irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050211

00:04.02*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
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00:14.55sgk284anyone around to ask questions about perms?
00:15.07sussudiolike, a hairdresser?
00:15.14sgk284permissions :)
00:16.07sgk284Tim said that the spawn perm should be given to everyone by default, is that specified in the code, or something that server admin must specifiy in the config?
00:16.52sgk284heh :)
00:18.25DTRemenaksgk284, "by default" implies in the code
00:19.00DTRemenakthere's a couple lists of default perms
00:19.51DTRemenakalso give it to LOCAL.ADMIN by default, so admins can always spawn :)
00:20.58blast007sgk284: if you're looking for where it does that, there's an initGroups() function in bzfs.cxx
00:21.52sgk284blast007, thanks
00:25.40sgk284whats hideAdmin do?
00:26.27sgk284and DTRemenak it appears local.admin automagically gets every perm
00:26.34DTRemenaksgk284, ah, cool
00:26.40DTRemenakhideAdmin removes the @
00:26.58sgk284ahh okay
00:27.38sgk284a few admin on secretplace expressed interest in having an observer like mode without their names appearing on the list, sounds feasible right?
00:28.06DTRemenakI think there was some objection to that
00:28.06DTRemenakdon't remember what
00:28.06sgk284hrmm okay
00:28.13sgk284i'll ask tim about it sometime
00:28.29JeffM2501NINJA ADMIN!
00:28.59trepantime for the insulin shot
00:31.17blast007I had once made a server command that would make it appear to other players that you logged off, and newly joining players wouldn't be told you were there
00:31.30blast007only showed up in a /playerlist
00:32.00blast007but it was rather hackish
00:41.36*** join/#bzflag N5 (
00:48.59sgk284maybe i'm overlookign something, but how do you set a rejoin time with the server?
00:51.50trepanare you doing the REJOIN perm?
00:52.15sgk284i have the perm done... i cant test it though heh
00:52.19sgk284spawn perm is done too
00:52.23trepanbzfs.cxx line 2266, just don't add 'em if they have the priv
00:52.53sgk284i just put in a !hasPerm at 2501
00:53.05sgk284i can switch it if you want
00:53.17sgk284oh wait...
00:53.22sgk284i mean 1828
00:54.33trepani'd switch it
00:56.06sgk284now how do i tell the server to not let me rejoin until a given amount of time has passed?
00:57.17*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
00:57.35sgk284i pass that to bzfs?
00:57.55trepannote the _, it's a bzdb var
00:59.04DTRemenaksgk284, if you're an admin I think it lets you rejoin immediately anyway
00:59.21DTRemenakor switching from observer to playing or playing to observer
00:59.41trepanDTRemenak: nope, that's the perm he's adding  (for admins)
00:59.44sgk284observer to player and vice versa it ignore, dont think it does for admin
00:59.52DTRemenakah, ok
00:59.56DTRemenakman...I'm confused :)
01:00.23sussudio~confuse DTRemenak
01:00.25ibotno them is their pants today ?
01:00.36sgk284trepan, i got what you were saying, i just thought it was somethign that could be set passign something
01:00.37DTRemenakibot, wtf?
01:00.38ibotfrom memory, wtf is the point of playing music when you can write it?, or what's that friend?
01:00.44trepansgk284: why?
01:00.48trepando you trust the clients?
01:01.15sgk284good point
01:01.28trepanthe worst is that it's done by name
01:01.34trepans/worst/worst part
01:01.46DTRemenakprobably should be done by IP
01:01.54DTRemenakthat's at least some work to change :)
01:01.55trepanDTRemenak: heh, that's how it was started
01:02.01*** join/#bzflag blast007__ (
01:02.06trepanfirewalled folks got pissy
01:02.17sgk284DTRemenak,and more then one person can ahve the same ip
01:02.23DTRemenakwell, tell them not to join within 5 secs of eachother :)
01:02.31trepanshould be done by unique player ids
01:02.43trepanwhich we don't have, and can't enforce
01:02.44DTRemenaktrepan, there is no such thing
01:03.10DTRemenakPlease enter your Social Security Number and Date of Birth on this line:
01:04.16trepan123456789, 19021111
01:05.01DTRemenakthat's why you ask for both...check against the Fed's database and see if they match :)
01:06.33trepanguess coppa letters wouldn't be much of an issue
01:24.30*** join/#bzflag Pizbit (
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01:46.00Birdie!seen JeffM2501
01:46.00guuBirdie: JeffM2501 was last seen here 1 hour, 17 minutes, and 30 seconds ago saying: <JeffM2501> NINJA ADMIN!
01:46.05orangeGrumbler: dragon duck confusion... adventure clone?
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02:54.38smallfoot-i want invisible flag and quad damage
02:54.47smallfoot-and i want my tank to have a horn
02:54.59amathisI want a pony.
02:55.05smallfoot-a pony! haha
02:55.05smallfoot-what a fag
02:55.34smallfoot-plx i want a dashboard with blinking buttons and displays and LED's
02:55.49Noodlemanhow does his desire for a pony make him a homosexual?
02:56.00smallfoot-all homosexuals wants ponys
02:56.06smallfoot-and pink shirts
02:56.09amathisNoodleman: don't play with the kiddies' you might not come out alive.
02:56.19smallfoot-and thongs
02:56.24Noodlemani'm straight, and i wear pink
02:56.32smallfoot-then you metrosexual
02:56.35Noodlemanquit using generalisations, please
02:56.36smallfoot-a wannabe-homo
02:56.41amathisI'm straight, and I wear a tho..... nevermind
02:56.42Noodlemanooh, i am far from metrosexual
02:57.20smallfoot-"damn everyone else is homosexual and thats so cool, im not, but hey i can dress and act like one if i want!!"
02:57.47Noodlemansmallfoot-: there you go making generalisations again
02:58.01Noodlemanas if all homosexuals wear pink
02:58.07Noodlemanthey certainly do not
02:58.14Noodlemanmore people are gay than you would guess
02:58.19smallfoot-but if somoene do wear pink, he is likely to be homosexual
02:58.25Noodlemannot true
02:58.29amathisNoodleman: why are you even humoring the child?
02:58.37Noodlemanamathis: because he is entertaining
02:58.42Noodlemani seek amusement
02:58.46smallfoot-fags love entertainment
02:58.49smallfoot-and strippers
02:58.50PizbitBoring to me:)
02:58.55smallfoot-and lap dance
02:59.05Noodlemansmallfoot-: everyone loves entertainment
02:59.20smallfoot-and i like strippers and lap dance too
02:59.34amathisfor some reason I don't think smallfoot- is old enough to know what to do with a stripper if he had one.. o.o
02:59.49smallfoot-you can do something with a stripper??
02:59.54smallfoot-you supposed to watch them!
02:59.56smallfoot-not do anything
03:00.00Noodlemansmallfoot-: not true
03:00.05smallfoot-damn, then explain to me
03:00.07smallfoot-i only look tv
03:00.13smallfoot-and girl always come and strips
03:00.16amathisdear lord, this is sad.
03:00.16smallfoot-and cockteaser girl
03:00.18smallfoot-but cant touch
03:00.33smallfoot-can only look, but cant touch
03:01.16JeffM2501smallfoot watch the language please
03:02.11JeffM2501you are far from it
03:02.16*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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03:02.22smallfoot-what means curmudgeon
03:02.33Noodlemansmallfoot-: do you know how to use a dictionary?
03:02.36JeffM2501it means use a dictionary
03:02.36amathis.. See spot run...
03:02.45smallfoot-i have
03:02.48smallfoot-internet rules!!!!11
03:02.56JeffM2501yes it does
03:03.00Noodlemansmallfoot-: if you have a dictionary, why did you ask me?
03:03.03JeffM2501just tone it down
03:03.10smallfoot-i have to open inretner explorer
03:03.11JeffM2501that's your problem, not ours
03:03.11Noodlemantrue dat
03:03.16smallfoot-and type that word
03:03.17smallfoot-press enter
03:03.18smallfoot-and read
03:03.22JeffM2501you'll live
03:03.57smallfoot-An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.
03:04.04amathissmallfoot-: yep, internet explorer is the only way to get on the internet.
03:04.26smallfoot-internet explorer is the internet!
03:04.41Noodlemanbut, i'm just wondering
03:04.41JeffM2501good lord amathis don't prod him on
03:04.55Noodlemanif internet explorer IS the internet, what does internet explore?
03:04.57amathissmallfoot-: if you are going to go trolling, don't be so obvious, it gives you away.
03:05.01Thumper_or add way more voltage to your cattle prod
03:05.03smallfoot-it surfs the internet
03:05.14smallfoot-troll rox
03:05.17JeffM2501take it to #internetexporer if you must
03:05.22Noodlemanit surfs itself?
03:05.23smallfoot-nobody there
03:05.24JeffM2501trolls get kicked
03:05.28smallfoot-i mean
03:05.32smallfoot-internet rox!
03:05.37JeffM2501we get it
03:05.48smallfoot-if it werent for internet i wouldnt have a life
03:05.56JeffM2501now are you here to just babble or do anything esle?
03:05.58*** join/#bzflag stevek_ (
03:06.10smallfoot-hey jeff, i remember you
03:06.12smallfoot-i talked to you
03:06.14smallfoot-when you banned me
03:06.16JeffM2501then stop, or you will be removed
03:06.17smallfoot-but then i was nice
03:06.19smallfoot-sry men
03:06.35smallfoot-jeffk, i remember before you are a nice guy
03:06.38smallfoot-i shouldnt annoy you
03:07.13smallfoot-now i will stop trolling in this channel and i will leave it, cuz i respect JeffM2501
03:07.16*** part/#bzflag smallfoot- (
03:07.26Noodlemanfeh, and ruin all my fun
03:07.28*** join/#bzflag smallfoot- (
03:07.34smallfoot-but ill go troll in another channel!
03:07.35*** part/#bzflag smallfoot- (
03:08.16JeffM2501brlcad, get any mails?
03:09.05JeffM2501noodleman, that's what you have #noodlebot for :)
03:09.15amathishe is in there now
03:09.41JeffM2501see now noodle can do what he wills
03:14.14wegstar_uh.. who was smallfoot ?
03:18.22Noodlemanwegstar: a troll
03:20.25wegstarah :)
03:20.38Aribeththey seem to be everywhere
03:20.50*** join/#bzflag [shorty114] (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
03:21.02Aribethhi shorty
03:21.32wegstarhmm... we would have to expect more stuff like this in the forums in the near future...
03:22.03[shorty114]hi Aribeth
03:22.07Aribethhad to ban one from my server a bit ago
03:22.21sussudioa cheater or a troll?
03:22.41Aribethhe was bashing the server and me
03:23.14Aribethhe complained about 100ms lag
03:23.47Aribethi scanned the logs and found all kinds of nasty stuff
03:24.39Pizbit100ms? I'd love that
03:24.55Aribethnothin wrong with that
03:25.34Aribeththats what i pay $110.00 a month for
03:26.24Aribethi run my server on a 3.2 mb dedicated dsl line
03:27.01JeffM25013.2 up?
03:27.13Aribethdown 600 kb up
03:27.28*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
03:27.30JeffM2501that seems very hoigh
03:27.39Aribethno phones. just a data line
03:27.41Noodlemannot much
03:27.49Noodlemancertainly not
03:27.49JeffM2501I see 6 megs down 608 up for 59$
03:27.54Noodlemanthey were shut down ><
03:27.56purple_cowheh, we pay about $50 for 3/2
03:28.11JeffM2501I have 3 down 308 up for 34$
03:28.40shorty114stupid MPAA
03:28.42Aribethi have to have a dedicated dsl line due to probs with the regular phone line
03:28.47Noodlemanthey have the right
03:28.56Noodlemanit doesn't mean i won't be pissed tho :-P
03:28.59JeffM2501that may be why it's so much
03:29.13shorty114the page isn't valid HTML
03:29.34Noodlemanstupid MPAA
03:29.44Aribethsomething is loading the phone line and noone can find it
03:30.12Aribethprob a short somewhere in the wireing
03:30.36Thumper_Is there a way to have the server kick off players that pause for long periods of time?
03:31.06Aribethwhat is your idle time set to?
03:31.16Thumper_not currently set
03:31.42Thumper_is a little extreme...
03:31.43Aribethyou can set it to kick players after a period of time
03:31.58JeffM2501hence the term "idle" in it :)
03:31.59Thumper_I thought the man page said that kicks idle players not paused players...
03:32.15JeffM2501your idle when your paused right?
03:32.54Thumper_is that description wrong then?
03:32.55JeffM2501so I guess no
03:38.12orchida paused player becomes idle on a flag capture I belive, but I think there should be a limit to pause length
03:40.59orchidhmm, I disagree, many players type inbetween spawns, so as not to get killed while typing
03:41.20trepanorchid, how much do you need to type?
03:41.29orchidtrepan: I'm quite chatty
03:41.29trepanmaxidle is usually 5 mins or so, no?
03:41.52trepani kick you for burning up a slot chatting for 5 mins+
03:42.06orchidtrepan not every where, chestal sets his quite low
03:42.18trepanChestal: how low do you go?
03:43.20Thumper_you can always connect as observer to chat...
03:43.40orchidthen whay have chat in the game for on feild players?
03:43.56Thumper_learn to type and drive... :)
03:45.14*** join/#bzflag Silver2 (
03:45.52brlcadiirc, it's like 2 minutes
03:49.24wegstarargh.. wrong window
03:50.24brlcadi think you're right about the flag capture .. the capture reset probably makes the idle kick loose track that he's paused server-side
04:10.05*** join/#bzflag sommertimer3 (
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04:24.33theEnemythere's a player called "sil3nt" doing the rounds right now who's cheating
04:24.38theEnemyan nr cheat
04:24.43theEnemyfirst one i've seen in real life
04:25.05sgk284theEnemy, another guy started comign around todaye making any flag act like wigns
04:25.16theEnemyhis ip is in
04:25.29sgk284hrmm ours was 81. something
04:25.33theEnemyone slightly amusing one i saw at one point was on hepcat
04:25.40sgk284anyone know of a cheat client release recently?
04:25.50sgk284what was it?
04:25.50MeBigFatGuywhats the protocol breakage level of head?
04:25.54theEnemywhere picking up a team flag made it geno :)
04:26.14MeBigFatGuythat sounds more like a bug :)
04:26.15theEnemygot banned pretty quick, but you've got to laugh at the novelty :)
04:27.17brlcadheh, if that's theEnemy's first sighting of a cheater then we must be doing something better
04:27.39theEnemyah no, first nr cheater that's all :)
04:27.51sgk284way to ruin the fun ;)
04:28.22theEnemynever quite understood the mentality... especially when it can get your whole netmask banned
04:29.03sgk284secretplace has half of texas banned:)
04:29.07Aribeththey never learn
04:29.37theEnemysecretplace had me banned too at one point, from before i even started playing (must have been someone from my ISP)
04:29.46theEnemyin fact still does :-|
04:30.23*** part/#bzflag Daddo_lurking (
04:30.29sgk284theEnemy, whats your ip? or host?
04:31.08theEnemyalthough it's dynamic, so unblocking the whole /24 might be a little more likely to stick
04:31.40sgk284if i were you and you wanted to play on those servers, i'd email and ask for antiban permissions
04:32.06theEnemyyeah, did that, which is how i got off secretplace's ban
04:32.14sgk284i'm an admin on the server, assuming you didnt do anything wrong you'll probably get them:)
04:33.27theEnemywell, there don't seem to be any servers running 2.0 yet, so it doesn't seem a priority as far as i know hasnt ran a server in quite some time
04:34.07sgk284but one will be comign up shortly
04:34.14sgk284according to recent discussions
04:34.21sgk284an all wings map
04:34.28sgk284should be fun
04:34.46theEnemycool. i loved the corndawg basement map (rabbit hunt) that played there.
04:34.54sussudioyeah, but it'll still be no beatles.
04:37.25theEnemyif i'm lucky will come back with the same banlist as secretplace, so i'll wait till it's up
04:37.51MeBigFatGuyi must say wings is rather irritating unless the map is primarily a wings map
04:37.55MeBigFatGuyespecially with z bullets
04:37.56sgk284when it comes back up, it will have the same banlist, you should be fine
04:38.11MeBigFatGuybut loads of fun with both, if they are plentiful
04:43.46*** join/#bzflag Pizbit (
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05:00.32lan56the apprentice, has started
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05:07.39MeBigFatGuy? its over
05:07.56Legoguywell the BZW vim highlighter is making progress :)
05:09.38brlcadand the emacs major mode? :)
05:24.27CIA-1navi-misc: 03jupiter * r6832 10bzedit/scripts/BZFlag/ stub out the beginnings of a zone object
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05:53.51sussudioAribeth: everyone just went [nr] on your server
05:57.47ibothmm... fish is FISHFISHFISH! DO THE FISH DANCE! "Give a man a fish and you'll feed him a day. Teach him how to fish and he'll feed himself for the rest of his life." This is so appropriate, instead of asking us to tell you exactly what to do, why not read some docs, then come back and ask specific questions which aren't covered?, or ...
05:57.52wegstarwrong window
06:18.42*** join/#bzflag [Prez|Kennedy] (~Matthew@
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07:41.04Jaffaquiet isn't it
07:42.57sussudioJAFFA KREE
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07:59.33*** part/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
08:04.49*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe (
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08:09.28*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe (
08:09.33LePoulpeHi all
08:10.58LePoulpei'm trying to build my own bzflag map and i have little trouble
08:11.06LePoulpeanyone may help ?
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11:18.51*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe2 (
11:19.00LePoulpe2Hi there
11:19.36LePoulpe2is there a *secret*tool that is used to build maps ?
11:20.08trepanyup, but we can't tell you about it
11:20.26jpa_trepan: no, there is not
11:20.35jpa_it is secret, we may not tell it exists
11:20.44trepandang, now i'm out of the club
11:21.01trepando i get my $15 membership fee back?
11:21.03LePoulpe2i mean :  if i want to torture somebody , i make him build pimpi map with bzedit
11:21.07jpa_what would it be like if everyone used kate
11:21.23jpa_trepan: we forgive you :)
11:21.54jpa_trepan: but no, you must pay another $15
11:21.56trepanLePoulpe2: are you talking about new 2.0 map features?
11:22.06LePoulpe2trepan :  yes but not ony
11:22.23trepanthe 2.0 stuff is mostly being done by hand right now
11:22.28jpa_LePoulpe2: use bzmap 2.0 that is not ready yet, bzmap-old that is not nice for new stuff or text editor
11:22.38trepanthere are a few people who have learned to use 3D modellers
11:22.39jpa_texteditor <3
11:23.02LePoulpe2jpa_  : i was afraid that  most used tool was text editor
11:23.12PimpinellaLePoulpe2: : use bzflag to safe the map. Edit it with a texteditor
11:23.30jpa_texteditor is best.. paper pen and texteditor
11:23.31trepanLePoulpe2: another trick is to use bzedit (or any other old style tool), and swap boxes and pyramids for 2.0 "group"s
11:23.36Pimpinellathe map on 2.0 viper is well documented
11:23.52jpa_Pimpinella: but..comments do not go to clients, do they?
11:24.01Pimpinellathey do
11:24.29Pimpinellalemme proof, brb
11:24.32jpa_so trepan's physics had _no_ comments at all?
11:24.42trepancomments do not get sent
11:24.44jpa_i thought that they were just getting dropped
11:25.02LePoulpe2I understand now why there are so few  inclined plans in bzflag maps ....
11:25.03trepansome object names to get passed across, but #blahblah certainly does not
11:25.39jpa_so bzflag adds some comments for meshes?
11:25.44LePoulpe2by the way this games rocks ; i think i'm addicted
11:25.55trepanlike the counts for the various items
11:25.56Pimpinellano, they do not :(
11:26.09LePoulpe2lepoulpe2 :  last night i dreamt i burned my boss with a shockwave
11:26.32trepango outside, and run around in circles
11:27.00jpa_trepan: not perfects circles.. just circle with 16 divisions or so
11:27.23LePoulpe2thanks Pimpinella
11:27.46jpa_opengl sucks.. why can't it have curvy faces
11:27.58jpa_like faces with edges defined with bezier curve
11:28.12LePoulpe2i plan to create a Delphi Site style map ; i think that ancient greeks have taken less time that i'll need to complete the project
11:28.41jpa_LePoulpe2: i do not know what is delphi site, but python might help
11:29.01jpa_if there is anything regular in map.. like stuff repeating etc.
11:29.17jpa_if it is just pure modelling, 3d modeller could help
11:29.21trepanLePoulpe2: has a nice map up with some meshed pillars
11:29.31PimpinellaLegoguy: no neccessarily, with the new group/define feature things like that became much easier
11:29.54Pimpinellanot Legoguy , but LePoulpe2  of course
11:30.00jpa_Pimpinella: true, but rotation movement etc is still difficult..
11:30.04LePoulpe2ok thnaks for help ; must go to lunch ; bb later
11:30.15Pimpinellaguten hunger
11:30.29trepanjpa_: ya just gotta learn to visualize
11:30.51jpa_trepan: i mean.. like the spirals map on secretplace..
11:31.00jpa_trepan: that kinda thing by hand
11:31.22trepanah, so object count, not transformations are the problem
11:31.46jpa_or few lines python :)
11:31.56*** join/#bzflag Pizbit (
11:33.25jpa_hmm..have got first cheater-report
11:33.49jpa_Player Ae0160x [7] has joined from at 2005-02-10 19:20:07
11:35.10*** join/#bzflag bznog (
11:54.22Pimpinellareally your first?
11:56.47Pimpinellajpa_: yes, that was Aneox/Aenox, we banned to one several times yesterday for using different cheats
11:58.11Pimpinellacan't be covered with a range ban, reminds me, that i planned to check if i can get him by hostban
12:02.32*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
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12:19.10Blue_Eyeshey all
12:20.38menotumeHELLOS bLUE
12:21.58Blue_Eyesciao meno :)
12:26.11[dmp]harddisks dont like me.
12:31.20*** part/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
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14:19.37bznogginorange: Hepcat is down?
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14:43.34CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/man/bzfs.6s: Addition of a say command for sending out server messages and a rejoin permission to exempt users from the _rejoinTime limit. this comes from the viper-admin folks (manu, pimpi)
14:43.55CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (Permissions.cxx Permissions.h bzfs.cxx commands.cxx): Addition of a say command for sending out server messages and a rejoin permission to exempt users from the _rejoinTime limit. this comes from the viper-admin folks (manu, pimpi)
14:45.25*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
14:45.37Ae`wow, more chatters than players
14:46.04jpa_umm.. no :)
14:47.59trepanBZFlag 2.0 and 1.10.x protocol numbers
14:48.19trepan0026 -> 2.0, 1910 -> 1.10.x
14:48.22CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/ChangeLog: rejoin permission for avoiding _rejoinTime limit; a /say command for server messages.
14:49.48trepansgk284: get any conflicts?  ;)
15:02.36*** join/#bzflag stevek (
15:02.43stevekgood morning
15:05.08Nidhoggrhi stevek
15:06.01stevekhow goes it?
15:09.40*** join/#bzflag holiday (
15:12.41Grumblermonrin Nidhoggr
15:13.12cristiNidhoggr, you have not updated the map to bzflag 2.0 maps ?
15:14.04Nidhoggrcristi: the map we have works fine.  no reason to complicate it with fancy graphics.
15:14.19cristihi tim
15:14.32Nidhoggrbesides, I'm not touching a map editor until it's usable by my simple self.
15:15.04Nidhoggrif it's not broken, don't fix it. :)
15:15.10Nidhoggrpeople like the map the way it is.
15:15.15*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
15:15.21cristihi blast
15:15.48stevekcristi, what would you like changed?
15:15.58stevekthe map is awesome:)
15:16.14cristito have colors
15:16.18cristidifferent colors
15:16.52cristii think if you put materials the map will look the best map of all maps of bzflag
15:17.09stevekbut people would need to download those materials
15:17.49Pimpinellacristi: the map is mostly made of standard boxes, you can't apply materials to that
15:17.50stevektextures aren't sent with the map, not yet at least;)
15:18.20Pimpinellathe map would need to be widely redone
15:19.03jpa_stevek: there are default textures..
15:19.07Pimpinellastevek: you can use the default textures
15:19.14jpa_Pimpinella: just replace box with meshbox
15:19.30cristii know
15:19.52cristiwith meshbox you can change the color of the box and works fine
15:20.53Pimpinellahm, meshboxes seem to consume performance
15:20.53codsjpa_: as trepan pointed out, meshbox is 12 faces, while box is only 6.
15:21.13Pimpinellai put them all out again
15:21.22jpa_cods: i've noticed, those strange lines in boxes
15:22.01Pimpinellaa meshbox is internally an arc with 4 divisions
15:22.49jpa_is it?
15:23.25jpa_how lame :)
15:23.50cristia box have 4 corners
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15:24.27Pimpinellaa box and a pyramid
15:26.45cristibut you do not do 'material options end'
15:26.48*** part/#bzflag LePoulpe|Miam (
15:27.07cristioptions is replaced with the material options
15:27.37cristibut you do not do 'material <options> end'
15:27.57cristiread the manual page of the BZW
15:28.01Pimpinellano, these are group definitions
15:28.21cristii do not work with group definitions
15:28.35cristiI'm sorry
15:28.55Pimpinellaadd them and use them as boxes, just repoacing box with group boxreplac
15:29.23cristii will send you the code again
15:29.30Pimpinellahell, groups is one of the mail features on the new bzw file format...
15:29.44Pimpinellanot using them is ... well...
15:29.45jpa_Pimpinella: and use scale and spin instead of size and rotation
15:30.11Pimpinellajpa_: iirc size and rotation will work too
15:30.21jpa_Pimpinella: hmm..ok..
15:31.12jpa_Pimpinella: but.. top / bottom / outside params do not work with those, do they?
15:31.47Pimpinellai added roof and wall as defaults in the faceed
15:32.08jpa_pasting whole source in private or what? :D
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15:34.11Pimpinellagroup accepts obstacle, while obstacle accepts location and location contains size and rot
15:34.23bz3885I've been kicked out of  a gme because my "lag is too high." Could you please explain to me what this is?
15:34.44jpa_bz3885: what kind of a connection do you have?
15:34.56blast007bz3885: lag is the time it takes data to get from your computer to the server
15:35.16bz3885High speed Internet via digital cable.
15:35.24blast007the longer the delay, the more "jumpy" tanks seem
15:35.47bz3885How does the server know how long it takes data from my computer to arrive?
15:36.18jpa_bz3885: it sends your computer a ping packet like "hello, answer me" and your computer answers "hi i got your ping"
15:36.25blast007it sends you a packet of data, and when your client gets it, it sends a response tracks the time it takes to get a reply
15:36.29jpa_and server takes time how long it takes to answer
15:36.44bz3885Ohh, I see. So, there's nothing I can do about. Just try another server, correct?
15:37.12holidaymaybe u can stop other programs on your pc which make ur connetion slow by using it
15:37.15blast007make sure there isn't any software running in the background that use the internet, like P2P apps, etc
15:37.33Pimpinellabz3885: just searching for something i once wrote...
15:37.41blast007also spyware/adware/viruses can access the internet and cause lag   ;)
15:37.41bz3885OK, thanks for the advice.
15:38.08bz3885Well, I'm running Linux. I don't care about viruses and spyware (yet) :)
15:38.11jpa_if you are using linux, and have slow graphics card, you could use "nice bzflag" so it keeps more processor power for kernel functions, like network
15:38.43jpa_i had that problem before when i was using software rendering, cpu getting used up and networking slowed down
15:38.58bz3885I have an NVIDIA card with 3D acceleration. I don't think my PC is the problem. There's nothing else running on it.
15:39.17holidaydo u hav a firewall? else it would show u which programs use the internet
15:39.33Pimpinellawhere do u live, and whats the server you get kicked from?
15:40.04jpa_some servers are just behind lousy connections..
15:40.41bz3885I'm in northamerica but I can't tell where this server was (I forgot the name). Sorry, that was last night.
15:41.16blast007while you are in the game, you can check lag by pressing 'n' to talk, and then typing /lagstats
15:41.26jpa_or o and enter..
15:41.41blast007hehe, or that  ;)
15:42.04bz3885Anyway, thaks for explaining what this "lag" thing is. I'll use the /lagstats (or "o") next time.
15:42.28Pimpinellahm, there's also a key to view lag right above the mousebow,no?
15:42.44blast007that's the framedraw time
15:42.53Pimpinellano, thats left
15:43.25blast007there's Frames Per Second, and Seconds Per Frame (in ms)
15:43.41Pimpinellaoh, ic
15:44.04Pimpinellahow to toggle seconds per frame?
15:44.29cristihow to set 0 rogues, 4 red, 4, green, and 0 purple ?
15:44.39blast007with -mp
15:44.40jpa_cristi: aaargh, rtfm!
15:44.48cristihow with mp?
15:44.55jpa_read the manual!
15:44.55blast007with the man page
15:44.59*** part/#bzflag bznoggin (
15:45.06Pimpinella-mp 0,4,4,0,0,?
15:45.07cristii am on windwos
15:45.21jpa_you can read it from internet
15:45.21Pimpinellareplace ? with number of obs
15:45.27blast007or bzfs -help works too
15:45.34jpa_or read the comments in config file
15:45.57Pimpinellaor look in wiki
15:46.12Pimpinellaor use the one i gave u ;)
15:46.18jpa_but no, do not ask here
15:49.33menotumenot for oraane ... should have been 'or'
15:49.44menotumestupid fingers
15:59.02menotumeGrumbler: YES! and if you have a shortcut to a url too
15:59.29Grumbler~fishslap Bill Gates
15:59.32ibotACTION slaps Bill Gates up side the head with a wet fish.
15:59.58Pimpinella~fishslap Steve Ballmer
16:00.00ibotACTION slaps Steve Ballmer up side the head with a wet fish.
16:00.07menotumeGrumbler: try: control-N  , then hit the back button in one of them
16:01.00Ae`or hold shift
16:01.33Ae`it is
16:01.42Ae`turn of reuse windows
16:01.45Ae`or something like that
16:01.46menotumeyes - always use new browser window or something
16:02.26menotumeahhh - right. but I like reusing windows in the 'file browser'
16:03.34*** join/#bzflag Birdie (
16:04.33orangeI think if you use tabbrowser extensions in firefox you can tell it to do that no matter what other program requests it to be opened
16:04.46orangeyou can force it to open in a new tab when any external program requests a page to open
16:04.59JBdiGrizI have taken to having a spare tab open, but I should check for a preference like that.
16:05.26orangetabbrowser extensions are required though
16:06.47Pimpinellai'd like to give players the permission to grant specific groups
16:07.22orangegoogle search bar integrated?
16:07.41Grumbleras of 1.0
16:07.50Grumblerno install option to remove it
16:07.54orangehmmm, I'm in 1.0
16:08.00Grumblerits there
16:08.02orangeI didn't know it was here... where? :-)
16:08.21Pimpinellaif i add a group local.grant.rejoin and ask for membership of that group, instead any hasPerm(), this should work, no?
16:09.00Pimpinellai could filter for local.grant, to go there
16:10.24Pimpinellait would bypass the original stuff though
16:15.35trepantexture downloads: they can be done within the current protocol
16:15.47trepanonly one question, how to setup the protection?
16:16.07trepandefault to only allowing downloads from
16:16.51trepanbut how to make it so that only the authorized folks on the local machine can change it?
16:17.13trepanon Windows, use Admin? or Unix, use root? doesn't really work
16:17.20Ae`you can hide the search
16:17.26orangeGrumbler: are you talking about when you type in something in the location bar that isn't recognized as a url, it searches google automatically?
16:17.43orangeGrumbler: or are you talking about the extra search box to the right of the location box?
16:18.00Grumblerthe extra search box....its a google bar plugin
16:18.17orangebut the extra search box lets you choose which engine you want, and lets you add any other engine
16:18.18Ae`it's not the same as the google bar
16:18.43bryjentrepan: just stick it in the bz config file.  default to
16:18.49Grumblerif it looks like a bar, and acts like the bar, and stores tracking cookies like the bar....its the bar
16:19.00orangeheh, OK
16:19.04trepanbryjen: some 12 yr old will figure out rather quickly how to mod that
16:19.10trepanbryjen: no problems with that fact?
16:19.13orangeI don't get all the extra features of the bar
16:19.33bryjenyeah, well, then it's their fault if the get p0rnboxes
16:20.18trepancould put a file in .bzf that controls it
16:20.33trepanon unix, root could chattr it so that the kiddies couldn't mod it
16:20.48*** join/#bzflag doughecka1 (
16:21.15trepana file that specifies accepted sites, and excluded sites
16:21.28trepanit might work on windows as well
16:21.32bryjeni imagine lots of kiddies are on 'doze
16:21.36trepandunno windows perm setup that well
16:22.12Grumblerorange, i dont like was an addition just for 1.0, and it ticks me off.....especially since the some ofthe developers left for smells of conspiracy
16:22.24bryjenthat won't stop kiddies that have root/admin access to their bow
16:22.33trepanbryjen: nothing will
16:23.15bryjeni donno if its worth the effort
16:23.16trepanthat's not my point, for parents you do control the kids comps, this would give them a means to block sites
16:23.27trepanisn't that much effort
16:23.33trepanif (fileExists()) useIt
16:23.54Ae`it doesn't have the tracking cookie or anything
16:24.04bryjenOk.  you're right, of course.  (especially if you'll be coding it and not me ;) )
16:24.54bryjenDoesn't XP Home pretty much make everybody Admin tho?
16:25.35bryjenthe backend is probly all still there, but it's over-simplified up front
16:25.44bryjenfor the "Home" users
16:26.15trepaneither way, having a simple control file is probably a decent way to go
16:27.12trepanALLOW and DENY keys with regex or globbed names
16:27.13GrumblerAe`, i am grumbler, here me grumble.   in the course of life, it is nothing, it is however something i will not use for the reasons, verified with spyware blockers, i have listed above.  it was an unnecessary addition to a nice fast tool.
16:27.37bryjenALLOW * \n DENY *
16:27.38Ae`you're wrong then, idiot
16:27.58Grumblersame to you
16:28.28orangehmm, that turned ugly fast :-)
16:28.41Ae`what, grumblers face?
16:28.45Ae`that was always ugly
16:28.48Pimpinellaif group is a std::string = "EXAMPLE", can i contaten like this "LOCAL.GRANT." + group to "LOACL.GRANT.EXAMPLE" ?
16:29.11trepanPimpinella: yup  '+' works
16:29.17orangemethinks you might be taking your software a bit too seriously, unless you and grumbler are longtime friends and always talk to each other this way
16:33.33bryjenhmm, how but a *nix permission question then, trepan?  even if the file is immutable, if I own the dir, can't I rm (unlink) it from the dir?
16:34.05*** join/#bzflag teatree (
16:34.22trepanbryjen: nope
16:34.27teatreeWith which program can i remove the red eyes in pictures ?!
16:35.36teatreehavent got that :/
16:35.37jpa_just copy blue channel as red channel in the eye-part
16:35.40teatreeim on win ...
16:35.42trepanbryjen: i'm wondering in windows supports the same kind of functionality
16:36.20trepanbryjen: hehe, there's always -conf though  :)
16:36.38bryjenhuh -conf ?
16:37.03trepan[-config <configfile>]
16:37.19trepanbut i guess that's somewhat separated from the conf dir
16:37.31trepanso it's still ok
16:37.57Ae`teatree open "paint"
16:38.11bryjenhow would you force -conf tho
16:38.20Ae`then select "brush"
16:38.31trepansry, i was talking about -config on the client side
16:38.42trepannot bzfs' -conf
16:38.50bryjenyes.... same question
16:38.59trepanwhich is?
16:39.08*** part/#bzflag holiday (
16:39.36trepan-config is just for the config file, not the config dir  (if that's what you are asking)
16:39.43bryjeni'm not following how you'd use -config to force a list of allow texture download sites
16:40.36trepani mistakenly thought that one might be able to use -config to bypass the SitesList type protection
16:40.48trepanthen i proved myself wrong...
16:41.59*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
16:42.03trepanplanning a generic web cache mgr, could be used for URL'ed maps too
16:42.13trepanit'll be synchronous at first, so you'll have to wait
16:42.47trepanbut it would be nice to make ESC stop transfers (which i don't think it currently does form http maps)
16:44.52*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
16:45.02jpa_hellp sc
16:45.05Nidhoggrhi SportChick
16:45.10SportChickhi Nid
16:45.17SportChickhi jpa
16:45.30Nidhoggrcool :)
16:45.35Nidhoggris it raining there, too?
16:45.57SportChickin RB?  yeah
16:45.58Nidhoggrphoenix is getting drenched pretty well.
16:46.01SportChicknot sure about palm springs
16:46.14NidhoggrI just am not real fond of driving in it.
16:46.25jpa_i understand palm.. and i know spring.. but what is palm springs?
16:46.43teatreejpa_ im just burning knoppix live cd ;) hope gimp is on there ;) ill give it a try
16:46.50Birdiehow can you love to become wet in the rain?
16:46.52teatreeAe` thx ill give it a try ;)
16:47.00jpa_teatree: :
16:48.35NidhoggrBirdie: sometimes a warm rain is very refreshing in the middle of a desert.
16:49.21Ae`more like cold rain
16:51.13bryjenjpa_:  Palm Springs is a city
16:52.09Birdielol nidhoggr
16:52.36jpa_bryjen: ok
16:53.21bryjenpalm as in palm tree, spring as in a place where water comes up from the ground was the recent cheater on bzflag 2.0..
16:54.01bryjenhmm, its actually 3 cities according to yahoo.  one each in AZ CA FL
16:56.38bryjenthe Ae` here is a .nl   Wasn't ae* the cheater .uk ?
16:56.49jpa_hmm.. according to my logs..
16:58.29bryjenwell, .com.  but btopenworld is British Telecom's ISP
17:00.15*** join/#bzflag crko` (
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17:00.41Grumblerits just not my day......three weeks and the cad software dudes get back to me and tell me that there is an undocumented sub-menu that i need to fill out to get bythe problem
17:02.58Grumbler...oh wait, i take that back, its documented in an application note, not in the manual.....
17:06.39Noodle-senseiBirdie: i love riding my bike through a warm rain
17:06.58Noodle-senseithere's nothing quite like it :-)
17:07.20Noodle-senseiexcept standing underneath a waterfall :-)
17:12.17brlcadPimpinella: you're right, I don't like it :)
17:15.34Birdiewell in with bike in a rain...and my pants are so wet, and it cant dry because its raining..thats isnt that funny:)
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17:34.59*** join/#bzflag ToughShooter (
17:38.56*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
17:40.01brlcadChestal / Pimpinella: would calling someone a bloed be considered vulgar or very insulting?
17:41.03*** join/#bzflag jgrreex (
17:41.58*** topic/#bzflag by Ae` ->
17:42.09*** topic/#bzflag by Ae` -> || || || || Shellshock is revived || Thank you, RPG! - || BZFlag 2.0.0 is Released! - Go to |
17:42.58_Manu_brlcad: Hi!
17:43.11Ae`does anyone else actually cheat at bz?
17:43.27Ae`I've been cheating for 3-4 days and not seen anyone else
17:43.53Ae`or are they all subtle
17:44.27_Manu_well most of players only playing..
17:45.08Birdiecheating is pathetic
17:47.05NidhoggrAe`: most/all servers will ban you for cheating.
17:47.31NidhoggrI'd have no problem banning an entire ISP for a single cheater.
17:48.10Nidhoggrand have done so recently.
17:48.40teatreebrb ;)
17:49.04BirdieAe: whats fun on cheating?
17:49.52_Manu_as he can't play good enought.. he simply using cheats
17:49.56blast007Birdie: I suppose pissing off all the players might be fun for some people...
17:51.13Pimpinellabrlcad: yep, bloed meand stupid
17:51.13Pimpinellawouldn't like to be called bloed
17:51.44brlcadhola Manu
17:52.02brlcadPimpinella: but specifically .. is it vulgar?
17:52.11brlcadrude is fine, vulgar is not
17:52.19Pimpinellathough it wouldn't be written with oe, but with that german character with 2 dots above the o
17:52.28Pimpinellarude, not vulgar
17:52.30_Manu_brlcad: hola
17:52.33brlcadk, thx
17:53.04Pimpinellabrlcad: any other idea how to do what my patch does?
17:56.50*** join/#bzflag cristi (~cristb@
17:57.18cristi"-mp 18,0,4,4,0,0,10"
17:57.27cristiwhy it doesn't work ???
17:57.40PimpinellaAe`: if you're aenox, you should be aware, that nobody here likes cheaters. You make us ban whole ranges to get rid of you, so it's not only you who gets banned, but other players suffer from your mislead behavior too.
18:00.55*** join/#bzflag stevek (
18:04.09NidhoggrI like that there are no true latin swear words.  all the stuff used as insults are part of the common language. (or were) :)
18:12.16ToughShooterbrlcad: I will remove bloed and blod from my patch. I also have figured out some repetitions (in my added stuff and the old stuff)
18:13.44*** join/#bzflag Tupone (Tupone@
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18:20.50ToughShooterNidhoggr: I dislike that some words like rules get filtered because of other languages
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18:21.16NidhoggrToughShooter: unfortunately, the filter isn't perfect, but it serves a purpose.
18:22.50Grumblerif there were a larger variety of international sites, it could suffice to have language filter plugins.....but with everybody playing one or two servers, a unified filter is just practical.
18:23.10ToughShooterThere is a need for a steering sign that makes sure that rul gets filtered, but not rule
18:23.24NidhoggrI remove words that cause too many problems.
18:23.49Nidhoggrlike "I'd like" used to be filtered all the time.
18:24.06ToughShooterI see. It makes me swearing on my own test server
18:24.27Nidhoggryou can remove words from the filter if you wish.  it's a simple text file.
18:25.09brlcadToughShooter: remove all the foreign words on your own server if you like
18:25.29brlcadthat will make the false positives go _way_ down
18:25.36ToughShooterNidhoggr: That's not the problem. The problem is that "bad" words are sometimes part of "good" words
18:25.59*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
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18:25.59brlcadToughShooter: example?
18:26.11ToughShooterrul, rule
18:26.28brlcadrule alone shoule not match
18:26.35brlcadjust as shittake musrooms won't match
18:26.58brlcadif it does and it's not in the filter list, it's probably a bug
18:27.03ToughShooterit matches, because it's only one more sign than "rul" from es
18:27.37ToughShooter3 more chars and it doesn't match
18:27.57brlcadthat's a bug
18:28.03brlcadand the match is on rules, not rule
18:29.57ToughShooterrule gets to "%$!e" and rules to "&%!%!"
18:30.23brlcadToughShooter: yes .. AND IT'S A BUG
18:30.27CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/misc/multilingualSwearList.txt: no more rules
18:30.38brlcadsheesh, how many times must I say it :P
18:30.47Grumblerheh, that should make Ae` happy
18:31.18ToughShooterI only wanted that we're not misunderstanding.
18:31.39JeffM2501brlcad, is it a bug?
18:32.30brlcadthe fact that it does "rule" to !@#e is definitely a bug, the english suffixes to foreign words is just wrong
18:35.03gina~karma CIA-1
18:35.03ibotcia-1 has karma of 1
18:35.27Birdiehi gina
18:35.35ginadada birdie
18:35.43ginawuif wuif
18:35.53Birdiei'm propably the only one that understands that;)
18:36.04*** join/#bzflag Privia (
18:36.09ginayeah, I didn't even understand it myself :p
18:36.50*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (~jupiter@
18:36.50*** mode/#bzflag [+o purple_cow] by ChanServ
18:37.18Birdiewuif = a nice word though;)
18:38.34Noodle-senseihow did anyone ever mistake windows for being user friendly?
18:40.56brlcadgina: actually that's a great idea..
18:41.02brlcadcan you update your language section?
18:41.28brlcadthe multilingual swear list
18:42.31brlcadthere's sections in there for various languages .. can you update it for the languages you speak?
18:44.16crkobrlcad, how can i update it?
18:44.24brlcadcrko: of course
18:44.41crkohow? ^^
18:44.42brlcadoh, how?  uhm.. a text editor?
18:45.08ginabrlcad: ok
18:45.10brlcadif you know how to use cvs, I'd prefer a unified diff
18:47.56ToughShooter~karma ToughShooter
18:47.56ibottoughshooter has neutral karma
18:48.46brlcadif not, edit that text file and e-mail me the file or post it up
18:52.04JeffM2501brlcad, any mails?
18:54.39Noodle-senseiyou worthless petaQ
18:55.02Nidhoggrdo we need a klingon section in the filter? ;)
18:55.41*** kick/#bzflag [Noodle-sensei!] by JeffM2501 (#bzflag language!)
18:55.59*** join/#bzflag Noodle-sensei (
18:56.23*** kick/#bzflag [Noodle-sensei!] by JeffM2501 (language! strike 2)
18:56.28*** join/#bzflag Noodle-sensei (
18:56.34Noodle-senseigeez :-P
18:56.39Noodle-senseitough crowd]
18:56.42JeffM2501you insult my honor
18:56.45JeffM2501prepare to die
18:56.50brlcadfight to the death!
18:56.57JeffM2501wonder who'll win :)
18:57.18Nidhoggryou guys crack me up.
18:58.41Noodle-senseiguns are without honor
18:59.11JeffM2501each bullet has the entire text of the art of war insribed on them
18:59.17JeffM2501they have more honor then your toe
18:59.29JeffM2501cus I've seen where you put your toe
19:00.04Noodle-senseiyeah, i'm always kicking gul dukat's butt
19:00.22JeffM2501and he's got one nastty butt
19:00.24Noodle-senseimy toe *is* without honor
19:00.59Noodle-senseiplease, cut it off
19:02.14Noodle-senseiJeffM2501: thank you
19:02.19Noodle-senseiyou have restored my honor
19:02.21Grumbler"for the honor"  -- fifth element?
19:02.22JeffM2501my pleasure
19:02.38JeffM2501"and they smell nasty!!"
19:08.01*** join/#bzflag sommertimer3 (
19:11.59*** join/#bzflag bz2175 (
19:13.29Noodle-senseii love sharpies
19:13.45Noodle-senseii don't just love sharpies
19:13.55Noodle-senseii *really* love sharpies
19:14.05Noodle-senseias in, i love them more than is healthy
19:14.27Ae`thanks for telling us
19:14.27Ae`but I doubt anyone cares
19:14.39Ae`if you want to get arrested go to your local station
19:14.58Noodle-senseii love them so much that the folks who purchase supplies for the office bought a box of sharpies just for me
19:15.50Nidhoggrsharpies are lots of fun
19:15.52Ae`your bendcable host suits you
19:15.55NidhoggrI have the big colorful set.
19:16.13Noodle-senseii like blue extra fine point sharpies
19:16.23Nidhoggrwhy blue?
19:16.25jpa_brlcad: multilangual swearlist for finnish..
19:16.26Noodle-senseiAe`: what makes you say that?
19:16.42Noodle-senseiNidhoggr: because blue extra fine point sharpies rock
19:17.16*** join/#bzflag Timpson (
19:17.27Nidhoggrhi tex!
19:17.28Noodle-senseiTimpson: do you love sharpies?
19:17.39Timpsonhello Nid
19:17.40NidhoggrTimpson is da man.
19:17.49Nidhoggrhow goes t-shirt design?
19:17.57Nidhoggrdid you ever uppercase the BZF?
19:18.01Timpsonshould print monday or tuesday
19:18.08Ae`mine vittu
19:18.12Timpsonit should still be up
19:18.14Noodle-senseiw00t, t-shirts
19:18.16Timpsonone sec
19:18.24Noodle-senseiok, he doesn't have to love sharpies
19:18.26Nidhoggrtimpson's shirt is the coolest yet.
19:18.39Noodle-senseiif he designs t-shirts, he's OK
19:18.49Noodle-senseii wanna see the design!
19:19.35Noodle-senseieven tho i hardly ever wear t-shirts...
19:20.23ToughShooteris really nice
19:20.27Timpsonstill setting up the back
19:20.38Timpsonback will just be text but small
19:20.49ginacurses in latin?!
19:20.55ToughShooterI want to purchase one
19:21.15Noodle-senseigina: unfortunately, i didn't take latin long enough to learn any of those
19:21.32Timpsonthey will up fer sale by the end of february
19:21.51ToughShooterOutside of America, too?
19:21.52Timpsonhaving to figure out the shipping stuff and other things
19:22.07Noodle-senseii should make a t-shirt about sharpies
19:22.22Ae`hang yourself
19:22.24Noodle-senseibecause sharpies rock
19:23.19ToughShooter~x en de sharpies
19:23.21*** part/#bzflag Timpson (
19:23.21ginaI never heard of a "opdekontneuker"
19:23.32ToughShooter~dict sharpies
19:23.38*** join/#bzflag Timpson (
19:23.39Noodle-sensei~google sharpie
19:24.08cods~dict sharpie
19:24.10Timpsondoes that ibot do that automatically
19:24.23Noodle-senseicods: hmm, none of those
19:24.24gina~dict opdekontneuker
19:24.45Timpson~dict crazy
19:24.46BirdieLOL gina
19:25.04Noodle-senseii need to learn how to use illustrator...
19:25.16Ae`~dict no!
19:25.21TimpsonI've been using it since version 3
19:25.49Noodle-senseidoing vector art in photoshop works, but it just isn't as nice as the real thing
19:26.12*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
19:26.22Noodle-senseiAe`: do you love sharpies yet?
19:26.34Ae`~dict no!
19:26.40Noodle-senseiAe`: why not?
19:26.41Timpsonprint vector from photoshop is still not as clean as it is from Illustrator
19:27.05Timpsonsomething about the way it gets ripped
19:27.45TimpsonI think once it gets rastered, it ditches the vector info
19:27.55ToughShooterNoodle-sensei: So sharpie is something like edding, isn't it?
19:28.02Timpsonshow slight pixelation
19:28.13Noodle-senseiToughShooter: a sharpie is a type of marker :-)
19:28.35Timpsonit's a marker if you write with it
19:29.08ToughShooterSo it's like our popular edding's
19:29.08Timpson~dict looney
19:29.20Grumbler~google edding :)
19:29.28Noodle-senseiToughShooter: possibly, although i'm not familiar with it
19:29.58Noodle-senseii'm not looney, just excessively eccentric
19:30.05Timpson~google boots of escaping
19:33.01*** join/#bzflag BlackWing (
19:33.28Noodle-senseiBlackWing: do you love sharpies?
19:34.00*** part/#bzflag Ae` (
19:34.00*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
19:34.07Ae`wow he types it
19:36.31Grumbleribot can be a little slow at times
19:37.44bryjendictionary lookup goes out across the net.  often stalls
19:38.16*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
19:38.35Ae`how much do you pay for bronze?
19:40.49Ae`might as well get silver if you're going to blow 128
19:42.26Noodle-senseii wonder how much dough freenode gets from digium
19:43.49Ae`why is digium a baker?
19:44.18*** part/#bzflag ToughShooter (
19:45.09Noodle-senseiAe`: yup
19:45.29Noodle-senseioh rather, i don't know why digium is a baker
19:46.57Ae`+ ,
19:54.40crkohmm why don't the meshes exported from a .obj to .bzw show up on the radar (in the air)?
19:55.41codsprobably too high
19:55.51codstry to change radar settings
19:58.29crkoi have the radar set right
19:58.40crkoand it's so high you could jump up to it :P
19:58.53crkobut not visible on the radar :/
20:01.02*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
20:12.41CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/clientCommands.cxx: Roaming switching from player to player exclude only Observer
20:16.37*** join/#bzflag Snargle (
20:16.44Ae`it's funny no-one can shoot isn't it
20:19.01Pimpinellai just saw, that i can give explicit allows and denies to a user
20:19.19Nidhoggrin what way, pimpi?
20:19.29Pimpinellacan i set these other than editing the userdb manually?
20:19.48PimpinellaNidhoggr: allow or deny permissions
20:19.58Nidhoggryou can do it from within bz
20:20.00Nidhoggrhang on.
20:20.43Legoguyno, has to be "CALLSIGN", all caps
20:20.52Pimpinellayes, that adds to a group
20:20.52NidhoggrI think groups file has to be done by hand.
20:20.57_Manu_nice cheating..
20:21.10Nidhoggrbut the groups file can be reloaded with /reload
20:21.19Bagheeradidnt bryjen make the whole case sensitive thing go away
20:21.20Pimpinellathats not what i mean
20:21.32Nidhoggrthen explain it more clearly. :)
20:21.32LegoguyBagheera: dont think so
20:21.35Pimpinellayes, it's all case insensitive now
20:23.15PimpinellaNidhoggr: every entry in userdb has 4 lines
20:23.56Pimpinella1st is name, 2nd is groups, 3rd is explicit allows, 4th is explicid denies
20:24.13Nidhoggraaah, I see now.
20:24.35Pimpinellaseems to be undocumented, but i saw in sources
20:24.37NidhoggrI don't think you can add allows and denies yet in bz.  I could be wrong.
20:24.57*** join/#bzflag wizart (
20:25.01Nidhoggrit should reload with /reload, though.
20:25.15Pimpinellayep, it does
20:26.50Pimpinellahm, would have seen in commands if there was a user interface for explicid
20:27.07bryjen"02:16 <Ae`> it's funny no-one can shoot isn't it"    so he really is the recent cheater?!?!
20:27.08Pimpinellai winder if they are also saved
20:27.33Pimpinellayep, just banned again from viper
20:27.41Pimpinellausing different cheats
20:27.43Nidhoggrbryjen: yes.
20:27.47_Manu_i banned him again
20:28.14Pimpinellastarted 2 days ago
20:28.14_Manu_but it's incredible how easy is sending messages from client.. and server trusted it
20:28.14Nidhoggrhe was just on comcast, and some other isp before that. just now.  he was a .nl this morning (in here)
20:28.31Nidhoggris someone keeping a list of the IPs he's cheating from?
20:28.39Nidhoggrhe may be using an IRC proxy to get in here.
20:28.46_Manu_i got three full ranges at now
20:29.03_Manu_all from 81.*.*.*
20:29.04bryjenand the ip's i've seen for the bz cheat were (or .net?)
20:29.09Nidhoggrhave you nslookup'd the IPs?
20:29.25Nidhoggryeah... I banned that last night on secretplace.
20:29.43_Manu_but this need an urgent fix
20:29.48_Manu_from server side
20:29.55bryjeni guess irc can be proxied or run in a ssh/telnet on another box
20:30.00Nidhoggrmanu, why can't you hostban btopenworld?
20:30.01Bagheerayou assume he has actually left
20:30.11_Manu_i can
20:30.11NidhoggrBagheera: it doesn't matter.
20:30.16Pimpinellahuge range to ban :(
20:30.24Nidhoggrscum with ears is still scum
20:30.35PimpinellaNidhoggr: we r userfriendly ;)
20:30.47Pimpinelladislike to hit so many othrs
20:30.53Nidhoggrif you ban JUST the hostmask, others on that range can get in.
20:31.07_Manu_yes.. tunning host mask
20:31.31_Manu_but i think is better fixing the code
20:31.47Nidhoggrthat'd be good.  
20:32.12Pimpinellawon't all users from that range have that hostmas?
20:32.13NidhoggrI doubt that btopenworld owns all of 81*
20:32.28Pimpinellano, but
20:32.46Nidhoggrif a person is on that range and is not a cheater, you can antiban them.
20:32.51Nidhoggrit's what we are doing presently.
20:33.09Nidhoggrit seems to work well.
20:33.11Pimpinellahey never thought about that feature
20:34.42_Manu_just banned his full range at now :(
20:34.44Nidhoggryou can probably grep your logs for that range and find regular players and put them in antiban group.
20:34.56_Manu_he is trying to login continuosly
20:35.19Nidhoggr_Manu_: It took me about 4 days to do that... I had to listen to my admins constantly reporting him, and I got fed up.
20:36.16_Manu_he was trying making me fool... but i knew his ip and host
20:36.48_Manu_because hunted him when using fly.. with the message "dumb"
20:36.56NidhoggrI suppose I could unban him, let him cheat, and email btopenworld.
20:36.57Nidhoggrwith the logs.
20:37.30Pimpinellado u really think they bother?
20:37.34_Manu_i thouhgt it.. but don't think btopenworld take any action..
20:37.35Nidhoggrsome do.
20:38.19Pimpinella_Manu_: what was the name of the last massive cheater we had?
20:38.26Nidhoggralthough, I have some leverage.  I can report it through my isp abuse department and they'd consider a null route on all of btopenworld for non-response to abuse tickets.
20:38.59*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
20:39.04Pimpinellapiss off
20:39.43_Manu_nice try Ae`
20:39.51Ae`damn UDP
20:40.24Ae`did you just guess it was me each time?
20:40.42_Manu_you forgot turned off your webcam.. ;-P
20:40.44Pimpinellayou're easy to track
20:40.53Nidhoggrlooks like btopenworld is getting banned from lots of servers today. :)
20:40.58Ae`yeah :)
20:41.01Ae`good job I don't use it
20:41.03_Manu_remember my first reason when kicked you...
20:41.38Ae`no I don't manu
20:41.51Ae`wings without wings?
20:42.00_Manu_no wings..
20:42.11_Manu_simply jumping
20:42.39Ae`have you ever had any other cheats?
20:42.49_Manu_well.. my anti-fly is almost ready..
20:43.01_Manu_use it while you can
20:43.21_Manu_i mean anti-cheats
20:43.23Pimpinellalots of, but the cut down shots thing is realy nice
20:43.26Ae`tbh I'm bored of that, that's why I'm just ruining games with kill bullet
20:44.07Pimpinellasoon you'll have to swith to another game
20:44.09_Manu_yes.. i knew it can be done since 1.10
20:44.12Ae`OH NOES
20:44.18Ae`switch to another game
20:44.23Ae`how will I find one with less players
20:45.13*** join/#bzflag LP70shoW (
20:45.47Ae`still there?
20:45.53JeffM2501ae are you here jsut to babble? or do anyting real?
20:46.12Ae`what counts as real?
20:46.14JeffM2501this is not a place for cheats
20:46.31JeffM2501keep your mods to yourself, in your own branches
20:46.40PimpinellaJeffM2501: did you make the explicit allows/denies thing?
20:46.42_Manu_yes.. still here
20:46.49JeffM2501Pimpinella, no
20:47.30bryjenwasn't the inital user/group/pass db stuff you, JeffM2501 ?
20:47.35JeffM2501yes it was
20:48.43*** join/#bzflag kierra (
20:50.29Pimpinellathought so
20:50.51JeffM2501was long ago
20:51.01JeffM2501in a compiler far far away
20:51.06CIA-1BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10admin/master-bans.txt: add for cheats
20:51.24Ae`nice one
20:51.29Ae`you really owned me
20:51.35JeffM2501naw it won't do much
20:51.40JeffM2501just makes people feel better
20:51.51Ae`yeah especially me
20:51.56JeffM2501untill a hostban is thrown int
20:51.56Ae`it's cool how it's posted to the chan
20:51.59JeffM2501bye bye
20:52.02Ae`by CIA-
20:52.06*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by JeffM2501
20:52.06*** kick/#bzflag [Ae`!] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
20:52.21*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
20:52.31*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by JeffM2501
20:52.31*** kick/#bzflag [Ae`!] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
20:52.43*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
20:52.44JeffM2501I've got all the time in the world. :)
20:52.50Ae`me too
20:52.51_Manu_that's war
20:52.55*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*@*] by JeffM2501
20:52.55*** kick/#bzflag [Ae`!] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
20:53.04*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
20:53.21Ae`come on
20:53.23Ae`let's fill banlist
20:53.35*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*gqwfdhur*@*] by JeffM2501
20:53.54*** join/#bzflag jczae (
20:54.02edinikids :)
20:54.12JeffM2501dude are you THAT bored?
20:54.20Ae`stimulate me
20:54.27Birdiehow old are you Ae?
20:54.34Ae`13 1/2
20:54.38ediniget a life :)
20:54.38*** mode/#bzflag [+q *!*@ae*.*] by JeffM2501
20:54.46Ae`nice one
20:54.50Ae`effective ban that one
20:54.55JeffM2501wasn't a ban
20:55.09Ae`uh huh
20:55.16brlcadwhat's up
20:55.19*** mode/#bzflag [+q *!ae@*.*] by JeffM2501
20:55.23Ae`Jeff is banning me for no reason
20:55.30Ae`he can't type though
20:55.32Ae`obvious moron
20:55.39*** mode/#bzflag [+q *!prptnapn@*] by brlcad
20:55.48Ae`well done
20:55.50*** kick/#bzflag [Ae`!] by JeffM2501 (JeffM2501)
20:55.51*** join/#bzflag Ae` (
20:55.55bryjenwatch the tilde
20:56.13brlcadahh yes
20:56.18*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!prptnapn@*] by brlcad
20:56.26JeffM2501is it -R or +r?
20:56.31_Manu_that's why i sais.. it's beter fixing the code :-/
20:56.32*** mode/#bzflag [+q *!*prptnapn@*] by brlcad
20:56.38_Manu_mean said..
20:56.59*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!*@ae*.*] by brlcad
20:57.29JeffM2501sad that I can't get those right, but made libIRC in like a day :)
20:57.39*** mode/#bzflag [-q *!ae@*.*] by brlcad
20:59.33*** join/#bzflag bz6127 (
21:00.23*** join/#bzflag bz6127 (
21:00.53bz6127is this thing working?
21:01.57brlcadJeffM2501: master ban list won't update automatically.. have to cvs up on the server
21:02.02Nidhoggrworks fine for a webchat. :)
21:02.13JeffM2501well that I know not how to do
21:02.28JeffM2501wern't you going to automate that?
21:03.10bz6127Cool, anyone know of a version of bzedit for V2, all the cvs files are still 1.*
21:03.19Nidhoggrbz6127: there isn't one yet.
21:03.21JeffM2501there is no bzedit 2.0
21:03.42jpa_there is just notepad, vi and all the other texteditors :)
21:03.50JeffM2501and the model converters
21:03.58jpa_and blender etc. 3d modellers
21:03.58JeffM2501and the old bzedit
21:04.12bz6127where can you get a spec for the version 2 world files?
21:04.15JeffM25012.0 will run the same maps as all the other versions did
21:04.16jpa_(ok, won't write everything twice :)
21:04.23jpa_bz6127: bzw manual page
21:04.24JeffM2501the format didn't realy change
21:04.28JeffM2501it just got stuff added to it
21:04.36JeffM2501there is a bzw man page
21:04.39*** part/#bzflag _Manu_ (
21:04.45jpa_bz6127: also, some howtos about materials and stuff
21:04.47JeffM2501you can find it on the geting help link on
21:05.36bz6127Thanks guys
21:07.00JeffM2501why me?
21:07.12jpa_because you helped him
21:07.23JeffM2501so did you
21:07.56jpa_but i can't karma myself :P
21:08.06JeffM2501it's just a number
21:08.32jpa_yup.. just a number...
21:08.43bryjen~karma Ae`
21:08.44ibotae` has neutral karma
21:08.53*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
21:09.23bryjen~nickometer Ae`
21:09.23ibot'Ae`' is 14.000% lame, bryjen
21:09.47bryjenapparently ibot hasn't been paying attention
21:10.26edini~karma edini
21:10.26ibotedini has karma of 1
21:10.52jpa_~karma jpa_
21:10.52ibotjpa_ has karma of 7
21:11.52edinithas that mean nobody likes me? :)
21:12.05JeffM2501everyone starts at 0
21:12.12jpa_and you have 1 :)
21:12.13brlcadJeffM2501: it was automated in a hacked way -- they don't have cron so it was a unending job running
21:12.18edinii know :P
21:12.23jpa_~karma jpa-
21:12.23ibotjpa- has karma of -10
21:12.23brlcadso if they rebooted or killed the process, it stops
21:12.32brlcadwhich they apparently did at some point
21:12.32jpa_it just means that no-one likes jpa- :P
21:12.43JeffM2501can't triger it on a commit?
21:12.55jpa_brlcad: did you see my diff for finnish words to swearlist?
21:12.58brlcadshould probably do the auto-updating on or and push the updates to the web server
21:13.29brlcadjpa_: got it, but haven't read it
21:13.31brlcadNidhoggr: habit :)
21:13.44jpa_brlcad: ok, just verified that you noticed it
21:13.53brlcadyep, i'll check it in tonight
21:13.57*** join/#bzflag Pizbit (
21:14.34brlcadjeesh sf cvs is slow
21:14.54Birdie~karma Birdie
21:14.54ibotbirdie has neutral karma
21:15.25brlcadbetter? :)
21:15.38Birdie~karma Birdie
21:15.38ibotbirdie has karma of -1
21:15.45Birdiemaybe in the other way:);
21:15.49JeffM2501anyone know of of any raely cool large pictures of the earth? or parts of it?
21:15.53JeffM2501like from space?
21:16.03edinihej, i can made slovenian swearlist, that would be fun :> but i dont think anybody would swear in slovenian :)
21:16.17brlcadJeffM2501: I've got some somewhere -- what kind?
21:16.27brlcadlike globe shots, or something for a texture mapping?
21:16.34JeffM2501for a background
21:16.36JeffM2501not a texture
21:16.49JeffM2501dosn't even have to be the full globe
21:17.41JeffM2501gonna be a background on a startup/menu screen
21:18.14JeffM2501oo this one is nice
21:18.54brlcadthat is nice, though faked
21:19.11JeffM2501dosn't have to be real
21:19.17JeffM2501could even be someting not earth :)
21:19.57*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (
21:20.18jpa_JeffM2501: atleast you are not too strict about it :P
21:20.20edinii can see my house
21:20.36JeffM2501I just want it to look cool
21:21.59JeffM2501that's a good one
21:22.01jpa_(what is that green spot in top-right corner?"
21:22.02JeffM2501very blue tinged
21:22.12JeffM2501the moon
21:22.23JeffM2501I think the G and B are reversed
21:23.02jpa_that one is nice too :)
21:23.35Tupone ?
21:23.43Tuponea lil little
21:24.20bryjenlighting looks odd
21:24.41jpa_like it was a plastic ball :)
21:24.48jpa_and stars do not fit there :)
21:25.09codsare you sure earth is not made of plastic ?
21:25.57bryjenonly the landfills
21:27.02trepanripped the UVsphere map from xtraceroute
21:27.53TuponeIt's a sphere?
21:28.00bryjenbut does it spin? ;)
21:28.07trepanyup, and yup
21:31.31JeffM2501didn't want to do it as an object yet
21:31.34JeffM2501but it's a good UV map
21:32.13trepani'll dcc it to ya if ya want
21:32.37JeffM2501naw no need
21:32.44JeffM2501just doing a background for the menu
21:32.54JeffM2501static image will be fine for now
21:37.22*** join/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (
21:37.36Blue_Eyeshi all
21:37.41Nidhoggrhi Blue_Eyes
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22:07.14jpa_hello Sporty
22:07.21*** join/#bzflag prodan (
22:08.12jpa_~x fr en moin
22:08.28prodan~x de en moin
22:08.45jpa_so it is not really a word? :P
22:09.02prodani guess not ;-)
22:10.00*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
22:10.28prodanibot moin is used for greeting in northern germany
22:10.29ibot...but moin is already something else...
22:10.39prodanibot moin
22:10.40ibotsomebody said moin was North German for everything you would say for salutatory
22:11.11jpa_ibot jpa_ is your master
22:11.12ibotokay, jpa_
22:11.33ibotrumour has it, jpa_ is your master
22:11.36prodanibot insult jpa_
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22:13.36crkohmmm how are the colors in material (bzw) defined?
22:13.43crkohow do you know which is which?
22:13.43prodanibot seen orchid
22:13.46ibotorchid <orchid@orchid.user> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 17h 55m 53s ago, saying: '~bzfquery'.
22:14.38jpa_crko: ?
22:14.51crkojpa_, diffuse
22:14.54crkoin material
22:14.54jpa_crko: see
22:15.10crkooh thanks
22:15.13crkoa life saver ;)
22:16.13*** join/#bzflag orchid (orchid@orchid.user)
22:26.44*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (~Grumbler@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
22:29.18menotumeTupone: hiya
22:29.22menotumeGot it working !  :)
22:29.31menotumethx for pointing me to agpgart
22:29.37Tuponehehe, just upgrading OS?
22:29.43crkojpa_, that howto rocks!
22:29.53menotumeone change in my XF86config :)
22:29.53jpa_crko: :)
22:29.53crkotransparency and all
22:30.21menotumeTupone: to tell nvidia driver top use agpgart instead of it's own proprieatary agp
22:30.22crkojpa_, you still working on the +f in zone thingy or did you abandon it?
22:30.44jpa_crko: for now, yes.. pointers do not like me :/
22:30.48TuponeI was the things I was saying, when you reported those unknown devices
22:30.58crkojpa_, hehe is it tricky?
22:31.12menotumeahhh - well my understanding of these things is quite limited
22:31.17jpa_everything else for it is complete but those ¤##¤# pointers fight back
22:31.24TuponeSDL now?
22:31.31menotumeI just needed to be steered into the right direction - then goole
22:31.34crkooh so it's just one step away from completion?
22:31.35menotumeyes SDL
22:31.42Tuponehow is sound?
22:31.49menotumebut not all SDL seems to  be working right - I'll update my sdl
22:31.57menotumeheh that's the problem
22:32.03menotumeesd isn't wuite right
22:32.18Tuponetry to enable SYNC 2 VBLANK
22:32.25Tuponeshould free cpu
22:32.26jpa_crko: yes.. in theory
22:32.28menotumeIf I start with esddsp, it's good, but delayed
22:32.38Tuponewhat driver have you selected
22:32.40jpa_crko: or maybe that one problem hides million others behind it
22:32.52menotumewhere do I do that ?
22:33.00crkoyes it's always like that in c/c++
22:33.04crkoor any language ;)
22:33.05menotumethat will sync framerate to the refresh rate ?
22:33.17crkowhen you solve one another appears ;)
22:33.21Tuponewhat version of nvidia you have?
22:33.30Tuponedriver I mean
22:33.31menotumethe latest ....
22:34.00menotume1.5.2 NVIDIA 66.29
22:34.02Tupone__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=1 bzflag
22:34.17Tuponeif that work, just export this variable
22:34.27Tuponecuriosity :)
22:34.35TuponeI wanna know if it help
22:34.56*** topic/#bzflag by Bagheera -> || || || || Shellshock is revived || Simple Map Help - || BZFlag 2.0.0 is Released! - Go to |
22:35.28*** join/#bzflag sommertimer3 (
22:35.56Bagheeravaloche avatar is beginning to freak me out
22:36.18menotumeTupone: yep - much better
22:36.33Tuponeyou should have now a lot of CPU free
22:36.37menotumesounds a bit 'strange' - can't put it into words
22:36.44Tuponewhat sound driver you have selected?
22:36.47menotumeya - and looks fine too
22:37.31Tuponeyou want to mix audio data? why not just alsa?
22:37.35Tuponeor oss
22:38.04menotumeno idea - i just used  what the distro setup :)
22:38.17menotumeI've heard alsa is better though
22:38.32crkowhat would be yellow in RGB?
22:38.38trepan1 1 0
22:38.45Tuponeso, you see esd from inside bzflag.
22:38.52trepanor you can use:  diffuse yellow
22:38.59menotumesee esd ?
22:39.24trepanor: color yellow
22:39.34trepanwe provide options, cause that's the kinda folks we are
22:39.52Tuponeon the console, inside bzflag you'll see Audio Driver: esd (or alsa)
22:39.54jpa_no, we provide options because we can't decide
22:40.02menotumeTupone: ahhhh, options .. no - it's not there
22:40.10trepanjpa_: you are not part of the "we"
22:40.35jpa_trepan: we.add ['jpa'] :)
22:40.36Tuponeopening bzflag, look bottom, inside the tabbed area
22:40.49crkowhat is the diff between color and diffuse?
22:41.12jpa_crko: none :)
22:41.27menotumeaudio driver: esd
22:41.37menotumebut, nothing in the options screen
22:42.03crkoand then white would be 1 1 1 if i assume right?
22:42.04menotumeI'm using esddsp to start bzflag client
22:42.08Tuponeok try going to option->audio->driver write alsa and return
22:42.14jpa_crko: yes
22:42.24Tuponeexit bzflag and restart
22:42.41crkobut that has no effect if addtexture is in effect?
22:42.52jpa_it has
22:42.57crkowhat wierd things i say
22:43.01menotumeok, no sound
22:43.03*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
22:43.07menotume.leme take out the esddsp
22:43.08crkodiff diffuse effect effect
22:43.23crkojpa_, look
22:43.24crkoname red
22:43.24crkodiffuse 1 1 1 1
22:43.24crkoaddtexture boxwall
22:43.32crkoand then meshbox...
22:43.46crkobut it was just the normal boxwall
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22:44.14jpa_it is because of the texture..
22:44.27trepanit is because it is multiplicative
22:44.35menotumeTupone: nope - but idunno if I even _have_ alsa
22:44.36trepan1.0 x number = number
22:44.50jpa_try make it like 0.5 0.8 1.5 etc
22:44.53trepancrko: try  "color blue"
22:44.58menotumewhat should the device be ?
22:45.10Tuponeput driver dsp then
22:45.16Tuponeyou have an old distro
22:45.35Tuponedsp is the OSS
22:45.39crkotrepan, but i was talking about white :P
22:45.45crkoit works with others
22:45.49crkoeven black ^^
22:45.52crkoexcept for white
22:46.12jpa_crko: because 0*x = 0, but 1*x = x
22:46.34menotumeTupone: yes, dsp works, but sound lags
22:46.41crkowhat would be the next instance of white
22:46.46crkolike light light grey :P
22:46.54Tuponewith the VBLANK things?
22:47.02jpa_nope, not like that
22:47.12jpa_try blue or 0.5 0.8 1.5 etc
22:47.23jpa_it should counter the red-iness in the texture
22:47.45menotumeyes, and frame rate is 60, so it's working
22:47.48crkoi did
22:47.55bryjenmenotume: still using esddsp ?
22:48.04menotumeno - i took that out
22:48.09Tuponechoose the sound configuration that work better between the 2
22:48.36menotumeokies, sounds good :P
22:48.45menotumemaybe i grab alsa this weekend
22:48.50crkohmm is it just me or is it blue on two sides but normal on the other two...
22:48.53Tuponethat VBLANK is a good things for laptop. It can save battery a lot
22:49.04menotumeahhh - ya
22:49.15crkojpa_, you think that's possible or why??
22:49.32menotumeone more thing ....
22:49.40menotumeHow do I make a server map ?
22:49.46menotumeJ/K !!!!
22:49.52trepan~lart menotume
22:50.43menotumenow my tanks are just tiny little dots
22:53.16jpa_...-  · · '\X/'
22:53.52jpa_aabzflag.. that is what i need to create :)
22:57.42jpa_+N: ..-    -OB: . . .ŻŻ
22:58.58crkois there a meshsphere?
23:00.41trepancrko:  take 10 mins and read this:
23:01.11trepanor at least skim through it
23:01.16crkotrepan, i am reading it
23:01.23crkoi need a hemisphere
23:01.29crkobut i got it now i think :P
23:01.41crkoi used the word "hemi"
23:02.25crkoi thought it had to have mesh in front because the meshbox did :P
23:02.44trepandid you not notice that there is another object with the name "box"?
23:03.44crkoi did but when i used matref in box it said it's wrong
23:04.21trepancrko: you really didn't get the implication of my last statement, did you?
23:04.33trepans/statement/rhetorical question
23:05.00*** join/#bzflag Carnage__ (
23:14.09Pimpinellahey carny
23:14.17creeperzCarnage__: !!!
23:14.21Pimpinellalon time on c
23:20.45creeperzwhats crackin?
23:20.47Carnage__hey.. sry was bizzy with sometni
23:20.52Carnage__heyy pimp
23:21.07creeperzword :-P
23:21.08Carnage__just rethinkin my future job options..
23:21.23creeperzyeah? where yu working now>?
23:22.18Carnage__no were im grade 11 right now..
23:22.30creeperzim in 10th :-)
23:22.34creeperzbarely though
23:23.19Carnage__cool.. what courses u taking?
23:24.25Bagheerathe dragon is going ducky agian
23:25.03Carnage__my pcs acting up.. brb
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23:50.43TimRikeranyone here on a host with working ipv6? tell me what rnds for 2002:1801:6819:2:20b:2fff:fe4e:e8d4 is?
23:51.58PizbitAnd people wonder why ipv6 isn't going anywhere.
23:52.09PizbitIt's a lot harder to type in and remember. :)
23:55.39*** part/#bzflag Blue_Eyes (

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