irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041218

00:00.55Bagheeraah well.  time if dinner.  cya
00:11.09CIA-9BZFlag: 03timriker * 10bzflag/ (doc/man/ man/ man/bzfls.6s): bzfls is not here, remove the docs
00:12.39Tuponetrepan: what has your server that bots do not shoot
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00:12.59trepannot sure, think someone complained about it on WAR
00:13.13trepanprolly any map where they aren't on the ground
00:13.23TuponeI think the world is filled with obstacles?
00:14.25trepaneverywhere but the river, and that's a waterLevel
00:14.37TuponeI was at the snow-man
00:14.38trepansame goes for the Archipelago map
00:14.53trepanyup, that's got a big mesh face over the whole map
00:16.48Tuponewhats up with the default ctf world :)
00:17.00Tuponebases are bigger
00:17.30trepanjust noticed
00:23.45trepanit shall be shortly remedied, rewiring the BZWReader/WorldInfo stuff a bit
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