irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031130

00:22.33*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
00:24.27*** part/#bzflag david_v (
00:38.35*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
00:53.44CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (RobotPlayer.cxx): Shot counts is not universal (we should really put all stuff common)
01:03.01CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): rogue tank cannot spawn on base.
01:14.17*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
01:14.17*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:28.09MrApathyCreamSo Pat, why does bz set material properties on front and back sides?
02:29.13MrApathyCreamAnd, also, doesn't it seem silly to light up the bullets?
02:29.46MrApathyCreamif one wanted to superfluously use lights, at least use them for the explosions, where you have a chance to keep the number down
02:30.14Patlabor2211 bz dosn't asume your allways outside something
02:30.24Patlabor2212) the lights are used for the "glow"
02:30.42MrApathyCreamyes isn't there only like 7 bullet lights?
02:30.50Patlabor221yes it' done a bad way
02:30.58Patlabor221we should do our own lighting
02:31.08Patlabor221or break the world into light affected sectors
02:31.16Patlabor221then use 8 lights for each sector
02:31.23Patlabor221then reuse them
02:31.35Patlabor221since BZ has no world light sources ecpect the sun/moon
02:31.40Patlabor221it could be done that way
02:32.04MrApathyCreamhow does one 'do their own lighting"?
02:32.35MrApathyCreami made the rabbit more emissive, but really it should have a light in it, me thinks :)
02:32.44Patlabor221set the color for each thing yourself
02:32.49Patlabor221or do multi-texture with lightmaps
02:32.57Patlabor221basicly don't turn on the GL lights
02:33.14Patlabor221you would put a light in it
02:33.20Patlabor221then that would take the world down to 6 lights
02:33.26Patlabor221cus 1 is used for the sun
02:34.22Patlabor221if you wanted emisive objects then you would want to change the way BZ light works in general
02:34.22Big_Barrelanyone want a match?
02:34.24Big_Barrelhi pat
02:34.34Big_Barrelpat: do you play bz?
02:34.38Big_Barrelor ctf?
02:34.44Patlabor221both, rarely
02:34.46Patlabor221I suck at it
02:34.52Patlabor221I get shot a lot
02:35.02Big_Barrelpractice makes perfect :)
02:35.06Patlabor221you need to go on a membership drive
02:35.28Patlabor221the pool of 35 core players just isn't large enough
02:35.55Big_Barrelu are talking to me right?
02:36.13Big_Barrelyes i do need to get players into gear
02:36.29Big_Barrelhmmm, i thouhg about getting a sponser....then they can pay me for this
02:36.45Patlabor221or just advertise the game more
02:36.52Big_Barrelthen players will see me getting paid and will want to play more
02:37.08MrApathyCreama bz pyramid scheme, that'll work
02:37.09Big_Barrelhmmm, any suggestions on advertising the game?
02:37.12Big_Barreloff the net?
02:37.20Patlabor221why off the net?
02:37.23Patlabor221you want net players
02:37.30Big_Barrelyes, but
02:37.34Patlabor221but what?
02:37.37Patlabor221there is nothign done now
02:37.43Big_Barrelwell i advertise it on my site
02:37.50Big_Barrelhave links and stuff
02:37.58Patlabor221and how is your site advertised?
02:38.07Patlabor221or is that just for people who stumble in there?
02:38.40Big_Barrelwell, i have a link for it on and
02:38.56Big_Barrelbut basically people who just stumble in there and teammates
02:39.31MrApathyCreamso, litemap = 2nd texture over the ground texture who's texture coordinates are manipulated to match the shots?
02:39.50Patlabor221thats more of a decal
02:39.56Big_Barrelmr apathy cream: you havea  team right?
02:40.05Big_Barrelyou used to?
02:40.05MrApathyCreamnot good enough
02:40.09Big_Barrelyes more of a decal
02:40.12Patlabor221a lightmap is where you keep lower res bitmaps that represent the luminosity of every surface
02:40.23Patlabor221then modulate that with the texture
02:40.27Patlabor221so when a light is over
02:40.36Patlabor221you modify thelight map to be lighter where the shot is
02:40.44Patlabor221then darker where it passes
02:40.50Patlabor221it works best for static lights
02:40.56MrApathyCreamyou draw into the texture?
02:41.03MrApathyCreamto change lightness?
02:41.04Patlabor221you can combine static lightmaps with decals to some extent as well
02:41.26Patlabor221and you can also use projected textures for better glows
02:41.58Patlabor221the problem with normal GL ligting is, the texel represnents the lightest value of that point
02:42.04Big_Barrelwe have played 209 official matches in under a year
02:42.08Patlabor221so if you have a black in the texel
02:42.13Patlabor221it will never get any lighter
02:42.15Big_BarrelDec 20th is our anaversery
02:42.24Patlabor221fullbright is just the raw texture
02:42.51Patlabor221that's now how it works in the real world
02:43.00Patlabor221so you have to find better ways to fake it
02:43.12Patlabor221stuff that uses multiple passes to lighten stuff up
02:43.16Patlabor221like normal maps
02:43.23Patlabor221or shaders
02:43.48Patlabor221tho doing any kind of lightmap/projected texture would be "Fun" with the bz world model
02:44.00Patlabor221dosnt' really go well with the "object" methodology
02:44.21Patlabor221it's best if you have a single representation for all surfaces in the world
02:44.37Patlabor221if not, then your special casing suff all over the place.
02:52.37*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
02:52.48MrApathyCreamthe drink?
02:53.04Patlabor221the tool
02:54.46Patlabor221you don't actualy call them that do you?"
02:55.00MrApathyCreamplus and minus screwdrivers.... of course!
02:58.11*** join/#bzflag Carnage_ (
03:16.37*** join/#bzflag orchid (
03:18.57*** part/#bzflag orchid (
03:20.25TuponeMrApathyCream: have you messed with the admin-by-key code?
03:21.32MrApathyCreamadmin-by-key code? what's that?
03:21.47Tuponewhen you press O to get prompt
03:22.04MrApathyCreamheh, apparently no
03:22.14MrApathyCreamno nothing about it :)
03:23.05TuponeProblem is that it has 2 states, one is normal (command given by normal users), second is admin command
03:24.02TuponeIt must switch when you become admin, to give you command like kick, ban ...
03:24.24TuponeReally It switchs
03:24.44Tuponewhen it receive password accepted, and you are an admin
03:25.02Tuponeone of the 2 sentences
03:25.50TuponeI have fixed that for the "you are an admin", but I cannot realize why has to switch when login ?
03:27.23purple_cowhiya Patlabor221
03:28.31Patlabor221how goes it in good ol CO?
03:28.51purple_cowgoing decently well
03:28.56purple_cowabout to watch zardoz
03:29.30TuponeMrApathyCream: have you seen the Test Playground III
03:29.42purple_cowlurgyman decided that a bunch of people needed to see it
03:29.56Patlabor221I see
03:30.14Patlabor221isn't that like one of the 2 horible sean conery movies?
03:30.30purple_cowlurgyman: hurry yer ass up
03:34.05purple_cowwhat purposes?
03:35.54Patlabor221your puny terran mind could not fathom them
03:36.07purple_cowoh, ok
03:36.51Patlabor221well yours may, but probly not lurgy
03:37.01Patlabor221I mean with the zardoz and all
03:41.39Patlabor221the plan does involve scons, so you can probably grock it better then most
04:15.09*** join/#bzflag InfiniteEcho (
04:16.34*** join/#bzflag mkfort (
04:17.30mkforthi, sorry to ask a stupid question, but I cannot connect to any servers I get "Error downloading world database". I am behind a nat-style firewall on campus, is that the problem?
04:18.01Patlabor221it means that the connection with the server was droped
04:18.11Patlabor221it could be cus of the firewall
04:18.41mkfort:(. you have to have inbound connection to play bzflag?
04:18.55Patlabor221but you do have to have ports open
04:19.04Patlabor221many people play behind nats
04:19.14Patlabor221and you really should have UDP open too
04:19.34mkfortmaybe I need to turn off udp, that could be the problem
04:19.48Patlabor221TCP only games are slow
04:19.53Patlabor221you  will be laggy
04:20.00mkfortI'll try that
04:20.00Patlabor221and I think many servers are UDP only
04:20.59InfiniteEchoYea they are UDP
04:22.19mkfortI thought udp was open
04:22.24mkfortbastards I hate our IT department
04:22.36mkfortI wonder if there is a way to test that
04:22.36Patlabor221does your school do a true unfiltered nat? or do they block stuff?
04:22.49Patlabor221well your at school, your probably not suposed to play games :)
04:23.17mkfortI didn't think they were smart enough to block stuff
04:23.20InfiniteEchoCan't work all the time
04:23.23mkfortturning off udp would break lots of things
04:23.32Patlabor221mostly games
04:23.48Patlabor221they may only allow known ports
04:24.17InfiniteEchomkfort you'll have to have an on campus only BZflag game
04:24.42mkfortthat means playing by myself
04:25.04InfiniteEchoThey need bots for BZ
04:25.09mkfortI'm trying to think if there is a way to test udp with like a ping type thing or something
04:26.49mkfortsomeone screwed this school a few years ago by hiring a bunch of idiots who buy dell and run windows
04:26.57mkfortI remember when this school ran VAX, those were the good old days
04:27.17InfiniteEchoPoor poor people that bought del
04:29.41mkfortI don't think they only allow known ports but it is possible I can't get inbound udp I don't know
04:30.15mkfortis there a way for someone to run like an echo udp server or something so I can test it?
04:31.17Patlabor221how was the trip?
04:31.22learnerit was good :)
04:31.30learnertoo much fooood.. but gooood
04:32.08learnerate way too much.. much sleepage :)
04:34.32mkfortI think our CS department (which ain't half bad) needs to hold a revolt and kidnap the IT guys or something
04:35.13Patlabor221or you could cust call it training for dealing with real world IT deps
04:35.35learnermkfort: if you can run tcpdump, you should be able to tell pretty quick if your inbound tcp is getting blocked
04:35.53Patlabor221he's nated, so he knows it is
04:36.10mkfortmakes me wish I had spent more time learning how to crack windows boxes so I could just break in and reconfigure it myself
04:36.16mkfortyeah, I'm just not sure about UDP
04:36.26Patlabor221the world messages should be TCP tho
04:36.30Patlabor221your probably port filtered
04:36.30mkfortbut I'm sure they've screwed me
04:37.02mkfortI really don't think I'm port filtered because I do enough other random stuff without any problems
04:37.14Patlabor221well something is up
04:37.17learnercan you chat? IM, etc
04:37.20mkfortthere might be some port traffic shaping but I don't think its filtered
04:37.34Patlabor221and world messages HAVE to go thru, so in BZ they are TCP, cus we don't do relyable TCP
04:38.00Patlabor221sorry reluyable UDP
04:38.09mkfortI can chat (well I'm chatting now), and im works
04:38.18mkfortreliable is the word I think you want
04:38.27Patlabor221a yup
04:38.27mkfortor relayable
04:38.57mkfortok hehe
04:39.03Patlabor221doing IRC and FF11 at the same time is not easy
04:39.41mkfortis that the online one? I havn't kept up
04:39.48mkfortor is that FFX2 or whatever?
04:39.48learnerthe fact that you can IM is suspicious
04:40.04Patlabor221unless they only open known ports
04:40.07learnerunless you modified your im connection settings
04:40.19learnerperhaps.. just odd
04:40.33mkfortyeah im works for everyone, im file transfer doesn't work for me but I think thats a gaim issue because it seems to work for the windows people who use the aim clients
04:41.00mkfortand I irc all day
04:41.11learneryou don't happen to be running a local firewall, by any chance?
04:41.11mkfortand other random unix hacking stuff
04:41.36mkfortI'm just plugged into the socket in the wall in the dorm
04:42.00Patlabor221he means a software firewall on the nix box
04:42.05learnerbut are you running a firewall yourself? or do you not know?
04:42.14mkfortah no its all open
04:42.34mkfortI'm running linux/ppc a bit harder for the kiddiez to crack
04:42.53Patlabor221you get many hacking atempts there?
04:44.13Patlabor221what version of BZ are you running?
04:44.24mkfortI'm just saying I don't ever run software firewalls because I think they are silly and if someone is smart enough to break into *this* machine they can have it
04:45.16mkfortthe latest
04:45.24Patlabor221and that version number IS?
04:45.31Patlabor221cus there are many that are "the latest"
04:45.37learnerthe latest as in 1.7g2 or g3? or developer?
04:45.49Patlabor221or 1.9.10?
04:46.36Patlabor221ahh so old release
04:46.37mkfortBZFlag client, version 1.7g2
04:46.47Patlabor221that is a 2 porter I think
04:46.57mkfortjune is old?
04:47.03learnervery old :)
04:47.20Patlabor221current dev version is 1.9.10
04:47.24Patlabor221the 1.7 line is dead
04:47.51Patlabor221g3 is the version for the fixes post G2 release
04:47.54mkfortoh well, gentoo is so ought of date, heh
04:47.59Patlabor221and I think that is june of last year
04:48.15Patlabor221no it was this year wasn't it?
04:48.16mkfortoh I see
04:48.21Patlabor221I can't remember
04:48.27mkfort1.7g2 "Steely Eyed Banana" released! - June 18, 2003, 7:49 AM by jupiter
04:48.52Patlabor221yeah the "ship it cus I did an iteview and needed something to tell them" release
04:48.59mkfortthat would be this year
04:49.00learnerjupiter was just here a couple min ago.. :)
04:49.19Patlabor221or was G0 the interview one
04:50.09mkfortoh well, I was just looking for a fun multiplayer game I could play since I'm out of grass but I guess its back to nethack for me, heh
04:52.00mkfortI'll have to figure out a way to test that udp stuff
04:52.22*** join/#bzflag orchid (
04:52.32Patlabor221like I say, the world messages are not UDP
04:52.39Patlabor221so I don't think that is your problem
04:52.49Patlabor221you could allways debug the app
04:52.55Patlabor221since you do have source
04:53.06Patlabor221see where its erroring out
04:53.21learneralso would be worthwhile to start your own server on another machine and see if you can connect
04:54.18mkfortsee I just got this new laptop, I've never had a machine before that could play nice 3d games like bzflag
04:54.38learnerand also try running 1.9.10 (see topic) and see if you can connect to anything (since the protocol/ports changed)
04:54.51Patlabor221bzflag dosn't do "nice" 3d graphics :)
04:55.09learnerhe said nice game :)  that it is :)
04:55.24mkfortPatlabor221, well thats ok because my drivers are hella buggy anyway ;)
04:55.33Patlabor221what chipset?
04:56.04mkfortI'm probably the only person who buys the new ibook g4 and immediately puts linux on it and then fights with buggy video drivers for 2 weeks
04:56.04mkfortthe ati radeon 9200M
04:56.09Patlabor221that they would be then
04:56.49Patlabor221still overkill for BZ
04:56.55learneryou pulled os x off that beauty?
04:57.10mkfortlearner, yup :)
04:57.29mkfortit lasted long enough for me to burn the gentoo disks
04:57.33learnerwhich is exactly why I haven't sent you one yet, orchid :)
04:57.46mkfortactually once I get this machine more stable I might put os X back on but only if I can install it from within linux using MOL
04:58.24mkfortI got the 60 gig drive and left 15 gigs for a possible future os X installation
04:58.53mkfortbut I pretty much only use free software
05:00.24Patlabor221learner, fmod is now included in asgard CVS so that should help with the mac builds
05:00.36Patlabor221I put the mac, linux and windows libs in there
05:00.56Patlabor221didn't bother with CE,PS2,GC and X-Box libs
05:02.50Patlabor221cus jbd said they sucked
05:03.09Patlabor221what happend to it?
05:03.21learnersystem upgrade
05:03.24learnernew hardware
05:03.27learnernew os
05:03.28Patlabor221ahh fun
05:03.36Patlabor221no longer a laptop?
05:03.44learneryea.. haven't restored everything from backup that matters yet
05:03.52learnerheh, never was a laptop :)
05:04.06Patlabor221they were saying it was an old ibook
05:04.10Patlabor221the bastards
05:05.11learnerit's an smp box with 2gb of ram, and now about a quarter terr of disc, half of that raided
05:05.22Patlabor221bit larger then an ibook
05:05.28learnerlil bit
05:05.33Patlabor221it a mac?
05:05.38learnerindeed it is
05:06.07Patlabor221I keep finding 20 and 30 gig drives around the house, I need to put them in something
05:06.09learnerso I figured it was time to bump up the OS to 10.3 as well -- very much worth it
05:06.32Patlabor221they mac guys at work seem to like it a lot
05:06.47learneryeah, I have 40 gb or so sitting on a desk in 2 drives that I have nowhere to put
05:07.02learnertime to ebay em I think
05:07.12Patlabor221I was gonna put them in this server, but It is not running it's final OS
05:07.54Patlabor221since I am lacking in the build systems dept
05:25.23Patlabor221hmm bad coldet, bad bad coldet
05:32.09mkfortmkfort@marx(00:31)~$nc 5155
05:32.21mkfortPatlabor221: see, I can connect
05:32.27mkfortthats why this whole error downloading world database thing has me confused
05:32.47mkfortits pretty much regular nat, maybe some traffic shaping but not draconian port filtering
05:32.47Patlabor221then something is jacking up the data for the world
05:33.23mkfortPatlabor221: I did download the spiral3done map off the website, but I couldn't figure out where to put it
05:33.23Patlabor221it will give that message if the data comes back to small, or it loses connection when geting the world
05:33.33Patlabor221it dosn't work that way
05:33.43Patlabor221it sends all the map objects from server to client
05:33.48Patlabor221at least once
05:34.02Patlabor221as it has extra data from the server that is not in the map file
05:34.07mkfortI guess this could just be an honest to god bug
05:34.14mkfortI'm running linux/ppc 2.6.0test10
05:34.28Patlabor221well it works for everyone else
05:34.57Patlabor221I don't know any who use linux ppc tho
05:34.57Patlabor221all the people with macs use the OSX version
05:35.09Patlabor221you should step in and see why it's giving that message
05:35.20Patlabor221throw a break point there
05:36.21mkfortI don't think I have it compiled with debugging symbols but I can work on it, might as well run the development version though if I'm going to be doing that
05:36.37Patlabor221there are not many people who play
05:36.41Patlabor221on 1.9.x
05:36.52Patlabor221as it is incompatable with 17x
05:37.42mkfortwhats the latest 1.7 I should grab?
05:37.44Patlabor221isn't there some sort of slick GDB thing on linux that'll let you slap a breakpoint in and check out the state?
05:37.52Patlabor221the last release was g2
05:38.09Patlabor221onlything later is CVS from the v1_7 tag
05:38.18Patlabor221but no dev has gone in there for a while now
05:38.21Patlabor221it's a dead branch
05:38.33Patlabor221it's commonly called g3
05:38.40Patlabor221but there was never a release called g3
05:39.13mkfortwell yeah I have gdb but I'll have to grab the source and compile it with debugging symbols and then figure out where to put the breakpoint
05:39.30Patlabor221that message is right in the code
05:39.34Patlabor221should be a search away
05:39.36mkfortI compile everything from source but don't compile everything with -g
05:39.40Patlabor221ahh, how hard is it to make debug?
05:40.02Patlabor221I just hit F9 then F5 and I'm good to go
06:04.33*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
06:16.21CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): somebody fixed infinite bug -- it was doing atof when it was fed an int.. caused worldsize to get set to 0; expanded on bzadmin behavior
06:23.27*** join/#bzflag trepan (
06:24.01learnerhola trepan
06:30.56*** join/#bzflag Dave2 (~dave@
06:35.54trepansorry 'bout my lag, trying to recover from a 2 hour drive in a snow storm
06:36.40learnerthat's okay.. just got home from a 5 hour drive myself, albeit no snow for 4 hours and 50 minutes of it
06:37.59Noodlemanhmm, that might make me a little unsettled too...
06:39.22trepanya, that, and my penchant for speeding, even when it's dumb
06:39.57trepanlearner: where are you that there's snow?
06:40.11learnerI was in WVa
06:40.41learnerbut that snow tapered off really fast once I started going down that appalachian hill
06:40.55trepanah, yes, the land of cotton candy. what's WVa?
06:41.05learnerwest virginia
06:41.39trepansome of canadians don't even know the abbreviations for our own provinces   ;)
06:41.40learnerwhere bouts are you?
06:41.53learnerah.. up even father north :)
06:41.59trepandriving from Montreal to Ottawa tonight
06:42.58trepanI decided that no matter how good a restaurant's filet mignon is, it ain't worth a 2 hour drive in a snow storm
06:44.49trepantim been around lately? I as going to ask him about cvs access
06:45.07learneri've been away.. not today I don't think
06:45.51trepanok, just wanted to get a couple of those patches in before 1.10 hits the floor
06:45.53Patlabor221just send him a mail
06:45.57Patlabor221he will do it
06:46.15trepanthanks Pat, much appreciated
06:46.53Patlabor221I hate it when I have to change a free lib just to get it to compile
06:48.23trepani hate having to download a chain of 3 other freelibs to get one to compile
06:49.54Patlabor221yeah that sucks too
06:50.29Patlabor221well at present, P24 should only require 1 external lib
06:50.34Patlabor221and that's not a hard one
06:50.57trepanyou going be working on a linux port?
06:51.08Patlabor221there should not be any port needed
06:51.14Patlabor221the code is set up to build on it now
06:51.23Patlabor221I just need a build system for linux and the tosh
06:51.39Patlabor221and a couple functions implemented for those OSs
06:51.45Patlabor221like make a dir that dosn't exist
06:52.00Patlabor221and bring up an error dialog, and bring up a browser
06:52.19Patlabor221the rest should be all set
06:52.51Patlabor221all file IO is done thru an abstracted file class, so everyting is in unix style paths allready
06:53.33trepansounds good, if you need a guinee pig, i'm up for it
06:54.25Patlabor221I need a build system first :)
06:54.49trepanstraight makefiles?
06:55.11Patlabor221I dono
06:55.16Patlabor221I never had luck with them
06:55.19Patlabor221scons was cool
06:55.32Patlabor221but it needs to be redone for the new src layout
06:55.49Patlabor221it has nothing working now, cept VC6 and 7.1 project files
06:55.57trepannever played with scons, something like make?
06:56.39Patlabor221dono make well so I can't compare
06:56.45Patlabor221it's python based I know
06:56.48Patlabor221and looked very slick
06:56.56Patlabor221cap had the old libs building with it
06:57.15Patlabor221there was one place for each lib where he could tell me "add new files here!"
06:57.26Patlabor221so it was nice in that regard
06:57.56trepanjust looked at the homepage for it, a good bit more then make
06:59.00trepanRCS/CVS access, builtin dependency generation, etc...
06:59.12Patlabor221well it was slicker then hell
07:02.08Patlabor221it's not really for me, I just need to be shown how to add files to what ever is used, and have it work on my machine
07:04.20trepandon't know python, so i'd probably have to learn it
07:04.41trepanor at least want to learn it to use scons
07:06.25trepanif you just want to see it compile, i could setup it up with makefiles pretty quickly for ya (on linux at least)
07:06.43Patlabor221if you want to sure
07:07.00trepangot a source-ball?
07:07.05Patlabor221just put them in like a makefile dir, just like the VC71 files are
07:07.13Patlabor221nope, got a CVS server :)
07:07.41trepanthat works too, where to?
07:07.47Patlabor221let me add you
07:08.31*** join/#bzflag InfiniteEcho (
07:19.40*** part/#bzflag trepan (
07:41.45CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): why remove a good thing?  it's often easier than menu hunting anyways.. at least for a keyboarder like myself :)
07:43.46CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (menus.cxx): center the saveworld response oon the screen (still need to make it so that you cannot maneuver to it via keys as if there was something to select)
08:13.50CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (menus.cxx): no longer able to traverse to the response for the save world menu
08:22.14learnerhmm.. that'd be at least 18 files at a minimum..
08:22.27Patlabor221make it a project
08:22.53JBdiGrizit's interesting what some people think about at 4 am.
08:23.06learner3:22 :)
08:24.48learnerIf I were to keep strict to "the rule", it should actually get broken up into 42 files..
08:25.12Patlabor221sounds like a new project to me
08:25.55learnerproject?  you speak msvstudioish, laborish-one
08:26.24learnerunless the "project" is to keep mac busy :)
08:26.35Patlabor221ok what do you call them then?
08:26.44Patlabor221src sub dir thinkgys?
08:27.04learnerah, understandish what you mean now
08:27.07Patlabor221I say the net "project" it just makes sense, even from a non IDE standpoint
08:28.42captain_protontechnically libs, though modules is as good a name as any
08:28.49learneryes.. I could toss em all into a subdir for organization-sake
08:29.12JBdiGrizmodules, ah there's a technical term from the past.
08:29.22Patlabor221it's a good word and bears repeating
08:29.48Patlabor221I'm just saying make menu into it's own thing
08:29.54Patlabor221see ya
08:30.13*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
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09:41.37extra, extra, read all about it, x is fedora I love fedora!
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14:04.49Michaelhhmm the 11 11 03 build doesn't fubar my desktop
14:13.58Michaelhproject files also were not fubared :) for vc 6
14:16.45Michaelhso if a project file is 'touched' does it get the cooties?
14:17.57MichaelhWAKEY WAKEY it's time to rise and shine
14:18.36Tuponecooties ? whatis?
14:20.03MichaelhThat's what you say when little kids touch each other -- 'youve got cooties!' and run away
14:20.35Michaelhsome nonsense word __ it's to change the modification date of a file but not change it, right?
14:21.37Tuponeunderstand the word now, but what you mean, on specific, I don't
14:22.47Michaelhwhat does it mean to touch a file .. like when compiling things
14:24.36Michaelhall the peoples are recovering from their hangovers in the US
14:25.54TuponeI see Sean commit from 9 am (GMT+1) so I suppose he's going to bed at 4am (locally)
14:26.08Tuponewe should let him sleep
14:32.40Tuponehave you tried another build, apart the last and the 11/11
14:35.14Michaelhwas going to do that
14:36.29TuponeA big change was made on the structure when Pat moved all VC related file to the 7.1 directory
15:21.34learnerg'morning tupone
15:21.54Tuponehow spent your vacation?
15:22.12learnerwent to see family and ate lots of good food.. it was good
15:22.26Tuponeseen Mac?
15:22.33learnerno, not yet
15:22.36Tuponehas come back
15:22.42learnerI saw his commits though =)
15:23.10TuponeI see your commit, yesterday
15:23.20Tuponeor should I say early morning
15:25.09TuponeI know it's too early for a question :(
15:25.51TuponeI mean early to have a good answer
15:26.46Michaelhhmm latest version seems to not eat my desktop anymore
15:27.12learnerheh, go ahead and ask tupone :)
15:27.14TuponeI think is your desktop that is become indigest
15:27.17learnerthere we go.. right window :)
15:27.39learnerugh.. i hate that key
15:27.52learnerthat needs to be changed
15:27.56TuponeI have fixed that, but why it is switching to admin when loggin in
15:28.18TuponeIt's going to wait for 2 kind of sentences:
15:28.20learneryou changed it from "o" ?
15:28.25TuponeYou are an admin
15:28.40Tuponeand welcome back
15:29.01Tuponeno I didn't changed
15:29.09learnerah.. aww :)
15:29.11MichaelhBecause that's what it says when the password is validated
15:29.21learner"o" is lag stats until you become admin
15:29.35learnerer, until registered
15:29.43MichaelhAnd not bother showing keys you can't use until you do validate
15:30.08TuponeI know, but I see that when you are admin, you get another message
15:30.22Tupone"You are an admin"
15:30.24learnerSo I play play play, requesting lagstats periodically, then register for whatever reason and end up almost kicking someone
15:30.52Michaelhwell perhaps it should stay at the previous option..
15:30.59TuponeI don't think it should switch when logging in, only when you are admin
15:31.09Michaelhit was quite the hack
15:31.09learnerthere needs to be a default keys file document :)  so that sensible defaults can be set
15:31.16*** join/#bzflag InfiniteEcho (
15:31.43learnerMichaelh: indeed it _should_ stay the same.. I think it was an oversight
15:33.09MichaelhI could change that in a line or two of code I think
15:33.56TuponeIf one become admin, should switch and otherwise stay with the limited ?
15:34.38learnertupone, where do you see this?  if I connect to a server I don't automatically become admin..
15:34.56Tuponeif you login, it switch
15:35.12Michaelhwith the /validate thingee
15:35.31learnerI'd think the key should always be bound to some key, that key is only active when you have the requested perm.. we don't have 36 commands yet
15:35.44learneradmin keys should be bound to a meta key
15:35.56learnerer, modifier key
15:36.28learnerso shift/meta/control key would always be an admin command
15:36.46Tuponequestion is: is there a way to have kick/banning ability without /password command
15:37.05learnerjust not by default
15:37.20learnersomeone could put kick into the DEFAULT group and then anyone could kick
15:37.37TuponeIn that cases, bzfs does not says you're admin
15:37.39MichaelhSomehow I don't think that would be a good idea
15:37.54learnerprobably not a good idea.. but that usually doesn't stop people
15:38.15MichaelhThere should be some negotation between the server and client about what a person can do
15:38.22TuponeSo perhaps is better to link that to another key combination, like leaarner suggest
15:38.34Michaelhand there should be a more flexible system to show those coommands
15:39.29learnerindeed, michael.. I have some ideas and work in progress, but am holding off until 1.11 gets started.  rework how all of the commands are handled
15:39.33MichaelhI wrote the thing right before PatL decided to implement the rights § groups things
15:40.11Michaelhso the You are admin thing was a hack to prevent showing 10000 commands all at once
15:40.15learnerI want to consolidate all of the information about a command into one object (a Command object) that reports/registers the events it cares about, command line args, etc
15:40.19Michaelhto someone who didn't have any rights
15:40.47Michaelhand also has some format that tells it how to show the thing on screen
15:40.59Michaelhwhat info to get from the user..
15:41.02learnerautomatic help, etc
15:41.07Tuponewe can stay with the limited option for all but admin for now
15:41.36Tuponethe non admin people can do kick with the old way
15:42.50MichaelhI was literally laughing when the line "You are now an administrator!" worked for that purpose
15:43.03MichaelhOnly the server can send it too
15:43.52Tuponelearner: Mic: I have to go, CYL8R
15:44.02*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
16:05.11*** join/#bzflag david_v (
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16:27.04Michaelhhow do vote poll and veto work
16:27.20Michaelhdo they just send some command after them?
16:27.31Michaelhlike /vote blahblahblah
16:29.47Michaelhonly one poll at a time?
16:31.46*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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16:45.53CIA03michaelh20 * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): Enabled vote, cancel vote, call vote -- you must change numModes to add commands. When you become admin mode the mode doesn't change now per request. This is still a hack
16:47.12Michaelhalso by putting true in the call to setComposing, you allow players to input text...
17:30.19*** join/#bzflag Noodlema1 (
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17:37.37NoodlemanDSL burp
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18:00.51learnerwo ho.. michaelh has cvs access now :)
18:01.10learneror maybe just haven't commited in a while? :)
18:03.43*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
18:05.33Michaelhcan someone explain this line to me
18:05.34Michaelhmask.s_addr = htonl((ntohl(mask.s_addr) & 0xff000000) | (ntohl(ipAddr.s_addr) & 0x00ffffff));
18:06.03Michaelhwhats the order of operations for the second line there?
18:06.06CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): little more commentification on the index hack
18:06.58Michaelhdoes and have higher order than or ?
18:09.00Michaelhyou LIKE THOSE CAPS HUH
18:10.08learnerand has higher than or, yes
18:10.25learnerand hi :)
18:10.51learnerdid you just get cvs access, or is that the first commit in a long time?
18:11.37Michaelhlong time
18:14.21Michaelhthat doesn't tell me what curds & whey | somethingelse   is
18:14.52learnerit's masking the address
18:14.57Michaelhoh wait
18:15.01*** join/#bzflag orchid (
18:15.07learnerlooking at part of the address
18:15.09Michaelhso & is more
18:15.22learner& does the mask
18:15.24Michaelhthatn |
18:15.26Chestala | b & c == a| (b & c)
18:15.52learneryes, higher
18:15.54MichaelhI like parentheses
18:16.04Chestalhi maple girl
18:16.17learnermaple girl was dangerous today
18:16.22orchidhi Chestal
18:16.28Michaelhshoot it does have parenthesis
18:16.43learneron the field
18:16.50learnerkept shooting me from afar
18:16.54Chestalhaven't been on the field for some time
18:17.00learner5/1 ratio or something silly
18:17.01orchidlearner: radar, use it
18:17.15learnerI do :P  just to see the shots fly in and hit me
18:17.17orchidChestal: its still green and flat
18:17.23Chestalorchid: good to know
18:17.38learnerbut there's no moles digging up the turf, though
18:17.39Chestalthe field always seems greener when you're not on it yourself
18:18.16Chestalmayeb the Moles will have a come-back next year
18:18.34david_vTLZ will have had lots of time to poison the field meanwhile :)
18:18.35ChestalI don't think that you'll see much activity from them in December
18:18.56Chestaldavid: I'm happy to see that Fortix finally managed to get a decent rating in the league
18:19.08david_vheh thanks
18:19.56Chestalhmm, anyone here with a deep understanding of modern physics? :-)
18:20.17david_vdefine "deep" please :)
18:20.24learnerdeep as in baby in a bathtub, maybe :)
18:20.34MichaelhOutside of knowing the airspeed velocity of a laden swollow?
18:20.59learneran african one, of course
18:21.14Chestalwell, let me weaken that questin: anyone here studying physics or already mastered it? :-)
18:21.45MichaelhI got a C in the 3rd quarter of physics with calc
18:21.57david_vwell, i studied some relatively elementary physics... so i still am not sure what you mean with "deep" :)
18:23.27Chestaldavid_v: well, quantum physics and stuff, basically everything that's past 1930s or so
18:24.17david_vnot anything for me then :)
18:25.47*** join/#bzflag daveisnow00 (
18:25.53daveisnow00hi learner
18:26.16learnerheya daveisnow0 :)
18:26.17learneryou made it
18:26.25daveisnow00took a while
18:26.34daveisnow00downloaded it, then watched tv :o)
18:26.43learneryou did better than most :)
18:26.47learnerfor a first entry
18:27.07daveisnow00remendes me! be back in 5 mins!
18:27.30orchid~seen jolly
18:27.32jolly <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 3d 21h 20m 32s ago, saying: 'cya'.
18:28.38learner~google daveisnow
18:36.01*** join/#bzflag daveisnow (
18:36.08daveisnowhi again
18:36.17daveisnowcomputer dissconnected
18:36.26learnerah.. you're in twice now :)
18:36.37daveisnowkick the other me
18:36.40Michaelhthat's a funky way of comparing ip addresses
18:36.43daveisnowhe [nr]
18:36.50learnershould register your nick if you plan on sticking around
18:37.11*** kick/#bzflag [daveisnow00!] by learner (learner)
18:37.18daveisnowbye me!
18:37.20Michaelhwhy not just zap the ip address with the not of the mask and compare?
18:37.35daveisnowi dont need to compair ip
18:37.43daveisnowjust use command promt
18:37.55daveisnowi will do it anouther day
18:37.57Michaelhor am I missing something
18:38.20daveisnowim used to pressing 'n'
18:39.21learnernot sure michael..
18:39.38daveisnow0.80 seconds lag...
18:39.41Michaelhyou see what I mean?
18:40.01daveisnowlol, kill user is a command :o)
18:40.10daveisnow*kills learner*
18:40.23learner~lart daveisnow
18:40.42daveisnow~lart learner
18:40.51learner~whaleslap daveisnow
18:40.54ACTION slaps daveisnow upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
18:41.01Michaelhit zaps the non-functional part of the mask zaps the non impt bit of the user ip address and then ors them together and compares it ot the users Ip, unless I am not mistaken
18:41.14daveisnow~kill learner
18:41.16ACTION slits learner's throat
18:41.27daveisnowthat was a good guess
18:41.46daveisnowi like this!
18:41.58Michaelhplus it puts them all in a series of if else statements
18:42.11daveisnow~shoot learner
18:42.15ACTION shoots learner in the head.
18:42.57daveisnow~taunt learner
18:43.10daveisnowhow many commands is there?
18:43.26Michaelh~shoot ibot
18:43.29ACTION shoots ibot in the head.
18:43.41daveisnow~kill ibot
18:43.43ACTION slits ibot's throat
18:43.52learnermichael, I'd imagine that there was a reason for the masking before applying or'd mask, but I'm not seeing it immediately
18:44.06daveisnow~lart ibot
18:44.42daveisnow~shoot daveisnow
18:44.45ACTION shoots daveisnow in the head.
18:44.57daveisnowim done :o)
18:45.30daveisnowibot = infobot????
18:45.31daveisnow: I give up, what is it?
18:45.41from memory, ibot is a blootbot now, no longer an infobot. run by BZFlag (TimRiker) on his server. see blootbot also it uses SQLite but can use MySQL or other SQL for storage. eliza's boyfriend.  Enemy of SCOBot
18:45.58daveisnowohh well
18:46.05daveisnow~hit ibot
18:46.22Michaelhso if something says FIXME next to it, does it mean it should be fixed?
18:47.15learnereventually it should, michael
18:47.24MichaelhI can get the length of an ENUM right, but how do I get the length of an array
18:48.13daveisnow~kill david_v
18:48.16ACTION slits david_v's throat
18:48.18learnerlast check there are 123 FIXME's in the source
18:48.18Michaelhis that the sizeof(array) / sizeof(element) ? does that work all the time?
18:49.09*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
18:49.14learnerconvert it to an stl array
18:49.32Michaelhand do da pushback thang?
18:49.57learnerum.. don't do that dave..
18:50.31Michaelhheh how long has the vote thing been in there and not working? :)
18:50.43learnerit's been in there for months
18:50.55learnerit works..just not via the key admin
18:51.29Michaelhobscure code is good for somethings at least
18:51.39daveisnowwhat are you 2 talking about?
18:51.39Michaelhbut it had a big freaking comment over it
18:52.09learnerlurking comments are not good design :)
18:52.24learnerand the comment didn't even include the word "command" :)
18:52.48Michaelhah well it was obvious to me :)
18:53.35daveisnowgoing to play bzflag
18:53.39daveisnowbye you guysa
18:53.44learnercya dave
18:54.11Michaelhah well it's kind of a pile of crap anyway .. too many commands
18:54.23Michaelhneeds some ordering of some sort
18:54.30learneryes.. needs ordering
18:54.40learnerI'd actually like to see more commands, but they need a better interface
18:55.11learnerafter release we can merge some of the design in bzadmin into the start of a game lib
18:55.21learnerand clean up all the client/server commands
18:56.08Michaelh51 occurences of FIXME
18:56.46Michaelhzflag\src\bzflag\RobotPlayer.cxx(382):  // FIXME -- this is a pretty stupid heuristic
18:58.32*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
18:58.32*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
18:58.46learnerlo, patlabor
19:00.21Patlabor221how goes it?
19:00.32learnerfeeling blehish
19:00.46learnerhad a good bzbout, though, earlier
19:01.50Patlabor221well you had a long weekend that can take it's toll
19:02.01Michaelhone interesting thing about having huge case statements is that you can reorder the way the messages appear by changing the position of the elements in the enum -- the ordering of the appearence of the commands isn't harcoded really
19:02.43Michaelhexcept for the ban things
19:04.12learnerban things?
19:04.46Michaelhthe ban1,ban2;ban3 enums need to be in order
19:05.20Michaelhso it can stick over them if there isn't someone being banned
19:05.59Michaelhit's the kind of thing that makes it a bit more complicated to abstract the thing than you might think
19:10.06Michaelhshould be a concept of letting someone choose from players when banning etc. or manually entering it
19:10.21Michaelhor both possibly at the same time
19:14.35learnerhmmm.. too many bugs.. ugh
19:14.40Michaelhdoes bzadmin compile correctly on win32 ?
19:14.50Patlabor221it should
19:14.58learnerit presently doesn't build on my box
19:15.02Michaelhit's just stuck on playing.cxx
19:15.02Patlabor221or at least it used to
19:15.31Michaelhfiles still aren't right for vc6 either :)
19:16.28MichaelhI see zilcho classes for common
19:17.33Michaelhoh weird it is linking
19:17.44Michaelhjust takes five minutes on playing.cxx
19:17.44*** join/#bzflag MortimeR (~MortimeR@
19:18.49learnerthat's what happens when you let a file get to be 10000 lines long
19:19.13learnerand it's only like 7000 or something now
19:19.20learner"only" *cough*
19:20.42Michaelhsomething funky is with my computer lately too
19:22.12Patlabor221takes me no more then 5 seconds to complile that file
19:23.40Chestal13s here without optimization
19:24.13Michaelhlike I said somethig is up wit me puter
19:24.15CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (2 files): They are floats people, not doubles.
19:24.22Chestalon a comparable machien it takes 31s with opt.
19:24.44Chestal(2xP3 500  and Athlon-700)
19:24.57Chestalgcc-2.95 and 3.3
19:25.49Patlabor221I was building release, so that was with optimisations
19:26.03Patlabor221bzadmin builds fine in VC71
19:26.08Patlabor221I will try 6
19:26.21Chestaldoes bzflag work on 64 bit systems?
19:26.22*** part/#bzflag MortimeR (~MortimeR@
19:26.25Michaelhmy cpu is near 100 percept -- what the
19:27.00Chestalare the bzflag make files safe for distributed make?
19:27.49learnerthey should be, ches.. i've no problems with smp make
19:28.00Michaelhok it's working again
19:28.25daveisnowhi again
19:29.51daveisnowwow.... you guys seem to be chatting a lot....
19:30.15learnersometimes it's quiet, sometimes not
19:30.15Michaelhuh were is bzadmin copied to
19:30.38Chestalor when installing?
19:30.46daveisnowUK is matching Poland on ducati 59999
19:31.02learnerah, cool..
19:31.06daveisnowPol is up by 2 last time i cheaked
19:31.15daveisnowprobably 3 now
19:31.17Michaelhwhat no happy help menu?
19:31.42Michaelhwith 10000 options?
19:31.43ChestalPoland will win this
19:31.53daveisnowi suck
19:32.03daveisnowand basicly, the rest of the UK does to
19:32.29Chestaldaveisnow: is that statement restricted to bzflag things? ;-)
19:32.55Chestalit's probably that you drive onthe wrong side
19:32.56Patlabor221hmm multicast is busted now
19:33.09Patlabor221it's not picking up the stuff in common.h
19:33.10daveisnowits probably coz i suck :o)
19:33.24daveisnowyou editing the bzflag source?
19:33.39Michaelheven in france they drive on the right side of the street
19:33.43MichaelhI can attest to that
19:34.00Michaelh*and* they use euros
19:34.02daveisnowi can help you if you are changing the source
19:34.19daveisnowbut dont cheat
19:34.26MichaelhSend me money then and I will modify it even more
19:34.44MichaelhI think you have some strange ideas dave
19:34.45daveisnow~kill Michaelh
19:34.48ACTION slits Michaelh's throat
19:34.51MichaelhI'm afraid I can't do that dave
19:35.14daveisnowdo what?
19:35.28MichaelhThere's a 94 percent probabiltiy of failure in that component dave
19:36.12Michaelhtrying to do my hal9000 impression
19:36.24daveisnow????? er........ok??????
19:36.35MichaelhSo dave you think we just sit here and try to make different kinds of cheats?
19:36.58daveisnowyou sit, drink coffie and chat
19:37.03Patlabor221where did common.h move to?
19:37.11daveisnowthe moon
19:37.51Patlabor221no it's not in /incude
19:38.05Patlabor221ahh it is
19:38.08Patlabor221it's just borked
19:38.51MichaelhI see the stringutil got moved out of common.. probably a good idea to not include it in every single file I suppose
19:40.29Patlabor221someone removed the HAVE_SOCKETLEN_T thing from common.h
19:42.53Michaelhwhich is why probably I have to put define socketlen = something in some files
19:44.35Patlabor221I am fixing now
19:44.58*** join/#bzflag mikep (
19:48.24CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): fix broken socketlen for VC6, I guess noone wants the game to build for it's most uses platform.
19:49.58Michaelhthey are a savage lot those windows users
19:50.30Patlabor221one can not deny it by the number of downloads
19:50.50learnerah, patlabor.. that was delegated to configure
19:51.12Patlabor221configure is supposed to modify common.h?
19:51.14learnerwindows doesn't run configure (yet) does it?
19:51.21Patlabor221I thought it only did config.h?
19:51.32Patlabor221when did that change?
19:51.36learnerit puts in the proper defines for socklet_t
19:51.42Patlabor221in config?
19:51.53Patlabor221so nice of them to tell little ol us
19:51.59Patlabor221ok I will change it again
19:52.01MichaelhSince when?
19:52.08learnerweek or two
19:52.15MichaelhWasn't working a day or two ago
19:52.23Michaelhfor vc6
19:52.28Patlabor221seeing as how we don't have a configure
19:52.54learnerah, you guys use a hand generated config.h, no?
19:53.21Patlabor221but it's set to work for all windows projects
19:53.24Patlabor221I am fixing now
19:53.37Patlabor221just had to add a new define to the .net project
19:53.59Patlabor221as .net has the socketlen thing now
19:54.25Michaelhso |tim| *the* tim ?
19:54.30learnerdamn.. just updated my checkout that contains the bazillion singleton mods, and there's now a dozen or so conflicts :(
19:54.48learnerheh, Michael.. lengthy tim is not tim riker
19:55.10Michaelhheh.. it pays to get code committed quickly
19:55.38learnercan't commit this baby until after release
19:55.50Michaelhbugs? who cares about bugs
19:55.50learnerI should have sync'd earlier
19:56.02MichaelhWhat is it?
19:56.10Michaelhare they
19:56.29learnermakes all of the 3 or 5 singletons in bz use the same interface
19:56.43learnerthe biggest change is the statedatabase
19:56.59Michaelhthat's part of the rendering stuff?
19:57.04learnermade the BZDB accessor return a ref instead of a pointer
19:57.34learnerno, it's throughout the entire source really -- client and server
19:57.51Michaelhsingleton, like client and bzadmin?
19:57.58Michaelhand server?
19:58.07learnerno.. singleton pattern
19:58.38learnerlike array, hash, publish-subscribe, model-view-controller, etc
19:59.07learnerso you can only ever have one of some object
19:59.25learnerone single instance
19:59.33Michaelhthat's going to be fun to try to update
19:59.44learnerit's done really
19:59.50learnerand pretty benign change
20:00.01learnerbut I don't want to touch that much code right before release
20:00.14MichaelhSo you mean there is no single hash array, etc?
20:00.33learnerI'm thinking of just branching and moving forward there -- merge everything back to base cvs after release
20:00.49learnerhash array?
20:01.05Patlabor221I'm spliting the config.h for VC6 and net
20:01.15Michaelhoh noooooooooooooooooooooooo
20:01.32Patlabor221it's a good thing
20:02.23Michaelhso pat can you explain this singleton thing to me ?
20:02.41Patlabor221it's a thing that there is only one of
20:02.50learner~google singleton pattern
20:03.04Patlabor221and the code makes sure that there is really only ever one of them
20:03.22daveisnow~google albinoblacksheep
20:04.22Patlabor221perhaps you could do that in a msg to ibot
20:04.38Michaelhwhat if you need more than one object ?
20:04.45Patlabor221then it's not a singleton
20:04.47learnerthen it's not a singleton :)
20:04.55Patlabor221you only use it for stuff you want one of
20:05.01Patlabor221like a texture manager
20:05.28Patlabor221it's not for stuff for like flag objects or things you have mutlipes of
20:05.28ChestalMichaelh: they used to be called 'global variables' ;-)
20:05.29MichaelhSo you just stuck it in more places...
20:05.47Patlabor221yah it's just a fancy name for a global
20:06.04MichaelhBut they are static member global variables aren't they
20:06.23Patlabor221there are non static globals?
20:06.37daveisnow~lookupplayer learner
20:06.40MichaelhI once met once in college
20:06.40learnerthey're objects, not members
20:06.42Patlabor221if it's global it's allways in scope
20:06.48Patlabor221hence "global" as it's name
20:07.08Michaelhyou smart!
20:07.19Michaelhgrok like you!
20:08.00Michaelhoh well
20:10.13Michaelhwell I have to get going..
20:10.45Patlabor221well .net is fixed, now to fix VC6
20:11.48Patlabor221it will now work like configure does
20:12.18Patlabor221also .net and VC6 version now have difrent buid OSes
20:14.12learneranyone want to place a bet that tim will complain if I make a branch? :)
20:14.27Patlabor221that would jack his plan
20:14.27learner(j/k, tim) :)
20:14.32CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/ (29 files in 4 dirs):
20:14.32CIAremove common windows config.h
20:14.33CIAadd a config.h for each windows project type, as VC7.1 is a lot more compliant ( works like gcc for most thigns ).
20:14.33CIAUpdate VC6 and VC71 projects to look in there own dirs for h files now.
20:15.41Patlabor221there it should work fine now for both builds out of the box
20:18.05*** join/#bzflag daveisnow (
20:19.37daveisnowyou commin to play bz?
20:19.56learnerno, I'm working on source right now
20:30.02*** join/#bzflag daveisnow (
20:55.29*** join/#bzflag daveisnow00 (
20:56.24daveisnow00hi all
20:56.58daveisnow00~kick daveisnow
20:57.11ACTION shoots $1 in the head
20:57.42daveisnow00~kill daveisnow
20:57.44ACTION slits daveisnow's throat
20:58.02daveisnow00~kill ibot
20:58.08ACTION slits ibot's throat
20:58.22daveisnow00~kill windows paper clip
20:58.25ACTION slits windows paper clip's throat
20:58.56daveisnow00~shoot the stupid program
20:58.59ACTION shoots the stupid program in the head.
20:59.17daveisnow00hehe fun
21:01.42daveisnow00is any1 here?
21:01.58learnernope, just you making a lot of channel noise :)
21:02.15daveisnow00im trying to get a good backround up
21:02.35daveisnow00the size is too big :o(
21:04.11daveisnow00all alone...
21:05.07daveisnow00there is a match on at 59999
21:06.04learnerhrmm.. zeebros and fortix
21:07.41daveisnow00you still doing source?
21:07.51learnermost of the time
21:07.59daveisnow00of what?
21:07.59learnerjust fixed all my conflicts
21:08.07learnerbzflag, of course :)
21:08.09daveisnow00are you doin it now?
21:08.19learnerno, I'm chatting right now
21:08.26learnerimportant people
21:08.28daveisnow00you should talk to blast
21:08.46daveisnow00he likes to improve bz
21:09.01daveisnow00and have a bit of fun....
21:09.06learnerthat name is vaguely familiar
21:09.16daveisnow00he can block people from firing.....
21:09.25Patlabor221ahhh so he makes cheats?
21:09.25daveisnow00and lots of other stuff
21:09.35daveisnow00he is the maker of xl
21:09.47Patlabor221but he told me XL isn't a cheat client
21:09.48daveisnow00cheats yea
21:09.54daveisnow00its not
21:09.54Patlabor221and you know cheats are bad
21:10.02daveisnow00its just to try and improve bzflag
21:10.09Patlabor221I know XL is
21:10.17Patlabor221but blocking shots is not an improvement
21:10.24daveisnow00thats not for xl
21:10.25Patlabor221he could come in here and work on the real source
21:10.33daveisnow00thats for fun
21:10.37Patlabor221ahh yeah
21:10.41daveisnow00im only 14, i dont do source
21:10.46Patlabor221is that what they call cheating now?
21:11.00learnerthere's an idea for a fun flag -- a deflector that bounces off a shot
21:11.11Patlabor221that would be fun
21:11.24Patlabor221like a reflec sheild
21:11.40daveisnow00but you would have to make a limit
21:11.48daveisnow00like, if you have you cant shoot....
21:11.50Patlabor221it would work like sheild, one shot
21:11.55Patlabor221then it's done
21:11.55daveisnow00or reaload time is lonmger
21:12.14learnerright, like if you fire, the "shield" goes down, and perhaps requires a reload timeout after reflecting N shots
21:12.16Patlabor221just a little difrent then stoping the shot
21:12.28daveisnow00i like the new flag: SSW
21:12.30Patlabor221current sheild is one shot
21:12.40daveisnow00nSW twice as big (you can only use it once)
21:13.06Patlabor221what version is that in?
21:13.14daveisnow00hmm.... dont know
21:14.14daveisnow00what did yopu mean before about 'real source'?
21:14.25Patlabor221work on the release versions
21:14.28captain_protonlearner: i'd rather have the magnet flag
21:14.29Patlabor221instead of his branch
21:14.53Patlabor221if he wants to improve the game he can work on the stuff that actualy gets released
21:14.54captain_protonlearner: it'd be a huge challenge, but a fanstatic player could actually use the magnet flag to whip shots towards other people ;)
21:15.03daveisnow00yes, but if he do it himself. he get credit
21:15.04Patlabor221the things we do here, what learner is working on
21:15.20daveisnow00for editing and doing it
21:15.21learnercaptain_proton: ha!  that would be fun :)
21:15.46Patlabor221oooohh vanity, got it
21:15.49captain_protonif he wants fame and power, i don't think open source is for him :)
21:16.03daveisnow00he dont want fame
21:16.07Patlabor221yeah, guess the rest of us arnt'good enoguh
21:16.10daveisnow00he wants fun :o)
21:16.12Patlabor221and a line in the devs file
21:16.19*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
21:16.20Patlabor221real fun or cheating fun?
21:16.26daveisnow00real fun
21:16.27learneractually, I think he gets much less visibility/recognition by not working with the core developers making "real" changes
21:16.33daveisnow00like, why dont you make weather?
21:16.40Patlabor221we started too
21:16.43Patlabor2211.8 had rain
21:16.51daveisnow00ive got snow...
21:16.59Patlabor221and noone wanted to hook it up in 1.9
21:17.01daveisnow00used java with c++
21:17.03Patlabor221if he wanted to he could
21:17.29learnerand he could "boast" that "he added snow to bzflag" .. and people could actually use it
21:17.32daveisnow00leaves tire tracks for a few seconds
21:17.35Patlabor221he should submit some of his changes as patches so they can be put into the mainline source, instead of hoarding the code
21:17.53daveisnow00you have got him all wronge
21:17.55captain_protonif he's distributing clients to people, he's not allowed to hoard the code
21:18.06learneras it is, you get to use it for this release, but his work is lost once a new release comes out
21:18.16Patlabor221yes but his code dosnt' go to everyone
21:18.19captain_protonPatlabor221: i would have hooked up the particle stuff to 1.9, if 1.9 had a tolerable rendering engine ;)
21:18.21Patlabor221and is the source avalble?
21:18.30Patlabor2211.9 does not have a real rendering engine
21:18.37Patlabor221and you lost focus cap :)
21:18.38Patlabor221as did I
21:18.48captain_protoni'd love to port a pybzengine-type engine to C++ for it
21:18.51captain_protonor even better
21:18.55captain_protonjust use a library :)
21:19.05captain_protonbut i have other focuses right now
21:19.14Patlabor221make it a lib for a P24 CGM :)
21:19.16Chestalwe really must seperate the game logic
21:19.25Chestalthen we could have different engines/UIs
21:19.36Patlabor221yes that does need to be done
21:19.52Patlabor221that is the primary goal of my othe codebase
21:20.08Patlabor221argc or argv?
21:20.33captain_protonprobably the v
21:28.05*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
21:52.19*** join/#bzflag Guu (
21:52.51*** part/#bzflag Legolas (
22:05.04*** join/#bzflag atupone (
22:05.32learnerola al
22:05.43atuponeola learner
22:10.15*** join/#bzflag GenRommel (
22:14.06*** join/#bzflag atupone (
22:28.37*** join/#bzflag greg1 (
22:28.41greg1Hi all
22:30.19*** join/#bzflag Mayhem (
22:30.29Mayhem'lo peeps
22:31.19david_vhey :)
22:31.22david_vjust about ET time... ;)
22:31.32Mayhemyou have a one-track mind david ;)
22:31.36*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
22:31.45*** part/#bzflag greg1 (
22:31.47david_vshooting people in the dark. why's that one-tracked? :)
22:32.08david_vit's one of my many aspects of the murdering hobby :)
22:32.19Mayhemheh, well, I guess thats what we do in bz as well
22:32.30david_vindeed :)
22:32.56david_vbut with less blood on the internet and more blood in real life :)
22:33.07david_voh well, enough... :)
22:33.27*** join/#bzflag Big_Barrel (
22:33.37Big_Barrelmatch anyone?
22:37.42Big_Barreli supose you don't want a match Mayhem do you?
22:38.56MayhemThanks BB, but maybe another time.
22:43.09*** join/#bzflag daBomb (
22:43.29learnerso did you lose, daBomb? :)
22:43.54daBomblearner, nope. i won :)
22:44.09daBombmay (e)hem
22:44.27daBombwhats up guys?
22:45.11daBombdid u fly away from our beutiful continet may?
22:45.14learnernothing doc
22:45.19daBombhehe :)
22:45.41daBombhave i seen a rabbit? yes. i am pretty sure i saw him
22:46.05Mayhemsssh, be vewy vewy quiet, im hulting learners
22:46.24daBombi will go and take him from right
22:46.45Big_Barrelfortrix vs HoW?
22:46.49Big_Barrelme and rommel
22:46.57daBombno thanks BB
22:47.09david_voh no, not that roof, please. no!
22:47.20david_vhelp me
22:47.30Big_Barrelhow about u david_v, match? :)
22:47.32daBombu wont escape. muhahaha
22:47.41Big_Barrelit is just me and Gen. Rommel
22:48.05daBombi have my little desintegration pistol by me
22:48.18daBombmuhahah, say ur prays little creature
22:48.22david_vam i not desintegrated enough by being on IRC :)
22:49.18david_vBig_Barrel: 99% of the time, any of my teammates speaks for the whole team in these cases. this belongs to that 99% of the cases
22:49.21daBombdoh. that doesnt matter right now. i am pretty sure u dont have anti-desintegration-vest put on.
22:49.44Big_Barrelwhy the hostility?
22:50.55david_vi simply mean that if any other teammates want to match, the other teammates who are around will know, and say that
22:51.09Big_Barrelwell there are  3 of you
22:51.54david_vthe third must be hiding well :)
22:52.09daBombi cant / dont want to play - it is late. if i wanted to play i would be on ducati right now
22:52.24Big_Barrelmy fault, forgot mayhem is not on your team
22:52.50Big_Barrelit just seems like you guys avoid us
22:52.52Big_Barrelat all costs
22:53.53david_vwe simply say no, for now, and you can make any interpretation you want
22:54.22Big_Barrelwell, i am not being mean when i say this always say no
22:54.46david_vthat might be statistically correct
22:54.57Big_Barrelyes it is correct
22:55.21Big_Barrelare you avoiding us or are we just asking at not the right times or what?
22:55.29david_vi gave the answer already
22:55.50Big_Barrelno you didn't
22:55.57Big_Barrelread the whole sentence
22:56.08Big_Barrelnot the right times? or what?
22:56.17Big_Barrelwhen is a good time to catch you guys?
22:56.25Big_Barrelwhat would be a time when you say yes?
22:57.04MayhemPerhaps a good time is when they come to *you* for a match, Big_Barrel
22:57.19daBombu wont miss that time surely :)
22:57.30Mayhem~dict hemp
22:57.35Big_Barrelwhat you mean to say is never then
22:57.50david_vthat is one of many interpretations
22:57.50daBombit isnt a matter of time. it is a matter of mood and other stuff also
22:58.12Big_Barrelok so you will never match us then
22:58.57daBombwhat is genus Cannabis?
22:59.09Mayhem~dict cannabis
22:59.53david_vbe back later
22:59.58Big_Barrellast match we had was sept 26
23:00.16JBdiGrizand now we get a play by play of the match :)
23:01.21daBomblol. cannabis can be chewed. did u know that?
23:01.55JBdiGriznow how would we know the uses of cannabis, and why would we admit it on irc?
23:02.50sure, wanna snort some with me?
23:02.56orchidi tried it, i didnt inhale though
23:03.06daBombme too. ugh
23:03.13learnerI tried, but never exhaled
23:03.13daBombwhere am i?
23:03.21Mayhemorchid: lemme guess, you never had sexual relations either? ;)
23:03.32JBdiGriznot with that woman :)
23:04.01learnerit's a "feel good blue" though :)
23:04.33Mayhemoh boy, I haven't laughed so much on irc for yonks
23:04.42Mayhemyou people crack me up :)
23:04.52daBombyonks? how many did u smoked may?
23:04.52Big_Barrel~dict beer
23:05.00Mayhem~dict yonk
23:05.23Mayhem~google yonks
23:07.06daBombibot is wrong about beer. we should change its deffinition. beer: extremely cool liquid that makes u feel happy.... and so so
23:07.08daBomb: You are moron #4
23:07.32daBombwhy am i number four?
23:07.40*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
23:07.43daBombibot: why am i #4?
23:07.44daBomb: no idea
23:07.57daBombibot, check it out pls
23:07.59daBomb: have you tried ?
23:07.59JBdiGrizbecause there are 3 other morons
23:08.06larslBeer: beverage with the taste and color of sewage water that makes you stupid.
23:08.27Mayhems/sewage water/fermented sewage water/
23:08.32CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/include (common.h): don't ask me why, but this way it compiles to me
23:08.35JBdiGrizI guess larsl has never brewed his own beer.
23:08.37daBomblarsl, it is not true. especially the last word
23:09.27daBombwell gotta go
23:09.34daBombsee ya later
23:09.37Mayhemcya dabby
23:09.56*** part/#bzflag daBomb (
23:12.51Since Wed Nov 19 09:31:28 2003, there have been 103 modifications, 502 questions, 196 dunnos, 4 morons and 632 commands.  I have been awake for 11d 13h 41m 22s this session, and currently reference 85705 factoids.  I'm using about 17272 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 8154.24/899.11 child 1696.81/121.96
23:13.46Mayhem17MB of memory!
23:14.27captain_protonTupone: local includes should be "" not <>
23:14.49Tuponecaptain_proton: if you read the autoconf manual they ask to do that way
23:15.46learneryea, cappy -- I had the same comment..
23:16.10TuponeI know what you says, and it was my feeling to, but I prefer doing that way, they projected autoconf and I must trust
23:16.26*** join/#bzflag daveisnow00 (
23:18.37learnerif I remember correctly, the autoconf team's justification is two-fold; 1) that you should/can be using one config.h across multiple projects (whereupon it becomes an external header) and 2) that there are old compilers that do not deal with "" local includes well
23:20.54Tuponewhat can I say? before doing that I got multiple definition, then just changing that, it compiles. I say don't ask me why?
23:22.44orchidGenRommel: whered you go?
23:25.12captain_protonwell - neither of those apply
23:25.25captain_protonwe've only got one project
23:25.37captain_protonand no compiler that supports the STL will have broken "" includes
23:25.53learnerwell, in their definition, we have a handful of projects
23:25.59learnerone for each lib and binary
23:31.27ChestalI can see the fnords
23:31.34Chestalbut why are they there?
23:32.00larsl~dict fnords
23:32.06larsl~dict fnord
23:32.37Chestal~jargon fnord
23:32.53Chestalthey are in the Makefiles
23:33.21Chestalguess it's an automake thing?
23:34.00larslWhat is?
23:34.21Chestalthe fnords
23:35.01Chestalthey are in
23:36.38learneranyone object if I continue development on 1.11 stuff on a branch?
23:36.40david_vgood night folks
23:37.08captain_protonlearner: whats on the slate for 1.11?
23:37.08Tuponethats mean we are freezing ?
23:37.57learnercap: my slate or in general?
23:38.23learnertim wants karma
23:38.27*** part/#bzflag david_v (
23:38.30larslThe user/group system.
23:38.55learnerand rewrite of the networking
23:39.37learnermy slate is more general code reorganization, refactoring, etc
23:39.50learnerneed/want a game lib
23:40.01larslOh yes.
23:40.26learnerwhich requires pulling and reworking pieces from bzadmin, bzfs, bzflag, and common
23:40.51learneras you are probably aware :)
23:41.29larslDoes anyone know how to get the current size of the terminal window a curses program is running in? I've found man pages for how to tell ncurses that the termsize has changed to XxY, but nothing that tells me what X and Y are.
23:42.19*** join/#bzflag cniV (
23:44.15Mayhemhello maaate :)
23:45.17learnerspeak of the karma devil himself :)
23:47.10Tuponelarsl: current size in pixel or character?
23:47.18larslTupone: Characters.
23:48.03TuponeI think you have to get pixel/fontsize :)
23:49.21Tuponeunless xterm does it by itself and says that to you
23:49.55larslEven my window manager knows the character size, it displays it when I'm resizing a terminal window.
23:50.16larslAnd curses finds out what it is when I initialize it.
23:50.55Tuponewindow manager? could be xterm?
23:51.23larslPerhaps... I might have found another (ncurses-specific) solution now.
23:51.48Chestalman "tty ioctl has TIOCGWINSZ
23:52.00Chestalnot sure if that is what you need or whetehr it's the _right way_
23:54.21Chestalyou coudl alos use is_term_rsized(lines,cols) for all plausible combinations of lines/cols ;-)
23:54.40*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
23:55.03larslHehe. =)
23:55.05learnerhi mac!
23:55.56larslAppearently ncurses has it's own builtin SIGWINCH handler that updates LINES and COLS and returns KEY_RESIZE from next wgetch().
23:57.20MrApathyCream9 days and counting
23:57.42cniV9 days till what?
23:58.02MrApathyCream12/9 is the historical day
23:59.10Chestallarsl: there's also getmaxyx, but go figure, I am clueless about curses
23:59.17Chestalgood night
23:59.52MrApathyCreamcu Chestal

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.