irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041205

00:00.44[6yob]Patlabor221, When u run the installer exe does it install bzedit in your home dir? If not wherE?
00:01.18Patlabor221that's up to wine
00:01.25Patlabor221the installer puts it in the program files dir
00:01.29Patlabor221it asksa the OS wher tht is
00:01.53Patlabor221windows dosn't have a "home dir"
00:02.32[6yob]U know how to find the name wine installed it under?
00:02.49[6yob]Ive tried re-installing and lookign doesnt refrence it
00:03.05Patlabor221can't you just do a search?
00:03.09[6yob]I seme to recall from my last install it was BZEdit32 or somen like u siad
00:03.17Patlabor221linux can't do a search?
00:03.17[6yob]I suppose I could
00:04.00sgk284[6yob], just came into the discussion, you cant find bzedit after installing it?
00:04.25sgk284[6yob], cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Prog*/BZ*
00:04.48[6yob]sgk284, that it?
00:05.02sgk284should take you to the bzedit directory
00:05.09[6yob]sweet ill try it
00:05.46sgk284if you want to execute it without going to the directory just do: wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Pro*/BZE*/BZEdit32.exe
00:07.29sgk284Patlabor221, of course linux can do a search:)
00:09.33[6yob]Invoking /usr/lib/wine/wine.bin BZEdit1.6.1/ ...
00:09.33[6yob]wine: cannot open (null)
00:09.33[6yob]Wine failed with return code 1
00:09.48Patlabor221them it don't work
00:10.07sgk284[6yob], do you have the libs in the bzedit directory/
00:10.15[6yob]:(*tears roll down face..
00:10.43[6yob]what libs
00:10.48[6yob]the wine
00:10.55Patlabor221the mfc dlls
00:11.11[6yob]yeah I moved them to the dir and unziped
00:11.20[6yob]the DLL kit?
00:11.28Patlabor221unzip it
00:11.29[6yob]I got it form the bzeddit guys
00:11.35[6yob]yeah there in there
00:11.36Patlabor221yeah taht would be me
00:11.41Patlabor221you unziped it
00:11.47Patlabor221and the raw DLLs are where the .exe is?
00:11.51blast007did it extract to a subdirectory?
00:12.58amathiscan someone put dtx.dll where Ic an download it?
00:13.02amathisI need it for wine.
00:13.10amathisI googled for it
00:13.16Patlabor221whats that from?
00:13.21Patlabor221and your XP sysem woudl have it
00:13.27sgk284wget; cp ./ ~/.wine/Pr*/BZE*/; unzip ~/.wine/Pr*/BZE*/
00:13.37sgk284[6yob], thats for you
00:13.44*** join/#bzflag kyelewis`[lap] (~kyelewis@
00:13.47amathisPatlabor221: I don't have XP box ATM/
00:14.02[6yob]sgk284, yeah already done it:)
00:14.15sgk284oh okay, so its unzipped in the bzedit directory?
00:14.55[6yob]wait a sec..i noticed something
00:15.49sgk284oh and btw the unzip part should end with :) in case you still need to use it
00:16.11blast007amathis: I don't have that file on my 2k machine
00:16.15amathissgk284: does that DLLKit have dtx/dll ?
00:16.25sgk284amathis: i doubt it
00:16.35amathiserr:module:import_dll Library dtx.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files\\MilkShape 3D 1.7.2\\ms3d.exe") not found
00:16.50sgk284doesnt microsoft's website have a bunch off dlls and stuff like dcom95 that you can download?
00:16.52sgk284search on there
00:16.59blast007amathis: hmm...let me check something
00:17.32blast007ah, got it in my MilkShap 3D directory
00:18.01blast007c:\Program Files\MilkShape 3D 1.7.0\DTX.dll
00:18.11amathisthen WTF
00:18.31blast007it might be looking for "dtx.dll" instead of "DTX.dll"
00:18.35[6yob]HA, I had unziped them in the Prog-file dir instead of BZEdit1.6.1... but still giving me and eror ..but im 1 step coloser lol
00:18.57sgk284yea if its saying cant find dtx.dll and the file is DTX.DLL then just lowercase it
00:19.11sgk284[6yob], heh thats good:)
00:19.36sgk284and then call the milkshae developers and tell them that they should be ashamed of themselves :)
00:19.46sgk284i bet main() is void too
00:20.10amathissgk284: no that is not it
00:20.16amathiserr:module:import_dll No implementation for MFC42.DLL.6467 imported from L"C:\\Program Files\\MilkShape 3D 1.7.2\\dtx.dll", setting to 0xdeadbeef
00:20.16[6yob]err:module:import_dll Library MFC42.DLL
00:20.17sgk284oh :(
00:20.27sgk284[6yob], your missing quite a bit:)
00:20.50sgk284lots of wine discussion going on here.... isnt there a #wine ? i mean they might be better suited to your needs
00:21.02[6yob]I know!
00:21.07[6yob]there s a winex..
00:21.07sgk284hmm nevermind no #wine...
00:21.13[6yob]but no #wine!
00:21.19sgk284try winex
00:21.26sgk284same code base:)
00:21.31[6yob]Yeah good idea:)
00:21.42amathisscrug it
00:22.21sgk284amathis: what distribution are you running?
00:22.31amathissgk284: Mandrake... har har... j/k
00:22.40amathisUbuntu Debian
00:23.02sgk284does it have exec shield enabled by default? many distros do
00:23.28sgk284and it handles memory much differently then windows and a few (many) programs wont work with exec shiled under wine
00:23.33sgk284oh okay
00:23.39amathisCedega is not free?!!
00:23.51sgk284amathis: nope... people have their oppinions about that
00:23.59sgk284you can grab cvs though and compile it
00:24.05sgk284large chunks are missing though
00:24.19sgk284because of propritary code
00:24.29sgk284like code allwoign you to use protected game discs
00:24.39sgk284that the game manufactures dont want people to know about
00:24.51[6yob]Ahh how come /join #winex takes me to #cedega;D
00:24.54sgk284cedega had to sign their lives away for access to that code:)
00:27.41[6yob]sgk284, have u installed bzedit under wine? If so what version did u use and what OS?
00:27.57[6yob]Version og bzedit
00:28.17amathisyou can't just buy it once either?
00:28.29sgk284[6yob], yea and it ran fine but anything dealing with opengl just didnt update, so it was completely unusable :) installed it under Fedora
00:28.36sgk284amathis, yea its a subscription iirc
00:28.51[6yob]sgk284, U rane the 1.6.1
00:29.00[6yob]could be the new has asome probs
00:29.42sgk284yea i ran 1.6.1
00:29.55[6yob]k thanks
00:41.38[6yob]Lol I've narrowed it donw to this:          Invoking /usr/lib/wine/wine.bin BZEdit32.exe ...
00:41.38[6yob]err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\\Program Files\\BZEdit1.6.1\\BZEdit32.exe" failed, status c0000142
00:41.39[6yob]Wine failed with return code 1
00:41.50[6yob]About to thow in the towel..
00:42.22[6yob]Any gurus out there im open for advice:)
00:44.05sgk284throw in the towel
00:44.20[6yob]Thats it im out to buy a dell:)
00:44.30*** join/#bzflag noob_dont (
00:44.32sgk284huh? lol
00:44.42[6yob]Have a 2nd cpu in my room with windows installed
00:44.47[6yob]yeah i know:)
00:45.01blast007should get a custom build  ;)
00:45.12blast007no proprietary hardware
00:45.13[6yob]I the one im on
00:45.57[6yob]Might go but a new CPU il just prebuy one with windows and run bzedit that way:P
00:46.24[6yob]400-1000 out but eh..:P
00:46.30blast007could buy a refurb
00:46.32[6yob]Im of to play some bz..
00:46.42sgk284if you have a window cd, qemu will run windows 98 (i've done it it) and windows XP(I havent done it) at somewhat reasonable speeds
00:47.09[6yob]yeah i got a win cd around som,ewhere
00:47.27sgk284whether 3d will work is a different story:) i did it for testing purposes
00:47.39[6yob]K later thanks for the help sgk284 and Patlabor221 insight was needed
00:47.41sgk284but even if it doesnt, its still worht the effort:)
00:47.47[6yob]bzflag waits:)
00:48.32sgk284wine is a very finicky program  int indexToBan = -1;
00:48.44sgk284heh ignore anything after program
00:48.51sgk284middle clikced my mouse :/
00:52.08JBdiGrizNidhoggr: ping
00:59.39*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (~shorty114@shorty114.user)
01:00.15sgk284shorty114: hey
01:06.46shorty114hi sgk284
01:07.31sgk284your an admin for viper?
01:18.49sgk284hmm just a note (and i'll look at it when i get back) but something is seriously wrong with TextUtils::firstVisible() :/ passing it " " is returning 8
01:21.21*** join/#bzflag Mikkel_ (
01:23.01shorty114sgk284: me? yes i'm a cop on viper's server
01:24.22*** join/#bzflag SportChick (
01:26.25*** join/#bzflag amathis (~amathis@amathis.linuxfordummies)
01:31.50sgk284oh heh just looked at firstVisible(), believe the problem is an out of bounds thing, because unless the string is of length 0, then it assumes that the string has a visible character in it somewhere
01:32.11sgk284perhpas (i < max) should be replaced with (i < input.length())
01:32.39DTRemenakthat will change the results in certain situations
01:32.51sgk284how so?
01:32.58sgk284why would youever look past the end of the string?
01:32.58DTRemenakif max < input.length
01:33.11DTRemenake.g. "    abc", max 2
01:33.17DTRemenakshould return -1
01:33.36DTRemenakright now it will return 0
01:33.40DTRemenakwhich is wrong
01:33.51DTRemenakwith your change it would return 5, which is also wrong
01:33.55sgk284oh fair enough... then how about: while (!isVisible(input[i]) && (i < max) && (i < input.length()) {
01:34.22DTRemenakprobably better to set max to input.length if input.length < max
01:34.48DTRemenakthen you aren't derefing and calling a function every loop
01:34.57sgk284yea that makes sense
01:35.33DTRemenakfwiw, the other first* functions are similarly broken
01:40.06sgk284i guess i can change to n-1 now ;)
01:42.20*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
01:52.04*** join/#bzflag Chewie[] (
01:54.54DTRemenakhmph, anyone know anything about ?
01:55.48amathisnever seen that before.
01:57.14DTRemenakah, oops
01:57.49DTRemenakI seem to have a conflict with the cvs version
01:59.21*** join/#bzflag BZFlag4946 (www-data@
01:59.27amathishi BZFlag4946!
02:02.57DTRemenaktalkative fella
02:07.59TimRikerDTRemenak: I just removed bzfrelay.6 so you should re-run auto*
02:09.14DTRemenakTimRiker, that was an error from
02:09.30DTRemenakI had modified the manpage makefile, and hadn't seen the conflict warning from cvs
02:09.39*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
02:10.22TimRikerno conficts now? or what? perhaps you want to rm -rf src/bzfrelay ?
02:10.42DTRemenakheh, no - just cvs update -C man/
02:10.57*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:20f:eaff:fe4d:d7b7)
02:12.21Chewie[]anyone have servers on weird ports for people with the common ports blocked?
02:13.00DTRemenakChewie[], what version and which ports?
02:14.00TimRikerChewie[]: the public list has all the port numbers
02:15.01blast007wegstar: what browser?
02:15.38wegstarshould i use ie?
02:15.42Chewie[]TimRiker: mmm.
02:15.53MeBigFatGuywegstar, its most likely to work with ie
02:16.06Chewie[]DTRemenak: < Fermented_Duck_Fetus> aha, 1.10.8 for MacOS X
02:16.17Chewie[]DTRemenak: and all he told me was the defaults were blocked.
02:16.26*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
02:16.28Chewie[]DTRemenak: or, well, he assumes.
02:16.33blast007wegstar: yeah, guess it does the same thing for on IE though
02:16.37Chewie[]< Fermented_Duck_Fetus> "Error downloading world database."
02:16.40shorty114TimRiker: are the fields seperated by spaces?
02:16.53DTRemenakChewie[], if he gets that far it's not a port issue
02:17.07DTRemenak'cause it's already done flag negotiation and so on
02:17.13TimRikershorty114: yeah. except the last field which can contain spaces.
02:17.34Chewie[]DTRemenak: what could it be then?
02:17.53DTRemenakChewie[], dunno.  try different servers?
02:17.54shorty114TimRiker: hmmm...that presents a problem
02:18.04DTRemenakChewie[], network problems maybe
02:18.07shorty114i _was_ gonna do explode() with PHP
02:18.36Chewie[]having him try a few different ones.
02:18.43blast007shorty114: do an explode, grab the first few array items, and unset them, then do a join of the rest
02:18.51shorty114blast007: ok
02:19.10Chewie[]shorty114: or, er, split with a limit
02:19.22blast007ah, yes
02:19.47shorty114TimRiker: does have the same output?
02:19.53shorty114Chewie[]: how to do that?
02:20.16blast007think preg_split can do a limit
02:20.54blast007and apparently split can too
02:20.57Chewie[]blast007: split can too
02:20.58Chewie[]heh. yeah
02:21.02shorty114TimRiker: is the sample PHP script still in the CVS?
02:21.05Chewie[]i'd still do it in Perl though
02:21.11TimRikershorty114: no. that's only the old 1.7 servers. probably 2 of them.
02:21.32TimRikershorty114: or you mean the same format? well, they are similar, but the hex data is different.
02:21.43shorty114TimRiker: oh that's the 1.7 servers?
02:21.45shorty114ah ok
02:22.34TimRikerthe 1.7 servers are on the old bzfls which is on actually.
02:22.51TimRiker1.10 and newer are only available over http.
02:23.13wegstara world map file ends in..... ".map"?
02:23.22blast007or .bzw
02:23.41blast007doesn't really matter though
02:23.53DTRemenak.bzw is preferred
02:24.02shorty114TimRiker: ok.
02:24.23*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (
02:24.24*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:24.25shorty114.bzw if you wnat to start a server ingame, but anything if you use bzfs...
02:24.39amathisstart a server ingame?
02:24.40TimRikerwegstar: .bzw is the official. please use it.
02:25.01amathisI thought you meant start a server while playing on another server
02:25.21TimRikerDTRemenak: that's a good idea.
02:25.24shorty114there _should_ be a standard extention...
02:25.26DTRemenakTimRiker, ok
02:25.26blast007doesn't bzedit save maps as .map?
02:25.32lan56it's a free country, as some may say in response, though
02:25.32patlabor221what is the config switch to disable SDL?
02:25.43lan56undef HAVE_SDL
02:25.45DTRemenaklan56, then they may ignore the warning :)
02:25.45TimRikerlan56:  and they are welcome to reply that way. ;-)
02:25.59patlabor221lan56 that is just the include part, it still links to SDL
02:26.00wegstarbut i use bzedit and i end up with files that have a .map extension
02:26.02lan56timriker: good point, its a free country, they can reply any way they want
02:26.04patlabor221so that's not all of it
02:26.10lan56patlabor221: ahh, I see
02:26.10DTRemenakwegstar, then you need a newer bzedit
02:26.17patlabor221there is an option when you run configure
02:26.26patlabor221just change the extenstion
02:26.27shorty114lan56: by flicking the terminal window off, ignoring it, renaming their files, you name it ;)
02:26.30patlabor221it's just a text file
02:26.40TimRiker~page Nidhoggr you around?
02:27.51patlabor221ahh it's --without-SDL
02:27.58patlabor221now I can make a real non SDL mac version
02:28.06wegstarwhat do i put for "Use Public List Server;"
02:28.08shorty114TimRiker: do i open with fsockopen() or fopen() ?
02:28.25CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/game/MeshTransform.cxx: include common.h not win32.h
02:28.26MeBigFatGuywegstar, ordinarily you just leave that blank
02:28.38patlabor221ibot message for learner, 10.2 builds of CVS are busted too, many errors. I can get you output if you need/care
02:29.25shorty114wegstar: you just leave it blank. If it isn't defined, it just goes to the default,
02:29.37wegstardo i put a url or ip address for "public address"
02:29.58shorty114that's how people connect to your server
02:30.15shorty114mebigfatguy: if you have something like dyndns, you can do
02:30.30wegstardo i leave "Listen On Interface" blank?
02:30.31MeBigFatGuyyes, but not a url
02:30.38MeBigFatGuyunless you have to network cards
02:30.44MeBigFatGuytwo ...
02:30.44amathisMeBigFatGuy: :D
02:30.46shorty114i think he means domain :)
02:30.59TimRikershorty114: huh? you need to do a web request, it's not a file.
02:31.12amathisshorty114: f == file
02:31.32amathisfile open
02:31.36blast007fopen can open urls
02:31.39amathissame with fsocketopen
02:31.41amathisblast007, I know
02:31.49amathisblast007, I was making my point.. o.o
02:31.55shorty114i know fopen is file open
02:32.00shorty114i also know you can open URLs
02:33.20shorty114amathis: is it on CBS?
02:33.30amathisshorty114: yes
02:33.39lan56speaking of football, usc won, which was expected, if anybody didn't see the ending
02:33.47amathisno one cares about that
02:33.49wegstarwhen i press build config. a little window pop ups only for a sec.
02:33.50amathisSEC is life.
02:33.58shorty114amathis: ah i heard about that game...Tennesse vs. Someone
02:33.59amathisme watches TN vs Aub game
02:34.04shorty114ah that's it
02:34.06wegstaris there something wrong?
02:34.14MeBigFatGuysounds like it
02:34.57MeBigFatGuywegstar, in bottom left corner, is there a error icon?
02:34.58blast007wegstar: do you have a popup blocker?
02:35.03MeBigFatGuyah yes
02:35.06wegstarnope i turned it off
02:35.36MeBigFatGuyperhaps turn on JavaScript console in tools menu
02:36.20blast007hmm, my IE doesn't have that
02:36.28wegstaryeah me either
02:36.40shorty114eeew IE?
02:36.42MeBigFatGuyoh heh, firefox
02:36.49amathisOklahoma is killing Colorado
02:36.57shorty114isn't it Tools > Internet Options
02:36.59blast007shorty114: the configuration builder doesn't work in FireFox
02:37.01shorty114and then one of those tabs
02:37.13shorty114blast007: eeew IE-specific page
02:37.15wegstarwait.. there is an "error on page" - 'undefined' is null or not an object
02:37.21guu`amathis: Do I look like that kind of girl?
02:37.29amathisguu`: quiet.
02:37.30guu`amathis: Poke me there again, and you'll pull back a stump.
02:37.48shorty114why isn't guu guu instead of guu`?\
02:38.00amathis<message type="subliminal">Guu is moody... </message>
02:38.52MeBigFatGuydoes it give a line number?
02:39.00wegstarwhatever, i'll do it through notepad.
02:39.43shorty114wegstar: easiest
02:41.30SportChickNidhoggr: major major lag spike
02:41.33MeBigFatGuyyou could always install a script debugger if you really wanted to know
02:41.33SportChickon sp
02:42.37amathisSportChick: good evening
02:43.01SportChickhi amathis
02:43.23amathishow are you this cold evening?
02:44.03amathisit is actually warm tonight
02:44.07amathis50 as opposed to 29
02:44.31patlabor221guu weather 93021
02:44.40MeBigFatGuyguu weather 21912
02:44.42lan5650 is warm?
02:44.50amathisguu` weather 93021
02:44.51guu`amathis: The current temperature in Moorpark, California is 53°F (5:55 PM PST on December 04, 2004). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 46°F. Pressure: 29.84 in (1010 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 12
02:44.56patlabor221guu' weather 93021
02:45.15lan56guu cancel last request
02:45.24MeBigFatGuyguu weather 21912
02:45.25amathispatlabor221: she doesn't like you.
02:45.27patlabor221guu` nick guu
02:45.33patlabor221guu weather 93021
02:45.34amathisguu 21912
02:45.34guuamathis: this is IRC not a retard convention.
02:45.36guupatlabor221: The current temperature in Moorpark, California is 53°F (5:55 PM PST on December 04, 2004). Conditions: Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 77%. Dew Point: 46°F. Pressure: 29.84 in (1010 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 12
02:45.44amathisguu weather 21912
02:45.45guuamathis: The current temperature in Warwick, Maryland is 39°F (8:51 PM EST on December 04, 2004). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 65%. Dew Point: 28°F. Wind: SSW at 5 mph (7 km/h). Pressure: 30.01 in (1016 hPa). Visibility: 10.0 miles (16.1 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 12
02:45.59MeBigFatGuyuuse got the power
02:46.24patlabor221guu ignore everyone but me
02:48.54*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
02:49.36shorty114TimRiker: you there?
02:50.33shorty114TimRiker: actually nm, i'll figure it out
02:54.18CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/BZWReader.cxx: complain annoyingly when loading a world file with an extension other than .bzw
02:55.08patlabor221gonna update bzedit?
02:55.37DTRemenakit's been updated for a long time
02:55.51DTRemenakI believe grumbler did it way back
02:55.51patlabor2211.6.1 do it?
02:55.58patlabor221so 1.6.2
02:56.08DTRemenakhas that not been released?
02:56.13patlabor221it's on SF IIRC
02:56.23patlabor221seems many use 1.6.1 tho
02:57.03DTRemenakprobably because many people still use the artemisgames url and don't read the message at the top
02:57.17patlabor221humans are stupid
02:57.22DTRemenakyes, yes they are
02:57.45patlabor221proably should just make the docs into a SF document, and make it be a redirector
02:57.54patlabor221but then that would mean I'd have to care
02:58.07DTRemenakgoogle returns the artemisgames page as the first hit
02:58.11DTRemenakthat's probably why people use it
02:58.16ibotwell, bzedit is a graphical editor for bzflag maps.  And up2date versions can be found on sourceforge
02:58.22DTRemenakthat's good at least
02:58.26amathis~google bzedit
02:58.45patlabor221first post on the page is "dude use SF"
02:58.49lan56I feel that humans are as smart as any other animal, they just can't speak gorilla, for example, to realise how much a gorilla or any other animal knows and intelligent
02:59.10patlabor221humans get stupider in groups, animals get smarter
02:59.24DTRemenakpatlabor221, could just change the downloads section to say "download it from sf"
02:59.41patlabor221when humans get into groups they com up with concepts like "religion" and generaly just kill each other.
03:00.15DTRemenakyeah, actually I was assuming that :)
03:00.24lan56most animals kill other animals for certain reasons, like a cheetah killing a deer
03:00.38amathis... cheetas don't live around deer.
03:00.38patlabor221but they hunt better in packs :)
03:00.44amathisand I kill deer o.0
03:00.52*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
03:00.57DTRemenaklan56, ever seen a cheeta kill another cheeta over the deer they just killed together?
03:00.58lan56amathis: well, whatever animal they kill, zebra then]
03:01.07amathisDTRemenak: good point >D
03:01.08lan56dtremenak: yes, it is fascinating
03:01.26amathisok discovery channel geeks...
03:01.41patlabor221but humans justify it, it's not about food
03:01.45lan56the discovery channel reruns things they recorded like 10 years ago, I have yet to see something up to date
03:02.04amathisTennessee almost beat Auburn
03:02.36patlabor221I guess lan56 never watches American Chopper
03:03.19patlabor221but I guess it's ok to generalaise an entire channel buy the few things you watch
03:03.48patlabor221monster nation is cool
03:03.50lan56I guess it depends on how big your idea is spread
03:05.41amathislan56: your statement was pretty general..
03:06.13lan56it doesn't even matter, it was just an idea I had thought of a few times when flipping through channels and stumbling upon it
03:06.29*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (
03:07.38*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:20f:eaff:fe4d:d7b7)
03:11.13DTRemenakpatlabor221, is it OK if I rip off the text from the "features" section of the artemisgames bzedit site and stick it in the bzflag wiki?
03:11.28patlabor221rip wjat ever you wish
03:11.41patlabor221do the tutorial too
03:29.25DTRemenakhmm, how do I add the bzedit screenshots to the bzflag webspace?  can I just drop them in the right directory on sf or do I need to do something with the web module in cvs?
03:31.02wegstartyped it wrong
03:36.13sgk284DTRemenak, did you take care of the textutils or should i do that now?
03:36.21DTRemenaksgk284, I did not
03:36.40*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
03:43.38DTRemenakthe bzedit pages have been wikified
03:45.02blast007wegstar: do you have a firewall?
03:45.13lan56dtremenak: cool
03:45.14wegstari turned it off
03:46.11blast007hmm, I can ping you
03:46.26blast007so the address is right
03:46.30*** join/#bzflag BZFlag9535 (www-data@
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03:48.48*** part/#bzflag wegstar (
03:50.45*** join/#bzflag BZFlag7848 (www-data@
03:57.01*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
03:58.52wegstar# This is a BZFlag Server (bzfs) configuration file.  To make the server
03:58.52wegstar# use this file, use the command "bzfs -conf /path/to/this/file.conf".
03:58.52wegstar# Please read through it carefully.  Lines starting with a # are comments.
03:58.52wegstar# to enable an option, remove the # at the beginning of a line.  To
03:58.52wegstar# disable that option, put the # back.  There are some examples in this
03:59.13*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
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04:01.25blast007wegstar: if you want to post your conf file, throw it up on