irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040907

00:10.29*** join/#bzflag Carnage_ (
00:13.26*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
00:15.46*** join/#bzflag Fuddl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:23.29amathisPatlabor221, you around?
00:23.37amathisTimRiker, you around?
00:23.49amathisbash-2.05b$ ./src/bzflag/bzflag
00:23.49amathisFatal signal: Segmentation Fault (SDL Parachute Deployed)
00:25.37*** join/#bzflag Fuddl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:28.54Patlabor221I am
00:29.02amathisPatlabor221, see my error?
00:29.35*** join/#bzflag Fuddl ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:29.35Patlabor221where does it puke at?
00:29.38amathisI dunno
00:29.38amathisthat is all it tells me
00:29.46Patlabor221you got a trace?
00:29.50amathisI type ./src/bzflag/bzflag
00:30.01Patlabor221you need to debug
00:30.08Patlabor221get a call stack
00:30.36amathisPatlabor221, but I did not edit anything client side..
00:30.44amathisPatlabor221, only thing I messed with was bzfs
00:30.55Patlabor221did the client ever work?
00:31.08amathisPatlabor221, when I installed from the sf tgz..
00:31.23Patlabor221I mean from your build?
00:31.23amathisbzflag has run on this machine if that is what you mean
00:31.34amathisPatlabor221, this is the first time I have been able to build error free
00:31.47amathisso no.
00:31.47Patlabor221well then something on your build is bad
00:31.55Patlabor221what version of SDL?
00:32.13amathisI looked at the config.log and sdl checked out fine..
00:32.32Patlabor221then you should run in gdb and see where it dies
00:35.02Patlabor221that shoudl work
00:52.54*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (~Lego|
00:56.26*** join/#bzflag Shiggity (~Shiggity@
01:01.02*** join/#bzflag Twingy (