irclog2html for #bzflag on 20040131

00:00.07AAAso long
00:00.13trsnot often, only a few friends play... and it used to be up constantly (just not with people in it), but I'm trying to get a servers only build going now
00:00.18trssee ya
00:00.31trsargh.  disabling bzadmin didn't work... hrm.
00:04.45trswell, bzadmin does include the gl stuff, but something else does too
00:05.57TimRiker-vars? is that documented? went down hard and nobody reset the machine yet.
00:07.15TimRikerit's a dual celeron and is a bit flakey (hardware)
00:07.43TimRikertrs: removing GL headers from bzadmin is in progress, but not complete yet.
00:08.21*** join/#bzflag KnottyMan (
00:08.25TimRikerthe lib3D restructuring will help. they idea is to get bzflag not needing GL and even to have binaries that are just bots with no GL code. then the server can spawn bots at will.