irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040522

00:00.10Patlabor221I'm cvsing now
00:00.23Patlabor221as soon as I take care of some bidness
00:00.38fiberchunkswalk softly and carry a big stick
00:00.40*** join/#bzflag _bubbles_ (
00:01.44menotumeis anyone allowed to play decks ?
00:01.54orchidof course
00:02.00orchideven you :)
00:02.02menotumeahhh, where is it ?
00:02.26orchidget the cvs version, compile it and look dfor the navi server
00:02.36orchidnot sure when, some time this evening
00:02.37*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
00:03.43amathisorchid, what is decks?
00:04.02Patlabor221a map
00:04.02fiberchunksheh: h:\Coding\bz-goodies\bzflag\src\ogl\OpenGLTexture.cxx(84): warning C4101: 'somebody_remove_this_once_tm_does_this' : unreferenced local variable
00:04.08orchidamathis: all in good time, this will be revealed to you
00:04.29orchidamathis: its a oldie but goodie map
00:04.52purple_cowabout 3 years ago it was -the- map
00:05.09orchidugh, i have been playing that long ..
00:05.19purple_cownowadays it's hard to get the general bzflag population excited about a game with 2 shots & no flags
00:05.21orchidalmost 3 years i guess
00:05.29purple_cowso we have these little "private" romps
00:05.55menotumedecks map w/jumping, no flags, FFA ?
00:06.17orchidamathis: the general bzflag population are not using cvs, so its quiter and more fun in many ways
00:07.42Patlabor221installer or just a simple zip?
00:08.19amathisorchid, I am cvs'ing right now.
00:08.47menotumeis the README for installation up-to-date ? - I can't create a ./configure
00:09.03amathismenotume, did you do a sh ./ first?
00:09.08orchidmenotume: autogen
00:09.12menotumenope :)
00:09.13amathis* sh ./
00:09.36menotumek, the README says to do aclocal firsdt :)
00:09.50orchidmenotume: no one reads READMES
00:10.21EvilChickenNuggtthanks for the build patlabor... when it is done, where might it be found?
00:11.07Patlabor221where ay want it?
00:11.25Patlabor221and a full installer or just a zip?
00:11.33Patlabor221I can post it on the site
00:11.47EvilChickenNuggta zip is fine
00:11.48EvilChickenNuggtthat works
00:12.02Patlabor221it's building now
00:12.17EvilChickenNuggtwhat do you use to compile for win32?
00:12.35Patlabor221or VC6
00:12.41Patlabor221depending on the project
00:14.23CIA-4navi-misc: 03jeffm * r4343 10firestarter/client/game/test/ (inc/testGame.h src/testGame.cpp): client side input loop ( it can spin )
00:19.02fiberchunkspurple_cow, any idea what time this may be setting off?
00:20.40purple_cownot really
00:20.42purple_cowtesting the server now
00:21.41Patlabor221build is allmost done
00:21.56purple_cowseems to work
00:24.24*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
00:25.33amathissomeone... when I compile bzflag, I then go into src/bzflag
00:25.38amathisand then I do a ./bzflag
00:25.50amathisbut the screen comes up black, with nothing ther?
00:26.00amathisshould I exectute from the root directory?
00:26.36fiberchunksdo ./bzflag -directory ../data etc etc
00:27.06orchid-directory ../../data
00:27.21fiberchunksah, that's where it is now :) /me has old knowledge sorry
00:28.12amathisfiberchunks, that is awesome!
00:28.13Patlabor221you want the bzflag.1.11.3.exe
00:28.20Patlabor221no high res
00:28.31amathisanyone wanna play?
00:28.41amathisI will be in one of the servers.
00:29.03EvilChickenNuggtthanks patlabor!
00:29.28amathisman. the new version is pretty kool
00:29.29Patlabor221test it please
00:29.32Patlabor221I can't test it here
00:29.41amathisEvilChickenNuggt, I will see you in bryjens server
00:30.53EvilChickenNuggtappears to be working.. though it installed into a 1.11.2 directory
00:31.16EvilChickenNuggtis it just me or do the colors in 1.11 look faded out?
00:31.54Patlabor221probably your gama
00:32.00Patlabor221and like I said, I didn't do high res
00:32.03amathisEvilChickenNuggt, looks gine to me
00:32.08Patlabor221you will want to copy your alt dir
00:32.10Patlabor221to this one
00:32.52amathisok, bzflag is WAY to slow for me..
00:33.04amathisI am going back to enemy territory
00:34.09*** join/#bzflag Patlabor222 (~JeffM@
00:36.03Patlabor221damn that bastard JeffM is back trying to impersonate me
00:36.37fiberchunksdamn him
00:41.04Patlabor221isn't that bot dead
00:41.25bryjeni donno. it was hacking on bzedit a while back..
00:43.00Patlabor221hmm well I haven't seen bandito hack my machine
00:43.09Patlabor221maybe he had to go have dinner
00:43.13amathisPatlabor221, did he actually say he waS?
00:44.19Patlabor221he did ask me if I could open my firewalls to make it easyer
00:50.31*** topic/#bzflag by purple_cow -> || || || || Nightly RPMs || #bzleague & #ileague || May 15th is Release Day for 1.10.6 .. look for tag v1_10_6 for building distributions || decks romp: 1.11 on
00:52.44Patlabor221well looks like the build runs
00:52.52Patlabor221so any crashes are all your fault :)
00:53.35Patlabor221time for homeness
00:54.13purple_cowhrm, everyone left
00:54.19purple_cowwhere is flower girl? or learner?
00:54.42bryjen~seen learner
00:54.43ibotlearner is currently on #project24 (10h 55m 53s) #bzflag (10h 55m 53s)
00:56.40EvilChickenNuggtpatlabor.. if you're wondering where bandito went, he went and made a post at the forums
00:56.51fiberchunkswhich forums?
00:57.23fiberchunkswe'll take care of that
00:57.35fiberchunkslinkage por favor?
00:58.38EvilChickenNuggtall gone now
00:59.09fiberchunksyes, it is :)
00:59.35orchidhmm, i have to rebuild
00:59.45EvilChickenNuggtah well... I'm off now.. gonna go rewatch the last episode of Angel
01:00.02EvilChickenNuggtcya folks later.. I'll prolly be on decks tonight
01:00.19*** part/#bzflag EvilChickenNuggt (
01:00.33fiberchunkstake 'er easy nugger
01:00.37fiberchunksnugget, that is :)
01:00.42fiberchunkstoo late
01:01.23*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
01:02.18*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
01:02.32brlcaddecks now?
01:02.33bryjeneek a brlcad!
01:04.19brlcadaua.. have to cvs up
01:04.23purple_cowdecks now if more than 3 of us show up :P
01:05.10Tuponeeek a brlcad !
01:05.56brlcaddamn the phoneage..
01:06.04brlcadyay, a tupone
01:06.33Tuponefound an home ?
01:07.03brlcadyep, got the keys today
01:07.18brlcadI'll start moving stuff maƱana
01:07.38Tuponeget some space for hosts
01:07.51brlcadalready scheduled :)
01:07.58brlcadsunday the connections are installed
01:08.08brlcadthat was the first thing I did
01:08.27Tupone1.10 or 1.11 ?
01:09.35Tuponedeck is started :( 1.11
01:09.49brlcadah, yes .. decks is 1.11
01:09.59Tuponewhere navi?
01:16.20*** join/#bzflag cniV (
01:21.12purple_cowbrlcad: we miss yo
01:29.43*** join/#bzflag bluedragon (
01:34.29*** join/#bzflag triclops (
01:44.39*** join/#bzflag Banditoo (
01:47.15Banditoois anyone here
01:47.28*** part/#bzflag bluedragon (
02:02.49*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
02:03.14fiberchunksfun fun
02:04.01*** part/#bzflag menotume (
02:20.28*** join/#bzflag bluedragon (
02:30.15*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
02:30.15*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:46.48trepan_awaythat's better then normal servers, they can all shoot  :)
02:50.33trepanTupone: see that note about sticky pyramids?
02:50.47Tuponetomorrow :)
02:52.16trepanoops, wrong tone, hehe is closer   ;)
02:52.30trepanalways gettin' those two mixed up
02:55.42*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
03:03.02*** join/#bzflag Bandito (
03:03.43*** mode/#bzflag [+b Bandito!*@*] by Patlabor221
03:07.14*** join/#bzflag BZFlag3620 (
03:12.29*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
03:14.05*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
03:16.52bryjenpurple_cow: how big did the savefile end up?
03:18.17bryjenfor ~2 hours of play?
03:18.29purple_cowabout 1.5 i think
03:18.37purple_cowkeep in mind the last bit was only 3 players
03:18.54bryjen~ 8800000 / 1.5
03:18.55trepana lot of it is useless bzdb info right now
03:19.05brlcadugh.. that was being recorded??
03:19.17brlcadhow embarrasing
03:19.18*** join/#bzflag EvilChickenNuggt (
03:19.27bryjenhmm.  needs commas
03:19.58bryjen~ 8.8 * 1024 / 1.5
03:20.40bryjen~ 6007.5 / 60
03:21.43trepanick, gzip and bzip2 (-9) only crunch to about half
03:21.59trepaninline compression then...
03:22.08bryjenyou'd thin BZip would do the trick ;)
03:23.29trepanya...  :)
03:23.46trepanthe first 'file magic' key i picked was BZrr
03:23.57bryjenif there's redundant/useless stuff in there,  smartening the recorder may help more
03:23.58trepanturned out bzip2 already used it
03:24.16trepanbryjen: it's a first cut right now, there are kinds of possible improvements
03:24.31trepanespecially the bzdb stuff, it probably won't change much
03:26.41trepanand there's one last nasty bug, client chokes when you try to quit
03:27.15bryjenadjusting parameters during play was entertaining when it was first available.  not sure what practical use it has.
03:27.47bryjenduring replay?
03:28.01trepanya, during replay (sometimes)
03:28.12trepanF12 = lockup
03:28.30bryjeni had no trouble leaving the game.  didn't use F12 tho.
03:28.46trepanbryjen: during replay, or recording?
03:28.57trepanrecording doesn't cause the problem
03:29.09bryjenjust a while ago.  ah, ok.
03:29.48trepanit's something about sending fake packets and whatnot... should fix it tonight
03:29.57trepan(and do the bzdb compression)
03:31.35*** part/#bzflag EvilChickenNuggt (
03:32.23trepanand start the file examiner tool for admins, could be a busy night
03:37.44*** join/#bzflag brlcad_ (
03:41.39guuNew news from bzgirl: decks!
03:42.35purple_coweek, immolation
03:42.37*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
03:44.11orchid!dict immolation
03:44.13guuorchid: web1913 and wn responded: wn: immolation n : killing or offering as a sacrifice; web1913: Immolation \Im`mo*la"tion\, n. [L. immolatio: cf. F. immolation.] 1. The act of immolating, or the state of being immolated, or sacrificed. --Sir. T. Browne. 2. That which is immolated; a sacrifice
03:44.47purple_cowhmm, that's a kind of funny definition
03:45.11purple_cowa more common one is "engulfing flame"
03:45.15*** join/#bzflag EvilChickenNuggt (
03:45.55bryjenpizza immolation?
03:46.13orchidyeah :-\
03:46.57bryjento bad you didn't have your tank.  you coulda jumped up and shot them ;)
03:47.54orchidi cant belive i totally hazed, i even looked at the cardboard as i put it in the oven, i didnt clue in
03:48.26bryjen"My this crust is thick...."
03:50.21EvilChickenNuggtany admins around?
03:51.54orchidi only know sportchick and Nidhoggr and theyre not around
03:53.09EvilChickenNuggtoh well..
03:57.06*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
03:57.25*** part/#bzflag EvilChickenNuggt (
04:14.08*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (
04:40.01mebigfatguyquick b-room trip?
04:47.11*** join/#bzflag EruditeH1rmit (
04:47.50Patlabor221naw wrong button
04:47.56EruditeH1rmithi, half way through a game, I suddenly become unable to shoot anyone and nobody can shoot me
04:48.03EruditeH1rmitdoes anyone know why?
04:48.12Patlabor221sounds like you droped
04:48.18Patlabor221or lost UDP
04:48.35EruditeH1rmitPatlabor221: i can shoot myself
04:48.39EruditeH1rmitPatlabor221: thats about it
04:48.49Patlabor221your shots are local so they don't depend on net
04:48.56EruditeH1rmitPatlabor221: is there any way to rectify this?
04:48.58Patlabor221can you still type? and see people move?
04:49.22Patlabor221what version?
04:49.27EruditeH1rmitdebian sid
04:49.31EruditeH1rmiti think its the latest one
04:49.49Patlabor221got a version number?
04:50.00Patlabor221that would be the current one then
04:50.04EruditeH1rmitit has been like this in previous versions
04:50.11Patlabor221you set up to handle TCP and UDP?
04:50.22EruditeH1rmitin the game?
04:50.31Patlabor221on your computer
04:50.39EruditeH1rmiterr I have a router
04:50.42EruditeH1rmitbut it should be ok
04:51.01EruditeH1rmitit works for a good while, and suddenly it occurs
04:51.10Patlabor221i've never heard of it
04:51.16Patlabor221but it's posible something could geek
04:51.29Patlabor221you may want to try running with some debug flags and see what is up
04:51.46EruditeH1rmitis the one in sid compiled with debug flags/
04:51.50mebigfatguydemo firewall software, only allows n packets thru then blocks?
04:52.04Patlabor221no, it's not
04:52.13Patlabor221mebigfatguy: does the client do -d stuff?
04:52.39trepan-debug i think
04:52.43mebigfatguynot much of it tho
04:53.30Patlabor221may wana try that
04:53.36EruditeHermiti will do that
04:53.47EruditeHermitjust -debug?
04:53.59EruditeHermitno other flags/
04:54.29mebigfatguyiirc, you can do -d -d -d -d
04:54.35mebigfatguyto get diff levels
04:54.38mebigfatguyof debug
04:54.46mebigfatguybut again, i don't think client does much with it
04:54.57Patlabor221it's something to try
04:55.32EruditeHermitok thanks
04:55.36EruditeHermiti'll go do that
05:05.23Pimpinelladoesnt it sound like he simply gets nr for some reaso?
05:06.55EruditeHermitit only prints the server messages
05:07.04EruditeHermitand i can be shot by other people
05:07.10EruditeHermitbut they don't seem to see me
05:07.18EruditeHermitsome drive straight through me
05:07.35EruditeHermitbut if there is stray fire, and i get caught in the middle, I still die
05:07.36Patlabor221it's like your not sending out data
05:07.59EruditeHermitcould it be a bad router?
05:08.01Patlabor221death is a client side thing
05:08.10Patlabor221it's like your packets never get to the server
05:08.21purple_cowmaybe udp thing?
05:08.28EruditeHermitbut i've had lots of trouble with it
05:08.41Patlabor221it sounds like its' geeking on some of the data
05:08.55purple_cowmaybe there's a firmware upgrade for it?
05:09.03EruditeHermiti tried that
05:09.08EruditeHermiti have the latest firmware
05:09.16EruditeHermitits just a sucky router i think
05:09.26EruditeHermitbut i only got it 4months ago
05:10.21Pimpinella~x en de weting
05:10.24EruditeHermiti was pinging my ISP server at 0.5 second intervals, and it consistently drops packets every minute
05:10.45Pimpinellaah, understood ;)
05:11.12Pimpinellahe just told me u kicked him ...
05:11.23Patlabor221I baned him
05:11.59Pimpinellabe careful, maybe he is just right now on your box :)
05:12.25Pimpinelladoin some pings etc.
05:13.22Patlabor221he said he coudl not get thru my "black ice"
05:13.26Patlabor221so I sugested white ice
05:15.59*** join/#bzflag Legoguy|Laptop (~Legoguy|
05:29.28purple_cowis that like matter and antimatter?
05:29.51Patlabor221I think so
05:30.03Patlabor221he is perplexed by my "windows 5.1 version of linux"
05:34.14mebigfatguyanyone an ant pro?
05:35.37*** join/#bzflag sgk284 (
05:36.10sgk284hey all
05:49.32*** join/#bzflag hatmasterG (
06:15.16*** join/#bzflag sbo12 (
06:15.49sbo12Whered patlabor221 go?
06:16.23ninjasoxwhat ya need him for?
06:16.26sbo12~seen patlabor221
06:16.26ibotpatlabor221 <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 46m 23s ago, saying: 'he is perplexed by my "windows 5.1 version of linux"'.
06:16.39sbo12i was talkiung to him but i rebooted
06:16.53sbo12i mean just a second ago
06:16.57*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by ninjasox
06:16.57*** kick/#bzflag [sbo12!] by ninjasox (ninjasox)
06:27.42trepanpatlabor221: heh, ninja-chopped him outta here
06:28.03patlabor221he's so lame
06:28.23purple_cowJUDO CHOP!
06:28.37trepanhis ip seems to move around quite a bit
06:30.01patlabor221he's gonna hack me and hack the channel
06:30.10patlabor221so be wary of his mad skillz
06:33.39trepanif his mom lets him stay up late enough
06:33.49trepan~seen megaman
06:33.49ibotmegaman <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 5d 11h 8m 21s ago, saying: 'xver:  I commented out the previous image in lilo.conf, then when I ran lilo it gave me an error message "No images have been defined or default image doesn't exist."  But the new kernel is there, it just doesn't see it'.
06:34.18trepansry, needed to check his ip
06:34.42*** join/#bzflag EruditeHermit (
06:34.51trepanhe keeps saying i banned him on sleepycows, where i've got no privs
06:35.36patlabor221ohh the storys people make up about admins
07:03.35mebigfatguymmmm cashew poppycock mmmm
07:04.13purple_cowi like cashews
07:05.51patlabor221time to make sleep
07:06.41mebigfatguyhelp yourself mrcow
08:06.16*** join/#bzflag _Manu_ (
08:18.05*** join/#bzflag foobar (
08:31.02*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:2e0:7dff:fee8:c0b9)
09:25.48*** join/#bzflag kpreid (
10:08.33*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
11:03.01*** join/#bzflag david_v (
11:08.09*** join/#bzflag Tupone (