irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040410

00:00.17Tuponedpkg -L bzflag-1.10.4
00:00.53stonecarverNothing with locate or find
00:00.59awrighti have a sample bzfs.conf file here
00:01.17stonecarverok :)
00:01.19awrightcan i post it? it is rather large (whats new)
00:01.35DTRemenakawright: no...just a sec
00:02.03DTRemenakthat's the currently shipping one
00:02.09awrightor that :)
00:02.27Death_Barrelanyone know the option to make it so everyone can do a /countdown on a server?
00:02.54DTRemenakthat's the one that came with 1.10.4, probably a better one to use
00:04.07stonecarverCoolness have it in Kwrite :)
00:04.24stonecarverthnx much :)
00:05.02stonecarverI'm off to try some more thnx again :)
00:10.34*** join/#bzflag michaelhhh (
00:10.42learnerhrm.. (again) => cagain => caga + in => filtered spanish
00:10.55Tuponelearner: :)
00:11.04learnerand italian :)
00:11.21JBdiGrizokay, so explain dlike :)
00:12.20awrightFOUND IT!*checkout*/bzflag/bzflag/misc/bzfs_conf.html?rev=1.48
00:12.25awrightoh... he left
00:12.38Tuponelearner: I did it :(
00:12.40learnerdlike => diike => dike => filtered english  or even dik + e => filtered english
00:13.09JBdiGrizI'% (*^& to be able to type this sentence without getting censored ;)
00:13.32learneryeah.. apostrophe's are special and I think I can handle them better
00:13.50JBdiGrizI thought it was pretty "special"
00:13.50learnerso is (again) since that's an english suffix being applied to a foreign word
00:13.51*** join/#bzflag demoMan (~chase@
00:14.24JBdiGrizThe filter is more inventive than the abusers.
00:14.53fiberchunkshiya folkys
00:14.56learnerit falsely matches a lot of apostrophe ones because punctuation can also be treated as a space.. spaces are word boundaries so people can't do things like ```damn``` you etc
00:15.14awrightcompiling with msys/mingw:
00:15.21awrighthow do you do it?
00:15.22learnertupone, did what?
00:15.33Tuponeshow her!
00:16.10learnerI've seen the filter catch just about as many suffix or l33t matches correctly as incorrectly .. it's just more noise is made on the incorrect ones :)
00:16.20learner*blush* hehe
00:16.52learnerI've got a work in progress for the english suffix to foreign word part almost finished
00:16.59DTRemenakawright: huh?
00:17.08Death_Barrelanyone know the option to make it so everyone can do a /countdown on a server?
00:17.39awrightis a bunch os stuff like this on the compiler normal?
00:17.41awrightif g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include   -I../../include -D_POSIX_SOURCE -Wall -W -mcpu=i686  -O2 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations -fno-exceptions -MT Ping.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/Ping.Tpo" \
00:17.44awrightthen mv "
00:17.57learnerDeath_Barrel, make the countdown permission in the default permission group
00:17.58DTRemenakthat's normal
00:18.06awrightjust checking :)
00:18.12Death_Barrelwhere is the default permission's group?
00:18.29demoManthere isn't one
00:18.29DTRemenakyou will be waiting for a while, first compile takes for freaking ever...for some reason MingW is much slower than GCC on a decent OS
00:18.31learneryour -group file
00:18.32demoMani'ts interna;
00:18.33awrightand how long will it yake (becides a oing, long time)
00:18.35demoManadd one to the file
00:18.46Death_Barrelso i have to add Default to groupdb?
00:18.48awrightahh! i dislike this keyboard
00:19.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
00:19.19DTRemenakawright: clean compile on my mingw machine (Quad P3-Xeon 550s) takes ~2 hours, but I suspect it's only using one proc
00:19.25*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (~fuddl@2001:6f8:9cf:0:250:22ff:fe96:c626)
00:20.27awrightmeanwhile, i'll contune programming :)
00:20.37learnerDeath_Barrel, yeah, you should already have a DEFAULT group in your groupdb file, yes?
00:20.52awrightnot bzflag, im a webdeveloper
00:20.55learneryou'll need to add COUNTDOWN as a perm to that group (in addition to the others
00:21.18awrighti wouldnt know a single thing about C++, although i know a little C
00:21.43orchidElectricElf: poke
00:21.51DTRemenakC++ is just C with classes and the STL
00:21.58DTRemenakand the STL makes things easier
00:22.17awrightcan you do it in a regluar text editor?
00:22.44awrighthow bout graphical programs?
00:22.47DTRemenakalthough real IDEs are nice, for syntax highlighting if nothing else
00:22.58awrighti see
00:23.18awrightknow of any really good IDE's, open source, mabye?
00:23.29DTRemenakdev-c++ works nicely as an IDE on windows
00:23.50awrighthmm... i'l think about it :)
00:23.55DTRemenakI have been unable to get it to compile BZFlag itself though; use it for editing and MSYS for compiling
00:25.27awrighti see!
00:26.17awrightwell, i am really busy right now... i have my own project on right now. its programmed in PHP.
00:26.31awrighti play bzflag to get away from it :)
00:26.38DTRemenakheh :)
00:31.30*** join/#bzflag Carnage_ (
00:34.25lfranchiis there any way to change the key bindings?
00:34.35learnerlfranchi yes
00:34.42lfranchilearner: how do you?
00:34.49learnerthey are mostly all configurable
00:34.54learnerthere's a config file
00:34.59lfranchioh ok
00:35.02lfranchiwhat is it called?
00:35.06learnerdepending on your OS, it's in different places
00:35.16lfranchiim on gentoo linux
00:35.18michaelhhhplus the key mapping menu
00:35.26[dmp]learner: when i update the danish lang files, should i send it to someone, or just commit it?
00:35.27JBdiGrizthere is a reset to defaults on the key binding menu
00:35.32lfranchiso im guessing either /usr/share/bzflag or /usg/games/bzflag?
00:36.27learnerlfranchi: ~/.bzf/config
00:36.39learnerthey are per user
00:36.53learner[dmp], do you have commit access?
00:37.09learnerif you do, just commit it
00:37.12[dmp]im not sure.
00:37.24learnerdo you check out anonymous or not? :)
00:37.36[dmp]One thing is to have access, the other is if im supposed to
00:37.47[dmp]I dont use anon access
00:37.52[dmp]i wasnt
00:37.59[dmp]sf dosnt like me
00:38.34awrightCompiler error with MinGW/MSYS:
00:38.38awright.o `test -f 'WinPlatformFactory.cxx' || echo './'`WinPlatformFactory.cxx; \
00:38.40awrightthen mv ".deps/WinPlatformFactory.Tpo" ".deps/WinPlatformFactory.Po"; \
00:38.42awrightelse rm -f ".deps/WinPlatformFactory.Tpo"; exit 1; \
00:38.45awrightIn file included from WinPlatformFactory.cxx:19:
00:38.47awrightWinMedia.h:21:20: dsound.h: No such file or directory
00:38.48awrightIn file included from WinPlatformFactory.cxx:19:
00:38.50awrightWinMedia.h:52: syntax error before `*' token
00:38.51awrightWinMedia.h:53: syntax error before `*' token
00:38.53awrightWinMedia.h:54: syntax error before `*' token
00:38.54awrightmake[3]: *** [WinPlatformFactory.o] Error 1
00:38.56awrightmake[3]: Leaving directory `/bzf/bzflag1/src/platform'
00:38.57awrightmake[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
00:38.59awrightmake[2]: Leaving directory `/bzf/bzflag1/src/platform'
00:39.00awrightmake[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
00:39.02awrightmake[1]: Leaving directory `/bzf/bzflag1/src'
00:39.03awrightmake: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
00:39.05awrightcan anyone hwlp?
00:39.19Death_Barrelhow do i use a map that someone sends me?
00:39.20learnerawright, if it's more than 5 lines, don't paste here - paste in #flood
00:39.52learnerbut the error is that you are missing a header file it's expecting
00:40.04awrightthats what i thought
00:40.07learner[dmp], don't follow you, what do you mean?
00:40.34learnerif you don't use anon, then you can commit
00:40.56DTRemenakawright: that's covered in README.MINGW32 :)
00:41.03awrightokay, thanks
00:41.06DTRemenaktroubleshooting section is at the bottom
00:41.15DTRemenakbasically you need a couple files from the DirectX SDK
00:41.42DTRemenaksearch for directx sdk
00:41.48DTRemenakit's big
00:41.51Tuponeawright: why not getting SDL?
00:41.55patlabor221190 megsish
00:41.58DTRemenakor use SDL
00:42.01learnereww.. all of direct x just for sound.. bah
00:42.01patlabor221yeah or do SDL
00:42.13awrightSDL looks big and confusing :)
00:42.21DTRemenakSDL is small and confusing
00:42.22learnerwhat does sdl do for sound?
00:42.24patlabor221dx is sued for more then sound
00:42.32DTRemenakwho sued dx?
00:42.38patlabor221your mamma
00:43.00learnerms is sued for a lot more than dx ;)
00:43.28[dmp]learner: that cvs is slow :) Im tired, should get to bed instead of puzzling people
00:43.35patlabor221I hate this keyboard
00:43.49DTRemenakso get a different one :)
00:43.59patlabor221I have one
00:44.00learner[dmp], it's early! :)
00:44.05DTRemenakplug it in :)
00:44.05patlabor221masice hardware change today
00:44.12learnernot even daylight yet
00:44.12patlabor221can't till I finish the main
00:44.31patlabor221new cases and all kinds of stuff now :)
00:45.12learnerno more jumping =)
00:45.27learnerit's like massive ducati
00:47.33[dmp]learner: Not when you're tired, and want to sleep. Dont break my deams of getting a good night sleep :)
00:49.10[dmp]I liked valentino very much, but it have been kinda dead the past few days
00:49.21fiberchunksIf a man can deem, to have dreams of reams, then shouldn't a man dream ream dream cream?
00:49.39fiberchunks*dream cream ream dreams, that is :)
00:50.17awright"not even daylight yet" hmmm... sun just fell where i live
00:50.27Death_Barrellearner: you got a min man?
00:51.51[dmp]Death_Barrel: carnage is/was looking for you
00:52.04Death_Barreli am talking to him now
00:52.16Death_Barrelcan someone help me with an ffa bzfs
00:54.03Death_Barrel[dmp], you know anything about setting up an ffa server with bzfs?
00:54.46[dmp]Death_Barrel: never tried it but wouldnt except it to be hard
00:55.08Death_Barreli don't know crap about setting up an ffa server i just need to know what options would be good
00:55.19Death_Barrelsomthing is weird about the way i have it now
00:55.27*** join/#bzflag havoc_ (
00:55.49havoc_someone wants to play 1vs1?
00:57.11orchidhsvoc were you just on quols server?
00:58.32[dmp]Death_Barrel: there is a text in the wiki about bzfs ..
00:58.50Death_Barreli read the man page
00:59.00Death_Barreli just not sure what i should and shouldn't use to make it good
01:04.18havoc_but it was boring
01:04.29havoc_cuz it was too easy
01:04.55orchidhavoc_: you lag there was awful
01:05.03orchidbut your in Montreal also?
01:05.29orchidyour on sympatico dsl?
01:05.55orchidi dont understand how you can have 290ms lag to a server in montreal
01:06.11havoc_is it normal?
01:06.32orchidmy lag to the same server is 22ms
01:06.42orchidand im not even in Montreal
01:06.47havoc_and dsl sympatico?
01:06.54CIA-503dtremenak * 10bzflag/README.MINGW32: More details for compiling on MingW32.  Try to organize readme in a sensible way.
01:07.03orchidno, magma, its also dsl using bell's lines
01:07.14havoc_its better?
01:07.22orchidi think so yes
01:07.33havoc_mayce cuz of that
01:07.45orchiddo you lag on other servers?
01:07.53orchidor just that one?
01:08.10havoc_sometimes in quol 59998
01:08.51havoc_so wana play?
01:09.06orchidno, i cant right now
01:09.18havoc_anyone wanna play??
01:09.32orchidtry asking in #bzleague
01:09.55*** join/#bzflag Fantail (
01:28.07*** join/#bzflag fawn (
01:39.35purple_cowmmm, pickles
01:44.14JBdiGrizlearner was having a lot of fun dilling pickles :)
01:44.37scanlinethe #twisted folks laughed at my idea of a transparently selfdecompressing pickle :(
01:45.08JBdiGrizthey laugh now, but wait until they are faced with it :)
01:45.14learnerpurple_cow, decks tonight?
01:45.21purple_cowlearner: hmmm!
01:45.25jacquesmmmm decks
01:45.28purple_cowooh, scanline, learner wins
01:45.35purple_cowi've got -seven- copies of him in my completion buffer
01:45.35JBdiGrizLook inside Mr. scanline, what do you see?
01:45.38scanlinewho what now?
01:45.38purple_cowwhereas you're still at 5
01:45.44learnerwho what now?
01:45.52scanlineJBdiGriz: green?
01:46.10learner7 times even
01:47.16learnerOOooo.. purdy
01:49.49fiberchunksthat'd make a nice tattoo, if you could get the tat resolution high enough ;)
01:49.56fawn <- more purdy
01:50.32scanlineheh, these are a little big as PNGs...
01:50.52fawnpng pwnz ^_^
01:51.03fiberchunkskinda looks like a surreal version of the god and whatever painting (the two hands, fingertips touching part)
01:51.11purple_cow <-- even yet purdier
01:51.18scanlineyeah.. the cool part about the PNGs you can save in Fyre is that it includes an extra chunk with all the image parameters, so you can load it back in and edit it more
01:51.32scanlineooh yeah, good ol' 13-b
01:51.54scanlinewhat a neat little program
01:51.57purple_cowinternal server error
01:53.19scanlineguess php is another thing that went down with the old apache config?
01:53.31purple_cowlooks like it
01:55.16scanlineyay, back in xchat-gnome
01:55.45purple_cowi don't see why php isn't working :P
01:56.03fiberchunksany of you developer wizards have resources linkage for 3d terminology listed and handy that I could peruse? (ex. quaternion, BSP, octree, etc)
01:56.30purple_cowhmm, nope
01:56.31scanline[Fri Apr 09 19:59:50 2004] [alert] [client] /home/httpd/htdocs/gallery/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps mis-sp
01:56.31scanlineelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration, referer:
01:56.41purple_cowbut if you need definitions for specific words, that we can answer :)
01:56.47purple_cowscanline: yeah. the config looks right
01:56.56fiberchunksheh, I don't wanna hassle you all on a constant basis :)
01:57.05scanlineah yeah...
01:57.38*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
01:57.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o JBdiGriz] by ChanServ
01:57.48purple_cowfiberchunks: well, it's not much of a bother
01:57.56scanlinepurple_cow: I don't think we have -DPHP4
01:58.42purple_cowah, hmm
01:58.43scanlineyay, works now
01:59.19scanline/etc/conf.d/apache2 is your friend, in gentoo at least
01:59.41purple_cowah, neat
02:00.04fiberchunkspurple_cow, I appreciate that :)
02:00.39purple_cowscanline: you updated?
02:00.46scanlinepurple_cow: yeah
02:01.15scanlinepurple_cow: well, I updated, recompiled, reinstalled.. noticed evan's hotkeys weren't working, then looked at the date on my xchat-gnome binary
02:01.29scanlineso apparently it updated the icons and such, but nothing else :P
02:01.37scanlinebut deleting all the plugins makes it not crash on startup :)
02:02.00purple_cowso now the question is whether fawn is really running plan9 or just 9wm with a p9 background :)
02:02.48JBdiGrizsomeone is really running plan 9?
02:03.09purple_cowscanline: hmm, i just realized something
02:03.12purple_cowwe have coffee now ;-)
02:03.20scanlineoh no!
02:05.10purple_cowyou should make some :)
02:56.39*** join/#bzflag jolly (
02:58.29jollyhi :)
03:01.09*** join/#bzflag triclops (
03:01.10*** join/#bzflag [dmp] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:01.10*** join/#bzflag shkoo (
03:01.10*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (