irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040701

00:02.50lan56the people on #sdl aren't very nice, I ask why a certain error happens, and all they give me is "it's a problem" and then another person signs on and asks a question not easier or difficult than mine, and he gets everyone working on it
00:03.05lan56sometimes, I think that people just pick me to kick around for no good reason
00:03.29lan56I even asked why it happens, and still no response other than the iniitial "it's a problem"
00:05.08shorty114CaptNoPants was Patlaborr...i think...
00:05.16lan56it was
00:05.28shorty114thought so
00:05.42lan56although, I don't know why it had an ip address rather than his domain
00:07.24lan56I wish I could write a ground breaking article for wikipedia, but they're all taken up
00:07.44lan56like saddam hussein, countries, george w. bush
00:07.48lan56all already written
00:08.45guuNew news from matches: Jul 01 00:02 => The Barbarians:13, The Warriors of Darkness:2
00:09.57bryjengrassroots admins?   Player "Landfill Larry" is teamkilling, trying to capture own flag
00:12.36brlcadlan56: perhaps it's because you come off sounding rather young sometimes .. :)
00:13.14lan56but the next person had just as poor grammar as me
00:13.41brlcadI think it's the manner of writing, not grammar
00:14.10brlcadnot sure how to explain it better :)
00:14.17lan56well, we aren't writing business letters :)
00:14.22lan56just casual chat
00:14.35brlcadno big deal, they can f-off in #sdl for all I care ;)
00:14.53lan56ok :)
00:15.33TuponeI think one can add, fix revise what is in wikipedia
00:15.54lan56they can, that's the main idea of it
00:16.21Tuponeso, if you have something to say ...
00:18.12brlcadlan56: I shall have to try Phillippe's in 6 weeks..
00:18.42lan56what is in 6 weeks?
00:19.16brlcadI'll be in L.A.
00:19.32brlcaddowntown, even
00:19.40lan56it's really no big deal, I just mentioned it on as a joke really :)
00:19.51brlcadI _LOVE_ that diner that has been open for ages.. yum steaks!
00:20.04lan56oh, you've been therebefore?
00:20.22brlcadyep yep
00:20.57brlcadhrm, I should go home before I lose daylight..
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