irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040408

00:00.01Patlabor221dude play darkend skye
00:00.09Patlabor221knights of the old replubic
00:00.19Patlabor221beyond good and evil
00:00.31Patlabor221and all the good games are on all 3 :)
00:01.02pyrobunnyPuffinator,  hi
00:01.44PuffinatorPatlabor221: Off topic, but Halo with 18 players r0xs!!!
00:09.53*** join/#bzflag Fantail (
00:14.45Patlabor221that it does
00:14.47Patlabor221try 64
00:15.22PuffinatorIt supports 64 players?
00:15.28PuffinatorIn a single map?
00:20.12Patlabor221just not on that x-box
00:20.34Patlabor221you do know what halo was writen for in the begning right?
00:21.29PuffinatorYeah, a pc?
00:21.40jacquesa mac
00:21.46Patlabor221a mac
00:21.51PuffinatorO wow....
00:21.54jacquesbungie was premier mac developer
00:22.04jacqueswho SOLD F*INKG out to MS
00:22.11PuffinatorAhhh, that sux :(
00:22.18Patlabor221I don't think they would have been able to make halo had they not
00:22.24Patlabor221they got a lot of resources out of it
00:22.25PuffinatorWe lost Rare to the fricken' goliath
00:22.32Patlabor221tho they should not have outsourced it
00:22.43Patlabor221N should have actualy payed them to stay
00:23.06PuffinatorIf it came to a bidding war then big N would have lost
00:23.31jacquesi remember when they were first bought "this does not change the fact that halo will be out for mac at same time as PC and xbox"
00:23.42jacquesyeah. rite.
00:23.50Patlabor221well It was there plan
00:24.00Patlabor221they just didn't have the people up to speed
00:24.10Patlabor221I do look forward to halo2
00:24.26Patlabor221and halo 1 is the best FPS game I have ever played on any platform
00:25.04Patlabor221they seemed to ahve kept the bungie identity, and the fact is they sell more games on the x-box then they would mac only
00:31.23*** join/#bzflag triclops (~triclops_@wireless-067.wireless.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
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00:40.17fiberchunksah, pat has left :\
00:42.02PuffinatorAhh :(
00:42.15*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
00:43.28*** join/#bzflag tofu (
00:45.24JBdiGrizcoffee shop again?
00:47.53*** join/#bzflag pyrobunny (
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01:04.18*** join/#bzflag lfranchi (
01:05.45lfranchidoes anyone know what this error means when installing bzflag: "configure: WARNING: Client build has been requested, but GL is not fully available   ... disabling client generation"? i am on gentoo linux, with X all set up. i cannot imagine what could be wrong with openGL. anyone have any ideas?
01:06.16fiberchunksyou are missing the GL developer libs, I imagine
01:06.33lfranchifiberchunks: do you know where i could get them?
01:07.04JBdiGriz~google gentoo opengl
01:08.09*** part/#bzflag Sgeo (
01:08.28fiberchunkslfranchi, you building bz from an ebuild?
01:09.16lfranchifiberchunk: yes, the latest 1.10.4 ebuild
01:09.52lfranchiok i solved the problem - i had to run "opengl-update xfree" before emerging
01:09.58fiberchunksthere you go then :)
01:10.06lfranchithen i guess i can go back to "opengl-update nvidia" later
01:10.18lfranchibut nvidia's opengl drivers are so much faster :P
01:10.39fiberchunksI imagine once you build the client, that the video driver won't make a difference, but I could be wrong
01:10.56lfranchifiberchunks: well, i will find out soon enough
01:12.31*** join/#bzflag drinian (
01:16.41lfranchiwell, it installed fine, and it works with xfree opengl
01:17.05lfranchiand it is even faster back with nvidia :D
01:34.36CIA-503fiberchunks * r3549 10bznext/common/src/events.cpp: missed one.
01:35.26*** join/#bzflag Skipp (
01:39.38*** part/#bzflag Skipp (
01:57.40*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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01:58.52*** join/#bzflag Fuddl (
02:23.34*** join/#bzflag cynyr36 (~cynyr@
02:32.09cynyr36ho all
02:36.23CIA-503fiberchunks * r3550 10bznext/client/game/inc/gameManager.h: Fix for doxygen
02:38.44*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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02:44.58ares_homehi guys
02:45.11pyrobunnyhi ares_home
02:45.40tofuhowdy ares
02:45.52ares_homehows everyone doing?
02:46.07ares_homethis fine evening (or morning - wherever you may happen to be)
02:46.47cynyr36not bad just got done installing the  xserver
02:46.59tofugoot goot
02:48.31tofuis just about time for the ice cream guy to show up
02:50.09fiberchunksgah, how does one tell grep to only look at *.h or *.cpp files when recursing?
02:50.20*** join/#bzflag mebigfatguy (
02:50.37fiberchunkstried grep -ir voodoo *.h, but it comes back with no such file *.h
02:52.02tofuthat voodoo that you do?
02:52.13tofuhah, mac!
02:52.24tofu10:48:39 PM:       tofu: is just about time for the ice cream guy to show up
02:52.34*** part/#bzflag ares_home (
02:52.43fiberchunkslo brlcad :)
02:52.49fiberchunkslearner, et al
02:53.30fiberchunksyou have any idea how to either search only in certain files, or exclude certain directories with grep?
02:54.03tofufiberchunk, yep
02:54.28fiberchunksis it a secret? ;)
02:54.45cynyr36yes top secret
02:55.20tofufind and grep
02:55.24tofugive me an example
02:55.48fiberchunksI want to find all occurences of handaler within all *.h and *.cpp, but only *.h and *.cpp
02:55.57fiberchunksand it's recursing other directories
02:56.23fiberchunksthat may or may not have *.h,cpp in them
02:57.00mebigfatguywell, in the find dialog....
02:57.41tofufind . \( -name \*.h -or -name \*.cpp \) -exec grep voodoo {} /dev/null \;
02:58.21tofureplace "." with whatever dir you want to start searching from
03:00.59fiberchunkswonderful, thanks much :)
03:04.04pyrobunnywhen is the next version of bz set to be out?
03:08.27mebigfatguyprolly 1.12
03:08.53pyrobunnyg2g... the snakes are biting at my heels and beckoning me to hollow my soul
03:34.47fawnhi hi hi
03:34.49JBdiGrizoooh, tofu needs to learn about xargs
03:35.28tofuheh, that too :)
03:35.46JBdiGrizfind . \( -name \*.h -or -name \*.cpp \) -print | xargs grep voodoo
03:36.37tofuah, nice, against who?
03:36.58JBdiGrizeez, meno and bin at first with a substitution by dog for bin in the middle
03:37.35*** join/#bzflag menotume (
03:37.52JBdiGrizmenotume: cool, when did you get league site access?
03:38.00menotumeabout a week ago
03:38.16menotumeI am working w/Chestal on fixing up the website
03:38.19JBdiGrizI'll start bugging you instead of Chestal all the time. ;)
03:38.28menotumeand, He and bzl have been pretty busy
03:38.33menotumesure, np :)
03:40.21menotumehehe, errr bzg
03:49.12menotumeheh, there's some major lag in this channel
03:49.19JBdiGrizIt's a long way from de to ca.
03:53.17*** join/#bzflag fawn (
03:54.24menotumeg'nite all
03:54.31*** part/#bzflag menotume (
03:55.04mebigfatguyi have to carry my packets to ohio, and then add them to the channel there
03:55.05tofulag, we ain't got no stinkin' lag
03:55.35JBdiGrizmake sure you have enough packets with you to make the trip worthwhile
03:57.49fiberchunksmebigfatguy, windows question for ya -- can you take an .iso, and extract the contents without burning the disk?  I know how to do it in linux, but not win
03:57.51mebigfatguywill do
03:58.16mebigfatguyum, dunno
03:58.24mebigfatguyup to the burner proggies i guess
03:58.32mebigfatguynot natively i don't think
03:59.15fiberchunksk, thx
04:00.20purple_cowfiberchunks: hang on a sec
04:01.54fiberchunksthanks, I think I'll check out winISO
04:02.13mebigfatguythar ya go
04:04.16fiberchunksbah, the trial version only handles 3 M files :\
04:05.25*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (~Matthew@resnet-248-90.resnet.UMBC.EDU)
04:07.55mebigfatguythe nudie files do get a bit big
04:08.03fiberchunksno pron today :)
04:09.03ibotwell, pron is at
04:09.16fiberchunksoddly enough, the fiancee likes it too, which seems rare, imho
04:09.31mebigfatguywoman do like fish, usually
04:11.29fiberchunksdaemontools is very nice
04:11.31fiberchunksworks well
04:11.52fiberchunksyay for 'free for personal use!' :)
04:16.32fiberchunkspurple_cow, was that an image of an atari 2800 that you posted earlier -- that works? :)