irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031211

00:08.53*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:19.14*** join/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
00:19.27fhffhqvbC:\bzflag10\bzflag\src\net\multicast.cxx(431) : error C2065: 'socklen_t' : undeclared identifier
00:19.27fhffhqvbC:\bzflag10\bzflag\src\net\multicast.cxx(431) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
00:21.04DTRemenakneed to update the SDK
00:21.52fhffhqvbi loaded the VC6 workspace.
00:22.07DTRemenakor just uncomment the "#define socklen_t int" line in win32\config.h
00:22.27DTRemenakthe latest windows SDK has better sockets
00:22.28fhffhqvbi updated vc6 a couple of months ago with that servicepack
00:23.12Patlabor221you need to get the windows SDK for it to build out of the box
00:23.25Patlabor221or just remove that comment
00:23.32fhffhqvbwindows sdk wha?
00:23.36Patlabor221you can thank MrApathyCream for that one
00:23.40Patlabor221windows SDK update
00:23.52fhffhqvbanother 130MB one?
00:23.53Patlabor221it updateds a lot of the headers
00:23.57Patlabor221ohh yeah
00:24.02Patlabor221or just uncomment out that line
00:25.58Patlabor221and don't try VC7.1 it dosn't build at all
00:26.31DTRemenakVC5 does ;)
00:26.41Patlabor221I think in the next version they will just desuport windows
00:26.52Patlabor221VC5 should have been put in it's own set of folders
00:27.04DTRemenakshould it have?
00:27.14KTLok, euhm, my client can't access the list server again, i have a tcpdump from it:
00:27.14Patlabor221VC6 and 7.1 are seperate
00:27.18DTRemenakit uses the VC6 workspaces
00:27.21fhffhqvbbah i commented it out and it still doesn't build :-P where's that SDK thing?
00:27.33Patlabor221un comnent has to work
00:27.34Patlabor221I did it
00:27.39Patlabor221and I don't have the sdk
00:27.41DTRemenakuncomment, not comment
00:27.52Patlabor221make it so it's there
00:27.59Patlabor221you don't have a def for the socketlen
00:28.23Patlabor221DTRemenak, then VC6 should have been renamed VC5-6 or something
00:29.28DTRemenakI suppose that would have made sense
00:30.10fhffhqvbdoes spiff still have ops here?
00:33.51KTLwhy do i hear his name more then any other player, what does he do? i almost never see him play
00:34.27Patlabor221no he does not
00:34.36Patlabor221he has quit
00:34.39Patlabor221a while ago
00:34.43Patlabor221just go read the boards
00:35.23KTLha has quit... what?
00:35.38fhffhqvbhey kutlul
00:35.44KTLja eikel? :-)
00:35.51KTLleer je naam spellen lulm
00:36.19KTLsome people here don't expect to meet people who talk there native language
00:36.27fhffhqvbdoes 1.10 use significantly more cpu?
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag Chestal (thilo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag orchid (
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag dheckaman_ (
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag shkoo (
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag creeperz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.50*** join/#bzflag lurgyman ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.51*** join/#bzflag QuolATwork_Sorta (~quol@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.51*** join/#bzflag snyke (~snyke@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:37.51*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chestal] by
00:37.51*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
00:37.51*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@* *cell*!*@*] by
00:39.41*** part/#bzflag creeperz (
00:40.11*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
00:43.27*** part/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
00:46.40Nidhoggrwell, secretplace is now running 1.10 as well
00:54.42*** join/#bzflag chandler (
00:55.47chandlerhas anyone been able to run bzflag with all features on OS X?
00:55.59chandlerI had to get CVS to compile it (tarball seemed to be missing files)
00:56.04chandlerand when I did, sound did not work
00:56.20chandlerand the key settings are wonky (even if you save different keys, they don't show up in the prefs as being changed)
00:57.30*** join/#bzflag Oman (
00:57.47OmanAny one want to go play on Ducati
00:58.17*** join/#bzflag zeus (
00:58.21zeushi :)
00:58.34*** part/#bzflag zeus (
00:58.34OmanAnyone want to go play on Ducati
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag Chestal (thilo@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag creeperz ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag dheckaman_ (
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag shkoo (
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
01:14.13*** join/#bzflag lurgyman (
01:14.14*** join/#bzflag QuolATwork_Sorta (~quol@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:14.14*** join/#bzflag snyke (~snyke@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:14.14*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chestal] by
01:14.14*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
01:14.14*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@* *cell*!*@*] by
01:44.41Nidhoggrwow.  lots of fun.
01:44.44Nidhoggrfound a bug
01:45.36Nidhoggrgot "locked on me" message and got killed, and continued to get "locked on me" message even after I died, waited the 5 seconds, and respawned, until person locked onto next tank.
01:52.47*** join/#bzflag corndawg (
01:53.45*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
01:55.06corndawguh oh
01:56.34CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): nidhoggr's bug regarding locked on me message
01:56.45bryjenAww. Somebody broke the world and I missed it? :)
01:57.34corndawganyone gettin a segmentation fault with bzfs?
02:02.04corndawg[corndawg@localhost bin]$ ./bzfs  -j -mp 20 -ms 10 +s 40 -t -st 3 +r -world /home/corndawg/bzmap/
02:02.04corndawg-t is meaningless when using a custom world, ignoring
02:02.04corndawgSegmentation fault
02:02.06corndawgthats what i get
02:02.10corndawgworked a min ago
02:02.19corndawgnew bzflag to
02:02.23Nidhoggrremove the -t
02:02.33Nidhoggrboth break?
02:02.38corndawgsame error
02:02.39Nidhoggrdid you change map?
02:02.56learnerthe world reader is rather strict/picky
02:02.56corndawgnope... its the map i just finished
02:03.04Noodlemanon bzbb, who is this ooga booga guy, and what did he say?
02:03.13Noodlemanbefore he got nuked?
02:03.30Nidhoggrdunno  ask patcoll
02:07.39corndawghum theres somethin im missin here
02:07.43corndawgit runs fine with...
02:07.54corndawg[corndawg@localhost bin]$ ./bzfs  -j -mp 20 -ms 10 +s 40 -t -st 3 +r
02:09.39learnersomething in your world file is causing trouble, then
02:10.55corndawghum... maybe the world size
02:12.00learnerwhat did you set it to?
02:12.09learnerit needs to be an int iirc
02:12.19corndawgthe size?
02:12.24*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:12.32learnerexactly how is it written?
02:13.03corndawgwelp i know the map is rather tall.... but its still 400 by 400
02:13.14corndawgused bzedit
02:16.03learnerhrm.. 1.10 expects a slightly different format than 1.7 did
02:16.03*** join/#bzflag drinian (
02:16.39learnernot likely, but bzedit might be outputing something that's changed
02:16.43learnerit wasn't been updated yet
02:17.42corndawghum odd
02:20.28*** join/#bzflag sbo427 (~cgiirc@
02:20.46drinianIs the new list server for 1.10 down?
02:21.07sbo427I need some help if anybody's an admin in freedomlives
02:21.13Noodlemansomeone's using my cgi irc :-)
02:21.20sbo427hehe, yeah :)
02:21.44sbo427does anybody know who to contact (admin) of freedomlives?
02:21.45Noodlemanany admins on freedomlives?
02:21.54learnerdrinian: it can take a few seconds for the list to appear
02:21.57sbo427well, I can see that there arent
02:22.04sbo427I need to know how/who to contact
02:22.05Noodlemansbo427: well, who's giving you trouble?
02:22.24sbo427currently green team
02:22.26drinianlearner: I should be able to browse to it also right?
02:22.40Noodlemansomebody's prolly got a dossier on him :-)
02:23.31drinianlearner: The new client wants to find it at but I don't think that directory exists.
02:23.32learnerdrinian: indeed you should
02:23.37sbo427do you know if there's any way to get rid of him without finding a registered admin?
02:23.50learnerthe trailing slash is necessary.. it's
02:23.53Noodlemani could, uh, DDOS him?
02:24.10sbo427if you have a way, please by all means use it :)
02:24.21learnerI got a response from the list server
02:24.26drinianHmmm...I don't why I couldn't see that before?
02:24.26sbo427or if you could tell me, I could try---but if it's easier you use it :)
02:24.30drinianI see it now too.
02:24.30Noodlemanwell, depending on who you ask, it's illegal :-)
02:24.35sbo427I figured ;)
02:24.53sbo427we just need him banned/gone
02:25.15sbo427he and all his kind (they play there regularly)
02:25.18sbo427hehe, thanks
02:25.32Noodlemannot sure if you can do anything with it, but what the hey
02:26.07learnerregister on the server and then issue a /poll ban whoever
02:26.27sbo427that works?
02:26.34learnerif you get enough votes
02:26.35Noodlemanactually, does that work before 1.10?
02:26.38sbo427well, I'll try it
02:26.55learnerdoes not work before 1.9
02:27.08Noodlemanso, then, it wouldn't work
02:27.09sbo427I can't
02:27.12sbo427right :P
02:27.18learneroh, 1.7 server?
02:27.27learnernever mind then! :)
02:27.31sbo427or something like that :P
02:27.40learneryet another reason to use 1.10 :)
02:27.43Noodlemanhis IP is
02:27.51Noodlemango publicize it :-)
02:27.54Noodlemantell him his IP
02:27.54sbo427hehe, okay
02:27.57sbo427thanks :D
02:28.03Noodlemanit always makes their skin crawl :-)
02:28.06sbo427I'll be back to thank you in a moment ;)
02:28.55*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak_ (~DTRemenak@
02:31.16*** part/#bzflag drinian (
02:41.21*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
02:41.30Noodlemandoes 1.10 contact for the list?
02:44.31sbo427thanks for your help noodleman :)
02:44.43sbo427he's gone and I'm going to chat with him later when I see him again
02:46.06Noodlemansbo427: np
02:46.29sbo427btw, are you what you seemed to be?
02:46.38sbo427I mean, a follower of the one you mentioned?
02:46.51CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (RadarRenderer.cxx): Reverting Masq on Radar change
02:46.55Noodlemanyes, i am a Christian
02:47.05sbo427right :)
02:47.38sbo427okay, well, either way I'm praying for you :)
02:47.44Noodlemani think people should be what their conscience dictates...
02:48.05learnerhowdy mac
02:48.06sbo427people should be what they choose to be
02:48.16Noodlemanbut that guy made me mad by saying he was a Christian, and then going and cheating, jerking people around
02:48.29Patlabor221humans are wierd
02:48.37sbo427yes :)
02:48.38Patlabor221sup mac
02:48.45sbo427(humans are wierd)
02:49.01MrApathyCreamno much... well at least we have dev interest again:)
02:49.05MrApathyCreamsome anyway
02:49.15Patlabor221you do?
02:49.23MrApathyCreamfirst chestal commit in months
02:49.24Patlabor221at least there are now more players then servers :)
02:49.36Patlabor221ohh I think it was just gas
02:50.24Noodlemansbo427: l8r
02:52.08Patlabor221I wonder what I should call the first game
02:52.24Patlabor221trepan got the game modules loading in linux :) I am so happy :)
02:53.58Patlabor221how goes the GL mac?
02:56.40MrApathyCreamhaven't done anything else
03:09.02*** part/#bzflag kr|laptop (
03:11.27Nidhoggrare the rogue tanks darker now?
03:11.48Nidhoggrthey used to be more of a dark grey from what we remember.
03:17.22*** join/#bzflag Carnage_ (
03:30.55*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
03:30.55*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
03:35.48*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
03:35.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): bugs
03:36.56*** join/#bzflag Noodleman_laptop (
03:37.12KRMr Cream - those avriables are funny to play with
03:37.26KRis there a man page for them all?
03:38.56MrApathyCreamNidhoggr: i don't believe so
03:39.04MrApathyCreamKR for the sets?
03:39.07MrApathyCreamno not yet
03:39.17MrApathyCreamsean (learner) probably is working on it
03:39.43KRok cool - neat that all that is adjustable like that
03:39.45MrApathyCreamKR most are related to various flags
03:39.55MrApathyCreamor at least alot are
03:39.55KRthat makes sense
03:40.11MrApathyCreamThe two lag effecting ones
03:40.24KRwhich 2 are those again?
03:40.32KRand what do they set?
03:40.33MrApathyCreambasically you tank sends an update as to it's position periodically
03:40.47MrApathyCreamthis network packet often is the biggest used packet
03:40.57MrApathyCreamso reducing the number that is send helps lag
03:41.04MrApathyCreamwhen do you send an update?
03:41.20MrApathyCreamwell, the code predicts where you'll be in the future, based on what you did
03:41.35MrApathyCreamin the past. If it is close, it DOESN'T send a plaer update msg
03:41.48MrApathyCreamand your client just assumes that that is where you are
03:41.51learnermac, do you know what the precedent or reasoning was for prefixing all of the bzdb vars with an underscore?
03:41.55MrApathyCreamwell 'close' is the operative word
03:42.09KRwill that cause more shots to seem to miss, tho?
03:42.11MrApathyCreamso _positionTolerance says how far away is close enough
03:42.23MrApathyCreamand _angularTolerance is how much spin difference is close enough
03:42.40MrApathyCreamif you up them, the lag will go down, altho the tanks may seem a lil harder to hit
03:42.53KRwhat are the defaults?
03:42.58KRnumbers that is
03:43.00MrApathyCreami forget, do a /set
03:43.03MrApathyCreamto see
03:43.26KRand the command to see all the variables is /variables?
03:43.28MrApathyCream(in bzflag that is (send a message))
03:43.36MrApathyCreamsend a message with       /set
03:43.37KRright got that
03:43.46KRoh ok - simple enuff
03:43.58MrApathyCreamyou can reset one var with   /reset _tankSpeed
03:44.05MrApathyCreamor all of them with /reset *
03:44.15KRthis was my brothers first night - i had him silenced by accident :)
03:44.26MrApathyCreama good practice
03:45.12MrApathyCreamlearner are u doc'ing the set vars in xml?
03:45.19MrApathyCreamlearner: and no, i don't know why underscores
03:45.24learnernot yet
03:45.26MrApathyCreamask cappy, i guess
03:45.44MrApathyCreamthe answer prolly is, "that's the way it was in 1.8"
03:45.48learnerseems pointless and klunky to me
03:46.31MrApathyCreamas PatLabor221 would say, "Well their must be reason if all the developers ok'ed the design spec"
03:47.40Patlabor221well it has been that way for years :)
03:48.09Patlabor221I'm so happy I got to go home before 7:00 today :)
03:48.52MrApathyCreamto Patlabor221
03:49.55MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: are you posting to bzbb about the release?
03:50.30MrApathyCreamah yo udid
03:50.34MrApathyCreamne'er mind
03:50.39KRQ - are there only 3 Groups now?
03:50.46Patlabor221noodleman did
03:51.36KRif I make someone Admin, they are not server Admin, just game admin, right?
03:52.03Patlabor221using permisons or the password?
03:52.39Patlabor221the admin group by defalt has all permsisions
03:52.50Patlabor221if you want them to not have some, make a new group that has just waht you want
03:52.51KRmi want to make some people admin, so I use the command or getto the add group via O key, and add someone
03:52.53Patlabor221and add them to that group
03:53.01KRok pat thx
03:53.37Patlabor221mmmmm cooookieee :)
03:53.51*** join/#bzflag corndawg (
03:54.07CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/package/win32/nsis (BZFlag.nsi): remove -pr from menu shortcuts
03:58.36MrApathyCreamdon't forget the seat belt
03:59.20Patlabor221gravementrics are taking care of that
03:59.30KRi keep getting "command setgroup not found"
03:59.42corndawghah man i love the worldsize option
03:59.45KRdo i need to create a group file or something first?
04:00.04Patlabor221if you want to specify your own group
04:00.17Patlabor221the software defines 3 groups by default
04:00.20*** join/#bzflag kroboto (
04:00.42KRok - i don't need a new group right now, tho, and was trying to use what was there
04:00.50KRalso, think I found a bug
04:01.13Patlabor221what is there would give them full controll over the server
04:01.47KRwhat do i name the file, and where should I put it?
04:01.56Patlabor221whatever and whereever you want
04:02.02KRis there a man page so I don't bother you with stoopid questions like this?
04:02.04Patlabor221specify the file and path in the command line
04:02.10KRah ok
04:02.11Patlabor221there is a wiki
04:02.28KRat .org site?
04:02.52Patlabor221it has the format for the groups
04:03.12KRok thanks again Mr Pat :)
04:03.49Patlabor221actualy there is a sample group file in the misc dir as well
04:05.52krobotoquick question. will the server config for 1.7g2 work with 1.10?
04:06.03krobotomaps too?
04:06.08Patlabor221maps will load
04:06.12corndawgmaps yes
04:06.15Patlabor221tho they may behave difrently
04:06.18krobotoconfig no?
04:06.21corndawgclient wont connect tho
04:06.31corndawgcompatiblity prob
04:06.39Patlabor221it's not a problem
04:06.39corndawgwell.. not a prob
04:06.41Patlabor221it's a feature
04:07.09krobotowhat about the server configs?
04:07.23Patlabor221try and see
04:07.31Patlabor221I know -pr isn't used anymore
04:07.38Patlabor221but most of the commands are the same
04:07.51KRpat - the groups.conf file and misc directory - is that under windows?
04:08.08Patlabor221right in the root of the source tree
04:08.13krobotook, i'll try. But I am know for blowing up computers. ;-)
04:08.31KRah ok - not installed, but comes with package
04:08.31Patlabor221a game can't really "blow up" a comptuer
04:08.40Patlabor221yes it's with the source package
04:09.03KRwell, that would explain why its not in /usr/share/bzflag ;)
04:09.22krobotoit was a joke. and X CAN. refresh a little off on an older monitor and poof!
04:09.33DTRemenakkroboto: if you're using a 1.7 conf file in 1.10 you need to make sure to comment out -pr, -noudp, and -ttl if they're on...everything else should work
04:10.03Patlabor221and if your maps have pyramids that are not at Z 0 they will behave difrently
04:10.17DTRemenakbut they will "work" in the sense of loading
04:10.17krobotoActually, I don't even have those in there and it spits out the 'usage:' stuff
04:10.43Patlabor221then it's got a command that no longer exists
04:10.53krobotois there a decent map example for 1.10
04:11.06Patlabor221all maps work
04:11.09Patlabor221the format is the same
04:11.22Patlabor221you can just now collide with pyramids that are not a Z0
04:11.32Patlabor221and you can drive on upside down pyramids
04:11.39Patlabor221and they don't look like ass
04:11.52krobotowhat about 'passthrough' and 'shootthrough' stuff?
04:11.58Patlabor221those are not needed
04:12.02Patlabor221they are optional
04:12.05DTRemenakif it's not there it doesn't hurt anything :)
04:12.10Patlabor221if you want to use them
04:12.37Patlabor221they are just for the specific objects that you want to not collide with
04:17.07corndawgholy... borrow... wierd flag lol
04:19.07Patlabor221MrApathyCream: how goes the GL fun?
04:19.19corndawghah other shots go over a tank with the borrow flag
04:19.27corndawgok.. most do lol
04:19.29Patlabor221that is the entire point of it
04:19.36Patlabor221but anyone can SR you
04:19.45corndawggm work against it?
04:20.50MrApathyCreamkroboto: you can also add weapons to the bzw file
04:21.13MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: haven't done anything with the gl stuff since
04:21.40MrApathyCreamlearner: so did you see a MG bug again?
04:22.43corndawgwhats the masqerade flag>?
04:23.34Patlabor221makes you look like a teammate
04:23.35learnerMAC: indeed I did
04:24.19learnerI'm thinking it's somehow related to Mac keybindings since nobody else seems to be experiencing it yet.. see if there are any more reports
04:24.41corndawghow bout the useless flag?
04:24.56Patlabor221you could ask the current players
04:25.18Patlabor221one of the 5 may have had the problem
04:25.20DTRemenakcorndawg: there's a key to activate flag help
04:25.32DTRemenakthen just go grab whatever flag you're interested in
04:25.35Patlabor221use it wisely
04:26.00Patlabor221you shall see
04:26.20DTRemenakyou'll get a line of text under the aiming boxes on the HUD
04:26.26DTRemenakthat tells you what the flag does
04:26.30corndawgahhh ok
04:26.33corndawgdidnt notice that
04:28.06CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): doc what the multi-spawn problem is
04:28.26KRpat assuming that i use the same setup for a passdb file as I did for Groups, what is the format for entering a name and password - like so - Name:password ?
04:28.32Patlabor221ahh so MAC is in charge of the 1.10SP1
04:28.46Patlabor221you don't need to edit the passDB
04:28.54Patlabor221they register in software
04:28.59Patlabor221then you add them to the group
04:29.02KRjust need to make the file then?
04:29.04Patlabor221jus specify the file
04:29.15Patlabor221it will make it when it needs to
04:29.21Patlabor221it just needs to know where and what name
04:29.25Patlabor221so a blank file is fine
04:29.38Patlabor221it dosnt' even really store the password
04:29.50Patlabor221just a hash for it
04:29.53KRi still get "setgroup no such command" error. although I made a groups.conf file and put groups into it
04:30.04KRyes - looked, and can see the name and hash
04:30.14Patlabor221are you set as an admin?
04:30.22KRyes - let me try again
04:32.13Patlabor221strncmp(message + 1, "setgroup", 8) == 0) {
04:32.15Patlabor221it's in there
04:32.36Patlabor221you sure you are a full admin?
04:32.37KRperhaps because I cant set my own (KR) groups permissions, as I am already admin?
04:32.58Patlabor221you sure your an admin?
04:33.02Patlabor221how did you set yourself?
04:33.17Patlabor221with a /password?
04:34.38Patlabor221cus you ether need setPerms or setAll perms to do a removegroup
04:35.16CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): let learner out of the loony bin
04:35.28Patlabor221the only way it would say that is if you don't have one of those
04:39.00KRok - i set up a Groups file, I can see it, it loads, I can pull up a Grouplist
04:39.14KRi logged in on other box as a player
04:39.43learnerah, so you saw the problem mac? :)
04:39.59KRnamed "lll" - then, as admin, I tried to put "lll" into COPS Group, like this
04:40.15*** join/#bzflag awox (
04:41.29KRlike so /setgroups "lll" "COPS" - and also "lll" COPS - and any other way I could think of
04:41.36KRstill get np setgroups error
04:42.34KRwhen I installed, I built bzflag - using alien - from and .rpm into a .deb - think that could have messed something up?
04:43.35KRmaybe I should give up and have a crazy admin-less server...
04:45.28Patlabor221and how did you become admin? via a /passoword command?
04:45.37Patlabor221or just using bzadmin?
04:46.03KRby typing "o" key, then using arrows to scroll to Login (Admin) or whatever it says
04:46.19Patlabor221did you set up the server to accept a password?
04:46.28KRbut it tells me - after enetring server password - that I am admin
04:46.40Patlabor221did you set up a users file?
04:46.58KRhmmm  - doesn't sound like it...
04:47.11KRusers.conf - same place as others?
04:47.14Patlabor221you need one of those too if you want it to save users
04:47.17Patlabor221just make the file
04:47.24Patlabor221like passowrd it will make it for you
04:47.33Patlabor221if you don't spec one it just keeps them in ram
04:47.41KRok will do
04:47.43Patlabor221groups is the only file you have to make by hand
04:47.47Patlabor221then register your user in game
04:48.03Patlabor221then go to the users file and just set that user in the ADMIN group
04:48.13Patlabor221then he can call setgroup all he wants
04:48.33*** join/#bzflag brailsmt (
04:48.59Patlabor221where he being you as that user :)
04:49.14Patlabor221the first thing an admin normaly does is set up an admin user for them to use
04:49.36Patlabor221then they don't have to start the server with a global password
04:52.11KRok making sense
04:55.08Patlabor221with no data files it dosn't know where to save stuff, so if your doing perms, you allmost allways need to specify the 3 files, users passwords and groups
05:10.50KRdoes the users name need to be in "" "" ?
05:10.50*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
05:10.55KRhi jb
05:11.44KRwhen using setgroups ? also, what about the group name - all caps, like it is in groups.conf, does it also need " "'s?
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05:12.10Patlabor2211) we cap it in the server
05:12.20KRI manually edited thos efiles, pat, and that seemed to work, but setgroups as serveradmin is still not working
05:12.37Patlabor2212) no the file can be named anything, you specify the name/path to the server when you start it
05:13.27KRso the format would be like this: /setgroups "lll" COPS
05:13.38Patlabor221that would set that user to cops
05:13.55KRok thats what I'm doing, as server admin, and i get that "no setgroups" message
05:14.06Patlabor221what account are you doing it from?
05:14.32KRnot from "lll" - from "KR" , logged in on other box, as server admin
05:15.28Patlabor221with a /password?
05:15.28Patlabor221I don't know what that "o" stuff does
05:15.33KRwith the password which gets me a message that says "You are an administrator!"
05:15.33Patlabor221or does the KR account have it's group set to ADMIN?
05:15.45KRpress "o" key and use arrows to cycle through commands
05:15.47Patlabor221so you started your server with the -password option?
05:16.00Patlabor221dono then
05:16.00KRwith -passwd option
05:16.17Patlabor221the server dodn't think you have set all
05:16.23Patlabor221or setperms
05:16.38Patlabor221you didn't add a group to the file caled "ADMIN" did you?
05:16.48KRyes i did
05:16.59KRwas that a "d'oh!!!!"
05:17.06Patlabor221what perms did you give that group?
05:17.17Patlabor221you don't need to
05:17.25KRexcept the ones the wiki said were not implemented
05:17.38Patlabor221as the software will do that by default if you don't specify an ADMIN group
05:17.53KRI may have left out "Restart Server"
05:17.53Patlabor221go into the users file and add ADMIN to the KR account
05:17.58Patlabor221and take ADMIN out of the group file
05:18.03Patlabor221then log in
05:18.10Patlabor221then do the set group
05:19.46krobotoFYI: -r no longer supported in 1.10 - allow rogues.
05:20.35kroboto1.7g2 maps can be REALLY different too. 1.10 doesn't do -Z stuff?
05:22.52*** join/#bzflag patlabor2221 (
05:23.22KROK, did all that just as you said, getting same message "Command setgroup not found"
05:23.37KRwhere should I look to see if it is on this box?
05:23.56patlabor2221in bzfs
05:24.21patlabor2221it's been in since 1.7g2
05:24.24patlabor2221it has to be there
05:24.26krobotodoes 1.10 do -Z anymore?
05:26.04patlabor2221why not just do a dump of the options man and just see what it does
05:30.18MrApathyCreamkroboto: -Z ?
05:30.27MrApathyCreami don't recall it ever doing that
05:31.30kroboto1.7 did.  do it with a pyramid with a negative height and it makes a 'ppol' of water
05:31.43krobotonalso makes one sick or dizzy tho.
05:32.04krobotooops, don't need the n here huh?
05:32.15patlabor2221you would have to make it drivethru
05:32.28patlabor2221neg Z on a pyramid will triger it to flip
05:32.30PimpinellaKR: u dont need to use alien, 1.10 is in unstable already. however a "apt-get -b source bzflag" wont do, too many dependencies unsolved
05:32.37patlabor2221but it won't look "inside-out"
05:32.42patlabor2221it will look normal
05:32.51krobotoit would under 1.7
05:32.54Pimpinella(well in stable i mean)
05:32.56patlabor2221I know
05:32.58patlabor2221we fixed that
05:33.07patlabor2221you now colide with all objects
05:33.16patlabor2221if you don't want to you speficy it in the map
05:33.21MrApathyCreamoh negative Z
05:33.26patlabor2221you can now make boxes drive thur too
05:33.27MrApathyCreami though cmd line option
05:33.30patlabor2221or shoot thru
05:33.41KRpimpi - I'm using testing (Sarge) - but could enable sid sources...
05:34.01krobototo make them 'passthough' do you add it to the objects properties?
05:34.14patlabor2221add shootthrough
05:34.16Pimpinellawhat is rabbit-hunt?
05:34.21patlabor2221and /or drivethrough
05:34.23patlabor2221to the object
05:34.26MrApathyCreamPimpinella: a new game style
05:34.31MrApathyCreamwhere everyone is rogue, except one
05:34.33patlabor2221dosn't anyone read?
05:34.35krobotoit is actually " passthrough " no quotes or different spelling
05:34.35MrApathyCreamthat one is the rabbit
05:34.40MrApathyCreamhe is a white tank
05:34.57patlabor2221I don't remember the exact spelling
05:35.00MrApathyCreamit's him against the world, when he dies, the best scoring player currently alive becomes the rabbit
05:35.03patlabor2221it's speed right tho :)
05:35.05krobotowhite show the dirt too much =-)
05:35.32KRpat - I dont see bzfs.cpp anywhere - you can tell me to fsck off now, and I won't be offended - I will just do my editing manually...
05:35.34patlabor2221kroboto, we made all those little "hack" to the maps into real supported features
05:35.34Pimpinellais killing other rougue teamkilling?
05:35.46patlabor2221it's in src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx
05:35.49patlabor2221my bad
05:35.53patlabor2221I'm used to cpp
05:36.02MrApathyCreamand flipz
05:36.15MrApathyCreamPimpinella: yes
05:36.18patlabor2221or just put a neg Z scale that will triger flip Z too
05:36.51learneraha! BZDB "directory" entry is not set for some unknown reason
05:36.57krobotook, I'll be updating my 3 maps tomorrow. Thanks for the info and help. Goodnight all.
05:37.10MrApathyCreamkroboto: there are also world weapons to play with in bzw :)
05:37.13awoxIs it considered cheating/unethical to modify the client so you get a different user interface? like a status bar that tells you what flag you have at the current time and maybe make the radar/map transparent ontop of 3d view?
05:37.33patlabor2221no that's called a patch
05:37.42awoxSo it's not naughty?
05:37.43krobotoweapons? as in special weapon configs for the specific map?
05:37.46patlabor2221as long as you don't make it so you can see stuff they can't
05:38.06MrApathyCreamkroboto: weapons that belong to the world (not a player) and fire on a programmable timer
05:38.13awoxAh good. :)
05:38.14patlabor2221and it's generaly nice to post a patch with the changes so others can have the same benifit you do
05:38.29MrApathyCreamand it's mandatory if you give the binary to anyone else
05:38.32krobotois there info on that feature?
05:38.33learnerawox, if you think there's something worth modifying -- make a patch and get it integrated
05:38.40MrApathyCreamkroboto: yes, in the man
05:38.46awoxWell patlabor2221, if me and my friend ever get anywhere I certainly will post a patch, but I will wait untill the new version is in portage (gentoo).
05:38.48krobotobzfs?, or on windows bzfs.html
05:38.50patlabor2221yes if you give out bins then you must release soruce
05:39.05awoxpatlabor2221: I understand that. :)
05:39.09awoxwell, work now!
05:39.34KRbye awox
05:39.35MrApathyCreamkroboto: are u on win or linux?
05:40.48KRpat - did you mean in /src directory of downloaded package. or /src from directory tree of file system
05:40.59MrApathyCreamok then in your distro should be a bzfs.6s file somewhere
05:41.11patlabor2221in the source part
05:41.20patlabor2221I don't know what your silly debian distros come with
05:41.25patlabor2221I just know what is in CVS :)
05:41.50krobotoi see it in man bzfs at the bottom
05:41.51patlabor2221do you have source?
05:41.56MrApathyCreamin that file look for "The Weapon object
05:42.07MrApathyCreamkroboto: yes
05:42.09krobotois the delay in seconds?
05:42.18KRno - i built a .deb from a .rpm
05:42.32MrApathyCreamthe delay can be a list of delays too
05:42.33krobototype? as in equivelent flag?
05:42.34patlabor2221get some source
05:42.41MrApathyCreamdelay 10 3 5 3
05:42.43KRthis distro is a beta, and it would not build from source easily, so I took the easy way out
05:42.50MrApathyCreamkroboto: type is the flag
05:42.56KRwill do - just not tonight
05:42.58patlabor2221it still has to have that command
05:43.05patlabor2221it's been in for like a year
05:43.06KRwill manually edit in the meanwhile
05:43.36KRi owe you many bzbeers
05:44.28CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/man (bzfs.6s): better world weapon doc
05:44.56patlabor2221it's so nice that MAC is documenting 1.12
05:45.01KRwhat is "world weapon"? I saw that once, next to my callsign
05:45.16patlabor2221you can make the map spawn shots
05:45.19KRin the text message area
05:45.31KRlol thats viciousd
05:45.39MrApathyCreamit fires on a programmable timer
05:45.48MrApathyCream'programmable' at world buildling time
05:46.14krobotoit cycles through the delay list I assume.
05:46.28KRone other Q : what is the reason for "autopilot"? pee/beer breaks?
05:46.46MrApathyCreamthere is an initdelay which happens the first time, then cycles from then on thru the delay
05:46.56MrApathyCreamso you can coordinate different world weapons with that init delay
05:47.04MrApathyCreamKR yes, pee breaks :)
05:47.12krobotoI think I'm gonna like this new fangled map thingy =-)
05:47.36patlabor2221yeah such wonderfull features
05:47.45MrApathyCreamgruff but lovable jeff
05:47.55patlabor2221cept for stuff like "use something other then a brick" :L)
05:47.57patlabor2221I wasn't done :)
05:48.02KRc u
05:49.41KRI lied
05:49.46KRI have YAQ
05:50.11KRif I kill the server in the shell, I still see bzfs running as a process - why is that?
05:50.29KRusing ctrl+z to stop it
05:50.39KRin the shell, i mean
05:51.48patlabor2221you have a turtle?
05:52.03KRif I have any other questions, I will write them down and save them for another day...
05:52.33learnerKR: ctrl-z will only suspend it -- doesn't kill the process
05:52.47learneryou could then kill %1
05:54.25*** join/#bzflag HEINOLA (~admin@
05:54.31HEINOLAhe llo all
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07:11.29CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): PZ and BU bug
07:14.54CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): hehe already fixed
07:17.55*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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07:20.48Tuponehi learner, hi Mac
07:21.59Tuponehow it goes, how many bugs?
07:22.34MrApathyCreamnot too bad, a few
07:22.56MrApathyCreami'm currently fixing the multiple pop in problem
07:23.03TuponeI see you reverted mine, thanx
07:24.25Tuponethe player slot filled on bzfs has been worked on?
07:25.21MrApathyCreamplayer slot?
07:26.20TuponeI C that bzfs reported a bigger number of player than that were actually, so no more player could actually join
07:26.21MrApathyCreamtupone, did you work on the not getting stuck problem when close to walls, awhile ago?
07:26.34MrApathyCreamdidn't here about that
07:26.37Tuponeany building
07:26.55MrApathyCreamthere may be an interesting corrolary related to that
07:26.57CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (4 files in 2 dirs): fix the multiple spawn problem on multi right click
07:27.03MrApathyCreamIn a non jump world, if you drive into a pyramid and building at the same
07:28.08Tuponewhat I made is: if before moving you are in a building, as it was before you got stuck.
07:28.40MrApathyCreammaybe not related... was just guessing.
07:28.41TuponeI used all the speed as given by mouse, to move on the direction of the normal of the building
07:29.00MrApathyCreamthe normal of the pyramid has a positive z component
07:29.04MrApathyCreamand thus you jump
07:29.09Tuponecould be that, on a non jumpy world, the direction should be flattened
07:29.56MrApathyCreamdo you know where that code is?
07:30.05Tuponelemme check
07:30.05MrApathyCreamor would you like to fix?
07:30.25TuponeI'm going at work, so I just give direction
07:30.38Tuponeo , you are going to sleep
07:33.40MrApathyCreamso remove this?
07:33.48MrApathyCreamfor non jump worlds?
07:33.50Tuponeon non jumping
07:35.45MrApathyCreamso, i'm changing to
07:36.44Tuponeyeah, we should actually normalize normal, but code will be to much complicated, and this is just an hack
07:46.27CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (2 files in 2 dirs): on non jump worlds, when you get stuck on expansion, don't use the z component of the building normal
07:50.17MrApathyCreamwell off to bed
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10:26.21CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/misc ( let know about rabbit
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11:29.46david_vhoy :)
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11:50.11o~google bosman
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12:28.52rooterhello all
12:30.34rooterso... what changed on the 1.10 client that made it incompatible with older servers?
12:31.19david_vthe protocol among other things
12:31.30david_vi.e. the network protocol
12:32.13rooteri hope it's easier to program to... i did a serverquery tool in Java and the network stuff was a pain
12:35.06rooterwhere does it store configuration settings?
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13:33.10Gorilla_Hi All...
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14:45.05fhffhqvbi put -publicaddr $IFCHECK (where $IFCHECK is my current ip on ppp0) with the new 1.10 server, but it puts my local hostname on the server list......why?
14:46.27*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
14:48.34Grumblerwhats the word on 1.10?
14:48.37Gorilla_fhffhqvb: because it uses the hostname and not ipaddress..
14:48.54Gorilla_Grumbler: what are you running currently??
14:49.10fhffhqvbGorilla_: it worked with 1.7
14:49.21Grumbler1.10, just curious if any issues have showed up over night
14:49.33Grumbler1.10.0 that is
14:49.50Gorilla_Grumbler: I'm using the 1.10 from rpm and I can't fault it...
14:50.30fhffhqvbi can.
14:54.24fhffhqvbthis is useless.
14:54.24*** part/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
15:01.03Gorilla_actually there is one... pick up the machine gun flag and it sticks on untill you click the mouse button
15:16.17Grumbleryeah, i heard about that one.....i also noticed a couple gl artifacts in the win32 client.........a half black phantom circle that floats about, and opening/closing window causes Z buffer(?) problems
15:16.38Grumblerand GM is not the same.
15:17.36Grumbleri have dropped it intentionally a number of times because its accuracy has really deterioated
15:18.08*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
15:18.22Death_Barrelhey guys
15:21.51Grumblergod dag
15:22.23Grumblerguten tag, wie gehts
15:22.43Nidhoggrwell, we are well on our way to switching over. both version running concurrently for now.
15:23.02GrumblerNidhoggr: :)
15:23.08Nidhoggrand is switched over already.
15:24.24GrumblerNidhoggr: how about the registry, i notice recognized me........
15:24.29Gorilla_Nidhoggr: You have a bug on the web site itself at
15:24.43Nidhoggrwhich website?
15:24.54Nidhoggrthe gallery site?
15:25.03Nidhoggror has a mysql error...
15:26.27Nidhoggrah. it's being rewritten for new server code.  it's not being advertised right now, anyway.
15:27.11Nidhoggrit's cool that he has the user flag stats working, though.'
15:27.12Gorilla_in that case... I didn't see it.. :-D
15:28.07NidhoggrI really need to find a good gallery software for my regular site.
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15:28.19NidhoggrI have so many more pics to post.
15:30.19Gorilla_Nidhoggr: you take 800 a week??
15:30.45Nidhoggrwhen I can.  before my eye surgery/issues.  since it's more like a few dozen, until springtime. :)
15:31.18NidhoggrI'm really excited to be able to take springtime photos with my new camera.
15:32.21Gorilla_Nidhoggr: I bet.. hope the eye doesn't give you any more problems..
15:33.01Nidhoggrit was pretty scary.  both eyes.. the right one the worst of the 2.  now I'm at 20/20, but we thought I was going to have to have a cornea transplant. :(
15:33.26Nidhoggrespecially with as much photography as I do.
15:34.24Gorilla_ouch.. I am moderately deaf so i can sort of relate to it...
15:35.04NidhoggrI love capturing what appeals to me in nature, and sometimes in people.
15:37.02Gorilla_I was in Laos and my boses fiancee(spelling??) is a professional pohotographer and some of the scerery in that country is just pictures perfect.
15:37.47NidhoggrI'm fortunate enough to have zoo an botanical garden memberships, and I go to Sedona fairly regularly.
15:37.54NidhoggrI'd love to travel and take photos.
15:38.09*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
15:39.05NidhoggrI wanted to not focus quite as much on flowers this year, and got a lot of bird and butterfly pics.  
15:40.15Gorilla_the photo of a bird in a cactus is different...
15:40.32Nidhoggrwhich one?
15:42.11Nidhoggrthose are fun
15:42.29Nidhoggrit was a baby.
15:42.35Nidhoggrall fluffed out.
15:42.57Gorilla_from the thumbnail.. i thought.. "oh yeah just a butterfly".. untill I clicked on it..
15:43.30Nidhoggrthe hardest thing this year was dragonflies.
15:44.00Gorilla_why?? very few around??
15:44.44Nidhoggrjust hard to keep them still for a photo op :)
15:45.32Grumblerspawn kill?
15:45.59Gorilla_opps... fouled that up..
15:46.53NidhoggrI think sourceforge needs mister froggie.
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15:57.10Nidhoggrgood morning, larsl.
15:57.18larsl(17:00 here)
15:57.27Nidhoggr0857 here ;)
15:58.12*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
15:58.30Nidhoggrcompany christmas party tonight,.
16:00.33larsl~spell queueing
16:00.44possible spellings for queueing: queuing queening queering Queenie queen geeing quelling quieting quiring quern weeing queue
16:02.22Grumblerhappy winterfest then :)
16:03.48CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): Woohoo, more bugs
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16:13.03CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (menus.cxx): The 'Free-style' game style was written on the wrong line in the server list menu, fixed
16:14.57Chestalevil larsl!
16:15.20Nidhoggrmy bug got submitted... makes me happy.
16:15.35Chestallarsl: I commited the same fix 5s after you :-)
16:16.09larslYou have to be quick with the easy ones, or someone else will get them. =)
16:16.48Chestalwhat is this strange win32 release with old server code?
16:17.12larslI don't know. It should be very easy to fix though.
16:18.21*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
16:18.56NidhoggrI had the wierd lock thing again last night.
16:19.01Nidhoggrwas strange.
16:19.10NidhoggrGM is kinda wierd now.. but I like the sound better.
16:19.26Chestalin what way is it strange?
16:19.41Nidhoggrit seems (I'm probably wrong) less accurate.
16:19.52NidhoggrI killed a bunch of GMers last night
16:19.57Nidhoggrand I normally suck at that sort of thing.
16:20.03Nidhoggrand was missed a bunch of times.
16:20.05larslThe times I've used it it seemed to have a smaller lock angle. Did we change that?
16:20.12Chestalthere is some max turn angle thingy, isn't it? Has that been changed? Is it inbzdb?
16:20.26NidhoggrI like it more now.
16:20.34Nidhoggrbecause I have a fighting chance.
16:21.04Nidhoggrit's funny... some people don't like the -sb on secretplace, because it's harder to camp on top when people spawn right next to you. :)
16:21.13larslWhere is the BagCity map mentioned in this bug report?
16:21.31Chestalis misc/  the one running?
16:21.53Chestaltryign to debug that -publicaddr needed bug
16:21.59ChestalI suspect it's in the server
16:22.24Grumblerlarsl: forum, sf, or i could email it to you
16:22.40larslGrumbler: DCC?
16:23.00Grumblerlarsl: whats that for the techinically ignorant
16:23.12larslOr just tell me which one it is in the SF map tracker.
16:23.38Gorilla_Grumbler: think of it as a point to point file copy..
16:23.58Gorilla_oops..that was ment for  larsl
16:24.10larslDCC = Direct Client Connect, communication between IRC clients without the IRC server. Used to send files.
16:24.31Grumblerlarsl: give me a minute while i find it
16:26.46larslAh, wait, I found it on BZBB.
16:27.29Grumblerwhoops...ok, guess you got it
16:28.19*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
16:28.28Grumblerlarsl: Chestal saw the same funky reflections when he played yesterday.......if he/she remembers
16:29.45ChestalI do
16:31.40larslIndeed... it seems to rico at the edge of the bounding box instead of at the pyramid surface.
16:32.06larslAnd if you get inside the bounding box it won't rico at all.
16:33.08Nidhoggris there documentation on setting up world weapons?
16:34.38larslNidhoggr: There is a description of the map object format in the bzfs man page.
16:34.47Nidhoggrvery cool.
16:34.54Nidhoggri should read the man page more.
16:35.06Nidhoggrit didn't used to stay current.
16:36.25larslIt should be now.
16:36.35larslIf it isn't, it's a bug.
16:36.37Nidhoggrcool :)
16:38.23*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
16:42.17Chestalwhat is the story with bzfls and ADD and SETNUM?
16:44.44Chestalhmm, can someoen join ducati?
16:47.40Nidhoggrhrm. a map with teleports on the side walls that wrap you to other side might be fun.
16:48.49Nidhoggrit wouldn't probably be able to put you in the same zone, unless you did multiple teleports in zones.
16:49.07*** join/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
16:50.10larslNidhoggr: I think I've seen something like that.
16:50.33larslHEINOLA: Hello.
16:50.43HEINOLAwhats up
16:51.34larslBug fixing.
16:51.44HEINOLAim just stumbling threw making my area's lugs web site  lol
16:52.19HEINOLAnow for the other lugies t make content  :)
16:54.08HEINOLAi got a link to bzflag in there  :)
16:54.51Chestal~spell maintainance
16:54.54possible spellings for maintainance: maintenance maintenances maintainable maintaining maintains Montanans Montanan's maintenance's
16:55.20HEINOLA!weather 56567
16:55.33NidhoggrI don't see how to make objects passable by shots or tanks in the bzfs man page.
16:55.42CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/include (version.h): speling
16:55.51HEINOLAopps wrong channe;
16:56.10larslNidhoggr: Hm, that's a bug.
16:56.33Nidhoggrlarsl, you make my day.  I need a good laugh.  (I'm catching a cold)
16:56.55Nidhoggrwhat does the World object do?
16:57.10Gorilla_eeeww... we don't need another virus on here
16:57.39NidhoggrI've avoided a cold for over a year.
16:57.43larslNidhoggr: For drivethrough / shootthrough you just add the line "drivethrough" / "shootthrough" to the object.
16:57.54Nidhoggrah, cool, thanks. :)
16:57.54larslThe world object can be used to set the world size.
16:58.05Nidhoggroh... that's what I thought.
16:58.08Nidhoggrit didn't really say.
16:58.21larslAppearently the man page needs to be updated...
16:58.52Nidhoggrat least the world weapon is in there.
16:59.21Nidhoggrso I can make a zone on the map that is essentially a V flag if people are on it?
17:00.04larslI don't think so, where did you read that?
17:00.08Nidhoggrthe example in the man page uses the V flag for a world weapon.
17:00.31larslAh, no. World weapons are builtin guns un the world that shoot at the players. =)
17:00.43Nidhoggrwhat is type V then?
17:00.53larslA world weapon that fires fast shots.
17:00.58Nidhoggrah, cool.
17:02.40Gorilla_hmmm... a death zone... I like it..
17:05.01larslFound the pyramid problem. The normal calculation code cares about the flipz flag, but the intersection code does not.
17:05.33Nidhoggrso you are coding in some caring?
17:05.37Nidhoggryou ARE good. :)
17:06.10Nidhoggrman.. I'm loopy and haven't even had any cold medicine.
17:07.42Gorilla_Nidhoggr: well no-one should notice when you do start taking it.. :-D
17:07.51Nidhoggrgood point.
17:08.09Nidhoggrit's 73 degrees in here and I am ROASTING. :(
17:09.16Nidhoggron the good side, I had a positive score (20) on 1.10 secretplace server last night.
17:09.38Nidhoggrfirst positive score since my eye surgery.
17:13.03larslThe idea of having zones in the map where the player gets certain abilities is interesting.
17:13.08KRlazy laggards :)
17:13.41Gorilla_KR: I am... first time user :-D
17:14.04KRgo apesh*t on it, Gorilla! ;)
17:14.28NidhoggrKR, we are going to force them on secretplace.  I'm switching to 2 shots later today.
17:14.41Nidhoggrthen advertising the new server/code
17:14.53larslI'll probably shut down my 1.7 servers too. Not that people will notice. =)
17:15.20NidhoggrI'll shut down the 1.7 server within the next 2 weeks.
17:15.56Nidhoggrafter making it 2 shots today.
17:16.00Nidhoggrthat'll teach em
17:16.14Gorilla_that's one way to force the upgrade..
17:17.18Nidhoggrthe people that play on secretplace want a 10 shot server.
17:17.32Nidhoggrthey don't get the cool play of a nice 2 shot server.
17:17.57ChestalI think I will only run 1 shot servers on 1.10 :-)
17:18.06Nidhoggrthat might be fun.
17:18.25bomberor 0 shot..muhahaa
17:18.27Chestalmaybe on a tiny 100x100map
17:18.59Nidhoggrchestal's new "spawn-n-shoot"
17:20.00Gorilla_how do you counter the burrow flag??
17:20.13Nidhoggrroll over the burrower
17:20.22bomberbig big world...i am lost
17:20.45larslgravitywaves is definitely spawn-n-shoot.
17:20.53Nidhoggryes, it is
17:21.06larslI'll probably have to decrease the number of bullets to make it a little easier.
17:21.14NidhoggrI had fun on there for a few minutes.
17:24.53Nidhoggrwho wrote it?
17:25.13larslI have no idea.
17:27.40larslSomeone with an affinity for short cryptic variable names.
17:28.05Chestalheh, it's math, so youshould be thankful for any name longer than 1 character :-)
17:28.05Gorilla_and no data dictionary or comments??
17:30.10Chestalwhen the code has been changed for 1.10 I'd guess it's Tupone's
17:31.38Gorilla_larsl: isn't that tone of the idea behind cvs... to be able to blame someone for bad code and fsck ups..
17:36.02Grumblercool 2 shot servers.........contradiction to me............although you can chuck the 10 shot servers as well
17:37.08GrumblerNidhoggr: have to agree on the GM accuracy, it is way down........its a worthless flag now
17:38.17NidhoggrI wouldn't say worthless
17:38.22Nidhoggrit still works.
17:38.59larslHehe, if I jump up towards a flipped pyramid I get stuck in it (until I start moving again). =)
17:39.10Nidhoggrthat's funny.
17:39.27NidhoggrI've run into a few pyramids and bounced back a bit
17:39.30Grumbleron secretplace i could see some use because you can camp, but on xmission, you can barely kill a tank coming head on
17:39.31Nidhoggrin new code
17:40.00Grumblerseems to miss to the left a lot
17:40.30Grumblerall in all, its ok, just so long as laser is still deadly  :)
17:41.31NidhoggrI like the hunt feature.
17:41.45Nidhoggrit has adminny usage, too.
17:41.46Gorilla_I have noticed that when picking up the machine gun flag, it jams on firing... the only way to stop it is to left click or drop the flag..
17:41.58Grumblerfrom a map maker standpoint, i can build more obvious camp points
17:42.23Grumblerhunt is very fun.........the JAWS theme is perfect
17:42.29larslGorilla_: That's a known bug.
17:42.37larslIt will hopefully be fixed soon.
17:42.44Gorilla_larsl: oh..sorry.. :-D
17:42.58Nidhoggralso.. thief flag.. steal other flag, and have to wait a few seconds before you can fire.
17:43.57GrumblerNidhoggr: that was designed in
17:44.58GrumblerNidhoggr: ask learner about that one, it made sense at the time
17:45.13larslChestal: I can't spawn after a self-destruct, could that be something that you touched yesterday?
18:00.01CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Pyramid intersection code did not take flippedness into account, which caused strange ricochets off pyramids, should be fixed now
18:03.52Grumblerlarsl: will that fix also take care of the BU richo problem?
18:04.02larslGrumbler: I think so.
18:04.18larslGrumbler: I tried shooting at it from a block with BU, it seemed normal.
18:04.58Grumblernot something you run into all that often
18:05.02KRjust got up to 33 on a UK ffa server - people dont know how to react to the burrow flag, makes it easy :)
18:08.52Chestallarsl: only when the serevr does not know you're dead in that case
18:08.58Chestalthere is a strange collision/flying bug
18:09.10larslIt happens every time I selfdestruct.
18:09.26Chestalcome to pp server to try it
18:14.52ChestalI foudn the autodestruct bug
18:15.12Chestalit never tells the server that it's dead
18:15.27larslSo with the new check the server won't let it spawn.
18:17.05Chestalcannot test it now, but it should work
18:18.08CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): tell server I'm dead after self destruct; otherwise, it will never let me respawn
18:18.42Chestalsomeone fix or document that pyramid-flying bug :-), bye
18:20.32Grumblerpyramid flying bug?
18:21.57larslGrumbler: Some clients get a small push upwards if they drive into a pyramid (even on no-jump servers).
18:23.15Grumblerso they drive up the pyramid like a ramp?...........or do they actually go flying?
18:23.54larslThey get pushed upwards and backwards, so it looks like a small jump.
18:24.15larslThey are pulled back to the ground by gravity.
18:26.32Grumblersounds like a feature more than a bug.......
18:27.13CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): More bugs (pyramid collision strangeness)
18:34.24*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
18:35.29Grumblerpasta two days in row.......carb loading?
18:35.37larsl_pastaI'm a student. =)
18:35.58larsl_pastaI occasiaonally eat rice or mashed potatoes too.
18:36.01Nidhoggrpasta == top rammen?
18:36.01Grumblerramen noodles it is then :)
18:43.13Noodlemanwhen we gunna get a mac os x build out?
18:43.33*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
18:44.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:44.25*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
18:44.26*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
18:45.47Grumblerwhen apples start growing on trees.......oh, wait......
18:46.23KRre the pyramid bump/jump - it was happening last night on my CTF server - seemed to only work when you hit a pyra while touching a wall at the same time
18:46.30*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
18:56.04*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
19:02.57*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
19:03.51*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
19:04.45*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
19:05.19sn0w_m0nkeyare we to upgrade to 1.10 or is this just for development?
19:05.44Grumblerupgrade and ride the wave, dude
19:06.30sn0w_m0nkeythis 1.10 will still work with current servers running 1.7 etc?
19:06.47Grumblerno, it will not
19:07.09Grumblerhence the "Break the World" title for this release
19:07.16sn0w_m0nkeywill 1.9 work with 1.10?
19:07.31sn0w_m0nkeyi should try brb
19:07.33Grumblernot sure, but i think that is a negative as well
19:08.27sn0w_m0nkeyahh i deleted it
19:14.07sn0w_m0nkeyGrumbler: for future reference. this 1.10 will compile on gcc 3.22?
19:15.44Grumblersn0w_m0nkey: i do not have that type of information, and i dont remember what i compiled it with........try one of developer dudes
19:16.18Noodlemandoes anyone have an idea as to why the server list doesn't come up on my autotools build of 1.10 on mac os x?
19:16.55sn0w_m0nkeyits compiling fine with older gcc version now
19:17.29sn0w_m0nkeyat home i have 3.22, so i will find out then
19:18.01Grumblerserver list doesnt come up, you are running a private list?
19:18.21Noodlemanno, the public list
19:18.37Noodlemani'm not doing anything special
19:18.38Grumblerso you are running a server, and it does not show up on the public list?
19:18.52Noodlemanno, the client doesn't show the server list
19:19.01Grumblerooooooo, ok
19:19.26Grumbleri know the list is slower than usual, but that is about as far as my knowledge goes
19:19.36Noodlemanthe rpm build works fine for me on my other computer
19:20.02sn0w_m0nkeyare you using your old .bzflag config file noodleman?
19:20.16Grumblerwell its a mac, have you tried sprinkling it with cinnanom(sp)
19:20.18Noodlemandoes 1.10 look for it?
19:20.24Noodlemanlet me delete it and see
19:20.30sn0w_m0nkeynot sure, i am compiling mine now
19:20.47sn0w_m0nkeytick tock...
19:20.59Noodlemandeleting it does diddly-squat
19:21.00Grumblerlearner and JB were going get the mac stuff going, not sure where they are with it
19:22.07sn0w_m0nkeymake: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
19:22.39sn0w_m0nkeyit built the client i think
19:22.56Grumblerwhat are you trying to port to, linux etc
19:24.21sn0w_m0nkeylots of options are gone
19:24.31sn0w_m0nkeyGrumbler: building on linux yes
19:24.58Tuponesnow_monkey: it will compile
19:25.19Grumblersn0w_m0nkey: hrm, it compiled on rh9 no issues.....except user error
19:28.15[dmp]sn0w_m0nkey: i had the same error. It seem that it tries to do make in the documentation directory, which it cant.. so it fails.. However, bzflag was build anyway. Didnt check if any other executable was missing.. [this was my guess, didnt really check it]
19:30.18KRmade my server a High Speed CTf  :-D give it a try, its hilarious
19:30.55[dmp]larsl had for some minutes a very small, very fast, huge gravity server too yesterday. Sure was fun and strange :)
19:43.00larsl_pasta[dmp]: It's still running, it's been on since yesterday. =)
19:43.55sn0w_m0nkeytnx guys i am playing white rabby
19:44.11[dmp]larsl: :) .. too much project-writing to play now
19:47.40*** join/#bzflag domi (
19:48.07domiwhat's wrong with ?
19:48.32domiit contains the url bzflist://
19:49.21domiwhich I can access from a web browser, but not from the bzflag client
19:49.42Tuponewhich bzflag client: 1.10?
19:49.43domiwell, anyway, the find servers thing does nothing
19:49.53domiappeared just after i upgraded
19:51.02domithen how do i prevent my 1.10 from trying to access it ?
19:51.19sn0w_m0nkeyman whitey rabbitis fun
19:51.26sn0w_m0nkeybut my client just core dumped
19:51.38larslsn0w_m0nkey: Mine too.
19:51.46Tupone~/.bzf/config edit this
19:51.48Noodlemansn0w_m0nkey: mine too
19:51.53Tuponeremove directory in it
19:52.47Tuponeor use -directory
19:52.50domiTupone: directory in it ?
19:52.55Noodlemanwhat commands do you use to vote people off?
19:52.56dominot there...
19:53.16domido i need to edit ~/.bzflag ?
19:53.29domistill has a list entry with the old list server, it seems
19:53.32Tuponenot directory
19:54.00Tuponeremove that line
19:54.18dominot present in ~/.bzf/config
19:54.23domionly some keybindings there, it seems
19:54.35domiI'm going to try removing the list line from ~/.bzflag, I think
19:55.05Tuponeset list ....
19:55.31Tuponeno more .bzflag should be ~/.bzf/config
19:55.45domiright, thx
19:56.13Tuponesry for the confusion
19:57.12Grumbleroblio and his dog arrow
19:59.32domistill nothing
19:59.39domitried the set list thing
19:59.45Noodlemandomi: what OS are you running?
19:59.46domitried to remove all the bzflag config i could find
19:59.53domiDebian Linux unstable
20:00.05Noodlemanhmm, i have the same problem on mac os x
20:00.14Noodlemani can't get the server list
20:02.43domiwhat's the command again, for running a program while showing what system calls it makes ?
20:03.09Noodlemanhmm, wish i could remember
20:03.26Tuponedomi: strace
20:04.08Noodlemanbah, they don't have that command on mac os x
20:04.10Noodlemanthat bites
20:04.13Tuponecan you open a browser and give this url
20:04.15domiright, thx
20:04.45Nidhoggrdoes bzadmin compile in windows?
20:05.13larslNidhoggr: Yes, but I don't think anyone has added curses support.
20:05.46Nidhoggrah. hrm.
20:07.39larslIt works with PDCurses on Linux, and there is a PDCurses version for Windows. No one has used it though.
20:08.27bryjenor /at/ it
20:11.24NidhoggrI tested the one in the windows dist.
20:11.31Nidhoggrit's just a line by line scroller.
20:11.34Nidhoggrbut it works.
20:12.33larslIt's the same as you get if you run 'bzadmin -ui stdboth' on Linux
20:13.11Chestalmy server has a team size error again
20:15.14domiit's stuck selecting the db server for reading...
20:15.27domiafter it sends the GET request
20:15.39domibut no reply comes in
20:16.08Tuponedomi: have you tried with a browser?
20:16.17domiworks fine
20:16.42Tuponecan you do the same with telnet?
20:16.50Tuponetelnet 80
20:17.03TuponeGET http://db.bzflag...
20:17.18domidomi: ~> telnet 80
20:17.18domiConnected to
20:17.18domiEscape character is '^]'.
20:17.18domiConnection closed by foreign host.
20:17.19domidomi: ~>
20:17.33domidon't get the chance to type anything...
20:17.40domihm wait
20:17.41Tuponewhatis kotnet ?
20:17.51domiright, trying again :)
20:18.26domidomi: ~> telnet 80
20:18.27domiConnected to
20:18.27domiEscape character is '^]'.
20:18.31domino response
20:18.36Tuponeall the stuff
20:18.38domisame thing the bzflag client is getting, it seems
20:18.46domino further response, i mean
20:19.05Tuponehave you a proxy for http ?
20:19.24larsldomi: Did you hit return twice?
20:19.51domierr nope
20:19.55domiright, that fixes it
20:20.21domisend(6, "GET"..., 59, 0) = 59
20:20.43domithe client seems to be asking for ...?act... or sth like that...
20:21.15Tuponeyeah infact you should write get
20:22.11domimyeah, that works too from telnet
20:23.16domihm, suddenly it works..
20:23.21domii'm out
20:23.28domigoing to finally play a game :)
20:23.33domithx btw
20:23.52*** join/#bzflag tapo (
20:24.18tapocan you please tell me again the new list server?
20:24.56tapoip is I guess
20:24.58Tuponeyou can see the list going with a browser to
20:24.59Chestalah, I think I have found the team size bug
20:25.38tapoTupone: tnx, had it yesterday. I am one of those guys where bzflag shows no servers
20:25.44Chestalin rabbit mode, there can only be rogues besides the rabbit, yes?
20:26.30Tuponeyeah. np
20:26.37tapo"lsof +i" shows ca connection to "" - I wonder wether knows what to do when there's a request with that other name...
20:26.45tapoca = a
20:27.18TuponeChestal: yes
20:27.20tapoI'ÖL try...
20:28.12tapotry this:
20:28.54tapo"REMOVE xmission" - shall I try?
20:29.03ChestalI do not udnerstand bzfs.cxx:2697
20:29.20TimRikertapo sure. it'll reload next time someone leaves/joins xmission.
20:29.33ChestalTimRiker: is SETNUM no longer used?
20:29.54tapook, but my bzflag trys to get a server list from - and there isn't a list.
20:30.10TimRikerChestal: you can't do player[NoPlayer] cause NoPlayer is -1 or something.
20:30.21TimRikerChestal: SETNUM is dead.
20:30.30ChestalTimRiker: but the code is stil there in bzfs
20:30.40ChestalTimRiker: I don't understand the part after &&, makes no sense to me
20:30.43TimRikerfor SETNUM? should not be in 1.10.x
20:30.58tapoprobably should have listserver as first virtual named host. that would be the default host...
20:31.04ChestalTimRker: but it is
20:31.11Chestalsearch for "SETNUM
20:31.12TimRikerChestal: looks like a check to see if the oldRabbit is still alive.
20:31.32TuponeI put that check, lemme remember
20:31.49Chestalit does       player[oldRabbit].team = RogueTeam;  after the check
20:32.01Chestalbut shouldn't it do tha tin all cases? especially if the player is dead
20:32.05*** join/#bzflag nikt (
20:32.36Tuponeit was certainly against a bug: when you, as a Rabbit shot, then you were killed, you used to be penalized for team killing
20:32.52Tuponeif you kill a Rogue
20:33.11ChestalI thought we introduced team to shots to counter that
20:33.24Tuponebut it does not work
20:33.32Chestalalthough last time I looked at it (4-5 weeks ago) it wasn't used at all
20:34.08Tuponeso I delay assigning back a Rabbit to Rogue, until he came back or something like that
20:34.33Chestalwhen will the team be changed to rogue?
20:34.44TuponeNow pasta is waiting :) I come back in a bunch
20:35.21Chestalhmm, on PlayerALive
20:35.27Chestal*scratch*, I don't think I like tha tlogic
20:36.10Chestalthe server data shoudl reflect the real team a player is in at all times
20:36.39corndawghey all
20:37.13Chestalwhat way do we want it to be?
20:37.37Chestallet's say, rogue shoots two shots at rabbit. first shot kilsl rabbit, thus making shooter the rabbit. second shots continues and hits rogue
20:37.45Chestalgood kill or bad kill?
20:38.19TimRikerChestal: there was a SETNUM but it did the same thing. looks the the \0 bug was there, killing and cleaning now.
20:38.48bryjenBad.  Shot was fired while shooter was rogue and he should've been more careful of his "teammate"
20:39.01Chestallarsl: we cannot guarantee that, though, because it depends on relative time
20:39.12larslAh, that's true.
20:39.18larslBad, then.
20:39.51bryjenAssigning a "team id" to each shot when fired seems correct.
20:40.18larslKR: That superspeed ducati style game was really fun. =)
20:40.36larslGreat for duels.
20:40.56Chestalbryjen: could be abused by nasty team killers maybe
20:41.05Chestalbryjen: by sending fake team ids
20:41.37larslChestal: We could match the team ID to the sender's team unless it's a rabbit game.
20:43.02bryjenthe server could verify the shot's team id matches its idea of the shooter's team id when the MsgShot arrives.  That's still open to timing problems though....
20:43.31Chestalhmm, difficult
20:43.42ChestalI am not even sure how that team info in the shot was supposed to be used exactly
20:43.48Chestalis it used at all at the moment?
20:44.05Grumbleryou could wipe all bullets on change to rabbit
20:45.33TimRikercan't change the net protocol.
20:45.34bryjenthe test for teamkill needs to be  Shot.Team = Victim.Team instead of Shooter.Team = Victim.Team
20:45.50TimRikeryou're welcome to change the server and/or client to make things consistant. == rogue ==   means shooter looses a point.
20:47.43ChestalI don't think that is used, but I cannot be sure, hard to tell
20:47.54bryjenTimRiker: only in rabbit chase! is used only for the message
20:48.02TimRikerbryjen: nod
20:48.56bryjenbzfs.cxx:3063  bool tk = (player[victimIndex].team == player[killerIndex].team)
20:49.39Tuponethe problem I actually had is if a Rabbit shoot, then was hit! A running shot hit a tank. Good or Bad?
20:50.52Chestalr maybe neutral
20:50.55Chestalbut not bad
20:51.11Tuponeand the code is written this way. If correct
20:51.30Chestalthe bug that is there right now is that the size of the rogue team is not correct in server
20:51.31TuponeI need some way to know if a dead player was a rabbit
20:51.44Chestalthis is caused by player[i].team not reflecting the payer's real team at all times
20:51.56Chestalit can be solved easily
20:52.02Chestalbut it still feels wrong
20:52.44ChestalI can solve this bug by decrementing the rogue team size whenever a player leaves that is in rabbit team
20:52.47*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
20:52.56Chestalnormally this cannot happen, but it can because the team state is not consistent
20:53.26ChestalI am not even sure that it was a good idea to make rabbit a team
20:53.49Chestalwhatever, I can add this check
20:53.54Chestalthe bug should be gone
20:54.05Chestalbut I am not sure there aren't any other bugs triggered by this
20:54.16Chestalsize of rabbit team will always be 0 in the server I believe
20:54.27Chestalwhich is ok because it's not really a tea
20:54.54brlcadhi tupone, chestal
20:55.06Tuponeso we should not change size of rogue when a rabbit is promoted
20:55.13Tuponehi learner
20:55.36ChestalTupone: that isn#t done now
20:55.44ChestalTupone: anointrabbit does not change team sizes
20:55.52Chestalteam size is only changed on joining and leaving
20:56.18Tuponeso, what is the problem?
20:56.32ChestalA is the rabbit. gets shot
20:56.36KRlarsl - it is - I am laughing so hard he whole time I play...
20:56.44Chestalthen A's team is still rabbit in the server until he respawns
20:56.50KRches - u gotta try high-speed CTF :)
20:56.51ChestalA does not respawn, he leaves
20:57.15Chestalthen removeplayer will decrease rabbit team size, not rogue team size
20:57.17TuponeI got
20:58.16Chestalwe could use an extra flag instead of delaying the team chage
20:58.41Chestalso, when rabbit dies, set his team to rogue immediately, but set wasRabbit to true
20:58.46Chestalremove that flag when player spawns
20:59.13Chestaland then check this flag when player has killed someone
20:59.19corndawghum.... how would would it be to change the block pattern from brick to say.... wood?
20:59.36Chestalcorn: actually some made some bzflag 'themes' some time ago
20:59.47bryjenif player[].team changed immediately, and teamkills were determined by the shot info, could these special cases go away?
20:59.48larslcorndawg: Try it, it's just a picture in the data directory. =)
20:59.56corndawgahhhh cool
21:00.08Chestalbryjen: I don't see how the shot info coudl be used with the current protocol
21:00.14corndawgwould it register on the client side tho? or would they need to have the same image?
21:00.23KRiron plates with rivets :)
21:00.31corndawglol kr
21:00.40Chestalbryjen: the decision is done by the server on MsgKilled
21:00.55Chestalbryjen: this msg contains the shot id, but no other info about the shot itself
21:01.15bryjendidn't somebody add a team field to the shot message?  or is it just loose bits of code?
21:01.27Chestalbryjen: the player that gets shot could check for and know whether it's a good or bad kill, but with the current cprotocl I don#t see a (clean) way to communicate that to the server
21:01.38larslcorndawg: The server knows nothing about the data files.
21:01.47larslFor now.
21:02.10KRwent on basement earlier - complex map!
21:02.11Chestalso, is totally useless right now and I see no easy way to make use of it
21:02.22corndawglol yea it is kr
21:02.31corndawgthat map took me 3 days to complete
21:02.35larslMsgSetVar with a special variable name. =)
21:02.36KRStealth would rock in there :)
21:02.39ChestalTupone: can you thnk of any other side efects that the delayed migh thave?
21:02.50bryjenUgh. n/m.   The server just relays MsgShotBegin, doesn't it?   No processing / verification / tracking
21:04.04Chestalbryjen: it does some processing now to check for cheat shots and do the drop flag after n shots feature
21:04.31TuponeI have played with that for a lot of time and changed it, until this version. I have got a little different approach tha just this, because sometimes I got 0 Rabbit. I thought at that, but I have to resee the code to remeber the complete solution
21:05.18Chestalcan rogues send team messages to each other?
21:05.51brlcadthey "shouldn't"
21:06.16brlcadcept for rabbit
21:07.15Chestalwell, this delayed team settign just seems hackish to me, I'll change it
21:07.26Chestaladd the wasRabbit flag instead? What do you think?
21:07.38brlcadalso hackish
21:07.40Chestalcheck that in playerKilled()
21:07.58Chestalwell, it performs the same logic which the current solutin does
21:07.59Tuponeat last I think I put that flag !?
21:08.00Chestalbut in a clean way
21:08.18brlcadhow about a field in player that just keeps track of the previous flag (regardless of what it was)
21:08.46Chestalwhy flag?
21:08.49Tuponeflag? it does not apply
21:08.54bryjenWhat I was thinking was the server stored the shot info from MsgShotBegin and could later (on a Kill) look at it and see
21:09.20NoodlemanNoTeam == Observer?
21:09.26ChestalNoodleman: no
21:10.16Noodlemanok, let me look in the current global.h instead of in the wiki :-)
21:10.46Noodlemanah, that looks better :-)
21:10.53Chestalbryjen: I guess this could be done theoretically, but it seems like overkill
21:11.10Chestalthis is becoming much too complicated
21:11.34Chestalwhen we keep the current logic and just implement it differently in the server
21:11.49bryjenChestal:  I thought it already did, so it wouldn't be adding much.    But it doesn't, so yes, that's alot to add :(
21:11.59Chestal1) rabbit dies; old shot hits rogue -> +1
21:12.15Chestal2) rabbit dies; old shot hits new rabbit -> +1
21:12.58Chestal3) rogue kills rabbit; old rogue shot kills rogue -> +1 when server sees rabbit kill before rogue kil, -1 otherwise
21:13.40Chestalthat's how I think it is righ tnow
21:13.46Tupone3) ?
21:14.06Tuponewhat is ?
21:14.14Chestalrogue shoots twice
21:14.24Chestalone shot hits rabbit, other shot hits rogue
21:14.32Chestalvictims will sent MsgKilled to server
21:14.42Chestalnow it depnds on the order of the messages
21:14.49Tuponebut I think he now got 2 point
21:15.01Chestalok, he always gets +1 for th rabbit
21:15.06Tuponepromotion is not delayed
21:15.07ChestalI was only investigating the other kill
21:15.24Chestalpromotion happens when server recieves MsgKilled from old rabbit
21:15.35Tuponeyeah, so depends on timing
21:15.59Chestalwhen lag is low, the timing reflects the time of the killings
21:16.02TuponeI think this schema is good
21:16.16Chestalso, with low lag, rabbit is between me and you
21:16.16TuponeIt was I expect it does
21:16.23ChestalI shoot twice, hit rabbit first, then you
21:16.30Chestalthen I'll get 2 points
21:16.39TuponeI think it should
21:16.45Chestalwhen rabbit is badly lagged, I might get -1 then +1
21:16.49bryjenif you become the rabbit.
21:17.06Chestalyes, only if I become the rabbt
21:17.07*** join/#bzflag niksie (
21:17.24Chestalother case is that the other rogue will become rabbit
21:17.33Chestalin that case, it will always be +2 for me
21:17.58Chestalwhich leads to some interesting points
21:18.01CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (RadarRenderer.cxx): BZDB coloredradarshots used to have about 3000 acc/sec Now 60 (FPS)
21:18.02bryjeni still think you were rogue when you fired the shot and should've been careful not to hit the other rogue.
21:18.13ChestalI guess when rabbit is more well-known, peopel will try to anticipate which palyer will become rabbit next
21:18.23Chestaland take that into account before shooting the rabbt
21:18.42bryjenYou shouldn't get an accidental bonus for being careless
21:18.44Chestalor the soon-to-be rabit might wait for soem fellow rogue to shot the rabbit, then immediately attack his former friends
21:18.46TuponeNormally I try to aim at a Rogue, if I'm becoming a rabbit
21:19.36Tuponeor if he is becoming
21:21.13ChestalI'd say, stick with the curent logic, but implement it in a different way to get rid of the delayed team change in server
21:22.48CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (LocalPlayer.cxx): add comment what was meant for and that is is still unused
21:23.04bryjenI'll go along with that,  since you guys are the coders and I'm just throwing ideas around ;)
21:32.57TuponeChestal: have you changed something in your 1.10 ducati, like gravity or explode time?
21:35.18Noodlemanis the format of the gameinfo field on the list server documented?
21:35.46Noodlemanplease say yes...
21:35.52*** part/#bzflag tapo (
21:35.59Tuponeso the bug reported in BUGS is not more in ducati?
21:36.36TuponeNoodleman: I don't think! You need?
21:36.56NoodlemanTupone: yes, i need to know the format
21:37.02Noodlemanwhere is it in the code?
21:37.20Noodlemani might be able to decipher the code if i can find it
21:37.22Tuponelemme check
21:38.42ChestalTupone: which bug?
21:39.54Tuponewith an high gravity field, you used to jump very high when killed. I limited that, but you could stay for sometime at 0 height, after dead
21:40.26Chestalah, yes
21:40.38ChestalI reduced the respawn time var to make it go away
21:40.59Chestalyou cannot have both actually
21:41.20Chestalthe explode vertical speed in 1.7 is calculate dso that it will take exactly the respawn tiem to hit the groudn again
21:41.48Tuponethat is also here, but if the gravity is too high, you can be killed for cheating
21:42.00Tuponeso in that case I limited.
21:42.27*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
21:42.34TuponeI don't have the world higher limit, so I based that on the default kill jump on default gravity
21:42.56TuponeNoodleman: bzfs.cxx:833
21:43.25Chestalok, I have a new server now which _should_ work, but who knows :-)
21:43.33Chestalthe lgoic in PlayerKIlled is a bit complicated
21:43.45NoodlemanTupone: thx
21:46.06TuponeChestal: I limited the jump height to 49. Can you suggest a better value, that is not so higher to be killed in any world?
21:46.47ChestalTupone: no, sorry, I haven't looked at this in detail.
21:47.22Chestalmaybe the cheat dcheck shouldn't check dead players?
21:48.26TuponeThat could be (should be), even if jumping so high give a strange feeling
21:52.22TuponeChestal: looking at list server issue. Remember the way to flush data on a tcp connection?
21:53.41Chestalhmm, not really
21:54.21Chestalwhen you call send, all data should go into the send window, no?
21:54.28Chestalat least as much as send returns
21:54.28Tuponethat is the only things that really ring bells, request parked on the driver
21:54.50Tuponebut can be it wait for some other data to put on the buffer
21:55.00Chestalwhat is the syntax to specify the lsit server for the client?
21:55.39ChestalIm thinkign of running a debug list server dummy
21:55.46Chestalbascially a netcat should do
21:55.56Chestaljsut do see what I receive from the client
21:55.57Tuponedon't need too, it is already in the client! however
21:56.18Tuponeif you want to change -list ....
21:56.25Pimpinellawhat is the -publiclist URL for the 1.10 servers?
21:56.26Chestalof course we would need someone who has problems accessing the list server
21:56.30Chestalto reproduce the provlem
21:57.14TuponePimpinella: don't need. Is in the server! ""
21:57.49Chestalsome with problems getting the server list around?
21:58.15Tuponetapo is one but not here
21:58.15Pimpinelladidnt work, but i'll try it again
21:58.20Pimpinellathe buildin
21:58.44TuponePimpinella: you know that default port is now 5154?
21:59.43TuponeI'll suggest you put also -publicaddr yourIP:yourPort . Seem to work better
22:01.07[dmp]Chestal: ?
22:01.21Chestal[dmp]: ? :-)
22:01.45[dmp]Chestal: your rabbit is wierd. it allows fewer and fewer players to join.. its about 3-4 now
22:01.51Chestal[dmp]: yes, I know
22:02.05[dmp]Chestal: ah :)
22:02.09[dmp]Chestal: can superkill fix it?
22:02.59Chestalwell, yes, but I'll install a new version now
22:03.12Chestalwhich shoudl fix that
22:03.30Chestaland I hope I got the teamkilling logic right in those special cases when the rabbit changes and old shots kill
22:03.43Chestalok, new version up
22:03.46[dmp]yeah, its abit annoying
22:03.49Pimpinellaseems to work now :)
22:04.05Tuponewhat have you put to let it work?
22:04.18Chestalso, needs testing now
22:04.50Pimpinellaremoved any -publiclist entry and set -p 5154 explicitly
22:05.47Tuponeok thanx
22:06.57Pimpinellar the -vote* functions on by default with default values or do  have to set the options manually?
22:08.12larslPimpinella: Only registered players are allowed to vote by default, so you need a userdb+passdb or groupdb file.
22:08.42Pimpinellabut the sytax of the files has not changed?
22:08.55larslNot that I know.
22:09.01Pimpinellaso i can use the existing (from 1.7)?
22:09.46sn0w_m0nkeywhite monkey dead
22:09.56Pimpinellahmm, is seems do work
22:10.28sn0w_m0nkeywhite monkey is fuuuuunnnnnnnn
22:11.52*** join/#bzflag kr|laptop (
22:12.45kr|laptopif you want to see the pyramid bump/jump bug in action, I have a map on my server right now that is doing it
22:12.56sn0w_m0nkeyspeed server?
22:13.00Pimpinellathere was a /set server-command invented to change options on a running server iirc, but i dont find any info about it
22:13.21kr|laptopi'm on there now with desktop
22:13.43TuponePimpinella: bzfs man?
22:14.00Pimpinellaor im blind
22:14.43sn0w_m0nkeyhmm i don't see speed server
22:14.49sn0w_m0nkey1.10 server kr?
22:15.02kr|laptopi think it is the tall skinny pyras that do it, when one is close enough to a wall that you can touch both
22:15.27kr|laptopcancel the tall pyra theory - saw a short on edo it earlier - forgot that
22:15.40kr|laptopip is 24.x.x.x
22:15.46kr|laptopport 5154
22:16.48Pimpinellaa "/set" to the server and u get an overviey of all options
22:18.54Pimpinella<-- busy sleeping
22:19.10TuponeKR: did you have problem with list server?
22:19.43Gorilla_Pimpinella: sooryy couldn't resist..
22:22.47*** join/#bzflag nikt (
22:22.50*** join/#bzflag Slippy_and_his_w (~Slippy_an@
22:24.38PimpinellaGorilla_: :)
22:26.12Gorilla_Pimpinella: Good Night..
22:27.59kr|laptoptupone - no probs
22:28.31Tuponeok! I'm looking for someone who had
22:28.49Chestalthis is untestable under normal playing
22:28.56Chestalthe choice of rabbit seems to be broken
22:29.00kr|laptopwas letting ski and all know that I have a map which you can see/try the pyramid bump/jump bug on
22:29.37kr|laptopnot ski - snow monkey
22:29.48Chestalah, hmm
22:29.55Chestalthat formula is strange for negative values
22:30.20Chestalis that intented?
22:31.53Chestaleveryone gone?
22:33.52TuponeI'm here
22:33.58Chestal(player[i].wins - player[i].losses) * player[i].wins;
22:34.28ChestalI just played rabbit game
22:34.32Chestaleveryone was negative
22:34.42Chestaland one player with 2-10 was chosen very often
22:34.42TuponeI C I was an observer
22:34.48Chestalover palyer with 20-24 or so
22:35.16Chestalas long as there are psoitive players, those are chosen first of course
22:35.35ChestalTupone: I was trying to check whether the teamkilling worked ok, but impossible to tell with so much action
22:36.08TuponeI C that formula is wrong! I'm thinking what it was to mean
22:36.54Tuponewins & losses are natural?
22:37.38Chestalso, it's the score (wins-losses) weightet by the number of wins
22:37.51Tuponeso wins can be 0 or positive
22:38.15Tuponethat seems to work at a first glance
22:38.43*** join/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
22:39.08fhffhqvbis it that when you get burrow radar gets set to 1 and you can't switch?
22:39.56Tuponefhffhqvb: just change the radar size and can get modified. (by design choice)
22:40.16Tuponeis not 1, is a reduced size
22:40.33ChestalTupone: well, let's say a plyer has no single kill, then his ratio will always be zero
22:40.34fhffhqvband for some reason OO got dropped while i was in a building
22:40.44ChestalTupone: so, it will be higher than all other players with neg. score
22:40.47fhffhqvbi didn't drop it...
22:40.56Tuponecould be lag?
22:41.03Chestalhmm, does -autoTeam not put player into observer team autmatically if other teams are full?
22:41.27fhffhqvbi was still in the building and could get out
22:41.33*** join/#bzflag sn0w_kitty (~Chikumz33@
22:41.35TuponeautoTeam put player in Observer if space is available
22:41.54Tuponefhffhqvb: Yeah, I think is a bug, were you laggy?
22:43.14*** join/#bzflag krid (
22:43.17Tuponefhffhqvb: I'll ask learner what happens. what server was? xmission?
22:43.22Chestalhigh speed kick is kicking lots of people
22:43.31ChestalTupone: didn't work on ducati
22:43.47ChestalTupone: with client=auto it tried all teams then found obs slot
22:43.54ChestalTupone: with client=rogue join faled
22:44.02Gorilla_BUG Report: I have noticed with 1.10.0 that some of the shadows will "shimmer" or flicker. map: urban.bzw Video: NV GF4 MX440
22:44.14sn0w_kittythere iz a Fortix practice scrimage on ducati 59999 if any1 iz interested in playin.. :)
22:44.16corndawghum.... intresting thought... a flag that gives you the ability to fly but for only 5-15 seconds... and cant be used till the fire button is pressed
22:44.31corndawgwould be great to nail campers :D
22:44.57fhffhqvband for some reason putting "-publicaddr $IFCHECK" (where $IFCHECK is the IP on ppp0) puts my local hostname on the listserver
22:45.03fhffhqvb(with bzfs that is)
22:45.35fhffhqvbi even tries -publicaddr and it still puts the hostname there
22:45.53Tuponeand why should not do that?
22:46.07fhffhqvbbecause people can't connect to 'router.sussudio'?
22:47.03*** part/#bzflag krid (
22:47.04TuponeI don't remember the last fixes on Could be Tim has recorded from where the request arrives.
22:47.40TuponeMy bzfls*.php are not inline so I was not involved on that
22:48.02fhffhqvbBZFlag server (protocol 1910)
22:48.14larslfhffhqvb: Are you sure that it's not just the local network detection of the server? It shows up in the list too.
22:49.59fhffhqvbtry connecting to it then
22:50.12TuponeIt also happen on mine, I suppose that it use the address the request arrives from, and publicize another
22:50.30Tuponeshould check better
22:51.55Tuponethat could explain why natted people has to put -publicaddr even if default
22:52.03fhffhqvbhm display gets corrupted when you pause with burrow
22:52.26Tuponethanx sussudio
22:52.36Tuponedo you mind reporting BUG on sf?
22:54.46fhffhqvbheavy, man.
22:56.00fhffhqvbi don't remember the password i used for sf
22:56.01Gorilla_fhffhqvb: you just got too close to that worm hole..
22:56.15fhffhqvbwell, with burrow it was like i was in a black hole.....
22:56.25fhffhqvband then spirograph hell
22:56.44Gorilla_fhffhqvb: you can retrive the password from sf..
22:57.49fhffhqvbwell, then there's that thing that crashes everyone's client but i'd better not put that out in public.
23:04.01corndawghum i thought there was a bzedit for linux?
23:04.43Tuponefhffhqvb: that is linux or windows or ...
23:05.51ChestalI played too much
23:06.12larslThe rabbit assignment should be changed.
23:06.28TuponeChestal: I think I've found the issue with list server
23:06.36larslIf you get a low score you never get to be rabbit, and then you'll never get a high score again.
23:06.49fhffhqvbTupone: linux or windows what?
23:07.03*** part/#bzflag kr|laptop (
23:07.18Tuponeyour platform. cus a similar bug was on windows
23:07.42Tuponesome problem with GL
23:07.42fhffhqvbno, it crashes everyone. windows client drops to desktop, linux client locks  up and you have to kill the xserver
23:08.01Tuponewhen you pase burrow?
23:08.13fhffhqvboh that, windows 2000 radeon AIW 7200
23:08.43larslI found something similar that SIGSEGVed all Linux clients.
23:08.57larslAlthough I could leave the bzflag window and kill bzflag.
23:09.14TuponePat is repeating again about that GL bug. I cannot reproduce/debug on Linux
23:12.15*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
23:12.15*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
23:13.02*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
23:13.02*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
23:13.55corndawghey Patlabor221
23:14.13*** part/#bzflag fhffhqvb (
23:16.47ChestalTupone: what is the lsit server problem?
23:16.55Chestalhi Pat. Did you get all of the invisibles?
23:17.08ChestalI wonder wheterh I shoudl simply commit my bzfs changes
23:17.15ChestalI cannot really tell if it works
23:17.17Tuponesomeone does not get to the list server. The Nagle algorithm is disabled
23:17.36Tuponeshould be disabled and it is not
23:17.59Tuponealso it seems to me that on ServerLink, tcp connection follow the same
23:18.03Chestalclient could use shutdown?
23:18.09ChestalI suppose this also flushes?
23:18.18Tuponeremark say disable
23:18.29Tuponeit is flushed if disabled
23:18.36Gorilla_Chestal: you could put it on a test server and advertise it back here..
23:18.42Tuponeany write goes to the other end
23:18.44Noodlemanwhat's the command to add flags midgame?
23:18.48Chestalducati is running the code
23:18.53Tuponelook at man tcp and find NODELAY
23:18.58Chestalbut it's extremely hard to tell durign normal play if it's ok
23:20.10ChestalTupone: so this is not set for the list server connection?
23:20.21Tuponeand also I think the problem being laggy is the same
23:20.23ChestalTupone: client only connects, sends data, then waits for reply, closes?
23:20.34ChestalServerLink sets NODELAY flag
23:20.44Tuponethink to
23:20.50Tuponeit used off
23:21.27Tupone0 I suppose is false
23:21.45Tuponeso remark say something but code not
23:22.05Chestalah, hmm, maybe that's intentional. I am not quite sure what exactly happens
23:22.55Chestalwe wouldn't want a packet to be sent after the 4 byte header is put into the buffer with send()
23:23.23TuponeI think that they want to code in the way each packet goes by itself so the receiver will get nothing or all
23:24.09Tuponelike UDP
23:26.11Chestalyes, but I don't knwo the exact default behaviour
23:26.55Chestalbut I cannot imagine this is the problem with the list server
23:27.04Tuponethe default behaviour seems the Nagle algorithm.
23:27.12Chestaleven if it does delay frames, it shouldn't do so for longer than a fracton of a second, should it?
23:28.16TuponeNot ServerLink but in the menus.cxx it is missing that piece of code (with on naturally), and I think message are not flushed after timeout in some system
23:28.18Chestalthe queston whetehr the timing can be optimized for client<-> server communicatin is a different one
23:28.37Chestalclient does send, then wait for response, then close, yes?
23:28.53Chestalthen it should call shutdown when finsihed with sending
23:29.10Tuponeif you shutdown, socket will be closed?
23:29.10Chestalwith SHUT_WR
23:29.45Chestalyou can shutdown either direction
23:29.50Chestalin this case, inly shutdown write
23:29.58Tuponewhat system call?
23:30.13Chestalth eother side will then get end of file when reading
23:30.36Tuponeok! I'll try that
23:30.39ChestalI still don't think this is the problem, though
23:30.46Chestalbu tI cannot think anymore today, good night
23:31.04Gorilla_night Chestal
23:33.57drinianAre others having problems with the 1.10 list server?
23:34.15TuponeYou have?
23:34.27drinianI don't get a list of servers showing up
23:34.50Tuponebzflag -list
23:34.57Tuponetryed that?
23:35.09drinianYes, I can browse there fine.
23:35.29Chestalwould -list work?
23:35.40drinianHmmm...let me try.
23:35.56Chestalyou won't get a list, but I can debug maybe
23:37.18Tuponedrinian, do you get the build or did you get the source?
23:38.29ChestalI receive GET
23:38.42Chestalshould there not be two newslines after 1910?
23:38.45Tuponethat is ok
23:38.57Tuponea \n
23:39.08Tuponea \r\n
23:39.08drinianTupone: I've tried both.
23:39.22drinianthe other url doesn't work for me either
23:39.23Chestalok, another test
23:39.31drinianI'm trying on linux and now on windows
23:39.43Chestaltry -list please
23:40.13Chestalhmm, I could manully pipe the list back
23:40.43Chestalcut'n'paste :-) go.
23:41.03Chestaldid you try with port 80?
23:41.15Chestaltry 89 please
23:41.46drinianthat's it
23:41.51drinianworks good
23:41.56ChestalI pasted the list :-)
23:42.11Tuponesomeone filter 80?
23:42.25drinianwell...I'm behind a squid proxy.
23:42.41Tuponeoh ok?
23:42.43*** join/#bzflag bosman (
23:42.54Chestalcan you try  telnet 80 ?
23:44.05drinianconnection refused
23:44.23ChestalTupone: can you try the same?
23:44.27drinianopps I forgot the port
23:44.39drinianI'm in
23:44.59drinianconnection closed
23:45.12*** join/#bzflag yoyox (
23:45.12Chestalehm, tupone was quicker
23:45.20Chestaldrinian: again please
23:45.20yoyoxChestal: Hi.
23:45.24Chestalyoyox: hi
23:45.42ChestalI don't see anything
23:45.47Chestallooks liek a transparent proxy to me
23:46.02Tuponegive this data: GET
23:46.33Tuponedrinian: can I give 2 line instruction to put in the code?
23:46.57Chestalif it really is the transparent proxy messing thigns up, we coudl simply move to another port
23:47.01Tuponeon menus.cxx find errorSending
23:47.03Chestalor fix the HTTP syntax
23:47.09Chestalshoudl work with GET /....  Host:
23:47.34Chestalok, I must be off, cu
23:47.46TuponeI should get a squid to test on
23:48.20drinianwhat next
23:48.21Tuponeafter the send: errorSending = send ...
23:48.45Tuponeput this 2 lines.
23:51.57Tuponetry with -list
23:53.51drinianone minute...
23:54.49drinianmust compile again...sorry
23:55.58*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
23:59.54drinianalmost done...I recompiled all

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.