irclog2html for #bzflag on 20031001

00:03.23*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
00:06.58ravenouswolfwell, i am dropping billions of packets, Patlabor221
00:07.08ravenouswolfthis is in the continuum game
00:07.22Patlabor221then your router sucks man
00:07.36Patlabor221see if they have any upgrades
00:07.40ravenouswolfshit that is really nice to hear
00:07.42Patlabor221of the firmware type
00:07.47ravenouswolfi already took one back
00:07.48Patlabor221tis the truth
00:08.00Patlabor221just go to netgears site and get a firmware update
00:08.08*** part/#bzflag creeperz (
00:08.09ravenouswolfi am ticked
00:08.39Patlabor221welcome to the world of computers
00:08.50ravenouswolflook, i am no newbie
00:09.05ravenouswolfbut i cant believe that something as simple as a router could be some f'ed up
00:09.18ravenouswolfi wonder...
00:09.22Patlabor221the router is your centeral point
00:09.23ravenouswolfif it is my wifi adapter?
00:09.27ravenouswolfi know
00:09.32ravenouswolfit MIGHT be my adapter
00:09.34Patlabor221your gonna have to test
00:09.36Patlabor221and see
00:12.01Patlabor221this is a universal truth
00:12.36TyroneFHornighDenial is not a river in Egypt. ;P
00:16.45*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (~DTRemenak@
00:19.38*** join/#bzflag |tim| (~|tim|
00:20.11Patlabor221ohh poo, OS File stil uses M_
00:20.14Patlabor221I need to change that
00:25.00TyroneFHornighscanline: The author of the other IRC client is fixing the topic problem. He sent his thanks for finding it. I figure you should get any credit due.
00:28.56scanlineTyroneFHornigh: hah, don't worry about it
00:29.23*** join/#bzflag ravenouswolf_ (
00:29.31ravenouswolf_one guess as to what just happened
00:29.38ravenouswolf_my fscking router died
00:30.03ravenouswolf_dang, i am ghosting
00:30.22scanlineso maybe it was just the extra traffic from bzflag making it overheat or something :P
00:30.36ravenouswolf_i guess
00:30.43ravenouswolf_there i go
00:30.51Patlabor221those netgears are tiny little things
00:30.58ravenouswolfoui they are
00:31.14ravenouswolfi really hope that it's not defective :-(
00:31.17ravenouswolfor botched
00:31.41Patlabor221you try a firmware update?
00:32.11*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
00:32.35ravenouswolfnot yet
00:32.45ravenouswolfi am dropping packets like insanity intself
00:33.06ravenouswolfi am doing something about it right now
00:34.24*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
00:34.40Patlabor221wow for loops with iterators get really long :)
00:36.20ravenouswolf>> How Does SPI prevent Ping of Death DoS attacks?
00:36.27ravenouswolfThe router will look at each packet and if the router notices a specific amount of ping requests over a certain amount of time coming from the same address, the packets will be dropped.
00:36.36ravenouswolfis that enlightening?
00:37.04Patlabor221so your flooding
00:37.06Patlabor221don't flood
00:37.09Patlabor221or change the seting
00:37.30ravenouswolfhow do i "not flood"?
00:37.46ravenouswolflet me look at the router page
00:39.47ravenouswolfhow very disappointing
00:40.32ravenouswolfPort  Status  TxPkts  RxPkts  Collisions  Tx B/s  Rx B/s  Up Time  
00:40.36ravenouswolfwhat do all those mean?
00:40.52ravenouswolfwhat do those mean?
00:41.06Patlabor221that's the status of your router.
00:41.16scanlineravenouswolf: this isn't a bzflag issue, you should find a general networking help channel
00:41.24Patlabor221Really I would call them and ask them what's up, they probably know more about your router then we do.
00:41.38ravenouswolfscanline,  ok
00:41.43ravenouswolfPatlabor221,  ok
00:42.08ravenouswolfjoininj #wireless...
00:43.45Patlabor221wow, it builds
00:44.21ravenouswolfhey, i can disable SPI
00:44.25ravenouswolflemme try that
00:44.53Patlabor221thank you for sharing that with us
00:45.04*** join/#bzflag ravenouswolf_ (
00:45.12ravenouswolf_let's try again...
00:46.19ravenouswolf_har, so far so good
00:46.30ravenouswolf_bloody hell
00:47.05Patlabor221I don't think we need the play-by-play man.
00:47.16ravenouswolf_disabling SPI didnt help
00:47.30*** mode/#bzflag [+o scanline] by Patlabor221
00:47.39Patlabor221really man, we don't know
00:47.41ravenouswolf_Patlabor221,  lol ok
00:47.46*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
00:48.23scanlineravenouswolf: get ye both of you out of #bzflag :P
00:48.52Patlabor221or at least stop telling us about your router.
00:49.28ravenouswolf_sooooo sorrrrrrry to anooooyyyyyy you like that
00:49.43ravenouswolf_any minute now, and you'll take away my posting priveleges
00:49.46Patlabor221well it's just that once it got past being a BZ flag problem it's a way bit off topic
00:49.50ravenouswolf_wouldnt be the first time
00:49.52Patlabor221no we are not mean
00:49.58Patlabor221just tone it down
00:50.08MrApathyCreamand there never is off topic discussions here
00:50.31Patlabor221yeah but not on routers, when noone is listening.
00:50.33scanlineMrApathyCream: discussion and tech support aren't quite the same
00:50.55*** part/#bzflag ravenouswolf_ (
00:51.48*** mode/#bzflag [-o scanline] by Patlabor221
00:52.25Patlabor221no, he just went off for a long while giving us a play by play on his router, after we exausted all our ideas
00:52.54Patlabor221there is a limit to the support stuff you can deal with
00:53.33Patlabor221it's not fun
00:53.35Patlabor221and it's not easy
00:53.54MrApathyCreambut the babes are awesome
00:54.02MrApathyCreamoh wait that's football
00:54.22SpiffLoL.  I figured that out after spending several hours on the phone with tech support reps (involving that nasty Compaq accross the room from me)...
00:54.37Patlabor221I think tech support for a game would be funny, cus a valid response would be "well sir, you must just suck at this"
00:54.50SpiffOne of the dudes told me that I was really nice to work with because I knew how to plug/unplug things! LoL
00:54.51*** join/#bzflag Bagins_ (
00:55.04SpiffShire! Baggins!
00:55.28Patlabor221compaq hires monkeys for tier1
00:55.43Patlabor221just like AOL,HP, and E-Machines
00:55.50SpiffStill bitter about that bios booting go around? ;)
00:56.15Patlabor221no, I just did support for 5 years here
00:56.38SpiffSo you're a monkey? *snickers*
00:56.52Patlabor221naw, I wasn't Tier1
00:57.20SpiffOh good. :-D   'cause the guys I talked to weren't very fun.. at least not most of 'em.
00:57.26Patlabor221well cept for the one year where it was just me in the sup dept, but I hired somone as soon as I could
00:57.58Patlabor221when we had 3 support people, I was the LAST one to have to pick up the phone :)
00:58.18SpiffI bet that made ya sob for joy. ;-)
00:58.31*** join/#bzflag Bagins_ (
00:58.36Patlabor221no that was when I left the dept
00:58.40Patlabor221that was a good day
00:58.50Patlabor221only one in the company to "escape"
00:59.24SpiffSucks to be the other guys.
00:59.24Patlabor221it was funny, the entire support dept didn't show up one day, so I had to take calls. I forgot how supid our customers are.
01:00.03Patlabor221naw, david dosnt' care, as he's a broken man, and Sean has it fine, support calls have gone down in the past  while.
01:01.01SpiffIf at all possible.. I'd like to get a job having something to do with computers when I move.
01:01.50SpiffBut methinks I'll try to avoid anything to do with the phone, tech support, etc.
01:02.19*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
01:03.10Patlabor221wow it's soo weird to see asgard CVS change when it's not me canging it :)
01:04.23JBDiGrizIt's not just your baby anymore :)
01:04.33Patlabor221I think that's a good thing
01:04.50Patlabor221tho now I'm gonna have to take a joystick home to test this thing
01:05.47JBDiGrizBut it's hard to see them grow up and go off  on their own.
01:06.10Patlabor221wow, I had 2 USB sticks and didn't know it
01:06.41Patlabor221captain_proton you ever see a stick with a trackball on it?
01:09.20*** join/#bzflag Bags_ (
01:09.41*** part/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
01:11.07JBDiGrizToo many Bagginses :)
01:11.25Bags_network issues, trying to recover
01:11.28SpiffShiiiiiiiiire.... Baggins! =)
01:11.32*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
01:12.52*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
01:13.15Bagheeraok, does anybody know if bagins will just drop, or do i have to do something there as well
01:13.16*** join/#bzflag oidussus (
01:13.20oidussuscan someone come to ducati?
01:13.27SpiffHe'll drop eventually.
01:13.39MrApathyCreamoidussus, 1.9?
01:13.52SpiffThat happened to me once.  :)
01:14.01JBDiGrizEventually it will just drop, especially if it can't access the machine. IRC pings clients to make sure they're alive.
01:14.17oidussusneed for someone to kickban knightmare.
01:14.44SpiffAnd the jerk rears his ugly head again. Hmm.
01:15.08Bagheerathanks jb
01:15.38Bagheeradang, killer mouse is on another rampage
01:15.57SpiffI don't think that's Killer Mouse... I think it's someone mocking him/her.
01:16.04SpiffSorta like "Dervish and Spiff are..." etc.
01:16.25Bagheera....yeah, i dont know killer, so......ran into them earlier today.......
01:16.46Bagheeramy admin privl. were not operating....
01:16.47JBDiGrizI'm not sure, since I've seen someone sign on as Killer Mouse with a cheat client. It may be someone who has a grudge with the player though.
01:17.31oidussus[Killer Mouse,gives BJs for free->] wanna see my latest work??
01:17.32oidussus[Killer Mouse,gives BJs for free->] the server killer?
01:17.39Bagheerasry oidussus, cant help out there
01:17.42SpiffWell... he was stupid enough to impersonate *me* here... so he may well impersonate others.
01:18.07JBDiGrizIt's hard to tell what will amuse idiots.
01:18.08Bagheerayeah, he is working his way through the servers tonight,
01:18.26Bagheerai missed him on secretplace........dang it
01:18.39Bagheeratell me if he goes to xmission.......
01:19.11Spiffxmission seems to have shaped up a bit as of late.
01:19.26SpiffMy bro and I played there a while back (on my network) and nobody was rude for a change.
01:19.32JBDiGrizTim has been appointing a few more admins.
01:20.13SpiffYep.. good for him!  That place was bad for a while.
01:22.39Bagheerabye bye bagins
01:24.28*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
01:24.28*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
01:27.13CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (TextUtils.h): add the ability to limit # of tokens
01:27.37Bagheerasecretplace has disappeared again.....
01:28.04Bagheeramaybe not
01:28.22Patlabor221shhh it's secret
01:33.18JBDiGrizThat's interesting on my deployment build fps on xmission went to 45 fps from 18 fps. :)
01:33.46Bagheeraooooo, that sounds good.......except that even 48 is not great.....
01:34.14Bagheeramight want to feed those mice a little more cheese
01:34.19JBDiGrizI'm not sure about your eyes, but 48 is sufficient for mine. ;)
01:34.48Bagheeralol, i used to play like that as well.......then, came a new graphics card
01:35.12Spiff50fps isn't bad at all.. but is that on a simple map or a complex map? And what graphics card? :)
01:35.25Bagheeraxmission he mentioned
01:35.33JBDiGrizxmission 1.9
01:35.40CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/include (TextUtils.h): better doc
01:35.52Bagheerawell, sounds good either way
01:36.03SpiffAhhh.  I think I got like 35-40 on the old one.
01:36.32JBDiGrizI didn't do much besides recompile the client. It was interesting that it made that much difference.
01:37.04Bagheera.....well, if thats the case, someone deserves a free beverage
01:37.34Bagheeramaybe the "make" people
01:38.16Bagheerahave a nice night all....
01:38.19JBDiGrizI'll have to check to see if it's the deployment build or the 3.3 gcc compiler. Right now Apple standard is the 3.1 compiler, but they've released a preview.
01:38.33JBDiGriznight, Bags
01:38.59SpiffC-yaz Bagheera.
01:41.48JBDiGrizI'm going to have to retry the tests, I forgot that I was updating another machine in the household, and the network is rather busy.
01:43.22CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/win32 (bzfs.dsp): get debugler seeing variables
01:43.59CIA03dbw192 * 12bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX/BZFlag.pbproj (project.pbxproj): Update bzfs sources in the mac build.
01:44.11*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
01:44.20MrApathyCreamer, would put
01:44.29Patlabor221strings are text too
01:46.46*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
01:47.49Patlabor221amused at yourself I see
01:48.40SpiffNo... I just didn't want to get punched.  Noodleman scares me!  He could take my head off with those pythons. :-)
01:49.06Noodlemanif i could figure out where that python went
01:49.08Bagheeraany spanish translators here
01:49.23SpiffPythons.. on a human... are really big arms.  LoL
01:49.27Bagheeranope, ok off to google
01:49.45JBDiGrizYou really need learner or asdf for Spanish, but I might be able to help a bit.
01:50.06Bagheeraching gow
01:50.12Patlabor221I hear google is a good spanish translator
01:50.31Bagheeramight be slang
01:50.40Bagheeragoogle doesnt know
01:50.54Bagheeraso, i guess its acceptable....because google is god
01:50.59JBDiGrizIs it really a spanish speaker or someone who thinks they know what it means.
01:51.24JBDiGrizChingar is definitely not an acceptable verb in most polite company
01:51.44Bagheerajust checking, someone was "offended"......i think they are just trying to cause trouble
01:52.22Bagheerathought i would give them the benefit of the doubt though
01:52.27JBDiGrizIt's close to an offensive saying, but with that spelling it sounds more Chinese than Spanish.
01:53.17CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (2 files): improved ban to include reason and reasons like 1h by Dennis Pedersen
01:53.19*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
01:53.21Bagheerayeah, that was my first reaction
01:53.40Bagheeraoh well. thnx for the help
01:53.43Patlabor221basicly you were told to go stuff it
01:53.47*** part/#bzflag creeperz (
01:54.06CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (ChangeLog): credits
01:54.27Bagheerahahah, would be the first time
01:54.35bryjen1h ?
01:54.44JBDiGrizHey Bags, go stuff it (for the 2nd time) :)
01:55.06Bagheeraok, i get the point......i think, i never really do
01:55.20Patlabor221I wonder what Sr. Creepy keeps looking for and not finding here.
01:55.40bryjena clue? ;)
01:55.50Patlabor221he should know we don't keep those here
01:55.50Bagheerahavent seen that callsign in a while
01:55.53Patlabor221they are locked up
01:56.09MrApathyCreamban length
01:56.14MrApathyCream1 day 2 hours
01:56.30bryjenthanks MAC
01:56.38MrApathyCreamrather than counting in seconds
01:58.30Quolyou should have let it smash on the ground Patlabor221 :) not much worth saving
01:59.00Patlabor221no, I'm taking it higher up to ensure it's destoyed
01:59.04Patlabor221your window isn't high enough
01:59.07bryjentelekinesis as well as telepathy?
01:59.09Quolevery time I play BZ now, my CPU hits 100% and everything is soo verrrrrrrrryyyy ju----mmm----py
01:59.18Patlabor221no, jetpack :)
01:59.24Quolit is JBDiGriz - it is :)
01:59.53Quollol Patlabor221 - lol
02:00.04JBDiGrizhi q
02:00.13Quolhey JB - what's up
02:00.47JBDiGrizPlaying around with optimization on the mac build. It looks like I can double performance with a simple tweak, but I'm verifying.
02:00.57Bagheeraquol, what rock did you crawl out from
02:01.08SpiffWow.. Quol is back. :-) Hehehe.
02:01.23QuolBagheera?? what do you mean? the rock over there
02:01.24Bagheeraooo, wait thats a computer....looks like a rock
02:01.38Quolahhh - I get it now
02:01.58Quolsorry - I am slllloooowwww today- my PC is rubing off on me
02:02.10Quolhello Spiffy
02:02.19Quolwho's up for some V madness?
02:02.57Quolhigh Speed - sorry
02:03.25bryjeni prefer slow, creeping, madness ;)
02:03.48Quolcome on bryjen - let's get crazy tonight :)
02:04.32bryjenok, any other takers?
02:04.35*** join/#bzflag cniV (
02:04.54triclopshey Vinc
02:04.59Quolspiffy - feel like a beating?
02:05.13SpiffHmm.. sure.
02:05.18SpiffBut only 'cause it's you guys. :-)
02:05.57JBDiGrizI'll be wandering around the 1.9 servers.
02:06.51SpiffC'mon IRC guys... let's *all* play. :)
02:07.31triclopsincluding CIA, ChanServ and ibot?
02:08.13*** join/#bzflag cniV (
02:10.20JBDiGrizgcc 3.1 devel build 22 fps - gcc 3.1 deploy build 95 fps - gcc 3.3 deploy build 100 fps :)
02:10.36JBDiGrizI think optimization helps a lot :D
02:10.59Quolsorry - had to step out there for a minute - we playing?
02:13.20CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): split out parseDuration for further use
02:13.41*** join/#bzflag SGI_ (
02:16.32SGI_hi quol
02:20.14SGI_whois sgi
02:22.46JBDiGrizLosing your memory is the second sign of senility, sgi :)
02:22.58SGI_I hate password
02:23.09SGI_I lost my password ..again
02:23.37SGI_I cant login with my nick because I lost my pswd
02:23.56JBDiGrizIRC or one of the servers?
02:24.05SGI_...probably I have the senility
02:24.36Patlabor221you don't HAVE to register
02:24.37SGI_I wrote down for the bzflag server
02:25.11JBDiGrizYou should be able to get in touch with the IRC admins and they'll handle it.
02:25.24SGI_I did 5' ago
02:25.39SGI_I lost the pswd for SF last month
02:25.46SGI_now this one
02:25.56SGI_in the office a couple times
02:26.00JBDiGrizThen don't worry about it until you hear back. You can use your nick, you just won't be identified.
02:26.00*** join/#bzflag hans (~fugalh@
02:26.02SGI_I hate pswd
02:26.18SGI_no I cant used
02:26.42Patlabor221somone ganked it? that's funny
02:27.00JBDiGrizAccording to the nickserv, SGI isn't registered
02:27.11SGI_I did last week
02:27.28JBDiGrizI just checked it a second ago.
02:27.40SGI_let me register
02:27.44Noodlemandid you check SGI_ or SGI?
02:27.56SGI_I login with SGI-
02:28.23SGI_this is SGI
02:28.27Patlabor221gank: noun. gah*hank : To steal, pilfer, and/or rip the hell off, rapidly or without the owners knowlege of the envent. entemology latn. ganerous: to younk.
02:28.42JBDiGrizIt's not listing registration for any of those. the command is "/msg nickserv info <nick>"
02:28.42SGI_thanks ibot
02:28.48hansthis ai class is writing bzflag bots (modified bzflag)
02:29.22SGI_that is whois SGI
02:29.29Patlabor221your teaching a class with BZ?
02:29.45hansnot teaching (I took it when they used a different, 2d, home-grown ctf server)
02:29.53Patlabor221I see
02:29.58hanswishing I was taking it this time instead, though
02:30.28hansI've seen several fizzled attempts at making bots, thought this might be of interest
02:30.46hansincidentally I'd be interested if you know of serious bot frameworks
02:30.59SGI_btw Patlabor211 I downloaded the BZflag CVS and the old 17g2 didnt find the server
02:31.25Patlabor221BZ is not set up well for bots, tho 1.9.x has made some progress on that
02:31.33JBDiGrizWho is the professor for that course?
02:31.36hansthey have some interesting hacks to observer mode
02:31.42Patlabor221tim moved it, some clients can see it, some can't don't know why
02:31.48hansSalvador Gutierrez
02:31.51Patlabor221works for me
02:32.11SGI_in the office all team cant see the server
02:32.20Patlabor221dono man
02:32.30Patlabor221you may have a proxy DNS or something that hasn't updated
02:32.38SGI_load in all machine the new one........
02:32.57SGI_no is intranet
02:33.13Patlabor221ohh G2 has no lan discovery
02:33.18Patlabor221was ganked
02:33.29SGI_a network inside the company
02:33.30Patlabor221just type in the addy
02:33.36Patlabor221that would be a lan
02:33.49SGI_a kind
02:34.05Patlabor221G2 has no lan discovery
02:34.12Patlabor221if it's not public it's NFG
02:34.16Patlabor221so just put in the addy
02:35.08Patlabor221the IP of the local server your running.
02:35.13SGI_I did
02:35.47Patlabor221and if it's a compatable version it should connect
02:36.03Patlabor2211.9.xx servers are not compatable with 1.7
02:36.05SGI_I did IP address:port
02:36.32Patlabor221g2 will not connect to 1.9
02:36.36Patlabor221no mater what you type
02:36.40Patlabor221never has, never will
02:37.18SGI_the older versionof bz they can see the 1.7
02:37.27Patlabor221that is how it should be
02:37.32Patlabor221old for old, new for new
02:37.44Patlabor221it would be silly to show a client, servers it can not play on.
02:37.46SGI_yes this is another problem we found
02:37.56Patlabor221it's a feature, not a problem.
02:38.12SGI_Im running a 1,7 and the other peoplethey cant see the server
02:38.20Patlabor221what version are they running?
02:38.57SGI_I need to check...unix SGI machine probably never update from '91
02:39.32Patlabor221if G2 is involved in anyway, it won't auto find any servers on a lan, just internet public ones
02:39.34SGI_they need to type a long strng
02:39.47*** part/#bzflag bryjen (
02:39.49Patlabor221cus G2 does not do lan discovery
02:40.05SGI_ahhhh got it
02:40.06Patlabor221Ip in the address field, port in the port part
02:40.19SGI_yes it is
02:42.22SGI_-publicaddr 19.40.more numbers I dont remember:5155
02:42.54SGI_only people with pc WINXP the can see the server
02:43.11Patlabor221I'd update them all
02:43.25Patlabor221you probably got non compatable versions
02:43.42SGI_the "SGI"
02:44.11Patlabor221so update it
02:44.48SGI_there is a problem with the "guy" admins .........fear
02:44.59SGI_to update the machine
02:45.09Patlabor221then tell them to "shuddap"
02:45.35SGI_I tried but he wasnt really
02:46.09SGI_and is funny because the login with aroot passwd and is the same for all admins
02:47.18SGI_just a year and all SGI machine ...going to the garbage can .......
02:47.31SGI_and all pcs for everyone
02:47.37Patlabor221so is the way of tech, evolve or die
02:47.57SGI_less $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
02:48.46SGI_powerful graphic card , cpu, memory ...but instable
02:48.50SGI_crash a lot forever
02:49.34SGI_but old and to many $$$$$$$$$$
02:51.08JBDiGrizAre they selling the old SGI machines?
02:51.59JBDiGrizI'll check it out. Any Octanes or O2's?
02:52.21JBDiGrizThat's a nice machine.
02:52.32SGI_yeah ...muahhhhhhhhhhhhh
02:52.51SpiffWell.. that could've been the Great IRC Throwdown.. part 2. :-)
02:53.12SGI_now are there in the "corner" sitting ......
02:53.36SGI_hi Spiff
02:53.54SpiffHi, SGI. :-D
02:53.54JBDiGriz$1425, but no bids so far. I'll keep an eye on it. :)
02:54.47SGI_for 02
02:55.32SGI_that is was a great server "eheh lol" for bz ......
02:55.53SGI_running 24/7 365/366
02:56.15Patlabor221grrrrrrrrr the utill lib is missing a file :(
02:56.36SGI_from who
02:56.56Patlabor221JBDiGriz you didn't pull any files did you?
02:57.14JBDiGrizI haven't logged in yet.
02:57.27Patlabor221then that would be a no :)
02:57.43Patlabor221I musta forgot to add it
02:58.05Patlabor221test app won't build with out it :(
03:00.38JBDiGrizI'm going to add the mac keyboard fix to the 1.7 build. I'm getting tired of hitting that bug when playing.
03:02.46Patlabor221they keydown thing?
03:03.17JBDiGrizthe uninitialized data thing.
03:09.32JBDiGrizok, I've logged in now, so I no longer have that excuse :)
03:13.42Patlabor221realy bugs me that I forgot a file
03:14.20JBDiGrizThat reminds me, I'd better grab SDL.
03:21.10*** join/#bzflag Noodleman_ (
03:27.05*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:27.05*** join/#bzflag cniV ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:27.05*** join/#bzflag triclops ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:27.05*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:27.05*** mode/#bzflag [+oo Patlabor221 captain_proton] by
03:27.05*** mode/#bzflag [+bbb *cell*!*@* *!* *sussudio*!*@*] by
03:27.05*** mode/#bzflag [+bb *gorb*!*@* *!*@] by
03:27.09*** join/#bzflag STE_aka_SGI (
03:27.39Patlabor221what a rush
03:27.57Patlabor221you don't like Gum?
03:28.18SpiffOrbitz.. the travel site.
03:28.25SpiffGood prices.. pfffff.  Yeah right.
03:28.28Patlabor221you don't like the mini golf game
03:28.36Patlabor221then don't go there
03:28.53SpiffI won't.. not after that. :)
03:29.07Patlabor221there see, problem solved
03:29.13Patlabor221that'll be $25USD please
03:29.17STE_aka_SGIgood nite guys
03:29.56MrApathyCreamtech support,again , pat?
03:30.01SpiffC-ya SGI. :-)
03:30.10Patlabor221this is just blood money
03:30.15SpiffHe's charging a consultation fee now. ;)
03:30.42Patlabor221gotta have money for the blood
03:31.59Patlabor221I think he had his run
03:32.44*** kick/#bzflag [Spiff!] by Patlabor221 (Keep it clean!!!)
03:32.46CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/win32 (common.dsp): BzfString.h is still holden on?
03:32.53MrApathyCreamnope, nothin'
03:34.09*** join/#bzflag Spiff (
03:35.11SpiffLooks like someone just learned how to use the kick button. ;-)
03:35.32Patlabor221ohh no, I fully know how to use it. Been trained and everything
03:35.52SpiffOkay... so.. you're highly trained-ness... how do I turn on "Auto Join" in X-Chat? :)
03:36.07Noodlemanin the server list
03:36.09Patlabor221it's in the prefes somewhere
03:36.16Patlabor221like join on kick or something
03:36.20Noodlemango to the server you want to change settings for
03:36.50SpiffThere's only an "Auto connect at startup" option.. the rest is proxy stuff, global user info, etc.
03:37.05Noodlemani thought that's what you wanted
03:37.07Patlabor221it's not with the server stuff IIRC
03:37.14Patlabor221no rejoin on kick
03:37.17SpiffBah.  Okies then. :-)
03:37.22Patlabor221not autojoin on start
03:38.14SpiffIt's not in Settings-Preferences either.
03:38.37*** join/#bzflag Patlabor2221 (
03:39.01Patlabor221IRC menu
03:39.11Patlabor221AUto rejoin when kicked
03:39.21SpiffOhh.. okies.
03:39.27*** kick/#bzflag [Patlabor2221!] by Patlabor221 (BOOOOOYA!)
03:39.27*** join/#bzflag Patlabor2221 (
03:39.44SpiffBah... that's confusing.. but ok. :)
03:39.53Noodlemanthat's it
03:40.21SpiffHow about we all join as "Patlabor 22221" and "Patlabor 222221"... LoL.
03:40.28SpiffThen you can kick us to illustrate.
03:40.32SpiffMaybe that would make it more clear. :)
03:40.45Patlabor221it's ok, I am perfectly capable of banning every sinlgle one of you :)
03:41.05SpiffPsssst... I think he missed the sarcasm. ;-)
03:41.12Patlabor221or report you all to the server op as bots, and get you Klined
03:41.29Patlabor221no no, I saw it
03:41.53SpiffAhhh nevermind.   That was sarcasm on top of sarcasm. :-)
03:42.04Patlabor221he can be tought
03:42.30SpiffForget flying.  I'd have to rent a car anyway.
03:42.32Patlabor221that's illegal in your state
03:43.51Noodlemanwhat do you mean by that Patlabor221?
03:44.00Patlabor221hugging mapquest :)
03:44.14SpiffDoes that work for you?
03:44.20Noodlemannot flying
03:44.24Noodlemangot it :-)
03:44.27Patlabor221tho he can't rent a car anway, he can just be put on as a driver
03:44.43Patlabor221tho some may not even let him do that
03:44.53Patlabor221for when your 25?
03:45.11SpiffI hafta be 18 or have parental consent before I take off anyway.
03:45.25Patlabor221and you can't rent a car till your 25
03:45.31SpiffI prefer to wait until I'm 18.. 'cause I know my parents aren't going to let me go on a road trip.
03:45.34SpiffHotels are like 19, right?
03:45.47Patlabor221often 21
03:45.51SpiffThat's true.  Lots are 21.
03:45.52Patlabor221somtimes 18
03:46.05SpiffI'll hafta do a lil' research on where I'm gonna stay.
03:46.43Patlabor221I drove a rental car to yellowstone when I was 15
03:46.54Spiff1498.85 miles - Estimated driving time 26 hours, 33 minutes.
03:47.01Patlabor221to where?
03:47.23SpiffI have about another 300 miles beyond that into Mexico tho.
03:47.24Patlabor221where is that?
03:47.32SpiffTexas.. like right on the border.
03:47.50Patlabor221ahhh texas where they have the hitler band festivals
03:48.17SpiffI don't care much about Texas.   But MapQuest won't plan a trip accross the border. Communists!
03:48.39Patlabor221umm have you seen the roads in mexico?
03:48.56SpiffYes.. ages and ages ago. :)
03:49.06Patlabor221they got worse
03:49.07Noodlemanmaybe they just are afraid you will get montezuma's revenge or get thrown in jail for spitting on the sidewalk
03:49.26SpiffHmm.. good point, Noodleman. ;-)
03:49.50SpiffBut ya see, Patlabor... they have maps of the roads in Mexico (the big ones)... they just don't allow me to plan a trip from NC to Tampico.
03:49.53Patlabor221yeah they love white boys in jail down there, they pay a lot to get out
03:50.19SpiffIt is either all in the US.. or you plan to drive to the border... and guesstimate from there on in.
03:50.34Patlabor221or something
03:50.36SpiffPfff.  Have a little guts. :)
03:51.43CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (3 files in 2 dirs): add /reset var   server cmd is not valid.  Blah.
03:52.03SpiffYou're talking about being thrown in jail already.  What?  Ya think I'm going down there to party or something?
03:52.18Patlabor221it don't mater why your down there :)
03:52.59SpiffWell.. first.. I'm not a boy.. I'm a man. :P  Second.. I'm not gonna spit on any sidewalks. ;-)
03:53.16Patlabor221you shall see
03:53.31SpiffAs shall you.
03:53.46SpiffOh yeah... and third.. I'm not going for a while.
03:53.49Patlabor221ever driven thru it?
03:53.56SpiffI'll pry just wait until I'm 21. :-)
03:54.14Patlabor221driving in mexico is "interesting"
03:54.23SpiffI've been through some mighty odd places tho... doesn't bother me. :)
03:55.31Noodlemanthe most remote place i ever drove was state highway 140 in northern nevada
03:55.42Noodlemanit was quite an experience :-)
03:55.44Patlabor221mexico is not remote
03:56.07Noodlemanthe RV could barely make it up those really steep hills
03:56.21Noodlemancrapped out a couple times
03:56.40SpiffI'm going to buy the crappiest looking car you've ever seen before I go though... one that nobody would want to nick.  LoL
03:57.01Noodlemanspray paint it
03:57.12SpiffYep.. I'm gonna.  Maybe like cammo or something nasty.. hehe.
03:57.25SpiffI would spray paint it like "willy-worm" green.. but they'd pry like that. :)
03:57.26Noodlemanmachine gun
03:57.34Noodlemanbe careful where you shoot tho :-)
03:57.38MrApathyCreamget a body wrap for it from playtex
03:58.18SpiffOoOo.. I've got it!  I'll spraypaint Spongebob on the hood! ;-)
03:58.34Noodlemanno one would dare come near it then
03:58.34MrApathyCreamwho's for postin' this puppy on sf, and see wha happens?
03:58.57Patlabor221total disregard for testing?
03:59.02Patlabor221does it even build yet?
03:59.10MrApathyCreamof course it builds
03:59.14Patlabor221wow you must not give a rats ass about this project then
03:59.18Patlabor221it didn't yesterday
03:59.30MrApathyCreamnope, just want to ship it
03:59.38MrApathyCreamlet the users test :)
04:00.29Patlabor221we had planed to get another test build out to the 3 people in the comunity who are not vicously bickering over stupid things.
04:00.49MrApathyCreamyay, that was a week ago
04:00.56MrApathyCreamso since no one is....
04:01.00Patlabor221and it hasn't built since then
04:01.14Patlabor221I don't think it built on linux even this AM
04:01.16MrApathyCreamits build every day
04:01.16Patlabor221missing files
04:01.19Patlabor221for you
04:01.21MrApathyCreamat least for win32
04:01.30Patlabor221they have had makefull and distro issues
04:01.31MrApathyCreamwell it is the BZFlag dev platform of choice
04:01.54Patlabor221if you want to do a build, then bump, tag, and make
04:02.16MrApathyCreamare you planning on making the installer auto timestamp/version
04:02.17Patlabor221then con some other people into making the other plats
04:02.23Patlabor221I don't know how
04:02.39Patlabor221so I just manualy do it
04:02.55Patlabor221just tag the line as 1.9.4
04:03.00Patlabor221well bump the version
04:03.05Patlabor221tag the tree
04:03.07MrApathyCreamall these *nix geniouses, and noone can build on unix?
04:03.11Patlabor221then get us all to build
04:03.16MrApathyCreamthat's pathetic
04:03.25Patlabor221then we can post it in the testing place
04:03.33Patlabor221and hope some people will use it
04:03.34MrApathyCreamwhat testing place?
04:04.17Patlabor221if noone has any issues then bump to 1.10 and get all the packages
04:04.35Patlabor221but just posting to SF with out even a short test is just supid in my opition
04:04.38Noodlemani think i'm gonna go to bed early tonight
04:04.46Patlabor221when you have only looked at one platform
04:05.14MrApathyCreamwell, if there's no unix boxes in the qa department, there's not much else to do
04:05.34Patlabor221some people run linux
04:05.40Patlabor221and most servers run linux
04:05.42cniVlemme co
04:05.42MrApathyCreamthere's apparently not in qa
04:05.57Patlabor221so just shoving it out isn't the solution
04:06.09MrApathyCreamthe other option is letting it die
04:06.19Patlabor221no the other option is makeing people test it
04:06.27SpiffNoodleman... what if I painted the car like this?
04:06.32Patlabor221you know the one that takes work
04:06.38MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton has the fist hat
04:06.48SpiffOh.. he left.
04:06.49Patlabor221he's gone
04:06.57SpiffWhat do you guys think of that car? LoL
04:07.03Patlabor221very very lame
04:07.11SpiffI don't think it'd get stolen. ;-)
04:07.21Patlabor221the project is presently in a state where if you want to se something happen then you have to just do it
04:07.28Patlabor221let them say no later
04:07.44Patlabor221but unless you want to drive more people away, a bad version can't be released
04:08.02Patlabor221the list server has allready messed up enough people
04:08.06MrApathyCreamok, i guess i'll wait a few more months then
04:08.20MrApathyCreamand keep addin' stuff for my own amusement
04:08.22Patlabor221so you don't want to take action? just sugetst things and wait?
04:08.52Patlabor221makes soo much sense
04:08.55SpiffWhy not just forget BZ dev alltogether? :)
04:08.56MrApathyCreami've done all i can do
04:09.30Patlabor221I've tried to get people motivated, but I don't see what to get them motivated fore
04:09.46Patlabor221the comunity is stagnating as is the game
04:09.50SpiffWell... the community as a whole seems to be pretty much dead.
04:09.54MrApathyCreammust be hard to motivate others when your not motivated
04:10.16Patlabor221I was for a bit, till I saw how few people there were who were waiting for the game
04:10.32Patlabor221dosnt' quite make it worth it
04:10.40MrApathyCreami do it for myself
04:10.50MrApathyCreami don't care if there's anyone there, really
04:10.50Patlabor221then ship it to yourself :)
04:11.19Patlabor221call it the SuperMac Special :)
04:11.38SpiffHow about BigMac?
04:11.46MrApathyCreammmmm burgers
04:11.52SpiffMy thought exactly.
04:12.10SpiffMy eating hours got all messed up today.
04:12.22SpiffLooks like I'm going to be getting another bowl of Honey Nut Cheerio's soon. ;-)
04:12.27Patlabor221man I do really hope the missing files are at work
04:13.04Patlabor221reallly, the upgraded you to 2 bowls a night? musta done something good :)
04:13.18SpiffGee tri.. you've been so quiet that I didnt' see you. :-)
04:14.02SpiffWell I have my own PC now.. so "they" get to use the other one.. that pry made them do it. ;-)
04:14.43Patlabor221how far did you get in the tutorials?
04:15.36triclopsSpiff: i sit at the bottom of the user list lurking for the right moment to interject
04:15.37SpiffI went over the first "lesson" a few times.. to be sure I could make a multiplication app and "HelloWorld" without reading.  LoL
04:15.51SpiffOoOo... a bottom feeder. :-)
04:16.27SpiffI'm trying to restrict myself to one "lesson" ever few hours.. that way I don't get a ton of info in my head at once and start mixing things up.
04:16.30triclopsyou could say that i guess :)
04:16.32MrApathyCreamsorry triclops, but gonkulator has the title of lurker
04:16.47MrApathyCream'king of the lurkers'
04:16.56SpiffWho is gonkulator anyway?  Does he use any other names?
04:17.11triclopsi've seen his name change every now and then
04:17.15cniVthe cvs version right now compiles fine here under linux
04:17.21MrApathyCreamof course!
04:17.24Patlabor221ahh good
04:17.27MrApathyCreamno doubt
04:17.32Patlabor221learner musta added all his files
04:17.40Patlabor221for a wile even Tim could not build
04:17.57Patlabor221so bump and Tag
04:17.59MrApathyCreami doubt he really tried
04:17.59triclopswas that anon?
04:18.09Patlabor221he pasted the errors here
04:18.12MrApathyCreamhe has reduced himself to ws checkins
04:18.13Patlabor221I think he tried
04:18.39cniV1.9.4 soon?
04:18.48MrApathyCreamwhenever Patlabor221 gets off his arse
04:18.48Patlabor221if it builds I don't see why not
04:18.53Patlabor221I can't tag
04:18.59Patlabor221don't know how
04:19.04MrApathyCreamscanline does
04:19.04Patlabor221I'll build windows installers
04:19.14MrApathyCreamscanline: you here?
04:19.17Patlabor221so does learner and jbd
04:19.26Patlabor221and chestal and Tim
04:19.36triclopsman cvs?
04:19.47Patlabor221we don't use linux
04:19.57Patlabor221and I don't use a command line tool for CVS
04:20.06MrApathyCreami do
04:20.10MrApathyCreambut don't know the command
04:20.16cniVcvs tag <tag>
04:20.31MrApathyCreamcvs tag 1.9.4
04:20.42cniVshould do it
04:20.46Patlabor221actualy it looks like I can tag with a right click
04:20.47Patlabor221one sec
04:21.15cniVhopefully i'll get the karmasystem working within the fortnight
04:21.28Patlabor221your doing karama?
04:21.38Patlabor221the way tim wants it?
04:21.46Patlabor221with centeral logins?
04:21.52Patlabor221you have a spec?
04:21.54cniVand authentication
04:21.56cniVnot really
04:22.03MrApathyCreamspec, hahaha
04:22.05Patlabor221perhaps you should make one ?
04:22.06MrApathyCreamgood one
04:22.10cniVwe just talked for a while
04:22.26Patlabor221the project is doomed if shit keeps going in like that
04:22.30MrApathyCreamdid tag work?
04:22.32Patlabor221noone will know how it works cept you
04:22.41cniVi'll spec it once it semi works
04:22.43Patlabor221craped out
04:22.51cniVi'll shove it on the wiki
04:22.58MrApathyCreamcvs [tag aborted]: tag `1.9.4' must start with a letter
04:23.04triclopstry cvs tag v1_9_4 maybe to keep with the trend
04:23.13cniVcvs tag release-1-9-4
04:23.19cniVthats my convention
04:23.20Patlabor221well the entire reason I say this is cus tieing it the list server is the lamest Idea Tim has hever had
04:23.27Patlabor221but now your implemetting it
04:23.30Patlabor221and it's stuck
04:23.40cniVoh nah i didnt put it with list server
04:23.45triclopsi thought 1.10 was release?
04:23.48Patlabor221the tag should be v1_9_4_Beta
04:23.54Patlabor2211.10 will be release
04:24.05Patlabor221so your not doing it like Tim says
04:24.06SpiffYeah.. in several years. :)
04:24.09Patlabor221and how are you doing auth?
04:24.16triclopsv1_9_4_Beta is beta
04:24.16cniVwell he gave me plenty freedom
04:24.20Patlabor221and how does it work with the present auth system?
04:24.23cniVthats what i need to talk to him about
04:24.28cniVbut he aint here....
04:24.36Patlabor221that's why you need to spec it and let some of the other devs know and help
04:24.44Patlabor221it is a "Comunity" project
04:24.48Patlabor221not a "tim" project
04:24.56cniVwell im all ears
04:25.05Patlabor221no, we should be all ears
04:25.15Patlabor221since your the one starting it :)
04:25.19cniVfair enough :)
04:25.53Patlabor221did you bump the version first?
04:26.07MrApathyCreamnow you tell me
04:26.14Patlabor221I told you before
04:26.27MrApathyCreamcan i retag?
04:26.36MrApathyCreamwith the same tag?
04:26.47Patlabor221no don't retag
04:26.50Patlabor221we'll just deal
04:26.56MrApathyCreamwhere's the version?
04:27.05Patlabor221I got it
04:27.34CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/include (version.h): bump for beta
04:27.56Patlabor221moved tag too
04:28.38Patlabor221my tag didn't work the first time cus I had dirty dsps
04:30.17triclopsif no one reports a bug in 1 week do we bump and tag it as 1.10?
04:30.53cniVso the new version.h has been commited?
04:31.12cniVcvs up aint doing anything....
04:31.16Patlabor221are you using anon cvs?
04:31.19Patlabor221or ssh CVS?
04:31.25triclopsanon cvs is sssllloooowww
04:31.33cniVi dont have ssh
04:31.34Patlabor221anon cvs is at least 24 hours behind
04:31.40Patlabor221posibly as far as a week
04:31.51MrApathyCreamwow is anon cvs even up?
04:31.57Patlabor221you should be using the snaps
04:32.05triclopssometimes its less than 24
04:32.19Patlabor221some times it's more
04:32.24cniVargh is there a way to merge snaps?
04:32.49cniVhmmm... this is gonna suck
04:32.49Patlabor221this is a good reason to get on the dev team, and talk to us and get on ssh :)
04:32.53MrApathyCreamyou can diff your changes and then patch them back in
04:33.12cniVhmmm right i think its time to bug tim then
04:33.38Patlabor221Tim is not the only one who can give you access
04:33.52MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton, can too i think
04:33.55Patlabor221he can as well
04:33.56cniVah ok
04:34.03Patlabor221best would be to submit a request to the dev list
04:34.07Patlabor221then all devs can see it
04:34.36cniVyou mean bzflag-dev
04:34.39MrApathyCreamsetting up ssh was fun
04:34.46MrApathyCreami wouldn't want to do again
04:34.47Patlabor221it's easy with tourtice
04:35.04cniVsetting up ssh
04:35.09cniVaptget install ssh
04:35.16cniVapt-get i meant
04:35.38cniVtortoise is good for win32
04:35.54CIA03jeffm2501 * 12bzflag/package/win32/nsis (BZFlag.nsi): beta bump
04:36.09Patlabor221sadly I have not seen anything that works well under linux that isn't command line
04:36.21cniVcommand line all the way :)
04:36.23triclopscli rocks :P
04:36.29Patlabor221if you like waiting
04:36.31MrApathyCreamin regards to ssh or just in general ?   ;)
04:36.40Patlabor221I can look at an entire folder and see what files are dif
04:36.43Patlabor221just by there icons
04:36.59cniVoh theres cervisa for kde
04:37.04cniVwhich is kinda neat
04:37.12Patlabor221but it's not intergrated into the file explorer :)
04:37.13cniVbut i still think tortoise is nicer
04:37.19cniVthe integration is really nice
04:37.31Patlabor221and the fact that you can provide your own dif utill
04:37.41cniVhence on my windows dev box i use tortoise
04:38.16Patlabor221Mac con someone into doing a source tarball would ya?
04:38.26scanlinetortoise is quite cute, and the command line in windows sucks so much it's a lot more usable than a command line svn
04:38.41MrApathyCreamask scans!!
04:38.56cniVcommand line in windows is pathetic
04:39.00Patlabor221I don't think he's built BZ is over 4 months :)
04:39.04MrApathyCreamthat's what i use, heh
04:39.16MrApathyCreamwell, it is a SOURCE tarballl
04:39.33MrApathyCreami d/l'ed tortoise but never got around to trying it
04:39.40Patlabor221I don't think he has the inclination is my point
04:39.47cniVtortoise is good
04:39.48Patlabor221scanline is cap awake?
04:39.53MrApathyCreamah, scanline is trooper
04:39.56scanlinePatlabor221: yep, he's here
04:40.19Patlabor221can you ask him if he, or if you want to can make me a make dist on CVS ?
04:40.50SpiffOkies.. Spiffy's gonna go watch the Two Towers for a bit. :-)
04:41.01Patlabor221it's on VHS, don't count
04:41.39scanlinePatlabor221: he's doing homeworky-type things while watching stargate
04:41.50Patlabor221what season?
04:41.56Patlabor2214 was really good
04:43.23MrApathyCreamwow i have CVS context menu items
04:43.36MrApathyCreamnever noticed them... assuming tortoise?
04:43.38Patlabor221welcome to this century :)
04:43.45Patlabor221tha'ts how it works
04:43.49MrApathyCreami installed it a month or so ago
04:43.53Patlabor221it's just part of the shell
04:43.55MrApathyCreamnever did anything with it
04:44.19MrApathyCreami don't see any commit-like options
04:44.25Patlabor221heck you can even get VC to use cvs as it's source controll with tourtice
04:44.33JBDiGrizYou guys whine a lot for simple things. At least I was having fun shooting my buddies :P
04:44.36MrApathyCreamoooh, nifty
04:44.50Patlabor221you only get commit in folders that are in CVS
04:45.04MrApathyCreamdo you have set anything up, preferences?
04:45.12Patlabor221jbd we bumped and taged, can you make me a sourceball?
04:45.14MrApathyCreamor does it just find CVS dirs
04:45.16Patlabor221if youwant
04:45.31Patlabor221it knows the CVS dirs, bu the cvs dirs with the entieis and stuff
04:45.33Patlabor221it's smaper
04:45.45JBDiGrizSure, do you want the version.h changed, and retagged before I do it?
04:45.53Patlabor221I did it
04:46.03Patlabor221it's all bumped taged and set
04:46.11Patlabor221on then never mind jbd
04:46.12Patlabor221thanks cap
04:46.25Patlabor221tho you could make a mac release if you want
04:46.59MrApathyCreamhmmm, i'm getting this:
04:47.01MrApathyCreamIn E:\bz\bz_cvs\bzflag: cvs -q update -d -P src/bzflag
04:47.06MrApathyCreamand no progress
04:47.31Patlabor221is there a dialog thats asking for your password, or do you use ssh keys?
04:47.46MrApathyCreami use keys with the cli
04:47.47cniVuse ssh keys :)
04:48.01Patlabor221don't know how to set it up with keys
04:48.06cniVrun pageant
04:48.18MrApathyCreamit is already run, and keys are added
04:48.23Patlabor221I just have it set to auto put in the password
04:48.42JBDiGrizI always heard the mac guys were supposed to complain if it wasn't gui :P
04:48.52MrApathyCreama dimmed ok, and an abort
04:49.16MrApathyCreamclosing window gives
04:49.16MrApathyCreamcvs [update aborted]: writing to server socket: error -1
04:49.16MrApathyCreamCVS operation aborted by user request
04:49.17Patlabor221you used to, then you all went OSX, so now we have to pick up the slack
04:49.38JBDiGrizYou're doing an excellent job tonight. :)
04:50.06Patlabor221I know mine works flawlessly :)
04:50.22Patlabor221and it even tags with a nice right click :)
04:50.47JBDiGrizBut we have to listen to the whines anyway :)
04:50.54MrApathyCreamSSHApplication: TortoisePink
04:50.57MrApathyCreamis that correct?
04:51.08Patlabor221on the otherhand asgard here is just siting like a dumbo using command line CVS
04:51.12Patlabor221that what I use
04:51.36cniVive found using keys a lot easier
04:51.43JBDiGrizFunny thing, that's what I'm doing on my mac ;)
04:52.35Patlabor221I just did a -pw on the app and it send the password
04:53.25cniVis it possible to get a shell on without being part of a project
04:53.38cniVor on dev team for a project
04:53.45Patlabor221the SF shell dosn't have much
04:53.50Patlabor221can't run anything
04:54.09cniVbut say i want to use my ssh key
04:54.32Patlabor221there is a page to submit keys
04:54.58JBDiGrizI have a source tar file if anyone needs it.
04:55.01cniVoh ok
04:55.14Patlabor221you beat cap?
04:55.18Patlabor221on a macintosh?
04:55.25JBDiGriz~slap cap
04:55.28ACTION slaps cap, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
04:55.40Patlabor221throw it in the testing folder
04:56.52triclopsupdate the wiki too
04:57.23JBDiGrizGee, only orders around here. I guess I'm the only one left with a keyboard. Everyone else is mouse only. :P
04:57.36JBDiGrizThe mac build failed, so I'm checking that out
04:57.48Patlabor221BZBB has a post on about the build.
04:58.18Patlabor221but MR.ApathyCream ASSSURED me that it was all good
04:59.54triclopsthats why we have betas :-)
05:00.13Patlabor221no, he says we should just post it as the release
05:01.06JBDiGrizautogen is unhappy for some reason
05:01.13triclopswhen it builds on every platform we release maybe. regardless if it runs or not.
05:02.10Patlabor221well it depends, do you hate the users?
05:02.15JBDiGrizIt seems bzadmin didn't get tagged
05:02.54triclopshehe. i prefer to call them guinea pigs.... >:-)
05:03.07Patlabor221then you will kill this proiject faster then Tim is
05:03.24Patlabor221or turn it into Tribes 2
05:04.31triclopsor [insert MicroSoft product here]
05:04.42Patlabor221thank you cap
05:04.50JBDiGrizWhat do you want to do about bzadmin?
05:05.00Patlabor221it just didn't get taged thats all?
05:05.18JBDiGrizSo when you grab the tag, it doesn't get grabbed.
05:05.21Patlabor221is it just the folder in src/
05:05.53Patlabor221there it should be taged now
05:06.04JBDiGrizThere's a source tar file on bakadigital as well, but it doesn't include bzadmin, so I'll replace it.
05:06.24Patlabor221I have caps his does
05:06.32Patlabor221I'm making a zip from that so I'll put both
05:07.09Patlabor221and you didn't name it right :)
05:07.22MrApathyCreamno one uses the ma
05:08.08JBDiGrizvery nice, it's tagged as v1_7_4_Beta. :)
05:08.29Patlabor221that better be what mac taged the rest as
05:08.37JBDiGrizperhaps you should look closely at that tag, i didn't make a typo
05:08.40Patlabor221that's what we all agreed upon
05:08.47Patlabor221with a .?
05:08.49JBDiGriznot quite :)
05:08.59Patlabor221or did he cap it all
05:09.00JBDiGriznope, there's no '.'
05:09.11JBDiGriznope, look very closely
05:09.26JBDiGrizpat must be taking the nyquil again
05:11.32Patlabor221ahhh 256 up dsl is soo nice
05:12.01JBDiGrizit must be, i really have to update my dsl sometime soon.
05:12.23Patlabor221I do get a real 256 up too, sometimes more
05:13.00Patlabor221the zip is gonna clock in at 2:20
05:13.45JBDiGrizLet's try this again, now that I've removed the changes I've made to figure out what's going on.
05:13.52Patlabor221there, exe, zip, and src trball
05:14.27JBDiGrizIs it the src tarball I gave you? If so, I should give you the new one.
05:14.44Patlabor221it's the one cap gave me
05:14.49Patlabor221it has bzadmin
05:14.53Patlabor221I checked
05:15.03Patlabor221he just did a "get current"
05:15.37JBDiGrizMy src tarball is a get -rv1_9_4_Beta, which is a little more appropriate, but it's your call.
05:15.39Patlabor221if you have to make changes to get the tosh to build, just make them, commit them, and do a build. the changes will get picked up in the next version
05:15.47Patlabor221noone added anything
05:15.57Patlabor221so I'm not woried
05:16.12Patlabor221I watched for commits
05:16.18triclopswhat about the version change in version.h?
05:16.27Patlabor221that's in there
05:16.40Patlabor221I moved the tag on that file
05:16.48Patlabor221to after I made the change
05:17.27triclopsbzflag & bzfs compile and execute on linux
05:17.37Patlabor221I bet this'll get tim to say something here tomorow
05:17.37JBDiGrizThe only difference would be the tag listed in the CVS directorys, and that shouldn't bother anyone.
05:17.55Patlabor221I fixed that tag on the bzadmin
05:18.42JBDiGrizThe tags are listed in all the CVS directorys in the source tarball, unless cap removed all of them.
05:18.49MrApathyCreamI changed my SSH app to : TortoisePlinkSSH2.bat
05:18.56Patlabor221the dist build removes the CVS dirs
05:18.57MrApathyCreamnow i get
05:18.58MrApathyCreamIn E:\bz\bz_cvs\bzflag: cvs -q --lf update -d -P
05:18.58MrApathyCreamcvs update: warning: unrecognized response `The system cannot find the path specified.
05:18.58MrApathyCream' from cvs server
05:19.00MrApathyCreamcvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
05:19.04MrApathyCreamError, CVS operation failed
05:19.06MrApathyCream--in client
05:19.37cniVif you get EOF just try again
05:20.19MrApathyCreamconstant problem
05:21.07cniVfor me if i get EOF i just wait and try again
05:22.04Patlabor221mac what is your compression set to
05:22.08MrApathyCreamwhere is it pulling CVSROOT and cvs update line from
05:22.11Patlabor221I have issues with SF and compression
05:22.16MrApathyCreamcompression is 0
05:22.18Patlabor221from the folder
05:22.43cniVright click and select "CVS checkout ..."
05:22.58cniVin the folder above bzflag
05:23.03Patlabor221that will get you a new tree
05:24.02MrApathyCreamsame error
05:24.56Patlabor221ohh cool, I can just turn on export insted of checkout and it won't make all the cvs dirs
05:25.09Patlabor221that's nice for snaps
05:26.07MrApathyCreamhmm, the cvs -q --lf checkout -P bzflag
05:26.11MrApathyCreamline works from cli
05:26.16MrApathyCream(minus the --lf of course
05:35.56MrApathyCreamthis is really irritating
05:36.30*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
05:36.58JBDiGrizvery odd, machine crashed and network went down
05:39.05MrApathyCreamcvs cli 1.11.7 just released
05:41.47JBDiGrizThe mac build comes up as 1.9.3
05:42.34Patlabor221as the prot or the app?
05:42.48JBDiGrizYes to both
05:43.32Patlabor221it's tag looks like it got jacked
05:43.40Patlabor221just do a CVS up
05:44.45JBDiGrizfunny thing it's tag is also v1_7_4_Beta. I wonder how that happened :)
05:45.16Patlabor221it won't let me movie
05:45.20Patlabor221move it
05:45.34Patlabor221you'll notice it has a 1.9 tag as well
05:46.09MrApathyCreamhow does one do this?
05:46.10MrApathyCreamDo this by connecting to either with Putty or a command line SSH.
05:46.32Patlabor221putty is a command line ssh
05:46.51MrApathyCreamso putty  ?
05:46.57Patlabor221just run putty
05:47.01Patlabor221it will bring up a dialog
05:47.05Patlabor221put in the info
05:47.08Patlabor221hit enter
05:47.11Patlabor221hillarity will ensue
05:47.34Patlabor221it'll bring up it's own terminal
05:47.34MrApathyCreamok, that did something
05:47.36JBDiGrizIt looks like you need to use the -F option, or delete and retag the file.
05:47.48MrApathyCreamconsole yes
05:47.50Patlabor221just get latest
05:47.58Patlabor221and i'll be taken care of in the next tag
05:48.08Patlabor221noone has commited
05:48.14MrApathyCreambut that doesn't get rid of the error
05:49.26JBDiGrizThe protocol version wasn't updated, I assume that's correct
05:49.45Patlabor221yeah it didn't change
05:49.55MrApathyCreamoh well, i guess i'll stick with the cli
05:50.08MrApathyCreamthe dialogs are pretty tho :)
05:50.25Patlabor221may be something with your keys
05:50.46MrApathyCreamwell those keys work in cli from pageant
05:51.04Patlabor221sure, but that's not the same app that tourtice is using
05:51.17Patlabor221you can try making your ssh app be pageant
05:51.25Patlabor221or doing this TortoisePlink -pw yourpassword
05:51.43MrApathyCreamfrom the cl?
05:51.51Patlabor221in the prefs
05:51.56Patlabor221where you set your ssh client
05:55.26MrApathyCreamnope, nuttin
05:55.30MrApathyCreamsame error always
05:57.15MrApathyCreamPatlabor221, do you enjoy the constantly dirty buildDate?
05:57.36Patlabor221I usualy do full builds anyway
05:57.40Patlabor221so I don't mind
05:57.41JBDiGrizWindows, that toy computer with the silly interface. :)
05:57.55MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, on purpose
05:58.42Patlabor221and since I use the toy like interface I just uncheck that file when I commit
05:59.10MrApathyCreamhmm is definitly not about source control
05:59.20Patlabor221google man
05:59.30cniVits iirc
05:59.54Patlabor221and google
06:01.37Patlabor221well I think I shall retire for the evening before more hillarity ensues
06:03.13MrApathyCream<Patlabor221> well I think I shall retire for the evening before more hillarity ensues
06:03.31Patlabor221is there an echo in there?
06:03.36cniVgah you silly US people :)
06:04.06MrApathyCreamtoo much time on hands
06:04.21Patlabor221I install XP in less then an hour usualy
06:04.26Patlabor221but then I do know what I'm doing
06:30.28SpiffPfff... shows how much he knew anyway.  He's bragging on Linksys.
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10:14.06larslI checked out -r v1_9_4_Beta, but version.h still says 1.9.3 ALPHA. Should I build an RPM anyway?
10:17.17Chestallarsl: version is 1.9.4 for me proto version is 1.9.3 which is ok I guess
10:18.57larslProto version? Isn't that the "1903" string?
10:19.43larslI have the version numbers in include/version.h (MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, REV) set to 1 9 3.
10:19.44cniVthere was a problem earlier
10:19.50cniVwhen tagging
10:19.53cniV<MrApathyCream> tagged!
10:19.53cniV<MrApathyCream> v1_9_4_Beta
10:19.53cniV<Patlabor221> did you bump the version first?
10:19.53cniV<MrApathyCream> sheesh
10:19.53cniV<MrApathyCream> now you tell me
10:20.15Chestallarsl: hmm, mine are 1 9 4, but I just did a checkout of the current version without using the tag
10:20.42larslSo if I want to build test packages I should use the current code?
10:20.51cniVnon-tagged cvs has 1 9 4 BETA
10:21.05Chestalwell, I guess it was an error
10:21.15larslOr do I need to set a specific time (if something has changed since the test version)?
10:21.16Chestalbut you shoudl be fine to use the current code this time
10:32.56larslPatlabor221's post on BZBB says that this could be a release candidate for 1.10. Don't we still have a dozen bugs introduced since 1.7g2?
10:33.47Chestalsome people like to release early, others don't :-)
10:34.03ChestalIMHO all the bugs in BUGS head section should either be resolved or moved to sf tracker
10:34.20Chestalbut main thing this version needs is some real testing
10:34.50Chestalthe releases before that were tested much more, but because for them it was easier
10:35.10larslWhy easier?
10:36.09Chestalbecause they were not incompatible
10:36.23Chestalso some 'production' servers were just just upgraded to beta versions
10:38.52Chestalso at least the server side was well-tested
10:39.06Chestaland a coupel of peopel were usign the CVS clients for regular playing, too
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13:14.09brlcadgood morning everybody
13:14.37brlcadThat's a pretty cool link MAC posted
13:23.40Chestalwhich link?
13:29.42brlcadlooks like a 400-level grad course in AI
13:30.17brlcadBrigham Young University
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13:30.54brlcadI found a similar link the day before yesterday -- it was an elementary school teacher using BZ
13:31.32*** join/#bzflag larsl_school (
13:38.52brlcadhrm.. might have something to do with this person:
13:41.46Chestaloh, that's interesting
13:42.24brlcadshame they're using g2 and not the latest cvs =)
13:43.16Chestalhave you taken a closer look at it? How do they interface bzflag for their agent code?
13:43.21larsl_schoolEew, they're writing it "bzFlag".
13:45.17brlcadit's not clear, but it sounds like they are being asked to hack the client itself
13:46.39brlcadI love this quote at the bottom under "Known issues and deficiencies:" :)
13:46.43brlcad"Very, very crufty code and lots of debugging output.  Sorry."
13:46.43Chestalthey defined a small wrapper layer
13:47.36brlcadah yes.. Coding your agent page.. missed that
13:48.08Chestalthe calsign "Absolut0" from the screenshot has last been seen by the ladder scripts on turkey in May
13:49.44brlcadThere's more if you go up a dir:
13:50.08brlcadThat looks like it's the final project for this semester..
13:51.42brlcadHrmm.. one page lists a due date of April, so perhaps it was last semester and the TA is cleaning things up for next semester :)
13:51.46Chestalhow did MAC find that?
13:51.51hansbrlcad: it's actually the whole semester project wrapped up in a nutshell
13:52.08hansbut when I took this class we didn't use bzflag. :(
13:52.08brlcadhaha, cool
13:52.25Chestalwould be interesting to see the results of the lab
13:52.48brlcadVery interesting :)
13:53.02brlcadhans, can you get us in touch with that TA or the professor?
13:53.02hansthe screenshot is from our campus LUG's cd with cool free software for windows
13:53.29hansyou bet. I bet the thrust of it is the TA named Dave Wingate. Brilliant guy.
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13:53.48hansbut I'm not sure. I don't know the professor personally.
13:54.00hans(took it from another)
13:54.32brlcadAn e-mail for either or both would be nice
13:55.10hansemails, phones, and snail mail
13:55.18brlcadah, good stuff
13:55.23brlcadthanks ;)
13:56.16hansDave Wingate is probably reachable via
13:56.39hanslike I say, don't know he's responsible but he's the only one I know and he's definitely capable
14:00.29brlcadIt would be very interesting to see what the final results were, if he's willing and capable to provide the projects (or at least put us in contact with the students)
14:01.10hanswould be fun to watch the final tourney as observers
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14:27.32bryjen~seen Chestal
14:27.33i haven't seen 'chestal ', bryjen
14:27.40bryjen~seen Chestal
14:27.40chestal is currently on #bzflag.  Has said a total of 79 messages.  Is idling for 35m 15s
14:28.01brlcadWould anyone like to be copied on this e-mail that I'm sending out?
14:28.05bryjen~seen MrApathyCream
14:28.06mrapathycream <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 8h 24m ago, saying: 'too much time on hands'.
14:29.41hansbrlcad: can I see the email?
14:30.04hansoh, be copied. yeah, copy me
14:30.26brlcadI'll blind it to you
14:45.47hansi think an (semi)annual bzflag bot tournament would be loads of fun
14:46.18brlcadI've been working on an api over the past couple months, but it's slow going
14:46.55brlcadsomething akin to what they did for the course -- provide an api that can rather easilly be called by whatever external module
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14:52.22hansHi Tim. Did you know they're using bzflag in CS470 at BYU this semester?
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15:20.18TimRikerhans: nope. cool! have em contact me if they need anything. are they using CVS or stable?
15:21.03brlcadthey are using g2
15:21.16TimRikerah. well that's better than nothing. ;-)
15:21.23TimRikerhope we get some patches from it.
15:21.51brlcadI told them to wander on over in to here if they need help; mentioned we have a pending release
15:22.08bryjenanyone familiar with the speed cheat checks in bzfs ?
15:23.40brlcadbryjen:  I know the basic jist of what it does. Mac implemented it, iirc
15:24.01bryjenMAC and Chestal have working on it
15:24.42brlcadcompares your speed to your previous and kicks you if you're going too fast.  Mac added a delay of 250ms recently to prevent late-packet kicks
15:25.18bryjenThere are comment around it about "can't be sure if the player didn't drop a flag".  Could not the player's flagHistory be used to check for that?
15:26.26Chestalone problem is that the messages are not ordered
15:26.47Chestalactualyl, the two mesage types in question here use two different transport channels
15:27.17ChestalMsgPlayerUpdate packets (which contain the speed values) are sent as UDP datagrams, whereas the 'important' mesages are sent over the TCP link
15:27.40Chestalso, I'd assume it's not very porbable, but they might arrive out of order
15:27.47bryjenhmmm.   there apears to be a check of  state.order at the _bottom_ of MsgPlayerUpdate.  _After_ the cheat checks.  Does that sound correct?
15:28.12ChestalI am not really familiar with that code
15:29.16Chestalbut at first glance it looks liek this check should be at the very beginning of the MsgPlayerUpdate handling
15:29.27brlcadIt's not so much a matter of catching the cheat within XXX milliseconds of occurance.. if it's caught even two or three seconds later, that is "good"
15:29.52bryjenah, i see.  so flag drops, being "important" are TCP...
15:29.54Chestalnot that it normally wouldn't make a difference
15:30.16brlcadperhaps have "penalty cards" that a player can hold -- after X offenses, they are kicked; after X minutes a card is removed
15:30.39Nidhoggrhrm interesting idea.
15:31.42TimRikerthere a url for byu bzflag info?
15:35.25hansTimRiker: look for the labs
15:35.58brlcadhans, was bz used last semester, or is that for this semester?
15:36.14brlcadone of the labs said it was due by April 15th
15:36.47bryjenwould the flagdrop and playerupdate ordering affect this check anyway?   if ( currentflag = V or previousflag = V ) ; then speedLimit = SpeedLimit * VspeedAd
15:36.52hansbrlcad: this is the first time I've heard of it. I took it last fall
15:37.14brlcadhrm.. so maybe that final project is due april 15th next year ;)  heh
15:37.17hansthey have done CTF in the past
15:37.24hansjust not with bzflag
15:37.26bryjenif its not recieved the drop message yet, currentflag is still V.  if you didn't have V anyway, neither will be V anyway
15:37.54hansso most of the labs will be similar except for the bzflag component
15:38.21*** part/#bzflag hans (~fugalh@
15:38.25Chestalbryjen: hmm, I amnot sure. All I know is that it's a difficult issue to get the checks right for all pathological cases
15:40.52bryjenI've just noticed serveral over-speed "logged only" messages in my server logs.  people are still getting around these checks.
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15:47.16ChestalI'd assume that the logged only messages are for people who are dead or in-air?
15:51.28bryjenhmm... i don't see anywhere where the state.order gets set to anything other than 0 when a player is added....
15:52.30Chestalit's taken from the message on unpack
15:54.36bryjenso it should be set in the client somewhere...
15:55.59*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
15:56.07Chestalthe client should increment this each time it sents such a packet
15:56.22Chestalthis is just so we can silently drop old packets
15:56.28Chestalnot that I would expect this to happen very often
16:01.22bryjenOk. There it is.  order++ in PlayerState::pack() in src/common/PlayerState.cxx
16:02.27Chestalwhat is your point anyway? checks are too eager or too relaxed?
16:02.31*** join/#bzflag niksie (
16:02.44Chestalhi niksie
16:02.53niksiehey Chestal
16:02.55niksielong time no see
16:03.04bryjeni was hoping to make the speed check a bit smarter
16:03.56niksiehow busy are the CVS servers?
16:04.22bryjeni got distracted by the order thing.  that's another issue.
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16:12.38bryjeni think the speed check is too relaxed.  i have lots of log entries with tanks traveling from 50 up to 600 (25 is the normal speeed, 37 for V flag)
16:14.27niksiethat would not be good
16:17.25Nidhoggrbryjen, there is a speed cheat that people use where they set themselves .01 off the ground, and the server doesn't kick them because they are "jumping"
16:18.16bryjenthose aren't auto-kick notices, just "logged only" messages
16:18.58Nidhoggrthat's how it reports that a person is too fast.  if they were on the ground, it'd autokick them.
16:19.12bryjenNidhoggr: it looks at their Z coordinate and Z velocity, so they'd have to be moving a bit.
16:19.30bryjennotice the code segment i pasted above
16:19.50bryjenor maybe there's a way to fake that out too :(
16:19.52Nidhoggrsomeone here tested it a while back. they set themselves .1 off the ground, and they were not kicked until they went backwards.
16:20.16NidhoggrI get a bunch of cheaters like that
16:20.50Nidhoggrso a check to see if altitude changes while they are going faster than -speedtol would be good.
16:22.17bryjenif they've set themselves to .00001, or whatever,  it would not change
16:22.21Nidhoggrwhen I see that, it normally doesn't kick them until they've gone outside the map area.
16:22.44Nidhoggrthat's the point... if your altitude is changing, then no kick. if it isn't, then kick.
16:22.55NidhoggrI just said it kinda backwards.
16:22.58bryjenor they could be driving on a very thin buidling
16:23.45Patlabor221server should track there jump state
16:23.57Nidhoggrhow does bz deal with buildings?  if the building top is +10 off the ground, can't you make sure they are not 10.1 or some such junk?
16:24.23Patlabor221the server doesn't know if they are on or off a building
16:24.34Patlabor221it needs to check it's jump state
16:24.39niksiewhy not just kick them if their velocity ever is greater than a certain velocity?
16:24.41bryjeni donno.  i don't think the server play any attention to obstacles.  no collision detection there
16:25.06niksieI'm referring to vx/vy velocity btw
16:25.10Patlabor221cus if you jump with High Speed, then drop the flag in mid air, you will not slow down til you land
16:25.23Patlabor221and in that case you would be kicked
16:25.37Patlabor221cus you are moving faster then your current flag state allows.
16:25.41Nidhoggrand it happens, unless you use -speedtol
16:25.43niksiegood reason
16:25.57niksiehow about not actually truly dropping the flag until you hit the ground?
16:26.00niksieit wouldn't change anything
16:26.00Patlabor221the current speed kick is not well implemented
16:26.18bryjenPatlabor221: that's what got me started on using flaghistory to catch that case
16:26.20Patlabor221that would be a large change to gameply
16:26.46Patlabor221best thing would be to improve the server state, and not just work on hacks with what is there.
16:26.57Patlabor221cus people are used to droping things in the air.
16:27.13Patlabor221like bad flags can drop when the time goes off, no mater where you are.
16:27.31niksiehow about a special case for the HS flag?
16:27.39bryjenflaghistory is _kind_ _of_ a state thing...
16:27.39Patlabor221then it's even a worse hack
16:27.47Patlabor221why not fix the server so it knows properly
16:27.56Patlabor221it is kinda
16:27.58niksiebecause that would be rather complicated
16:28.08Patlabor221welcome to the real word kidoo
16:28.16Nidhoggrcan't you put in a "lastflag" function for players?
16:28.17brlcada server state could watch instances of "speeding" and notice that you are actually still obeying game rules, regardless of "flag state"
16:28.38bryjeni hadn't thought of the packet ordering issue Chestal brought up tho....
16:28.44Patlabor221and a true server state would allow soo much more
16:28.54brlcadmuch so much more
16:29.11Patlabor221since there is no true time sync a server state is screwed for that reason
16:29.24bryjenNidhoggr:  the server already tracks your previous flags for the /flaghistory command.  it just doesn't use that info in the cheat checks.
16:29.33Patlabor221the BZ game is just not designed around that type of ideal
16:29.52niksiedoes flaghistory contain time?
16:30.12Patlabor221it's just last flag
16:30.16bryjenniksie:  its just a list of flags, in the order you've had them
16:30.35Patlabor221so with out jump state it could still get funky
16:30.36bryjenthere is a last flag drop time, tho, i think
16:30.42Nidhoggrwell, the last flag info would definitely help for the speed cheats.
16:30.58niksieIt shouldn't be too hard to calculate the max jump time on a map
16:31.07Patlabor221you could have had V, drop it, jump, speed up, then be ok
16:31.34Nidhoggrpat, true, but it'd still catch most of the instances.
16:31.54niksieif the cheaters have to perform special actions in game I think we are save :)
16:31.59niksieThey have no skill
16:32.15Patlabor221ohh they will just automate it
16:32.23Patlabor221since they can get any flag at any time
16:32.23niksiehmm, perhaps
16:32.27Patlabor221it would be easy
16:32.36niksieoh, I did not know that cheat existed
16:32.40Patlabor221they have no skill in game, but do not doubt there skill in programing.
16:32.44bryjenonly compare to lastflag within  lastflagdroptime > currenttime - jumptime
16:32.49niksiehow much work has been done on anti-cheating in this tree?
16:32.59brlcadnear nil
16:33.07TyroneFHornighThere's been a lot of talk
16:33.10Patlabor221well it has all the stuff G2 had
16:33.17Patlabor221and some of that has goten tweaks
16:33.22niksiePatlabor221: the cheaters must be cowering in fear
16:33.36Patlabor221no, no they arn't
16:33.37TyroneFHornighThe thunder of voices in IRC can do that :)
16:33.46Patlabor221yeah all 5 of them
16:33.56brlcadthe voting system will allow players to settle cheating issues by themselves, and should alleviate cheater impact, but it doesn't address the fundamental problem that allows cheating to persist so openly
16:34.17niksieI think its nice that there are cheaters
16:34.23niksieIt gives us something to discuss
16:34.25niksieand think about
16:34.38Patlabor221there will allways be cheaters
16:34.41TyroneFHornighThe voting system only works for obvious cheats and obnoxious players. It won't solve most of the problem.
16:34.42Patlabor221you can't stop all hacks
16:34.56niksielike this flag colouring
16:35.18TyroneFHornighThere's a huge intersection between obnoxious players and cheaters though.
16:35.43bryjencheaters are a subset of obnoxious players
16:35.59Patlabor221not allways
16:36.01Patlabor221but often
16:36.28bryjenif you believe cheating itself is obnoxious
16:36.30brlcadyes, the subtle cheaters and subtlely annoying placers will remain unimpacted by the voting :)
16:36.55niksieThere is a gray line between hacking your client and cheating
16:37.05bryjen~dict obnoxious
16:37.27TimRikercniV: I'm thinking that the new bzfls would be php or similar on *nix
16:37.49cniVthough php is ok for database stuff
16:37.51Nidhoggrwhat is a dodge bot?
16:37.53TyroneFHornighpython seems to be the preference around here. :)
16:38.00TimRikersince we want a web interface as well as a callable interface for the clients and bzfs
16:38.17TyroneFHornighNidhoggr: it's an american made bot, usually associated with trucks :)
16:38.31TimRikerit would seem that we want a database like SQLite that holds the servers, users, groups, karma
16:38.38Nidhoggr~lart TyroneFHornigh
16:38.51niksiekarma would be awesome
16:38.58niksieand SQLlite already is awesome
16:39.09TimRikerclient would make a regular http call to the server as would the bzfs instances.
16:39.14niksiepass me some of that stuff, will ya
16:39.23cniVi havent played around with SQLite though
16:39.33TimRikerusers can use other urls to get to the web administration stuff like group administration etc.
16:39.36niksieits more than sufficient for bzfls needs
16:39.48NidhoggrTim, good idea.
16:39.59brlcadThe bzfls in and of itself is a bit odd.  The servers themselves could do everything that the bzfls does without the need of a webserver etc
16:40.02TimRikercniV: perl is fine. probably mod perl or similar for performance.
16:40.23TimRikerperl supports SQLite (ibot uses it now) does php?
16:40.25cniVits just that im more familiar with perl than say php
16:41.15niksieerror comming up:
16:41.15TimRikercniV: I don't have a strong preference for php or perl etc. I do have a preference for SQLite instead of say MySQL.
16:41.33cniVim sure i can figure out SQLite :)
16:41.36niksieits the compiling phase for macosx
16:41.39niksieg++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I../../include   -I../../include -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes  -O3 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer -fexpensive-optimizations -fno-exceptions -c -o bzfls.o `test -f 'bzfls.cxx' || echo './'`bzfls.cxx
16:41.39niksie/usr/include/gcc/darwin/3.3/c++/ppc-darwin/bits/atomicity.h: In function `int
16:41.39niksie/usr/include/gcc/darwin/3.3/c++/ppc-darwin/bits/atomicity.h:65: error: `asm'
16:41.41TimRikerbrlcad: explain?
16:41.51NidhoggrTim, why sqlite over mysql?
16:42.00Nidhoggr<--- not familiar with sqlite
16:42.07niksiesqlite==very nice
16:42.12TimRikerNidhoggr: easier to compartmentalize to a single user.
16:42.24methinks sqlite is a lightweight, embeddable sql server. it is rumored to be easily compiled for the ARM architecture. or at or ipkg install sqlite
16:42.58TimRiker~sqlite is also
16:42.59TimRiker: okay
16:43.14*** join/#bzflag david_v (
16:43.26TyroneFHornighniksie: You're using gcc 3.3, have you modified the PB files, or are you using the make build?
16:44.05cniVoh and also, with the one username per unique email address
16:44.14cniVdo we allow say hotmail/yahoo email addresses?
16:44.24niksiejaguar, gcc 3.3 using the make build
16:44.40brlcadTim: the servers already know how to announce themselves, the servers are already set up to send/receive traffic.  With a server-network protocol, servers could intercommunicate (and be self-redundant) without the need for a list server.
16:45.17niksiebrlcad: that may cause trouble when a single server tries to muck things up
16:45.19cniVwe will need something which targets people just creating accounts for the sake of it
16:45.42TyroneFHornighniksie: I've built using 3.3 with PB, but I haven't tried the make build. The 3.3 compiler definitely has some issues, since it's still a prerelease.
16:45.43brlcadthe list server itself could be converted to an idle bzfs that would/could serve as a backup for the network as a default check
16:46.01TimRikerNidhoggr: uses a single file for the sqldatabase. implements fairly complete (and fast) SQL standard interface. cool stuff.
16:46.39TimRikercniV: any email address they can receive at this point. we might have email ban lists in the future.
16:46.41brlcadniksie: not if the protocol is defined narrowly enough -- you don't see gnutella clients causing havok on p2p networks for much of the same reason
16:46.53brlcadit could even be a valid p2p network
16:47.21niksiehmm, yeah
16:47.28TimRikerbrlcad: tough to do. but with a peer to peer protocol it could work for server annoucements.
16:47.58TimRikerbrlcad: won't work for user/password though as any server could join and claim to know better than any other.
16:48.44brlcadnetworks like the limelight network almost mirror exactly what is needed, where longer persisting servers become ultrapeers allowing for large network message passing responsibilities, etc
16:49.11brlcadTim: explain
16:49.20TimRikerbrlcad: still have the user/password issue. more pronounced with splits (DOS etc)
16:49.39Nidhoggrbrlcad... i work for limelight. :)
16:49.54brlcadNidhoggr: ha  :)
16:49.56TimRikersay the user "Tim" is owner and member of an "admin" group. some server would own that entry.
16:50.02*** part/#bzflag david_v (
16:50.17TimRikerthen you DOS that server and start a new server which has a different "Tim" and "admin".
16:50.43TimRikernow all servers that trusted "Tim" will trust your hack and you own the network.
16:50.44Nidhoggrso you'd have to set up trust relationships with servers, so they can update their own entries.
16:50.48Nidhoggrso a gpg key or similar.
16:51.18TimRikern way trust relationships mirrored on 50 plus servers is not an easy thing to get right.
16:51.38bryjeneep.  NT Domains come to mind
16:51.50Nidhoggrso there has to be a central server or two.
16:52.14TimRikerso 2-5 central list servers is a lot easier to admin and get right.
16:52.34TimRikerwe'll start with one, then add a slave soon.
16:52.44brlcadright, there are ways around that.  It depends how and who controls registration/authentication.  I'm not saying that needs to be distributed.  Perhaps you would have something equivalent to agents on the network (akin to NickServ in irc) that would do it
16:52.49niksiehow much traffic does the list server get?
16:53.09*** part/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
16:53.13TimRikersince we want to have a web interface to much of this it seems to make sense to have the complete list server be a web application.
16:54.09brlcadYou could still have the list server be a web interface that would just attach on to the network, but you could do the same with the client itself, or a bzfs admin interface as well
16:55.10TimRikerbrlcad: I hear you. both solutions would work. we need a web interface to the list server, so I'm saying that let's do that first.
16:55.43brlcadbzfs needs it anyways.. turn it into a network peer (which it really is) and you open up a lot of possibilities.  heck, you could implement the exact same registration system that would have been in bzfls and just make it the authority agent for registrati
16:55.53TimRikerif we decide to add caching and a list server proxy interface into bzfs in the future we still can. we are not starting there though.
16:55.59niksiewhat is adler32.c?
16:56.47*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
16:56.54Nidhoggrhiya bagheera
16:57.18TimRikercniV: So... I'd suggest we change bzflag 1.9 to use GET instead of LIST on the current bzfls.
16:57.19Bagheerahey nid
16:57.32NidhoggrI can't look at the map, but I put it up. :)
16:57.38TimRikerthen we implement a new bzfls in perl or php and point 1.9 at that one.
16:57.39NidhoggrI'll look at it when i get home.
16:57.46NidhoggrI'm excited I can play again.
16:58.03TimRikerthen we add user databases on the new list server. then we make the servers and clients talk to that interface.
16:58.11Bagheerano rush, minor visual changes, major tweaking
16:58.55TimRikerfirst step is a replacement perl/php bzfls. some one write it and I'll run it on
17:00.59cniVis there a spec of sorts for it?
17:01.26cniVmay be better than blindly rewriting it in say perl/php
17:01.43TimRikernope. but I can explain... client does a GET to to get the url(s) for the list server.
17:02.07TimRikerthen it does a LIST to (effectively)
17:02.31TimRikerthat's the one that should be changed to a GET on the same URL and handle the http headers. simple change.
17:03.35TimRikerthe output is a text/plain that includes space separated server/ver/info/ip/msg
17:04.39TimRikerservers do an ADD server/ver/info/ip/msg  to get on. should be changed to a GET/POST with params.
17:05.23TimRikerbzfls does a tcp open back to the server to confirm that it's there (or that something is there) and then adds the server to the list.
17:06.08TimRikerservers do a SETNUM? or something every time a player joins/leaves to update the listing. should also be changed to a GET/POST with parameters.
17:07.09TimRikerthat's it iirc.
17:07.16*** join/#bzflag Svartalf (
17:07.25*** part/#bzflag Svartalf (
17:07.31cniVcurrently theres ADD/REMOVE/SETNUM/LIST/GET
17:07.46cniVare you saying that we deprecate some of them
17:07.52TimRikerah. forgot remove. ;-)
17:08.20TimRikerADD/REMOVE/SETNUM/LIST should change to GET with parameters.
17:09.15TimRiker,1,2,3,4,5  for example.
17:09.55cniVah right
17:10.14TimRiker  might be better.
17:10.34cniVso its just simple CGI stuff
17:10.50TimRikeryep. setnum could be a php/perl/etc script.
17:11.06cniVditto add/remove/list?
17:11.19TimRikercould also do:
17:12.48TimRikereventually we nuke the 5156 and put it on port 80. add http_proxy support and redirects to the URL handler that the client and bzfs use.
17:13.07*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
17:13.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
17:13.10cniVi dont follow the last example
17:13.22cniVwhy put setnum in list?
17:14.54TimRikerthen list would be the only entry point and the same php/perl script would look at action to decide what to do.
17:15.09cniVah right
17:15.12bryjen    where bar = add , remove, setnum, list ...
17:15.28TimRikerbryjen: xactly
17:15.32cniVso instead of having 5 different scripts
17:15.40cniVjust have one and switch the action
17:16.02cniVright that sounds pretty straightforward
17:16.36TimRikera bare /list would imply a LIST and with action=something you get others.
17:17.30cniVcool hopefully i'll get this done within the next few days
17:17.57TimRikersweet. need to hack the 1.9 client/bzfs once we have a sample to point at.
17:18.03*** join/#bzflag Spiff (
17:18.15cniVwhere to put in cvs though...
17:21.48brlcadeep.. Limewire network != Limelight network.. :)  I meant the prior earlier ..
17:23.14TyroneFHornighcareful, you're going to receive a notice from the RIAA for admitting you know that :)
17:24.02cniVok im gonna go crash somewhere... had a few all-nighters and im pretty buggered
17:24.20bryjenat least you weren't mixing apples and oranges ;)
17:24.23cniVcatch you guys in a few hours
17:24.59brlcadfile sharing is not (nor should be) illegal, file sharing apps are not (nor should be) illegal.  What you choose to share and how you share it "may" be, however, given current IP law in the US>
17:25.01TimRikercniV: start a new module.
17:25.25TimRikerinstead of /bzflag use /karma or similar. anyone for a name idea?
17:25.52TyroneFHornighand the RIAA can send out all the notices it wants. It doesn't mean that people should be paying the extortion they're demanding.
17:26.09TimRikerlist? karma? admin? db? ?somelongnamethatpeoplewillgetsickoftyping?
17:26.15SpiffLoL Nidhoggr
17:26.24niksieI like /whuffie
17:26.29niksieits from that book
17:26.37niksieDown and out in the Magic Kingdom
17:26.43SpiffHey Noodle...
17:26.52Nidhoggrmy thought bubbles get me in more trouble ;)
17:26.55NoodlemanSpiff: m00f
17:26.58SpiffYou missed "my" car last night.. left right before I could stick it in here.
17:27.12SpiffMethinks it wouldn't get stolen. ;-)
17:27.13niksieIt could also show how good a player you are and how many times you have been voted off
17:27.34Noodlemandid you actually do it?
17:27.39SpiffNooo! LoL
17:27.44Noodlemanor did you get that off the net?
17:27.58SpiffSome dude on an MSN community I used to visit posted it. :)
17:28.24TimRikerniksie: nod. playing stats etc. SETNUM would include the user(s) that are logged in at some point.
17:28.34TimRikerso the new list server could do stats stuff too.
17:28.37SpiffTho I'm tempted to do something similar to my car before I go on any road trips.. :)
17:29.10brlcadI know some people in downtown Baltimore that would love to do 5 minutes or so of body and audio work on your car..
17:29.20TyroneFHornighPeople might be tempted to see how much liquid your car could absorb.
17:29.39SpiffGee... thanks a lot, learner. ;)
17:29.43Spiff... and JB. :)
17:30.02SpiffI just don't want them to nick it.
17:30.02brlcadlemme know when you're "in town" and I'll be sure to "hook you up"
17:30.21SpiffI told ya before man.. hookers are not my style!
17:30.57brlcadNo no.. they'd pay _you_, at least you'd take it from them..
17:31.40SpiffI think that re-painting the car is useless.  I'll just get the crappiest looking car I can find.. then I won't *have* to paint it.
17:32.55SpiffWell... after sleeping until noon.. it's time to go fix my bed-head.  Back in a flash. :-)
17:33.08brlcadIf you insist
17:34.43Patlabor221ahh good, they fixed mouse wheel on windows SDL :)
17:35.14TimRikerme thinks is probably best. thoughts?
17:35.35brlcadugh.. I dispise this cheesy weak irc client for it's simplicity.  I can barely notice arrivals, departures, private messages, etc
17:35.56brlcadthe difference between a private message and a public message is one freaking character
17:36.59bryjenfreaky characters like JB's unicode smilies ?
17:38.36NidhoggrTim: db. sounds good.
17:38.38TyroneFHornighGet a better client, bry ☺
17:40.56TimRiker~lart TyroneFHornigh
17:41.15TimRiker~spell decaffeinats
17:41.18possible spellings for decaffeinats: decaffeinates decaffeinate decaffeinated
17:41.38TyroneFHornighNo thanks, I don't eat chops these days, do you have any salad?
17:41.50TimRiker~salad TyroneFHornigh
17:41.54Nidhoggr2 large cups of columbia roast (total of 32 oz)
17:42.18TimRiker~convert 32 ounces to cups
17:42.32Nidhoggrhrm. cuz oz is weight :)
17:42.32TimRiker~convert 32 fluid ounces to cups
17:43.07TyroneFHornigh~fishslap brlcad
17:43.10ACTION slaps brlcad up side the head with a wet fish.
17:43.47TimRiker~convert 32 floz to cups
17:43.55TyroneFHornighYummm :)
17:44.13Nidhoggrerr 8
17:44.30TyroneFHornighmore senior moments.
17:45.15methinks nidhoggr is a master of Typo Fu
17:45.22bryjenTy Po
17:46.37MasterPoSnatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper.
17:47.52bryjenno thanks. i don't know where its been. ;)
17:48.20MasterPoWe can tell the relative ages of nid and bry from those responses :)
17:48.52NidhoggrI turn 42 on Nov 16th. :)
17:49.13MasterPoGreat age, the answer to life the Universe and Everything
17:50.38Nidhoggrwe nicknamed the new Kung Fu-The Legend Continues to Kung Fu-The Cliche Continues.
17:51.14MasterPoI didn't see most of those. I did watch the original series pretty regularly.
17:51.43Nidhoggrbbiab. work calls.
18:04.48brlcadI miss the old Kung Fu shows.. none of the stations around here even play reruns much anymore (at least I've yet to have found it consistently)
18:05.16*** join/#bzflag Big_Barrel (
18:05.51brlcadChestal.. *PING*
18:06.10bryjenwow. jumbogram ?
18:06.46SpiffYa know... I read an article the other day about how too much caffine (from coffey, tea, pop, etc.) can kill you...
18:07.30SpiffThey went on and on about it..... and then, at the end of the article, they mentioned that you'd have to drink approximately 100 cups of coffey in a period of three hours to do so.  Bah!
18:07.52SpiffWith that said.. I'm going to go eat lunch. :-)
18:09.27*** join/#bzflag luca__ (
18:09.37luca__hello is bzflag playable on a p 120mhz?
18:09.52luca__wihout 3d acc.
18:10.32bryjenprobably not
18:10.36Patlabor221lowest res, everything turned off, maybe
18:10.57Patlabor221it'll be chunky tho
18:11.16Patlabor221I ran it on a P80 once
18:11.21MasterPobzflag, chunky style ;)
18:11.51bryjenfugly colors that'd make you wanna chunk....
18:12.17Patlabor221yeah, no textures, no lights, no shadows, no blending. your not gonna get any of that
18:12.34luca__but...still playable? and understandable?
18:12.49Patlabor221depends on your description of "playable"
18:12.55Patlabor221all you can do is try
18:13.02luca__yes i will
18:18.52TimRikerp200 with everything off at 640x480 should get close to 20fps
18:19.13TimRikerbeen a while since I tried that though.
18:22.16luca__i am ready to try it
18:22.53larslGood luck. =)
18:25.42*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
18:29.34Bagheeraman, wouldnt it be nice if we could actually play purple panzers borg world......
18:31.26TuponeBZ versioning is now too selective IMHO, version is changed to 1.9.4 and no server are reachable
18:32.24*** join/#bzflag larsl (
18:32.56Nidhoggrwoo.. I can play 1.9 stuff now.
18:33.10NidhoggrI'll have to experiment later.
18:33.19TuponeNo public server now
18:33.40NidhoggrI'll put one up when I start testing.
18:34.12TuponeThere are some, actually!
18:34.17Bagheerareally?.....i just downloaded 1.9.4.BETA and went to one of the three sites listed......maybe the list server is messed up
18:34.24luca__too slow
18:34.45luca__what's new?
18:34.54Bagheerahave you lowered your resolution...???, what are you running with now
18:35.00luca__of course
18:35.05luca__everything off
18:35.12luca__at 640x480
18:35.20Bagheera.....sry to hear that...
18:36.09*** topic/#bzflag by TimRiker -> LIST SERVER MOVED bzflist:// || || || || forums || cvs snapshots: Win32 ||
18:36.10luca__i am on a p120 mhz, redhat 9, xfree 4.3, s3 trio64 card...
18:36.45luca__what's new in 1.9?
18:36.52Nidhoggrlots and lots :)
18:36.52Bagheerayeah, sounds painful.......lowest I personally have played with is 300MHz
18:37.05Tuponenew flag, and rabbit mode
18:37.17luca__can i turn around while jumping ?
18:37.36luca__what do you mean "rabbit mode"
18:37.39Tuponeif you started turning, yes
18:37.40luca__no? damn...:-(
18:37.50TuponeOne against all the other
18:38.13Tuponecaccia alla lepre
18:38.22luca__hehe forte
18:39.12luca__that feature should be implemented...i think it has been already asked for by the users, right?
18:39.50Tuponestart turning while jumping ... I don' think so
18:40.20TuponePerhaps a new flag
18:41.12luca__well..i think every player attempts to turn right or left at the beginning, becouse it is natural
18:42.03larslIt's natural to turn when you're in the air?
18:42.15larslHow would you do that?
18:42.37luca__yeah hehe
18:42.43Tuponeif the gun is notat center
18:42.44*** join/#bzflag learner (
18:42.59learnerjeesh, I'm running out of machines I can connect from
18:43.10luca__like cats falling down from the window
18:43.10Nidhoggrwhy's that, learner?
18:43.14larslNo, the bullets are going out from the middle of the tank, wouldn't add any angular momentum.
18:43.35larslAh, sorry, didn't see your line.
18:43.36*** join/#bzflag learner (
18:43.55learnerconnection problems
18:43.57Nidhoggrwhat's the problem, learner?
18:44.07learnermy connection at home was cut last week
18:44.30learnerI'm told they will be fixing the problem tomorrow and be back up
18:44.49learnerin the meantime, I'm hoping through 3 servers to get to one that can make an irc connection
18:44.58learnerit took me hours to find a way in here last week
18:45.12niksieyou seem to be on IRC atm
18:45.13learnerand that host just went down on me
18:45.36learnerif I lost this one, I'm SOL until tomorrow
18:47.44Bagheeradang. learner is back.......where did i put that shovel.........
18:48.19Nidhoggrdog and pony show at work
18:48.39brlcad~bury learner
18:48.51brlcadheh, random guess/try :)
18:50.40Nidhoggrhow is it?
18:51.32Bagheeraviagra is amazing isnt it
18:51.40brlcad~bury Bagheera
18:51.43ibot dumps 42 tons of dirt, manure, and fish heads on Bagheera
18:52.08NidhoggrI get too much viagra spam. :(
18:52.26Bagheeranothing like the smell of fish heads and manure in the morning.......
18:52.59Patlabor221and people say I've got a dirty mind
18:54.09NidhoggrI have to censor myself a lot.
18:54.26Nidhoggr~dict censer
18:54.37Nidhoggr~dict censor
18:54.46Nidhoggrthat's the one.
18:56.02Nidhoggrbeing a priest, I have had a number of people censer me. :)
18:56.14Bagheerahow do you deal with smoke and burns?
18:56.17TuponeTimRiker: don think versioning is too strong? 1.9.3 server seeems to me are not reachable from 1.9.4 client
18:56.37Nidhoggrthe smoke can be a little thick, but don't usually have problem with burning.
18:56.59Nidhoggrhave you seen people in an orthodox church use a censer?
18:57.19Nidhoggrthey swing it like some sort of circus thing.
18:57.38Bagheerakeeps the parishiners alert
18:57.44Nidhoggrthat's for sure.
18:58.09NidhoggrI'm a little more gentle with the censer, since I've seen a charcoal launch itself onto a nice new wood floor before.
18:59.24brlcadserver should probably only parse major and minor number, or perhaps the BZFS1094 should have the last digit stripped
19:00.14TuponeI think so too. Just trying to find the code that do the compare!
19:00.30bryjenTupone:  1.9.4 still uses protocol 1903, works here.  list server issues for you?
19:00.33larslIsn't the protocol still 1903?
19:01.08TuponeI saw no server before, after a while a see all the server but updated 1.9.4
19:01.28Tuponedon't know if it is a temporary problem
19:01.36Tuponenetwork, I mean
19:01.46Patlabor221the proto didn't change
19:01.58Patlabor221just a bump for the beta build
19:02.00Tuponeso was my network
19:02.25larslPatlabor221: Did you get my message about the RPM?
19:03.48TuponeNo protocol problem, just eyes problem! seems to still be 1.9.3,  and it is in the list when i look with 1.9.4 client.
19:07.38TuponeThats OK. No real problem. 'cause protocol is still 1.9.3
19:08.19TuponeFor the future we could put a range of admitted values on the client. Just an idea
19:08.40larslShould the client display servers with a different protocol?
19:08.56larslIt probably can't play on them anyway.
19:09.25Nidhoggrif it does, it should be a command line switch for troubleshooting, but not a default.
19:09.43TuponeIf we are going to change protocol like the version, I suppose we can play a lot of version
19:09.58larslTupone: We are not, the protocol isn't coupled to the version.
19:10.09larslWe just started counting at 1903 because it sounded nice. =)
19:10.33TuponeOK! Just confused!
19:11.08TuponeNext version 1.10 should have 1.9.3 has protocol version, if nothing really change
19:12.26Nidhoggrwow victims have had 11111 minutes with the ST flag since we started keeping stats.
19:13.47Nidhoggr29958 flagless kills, and 7161 kills with GM
19:15.54bryjentotal kills?
19:16.18Nidhoggrdon't have a total column yet.  we should.
19:17.59bryjenwebmaster Nidhoggr: 404
19:18.02Nidhoggrerr flags.
19:18.19well, nidhoggr is a master of Typo Fu
19:18.38[dmp]Cool stats
19:18.45Nidhoggrwe are gunna do more.
19:18.51Nidhoggrjust gotta get time to code it.
19:18.55[dmp]How do you collect 'em?
19:19.05Nidhoggrmodified bzfs
19:19.19Nidhoggradded date and time stamping and different message format.
19:19.52[dmp]I guess I should rewrite the ladder stuff as a add-on for bzflag, so each serveradmin can run their own stats,without this pollilng as i do now.
19:20.00[dmp]Would be much nicer
19:20.17Nidhoggronce 1.10 gets done, we'll make a patch for the logging changes.
19:20.20SpiffGood idea, [dmp]. :-)
19:21.12larsl[dmp]: And report to a central site once a day if they want to?
19:21.47[dmp]larsl: Havnt really given it much thinking. But the current "solution" is one big hack :)
19:22.17[dmp]larsl: But some kinda of collection (eg for ducati-servers) would be a requirement, i think
19:22.20Chestalbrlcad: pong
19:22.51Nidhoggr for a sample of the mod'd log format.
19:23.01SpiffPing pong? :)
19:23.58[dmp]Nidhoggr: so basically you got some script that parses this logfile and store it in some form of database?
19:24.17Nidhoggrand a script that lets me read the logs in a tail -f so I can see what's going on on the server.
19:24.36Nidhoggrscript can detect TK, etc.
19:25.04[dmp]gives alot of possibities :)
19:25.08Nidhoggrthat's the idea.
19:25.24larslNidhoggr: Do you store each log line as a table row in the database? How much space does it need?
19:25.26NidhoggrI can have scripts monitor the server, and use bzadmin to join and handle some admin functins.
19:25.40Nidhoggrlarsl, right now it's a mysql database.
19:26.28[dmp]I need to rewrite all ladder-scripts if I want them to continue running without too much problems. Would be a nice time to think about doing it right (or better, at least :))
19:26.47larslRighter. =)
19:27.11Nidhoggr[root@logos logs]# du -s /var/lib/mysql/spstats/
19:27.11Nidhoggr4956    /var/lib/mysql/spstats
19:27.32Nidhoggrthat's now much it is taking up now.
19:27.42larslThat's not too bad.
19:28.44[dmp]daisy:/var/lib/mysql# du -s bzflag/
19:28.44[dmp]528516  bzflag
19:29.52[dmp]But after i got the extra memory, i dont notice mysql anymore (except for the "thank-you"/"you lag" messages i receive)
19:37.04TimRiker[dmp]: should be part of the new db server. SETNUM calls should contain username references at some point so there is no polling.
19:37.26Chestal*sigh* I once again come to the conclusion that lag is bzflag biggest problem
19:37.30Chestalfar bigger than cheating etc.
19:37.43Chestaland I really don't see anythign that can be done about it
19:37.49MasterPoIt's often easy to mistake one for the other.
19:38.00larslI don't think that lag is a big problem.
19:38.08Chestalit's by far the biggest problem
19:38.15Chestalcheating doesnt concern me
19:38.27ChestalI don't think I have seencheating for some months on my server
19:38.34Chestalnot when I was playing anyway
19:38.46MasterPoWe can do away with the extraneous overhead of tcp and use a library which offers reliable udp.
19:38.59Chestalthat won't help
19:39.17Chestalincreasing the speed of light might
19:39.19MasterPoI've seen a fair amount of cheating on ducati, some subtle, some not.
19:39.30MasterPoIt wouldn't hurt.
19:39.31Chestalwhen it's subtle, you are only guessing
19:40.08Tuponekinda of ntp should help?
19:40.10MasterPoTrue, but we all do a bit of educated guessing in this business, especially when dealing with hardware and timing issues.
19:40.30Chestalyes, but I want to believe that usually, nocheatign is involved
19:40.44Chestalof course peopel could've reduced the radius for the hit check
19:40.54Chestaland I cannot really tell, but I believe that's not the issue here
19:41.09MasterPoI would prefer to believe that as well, so I think we're in violent agreement :)
19:41.12Chestalthe only thing we might be abke to do is to enhance the lag statistics
19:41.33MasterPoor centralize some game state.
19:41.40Chestalso we would at least have some kind of objective metric to judge lag
19:41.51Chestalyes, one can go along that route
19:41.58Chestalbut I fear it itnroduces problems of its own
19:42.23Chestala first step would be to include time stamps for all movement and shot packets
19:42.25MasterPoOf course, but I'm willing to wander down all of the paths and list the pros and cons of each.
19:42.27Nidhoggrour new logging mechanism uses time stamping now.
19:42.31Chestalserver woudl then be able to measure jitter
19:43.12MasterPotime stamps introduced by server as a packet arrives or by client as packet is sent?
19:44.01MasterPowe can deal with the issues of synchronization.
19:44.07Tuponestealing something from ntp to synchronize client? don't know how much is complicated
19:44.22Chestalthe lag will always be there
19:44.27Chestalno way to get away with it
19:44.31MasterPoassume it's a solved problem and then we can proceed.
19:44.36Chestalwe can only try to push the disadvantage around
19:45.04Chestalso for example when server is master, players with lag will have the main disadvantage
19:45.11Chestalright now it's a bit hard to tell who suffers most
19:45.36MasterPoIt looks like the players with more lag have an advantage since others never know where to shoot.
19:46.19TuponeThey too shoot where opponent was
19:46.27Chestalwell, you coudl reason that way when there is one player with a higher lag than everyone else
19:46.53Chestalso for them, all other players lag the same
19:47.05Chestalbut for theother players, the one player behaves differently, so they will have to readjust all the timr
19:47.13Chestaleven worse when the lagger's lag is not constant
19:47.35Chestalbut whatever you do, you cannot really satisfy everyone
19:47.43Chestaland I am not talking of major lag here, liek >300ms
19:47.44MasterPoThat's just my impression from my perspective. I've seen games where multiple players lag significantly. Shooting ahead doesn't help since they've changed direction several times by the time the shot arrives.
19:47.50Chestaleven 150ms for evryone seems to be too much
19:47.54luca__1.9 is unstable?
19:48.01Chestalat least judging by current lagstats
19:48.45Chestalwe could also include a further number in some of the player's packets, maybe in the ping responses
19:48.52Chestalit oculd be the total numebr of UDP packets received
19:48.59Chestalto get a more accurate percentage of lost packets
19:49.12Chestallost packets aer especially annoying because the lagger might not receive a shot
19:50.13MasterPoThat's one of the interesting cheats floating around right now, clients deliberately dropping certain packets.
19:52.06MasterPoSo what you have described can give us a measurement of the network characteristics for each player, but what do we do with that information?
19:52.13Chestaloh, well, enough whing, but this is really destryoign my faith in the future of bzflag
19:52.21Chestaldisplay it
19:52.27Chestalinclude it in lagstats
19:52.39Chestalif it correlates with 'felt' lag it would be useful
19:52.59Chestalright now you often have the case, that some opponent feels laggy for you
19:53.05Chestalbut you cannot see that in lagstats
19:53.10Tuponesynchronize presentation ... if we have timestamp
19:53.25Chestaltimestamp could be used to compensate some of the jitter
19:53.32Chestalnot sure if it would really hel, though
19:53.40[dmp]is there any info about this new DB server?
19:53.47MasterPoWe can't synchronize the presentation since we would be constantly trying to catch up.
19:53.53Tuponewe can future some positional information
19:54.20MasterPoThat happens now, and we get phantom tanks popping out and then popping back when we can catch up.
19:54.43Tuponethat is only dead reckoning
19:55.20TuponeWe now don't have timestamp so we don't know when a tank is where
19:55.40Chestaltimestamp is IMHO only useful to detect (and maybe compensate) jitter
19:55.58Chestalprojection to compensate latency is not a good idea for bzflag
19:56.13TuponeWYM by compensate
19:56.16MasterPoI think I agree with Chestal, but I'm willing to listen to ideas.
19:56.21TimRikerthat differnt than dead reconning?
19:56.39Chestalwell, I amnot sure it can really be done
19:56.48Chestalbut let's assume latency of player A is 100ms usually
19:56.55Chestalbut now and then a packets takes 120ms
19:57.09Chestalthen this jitter can be detected by timestamps
19:57.29Chestaland client could simply not use the current time as basis for dead reckoning but current time - 20ms
19:57.46Chestalthe onl yproblem is the 100ms, in my example it;s known. In practice it's now
19:57.48Chestaleh, not
19:58.14Chestalbut it would be nice to know about the jitter in the first place
19:59.10Chestaland lost packets, too
19:59.13TimRikerwe should add a usec timestanp to the msgs, and then do some stats on the servers.
20:02.15*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:02.19ChestalI'm wondering when to use getCurrent() and getTick() and whether this is used appropriately everywhere
20:07.27*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
20:21.06*** join/#bzflag PatlaborTRIL (~JeffM@
20:23.49*** join/#bzflag Agent86 (
20:43.00NidhoggrTim, did you see the time stuff and server stats that we are currently doing on secretplace?
21:25.15TimRikerNidhoggr: nope.
21:27.19Nidhoggr  and the log format sample is
21:27.48Nidhoggrthe flags stats is a beginning of a much larger project.  the log allows us to parse for the reports.
21:28.32Nidhoggrwe also have tools to make the logs more human readable for monitoring.
21:28.58Nidhoggrserver logs in new format, script parses, and adds to mysql database
21:29.41brlcadwhat's with the funky epoch timestamping? :)
21:29.41Nidhoggrmy developer friend is going to make same mods for 1.10 as soon as there is a release.
21:29.51Nidhoggrit's parsable with perl ;)
21:30.07MasterPoIt's easy to create the log, and as Nidhoggr says.
21:30.19PatlaborTRIL*sigh* I guess I'll have to use this 21 dual swiching nano the just droped off here
21:30.29*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:31.21MasterPoFrom the condition of your desk, you don't have room. I'll come take it off your hands. ;)
21:32.27Nidhoggrthe big thing I want to be able to do is track by callsign/ip, etc.
21:33.24MasterPoThe flag stats are interesting if we ever want to balance the playability of some of the flags.
21:33.49MasterPoDo you maintain an even distribution, or are some flags rarer?
21:33.51Nidhoggrwe just wanted something to show it off a little.
21:34.11Nidhoggractually, some are more common, not necessarily more rare.
21:34.17PatlaborTRILit's gonna replace a 19
21:34.19Nidhoggrlike I do a bunch of +CL +ST
21:34.28brlcadIt seemed like there was a limit to how many flags it would throw on the field, as well..
21:34.37Nidhoggrbecause people complain about too many GM/L
21:34.59Nidhoggrso I add CL ST in abundance.
21:35.00MasterPoThat shows that GM is a little too powerful, since it's responsible for the most kills, and there are more ST to counteract.
21:35.03brlcadI'd specify _a_lot_ of flags and it would seem to always cap at 100 or so
21:35.36brlcadthe distribution on the ground didn't seem too random either when it did have to cap
21:35.49Nidhoggrthis was more of an experiment which I think will start to show a lot about how people play, etc.
21:37.04MasterPoSend him a memo
21:37.11Nidhoggrhow do you do that?
21:37.21brlcadheh, you could calculate a player's "flag affinity" :)
21:37.51brlcadgrasp the pebble firmly, young grasshopper..
21:38.00MasterPoYou might be able to detect a subtle cheat that way.
21:40.26MasterPoOld age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm. :)
21:41.37Nidhoggrhere here
21:43.12MasterPoI bet they never taught you that one in the Shaolin Temple. :)
21:45.46brlcad*hiccup*  .. nope, daze nevr saids a wurd bout age n treh*hiccup*ry
21:46.57Nidhoggrit's part of the unspoken wisdom.
21:50.21*** part/#bzflag KR (
22:01.17*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
22:05.43Bagheera~seen quol
22:05.44quol <~quolsimo@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 16h 26m 39s ago, saying: 'G'night'.
22:16.52TimRikerNidhoggr: use a -log option or something?
22:17.08Nidhoggrwhat do ya think?
22:17.11TimRikerI'd be fine with having that added.
22:17.12Nidhoggrinitial impression
22:17.33Nidhoggrwhen the 1.10 code is released, he said he'll code it in.
22:17.39TimRikersounds useful for local stats, never going to see that much detail sent to the central server.
22:18.03TimRikera 1.7 patch could go in on the 1.7 tree if you like.
22:18.17Nidhoggrhe wants to work on it a bit more.
22:18.19TimRikerand tools can go in to another module in cvs if you like.
22:18.31TimRikerhe have cvs write access?
22:18.48TimRikerwelcome to get it for that purpose.
22:18.50NidhoggrI dunno if he even has a sourceforge acct.
22:18.53NidhoggrI'll let ya know.
22:19.16NidhoggrI am finding it really useful, so I thought others might as well.
22:20.14brlcadIt's great for the interim ;)
22:20.51NidhoggrI got nils addicted to bzflag, and then interested in the server code/stats.
22:21.09TimRikerbrlcad: even for the long run. it's got more detail than we'd want to add to the bzfs->bzfls channel.
22:21.20TimRikerNidhoggr: hehe
22:21.21*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
22:21.21*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
22:22.02brlcadUntil some monkey (like me) finally gets around to setting up a proper logging system
22:22.08Nidhoggrhiya patlabor221
22:22.47Nidhoggrtimestamped logging is vital for me.  I can send timestamped logs to ISPs for abusers, if need be.. otherwise, they don't really take  you seriously.
22:24.15brlcadA bzfs logging system in the spirits/configurability of apache's system is what I'm leaning towards doing in the rather near future
22:24.25Nidhoggrthat would be good.
22:24.39Nidhoggrmaybe nils could help you out.
22:24.47Nidhoggrhe'd probably be interested
22:24.49brlcadmaybe he could just do it =)
22:25.12brlcadmirror it as close as possible .. have a logging object that data flows through
22:25.35brlcador help is always good too :)
22:25.48NidhoggrI'll mention it to him.
22:26.23Nidhoggrhe was talking about making it more unix daemon-like.
22:26.36Nidhoggrwhich probably would include a logging object.
22:26.54brlcadyou mean actually have it respond to signals etc? :)
22:26.55CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (Region.cxx): Avoiding/removing duplicated code via some var exchange.
22:27.19Nidhoggrkill -1 for log restarting :)
22:27.36brlcadkill -HUP to reset
22:27.46Nidhoggrsame signal ;)
22:28.30*** part/#bzflag chandler (
22:29.15brlcadyep.  and INT to kick everyone off :)
22:29.52brlcadhave it dump a stack trace on SEGV...
22:29.59brlcadokay, I'm dreaming now..
22:31.21*** join/#bzflag Agent86 (
22:32.25brlcadI could do the stack trace generation for most of the linux/unix users, but it would be rather gdb/dbx specific
22:33.39TimRikerifdef __linux__  ;-)
22:34.12brlcad|| __APPLE__ || FreeBSD || NetBSD || .. ad nausium :(
22:34.38brlcador perhaps if !defined(__WIN32) ;)
22:34.49*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
22:35.51brlcadHrm.. maybe I'll play with that some tonight for kicks
22:38.44CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/misc (2 files): Added simple initscript for SysV-ish systems and a wrapper script to use with it that nohups bzflag
22:40.17bryjenpatlabor221: ping
22:41.53bryjenis down?
22:41.55patlabor221sorry I have not been folliwng anytning
22:41.59patlabor221ohh yeah bigtime
22:42.15Nidhoggrgood thing I got my bzedit copy last night. :)
22:43.11patlabor221bzedit is also in CVS
22:46.38NidhoggrI am so happy about my new computer.
22:46.48NidhoggrI'll take pics of it tonight and post them online. :)
23:05.30*** join/#bzflag triclops (
23:07.59NidhoggrI'm considering getting a T1 to my house through work.
23:09.30*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
23:14.57*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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23:32.28hmm... bryjen is just plain sensless
23:32.39bryjenoh really?
23:32.44brlcadHrm.. how to enable a signal-based error handler..  Would people prefer it be attached to the autoconf --enable-debug option or provided during runtime when given a --debug or something akin?
23:34.36brlcadI'm thinking that during run-time is the most flexible
23:34.42bryjenthat's better. in a way.
23:35.01brlcadwould you rather it say "Not a Player"? :)
23:35.13bryjen~literal bryjen
23:35.15bryjen is <reply> see bzfquery
23:36.42bryjen~literal brlcad
23:36.43brlcad is <reply>learner
23:36.53methinks learner is your friend
23:37.42bryjenibot: no, brlcad is <reply> see learner
23:37.43okay, bryjen
23:37.49i guess learner is your friend
23:38.52brlcadah, the intricacies of that complicated lady named ibot :)
23:39.39*** join/#bzflag nook (
23:40.47brlcadit's J.Lo
23:42.28brlcadOh SWEET!  Baltimore inner harbor is getting wireless =)
23:42.42DTRemenakreading /.?
23:42.57brlcadI'm a little late today
23:42.59DTRemenakthought so :)
23:43.41brlcadIt'll be interesting to see how popular the Cafe shops get :) have a wireless device?
23:44.53brlcadOf course!
23:45.48DTRemenakand I suppose you have your favorite hotspots around town?
23:45.50brlcadIt compliments my house wired network rather nicely for when I want to go out on the the deck, roast some weenies, and write code =)
23:46.51brlcadActually, i've yet to find a wireless access point not at a university -- but it's great when I go to siggraph or other conferences/hotels/etc
23:49.10brlcadalrighty, I've read my news .. time to wander home
23:50.25DTRemenakhave fun

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.