irclog2html for #bzflag on 20041002

00:05.57*** join/#bzflag Noodlema1 (
00:08.26Patlabor221is tehre an easy way to do a search and replace in a std::string?
00:10.30Patlabor221string_util has one I just found
00:10.38*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
00:12.56*** join/#bzflag nilson (
00:15.53bryjenI use -O3 with gcc 3.2.2, no problems
00:16.11sgk284i'm recompilign right now with debugging an o3
00:16.19bryjenah, and my version number has no date in it.
00:16.26CIA-4BZFlag: 03dtremenak * 10bzflag/ check for libm before checking for float math functions
00:16.45bryjenlike its an actual release.  snapshots have dates
00:17.37sgk284i know a while back nidhoggr was trying to get bz to compile under cygwin, did he ever succeed?
00:17.53DTRemenaksgk284: as far as I know bz will compile under cygwin
00:18.13sgk284oh ok
00:18.26DTRemenakmy cygwin has some...issues (like perl crashes)
00:18.32*** join/#bzflag Weda (~libIRCUse@
00:18.44DTRemenakit also compiles under mingw, which is a better option anyway (to not use X)
00:18.52sgk284yea my cygwin at work make vim act funky
00:19.11sgk284but it gets the job done:)
00:20.58sgk284hoorah it worked
00:21.02sgk284and it worked well
00:21.13sgk284trepan: nice effects with narrow and tiny etc...
00:21.42sgk284O3 feels a little better, although it might be all in my head as I have no benchmarks :/
00:21.55DTRemenakit is all in your head - to quote your commandline:
00:22.06DTRemenakg++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include -I../../include -Wall -W -mcpu=i686 -Werror -O3 -O0 -Wno-deprecated
00:22.25DTRemenakthe -O0 is later than the -O3 - you've got no optimization
00:24.18sgk284yea i just went back in with an older build no different i was just in a differnt map, guess the physics were configed different
00:24.30sgk284the sound is still broken though :(
00:24.49DTRemenaksgk284: SDL or native?
00:25.02DTRemenakwhat does it do?
00:25.17sgk284sounds are delayed by anywhere from half a second to 2 seconds
00:25.26sgk284someone else in here had the same problem uesterday
00:26.08sgk284and when they are played, its not at full speed
00:26.16sgk284dont think so at least, seems they drag on
00:28.44sgk284DTRemenak: anyway to make that -O0 disappear?
00:29.23DTRemenaksgk284: probably :)
00:29.48Noodlema1SEIG HEIL NUDELMANN!
00:29.52DTRemenakand no I don't know how :)
00:29.59DTRemenakcould just delete it in
00:55.20*** join/#bzflag orchid (orchid@orchid.user)
01:01.44*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
01:02.15*** part/#bzflag bryjen (
01:02.36Tuponehi orchid
01:02.52orchidsalut Tupone
01:03.08*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
01:08.35*** join/#bzflag Weda (~stupidbot@
01:08.36WedaI'm not even suposed to be here today
01:09.28lan56why, weda?
01:09.28Patlabor221why not?
01:10.15lan56because what?
01:11.37lan56it's a weekday too you know :)
01:11.56lan56wait a minute
01:12.03lan56that's amathis in disguise :)
01:12.28amathisit is having trouble with more then one word.
01:12.48lan56I can tell by 1. the "libirc" labels, 2. the spanish, 3. the hate of fridays, 4. the poorly spoken spanish ;) jk
01:15.21amathisOpera rules.
01:15.30amathisThe Three Tenors are awesome/.
01:16.21*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
01:18.07*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
01:24.45*** join/#bzflag _bubbles_ (
01:26.12amathisHola _bubbles_
01:28.03WedaWho's your daddy
01:28.30WedaSorry about before, I'm a bit of a retard
01:28.40amathiswant a cookie?
01:28.54Wedano, they give me gas
01:29.16amathisgood, because they where laced with crack.
01:29.52Patlabor221Weda, part
01:29.52*** part/#bzflag Weda (~stupidbot@
01:30.57trepanPatlabor221: impressive trick
01:31.13trepancan you get that to work globally?
01:31.21Patlabor221the bot has a "RAW" command
01:31.29Patlabor221where you just tell it what to send
01:32.52sgk284haha that was cool
01:33.27sgk284i saw you added a botmaster in the code, does it only respond to you?
01:34.46Patlabor221the cvs one does
01:34.52Patlabor221this one uses a master list
01:34.54Patlabor221defined by the config
01:35.11learnermm.. the new oreo's are evil
01:35.14amathisgood, because they where laced with crack.
01:35.26amathishit <up><enter>
01:35.58amathishep hep
01:36.17learnerlaced with something.. these things are yum
01:36.24amathislearner, heh
01:36.37learnerooh, the presidio
01:39.27lan56hold up, it is :)
01:40.31*** join/#bzflag huwr (
01:45.24*** join/#bzflag Weda (~stupidbot@
01:45.25WedaI'm not even suposed to be here today
01:45.54Patlabor221Weda, part
01:45.55*** part/#bzflag Weda (~stupidbot@
01:46.31lan56I wish everybody here could accept that command :)
01:46.59Patlabor221they do when I do it
01:47.04Patlabor221tho I have to spell it KICK
01:47.21lan56with a slash in front, like /kick? :)
01:47.35Patlabor221no, not to the IRC
01:47.46Patlabor221the / stuff is interpreted by the client your using
01:48.07lan56ahh, I see now
01:49.10Patlabor221she can't actualy process anything you type back
01:49.36*** join/#bzflag Weda (~stupidbot@
01:49.37WedaI'm not even suposed to be here today
01:49.47amathisWeda, why?
01:49.47Wedaamathis, this is #bzflag not a retard convention.
01:49.59amathisWeda, I hate you.
01:50.00Wedaamathis,Dude I'm an API test app, what do you expect?
01:50.13lan56add a space between ',' and 'dude'
01:50.16amathisWeda, are you yoda?
01:50.16Wedaamathis,Dude I'm an API test app, what do you expect?
01:51.12Patlabor221lan56, it dosn't get your PRIVMSGs I just see them in the log
01:51.30lan56ahh, just playing with the bot :)
01:51.33Patlabor221Weda, purple_cow is the fist of justice
01:51.46Patlabor221well that's it, you can't have it do anything
01:51.59lan56I realised that :)
01:52.00Patlabor221unless it's in channel
01:52.16lan56just seeing if there was a human controling it for right now
01:52.29Patlabor221only if I send it a raw command
01:52.33amathislan56, Que estas en el cielo?
01:52.49Patlabor221Weda, raw PRIVMSG #bzflag: What do you want me to do?
01:52.57lan56amathis: no se
01:53.13amathislan56, I am practicing :D
01:53.26amathislan56, gotta know the prayers of catholic church in spanish
01:53.41lan56ahh, not a bad assignment
01:54.03Patlabor221Weda, raw PRIVMSG #bzflag :What do you want me to do?
01:54.05WedaWhat do you want me to do?
01:54.07Patlabor221there we go
01:54.11Patlabor221: in the wrong spot
01:54.51Patlabor221weda quit
01:54.54ibotone too many hits on the botcrack pipe and look at me now!
01:55.30Patlabor221time to commit this monstrosity
01:56.59CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/src/ (IRCChannels.cpp libIRC.cpp):
01:57.00CIA-4libIRC: fix crashes
01:57.00CIA-4libIRC: make stupidBot use a config and have commands and factoids and all that crap
01:57.33CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/src/stupidBot.cpp:
01:57.34CIA-4libIRC: fix crashes
01:57.34CIA-4libIRC: make stupidBot use a config and have commands and factoids and all that crap
01:58.08CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/include/ (IRCChannels.h libIRC.h):
01:58.08CIA-4libIRC: fix crashes
01:58.08CIA-4libIRC: make stupidBot use a config and have commands and factoids and all that crap
01:58.35sgk284is a factoid a random tidbit of information?
01:58.48Patlabor221ibot factoid
01:59.00Patlabor221ibot ibot
01:59.01ibotfrom memory, ibot is a blootbot written in perl run by TimRiker on his server. logs on<chan>/ , ibot, jbot, apt are all the same process. It uses sqlite, but mysql or other SQL storage is also supported. a bigot
01:59.08Patlabor221that's a factoid
01:59.29bryjen~dict factiod
01:59.36sgk284heh oh okay
01:59.39bryjen~dict factoid
01:59.55Patlabor221ibot factoid is <reply> this is a factoid.
01:59.56ibotPatlabor221: okay
02:00.11amathisibot, factoid
02:00.13ibotthis is a factoid.
02:00.27sgk284haha thats an interesting definition
02:01.47amathisBased on what you know about him in history books, what do you think Abraham Lincoln would be doing if he were alive today? 1. Writing his memoirs of the Civil War. 2. Advising the President. 3. Desperately clawing at the inside of his coffin.
02:06.13sgk2844. Wishing he didn't have an interest in theatre.
02:14.52*** join/#bzflag SgkTestBot (
02:15.57*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
02:15.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:16.19*** join/#bzflag cortana (
02:16.26*** join/#bzflag cortana (
02:16.47*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
02:20.34learnermight have to try this:
02:24.04sgk284i'll pass ...
02:27.31sgk284ibot decks
02:29.39sgk284learner: what exactly is decks?
02:30.15sgk284wow my ctcp version gives a lot of info about my system
02:30.23learnerthat's the point
02:30.35huwrit does.
02:30.57sgk284Patlabor221: i did read
02:31.15*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:31.17sgk284join the server
02:31.17huwrlearner, you're nosey. :P
02:31.21sgk284is it public?
02:31.40sgk284huwr very nice
02:31.42learnerhuwr, and you're paranoid?
02:31.48huwrNot really.
02:32.01learnerdare I ever know your irc client version..  scary
02:32.14sgk284where is this so called server and what port? or is it public?
02:32.17huwrI just set it like that a little while ago to amuse myself.
02:32.27learnernext thing you'll know, I'll know what country you're in or something
02:32.31huwrI'm running x-Chat, you know.
02:32.39huwrpatience, sgk284.
02:33.10learnersgk284, decks is a secret society
02:33.26sgk284learner: heh
02:33.35huwrI think it's fixed now.
02:33.40learnersee, here's part of the secret handshake:
02:33.53huwrme and my friends had a secret handshake. It was cool...
02:33.54learnerthe rest I can't tell you
02:33.55*** join/#bzflag SgkTestBot (
02:33.59SgkTestBotsgk284: The time is now Fri Oct 01 22:33:45 EDT 2004
02:35.07huwris this based off libirc, too>?
02:35.22sgk284nope, libirc is troublesome on linux
02:35.27Patlabor221I think we've had enough bot testing in here for one day, I even bent that rule
02:35.32sgk284if that ever gets worked out though it will be
02:35.40huwrYou should hack it so that it is fixed on Linux, you know.
02:35.43Patlabor221actualy it should work fine on linux, just set the makefile :)
02:35.49sgk284its Patlabor221's favorite language, java
02:36.22huwrIt's in Java?
02:36.35sgk284yes, i should have worded that better, libirc most likely works fine on java, i'm just not familiar enough with gcc cryptic commands to get it working:)
02:36.40huwrI should try compiling it on OS X... maybe.
02:36.42sgk284fine on linux*
02:38.30Patlabor221it's not the OS
02:38.34Patlabor221it's the build sysetm
02:38.38Patlabor221or lack there of
02:39.06Patlabor221or botpark
02:39.06learnersgk284, troublesome on linux??
02:39.14Patlabor221he just can't get it to build
02:39.23learnersgk284, and I missed your message earlier .. feel free to paste it to me
02:39.24sgk284yea, its my fault
02:39.43sgk284i just think i'm not telling gcc what do to correctly:)
02:39.44Patlabor221the current code should build fine, I had it check for the socklen_t thingy
02:39.54Patlabor221the sample has no make yet tho
02:40.01learneryes it does :)
02:40.07sgk284Patlabor221: yea it compiles fine, thanks for taking care of that, i'm just having trouble linking
02:40.08learnerjust not commited
02:42.05learnerfixing a few petty compliance things that gcc won't let slide by
02:42.14Patlabor221like what?
02:42.18sgk284main must return int
02:42.18Patlabor221so I don't make the same errors again
02:42.18learnerlike main must return an int
02:42.29sgk284simple fix
02:42.40sgk284thats all i remember
02:43.05learnerthere were a couple more references to temps, but also trivial
02:44.48learnerquery sgk284
02:44.57sgk284query sgk284
02:45.00learnerhrm, that won't work :)
02:45.07sgk284what was it supposed to do?
02:48.54sgk284i can verify that stupidbot compiles fine on linux
02:49.05sgk284learner is awesome
02:49.48sgk284Patlabor221: all the stuff is hardcoded so if i run stupid, its gonna connect here right?
02:50.00Patlabor221what version do you have?
02:50.00sgk284or is it all in a config file now?
02:50.04sgk284nevemrind i'll jsut check
02:50.13sgk284i dunno
02:50.17Patlabor221it never was set to connect to bzflag by default
02:50.23*** join/#bzflag sussudio (suss@sussudio.user)
02:50.24sgk284you didnt give it a version number... :)
02:50.30sussudiocan someone come to pimpi to ban a TKer
02:50.39Patlabor221does it have a sample.cfg?
02:51.16Patlabor221then check the init
02:52.13sgk284looks like just opencombat and brlcad
02:54.02Patlabor221update see what you get
02:55.54*** part/#bzflag sussudio (suss@sussudio.user)
03:01.43*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
03:03.13lan56heh, now that I think about it, a calculator and all that other stuff is actually something I'd feel like coding into bzflag, adds a neat touch, off course not to CVS, but for my own builds, except adding a daily copy of the la times to the HUD might be a bit difficult :)
03:03.52CIA-4libIRC: 03brlcad * 10libirc/ (12 files in 8 dirs): add the examples proper -- now either configure --enable-examples or make examples
03:04.20*** join/#bzflag Weda (
03:04.27Patlabor221Weda: part
03:04.28WedaOk, Patlabor221
03:04.28*** part/#bzflag Weda (
03:04.40learneroop.. not --enable-examples .. it's --with-examples
03:05.38learnerthat does it .. all buildy buildy again
03:05.47learnerfinally caught up to the speeding Patlabor221
03:06.20Patlabor221bahhh conflicts
03:06.53Patlabor221only 1 file tho
03:08.04learnerwonder if there's a and a which has precedence..
03:08.08Patlabor221aww yeah big old conflicts tho
03:11.00CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/src/stupidBot.cpp:
03:11.01CIA-4libIRC: make bot all command handaler based
03:11.01CIA-4libIRC: merge with changes for non windows builds
03:11.01CIA-4libIRC: fix the flush
03:13.52CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/sample.cfg: fix realname in config
03:18.14CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/src/stupidBot.cpp: logout when bot parts last channel
03:25.39*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
03:28.58lan56what color?
03:29.44lan56ahh, the rogue species :)
03:29.48Chikoritagrey cuz im not sure wut 2 make of it
03:31.36Chikoritawel anywayz itz a 1.11.15 wuteva bug
03:32.00lan56describe it
03:32.12Chikorita1) trepan sez he started a few 1.11 servers buh i dunt c any listed
03:32.30learnerhrm, they should be there..
03:32.46lan56that could be a temporary problem, but I can't be sure
03:33.04Chikorita2) i tried 2 use my FFA teem name [~Titanz~] in my callsign buh da symbol ~ duznt show upz
03:33.50*** join/#bzflag aribeth (
03:34.09lan56ahh, that is indeed a bug, well, a mistake. the callsign allowance is stricter in 1.11.x
03:34.15Chikoritaim usin da version patty compiled 4 da windowz peeps
03:35.00Chikoritadats all da bugz i could find ...since i couldnt actually get onto a v1.11 server an play
03:35.00lan56I think really that there are no bugs in bzflag, it's just the person that compiled it that added all the rodents ;)
03:35.17Chikoritai c
03:35.41lan56jk, those are real bugs in the source, has nothing to do with packaging or compilation for the most part
03:39.07Chikoritaalso in da GUI options , da thread toggle thingie looks alil weod on my puter
03:39.26Chikoritabuh mayb dats jus my puter only ..dunno =P
03:40.07learnerhrm, there are 1.11.15 servers up
03:40.25learnerthough I found the -fb flag tupone pondered i believe
03:42.01learnerChikorita, were any listed at all?
03:42.29Chikorita1 momo ...lemme c
03:43.01learnerand when you start bz, look at the startup text.. does it say 1.11.15 for sure?
03:44.55Chikoritaya 1.11.15 2004930 DEVELOP version
03:44.57CIA-4libIRC: 03brlcad * 10libirc/ examples need to come after sources so we can link against libIRC
03:46.20CIA-4libIRC: 03brlcad * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/src/stupidBot.cpp: another reference to temp
03:47.29lan56btw, who messed up the math header stuff? I get nothing but bugs regarding "syntax error before 'float'" in cmath, tried same header on a different project and no problem, so I know it's a bzflag thing
03:47.51lan56and I can't see any "float" where it says the error is, so I am quite helpless and confused
03:48.09learnerlan56, you need to add a bunch of symbols to your config.h
03:48.21lan56those HAVE_xxx stuff?
03:48.34lan56let me try that and see what happens
03:48.35learnerpull what DTRemenak set in the vc7.1 dir
03:48.48lan56ahh, will do
03:53.22Chikoritak trepan helped mee .. i can c 1.11.15 servers now ...12 of dem =)
03:53.42Chikoritai had 2 rename my bz config file
03:53.56lan56learner: hey, that works nicely, thanks for the tip
03:56.46*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
03:56.54CIA-4BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/Dev-C++/config.h: quit your whining, tell what floating point math stuff we have and what we dont (hypotf)
03:58.15Chikoritaokies da GUI tread option thingie i figgered out ..itz ok now
03:58.42lan56'saul good :)
03:59.27Chikoritaya da toggle thingie 4 it was alil odd lookin under da low detail settings i had it on
03:59.37Chikoritai think wen blending iz enabled itz ok
03:59.48learnerlan56, there's likely/hopefully be more config.h stuff as is "fixed" and the platform-specific checks throughout the code are removed
04:00.08learnerfor example, there shouldn't need to be a single #if _WIN32
04:00.54lan56well, I am compiling right now, haven't gotten far :) but I'll be on the lookout for difficulties
04:02.15learneri mean more in the months to come
04:03.21lan56ahh, either way :)
04:07.30trepani think there still some funkiness in setting up 1.12 configs from 1.10's
04:09.59trepanasked Chik to temporarily rename her config dir (basically starting fresh), and that did the trick
04:10.51*** join/#bzflag MeBigFatGuy (
04:12.28Chikoritatrepan helped restore my 1.10 settings too
04:12.46lan56killing two birds with one stone, I see :)
04:12.47Chikoritaafter using 1.11 reset everyting back 2 default
04:12.53Chikoritabuh itz ok now
04:13.18learneryeah, that won't do for a release..
04:13.31Chikoritahe told mee to copy my 1.11bzc to my 1.10 bzc ...or sumtin like dat
04:14.04learneryeah, he's crazy like that
04:14.27learnerhey .. it's a MeBigFatGuy!
04:14.53learnerMeBigFatGuy, you catch my question last night before departing/disconnecting?
04:15.25MeBigFatGuydon't think so
04:16.56learnerMeBigFatGuy: tupone had me a question to ask you -- do you recall what bug/feature caused the requirement of bases on z=0 with -fb ?  he claims it works..  I couldn't remember what the issue was, but I vaguely recall there was something
04:17.26MeBigFatGuyi think it was also with no jumping
04:17.44MeBigFatGuybut someone argued you could design worlds that you could get to z > 0 bases with teleporters
04:17.47learnerno jumping I get.. can't get up to the flags :)
04:18.08learnerahh, perhaps
04:18.43Chikoritabbl peeps =)
04:19.02learnerahh, so basically it's the same problem? .. elevated bases with no means to put the "flag on top"?
04:20.01MeBigFatGuyi guess
04:21.18learnerhrmph, k
04:24.29*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
04:25.35*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
04:35.48*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
04:36.46bryjenChikorita: i got on the ricotest OK
04:37.03CIA-4BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/ (6 files in 2 dirs): a week's worth of work
04:37.22Chikoritai can get into all da otha 1.11 servers fine , cept 4 dat 1 ...
04:37.42Chikoritai get a communcation error message wen i try to join in
04:38.07Chikoritak he reset da server ..imma try again
04:38.38lan56god the changelog is huge
04:39.04huwrHow do I permanently change my path in bash?
04:39.14lan56and less than a quarter of the log entries are actually significant :) jk
04:41.57*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
04:49.09learnerhuwr, system-wide or for your user?
04:49.23learneruser-wide is your ~/.bash_profile or you ~/.profile usually
05:02.11huwrlearner, yeah. Found it. :)
05:02.31CIA-4BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx:
05:02.31CIA-4BZFlag: if there is an internal error connecting to a server, tell what getState()
05:02.31CIA-4BZFlag: returns. this can aid in dealing with bugs and other stuff, and also is
05:02.31CIA-4BZFlag: informative. also, if we have colorblindness flag, don't tell when we are
05:02.31CIA-4BZFlag: looking at the person we are hunting because it tells their team color, much
05:02.32CIA-4BZFlag: like how it says "Looking at a tank()" when you have CB and identify.
05:14.18learnerheh lan56.. your commit message is like 4x your source code chanes =)
05:19.14*** join/#bzflag tegan (
05:19.48bryjenbe glad his code isn't as dense as his english ;)
05:20.53lan56learner: just trying to get my point across :)))))
05:28.38trepanpathetic, didn't get anything done today, i leave imbittered
05:28.49MeBigFatGuypoor trepan
05:41.06*** join/#bzflag Weda (
05:41.22Patlabor221Weda: join #opencombat
05:41.23WedaOk, Patlabor221
05:41.46Patlabor221Weda: part
05:41.47WedaOk, Patlabor221
05:41.47*** part/#bzflag Weda (
05:41.53*** join/#bzflag lan56 (
05:42.05Patlabor221weda dosn't use ~
05:42.12Patlabor221it dosn't have a controll character
05:43.33teganis weda a bot?
05:43.51tegandid it leave on account of me?
05:43.53Patlabor221api test for libirc
05:44.21teganthat's good
05:51.31*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
05:52.25Patlabor221guu debian libirc
05:52.26guuPatlabor221: (debian <command> [<args> ...]) -- Command dispatcher for the Debian plugin. Use 'list Debian' to see the commands provided by this plugin. In most cases this dispatcher command is unnecessary; in cases where more than one plugin defines a given command, use this command to tell the bot which plugin's command to use.
05:52.40Patlabor221guu list debian
05:52.40guuPatlabor221: bug, file, incoming, new, and version
05:52.49Patlabor221guu debian version libirc
05:52.51guuPatlabor221: No package found for libirc (all)
05:53.49Patlabor221learner: you alive?
05:54.37learneron phone but passively listening..
05:54.50Patlabor221what are current major and minor versions?
05:55.24Patlabor221didn't know if the old one was released with any vers
05:58.07sgk284Patlabor221: does info->params[0]?
05:58.16sgk284return a string
05:58.24Patlabor221what is params?
05:58.31sgk284in libIRC
05:58.35Patlabor221I know
05:58.38Patlabor221what type is it?
05:59.32sgk284well info is trMessageEventInfo
05:59.36sgk284params is....
05:59.39sgk284hmm let me see
06:05.44sgk284nevermin found it
06:05.48sgk284its a vector of strings
06:06.42CIA-4libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/ (3 files in 3 dirs): version tracking
06:12.03lan56hmm, I oughta check this libirc out, got nothing else to program anyway
06:12.10DTRemenaklan56: re "quit your whining, tell what floating point math stuff we have and what we dont (hypotf)" - mingw has a hypotf implementation, so you can/should #define HAVE_HYPOTF 1
06:12.40lan56hmm, don't recall it did, but I'll add it then
06:12.46lan56thanks for pointing it out then
06:13.16DTRemenakcheck it first, but at least my autoconf system on mingw says it does
06:13.45lan56will do
06:16.14lan56no, it doesn't look like it does actually
06:18.56DTRemenakdevcpp\include\math.h - extern __inline__ float hypotf (float x, float y) ?
06:19.12lan56in cmath it doesn't
06:19.26DTRemenakno, math.h.  I don't think we use cmath anywhere
06:19.58*** join/#bzflag TicTacToeBot (
06:19.58TicTacToeBotHi, I'm a tic tac toe bot. To play with me type 'TicTacToeBot new game'
06:20.10sgk284wrong channel sorry
06:20.12lan56alright fine :) I'll change it, slowly, but I'll get it done tonight
06:20.16sgk284TicTacToeBot quit
06:20.27DTRemenaklan56: no rush.  it will compile either way.
06:20.45lan56good, not too ambitious tonight :)
06:24.29lan56I still just can't get over how such an idea was thought of, let alone how perfect it was--no competition, hasn't been created before, already gaining popularity. *sigh* I just don't know how some people think of ideas, and then when you hear about the idea, you go "that's actually a pretty good idea, why didn't I think of it till now? why did it take so long for it to be created?"
06:24.40lan56in regards to libirc, that is
06:25.10sgk284hrmm did anyone else get critical updates from firefox?
06:25.20sgk284just curious what its for
06:32.24*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
06:40.06lan56does anything really beat that view?
06:41.13*** part/#bzflag Aribeth (
06:42.09DTRemenakyeah, this one
06:44.15lan56not bad
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08:36.34teganyet another irc mystery
08:37.28FredCods= 10:21:18   Netsplit < <->
08:37.53teganok, two more irc mysteries
08:38.18*** join/#bzflag RC_cola (
08:39.14learnerirc networks can get separated (hence "netsplit") .. and they slowly remerge when they rejoin to alternate hosts
08:39.27learnerg'mornin' RC_cola :)
08:39.48RC_colamoin learna
08:39.55RC_colaso sleepppy
08:40.09learnerI'm startin' to get tired..
08:40.22learnercould probably go another hour or two though..
08:40.31RC_colaim jus gonna nap in herre 4 alil bit
08:43.36RC_colahey no drink my soda
08:44.16teganok, sorry
08:45.52learner~weather khgr
08:46.26learnerchillies comin' soon
08:47.29teganibot put the kettle on
08:48.51Tuponehi learner
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08:57.50teganhi mmu_man
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09:55.28teganen Californie
09:56.05tegansorry why? no worries
10:16.58CIA-1BZFlag: 03atupone * 10bzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Allow cache formatted world retrieval from url to speed-up world downloading
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12:36.57Pimpinellai need somebody for a test, please
12:48.22*** join/#bzflag Knights (
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12:50.11Pimpinellahi Knights , you have a minute for a test?
12:50.48Knightsyes i do
12:50.52Pimpinellaplz connect to
12:50.59Pimpinellacu there
12:58.27*** join/#bzflag tea|tree_ (~tea|
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13:00.02Knightsthat was fun
13:00.14Pimpinellakilling me?
13:00.54Pimpinellanow you know how official matches are declared on that server ;)
13:01.02Knightsim going 2 rochesterny in a half-an-hour
13:01.30Pimpinella~x en de rochesterny
13:01.43Pimpinella~dict rochesterny
13:01.52Pimpinellawhats that?
13:01.54Knightsnrochester ny
13:02.00Knights1 sec
13:02.30Knightsim going 2 rochester NY in a half an hour
13:02.37Pimpinellaic ;)
13:03.03Pimpinellai should make a new gamestyle call the pimp
13:03.15Pimpinellacill the pimp...
13:03.21Pimpinellakill the pimp...
13:03.29Knightsok im gone cya ppl
13:03.46Pimpinellacu Knights , gl in rochester
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13:25.19ginahi orchid
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14:27.55Saturoshi :)
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14:48.57CIA-1BZFlag: 03chestal * 10bzflag/src/bzflag/ (ShotStats.cxx ShotStats.h): use std::string instead of char*, fixes two bugs
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16:43.08CIA-1libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/src/old_code/ (28 files): old code go byebye
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17:12.24*** join/#bzflag aton` (
17:12.58aton`can someone help me with libirc?
17:13.09aton`i need a general idea how to use it ^^
17:13.25aton`never used any external library in my code except for the gnu c library
17:13.44Patlabor221it's not done
17:14.24aton`you mean its not ready for usage?
17:14.37Patlabor221ohh god no
17:14.45Patlabor221it's also not a bzflag project
17:14.48*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
17:15.43aton`how come on the libirc project page there is written drop in #bzflag
17:16.11aton`Drop by #bzflag on for a more exact status update and to actually chat with the devs.
17:16.30Patlabor221well cus we hang out here
17:16.30Patlabor221and libIRC is busted
17:16.32Patlabor221as a channel
17:16.50aton`so you say: dont use libirc?
17:17.00Patlabor221I say it's not done
17:17.08Patlabor221what you do with it is your call
17:17.14aton`ok then i will write it from scratch
17:17.16*** part/#bzflag aton` (
17:17.32Patlabor221why do I think that was cell?
17:28.04orchidcell's used that nick before
17:28.20Patlabor221or alton
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17:40.34learnerPatlabor221 is scaring off the fishies I see
17:42.16Patlabor221well it's not done :)
17:42.20Patlabor221and I think that was cell
17:43.08learnercell wouldn't have been so complacent, I think..
17:43.30learnerhe usually keeps quiet like he's hiding a secret, then bursts out with silliness when he can't stand it any more
17:44.09Patlabor221not allways
17:44.19learnerthe question was just rather newbie
17:44.30Patlabor221but I'd hate somone to use the thing right now when the entire API could change
17:49.15*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
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17:53.01learnerhowdy gents
17:59.48*** join/#bzflag sussudio (~sussudio@sussudio.user)
18:01.26learnerl33t filter most likely
18:01.41sussudioseriously. it's filtering out everything from the 7. on
18:01.50learnerincluding the 7?
18:02.15sussudioit gives a CLIENTQUERY reply of 1.10.#.%#($# etc
18:03.27sussudioso in leet that would make it L.ZOOAOLII?
18:05.48learnerthe l33t part of the agressive filter performs integer to letter conversion
18:05.57learnerso that things like sh1t still get captured
18:06.28learnerso for that string..
18:08.04sussudiomust be like one of those hidden image paintings. look at the numbers till you see a curseword.
18:09.07learnernothing converts to 2, so it's gotta be ignoring that
18:09.44learneryou would think, but it's not .. i might have overlooked that
18:10.03learner  <-- search for l33t
18:10.44learneror left it out or removed it for some reason.. i'd have to check the log
18:11.19learneri'm still not seeing the match either -- it's clearly bogus of course in this particular case
18:11.33*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
18:12.09sussudiomaybe it's mandarin for something naughty or something
18:12.39learnerthere's only so many that start with t, and in this case it has to
18:15.44learner7.20040711 -> 720040711 -> 74711 -> tatii -> tatti -> hindi swear word
18:16.51learneralso matchs another indonesian swear word
18:17.08learnerthe numerics elimination are killers on that one
18:18.11learnerthough there's good reason for them.. so someone can't just inject a number to bypass the filter
18:18.12sussudionumerical hindi, that is
18:18.44DTRemenaklearner: that seems a little agressive...removing four out of nine numbers?
18:19.20learneryes it does
18:20.41learnernot sure what a good metric would be in that case
18:21.46learnernot performing the collapsing would be very very bad
18:21.53learnerthat was 2 of them
18:21.57DTRemenakmaybe give words made of all numbers exemption from collapsing?
18:22.02learnerthe other two that were ignored are teh harder ones
18:22.20learnermm.. could do that -- though I recall a few words you could make out of just numbers
18:23.01DTRemenakyeah.  but if someone makes a swear word out of all numbers and sticks extra ones in there, I'm not sure anyone would recognize it as a swear word anymore :)
18:23.03learner5417 is probably classic
18:23.34DTRemenakyeah, but would you recognize 504117?
18:24.05learnerdidn't know there was a sailor in your DTRemenak :) .. such a potty mouth
18:24.35DTRemenakit's more likely that someone's typing real numbers for a reason :)
18:24.41learneryeah, that's actually probably not a bad idea -- if it's all numerics .. don't match
18:25.01DTRemenakjust don't collapse all numerics - still match the normal ones
18:25.15DTRemenakif that's possible without major reworking
18:25.37learnerthere's only very very few words you can actually match with all numbers.. so i'm not _too_ worried about that
18:26.00DTRemenakyeah, but people will use them if they can.  455 for instance.
18:26.49learnerthat does look a little silly :)
18:27.04DTRemenakheh :)
18:27.28DTRemenakyeah, but many people will know what a troll means if he says "j00 455!"
18:35.00*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
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18:53.05Patlabor221anyone care to comment on this?
18:54.13*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
19:08.44sussudioPatlabor221: i get english
19:13.12*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
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19:19.38Chestalhi orchid
19:21.41sussudioPatlabor221: what comments were you expecting? i got a screenshot of a page in piglatin or something
19:22.35sussudioif i go to phpbb i get a page in english
19:22.45Patlabor221it's a site layout
19:22.51Patlabor221the text is just for filler
19:23.05Patlabor221I just used a screenie of phpbb site as a template
19:27.23learnerjohnny english
19:30.12Patlabor221why does everyone actualy try to read the lorium ipsum?
19:30.26amathisPatlabor221, I don't know :D
19:37.52learnerpeople can't read it??
19:37.59learnerbabelfish :)
19:42.40sussudiolearner: it's censoring too
19:49.05learneryeah, as long as it has 741, you're in trouble
19:49.16learnerI'm making it a little more intelligent now
19:50.09learnerif the length of the match is > 4 and contains no letters, it will ignore it
19:50.30sussudioit should probably just ignore versionreplies
19:51.24sussudiowould also keep some less-than-capable admins from accusing me of using a cheatclient just because of the funny versionreply
19:53.13learnerin 1.11 those replies don't come from the clients so they won't get filtered
19:53.13sussudiooh, one thing kinda bugs me. the white cross for burrowed tanks. could you make that the teamcolor?
19:53.31learnerin 1.10 they actually come from the client as a text reply
19:59.22learnerhrm.. looks like I already put a fix in of sorts
19:59.32learnerit won't match words that don't begin with a letter
19:59.39*** part/#bzflag jomojo (
19:59.53learnernumbers are completely ignored as word-start positions
20:00.25learnerat least I think.. /me reads more
20:02.22learnerahh, I recant.. that's only for prefix/suffix matching
20:02.35learneryes, flag free and flag-spawn zones have come up before
20:03.17sussudiojust to keep people from using SR, G and SW on enemy bases...
20:03.28sussudioit's just cheap.
20:31.24sussudiohmm it censors tatti but not 'tatti'
20:31.36sussudioalso, it doesn't censor when i type it out
20:34.45learnerthat's because .07. is not the same as .7.
20:35.02sussudioi typoed
20:35.04learnerit wants a word boundary, which 0 is not
20:35.13sussudioi typed
20:35.35*** join/#bzflag Noodleman_ (
20:35.52learnerthen I'd need a debug server to see what was going on there
20:39.50CIA-1BZFlag: 03brlcad * 10bzflag/src/common/WordFilter.cxx: make sure that longer matches actually include at least 1 alphabetic
20:42.07sussudiobow before me, mortal!
20:42.32DTRemenakuh, yeah right :)
20:42.42*** mode/#bzflag [+o DTRemenak] by Patlabor221
20:44.04sussudioshop smart. shop s-mart.
20:49.28sussudioibot: where's apt?
20:49.29ibotapt was last seen in #debian saying "I'm going to get that xk if it's the last thing I do".  We suspect it was.
20:50.14Patlabor221they are all the same process, he may have consoldated them
20:50.29sussudioapt's not in #debian
20:50.55Patlabor221is ibot or jbot?
20:51.32Patlabor221maybe Tim didn't want to run apt anymore
20:51.45Patlabor221he did some changes to them a while ago
20:52.41learnerdedicated host is up and running
20:54.36learnergood lord is the machine bare :)
20:54.41learnerno bash
20:55.18PrezKennedythats almost like a car without a steering wheel
20:55.21learnergonna take a while to get everything installed
20:56.59DTRemenakheh, what _did_ they give you?
20:59.23learnerjust the essentials: ssh and a compiler ;)
20:59.53DTRemenakwell, I guess that's enough to get whatever else you need :)
21:01.16learnerdisc writes are about 18MB/s, that'll work
21:03.01learnerheh, sweet -- I can't download fast enough from home.. peaks out my 400KB/s
21:03.54DTRemenakcool :)
21:04.51PrezKennedylemme see how fast i can download...
21:07.21learnerthat one is over 5Mbit and was scaling up linearly..
21:07.30learner700KB/s when terminated
21:08.40PrezKennedyunless you were trying that from work...
21:08.58learnerPing times: ?
21:09.32DTRemenak60 ms steady
21:10.44PrezKennedyi think my router is getting in the way
21:10.48PrezKennedyi dont get any response
21:11.36PrezKennedyor maybe its the campus firewall...
21:12.07sussudioor maybe some bunnies who are eating the reply packets.
21:12.30PrezKennedyoutside the campus
21:12.34PrezKennedycuz i can ping inside of it
21:12.53sussudio~ping PrezKennedy
21:12.55ibotpong PrezKennedy
21:13.01sussudioibot: you're lame
21:13.51DTRemenak73 ms +/- 1ms from another location
21:15.21*** part/#bzflag tegan (
21:17.50*** join/#bzflag boomstick (
21:17.50PrezKennedy38 ms
21:17.54PrezKennedyfrom north carolina
21:18.44learnerit's in FL, so that all makes sense .. good good
21:19.34DTRemenakboth of mine were from CA, if you were wondering
21:20.46*** join/#bzflag boomstick (
21:22.05CIA-1libIRC: 03jeffm2501 * 10libirc/examples/stupidBot/src/stupidBot.cpp: don't eat the config on a flush
21:30.21*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
22:03.58*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (
22:04.17BaDiNcan someone help me to connect my two laptops with an ethernet cable (no router)
22:07.40sussudioyou'd need a crossover cable, PiGS
22:07.44JBdiGrizYou need a crossover cable
22:08.42JBdiGrizAre you building your own cables? It's easiest to buy one.
22:09.05BaDiNi just have an ethernet cable
22:09.21BaDiNwhich is connected to both computers
22:09.28sussudiothat's not going to work
22:09.35BaDiNlast week I did managed to see the 2nd from the 1st, and trade files
22:09.39BaDiNbut now I can't
22:09.43BaDiNdunno why
22:10.02BaDiN(I use win xp - shame on me :P)
22:12.12*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
22:12.15sussudiowell either get a crossover cable or a hub.
22:12.42BaDiNyou say that I cannot connect the 2 computers with just an ethernet cable?
22:13.02BaDiNbut... I halfly did it some days ago
22:13.11BaDiNI did move files from here to there
22:13.12sussudiono, that was the shrooms
22:13.54sussudioyeah... they make you see stuff that isn't there. like giant bunnies.
22:17.54Patlabor221some cards will auto switch
22:18.09sussudiothey will?
22:18.17Patlabor221it's not a common thing tho
22:18.19Patlabor221but I've seen it
22:19.02sussudioi just use a switch.
22:19.48Patlabor221as do I
22:19.58Patlabor221I've even sene cards that let you dasy chain
22:20.08*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (
22:20.13sussudiolike a vampire tap?
22:20.18BaDiNfrom this computer I see the other
22:20.33BaDiNon the "casa" net
22:20.35Patlabor221sussudio: it was a card with 2 ports, forgot it's name
22:20.45sussudioi've seen those
22:20.48BaDiNbut I can't access to it - it says I dont have permission, or so
22:20.50Patlabor221some 'tosh thing
22:20.58Patlabor221BaDiN: then set your permisions
22:20.59BaDiNand the other can't access to "casa" net
22:21.05Patlabor221what OS?
22:21.23BaDiNwin xp
22:21.26Patlabor221home or pro?
22:21.37sussudioi've seen some 4-port nics for sale
22:21.39Patlabor221add users for each system on the other system
22:21.44sussudiothey were kinda really expensive though
22:21.47Patlabor221and turn on the guest account
22:22.14Patlabor221sussudio: it wasn't like 2 nicks on one card, it just sent and receved out of both ports. it had one single MAC, and was one interface on the computer
22:22.19Patlabor221was old ISA tho
22:22.34bryjenmulti port cards are often "server" cards. more bandwidth, redundant
22:22.52Patlabor221yeah this wasn't that
22:23.03Patlabor221it was for replacing old appletalk networks with ethernet
22:23.17Patlabor221then they made an ISA card for PCs to put them on the network
22:23.38sussudio4-channel 10/100 adaptec 64 bit PCI card 200 euro
22:23.38BaDiNdid it
22:24.00BaDiNi think the problem is that the other computer doesn't see the "casa" net
22:24.20sussudiocasa texugo?
22:24.46BaDiNthe other time (the time I did it), it happened the same, but I could open the shared directory
22:24.49Patlabor221make sure they are both on the same workgroup
22:24.52BaDiNno, just casa :P
22:24.58Patlabor221and have IPs in the same subnet
22:25.00sussudioevery house needs a badger or two
22:25.08Patlabor221i.e. the first 3 sets of numbers are the same
22:25.16BaDiNthey are - paramount and klaus (the 2 computers) are on "casa"
22:25.20BaDiNah, one question
22:25.27BaDiN(sorry about the lameness)
22:25.30BaDiNhow do I see the IPs?
22:25.41Patlabor221controll pannel
22:25.51Patlabor221that's another way
22:25.59Patlabor221on the command line
22:26.18bryjenright click on the network thingy and select status, or something like that
22:27.06bryjenthere's a place that just shows it.  properties will let you change it.
22:27.14bryjenif its static
22:27.43Tuponewinipcfg will give your ip if dynamic (and if is static too)
22:27.51BaDiNbut I cant see the properties of the klaus computer
22:27.56BaDiNi see it, but cant touch it
22:28.15Tuponea broadcast ping will do it
22:28.16Patlabor221winipcfg dosn't exist 2k or better
22:28.20Patlabor221it's just ipconfig
22:28.32BaDiNipconfig doesnt do a thing
22:28.38BaDiNopens and dissappears right away
22:28.38Patlabor221BaDiN: are they both conencted to a router or something
22:28.43Patlabor221BaDiN: type cmd first
22:28.48Patlabor221then hit enter
22:28.51Patlabor221then ipconfig
22:29.02bryjenin the cmd window
22:29.04Patlabor221how are the systems geting IPs
22:29.19BaDiNah, okay
22:29.41BaDiNit just shows the internet connection to my isp, and the net bridge
22:29.55Patlabor221are you on dial up?
22:30.10Patlabor221and you don't have a hub?
22:30.26Patlabor221then how are you connecting it all together?
22:30.34Patlabor221DSL into one computer
22:30.40Patlabor221then how do you conenct the other coputer?
22:30.48BaDiNethernet cable
22:30.52Patlabor221into what?
22:30.59Patlabor221or is the modem USB?
22:31.04BaDiNno, no
22:31.11BaDiNthe modem is usb
22:31.24Patlabor221turn on internet connection sharing on the one with the modem
22:31.25BaDiNand the cable connects the computers
22:31.32Patlabor221restart the other PC
22:31.39Patlabor221then put them on the same workgroup
22:31.46Patlabor221or get a router
22:31.50Patlabor221it's much easyer with a router
22:32.08Patlabor221your other PC isn't geting an IP
22:32.32BaDiNahh, i forgot i did that the other time, lol
22:32.33Patlabor221the PC with the modem efectivly has 2 network cards.
22:32.40BaDiNim going to
22:32.53BaDiNthis was just a temporarly solution
22:33.02BaDiNbecause I need to move files
22:33.47bryjenwin xp machines should fall back to MS's autoconfig address range
22:33.49BaDiNnow I see none, lol
22:34.28BaDiNwhy is this so hard to do?
22:34.35BaDiNbrb, gonna try another thing
22:35.40bryjenand by default the workgroup is WORKGROUP
22:35.50bryjenso they'd be the same
22:42.02Patlabor221unless it's a OEM install
22:42.06Patlabor221then it's what ever they put
22:43.40*** join/#bzflag Aribeth (
22:45.37sussudiolike HPPAVILION
22:54.12*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (~Paramount@
22:54.26BaDiNfrom "klaus" i see "paramount", and from "paramount" i see "klaus"
22:54.28BaDiNbut I cant access
22:55.03sussudiodefine 'access'
22:55.10BaDiNi cant "enter"
22:55.22BaDiNi see the icon, but i cant go in there
22:55.39Patlabor221share something
22:55.42BaDiNand I see the IPs!
22:55.53sussudiocan they ping eachother?
22:56.39BaDiNill try
22:57.46sussudioso what are you trying to do? to be able to share something, you'll have to install server for microsoft networking blahbluh
22:58.08BaDiNfrom paramount I can ping klaus, but not the vice-versa
22:58.20sussudioor you could run bzfs on one of them and bzflag on the other and play
22:58.32BaDiNso, I should be able to move files of klaus
22:58.33*** join/#bzflag prop (prop@2001:1bc8:1004:0:0:0:102:1)
22:58.34sussudioparamount probably has a firewall then
22:58.41BaDiNah, doh
22:58.41BaDiNit has
22:59.01BaDiNbut if paramount can ping klaus
22:59.09BaDiNit should be able to access to it
22:59.24BaDiN(as it happened the other day)
22:59.27BaDiNbut I cant
22:59.28sussudioif paramount can ping klaus it's _already_ accessing it
22:59.39BaDiNoh, ok
22:59.59Patlabor221also make sure something is shared on the computer your opening
23:00.02Patlabor221or it won't let you in
23:00.38BaDiNit is
23:01.05BaDiNi can ping it, but i cant put files there, or take files from there
23:01.06Patlabor221or just burn a CD
23:01.17Patlabor221you have the guest account enabled?
23:01.42Patlabor221and permisions on the sare are set to allow anyone?
23:02.57*** join/#bzflag paramount (~Paramount@
23:03.21BaDiNpaste from (00:01) @<Patlabor221> and permisions on the sare are set to allow anyone?
23:03.21BaDiN(00:01) <BaDiN> jepp
23:04.12BaDiNyou guys didnt say anything?
23:04.54BaDiNlol, ok
23:05.09BaDiNso, I have an IP
23:05.14BaDiNI can ping it
23:05.20BaDiNhow can I see the files in there?
23:05.40BaDiN(sorry for being such a pain in the ass)
23:06.05BaDiNwhen I try to access to the other computer
23:06.13BaDiN(either on klaus or paramount)
23:06.15BaDiNit says
23:06.21BaDiN"cant find the net path"
23:07.13Patlabor221wellcome to workgroup networking
23:07.33BaDiNlol, well thank you
23:07.44BaDiNi think ill buy an usb cable, tomorrow
23:07.47BaDiNand connect both computers
23:11.17BaDiNis there other way for me to connect both laptops with just a cable?
23:13.47learnercross-over cable, serial, ethernet, parallel, etc
23:13.55sussudiomushroom, snake
23:15.10learnerfooty footy
23:15.22Tuponehi learner
23:15.22BaDiNhow about an USB cable?
23:15.36sussudiolearner: try 47 and keep your sanity
23:16.45learnersalad fingers was pretty twisted/curious/funny
23:16.58sussudiowho looovvvessss the chocolate
23:17.22learnerBaDiN, only on OS X and custom Linux kernels
23:19.12*** join/#bzflag shorty114 (
23:20.09BaDiNi'd better buy a hub=?
23:20.55bryjenif you can ping, its not the network that's the problem
23:23.30BaDiNwhat's the problem, then?
23:26.07bryjensoftware.  file and print sharing checked for the network card?  right click on some folder and share it.  permissions on the share and folder
23:29.14*** join/#bzflag sn0w_kitty (
23:30.00Tuponehi chiko
23:30.31sn0w_kittyciao tupo
23:30.48Tuponedo you like the new version?
23:30.59sn0w_kittyya itz kewl
23:31.14sn0w_kittyesp. da new cloaking effect
23:31.21sn0w_kittyan new textures
23:31.40learnersn0w_kitty: kittysnack
23:31.51sn0w_kittylearner: gee thnx learna
23:32.01sn0w_kittyu kno wut..
23:32.13sn0w_kittyi think dat cloak fade iz coolio
23:32.26learnerMMm.. i don't think I've seen it yet
23:32.36sn0w_kittyit'd b neet 2 c Steath do dat too ...buh fade on radar
23:32.40Tuponehave you saw the treads running?
23:32.45*** part/#bzflag sussudio (~sussudio@sussudio.user)
23:32.53*** join/#bzflag lovebug (
23:32.58sn0w_kittyya da treads =) kewlness
23:33.23sn0w_kittyor ..
23:34.12sn0w_kittywen a tank picks upz tiny flag goes thru to b tiny..insted of instantly
23:34.32sn0w_kittysame wif obesity flag ..u can c it get fatty
23:34.58*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
23:35.03sn0w_kittyan narrow ...u c it get skinny
23:35.27Tuponeyeah, great effects
23:35.43Tuponethat is all from trepan
23:36.00sn0w_kittyya those effects would b kewl 2 c along wif da new cloak
23:36.31amathislearner, is OC's linux build system working?
23:37.23sn0w_kittygj trepan (if u c dis ;)
23:38.18sn0w_kittyan of course gj to all dat contributed 2 da new version ;)
23:39.01Tuponesn0w_kitty: if you wanna help, continue to test it, and come here often
23:39.13sn0w_kittyo okies
23:39.31sn0w_kittyi'd <3 to help
23:41.11learneramathis, not afaik
23:41.38*** join/#bzflag Tupone_ (
23:44.02bryjenTupone:  using -cache helps the huge aztec map. From Connect to Ready to enter is 4:30 at secretplace, but only 1:30 on mine with -cache
23:45.12Tuponebut I think it does depend on the connectivity of where you publish that
23:47.29bryjenmy -cache is the apache httpd on the same host with my bzfs
23:49.04Tuponeoh, so that we gain just removing delay on the client. Dunno if that is positive for speed or negative for we steal network band to other players
23:49.05amathisok, can someone tell me something..
23:49.13amathiswhere is the function printFatalError() defined
23:52.56amathisis that a class or a file :D
23:53.19learnerfind . -name ErrorHandler\*
23:54.37learnerfind it?
23:54.38amathisah thanks
23:54.58amathissrc/common/ErrorHandler.cpp and include/ErrorHandler.h
23:55.10learnernow quite, but yes
23:55.23learnerthere are no .cpp in bz :)
23:55.41*** join/#bzflag Havoc_ (
23:55.56learnerunless you're looking at OC and pat renamed them
23:56.12amathislearner, I am looking at oc.
23:58.40*** part/#bzflag Tupone (

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