irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041204

00:08.55*** part/#bzflag aaronf0 (
00:11.44CIA-3BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/ ( Dev-C++: Add new files. Reorganize folders in to be more consistent with source tree & vc projects.
00:24.36DTRemenakdid somebody say decks?
00:27.53Patlabor221I go home in 30 min, I'll build a windows one for the masses
00:28.06Patlabor221and probably a 'tosh
00:29.28Patlabor221DTRemenak, you did lan's job for him?
00:29.57DTRemenakPatlabor221, I was sitting in Ma8 and trying to work on bz, and was frustrated by the complete lack of organization, so I fixed it.
00:30.19Patlabor221Ma8 ?
00:30.23DTRemenakmath 8
00:30.39Patlabor221gotta make the best use of your time :)
00:30.42DTRemenakpractical applications of calculus or something like that :)
00:31.31Patlabor221everyone else was making lame versions of notepad
00:31.56Patlabor221you can get cards for like 25$
00:32.08DTRemenakyeah, I just need to get around to going and getting one
00:32.31Patlabor221what is 'M_SQRT2' and why is it undefined?
00:33.00DTRemenakit's, um, the square root of 2
00:33.09DTRemenakand it's probably not defined because you don't have math.h included?
00:35.19Patlabor221geting it in custom cone
00:35.32Patlabor221and custom arc
00:35.37Patlabor221but they include <math.h>
00:36.54DTRemenakbah, Visual C++ doesn't define it
00:37.10DTRemenakI guess that's another one for win32.h
00:37.22Patlabor221I'll put it in
00:37.27Patlabor221#define M_SQRT2    1.41421356237309504880
00:37.49DTRemenakno, win32.h - otherwise we have to do it three times
00:37.54DTRemenaker, twice
00:38.06Patlabor221what project is that in?
00:38.14DTRemenakcommon.  there's an #ifdef _MSC_VER block in win32.h that it should be in
00:38.31DTRemenakright next to the other dumb stuff that vc doesn't define
00:39.08Patlabor221wait it's allready there
00:39.29DTRemenakno, M_SQRT1_2 is ther
00:39.32Patlabor221oh no it's 1_2
00:40.20Patlabor221there it goes
00:40.44Patlabor221oh there is a better way to fix it
00:41.02DTRemenakwhat's that?
00:41.25Patlabor221it's an ifdef
00:41.29Patlabor221in math.h
00:41.37DTRemenakahhh, cool
00:41.48DTRemenakin vc6 too?
00:42.08Patlabor221I'll look
00:44.04DTRemenaknot in vc5, anyway - grep _USE_MATH_DEFINES math.h returns no results
00:44.20Patlabor221not in 6 ether
00:44.24Patlabor221looks to be a 7 thing
00:44.53Patlabor221what's my _MSC_VER ?
00:45.14DTRemenak1300 ?
00:45.30DTRemenakvc 5 is 1100, 6 is 1200
00:45.32Patlabor221I allways forget
00:45.41Patlabor221must be 1300 then
00:45.47Patlabor221I'll do > 1200
00:46.30*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:20f:eaff:fe4d:d7b7)
00:47.22Patlabor221mesh transformation?
00:47.25Patlabor221where does that go?
00:51.42*** join/#bzflag edini (
01:06.27*** join/#bzflag Mikkel_ (
01:27.08*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
01:32.31*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:20f:eaff:fe4d:d7b7)
01:38.48*** join/#bzflag [6yob] (
01:43.20Patlabor221odd that it would be ing ame
01:43.45Patlabor221but hey when the image loader needs winsock, who's to argue
01:46.25Patlabor221hmm had to make sure common.h is included before math.h
01:46.42Patlabor221could do it with a project based define
01:53.00*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
01:57.22[6yob]'clocal: unrecognized option -- `
01:57.22[6yob]Try `aclocal --help' for more information.
01:57.22[6yob] line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `&&'
01:57.22[6yob]' line 4: `&& autoheader \
01:57.39[6yob]Ran the sh
02:07.02*** join/#bzflag miggity (
02:08.42Patlabor221you don't have automake
02:08.46Patlabor221what distor?
02:10.24Patlabor221apt-get install autotools
02:10.27Patlabor221sorry automake
02:10.31[6yob]ok thanks
02:14.53[6yob]I installed automake, problem still occuring?
02:15.07purple_cowPatlabor221: built a masses client?
02:15.25Patlabor221it's uploading as I type
02:18.13[6yob]I ran  % aclocal
02:18.56Patlabor221are you using a super old verison of autotools?
02:19.26[6yob]lol, not sure what version but no fairly resent
02:19.36Patlabor221what debian?
02:19.39Patlabor221or woddy?
02:22.07Patlabor221what is that?
02:22.25Patlabor221or is that jsut your kernel version?
02:22.42[6yob]oh sry yeah my kernal version
02:22.50Patlabor221what is your debian?
02:23.20[6yob]How can I check it, reather then finding the sarge?
02:23.38Patlabor221check your apt
02:23.44Patlabor221is it set to stable, testing, or unstable
02:23.47Patlabor221in your apt sources.
02:25.11[6yob]ok, its testing
02:25.41*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
02:26.00Patlabor221that's sarge
02:26.08Patlabor221it should work
02:26.08*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@2002:45a6:8672:0:0:0:0:1)
02:27.15[6yob]Im getting stable, testing and unstable packages though
02:27.32Patlabor221why woudl you want all of them?
02:27.41Patlabor221so realy your on sid
02:27.51Patlabor221if you are running unstable packages
02:28.41[6yob]yeah, guess so if im runnning some unstable packages
02:31.25*** join/#bzflag blast007 (
02:32.44[6yob]Seems to work if i run I ran  % aclocal % autoheader % automake --add-missing  % autoconf independently
02:33.08*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (23 files in 8 dirs):
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: add in #def so VC7.1 can use math defines
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: make common include before math.h so that stuff actualy works
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: bump instaler version
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: add new files
02:35.13CIA-3BZFlag: make build on windows
02:45.28*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
02:45.28*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
02:48.09*** join/#bzflag dacut (
02:48.22*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (
02:48.23*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:52.50patlabor221ops for everyone!
02:52.55TimRikersee # where that's about what they did.
02:53.12TimRiker*!*@* == autoop
02:53.42TimRikerI wondered iof chanserv would op everyone. it didn't. =(
02:54.48patlabor221it's not debian
02:54.54patlabor221and it's apt that is the problem
02:55.09*** join/#bzflag blast007_away (
02:55.49patlabor221think won't keep the nvidia drivers in place when I restart
02:56.02patlabor221have to apt-get remove and install them every time
02:56.26TimRikerevery restart? or every update?
02:56.33patlabor221every restart
02:56.44patlabor221some module isn't being loaded
02:56.52patlabor221but I can't find out it's name
02:57.02*** join/#bzflag blast007__ (
02:57.14patlabor221I'm trying that ubanutu thingy
02:57.23patlabor221how ever it's spellt
02:57.55*** join/#bzflag siimo (~siimo@siimo.user)
02:58.01siimohow do i join the color i want?
02:58.05patlabor221other then the secret apt sources you need to discover, and the nvidia things it seems to be ok
02:58.14patlabor221siimo, you mean the team?
02:58.21blast007siimo: you can choose the team from the Join menu
02:58.21patlabor221you pick it when you enter your callsign
02:58.30patlabor221change it from automatic to a team of your choice
02:58.52patlabor221if the team is not full you will join it
02:59.00siimooh ok thanks
02:59.01patlabor221when you next login to a server
02:59.07siimothats why its not working the team must be full
02:59.44TimRikerpatlabor221: baby. ;-)
03:00.09patlabor221see they should put stuff like that as an option when your net installing is all the unofficial feeds. most of the major feeds are in the net install already.
03:01.07TimRikerI prefer to add as well as a few others like and
03:01.18TimRikermore means it'll try parallel downloads.
03:01.28TimRikermiggity: this sounds familiar. ;-)
03:01.49patlabor221aperantly ther is a thing called the ubanut "universe" that has all that stuff
03:02.00patlabor221amathis got me set up on it and now it's all good
03:02.33patlabor221so the driver thing is my only thing now
03:02.53patlabor221bz builds and runs fine so that makes me happy
03:03.06patlabor221tho it can't find vim even tho it says it's installed
03:04.17*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
03:05.54patlabor221tiem to try a non sdl mac build again
03:12.38TimRikerpatlabor221: which vim? o pehaps gvim or kvim
03:13.13patlabor221says they are installed
03:13.29patlabor221but hit em from th command line with vim, kvim, or gvim and it says it can't find it
03:13.34TimRikerbut not on your path? rpm or dpkg?
03:13.48TimRikerrpm -ql vim | grep bin
03:13.49patlabor221guess it came from dpkg
03:13.57TimRikerdpkg -L vim | grep bin
03:13.59patlabor221it's all aptie
03:14.12TimRikerapt works on either rpm or dpkg.
03:14.41patlabor221has a bunch of stuff with vim in it
03:15.15TimRiker/usr/bin/vim ?
03:15.38patlabor221evim and rvim
03:15.42TimRiker~rootshell vim
03:15.44ibotroot@blootbot:~# vim     bash: vim: command not found
03:16.32patlabor221I did get used to using nano tho
03:18.16*** join/#bzflag doughecka_ (
03:30.53*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (~Matthew@resnet-253-150.resnet.UMBC.EDU)
03:45.19patlabor221cool, I found one of the big causes of the 'I can't build on mac without SDL" inlines learner was talking about
04:00.45*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
04:01.19bryjenshow some enthusiasm
04:02.22bryjenis it snowing in CO ?
04:02.32purple_cowbryjen: no
04:03.16*** join/#bzflag blast007__ (
04:04.07bryjen!weather boulder, co
04:04.09guu`bryjen: The current temperature in Boulder, Colorado is 28°F (8:45 PM MST on December 03, 2004). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 55%. Dew Point: 14°F. Pressure: 29.95 in (1014 hPa). Visibility: 30.0 miles (48.3 kilometers). UV: 0 out of 12
04:06.33*** join/#bzflag kyelewis` (~kyelewis@kyelewis.user)
04:27.00purple_cowyou're all BORING PEOPLE
04:28.08CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (inc/LGE.h src/LGE.cpp): method to get screen center
04:28.37Noodlemani love it!!
04:32.25*** join/#bzflag Bajoran (~Midicow@
04:33.19Bajoranhey just curious, if your system meets and exceeds the min req for bzflag, but on any setting it runs slower than 2 fps, would you know what's up?
04:33.31*** join/#bzflag miggity (
04:33.39NoodlemanBajoran: do you have 3D accelleration turned on?
04:33.53patlabor221what card do you ahve?
04:33.54Noodlemanhow are you so sure?
04:33.59Bajoranradeon 7500
04:34.05Bajorancatalyst 4.10
04:34.05patlabor221what OS?
04:34.09BajoranWindows Me
04:34.29patlabor221something is probably taking CPU
04:34.39patlabor221how fast is the PC?
04:34.41BajoranNaw, i can run it with near nothing in the background
04:34.50Bajoranit's an old pentium 350
04:34.56patlabor221that's not a lot of speed
04:35.02patlabor221you may want to turn down some of the settings
04:35.07Bajoranenough for bzflag
04:35.10patlabor221not the fastest card in the world
04:35.17BajoranI used to run bzflag on a sis 630
04:35.17patlabor221well there are difrent levels of "enough"
04:35.28patlabor221and that was a simpler version
04:35.37patlabor221graphics have goten larger
04:35.51patlabor221ME is saping 30% of your CPU anyway
04:35.53patlabor221how much ram?
04:35.58Bajoranover 400 mb
04:36.18patlabor221CPU probably just can't send all the textures and stuff up the pipe
04:36.35patlabor221current verisons of directX and all that?
04:37.00patlabor221well unless there is spyware and stuff can't think of anything else
04:37.07Bajoranme neither
04:37.16Bajoranthis was kinda my last resort.. thingy
04:37.36patlabor221try running in a window at a lower res,
04:37.48patlabor221and run task manager to see if anything else has CPU
04:37.50patlabor221oh wait
04:37.54patlabor221sorry no Task manager
04:38.20blast007a process viewer could show CPU usage
04:38.43patlabor221if he had a proper 32 bit version of windows, it has one built in
04:40.09bryjen350mhz with hardware 3d shouldn't be too bad
04:40.20patlabor221no it shouldn't
04:40.25patlabor221that's about what this mac runs
04:40.36patlabor221the radeon 7k dosn't have TnL tho
04:40.42patlabor221so it does have to pump more
04:40.43bryjeneh. mac mhz are not pc mhz
04:40.47patlabor221I know
04:40.55patlabor221this is like a 300
04:41.02patlabor221it's SLOOOWWW
04:41.06patlabor221with a 7k
04:41.17blast007quality settings should make a big difference...I think my P133 can get like 7FPS in linux (software)
04:42.05patlabor221the larger textures could make it geek
04:42.06blast007of course, that's on the simple randomly generated maps
04:43.28bryjenhmm, i think this other pc here is a 366, maybe a celery, with i810 video. its not too bad.  haven't tried recent 1.11 on it as the move to's X11 borked the 3d
04:43.46patlabor221eww 810
04:43.52patlabor221kill it!!!
04:44.16bryjeni've got an old tnt card i could snap in there ;)
04:44.32patlabor221at least it can do better then an 8 bit texture
04:44.33bryjenno, wait, no agp slot. n/m
04:44.34blast007would probably be better  ;)
04:44.52bryjenhuh? 8 bit?
04:44.55Aribethi810 video is no good
04:45.21patlabor221the GL implementation on that card turns all txtures to 8 bit
04:45.31patlabor221and does this crap indexed interpolation method
04:45.35patlabor221saves it on bandwith
04:45.37blast007so that's why it always looked like crap
04:45.39bryjenuhm, 'doze drivers you mean?
04:45.44patlabor221no the chipset
04:45.59patlabor221part of the GL was implemneted in chip
04:46.12patlabor221it has the ability to use system ram as if it was card ram
04:46.33patlabor221so it does what hardware does, just using the existing southbridge memory controller
04:46.43patlabor221but since it has to share that memory bandwith with the system
04:46.56patlabor221large textures will cause the main CPU to get starved
04:47.04patlabor221so it limites all textures to 8 bit
04:47.21patlabor221nothing beats a dedicated gpu :)
04:48.21Aribethpatlabor221, i totaly agree with you
04:48.22bryjenany idea if the newer ( 840, 860 ) ones are better?
04:48.32blast007not really
04:48.37patlabor221same thing basicly
04:48.41patlabor221just has access to stuff like DDR
04:48.46patlabor221and more cpu power
04:48.58patlabor221so I'm sure it's faster
04:49.02blast007I've seen someone play UT2k3 on an 845, and it wasn't pretty  ;)
04:49.03bryjenok, just wondered if they "sucked less" ;)
04:49.12patlabor221but no mater what it does, it still sucks speed and bandwith from the rest of the system
04:49.31patlabor221it's not like it has extra speed just siting around unused :)
04:49.54patlabor221I'd rather have an nforce
04:50.03blast007my friend's laptop has a P4 2.4GHz, and an 845, and my PIII 800MHz with a GeForce FX 5200 can whoop him
04:50.05patlabor221that has it's own dedicated GPU section on the chip for video
04:50.10patlabor221tho it still sucks ram bandwith
04:50.47Aribethi had to deal with this issue at work last week. just steals bandwidth
04:51.01patlabor221it has to come from somewhere
04:51.01Aribethand slows things down
04:51.32Aribethooooooooo gime gime
04:51.44blast007my desktop also had onboard audio, which took my CPU to it's knees when playing intense games
04:51.44patlabor221gotta replace it soon
04:51.57patlabor221need a 6800 or a 5950
04:52.22Aribethpciexpress 6800 would be nice
04:52.28blast007yeah  :)
04:52.32patlabor221then I'd need a new mobo and ram
04:52.49patlabor221may do it all and get a XP64 3800+ at the same time
04:52.49Aribeththe sager9860 has one
04:52.51bryjenthat'd be nice too
04:52.54patlabor221if the mobos are stable
04:53.16patlabor221tho need to get a 2 gigs of dual channel ddr
04:53.41Bajoranwell now it runs fast
04:53.49Bajoranlast time i tried it was a month or so
04:53.59patlabor221ME is funky like that
04:54.04patlabor221best joke MS ever made
04:54.16Bajorannow to get alliegence working
04:58.18BajoranSO i'll run a nuked start, minimal + memory manegment
04:58.24Bajoranoh joy
05:09.39patlabor221non SDL mac build is up
05:42.24*** part/#bzflag dacut (
05:53.09*** join/#bzflag BIYATankTuner (www-data@
05:53.18BIYATankTunerWhat did I miss?
05:55.27patlabor221SDL mac build is up
05:55.34patlabor221this concluded my building for the night :)
05:56.02patlabor221wasn't for o
05:56.22*** join/#bzflag Memnarch (www-data@
05:56.48BIYATankTunerSheesh sorry
05:57.28BIYATankTunerWasnt for you
05:57.32*** part/#bzflag Memnarch (www-data@
05:58.31BIYATankTunerURL means hyper link right?
05:58.46BIYATankTuneron bzbb
05:58.47patlabor221a hyperlink usualy points to a URL yes
05:58.59patlabor221URL means Universal Resource Locator
06:00.50*** join/#bzflag tegan (
06:00.54BIYATankTunerLike I would understand that
06:00.56BIYATankTunernbut thanks
06:01.04CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (19 files in 4 dirs): let thar be singletons!.. singletons for all!
06:01.08BIYATankTunerHey tegan!!!!
06:01.20patlabor221you asked what URL meant
06:01.35BIYATankTunerI knoe
06:01.43BIYATankTunerIm learning
06:02.36BIYATankTunerI cant use python
06:04.09patlabor221why not?
06:04.17patlabor221python is kewl
06:04.32BIYATankTunerI dont know how to use it
06:05.04patlabor221it has a manual and good online docs
06:05.54BIYATankTunerIs there a way to take my Bzedit map and transfer it over to Py format?
06:06.15patlabor221there is no "py format"
06:06.25patlabor221do you mean load it into the python bzedit?
06:07.07BIYATankTunerTake the bzedit file I already have and use Python on it?
06:07.19teganpython is a programming language.
06:07.20patlabor221what do you mean 'use python on it" ?
06:07.31patlabor221bzflag does not read or use python at all
06:07.50patlabor221do you mean pybzedit?
06:08.03patlabor221like open your map in pybzedit?
06:08.06creeperzpatlabor221: where can i find oybzedit?
06:08.12patlabor221on bzbb
06:08.17patlabor221just open the map
06:08.22patlabor221there is no other format
06:08.37patlabor221pybzedit uses the same maps as everything
06:08.41patlabor221otherwise what use would it be?
06:08.52creeperzbzbb's different :-)
06:08.54patlabor221it's a fugly edior
06:08.56patlabor221yes it is
06:11.49BIYATankTunerBzEdit is okay
06:13.21patlabor221I meant pybzedit
06:13.35patlabor221bzedit on windows needs a total overhual
06:13.38patlabor221it's a hack
06:13.47patlabor221but it's not ugly
06:15.29blast007lots of code re-writing  ;)
06:15.47BIYATankTunerheck yeah
06:15.50patlabor221should be made where every thing is a plugin
06:15.56patlabor221all the tools
06:16.00patlabor221and all the elements
06:16.03BIYATankTunerNot only that
06:16.14patlabor221yeah or just that
06:16.22patlabor221hows that coming purple? ;)
06:16.39BIYATankTunerbut when I have a map opened then I open another one it screws up the axis's
06:16.52patlabor221just the one axis?
06:16.55BIYATankTunerf'in n's
06:16.56patlabor221the one true axis?
06:17.05BIYATankTunerX, Z, Y
06:17.09patlabor221the axis of good or the axis of evil?
06:17.14patlabor221that's 3 axes
06:17.18patlabor221not one axis
06:17.29purple_cowpatlabor221: i think this axis is orthogonal to the concept of good or evil
06:17.34BIYATankTunerX, X, Y, Y, Z, Z,
06:17.43patlabor221oooo the vertical axis of JUSTICE!!!
06:17.49*** join/#bzflag kyelewis[2] (~kyelewis@kyelewis.user)
06:17.51patlabor221that's 6 axes
06:18.06patlabor221having fun?
06:18.18BIYATankTunerlots a bugs in Bzedit
06:18.19blast007according to the kookoo clock, it's 6:00
06:18.33patlabor221patches welcome biya
06:18.40creeperzi like some of the stuff in pybzedit
06:18.46BIYATankTunermines 1:26 am
06:19.01patlabor221it has good features, it's just not purdy
06:19.05blast00712:16am here
06:19.08patlabor221what game purple?
06:19.31creeperzthatd take a while to make a map though :-)
06:19.32blast007that's a cool game
06:19.40purple_cowpatlabor221: katamari damacy
06:19.46BIYATankTunerBeat like a week ago
06:19.49patlabor221never heard of it
06:19.58BIYATankTunerme either
06:21.05purple_cowpatlabor221: no, americanized version
06:21.14purple_cowit's pretty simple but fun
06:21.19purple_cowand the soundtrack is phenominal :)
06:21.34patlabor221most games of that origin are
06:21.50patlabor221going to get the R.O.D. Soundtrack tomorow
06:21.53patlabor221and disk2
06:21.53purple_cowi don't think you quite understand
06:22.13patlabor221macross plus class good?
06:22.21purple_cowit's one of the best soundtracks in a game i've ever heard
06:22.26purple_cowdifferent than macross plus
06:22.28purple_cowtop-tier jpop
06:22.30patlabor221it on navi?
06:22.40purple_cowno, i'm trying to track it down
06:22.45purple_cowfor now i just have to play the game
06:22.58patlabor221the store may have it
06:23.02patlabor221I look when I go get ROD
06:28.10BIYATankTunerNFSU2, Rainbow Six 3, and Halo 2
06:30.30*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
06:40.03CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (inc/Input.h sample/Test.cpp src/Input.cpp): add relitive mouse mode tracking for infinate mouse input ( quake style )
06:47.32*** part/#bzflag tegan (
07:09.33CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (inc/LGE.h sample/Test.cpp src/GameLoop.cpp src/LGE.cpp):
07:09.33CIA-3opencombat: support for resizeable windows, and show/hide the window caption in LGE
07:09.33CIA-3opencombat: message support for window resize in game loop
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07:19.01Aribethhi learner
07:19.08learnerhi Aribeth :)
07:19.33patlabor221learner I found that other area that was screwing up the non SDL mac builds
07:19.40learnerahh, cool
07:19.44learnersame problem?
07:20.00patlabor221all the functions were inline
07:20.02learneryep.. same file even
07:20.02patlabor221and had statics
07:20.10learnerhrm.. someone reverted it?
07:20.33patlabor221teh bastards
07:21.16learnerthe riker reverted
07:21.33patlabor221that stilly the riker
07:21.34learnermultiply defined complaint
07:21.45patlabor221could just make em not inline
07:22.39learnerthat's what I did..
07:22.40patlabor221I did an sdl and non sdl build today
07:22.46patlabor221I made em not static this time :)
07:22.48learnernot sure what multiply defined he's talking about
07:25.04learnerthat kind of crap really pisses me off -- he should have said something or actually fixed it
07:25.10patlabor221well we'll see how they work for yon masses
07:25.26patlabor221but that would be the resonsible thing to do
07:26.48learnerdammit .. I'm really just about fed up with the crap he causes without working _with_ the rest of us -- seems like he's adament on working by himself
07:27.09patlabor221tell me about it
07:27.20patlabor221he screwd admin and the cookies on bzbb today
07:27.21learneri know.. you've been preaching for years
07:27.39patlabor221with out even a word
07:27.40learnerbut you've had to put up longer.. I'm just starting to get there
07:27.57patlabor221I mean I'm happy he's doing stuff, but I guess he wants to be a one man show
07:28.09learnerI'm really not happy he's doing stuff
07:28.23learnerbecause when he does stuff he doesn't work with anyone
07:28.45learnerdoesn't consider (or better put CARE) about the consequences of changes he makes
07:30.03learnerand when people really try to work with him .. like tupone working on auth for a month or two -- he completely disregards it all, removes it, and writes a half-assed custom version of the same damn thing that has it's own set of problems
07:30.59patlabor221I give bzbb 2 weeks before it's busted
07:31.47learneri mean damn .. he's not just a poor manager.. he's a poor developer not really willing to work with anyone that doesn't hold up to his exact same blind faith of "the way it should be"
07:32.14learnerthis is rediculous
07:33.17learnerwe make great strides, and have moments where 5 or 6 of us work together on something really useful (like global bans) .. there have been several moments like that over the past couple years involving anywhere from 2 to 6 devs ..
07:33.22learnernot ONE has involved him
07:33.57learnercept maybe after the fact for "ws" or change some default to f'ing underline
07:34.13patlabor221the WS project is what makes us platum tho :)
07:34.30patlabor221now you see why I don't realy care anymore
07:35.43learnermakes me want to write up crs and lament to him the state of mess he keeps causing
07:35.56patlabor221don't think he cares ether
07:36.03patlabor221games are not meant to evolve like aps
07:37.55learnerit wouldn't be nearly as bad if tim actually listened to the other devs or even the players
07:39.24patlabor221they don't exist
07:39.30patlabor221unless they live in germany
07:40.04learneronly way he seems to listen is when he hears it 20 times over after 10 hours of argument to point out why being lazy is not the right answer or his pet peave preference is in a dimsal minority or just plain dumb
07:41.04patlabor221got a plan?
07:41.14learnerhrm.. i must be tired
07:41.23patlabor221how much to drink?
07:41.24learnerto rant
07:41.34patlabor221or still on our allnihter?
07:42.12learnerjust a lil fed up after seeing the commit log
07:42.52learnerno, I actually just finished watching kill bill 2 with a buddy on my lil home theater setup
07:42.54CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (inc/LGE.h sample/Test.cpp src/LGE.cpp):
07:42.55CIA-3opencombat: add interface for multiple lights
07:42.55CIA-3opencombat: note this breaks old code, change engine.UpdateLight(), to engine.UpdateLights()
07:42.58patlabor221how was it?
07:43.06patlabor221haven't seen it yet
07:43.11learnerso perhaps a lil violent right now..
07:43.12patlabor221picked up 'hero' tho
07:43.20learnerooh, want to see that too
07:43.21patlabor221that movie makes me cry
07:43.26patlabor221it's so purdy
07:43.37patlabor221like a kung fu action poem in motion
07:43.40learneri saw KB2 in the theaters.. but just finally got to the dvd .. i love that movie
07:44.15*** part/#bzflag tegan (
07:45.00learnerswords, kung-fu fighting, hot women, great lines, artistic, nice car .. doesn't get much better
07:45.39CIA-3BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/ (include/version.h src/bzfrelay/bzfrelay.c): make the thing build on the mac, can't have inline functions with statics, if you don't like it then FIX IT, don't just revert it.
07:47.21Agent99what did you say?
07:47.29Agent99i cant here you
07:47.48patlabor221there is a scorpion on your shirt
07:48.45sgk284did i do that wrong?
07:49.06sgk284ahh there we go
07:49.20sgk284hmm secretplace isnt on the list server and apparently hasnt been for a while...
07:49.27sgk284something is up :/
07:49.31sgk284ping nidhoggr
07:49.56Maxwellno sense in learning that.. let automake make them for you :)
07:50.18patlabor221that's what I need to learn how to setup
07:50.34patlabor221sgl gets rebuilt everytime
07:50.38sgk284does msvc do make files for you?
07:50.48patlabor221not unix compatable ones
07:50.56purple_cowlearning autotools is a lot more painful than learning make :)
07:51.08patlabor221but it can generat makefiles if you ask it to
07:51.15patlabor221noone uses them anymore
07:51.26patlabor221since the command line verions of cl and nmake can take a project
07:51.40patlabor221I was able to patch up a makefile
07:51.41patlabor221it works
07:51.51patlabor221i'm sure it's just nasty tho
07:52.30Maxwellthe gnu build system is finally starting to stabilize after years of sillyness .. still pretty sensitive to versions, but it's definately much much better
07:52.33patlabor221hmm haven't tested on the mac in a while ether
07:54.06Maxwellthe promise of writing a on any system and that sucker working anywhere isn't quite true .. closer to truth is that it'll work on the latest version of the tools if you generate it with the latest
07:56.33patlabor221hmm why would installing a lib require me to restart?
07:57.20Maxwellpurple_cow, you are technically speaking are designated at least via sf as the next in the chain of command for this lil thing here called bzflag -- how does one petition a change in management?
07:57.51Maxwellpatlabor221, os x? .. usually just for safety -- you can abort the restart with cmd-ctrl-esc
07:57.58patlabor221vote of no confdence
07:58.31patlabor221and you don't think anyone would follow you to a branch?
07:59.08learnerforks are incredibly hard to sustain
07:59.29learnerthere's much in the name of "bzflag" itself (as you've seen over the years I think)
07:59.57patlabor221if we get purple cow drunk enough we could probably get him to remove riker from the project :)
08:00.09purple_cowpatlabor221: hahaha
08:00.37learnerusually takes a really huge bonehead move or great angst of developers to cause a successful fork (which may exist, dunno)
08:00.44purple_cowhe'd be pissed :)
08:00.53learnerlike with the XFree86 lead and
08:01.14patlabor221so what, what would he do? throw whitespace?
08:02.15sgk284if i start a server up with -public "" -publicaddr, it should add an entry to the list server pointing to secretplace, right? or wrong?
08:02.21BIYATankTunercya guys
08:02.28sgk284ncya BIYATankTuner
08:02.28BIYATankTunergotta got t bed
08:03.02purple_cowlearner: i'd say the first thing is to get a few influential people together and approach him
08:03.05patlabor221sgk the list server would try to connect to secretplace first
08:03.16purple_cowlast time there were rumblings of mutiny he shaped up for a while
08:03.23patlabor221oooo an intervention
08:04.09sgk284patlabor221: thats fine, secretplace is up and running, just somehow got taken off the list :/ and nid isnt around
08:04.24sgk284just trying to put it back on the list
08:04.49patlabor221sgk, I'm sure the problem is not that nid forgot to do -public
08:04.56patlabor221the problem is probalby the list dosn't see it
08:04.57JBdiGrizmutiny, mutiny, mutiny, rumble, rumble, rumble
08:05.01patlabor221so it dosnt' list it
08:05.15sgk284patlabor221: hmm okay
08:05.19patlabor221how come the mutineers will all follow him but not me? ;)
08:05.42patlabor221it's cus he can spell isn't it?
08:08.07learneryou missed all the fun DTRemenak
08:08.19sgk284DTRemenak, nothing to see here, just a bunch of pirates... doing piraty thigns
08:08.31DTRemenaksgk284, you forget: I was a USD for a while :)
08:08.57patlabor221if you want to lets get him into #bzflag-lynchmob tomorow and talk about it
08:09.24sgk284learner: grab tim and say "listen up... you have choices, a threaded server or a mutiny, which one you want?
08:09.40patlabor221maybe see if he will step back from being the designer and appoint somone else and he can just "oversee"
08:09.56patlabor221but then you all know my view on it
08:10.05JBdiGrizHow about if he overlooks rather than oversees?
08:10.24patlabor221well I was thinking austrailia was nice this time of year
08:10.27learnersgk284, I would give up threading if that were the only problem in a heartbeat
08:10.33DTRemenakpatlabor221, you don't really conceal your views very well ;)
08:11.20sgk284how about the top like 5 or how ever many lead developers (learner, patlabor, trepan, dtremenak, and timriker) (sorry if i missed someone) just vote on everything?  its an odd number, someone has to win:)
08:11.23JBdiGrizDTRemenak: He can't even spell conceal
08:11.36learnerit's a give an take with pretty much all the devs .. and just about everyone here (except him) listens to reason and tries to understand or work with others viewpoints
08:11.42patlabor221that would take forever
08:12.07patlabor221we need people who are in charge of difrent sections
08:12.19DTRemenaksgk284, core teams generally cause divisions, not heal them
08:12.31learnerwhen the expressed feelings are "it's my way or the highway" it just causes tension, arguments, subversiveness, and wastes time
08:12.53patlabor221look at firefox, it has leads for the sections, and they are repsondible for design and the people who do stuf in thier space
08:13.08patlabor221yeah you have to be willing to work with others
08:13.16DTRemenakpatlabor221, I'm not sure that would work well either.  tends to promote, "oh, that's his job" attitude
08:13.19patlabor221we've done some nice coop features
08:13.39patlabor221DTR I'm not saying responsible for the implentation
08:13.53DTRemenakpatlabor221, but you know that's how it would end up
08:13.53learnerwe're not nearly the same size or quantity of devs as firefox (of which they have many paid to be there)
08:13.54patlabor221just for making sure it works ok, and that patches in that space are done right
08:14.09patlabor221but it's got more chance then "ws"
08:14.22purple_cowlearner: that doesn't mean we can't have "team leads" for things like bzfs, bzadmin, etc
08:14.34learnerand I think he'd still leverage his preferences onto other "groups" if sections were delegated still
08:14.49patlabor221so you just want him killed?
08:15.09patlabor221supid mac, the class is defined RIGHT THERE
08:15.22DTRemenak~whaleslap sgk284
08:15.24ibotACTION slaps sgk284 upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
08:17.06learnerI can deal with tupone's reverse encapsulation of objects .. and trepan's massive commits .. and purple_cow's occasional idealistic rants .. patlabor221's occasional tendancy to gut and rewrite something -- they all have reasons, make compromises, conceed points on occasion, and listen to others
08:17.08patlabor221if he did step down, who'd take his place?
08:17.24learnerand they all generally make some sort of delta _improvement_ when changes are made
08:17.39purple_cowyay occasional idealistic rants
08:17.57patlabor221watch I can start you on one right now
08:17.57learnernot to leave anyone out :)
08:18.47DTRemenaklearner, hah, I'm watching ST:TNG :)
08:19.25patlabor221learner, OSX supporst #include right?
08:19.41learner:) i hope so
08:20.22patlabor221so If I give it a file, and it has the decleration for a class, it should get it right?
08:20.32patlabor221and not say "undeclared identifyer"
08:20.54patlabor221maybe it dosn't like the m_
08:21.24patlabor221or the fact that I didn't make the constructor of the singleton protected
08:21.40patlabor221linux liked it tho
08:21.53learnersingleton constructor needs access to the other fella
08:22.01learnerso you either have to make it protected or make him a friend
08:22.18patlabor221it's a friend
08:22.26learneror maybe both..
08:22.35learneri forget.. should be documented in the singleton header
08:22.57learnerassuming it's the singleton template I worked on
08:23.22patlabor221well it's wierd
08:23.28patlabor221I want it to be a singleton
08:23.39patlabor221but also be able to have local ones if I want too
08:23.44patlabor221its the time class
08:24.36learnerpanelmanager.cpp link?
08:24.44patlabor221umm its in cvs
08:24.52patlabor221it's all small
08:25.02patlabor221just co SGL from opencombat on sf
08:25.52learnergot it
08:26.04patlabor221tho you may need,
08:26.24patlabor221thats the lib bzflag needs to start using
08:27.03patlabor221then purple_cow and scanline could hook up movie saving in a heartbeat
08:28.34learnerrestart.. pfft
08:28.35*** join/#bzflag Mikkel_ (
08:29.01patlabor221yeah I didn't
08:29.11learnerstupid installer
08:29.40patlabor221you can build it if you want
08:30.05patlabor221the devil rocks
08:32.00patlabor221it even has screenshot access to GL
08:32.09patlabor221it's much faster then BZs
08:43.36CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/src/FileLoaders.cpp: RGB != BGR ( I am stoopid)
09:00.44CIA-3opencombat: 03brlcad * 10SGL/inc/SGLTimer.h: try not to use preprocessor symbols that the system uses too. can/should make singleton constructor/desctructors protected.
09:01.10patlabor221what did i use?
09:01.36patlabor221yeah it used to be called time.h
09:01.38learnerhad me scratching my head there for a bit..
09:01.44patlabor221but I changed it to timmer.h
09:01.50patlabor221but then the mac STILL had that
09:01.53learneruntil I tossed in a #error and saw it wasn't even getting read
09:02.03patlabor221thank you
09:02.22learnerno problemo
09:02.56patlabor221amathis actualy atempting to use that lib
09:02.57learneramathis do the makefile?
09:03.03patlabor221so figured I better make the thing work
09:03.05patlabor221no I made it
09:03.17patlabor221by guessing
09:03.21patlabor221and looking at crap in google
09:03.35patlabor221tho it is from his basis
09:03.45patlabor221I made it use the sub files and stuff
09:03.45learneroop.. i caused another error with that protected
09:04.00CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/ (8 files in 3 dirs):
09:04.00CIA-3opencombat: fix UV coords on quake3 model sub meshes ( clear UVs after each mesh )
09:04.00CIA-3opencombat: Fix PNGs to be RGB
09:04.00CIA-3opencombat: Fix TGAs to be BGR
09:04.00CIA-3opencombat: convert gun textures to png
09:05.51learnerahh, you have a CLGETime object inside a struct trTextureManagerInfo in TextureMngr.cpp
09:06.17purple_cowhehe, LGE
09:06.19patlabor221they are used localy sometimes
09:06.25purple_cowthat brings back some memories
09:06.47patlabor221it's simple and helps people learn
09:06.59CIA-3opencombat: 03jeffm2501 * 10SGL/inc/SGLTimer.h: make time constructor public because it's not just a singleton
09:10.02*** part/#bzflag patlabor221 (
09:11.55CIA-3opencombat: 03brlcad * 10SGL/inc/SGLTimer.h: we don't need no stinkin' friends if the public can play with our existence.
09:21.54purple_cowpfft. sleep.
09:22.13learnerpfft. shower.
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09:58.03Pimpinellais Jefffrey (with 3 f) the usual spelling for that name?
09:59.47purple_cowi think 3f is always a misspelling
10:01.04Pimpinellahm guu might unaware of whois
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