irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041013

00:14.15trepanmight also be nice to allow both compressed binary and compressed text formats, as the compressed binary can still be half the size
00:16.43trepanif bzfs is using a URL'ed world, it would good for it to actually load from that file, and maybe even force clients to use the URL and not provide the built-in transfer mechanism (would make libcurl mandatory, or require an alternate http d/l routine)
00:17.05freakazoiddownloading via http makes sense
00:17.20trepanthat why it's already in place
00:17.55freakazoidDo you really think that the size of the world file is an issue though?
00:18.14freakazoidhow big is the biggest world file you've seen?
00:18.20trepanfreakazoid: i've got 23Mbyte text files
00:18.39freakazoidand a compressed binary is 1/2 the size of a compressed text file?
00:18.44trepan2.5 Mbyte compressed text, 1.3Mbyte compressed binary
00:18.54*** part/#bzflag amathis (~Aaron@amathis.linuxfordummies)
00:18.56freakazoidhardly worth the obfuscation
00:19.04freakazoidconsidering it's only loaded once on joining
00:19.06trepanwhat's your connection?
00:19.14freakazoidinternet connection?
00:19.26*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
00:20.19trepanno, your genetic relationship to Elvis
00:20.26lan56oh, well in that case :)
00:21.21freakazoidHe and I are both from zeta2 reticuli IV
00:21.29freakazoidbut I never met the guy
00:27.32*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
00:28.17lan56did that feature freeze ever take place? I guess yes since there have been very few new features lately, but I can't be sure
00:29.13trepanit did not take place, and a few new features have been added
00:29.35lan56ahh, good
00:31.40trepanalthought, after the /date command was implemented, we were all convinced that that was the closing linch pin, and almost released that day  =)
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00:32.23blast007_hello Havoc_
00:32.25lan56well, what can I say, my features are moving ;)
00:32.29Havoc_hi blast
00:42.49*** join/#bzflag orchid (orchid@orchid.user)
00:50.16freakazoidPatlabor221: The ogre samples from cvs don't seem to look right on my machine.. could that be due to radeon bugs?
00:50.49freakazoidfor example, I get a bunch of dark triangles in the farther away LODs in the terrain sample
00:51.13Patlabor221I haven't run the tuts in a while
00:51.35freakazoidhmmm, the skeletal animation sample doesn't show anything at all
00:51.38freakazoidand the water is mostly white
00:51.59freakazoidnot a single one so far looks right
00:52.08Patlabor221water generaly uses shaders
00:52.21freakazoidi need a new laptop
00:53.38Patlabor221best of luck
00:53.53Patlabor221as far as I know for the 7000 series, it's DRI, or the ones you pay for
00:54.02Patlabor221newer versions of DRI may help
00:54.35Patlabor221as they are allways atempting to hack in more support for those cheap chipsets
00:54.54freakazoidCrap, *nothing* for Radeon 7500
00:55.02Patlabor221yeah 8000+
00:55.13Patlabor221they had to pick somewhere to start
00:55.18Patlabor221and the 8000's have shaders
00:55.21freakazoidyeah, I suppose
00:55.45Patlabor221nvidia supports every chipset down to the TNT
00:57.00*** part/#bzflag freakazoid (
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00:57.54freakazoidPatlabor221: I don't compile my kernel
00:58.13freakazoidPatlabor221: Unless you mean grabbing different X drivers
00:58.34Patlabor221DRI should be a module
00:58.40Patlabor221it may have updates
00:58.48Patlabor221it's jsut an X driver
00:59.28freakazoidok, so you don't mean the kernel part of DRI
00:59.39Patlabor221no I mean the X driver part
00:59.52Patlabor221tho dono if yours is built in, or a module
00:59.59Patlabor221I think it can be done ether way
01:00.05Patlabor221mine's allways been a module
01:01.03freakazoidbtw, do ATI's linux drivers have any less functionality than the Windows drivers?
01:01.15Patlabor221never used them
01:01.21Patlabor221I would asume not
01:01.26Patlabor221tho dono how X handles dual head
01:01.36freakazoidI don't care about dual head since it's for a laptop
01:01.43Patlabor221you may
01:01.46Patlabor221you can dual head on lapys
01:01.58Patlabor221external CRT and internal LCD
01:02.04Patlabor221it's kinda nice
01:02.15Patlabor221gives you more screen if your at a desk
01:02.26freakazoidhmmm, good idea
01:02.30Patlabor221lets see you have an rv200 right?
01:02.31freakazoidI have a monitor on my desk at work that does nothing
01:02.33bryjenX does divides a display into screens.  :0.1 :0.2
01:02.40freakazoidradeon 7500 mobility
01:02.47Patlabor221ok yeah so a rv200
01:03.26freakazoidwhat is rv200?
01:03.28bryjenlaptop hardware is often oddball
01:03.29freakazoidis that the GPU or something?
01:03.36freakazoidis it different on the mobility than on the desktop version?
01:03.46Patlabor221that is the chip name yes
01:03.58Patlabor221it has the same basic specs
01:03.59freakazoiddo I still use the radeon driver?
01:04.07freakazoidI see one called r200 also
01:04.09Patlabor221it's slower bus speed
01:04.10freakazoidis that different?
01:04.18freakazoidyeah, I noticed it's a lot slower than my desktop
01:04.18Patlabor221I don't think so
01:04.28Patlabor221yeah it's so you get that kick ass batery life
01:04.41Patlabor221basicly it's a lower power version
01:04.52Patlabor221difrent die, slower bus to the vram, slower ram
01:04.59bryjeni've got a radeon 7500 agp card in my desktop. the r200 driver doesn't work with it
01:05.02Patlabor221all designed to reduce power and heat
01:05.07Patlabor221hmm them maybe it's not
01:05.22bryjenits the radeon driver
01:05.52freakazoidwell, I'm using the radeon driver now and except for the bugginess it works
01:05.55Patlabor221ahh the r200 is an 8500+
01:05.57*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
01:06.06freakazoidbzflag works ok with the depth buffer turned off
01:06.23Patlabor221hah, I would not call that "OK"
01:06.40freakazoidPatlabor221: is that a lot slower?
01:06.56Patlabor221no, it looks like ass
01:06.59freakazoidit doesn't work at all with it on :)
01:07.05freakazoidor maybe it is on and I'm smoking crack
01:07.10bryjenperhaps a purple something
01:07.14Patlabor221then your driver must suck bad
01:07.37freakazoidoh, never mind, it's on
01:07.46trepanBSP will be much slower in 1.11.x, no octree culling for regular nodes or shadoes
01:08.09Patlabor221does it still jack some of the spliting planes? or did you fix that?
01:08.23trepandidn't use splitting for dynamic nodes
01:08.41Patlabor221no the zbuffer splits, in the old code, it wouldn't allways work right
01:08.44freakazoidPatlabor221: Do you think I'll need to compile the kernel module to use the snapshot?
01:08.56Patlabor221I dono, I use windows mostly :)
01:08.59trepanPatlabor221: i did fix the nodes that are split, but tanks are never split
01:09.12trepanso they look like junk with BSP, so i disabled animated treads there
01:09.27trepanas well, once mesh blasting is in place, BSP users will not get that benefit either
01:09.28Patlabor221anything concave will look like ass
01:09.44Patlabor221I say remove the option
01:09.56Patlabor221software people would probably STILL be faster with a software z buffer
01:10.30*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
01:10.37trepanprolly, i don't really care how those 4 users find the game, but Tim does
01:10.49trepanit's a needless nuissance in my opinion
01:11.12Patlabor221if it's shown to be faster then we tell tim that software people are still fine, and the option isn't needed anymore
01:11.25trepanwe should track down those users, and have 'em test the relative speeds
01:11.41Patlabor221that would be chestal
01:11.54Patlabor221on his work system
01:12.01trepanhow about we make a pool, raise $15, and buy him a new card
01:12.12Patlabor221I offerd to send em cards
01:12.14Patlabor221I have some here
01:12.21Patlabor221but he can't change the card in his work system
01:12.31Patlabor221I sent tim a card even
01:12.32trepanit would be especially good to do before the OpenGLGState rip
01:12.40trepanhe shouldn't be playing games at work
01:12.55Patlabor221IIRC thats where he hosts ducati
01:13.04trepanthat's just bzfs
01:13.17Patlabor221yeah but I think he plays from there every so often too
01:13.27Patlabor221he works for a uni IIRC, so it's not real work :)
01:13.57Patlabor221it's like a matrix g200 or something horible like that
01:14.08trepanas a side note, if anyone is thinking about better shadows, that'll probably require 8-bit stencil buffers + zbuffer, so it'll be yet another excluded item for BSP folks
01:14.30Patlabor221yeah stencel shadows will kill em
01:14.40Patlabor221the curent shadows are very much crap
01:14.50trepanif I see Chestal, i'll ask hiim to test it
01:15.17trepan(in an appropriate biased world  ;)
01:15.42freakazoidsound used to require a completely separate processor to handle it. Now we use the CPU. Sprites used to be done in hardware. Now we use blitting.
01:15.56freakazoiddate -R
01:16.02Patlabor221in code
01:16.12Patlabor221freakazoid, actualy sound is done on card hardware now
01:16.20Patlabor221and sprites are processed in the GPU
01:16.29Patlabor221for cards that support them
01:16.47freakazoidok, I guess my theory about doing more on the CPU as the CPU gets faster is bunk then
01:16.49Patlabor221hell OSX even uses openGL for all it's drawing
01:16.56freakazoidI was hoping eventually there wouldn't be separate 3d hardware
01:16.59freakazoidguess not
01:17.12Patlabor221GPUs may outpace CPUs
01:17.17lan56patlabor221: <- just as future reference about time/date
01:17.26Patlabor221they have the advantage of being on the other side of the bus
01:17.32freakazoidI know John Carmack is a big opponent of putting general purpose functions on GPUs
01:17.35Patlabor221since the bus is the lag
01:17.48Patlabor221yeah cus then you can do more on that side of the bus
01:17.49freakazoidPatlabor221: I like the PS2 strategy of just making the bus really huge
01:17.59freakazoidno, OPPONENT
01:18.01Patlabor221have you ever tried to program for that thing?
01:18.11freakazoidPatlabor221: no, but it can't be that hard
01:18.14Patlabor221it is
01:18.24Patlabor221in your code you have to know about hardware timing
01:18.39Patlabor221the bus is fast because you have direct controll over it.
01:18.42freakazoidthat's how it was on the commodore 64 too
01:18.48Patlabor221so you do your own stuff like memory management
01:19.00freakazoidPatlabor221: that's what compilers and development kits are for :)
01:19.22Patlabor221sure, it'll compile, but the basic lib dosn't do mem management
01:19.27Patlabor221you jsut get a big ass address space
01:19.31Patlabor221break it up how you want
01:19.35Patlabor221there is no "malloc"
01:19.55freakazoidwell, it's pretty much impossible to make a general purpose memory manager anyway
01:19.59freakazoidactually, it's been proven to be impossible
01:20.08freakazoidto letting the user do their own memory management makes sense
01:20.22freakazoidbesides, that has nothing to do with having a really fat bus
01:20.34Patlabor221now the xbox way is nice, where the cpu uses GPU ram as system ram
01:20.41Patlabor221so there is no bus
01:22.29freakazoidThat's old
01:22.42freakazoidSGI pioneered that
01:22.48Patlabor221didn't say it was
01:23.05Patlabor221it works well for dedicated graphics applications
01:23.08freakazoidthe PS2 has no graphics RAM :)
01:23.13freakazoidjust renders straight to the screen
01:23.29freakazoidI find that cooler
01:23.31Patlabor221so you have to make minicode for rendering everything
01:23.39Patlabor221makes a lot of multipass stuff harder
01:23.49Patlabor221shaders are a much better way to go
01:24.16Patlabor221advantage of gp coding, and all the ram and buffers
01:24.30Patlabor221and they run at the same time as CPU
01:24.53Patlabor221on the current FX chips you can get 16 executions at the same time
01:25.07Patlabor221no CPU can do that, if it could it would flood the bus
01:25.25freakazoidwe just need to get rid of the bus
01:25.49Patlabor221and put tons of execution units on the CPU?
01:26.13Patlabor221you'd end up just puting a GPU in the CPU
01:26.22Patlabor221then you cant change it when something better comes out next month
01:26.31freakazoida better CPU comes out every month too
01:27.04Patlabor221yeah but who wants to replace both
01:27.08freakazoidwhile we're at it, let's put all the RAM on the die too
01:27.15Patlabor221this way you get a bit more flex when you upgrade
01:27.28Patlabor221not everyone needs the same amount of ram
01:27.28trepanfreakazoid: you have no concept of die yields, do you?
01:27.30freakazoidPatlabor221: most mac users replace both at the same time
01:27.40freakazoidtrepan: Dies get bigger and bigger all the time
01:27.46Patlabor221freakazoid, because that's the only choice for disposable computers
01:27.50Patlabor221same as laptops
01:28.10freakazoidI generally don't replace my graphics card on my desktop any faster than my CPU either
01:28.23freakazoidI usually replace everything at the same time, in fact
01:28.56Patlabor221yeah but you are odd ;)
01:29.03freakazoidI don't deny that
01:29.06Patlabor221a number of people piecemeal up
01:29.28Patlabor221and I need a bit more ram then say somone's mom checking mail on AOL :)
01:29.45Patlabor221when debuging this app takes 700-1000 megs before I even open a part
01:30.31freakazoidMy desktop only has 512M I think
01:30.47Patlabor221I consider that minimal, the starting point
01:31.00Patlabor221I'd fill that by hiting F7
01:31.20Patlabor221parasolid is not a lib for the weak :)
01:31.32trepanouch, what would F12 fill?  ;)
01:31.47Patlabor221none, I think that stops the project
01:32.02trepanah, i was hoping for an exponential factor
01:32.06Patlabor221are parts are often in the gig ranes
01:32.23freakazoidPatlabor221: What are you modelling?
01:32.25Patlabor221so keeping them around, and an undo copy can take a bit :)
01:32.35Patlabor221what ever our customers want to make
01:32.48Patlabor221space shuttle parts
01:32.51Patlabor221cat chow
01:33.07freakazoidPatlabor221: startup I do some work for
01:33.11lan56mmm, cat chow
01:33.19freakazoidPatlabor221: They use pro-e and solidworks
01:33.21Patlabor221do they use CNC machines?
01:33.35Patlabor221yeah what do the do with the solidworks files to make them out of metal?
01:33.47freakazoidthey have a CNC mill and one of their partners has some CNC EDM machines
01:34.18Patlabor221there is a peice of software that comes inbetween the soldworks design phase and that CNC
01:34.21Patlabor221that's what we do
01:34.32Patlabor221take that model and compute all the toolpaths to cut the suker
01:34.36freakazoidPatlabor221: The SolidWorks stuff has only gone to vendors so far
01:34.48freakazoidPatlabor221: I think they've only programmed the CNC mill by hand
01:34.50Patlabor221those vendors use a software like ours
01:34.59Patlabor221good luck making space parts then :)
01:35.14freakazoidPatlabor221: Well, they don't fabricate most of their own parts
01:35.16Patlabor221really hard to program a trubine blade when it's got 7 billion moves :)
01:35.27Patlabor221your vendors don't program stuff by hand
01:35.32freakazoidI'm sure they don't
01:35.34Patlabor221they bring it into a CAM packate
01:35.37Patlabor221that's us
01:36.33bryjen"make the cpu really fast so it can do everything" is intel's mantra.  of course that makes sense for them, as they want to sell lots of cpus
01:36.39Patlabor221so we have to take that nice big solid you got and slice it up into little tiny chunks :)
01:36.41freakazoidOk, I'm gonna reboot and see if X still wors
01:36.47freakazoidworks, too
01:36.52Patlabor221victory or death
01:37.23Patlabor221I should take the 3ds to bz converter and make it into a plugin for our cam system :)
01:37.33*** join/#bzflag amathis (~amathis@amathis.linuxfordummies)
01:37.45lan56bryjen: sounds like a good seller to me, could be backed by some examples or evidence, but the idea is good business
01:37.59bryjentanks fighting inside a turbine?
01:38.05trepanPatlabor221: you smoking crack over there?   =)
01:38.19Patlabor221it'd be easy to dump out the facets as whatever
01:38.24Patlabor221I've made obj exporters
01:38.30Patlabor221and an importer for marathon maps :)
01:38.42Patlabor221no textures tho
01:38.47lan56or bobs
01:38.50Patlabor221you'd have full boolean support when modeling
01:39.02trepanas with blender (iirc)
01:39.14Patlabor221tho they don't require manifolds
01:39.26trepannope, but neither does bz at the moment
01:39.27Patlabor221this would keep it all as surfaces untill export time
01:39.36Patlabor221so you could pick the teselation
01:39.53Patlabor221even more then surfaces b-rep solids
01:40.08Patlabor221nice slider to pick your face count :)
01:40.33trepani think blender has that sort of feature as well
01:40.41Patlabor221depends on the input
01:40.45Patlabor221they have surface support
01:40.51Patlabor221so it can easaly teselate that
01:40.57Patlabor221if it's a mesh it has to subdivide
01:41.06Patlabor221and that sometimes gets "funky"
01:41.34Patlabor221here every edge is defines by a geometric primitive
01:41.42trepandepending on how it handles atrributes, blender may make for a fine default world file format
01:41.55trepanbases, teles, and links could simple be done with attribs
01:42.14Patlabor221it would need some global atributes too
01:42.35trepanyup, worldSize, flagSize ...
01:42.53trepanbut it would missed the "options" section, and probably a few other niceties
01:42.58*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
01:46.06*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
01:46.29*** join/#bzflag freakazoi1 (
01:46.36freakazoi1Hmm, glxgears locked up X
01:48.24freakazoidTerrain looks correct now!
01:49.33Patlabor221welcome to the 21st centry
01:50.48lan56now, welcome to the 21st cent-u-ry :)
01:51.31amathiswhere are the flying cars?
01:52.32trepanwith is the euthanasia for idiots that i was promised?
01:53.00lan56and the suction tubes to get me miles away in less than a second?
01:53.09Patlabor221I demand flying cars!
01:53.23lan56I believe those are called airplanes :)
01:55.07trepanthere's another 95.x years to go, patience...
01:57.07lan56feature ideas these days for bzflag are scarce
01:58.17trepanwhy don't you speed up the radar, that should keep ya busy for a couple of hours
01:58.37Patlabor221wow a slot A athalon processor
01:58.41*** join/#bzflag freakazoid (
01:58.41lan56isn't it already updating fast enough?
01:58.42freakazoidoh well
01:58.50freakazoid20040924 is out of the question
01:58.53freakazoidneed something more recent
01:58.57trepanlan56: no, it draws slowly
01:59.12freakazoidmaybe I should be really brave and upgrade to xorg
01:59.34lan56the only way I coudl think of to speed any rendering up is to eliminate calls to functions, other than that, I don't know of any way to make it faster
01:59.46trepanlan56: then you aren't the right person for the job
01:59.56lan56I'd say so
02:00.00Patlabor221I don't think he knows about textures :)
02:00.12trepanaren't those the pretty picture thingies?
02:00.23lan56well, aren't they? :)
02:01.20Patlabor221theya re
02:01.23trepanPatlabor221: any idea how many texture units the ATI 9x00 card and NV 5x00/6x00 cards have?
02:01.39Patlabor221at least 4
02:01.59Patlabor221the full blown FX has 16 IIRC
02:02.07Patlabor2216800 may have 32
02:02.07trepanmy GF3 has four, i was just curious as to how many they're jamming in there these days
02:02.30Patlabor221tho a 5200 has like 4 or 8 I think
02:02.37Patlabor221it's on the low end
02:03.26Patlabor2215700+ has 16
02:04.37CIA-2BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/README.DEVC++: note about building with everything
02:05.12Patlabor221I'm asuming a texture unit is what ATI calls it's " Up to sixteen extreme parallel pixel pipelines"
02:05.18Patlabor221so 16 in it's best chip too
02:05.28Patlabor221tho only 5 vertex shaders
02:05.40Patlabor221sorry 6
02:05.45trepanthat could also be frag shaders
02:06.10trepanbut who knows with marketoid talk
02:06.20Patlabor221no it says vertex
02:06.39trepanna, the 16 parallel pipelines
02:06.51Patlabor221next chip goes down to 8 of em
02:08.52CIA-2BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/ ( config.h): remove meshmaterial.cxx
02:10.09Patlabor221hmm what to do with a k7 750
02:12.02lan56one way I could think of speeding up radar rendering would be to have a few vectors store all the info for each obstacle, therefore every time it is redrawn instead of having to recall every function to get info for each obstacle, it can just access a vector cell and boom it has it
02:13.01lan56that might take up an enourmous amount of memory though
02:13.38Patlabor221lan56 it's because it's drawing all the stuff, not looking it up
02:13.53Patlabor221each object should have it's radar profile drawn to a texture
02:14.00Patlabor221then just blast the texture on a quad
02:14.07Patlabor221a lot less geo, hardware friendly
02:14.13Patlabor221the geo never changes
02:14.16lan56ahh, I see.
02:14.37Patlabor221you can even store the stuff that is at the same Z in one texture layer
02:14.40Patlabor221and just rotate it
02:14.46Patlabor221or at least put em in a list
02:15.10lan56I see.
02:15.12Patlabor221cards have fillrate up the wazzoo
02:15.14Patlabor221so use that
02:15.24Patlabor221geo transforms are the lillers
02:15.35freakazoidok, brb
02:16.32lan56let me guess the next line
02:16.38lan56trepan is now known as trepan_away
02:26.14*** part/#bzflag doughecka (~Doug@doughecka.user)
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03:06.12sgk284nidhoggr: ping
03:06.29sgk284hey, you read the list recently?
03:06.35Nidhoggrwhich bits?
03:06.46Nidhoggr<--- has been on vacation. just got back yesterday.
03:06.49sgk284about people randomly having in their host and ips as their names
03:07.19Nidhoggryou mean in /playerlist?
03:07.49amathiswb Nidhoggr
03:07.53amathisNidhoggr, how was trip?
03:07.55Nidhoggrbecause there is a bug if their hostname can't be looked up in dns, the slot isn't cleared and the last person's stuff shows up instead.
03:08.06sgk284oh... okay
03:08.08Nidhoggrpeople in bzadmin were probably in there previously.
03:08.16Nidhoggrit was pretty good, amathis.
03:08.22Nidhoggrmexico can be very relaxing.
03:08.30Nidhoggrspent time on the beach and in fresh air.
03:31.32*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (