irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040716

00:00.13sbo676Patlabor did you recieve my email?
00:01.05Patlabor221that would be a no
00:01.22Patlabor221but I don't check my home mail at work
00:01.22Patlabor221let me check
00:01.22blast007Is the SF anon CVS still behind the dev CVS, or is that fixed?
00:01.40learneranon CVS is always  behind by a little
00:01.40MeBigFatGuystill behind but better
00:01.40learnerjust not as bad
00:01.40blast007last I knew there was like a 24 hour difference
00:01.41learnerheya MAC
00:01.44lan56I'd say it's nearly fixed
00:02.28Patlabor221who the hell is that guy?
00:02.41lan56I don't quite like him
00:02.54MeBigFatGuyperhaps the mailing list idiot
00:03.09learnerPatlabor221, what'd he doo
00:03.09lan56I don't know, but I do know he is using CGI irc from
00:03.11Patlabor221ohh man he's gonna use the "my little borther" excuse
00:03.20Patlabor221he just asked me if I got his mail
00:03.30learneryeah.. he's "under watch"
00:03.32Patlabor221only mail I got is about the little borther
00:03.36Patlabor221who is it?
00:03.37learnerhe came in last night finally
00:03.47learnerit's either cookielee from the forums or his brother
00:03.50Patlabor221what bzbb name?
00:03.58Patlabor221he says he was baned from bzbb
00:04.05learnerhe's not discovered bzbb yet
00:04.05Patlabor221I don't recall banning anyone by that name
00:04.09MeBigFatGuyi doubt there is a brother
00:04.17Patlabor221Hello my name is Jason and I recently started playing bzflag again
00:04.17Patlabor221after quite a long break from it. One of the first things I noticed is
00:04.17Patlabor221that I was banned from bzbb forums. It took me a while to figure out
00:04.17Patlabor221why, but after some thinking I discovered the truth. My little 13 year
00:04.17Patlabor221old brother had been messing around in several places. Naturally I'm
00:04.18Patlabor221very disappointed in him and his horrible ways. From now on he's banned
00:04.20Patlabor221from playing bzflag or doing anything associated with it. I would be so
00:04.21MeBigFatGuymandrake did
00:04.22Patlabor221glad if you had it in your heart to forgive us both and mainly him for
00:04.24Patlabor221his ignorance.
00:04.39Patlabor221what name then?
00:04.40lan56I'd say he's full of garbage.
00:05.08learnerNidhoggr unbanned him from SP to see if he causes more trouble
00:05.30Patlabor221what a bafoon
00:05.32learnerlast night he didn't seem to know what bzbb even was .. so that actually may be a hint of credibility
00:05.39*** join/#bzflag sbo031 (
00:05.40learner(to him being a brother)
00:05.54Patlabor221what name were you baned under there sbo031
00:05.56sbo031Sorry my comp froze.
00:06.02Patlabor221I'm sure it did
00:06.16sbo031I was not  banned it was my brother.
00:06.22Patlabor221ok under what name?
00:06.29sbo031My littke immature brother.
00:06.37lan56what name?
00:06.37sbo031He doesn't remember.
00:06.39Patlabor221that's not a name that was ever registerd with bzbb
00:06.46Patlabor221then not much I can do to help
00:06.54Patlabor221can't remove bans on names that are unknown
00:07.02lan56how do you not rememeber your own name?
00:07.35sbo031What do you mean?
00:07.45Patlabor221only 1 name is baned on bzbb
00:07.48amathissbo031, do you not have an irc client?
00:08.08Patlabor221what name do you try to login to bzbb as, and it says you are band?
00:08.44amathissbo031, because a LOT of people will be mad if you get sbo's ip banned anywhere.
00:08.44Patlabor221or what is your IP?
00:08.59Patlabor221amathis, I won't ban SBO
00:09.08Patlabor221Noodleman made it so his IP is his username
00:09.10amathisPatlabor221, there are many channels...
00:09.12Patlabor221so it's uniquie to him
00:09.17Patlabor221so it's not a net ban
00:09.27Patlabor221amathis, it only allows the bz channels, not all
00:09.29sbo031There is no name.
00:09.36CIA-4BZFlag: 03lan56 * 10bzflag/man/bzfs.6s: add /record commands, and fix mistake on /replay commands.
00:09.37Patlabor221then how do you know you are baned?
00:09.45amathisPatlabor221, I can do a simple /join #ptcorps from there...
00:09.57Patlabor221amathis, he'll live
00:11.07Patlabor221where do you live?
00:11.07amathislan56, :) usually there is a lot of people there :/
00:11.07amathislan56, it is vaccant at the moment.
00:11.07learneramathis, ip is in the irc nick name so noodle's client would not ever need to get banned
00:11.07amathisah ok.
00:11.07lan56heh, I was going to say thats too empty for me:)
00:11.07sbo031In California.
00:11.48sbo031Why is that of any relevance?
00:11.59lan56he' just nosy :)
00:12.00Patlabor221cus I need to verify the IP ban your hiting
00:12.05Patlabor221I have found the ban
00:12.20blast007he needs to know where to aim the orbital laser at
00:12.46amathisblast007, shhhhh!
00:13.29Patlabor221naw it's kentetics now not lazer
00:13.34amathisibot, have you gone batty?
00:13.35ibotamathis: i don't know
00:13.35Patlabor221atmo messes lazing up
00:14.05orchidibot: i prefer ntpdate
00:14.06ibotorchid: bugger all, i dunno
00:14.30amathisI feel like a penguin in a desert at the moment.... extremely lost.
00:14.30sbo031What's going on?
00:14.30Patlabor221they are just babbling
00:14.47Patlabor221the IP ban is removed, please make sure to keep your computer and account secture, or the ban will be replaced