irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050412

00:07.53*** join/#bzflag _bubbles_ (
00:11.52*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
00:12.50techmanshould I run samba as a normal daemon or from inetd?
00:13.01techmanI'm thinking daemon
00:16.26cosmosgood choice
00:17.02cosmosinetd == no way jose
00:17.22techmanthanks... I'm just checking myself ;)
00:20.55*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
00:24.18*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:40.57*** join/#bzflag doughecka1 (
00:43.14*** join/#bzflag Death-Barrel (
00:57.55*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:00.47retro~seen sgk284
01:00.53ibotsgk284 is currently on #bzflag (8h 27m 29s)
01:32.18wegstarif you fire while spawning, your shots have the qualities of those with burrow..
01:41.02orangeso they can kill burrowed tanks
01:41.23wegstarwell.. yes :)
01:41.46orangeother than that, what are the properties (other than the obvious height above ground? :-)
01:42.27wegstarhm.. nothing else I guess..
01:42.35orangeit is cool though :-)
01:42.47wegstarthe bullets look whole, even if they are underground...
01:43.09wegstarthat's all :)
01:43.19wegstarI'll try that somewhere :P
01:46.51menotume~seen JeffM2501
01:46.52ibotjeffm2501 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 8h 53m 20s ago, saying: 'ya think :)'.
01:50.26*** join/#bzflag count_chocula (
01:50.48menotumeany1 know when DST takes affect in Germany ?   Is Germany local time  = GMT now ?
01:51.25count_choculano idea
01:51.29count_choculabut hello!
01:51.33menotumehi :)
01:51.36blast007count_chocula: hello  :)
01:51.47count_choculahows it going guys?
01:51.59menotumeSSDD here
01:52.33menotumeSame Stuff, Different Day
01:52.34count_choculaim too nub for your 13370 IRC sp33k
01:52.46count_choculaahhhh haha yeah isnt that always the case?
01:52.53count_choculaI just dled BZflag today
01:53.00menotumesry :)
01:53.08count_choculaI played it beofre on linux, never on server thoughjust ove rlan with some buddies
01:53.19count_choculaman bzflag is good stuff
01:53.28menotumeyou're hooked now
01:55.13count_choculayeah I am
01:55.18count_choculaI read some tips online
01:55.21count_choculareally helpfull
02:02.10*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
02:03.05Death-Barreldidn't realize i was already connected
02:06.24*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
02:06.33MeBigFatGuyhmm statistics coming soon from sf
02:10.41brlcadit's been "soon" for about a month now
02:10.47brlcadso don't hold your breath too long
02:11.16brlcadactually, I suppose it's been longer than a month.. since the stats froze
02:11.49brlcadwhich looks to have been...
02:11.59brlcadjan 15th
02:13.14MeBigFatGuybut, but, but... new reall sooon noww
02:14.13*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
02:18.32*** join/#bzflag BearPerson (karsten@BearPerson.sourcemage)
02:26.43*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
02:27.04Bagheera~seen DTRemenak  
02:27.06ibotdtremenak is currently on #bzflag (1h 29m 11s)
02:27.25Bagheeranice server
02:27.43DTRemenaktell BIYA :)
02:27.51Bagheeragot DOS'd while i was on it, but nice
02:28.34Bagheerayeah, tell BIYA its an another awesome concept with the new stuff
02:29.49Bagheeral8r, just thought i would pass on the info
02:45.27*** join/#bzflag zbaron (
02:48.14usomenotume: DST in germany has started at easter weekend and local time is GMT+2 now
02:48.48menotumeuso: TY !
02:50.09*** join/#bzflag zbaron (
03:08.48*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
03:24.49*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:28.45orangebrlcad: just saw baltimore on the news... quite a fire you guys have going there
03:39.57*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
04:35.07spldartnever realized I was in here as techman all that time
04:35.59spldartI was asking linux questions and never realized I was nick techman instead of my usual nick spldart
04:36.17spldartAlmost finished getting samba setup but had company over.. hehehe
04:36.21wegstaroh :)
04:36.37spldartEvil diabolical linux server almost complete... Global login here I come!
04:37.20spldartwed thur out of town. fri new router in and motorcycle headlight in
04:37.31spldartSo this weekend my new bzfs server should be up
04:37.47spldartand of course the switch from abyss to apache2
04:38.26spldart~seen JeffM2501
04:38.28ibotjeffm2501 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 11h 44m 56s ago, saying: 'ya think :)'.
04:38.45spldartwow... He's been gone for a while :(
04:39.12spldartHe's been trying to talk me into the hardware router for a long time.... In a friendly way ;)
05:20.23spldartNight all :)
05:20.28*** part/#bzflag spldart (
05:22.49wegstarnight all
05:23.55*** join/#bzflag crko (~jan@crko.user)
05:30.37*** join/#bzflag blast007` (
05:45.40*** join/#bzflag gvdm (
06:31.15*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
06:32.59*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
07:33.19*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:24.13*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
08:57.33*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
09:53.35*** join/#bzflag kierra (
10:14.56*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:19.09*** part/#bzflag kierra (
11:45.03*** join/#bzflag sumru (
11:47.50mmu_man~tld sealand
11:51.27[dmp].nz is new zealand, if thats what you are looking for
11:52.46*** join/#bzflag orange__ (
12:03.11*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
12:13.00*** join/#bzflag prop (
12:34.04*** join/#bzflag crko` (~jan@crko.user)
12:51.55*** join/#bzflag prop (
12:55.55*** join/#bzflag Mr_Molez_ (
13:13.21*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
13:14.58jpa_sgk284: >3
13:23.48*** join/#bzflag jpa- (
13:45.50*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
13:46.02Bagheera~seen DTRemenak
13:46.09ibotdtremenak is currently on #bzflag (7h 14m 54s)
13:54.38*** part/#bzflag sumru (
13:54.59*** join/#bzflag sumru (
13:58.34*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
14:25.04*** join/#bzflag prop (
14:40.54*** join/#bzflag ep (
14:40.55*** join/#bzflag AlexanderTheGrea (
14:42.28*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
14:42.28*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:02.09ToughShooterTimRiker: 2.0.2 STABLE is affected as well as 2.0 by the spike bug
15:09.12*** join/#bzflag spldart (
15:10.14*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
15:10.59*** join/#bzflag captrespect (
15:16.45*** part/#bzflag spldart (
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15:32.11*** join/#bzflag crko (~jan@crko.user)
15:46.41*** join/#bzflag DarthValou (
15:59.18*** join/#bzflag spldart (
16:09.17*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
16:09.17*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
16:10.30TimRikerToughShooter: nod. You don't see any spikes in the 3d view, right?
16:22.14*** join/#bzflag CBG (
16:22.39CBGIm working on my map...
16:22.54CBGAre cylinders meshes?
16:23.06CBGis there no way to make a cylinder without a mesh?
16:30.28trepanuse an 'arc' object
16:31.13CBGIm totally new to mapping, and im doing it by hand...
16:31.20CBGHow do I make an arc object?
16:32.20trepan(actually, you don't even need the size parm)
16:32.36CBGhmm. ok
16:32.52CBGi'll have a play around with it later ;) thanks
16:36.01*** part/#bzflag DarthValou (
16:37.15ToughShooterTimRiker: Yup, it's radar-only.
16:50.48*** join/#bzflag sgk284_ (~sgk284@
16:51.11sgk284_g' day
16:51.25jpa-i mean, morning sgk284_
16:51.44sgk284_well its 1:00 pm, but close enough ;)
16:52.00ibot[ugt] Universial Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
16:52.49*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
16:57.38spldartWas is <3<33<33< ??????
16:59.57*** join/#bzflag sumru (
17:03.15*** join/#bzflag CBG (
17:18.20*** part/#bzflag ToughShooter (
17:21.39BearPersonit's a fish with genetic defiencies ;-)
17:24.02BearPerson[20 minutes ago]<spldart> Was is <3<33<33< ??????
17:24.46*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
17:28.59spldartweird :p
17:29.03ruskiewell time to go play some bzflag...
17:31.12*** join/#bzflag lovebug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:31.26*** join/#bzflag blast007 (~blast007@
17:37.11*** join/#bzflag CBG (
17:42.13CBGHi all...
17:42.33CBGI'm having a few probs with my map making... :(
17:42.33blast007CBG: hi
17:42.59CBG1. How do i make something 'drive-throughable' and 'shoot-throughable'?
17:43.21CBGI ahve tried using " drivethrough" but it has no affect.
17:45.49CBGCan anyone help...? goes to
17:59.03*** join/#bzflag fabianne (
18:05.52Thumper_JeffM2501: thx (re groups)
18:06.43JeffM2501sorry it took so long
18:06.48JeffM2501got sucked into a meeting
18:07.01*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
18:07.56jpa-why is bzfs binary 25MB?
18:08.06jpa-is this normal?
18:08.10JeffM2501or linked static
18:08.15JeffM2501for use in a chroot jail
18:08.23JeffM2501or both :)
18:08.24jpa-would it link static without any special options?
18:08.42jpa-nah, no it is not
18:08.52jpa-atleast according to ldd
18:09.11JeffM2501then maybe debug
18:09.15JeffM2501still has symbols and stuff
18:09.19JeffM2501hasn't been "striped"
18:09.45jpa-does that affect memory usage?
18:09.55JeffM2501don't think so
18:10.08JeffM2501may load more into ram as it runs
18:10.13JeffM2501but won't cause bz to allocate any more
18:10.16jpa-doesn't seem so either.. only 4M usage
18:11.23BearPersonif you want to strip it, there's the "strip" command
18:11.53jpa-harddrive is cheap
18:13.08JeffM2501arnt' you a starving student?
18:13.19*** part/#bzflag fabianne (
18:13.46jpa-but or no
18:13.49jpa-not starving
18:14.00jpa-i live home :P
18:14.44jpa-actually, most people stop reading while they are actually "pushing"
18:14.51jpa-so it is not real multitasking anyway
18:14.56CBGLol! ;)
18:16.40CBGSo, can you guys check out the Map Making Help forum at, please???
18:30.01BearPersonpeer strikes again
18:30.18jpa-peer is my friend
18:30.52ruskiemmm I wish there was a nice was to kill base campers...
18:31.37ruskieas in a super flag that kills everone in a radious of the bases...
18:32.17*** join/#bzflag cods (
18:32.30_Manu_ruskie, i agree ;-p
18:33.01ruskieand I mean all bases
18:33.04ruskieat once
18:33.09spldartOr to make a base deadly to non teamates during spawn
18:33.20_Manu_there is one way.. just don't left your base alone
18:33.22BearPersonbut that flag could be mis-used... deadly for CTF
18:34.43jpa-maybe a moving base :)
18:34.51spldartexample red captures blue flag. all blue dies. Blue base becomes deadly for 4 seconds to red team
18:34.52jpa-a base that would walk around the map :P
18:35.02ruskiethat would be nice
18:35.14ruskieacctually hainvg movable objects would be nice
18:35.19ruskieand a labyrinth map...
18:35.21BearPersonor something like a one-way-shield around the base
18:35.45BearPersonjust put up 4 one-way-teleporters for a second when someone spawns or something
18:36.11orangejust make players invincible for 4 seconds when they spawn after flag capture
18:36.18_Manu_in viper is easy to kill a camper
18:36.29spldartyeah.. Invincibility is a good idea for 4 seconds
18:36.37spldartbut no shots for 4 seconds either
18:36.44spldartthey can get to a safe place
18:36.46_Manu_yes.. press F12 for invincibility.. :)
18:36.55orangespldart: leave them their shots
18:37.04ruskieno shots
18:37.05orangeif someone camps, the team itself becomes the anti-camper weapon
18:37.07BearPersoninvincible until 4 seconds expire or a shot fired
18:37.09ruskieinvincible for 4 secs
18:37.09orangejust on ctf
18:37.12spldartbut oppossite team would be helpless
18:37.26orangethen opposite team should not be sitting on their base
18:37.32_Manu_well.. guys.. this is a team game.. just play in team :D
18:37.41ruskie_Manu_, easier said then done...
18:37.44spldartI guess map layout would play a role
18:37.50ruskieever tried to organize those ppl...
18:37.58orangeyeah, whenever I think camping my mind jumps to overlord
18:38.02_Manu_ruskie, no.. i just connected  got 9-0 killing campers
18:38.04BearPerson"Hey guys, let's take down this camper... a few from the left, a few from the right
18:38.05orangethe ultimate camping map
18:38.42ruskieI don't mind campers I only hate base campers
18:38.58_Manu_ruskie, well.. then kill them :)
18:39.17BearPersoneasy enough to take down... just team up with one teammate and simultaneously attack from 2 sides
18:39.17ruskiehow if there's bucket'o'campers and one little me
18:39.32orangehere's the thing, it becomes a question for the server owner
18:39.41orangegive them the tool, let them decide
18:39.52BearPersonusually people up there rely on it that they can shoot every single player struggling up
18:39.56orangecertainly enough people want it that it's worth considering, rather than explaining all the reasons why it should not be done
18:40.04BearPersontrue probably
18:40.20ruskiewould be nice to have a server of me own...
18:40.44ruskiewith a nice ctf map
18:40.51jpa-i'm requiring people to register to play on my servers from now on
18:41.10ruskieiirc minimal dw
18:41.10jpa-anyone willing to join the campaign?
18:41.24jpa-about 5KB/s/player
18:41.24orangegood, jpa-, I'd love to see that become the standard for servers (not the *forced* standard, the voluntary one :-)
18:41.52spldartWith my switch to linux I hope to go all registered too.
18:42.07spldartcuz i mainly have problems with unregistered
18:42.48jpa-as most do
18:42.57orangecosmos tried it on hepcat and then turned it off... but I don't know why
18:42.59ruskieyeah reged only servers would be nice...
18:43.52jpa-orange: on 2.0 or 1.10?
18:44.05orange2.0... recently... back on april 2 or so
18:44.21_Manu_jpa-, 1.10? what is it... k
18:45.15BearPersonHmm. Feature idea: Make turret glow-in-the-dark depending on score
18:45.31BearPersonreally high scorers would illuminate their tank in the night
18:45.54_Manu_BearPerson, nice try! :-D
18:45.58ruskienice one
18:46.05BearPersonwell, it would look cool
18:46.17ruskieflag idea: double turret
18:46.19BearPersonand it probably shouldn't have too severe game consequences
18:46.51BearPersonthen you'd see "oh, there's Manu, he can have the flag" or something ;-)
18:47.12BearPersonor "That guy is good, we'd better try taking him down with several people at once"
18:47.26jpa-what is wrong with my tokens :/
18:47.33_Manu_BearPerson, you know hunting me is bad for your score ;-p
18:47.44BearPersonI know :)
18:47.47ruskieI don't understand but that's what's been happening to me lately... ppl sem to all hunt me...
18:47.55orangehow about an additional 'score' for people... flag-support score.  You get "points" for every unit that you move the enemy flag closer to your base, lose points for every unit that you move enemy flag closer to enemy base... vice versa for your own flag.
18:48.02ruskieI had half the other team come after me...
18:48.08jpa-maybe my token-request comes from different ip :/
18:48.18BearPersonruskie, wow, that's quite a compliment ;-)
18:48.24_Manu_ruskie, perhaps you was in the wrong place :)
18:48.37ruskiemultiple times
18:48.51BearPersonthey acted like a team, be happy ;-)
18:48.58ruskiewrong team...
18:49.06ruskiewhile my team just wandered about
18:49.14BearPersonand you didn't
18:49.19_Manu_well when i started playing.. your team was winning..
18:49.21orange"ooh, look at the pretty white flags"
18:49.22BearPersonso it made sense to go after you ;-)
18:49.34ruskieI do like to take on half the other team... when I have thief flag...
18:49.57orangethief flag is far better at distracting than anything else
18:50.27_Manu_i like thief flag.. just walking between enemies.. making them killing themself..
18:50.29BearPersonOnce I think logwad told me "I had to hunt you because you killed me so often" - I guess that's the biggest compliment I've got so far :-)
18:50.52ruskiecolumbo was hunting me today... cause I killed him twice in a row...
18:50.59*** join/#bzflag wizart (
18:51.17BearPersonI think I'll put rejoiners on hunt sometimes... just to make them regret it ;-)
18:51.39ruskie<-- prefers the /ban rejoiner 5 minutes
18:52.20_Manu_Player "rejoiner" not found..
18:52.44orange_Manu_: how about /msg #3 blah blah
18:53.00orangewe can kick/ban/kill by slot
18:53.09_Manu_orange, yes...
18:53.36orangemm, and I don't know if anyone got it, but /mute and /unmute also need slot # actions
18:53.56orangeyour patch for slot #'s and orchid's patch for mute went in about the same time
18:54.05_Manu_yes.. this week i'll add it.. and also to /msg command
18:54.10orangecool, thanks :-)
18:55.08ruskie<-- wants 3-state score button: state one nothing shown, state two only team score/players shown, states 3 everything shown
18:58.49*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
18:59.47Bagheera~seen DTRemenak
19:00.04ibotdtremenak is currently on #bzflag (12h 28m 49s)
19:00.04jpa-i have not seen DTRemenak
19:00.05DTRemenakI have
19:00.22DTRemenakthanks ibot, real quick response there :)
19:00.31Bagheerai found out some stuff about that dos.......a udp flood from caltech
19:00.47DTRemenakabout what dos?
19:01.11BearPersondenial of service
19:01.54DTRemenakBearPerson: I know what it is, I was wondering what specific one he was talking about
19:01.56Bagheerai was playing on 6001 last night, i had to quit because lag shot up.....then i couldnt pick up flags......when i quit, it turned into a udp flood.....
19:02.25Bagheeralike i hadnt really quit
19:02.36Bagheerafyi, i think my dos is more of bzflag bug
19:03.05DTRemenakyeah, sounds like it.  playing under bagheera or some other callsign?
19:03.18Bagheerai was wondering if anybody at that time experienced the same thing, and if they noticed what i lookked like at the time
19:03.25BagheeraDTRemenak<  grumbler
19:04.18DTRemenakgot one of these Player Grumbler [7] removed at 2005-04-12 02:15:01: Read error
19:04.55Bagheeramaybe a network hiccup on my side then....or on some side
19:05.04DTRemenaklooks like the server didn't realize you disconnected at all
19:05.15DTRemenakuntil later
19:05.28Bagheerawell, i did eventually.....pulled the plug, literally
19:06.20Bagheerahmm, didnt see wan status on my router says error
19:06.24DTRemenaklast thing before that was you said "l8r" at 01:58:47
19:06.36DTRemenakso the server thought you were connected for about 15 mins when you weren't
19:06.46DTRemenakif you actually signed off when you said l8r :)
19:06.57Bagheerai least close to it
19:07.11Bagheerabut the error on my wan port might be the culprit.....
19:07.28DTRemenakyeah.  it's some network error between my udp stack and yours :)
19:07.51DTRemenakand a home router is a likely spot to have a network error
19:07.54Bagheeraoh well.  time to investigate on my least get rid of the error
19:08.15DTRemenaksorry I can't help more :S
19:08.24Bagheerano, i was looking for info
19:08.38Bagheerahelp does not necessarily imply solving the problem
19:08.48DTRemenakbtw, the server is on caltech's network.  you probably already figured that out though :)
19:09.05Bagheerai was guessing from the udp flood log
19:10.05Bagheera....which i would have mentioned last night, but i just found the log this morning
19:10.17DTRemenakheh :)
19:10.59Bagheeraok, back to the books.  l8r
19:27.03*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
19:36.25*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
19:40.29*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
19:42.08Bagheeraat least netgear had me in a state of blissful ignorance
19:47.29*** join/#bzflag escristian (
19:59.53*** join/#bzflag CBG (
20:06.50CBGI need map-making help ( ) :)
20:09.43Bagheerayeah, i would like to help, but I am out of the loop on 2.0 for worldsize, are you sure you are not overriding the setting with the bzfs switch?
20:12.51CBGwhats the bzfs switsh? :(
20:15.04escristianthe regex package in the bzFlag source code. Was it developed internally or is it taken from another open source project?
20:16.57DTRemenakescristian, look at the first line in any of the regex source files
20:17.18DTRemenakthey still have NetBSD CVS signatures even :)
20:17.59BagheeraCBG<  you have looked here i assume
20:18.06DTRemenakthey have been modified some since they were imported, mostly to quell warnings
20:18.19Bagheeragah, err
20:18.50*** topic/#bzflag by Bagheera -> || || || || || ||
20:19.15CBGBagheera: Yeah. And I didnt use -worldsize.
20:19.50Bagheerabummer, i wonder why they have it exampled as 400.0 and not 400
20:20.43escristianThanks DTRemenak. kind of new to Open Source and I dont know anythign about netBsd. :)
20:20.53CBGBagheera: have I dont anything wrong?
20:21.30spldartSINC300 ON HEPACT Nazi spammming
20:21.37DTRemenakescristian,  great little operating system.
20:22.21spldartAny Hepcat admin's want to check in and ban? :)
20:23.40BagheeraCBG, not from what i can see....the examples i have here have the world defition as the first item in the map file(past the comments)....although none are using the "name" field
20:24.03orangespldart: I'm on there, but I'll need to see him do it first
20:27.08cosmoswhos doing what
20:27.39spldartrats... well
20:28.02spldartSINC300 is doing the ni@@er hanging from a tree crap... And white power crap
20:28.04cosmossomeone claimed silverfox and jb digriz were racists earlier too
20:28.39spldartWell. I did see those messages from sinc300 only seconds before I put up my first mentione of it
20:28.46orangethey're not doing it now, of course, but cosmos can see the logs
20:30.14cosmosit was an imposter
20:30.29cosmoshe used SINC300 and the real guy is SINC3OO
20:30.34cosmosanother 24.x
20:30.54Bagheerat-dialin strikes again
20:31.11BearPersonsomeone else signed on with a similar nick?
20:31.17BagheeraBearPerson<  they do
20:31.20BearPersonor did they just send packets?
20:31.33spldartwhatsit with the 24.x
20:31.41BearPersonwhat is 24.x?
20:32.11Bagheerabetween 24.x and texas its a toss up.......we should setup a special server for both and let them go at it
20:33.27cosmos24.x dynamic cable users etc
20:33.36cosmospimple poppin teen rejects
20:37.07spldartThese people that do the nazi crap... Are they always unregistered?
20:38.52BearPersonidea for normalized score: (W-L)/(W+L) -- comments?
20:40.09BearPersonalways within [-1,1], does not increase with time
20:46.45*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
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20:54.37DTRemenakhiya brlcad
20:54.52bzflagwizhey - I didn't get a harrumpgh out of that guy
20:55.08brlcadhowdy DTRemenak
20:59.29cosmosanother one spamming hepcat with ads for other servers and taling trash
20:59.45cosmosmissed it birdie
20:59.47cosmoswhat did you write
21:00.03Birdiesomething about wich hours babels ,and wich ones overlord
21:00.55*** join/#bzflag Arbitur (
21:01.09cosmoswhat about them?
21:01.39Birdieto change them a litle bit
21:02.00Birdieonly babels from 9pm in german time?
21:02.10Birdiemaybe change that to..5 6
21:02.17cosmosis there a reason?
21:02.19Birdieto both: usa and europe can enjoy from them
21:02.31Birdieif its only from 9pm..
21:02.37cosmosoh i see
21:02.55Birdieonly a thought though
21:02.57cosmosyeah im going to actually rotate them more often so each one is played during both continents daytimes
21:03.13cosmoslike every 4 hours
21:03.33Birdiethat would be a cool idea
21:06.43DTRemenakbrlcad, so turn off the A/C ;)
21:07.18brlcaddang things are bigger than my car
21:24.49Bagheerashoot, missed CBG
21:49.48Chestalhmm, F5 kills my X :-(
21:58.44BearPersonit just freezes my view for a bit
22:11.06*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
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22:34.14Tuponethe snapshot ?
22:34.50Tuponehey, how do I came in the picture?
22:35.16brlcadstunning, simply stunning
22:37.06Tuponehow is going the brlcad? new releases I saw. Big change?
22:38.20TuponeI wasn't able to compile at first, and never tried again :(
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22:54.35brlcadahh, tuponey quit
22:56.49*** join/#bzflag wegstar (~foo@wegstar.user.allegro)
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23:30.10wegstar_phpregistering all of them :P
23:30.12spldartOr should I say 8-0
23:30.24wegstar_phpand linkin' them to wegstar
23:31.07ibotrumour has it, spldart is a n00b
23:31.41ibotsomebody said wegstar was a sayer of the obvious
23:32.02ibothmm... brlcad is like a learner wrapped in tofu best served chilled
23:34.09brlcadsp ld art .. the art of dynamic linking a service pack?
23:34.29wegstarhaha :D
23:35.37brlcadwe gs tar .. we ghostscript tape archives?
23:36.12brlcadseriously guys (i presume) .. what are those names supposed to mean? :)
23:36.18spldartSound Pressure Level Dodge Dart.... At it's peak it hit 163.8 DB and was rated top 10 in the world in it's class....
23:36.35wegstarnothing.. I just chose it randomly :)
23:36.37brlcadwouldn't that be splddart? :)
23:36.47spldart8 18" subs on nearly 4000 watts
23:36.58spldartI just did spl-dart
23:37.40brlcad163 decibels?
23:37.42JeffM2501is tere any other car called "the dart" ?
23:38.15spldartI only know of the Dodge A-bodies called darts from late 50's through to 76 or 77 or so
23:38.15brlcadyeah, maybe just "dart" or darty or daria? :)
23:38.47spldartDart, Dart Sport (mine) Dart Swinger
23:39.26spldart163.8 DB c-weighted
23:39.31brlcadwegstar.. the failed predecessor to the deathstar that unfortunately involved too many weggie jokes to be taken seriously in the political environment
23:39.52purple_cowyou do realize that a car is not nearly a big enough space for subs like that?
23:40.03wegstar... deathstar??
23:40.13JeffM2501extra-dimensonal spaces, purple_cow
23:40.17JeffM2501subs of holding
23:40.18purple_cowJeffM2501: ohhh
23:40.50spldartYou do realize that your basically making a 2 chambered box. The one which you sit in and the mic sits in during 'hits' and the one behind the sub ;)
23:40.51brlcadwegstar: you must be too young to know what the Death Star is?
23:41.07JeffM2501if you were to take the dart into a worm hole, the 2 spaces would confict
23:41.08brlcaddating yourself
23:41.10JeffM2501and asplode
23:41.18spldartThey aren't even being treated as subs. Just servo's to pressurize a volume of space
23:41.22JeffM2501how can someone not know the death star?
23:41.23wegstarstar wars???
23:41.32JeffM2501starwars is the answer
23:41.35JeffM2501not the question
23:41.55purple_cowi guess i've just never understood the idea of spending huge amounts of money on audio equipment that's just going to sound poor at best =P
23:42.15JeffM2501so you can blow the clothes of women
23:42.30spldartI rated top 10 in the world in SQ internationally in the USAC circuit as well ;)
23:42.34spldartSame car
23:42.48wegstarhmm.. when was the last time I watched Star Wars...
23:42.49spldartI can orgasm woman with the turn of a knob
23:42.59wegstarerr.. right
23:43.12creeperzspldart: they just look at me...
23:43.53spldartActually I did stereo's cuz I just love concert volume music... Turned it into a competition later in life
23:44.34CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10BZFlagG3D/tools/mapedit/ (inc/openGL.h inc/world.h src/openGL.cpp src/world.cpp): bad bad bad tank avatar
23:45.18spldartI am plotting my next car though.... 12 18's... Not efficient but nobody has done 12 18's in a car before. Just van's and trucks.
23:45.31CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10BZFlagG3D/ (6 files in 4 dirs): conversion to clasic list server system
23:47.49spldart 8 18's
23:49.16DTRemenakJeffM2501, irc list server didn't work out?
23:49.24JeffM2501it would have
23:49.43JeffM2501just didn't like that I tied list and chat together
23:49.53JeffM2501and auth would have been wierd
23:49.58JeffM2501may go back to it
23:50.03JeffM2501may as well use an existing system for now
23:50.16*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@
23:50.16JeffM2501gives me an excuse to fix up URLmanager
23:50.24DTRemenakheh, ok :)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.