irclog2html for #bzflag on 20050102

00:00.06wizartno Matrox G400
00:00.29wizartAnd latest xorg x11 server.
00:00.48wizartisn't GL handled by the DRI of the xorg server ?
00:00.53Chestalhmm, running G400 with XFRee here, don't see this problem
00:02.15trepan(the jpeg in DTR's post)
00:03.13wizartyea sound the same.
00:03.27wizartThis one is even more impressive and has the initial DRI info:
00:03.36trepanwizart: but more importantly, you don't have the same prob in 1.11.x ?
00:03.51wizartNo in 1.11 it works nice
00:04.06wizartI understand that you don't use the bitmaped fonts anymore
00:04.19wizartnthat's why I asked if the patch is still around :)
00:04.37trepanya, now it's textures or nothin'
00:07.11wizarthmm. this is also a very recent post in the forum. So maybe there was a change in xorg 6.8.1 or so that caused this.
00:08.42*** part/#bzflag |zongo| (
00:09.42wizartoh! they have a new version :)
00:11.53wizartrestarting X...
00:12.36purple_cowhurray screen
00:14.47*** join/#bzflag wizart (
00:18.24ruskie<-- would wish for someting a bit better than screen
00:19.08newbie_donthow can i have two versions of bzflag installed on my linux box?
00:19.20newbie_dont1.10.8 and today cvs
00:19.54blast007newbie_dont: well, could compile it, and not do 'make install'
00:21.48newbie_dontoh stupid me :)
00:21.50trepanthey keep separate config files too, so you can point the CVS version to use its own data/ directory
00:22.27newbie_dontif i dont make install cvs version, where will it create its config files?
00:22.33newbie_dontin ~/.bzf ?
00:22.37trepanalways in the same place
00:23.14newbie_dontso it ll overwrite my old conf?
00:24.43tea\treeholy shit
00:24.55trepanyour old config will not be in 2.0/
00:24.58wizartThe 1.10 config files are directly in ~/.bzf/config.cfg
00:25.03wizartThe 1.10 config files are directly in ~/.bzf/config
00:26.02purple_cowyou can also ./configure with --program-suffix=-1.10
00:26.11purple_cowand when you do make install, you'll get bzflag-1.10, bzfs-1.10, etc
00:26.20tea\treesobody remember team ult?
00:26.26newbie_donti just run bzf from another user:)
00:29.06CIA-4BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ControlPanel.cxx: always draw the console if its fully opaque
00:29.19trepanhackish, very hackish
00:44.49*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (~Lego|
00:57.59*** join/#bzflag wizart (
01:17.43*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
01:24.14Tuponetrepan, I still missing the closing right line of the chat space, does it happens to you too?
01:24.43trepanyup, been like that for a while
01:25.11Tuponewho is it ?
01:25.30Tuponeor lan?
01:25.42trepanheh, learner
01:26.04trepanTupone: you might also be able to wrangle a patch into the bzflag code to fix that DirectColor problem
01:26.32trepanjust use some glX calls to get the current info
01:26.36TuponeI did it in SDL now
01:26.53trepanbut then you've got to wait for them to update, etc...
01:27.07Tuponeis in our SF
01:27.43Tuponebut for SDL
01:27.46trepanyup, i'm looking at the patch, think you could tie it into the SDLDisplay.cxx file pretty easily
01:28.11TuponeI have still things to fix, like gamma
01:28.50Tuponeeasily fix, shuold be
01:29.00TuponeI'm not Yoda :)
01:29.36trepannope, i imagine you are much taller
01:36.30*** join/#bzflag wizart (
02:18.27*** join/#bzflag _Mikkel_ (
02:31.07CIA-4BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/BackgroundRenderer.cxx: fix the sky coloring during context regeneration
02:54.55CIA-4BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/BackgroundRenderer.cxx: remove the stupid comment
03:02.18tea\treesomewone there?
03:06.25lan56I am, need help with your spelling homework? :)
03:06.36amathisoh my
03:07.03amathis50 / 50 is not a good ratio for vodka / orange juice
03:07.14creeperzyoure right
03:07.17amathis. in a big glass.
03:07.22creeperz100 / 0 is better :-)
03:07.35creeperzor 0 / 100
03:07.39amathislet's see you down a beer mug full of strait vodka.
03:07.41amathisall at once.
03:07.55creeperzamathis: i can do incredible things ;-)
03:08.08Aribethno 50% vodka and 50% southrenn comfort
03:08.20creeperzAribeth: amen
03:08.21trepanamathis: i did 20oz from a jar, on a bet for a coffee, when i was younger, and dumber
03:08.33amathistrepan: hah
03:09.14amathistrepan: I drank a water bong full of jose cuervo after getting high... (big bong too)
03:09.22Aribethyou prob never got to drink it
03:10.01trepanAribeth: prolly not... too busy hurling  (although my tolerance was pretty good in those days)
03:10.15amathisI am a wimp these days :)
03:10.38amathisI much prefered shooting up, until you can't get your hands on it
03:10.50amathis*past tense.
03:11.15Aribeth5 freinds and i plished off 1 and a half gallons ov tequila once
03:11.29Aribethwe all hurreled
03:11.35amathisI bet :D
03:11.50Aribethecept me. i just spun for 3 hours
03:12.05amathisif you could find the ground, you would have gotten up right?
03:12.07Aribethbefore passing out
03:12.13amathistrepan: heh
03:12.17amathisthat isn't smart :D
03:12.43trepanfriends were kind enough to make sure that i didn't smoke for 30mins  (or so i'm led to believe)
03:13.19amathistrepan: haha
03:13.26amathisthat would have been ba
03:13.47Aribethtrepan, and you lived to tell the story :D
03:14.02trepanheh, yup, probably wasn't all that dangerous really
03:14.11creeperztrepan: same here :-)
03:14.19Aribethjust dont drink lighter fluid
03:14.46Aribethi knew someone who did. they were messed up good
03:14.51trepanhow so?
03:14.51*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
03:15.06tea\treewhat time is it in Ohio now?
03:15.28amathisheh, I did some heroin, and while I was stoned, my friend convinced me I had shot up toilet bowl cleaner, but he was too stoned to drive to hostpital
03:15.30amathisI thought I was dead
03:15.35amathisbut somehow I didn't care
03:15.36Aribethhe had a hard time with his kidneys for a while
03:15.40tea\treesomewone know?!?!
03:15.48trepanamathis: i here i was trying to keep us within the realm of legal drugs
03:15.48amathistea\tree: 'someone'
03:15.53tea\treeaaah yes
03:15.57amathistrepan: haha
03:16.07tea\treesmart ass
03:16.20amathistrepan: hey, it isn't illegal to do drugs.
03:16.30amathisjust illegal to be caught high, sell, or posses
03:17.15trepanthis whole conversation could probably be consider inappropriate  :)
03:19.45trepanAribeth: found a sphinx model, but it's in C4D format (and i don't have a converter)
03:19.59*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
03:20.01trepanalso, the dude asks not to distribute without permission
03:20.10Aribethtrepan, C4D?
03:20.13*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
03:20.25Aribethahh bummer
03:20.27trepanAribeth: ya, just another 3D file format
03:20.43trepanthere's at least 30 formats... quite a nuissance
03:21.38trepanfound another site with some sphinx models, but they're charging bewteen $100 and $300 a pop
03:21.45creeperzwhy do you need a sphinx>?
03:21.49trepan(but in the right format)
03:22.08Aribethi need one so i can make one for my map
03:22.17creeperzAribeth: what game?
03:22.36creeperzbz imports models?
03:22.51Aribeththey need to be converted
03:22.56creeperzto .map?
03:23.05creeperzand you have a converter?
03:23.13creeperzfor what format of a model?
03:23.16Aribethfrom 3D model to bz map code
03:23.20trepan.bzw is now the official map extension (someone made it so on the bzfs side)
03:23.28trepanthat crazy DTR  ;)
03:23.55creeperzAribeth: where did you get the converter?
03:24.06Aribethi dont have one
03:24.11trepancreeperz: there's a 3dstobzw converter in CVS
03:24.42creeperzcan somebody build for me?
03:25.40trepan , older version
03:26.01trepanheh, and broken link
03:26.10creeperzthanks :-)
03:26.24trepan... for nothing  ;)
03:28.56*** join/#bzflag qbwdp (
03:29.01qbwdphey guys whats new
03:29.16amathisnot much
03:29.41qbwdpwould you like to join my server
03:29.54qbwdpjust want to test the lag and see how many players i can handle
03:30.03qbwdpdefaulkt port
03:30.05trepanoh, would I! one sec, is there free cake?
03:30.18qbwdpi got your cake right here
03:30.38*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
03:30.53qbwdpwell hurry up
03:31.03qbwdpbefore it gets cold
03:31.41lan56hey, I just remembered that we need to change the copyright date in the source files for bzflag, just in case it slipped anybody's mind
03:31.59trepanlan56: tim did it today
03:32.07trepanyou notice the 31 emails?
03:32.38lan56no, I am not subscribed, I just looked at and didn't see it, probably missed it
03:33.42trepanfyi: he also made a reference to the ccache utility
03:33.42*** join/#bzflag bz2928 (
03:34.19trepanLog Message:  Happy New Year, PS: ccache rox
03:34.45lan56I see.
03:40.54lan56amathis: vodka? :)
03:41.03amathisSi, amigo
03:42.54creeperzohh :-(
03:42.59creeperzits been changed :-/
03:43.18guuamathis: what are you smoking, and did you bring enough for everyone?
03:43.44creeperzamathis: with our stashes combined, maybe >.<
03:43.54amathisI don't have a 'stash'
03:44.07creeperzi know
03:44.15*** join/#bzflag Quol (
03:44.31creeperzunder a couch cushion isnt much of a hiding place :-)
03:44.43Quolanyone around to test out something on
03:44.44creeperzQuol: where do you hide your stash?
03:45.11Quolyup :)
03:45.44Quolexcept that it's 5165 (port)
03:45.55Aribethyou must have digitized it
03:46.03amathisooo! brownies
03:46.28QuolTimRiker: thanks for the DNS entrie modifications :)
03:46.38trepanQuol: sure, whatcha need?
03:46.58Quoljust to test out my CTF instance and see what kind of lag we get - it's running 1.10.8
03:47.24trepani'm there
03:47.31Quolcool - heading there...
03:47.37trepanp.s. i'm also a 1.5 hour drive away from you...
03:52.50*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
03:55.13qbwdpanyone up for a game?
03:55.16tea\treeQuol :D
03:57.08Quolhey T
03:57.14Quollong time no see
03:57.41*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:57.57Quolthanks trepan - it seemed alright to me - a little slower than here in montreal, but pretty good