irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040222

00:00.05CIA-103atupone * 10bzflag/ Adding a conditional for SDL
00:00.16novazurin GUI when trying to connect
00:00.23TimRikerNidhoggr: I don't show any tries from in the web access log
00:00.29Tuponenovazur: so it seems you are running an old client or an old server
00:01.04Tuponenovazur: try installing from brand new directories
00:01.06novazurI don't understand at all
00:01.12TimRikernovazur: if you start bzfs from the gui it starts the one on your path which is probably the old one.
00:01.18novazurdownload it again ?
00:01.34novazurno TimRiker, look at my command line
00:01.56TimRikernovazur: I see a path to bzflag, but not bzfs
00:02.09TimRikerah. back further...
00:02.14novazursrc/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs -pf -h -mp 4 -ms 5 -t +r -j +s 40 -sa -st 15 -sw 1 -g
00:02.19novazuryou see bad :-)
00:02.47novazurTupone: download it again ?
00:03.08TuponeI don't know ... check version.h
00:03.24novazur$ src/bzflag/src/bzflag/bzflag -v
00:03.24novazurBZFlag client, version
00:03.31novazur$ src/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs -v
00:03.32novazurBZFlag server (protocol 1112)
00:03.32novazurCopyright (c) 1993 - 2004 Tim Riker
00:04.03Tuponenovazur: could be you have another bzfs running :)
00:04.20novazurnot on this PC
00:04.26Tuponekillall bzfs
00:04.27novazuron my server, yes
00:05.07novazuroh yes !!!
00:05.12Tuponeand you are connecting to localhost
00:05.13novazurthat's it!!
00:05.24novazurgui launched one, but not killed it !!
00:05.41novazurdon't know why
00:06.04novazuryes Tupone, it's ok now, i'll try joystick, don't move ! :-))
00:07.04TimRikerwell, I'm off to dinner. Hope everything is up. looks ok to me.
00:08.38CIA-103atupone * 10bzflag/src/platform/BzfMedia.cxx: wave.h not used when SDL
00:11.44CIA-103atupone * 10bzflag/src/platform/ (SDLPlatformFactory.cxx SDLPlatformFactory.h Creating an ad-hoc SDLPlatformFactory for all the fully SDL compliant plat
00:12.27novazurYeah ! Very good !
00:12.48novazurall buttons work, except 6th axe
00:13.29novazurand my joystick is a sidewinder force feedback pro
00:13.59TuponeI also put in a bunch of mouse buttons, and the wheel too
00:14.21novazurdon't understand, sorry
00:14.24TuponeBut I never tried that. I have only 3 button
00:14.32novazurah ok, saw
00:15.20novazurand is it possible to use the small button on top of sidewinder which is in fact 2 axes for linux ?
00:15.54novazuri'm very sad to have a button under my finger and can't use it :-))
00:15.59Tuponecould eventually be used for roaming, but is not handled
00:16.18novazurdon't know "roaming"
00:16.26Tuponewhen you are observer
00:16.32Tuponeyou can go freely
00:16.51novazurin jstest, it go has 3 values : -1, 0 and 1 on each axe
00:17.17novazurin jstest, it has 3 values : -1, 0 and 1 on each axe
00:17.40Tuponeshould be the Point Of View
00:17.43novazuror jscalibrate, don't remind exactly
00:17.50novazurmay be...
00:18.37novazurimpossible to use it so ?
00:19.02Tuponenow we cannot, Impossible, nah
00:19.12novazurno pb
00:19.36novazurand others axes too i think
00:19.53novazurfor volume for example :-))
00:20.17Tuponesome axis are knobs actually?
00:20.20novazurand, when this version will goes out ?
00:20.34TuponeI think 19/6/2004
00:21.08novazurso, impossible to use joystick really before with internet servers, that's it ?
00:21.24TuponeI use that!
00:21.39novazuruse this version to connect them ?
00:21.49Tuponewith some little changes
00:21.58novazurah !!...a patch ? :-))
00:22.02Tuponemainly for testing
00:22.09novazuri understand..
00:22.26novazurimpossible to give us a patch for 10.4 ?
00:23.08Tuponewith SDL? too big as a patch
00:23.23novazurit's not with SDL in CVS version ?
00:23.48TuponeCVS head is SDL, 1.10 no
00:24.24novazurah... but I compiled 1.10.4 with your patch and with-SDL...?
00:24.37novazurI don't understand, never mind
00:25.18novazurok, i'll continue tests :-) thanks for all
00:25.28novazurciao !
00:27.04*** part/#bzflag [dmp] (
00:28.19CIA-103atupone * 10bzflag/src/platform/LinuxPlatformFactory.cxx: This is now only for non SDL Linux. Removing #if
00:29.44*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:31.30CIA-103atupone * 10bzflag/src/platform/ Be sure to add SDL file to dist
00:43.22Nidhoggrserver restart fixed
00:57.16*** join/#bzflag Mozul (
01:01.31SportChickI see pat isn't here.
01:01.44SportChickanyone know what font is used in bzflag for scoreboard?
01:02.35fiberchunksis it serif, or sans serif?
01:02.41fiberchunksI think it's helvetica
01:03.18SportChickwell, which is it?  hehe
01:03.47DTRemenakit's fixed.
01:03.58DTRemenakfixedbr.png and fixedmr.png
01:04.06DTRemenakin the data directory
01:04.10DTRemenaknot a real font :)
01:04.49SportChickreally?  wow
01:05.02*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
01:05.04SportChickwhat is difference beteen two?
01:05.20DTRemenakdifferent widths
01:06.16CIA-103dbw192 * 10bzflag/src/platform/ ( MacOSX/ Add in sources for SDL
01:06.22SportChickkennyt, thanks
01:06.35SportChickthat was "k", as in "okay", NOT kennyt
01:06.37DTRemenakat some point in resolution (not sure when) it switches from fixedmr to fixedbr and then to helvbr
01:06.49SportChickwhat does br stand for?
01:07.02DTRemenakuh, idunno
01:07.06SportChickok, ty
01:07.23kennytdam ;)
01:10.27SportChickDTRemenak, you still there?
01:10.53SportChickanother question...if I copy those files over can I use the fonts in a fireworks document I'm making?  How do I link it all up?
01:11.55DTRemenakyou'd have to make a png of the same size, with all the letters in the same positions
01:12.03DTRemenakand transparency set the same
01:12.36DTRemenakwait...are you trying to use bzflag fonts in something else, or something else's fonts in bzflag?
01:13.20DTRemenakif you're trying to use bzflag's fonts in something else, go find a similar font, because otherwise you're looking at lots and lots of work.  creating a font is not a small task.
01:13.21SportChickI'm making a mock bzflag screen for webpage about bzflag..want my text to look real
01:14.02DTRemenakor join a server as a bunch of different clients with names set to the text you want and take a screenshot :)
01:14.25SportChickwell, can't do that...already got the perfect screen shot and need something like 30 names in the list
01:14.33SportChickplus gonna do more text below: bios
01:15.33DTRemenakbest bet is to go find a similar font.
01:16.01DTRemenakhigh-res is helvetica; I don't know if the "fixed" fonts are helv too, they might be
01:16.12SportChickany idea who made them?
01:17.06*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
01:18.10DTRemenaksomeone pre-sf
01:18.13DTRemenakprobably crs
01:26.14*** part/#bzflag Mozul (
01:26.52*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
01:41.17fiberchunksdoo doo doo, doobee do dee dooooooooooo
01:52.07SportChickbored, fiber?
01:52.28JBdiGrizWouldn't that be fiberboard?
01:52.51SportChickis it raining down there, JB?
01:53.03JBdiGrizIt was earlier.
01:53.09SportChickit is here now
01:53.13SportChickI'll send it your way
01:53.15SportChickI'm sick of it
01:53.25JBdiGrizIt's raining again now. We can use it.
01:53.32SportChickI'm still cold from Wed
01:53.38JBdiGrizWe were walking the dogs in the rain earlier.
01:53.47*** join/#bzflag bluedragon (
01:53.51SportChickhiya blue
01:53.53JBdiGrizI have a fire in the fireplace right now, nice and toasty.
01:54.56bluedragonwho would like 2 match tomorrow
01:56.37*** part/#bzflag bluedragon (
01:58.02*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
02:02.17*** join/#bzflag DavidF (~cgiirc@
02:04.56*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
02:05.55*** join/#bzflag DavidF (~ask@
02:09.36DavidFWhile messing with the auto-pilot, I've managed to get autokicked for going out of the arena without going out of the arena. It's puzzling.
02:10.50DavidFI've been unable to reproduce it connecting to local servers. And it happens even in the center of the arena, often when landing from a jump.
02:11.13JBdiGrizWhat OS?
02:12.58DavidFThough I had modified the auto-pilot to add path finding and predictive targetting.
02:13.28JBdiGrizThe win folks aren't around right now. You might want to try it without your changes and see if you get the same results.
02:14.01JBdiGrizI haven't heard about a bug like that, but I haven't checked the bug list either.
02:14.59*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:15.10DavidFAll the auto-pilot does to move around is change the speed and rotation variables, or jump().
02:15.56DavidFUnless I'm messing up memory somewhere else.
02:16.50DavidFI was just wondering if anyone had seen this happen with the released version.
02:17.10DavidFI'm building with VC++ 6.
02:18.22JBdiGrizThere's nothing listed in bzflag/BUGS. You can try the sourceforge buglist as well. Other than that, check back in here when there are a few more people responding.
02:19.59*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
02:22.13*** join/#bzflag xim (
02:22.22ximis there a ducati admin here?
02:22.46*** join/#bzflag CIA-3 (
02:23.54DavidFnot sure
02:24.25bryjeni'd imagine Chestal's asleep
02:29.00*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
02:32.41ximwe had a tker, but poll is not allowed
02:37.42*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
02:51.52*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (