irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031024

00:06.42*** join/#bzflag sn0w_d0ggy (
00:06.55sn0w_d0ggy'Ey ya'll
00:15.56Quolwhat is that - half between a cow and a dog?
00:16.11Noodleman_laptop~google for dogcow
00:17.07Quolhey there sn0w_d0ggy
00:17.25sn0w_d0ggyhey Quol
00:19.18*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:19.36sn0w_d0ggyhey Dt
00:19.42sn0w_d0ggyhow r u quol?
00:19.47sn0w_d0ggy~seen sn0w_kitty
00:19.48sn0w_kitty <~Chikumz33@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 7d 1h 3m 55s ago, saying: 'lol pat'.
00:19.53Quolnot bad sn0w_d0ggy - not bad - and you?
00:20.19sn0w_d0ggymeans thanks in stitch
00:20.21Quolhow many sn0w's are there - doggy, kitty, monkey - that it?
00:20.47Quolahh - taka for teaching me taka
00:21.04sn0w_d0ggydere's more
00:21.19sn0w_d0ggyand more
00:23.28Quolyou guys on a team - I don't see you in the league?
00:25.00Quolsn0w_d0ggy - sno0w_kitty is playing on q2...
00:25.07sn0w_d0ggynot sure
00:25.34sn0w_d0ggyI'll cvome to
00:25.52sn0w_d0ggywhat's da server?
00:36.28*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:55.40learnerwow, that was some aweful gameplay
00:55.44learnercouldn't hit anything
00:56.09learnerexcept my teammates, whom always seemed to turn in front of me just as I shot
01:00.05*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
01:06.18*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
01:16.18sn0w_d0ggybye all
01:16.25sn0w_d0ggymaybe tommorrow night
01:26.56Quolso carny and spiffy are good playing together on the same team - how about that :)
01:28.42Quolbular, bular, bular, bular.....
01:29.51Quolhmmm - looks like I am talking with myself again - I told myself repeatedly that I would stop talking to myself - stop that Quol, stop that...ohh there I go again - still talking with myself....
01:33.54*** join/#bzflag RoadRunnr (~suolon@
01:41.13Quol*hic*, no, *hic*, not at *hickup* alll
01:41.41MrBoneHeadwell, walk home.....and have a good night
01:41.53Quollol - already at home bags :)
01:42.01MrBoneHeadARE YOU SURE?
01:42.23Quolkids are in bed - the wife is out with her friends - i am a bachelor (almost) for a couple of hours :)
01:42.37MrBoneHeadmaybe thats what the aliens want you to think........they are tricky  that way
01:42.45MrBoneHeadhave you checked the basement for pods
01:43.28Quolthat would explain why there was a probe up ny but 2 minutes ago...
01:44.11MrBoneHeadno, they stopped doing that in the 80's, they are into belly button probing now....
01:44.23MrBoneHead....dang shouldnt have said that
01:44.33Quollol,  not the flashing light.,...................nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
01:46.00Quolthere I go talking with myself again - sheesh
01:46.59JBDiGrizHow are you feeling today, Q?
01:47.11Quola little better - thanks JBDiGriz
01:47.26Quolstill a little dizzy - but that will fade in time :)
01:47.50JBDiGrizMaybe if you keep the probes out, you'll do even better ;)
01:47.59Quollol - yes
01:48.32JBDiGrizI'm doing fine. Wife's at work, kids doing homework, taking showers, and off rehearsing for a play.
01:49.00Quolahh - so that gives you all of what - 20 minutes to yourself :)
01:49.06JBDiGrizIt gets hectic when the kids are older.
01:49.23JBDiGrizI doubt that I'll get 5 minutes, but I thought I'd check email and IRC ;)
01:49.45Quoli bet - it's nice now to just put them to bed at 7:30, by 8 they are in bed and we have a bit of a night left :)
01:50.19JBDiGrizAt that point, there's a bit of sendmail configuration I want to tackle.
01:51.04Quolhave fun hacking those silly config files - although they are easier to mess with then the used to be
01:51.25JBDiGrizI used to write the rules. It's a lot easier now. ;)
01:52.10Quolme too - much easier now with the whole compiling thing and everything
01:52.44Quolheh - look at that - I have 35K of upload speed now - my ISP "Uped" it
01:52.59JBDiGrizMy time is up, I'll check back later :)
01:53.05Quolsee ya JB
02:13.13*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
02:14.42KRslow CTF night tonite
02:15.05Quolanyone playing KR? there were people on q2 earlier...
02:16.18KRTC and killer chiwawawawawa on q2
02:16.29KRbut that was all
02:16.46KRusuually more fraggers around :)
02:23.07MrApathyCreamHiku time
02:23.09MrApathyCreamcaptain proton once
02:23.09MrApathyCreamgreat bz developer
02:23.09MrApathyCreambut now sits idle
02:30.14*** join/#bzflag |tim| (
02:31.25|tim|stupid right click
02:32.35|tim|another reason why irssi is bad
02:33.58CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (TODO): stdin/stdout bzadmin on win32 working
02:35.47CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (TODO): Stop the madness
02:42.48*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:02.55*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
03:13.52MrApathyCreamthis is really depressing
03:14.37MrApathyCreamabsolutely no interest in the channel
03:18.50MrApathyCreamDo people have a myriad of channels open, and just browses?
03:19.24MrApathyCreamHave these machines just been abandoned years ago and just not disconnect from the internet?
03:20.24MrApathyCreamAre they all just bots?
03:22.52bryjenmaybe captain_proton was snatched by aliens and replaced with a bot...
03:23.26MrApathyCreamit is more likely than any other scenario i can think of
03:23.36bryjenor the guv'ment or a big corporation or or or ...
03:23.55MrApathyCreamactually, i think captain_proton has a girlfriend
03:24.22bryjenah. so the "strange beings" theory hits closest
03:24.44MrApathyCreamTake for instance MrCooper. Has s/he ever, ever, said anything? and s/he's been here for years
03:25.00bryjen~seen MrCooper
03:25.01mrcooper is currently on #bzflag (12h 18m 56s)
03:25.10JBDiGrizYes, but you scare him :)
03:25.54bryjenhe's got multiple channels. video and linux related
03:26.14bryjenmaybe you should (kidding!)
03:26.33MrApathyCreamdo most chat clients allow you to see multiple channe's at the same time?
03:27.18learnerah, poor kid/guy/fellow/whatever ..
03:27.38bryjenmine doesnt. they're tabs in one window. it does change the tab title green when there's new messages, so i can pop back and forth
03:27.57gonk-iBookthanks MrApathyCream :)
03:28.00learnerhe was playing a half decent game if it wasn't for that dumb shmuck that understood spanish and knew what his alias meant
03:28.03MrApathyCreambryjen, i can' t imagine that can be much fun
03:28.22MrApathyCreamthats the way mine is too.
03:28.35MrApathyCream(but i have only one channel open) --> of course
03:29.25bryjenwith low volume channels you only have to pop in every now and then to catch up
03:29.35MrApathyCreamEven crumpy but loveable PatLabor221 comes in and chatters.
03:29.45learnerlow volume??
03:29.49bryjen~seen PatLabor221
03:29.50patlabor221 <~JeffM@> was last seen on IRC in channel #project24, 4h 1m 33s ago, saying: 'oh'.
03:29.53MrApathyCreamYeah, he despises tim and current BZFlag development, but at least he's a talker
03:30.24learnerdespise might be a bit strong (but then, it might not)
03:30.38learnercertainly "disappointed" and in disagreement
03:30.55MrApathyCreamlearner: perhaps
03:30.57learnerplus he's got that new set of ceels
03:31.20learneryou gotta do better than that :)
03:31.33MrApathyCreami think he got that bike cause he's a clothes hound and wanted a reason for new duds
03:31.58bryjenthe "armour plating" got him ;)
03:33.09bryjen~spell ceel
03:33.12possible spellings for ceel: Cele eel creel Ceil Ciel cell Neel Peel feel heel keel peel reel Celle cereal
03:33.38bryjenMmm cereal.
03:34.16gonk-iBookMrApathyCream: when my chinese philosophy professor says "wills" it sounds like "wheels"
03:34.44learneryes.. s/cee/whee/
03:35.32CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/misc (multilingualSwearList.txt): added a spanish slang
03:36.03learnerthat's why I was confused :)
03:36.31bryjen_I_ was confused. you both knew what it was. :)
03:38.58purple_cowhi MrApathyCream
03:39.01purple_cownice haiku
03:41.36KRthe bzflag crowd
03:41.42KRsitting on IRC now
03:41.49KRwaiting for haiku
03:42.32KR5-7-5, right?
03:43.50learnerlearner considers
03:43.52MrApathyCreami thiought you'd like it
03:43.59learnerany three or four line gibber
03:44.01MrApathyCreamKR: yes
03:44.05learneras haiku worthy
03:44.27bryjenhmm, if you stare at purple_cow long enough, does he change colors? or do his spots move?
03:44.41learneryou see him as purple TOO?!
03:46.26bryjen~dict haiku
03:46.49bryjen~dict epigrammatic
03:47.46bryjenerr. terse and *W*itty. with a W.
04:03.11MrApathyCreamdo you care?
04:03.20MrApathyCreamhmmm, me gets the joke
04:07.06learnerbut it's now even funnier
04:12.55MrApathyCreamwell time to feed the horsies, me hopes captain_proton will have done something wonderful by the time i get back
04:13.50MrApathyCream----ABOUT BZFLAG----
04:54.26gonk-readingSpiff: I was
04:54.38gonk-readingSpiff: now I get food
04:58.28SpiffAhhhh... Ic Ic gonk-reading. :)
05:01.25gonk-readingso what can I do for you there Spiff
05:05.46SpiffI was just wonderin' if you were here.. hehehe.  Reading up there.. I see the Apathy got his pounce.... :)
05:11.12gonk-readingyep :)
05:12.10SpiffSpiffy's about ready to find ways of buying a new PC.  Bah.
05:12.17SpiffThis thing is so.......... antiquated. :)
05:14.17MrApathyCreami wonder if it's possible to find the wall scene nodes once they are put into the scene
05:14.29MrApathyCream(so that one can change them)
05:16.28gonk-sleepynight MrApathyCream, Spiff
05:16.35SpiffG'night gonk-sleepy. :)
05:23.49MrApathyCreamseegya gonk
05:40.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (7 files): if world doesn't specify color for base, assume 0 and don't crash
05:42.29*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
05:42.40learnerhehe, I knew that you wouldn't favor the addition mac.. :)
05:43.11MrApathyCreamah, go ahead
05:43.18MrApathyCreamwe're never releasing this thing anyway...
05:43.28MrApathyCreammight as well have some fun
05:44.02learnermakes little difference to me, though I wasn't aware 1.12 was going to break protocol yet again..
05:44.28MrApathyCreamthere's no reason to have backward compatibility in a game, in fact its a bad idea
05:44.58learneri agree, but we shouldn't have the problem in the first place..
05:46.00learnera little more effort on making the network protocol enhanceable is probably long overdue, though I can imagine why
05:46.12learnerwhy it hasn't happened, that is
05:46.14MrApathyCreampatches welcome ?
05:48.00MrApathyCreamwell, i guess it's time for me to cry myself to sleep.... later
05:48.37learnerhi, chikums
05:48.49Sleepless_in_Mdhi learna
05:48.57learneryou really needa cut back on the caffeine after midnight :)
05:49.04Sleepless_in_Mdi kno
05:49.21Sleepless_in_Mddiet vanilla coke good
05:49.40Sleepless_in_Mdi drank a whole 2 liter bottle by meeself tonite
05:49.58Sleepless_in_Mdregular coke iz too sweet
05:49.58learnerthat's right.. you like the diet stuff..
05:50.00learnerI remember
05:50.47learnerWelp, me thinks it's time for me to wander off in a daze
05:51.05learnerha ha
05:51.08Vitamin_C_affeink gnite L
05:51.24Vitamin_C_affeinsweet dreams...or sweet daze
05:51.36learnerhehe, thank you :)
05:51.57Vitamin_C_affeinat least sum1 wil sleep 2nite :/
05:53.09Vitamin_C_affeinwil dat help mee sleep?
05:53.09learnerthose actually keep me awake for some reason
05:53.17learnerthey're supposed to
05:53.25Vitamin_C_affeinmaybee i wil drink a beer 2 make mee sleeepy
05:53.31learnerit makes 1/100 more awake, though
05:53.35Vitamin_C_affeincounteract da cola
05:53.44Vitamin_C_affeino i c
05:53.48Vitamin_C_affeini dunt like drugz
05:53.58learnerhehe, beer would probably help -- shot of something would be even better
05:53.58Vitamin_C_affeineven medicine ...i avoid it wen i can
05:54.18learnerYea, I do too..
05:54.36learnerI take medicine as a last resort, same thing with visiting the doctor
05:54.38SpiffOh.. hiya Chik. :)
05:54.48Vitamin_C_affeinyup mee 2
05:54.52Vitamin_C_affeinhi spiffy :)
05:54.56SpiffHehehe learner. :)
05:55.05Vitamin_C_affeinlol dats good L
05:55.21Vitamin_C_affeinhealth iz very important
05:55.25SpiffSame here, learner.  It's just that I usually get *really* sick when I do get sick. :\
05:55.34Vitamin_C_affeinspiff letz finish our game ;)
05:55.46learnerYea, that's the part that sucks
05:55.59Vitamin_C_affeini get colds often
05:56.04Vitamin_C_affeineven in da summer
05:56.04learnerwell, best of luck to you both if you play
05:56.19Vitamin_C_affeinthnx L
05:56.28SpiffHehehe... we can do that, Chik. :)
05:56.54Vitamin_C_affeini stil have my old map , buh wee can make a new 1 too if u wantz?
05:57.06SpiffI'm not sure if I have mine... hmmm.
05:58.49Vitamin_C_affeini was gettin beaten upz in FFA ...sumtimes dat best move u can make iz 2 jus quit LoL
05:58.55SpiffOkies.. we must start over.  I'm bankin' on the fact that mom cleans my desk when I'm not around.. and pry threw it away.  LoL
05:59.07SpiffHehehe.. quite true.  I suck at FFA anymore. :\
05:59.11Vitamin_C_affein<<<really bad at FFA
05:59.23Vitamin_C_affeini kno wut u mean,,,ducati has ruined mee 4 FFA
05:59.42Vitamin_C_affeinokies i remake my map ...1 momo..
06:00.06SpiffI'm sorta like a... *cringes*... camper.. now. :\
06:00.50Vitamin_C_affeincampers :P
06:01.51Vitamin_C_affeink in irc battleship u can put ur ships diagonally if u wantz
06:02.00SpiffOoO.. okies. :)
06:02.04Vitamin_C_affeinjus so u kno :)
06:02.07Vitamin_C_affeinmore fun
06:03.20SpiffThe ships take up 2, 3, 4, and 5 spaces.. right?
06:03.21Vitamin_C_affeink im ready
06:03.47SpiffYou can start. :)
06:13.13*** join/#bzflag squashy (
06:13.43squashyi uninstalled bzflag again... i don't know why i installed and uninstalled for like 4 or 5 times already
06:13.59squashy1st of all bzflag is very addictive
06:14.16squashyand 2 i don't want that to affect my learning...
06:14.41squashyso i've decided to stick with learning and say bye to bzflag
06:14.49purple_cowsquashy: thats nice
06:14.55squashyyeah it is
06:15.18triclopssquashy: there is an alternative - do a thesis on bzflag so you can do both :)
06:16.21squashyand the 'install but don't use when don't want to' alternative won't work for me
06:16.21Vitamin_C_affeinlol triclops
06:16.36squashybecause if i know it's on the computer - i would want to just play it
06:16.54purple_cowsquashy: my roommate says to tel you you're a love monkey
06:17.06Vitamin_C_affeinplay it til u get sick an wanna puke and then u wont wanna play it anymore
06:17.16Vitamin_C_affeinlol cow
06:18.02scanlinesquashy: my roommate says to tell you you're a muffin
06:18.03Vitamin_C_affeinmaybee internet bingo or tic-tac-toe iz more ur forte? where u belong?
06:18.18SpiffOr Yahoo Pool.... ;)
06:18.45squashyyeah the games that came with xp
06:18.56purple_cowsquashy: and apparently love monkeys are supposed to be beaten, not heard
06:18.58squashyaren't addictive
06:19.14scanlinejust like muffins
06:19.18squashywell i'll tell you something
06:19.30squashyi aren't a love monkey
06:19.36squashyor whatever you think
06:19.38SpiffI have XP Pro.  No games to speak of... but who needs games anyway? :)
06:19.50scanlinesquashy: yes you are
06:19.52squashyi don't even know what a love monkey is
06:20.07scanlinesquashy: all love monkeys are implanted at birth with a chip that removes all knowledge of love monkeys from them
06:20.17squashywt ?
06:20.37Spiffscanline.. you should be nicer to n00bs. :)
06:20.42*** join/#bzflag darth_mall (
06:20.47scanlineSpiff: it's not my fault he's a love monkey
06:20.57Vitamin_C_affeindunt tease him 2 much :)
06:21.08SpiffI think you're disorienting the poor person.   And who said it was a him?  Might be a her. ;)
06:21.22scanlineall love monkeys are male
06:21.30squashyyeah i aren't a her
06:21.32SpiffYa never know.. you might be making fun of a super model or something!  Wouldn't that make ya feel like a fool? ;)
06:21.32darth_mallnuh uh
06:21.37darth_malllove monkeys are genderless
06:21.48scanlinewell, they might be
06:21.54scanlinethe chip removes all knowledge of that too
06:22.08SpiffLemme shoot one and we can find out. :)
06:22.55purple_cowcomplicated chip
06:23.00scanlinesquashy: you know that file on your love monkey chip? the one you've never been able to read?
06:23.05scanlinethe password is "3926723"
06:23.10purple_cowdamn asics are getting more powerful all the time
06:23.28squashyok the more i talk in this channel the more people convince me to install bzflag
06:23.41Vitamin_C_affeingj u skeered him off
06:23.47SpiffPoor guy. :)
06:24.07SpiffI wonder if he meant install... or un-install.  Hmm.
06:24.35darth_mallI think he was being sarcastic
06:25.02darth_mallbut he forgot his tags
06:25.17scanlinemaybe he didn't join freenode with XML enabled
06:41.09JBDiGrizspooge is on ducati
06:44.10Vitamin_C_affeinshould wee go investigate Spiff?
06:44.35SpiffWell... we can't do much besides buggin' the heck out of him.. but perhaps.
06:44.41SpiffOhhhhh.. wait.. I think I know how.
06:47.29Vitamin_C_affein2 spooges>?
06:50.15*** part/#bzflag KR (
07:59.44*** join/#bzflag cniV (
08:05.58*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:13.29*** join/#bzflag stibnite (
08:47.49*** join/#bzflag bomber (
11:07.56bombertoday big traffic :o)
12:35.29*** join/#bzflag Grond (~hector@
12:37.40*** join/#bzflag drinian (
12:43.13Grondwhat is this, anyone..: bzflagOSX-1.9.7-BETA-20031012.dmg
12:43.22Grondi got os
12:46.58learnerwhat do you mean what is it?
12:47.13learnerit's the os x beta client, version 1.9.7
12:49.13learnerit was built on october 12
12:49.28learnerit's a disk-mounting image
12:49.32Grondeh..,ok, im new to bzflag, and thought 1.7.7 is the latest :)
12:49.51learnerah, it's the latest developer release
12:50.03Grondis it an "important" update?
12:50.15learneri.7g2 or 1.7g3 is the latest "stable" release
12:50.41learnerit's a rather major update that is backwards compatible
12:51.00learnerwhen you hear the announcement that 1.10 is released, you should update
12:51.12learnerthat will be within a few days
12:51.33learnerChestal: :)
12:51.59Grondi got : 1.7g0r7
12:52.04Grondfor osx
12:52.31learnerahh, well 1.10 will fix a lot of the os x client problems
12:52.49Grondare there any tricks to get lower lagtime, besides move from Norway? :D
12:53.16learnersure, buy a nice fat oc-3 and pipe it into your room
12:54.21learnernot really, unless your bandwidth is stoked
12:54.34Grondwell..,i live in a small fishingvillage in the northwest of Norway..,nothing else than adsl...
12:54.43learneryou can also play on servers closer to you (like ducati) :)
12:54.50Grondi am
12:55.01Grondwhere is that server?
12:55.03learnerwell, there ya go :)
12:55.14learnerit's in germany
12:55.40Grondafter playing a little, i like ducati ctf a lot  :D
12:55.56Chestallag is usually low there for other Scandinavian players. But then, it might of course make a difference, whichcountry you are in or which provider you use
12:55.59learnergood .. good .. it's the one true way to play
12:56.57Grondis it like a lot of servers for "invited" players, that is not listed in the game..?
12:57.47learnerthere are some non-public servers, but not many
12:59.48Grondlot of questions..:) do you know about other free games ala bzflag (openGL?) u can recomend?
13:03.07Chestalonly other GL game that comes to my mind is armagetron
13:05.33Grondok..,i´ll look, thx:)
13:13.15*** join/#bzflag cniV (
13:35.37*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
13:58.16Chestallearner: does it have network play?
14:19.01triclopsChestal, from what i recall glTron is limited to 4 players split screen if i recall. no network
14:19.31captain_protongltron has much better graphics than armagetron
14:19.56Chestalbut without network play it's useless
14:20.16captain_protonChestal: naw
14:20.27captain_protoni've had lots of fun with 3 of my friends & i piled up around a single keyboard
14:21.00triclopshehe, gotta love single computer multiplayer games
14:21.05Chestal(armagetron's network play kinda sucked though, which is to be expected for such a fast-paced game I assume)
14:23.17triclopson a 100Mbit network armagetron had some 'interesting concurrency issues'
14:23.55triclopsbut being able to accelerate when running next to a light trail is lots of fun
14:24.07GrondThe day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -Ernst Jan Plugg
14:24.34Chestal"Nothing sucks like a VAX"
14:26.34captain_protonexcept for black holes
14:26.37captain_protonthose really suck
14:27.50Chestalbut they're expensive
14:56.40*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
14:57.01brlcadhidy ho neighbor
15:21.20*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
15:21.20*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
15:30.40brlcadPatlabor221: how much time do you see left at
15:33.30Patlabor221so what are it's big deals?
15:34.02Patlabor221finder and fast user swiching look nice, but I've seen those in another OS ( not thinking very difrent :) )
15:36.27brlcadShould be "Only ##:## to go."
15:38.08brlcadwhat do you see at
15:38.44brlcadfast user switching isn't new, but how they do it is certainly cool :)
15:38.57Patlabor221ohh yeah, it all looks cool,
15:39.05Noodlemanthey've got fast user switching in panther?
15:39.10Noodlemani didn't notice that
15:39.13Patlabor221there is no time on that page
15:39.14Noodlemanlemme look
15:39.25Patlabor221and in mozilla on linux it says "now avalable"
15:39.55brlcadXcode is what I'm looking forward to most
15:39.59Patlabor221and what just doesn't work at all on any other OS?
15:41.00Patlabor221now any reason why they don't bring the wonder OS to X86?
15:41.36Patlabor221the expose thing looks kewl
15:42.15brlcadthey're not a software company, so even if they ever did adopt x86, it would be an all-in-one controlled environment like it is now
15:42.43Patlabor221well they are not JUST a hardware company ether
15:43.28brlcadauto-compilation and linkage on the fly
15:43.36Patlabor221ahhh, they are trying to kill codewarrior
15:43.45brlcadpredictive compilation ala sgi's old tools
15:43.58Patlabor221like our "build and continue" ?
15:44.38Patlabor221ahh yeah just the same, "fix and continue"
15:44.56brlcadExposé is interesting.. it's very akin to Jeff Raskin's zooming interface
15:44.59Noodlemanwhat are apple's criteria for using the brushed metal look on an app instead of the white/stripes look?
15:45.06Noodlemanis it just random?
15:45.21Patlabor221no there is some rule, I just forget
15:45.28brlcadNoodleman: half-random, but the Apple User Interface Guidelines specifies when it shouldn't be used
15:45.33Patlabor221I think app windows are metal, and dialogs are stripes
15:45.44brlcadi.e. it is defined, but apple breaks their own rules
15:47.19brlcadIf the app is a single document/single window, then it's generally "allowed" (e.g. iTunes)
15:47.38brlcadthink singleton instance of the app
15:49.13brlcadif the app potentially has multiple document windows (like a word processor, or a browser window), then it shouldn't be metal
15:49.46brlcadbut, then, apple breaks their own guidelines with finder and safari
15:55.17Patlabor221I think the base rule is "has to look cool"
15:56.30Noodleman"This window style has been designed specifically for use by?and is therefore best suited to?applications that provide an interface for a digital peripheral, such as a camera, or an interface for managing data shared with digital peripherals, such as the Address Book application."
15:57.07Patlabor221so something that talks to hardware
15:57.20Noodlemanwhat about finder? :-)
15:57.20Patlabor221odd that they would have a window type just for that
15:57.37Patlabor221it just looks cool
15:57.45Noodlemanthey like to break rules :-)
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18:10.11*** join/#bzflag KR (
18:10.43KRhi all
18:10.48KRhi all
18:10.57KRsry for twice
18:11.09KRnada mucho
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18:32.35brlcadhi KR
18:32.38brlcadhi KR
18:34.11*** join/#bzflag david_v (
18:35.05david_vahhh... just finished my first exam at the college a few hours ago
18:35.16brlcaddo good?
18:35.48david_vwell, i can't say for sure yet... but with a bit of luck i'll get a top grade :)
18:36.01Chestalwhat was it about?
18:36.07david_vlinear algebra
18:36.52david_vi have quite a few maths exams ahead of me though... studying computer science so... hehe :)
18:36.53*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
18:36.57Chestalnot a favourite topic of mine
18:37.03david_vhey Chiko
18:37.07Chikoritahi davy
18:37.07david_vChestal: why not ? ;)
18:37.18Chestaldavid_v: too easy to mess up all the indices and stuff :-)
18:37.23david_vmaths is quite nice... just not so fun with the exams :)
18:37.59david_vour teacher was very good imo
18:38.10david_vwell, is :)
18:38.20Chestaldo you do math or calculating?
18:38.53Chestali.e. math=proof things  calculating=apply things you learned, aka choosing the right formula
18:38.54Chikoritai dunt like math , buh i c da necessity 4 it
18:39.10Chikoritageometry was fun tho
18:39.30david_vChestal: well, of course they show the proofs but the essential is to learn how to use it
18:39.54Chikoritammy dad iz an mathematician
18:40.10Chestalmy math at university consisted >90% of doing proofs yourself
18:40.12Chikoritahe taught at uni
18:40.31david_vChestal: whew. i don't think we'll have that
18:40.32Chestalwas more liek an art form based on intuition :-)
18:40.43david_vChikorita: ool :)
18:40.45david_v*cool even
18:41.12Chikoritayup , if it wasnt 4 him an his tutoring mee i neva woulda got past calculus
18:42.04Chikoritai may not kno puter stuffs buh i can do 3rd order diffirential equations ;)
18:42.16david_vwe'll have to deal with calculus for quite a long time here
18:42.47Chikoritai wish my USA teamies were here :( 2 germans r on
18:42.57ChestalI preferred that over linear algebra
18:43.16Chikoritaor partial derivaties :P
18:43.46Chikoritai jus pressed escape to try an leave irc
18:43.55Chestalpress F12
18:43.57Chikorita<<<plays 2 much bz
18:44.07ChikoritaF12 duznt work either lol
18:56.43*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
18:57.10Chikoritaty davy
18:57.57Chikoritaheh i won a free pepsi
18:58.13david_vgimme ;)
18:58.15david_vjk :)
18:58.36Chikoritatheres sum pepsi in da irc fridge>>>>
18:58.46david_vahhh, must've missed it :)
18:58.50Chikoritai stocked up couple dayz ago
18:59.13Chikoritahelp urself :)
18:59.33david_vk :)
19:00.10david_vright now i'll queue for a Ducati spot... need to wake up again after the exam i had... hehe :)
19:00.33david_vyou came in just after i told the others... but it went well. i just don't know how well yet :)
19:00.38david_voh thanks :)
19:00.44Chikoritaheh i c
19:00.55david_v*off to Ducati
19:02.18Chikoritaibot: botsnack swedish fish
19:02.18aw, gee, Chikorita
19:17.57david_voh well. not so interesting at Ducati right now
19:20.17brlcadindeed :)
19:20.39brlcadmaldito pedro
19:20.53brlcades su culpa :)
19:21.00david_vme no speakas spanishos :)
19:21.07david_vor something :) well, i don't really do it hehe
19:21.32brlcades tu culpa pedro => it's your fault peter
19:21.41brlcadmaldito pedro => damn peter
19:21.48david_vk :)
19:21.49brlcades su culpa => it's his fault
19:22.22david_vright. i guess that's a good start, knowing how to blame people in different languages :)
19:23.44brlcadMMmmmm.. haven't had these in a while
19:33.04*** join/#bzflag chatelai1e (~aec@
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20:23.24david_vguess it's just a statistical phenomena
20:23.52david_vpeople might drag themselves to a certain server without thinking about it. basically, what matters is where the first person connects :)
20:25.53TyroneFHornighHow long do you want to wait around a server for someone to show up?
20:26.28david_vi can solve that by running two instances of X... :D
20:26.57david_vso i can run BZflag and do other things in parallell :)
20:27.15TyroneFHornighThat needs to be ported to all the other platforms. ;)
20:28.34david_vhihi :)
20:28.57david_vwhat i need, though, is two monitors. would be even better that way :)
20:29.17brlcadTyroneFHornigh: what does say for you time-wise?
20:30.40Patlabor221we have our copys here now
20:30.46brlcadha, really?  cool :)
20:30.49Patlabor221mac boys are installing them now
20:31.01TyroneFHornighOf course, It should probably work in PDT.
20:31.25brlcadso they're doing a simultaneous "8pm" release, meaning east coast gets it first
20:31.37TyroneFHornighPeople have been receiving them all week. I'm still trying to convince myself to join the developer's program and get a copy of the server as well as client.
20:31.54TyroneFHornighsomeone must have sat on a tack.
20:32.06CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/man (bzfs.6s): Networking section and obsoleted things
20:32.43brlcadthe gov discount is sweet
20:34.05doughecka3 1/2 hours to go
20:34.47TyroneFHornighI'm looking forward to distributed compilation. All of a suddent those machines I bought for wife and kids are going to get compilers installed. ;)
20:35.05brlcadOOOoh.. I hadn't considered that...
20:35.08brlcadvery true
20:35.23captain_protonhmm, distributed compliation? distcc?
20:35.40TyroneFHornighI might have to turn on the ibook as well on a large enough project. ;)
20:35.53captain_protonah, rendezvous
20:36.37captain_protonanticipating? i'm not anticipating squat
20:36.45captain_protonwell, except for this new hardware we're buying at work
20:37.34captain_protonok, time to head towards work
20:42.01*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
20:42.14brlcadeep eep, monkey
20:42.30sn0w_m0nkeyThank Monkey Its Friday
20:42.52brlcad~fling at sn0w_m0nkey
20:42.55ACTION flings poo at sn0w_m0nkey
20:42.56sn0w_m0nkeyhi brlcad
20:43.00brlcadhowdy ;)
20:43.10sn0w_m0nkeyew your a poo thrower
20:45.39brlcadyep, ibot is my trusty poo thrower :)
20:51.00TyroneFHornighI just received email from developer connection, they're throwing in more stuff with the select membership now.
20:51.27*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
20:51.36TyroneFHornigh~fling at Bagheera
20:51.39ACTION flings poo at Bagheera
20:51.58Bagheera~whaleslap TyroneFHornigh
20:52.00ACTION slaps TyroneFHornigh upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
20:52.14TyroneFHornigh~fishslap Bagheera
20:52.16ACTION slaps Bagheera up side the head with a wet fish.
20:53.38Bagheera~shred TyroneFHornigh
20:53.47TyroneFHornightoo late ;)
20:53.59Bagheeraibot, please
20:54.01i haven't a clue, Bagheera
20:54.09Bagheera: aw, gee
20:54.12TyroneFHornigh~cluebat Bagheera
20:54.15ACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps Bagheera.
20:58.16Bagheera~fudge TyroneFHornigh
20:58.35Bagheera~kick TyroneFHornigh
20:58.39TyroneFHornighThanks Bagheera, yum yum ;)
20:58.51TyroneFHornighI get my kicks, on route 66.
20:58.51Bagheera~slap TyroneFHornigh
20:58.54ACTION slaps TyroneFHornigh, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
20:59.11Bagheera~shin TyroneFHornigh
20:59.18TyroneFHornighI wasn't fast enough that time.
20:59.28TyroneFHornigh~lart Bagheera
21:00.03Bagheerayeah, yeah.....<grumble> <grumble>
21:01.55hmm... bagheera is a member of a secret organization that is trying to take over the world through the judicious use of Flan
21:04.02Bagheerano new releases...???
21:04.20TyroneFHornighBig new release tonight. ;)
21:08.19Bagheeraofficial release or beta
21:08.28Bagheeraor RC
21:08.58TyroneFHornighIt's not bz ;)
21:09.35Bagheeraug, your not talking about that Panther release something another......isnt that an SCO release?  :)
21:10.07Bagheerayoyox has a buddy
21:10.09TyroneFHornighIsn't everything a SCO release (including bz) ?
21:10.32dougheckayou now owe me 699 bucks for talking about this.
21:11.07purple_cowdoes unixware even do opengl?
21:11.36Solidatswe control the pipe, we control the flow, we control the display
21:11.42TyroneFHornighdoughecka: As soon as you pay each of us for the IP we have provided to you.
21:12.08purple_cowBagheera: =)
21:12.11purple_cowwin 5
21:12.35Bagheeradang, not the flashing light again..........nooooooooooooooooooooo
21:15.06sn0w_m0nkeyciao have a good weekend #bzflag
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22:30.09Patlabor221wheeee, I'm using streams instaed of sprintf, cap would be so proud :)
22:31.13purple_cowhooray Patlabor221
22:38.09*** join/#bzflag mikep (
22:38.15mikepHello all
22:40.55purple_cowcut it out
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22:51.00david_vhey tim
22:54.42sn0w_d0ggyplaying tanky tanky
22:57.35david_vwell, now i'm off to bed. good night everytank
22:59.03*** part/#bzflag david_v (
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23:10.12sn0w_kittytoo quiet...
23:10.17sn0w_kittytoo creepy...
23:24.09*** join/#bzflag sn0w_kitty (
23:42.26sn0w_kitty\ /  \ /
23:42.47sn0w_kitty<'>< ><'>
23:44.09sn0w_kittyi messed it up'd
23:47.21sn0w_d0ggy~seen sn0w_kitty
23:47.22sn0w_kitty <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 2m 45s ago, saying: '-.-'.
23:48.50sn0w_d0ggytanky tanky time
23:56.26*** join/#bzflag triclops (
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.