when I screw up, accounts get deleted :(
21:02.15Grumbler...and accounts can be renewed
21:02.36JeffM2501tho the last one I killed by accedent, went and got itself baned
21:02.44JeffM2501maybe I'm just psycic
21:02.52Grumbleran considering there are few if any consistently helpful posts, deletion of posts is not a catrasphoic event either
21:03.17JeffM2501just seems that people freak when I delete a post
21:03.20JeffM2501like I do it all the time
21:03.33JeffM2501in the last 2 weeks there have been like 3 removoals IIRC
21:03.39JeffM2501one involved a curse word
21:03.48JeffM2501one I thought wanted to be removed but was wrong
21:03.54JeffM2501and the other was meant for the leauge
21:04.08JeffM2501and the spam posts
21:04.19JeffM2501I dont' count the spam posts
21:04.20orangefirm but fair seems good to me
21:04.54Grumblerthe only time i kringe is when you call someone a baby for posting.....seems like that should be taken PM
21:06.18*** join/#bzflag CBG (
21:07.11Grumbleris that what started this?
21:08.28JeffM2501it peeked my curiosity
21:08.34JeffM2501derv seems to be going off on it too
21:08.48JeffM2501but then I think sometimes he just wants to be admin
21:08.56JeffM2501cus he sees him self as being on the board longer then I
21:09.10JeffM2501she seems to have issues tho
21:09.38JeffM2501my bigest fear is that noone woudl tell me
21:10.25Grumbleri think someone would
21:10.30*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
21:10.52Grumbleri know learner wouldnt be able to keep his mouth shut
21:11.08JeffM2501didn't he go awol?
21:11.42JeffM2501I know noone else who is admin now wants the day to day job of bzbb
21:11.56JeffM2501making groups is SOOO much fun :)
21:12.10Grumblernot i
21:12.31Grumbleri like to ban people too much
21:13.10Grumbleri either have to admin to the letter of the rules, or just ignore most things
21:13.34CBGAre the tanks suppossed to have a suspension?
21:14.28Grumblernow that is coming out of left field.....suspension?   fyi, sry about yesterday, conference call.....did you get your problem solved?
21:14.53Grumblerthe map size stuff
21:14.58CBGI have many problems every day... :)
21:15.01CBGOh. No...
21:15.12CBGI ahve to define -worldsize when running bzfs...
21:15.32CBGDefining the worldsize in the map file won't work :(
21:15.45Grumblerok, well, guess what, i am out of if cods, jpa-, Aribeth_away  is awake
21:16.07CBGI have posted all about it on the bb...
21:16.17CBGbut it seems very few of the devs check it.
21:16.32BearPersonhmm. This looks like it may eventually become something nice... :)
21:16.35Grumblerlot of people dont do a daily check on bzbb and fly through most of the they may not know
21:16.56CBGThis is what I have in the map file:
21:17.13CBGI can't see why that won't work... It's what the man page says...
21:17.29Grumbler...and that is the style in a couple of the maps i have
21:17.41Grumblerof course my maps are old
21:17.45JeffM2501still don't get what you mean by "suspention"
21:17.58CBGOn my map, there is a wall you can shoot under
21:18.02CBGbut cant drive under
21:18.17CBGUNLESS you drop down from a box right infront of this wall,
21:18.26CBGwhen you land, you sink into the ground a tiny bit
21:18.31CBGenough to get under the wall... :D
21:18.39JeffM2501then the gap isn't tall enough
21:18.52CBGI know...
21:19.03Tuponehi CBG, I miss you. It's fine to shoot you
21:19.04CBGbut I never knew tanks had  a suspension.
21:19.13JeffM2501they don't
21:19.17CBGBut, I guess it could be a good thing
21:19.19JeffM2501the dirt is sqishy :)
21:19.24CBGJeffM: lol :D OK
21:19.34CBGTupone: What server do you mean?
21:19.36JeffM2501the bounce was added in 2.0
21:19.55Tuponec3po :)
21:20.12CBGoh. :D hi
21:20.18CBGits actually quite twisted.
21:20.36CBGI was addicted to gu league, so I made a team and a website fror it
21:20.41TuponeswIII ? what is?
21:20.45CBGand now I have less time to play on gu :D lol
21:20.48JeffM2501revenge of the sith
21:20.57JeffM2501that what will have the grand sucking
21:20.59Tuponestar wars
21:21.04CBGoh god. star wars sucks.
21:21.09Grumbler...with you picking c3po
21:21.34JeffM2501#2 sucked less then #1
21:21.37CBGalthough, i mjust admit
21:21.51CBGone of my "Other" callsigns is a SW robot...
21:21.53JeffM2501#5 was the best
21:21.58CBGc3po's buddy ;)
21:22.04CBGthere are 5 now? crap.
21:22.15JeffM2501you must be VERY young
21:22.19CBGwill they ever stop? tell me this new one is the last one.
21:22.27JeffM25015 didn't have the w'oks
21:22.29JeffM25016 did
21:22.39Grumbler5 had the bogus ending
21:23.00JeffM2501Harison wanted to leave the franchise
21:23.14JeffM25016 had the best star battle
21:23.23CBGNOTICE: This is #bzflag. Please try #starwars for discussion on the latest crappy films and in what film the ewoks featured. Thank You!
21:23.24JeffM2501and every kid loved speeder bikes
21:23.39JeffM2501bzflag is based on speeder bikes
21:24.03Grumblerdid 6 start in the snow...hmmm
21:24.10BearPerson <<how does this look (except for "like crappy jpeg compression")
21:24.12JeffM25015 did
21:24.16JeffM25014= "star wars"
21:24.17Grumblerah, ok
21:24.19JeffM25015 = "empire"
21:24.22JeffM25016 = "jedi"
21:24.33Grumbler1= suck
21:24.41Grumbler2 = sorta suck
21:24.42JeffM2501the first part of 1 was fine
21:24.47JeffM2501untll jar jar
21:24.47Grumbler3 = ??
21:24.59JeffM25012 had battle action yoda
21:25.07JeffM25013 will be out soon
21:25.11CBGBearPerson: It looks like pimpi...
21:25.17BearPersonIt's a demo screenshot of my score lighting code
21:25.31CBGjar jar binks?
21:25.33Tupone1 is good, some part is made in Italy, at the royal palace in Caserta
21:25.35CBGthe fat teddy bear?
21:25.44JeffM2501the gungan
21:26.07JeffM2501you may not have seen it when it came out cus it was PG :)
21:26.08Grumblerthat fact you you know all this stuff jeff is a little scary
21:26.23JeffM2501dude, boorn and breed on starwars :)
21:26.25CBGwho was the fat teddy (in the original i think)?
21:26.30JeffM2501I had the freaking sheets!
21:26.36JeffM2501those were eawoks
21:26.38CBGlol! :D
21:26.44CBGthere was only 1.
21:26.49Grumbleror are you talking chewie
21:26.50JeffM2501the wookie?
21:26.56JeffM2501don't bag on chewwiw
21:26.57CBGWookie! thats it.
21:27.02JeffM2501them's fighing words
21:27.04CBGThe wookie. He was cute! :D
21:27.29JeffM2501wookies could be the saving grace of 3
21:27.34GrumblerBearPerson<  the only issue i see is that the lighting extends under the platforms....shouldnt it be shadow there
21:27.49JeffM2501Grumbler, bzflag dos that with all lights
21:27.51BearPersoncomplain to the GL lib ;-)
21:27.59JeffM2501it's not GL that does that
21:28.01Grumbleroh, well that sucks
21:28.03JeffM2501it's the bzflag lighting model
21:28.05BearPersonthere's a few issues still
21:28.09JeffM2501shadows from one object don't cast on others
21:28.24JeffM2501GL just does what it's told to do.
21:28.24BearPersonlike green halos being way brighter than purple or red
21:28.25CBGDidn't I hear about people queing up outised a cinema like 2 months befre the film came out?
21:28.33BearPersonblue is usually brighter too
21:28.34CBGBut it was the wrong cinema??
21:28.47Grumblerthen there is pink
21:28.59brlcadmm.. pink
21:29.10JeffM2501shadows need to be redone as lightmaps, or as a stencel pass, then they would block light like you want Grumbler
21:29.18JeffM2501liteish red
21:32.46brlcadpink mulch?
21:35.11CBGWait... If I run bzfs to test my map...
21:35.24CBGCan anyone else go to my server with my IP address?
21:35.47CBGI guess no... I need to open my firewall and router on port 5154, yeah?
21:36.00JeffM2501of you have a route
21:36.30CBGSo, I just need to open up port 5154 and thats it... I have a server... :D
21:36.44JeffM2501it's not just "open"
21:36.50JeffM2501you have to set a static route
21:36.58JeffM2501on your router for that port to your local IP
21:37.11JeffM2501what router do you have?
21:37.24CBGIts a buffalo...
21:37.36JeffM2501should have something for a virtual server
21:37.39JeffM2501or static route
21:37.42JeffM2501or something like that.
21:37.49CBGwhere? in the manual?
21:37.58JeffM2501and in it's config
21:38.01JeffM2501what model number?
21:38.06CBGone min
21:39.03BearPersonsometimes also known as "port forwarding"
21:39.08JeffM2501yeah that too
21:39.20JeffM2501is it a "WHR3-G54" ?
21:39.36JeffM2501does it have a name on it :)
21:39.45CBGIm upstaires
21:39.52CBGits down, and im in the mid of something
21:39.53JeffM2501and that means?
21:40.03CBGI cant look at it right now :P
21:40.12JeffM2501log into it :)
21:40.17JeffM2501it should say on it's config page
21:40.39JeffM2501who set it up?
21:40.43CBGmy dad
21:40.47JeffM2501do you even know the password for it?
21:40.54CBGit has a password? lol
21:41.04JeffM2501otherwise anyone could cofigure your router
21:41.09JeffM2501it better
21:41.15JeffM2501or its one crapy ass router
21:41.20CBGok. I can prob guess the pass...
21:41.28CBGHow do I get to it from here?
21:41.31JeffM2501what is your local Ip?
21:41.40JeffM2501is it wireless or wired?
21:41.52CBGBoth wired and wireless...
21:41.53JeffM2501the IP of your computer
21:42.17JeffM2501hmm that's routeable
21:42.22JeffM2501how did you get that? or sumthin. :)
21:42.56JeffM2501that is not your local IP
21:43.01JeffM2501that is your external IP
21:43.09CBGhow do i find out my local?
21:43.09JeffM2501that is the ip of your modem
21:43.13JeffM2501what OS?
21:43.40CBGgot it
21:43.47JeffM2501go to that IP, but put a 1
21:43.50JeffM2501instead of the 2
21:43.52JeffM2501in a browser
21:43.55CBGYeah k
21:44.01CBGin a web browser?
21:44.12JeffM2501these things are web configured
21:44.22CBGasks for name and pass...
21:44.25CBGgimme a min
21:44.29JeffM2501even tho this isn't #buffalo_techsupport :)
21:46.09JeffM2501you are talking about making changes to your routing
21:46.14JeffM2501you may wan to have him do it
21:46.32CBGThe prob is, he has a good mood about once a year
21:46.43CBGand he was already real cheery a few weeks back...
21:46.43JeffM2501can't help you with that
21:46.48CBGlol. :D
21:47.06CBGBreakfast in bed this saturday, perhaps?
21:47.55JeffM2501looks like they call it static routing
21:48.23JeffM2501hmm looks to be a decently complex little box
21:48.28JeffM2501not realy of the home user type
21:48.32JeffM2501more of a soho thing
21:49.13CBGthe router we have?
21:49.49CBGIts a buffalo wbr-b11
21:50.02JeffM2501oh an 11
21:50.05CBGallows 4 computers to connect some wirelessly, some with wires.
21:50.14JeffM2501it allows 255 computers actualy
21:50.31JeffM2501read thru the manual
21:50.31CBGNot at the same time...
21:50.38JeffM2501if you get hubs
21:50.43JeffM2501or more wireless ports
21:50.56JeffM2501it's a standard NAT DSL router
21:50.59JeffM2501no bigie
21:51.05JeffM2501with a lot of options
21:51.08CBGSo, it gives the otion of 200+...
21:51.19JeffM2501yeah 255
21:51.26CBGbut you cant actually have that without buying more stuff...
21:51.29JeffM2501that is the max sise of the subnet it supports :)
21:51.35JeffM2501you could have that with wireless
21:51.43JeffM2501and hubs are cheap
21:51.45BenUrbanCBG: more stuff = more computers :)
21:51.50CBGcould ahve waht with wirelss?
21:51.59CBGBenUrban: yeah :D
21:52.02BenUrbanyou can have up to 255 computers connected with no extra eq
21:52.02JeffM2501device supports a full subnet
21:52.05BenUrbanif you go wireless
21:52.12CBGwhats eq?
21:52.14JeffM2501if you go wired, you need to get that many ports
21:52.22CBGlol. ok
21:52.24JeffM2501how ever you chose to get the ports
21:52.29JeffM2501it's just a gateway
21:52.33JeffM2501with a 4 port switch in it
21:52.48BenUrbannote: gateway does NOT refer to the brand of computer
21:52.49CBGok :)
21:52.53CBGlol :D
21:52.58CBGI should hope not.
21:53.02CBGDamn PCs.
21:53.06JeffM2501it's not a simple setup it has tho
21:53.08JeffM2501read the docs
21:53.16BenUrbanlol, docs won't get him the password
21:53.17JeffM2501but it's moot if you can't get in
21:53.28BenUrbanmoot = pointless
21:53.30theEnemymaybe it comes with a default password
21:53.33theEnemyand it's still set at that
21:53.34JeffM2501you do speak english right?
21:53.39CBGI do...
21:53.44JeffM2501just checking
21:53.47CBGObvioudly not too well.
21:53.52JeffM2501read the docs
21:53.57CBG*Obviosuly. lol
21:53.58JeffM2501it does
21:54.00JeffM2501guu dict moot
21:54.13JeffM2501ibot dict moot
21:54.14CBGdamn. It works on google...
21:54.28CBGNo mention of Pointless.
21:54.30JeffM2501moot is a wierd wierd
21:54.30CBG:D :P
21:54.33BenUrbantry the other def
21:54.35JeffM2501it means it's own oposet
21:54.42BenUrbanheh, never heard of that definition...
21:54.48JeffM2501a moot is a gathering
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21:54.54JeffM2501and also something not worth debate
21:55.02theEnemythe "pointless" meaning is a modern corruption
21:55.33theEnemybut it's been aroudn enough it's entering the dicts
21:55.36BenUrbandoes the manual specify a default password?
21:55.42CBGjeffM: where did you find the B11 docs?
21:56.01JeffM2501CBG, the box the thing came in
21:56.07JeffM2501or the mfg's site
21:56.11BenUrbanhe said he's not near it
21:56.12*** join/#bzflag guu (
21:56.13JeffM2501or google
21:56.15CBGJeffM: You have one?
21:56.16JeffM2501there's my girl
21:56.23JeffM2501I'm just REALY smart
21:56.28JeffM2501guu dict moot
21:56.29CBGSo, where did YOU get the docs?
21:56.35guuJeffM2501: wn, bouvier, gcide, and moby-thes responded: gcide: moot \moot\ (m[=o]t), v. See 1st {Mot}. [Obs.] --Chaucer. [1913 Webster]; gcide: moot \moot\ (m[=oo]t), n. (Shipbuilding) A ring for gauging wooden pins. [1913 Webster]; gcide: Moot \Moot\, v. i. To argue or plead in a supposed case. [1913 Webster] There is a difference between mooting and pleading; between fencing and (13 more messages)
21:56.39JeffM2501CBG, I used my brain :)
21:56.46CBGI lack one.
21:56.50BenUrbannever heard of that def either
21:56.56JeffM2501then perhaps running a server isn't for you
21:56.56BenUrbanCBG: try google
21:56.56JeffM2501guu more
21:56.58guuJeffM2501: fighting. --B. Jonson. [1913 Webster]; gcide: Moot \Moot\, a. 1. Subject, or open, to argument or discussion; undecided; debatable; mooted. [1913 Webster] 2. Of purely theoretical or academic interest; having no practical consequence; as, the team won in spite of the bad call, and whether the ruling was correct is a moot question. [PJC]; bouvier: MOOT, English law. A term used in the inns (12 more messages)
21:56.58CBGAnd google is a poor substitue right now.
21:57.06CBGBenUrban: Im trying.
21:57.21theEnemytry "password"
21:57.32JeffM2501it's probably "admin"
21:57.45JeffM2501but I mean if you can't figure out the website for the company that made the thing
21:57.46BenUrbanCBG: login = admin, password = password'
21:57.57JeffM2501you would not be competent enough to mess with it's settings
21:58.22CBG*cough 13 cough*
21:58.33JeffM2501ahh so then you lied before?
21:58.44BenUrbanheh, i was gonna seemed awfully incompetent for a 16 year old :P
21:58.48CBGor perhaps I lie now
21:58.54CBGOr maybe both... ?
21:59.01BenUrban...or neither :D
21:59.09theEnemymaybe we should do a spelling bee to test you
21:59.13JeffM2501don't blame us if you screw up a setting and your dad gets mad when all the computers on the network don't work anymore.
21:59.15theEnemyspell "fruitloop"
21:59.19theEnemyoh, wait
21:59.31CBGthats a toghie TheEnemy
21:59.42JeffM2501if you change the setings wrong it could cause the entire gateway to not work
21:59.46BenUrbanCBG: spell "toughie"
21:59.53CBGthats easy
22:00.12BenUrbanthen spell it right when you use it in text :D
22:00.12CBGJeffM: I know...
22:00.17theEnemywrong! excess punctuation
22:00.23CBGbut none of the admin/password things will work
22:00.29CBGi tried all the obvious ones.
22:00.31JeffM2501then read the docs
22:00.35JeffM2501see what it says
22:00.37JeffM2501use the noodle
22:00.44[dmp]Just wondering. If BZFlag crashes, leaving my x in 800x600 res, how can i get it back to my original setting? (1600x1200) ? Is there any other way, except restarting it?
22:00.46JeffM2501expand your mind
22:01.02JeffM2501dmp what OS?
22:01.12CBGJeffM: all I asked was where di you find the docs...
22:01.19CBGI'm looking on google and theirs no sign.
22:01.22JeffM2501CBG, and I told you how
22:01.23brlcad[dmp]: ctrl-alt-+ ?
22:01.30[dmp]JeffM2501: linux/debian
22:01.31theEnemy[dmp]: try ctrl-alt-+
22:01.34JeffM2501go to the mfgs website
22:01.34brlcadshould cycle the resolutions
22:01.46JeffM2501the people who made it
22:01.46brlcadand howdy [dmp] :)
22:01.51[dmp]does it need to be numpad + ?
22:02.14theEnemyif that doesn't work, try switching to a VT and back with ctrl-alt-f1
22:02.22theEnemythen ctrl-alt-f7
22:02.33theEnemyyou never know
22:02.42JeffM2501specialy on linux :)
22:02.57theEnemymaybe he's using SCO Unix, or Ultrix ;)
22:03.03brlcadctrl-alt-backspace is my favorite way to reset the resolution
22:03.07[dmp]+/- dosnst work for some reason (nothing changes at all). f1/f7 didnt reset
22:03.14JeffM2501he said he was using debian :)
22:03.24JeffM2501install windows :)
22:03.28[dmp]got that
22:03.39[dmp]it keeps telling me, that gimp is just installed :)
22:03.39theEnemyvt switch not work either? oh well
22:04.10brlcad[dmp]: tried running bz again, switch to a higher res and crash it again?
22:04.23[dmp]theEnemy / brlcad : its a laptop - with no numpad. I
22:04.28[dmp].. oops
22:04.44JeffM2501function key should turn some of the keys into a virtual num pad
22:04.56brlcad[dmp]: it doesn't have to be the number, it has to be + .. which off the number pad is shift=
22:05.13[dmp]but i was wondering if that somehow was the reason that -/+ dosnt appear to work (works nicely on workstation)
22:05.24[dmp]brlcad: neither of them works :(
22:05.34[dmp]brlcad: i cant make bzflag crash that often :)
22:05.37theEnemyrerun bzflag and use it to switch to a higher res
22:05.41theEnemyand then just quit bzflag
22:05.44theEnemyit might work
22:05.46brlcadthen that must be either turned off or rebound to different keys.. your X11 config should shed some light
22:06.05brlcadtheEnemy: shouldn't, bzflag returns you to what you started with
22:06.26brlcad[dmp]: are you using gdm?
22:06.45theEnemythen start it, swithc to a vt with ctrl-alt-f1, log in, and killall -9 bzflag
22:06.48brlcadif you are, seriously ctrl-alt-backspace should log you out and reset it :)
22:07.04theEnemythat's as good as a crash
22:07.28[dmp]brlcad: no, fluxbox. I know ctrl-alt-backspace, but i was just wondering if that were another way :)
22:07.37brlcadahh flux
22:07.55brlcadflux through gdm? :)
22:08.06brlcador you "startx" when you want it
22:08.15JeffM2501he dosn't want to logout and loose his "stuff"
22:08.27theEnemyquite right
22:08.41[dmp]brlcad: xdm, flux isnt allowed on laptop (gf like to infect it with gnome :) )
22:08.47theEnemyi've been able to go for months on linux withou logging out, nevermind rebooting :)
22:08.50[dmp]brlcad: s/flux/gnome/
22:09.18brlcadxdm is actually what I meant .. :)
22:09.29[dmp]theEnemy: same here. But uni forces me to use windows .. but thats not my current problem :)
22:09.30theEnemy[dmp]: try what i wrote above, before giving up
22:09.30brlcaddang gisms
22:09.43brlcadgive up :)
22:09.51JeffM2501install windows!
22:09.58brlcadinstall zeta!
22:10.02theEnemyso start bzflag, switch the res, and then log in on a vt and kill it
22:10.11theEnemy(with prejudice: -9)
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22:10.28JeffM2501mmmm pre-juice
22:10.37theEnemynot juice yet?
22:10.38[dmp]theEnemy: worked.
22:10.51brlcadlookie there
22:11.16theEnemynow in return you have to get an answer wrong in bzcontest ;)
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22:11.43redsoxfan90hi all
22:11.47brlcadi think there needs to be a question that'll weed out any new players ;)
22:12.17[dmp]"who is brlcad and find the connection to bzflag" ? :)
22:12.21brlcadlike who hosted the bz stats ladder..;)
22:12.22theEnemythere's been one or two of those already!
22:12.36[dmp]the one with the keys was cool
22:13.21theEnemyhow about "find the enemy's e-mail address"
22:13.22[dmp]the one thing americans might know denmark for
22:13.25brlcadhmm.. haven't looked up the most recent ones
22:13.26theEnemyit's possible to work it out :)
22:13.51theEnemybut i might have an advantage...
22:13.53CBGwhy dont you both just drop out? ;)
22:13.53CBGjeffm2501: I can't find the manual on the buffalo site :(
22:14.05[dmp]theEnemy: you need it too :)
22:14.30JeffM2501CBG, where did you look?
22:14.31theEnemyonly coz i didn't get Wideangle rather than observer
22:14.33JeffM2501in downloads?
22:14.42[dmp]im still really impressed by the phantogoose guys creativity
22:14.51CBGOn the page all about the B11
22:14.59theEnemyi had a look too - i couldn't see a manual. only a 2 page datasheet
22:15.02CBGcouldnt see anythign resembling a downloads page...
22:15.17CBGtheEnemy: i got that but its no use.
22:15.22CBGOkay. thanks
22:15.24JeffM2501lists the bios's and the manuals for each model
22:15.29theEnemy[dmp]: yeah, i thought the HIX-2 map out of lego was really good
22:16.24theEnemy[dmp]: btw, is that baby in your forum avatar "yours"?
22:16.29[dmp]theEnemy: the teamwork picture was good too
22:16.31theEnemyi've been wondering
22:16.42[dmp]theEnemy: not at all. i've modified it, but not mine
22:16.46theEnemyyeah. major lateral thinking.
22:17.15[dmp]theEnemy: its pretty old, but i saw it the other day in a sony commercial. Have no clue if its from there
22:18.15CBGah g2g
22:18.19CBGbye. thanks all
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23:06.05sussihi all
23:08.15sussianybody here?
23:08.24[dmp]hi sussi
23:09.15sussiwhat ur meaning regarding accelerated mouse? i just added my post
23:10.40[dmp]i dont see the big problem
23:12.08sussii think it mess up the feature what leveling the different lag
23:12.59[dmp]in fact i read the whole thread as a sympton that league changed alot, in how people act nowadays. This "problem" is about attitude, some felt left outside of "the group" and alike.
23:14.37sussiwhat i saw is that u cant hit if he is vibrating not only use the acc. mouse
23:14.48sussithat start to trigger
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23:15.27brlcadthere is a small chance that instantaneous full accelerations that occur exceptionally fast might cause bad math .. that'd be a bug perhaps, but not exactly cheating
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23:16.11sussiyeah nice to hear that u see this point as well
23:16.22sussipeople using it
23:16.48[dmp]i think problems related to network/lag is a bigger factor than controls-related stuff
23:18.27[dmp]making the mouse go quicker, dosnt improve your reactions if they are slow. And when mouse is faster, it is harder to aim properly. So using a quicker mouse isnt just a win-win always. Some emight gain alittle from it - but i think its more related to how they play.
23:18.39sussiis it true if u give opposits  inputs in the same time as the lag is?
23:19.07sussii mean the math not the human factor
23:20.40sussii neighter but i had some nightmares with esp this feature (double went through lets say 3-2 tanklenghts)
23:24.19sussineed to sleep bye
23:24.26[dmp]i feel that the problem (as i see it) is a social one. Not really a technical one
23:24.30[dmp]bye :)
23:24.52sussirau rein alter geraer
23:25.01sussigruss aus naumburg
23:25.59brlcad~x de en gruss aus naumburg
23:26.15brlcad~x de en rau rein alter geraer
23:26.59[dmp]i got that too, but i didnt understand it either :) Sounds like some kind of goodnight greeting
23:27.20brlcadyeah.. "yada yada .. goodnight" :)
23:27.29[dmp]hehe, exactly :)
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