irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041230

00:10.07*** join/#bzflag sniper_ (
00:10.17*** part/#bzflag sniper_ (
00:19.15*** join/#bzflag bz4690 (
00:19.40*** join/#bzflag g0th1k_n00dl3 (
00:19.46blast007bz4690: hello
00:20.30bz4690i'm running bzflag on a home network - and can't get more than two players to connect - the third keeps coming in as observer.  Any ideas?
00:20.49blast007the team is probably full
00:21.37bz4690there's only one player in each team.  I am trying to get the third player in as a seperate team i.e. 1 on blue, 1 ongreen & 1 on purple... still no go
00:22.23bz4690same if I set all to automatic - the third person in gets kicked to observer...
00:22.42bz4690max players is set to 20 - so that should be no prob.
00:23.20Pimpinellabrlcad: yeah, manu knows,but it seemsnone of us has time to fix it right now :(
00:24.14g0th1k_n00dl3blue LED's are t3h aw3s0m3
00:24.18g0th1k_n00dl3they are one of the greatest inventions of all time
00:24.21g0th1k_n00dl3a pox on all who disagree with me
00:28.56*** join/#bzflag sniper_ (
00:45.44*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (~Lego|
00:56.17g0th1k_n00dl3in a world where i am emperor, the economy will be based on blue LED's
00:56.30sniper_um... right
00:57.13g0th1k_n00dl3you will be the first against the wall with your opinions with are of no consequence at all
00:57.19purple_cowisn't it already? i mean, have you looked at your local computer store lately?
00:57.42g0th1k_n00dl3no, you don't pay for the merchandise with blue LED's
00:57.54g0th1k_n00dl3or blue LED bank notes :-)
00:58.19sniper_you build things out of blue LED's then...?
00:58.34g0th1k_n00dl3no, in my economy, we use the blue LED standard
00:58.56g0th1k_n00dl3and we pay for stuff with blue LED's
00:59.16g0th1k_n00dl3for every bluey, there is an LED stored in a vault under the ground
00:59.29sniper_:-? um..right
00:59.38g0th1k_n00dl3you can go to any bank and exchange blueys for blue LED's :-)
01:00.19g0th1k_n00dl3they both are legal tender
01:00.34menotumeok - you're ALL nuts !
01:00.36g0th1k_n00dl3no one thinks it will work? come on :-P
01:01.10sniper_BTW, I am eating nuts right now...LOL
01:01.35g0th1k_n00dl3i've just earned my blueys for the day, gonna head home
01:01.50sniper_umm ok
01:02.44*** part/#bzflag sniper_ (
01:08.00*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
01:15.56*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@
01:37.31*** join/#bzflag sniper__ (
01:37.41*** part/#bzflag sniper__ (
01:42.50*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
02:06.44SportChickNidhoggr: you around?
02:17.49*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
02:51.59*** join/#bzflag Silver[a] (
02:53.19*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
03:00.24*** join/#bzflag jeffm2501 (
03:10.48*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
03:14.04gonkulatoryay MeBigFatGuy
03:15.30MeBigFatGuyhaven't seen him
03:15.57gonkulatorhence the Fat in MeBigFatGuy
03:16.33gonkulatorgood to know
03:16.39gonkulatorbut my first question remains unanswered
03:19.24MeBigFatGuybouyantly giddy
03:25.26gonkulatorthats always fun
03:36.46*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
03:49.30amathishola gonkulator
03:49.39gonkulatorhey amathis
03:49.47gonkulatorhow are you doing?
03:50.03amathisand yourself?
03:51.02*** join/#bzflag Nikaji (~switched@Nikaji.student.supporter.pdpc)
03:51.05gonkulatorglad to be done with semester one :)
03:51.11gonkulatorwhat are you up to?
03:51.33amathisworking on projects
03:52.12gonkulatorsounds like fun
03:57.37Noodlemangonkulator: where are your movies?
03:57.43Noodlemani forgot :-P
03:58.56gonkulatorAppleMan and NotAGirl didn't need to stay
03:59.15gonkulatorare those the ones you wanted?
03:59.23Noodlemanthey were so incredibly wonderfully stupid :-)
04:00.03Noodlemanall your movies i've seen are masterpieces of bored magnificence :-)
04:00.25gonkulatornow that I'm in the seminary and giving out my site to people who might be scandalized by stuff like that, I opted to take them out
04:00.36gonkulatorif you want them, I'll scp or ftp them to you
04:00.41Noodlemanmakes sense
04:01.19Noodlemani can't say i wouldn't have done the same thing
04:02.29gonkulatoryeah, it kinda sucks
04:02.38amathisvideos eh?
04:03.05gonkulatorif anyone wants NotAGirl or AppleMan, I'll be happy to give it to them
04:03.09*** join/#bzflag Silver[a] (
04:03.13amathisgive them to Noodleman
04:03.17amathisI can get them from him
04:03.32gonkulatorand there isn't anything *bad* about them...
04:03.46amathisjust not christian-like? :)
04:03.59Noodlemanjust ridiculous
04:04.08amathisnot.... priest-safe
04:04.14gonkulatorthat, and the main subject is a guy who hates me now
04:04.25amathisoh man,
04:04.30amathisthat is open to soooo many jokes
04:04.45Noodlemanat least basement is still there
04:04.54gonkulatorespecially considering the title "NotAGirl"
04:05.15gonkulatorhe had a thing on his chest that looked like little breasts if you had an active imagination
04:05.15Noodlemanbasement should be required watching for EVERYONE
04:05.24gonkulatorand he figured out that it would be "funny" to jump around with them on
04:05.56gonkulatorso I caught it and put the techno remix of 'I'm not a girl" as background music to it
04:06.08Noodlemanis that movie the reason he hates you now? :-)
04:06.11gonkulatorso you can see that its not bad, but its not safe
04:06.19gonkulatorNoodleman: he thought I was anti-gay
04:06.32gonkulatorwhich I'm not...
04:06.58Noodlemani may not understand it, but that doesn't mean i'm against them
04:07.33gonkulatorwell, given my religious beliefs, I hold some very strong views surrounding homosexuality
04:07.51gonkulatorand he thought that translated to him as a human being
04:08.07gonkulatorwhich makes me sad
04:08.17Noodlemanthat is sad...
04:08.24amathisI am sad.
04:08.44gonkulatoramathis: which one did you just watch?
04:08.50amathisthis is SOO offtopic.. I am surprised the demigods have not smited me.
04:09.02amathisgonkulator: still downloading
04:09.06amathis11 KB/s
04:09.16gonkulatoryep, and all my uploads are *dead*
04:09.24amathis8 KB/s
04:09.34gonkulatorits pulling off my cable modem :)
04:09.47gonkulatorNoodleman: if you ever forget the site, just /whois me :)
04:10.26Noodlemanthe demigods haven't smitten you because i am being just as offtopic as you are :-)
04:10.44gonkulatoroh yeah, we're supposed to talk about bzflag :)
04:11.04amathisok.. so there was this gay tank
04:11.05gonkulatorNoodleman: have you listened to the parodies too?
04:11.06Noodlemanscrew bzflag!
04:11.11amathisand a very religious tank..
04:11.14Noodlemangonkulator: hehe, yes :-)
04:11.32gonkulatorthose are better than my videos IMHO :)
04:11.40Noodlemani'm a linux geek, in a redmond world
04:11.47amathisand end the end, they set personal / lifestyle differences aside and shot each other in bzflag style
04:11.54gonkulatorsure... quote the most acustically offensive one
04:12.04*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
04:12.07amathisNoodleman: haha
04:12.19gonkulatorpeople are always scared when I say that I did all the voices in it
04:13.55gonkulatorNoodleman: about the only thing I have added in the last four months is which is my halloween costume
04:14.13Noodlemangonkulator: how did you get the background music for those parodies?
04:14.43gonkulatortimidity and searching the web for midis
04:15.01gonkulatorthere is a flag that disables a track, so I turned off the voice instrument
04:15.08gonkulatorsince that was me
04:15.42amathis10 min to download a 7 mb file
04:16.20Noodlemani never think about halloween until it's too late :-P
04:16.41Noodlemani think i'll go as a borg next year
04:16.46amathisNoodleman: you should go as the 'Oh My Goth!' chick :P
04:16.55Noodlemanor i could be lazy and go as a goth :-P
04:17.04Noodlemanamathis: haha
04:17.25gonkulatoroh my goth?
04:17.37amathisa comic book
04:17.40amathiskind of twisted
04:17.50gonkulatoraw shucks
04:17.53Noodlemannothing wrong with twisted :-)
04:18.05amathiswritten by Voltaire (artist, not old guy)
04:18.24Noodlemanvoltaire is t3h awesome
04:18.58amathisthat is true
04:20.48gonkulatorbe sure to turn the volume WAY up
04:21.38Noodlemanalso sprach zarathustra + big arsch monitors + the matrix = t3h awesomest
04:22.38gonkulatorwow, neat
04:40.25*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
04:54.35*** join/#bzflag buba (
04:56.23*** join/#bzflag sniper__ (
04:56.50*** part/#bzflag sniper__ (
05:10.26*** join/#bzflag _Mikkel_ (
05:38.37*** join/#bzflag N5 (
06:13.57*** join/#bzflag nilson (
06:27.22*** join/#bzflag Silver1 (
06:37.55*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak-K6 (
06:45.09*** join/#bzflag Silver[a] (
06:46.04*** join/#bzflag Swiss (
06:46.10Swisshey, can someone help me?
06:46.28Swisswhat command do I use to extract the install.tar.bz2
06:46.31SwissI am new to linux :\
06:47.46DTRemenak-K6bunzip2 <filename>
06:48.15DTRemenak-K6although - what are you trying to do, and on what distribution?
06:48.45SwissI just want to extract it to play
06:48.54PimpinellaSwiss: tar -xvjf <filename>
06:49.21DTRemenak-K6you may be better off using the .rpm
06:49.39Pimpinellawhats install.tar.bz2?
06:50.14Pimpinellais this a binary ditibution?
06:50.18Swissgot it
06:50.30*** part/#bzflag Swiss (
06:51.23*** join/#bzflag SC (
06:54.29*** join/#bzflag nullified (
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06:56.20*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
06:57.21shorty114hello sportchick
06:57.27SportChickhi shorty
07:48.21*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
07:52.51*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
08:28.22*** join/#bzflag Silver[a] (
09:20.33learnerSportChick, pong
09:25.24*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:41.23*** join/#bzflag ep (
10:49.28*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
10:52.46*** join/#bzflag atharis (
11:29.51*** join/#bzflag ep (
11:38.12*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
11:50.46*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
11:51.52Chikorita~weather khgr
11:59.03gonkulatorhey Chikorita
12:01.23*** join/#bzflag noob_dont (
12:02.15Chikoritahi gonk
12:02.56Chikoritaletz lurk a bit ;)
12:09.59Chikoritano pounce mee
12:10.19Chikoritalets pounce da next person who types ;)
12:11.57*** join/#bzflag noob_dont (
12:21.33gonkulatorg'night Chikorita
12:22.31Chikoritanite nite gonk
12:32.16*** join/#bzflag atharis (
12:33.46*** join/#bzflag bz8492 (
12:34.17*** join/#bzflag mother (
12:49.47*** join/#bzflag Tupone (Tupone@
12:51.42*** join/#bzflag newbie_dont (
12:58.34*** join/#bzflag wizart (
12:59.21*** join/#bzflag |zongo| (
13:16.47*** join/#bzflag Tupone (Tupone@
13:18.14CIA-4BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
13:18.14CIA-4BZFlag: - added DEBUG_GL_MATRIX_STACKS in bzfgl.h
13:18.14CIA-4BZFlag: - use the brute force method to make haveGLContext() work
13:18.14CIA-4BZFlag:  (HAVE_GLXGETCURRENTCONTEXT is missing libs during its test)
13:18.14CIA-4BZFlag: - simplified track culling
13:52.48*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (~galkire@grumbler.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
13:57.28CIA-4BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/ (include/bzfgl.h src/geometry/TankSceneNode.cxx): make BU shadows stop flickering, could probably use a modified clip plane
14:04.52Chestalin SegmentedShotStrategy, line 218, there's the test to hit narrow tank
14:05.04Chestalshouldn't the last parameter (height of box) be TankHeight, not 0.5*?
14:05.15Chestala narrow tank is just ashigh as a normal one, isn't it?
14:05.28Chestalah, hmm, guess it's kind of a "radius"?
14:20.10trepanChestal: that could be it, just kicked off a public server if you want to test
14:20.18trepan(remove the 0.5 in my client)
14:21.22Chestalhmm, I"m not so sure, I am trying to understand the shot collision checks right now
14:28.01*** join/#bzflag orchid (orchid@orchid.user)