irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031214

00:00.39Ro-zits empty
00:02.58Patlabor221what is the file's full name?
00:03.49Patlabor221dono then, if that is the file's true name it shoudl work
00:06.22TuponeRo-z: if you remove that?
00:11.21guuPatlabor221: *click*
00:11.55guubzgirl: *click*
00:11.57guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.03*** mode/#bzflag [+o guu] by Patlabor221
00:12.17Patlabor221armed and dangerous
00:12.21guuTupone: Error: 'bzgirl' is not a valid command.
00:12.27guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.42guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.44guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.45guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.47guubzgirl: *click*
00:12.55bzgirlim lucky
00:12.58Patlabor221so ether it lies, or your very
00:14.56guuGorilla_: *click*
00:15.06orchid!help roulette
00:15.06guuorchid: (roulette takes no arguments.) -- Randomly picks a number from 1 to 6 and if it comes up 1, you get kicked. Otherwise -- *click*
00:15.19Gorilla_who's turn is it now??
00:15.28guuorchid: *click*
00:15.32guuPatlabor221: *click*
00:15.45guuorchid: *click*
00:15.50Gorilla_who's turn is it now??
00:15.53guuGorilla_: *click*
00:16.09guuGorilla_: *click*
00:16.10orchidi dont think its so random
00:16.13guuorchid: *click*
00:16.28guuorchid: *click*
00:17.01Ro-zomg this banfile thing is makin me nuts
00:17.09Ro-zstill wont work
00:17.11Gorilla_It should pick a random number between 1 and 6 and then keep counting, once it get to 7...!BANG
00:17.21guuGorilla_: *click*
00:17.59Ro-zis there a way to enable this after the server starts?
00:18.11Patlabor221you sure your not hiding file extenstions Ro-z?
00:18.31Ro-zwhat do you mean?
00:20.35Patlabor221in your OS, you can have it hide extensions for known file types
00:20.50Patlabor221like when you have a picture, do you see the .bmp and .jpg at the end of the file?
00:21.03Patlabor221it's the default mode for a number of windows versions
00:21.20Ro-zhow do I change this?
00:21.32Patlabor221what version of windows you on?
00:21.53Patlabor221first shut the comptuer down
00:21.55Ro-zits weird cuz the report.txt file works fine with the report command.
00:21.56Patlabor221get a hammer
00:22.06Patlabor221then take the drive
00:22.08Patlabor221and beat it
00:22.35Patlabor221it's probably in some folder options
00:22.51Patlabor221it will be in one of the menus in any file explorer window
00:23.03Patlabor221probably under edit or folder
00:23.14Patlabor221what kinda PC is it?
00:23.16Ro-zbut why would the report.txt work fine and not ban.txt?
00:23.31Patlabor221if the report one didn't have another extension after it
00:23.46Patlabor221it may have an extenstion of nothing
00:23.56Patlabor221this may not be it, but it's something to check
00:24.10Ro-zlol your only confusing me
00:24.18Patlabor221well 98 can cause that
00:24.25Ro-zthe report.txt file is used in the config for another feature but works fine.
00:24.35Patlabor221delete the ban file
00:24.38Patlabor221copy the report file
00:24.43*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
00:24.44Patlabor221rename the copy to ban.txt
00:24.49Patlabor221try that
00:24.56Patlabor221and get a new OS
00:25.04Patlabor221at least 2k  - too many with problems understanding rabbit hunting.
00:26.16Ro-zI think its a problem with bzflag
00:26.24Patlabor221what they don't get "down with whitie"?
00:27.00tapoit is too complicated. a tank, coming towards me. I stand. He shoots. No brain?
00:27.01Patlabor221I'll build and try
00:27.04Patlabor221one sec
00:27.34tapoanother folk with laser (and ricochet). sorry. sorry. hell.
00:28.13tapoI've found a bug in the locales (german) -- when you have an "Identify" flag, it shows the english names of the flags you're near to.
00:28.32Patlabor221that means they are not in the translated file
00:28.40Patlabor221it defaults to english what it can not find
00:28.51tapowithout "Identify" it is ok. Despite some uncommon names :).
00:29.10Patlabor221how can you see the names when you don't have ID?
00:29.11tapoWithout Identify "Zielsuchende Rakete" is with Identify "GM"
00:29.26tapoI take tha flag, then I see the name...?
00:29.40Patlabor221is the word GM in the lang file?
00:30.53tapomsgid "Guided Missile (GM)"
00:30.53tapomsgstr "Zielsuchende Rakete"
00:31.00Patlabor221Ro-z, take the quotes out
00:31.12tapothe german names work, but it uses another language when "Identify" is active.
00:31.14Patlabor221so -banfile ban.txt
00:31.15Patlabor221that works
00:31.38tapoor the msgid
00:31.42Patlabor221tapo, that is not the word GM
00:31.47Patlabor221the file needs this
00:32.07tapohell - I remembered seeing "GM". The game is not active, I am in this channel right now :-)
00:32.25Patlabor221the code send the string"GM" not the full "guided missle"
00:32.31Patlabor221so it needs a msgid for "GM"
00:32.38Patlabor221and a string for it
00:32.54Patlabor221to get it to pick up the longer german name, it would have to send the longer english name
00:33.02Patlabor221so the file does not have all the text it should
00:33.16Patlabor221thatt would change engilsh too
00:33.39Patlabor221add this
00:33.41Patlabor221msgid "GM"
00:33.41Patlabor221msgstr "Zielsuchende Rakete"
00:33.48Patlabor221that should make it show the german name
00:34.04Patlabor221or just "ZR" if you want
00:34.13Ro-zstill not workin right
00:34.19Patlabor221works for me
00:34.29Patlabor221I did bzfs.exe -banfile ban.txt
00:35.35Patlabor221windows 98 will have a limit to how long a command line can be
00:35.44Patlabor221you may want to switch to a bzflag config file
00:35.59Ro-zthat is what im using
00:36.05Ro-zim putting it in a config file
00:36.07Patlabor221ohh, you said you had a batfile
00:36.57Ro-zI have a bad file that automatically cds to the directory and runs this command:
00:36.59Ro-zbzfs -conf shiloh2.conf
00:37.07Patlabor221I'm trying that now
00:37.08Patlabor221one sec
00:38.55Tuponetapo: that is for all languages, flag discovering by Identity is in English
00:39.14Patlabor221do you see bad argument "-banfile" ?
00:39.37tapoHad to find a damn Identify flag. It sad "Closest Flag: Whatever english term"
00:39.49Patlabor221is that in the file?
00:39.51tapoTupone: feature? :)
00:40.02Ro-zno it says could not load banfile "ban.txt"
00:40.03Patlabor221I don't have the langs
00:40.13Patlabor221and you took out the quotes?
00:40.23Patlabor221dono then
00:40.25Tuponetapo: bug, but not in translation file, right in the code
00:40.36Ro-zis there a way to load this feature manually?
00:40.36tapoah ok
00:40.56Patlabor221all strings in the code are english, they go thru the trans file looking for a match, at least that's how mac splained it to me
00:41.01Ro-zlike can I load the config and the banfile at the same time?
00:41.03tapoI better stop playing... dreaming of tanks and sperm shots on radar... :)
00:41.53tapojust played on a server with censorship. tried to say "he does not understand the rules". The last word was #&#& :-))))
00:41.55Tuponebut all the flag discovered by Identity are not translated, I'm going to look at
00:43.56Patlabor221tupone, I was told that nothing in the code had to be done for translations, I think the strings are just missing from the tranlation file.
00:44.28Patlabor221when the client gets the english string it just looks for it in the map, and if it finds it, it uses the local string
00:44.33Patlabor221if not, it uses the english string
00:44.51TuponeI'm looking if translation is done on every printing, and every zone of the HUD
00:44.53Patlabor221so if "GM" is not in the file it will use english
00:44.53*** join/#bzflag triclops (
00:45.28Patlabor221true it is a client only thing they may have missed hooking that part up
00:57.19*** join/#bzflag McChat (~cgiirc@
00:57.20McChatanybody here?
00:57.30Patlabor221are you from the IRS?
00:57.52McChatno, I'm a confused player
00:58.00Patlabor221then yes there are people here :)
00:58.02McChatdoes anybody know how to play Rabbit hunt?
00:58.09*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
00:58.09McChatI mean, how does one become the rabbit
00:58.10Patlabor221you shoot the white gyy
00:58.16McChatI already know the basic rules
00:58.24Patlabor221have the highest score when the rabit dies
00:58.29McChatI'm just unable to figre out how to become the rabbit
00:58.30McChatno, that's not it
00:58.37Patlabor221that's how it is suposed to be
00:58.40McChatbecause players with negative scores are the rabbit
00:58.41Patlabor221tho there may be a bug in it
00:58.43McChatvery often
00:58.50McChatcould be
00:59.02Tuponerules are Wins * (Wins - Loss)
00:59.02Patlabor221MrApathyCream Identified a bug in it last ngiht
00:59.12McChatthe thing is, I came in last night and wasn't the rabbit at all
00:59.29Patlabor221with the current code the same person can keep being the rabbit
00:59.31McChatyou mean, the win-loss ratio determines it?
00:59.40Patlabor221I htink
00:59.42McChatwell, that didn't to me
00:59.48Patlabor221it's been a while
00:59.54Patlabor221like I say it may have some bugs
00:59.55McChatI had positive, equal, and negative w/l ratio
00:59.59captain_protonit should prefer live people over dead
01:00.00McChatmultiple times
01:00.05McChatsomebody said that too
01:00.08McChatno difference
01:00.17captain_protonso when the rabbit dies, someone else should be the rabbit for at least one death
01:00.18Patlabor221don't know how it could have a bug with all that masive amounts of testing that went into it before it was released
01:00.27McChatI had highest score, a positive w/l ratio, was the last man standing, and still didn't get it
01:00.34McChatme neither
01:00.40Patlabor221captain_proton, yeah thats how it is supoed to be, but mac was saying he could dupe the same person geting rabbit
01:00.47TuponeMcChat: You have to multiply by Wins
01:01.02Patlabor221Tupone, did you change this recently?
01:01.15McChatyou mean, if my wins multiplied are greater than anybody else's, I'm the rabbit?
01:01.19Tuponeno! Chestal says that yesterday
01:01.33Patlabor221dud chestal change it recently?
01:01.49Patlabor221then it's a feature
01:02.11TuponeYou have to get the number of people you killed, multiply by your Score
01:02.30McChatoh okay
01:02.37McChatand that figure resets every new rabbit?
01:02.38Tuponeits not the best but it is a metrics
01:02.53Patlabor221it used to just be highest score I know this for a fact
01:03.03TuponeRabbit become rogue only when killed
01:03.17McChatof course
01:03.27Tuponewhenever need to elect a new rabbit, that formula are taken into account
01:03.44Tuponeonly between live player
01:03.54McChatwhat about the player who has 0-2 w/l ratio?
01:03.58Patlabor221Apthay begs to differ on that case Tupone
01:04.07McChatnwith a better w/l ratio
01:04.28TuponeI have not read the code, just what I understand from Chestal writing
01:05.00McChatanybody know where one can find a document on the mode of gameplay?
01:05.32Patlabor221there may be one in wiki
01:05.39Patlabor221or mention of it int he man/HTML docs
01:05.49McChatthey aren't included
01:05.54McChatat least the shortcuts don't work
01:06.03Patlabor221what installer did you get?
01:06.11Patlabor2211.10.0-0 or 1.10.0-1 ?
01:07.00Patlabor221get -1
01:07.02McChatdoes that make all the difference?
01:07.09Patlabor221-0 had some issues
01:07.12Patlabor221one was that HTML
01:07.16Patlabor221and the server is borked
01:07.50McChatThe reason I got 1.10.0-0 was that 1.10.0-1 isn't on the downloads server
01:08.04TuponePatlabor221: translation strings are all there, deutch translation is missing. You were right!
01:08.05Patlabor221it is now
01:08.21Patlabor221Tupone, I am just very lucky :)
01:08.24McChatoh I see it
01:08.29McChatdownloaded, installing
01:08.33McChatI'll be right back
01:08.52Patlabor221McChat, when I put up -1 I removed -0
01:08.52Patlabor221so you never had a choice
01:10.12McChatI did---but I was using SourceForge
01:10.33Tuponetapo: want to contribute to german translation?
01:11.22Patlabor221~X en de Big missile that what kicks our butts
01:11.31Patlabor221there ya go
01:11.38Patlabor221one german tranlation :)
01:12.20TuponeI prefer human to translate (Chestal, tapo, ..)
01:13.07Patlabor221your saying ibot isn't human
01:13.11Patlabor221~who is your daddy?
01:13.13YOU are, Mr. Sexy Pants
01:13.19Patlabor221see, she's human
01:13.23Patlabor221having human parents
01:13.35Patlabor221she just dosn't get out a lot
01:16.38McChatnope, nothing at all to do with the win ratio multiplied by score :(
01:16.43TuponePat 's gone
01:16.49McChatI'm clueless---I'm the ONLY person who can't be the rabbit
01:16.56McChatwell, no
01:16.59McChatI take that back
01:17.04McChata couple of other folks can't either
01:17.06McChatbut mostly me
01:17.12McChat(because I mostly play)
01:17.17McChatwell, bye for now
01:17.23McChatI guess I'll keep trying
01:19.56*** join/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
01:20.09HEINOLAi am realy bad at bzflag now
01:20.31HEINOLAjust  give the bots my name instead
01:21.15*** part/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
01:23.41*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
01:25.37*** part/#bzflag tapo (
01:32.38TuponeMrApa I have still some time :)
01:38.24*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
01:53.36*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
01:58.05*** join/#bzflag strayer (
01:58.19strayergood morning :o)
02:00.17Noodlemanstill lotsa people playing 1.7 :-)
02:01.21Noodlemanwith the next release that fixes any blocker bugs, can we do something that will make the 1.7 people switch over?
02:01.29Noodlemanor is that out of the question?
02:01.40*** join/#bzflag munchies (
02:02.15shkoodo you just get your stats off the servers' scoreboard?
02:02.38strayerNoodleman: 1.7 has the advantage that configuring is much easier.. :)
02:02.40Noodlemani'm not 100% sure how the code works
02:02.47Noodlemanstrayer: hehe
02:03.10shkoooh, i thought you were the stats guy. :)
02:03.15Noodlemanshkoo: i am :-)
02:03.28Noodlemanbut the backend code is a hacked
02:03.53Noodlemani didn't write, i only hacked it into an OO perl module
02:03.58strayerNoodleman: do U have a php-file that works like the (I am working on one)
02:04.15Noodlemani have jzaun's old code if you want it
02:04.22Noodlemani have no idea how that code works
02:04.31shkoooh, ok. so it probably just pulls the scoreboard.
02:05.06strayerjzaun's old code doesn't work any longer...that's why I am writing a new one :/
02:05.48shkooi'm a stats junkie, so i'm working on making some neat stats stuff for secretplace, and i'm thinking maybe it might be cool if there was a cross-server stats site or something that it could interface to
02:06.03shkoostuff like who does better against whom with which flags and stuff
02:06.27shkoobut, that's a lot of data. :)
02:06.38Noodlemanas soon as i can talk with [dmp], i might be able to get the ladder working again
02:07.02Noodlemanwe might be able to have a stats supersite :-)
02:07.09strayerreally?...dmp didn't sound interested in running the laddeer again
02:07.26Noodlemanyeah, i was thinking of integrating his code into s.b.o
02:07.34Noodlemanif he gives the ok
02:08.09strayerNoodleman: > still a lot of work to do...
02:08.29Noodlemancoolage :-)
02:08.40Noodlemanmaybe you could write that as a class
02:08.44Noodlemanthat would be sweet
02:09.00strayerhm...I will see...
02:09.11*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
02:09.11*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:09.25Noodlemanstrayer: do you think i could have a look at that code?
02:09.39strayernow...or when I finished it?
02:09.59Noodlemani wouldn't mind having an early look at it if you don't
02:11.20strayerhm...I should 'tidy up' the code before... :o) > it looks quite confusing at the moment :)
02:11.40Noodlemani love a challenge :-)
02:13.05strayerlol...ok > I will give U the code this ok?
02:13.11Noodlemanthat's fine
02:14.02strayerif I had the time to finish U can make it well structured....and if it's not done until then U have the unique chace to complete it :o)
02:14.18Noodlemanok :-)
02:54.23*** join/#bzflag bosman (
03:01.39*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
03:03.48*** part/#bzflag drinian (
03:03.56*** part/#bzflag nifgraup (
03:05.38*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
03:05.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
03:06.04*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
03:06.41Grumblerits official, i really hate the HiX  map...
03:06.59Grumblereven worse with the new "random" spawn
03:09.09*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
03:19.51strayerNoodleman: I have the server-style (or configuration or however U will call it) and all the information U can get from the list-string, the team- and common player-information from the server request -> so I 'only' need the player details :o)
03:20.39*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
03:20.46Grumbler~seen learner
03:20.51learner is currently on #project24 (2d 1h 56m 33s) #bzflag (2d 1h 56m 33s).  Has said a total of 316 messages.  Is idling for 5h 21m 17s
03:20.56Grumbler~seen brlcad
03:20.57brlcad <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 2d 6h 12m 39s ago, saying: 'how about a field in player that just keeps track of the previous flag (regardless of what it was)'.
03:21.20Patlabor221ohh man
03:21.37Patlabor221anyone want to anwser questions on how to partition a drive
03:21.40Patlabor221for debian?
03:21.55Patlabor221im in cfdisk right now
03:22.03Patlabor221I need 3 partitions right?
03:22.43Grumbleri have done linux......some time ago
03:22.55Patlabor221what are you running now?'s 4:20am now and I go to bed...good night... X-]
03:23.19Grumblerlaptop is linux rh9, desktop xp pro
03:23.54Grumblerand i believe i only used 2 partitions on the laptop.....let me check......if you think it will help
03:24.48Patlabor221I recall boot, root, and swap
03:25.34Grumbleri have three
03:25.53Patlabor221it's a 60 so I did a 100 meg boot, a 50 gig "/" and a 900 meg swap
03:26.19Patlabor221or maybe that's a 9 gig swap
03:26.22Grumblerthis drive is small(4g).....the third partition is unused presently
03:26.44Grumblerboot is 1 g
03:27.21Grumblertake that back, / is 3.9 g, /boot is 100m
03:27.37Patlabor221thats what I have
03:27.41Grumblerit was "automagically" setup by redhat in 9
03:27.49Patlabor221yeah disk druid
03:28.44Patlabor221can you see what "type" the boot and "/" ones are
03:28.50Patlabor221are they "linux" ?
03:29.55Grumblerhmmm, yes if ext3=linux
03:30.08Patlabor221that is the format not the partiion type IIRC
03:30.41Grumbleryeah, not something i dabble in that often
03:30.44Patlabor221there is noodleman
03:30.46Patlabor221he is smart
03:30.48Patlabor221he can make it go
03:30.58Patlabor221noodleman how many partitions do I need for linux?
03:31.03Patlabor2212 or 3?
03:31.15Noodlemanon a desktop, i just have 1 swap and one /
03:31.28Noodlemanon a server, i like to have swap, /, /home, and /var
03:31.28Patlabor221what is a "boot" partition?
03:31.41Noodlemanoh yeah, and /boot
03:31.46Noodlemanjust for kicks and grins
03:31.53Patlabor221I did 3
03:31.58Patlabor221100 megs for boot
03:32.03Patlabor22150 gigs for /
03:32.11Patlabor221and 9 gigs or so for swap
03:32.20*** join/#bzflag Nothingman (
03:32.25Noodlemanthat is so that you can set /boot to not mount automatically, so you don't accidentally delete your kernel if you do rm -fr /
03:32.28Nothingmanhowdy, all
03:32.41Nothingmanyour name looks like a parody of mine...
03:32.53Patlabor221or yours of his
03:32.54Noodlemani had my name first :-)
03:33.02captain_protonPatlabor221: yesyesyesyesyes?
03:33.11Patlabor221I think noodleman answerd it
03:33.14Nothingmanmine's after the Pearl Jam song
03:33.23Patlabor221was asking how many partitions I needed
03:33.32Patlabor221I made 3
03:33.47captain_protonthats usually what i do
03:33.56Patlabor221100 meg boot
03:33.59Patlabor22150 gig /
03:34.00Noodlemanmine's after my own weird volition :-)
03:34.05Patlabor221and 9 or so gig swap
03:34.09Noodlemantherefore, mine's unique :-)
03:34.28Grumblerisnt there a limit to max swap space.....or is that just for the older linux kernels
03:34.39captain_protonit really doesn't matter how you partition
03:34.43captain_protonso long as it works
03:34.46Noodlemani'm sure there's a limit somewhere
03:34.59TuponePatlabor221: I think / is too big
03:35.07Grumbleryeah, i had a project where we kept blowing all our swap.....had to upgrade kernels
03:35.10Nothingmananyway, the reason I'm in here is that any server I try bzflag with either gives me a connection error or says the server is incompatible -- and people from this room earlier were telling me to try specific servers which were supposed to be 1.10.0 -- I just emerged bzflag for the first time at 1.10.0, and I've never played before
03:35.11Patlabor22150 gig?
03:35.17Patlabor221isn't theat where all the stuff goes?
03:36.11Tuponeproblem is that it is the first partition, so if file system is not ok, you have to go single user to check and repair it
03:36.30Patlabor221the first partition is the 100 meg bootable one
03:36.38Patlabor221then the 50 gig
03:36.41Patlabor221then the 9 gig
03:36.42Tuponethat is not even mounted
03:36.56TuponeI mean time, first in time
03:37.37Patlabor221well if it does take a dump I'll just be redoing it :)
03:37.47captain_protonTupone: thats why journalling file systems are good ;)
03:37.52*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
03:38.04Patlabor221it only gave me the option of EX2
03:38.06Tuponebut they are not safe for ever
03:38.10Patlabor221IIRC EX3 was "the shit"
03:38.16captain_protonPatlabor221: you'll want to convert that to ext3 soonish
03:38.28Patlabor221yeahg ext3
03:38.40bryjen3 is 2 with journaling
03:40.05bryjenunless you're not talking linux filesystems
03:40.12Grumbler2.4.x and 2.5.x support swap spaces of up 64Gb in size
03:40.47Grumbleryou can add swap space later with mkswap, if you decide you need it
03:41.13Patlabor221is 9 gig enough?
03:41.14*** join/#bzflag orchid (
03:41.22captain_proton9 gig for what?
03:41.32Patlabor221it was a 60 gig drive
03:41.37Patlabor221or is a 60
03:41.40NoodlemanD00D! they have deloreans on ebay!
03:41.45Grumblershould be......most of the time i only get over 1g if i am running an intensive simulation
03:42.06captain_proton9 is a bit excessive
03:42.10captain_protonusually one does 2* ram
03:42.15Grumblerbut i dont get into web stuff, so i dont know there
03:42.21Patlabor221ohh well
03:42.25Patlabor221it's just drive space
03:42.28bryjensomewheres they they recommends..... ah, what cap said
03:42.28captain_protonbut it never hurts to have more
03:42.41Patlabor221I thought I was doing 900 megs but I did too many 0s
03:42.53Grumblerif a program goes rogue, it could take a while for the system to correct with that large a space
03:43.38bryjenwoe unto he who /uses/ that much swap.  buy more RAMs if you need 'em.  they're cheap.
03:43.45GrumblerNoodleman: deloreans.....thought they went back to the future :)
03:43.56Patlabor221it has 384 megs in it
03:44.55NoodlemanGrumbler: yeah :-)
03:45.03Noodlemani wanna fit one out like the one in back to the future
03:45.15Noodlemani don't think i'm competent enough tho, i'd have to be able to work on it myself :-)
03:45.39Grumblerhaha, good luck
03:46.03Grumblerdidnt get around to answering nothingman's question....
03:46.19Noodlemani wonder if the doors make the same sound when you open them as they do in the movie...
03:49.00GrumblerNoodleman: this is the toy i am currently dealing on
03:49.36Grumbleror this
03:50.08Noodlemani'd still rather have a delorean :-)
03:50.42Grumbleri dont know, the cooper is an aweful lot of fun to drive......and it gets good mpg
03:54.08Grumblerdang, my PC is not even out of manufacturing yet......aaaarrrrrggggg
03:54.36Patlabor221what did you order?
03:55.07Grumblerits the same alienware i was talking about 2+ weeks ago......arrrrgggg
03:55.08bryjendhude, are you gettin a dhell ?
03:55.33Grumblernah, i would have......prior history pretty good.......but i went alien
03:55.43Noodlemanbryjen: :-P
03:56.34bryjenalien?  what's interplanetary shipping cost these days? ;)
03:56.53bryjenooh, "free for the holidays"
03:56.53Grumblernot much, but he anal probing is a little disconcerting
03:57.04Patlabor221it's not bad if you ship IPS "plasma" rate
03:58.05bryjenI prefer 5dEx (Fifth Dimension Express) :)
03:58.37Patlabor221yeah but sometmes the lose it and the package guy
03:58.47Grumbleri heard a rumour that the UPS "wormhole" guy actually got things working.....
03:59.16Patlabor221cept when the deliver it before you order it
03:59.43Grumblerso long as they take the money after i order, i am cool with it :)
04:00.34guuPatlabor221: *click*
04:00.55guuGrumbler: *click*
04:01.09guuorchid: *click*
04:01.48guuPatlabor221: *click*
04:02.00Grumbleroh man
04:02.03guuGrumbler: *click*
04:02.07guuorchid: *click*
04:02.09guuPatlabor221: *click*
04:02.17guuGrumbler: *click*
04:02.28orchidsee, its wrong, shouldnt be random.
04:02.37Patlabor221yeah it should
04:02.44Patlabor221you spin it before
04:02.55Patlabor221it just dosn't go "whiiiirrrrrrr"
04:03.03orchidlike ive played this before :)
04:03.13Patlabor221yeah but I know you have seen movies
04:03.13guuorchid: *click*
04:03.15Patlabor221yeah but I know you have seen movies
04:03.21*** kick/#bzflag [Patlabor221!] by guu (BANG!)
04:03.30*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
04:03.30*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
04:04.03Patlabor221this sucks I am still hungry
04:04.04Grumblerthat'll teach yah....  :)
04:04.09Patlabor221I know I should not eat tho
04:04.15Grumblerafterlife can be that way
04:04.45Patlabor221how do you know this isn't my afterdeath?
04:05.05Grumblerbecause i am here
04:05.10guuNoodleman: *click*
04:05.23Grumblerthis could be my hell though......
04:05.32*** kick/#bzflag [Noodleman!] by guu (BANG!)
04:05.34*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
04:05.34Grumblercould explain that rash...
04:05.37Patlabor221just cus you and I are here does not mean we are both "alive"
04:05.48Patlabor221undeath makes things so much interesting
04:06.02*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
04:06.12*** kick/#bzflag [Patlabor221!] by guu (BANG!)
04:06.14Grumbler....thinks of haibanne rennmai  (sp)
04:06.26*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
04:06.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
04:06.27Grumblerblew the spelling on that one
04:06.32Patlabor221see I told you debian hates me
04:07.02GenRommeldoes anyone have a problem seeing flags on 1.10?
04:07.16orchidGenRommel, nope
04:07.37Grumblerno, you have hit the h or j keys....they make things disappear
04:07.42orchidtheres a key that toggles viewing them though
04:07.46Grumbleri think its h or j
04:07.47GenRommelorchid - it's very funny - I can see flags on top of tanks, but not on the ground - for all video resolutions
04:07.58Patlabor221then you togled them
04:07.59GenRommellet me try
04:08.03Patlabor221it's a "feature"
04:08.04orchidyeah what Grumbler said
04:08.11GenRommeli might have toggled it by accident
04:08.17GenRommeldumb feature though...
04:08.35Grumblernot during rabbit hunt, cant find the tank otherwise
04:08.45orchidwell its good sometimes, on maps with too many flags
04:09.44GenRommelit's true orchid - i can see flags either visually or on the radar :)
04:10.07orchidid worry more about bullets
04:10.19Grumblerditto that orchid
04:10.23Patlabor221flags have metal in them?
04:10.31Patlabor221how do they show on radar?
04:11.38Grumblerduring the early years they found the flags lasted longer when made with steel fibers sewn in the outer hem, it help preserve the flag's integrity when a tank rolled over it.
04:13.03Patlabor221brb, sustinance time
04:14.18Grumblercome on and zooma zooma zooma zoom
04:18.23*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
04:29.01bryjenmight the flag _poles_ be metal ?
04:30.43Patlabor221mmmmm red and chunky, just the way I like it
04:31.26Patlabor221tis sustinance
04:31.31Patlabor221thru a straw :)
04:35.40Patlabor221so linux swap space is where it dumps out for virtual memory right? like the pagefile I'm used to?
04:36.46bryjenalthough 'doze uses a file and linux usually dedicates a disk partition to aviod filesystem overhead
04:37.17Patlabor221wonder how much that really is?
04:37.22Patlabor221the overhead
04:38.15bryjeni think its was about a filesystem may need to alloc memory to do its thing, and that's probly not something to be doing in the middle of a swapout
04:38.31Patlabor221makes sense
04:39.32bryjenalthough you can do swap _files_ too, so maybe its not such a big thing.  maybe it was an old restriction
04:40.16Patlabor221as long as it works :)
04:40.48Patlabor221well with this 9 gig swap maybe I can do some big ass radiosity lightmap calcs :)
04:42.13bryjenif your dataset is that big and its using gigs of swap, how many orders-of-magnitude slower are disk accesses to chips accesses? :)
04:42.17Patlabor221that may take a year
04:42.49Patlabor221I'll probably be changing drives later so I'll redo it better next time
04:42.59Patlabor221I thought I was doing 900 megs
04:43.04Patlabor221too many 0s
04:43.44bryjenide disk space is cheap too :)
04:44.02Patlabor221forgot this was a 60 gig drive
04:44.36bryjeni think they go up to 250 or 300 now
04:46.49Patlabor221250s are kinda cheap
04:46.53Patlabor221under 200
04:48.58captain_protonlooks like 180 are cheapest / g right now
04:49.18captain_protonerr, 160
05:04.39creeperzpatlabor221 said a prayer :-)
05:05.29captain_protoncongratulations Patlabor221, consider yourself converted!
05:06.12Patlabor221didn't say who I was praying too now did I?
05:06.34Patlabor221prayer, spell, wish the all have a common base
05:09.42*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
05:12.24captain_protondoes anybody remember if there's a way to get sf tracker activity in RSS?
05:15.27bryjenodd. hashmark 1.10 shows 255 out of 4 purple tanks
05:16.04Patlabor221there is
05:16.10Patlabor221guu was able to do something with it
05:16.10guuPatlabor221: Error: 'was' is not a valid command.
05:16.32captain_protonremember -where- ?
05:16.50bryjenthere aren't really any purple tanks tho..
05:16.57captain_protonor did they scratch that?
05:16.57Patlabor221no I don't
05:18.27Patlabor221Tim did it
05:18.34Patlabor221I don't remember how tho
05:37.07chatelainecaptain_proton: does sf have an RSS feed for the bug tracker?
05:38.11captain_protonchatelaine: its looking like no :P
05:38.24captain_protoni was hoping so, because that would make adding tracker support to the new CIA really easy
05:38.35captain_proton(just a poller + xslt stylesheet)
05:40.19chatelaine!alias add sf RSS
05:40.19guuchatelaine: The operation succeeded.
05:40.25guuchatelaine: Mac OS X 1.10.0 released (Sun, 14 Dec 2003 01:05:44 GMT) :: win32 1.10.0 released (Tue, 09 Dec 2003 08:00:00 GMT) :: source rpm 1.10.0 released (Wed, 10 Dec 2003 01:34:19 GMT) :: i386 rpm gcc3 ABI (redhat 8+) 1.10.0 released (Wed, 10 Dec 2003 01:29:12 GMT) :: source 1.10.0 released (Tue, 09 Dec 2003 07:00:00 GMT) :: Mac OS X 1.7g2 released (Wed, 18 Jun 2003 03:33:36 (1 more message)
05:40.41chatelaine!alias remove sf
05:40.41guuchatelaine: The operation succeeded.
05:43.51captain_protonhmm, though the export page claims tracker stuff works
05:46.49captain_protoni dunno if its available in rss, but it looks like one can snag all the tracker/file/etc data in one huge xml file
06:06.33Patlabor221how would I find out what kernel I have to know what kernel source I need to get?
06:06.42captain_protonuname -a
06:07.23Patlabor221seems I need that to install the nvidias
06:08.07Patlabor221hmm seems I don't have the latest kernel
06:08.22Patlabor221well I shan't worry about uping it now, as that scares me
06:08.28MrApathyCreamgrrr sf is down
06:10.02Patlabor221yet the status page says it's up :)
06:16.20MrApathyCreamsomeone things MQ screws up team kill counting :)
06:24.09*** join/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
06:26.05Patlabor221well debian still hates me
06:26.37MrApathyCreamthats what you get for straying
06:26.47HEINOLAis this 1.10.0 a new bzflag version
06:27.03HEINOLAstable ?
06:27.06Patlabor221MrApathyCream, this is for another machine
06:27.09Patlabor221it is what it is
06:27.26Patlabor221I don't think we have ever called any bzflag version "stable"
06:27.40Patlabor221it's totaly incompatable with 1.7x
06:27.49JBdiGrizi don't think we have called any of the developers "stable"
06:27.50Patlabor221so if a server upgrades you gotta too
06:28.01HEINOLAis there a mass migration to the 1.10.0
06:28.11Patlabor221MrApathyCream, ryoko and mihoshi will still be XP
06:28.18JBdiGrizsomewhat akin to lemmings
06:28.20Patlabor221again depends on servers
06:28.31Patlabor221xmission and ducati upgraded
06:28.45HEINOLAok i better get it then
06:28.54JBdiGrizducati is running both
06:29.06Patlabor221ahh still
06:29.11Patlabor221thought he was gonna update both
06:29.36HEINOLAso the older version come up in the find server area as well as the 1.10.0 servers
06:29.49Patlabor221they each have tehre own list server
06:29.52Patlabor221so no mixing
06:29.59HEINOLAthats nice
06:30.02Patlabor2211.7 will show the 1.7 servers 1.10 will show it's servers
06:30.10Patlabor221it'll just take a while to do it
06:30.36MrApathyCreamJBdiGriz: :)
06:30.45*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (
06:30.50HEINOLAdownloading as we speak
06:30.53JBdiGrizYou can always tell a windows user
06:31.03JBdiGrizbut you can't tell them much :)
06:31.20Patlabor221yeah we hate to read
06:31.26Patlabor221but will click really well
06:32.19JBdiGrizI thought you spent half your clicks trying to figure out which mouse button you really meant to push. :)
06:32.36Patlabor221nope, we got that down
06:32.46Patlabor221unline the macs where 2 buttons was too many
06:32.52JBdiGrizYou're one of the advanced windows users.
06:33.07JBdiGrizMacs understand the average computer user.
06:33.14Patlabor221hey that's why people asign windows "bugs" to me :)
06:33.47Patlabor221MrApathyCream, In cvs I uncommented out the socketlen thing, as it seesm most people have the old SDK
06:33.54Patlabor221you'll just have to comment it out
06:34.02Patlabor221went for the smaller group
06:34.25HEINOLAwell i trying to make the move to linux  :)
06:34.35Patlabor221what one?
06:34.58HEINOLAwell i am running mandrake but...
06:35.11HEINOLAi might migrate to slackware this coming week
06:35.23Patlabor221I have a full install of Debian here
06:35.31Patlabor221and it's basicly useless to me now
06:36.01Patlabor221slackware is downloading now
06:36.10HEINOLAi tried to install debian but i could not get my xserver  to run
06:36.18JBdiGrizit's easily installed over. get a real os.
06:36.19Patlabor221that is my problem
06:36.34HEINOLAi really tried not my ussual  give up in 3 sec try
06:37.02MrApathyCreamsaw it
06:37.14Patlabor221JBdiGriz, what would you sugest for a P3 700 with a GF2ultra?
06:37.33HEINOLAjust couldnt get my ati drivers to install in debain  
06:37.44HEINOLAi liked the installer thoe
06:37.46Patlabor221well they are AIT
06:38.05Patlabor221I have never had any ATI drivers work for me
06:38.14Patlabor221they could not even draw a textured box properly
06:38.35JBdiGrizWhat chipset is that
06:38.43HEINOLAon mandrake they work ok    
06:38.50Patlabor221I guess to them GL_CLAMP means "blend to black"
06:39.15HEINOLAbetter than they do for win  
06:39.25Patlabor221I was on windows at the time
06:39.31Patlabor221on a 9700
06:39.36HEINOLAill have to move to NV
06:39.51Patlabor221every time I opend the driver controll panel the screen would flicker 15 times
06:40.04Patlabor221I gave the card away
06:40.14HEINOLAit runs better in lin than win
06:40.25HEINOLAfor me
06:40.37Patlabor221all my nvidias run fine in both OSes
06:40.42Patlabor221when the drivers from the site can install
06:40.52HEINOLAi need a NV better than my old GF2mx200
06:40.57Patlabor221seems the "debs" for the nvidias are not all that set up
06:41.05Patlabor221get a FX 5700
06:41.09Patlabor221good bang for buck
06:41.41HEINOLAi was just looking at a  gf4mx440
06:41.52Patlabor221it's not much speed over a 2
06:41.58Patlabor221no real new chipset features
06:42.10Patlabor221if you want to stay low go for a FX5200 or 5300
06:42.14Patlabor221at least then you get shaders
06:42.24Patlabor221or see if you can find a cheap GF3 or 4
06:42.25HEINOLAwhats the going for a 5700
06:42.30Patlabor221the MX line has no shaders
06:43.15Patlabor221just over 150
06:43.30Patlabor221a 5200 is about 60
06:43.44Patlabor221I run one on mihoshi and it works fine
06:44.02Patlabor221where does one get the OS jbd?
06:44.08Patlabor221in bootable CD format
06:44.14HEINOLAwell  the 5200 i could fudge
06:44.30Patlabor221what games do you play?
06:44.34Patlabor221just BZ?
06:45.27HEINOLAmost my games are in win
06:45.52JBdiGrizI suppose you want me to download and burn the cd as well? :)
06:46.05MrApathyCream5700 ultra = 200
06:46.10Patlabor221no, just wondering if I was looking in the right place
06:46.42HEINOLAthats like a new system for me  lol
06:47.18MrApathyCreamthe vid card is more important than the system for bz
06:47.39HEINOLAthis 8500 runs well i just hope i dont have issues in slackware
06:47.40Patlabor221and I want 4.9, not 5.0 or 5.1?
06:47.49JBdiGrizIf they don't run well on a system, you should let the developers of the system and the video card manufacturers know about it.
06:47.59JBdiGrizAre you on a dual processor machine?
06:48.10Patlabor221no just a single P3700
06:48.36HEINOLAwell i need to install 1.10  brb
06:48.55JBdiGriz5.1 is cool, but it's still the development platform. I recommend the stable platform for people who are even slightly uncomfortable with being on the bleeding edge.
06:49.08Patlabor221so 5.0?
06:49.20Patlabor221or I guess there is no 5.0
06:49.24JBdiGriz5.0 is the previous release of 5.1
06:49.24Patlabor2214.9 then
06:49.49Patlabor221do I want the 2 disks? or the mini iso?
06:50.27MrApathyCreami wonder how many folks are play 1.7 these days
06:50.31Patlabor221is the mini one of those, "get you booted then get the rest from the net" thing/
06:50.58Patlabor221hard to tell MrApathyCream, tim changed the list page
06:51.06Patlabor221you could compare with I guess
06:52.28Patlabor221stats says 19 people now
06:52.37Patlabor221and 19 on 1.10
06:52.46Patlabor2211 player per server :)
06:52.46MrApathyCreampretty good then
06:54.07Patlabor221woudl like to see the 1.7 average for today
06:54.12Patlabor221on 1.10 is way down
06:54.20Patlabor22117 average
06:54.37Patlabor221for 1.7 it was 50ish IRRC
06:54.41Patlabor221max of 100
06:57.42Patlabor221this is true
06:57.52Patlabor221that is why I said "should" :)
06:58.09JBdiGrizEnjoy being "happy" :)
06:58.29Patlabor221but at least major updates have been thought about
06:58.47JBdiGrizI can always tell a windows user. :)
06:59.06Patlabor221cus clients and games are seperate wouldn't :)
06:59.24Patlabor221you would probably put the game and the client in one app too
06:59.33JBdiGrizMost wives have a different philosophy than Patlabor221
06:59.39HEINOLAmake[2]: *** [BZAdminClient.o] Error 1
06:59.58Patlabor221well it's a good thing I'm no longer maried then is it :)
07:00.56JBdiGrizI don't know, were you trying to play old games with new clients? :)
07:01.33Patlabor221she was evil
07:01.40Patlabor221I was duped
07:01.46MrApathyCreampoor Patlabor221
07:01.55JBdiGrizThen you are probably very lucky
07:02.04Patlabor221this was 10 years ago
07:02.20MrApathyCreamdid she get the server in the divorce?
07:02.43Patlabor221she stole my camera and the really cool couch
07:03.03Patlabor221I got to keep the powerbook 165 tho
07:03.12MrApathyCreamhow long were you married?
07:03.14Patlabor221pinacle of tech that it was
07:03.24Patlabor221just over a year
07:03.55Patlabor221in the end I was told "well I just maried you so I coudl get outa my parents house"
07:04.59JBdiGrizSome people are rather dim, especially if they can't figure out how to get out of their parents house.
07:07.16HEINOLAhey 1.10 is neat
07:07.26HEINOLAbrb i got to play lol
07:15.58Patlabor221yay DLS prices go down :)
07:16.11Patlabor221DSL even
07:16.42Patlabor221I'm sure they will get you something
07:16.51MrApathyCreampony express?
07:17.02Patlabor221biger cans, metal string
07:17.38Patlabor221just how far out there are you?
07:18.06MrApathyCreama mile from a numbered highway
07:18.36Patlabor221how far from a town?
07:18.46Patlabor221that has a telco CO?
07:36.15*** join/#bzflag TimKohler (~|tim|
08:03.47*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
08:33.32CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/win32/VC6 (config.h): launch a salvo across patlabor's bow
08:35.31CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/obstacle (PyramidBuilding.cxx): Taking flip into account better
08:39.30CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx):
08:39.30CIArelaxed most of the hard-coded autokick tolerances.
08:39.31CIAthere were way too many false postitives (mostly due to networking delays).
08:39.31CIAcleaned up unnecessary message vars and strcpyies of static char arrays.
08:39.32CIAmake kick messages less presumptuous (since they are often incorrect too).
08:39.42CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/package/mac ( removed notes dir
08:40.25MrApathyCreamlearner is back!
08:42.06CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): comment on rabbit selection
08:43.54CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): tupone fixes the flipz pyr problem
08:44.03captain_protonlooks like sf's mail server is working again
08:46.01CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): recomment on rabbit selection
08:54.13MrApathyCreamseems to me when we release the sp1 release, it should break protocol
08:54.28MrApathyCreamotherwise we'll have unfair clients out there (ie gm bug)
09:09.10*** join/#bzflag larsl (
09:09.10*** mode/#bzflag [+o larsl] by ChanServ
09:09.21larsl~spell negligable
09:09.23possible spellings for negligable: negligible negligibly negotiable negligee eligible ineligible negligence delegable navigable gelable negligees legible likable negligently negligibility unlikable
09:09.32larsl~dict nigligible
09:09.35larsl~dict negligible
09:09.49aw, gee, larsl
09:13.39CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): i told learner...
09:26.05CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): bad team size display
09:43.50CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ ( removed the old notes dir
09:52.57sure, wanna snort some with me?
10:18.26*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
10:25.00*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
10:26.05*** join/#bzflag niksie (
10:31.22*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
10:36.42niksieSaddam may have been captured
10:38.24larslniksie: Just read it. Odd that the americans won't confirm it though.
10:39.13niksieThey would really look like shit if they turned out to be wrong
10:39.51larslWhich would mean that they aren't completely sure yet.
10:40.58niksiethey are appearantly going to do DNA tests
10:41.54larslOr maybe they just want to wait a while so they can confirm it live on the morning news shows in the US. =)
10:42.10niksiethat would be about 3 hours
10:52.29CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/win32/VC6 (config.h): change the socketlen_t thing around so it works for more people then just MAC
11:05.42larsl_away~convert 1.3 kg to GeV
11:05.50larsl_away~convert 1.3 kg to eV
11:06.17larsl_awayibot, E = mc^2.
11:06.18larsl_away: bugger all, i dunno
11:12.38larsl_away~convert 1 eV to J
11:39.14*** join/#bzflag strayer (
11:53.41*** join/#bzflag tapo (
12:10.58*** join/#bzflag mmu (
12:13.43niksiethe US confirms
12:14.19strayerwhat?...that they cought Saddam H.?
12:14.29niksie"we got him"
12:15.12strayerwell...that was time...after all the time and money they invested in the search
12:15.32strayerbut now I can forget to get the head money ;o)
12:15.34tapodid the invest time, or did they wait? :)
12:15.48strayerhm...good question..hehe
12:39.56*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
12:41.24*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
12:53.38strayerNoodleman: > the difficult stuff is nearly done...the rest is code-structure and some additional information
13:10.15*** join/#bzflag orchid (
13:13.23orchidafternoon for you?
13:13.31Tuponeyeah, just after lunch
13:17.05Tuponebzgirl: started playing on 1.10?
13:17.37orchidi did play a little bit on it yes
13:18.13Tuponestill some bug and some lag
13:18.36orchidwell lag is going to be there on any version no?
13:18.59orchidi dont recall if there was networking changes to this version?
13:19.04Tuponesome report this version being more slow
13:19.16orchidoh, i dont notice a difference
13:19.22orchidnot in game play
13:20.06Tuponeno big changes on network has been done. Some one look at FPS and say is lower (or fHz how capt like)
13:20.58orchidi will check mine
13:21.19orchidbut i dont think a few fps will make much difference
13:21.36orchidunless you are consistantly 50 fps slower
13:22.03TuponeI think some people like rocking
13:22.53*** join/#bzflag tapo (
13:22.55TuponeMac report is new video board going to 380 :)
13:23.12orchidthats alot
13:23.36orchidi can get 500 on my laptop with all the settings set to low quality
13:23.37TuponeAnd there is no way to see that a lot, monitor goes max 100
13:24.32orchidi should install 1.10 on my laptop today i guess
13:24.59Tuponewhat video you have on laptop
13:25.54orchidits a geforce4 64mb
13:26.48Tuponeon laptop? cool
13:27.03*** join/#bzflag niksie (
13:27.14orchidyes, a dell laptop
13:40.20CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/ ( CONFIG variable is only used in package for irix
13:40.51orchid!version bzflag
13:40.52guuorchid: 0.76.1
13:41.33orchid!debian version bzflag
13:41.34guuorchid: Error: is down at the moment.  Please try again later.
13:42.18Pimpinellafrank@lulu:~/download$ apt-cache policy bzflag
13:44.20orchide4 :)
13:47.50*** join/#bzflag Oman (~cgiirc@
13:48.00Omanhi all
13:48.34*** part/#bzflag Oman (~cgiirc@
13:50.57*** join/#bzflag Oman (~cgiirc@
13:51.51Omananybody home
13:53.08Omani guess bye
13:53.10Tuponesomebody home
13:53.16Omanoh hi
13:53.44Tuponegot 1.10?
13:53.49*** join/#bzflag cniV (
13:54.01Omani got 1.10
13:54.16*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
13:54.46OmanA lot of enjoyment
13:55.46Tuponehave you found some particular problem with that, that is not well-known
13:56.08OmanI have a whole list of um.....
13:56.38OmanOne is the Start sever thing won't work for me
13:57.03OmanI haven't ask anybody else to try that so i don't know
13:57.18Tuponeare you on windows
13:57.43Tuponehave you douwnloaded the 1.10.0-1 ?
13:58.04OmanHmmm... i downloaded that
13:58.11Omanno no
13:58.14Omani didn't
13:58.22TuponeThis should cover that
13:58.26Omani dowloaded 1.10.0
13:58.38Tuponeit was a baaad package
13:58.45Omanok thanks
13:59.14Omanwant me to tell you another problem i found
13:59.20[dmp]1.10.1 is a windows-only release?
13:59.27TuponePat sayd it is in the site!
13:59.52Tuponeit is just a packaging, the installer included an old bzfs
14:00.08Tuponeit is still 1.10.0
14:00.43Omanis orchid bzg
14:00.59TuponeOman: talk about this bug
14:01.30Omanwitch one
14:01.44Tupone<Oman> want me to tell you another problem i found
14:02.07Tuponeyou said that!!!! lol
14:02.59OmanWell one is when you get stuck on a pyramid it sometimes makes you jump
14:03.14Omanon no jumping severs
14:04.27Omani ment inbetween
14:04.29TuponeThat is avoiding stucking (so it's a feature). On non jumping, you will not get anymore that jump unless you have a Jump flag. But it is in cvs, not released
14:05.34OmanOMG I AM DUMB
14:05.49CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/package ( Fixing PATH. Probably this file has not been used in age
14:06.56OmanYes We cought Samdam
14:07.07OmanGo USA USA USA
14:11.47OmanWe Caught Saddam YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14:12.53Omanbye all
14:13.17*** part/#bzflag Oman (~cgiirc@
14:26.41*** join/#bzflag orchid (
14:38.03strayer_away ...lalala :o)
14:43.59orchidstrayer_away, :)
14:52.02tapoI dont understand tha flags "Seer" and "Masquerade"
14:52.46Chestaltapo: masq. player will appear in friendly colour in 3D to other tanks
14:53.01Chestaltapo: so, if I am red, you are green, you pick up masq. I will see you as red
14:53.11tapothats why rogue tanks attack me when I habe masq
14:53.16Chestaltapo: Seer flag counters stealth, cloak and masq.
14:54.07orchidChestal, masq dosent hide you in radar tho?
14:54.08tapound "unsichtbar"and "verschleierung" are vice versa. first is stealth, right?
14:54.26Chestalorchid: no, there was some discussion whether it should or not
14:54.49Chestaltapo: never used that funne de locale
14:57.35TuponeChestal: german locale misses some translation, some of you should do that
14:58.15tapothere are some Chestals? :)
14:58.24taposhall I?
14:58.33TuponeI mean you or chestal
14:59.11Tuponeyou know the way to do it?
15:01.11tapoI nknow the file. but not the "procedere"
15:01.54TuponeJust write it down, then drop to one of us, or better put on patch sf
15:01.57tapoI send the file to chestal...
15:02.47tapolong file...
15:05.26Chestaltapo: Korpulenz? ;-)
15:06.51tapo"Versiegelt" ?? Hm
15:07.30tapo"Zoned" = "zonig"? :)
15:09.09taponot easy<
15:13.47Tuponelearner: hi
15:13.57learnerhey tupone
15:14.08learnerhrm.. i haven't seen this for a while..
15:14.09learnerPlayer [0] accept() from on 6
15:14.10learnerPlayer  [0] on 6 removed: ECONNRESET/EPIPE
15:14.32Tuponeis not that the list server?
15:15.14learnerthat's not a normal disconnect, though..
15:15.21learnerhere's what it "should" say:
15:15.21learnerPlayer [0] accept() from on 6
15:15.22learnerPlayer  [0] on 6 removed: Disconnected
15:15.41Tuponethats not a normal cout you mean?
15:15.46CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (3 files): some changes to lagstats: display format, more smoothing to jitter value, smoothign for lost/ooo value
15:16.04larsl_awayIt looks like the old list server, before it was upgraded to use the new protocol (without reconnect port).
15:16.42learnerright, but this was new server, new list server
15:16.47learnerand hi quol :)
15:16.55Chestalwho did the world weapons? MAC?
15:17.05Tuponelarsl_away: have you seen a bug (sf) for you (reset_size)
15:17.11*** join/#bzflag nikt (
15:17.48strayerhm...what do U prever Quol? :)
15:22.48CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/man (bzfs.6s): lagstats changes in man page
16:00.53CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (CursesUI.cxx): Changed resize_term to resizeterm to make it work on older ncurses, this breaks the build with PDCurses
16:01.30learneryay for commits that break things
16:02.14larsl_awayNobody is using PDCurses anyway.
16:12.59larslI'm getting extreme lag at secretplace - > 1000ms.
16:13.05larsl< 100 ms on ducati.
16:19.01*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
16:19.30*** join/#bzflag orchid (
16:20.26orchidi had the burrow flag, and got killed buy someon jumping on me with the "jump" flag, this is right?
16:20.33orchidhi [dmp]
16:22.19Chestalburrow gets killed whcne touched by anyone (except zoned)
16:22.20orchidahh, so anyone can kill burrow by jumping on them?
16:22.36larslOr driving over them.
16:22.37orchidso, burrow isnt that powerful then
16:23.02Chestalorchid: without that, you'd need GM, SW or SR to kill it
16:23.05orchidas the reduced speed makes it impossible to evade people trying to stomp on you
16:23.38Chestalwell, we msut see whether the default valeus are a good balance
16:23.44Chestalthe speed reduction can be changed
16:24.38orchiddid you notice the comment on (i forgot which forum) that the hunters shouldnt be rouge, but rather a team color?
16:24.54orchidas people are too used to rogues killing each other
16:26.53Chestalhmm, maybe
16:33.01[dmp]It would be fun (i think) to have two teams, so the rabbit had some guards :).
16:33.08[dmp]hi orchid
16:37.17*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
16:41.29*** join/#bzflag david_v (
16:47.21*** join/#bzflag tup-one (
16:52.42tup-onelearner: hi
16:58.15*** join/#bzflag Jaguar503n (~cgiirc@
16:58.56*** join/#bzflag Jaguar (
16:59.59*** join/#bzflag tup-one (
17:05.11*** join/#bzflag strayer (
17:12.57learnerinteresting.. saddam was captured
17:14.32*** join/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
17:14.51tup-onehi sussudio
17:15.05fhffhqvbi just got that on hashmark... appearently it booted everyone
17:15.35fhffhqvb(new server btw)
17:15.58learnertup-one: any comments regarding the "bug" on searching /usr/X11R6/GL ?
17:16.32learnerinteresting.. fhffhqvb, thanks.
17:17.09tup-onelearner: I put it there, on bug sf comment
17:17.26fhffhqvboh yeah, on xmission yesterday there was a blue gap in the mountains on both sides...
17:23.33fhffhqvbbtw, appearently there are more people cheating with 1.7 than i thought, especially on xmission... on the 1.10 server people are much easier to hit....
17:23.53learnerfhffhqvb: :)
17:24.12fhffhqvbi suspect a lot of people are using some variant of the skinny cheat.
17:25.10learnerunfortunately, it'll only be a few weeks probably until new cheats are propagated
17:25.27learnerthose that suck won't be too happy sucking again
17:25.27fhffhqvbthey're popping up already
17:25.55learnernot surprised.
17:26.10fhffhqvbi think it's probably a bit harder to implement than with 1.7
17:26.17learnerone of the cheat makers was on my servers many months ago testing out his client
17:26.38learnernot a player
17:26.42learnerjust a cheat maker
17:26.46fhffhqvbhmm k
17:27.11fhffhqvbi found this everybody-crash-fun-bug
17:27.27fhffhqvbit's kinda obscure so i doubt anyone will find it any time soon
17:27.44fhffhqvbKR: those pigs
17:27.53learneryeah.. that failure was a very general wtf catch-all error
17:28.12fhffhqvbno, i found one that just drops everyone without warning
17:29.00learnerright.. but the "reason" of why everyone was dropped is a very general state check
17:29.05learnerin the code
17:29.23learnerbasically means the clients became out of sync with the server somehow
17:29.36learnermost likely a bug in the server
17:31.12larsllearner: Several clients crashed at the same time a few (1-2) days ago in a rabbit game. My client segfaulted in Flag::unpack().
17:31.17larslHaven't managed to reproduce it.
17:32.04learneryes.. larsl.. I think I see what happened now
17:34.47*** join/#bzflag orchid (
17:43.40larsllearner: What do you think it is?
17:44.21larslI looked at the code briefly when it happened, didn't see anything that I thought was obviously wrong.
17:44.26learnertwo problems
17:44.26CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): added bug  on propagating invalid id that crashes all clients (from fhffhqvb)
17:44.53learnerfirst is that the server is spreading out a bad player id
17:45.07learnerthe server needs to check and make sure they are valid
17:45.17learnerI'm surprised this isn't already done.. but apparently it's not
17:45.23larslAh... and the client is using that as an index to the 'players' array?
17:45.36learnersecond problem is that receiving an invalid id crashes the client.. that's a separate bug imo
17:45.52learnerit gets used as an index, seg fault, etc
17:46.52fhffhqvbi thought it had been fixed after e6
17:47.11larsle6 didn't have array indices as player IDs.
17:55.05Quolanyone tried to compile latest source on windows (VC 6)?
17:59.15fhffhqvbyeah you have to change a line or it won't. :-|
17:59.39Quollooks like a coupld of lines - fails in multiple places...
18:00.05Quolwhat's even more weird is that the socklen_t is defined, and it still fails...
18:00.33Quolsaying that socklen_t is undefined....don't know...
18:01.41tup-oneQuol: see Bug on sf
18:06.23Quoltup-one: you have something specific in mind - don't see any that are about that...
18:06.51tup-oneThere's been a discussion on that
18:07.13Quoli saw the discussion on IRC yesterday...
18:07.48learnerQuol: mac and pat have been teeter-tottering on getting socklen_t worked out on vc
18:08.15Quolya - I noticed that there are big changes in config.h
18:08.20learnerapparently some version of vc doesn't have it while later releases (of the same version) do
18:08.28*** join/#bzflag Manu_1 (
18:08.31Quolgood ol MS
18:08.38learnerthere are two config.h files now .. one for old, one for new
18:08.44*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
18:09.01learneris your c++ lib up to date?
18:09.18Quolya- well the latest version for 6 that is
18:09.35QuolI am upgrading my 7.0 to 7.10, maybe that will make it work better..
18:09.39*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
18:09.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
18:09.46learnerlo patlaborishone
18:10.23Michaelhpat do you mean that the debugging info option is not set as is?
18:10.42fhffhqvbmy little brother blew up his motherboard by smoking and never cleaning his PSU...
18:10.42Noodlemananyone for a match against the great Annihilation?
18:10.45Patlabor221the debug exe, working path, and paramaters, are not stored in CVS
18:10.56MichaelhI set the paths
18:11.01Michaelhstill not working
18:11.28Patlabor221you may need to move your program databases to the exe folder
18:11.52Michaelhwhat are the endings of those?
18:12.06Michaelhit's just 2 of them right?
18:12.21Patlabor221pdb I think
18:12.50*** join/#bzflag Jaguar503n (
18:13.07Jaguar503nanyone want to match annihilatioin?
18:13.11Quoltup-one: thanks, read that one, but I think it no longer applies as the config.h's have changed...
18:13.38MichaelhPretty sure I did that too.. the old complaint was that there was no debugging info, now it runs but when it crashes somewhere it ask for output.c
18:13.39fhffhqvbJaguar503n: dyslexics united?
18:13.50NoodlemanAnnihilation makes us happy!
18:14.17NoodlemanI have dsylexia
18:14.36Jaguar503nwhat is a dyselexics
18:14.38fhffhqvbi have ice cream
18:14.53Jaguar503ndoes any team want to match annihilation now?
18:15.02Jaguar503nwe are weak
18:16.00orchidwhats the addy of the 1.10 pub list server?
18:17.37MichaelhI also see a vc6.pdb for each and every project
18:17.43Michaelhcommon, network etc
18:17.50Patlabor221you just need one
18:17.55Patlabor221the one from the app your debuging
18:18.02Patlabor221that is the debug for the runtimes and stuff
18:18.17Michaelhperhaps thats it
18:18.19Patlabor221VC7+ dosn't need them to be in the exe folder
18:18.21Patlabor221it's nice
18:21.37MichaelhI also don't think the files are getting copied into the root dir
18:21.45MichaelhI know they aren't
18:23.40Patlabor221then you should add that for your system as a post build step, it's not needed by everyone
18:23.57Patlabor221or chose to debug from /src/bzfs/
18:25.40Michaelhsrc/bzfs/debug you mean
18:27.07Michaelhvoila PLease Enter the path for OUTPUT.C
18:27.16Patlabor221I've never seen that
18:27.37Patlabor221it sounds like your base VC paths are not right
18:27.49Patlabor221as isn't that part of the normal runtime stuff?
18:28.14learnerPatlabor221: did I tell you how popular your rabbit map is presently?
18:28.18MichaelhEnv. settings?
18:29.20Patlabor221heh, it is?
18:29.30Patlabor221yeah and all those paths
18:31.02learneryes it is.. my server is almost always maxed out at 8 players
18:31.24learneri'm sure it'd go higher too
18:31.26Patlabor221are there any other maps running rabbit
18:31.32learnerbut I know my connection can't take it
18:33.24learner8 players puts me at a nearly consistent 20KB/s
18:33.31*** join/#bzflag _snyke (
18:33.39learnerwith spikes to my max of 30
18:35.34Patlabor221so 3-4k a sec per player
18:35.44Michaelhhmm I don't see anything off hand.. have you tried debugging bzfs with 6 lately? The problem is not starting it, but when an error occurs
18:36.40Michaelhwhat I will do is download an older version of the source and try to do the same thing
18:36.56MichaelhI just stick this line in main for example : std::string fart = "I fart"; printf("%s", fart);
18:39.31Patlabor221I haven't used 6 in ages
18:39.39Patlabor221but again debug stuff is not set in the project
18:39.45Patlabor221so each persons stuff my differ
18:40.15ChestalMichaelh: not sure what you want to say with your code line, but it's bogus
18:40.28Michaelhit just to crash so I can see what happens
18:40.29Patlabor221yeah it won't work
18:40.57MichaelhI did it by mistake a couple of times and that's when I discovered the debugging wasn't working for me
18:42.02MichaelhI wasn't suggesting it as a way of improving bzflag
18:43.53*** join/#bzflag patlabor2221 (
18:45.01*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
18:52.18NoodlemanTHEY CAPTURED SADDAM!
18:52.23Noodlemanin other news: the poles melted
18:52.27Patlabor221that they did
18:52.33Chestaloooold news :-)
18:53.30MichaelhI tried a dorky test program and I get the same result
18:53.45Patlabor221yah know I give up on VC6
18:53.51Patlabor221every time I change it for you guys
18:53.56Patlabor221MAC goes and puts it back
18:54.01Patlabor221so just shitcan the entire thing
18:54.05Patlabor221or take it up with him
18:54.35MichaelhI mean it seems to be something with my stuff
18:54.41Patlabor221yeah I know
18:54.51Patlabor221guess I won't be doing any more builds
18:54.59Patlabor221as no windows version compiles anymore
18:55.20Michaelhnot even VC7 ?
18:55.36Michaelhhow is that?
18:55.38Patlabor221he busted that too with all his texture manager chages days before release
18:57.14Michaelhwell this is looking like my problem
18:58.46CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/ (BUGS):
18:58.47CIApost comment about VC6 builds, and primadona developers
18:58.47CIAadd VC7.1 NFG bug.
18:59.16learnerheh, you calling mac primadona? :)
18:59.50Patlabor221he keeps making it so he is the only one who can build
18:59.56Patlabor221after I told him
19:00.05Patlabor221that most people DON"T have the sdk
19:00.24MichaelhVC 6.0 Enterprise edition ... unpatched
19:00.38Patlabor221yeah there is a 100+ meg patlform SDK update
19:00.39MichaelhI can freaking get the SDK .. not an issue
19:00.46Patlabor221no not for you
19:00.51Patlabor221I'm not even talking about you
19:01.01Patlabor221you are just screwd up
19:01.30Patlabor221I can not do a windows build at all with macs latest changes
19:01.32Patlabor221so why bother
19:01.48MichaelhWhat did he do in particular?
19:01.56Patlabor221he makes changes just to make changes, if thats not primadona I don';t know what is
19:02.16Patlabor221the socketlen thing
19:02.16Patlabor221he put it back in a way that works for him
19:04.07*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
19:04.31CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/win32/VC6 (config.h):
19:04.32CIAThe last time I'll try this.
19:04.32CIAThe good of the many out weighs the good of the one.
19:04.33CIAYou change this, and I will never do a VC6 build again.
19:05.47Patlabor221its ether that or we break VC6 into 2 proejcts
19:06.43Michaelhfor server and client or something else?
19:07.10Patlabor221no for VC6 standard, and VC6 MrApathyCream
19:07.30Patlabor221or redo the entire header structure
19:07.41Patlabor221but that would affect other platforms
19:07.59Patlabor221I think Mac feels that if he anyoys me I will do more dev. that is very much not the case
19:09.10MichaelhAh well anyone that has a full time job doesn't really have *that* much time to do stuff
19:09.34Patlabor221techincaly I do, but I am puting the time into another project
19:09.51Patlabor221Mac does not want me to do so I thinkg, as he fears that project could supersede this one
19:10.02Michaelhthe 4502 thingee
19:10.23Patlabor221you are thinging of 2501, no that is franks deal
19:11.11MichaelhSomething new or something you've been working on for a while?
19:11.13Patlabor221tho I do have source for it
19:11.24Patlabor221it has old part, and it has new parts
19:12.00Patlabor221and now thanks to tepan it will build on *nix :)
19:12.52Michaelhso what is this project?
19:13.43Patlabor221well this "should" get VC7 builds back
19:16.41MichaelhYou have a cvs server running as well?
19:17.34Patlabor221working on seting up a second
19:18.40MichaelhYou're basically starting from the ground up again
19:19.01Michaelhnot satisfied with boxes and pyramids anymore ?
19:19.54Patlabor221it's more then that, but yes
19:20.06Patlabor221it would support a bz style world as well
19:20.11Noodlemani'd like to be able to use more complicated models in worlds :-)
19:20.21Patlabor221its desinned to be able to support any number of gamew
19:20.22Noodlemanbut then the world file could get huge, i bet
19:20.30Patlabor221and they each can use there own world type if they wish
19:20.41*** join/#bzflag tup-one (
19:20.44Patlabor221so you could take the bz code and move it into a set of game modules
19:20.51Patlabor221and it would work just like it does now
19:21.17Patlabor221but then a user could change to another server and then be playing another game type with a difrent world type
19:23.03Patlabor221the "game" parts are all plugins
19:23.03fhffhqvbmeh. 38 point difference on hashmark. it's not even worth it anymore.
19:23.43fhffhqvbnot that anyone can compete with the Tube of civilization anyway.
19:24.23orchidTube of civilization?
19:24.37fhffhqvbuh huh.
19:24.48Patlabor221somone who reads too much PA :)
19:25.00fhffhqvb<evil laughter>
19:25.17fhffhqvbi think someone tried to cheat earlier but it misfired
19:25.27fhffhqvbhe went popping/spawning all over the place
19:27.08learnerhehe.. good callsign: Crouching Camel Hidden Penguin
19:27.23orchidi like that
19:27.38orchidmy fav was the "hey thats my stapler" guy
19:27.52fhffhqvbno, it's "i believe you have my stapler"
19:27.59orchidand lovebug, anyone remeber him/her?
19:28.15learneri remember the car, never saw the player that I can recall
19:28.18orchidhe used say i love you to everyone
19:28.31learnerthat's great :)
19:28.41fhffhqvbi think i've used about 200 callsigns now
19:28.43orchidjust before he left, "i love you bzg, i love you dmp" etc
19:29.18orchidive used 200 this month
19:29.45*** part/#bzflag tup-one (
19:30.03fhffhqvbi think one of my favourites is "his teammate" while being rogue and being called a cheater by yoyox
19:30.27fhffhqvb"but you're a rogue! how can you kill your teammate!"
19:33.00Michaelhin london they have 'look left' and 'look right' painted on nearly every street crossing
19:33.20*** join/#bzflag patlabor2221 (
19:33.24Michaelhkind of weird
19:34.01Michaelhbut why would a random string of characters care anyway?
19:34.01*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
19:34.15fhffhqvbwho's random?
19:35.43fhffhqvbever heard of rot13?
19:36.20*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
19:36.22Quolman - this .net crap is huge....
19:36.33Patlabor221installing VC7.1?
19:36.39Michaelhdoh 2003...i am guessing that's VC 7.1
19:36.54Patlabor221yes it is
19:36.59Quolregular .net was just 7.0
19:37.07Patlabor221it sucked
19:37.11Michaelhwhats great is when it copies it file by file off of the cd
19:37.13Patlabor2217.1 is better
19:37.28Quol7.1 is smaller - that's kinda weird
19:37.40Patlabor221they got rid of some of the lame stuff noone used
19:37.43Quolfor a MS product - usually they just keep getting bigger :)
19:37.44Patlabor221hence why it's better
19:38.14*** part/#bzflag tapo (
19:38.33QuolPatlabor221: after you compile bzflag using .net, if you take the instaler to another PC, does that PC have to have the .net framework?
19:39.08Quolor does it conmpile it as a native win32 app
19:39.10Patlabor221bz does not use .net
19:39.16Patlabor221we just use VC7
19:39.22Patlabor221not the framewor
19:39.27Quolahh - OK
19:39.29Michaelhso you are sussudio?
19:39.32Patlabor221it's still a normal compiler
19:39.37Michaelhfb lbh ner fhffhqvb?
19:40.14QuolI thought it only did .net crap - didn't realize that it also could compile regular C++ thingies, thought that it all gets compiled into MSIL when using any of the .net junk
19:40.18Patlabor221treat .net like MFC
19:40.29Patlabor221it's just another framework lib
19:40.42Patlabor221no, you have to turn on the managed C++
19:40.47Patlabor221if you had to use .net
19:40.51Patlabor221noone would upgrade
19:41.03Michaelhwe use .not
19:41.11Patlabor221I'm sur you do
19:41.32Quolmy poor PC :(
19:41.32MichaelhQb lbh unir n ebg13 qrpbqre unaql?
19:41.57Quolchugging away trying to install this stuff - I guess my PIII 550 is getting old..
19:42.31Michaelhis it doing like I said installing file after file from the cd?
19:42.39*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
19:42.48Patlabor221mine didn't take that long
19:42.50QuolMichaelh: no - off the netwrk
19:42.52Patlabor221tho I did it from DVD
19:43.33QuolMy subscription runs out in a week- so I downloaded and copied all the new stuff onto my network...that's where I install from anyways
19:43.39MichaelhMy student edition installed by copying file after file off of the cd.. I found it to be just such an unbelievably stupid idea
19:43.58Patlabor221the autocomplete in 7.1 is very nice
19:44.03Patlabor221it will auto complete headers and stuff
19:44.13Patlabor221helps me stay case senstive for the nixies
19:44.31Michaelhdoes it come with a animated character yet?
19:44.39Patlabor221don't think it ever will
19:44.46Michaelhsure it will
19:44.55Patlabor221the visual studio team and the office team are difrent
19:45.04Michaelhgod I hope so
19:45.12Michaelhword is such a nasty thing
19:45.34Michaelhchange one word and watch your entire document collapse before your eyes
19:45.42Michaelhthank god for undo
19:46.59*** join/#bzflag spanky1 (~weaver@
19:47.04Patlabor221well now to fix bzflag.exe in VC7.1 release
19:47.07Patlabor221got debug working
19:47.44Michaelhlike I said I think it's my problem .. at least the output.c stuff
19:48.00Michaelhprobably should update vc
19:48.01Patlabor221and like I said, I wasn't taking about you :)
19:48.11Patlabor221VC7.1 debug hasn't built in weeks
19:52.13QuolPatlabor221: does the VC7.1 release version compile at all?
19:52.29Patlabor221not at present
19:52.35Patlabor221I am fixing and testing now
19:52.40Michaelhdebug is cool
19:52.40Quolahh - OK
19:53.22Michaelheveryone should run bzflag with F5
19:54.09Patlabor221I think I just go tit
19:54.28Patlabor221ahh I see, the libs are wrong
19:54.40Michaelhgo tit!
19:55.32Michaelhno tit?
19:55.33Patlabor221it may be the singleton stuff, I dono
19:55.38Patlabor221you need to get out more man.
19:56.41Patlabor221learner, what project has singleton?
19:57.46MichaelhI actually tried watching some of that porn -- something that I have never done before -- and the acting was so terrible I couldn't even get past the intro parts
19:58.01Michaelhjust had to turn it off
19:58.10Patlabor221perhaps going out an looking for real women would be better
19:58.15Patlabor221they act better
19:58.27MichaelhIt was funny
19:58.55MichaelhI don't know how anyone could stand to watch it
19:59.41Patlabor221yeah definatly looks to be a problem with the singleton
20:00.24Patlabor221have to leave that to learner
20:00.42Patlabor221so no vc7.1 release builds
20:09.16CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): update with current state of VC builds.
20:10.34larslPatlabor221: I think most projects has Singleton code - parts of it are implemented as templates in the header file, so every lib that includes it will get its own object code for it. I think it caused linking problems on Mac too.
20:11.13Patlabor221I'm sure they do
20:11.19Patlabor221but this stuff isn't work
20:11.26Patlabor221seems to be with the destructor
20:11.42Patlabor221the class defines a destructor
20:11.46Patlabor221but the header dosn't
20:12.01Patlabor221and the singleton dosn't have a virtual destructor
20:12.15Patlabor221I get link errors saying it can't find the destructor for texturemanager
20:14.52*** join/#bzflag nikt (
20:25.41Chestalwhere's the config on Windows located?
20:26.26Patlabor221in the VC6 or VC71 dirs
20:26.52Chestalno, I mean config of the game
20:26.59Chestal~/.bzf on Unix
20:27.06Patlabor221my documents/my bzflag files/
20:27.40fhffhqvbC:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\My BZFlag Files\bzflag19.bzc
20:28.04Patlabor221I was gonnna change it but TIm shiped before I could do it
20:28.34Chestalwhy change it?
20:28.52Patlabor221cus everyone thought "my bzflag files" was lame
20:29.10Patlabor221and since it's not a "docmuent" it really should go in application data in the users profile
20:29.41Chestalah, whatever, I am not familiar with the Windows way of doing things
20:30.02Patlabor221settings go in a certan place in the profile
20:30.07Patlabor221and they stay per user
20:30.17Patlabor221not that we would ever want to get bzflag XP logo certified
20:30.21Patlabor221so it's not that big of a deal
20:33.13*** join/#bzflag snyke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:36.15*** part/#bzflag o (
20:37.19*** join/#bzflag spanky1 (
20:45.20*** join/#bzflag mikep (
20:45.37mikephi, bye
20:46.01Merrybye, imma gonna play wif my friend
20:52.16Patlabor221a gig for swap on a linux is fine?
20:52.39NoodlemanPatlabor221: sure
20:52.51Noodlemanit's kinda overkill for most uses, tho :-)
20:53.56Patlabor221cap and others say 2x ram
20:54.20Noodlemanyeah, that's the rule of thumb
20:54.32Chestalthat rule makes an assumption that might be wrong though
20:54.52Chestalbut 1 GIg sounds fine when you have plenty of disk space
20:55.02Patlabor221it's a 60 gig drive
20:55.30Noodlemanlike, i had a computer with 512, and the ram was always used, but it rarely swapped
20:56.01Noodlemanobviously, i could have gotten away with taking out some of the ram :-)
20:56.15Chestal512MB is a sensible amount of RAM
20:56.18Noodlemanbut 1 gig of swap would have been way too much
20:56.20Patlabor221I'll probably be puting a gig in the machine
20:57.14Noodlemanyeah, 2x the amount of ram is a good place to start, but you might eventually want to tweak the size of your swap to get the most mileage out of your hard drive
20:58.26Chestalmy work machien has 768MB and liek 700MB swap which is almost unused
20:58.26Chestalbut as always YMMV
20:58.53*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
21:06.08Patlabor221well last night I didn't know and gave it 9 gigs of swap :)
21:11.24*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
21:12.57*** part/#bzflag Manu_1 (
21:13.16*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
21:14.26Chestalsomeone available for a quick test?
21:14.55Quolfor what chestal
21:15.05Chestalthen please join ducati 59355
21:15.12Quol1.10 client?
21:15.28QuolOK - I will join now
21:17.04Chestalok, the server-side auto team assignment does not work right
21:17.19ChestalI have set the server to allow 1 rogue max and 3 observers andused -autoteam
21:17.27Chestalwhen 1 rogue is on and I joinwith team=rogue, I get rejected
21:17.43Quolcouldn't join even as a color
21:17.50Chestalallows only rogues
21:18.05Quolcouldn't join as a rogue either...
21:18.23[dmp]thats because i joined too, Quol
21:18.31*** join/#bzflag nikt (
21:18.55TuponeChestal: I can join!
21:18.58QuolI have to read up on 1.10...
21:19.16*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
21:19.57Quolone quick question - where is the bzflag config file (for the 1.10 client) hidding?
21:20.10Quolon windows that is
21:20.25Tuponedon't know:)
21:20.35Quolthey all used to get put into your profiles dir - doesn't seem to be there now
21:20.42ChestalQuol: my documents/my bzflag files  or similar
21:21.17Chestalsomeone join again please
21:21.59Quolahh - there they are - silly me
21:23.29Quolerror connecting to server...
21:24.10[dmp]same here
21:25.10Chestalhmm, the auto team assignment logic seems very strange to me
21:26.13ChestalI'll just skip thinkign about it and recode it :-)
21:26.41*** join/#bzflag nikt_ (
21:27.21CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): dump unused variable
21:30.29*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (~chatzilla@
21:30.41Death_Barrelhey guys
21:30.45Death_Barrelanyone want a match?
21:31.59fhffhqvb~eat Death_Barrel
21:32.03ACTION eats Death_Barrel and falls over dead
21:32.39Death_Barrel~smoke Death_Barrel
21:32.49fhffhqvb[19:14:53] <Jaguar503n> does any team want to match annihilation now?
21:32.49fhffhqvb[19:15:01] <Jaguar503n> we are weak
21:33.11Death_Barrelyes HoW vs Annihilation!!
21:33.29fhffhqvbi challenge you to a battle of wits!
21:34.08Death_BarrelHoW vs Wits!
21:34.19Death_Barrellets go >>>>
21:34.31fhffhqvbBZR vs some wet towels!
21:37.49scanlinewow, it's almost like Quol detached twice!
21:40.19Chestalpower detach!
21:44.05*** join/#bzflag orchid (
21:44.16*** join/#bzflag nikt_ (
21:45.08fhffhqvbhmm the smell of toasted blind ambitions
22:04.39*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
22:04.59*** join/#bzflag stibnite ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
22:04.59*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (~brandon@
22:04.59*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
22:04.59*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *cell*!*@* *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@*] by
22:15.24*** join/#bzflag smeg (
22:19.50*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
22:20.00Chikoritaibot: hi
22:20.31Chikoritagood 2 c ibot again
22:22.04Pimpinellau never feel alone with ibot :)
22:22.12Chikoritaheh yup
22:22.24sure, wanna snort some with me?
22:22.30Chikoritaibot: botsnack eggnogsicle
22:22.30Chikorita: :)
22:22.56Chikoritawie gehts pimpi
22:23.08*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
22:23.10Chikoritaoops brb i got a message
22:23.15*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
22:23.16Chikoritahi tim tim brb
22:23.33ChikoritaHoWians meet at Proxs server
22:23.41Chikoritac u all there
22:23.53Chikoritaletz gooo
22:23.55Pimpinellagood luck
22:23.55Carnageu and tim are matching
22:24.00Carnagecome on
22:24.04Carnageproxs server
22:24.09Chikoritadanke pimpi
22:24.26Pimpinella<-- sleeping
22:43.17*** join/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
22:44.34fhffhqvbguess it's no more pausing for me.
22:44.40Patlabor221don't alt tab
22:44.42Patlabor221it's a feature
22:44.59fhffhqvbfeature ala microsoft?
22:45.15Patlabor221a bz feature
22:45.21fhffhqvbwill someone fix the feature?
22:45.28Patlabor221can't find it
22:45.34Patlabor221the state gets jacked
22:45.37Patlabor221I looked for days
22:45.42Patlabor221somone moved something
22:45.55Patlabor221easyer to just redo it all
22:46.31Patlabor221but it was shiped like that so it must be a desired feature
22:49.54TuponeOn linux we got something strange the same when alt-tabbing: alpha change and loose keyboard
22:50.16Patlabor221the alpha and our thing is related
22:50.21TuponeI tryed to fix that, and it worked on my
22:50.22Patlabor221it's the gl state geting jacked
22:50.39Tuponejust get an event of resize
22:50.47Tuponeand done some resetting
22:50.50Patlabor221ahh good
22:50.55Patlabor221that is what is missing
22:50.59Patlabor221you commit it?
22:51.24TuponeI committed a while ago, but Chestal super machine got crazy with that
22:51.30Tuponeso He reverted
22:51.39Patlabor221then it needs to be fixed right
22:52.17TuponeI can find the commit I did. wait
22:52.28Chestalhmm, when only obserevr slots are free onserver, server is not set to auto-team, player joins withteam=red, which is full, should player be rejected or become observer?
22:53.04Patlabor221in general it would be nice to bump people to oberserver for many thing
22:53.07Patlabor221such as lag
22:53.21Patlabor221and full teams
22:53.24Patlabor221and all those things
22:53.39Chestalok, will make it obs then
22:53.51Chestalthe whoel auto team, maxplayer thing was messed up
22:53.52Patlabor221that is a common method in other games
22:53.54Chestaldoing a big fix now
22:53.56Patlabor221kick is last resort
22:54.08Chestalwell, I won't touch the kick for now
22:55.27Chestalhmm, mp 1,2 syntax now enforces all 6 numbers to be supplied
22:55.31Chestalthat contradicts the man page
22:56.30Chestalah, I am mistaken
23:09.56*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
23:14.10TuponePatlabor221: playing.cxx -r 1.295
23:14.45Tuponethat was reverted by Chestal a while after
23:16.06*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
23:16.35TuponePatlabor221: you got that?
23:17.08Patlabor221the grab mouse line?
23:18.04TuponeIt should be the showWindow lemme check
23:19.19Tupone+      mainWindow->showWindow(true);
23:19.35Patlabor221do we have an "activate" section?
23:19.44Patlabor221like where we get focus?
23:20.19Tuponeon X I think is becoming this
23:20.50Tuponecould you try adding that on Windows and see if works
23:21.03Patlabor221on what line?
23:21.27Tuponeafter that case BzfEvent::Redraw:
23:21.52Tupone2497 ?
23:22.09Chestalcalling showWindow for each frame is a bad hack and messed something up for me, do not remember exactly what
23:22.15Patlabor221yes it is
23:22.23Patlabor221we shuld have an activate secion
23:22.26Tuponenot at each frame
23:22.30Patlabor221and a deactivate
23:22.33Tuponeonly when we redraw
23:22.49Tuponeredraw is an X event that ask to redraw if something is messed
23:23.12Chestaldoesn't ShowWindow also raise a Redraw event
23:23.29Chestalnot 100% what showwindow us supposed to do
23:23.40Chestalbut this sounds backwards somehow
23:23.50Tuponeor an X event (I don't know what) at last cause BzfEvent:Redraw to be generated
23:24.20CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): when server forced us into observer team activate roaming
23:25.13TuponeI think is only coming from X when something has to be redrawn for stack change, or a no more obscuring window
23:25.47Patlabor221debug it on up and see
23:26.11CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (2 files): big autoTeam / -mp fix; -autoTeam option should now work ok, also specifying both -mp # and -mp #,#,#,#,#,# should work as expected (at least like I expect :-)
23:26.30fhffhqvbdoesn't xmission with 1.10 have a lagkick?
23:28.10Patlabor221ask Tim
23:29.02TuponeChestal: what about computing Rabbit float ratio = (float)(player[i].wins - player[i].losses) + (float) (player[i].wins / 2);
23:29.39Tuponetaking into account score and adding some wins?
23:29.45fhffhqvb[SERVER->] squashy          : 458 +-  6ms
23:29.48Chestalhmm, that's 1.5*wins-losses
23:30.20fhffhqvbwhat does the /ooo mean?
23:30.24Tuponepreferring old player to new
23:30.50Chestalshould get rid of the anomalies when all players are < 0
23:31.17Tuponeyeah, and seems more balanced. could be 1.25 ?
23:31.17ChestalI am not really sure which criteria are good to select the rabbit
23:31.23Patlabor221Tupone, that is not it
23:31.33Tuponeit does not fix?
23:32.02Patlabor221lowers the piss outa framerate tho
23:32.15Patlabor221I get many less FPF
23:32.18fhffhqvbare there more variants than tualatin with slot-a p3's?
23:32.40fhffhqvbum slot-1
23:33.23Chestalany objections against getting rid of client-side autoteam?
23:34.06fhffhqvbmine! mine! mine!
23:34.11Tuponejust because learner did!:) lol
23:34.49TuponeI'm sure you just mean the selecting code
23:35.08Tuponebut you want to left the choice!
23:35.33Chestalit was done before the server had autoteam
23:35.48Chestaland it does only use brute force
23:36.05Chestalit actually defeats the server side auto selecting mechanism (which should be fully working now)
23:36.13Chestalplayer can still set team=auto
23:36.19fhffhqvbcan you put a indicator for slow speed somewhere since it's either off or on now instead of just on when you keep it pressed
23:36.21Chestaland server will do selection on his behalf
23:37.14TuponeYeah, I understand that. I made the patch that was on SF for autoteam, then learner implemented it on client and server
23:37.17Chestalthere's only 1 downside to it: new client with team=auto joining an old 1.10.0 server would experience the buggy auto selection of that server
23:38.14Tuponewhy? Having a client autoselected team, does imply that client as a true team?
23:39.08Chestalthe logic is the same as was before now
23:39.11TuponeI have not really read all sentences
23:39.12ChestalI only fixed the bugs in the server
23:39.31Chestaland client side brute force auto feature seems obsolte to me
23:40.27TuponeI would ask learner, if there are some problem with that approach. Can you delay the last by hours?
23:40.57ChestalI talked with him about that a few days agoI think,but I don't remember :-)
23:41.15Chestaleven in 10.0, the server checks if (-autoTeam || do_autoteam
23:41.34Chestalbut client never sends team=auto, but instead loops over all possible teams and does repeated join attempts
23:41.39Chestalthis is bad
23:41.51TuponeFor me, there is no problem. Really my patch was only serverside!
23:41.58Tuponebot used to set autoteam
23:42.23Chestalmy guess is that the client-side was implemented because it didn't need a change in the server as well
23:42.46Chestalwhere is learner hiding anyway? :-)
23:42.48*** join/#bzflag sbo911 (~cgiirc@
23:43.17sbo911hey death barrel
23:43.30TuponeMy guess is that it was implemented that way because we thought we was under release days, and not touching the server was a must
23:44.11Chestalah,I'll simply commit it, blame me when someone wants it to stay
23:44.30Tuponeno problem Chestal, just some joking
23:45.13CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): no more brute force client-side auto team, it's all inthe server now which has more information; server will do autoteam when -autoTeam or
23:46.00Chestalhmm, peopel on my server all the time, I cannot update :-)
23:46.02Chestalgood night
23:46.22Tuponeg'nite. I go to bed too
23:46.30*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
23:59.00Patlabor221hmm I can go to a 6 meg down, 384k up dsl for 100 a month
23:59.21captain_protonup kinda sucks a lot on that
23:59.31Patlabor221it's more up then I have now tho
23:59.40Patlabor221I'm at the teir below that
23:59.50Patlabor2211.5 meg down 256 up

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