irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031202

00:00.05RedRockibot: no
00:00.14*** join/#bzflag jolly (
00:00.38JBdiGrizniihauma jolly :)
00:00.42RedRockibot: Is yes the same as no?
00:00.43RedRock: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?
00:00.54jollyhey JB :)
00:00.55RedRockibot: it's logic
00:00.57RedRock: parse error: dunno what the heck you're talking about
00:01.08RedRockI'll stop people
00:01.45RedRockibot: going to stop talking to you now..see you next time bye
00:01.46RedRock: KCI error, or a problem with the Keyboard-Chair Interface.
00:03.42PimpinellaGuu: weather Wilhelmshaven, germany
00:03.44GuuPimpinella: Error: No such location could be found.
00:04.01JBdiGrizGuu: help weather
00:04.02PimpinellaGuu: weather Hamburg, germany
00:04.02GuuJBdiGriz: (weather <US zip code> <US/Canada city, state> <Foreign city, country>) -- Returns the approximate weather conditions for a given city.
00:04.03GuuPimpinella: Error: No such location could be found.
00:04.27*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
00:04.41Pimpinellai dont need weather for us/canada, guu
00:04.44JBdiGrizGuu: weather montreal, quebec
00:04.46GuuJBdiGriz: Error: No such location could be found.
00:04.50|tim|hiya all
00:04.56JBdiGrizGuu: weather san diego, ca
00:04.58GuuJBdiGriz: The current temperature in San Diego, California is 63°F.  Conditions are Mostly Cloudy.
00:05.01Patlabor221it does stuff all over, you jsut have to know how to format it, it's odd
00:05.16Patlabor221!weather sidney, au
00:05.18GuuPatlabor221: Error: No such location could be found.
00:05.24JBdiGrizGuu: weather hamburg, ge
00:05.26GuuJBdiGriz: Error: No such location could be found.
00:05.31Patlabor221!weather sidney, australia
00:05.33GuuPatlabor221: Error: No such location could be found.
00:05.37JBdiGrizGuu: weather hamburg, de
00:05.38GuuJBdiGriz: Error: No such location could be found.
00:05.42Patlabor221we had it working once
00:06.05JBdiGrizI might have to go back to the source.
00:06.35JBdiGrizGuu: weather tokyo, jp
00:06.36GuuJBdiGriz: The current temperature in Tokyo, Japan is 12°C.  Conditions are Light Rain.
00:06.40Pimpinellawell wait.....i have an idea......yes......great...thats it....I'LL LOOK OUTSIDE!!!!!
00:06.59JBdiGrizthat's hard for me to do in Japan :)
00:07.39PimpinellaGuu: weather Berlin, de
00:07.40GuuPimpinella: Error: No such location could be found.
00:08.16JBdiGrizGuu: weather montreal, quebec
00:08.18GuuJBdiGriz: Error: No such location could be found.
00:08.25JBdiGrizGuu: weather montreal, quebec, ca
00:08.27GuuJBdiGriz: Error: No such location could be found.
00:08.47Pimpinellatim couldt stand us :)
00:10.22RedRockGuu: weather Brussels, Belgium
00:10.23GuuRedRock: Error: No such location could be found.
00:10.38RedRockGuu: condition me, now :d
00:10.40GuuRedRock: Error: 'condition' is not a valid command.
00:11.51RedRockGuu: weather Paris, France
00:11.53GuuRedRock: Error: No such location could be found.
00:12.16RedRockGuu: weather Brussels, be
00:12.17GuuRedRock: Error: No such location could be found.
00:12.28RedRockGuu: weather brussels, be
00:12.29GuuRedRock: Error: No such location could be found.
00:15.57*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
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00:29.26RedRockhi tim
00:29.32RedRockhi vvff
00:30.15vvffRedRock: hi.
00:48.02RedRockok bye all going to sleep
00:58.16*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
01:03.36*** part/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
01:07.12*** join/#bzflag Merry (
01:07.22Merryhi all
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01:19.16*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:28.31*** part/#bzflag vvff (
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01:52.25*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
01:55.13*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:00.37Carnagehi im having a problem are the bzflag sites down?, and
02:05.28Patlabor221the DNS is donw
02:05.44*** topic/#bzflag by Patlabor221 -> || || || || forums || beta builds || ban exceptions /mode #BZFlag +e nick!*user@* || / * sites/servers do not work (ducati =; xmission =
02:06.08*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:32.14KRDebian server exploit solved -
02:44.58Patlabor221what is the options to tarball/gzip a dir?
02:51.12*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
02:52.46MrApathyCreamhi boys
02:52.54Patlabor221sup G
02:55.21*** join/#bzflag orchid (
02:55.43Patlabor221whoot, gotta love having a 2.8 gig home dir :)
02:56.21Nidhoggrpat.. tar -cvf tarfilename.tar dirname
02:56.32Nidhoggrthen gzip -9 tarfilename.tar
02:56.33Noodlemangrrrr, sbc
02:56.44Noodlemani think they are blocking port 25 on my dsl
02:56.49scanlineor just "tar zcvf foo.tar.gz dirname"
02:56.49Nidhoggrhrm. figures.
02:57.11Noodlemanthey don't block port 80
02:57.13Nidhoggrsome tars don't support zc, so I always play it safe. ;)
02:57.27Patlabor221coo, thanks
02:57.33NidhoggrI set up port 2525 on my mail servers because cox blocks 25.
02:57.43Nidhoggrand I don't wanna use cox' servers.
02:57.49scanlineah, forgot I have a separate partition for /home
02:57.52scanlinelooks like 21GB
02:58.17scanlinewell, it has some big source trees in it and a couple full win2k installations
02:58.18Noodlemanhow do you get other servers to route mail to a server on a non-standard port, tho?
02:58.32Nidhoggroh, this is for outgoing.
02:58.50Nidhoggrso I can send to my own servers from home.
02:58.54Nidhoggrset up a vpn
02:59.06Nidhoggrpain in the butt, but it works.
02:59.09Noodlemani'm tired of finagling with sbc
02:59.19Nidhoggrdump them :)
02:59.58Noodlemani'd like to do cable but for 2 reasons:
03:00.08Noodleman1. they don't let you use port 80
03:00.18Noodleman2. they are too laggy to host a bzflag server
03:00.25MrApathyCreamscanline win2k? :0
03:00.39scanlineyeah, two of them, full of EDA software
03:01.34*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
03:04.25Noodlemanis verizon dsl any good?
03:05.08Noodlemanoh, well, can't get it anyway
03:05.16Nidhoggrwhat company does cable in your area?
03:05.39Noodlemaninsight and sigecom do cable
03:05.48Noodlemantheir's probably more
03:06.04Nidhoggryou can call and see if they have business accounts where they don't filter 25 or 80
03:06.14Nidhoggrusually you pay a little more, but you get a few ips
03:06.23Noodlemanugh, that would cost too much wouldn't it?
03:06.34Nidhoggrdepends.. it's worth looking
03:06.58Noodlemanit'd still prolly be to laggy to host a bzflag server, though
03:07.15Nidhoggryou can always build a 1 RU server, and send it to phoenix.  I'll give you one of the best hosting deals around. :)
03:08.36Noodlemanif i had a case like that, i might take you up on that
03:08.42Nidhoggr35 per RU and 65 per mbps  (industry average is 100 bucks)
03:08.52Nidhoggrfor bandwidth.
03:09.02Noodlemanyeah, that's nice
03:09.16Noodlemani could run a million bzflag servers on that :-)
03:09.18NidhoggrI got a GREAT deal on bandwidth, because I'm a friend of the company.
03:09.24Noodlemanwell, maybe not a million...
03:09.49Nidhoggrwell, 1 bzflag server with 10 shots averages about 768kbps with heavy usage.
03:10.00Nidhoggrthat per month.
03:10.14Nidhoggrso you could run 2 good servers on it.
03:10.16Noodleman1 bzflag server with 100 shots can max out a T1 easy :-)
03:10.21Nidhoggroh, yeah.
03:11.08Nidhoggrthe servers are plugged into backbone at 100mbps, and the usage is tracked.
03:12.37Noodlemani did that once to my boss's T1
03:12.45Nidhoggroh, my :)
03:12.49Noodlemansurprisingly, he wasn't the least bit mad
03:13.20Noodlemanhe really liked me, and still does
03:13.29Nidhoggrthat helps
03:13.36Noodlemanhe wants me to go back to oregon and work for him
03:13.54Noodlemanmaybe when i go thru college, i'll do that
03:14.08Nidhoggrif you like the area, it's a good option.
03:14.15Nidhoggrespecially with the job market.
03:15.34Patlabor221aww crap, don't we need to get bottled water and duct tape before you do that?
03:17.18learnerjust duct tape
03:17.23CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src (2 files in 2 dirs): more generic explosion loading
03:18.18Patlabor221hey at least I know when mac commits it's got a good chance of working on my platform of choice :)
03:19.08Patlabor221is it posible to have a dive on linux show up as ohh say /cvsroot/ ?
03:19.09learneradd #include "Singleton.h" to any file and you should have a good idea if it works for you before I commit
03:19.26Patlabor221can't not at home
03:19.35learnerif as in dive, you mean drive, then yes
03:19.38Patlabor221just do it, and I'll complain as normal later
03:19.45Patlabor221yes drive :)
03:19.48learnerthat works for me too :)
03:19.53Patlabor221asgard got phull
03:20.05learneryes, just make sure /cvsroot is empty on the root partition
03:20.14learnerand then mount the drive to that point
03:20.35Patlabor221then perhaps I shall do that and move cvs to it's own drive
03:20.36learnerfor you that'd be something like:
03:20.44Patlabor221I'm not doing it now
03:20.49Patlabor221just want to see if it's posible
03:21.04Patlabor221I got a couple 20s laying around
03:21.12learnerah, okay
03:21.19learnerit's trivial really
03:21.37Patlabor221I foudn the 2.7 gig folder that was killing the home dir drive, so I'm moving that
03:21.44Patlabor221shoudl help things "a bit"
03:22.19Patlabor221ya ever have a wget job you forget about? :)
03:22.57Patlabor221ohh bfoj has plenty of space, so we can have a gig of images
03:23.09Patlabor221or in this case 2.7gigs of images :)
03:24.34learnerI meant single images that are 1+gb in size
03:24.44Patlabor221heh, what ever :)
03:24.49Patlabor221are they good?
03:25.02learnerhehe, they're not "that kind" :)
03:25.15Patlabor221they aren't pictures of sunsets?
03:25.22Patlabor221cus I really like those
03:25.58learnerthey're my hi res photoshop restoration images (1200+ dpi)
03:27.04learnerI restore very old pictures as a hobby, mostly old family pictures that are falling apart or rather damaged
03:28.19orchidhe also makes obfuscated pictures clear and easy to see
03:30.02Patlabor221wheeee listen to those drive churn :)
03:31.05JBdiGrizand does he also encrypt special messages in those pictures :)
03:31.30Patlabor221like subliminal
03:31.43JBdiGrizThat's easy for you to spell.
03:32.00learnersshhhh.. harder to make them subliminal if people know..
03:32.19JBdiGrizJust make them backwards.
03:33.15JBdiGrizDid you receive learner's (buy a big mac) version?
03:33.44KRyou can see french fries in the explosions
03:35.28JBdiGrizI think I'll go hang around and drive all the other people crazy, because someone is there.
03:35.39KRgetting Charlies Angels Full Throttle from the rental office = free, hearing my girlfriend curse me when I say she *does* look like Lucy Liu = priceless
03:37.38Patlabor221I didn't find that one as good as the first one.
03:39.03KRJB - couldnt get in.... ;/
03:41.32JBdiGrizhehe, gotcha :)
03:42.55JBdiGrizif you're on a unix derivative, you can add the line "nameserver" to /etc/resolv.conf and you'll be able to connect to sites again.
03:48.23CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (3 files): rely on the stinkin' manager
03:56.58MrApathyCreampoor learner
03:59.40learnerthose are known apps that are not optimized for mac, even premiere
04:00.16learneri'm rather skeptical especially given the last test of why they didn't choose to use itunes for both systems??
04:00.41JBdiGrizhave you ever wandered through code for word? it's laughable how hard they work to make it slow on the mac.
04:00.47MrApathyCreami might agree if it wasn't that it was macworld doing the review
04:01.44JBdiGrizI worked on a mac emulator for unix. Word was one of the "necessary" applications that had to run perfectly. That meant duplicating everything it required.
04:02.06JBdiGrizI became intimately familiar with the timing loops that M$ added to the code.
04:02.20learnermacworld could easily be pissed that apple gave them the shaft last macworld when they wanted to move it to massachusetts
04:03.23learnerThat alienware box is sweet, though, regardless
04:03.35Patlabor221I wish they sold just the cases
04:03.40learnerthe athlon one, that is
04:04.46MrApathyCreamlearner: i thought you were committing
04:04.54learnergot distracted
04:05.11*** join/#bzflag ski (
04:05.15skihi all
04:05.20skii need help
04:06.32skiheck ill take help from ibot
04:06.33JBdiGrizI can recommend a couple of psychologists.
04:06.47skiits concerning Centrum
04:07.02skii cannot logon for the life of me
04:07.05MrApathyCreamnow with Lupine!
04:07.19skioh man... is having "issues". There are a couple of temporary solutions until we can find Mr. Riker.
04:07.55skithe page comes up but when i try to logon it goes to the dreaded the page cannot be found page
04:08.29MrApathyCreamuse the google cache
04:09.33learnerstill no word on dutchrai?
04:10.24Patlabor221the baka URL still works for BZBB
04:10.29Patlabor221tho you will have cookie issues
04:10.35Patlabor221so you may have to log in each time
04:11.01skiyeah, i used that link but its still giving me problems...
04:11.07skii tried at work and at home
04:11.22Patlabor221the cookies are still tied to the old domain, so there may be posting issues
04:11.33Patlabor221all of the domains are not resolving
04:12.18Patlabor221somethign at Tims is down
04:12.27learnerProgram received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
04:12.27learner0x0009bcf4 in OpenGLTexture::unref() ()
04:12.47learnerwhen quitting bzflag
04:12.51learner#0  0x0009bcf4 in OpenGLTexture::unref() ()
04:12.51learner#1  0x0009b99c in OpenGLTexture::~OpenGLTexture() ()
04:12.51learner#2  0x0009b090 in TextureManager::~TextureManager() ()
04:13.48skihmm, thats sux...
04:14.14skiespecially since my pass is saved in my inbox to work on my IST site..
04:14.27learnerapparently trying to delete something that's already deleted?
04:14.36skinice timeing just as the championships is supposed to start
04:14.45learnerheh, ski :)
04:14.56MrApathyCreamhmmm how is the TextureManager destructor being called? shouldn't be
04:14.56skiwelcome to my life
04:15.03MrApathyCreamwhat is #3?
04:15.17Patlabor221if he times these things, then we need to have some words with him
04:15.30Patlabor221has anyone sent him a mail?
04:15.33MrApathyCreamunless unix has the define MEMORY_CORRUPTION_FIXED defined
04:15.54learnerMAC: shouldn't the destructor work on app shut down?
04:16.01MrApathyCreamit's a heap object
04:16.20MrApathyCreamunless your heap man calls dtors on shutdown ?
04:16.30JBdiGrizski, you can add to your nameservers and you'll fix all the problems with temporarily.
04:16.34learnerokay.. better question.. shouldn't the destructor "work"? :)
04:16.43MrApathyCreamyes, but
04:16.52learnerit's not on the heap here, that's why it's getting called :)
04:17.06learnerit's using the singleton template
04:17.21MrApathyCreamsee Patlabor221, that's why i didn't use it :)
04:17.23skiJB: wheres my nameservers?
04:17.33JBdiGrizwhat os are you using?
04:17.34learnerit's a bug, mac! :)
04:17.56MrApathyCreamlearner: yeah
04:18.00JBdiGrizPatlabor221: Can you guide ski through the maze of win control panels?
04:18.01skisoon to be xp
04:18.04MrApathyCreamsomeone is deleting the texture twice
04:18.04Patlabor221then you need the IP of the name server
04:18.09Patlabor221it won't take a domain as one
04:18.13MrApathyCreamhaven't figured it out yet
04:18.20MrApathyCreamso the TM does:
04:18.28MrApathyCreamvoid TextureManager::terminate()
04:18.28MrApathyCream#ifdef MEMORY_CORRUPTION_FIXED
04:18.29Patlabor221right click on neiborhood network
04:18.40learnerterminate is gone
04:18.47Patlabor221add it as a secondary name server
04:18.57MrApathyCreamcool, you can fix the corruption, then :)
04:18.58Patlabor221then go get a windows XP or 2000 CD
04:19.00Patlabor221put it in
04:19.08Patlabor221then upgrade to an OS that dosn't suck :)
04:19.41JBdiGrizM$ would love you to upgrade to XP, make sure you give them a credit card number so they can bill you automatically every year. :)
04:19.43MrApathyCreamperhaps we should override operator delete to see who's deleting them
04:19.43Patlabor221JBdiGriz,  what is the IP of your DNS?
04:19.55JBdiGriznid's ip is
04:20.03Patlabor221hey go to NT if you want, it's better then any 9x
04:20.23JBdiGrizIf you have to stick with them, I would definitely head towards NT.
04:20.32Patlabor221ski, you would want to put that IP as your secondary domain name server in your networking setup for TCP/IP
04:20.44skilmao, well im building a new PC so i will be upgrading soon
04:21.07Patlabor221server 2k3 is not bad for a desktop OS
04:21.14Patlabor221lot of controll over what is and isn't run
04:21.22learnermac, I'll just put a break or watch on it here in a sec
04:21.24Patlabor221tho every time you shut it down, you have to tell it why
04:21.27learnerin the debugger
04:21.49JBdiGrizski: did you understand all those instructions?
04:21.50MrApathyCreamlearner: problem is that lots of textures get deleted
04:21.58MrApathyCreamwhich is ok, at present
04:22.01Patlabor221I can give you more info if you need
04:22.04MrApathyCreamyou really need to override new/delete
04:22.19learnerthen a watch on the ones being managed by the texture manager?
04:22.30learnerwould that tell me anything?
04:22.50skii know the neighborhood network but i dont see it
04:22.57skii have dial up networking
04:23.04skifolder that is
04:23.07Patlabor221go to your controllpanels
04:23.10JBdiGrizYou should still have the TCP/IP control panel
04:23.11Patlabor221then to networking
04:23.12learnerand if I never play the game, I should only see the initial deletes
04:23.21learnerit fails if I just start and stop bz
04:23.30Patlabor221it should list a bunch of connections
04:23.37learnerwoo hoo.. hints of The Hobbit :)
04:23.43MrApathyCreamlearner: yes
04:23.56Patlabor221if you want come into #project24 and I can walk you thru it with out buging learner
04:24.21learnerI have bugs :)
04:24.27Patlabor221someone does
04:24.45Patlabor221ski just type /join #project24
04:26.59*** join/#bzflag TimRikerZ (
04:27.09learnerhe lives!
04:27.21TimRikerZvacation. sup?
04:27.30learnerDNS woes, bigtime
04:27.30JBdiGrizup isn't the correct word.
04:27.31MrApathyCreamit is almost 12/9 after all secondarys don't have the current map
04:28.21TimRikerZwhich dns is wrong>
04:28.27TimRikerZer ?
04:28.30JBdiGriznid performed a transfer from, so he has the current map
04:28.50Nidhoggrnone of the secondaries are getting the zone file.
04:29.00Nidhoggrso I got it directly from your machine.
04:29.24TimRikerZfor any name? or something is out of date?
04:29.29Nidhoggrany name
04:30.08CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (Player.cxx): Player no longer 'owns' the tank texture
04:30.29Nidhoggryour nameserver seems to be working, since I can get the zone file.
04:33.48TimRikerZhmm. could be that upstream servers don't like the wildcard.
04:33.59TimRikerZremoved and HUPped
04:34.10Nidhoggrwildcards shouldn't matter
04:34.14JBdiGrizWhen did you add the wildcard?
04:34.34JBdiGrizit stopped working about 24 hours ago.
04:35.34Nidhoggrlooks like that fixed it.
04:35.51JBdiGrizmecworks transferred the map
04:36.24JBdiGrizcodepoet transferred the map
04:36.24TimRikerZadded about a week ago
04:36.42*** topic/#bzflag by Patlabor221 -> || || || || forums || beta builds || ban exceptions /mode #BZFlag +e nick!*user@* || / huzah for Tim!
04:36.48TimRikerZbots been ok?
04:36.55Nidhoggrmight wanna check your logs for clues. maybe you were rejecting secondaries for some reason.
04:37.03Since Wed Nov 19 09:31:28 2003, there have been 110 modifications, 593 questions, 252 dunnos, 4 morons and 716 commands.  I have been awake for 12d 19h 5m 34s this session, and currently reference 85709 factoids.  I'm using about 17428 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 9522.85/1031.72 child 1854.81/136.59
04:37.28CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (2 files): remove now extraneous vars
04:37.32TimRikerZnh: that part of the config has not changed
04:37.36JBdiGrizYour expiration is set for 5+ weeks, so something else is going on. How about adding Nidhoggr's server as a third secondary for
04:37.51*** part/#bzflag ski (
04:38.48TimRikerZsure. email me if anyone want's to be secondary. it's a bit odd cause the master is on a dynamic ip.
04:39.10NidhoggrI already set up the secondary zone on my bind config
04:39.13JBdiGrizdid the primary change ip addresses?
04:39.14TimRikerZwell. tired. anything else?
04:39.39TimRikerZjb nope. that's the first thing I checked.
04:40.07Nidhoggrtim, emailed my nameserver addy.
04:40.11JBdiGrizThat would cause a lot of headaches for a while. I keep my static ip for my master.
04:40.24TimRikerZjb: nod
04:40.34TimRikerZnh: cool.
04:40.45TimRikerZall: nite. :)
04:48.18JBdiGrizand people are already swarming over xmission. :)
04:51.17learnersure you can :)
04:52.03JBdiGrizbut not about accessing q2 :)
04:54.35learnerwell, maybe that.. at least for a little while :)
05:00.46CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (HUDui.cxx): HUDui no longer 'owns' arrow texture
05:02.33learnerdag nab it.. --enable-debug wasn't set
05:02.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/ogl (TextureManager.cxx): mem corruption fixed
05:03.01learnerooohh.. really? :)
05:03.13MrApathyCreamthink so
05:03.16learnerwhat was it?
05:03.34MrApathyCreamdouble delete of arrow texture in HUDui.cxx
05:04.22Patlabor221this is why the app should only deal with texture IDs and let the manager deal with the allocation and deallocation
05:07.11MrApathyCreamworkin' on it pat :)
05:09.38MrApathyCreamhere comes 'nutter
05:09.51MrApathyCreamwait,.... test?
05:10.01MrApathyCreamyou test in between commits?
05:12.01learner"test" is a bit of a stretch of the word, I guess.. more like, does it crash and burn doing just about nothing? No?  great! commit!  :)
05:13.25MrApathyCreamah ok
05:13.30MrApathyCreami was worry'in
05:18.01learneryay.. no more crash and burning!
05:22.34MrApathyCreamooo a big one
05:22.40learnerI anticipate that std::atexit might be a problem for you msvcers
05:22.48learneryep.. a big one indeed
05:23.33learner208 files
05:24.21MrApathyCreamshould make tim's head spin
05:24.21learnermostly -> to . conversions
05:24.41MrApathyCream-> to . or . to ->
05:24.49learner-> to .
05:24.58learnerinstance() returns a reference instead of a pointer
05:25.32MrApathyCreamit would be nice to clean up OpenGLTexture
05:25.46MrApathyCreamthey are ref counted, which probably isn't needed anymore
05:25.54learnerthere's a pInstance() and constInstance() but the reference should be preferred, imo
05:25.55MrApathyCreamand just makes it more difficult
05:26.59MrApathyCreamstill not committed
05:27.25learnertrying to word up a PC commit message
05:28.45JBdiGrizIt seems that MrAC is slowly converting learner to the PC idealogy :)
05:29.09learnerer, jamas!
05:29.10MrApathyCreamhey, here's a nice change to Singleton.h
05:29.12MrApathyCreami'll add that
05:29.32JBdiGrizThat's the #ifdef 0 change?
05:31.31MrApathyCreamno operator T&() method?
05:31.50*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
05:31.50*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
05:32.00learnerHere goes...
05:32.09MrApathyCreamlook out Patlabor221
05:33.08MrApathyCreamlearener, no operator T&() ?
05:33.29learnerhehe, the commit is taking forever .. big diff :)
05:33.39learneroperator T&()?
05:33.41MrApathyCreaminstance() is so fugly
05:34.15learneroh carp.. up to date failure!
05:35.41MrApathyCreamand contemplates whether one can dwiddle just one thumb
05:35.58Patlabor221do you only have one?
05:36.08learnerI followed suit with every other singleton implementation that was encountered.. a method that returns the instance.. called instance or getInstance usually
05:36.22MrApathyCreambah operator T&()
05:36.31MrApathyCreamwho wants to type instance()
05:36.38learneryou did :)
05:36.51learnergetTextureManager()? :)
05:37.01Patlabor221well lets check the spec
05:37.18MrApathyCreampage 13 para 4 line 6
05:37.18Patlabor221now where did you all place it
05:37.36learnerI needed some TP
05:37.46Patlabor221I'm updating
05:37.56Patlabor221so anyone want to try trepans makefiles?
05:38.26learnerme is rebuilding and re"test"ing one more time due to stanking Player.* commits earlier
05:38.45MrApathyCreamyou tease
05:39.11JBdiGrizyou're "testing" before committing. Did you fall off your bicycle or something?
05:39.30learnerit's a trend of disbelief :)
05:40.17learnerMAC: regarding the ().. a class might already use or want to use that operator.. whereas instance() is a bit more specific
05:40.28learnerJB: that's the extent of my "test"ing :)
05:40.49JBdiGrizYou're improving then :)
05:41.14learnernah, just getting old and lazy :)
05:41.46JBdiGrizwhen you get older, you realize that it's less work to make sure it compiles and runs before committing.
05:43.12MrApathyCreamJBdiGriz: but much less fun
05:44.37CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.h): just to get in learners way
05:44.45learneraww.. crap
05:45.33*** join/#bzflag ibot (
05:45.33*** topic/#bzflag is || || || || forums || beta builds || ban exceptions /mode #BZFlag +e nick!*user@* || / huzah for Tim!
05:45.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:46.15JBdiGriz~mop learner
05:46.20ACTION get's a mop and cleans up after learner
05:48.53learnerNow.. everyone sit very still
05:49.05learnerMAC!  hands off the keyboard!
05:49.22learnerit's churning
05:49.40learnertrying to decide if I'm finally worthy to actually perform the commit
05:49.54Patlabor221does clearcase do checkouts too?
05:50.09Patlabor221Iprefer that method
05:50.14MrApathyCreamreserved and unreserved
05:50.18Patlabor221then you know ho is messing with what
05:50.46Patlabor221and can have a name to go yell at :)
05:50.47learnerI'm not worthy
05:50.56learnerCIA is missing files..
05:51.08MrApathyCreamblame dmwaters
05:51.22learneror i'm in the wrong directory.. sheesh
05:51.44Patlabor221we usualy yell the name "james" then the phrase "tard" prefixed by a profanity of some sort
05:52.50MrApathyCreami've been walloped
05:53.29learnerhaving fun?
05:53.37learneri have a vein about to burst here
05:53.56Patlabor221it's just a commit man
05:54.01Patlabor221if it don't go, do it again
05:54.01MrApathyCream> 200 files
05:54.13learnerthis is "take 4" :)
05:54.20Patlabor221soo keep going
05:54.31Patlabor221since you don't like my logo, ya bastard :)
05:54.42MrApathyCreamhmm CIA has left the building
05:55.04learneraww.. no cia?
05:55.08learnerCIA: hello?
05:56.04learnerarr.. must wait for CIA to return ..
05:57.26Patlabor221cia is never here anyway
05:57.42Patlabor221ohh it craped
05:57.58Patlabor221hmm if it's being restarted then it may not anounce in here anymore
05:58.04Patlabor221since we removed it fell off 10 min ago for the rehubbing
05:58.54learnerhrm.. but some of leguin people are rejoined already
05:59.15learnertime to commit while the horsie guy is away anyways :)
06:03.46Patlabor221mmmmm this smells like a good batch of WierdButTasty(TM)
06:04.42learnerCIA: 3brlcad * lots of files in lots of dirs:
06:04.42learnerConverted all of the singletons to use the base template singleton class.
06:04.43learnerPreferred instance() method returns a reference instead of a pointer,
06:04.43learnerrequireing a lot of benign -> to . conversions.  Singletons are destroyed
06:04.43learnerautomatically when they leave scope, see the, see include/Singleton.h for
06:04.44learnerdetails, usage, and caveats.  (non-behavior/logic-modifying commit)
06:05.12Patlabor221so is it done?
06:08.57learnerit is done
06:17.23learnerlet the e-mails flow
06:17.23learnerand wrath of tim commence
06:17.23Patlabor221that is a lot
06:17.23Patlabor221did you add/remove any files?
06:17.23Patlabor221so mutch for code freese
06:17.23learnerit really is a benign commit
06:17.23Patlabor221ahh yeah those benign infections
06:17.23learneralmost all of the commits are just -> to . conversions for the reference
06:17.23learnerBZDB->.. BZDB.
06:17.23learnerthere were a lot of those..
06:17.23learnerand KEYMGR, CMDMGR, etc
06:17.24learnerI could have rather easiliy made them use
06:17.24Patlabor221mmmmmm cooked bird flesh
06:17.24Patlabor221in cow secretions
06:17.24learnerpInstance, resulting in only like 8 files modified
06:17.24learnerbut then that wouldn't be any fun, would it?
06:17.24Patlabor221and all of this add/fixes/makesbetter what?
06:17.25Patlabor221are there suposed to be no servers?
06:17.25learnerall of this cleans up code
06:17.25Patlabor221well that is good
06:17.25learnerconsolidates the 7 or 8 singleton implementations into just one
06:17.25Patlabor221dAMN that takes a long time to get a list
06:17.25Patlabor221like 1 min
06:17.25Patlabor221maybe something that says "working" ?
06:17.25Patlabor221I do NOT see how that list server is better
06:17.25learnerhmm.. lots of s/Local variable/Local Variable/ changes are mixed in there too..
06:17.25Patlabor221wow 2 pages of empty servers :)
06:17.25learnerhalf of them mine :)
06:17.25Patlabor221I see that
06:17.25Patlabor221well it looks like it works
06:17.25Patlabor221at least as well as it used to
06:17.25Patlabor221state is still jacked
06:17.27learnerSo it looks like there were only about 100 files modified due to singletonityness the rest was a sed regexp replace on the emacs comment block way back before I started
06:26.42Patlabor221ohh it's not that bad at all
06:27.00Patlabor221and unlike them, we can hit F7
06:27.01MrApathyCreamseems to work ok, but it looks like we are getting many many objects from the singleton
06:27.09MrApathyCreamfor the same type
06:27.23Patlabor221a multiton?
06:27.25learnerHe who's name must not be spoken will probably still complain
06:27.25MrApathyCreambut other than that, looks ok
06:28.02learnermany many objects?
06:28.07learneryou're kidding right?
06:30.17*** join/#bzflag Quol_detached (~quol@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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06:31.01*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (
06:32.05MrApathyCreami wonder if bz will make the most active list this week
06:32.20learnerarr. you tease
06:32.22Patlabor221does it count as a single commit?
06:32.38MrApathyCreamthat i do
06:32.38learnerit's not dishing out multiple instances..
06:33.40learnerI doubt it will make most active, from the stats info I found on sf, it's mainly based on downloads
06:35.24learneractivity being a combination of downloads, posts, and pageviews
06:36.29JBdiGrizsome people spend too much time looking at stats
06:37.38Nidhoggrwell, we are running with max 20 players (5 observers) with 10 rogues and 5 of each team.
06:37.44Nidhoggrwe'll see how that goes over for a while.
06:38.06Nidhoggris there an official 1.10 now?
06:38.24learnerpage views, downloads, tracker changes (bugs, patches, etc), and cvs
06:38.26Nidhoggr:)  then we'll have a server on 12/9.  promise. :)
06:38.40JBdiGrizI think tim will change the date just to spite you.
06:39.24Patlabor221CIA is back
06:39.27Patlabor221do a test commit
06:39.29Nidhoggrwell, when there is a 1.10, we will use it, and phase out our 1.7, and our developer will start contributing some of our changes to the tree.
06:39.43Nidhoggrour changes are nice.
06:39.47MrApathyCreamour developer?
06:39.56Nidhoggradmins marked with an (A) in lagstats
06:39.58learnerit's a monkey
06:40.10Nidhoggrit's vicious :)
06:40.14Nidhoggraka shkoo
06:40.14learnermonkey coder
06:40.21Nidhoggrcreator of tinyMUSE
06:40.23JBdiGrizmvf nid keeps a tame developer on a leash at his office.
06:40.34Nidhoggrhe's a great guy.
06:40.39NidhoggrI've known him since he was a kid.
06:40.42JBdiGrizloves bananas.
06:40.50Nidhoggrhe loves bzflag
06:40.53Nidhoggrit keeps him occupied.
06:41.18Patlabor221JBdiGriz,  we need to turn on Guu, as CIA isn't reporting here now
06:41.25Nidhoggrwhat happens with observers in 1.9 now?
06:41.32JBdiGriztalk sweetly to her.
06:41.32Patlabor221they observe
06:41.37Nidhoggrso it's a team?
06:41.45Patlabor221I dont know her language
06:41.52scanlineI had to restart the bot due to it getting lost in the netsplits, so whatever magic was causing it to talk here without being present is gone
06:42.11JBdiGrizAdmins are marked with pretty green balls in IRC. That could get pretty racy in bzflag. :)
06:42.18Patlabor221and so is guu it seems
06:42.30JBdiGriznot as racy as ibot, yet.
06:43.12learnerbetter than blue balls
06:43.14*** join/#bzflag Guu (
06:43.30MrApathyCreamobservers are a first class team
06:43.40MrApathyCreamno need for @
06:43.48*** join/#bzflag Guu ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
06:43.48*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
06:43.48*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *cell*!*@* *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@*] by
06:44.27Nidhoggrare the observer movements the same?
06:44.28MrApathyCreamSo what's in the Nidhoggr LLC version?
06:44.37MrApathyCreamNidhoggr: movements are the same
06:45.14Nidhoggrthe PeEpZ version has /kick if you don't /identify before you spawn if you are registered.
06:45.24Nidhoggrand super parsable logging with timestamps
06:45.43Nidhoggrand admins marked with (A) in /lagstats.
06:45.55MrApathyCreamwhy not just in the scoreboard
06:46.01Nidhoggrthose are the things we are going to add to 1.10
06:46.14Nidhoggrbecause the (R) registered was already in the lagstats.
06:46.32Nidhoggrjust thought it was better to keep it there.
06:46.42Nidhoggrwe can change in 1.10
06:46.49MrApathyCreammost players don't even know about lagstats unfortunately
06:47.06Nidhoggrwe are teaching a lot of our players how to check for admins.
06:47.15Nidhoggrbecause we get impersonators a lot.
06:47.42learnerbzfs logging is going to change rather drastically in 1.11
06:47.55Nidhoggrnext hack is to broadcast lagkicks and other kicks and bans to all admins on the server.
06:48.26Nidhoggrlearner, you are welcome to download the current bzfs.cxx that we have if you want to see how we are doing the logging.
06:48.44*** join/#bzflag cniV (
06:48.45Patlabor2211.9.x has more then just one file for bzfs now :)
06:48.54JBdiGrizWhatever you said to her was not the right thing to turn her on.
06:48.58learnera "few" :)
06:49.09Patlabor221I just told her to shaka dat ass
06:49.23Nidhoggrshe shook it rought outta the channel.
06:49.25Nidhoggrthat's some shake
06:49.27JBdiGrizYour technique could use a little work.
06:49.48Patlabor221yeah your probably right, has the same effect on the flesh based women too
06:50.20JBdiGrizI'm surprised. Most flesh based women I know would have a very different response.
06:50.24Nidhoggrwe're just trying to get bzfs more unix-y serverish.
06:50.30scanlineI should try something before you bring Guu back on...
06:50.40JBdiGrizunless you're typing with broken fingers right now. :)
06:50.41NidhoggrI really want an external banlist with comments.
06:50.44Patlabor221well we can't make her do anyting now :)
06:50.50Patlabor221she has a mind and ass of her own
06:51.32MrApathyCream..\..\include\Singleton.h(68) : error C2039: 'atexit' : is not a member of 'std'
06:51.38*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
06:51.58Patlabor221it is for me :)
06:52.01Patlabor221get a new compiler
06:52.19MrApathyCreammail me the cd
06:52.34Patlabor221download the iso :)
06:52.55MrApathyCreamthere is a
06:52.58MrApathyCreamin stdlib.h
06:53.37Patlabor221looks like you have an older STL
06:53.41scanlineMrApathyCream: atexit() is part of the C standard library, it's not part of the C++ std namespace
06:53.43Patlabor221let me try my vc6
06:53.51scanlineMrApathyCream: your compiler is getting confused about something
06:54.13Patlabor221there isn't a std:: on it is there?
06:54.59Patlabor221if it's part of stdC why did learner put a std:: on it?
06:55.06Patlabor221sounds like it's not needed
06:55.39CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (Singleton.h): use nonstd atexit on vc6
06:55.44scanlineit's not that it's not needed- it's not correct
06:56.04scanlinestd:: and the C standard library are completely separate ideas
06:56.27Patlabor221then how did his complier let it go?
06:56.36Patlabor221perhaps he should get a new one :)
06:56.41Patlabor221MAC you remove it?
06:56.54MrApathyCreamah, i'll just leave it
06:56.57MrApathyCreamit looks pretty
06:57.03captain_protonscanline: well - newer C++ compilers have a cstdlib.h, which sticks it in a namespace
06:57.17scanlinecaptain_proton: ahh.. that's silly
06:57.34captain_protonscanline: not really, it keeps things well partitioned and stuff
06:57.39scanlineC++ needs to keep C's wonderful namespace pollution to preserve compatibility :)
06:58.23Patlabor221gahhh MAC you commited your comment out of the socketlen stuff
06:58.26Patlabor221you can't do that
06:58.45MrApathyCreambut i did
06:58.47MrApathyCreamit works that way
06:58.51MrApathyCreamand the config.h is in vc6
06:59.00Patlabor221it dosn't for standard VC6
06:59.01Patlabor221it is
06:59.06Patlabor221it breaks my VC6
06:59.15MrApathyCream<Patlabor221> perhaps he should get a new one :)
06:59.30Patlabor221I have a new one
06:59.47Patlabor221if you want to commit your plattform SDK
06:59.53Patlabor221something changed
07:00.00Patlabor221the #ifndef USED to work
07:00.02Patlabor221we have to find it
07:01.26Patlabor221nice link errors in VC6 too, good job
07:02.09MrApathyCreamatexit seems to work
07:03.41CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (Singleton.h): missed one
07:06.30Patlabor221and MAC, it's not my VC6, it's the headers
07:06.53Patlabor221I mean if you want to write up a thing telling all VC6 users to go downlaod a platform SDK
07:07.05Patlabor221thats fine by me, but you know, I actualy try to care about the users
07:07.49Patlabor221or we could just drop windows, cus noone cares about the most common user platform of the project
07:07.59Patlabor221I don't think anyone will notice
07:08.06Patlabor221not like it works on that platform anyway
07:08.17MrApathyCreamwell as long as it compiles
07:08.21MrApathyCreamon something
07:08.34Patlabor221but it dosn't actualy run
07:08.48Patlabor221tell you waht I'll replace main with a copy of hello world for windows, that will compile
07:09.27MrApathyCreamruns for me
07:09.52Patlabor221hit alt tab
07:10.21MrApathyCreamwhy would i do that?
07:10.25Patlabor221or just run it for a while
07:10.39learnerprobably could just test for atexit in configure, but then that still wouldn't help you windowsers
07:10.40Patlabor221eventualy the state gets jacked and tank parts start leaving
07:10.56Patlabor221learner, or just remove the std?
07:10.59learnerit should be in the std namespace regardless of scanline's musings :)
07:11.16Patlabor221is it also in the global namespace?
07:11.19learnerquotes around the "should"
07:11.20MrApathyCreamwin32 works without the std::
07:11.26MrApathyCreamso it works now
07:11.33Patlabor221VC6 does, VC7 works with
07:12.40learnerMAC: does it work if you s/<stdlib.h>/<cstdlib>/ ?
07:12.47learnerand keep the std::
07:12.56learnerthat might have been my mistake
07:13.25*** join/#bzflag Guu (
07:13.50MrApathyCreamworks with stdlib.h w/o std::
07:14.36learnerriight.. but what about the other C++ way?
07:15.30Patlabor221leaner he will never actualy DO anythign cept comment out code, you have to do it for him
07:15.50CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/common (CommandManager.cxx): stop the sym-trunc warnings
07:16.19MrApathyCreamlearner: no
07:16.51Patlabor221leaner, you sure all compilers have it in C++? even Tim's old irix?
07:17.03Patlabor221I mean we still have cxx for cripes sake
07:17.19learnerwhat's wrong with cxx?
07:17.24MrApathyCreamcu guu
07:17.26Patlabor221its fugly :)
07:17.35Patlabor221cpp :)
07:17.45learnerheh.. but but.. it looks like c++ if you tilt your head
07:17.52Patlabor221but we can't change it cus tims old IRIX or somethign will freak
07:17.55MrApathyCreamah is that why?
07:18.01Patlabor221you CLI people are wierd
07:18.03MrApathyCreami always wondered where the xx came from
07:18.37MrApathyCreamwhy not ctt?
07:18.54Patlabor221or c++ ?
07:19.14MrApathyCreamhttp browsing would sux0r
07:19.27Patlabor221C++ was around before HTTP
07:19.35Patlabor221so would they have not make HTTP work with it?
07:19.58learnert has a little curlie tail on my terminal.. not as good as xx :)
07:20.27Patlabor221why not .seeplusplus ?
07:21.27learnerI'd blame lack of c++ and .seeplusplus on the likes of msdos, vms, and similar systems with name restrictions
07:21.48learnerso, say "thank you bill"
07:21.49Patlabor221I can use .c++ files right now
07:21.54Patlabor221so I don't see your problem
07:22.01Patlabor221so why not cpp?
07:22.02learner"now", being the key wod
07:22.06learnerer, word
07:22.08Patlabor221plus starts with a p
07:22.17Patlabor221it dosnt' start with an X
07:22.43Patlabor221if you tilt your head for the X the C isn't a C it's like an odd U :)
07:22.50learnercpp works, afaik, too on the old compilers  -- it's a coin toss between that and cxx
07:23.02MrApathyCreamso maybe nxx
07:23.03Patlabor221suposely it dosn't work with make
07:23.07Patlabor221on Tims machine
07:23.18Patlabor221and so we are all stuck with it
07:23.26Patlabor221like so many other things in bzflag
07:23.39Patlabor221somone should go steal that machine so we can get on with our lives :)
07:23.52learnerwell, regardless of the old hardware.. there's not much of an argument for changing it now..
07:24.28learnerit's there, it works, it's understood
07:24.44Patlabor221it's purdy
07:24.47Patlabor221like your singleton
07:24.52learnerand there's not exactly something better
07:24.53Patlabor221we didn't need it
07:25.00Patlabor221the old way worked
07:25.07learnerit consolidated, and reused code
07:25.13learnerthat's an improvement
07:25.18Patlabor221techincaly the new way dosn't work on all systems
07:25.26Patlabor221so I see it as a bout the same
07:26.02learnerwhich systems would that be?  atexit has little to do with the singleton really
07:26.18Patlabor221it was part of the same checkin
07:26.23Patlabor221it is, I'm tired today :)
07:26.25Patlabor221long day
07:27.02learnerclearly, if you are comparing a naming convention/religion to code improvements
07:28.03Patlabor221well mostly I just find it somewhat anyoing that changes of this scale are hapening when release was suposed to be months ago
07:28.22MrApathyCreamthat'll teach em
07:28.46MrApathyCream"The longer you procrastinate, the more crap goes in"
07:28.51MrApathyCream1.10 slogan, me thinks
07:29.06Patlabor221well that was your argument, keep shoving stuff in
07:29.10Patlabor221no mater what
07:29.21Patlabor221yet you still push for a release
07:29.26Patlabor221kinda a catch 22
07:29.39MrApathyCreami prefer 'enigma'
07:29.49Patlabor221it's just a word
07:30.00Patlabor221still dosnt' change what it is
07:30.21Patlabor221I mean this list server lag thing really scares me
07:30.26Patlabor221is that how it's gonna ship?
07:30.27MrApathyCreamactually my point is 'change is good'
07:30.38Patlabor221with all the downtime lately everyone will thing it's just down
07:30.47Patlabor221yes it is
07:30.58Patlabor221but is it at the cost of usablilty?
07:31.03Patlabor221and the ability to release?
07:31.17MrApathyCreamwell, good change is better than bad, bad as it is unlikely we'll have good change
07:31.19Patlabor221well I can't get VC6 to build
07:31.21MrApathyCreambad change is ok
07:32.06Patlabor221unsructured change is often detrimental
07:32.17Patlabor221how do you think the projet got in the state it is now?
07:32.27learnerbad change usually inspires or drives more good change, at the expense of time -- but then this is open source, time we have lots of
07:32.46Patlabor221I would agree with you if there was a larger dev comunity
07:33.05Patlabor221when there are less then 5, it mostly just confuses the everlovin crap outa everyone
07:33.21learnerhey, it inspired you to work on p24, no?  at the expense of lots of time, but for a greater good.
07:33.41Patlabor221bzflag is basicly a bunch of 1 man shows, where nonne realises that they are ont he same stage playing for the same audince
07:33.49Patlabor221yes it did
07:34.06Patlabor221but that was more of the fultility in dealing with the "managment'
07:34.08Patlabor221not the changes
07:34.15learnerI realize it, but I'm not there for the show
07:34.18MrApathyCreamlearner: agreed
07:34.30MrApathyCreamif we didn't have bad change, we'd have no change
07:34.31Patlabor221are you there for the audience?
07:34.34MrApathyCreamand it would go away
07:34.37Patlabor221cus they are all confused
07:35.05MrApathyCreamwho's confused?
07:35.12Patlabor221mostlty your users
07:35.20Patlabor221noone knows really what is gonna be in the next release
07:35.22learnerI think they'll just stick with what they have until it's asymptotically good enough
07:35.54learnerbut the longer until a release, the less and less likely it is that it will be good enough anytime soon
07:35.56MrApathyCreamwhat is keeping them from knowing?
07:36.00Patlabor221and if 1.10 is less stable then they are gonna stick with 1.7 for a good long time
07:36.08Patlabor221well mostly you MAC
07:36.13Patlabor221noone tells them anything
07:36.29Patlabor221they just play games
07:36.34Patlabor221and deal with cheaters
07:36.37Patlabor221and lag
07:36.40MrApathyCreamand how to suggest we tell tehm
07:36.50Patlabor2212 things 1.10 dosnt' really fix antying about right off the bat
07:36.51MrApathyCreamit was posted on bzbb
07:36.57Patlabor221yeah there isn't a good way
07:37.07Patlabor221the best way, is to have the game tell them
07:37.12Patlabor221you know they look at that
07:37.27Patlabor221but time is spent on singletons and karma
07:37.34JBdiGrizmost of the users don't care or know about the upcoming release
07:37.35learnerI like discovering things in games, not being told, actually
07:37.37MrApathyCreami vote for cutting 1.7 out of the list server
07:37.40learnerbz never told me how to do anything
07:37.40Patlabor221and godzilla flags
07:38.05Patlabor221that's you learner, most people would love the game to tell them there is an update
07:38.15Patlabor221or a new leauge
07:38.25MrApathyCreamwell, when there is, i go on all servers and announce it
07:38.29Patlabor221they don't care cus there is nothing in them they want
07:38.41MrApathyCreami doubt that
07:38.45Patlabor221your gonna do that 24/7
07:38.55Patlabor221what in 1.10 does a end user care about
07:38.59MrApathyCreamno, but often enough
07:39.08MrApathyCreamthey'll like rabbit
07:39.21JBdiGrizthere are 100 players out there every day. We get about 30 people in here who care about a release. I see about a dozen on bzbb who care about the release, and they are mostly in here.
07:39.22MrApathyCreamsome will like new flags
07:39.27Patlabor221it's core features are, a lower frame rate, a slow list server, and a new game mode
07:39.33learnerA lot of bz's appeal is the ability to start playing a game (albeit poorly) with almost zero information/learning/etc
07:39.49Patlabor221and I'm not syaing change that
07:40.09Patlabor221I'm just saying give them some feeling that there IS a comunity in the game
07:40.29Patlabor221how is anyone gonna know how to use karma
07:40.42Patlabor221I tried that
07:40.53JBdiGrizmost people won't care about karma or voting. how many will bother to register on a server?
07:40.53Patlabor221the comunity is too small
07:40.58Patlabor221like JBD says
07:41.15Patlabor221so why did all the time get spent puting it in
07:41.26Patlabor221I put in registraton for Nidhoggr basicly
07:41.44MrApathyCreamJBdiGriz: yup
07:41.49JBdiGrizThere are a number of people who play, but the people who feel they belong to a community are small.
07:41.56Patlabor221I think that most people don't care about the release cus they don't have a feeling that tehre is a unified dev front
07:42.11Patlabor221they say stuff, sugestions, bugs, whatnot and to them nothign gets done
07:42.25JBdiGrizMost people don't care about the release, because they're playing the game and not worrying about what's next.
07:42.33learnerI agree.. I won't care about karma or voting or registering or identifying, etc, most of the time but they are all improvements that will ultimately help regardless
07:42.45Patlabor221ok, then why is this being made? for us?
07:43.06Patlabor221yeah they should be impromvements, but I don't see devs working together
07:43.12Patlabor221each person just bangs on there own stuff
07:43.14MrApathyCreamPatlabor221: where are the suggestions? sf is relatively light
07:43.28Patlabor221BZBB gets them every so often
07:43.36Patlabor221and many are utterd here
07:43.50MrApathyCreamwell folks should be funneled to sf
07:43.53Patlabor221most don't even know about SF, and those that do never get a respoonce
07:43.54JBdiGrizLike most open source projects, we work on them if it makes us feel like we're accomplishing something for ourselves.
07:44.33Patlabor221yeah I know that, I guess I'm just hoping for more
07:44.46MrApathyCreamwell, it's hard to work together when the active group is very small
07:44.55Patlabor221maybe I'm dreaming but I hoped for an open source game to have a comercial game class comunity
07:45.26JBdiGrizA good project manager can take the developers and make them feel like a close knit team. A good product manager could bring that feeling to a number of people and make this into a community.
07:45.26learnerI ultimately code for myself, and myself alone, even if a motivation is the enjoyment by others of what I've done.
07:45.32Patlabor221quake has one large ass comunity,but maybe it got that from is comercial days
07:46.11Patlabor221yeah I do too learner, but sometimes here it just seems that it's all for nothing
07:46.13MrApathyCreamquake is more immediately appealing
07:46.20learnerit's hard enough just to match schedules with anyone consistently without serious time involvement
07:46.26Patlabor221yeah it is
07:46.30MrApathyCreamyou only really love bzflag, after a few weeks, me thinks
07:46.30Patlabor221with a group this size
07:47.53Patlabor221just sucks to put something in, then have somone else come along with a better idea and blow your stuff out, when they could have mentioned they were working on it before, saving you the time and work
07:47.59MrApathyCreami actually think the league idea is counter - productive
07:48.01Patlabor221and perhaps you could have even helped them
07:48.08MrApathyCreamit is clique-ish
07:48.17Patlabor221subspace leauges absoluoutly rocked
07:48.32MrApathyCreami've never joined a team, and don't intend to
07:48.41JBdiGrizthe league idea is appealing to a certain class of people who need the feeling of competition.
07:48.45Patlabor221in fact the continue to do so
07:48.55Patlabor221yes, in most games they add to them
07:49.01learnersubspace leagues were completely voluntary, as well, and usually not joined until you were well addicted
07:49.06Patlabor221when people tire of the 1 on 1 and want some cooperation
07:49.25Patlabor221yes, true learner but I feel they added an emense amount to the game
07:49.42Patlabor221I feel that is one reason the game still has over 1000 players on at at time
07:50.04learnerI got plenty of value without the league :)  I like'd the rogue ship that could obliterate all others so easily :)
07:50.09Patlabor221that and the fact that it is easaly modifyable
07:50.15Patlabor221sure it's a good game
07:50.39Patlabor221but if that was all tehre was to do, no mods, would you have stuck with it as long as you did?
07:50.59Patlabor221some may have, some probably wouldn't
07:51.04Patlabor221but it's nice that they are there
07:51.05learneractually, for me, yes I would have -- I did
07:51.22learnerbut others, perhaps not
07:51.36JBdiGrizMost people never learn to modify anything on machines. if the default doesn't satisfy them, they move on.
07:51.47learnerI didn't get into the "community" as much as i have for bz, I got into "the game"
07:51.51Patlabor221when they released a hockey mod, and all I had to do was join the server, and not go get any files, that kicked ass
07:52.22Patlabor221in the non leauge thing, did you not shoot for that high score thing they had posted on the web page?
07:52.24learnercept for the occasional half hour download when a new game core was released :)
07:52.49Patlabor221but that downlaod happend automaticly
07:52.55Patlabor221I was told there was a new version
07:53.01Patlabor221and the game helped me get it
07:53.08learnernope, I did not.. I lived only in the game, aiming to maximize my score while playing against whomever was there
07:53.21Patlabor221we loved the high schore thing
07:53.34learnerdidn't even pay attention to the scoring until much later (and realized how high I was)
07:53.43Patlabor221mega bounty :) is trying to do that
07:54.00Patlabor221and look how popular it was
07:54.21JBdiGrizI watched stats for a long time, and ultimately got bored with it when I realized what it really meant.
07:54.23Patlabor221I feel that kinda stuff should be part of the main page, and the "ofical" stuff
07:54.38Patlabor221yeah it really means "time spent playing games" :)
07:54.40learneryes, some collaboration really needs to happen on the web services front for bz
07:54.43JBdiGrizAfter that, the only stat that was interesting was how much time I'd lost playing the game.
07:55.08Patlabor221learner, I agree, and thing that it needs to happen on more then just the web fronts
07:55.24Patlabor221but I must be sounding like a broken CD by now
07:55.26Patlabor221I'm sorry
07:55.28learnertrue, but the web front can help on the dev side too
07:55.34Patlabor221yes it can
07:55.45Patlabor221since it is so prevelant in our dialy lives
07:55.57learnerwhereas the dev side improvements can only go within the bounds of tim's perveyance
07:56.17Patlabor221and none of us know that
07:56.40learnerSo.. how's that web template coming along? [grin]
07:56.54Patlabor221well I stoped, cus you don't like my logos :)
07:57.00learnerhar har :)
07:57.10Patlabor221I thought you were set on ganking durchais?
07:57.18Patlabor221and what don't you like about my logo?
07:57.20learnerwasn't that bad, really
07:57.41Patlabor221I think the gray in the BG is too bland
07:57.49learnerwell, dutchrai ganked himself, apparently
07:58.03Patlabor221told you that you should have just ganked it :)
07:58.04learnerI might have a wget backup, but I'm betting he's gone
07:58.16Patlabor221yeah thruput is high
07:59.00JBdiGrizI don't think I said anything bad about your logos. I just questioned your psychological state regarding the desktop images.
07:59.19Patlabor221not you jbd :)
07:59.37learnerthe icons are too close to the text
07:59.41Patlabor221it's an old shot from halo pre realse footage
07:59.46learnerthe font is rather simple for a game
07:59.54Patlabor221yeah it is, it's just tahoma
08:00.24MrApathyCreambut when scanline puts in the bz font engine.....
08:00.27learnerby icon, i mean the hammer/wrench thing
08:00.38learnerwhich I rather like
08:00.39Patlabor221yeah I see that it is now
08:00.50learnerbut I hope it plays into the game somehow :)
08:00.53Patlabor221MAC wana hook up font manager
08:01.05Patlabor221I tink it does, how it's really just a toolkit for many games
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08:01.29Patlabor221I lub layers :)
08:01.53learnerwell, with that big vehicle and military feel going on, it makes me think I'm going to be able to repair/improve things, etc
08:02.59learnerwoo hoo.. I do have a wget of dutchrai's docs
08:03.00*** join/#bzflag purple_cow (
08:03.12learnerno sense waiting for his permission anymore..
08:03.25Patlabor221WTF did they put posterise
08:03.28Patlabor221I have an idea
08:08.05Patlabor221wow, render clouds-> take to 6 color index, no dither makes some rather convincing monotone camo :)
08:10.08Patlabor221aww just as I was gonna show you an idea :)
08:10.18MrApathyCreamhe's not really asleep
08:10.29learnerhe's not?
08:12.34CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (3 files): more tex hdling cleanup
08:12.35CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/include (Singleton.h): wanted cstdlib (need configure checks for header and atexit), added comments
08:12.46learnerhehe, hello cia :)
08:13.14Patlabor221ahh maybe scanline changed it
08:13.45scanlineI just kicked it out of a less important channel so it could come in here ;)
08:14.00learneras official, /me does not like for a variety of reasons. as concept, it's an improvement for sure
08:14.16Patlabor221nothing is oficial yet
08:14.18Patlabor221I am just playing
08:14.39scanlineyou should try sodipodi rather than gimp for logo design
08:14.44learnerthe whole thing is still a lil phallic
08:14.45Patlabor221and I kinda wanted to see if I could make camo that thawy :O
08:14.50Patlabor221that it is
08:14.51MrApathyCreamscanline still lubs us!!!
08:14.55MrApathyCream(less important channel)
08:15.03Patlabor221well you get some sleep I will ponder
08:15.07scanlineMrApathyCream: well, it doesn't take much to be more important than #shadowconflict
08:15.17Patlabor221what is that?
08:15.20Patlabor221some rpg?
08:15.33scanlinediablo-d3's dead project
08:15.48MrApathyCreamw00t we're more important than a dead project!!!
08:16.02Patlabor221ohh he was making a RTS wasn't he?
08:16.14Patlabor221and he didn't even know about freecraft
08:16.16scanlinesort of
08:16.27scanlineif by making an RTS you mean spending years to create a partially functional menu
08:16.44scanlineno, he knew about freecraft.. he supposedly was in charge of reviving it or some such nonsense
08:16.48Patlabor221was he related to hoda? :)
08:17.05learnerthat davidtrowbridge bot hasn't been around for a long time either -- might as well drop support for it too :)
08:21.19MrApathyCreamwow dialup friendly
08:21.27Patlabor221I try :)
08:21.57Patlabor221quien es?
08:21.58scanlineit's a spiffy vector drawing app that saves natively to SVG
08:22.05scanlinemuch better for playing with logos than gimp
08:22.08Patlabor221ohhhh you mean illustrator
08:22.18Patlabor221I am not using gimp
08:22.24scanlinewhat's illustrator?
08:22.25Patlabor221most of this is vectors
08:22.43Patlabor221illustrator is a vector drawing program that saves out to svg
08:22.48Patlabor221I just don't have it installed here
08:22.58scanlinemmmkay... so install something
08:22.59Patlabor221I must remember to bring it home
08:23.03captain_protonscanline: its like sodipodi, right, but with a real user interface
08:23.12Patlabor221and plugins :)
08:23.18scanlinelogos shouldn't be designed with drop shadows and textures and such, it's all about simple shapes and colors
08:23.22scanlinecaptain_proton: hehe
08:23.39Patlabor221ohh those are just layer effects
08:23.43Patlabor221they are not in the acutal image
08:23.50Patlabor221just playing
08:24.36scanlineIMHO you should put something more distinct behind the hammer and wrench or nothing at all, and center the text vertically without the underline
08:25.02Patlabor221yeah I'm not liking the camo it was just an expeiment
08:25.08Patlabor221hmm maybe a globe
08:25.16*** join/#bzflag bomber (
08:25.21scanlinethe text looks really odd in its current position
08:25.28MrApathyCreami like the rolling menus of ->
08:25.39Patlabor221yes those are slickj
08:27.10MrApathyCreamthere's a humerous video of the the 5800 fan problems there somewhere.
08:27.26MrApathyCreamaltho on this dialup, i doubt i'll ever find it agian
08:27.30Patlabor221you mean the squirl geting out?
08:28.40Patlabor221scanline, this is the one that learner said sucked ass
08:29.02scanlineyeah, it's pretty bad :P
08:29.32scanlinetry just nuking the text completely and focusing on the actual logo
08:29.51MrApathyCreamuse it as a leaf blower, crush nuts, etc
08:29.55*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
08:31.07scanlinethe hammer and wrench is pretty overused, and I'm not sure there's much you could do to it to make it uniquely signify project24
08:31.19Patlabor221nor I
08:31.33Patlabor221but I can not think of any symbols
08:31.59Patlabor221I mostly picked it cus I like the way it looks
08:33.12MrApathyCreamthe 4 should be a portal room inside the 2
08:34.24Patlabor221not all P24 games can or will use portal systems
08:35.24MrApathyCreamwell, time for sleep
08:36.29scanlineI keep seeing something similar to what you have, but without the hammer, the background circle solid black, and with "2" and "4" in the top-left and bottom-right corners respectively
08:36.38scanlinebut then it looks too much like a PalmOS icon for a calculator
08:37.31Patlabor221I am workin on something with just the 2 and the 4 in a circle now
08:37.39scanlineit's hard to think of a non-generic logo for a project that tries to be so generic :P
08:38.09captain_protonyou just need a catchier name
08:38.13captain_protonthen the logo design is easy
08:38.24Patlabor221totaly open for sugestions on that one
08:38.37scanlinepicogui's logo ended up kinda cute... the one I did for crystalspace looked better than their old one, but was limited since it was just a remake
08:40.55scanlinefor a better name it might help to define what project24 is exactly
08:41.03Patlabor221bahh all the circle / number ones I try, end up looking like a lotto ball :)
08:41.13scanlineit's a 3D engine, right? what does it do that's better than other 3D engines?
08:41.19Patlabor221at it's core it's a multiplayer game framework
08:41.32captain_protonso have a circle
08:41.46captain_protonwith an abstract vector graphics representation of kosho players in it =)
08:41.49Patlabor221but it will ship with a set of game librarys that will play a 3d tank game
08:42.07scanlineyou need a wrench with 8 ends instead of 2 :)
08:42.15captain_protonthe game in ``the prisoner'' involving trampolines and boxing gloves and a swimming pool
08:42.27Patlabor221I seem to recall that
08:42.55Patlabor221thought about some sort of swiss army knife kinda thing
08:43.05Patlabor221that's what let me onto the hammer wrench thing
08:43.21scanlinePatlabor221: how about reducing the speculative complexity nature of the project and just pretend it's a normal tank game.. but make the engine behind it ready to spring out and form other games when the time comes
08:43.42Patlabor221that is the part I am concentrating on
08:43.53Patlabor221but part of it is how I am implementing game play variants
08:43.59scanlineso instead of making it look like a general 3D engine, make it look like a tank game
08:44.12Patlabor221it will look like a 3d tank game
08:44.23scanlineno, make the whole project look like a 3d tank game
08:44.27scanlineincluding the name and logo
08:44.27Patlabor221the engine that comes in the "common" system is made just for the tank game
08:44.38Patlabor221the name is the hard part
08:45.03Patlabor221sadly treadmarks is all ready taken
08:45.05Patlabor221I like that name
08:45.12Patlabor221tho these tanks don't have treads
08:45.27captain_protonhow about interslice
08:45.44captain_protonor even better, interslice-X
08:45.47captain_protonthe X makes it sound cool
08:45.53Patlabor221that it does
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08:46.26Patlabor221the tanks will move like the screamers tanks, so slice/slide has something there
08:46.56Patlabor221the "inter" part dosn't really get me tho
08:48.56scanlineexoslide plus
08:49.15Patlabor221makes it sound like there was an old exoslide :)
08:49.43scanlinesee... exoslide contains "slide", and it sounds like it starts like X without having the X11 connotations that actually starting with X would have
08:50.02scanlinethereby maximizing coolness
08:50.08Patlabor221I see
08:50.14Patlabor221sounds like there is a formula for it
08:50.40larslWas the copyright notices changed?
08:50.49larslOr something else (in every source file)?
08:50.58Patlabor221not every
08:51.04captain_protonlarsl: the emails you got weren't even close to every file
08:51.04Patlabor221learner did his singleton thing
08:51.13larslI didn't get any emails. =)
08:51.18larslJust updated CVS.
08:52.39scanlinenuke the second 't' and you have a winner
08:53.04Patlabor221sounds like a bad haircut
08:53.23larslSounds like a CPU.
08:53.33captain_protonis that pronounced mul tie on or mulsion?
08:54.05scanlineit should rhyme with Infineon (tm) whatever that is
08:54.08Patlabor221Jetstream is such a good name
08:54.15Patlabor221I want something on that level :)
08:54.24scanlinethat must be why 153,235 different projects use it
08:54.38scanlineand then the national weather service started really diluting the brand
08:57.02Patlabor221Stainless Steel Oracle
08:59.02scanlineStainless Copper Oracle
08:59.35Patlabor221then I would have to charge you all for saying it
09:06.53scanlineooh, exoslide comes up with zip on google
09:06.57scanlineyou'll have it all to yourself
09:07.15larslHm, why are we writing std:: everywhere instead of using namespace std at the top of the files?
09:07.28scanlinelarsl: it's cleaner!
09:07.44Patlabor221IIRC there was some compiler problem
09:07.50Patlabor221I remember it coming up before
09:13.10larslDo we want the build to stop with an error if we can't build the bzfquery man page (no pod2man), or should we ignore it and continue anyway?
09:14.19larslI added a configure chech for pod2man yesterday, right now it will abort if it isn't found.
09:16.54Patlabor221it's even larger
09:28.21scanlinethat sounds like something I'd likely ride and get sick on
09:28.47Patlabor221the vomit commet
09:31.25Patlabor221actulay it's spelled Castellan
09:34.07Patlabor221ooo I could name it ScuttleButt
09:34.34Patlabor221that sounds dirty
09:35.40Patlabor221what the hell is that?
09:40.46*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
09:43.18Patlabor221Another Tank Game
09:44.07Patlabor221it was for scanline
09:44.11Patlabor221trying to think of a name :)
09:44.30Pimpinellawhst is scanline
09:44.42Patlabor221not what, who
09:44.51Pimpinellawhp is scanline
09:45.08Pimpinellassssssssscheiße an den Fingern!!!!!!!!
09:45.55Pimpinellatyping doesnt work good for me this morning
09:46.01scanlineich bin ein coffeehausen!
09:46.27Pimpinellaahhhh. u r scanline
09:46.59Pimpinellaaußerdem steh ich heute auf der leitung :(
09:47.20PimpinellaPatlabor221: nice
09:49.12Pimpinellareally _nothing_ seems to work today :((
09:49.27Pimpinellahate tuesdays
09:50.53Pimpinellawrong commandline...
09:51.02Pimpinellareally _nothing_...
09:52.00Patlabor221TankTank Revolution!
09:59.07bomberwhat about.....hmm...bomber :o)
11:14.04*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
11:26.14*** join/#bzflag cniV (
11:55.43[dmp]do give you a white(apache-generalted) or a black page with text?
11:58.01Chestaldmp: black page with text
11:58.50[dmp]Chestal: thanks
12:04.22*** join/#bzflag Gunnar (~MortimeR@
12:05.51*** join/#bzflag KR (
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13:21.20Pimpinellai lately visited a website with incredibly much maps but i dont remember the URL. someone can help me?
13:27.42[dmp]~google shellshock
13:28.12[dmp]no, not those..
13:28.20learnerprobably shellshock, but dutchrai's site has been down for days now with no hint of returning
13:29.12[dmp]The uni's filesystem is down, so stuff like "ls" dosnt work.. Mozilla didnt like not having its homedirectory :)
13:30.30Pimpinellahaven't seen dutchrai for days either :(
14:16.50*** part/#bzflag drinian (
14:27.54*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
15:23.57*** join/#bzflag larsl_school (
15:36.10Nidhoggrhi larsl
15:45.32*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
15:45.46Nidhoggrmorning, bags.
15:46.21Grumblerlong night on eyes are still seeing bullets fly by  :)
15:46.43NidhoggrI had to get to bed.. it was getting late.
15:46.53Nidhoggras it is I didn't get to bed til 12:30
15:46.56Nidhoggrup at 6.
15:47.05NidhoggrI do that too often.
15:47.14Nidhoggrnot good for you at all.
15:47.31Grumbleryep, starts a bad cycle...........
15:47.48Grumbleri was determined to stay on until knightmare left........just in case
15:48.06Nidhoggrsome study says that men who only get 5-6 hours of sleep a night are 45% more likely to have heart attacks.
15:48.17Nidhoggrgood point.
15:48.45Grumbleryeah, i am probably due for one of french fry diet is probably not the best either :)
15:48.53Nidhoggrdefinitely not :)
15:51.38CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/include ( Added new files include/texture.h and include/TextureManager.h to include/ to unbreak 'make distcheck' and RPM builds
15:58.14*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
16:02.10*** join/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
16:02.39HEINOLAWOe   lots of  folks in here to night
16:02.45*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
16:03.08Grumblerwe heard you were coming
16:05.50brlcadwe did? :)
16:07.16JBdiGrizlearner never sleeps
16:07.46brlcadnot true.. I'm sleeping right now.
16:08.02KRits the electroshock treatments he had
16:08.06Grumblerawefully vocal for a sleeping man....
16:08.12KRbzzzt bzzzzt
16:08.15HEINOLAthink i can host a bzfs with no gui with a 120Mhz ?
16:08.56brlcadprobably heiny
16:09.03larsl_schoolHEINOLA: Sure, the CPU is not an issue (most of the time).
16:09.59HEINOLAinternet conn
16:10.51HEINOLAany here run debian  wonders if the make a mini install
16:11.46*** join/#bzflag dennis_ (
16:14.18larsl_schoolHm, 'make distcheck' still dies.
16:14.59*** join/#bzflag franco233 (
16:15.02Grumblerhahah, this lightens up the day
16:27.42*** part/#bzflag HEINOLA (~heinola@
16:30.06KRanyone used "jigdo" to d/l debian images? if so - does it work ok, or should I just grab an ISO?
16:40.45PimpinellaKR: it works, but u can also use the netinstaller
16:41.02NidhoggrI am tired.
16:41.09Nidhoggrand the coffee at work sucks.
16:41.09CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (DEVINFO): Small text change, bzadmin can not be used for another game
16:41.29Pimpinellamost times u dont need the images, much to much download
16:41.35*** join/#bzflag kr|laptop (
16:41.50Nidhoggrhrm.  didn't yo uhave some sort of IRC bot that connected 2 servers, larsl?
16:42.35*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
16:42.40Death_Barrelhello all!
16:43.07Death_Barrelwazz up dude
16:43.17larsl_schoolawayNidhoggr: One IRC <-> bzfs and one bzfs <-> bzfs.
16:43.21Death_Barrellol you should see the South Park character i made
16:43.52Nidhoggrhi death_barrel
16:45.00Death_Barrelhey dude :)
16:45.19Death_Barrelyou have to try out the south park character creater
16:52.50*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
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17:21.29Noodlemanweeeeee! DNS is back!
17:27.27*** part/#bzflag trepan (
17:27.35*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
17:31.54Noodlemani hate it when people just *vanish*
17:32.28Noodlemanhas anybody seen dutchrai in the last 6 months?
17:32.34Noodlemanyear, even?
17:33.31Noodlemani hope he's well
17:35.25*** join/#bzflag trepan (
17:37.22GrumblerNoodleman: ask sgi, he was working with dutchrai on the map contest
17:37.57GrumblerNoodleman: better yet, post something in the forum.....maybe somebody there knows
17:38.06Noodlemangood idea
17:38.58Grumblerdang, i just used up my good ideas for the year..........and still a month left...........  :)
17:43.45brlcadI've asked around for months and not heard a word.. e-mailed and received no response.
17:45.40[dmp]when i wrote him, he said that he didnt have time for an integration of my bzsite and his.  this is at least 6months ago
17:46.57Grumblerthe last person who said he talked with Dutchrai that I heard of was SGI........and he indicated he talked with him sept-oct time frame.
17:47.44Grumblerhis site was down last week......hmmmm, is it still down
17:49.00Grumbleryep still down....or no longer active
18:00.48brlcadI have a wget backup of it
18:03.42brlcadI'm planning on harvesting the data/docs into the cvs docs/ dir and using the rest of the layout/navigation as a starting point for a new bz website
18:05.16JBdiGrizNidhoggr: Have you worked with wireless bridging?
18:08.47JBdiGrizWhat's the difference between a web developer and a programmer?
18:09.02brlcadis that like a light bulb question?
18:09.21Noodlemani'm more of a web developer/sysadmin
18:09.39JBdiGrizNot really.
18:10.14brlcadI find myself thinking more structureally than logically when doing web work
18:10.15JBdiGrizperl is a programming language just as much as c++, it's just implemented differently.
18:10.20Nidhoggrwe do wireless bridging in our facility.  I don't do it myself, though.
18:10.42Nidhoggrwe have a few microwave links to buildings in the area.
18:10.46brlcadquite true.. a perl/php backend can very much just be programming
18:10.51JBdiGrizNidhoggr: I'm having an interesting problem with arp and wireless bridging.
18:11.07Nidhoggrwhat sort of equipment are you using?
18:11.29Noodlemanjust a nic with an atheros chipset
18:11.37brlcadbut it can also just be simple wrappers that just about anyone can get used to without having to be concerned with much/any logic
18:11.39Noodlemancan work as an AP
18:11.42JBdiGrizairport on the switch closer to the internet access point, linksys wet-11 on the far side.
18:12.45JBdiGriz2 machines on the switch with the airport, one is the default router with the dsl, the other is a server.
18:12.56Grumblerbrlcad: i would offer my help, but web stuff for me requires a tool.........which i do not have.......
18:13.16brlcademcs? :)
18:13.20brlcader, emacs?
18:13.24brlcadcan't type today
18:13.24JBdiGrizarp request from the default router for the wet11 succeeds, arp request from the other server never gets a response.
18:14.01Grumblergood move
18:14.11Grumbleri have blinded for life before.....
18:15.08Grumbleryeah, i can hack the company site to fix things, but coming up with things from scratch always leaves me banging my head against a wall
18:15.56JBdiGrizsimple solution, brlcad, hack up a web site to do simple things, and then Grumbler can take over and fix it. :)
18:16.09Grumbleri can do that
18:16.13brlcadthat's what I plan on doing, jb :)
18:16.28Grumbleroh....didnt know i had already volunteered...
18:16.33JBdiGrizand no more need for flashing |)
18:17.00brlcadall web-capable devys are auto-volunteered
18:17.49Grumblerbut i liked the a neat raincoat and everything.....   :)
18:22.46JBdiGrizNidhoggr: In looking through the net traffic, I'm suspecting the airport won't pass arp requests to the bridge, so the only machine accessible is whatever the airport has as the default router.
18:23.18Nidhoggrthe airport might not be happy with bridging.  I'm looking around for some info.
18:25.52Nidhoggrare their config options for the airport about bridging?
18:28.01Nidhoggrlooks like airport extreme is only one that suports bridging.
18:28.10Nidhoggrand may not work unless other side is another airport extreme.
18:28.31JBdiGrizThe airport extreme supports native bridging, but the airport should work with the linksys.
18:28.58JBdiGrizI just added an arp entry to the second server and it's now sending the icmp packet over to the far network.
18:31.15JBdiGrizI'm not getting a response back yet.
18:32.40*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:32.59*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:42.34*** join/#bzflag drinian (
18:45.51JBdiGrizFor anyone who cares, it turns out the Linksys WET11 bridge is stupid. It had locked itself up and wasn't passing the packets. Rebooting it solved the problem.
18:46.17captain_protonprobably works better than the fecking snow airports
18:46.44JBdiGrizActually, no. The snow airport is what's on the near side of the network :)
18:47.14JBdiGrizThen again, they really server different purposes. the airport is a WAP the linksys is a bridge.
18:48.42Grumblerlinksys has been a continuall problem for me lately.......the new drivers did help solve a couple of issues here
18:49.08Grumblerdrivers/rom code
18:50.56JBdiGrizmy mistake, it's not a snow airport, it's one of the old gray airports. I should look up above all of the bookshelves to see it every once in a while. :)
18:51.19captain_protonthe grays work well enough
18:51.20captain_protonsnows are crap
18:53.43*** join/#bzflag david_v (
18:54.23Grumblermost airports are shutdown for snow...   :)     (yeah, yeah, its bad)
18:55.48*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
19:03.21Grumblerbrlcad: flurries possible this afternoon
19:04.44*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
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19:15.26*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (
19:42.03JBdiGrizIt looks like my DSL upgrade has occurred a day earlier than planned. :)
19:42.38Patlabor221so your 1.5 megs down 256 up now?
19:43.21JBdiGrizjust checking it right now, it looked like 860 down, 350 up.
19:43.36Patlabor221odd combo but ok
19:43.40JBdiGrizscp transfers, so I should really do some better benchmarks.
19:43.53Patlabor221just hit
19:46.23JBdiGrizcool test site, i should have tried it last week. down=1.05 mb up=239
19:46.39JBdiGrizThat's close to what I expected. I'm happy. :)
19:47.18*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr (
19:47.19*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
19:47.19*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@* *cell*!*@*] by
19:47.50*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
19:47.50*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
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19:47.59Patlabor221yeah they can be a bit skewed by trafic so it helps to do a couple tests
19:48.02JBdiGrizNidhoggr: Are you really there?
19:48.05Patlabor221at difrent times
19:48.29JBdiGrizI'll try it again a few times today, but it looks like it's been upgraded.
19:49.40JBdiGrizPatlabor221: I like the review of our ISP. :)
19:57.35Patlabor221I didn't read it
19:58.02JBdiGrizIt wasn't positive.
19:58.19Patlabor221many people do not like many large ISPs
20:00.27*** join/#bzflag Patlabor222 (~JeffM@
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20:07.26Nidhoggrthe internet is broken.
20:07.58Pimpinellahave some glue fast :)
20:08.29JBdiGrizNidhoggr: what's the problem? i managed to fix my wireless issues.
20:08.42Nidhoggrjust watching all the irc hell from aboive.
20:08.51Nidhoggrwhat was wireless problem?
20:09.40Nidhoggrwork is going nuts.  lost 2 streaming servers this morning, and we are going to have another record bandwidth day today.
20:09.44JBdiGrizPackets were stopping at the linksys WET11. I was able to go to both sides. resetting it cured the problem and it updated it's arp tables.
20:09.55Nidhoggrah, cool.
20:10.36JBdiGrizI'm having a good net day so far. SBC updated my line speed last night. Initial tests are about 1mbps down, and 200-400kbps up.
20:11.01NidhoggrI have a STUPID switch (not just dumb) at home, and when I changed the router out, I had to unplug the switch and plug it back in before it'd see the router.  it hard codes it's arp tables.
20:11.06Nidhoggrand doesn't refresh them
20:11.08Pimpinellawjat are u streaming Nidhoggr?
20:11.09JBdiGrizI just tried ducati for 2 minutes, my lag is down, and my packet loss has gone away.
20:11.24brlcadGrumbler: snow eh?
20:11.38Nidhoggrpimpinella, a lot.  we do about 1/2 of all internet radio.
20:12.13JBdiGrizI suspect my switches are rather stupid that way as well, they set up the arp tables early and don't update too often.
20:12.18Nidhoggrour streaming is about 1 cd every second worth of data.
20:12.30Patlabor221brlcad, you got anything that will take a DXF and make it an EPS or something of the like?
20:13.08brlcaduh oh.. gonna have to keep on eye on that wily JBdiGriz guy now that his networks fixed..  he'll be able to actually tell where I am to shoot me now!
20:13.20Grumblerbrlcad: flurries.....probably wont go out and but a snow blower and generater  :)
20:13.28Patlabor221boys got some more bandwith now :)
20:14.01GrumblerPatlabor221: visio will do it, i beilieve
20:14.22GrumblerPatlabor221: i had trouble using a couple of the linux converters
20:14.35Patlabor221I just need to get this into illustrator :)
20:14.37brlcadpat: I'm not sure.. I vaguely remember latest illustrator having dxf support
20:14.55PimpinellaNidhoggr: would be more but 5GBit?
20:14.57JBdiGrizbrlcad: I haven't bought the isight yet, you'll have a problem keeping an eye on me :)
20:15.00Patlabor221it says it does, but it pulls it in as text :(
20:15.00GrumblerPatlabor221: although DXF requires you to have Visio professional
20:15.23Noodlemanany suggestions/
20:15.25Nidhoggra cd is 650MB
20:15.39brlcadpat: what kind of dxf (2d or 3d)?
20:15.49Patlabor221just a shape
20:15.56Patlabor221made it in our cad package
20:15.58Nidhoggrand that is about 1/10th of our total throughput at peak.
20:16.17Nidhoggrstreaming is only about 1/10th of our business.
20:16.25Nidhoggrwe do a lot of CDN
20:16.42Nidhoggrand transit
20:20.12*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (
20:26.43Grumblergreat, should have never updated is borking on the dxf......blank drawing.....
20:28.02*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
20:30.59brlcadhola tupone, que tal?
20:34.39Tuponeque te pasa?
20:35.14brlcadjeje, nada.  estoy bien.
20:35.56Tuponejo tambien
20:37.26brlcadPatlabor221: how do you want it?
20:37.44brlcadimage, pdf, ai, svg, ..?
20:40.56brlcadillustrator 10 read it just fine
20:55.51*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
20:56.01Death_Barrelhey dudes :)
21:02.00*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
21:02.02brlcadgrr.. installer is stoopid
21:02.53TuponeColorblindness does not work on the windows, only at radar.
21:03.11Death_Barrelhey guys :D
21:03.26Death_Barrelare we playing pirates again today?
21:03.44KRquestion - Time Warner wants to charge my bro an extra $10 for using wireless - is there any way they can detect he is using it after the install guy leaves, if he hooks it up then?
21:04.11Death_Barrelthe charge is for their wireless equiptment
21:04.30Death_Barrelif you buy your own wireless equiptment then there is no charge
21:05.00KRhe says that they charge regardless if they know you want to use wireless
21:05.04Death_Barrelbut: tell him wireless is not as fast as wired ;)
21:05.09KRstupid if u ask me
21:05.23Death_Barrelhe may have misunderstood them
21:05.29KRhe says he knows - but is way faster than 24k dialup :)
21:05.33Death_Barrelthere is no way of knowing that lol
21:05.42Death_Barrelyep that is true :)
21:05.48Death_Barreldial up sucks a big fat one!
21:06.37Death_Barrelyeah, there is no way for them to know if he uses wireless epuiptment or not
21:06.46KRhe's lloking at a Belkin combo wired/wirelss router - anyone have feedback on that?
21:06.58Death_Barrelhmmm, have never used wireless
21:07.01Death_Barrelask walleye
21:07.03KRsry - he's on phone with me now
21:07.16Death_Barrelhe uses it, (ahem, used to use it)
21:07.41Death_Barrelfrom what walleye told me he did not like it
21:08.10Death_Barrelbut he was using Lynksis
21:08.25KRok cool thx
21:08.40Death_Barrelit is cheaper just to run some cable :)
21:09.18Death_Barrel~dict fundamunda
21:10.09Death_Barrel~dict ale
21:10.34Death_Barrel~dict pils
21:10.44Death_Barrel~dict pilsner
21:11.08Death_Barrel~dict heffeweisen
21:11.48*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
21:18.53Death_Barrel~meaning of life
21:18.55i heard meaning of life is "to drink as much beer as possible while playing bz mixed with the occasional hump break!"
21:21.50*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
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21:42.06*** part/#bzflag Bagheera (
21:42.31*** join/#bzflag Grumbler (
21:42.46Death_Barrelhey koba
21:42.52Death_Barrelgrumbler :)
21:43.32Death_Barrelso why the name change?
21:44.22Grumblerdidnt feel like koba........
21:47.32Death_Barreldo you play bz at all?
21:47.38Death_Barreli never see you playing
21:50.31Grumblerall the time.....ffa mainly
21:50.51Grumbleror xmission, if my map is up.....
21:51.56*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
21:54.27CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): machine gun fires non-stop when you pick it up
21:58.39*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
21:58.39*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by
21:58.39*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *!*@* *!*edelstei*@* *!*@] by
21:58.39*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@* *cell*!*@*] by
22:01.59*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
22:05.22Chestalanyone been working on the invisibles? No SPoilers please
22:07.05NidhoggrI think patlabor221 said he got them all.
22:07.25Patlabor221yes we did get them all
22:07.31Patlabor221what ones do you need
22:07.48ChestalI still need 1, 5 and 7. But only want useless hints ;-)
22:08.10Chestaldo you think I have seen eny of those?
22:08.30Patlabor221ok let me bring it up and rememeber what they were
22:09.03Patlabor2211 is an older movie
22:09.09Patlabor221a parody more then a movie
22:09.17Patlabor221considers a "cult" classic
22:09.24Patlabor2215 is also older
22:09.29Patlabor221like mid 80s older
22:09.36Patlabor221involving death       <<<< check it out and download the mp3's  >> lmao it is haliarous
22:10.17Patlabor221#7 has meril streep ( I don't recall the name of the movie ).
22:10.19Patlabor221ok now I recall it, but I have not seen it
22:10.22Chestaluh, #8 has her, too
22:11.29Patlabor221I never saw #8 ether
22:12.01*** join/#bzflag Death_Barrel (
22:13.58brlcadwhadayaknow.. spiff and greg
22:15.00PimpinellaMark@arbeitszimmer, nice
22:16.07Pimpinellagoodnight all, goin to sleep a little
22:16.19brlcadg'night pimpi
22:19.50*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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22:34.40brlcadtupone: I didn't see a problem with CB
22:43.49Tuponebrlcad: strange. I'll prepare a world with CB and retest
22:45.42*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (
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23:10.26Chestal sounds like a good movie
23:10.48*** join/#bzflag KR (
23:11.01JBdiGrizA definite classic of the twisted animation genre.
23:19.28*** part/#bzflag drinian (
23:28.10odavid_v: :=]
23:28.38david_vo=yoyox for today?
23:28.54david_vcan you come to #fortix ? :)
23:47.16*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
23:48.10methinks yoyox is from poland?
23:48.19yoyoxibot: :*
23:48.22yoyox: I don't know, could you explain it?
23:48.32rumour has it, ibot is a blootbot now, no longer an infobot. run by BZFlag (TimRiker) on his server. see blootbot also it uses SQLite but can use MySQL or other SQL for storage. eliza's boyfriend.  Enemy of SCOBot
23:48.41i guess beer is ummm, ummm good!
23:49.25yoyox~google slonce com
23:49.55yoyox~google yoyox

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.