irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050108

00:04.09*** join/#bzflag wizart (
00:08.52*** join/#bzflag Quol (
00:23.34DTRemenaktrepan: C:\Programs\bzflag\src\ogl\OpenGLGState.cxx(1424) : error C2562: 'bzGenTextures' : 'void' function returning a value
00:25.35*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
00:26.44*** join/#bzflag Tartaros (
00:30.11trepanDTRemenak: your headers might be whack, void glGenTextures( GLsizei n, GLuint *textures )
00:30.24trepanoops, my bad,  =)
00:30.36trepanreturn void;  is silly, coudl you fix?
00:30.50trepanor shall i?
00:31.00trepan(guess gcc let's that slide)
00:31.04DTRemenakI can
00:32.10*** join/#bzflag bz0471 (
00:37.27trepanhehe, you may be guy to help implement them
00:38.02DTRemenakwhoops, forgot to stickify the .35 build
00:38.21shorty114is it true that the protocol jumped to 0023?
00:40.07trepanprotocol it is currently 0023, although it hasn't changed for all of the latest version bumps
00:45.27*** join/#bzflag wizart (
00:50.51JeffM2501wow is bzbb the chandler583 now?
00:51.49learnerwow.. 43 posts.. at a rate of 43 posts per day
00:51.55JeffM2501a yup
00:52.04JeffM2501that's not the lowest I've seen tho
00:52.39JeffM2501ya think
00:52.56learnerhe's having conversations
00:52.57JeffM2501when the cat's away the mice will play
00:55.37learner~spell chastise
00:55.38ibot'chastise' may be spelled correctly
00:56.15JeffM2501if you do, somone may join a server and name themeselves "learner has 3 nipples" in an attempt to make you cry
00:56.22trepanJeffM2501: where there only one culprit...
00:56.38DTRemenaklearner: I warned him yesterday if it makes any difference.
00:56.45learnerDTRemenak, that does
00:57.03JeffM2501he's a low one. just noone used to see them cus I'd go an delete all the babble posts in the past
00:57.05DTRemenakif you want copies of our correspondence that can be arranged
00:57.32tea\treeDTRemenak: hey ho, new beta out?
00:57.41DTRemenakyeah, should take care of your problem too
00:58.26JeffM2501ban finger still twitches when I read that kinda stuff tho :(
00:59.50learnerJeffM2501: fight the man! :)
01:00.23JeffM2501I'm tired of fighting him on my own
01:00.25tea\treeJeffM2501 i dont want to say anything wrong :) what was ure old nick .. i would like to gues but i dont dare to ;)
01:01.22JeffM2501tho I'd fire up the ban finger for requests if it was asked specifcly
01:01.28JeffM2501just so tired of the fight
01:02.17JeffM2501tea\tree, and why would you dare not to?
01:02.27JeffM2501am I that scary?
01:02.30JeffM2501is it the beard?
01:07.21JeffM2501didn't he used to have a PSD posted
01:08.09learnerit's still there
01:08.34JeffM2501indeed it is
01:08.43JeffM2501ho I recall more posts in that thread
01:17.28JeffM2501he is UNDER 13
01:17.38JeffM2501tho he did get his mum to send in connsent
01:17.59learneri can see why it was so hard for you to give this job up^H^H^H^H^wait a sec no I can't
01:18.30JeffM2501I just didnt' want to do it as a volenteere anymore
01:18.31learnerdid his mom have the handwriting of a 13 year old? :)
01:18.34JeffM2501I'll do it if asked.
01:18.38JeffM2501sadly no
01:18.47JeffM2501he's on his 5th strike
01:18.48learneroh hell that's all it takes?! :)
01:18.58learnerJeffM2501.. would ..  *grin*
01:19.16JeffM2501you you all want me to I will
01:19.23JeffM2501don't think I'll get back into the deving
01:19.28JeffM2501but I can thump the punks
01:19.43JeffM2501habbit of checking the board 4 times a day is still burned into me
01:20.19JeffM2501techincaly I can set my admin bit at anytime, but that would just not 'be right'
01:20.55JeffM2501and I don't want to step on Tim's toes if he wants to do it
01:21.03JeffM2501since it seems he has plans
01:21.48learnerdunno what he's conspiring to do..
01:22.03learnerhe may have finally ran out of steam again
01:22.11learnerso it'll be another 6 months
01:24.10*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|Laptop (~Lego|
01:25.02*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
01:25.05JeffM2501so if you want me to, you can set the bit and let me know
01:26.05learnerbut but .. pat
01:26.06JeffM2501since I bet I would have answered to the name "pat" in real life by now
01:26.47learnerhey nobody called you pat last summer oddly enough, i think..
01:26.57JeffM2501no, noone did
01:27.13learnernobody got drunk either
01:27.35learnerDTRemenak aughta be close.. :)
01:27.45DTRemenakclose to what?
01:28.11JeffM2501DTRemenak is a jedi tho
01:28.13learnerwell, at a point where it'd be legal for you to try
01:28.15JeffM2501I am totaly convinced of that
01:28.21JeffM2501the force is strong with that one
01:28.24learnerthe force was strong with that one
01:30.19DTRemenakI've gotta wonder what made the two of you think of that statement in different tenses though.  I could probably over-analyze that :)
01:30.29JeffM2501he thinks your dead
01:30.43JeffM2501or that you'v 'lost it'
01:30.49JeffM2501I have faith in your powers
01:30.58DTRemenakI was thinking more on the lines of "out of sight, out of mind"... :)
01:32.05*** join/#bzflag doughecka1 (
01:32.06learneryeah, that force may be strong, but I don't think it spans 2000 miles yet
01:32.31JeffM2501I think they have pills that help with that
01:32.37DTRemenakare you saying that the internet is nonconductive to the force?
01:32.52JeffM2501it's nonconductive to stabbings
01:33.02DTRemenakwhich is rather sad
01:33.02JeffM2501one would asume the force is similar
01:33.03DTRemenakbut probably good
01:33.04JeffM2501it is
01:33.39JeffM2501tho then I don't think we'd ahve that much of a population problem
01:34.03DTRemenakbut what would we do with all the bodies?
01:34.06learnerJeffM2501, you're to blame for what I've done ..
01:34.12JeffM2501more trees
01:34.18learnerthe force must telecommute
01:34.22JeffM2501help with O2 production
01:34.26learnerall that chatter about tivo
01:34.41learnerso now I have a dvr hooked up to my cable
01:34.43JeffM2501thou shalt not bag on the TiVo!!!!
01:34.53JeffM2501how many tuners?
01:35.28JeffM2501is it proper tivo?
01:35.32JeffM2501or some off brand?
01:35.44learnerit was a promotion from comcast
01:35.45JeffM2501does it pick up programing info?
01:35.49learneroh yeah
01:35.52JeffM2501well as long as it works
01:35.54learnerfirst few months free
01:36.05learneri figured stargate was starting up, what the hell
01:36.16JeffM2501does it save the digital stream? or do a A/D conversion?
01:36.26JeffM2501they realy change the way you view TV
01:36.57learneryeah i paused and wandered off many a time just because I could yesterday
01:36.59JeffM2501tho you don't get the cool "booboop!" noise
01:37.15JeffM2501wait till you just stop watching live TV
01:37.16learnerit's all digital
01:37.34JeffM2501some cable DVRs do a A/D conversion
01:37.37JeffM2501and can look bad
01:37.46JeffM2501they have a "quality" seting
01:37.56JeffM2501dish one just saves the raw stream
01:38.00learnernot to toot my own horn (er, speakers) but the cable guy liked my setup :)
01:39.30learnerhe really seemed to like the big tv/speakers setup i have
01:39.54JeffM2501how big the TV?
01:40.19learner32 or 34.. forget which iirc
01:40.34learnerflat wega
01:40.45JeffM2501I'd like to find some proper theater screening one day and hook up my projector for the TV
01:40.49JeffM2501thing gets hot as hell tho
01:41.00shorty114onto a plain wall
01:41.06shorty114worked pretty well...
01:41.09shorty114watched ice age on it :)
01:41.15JeffM2501prety well is not good enough
01:41.20JeffM2501if your going thru that much
01:41.24learneryeah.. projector will be my next big upgrade
01:41.26JeffM2501and I mean as the primary display
01:41.31learnerstill waiting for the prices to drop though
01:43.32*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
01:50.17*** join/#bzflag anyong (
01:51.07shorty114Hello, anyong.
01:51.11LaughingManJeffM2501: use a projector as a primary display?
01:51.17LaughingManwouldnt that be hard to use for coding?
01:51.22anyongwho are you
01:51.45LaughingManwould be great as a game display
01:51.57JeffM2501as a TV
01:51.58*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr_ (
01:52.02JeffM2501not for the computer
01:52.03LaughingManJeffM2501: aah ok
01:52.17LaughingMani dont do TV so i just naturaly assumed ...
01:52.20JeffM2501I use more then one display on the PCs so there is no "primary"
01:52.26LaughingManas do i
01:52.33JeffM2501.... that everyone in the world is just like you?
01:52.35*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
01:52.54LaughingManJeffM2501: that "display" usually means computer display
01:53.08learnernot hard for coding if the screen is good and projector high res..
01:53.16JeffM2501not when you don't use the tuner in your TV
01:53.22JeffM2501it's just a display monotor
01:53.42JeffM2501my TiVo is my tuners
01:53.48anyongim sry i just was looking around at this website and happened to come here and so i dont know why im here
01:53.51JeffM2501well realy digitital decoders
01:53.52learnerplaying BZ on a 14 foot display was .. impressive :)
01:54.16JeffM2501analog signals are not allowed in my home
01:54.23orchidanyong: neither do I :)
01:54.37JeffM2501I was told there would be pie and cake
01:54.51orchidwhere is that cake anyway?
01:55.01JeffM2501it's over here
01:55.02orchidI think Nidhoggr ran off with it
01:55.06JeffM2501you have to come over one day
01:55.10anyongwheres here
01:55.19JeffM2501here is here
01:55.28anyongwheres that
01:55.35anyongwhats here mean
01:55.37JeffM2501where I am
01:55.40anyongwheres here
01:55.52JeffM2501well I dont' know where you are
01:55.59JeffM2501that would just be silly
01:56.00anyongwhere are you besides here
01:56.27JeffM2501since this is 3space, I can only be in one place at a time, so where else can I be besides here?
01:56.27anyongfor whAT
01:56.30shorty114anyong: You're not making much sense :) .
01:56.44JeffM2501orchid knows where here is
01:56.52JeffM2501she's of of those smart cookies
01:56.53anyongneither are you
01:57.06JeffM2501I'm not?
01:57.25learneranyong: niet
01:57.48JeffM2501in soviet russha the sense makes YOU!
01:57.52Tuponeanyong a silly bot?
01:57.54anyongwhats niet mean
01:58.20anyongim not a bot and im not silly
01:58.20JeffM2501a webchat munhie
01:58.27shorty114lol JeffM2501
01:58.39JeffM2501who can't get it's story straight :)
01:58.44Tuponewell,it just my impression
01:59.03anyongfoorget it
01:59.03JeffM2501I think you know why your here
01:59.24anyongno i dont have a clue why am i here
01:59.37JeffM2501then why come back again?
01:59.44JeffM2501since you've been here before
01:59.55anyongagain what do you mean again
02:00.07JeffM2501logs show you here last night
02:00.26anyongive been hhere before but still didnt know why i was here
02:00.51anyongtell me why am i here
02:00.55JeffM2501then why come back?
02:01.04anyongi dont know
02:01.11JeffM2501cus you think it's fun to attempt to anoy people with stupid questions
02:01.21JeffM2501thinking that webchat will give you anonimity
02:01.24anyongthats what you do
02:01.25learneranyong, in soviet russia niet googles you!
02:01.46anyongjust forget it
02:01.49JeffM2501I think webchat gives anonimity?
02:01.55JeffM2501I don't even use webIRC
02:02.13anyongwhy are you here
02:02.19JeffM2501because I wish to be
02:02.23JeffM2501to talk to my friends
02:02.37anyongthan i hate to be
02:02.50JeffM2501to be what?
02:03.00bryjenTupone does impressions?
02:03.08anyongto be here
02:03.17JeffM2501then hit the X on the window
02:03.22JeffM2501that'll take care of it
02:03.24*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
02:03.31JeffM2501why not
02:03.37JeffM2501or learner can show you out
02:03.42JeffM2501he's helpfull like that
02:03.52anyonglike how
02:03.52JeffM2501I've lost my boots
02:03.55JeffM2501can't find them
02:04.04JeffM2501sounds like it
02:04.13JeffM2501maybe the boots are under the couch
02:04.28anyongask learner to hel-p you
02:04.40JeffM2501you know your IP is loged right?
02:04.45learnerhe don't need boots
02:04.47learnerjust socks
02:04.52blast007_dd914ae8 ==
02:05.01learnerblast007_, thx
02:05.08JeffM2501well I do know where the kfj is
02:05.12JeffM2501it's in the closet
02:05.22shorty114blast007_: how do did you get that?
02:05.33blast007_   ;)
02:05.44JeffM2501hex to dec :)
02:06.31shorty114wow that's cool
02:06.48anyongbye this place is driving me crazy
02:06.53shorty114good bye.
02:06.56shorty114good riddiance.
02:07.01*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
02:07.12shorty114lol welcome back, blast007_
02:07.23shorty114one way is to disconnect the cordless phone :P
02:07.35blast007think my ISP disconnected this time...
02:07.43learnerJeffM2501, where're the ip logs on bb?
02:07.52learneri see current
02:07.58JeffM2501it's just weblog
02:08.05JeffM2501well or
02:08.07shorty114learner: it should say "User also posted from these IP's:"
02:08.11JeffM2501hit one of his posts
02:08.16shorty114hit the "IP" button
02:08.16JeffM2501then hit the IP button
02:08.28JeffM2501it will show the IP he posted from
02:08.38JeffM2501and other users that have posted from that IP
02:08.45JeffM2501and any other IP that user has used
02:08.49JeffM2501those 3 things
02:09.07shorty114and the fact that you can ban IP's :)
02:09.09learnerah, thx
02:09.11JeffM2501that's from memory
02:09.17JeffM2501since I can't see the button
02:09.28shorty114you can't?
02:09.29JeffM2501banning by IP is hardly usefull
02:09.32shorty114i thought you were admin...
02:09.52shorty114BTW, what happened to your OP?
02:10.04JeffM2501hey I'm orange again
02:10.21JeffM2501I told you, shorty114 I lost my boots :)
02:10.24learnerquick lock em out
02:10.31shorty114JeffM2501: oh
02:10.43JeffM2501actualy I gave the boots to goodwill
02:11.18learnerahh, different ip
02:11.34JeffM2501anything close to same range?
02:11.41JeffM2501he's a dynamic
02:11.53learneri think this one is my favorite:
02:12.35shorty114huh? no post found
02:12.44learneror maybe
02:12.52learnerhe's got so many winners
02:13.12JeffM2501he links to a CNC shop
02:13.17JeffM2501I wonder if they are customer
02:15.43bryjenapparently the posts aren't bigger in Texas
02:17.23SportChickNidhoggr_: did you change the flag distribution on the tourney server?
02:17.38SportChick~seen nidhoggr
02:17.40ibotnidhoggr <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 4h 52m 3s ago, saying: 'nagios is what netsaint was, but a whole lot more. :)'.
02:17.57bryjennachos? mmm
02:18.34bryjen~karma bryjen
02:18.34ibotbryjen has karma of 23
02:18.51shorty114~karma shorty114
02:18.51ibotshorty114 has karma of -481
02:20.17JeffM2501~karma JeffM2501
02:20.17ibotjeffm2501 has karma of 1
02:20.25JeffM2501how the hell did I get one?
02:20.36shorty114you're mad?
02:20.41shorty114i'm at -481...
02:20.56JeffM2501who gave me 1?
02:21.00shorty114not me
02:21.05JeffM2501you'v been at neg forever :)
02:21.08shorty114lol yeah
02:21.13*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
02:21.17shorty114DTR and orchid gave me one each i think :)
02:21.28JeffM2501they are very nice people
02:21.39JeffM2501who's wheaties did you pee in to get that one?
02:21.45shorty114orchid out of pity, and DTR can't remember...
02:22.02shorty114obviously some one important...
02:22.10shorty114maybe TimRiker :)
02:22.14JeffM2501there are important people?
02:22.27shorty114correction: people with access to ibot's karma DB
02:22.34JeffM2501he can set karma directly but dosn't sound like something he would do
02:22.42JeffM2501he'd require you to submit a patch
02:23.17shorty114i searched one of the logs, but didn't come up with anything "~shorty114--"
02:24.28shorty114showdown time :P
02:24.38learnerdon't want to get on her bad side
02:24.45learnerquite a temper
02:24.48shorty114yeah that's something you really don't want to do :)
02:24.49JeffM2501she just might kick your ass
02:25.00shorty114that's an understatement, JeffM2501 :)
02:25.14JeffM2501you've meet her?
02:25.28orchidI was his babysitter
02:25.45JeffM2501I'll bet you sat him good too
02:26.14orchid~karma shorty114
02:26.14ibotshorty114 has karma of -479
02:26.20shorty114getting there :P
02:26.24JeffM2501so was she the super hot babysitter that you allways hoped would come over?
02:26.26orchidnot too shabby short one
02:28.08learnerso.. shorty114.. wanna get your karma back? ... =)
02:28.09JeffM2501man that forum list gets REALY short for regular users
02:28.35shorty114Oh crap! The monkeys ate the list server!
02:28.37shorty114from s.b.o
02:28.43*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
02:28.45orchidtheres lots of regular users isnt there?
02:28.48shorty114hi MeBigFatGuy
02:28.52orchidhi MeBigFatGuy
02:28.59shorty114lol learner
02:29.13JeffM2501like 700 of em
02:29.16learnerevenin drizzle big guy
02:29.24learnerhorses keepin dry?
02:29.51JeffM2501it's raining like mad here
02:30.02MeBigFatGuysnug, warm and try
02:30.02MeBigFatGuyer, dry
02:30.10shorty114uh oh router problems
02:30.23learnerreally.. wow
02:30.31learnerit was misting earlier.. now nothing