irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041030

00:00.03Noodlemanit does, i kid you not
00:00.14PunkusPalmthat's with all the channels
00:00.23CIA-10BZFlag: 03jeffm2501 * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/BackgroundRenderer.cxx: don't let the cat out of the bag!
00:00.33Patlabor221to keep the signal to noise ratio down
00:01.03Noodlemanyeah, people used to come in here and disrupt all the dev talk after a match
00:01.19Noodlemanlike a big troupe of elephants
00:01.30Noodlemanjust imagine all those muddy feetprints
00:01.31CIA-10BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: reword, rename .. not much left to do after dtr cept this entire check probably would do well in a SpamFilter object that tracks better.
00:01.40learnerQuol, not much .. just filling up my hard drives apparently
00:02.12PunkusPalmeveryones good at that
00:02.23Quollearner: lol
00:02.43Quolsudo rm -rf /* :)
00:02.49learnerthere are other drives, but I have to shift everything around since root's full
00:03.11Noodlemani like filling up my hard drive
00:03.15Noodlemanit's fun
00:03.28Quollearner - that on your server? on on your home PC??
00:03.45Noodlemandd if=/dev/urandom of=bigfile bs=1M count=10000
00:03.49Quolohh - don't know if I should mention it - but my server will be down most of the weekend...
00:04.10learnerthere's another 300GB to spare still.. just not /
00:04.24NoodlemanNoodleman: have you ever done that command? :-P
00:04.35Noodlemanyes i have, i wasn't asking you, Noodleman
00:04.43PunkusPalmgrab everything and stick it down /dev/null
00:05.04Noodlemanthat conjures up strange mental images
00:06.01PunkusPalmI better go
00:06.18PunkusPalmwaste the battery doing this
00:06.37PunkusPalmbe back on wheb I get home
00:07.32*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
00:08.01a_monkeyit can rain and snow in worlds running thru beta versions of bzfs right?
00:09.19Patlabor221client has to support it too
00:09.53a_monkeywould support it?
00:10.13Patlabor221when did you get code?
00:10.23Patlabor22118th was a while ago
00:10.32Patlabor221I did rain what wednesday?
00:10.36a_monkeyi got it last night
00:10.40a_monkeythe code
00:10.46Patlabor221not with that build date
00:10.57a_monkeydo they update source that often?
00:10.59Patlabor221if you got it last night sure
00:11.18Patlabor221the anon CVS is updated 4-5 hours after we make each change
00:11.21a_monkeyif my client supports it how do i *use* the rain?
00:11.24Patlabor221we make changes all day long
00:11.31Patlabor221a_monkey, log into a server that has rain
00:11.38a_monkeywhat server has rain
00:11.48Patlabor221the ones that say "rain" the the server description
00:11.56a_monkeyok... is specificly a rain test server
00:13.53Patlabor221I think it's snowing there now
00:13.56Patlabor221or maybe frogs
00:14.08a_monkeyi log on to it and, yeah its REAL rainy... (sarcasm)
00:14.17a_monkeyi dont see frogs rain or snow
00:14.17lan56(insert sarcasm here)
00:14.26Patlabor221then your client dosnt' handle it
00:14.40Patlabor221it never hurts to update
00:14.49a_monkeythru anonymous cvs?
00:15.05Patlabor221unless your a developer, thats the only way you have avlable to you
00:15.15a_monkeywhats the command again?
00:15.22Patlabor221cvs update
00:16.27a_monkeyisnt there this big long command like "cvs -z3 rev9 blablabla" or something like that?
00:16.54Patlabor221that's just to check out
00:16.57Patlabor221you have allready checked out
00:17.03Patlabor221cvs kept all that info for you
00:17.11Patlabor221just go into the dir where you checked out to
00:17.13Patlabor221and do a cvs update
00:17.23a_monkeyhow do i do that
00:17.24Patlabor221it'll read from the .cvs folders and know where to go
00:17.33Patlabor221cd /where/ever/your/files/are/
00:17.36Patlabor221cvs update
00:19.12a_monkeysays no cvsroot specified
00:19.54Patlabor221are you inside the folder creatred when you checked out
00:20.07Patlabor221the same folder where the is
00:20.12a_monkeyoh no
00:20.15a_monkeythe bzflag folder
00:20.16Patlabor221you have to be in that dir
00:20.23a_monkeyi get it now :)
00:20.25Patlabor221otherwise it dosn't know what you want to update
00:20.26CIA-10BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/ add filter.cxx
00:21.25a_monkeyso now do i do the same thing? sh, ./configure, make?
00:21.40Patlabor221just make
00:21.44Patlabor221then make install
00:22.59lan56btw, what is the BZDB var for the water level? there is none that has an obvious name, no "_waterLevel" or _deadUnder, so I already checked
00:22.59a_monkeymy computer is so fcheezeing slow that this takes like 20 mins
00:23.09Patlabor221no it won't
00:23.15Patlabor221it will only build what changed from last time
00:23.19Patlabor221it's not the same as a full build
00:23.20learnermm.. cheeze
00:24.10Patlabor221oh DTRemenak I fixed the snow behind the teleporters thing too
00:25.07learnerlan56, i thought it was deadUnder
00:25.36lan56it was IIRC, but it got changed AFAIK
00:25.41lan56and I don't see it on the default list
00:25.53Patlabor221it's not a bzdb item
00:25.55Patlabor221it's a map item
00:26.14lan56ahh, thx
00:26.32a_monkeyfor some reason make install won't work on my mac
00:26.39a_monkeygives me an error
00:26.45Patlabor221and that error is?
00:27.28a_monkeycant remember exactly, but something about i dont have permission to access somethingorother
00:27.37a_monkeyi think
00:27.51lan56is it already running? ld gives me a permission denied error when it is already running
00:27.57Patlabor221then perhaps you should run it as a user that has permistion to access something orother
00:27.58lan56I mean, the thing you are compiling
00:28.11a_monkeyim the only user on my system
00:28.18a_monkeyim the one and only admin
00:28.30Patlabor221are the files open?
00:28.46Patlabor221is the game or server or data files running?
00:29.16Patlabor221then your user that your running under in the terminal dosn't have replace permisions
00:29.24Patlabor221did the install work the first time you tried it?
00:29.32Patlabor221when you build the version before?
00:29.44Patlabor221well what did you do before to get the old build you had?
00:29.58Patlabor221did you manualy copy them?
00:30.06a_monkeyinto the shiny icon
00:30.07*** join/#bzflag falx (
00:30.08Patlabor221then do that again
00:30.24Patlabor221it's not going to magicaly fix your system problems
00:30.30Patlabor221just by updating
00:30.46a_monkeyyou mean my rain problems
00:30.50Patlabor221you should probably learn how to set the permisions on your computer
00:30.56Patlabor221no your permision problems
00:31.00a_monkeyoh GOOD
00:31.05Patlabor221you don't have rain problems, you didn't have any rain at all
00:31.17a_monkeyyea i thought that sounded weird
00:31.41Patlabor221you may also want to learn how to use your computer some more too
00:32.48Patlabor221and learn how to use IRC
00:32.55a_monkeyyea oops
00:34.26a_monkeywow a lot has changed in source code
00:34.29a_monkeyits taking awhile
00:34.59*** join/#bzflag falx (
00:35.40trepana_monkey: here's an idea, don't type every little thought that goes through your head
00:35.53purple_cowtrepan: that's a silly idea\
00:35.58a_monkeymy fingers are uncontrollable
00:36.14trepanyou're lucky i don't have ops...
00:36.25*** mode/#bzflag [+o trepan] by purple_cow
00:36.56a_monkeytrepan, how come you add _away to your nick instead of using your irc client to mark yourself as away?
00:37.09Patlabor221we can controll your fingers if need be
00:37.35Patlabor221a_monkey, how come you talk so much?
00:37.35a_monkeypig? where?
00:37.54a_monkeycuz nobody else is doin' the talkin'! :)
00:38.16Patlabor221and that matters? does the channel have to be flowing with text?
00:38.48*** mode/#bzflag [+q a_monkey!*@*] by Patlabor221
00:38.53lan56case closed :)
00:38.54Patlabor221no, no it doesn't
00:40.22shorty114that's one way of shutting him up :)
00:40.41Patlabor221works for many people
00:40.57*** mode/#bzflag [-b a_monkey!*@*] by Patlabor221
00:41.17shorty114don't you have to do /mode -q #bzflag a_monkey!*@*?
00:41.25Patlabor221it's a ban
00:41.40Patlabor221allow me to illustrate
00:41.44lan56I don't think that was polite to make fun of him while he couldn't talk, I mean, a silence is fair game, but to rub it in like that, and take advantage of a loss of power is a bit harsh and embarrasing
00:41.46*** mode/#bzflag [+q shorty114!*@*] by Patlabor221
00:41.50a_monkeyi was shut up because i was messing with my build the whole time
00:42.08lan56but then again, sometimes making fun could be a lot of true fun :)
00:42.10*** mode/#bzflag [-b shorty114!*@*] by Patlabor221
00:42.20Patlabor221no you were shut up because I quited you
00:42.27Patlabor221that should be enough of a hint
00:42.34a_monkeyhmm i didnt even try to talk...
00:42.46learnerkeep it up :)
00:42.50*** mode/#bzflag [+q a_monkey!*@*] by Patlabor221
00:42.51shorty114learner: heh
00:43.08trepanpurple_cow: ack, just noticed, bad idea
00:43.17shorty114try to talk, you get a "channel demigods have stolen your voice" message
00:43.24Patlabor221we know shorty114
00:43.30trepanpurple_cow: i'd have to learn all the commands, get the 'i irc op' shirt, etc... ;)
00:43.30purple_cowtrepan: hehe
00:43.44sgk284haha its like a sitcom
00:43.54shorty114trepan: lol
00:43.54learnertrepan, but the parking space is nice
00:44.02Patlabor221yeah only entertaining to the slow minded.
00:44.12shorty114or the power-hungry
00:45.44lan56what costume do you want, sgk284?
00:45.56sgk284its geeky
00:46.01lan56aren't you ugly enough?
00:46.03shorty114trepan: that's a good idea :)
00:46.15*** part/#bzflag a_monkey (
00:46.20*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
00:46.26learnernice try
00:46.27sgk284i'm trying to get a Neo costume, my girlfriend is being Trinity so it'll be pretty cool if i can get it
00:46.46lan56that's not too geeky sounding
00:46.46shorty114heh ebay ;)
00:46.51shorty114neo's cool
00:46.52shorty114not geeky
00:46.57lan56shorty114: so it can get to him in two weeks?
00:47.07shorty114get overnight :)
00:47.15lan56for $29.95 extra? :)
00:47.40shorty114as his girlfriend's anniversary present :)
00:47.51lan56I'll leave that one alone :)
00:48.08sgk284actually our anniversary was yesterday:) it was fun
00:48.40lan56sounds like it was fun
00:48.43Quolsee you guys latter...
00:48.47sgk284btw me using "it" was not implying anything
00:48.47lan56quol: cya
00:48.50sgk284see you quol
00:48.56lan56sgk284: heh
00:49.56darth_mallsgk284: what's so hard about neo... black pants, black long sleeve shirt, boots and a black trench coat
00:50.34sgk284i dont know about you...but i'm not goth and i might own two article of black clothing... dress pants and maybe a t-shirt
00:50.48purple_cowdarth_mall: GOTH!
00:50.57darth_mallok... but still, you can get half of the costume at jcpenny
00:51.02Patlabor221it's only goth if you have eye shadow
00:51.12JBdiGrizDress up as Darth Mall, just need aa clown outfit ;)
00:51.13darth_mallyou can get the coat from hot topic
00:51.19shorty114go to value town
00:51.21shorty114or whatever
00:51.23darth_mallboots are the only difficult one
00:51.25purple_cowprobably the boots there too
00:51.29darth_mallpurple_cow: naw
00:51.52sgk284look at that, you can solve any problem at all in the entire world just by going to #bzflag
00:51.55darth_mallI mean, you probably *could*... but you'd be buying shoes that weren't very good for pretty high prices, unless you got lucky
00:52.22sgk284yea i think i'm probably going to ahve to wind up buying the clothes:(
00:52.45darth_mallsgk284: when you say you went to costume stores did you mean you were going to rent the costume?
00:52.49sgk284i think my friend may have a leather trench coat from a stage he went through 2 or 3 years back heh
00:53.04sgk284no i mean a halloween store that sells costumes
00:53.07Patlabor221proper neo is not a trench
00:53.11Patlabor221it's a storm coat
00:53.14Patlabor221no lappels
00:53.26Patlabor221and not leather
00:53.31sgk284what is it?
00:53.31Patlabor221just leather pants
00:53.34darth_mallsgk284: so... even if you'd found what you were looking for you were going to buy it...
00:53.38Patlabor221wool IIRC
00:54.08shorty114the sweater is wool, and leather pants
00:54.13darth_mallPatlabor221: Hot Topic sold a replica right after that movie came out, it was just cotton, I think
00:54.14shorty114big heavy iron-tipped boots
00:54.24Patlabor221it was matte I remember
00:54.29Patlabor221but decently thick
00:54.30*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
00:54.38Patlabor221the boots were by airwalk
00:54.40darth_mallPatlabor221: of course, just because the replica was cotton doesn't mean the original wasn't wool ^^
00:55.01darth_mallthose were exceptionally expensive boots, I remember thinking about getting them
00:55.31Patlabor221that they were
00:55.41sgk284airwalk makes very comfy shoes
00:56.37lan56may company has some pretty good stuff, a wide variety and a lot of sales at a lot of times, maybe they might have something interesting for whoever is looking for shoes or clothes if I hear correctly
00:58.06Patlabor221time for CoH
01:01.44learnerg'morning (ugt) Aribeth
01:02.22*** part/#bzflag a_monkey (
01:02.48*** join/#bzflag amathis (~aaron@amathis.linuxfordummies)
01:02.58shorty114welcome back amathis
01:03.02*** join/#bzflag notsotalky (
01:03.09*** mode/#bzflag [-q a_monkey!*@*] by learner
01:03.12Aribethlearner, g;morning?
01:03.14amathisunbuntu kicks arse
01:03.29learnerAribeth, yep :)
01:03.45ibotrumour has it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. It states that it is always morning when person comes in, and it is always late when person leaves.  Local time of any member of channel is irrelevant.
01:03.47Aribethlearner, 6 pm here
01:04.24JBdiGrizPerhaps we need to explain what irrelevant means ;)
01:04.28a_monkeydoes anybody know how the "Login" menu item works?
01:05.03JBdiGrizlearner: I don't think you were supposed to look there.
01:05.36learnermust be good shampoo .. smells fruity
01:07.30sgk284amathis: whats the unbuntu package selection like? i.e. Debian has come 12,000 packages... unbuntu is based on it, but iirc it uses slightly different packages
01:07.41amathissgk284, I just installed it.
01:07.56a_monkeywhen you start up bzflag there is a menu item, "Login" amongst "Join Game", etc
01:08.05a_monkeyhow does it work
01:09.22sgk284a_monkey: I would venture to guess that you go into a server then go to login, type in the requested information and then hit the "Login" button
01:10.53learnera_monkey, it doesn't work yet
01:11.26learneryou should be sry.. i was highly offended by that .away
01:11.51amathishola lan56
01:11.56lan56hola amathis
01:19.57*** join/#bzflag CIA-4 (
01:26.38sgk284any devs around? quick question
01:27.12a_monkeywell i g2g cu
01:27.14*** part/#bzflag a_monkey (
01:27.29sgk284okay i'll just ask it and see if someone answers
01:27.29learnersgk284, better to just ask the question :P
01:27.34sgk284heh yea
01:28.05shorty114sgk284: just ask...there's always a dev in #bzflag :)
01:28.44sgk284in the ban handling code the message is just tokenized and dealt with, but in the poll handling code it is never tokenized, a for loop is used and goes through character by character finding the beginning and ending of each argument, i want to use the tokenizer but am wondering if anyone knows why it wasnt used
01:30.17sgk284that is assuming that the tokenizer returns strings that are trimmed, if the tokens come back with white space then i guess the second method is needed
01:32.09sgk284okay i'm just gonna go with the tokenizer and see if anyone complains about the patch when its submitted:)
01:33.12*** join/#bzflag CIA-10 (
01:37.32sgk284nevermind i figured it out
01:37.38learnersgk284, the poll is more robust than the tokenizer
01:38.09learnerthe tokenizer didn't really exist correctly when poll was written either
01:38.23sgk284so if i'm implementing callsigns in bans i'll need to do something similar
01:38.25learnerright.. and those quotes are optional (which is important)
01:39.00learnerthat argument processing will be improved later, but doing something similar for now is probably best
01:39.14learnerthose commands are going to turn into real objects "rsn"
01:39.22DTRemenakmeep, real objects?
01:39.41learnerit's been on the task manager for over a year now :)
01:39.52sgk284for the ban though, think i could (if not just for the time being) do a msg.find(""") and msg.rfind(""") and take whatever is in the middle as a call sign, i would check it against the player lsit first :/
01:40.01learnerbut the core facility that I needed was written as port of the logging
01:40.28learnersgk284, that would require quotes -- the whole point is to make them optional
01:40.45sgk284assuming two quotes are in the string
01:40.56sgk284which of course i'll make optional
01:41.07learnerbut optional even with names with spaces
01:41.16learnerit "can be done"
01:41.23sgk284heh how?
01:41.34sgk284well i can think of a few ways...
01:41.40learnerthat's what/why poll does what it does
01:42.02sgk284but /poll doesn't have an arbitrary length reason at the end with an optional time limit
01:42.14sgk284i'll see what i can come up with
01:42.18learnerthat it doesn't
01:43.01learnersgk284, look at /msg .. it had a similar problem
01:43.49learnerthat would actually work almost verbatim
01:44.18learneronly difference is an optional number after the callsign
01:45.10sgk284okay, i'll look at the first one, out of curiosity, do you know what the second msg handler is fo?
01:45.24learnersecond msg handler?
01:45.40sgk284void handleMsgCmd2(GameKeeper::Player *playerData, const char *message)
01:45.53learneroh.. hrm
01:45.59learnerthat might be an oops
01:46.25sgk284seems a little more robust so i wasn't sure
01:46.49PrezKennedyits a good thing anonymous posts are moderated otherwise id never find that one
01:48.01sgk284nevermind, they are nearly the same exact thing
01:48.01sgk284i'll just pretend its not there:)
01:48.54JBdiGrizballoting already? I thought that was Tuesday.
01:49.31purple_cowJBdiGriz: most states have early voting
01:49.34PrezKennedyalmost time for a new poll
01:50.07learnerfunny how bz is nothing like the genre i like most
01:50.22PrezKennedywhich is...?
01:50.43PrezKennedymyst type... or maniac mansion type... or both?
01:50.50Aribethfunny how that works out isn't it
01:50.55learneri used to love all of the sierra quest games
01:51.07JBdiGrizCA has late voting, so the federal ballots out here don't count for anything ;)
01:51.24PrezKennedyi like maniac mansion...
01:51.29PrezKennedycant get very far in it though
01:51.34PrezKennedyi tend to get captured quickly
01:51.39AribethI liked the Ultima series
01:51.44learnerking's quest, space quest, hero's quest (aka quest for glory), ..
01:52.02JBdiGrizHow about Jonny Quest?
01:52.05DTRemenakstrategy games are the only true games, heretics!
01:52.21AribethBalter's Gate
01:52.24PrezKennedyrpgs are good tooo
01:52.27purple_cowyay space quest
01:52.46purple_cowkings quest was good, except for their gradual conversion towards a "click the pixel, win a turkey!" style
01:53.25learnerkyrandia, police quest, leisure suit larry...
01:53.32learnerspace quest rocked
01:53.33PrezKennedyi have the new leisure suit larry
01:53.42purple_cowmmm kyrandia
01:53.43PrezKennedyits great
01:53.54AribethUltima 5 was good. You had to figure things out
01:54.06kyelewis`heh, i remember kyrandia
01:54.11kyelewis`and leisure suit larry :)
01:54.19learnerI'm really interested in trying out the longest journey -- one of the newest reportedly very good adventures in about a decade
01:54.25kyelewis`never played police quest but i remember "of" it ;)
01:54.44learneri just can't seem to bring myself to install windows for the game..
01:54.46kyelewis`i still love swat 3, there's no game like it imho
01:54.57kyelewis`shame the community for it kinda broke down
01:55.05PrezKennedywindoze wubs j00 learner
01:56.20*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
01:58.57CIA-10BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): hiding flag type to client (anti-cheat) when no identify flag is around
01:59.00PrezKennedythat game looks really Mysty...
02:03.06learnersort of.. though that was the feel of the old adventure games too -- they were all very "beautiful" games for their time .. TLJ looks like a modern version of that (came out 4 years ago now).
02:08.44*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
02:11.38learnerheh, shoot
02:12.02learnerlooks like I initially commited both ..
02:12.17learneri must have forgotten that cmd2 was in there
02:12.50learneri was going about making the quote optional in two different ways iirc
02:13.08learnerwhere the end result ended up being better for whatever reason
02:17.28learnerahh, now it's coming back to me.. the cmd2 was the first stab that started off like poll and used a bool to track quotedness.  it started getting silly where it was forward hunting for the trailing quote inside the message body need having to keep these dual if-quoted sections.. really stupid
02:17.45learnerso i started over and became much more simple
02:21.31CIA-10BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/commands.cxx: oops, this wasn't supposed to have been commited. it was a first bad attempt at a /msg command implementation that allowed for optionally quoted callsigns.
02:23.57learnerMeBigFatGuy, it was a cheat loophole -- a modified client would send a guided missile shot to the server -- the server gets an update on GM shots for every direction change.
02:24.18learnerevery one of those updates was being converted by the server to a normal shot since the player didn't have GM
02:24.28learnerso you'd have normal bullets that chased you like gm :)
02:24.33MeBigFatGuyok, good enough for me
02:26.03learnerthere's still a mismatch anamoly that I'd like to show you.. not sure what causes it
02:26.18learnerassuming I can free up enough disk space to finish the processing..
02:35.34*** join/#bzflag wizart (
02:38.47*** join/#bzflag a1abubba (~rjh@
02:42.10hw-any secretplace admins?  Nidhogggggggggr ?
02:42.21hw-check on pickle's ban status please
02:48.47learneroh wow..
03:00.46*** part/#bzflag a1abubba (~rjh@
03:11.02*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
03:18.10*** join/#bzflag orchid (orchid@orchid.user)
03:33.13*** join/#bzflag statico (
03:34.41staticoif anybody wants to try out the bandwidth, that'd be cool
03:44.34*** join/#bzflag Nikaji (
03:49.23*** join/#bzflag mother (
03:59.32*** join/#bzflag a_monkey (
03:59.57a_monkeyguys, what port opens up when i access the server list using 1.11.20?
04:00.15a_monkey is the listserver right?
04:00.19a_monkeyoh ok
04:00.27learnerwell, 80 on the server
04:00.38a_monkeyno not on the server
04:00.39learneryou open up some random high number outgoing port
04:00.49a_monkeythat stinks
04:01.19a_monkeycuz my firewall doesnt allow me to access the listserver unless its off
04:01.29a_monkeyand i dont want my firewall off
04:01.53a_monkeybtw, are they working on windowed mode in mac os x?
04:01.56learnerthat wouldn't/shouldn't be because of you talking to the list server
04:02.27learnerif you can browse to, you can get the list server
04:02.46learnerthe list server doesn't connect to the clients
04:02.53learnerit connects back to servers
04:03.22a_monkeywell then i dunno why i cant access the listserver using 1.11.20
04:03.29a_monkeybut i can using 1.10.8
04:04.06learnerperhaps you are, and there are just no servers
04:04.20a_monkeyoh there are
04:04.33a_monkeyi can access the listserver thru my browser
04:04.41learnerthat's not what I said
04:04.53learnerperhaps there are no 1.11.20 servers
04:05.10a_monkeyi know there are--ive seem them thru my browser
04:05.23learneroh really?  and how might i ask did you surmise that?
04:05.39a_monkeyBZFS0010 is the version of bzfs
04:05.47a_monkeyinstead of BZFS 1910
04:06.13a_monkeythats what it shows for a few servers
04:06.41a_monkeyi didnt "surmise" it :)
04:06.50a_monkeyi "knew" it
04:06.52learnerwell, that's good at least
04:07.04a_monkeyi can connect to those servers without a problem
04:07.04learnerknow.. you did surmise
04:07.08learnerwith just those reasons
04:07.23learnerhow did you build?
04:07.54a_monkeyusing ppc gcc compiler
04:08.05a_monkeyanonymous cvs
04:08.15learnerare you running the curl build?
04:08.22a_monkeywhats that?
04:08.33learnerwith curl enabled
04:08.43learnerit's what pulls the list server
04:08.52a_monkeyhow do i enable curl
04:08.56learnerno, or you don't know
04:09.30a_monkeyunless this curl is automatically enabled, no, i didnt enable it manually
04:09.37a_monkeyso how do i?
04:09.52learnerit's supposed to be enabled automatically -- so you don't know
04:09.57learnerlook in your config.log
04:10.53a_monkeyso what am i supposed to be looking for in there
04:11.01learnerstuff related to curl
04:11.07learnersee if it ended up getting enabled
04:12.01a_monkeyyup curl was definitely enabled :)
04:13.16a_monkeythis is jumping right off the subject, but do you know if the bzdevelopers have developed a way to enabled windowed mode in mac os x
04:13.59learneryep, we have
04:14.24learnerit's more a matter of finishing the port by utilizing sdl
04:14.54a_monkeywill the newest source supported windowed mode?
04:15.19learnerworks just fine
04:15.47a_monkeylemme try it out
04:16.47a_monkeyso how do i hide bzflag and go on some other app while bzflag is running?
04:16.55a_monkeythis window takes up the whole screen
04:17.11CIA-10BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/ (include/PlayerInfo.h src/game/PlayerInfo.cxx): make very frequently called functions inline
04:18.03learnerdefault window resolution is your screen resolution
04:18.11learneryou have to change the geometry size
04:18.25learnerhow did you set window?
04:18.35a_monkeybzflag -window
04:18.37learnerguess how you set geometry?
04:19.07learner-geometry XxY
04:19.12a_monkeyah ok
04:21.54a_monkeyi cant get it to work
04:25.10a_monkeyi do -geometry 500x500
04:25.29trepan_awaylan56: have you noticed how the inlining was done through the rest of the code?
04:29.12lan56what do you mean exactly? I see repeated calls to the same exact function, with no difference in between, that is needless, instead of making variables for every single instance of this pattern, just inline them
04:29.42lan56those functions I inlined weren't inlined before, not in the header, not in the C++ file
04:30.54trepanlan56: what exactly does inlining do, in your opinion?
04:31.47lan56trepan, just tell me what you desire, and how it changes what I have done, we can negotiate that instead which is more productive and to the point, let's save time
04:32.49trepanthere is no matter of negotiation, if your are going to commit changes, i just want to know that you understand what it is that you are committing
04:33.16lan56I understand what I did in this commit, and I am sticking to it
04:33.25trepanwhat is inlining?
04:34.08lan56a modern (IMHO) way of making the compiler put the code where the function is called, like a macro, to give a rough plain description from my opinion
04:34.39lan56you don't trust me, I can tell
04:36.28trepanthat's basically a good google desc, so wassup with the making variables, how do you supposed the compiler knows in advance what the functions are going to be in binary format to insert them in any given object file, and did you look at any other headers as a reference?
04:37.44lan56a google desc? you don't even trust I can think for myself, like I need assistance in everything I do. if you want to change it, go ahead, I am not willing to explain myself to someone who is not willing to trust what I say, it is useless
04:38.38trepanyou glazed over points 2 and 3
04:40.34trepanand don't feel too special, i'd pester anyone who had just committed that code  :)
04:41.05trepani may learn that there are very bright compilers out there... but it isn't the general rule
04:41.30sgk284not that i mean to interrupt, and i'm not sure what code your talking about and how fast it needs to be, but if we are talking about time critical code, you should probably inline it manually because if GCC decides it doesn't wanna inline the function then it wont despite what you tell it, and if it decides that it does wanna inline something not specified to be inlined it will too
04:41.32lan56trepan: I don't study the tech of C++, I study the use. I do not have that knowledge of what the compiler thinks, I do not examine the compiler's knowledge, as well as there are a vast array of many compilers distributed and created. I looked in playerinfo.h and playerinfo.cxx, those are the files that affect those functions, I am not sure what looking at others will affect those for.
04:42.17trepanhow about this then, find another header that uses inline, and copy the way it has already been done
04:42.40trepanObstacle.h has a few...
04:42.59lan56now there's a solution, much better and interesting in my opinion, will do right now
04:45.51lan56the difference I see is no inline in the declaration of the class, but an inline keyword in the definition
04:46.34trepanthat's one difference
04:47.05trepanthe other notable difference is that the inlined functions do not exist in the .cxx file, they are only in the .h file
04:47.19lan56ahh, yes, that is true
04:48.34lan56is that the difference you are talking about?
04:48.45trepanas an explanation... when a cxx source file imports a .h file with inline functions declared in it, it then knows exactly what code to generate when it's resolving an inline function in the cxx file
04:49.37lan56ok then I'll fix that right now
04:54.11*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
04:54.51CIA-10BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/ (include/PlayerInfo.h src/game/PlayerInfo.cxx): make very frequently called functions inline, pt. 2
04:55.48trepanbetter  =)
04:56.20lan56much better :)
04:58.48sgk284i think alot of folks in the OSS world would love to see the progress:)
04:59.21sgk284a.k.a slashvertisement
05:08.46MeBigFatGuyits been done before, so i don't see why it should be hard to do
05:13.04lan56anybody have a rough guess of how long till 1.12 is released? 1 month? 3 months? unknown? :) I can't wait, it will be so neat to play it with other people and say it is finished
05:13.19sgk284i think december
05:14.05sgk284i cant wait to play this with large amounts of people, the game play has changed so much and its a much more dynamic game now
05:14.09lan56that's about 1 year
05:14.28sgk284most of the kinks are worked out
05:14.28lan56no, I mean 1 year since the last release
05:14.33sgk284oh okay
05:14.54lan56there still are a few kinks, but yeah, a lot are gone
05:14.54sgk284the only outstanding issue that i know about it oscillation overthruster
05:15.06lan56what's wrong with it?
05:15.30sgk284you can shoot while inside walls, you jump while inside walls, hell you can even drop the flag while inside walls and still move around
05:15.37sgk284and your screen doesnt say sealed
05:15.56lan56that is a big problem, indeed
05:15.58sgk284i think someone forgot to include a few if(sealed){..} statements somewhere ;)
05:16.12*** join/#bzflag kmfbg (
05:16.29trepansgk284: you'd be wrong  :)
05:16.35sgk284then what is it?
05:16.43lan56bzflag still isn't a 24/7 game though :( it gets pretty quiet around 11 pm on the servers
05:16.50trepanit involves doing proper collision detection for meshes
05:16.56sgk284its a US centric game
05:17.06trepanthe reaction to sealing comes for free
05:17.14trepanand the are quite a few bugs to be worked out
05:17.16sgk284trepan: oh heh, more complicated then i was hoping
05:17.31*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
05:17.46*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
05:17.57learnerperhaps this next release should be numbered 2.0?
05:18.07Patlabor221no 2.0 should be a real game
05:18.20*** join/#bzflag UDM (~Navdi@
05:18.22learneryou mean like with karma?
05:18.25trepanlearner: what are the criteria?
05:18.33trepanoops, that was for pat...
05:18.37sgk284learner: i concur :)
05:18.54Patlabor221no I mean with actual modern system requirements
05:18.58sgk284there are so many changes, pretty much every aspect of the game has changed
05:19.00trepanproper karma in a game:
05:19.00learnerUDM, heh, that was quick
05:19.08Patlabor221sgk284, except for the gameplay
05:19.10UDMhehe, yeah
05:19.21lan56patlabor221: sdl is a pretty modern step though
05:19.22kmfbgIS there a mode in bz flage that lets you watch other players where you are not a player?
05:19.29sgk284hehe, but is that such a bad thing? easy to learn... hard to master :)
05:19.32Patlabor221lan56, SDL is just a wraper
05:19.37Patlabor221SDL offers no new features
05:19.46lan56but it is more portable
05:20.01trepanPatlabor221: except window minimization on linux   ;)
05:20.12Patlabor221I consider that a bugfix :)
05:20.24learneri'd number it 2.0 just to break away from teh 1.x line .. it's a major update that's been cooking for almost 6 months now?
05:20.31Patlabor221lan56, yes but it dosn't offer anyting like better models, GPU optimisation, and shaders.
05:20.42Patlabor221joysticks are about it.
05:20.50learnerthen call the next jump up 3.0
05:21.12trepanmight be worth it for the PR value  =)
05:21.13lan56patlabor221: ahh, I see.
05:21.34Patlabor221would be a good excuse for me to make a new logo
05:21.34trepanlearner: is it along those lines that you're thinking?  (seeing as /. was mentionned)
05:21.40Patlabor221tho then I'd want to change the tank too
05:21.45sgk284well i think the most accurate measure would be to compare the features of CVS with bzflag 1.0, if the two are nearly indistinguishable then make it 2.0 :)
05:21.49learnerthe 1.x line has had how many releases?  it's pretty crazy -- the major number currently means nothing
05:22.03Patlabor221that is true
05:22.35sgk284trepan: yea 2.0 would have good pr value too:)
05:22.39trepanand yall gotta admit, it looks a helluva lot better now
05:22.45sgk284way better
05:22.51trepanand runs a wee bit faster too
05:23.00Patlabor221and will have high res textures by default
05:23.02learnertrepan, you mean for the pr value?  there is something to be said for that - but actually it's more just a matter of making as big a jump in the number as has occurred feature-wise
05:23.29learnerit does look better
05:23.42Patlabor221the meshes are a big enough feature to warant it
05:23.44learnerpretty much supports almost arbitrary maps now
05:23.50learnerhas some physics driving
05:23.53trepanbloody frog puddles, that's got to be worth a bump
05:24.03sgk284yea the new maps that are possible... its a pretty big leap
05:24.18sgk284and objects have trepans wonderful physics drivers now:)
05:24.20Patlabor221try it with green_bolt  as the puddle texture
05:24.21learnernew fonts, closer to consistent platform support, weather .. soon new menus
05:24.32Patlabor221what's happening to the menus?
05:24.40learners/menus/titles/ :)
05:24.52trepanPatlabor221: just changed the mirror to use a color too, it's like driving on kool-aid  :)
05:24.57Patlabor221I need somone's help tomorow to make that damned title bigger
05:25.04sgk284haha awesome
05:25.06learnerand having high-quality be default will perceptually be a big change
05:25.14learnermany have never seen the look already in 1.10
05:25.15sgk284the puddles on the mirror are an awesome affect
05:25.27Patlabor221learner, I'll be doing server side themes tomorow too
05:25.40Patlabor221so that servers can replace the ground and walls and stuff
05:25.41learnerthat's cool
05:25.50learneri'll be in a wedding .. not nearly as fun
05:26.12trepanbridesmaids can make it fun...
05:26.18Patlabor221you'd be suprised at how many single women you can meet at wedding
05:26.28learnertrepan, not when they're all family
05:26.36trepanyou're that picky?
05:27.02learnerno i'm not.. just makes it difficult at times cause I generally have to see them again :)
05:27.45trepanPatlabor221: could you try your code on my "Test Shapes" server to see if your team flags are colored?
05:27.54learnerheh, i can't even pretend to be that low with a straight face
05:28.01trepanit would require me to burn 30mins at the moment to try it
05:28.06Patlabor221trepan what?
05:28.16Patlabor221why would my team flags not be collored?
05:28.17trepanthe team flags are white at the moment
05:28.27trepandunno, you change any texturing stuff lately?
05:28.36Patlabor221just replaced the image file
05:28.42learneroh yeah.. speaking of /. there's another nice pr reason to jump to 2.0
05:28.53sgk284patlabor221: not sure if this has since been fixed, but once it starts raining it doesn't stop
05:28.55learnerwe're about to go platinum .. within two months
05:29.07trepanand those are modulated, aren't they?
05:29.07Patlabor221sgk284, fixed yesteray night
05:29.10learnerthat's a definate slashdotting in itself
05:29.26sgk284oh and incase anyone hasn't heard BZFlag is being included in Fedora Core 3 iirc
05:29.27learnergood reason to celebrate too :)
05:29.29Patlabor221trepan, yeah the flags are suposed to be modulated
05:29.44Patlabor221I coudln't do team textures
05:29.44learnersgk284: how do you know this?
05:29.53Patlabor221with out changing the core of flags
05:29.57Patlabor221since they are preallocated.
05:30.03sgk284learner: let me see if i can find the list of included packages
05:30.14trepanPatlabor221: anyways, could anyone with really recent code check it please?
05:30.21Patlabor221I'm not at home
05:30.24trepana directed general message, my bad
05:30.24Patlabor221so no I can't
05:30.28Patlabor221I can tomorow
05:30.33sgk284learner: at first i thought itd be in Fedora Extras, but thats not really off the ground yet so its gotta be in the main packages
05:30.59learnersgk284: are you involved with rh?
05:31.17learnerand i don't mean romatically ;)  professionally.
05:31.45trepanPatlabor221: i take the time and check it tonight, it'll force a coffee break, nuttin' wrong with that
05:31.59sgk284learner: no not at all
05:32.38sgk284learner: i do run FC on my laptop and i try to follow what goes on at the dev list and on the dev's blogs
05:32.50sgk284but thats it :)
05:33.08Patlabor221where did you see the info that it was on the package list?
05:33.11Patlabor221and what version?
05:34.12sgk284fedora core 3 should have it, its being released on the 8th so i can verify it then, but i am looking right now too
05:35.55Patlabor221they still on FC3 r1 or r2?
05:36.21sgk284i believe release candidate one is still up on the mirros
05:36.34sgk284dont know if they'll be a two
05:36.41CIA-10BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/game/PlayerInfo.cxx: inlines in the cxx file don't allow the function to be exported
05:36.56Patlabor221one would think if they were going to release on the 8th they would have someting
05:36.57trepana few slipped...
05:37.36sgk284Patlabor221: they've had 3 test releases and jsut recently put out a relesae candidate, heh what more do ya need?
05:38.05sgk284yea i just confirmed it
05:38.10sgk284version 1.10.6
05:39.00sgk284should bump up the bzflag user base a bit
05:39.42learnerso yeah. let's release 2.0 and shut off 1.10 now :)
05:39.46sgk284not sure who is maintaining it, if i found out i'll tell him to try and get 1.10.8 in there
05:40.05sgk284or does it not matter anymore?
05:40.10sgk284yea 2.0 sounds good
05:40.14learnerdoesn't really matter
05:40.14sgk284sounds fresh:)
05:41.22learnerfresh like my glass of guinness
05:42.35sgk284and according to the /. post, software isn't reliable until 2.0 :
05:42.39sgk284:) heh
05:42.43trepanhehe, did I see Tup making a commit for hiding flag types?
05:45.31*** topic/#bzflag by learner -> || || || || Universidad de los Andes, Colombia || BZFlag should be SF Platinum by December 1st
05:45.32sgk284trepan i've verfied the white flag phenomenon
05:45.54sgk284~spelling phenomenon
05:46.02sgk284thats not right heh
05:46.21sgk284its also white on radar
05:46.24learner~spell phenomenon
05:46.25ibot'phenomenon' may be spelled correctly
05:47.20trepanya, i'll leave that one to tup, don't think he's finished with it yet
05:50.01learnerAribeth's sleep walking again
05:50.49Aribethcan't keep my eyes open....must find toothpics
06:02.27Patlabor221what does SF platnum mean?
06:09.22*** join/#bzflag briareus (~briareus@Briareus.linuxfordummies)
06:09.42briareushey all, when running with bzflag --window, how can i get mouse to rest of desktop
06:11.07briareusi can run it wondowed but cant get off the game to do other things on desktop
06:15.18SportChickhi everyone
06:17.09briareushi sportchick
06:17.17briareusany idea of my question?
06:18.17learnerbriareus, in 1.11 there's a means to unlock the cursor.. dunno about 1.10
06:18.18CIA-10BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/include/ (6 files):
06:18.18CIA-10BZFlag: - colored the mirror
06:18.18CIA-10BZFlag: - dimmed the view while inside a building
06:18.18CIA-10BZFlag: - moved the 8th dim scene nodes into their obstacles (O(0) lookup)
06:18.18CIA-10BZFlag: - added BZDB '_weapon' to disable world weapons
06:18.49CIA-10BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/ (20 files in 5 dirs):
06:18.49CIA-10BZFlag: - colored the mirror
06:18.49CIA-10BZFlag: - dimmed the view while inside a building
06:18.49CIA-10BZFlag: - moved the 8th dim scene nodes into their obstacles (O(0) lookup)
06:18.49CIA-10BZFlag: - added BZDB '_weapon' to disable world weapons
06:19.26learnerbriareus, if you notice the cursor sort of "jitters" on the edge if you keep moving it around .. if you click while it's ever so slightly outside the window it should let you escape
06:20.38SportChick~seen PatLabor221
06:20.51ibotpatlabor221 is currently on #opencombat (1h 3m 20s) #bzflag (1h 3m 20s) #tacobeam (1h 3m 20s).  Has said a total of 42 messages.  Is idling for 18m 24s
06:20.51learnermm.. down to three support requests on -- two of which are windows-centric, none of which I have much on in terms of advice
06:33.57Patlabor221I'm here
06:36.37SportChickheya Pat
06:37.15CIA-10BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzfs/ (WorldWeapons.cxx bzfs.cxx): better way to disable the weapons
06:43.13*** join/#bzflag Mozul (
06:52.24*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
07:27.53*** part/#bzflag Mozul (
07:48.13*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
07:48.14*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
07:48.30Patlabor221well at least I'm on dialup again
07:48.32PrezKennedyThe police use of infrared devices as surveillance tools on homes is not a violation of a person's right to privacy, Canada's top court ruled on Friday.
07:48.51PrezKennedyi can imagine at least one circumstance where that isnt true...
07:59.39*** join/#bzflag fixx (
08:00.19fixxcan someone maybe help me with a bzflag problem on freebsd and the nvidia driver?
08:01.38fixxi have installed and played bzflag, the lates release, but now it uses like 97% recources on my box. after launching the game for the dirst time it just stays there, - debug doesn't help, i have to manually kill it and then after that anything that uses opengl is very slow
08:01.44fixxyou guys got any ideas?
08:02.12Patlabor221what drivers are you running?
08:02.35Patlabor221the default X "nv" ones or the "nvidia" ones from
08:02.47fixxno, the nvidia drivers
08:02.55fixxafter a reboot, the opengl works fine again
08:03.07fixxuntil i launch bzflag  :/
08:03.23Patlabor221sounds like the drivers do not like the context we ask for
08:03.46fixxis there no way i can force the game to not try and init the nvidia drivers but to just use software rendering instead?
08:03.54Patlabor221what card you have?
08:04.12fixxgeforce2 mx 64
08:04.14Patlabor221we don't ask for a driver specificly
08:04.17Patlabor221we just ask X to init GL
08:04.21Patlabor221and it does what ever it wants to
08:04.41Patlabor221you could uninstall the nvidia drivers and go back to the nv ones
08:04.47Patlabor221or see if there are newere ones
08:05.05fixxthere are no newer nvidia drivers, i already checked that
08:05.31fixxno opengl then :/)
08:05.32Patlabor221then sounds like they don't like your distro that well
08:05.44Patlabor221they work well under linux
08:05.46fixxbut it used to work fin
08:05.53fixxi am using it on freebsd
08:06.04Patlabor221what changed then?
08:06.08Patlabor221did you update anything?
08:06.19fixxonly the game
08:06.28Patlabor221to what version?
08:07.18fixxi see now also i do not have a ~/.bzf dir anymore
08:07.31Patlabor221what version did you have before?
08:07.57fixxcan't remember
08:08.08fixxi think 1.10.6 could be
08:08.19fixxi really don't remember
08:08.44fixxyesterday i tried .10.8 on a voodoo3 on x11 under fbsd and it ran very well
08:09.28Patlabor221there isn't realy any diference between .6 and .8
08:09.38Patlabor221mostly just a list server change
08:09.44Patlabor221you can go back to .6
08:10.21Patlabor221.8 was mostly just an emergency version for when we had some list server breakeage
08:10.24fixxmaybe i should try the nv driver, check if it is the game causing the problem or maybe my nvidia drivers
08:10.45Patlabor221nv won't give you any hardware
08:10.53Patlabor221honestly I'd just go back to .6
08:10.58Patlabor221since you know it worked
08:11.28*** join/#bzflag blast007_ (~blast@
08:11.30fixxif the file ~/.bzf/config does not exsist, will it break the game? or will it create it again?
08:11.46Patlabor221it is suposed to create it if it can't find it
08:12.06fixxk, lemme play around and see what i can do, i'll bb in a few
08:16.21CIA-10BZFlag: 03trepan * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (3 files): my god, it's full of stars -- fixed
08:18.45*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (