irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030922

00:12.03bryjenHey, MAC, the certificate on your java active players thingy is expired
00:16.15*** join/#bzflag Quol (
00:18.06bryjenQuol_attached ?
00:18.19Quol_yes :)
00:18.30Quol_for a little bit - can't stay for long though
00:18.45Quol_I am checking out dircproxy to see how it works
00:21.24Quol_well- i am of again - might bbl...
00:21.46CIA03larsl * 12bzedit/ (33 files in 2 dirs): Removed old files
00:22.52*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
00:22.58CIA03larsl * 12bzedit/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Remove autogenerated files
00:26.16CIA03larsl * 12bzedit/ (19 files in 2 dirs): The XPMs were needed after all
00:28.06bzgirlbye #bz
00:28.08*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:39.05*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
00:52.56learnerturn that frown upside town
00:53.27Patlabor221wheeee, horns!
00:56.32Patlabor221I am amazed that the "comunity"'s ability to scare off women tho
00:56.47learnerah.. that :(
00:57.27Patlabor221there tain't none left man
00:58.09fiberchunkswhat's this?
00:58.09learnerAll mostly due to a few select personalities
00:58.14fiberchunksand hello
00:58.30Patlabor221yeah, that' what sucks
00:59.09fiberchunksnada, what's going on now?
00:59.24Patlabor221female exodus
00:59.43fiberchunkshrm, harassing morons on the field of battle again?
01:02.50Patlabor221the comunity is too small to be stable, there arn't enough people to ballance out the assholes, and the people who have no life and play 24/7
01:03.06Patlabor221so I can see how it can become not fun rather quick
01:05.27fiberchunksdid she make an announcement somewhere? I see that she took her blogs offline, which strikes me as 'uncharacteristic' of her
01:05.47Patlabor221no she did not anouce it
01:06.13Patlabor221but with all the lame ass crap this week I can see why would you want to put up with it.
01:06.24Patlabor221get back to the realworld for a bit.
01:06.46fiberchunkswhat new and exciting lame things happened this week?
01:07.06Patlabor221knightmare snaped
01:07.07bryjenexciting lameness?
01:08.00Patlabor221all these wonderfull pokings and prodings in dev are gonna be poinless if there is noone to play
01:08.29learnerthere will be noone to /poll ban :(
01:09.11bryjenlearner: that's something to hope for.  noone to play with is bad.
01:10.13Patlabor221what a whoping 3 people have commented on the new builds?
01:11.03Patlabor221kinda bums you out when you push that hard and there is noone to receve what is pushed
01:11.04learnerit's because a large portion of the players that were attracting new players aren't playing much any more
01:11.39fiberchunkscause most of us get fed up real easily with twits :\
01:12.31Patlabor221well sure everyone does. but when 75% of the people out there are twits and/or powergamers
01:12.52Patlabor221kinda makes the "cool" people count down to 1 hand.
01:13.26Patlabor221there arn't even enough people to properly support a leauge
01:13.46bryjeni think i've seen 3 or 4 non-dev persons on my 1.9 server
01:15.28learneryet for some reason, the stats seem to go strong
01:15.45learnerwhich just goes to show how poor the "weenie" ratio has grown
01:15.54Patlabor221that's my point
01:15.56learneror how well
01:17.12Patlabor221not that you guys arn't cool, but it dosn't seem to do it for me just working on it for the people here
01:17.49Patlabor221as it's almost Underworld time
01:25.14fiberchunksUnderworld? I thought that wasn't coming on until october?
01:25.56Patlabor221came out firday
01:26.10Patlabor221and now I must go to pick up the possie
01:26.12fiberchunkslooks like a good one -- lemme know what you think :)
01:26.28Patlabor221LEATHER PANTS, on Kate Beckensail! :)
01:27.20MrApathyCreamit is a mere coincidence that i show up when patlabor221 leaves...
01:27.52learnerHrm.. a movie would be good
01:27.58learnerget away from this funk
01:29.54learnerand now you share that poison with the rest of us!
01:30.29MrApathyCreamyes indeedy
01:31.14bryjenor the tiny toons rendition, Wex Woofor !
01:32.18MrApathyCreamoh goody a new one
01:33.28learnerthat's okay MAC.. I get a craving for a hamburger every time you arrive for some reason
01:38.18gonkulatorMrApathyCream: care to splain that one to the lurker that is me?
01:43.22CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): stop the infernal vc warnings
01:50.55*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
02:00.41bryjenyipe. mem usage goes up a bit with the word filer.
02:02.39bryjenhmm. and it doesn't seem to be working. probly my fault tho...
02:02.56learnerno, it's disabled right now.. I'm working on it right this minute
02:03.14learneri've been rewriting it this weekend
02:03.52learneralmost done
02:04.15bryjenno big deal. was just looking for more stuff to break ;)
02:04.22learnerrewriting the actual aggressiveFilter method, that is -- not the whole thing ;)
02:04.34bryjen-filterSimple works then?
02:04.50learnerit should be quite a bit faster than before and at 20% less memory usage from before
02:05.01learneryes, filterSimple should work
02:06.06learnereven still, though -- it requires about 17MB or so for the entire multilingual filter
02:06.11Michaelhare you/can/would you use real regular expressions?
02:06.37learnerthe agressive filter uses regular expressions
02:06.56learnerthe simple one effectively does a strcmp
02:08.04bryjenvsz 23576 rss 17472 -filterSimple with the big list
02:08.46learneris that client or server?
02:09.06learnerlatest cvs?
02:09.16bryjenfairly recent snapshot
02:09.51bryjensnapped at 2003-09-21-19.44.51
02:10.02bryjenmountain time
02:10.07learnerclose enough
02:10.55learnerunless there's a leak somewhere, that should be right
02:11.25bryjensame vsz and similar rss without -filterSimple (but then you says aggressive is disabled... )
02:12.07learneryes, but it still has to store all of the filter phrases  -- turning on agressive just causes a compiled regexp to get stored
02:12.34*** join/#bzflag SGI (
02:12.50learnerfeel free to hunt and see if you can determine where those 17 megs are :)
02:13.30bryjengah.  vsz 3980 rss 2716 without any -filter opts
02:14.11MrApathyCreami hate when i misplace 17m
02:14.25learneryea, that's right.. it uses almost nothing
02:14.49learnermy system values are less than yours too.. hrm
02:15.22learnermy resident and virtual sizes are 4.79M  18.2M respectively
02:15.37bryjeni think its got 4 slots each with an 8 MB right now....
02:16.03learnerlast i checked, the usage is linear with the number of words in the filter
02:16.16learneryou can just use less words (there is a simple filter list in misc/)
02:16.25SGIwhen you are going to release the new vers
02:17.20learnerwhen our todo list is empty and the important bugs are fixed.. :)
02:18.45MrApathyCreamship it ship it!
02:18.53bryjenvsz 7096 rss 5828 with simpleSwearList
02:19.28SGIlearner you gave me the badwordlist
02:19.55SGImay I add some corrections and more bad words
02:19.57bryjenand 11916k of free RAM
02:20.05learnersure SGI.. hack away.
02:20.12learnermake sure you start with the latest, though
02:20.42SGIoh yes im going to download right now and check some word
02:21.07learnermultilingualSwearList.txt in that directory (simpleSwearList.txt as well)
02:21.19SGIand after how I can give back the badwordlist
02:22.10Michaelhso the complicated one tries to catch words like s*it etc..?
02:22.11learneryou can mail it to me, if you'd like
02:22.20Michaelhsh*t ... etc.?
02:22.54bryjeneep. only 640k free RAM when loading the multilingual list
02:23.00learnerit'll match certain "l33t" speak conversions
02:23.06SGIyes I think will be hard to send an email
02:23.11bryjenbitty box
02:23.11Michaelhprobably just too much computing....
02:23.11learneras well as automatic character repetition
02:23.18learnerand inlined spaces/punctuation
02:24.18learnerI've improved the performance just now, but as long as the response is within a sec or so on my box, I'm happy ;)
02:24.48learnerregular expression parsing is not cheap, so if the box can't handle it cpu-wise, it needs to do less of them
02:25.37learnerAnyone's welcome to optimize the sucker as long as it maintains it's "features" :)
02:26.26Michaelhit's probably just a cpu intensive thing to do
02:26.31learnerHrm.. that memory curve you have there bryjen is not linear...
02:28.36learnerIt shouldn't take even 15MB to stash 15,000 words..
02:28.44*** join/#bzflag KR (
02:28.57KRhi all
02:29.02learnerthat's part of what I get for relying on the STL for storage
02:29.04learnerhi, kr
02:29.31KRwassup tofu
02:29.34learnerbryjen, is that an optimized build or debug?
02:29.48tofuI'm good
02:30.07tofugetting hungry now that you mention it, though..
02:30.38KRdarn, where's learner go?
02:31.13bryjennormal build, no --enable-debug
02:31.33*** join/#bzflag learner (
02:31.47Michaelhso they're stored as STL strings?
02:32.23Michaelhthe naughty words I mean
02:32.25tofuthey are stored as stl strings into a struct into an stl set
02:33.15learnerperhaps there's some nastiness going on with storing the structs
02:33.49tofuit would be interesting to see the effect of storing pointers instead and using malloc
02:33.56Michaelhperhaps something's being copied over and over again
02:34.10Michaelhinstead of be pointified
02:34.31tofucould be, but there's not much code to loading the file
02:34.43tofufeel free to take a peek and let me know if anything looks fishy
02:35.08tofuinclude/WordFilter.h and src/common/WordFilter.cxx
02:35.43bryjenjust eat tofu
02:36.59JBDiGrizlearner is getting a bit schizophrenic these days ;^)
02:38.17Michaelhnaaa. I'll just sit here and make vague suggestions
02:45.24CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): bit dwiddlin'
02:45.45bryjen~dict dwiddle
02:46.55bryjen~spell dwiddle
02:46.56possible spellings for dwiddle: twiddle diddle twiddler dwindle twaddle twiddly diddler twiddlier twiddled twiddles swaddle
02:50.44*** join/#bzflag mike____ (
02:52.16Popcornmy goodness.. emmy awards is rather depressing me this year
02:52.28KRmmmm popcorn
02:52.42PopcornThey just covered everyone who has passed away over the past year..
02:52.43KRtofu no make me hungry popcorn make me hungry
02:53.05KRme starting to sound lyke chikkeee
02:53.38Popcornnot until you mee your me's ;)
02:53.39KRlistend to Johnny Cash "Best of" CD last night while anchored on me boat...
02:53.50KRnoh, sorry then
02:53.54KRmee boat ;)(
02:55.54KRcya fiber
02:56.05bryjenu boat?
02:56.18Popcorng'ite fibe
02:56.25KRno, its a sailboat not a sub... ;)
02:56.43KRalthough owning a sub "would* be cool
02:56.50KRspecially if it had torpedoes...
02:58.47KRwill he turn into a black hole when he's done?
02:59.24JBDiGrizI'm turning off the channel before I get sucked in. Give us warning. ;^)
02:59.26KRor will he just be a naked singularity sitting in front of the 'puter...
02:59.32bryjenhe would have to eat _alot_ to achieve the necessary mass/density
02:59.57KRgood point, bryj
03:00.08bryjenpopcorn isn't very dense either
03:00.17KRhis stomach would probably burst if he tried to fit that much popcorn in
03:00.34KRhe could compress it beforehand...
03:01.36KRhe munches as the gravitational field of the Earth begins to fold inward on a small area of Maryland...
03:01.47SGIlearner ...have you a email????
03:01.53SGIyes you do
03:02.03SGIHi Quol
03:02.07bryjenrehi Quol
03:02.10Quol_hey SGI
03:02.11SGIyou scared me
03:02.18Quol_rehi back to ya bryjen
03:02.19MrApathyCreamhmmm, i wonder if Maryland is the center of BZFlagdom
03:02.20SGIgreat meve there
03:02.37MrApathyCreameither that or colorado
03:02.41SGIADD = new words
03:02.57Popcornas far as I've heard, I think the balt-wash metro area has the most bz-goers ..
03:02.59SGIlearner ...gone
03:03.16bryjenlearner = Popcorn
03:03.24JBDiGrizThen why is everyone on west coast time ;^)
03:03.25Popcornah, hehe
03:03.34KRPopcorn = ex-tofu
03:03.34learnerI'll keep thinks simple
03:03.48Quol_anyone up for a high speed CTF game?
03:04.03SGII sent to you a salt opsss email
03:04.04learnerwhere bouts?
03:04.04Quol_I am going through withdrawl - haven't played in a while :)
03:04.17learnerSGI, cool, I'll put it in
03:04.21JBDiGrizI'm not moving very quickly today, so I probably wouldn't be a good choice.
03:04.26SGIcheckm before
03:04.36Quol_what's up JB? everything OK
03:04.38SGIcheck before ADD = new word
03:04.40MrApathyCream1.9 xmission?
03:04.58SGI##### changed or new words
03:04.59JBDiGrizMajor head cold, which has moved down to the chest for the day.
03:05.04learnerno jumping..
03:05.08SGIand some correction
03:05.13learnerducati-style with hs ;)
03:05.42JBDiGrizDo we have a 1.9 ctf site?
03:05.54Quol_JBDiGriz: sorry to hear that, my wife has that also - I am still OK though - the immune system is fighting it :)
03:06.15Quol_isn't xmissions CTF??
03:06.21KRJB - echinacea :)
03:06.22SGIif some new words coming up ill sent to you only the new one
03:06.25Quol_for 1.9 I mean
03:06.30bryjenxmission 1.9 is running rabbit chase
03:06.40MrApathyCreamxmission is ctf
03:06.42JBDiGrizkr - advil
03:06.52Quol_ahh - that's right - forgot about that
03:07.16learnerKR - valium
03:07.18bryjenits still the same map.  its a lttle odd w/o the team bases
03:07.28learnerJB - vodka
03:07.28Quol_maybe I will create a CTFinstance going the oposite way for ya JB
03:07.45Quol_all flags will be the bad "make my tank as big as a blimp" flag
03:07.55SGIJB -Grappa
03:08.10Quol_that should slow the game down a bit :)
03:09.07JBDiGrizI might be able to keep up with the rest of you then.;^)
03:09.13Quol_MrApathyCream: I was thinking of my alt CTF site for the game - didn't know if you were asking my the question about xmission - sorry for the delayed response :)
03:09.33MrApathyCreamNoodleman, was just muttering incoherently
03:09.52MrApathyCreamhow to type n o ,
03:10.01bryjennever mind ?
03:10.16MrApathyCreamNoodleman, was
03:10.28MrApathyCreamyou can't type n o , and then something else
03:10.32MrApathyCreamwithout getting Noodleman
03:10.36bryjenLOL @ MrApathyCream's "helpful" IRC client
03:10.46JBDiGrizCould someone send an interrupt to MAC, he seems to be caught in a loop. ;^)
03:10.47Quol_what client MrApathyCream?
03:10.56bryjena windows proggie, right ?
03:10.56KRlol JB
03:11.03MrApathyCreamwindows, yes
03:11.22Quol_I think there is an option to turn off autoname completion in the options?
03:11.28MrApathyCreamyes, prolly
03:12.55YesterdaysGoneratz. didnt work.
03:13.10YesterdaysGonetry a yes,
03:13.39KRQ - is Socket 370 an Intel-specific architecture?
03:13.57SGIto many yes
03:14.10Quol_AMD has something else
03:14.30KRthis"new" box is 370
03:14.39Quol_P4 chip?
03:14.46Quol_or P3?
03:14.51KRnah - P3 - will a 4 fit?
03:15.00KRI need more cycles
03:15.03KRthis is a 650
03:15.03Quol_no - actually now that I think about it -  no
03:15.13Quol_njust celerons and P3
03:15.17bryjenintel couldn't get a patent on the physical connectors (they tried with the slot), but were able to lock down the bus protocol, so no interoperable sockets
03:15.38KRI can get a 1.2 smelleron that'll fit
03:15.45Quol_lol KR
03:15.51Quol_I like that - smelleron
03:16.09Quol_my "best" machine here is a 560 smelleron
03:16.09SGI~dict smelleron
03:16.19bryjenceleries are pentiums with part disabled. they should use the same sockets
03:16.45KRmy laptop is a smeller700, has worked fine
03:16.52bryjenSGI: Intel's Celeron processor
03:17.00Quol_I hate that about intel also - you get a 566 processor, and it never runs at 566 - the best I coule get without overcloking it was 560 - close enough i guess
03:17.33JBDiGrizI'll stick with my dual 1G G4 processor ;)
03:17.51KRhmmm, maybe I could rip the CPU from my laptop out, and swap ;)
03:18.00Quol_ya - at work I have a dual P4 2.4Ghz Xeon workstatin
03:18.05Quol_it flies
03:18.17*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
03:18.33KRI noticed a difference between this sys and my 1G Athlon
03:18.36Quol_128 MB GeForce4 Card with dual 19inch displays.. :)
03:18.53bryjenbraggards ;)
03:18.56Quol_the Athlon was a great processor
03:19.08Quol_is I should say :)
03:19.13SGIBryjen I know I was jocking
03:19.21*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:19.37SGIis a combination with smell and celeron
03:19.38bryjeneep.  I was being too helpful. like Windows.  scary.
03:20.00Quol_I get dizzy playing KR
03:20.03KRbryjen = BillG
03:20.11Quol_although I was testing out the projector in our conference room
03:20.12bryjen~lart KR
03:20.23Quol_and I played BZ on a projected 8 foot screen
03:20.28Quol_really dizzying :)
03:20.36KRthat would be neat to see
03:20.53SGIwhich projector are you using
03:20.55Quol_can anyone get to:
03:21.02KR~flat bryjen
03:21.12bryjen~crush KR
03:21.13ACTION crushes KR with a full height scsi disk
03:21.16SGInope I cant
03:21.30Quol_hmm - wonder what happened to them...
03:21.38KRwhere arethe ibot commands listed?
03:21.39bryjen"host not found:"
03:21.47Quol_that's what I get also
03:21.59Quol_maybe they didn't re-register their domain name
03:22.11bryjensome of them are builtins and some are "factoids"  added by people
03:22.57bryjenopen a private chat and ask help
03:23.07JBDiGrizI don't get any soa record for
03:23.50Quol_JBDiGriz: that's why I am thinking that they didn't re-register their domain - but I also wondered if that was the DNS server on my ISP....
03:24.30bryjenwhois still works for em. namesservers NS1.FIZBIN.COM NS1.SUDJAM.COM
03:24.34used_popcorn_venyes will be great
03:26.13JBDiGrizThe domain is still registered through Go Daddy.
03:27.44Quol_hmmm - root DNS issues then..
03:28.07JBDiGrizOne of the DNS servers isn't responding at all.
03:28.08KRrename 'KR' 'Popcorn Too'
03:28.21KRmaybe I no unnerstand...
03:28.41KRgotta use a ~
03:29.33bryjenKR:  /nick whateveryouwant
03:30.07VodkaTea~lart Popcorn
03:30.22Popcorncan I sue SCO for that?
03:30.31bryjenLOL @ Popcorn
03:30.31Quol_you and your ibot madness learner :)
03:30.53Popcornit's *their* IP ;)
03:31.21VodkaTeashe's a good bot
03:31.24JBDiGrizThe other DNS server doesn't have the soa record.
03:31.25sure, wanna snort some with me?
03:31.43bryjenwith a few vices
03:32.11JBDiGrizbut she's not that fond of some people, right bry ;)
03:32.27Popcorn~lart VodkaTea
03:32.40Popcorn~lart VodkaTea
03:32.50bryjenwe've got that love/hate thing goin on ;)
03:32.53VodkaTea~crush Popcorn
03:32.55ACTION crushes Popcorn with a full height scsi disk
03:33.04Popcorn~lart VodkaTea
03:33.24Popcornyou've lost it, baby
03:33.32VodkaTeaI never had it
03:34.30Quol_I forgot about that show - still any good JB?
03:34.34CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): Roger is more selective on low shot count servers
03:35.30JBDiGrizIt's enjoyable, but doesn't come up to the original. This one is getting a little too mystical, sort of like the last episodes of DS-9
03:35.40*** part/#bzflag creeperz (
03:36.24VodkaTea"Damn you vile woman!!!" -- Stewy
03:36.37*** join/#bzflag triclops2 (cbro903@banjo31.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
03:36.37JBDiGrizEveryone wants to be learner these days. It must be the virtual pheremones.
03:37.04VodkaTeaoh, didn't even get to lart that punk
03:37.11VodkaTeaor ghost him either :)
03:37.15DTRemenaknope, I'm too quick
03:37.28VodkaTea~lart learner
03:37.38JBDiGrizget him ;)
03:37.39bryjenOther people want to be learner and learner wants to be other people, at the same time as being himself.
03:37.42VodkaTeawee I got something I didn't have :)
03:38.02KRhelp, I dont know who I am
03:38.10JBDiGrizlearner is typically some form of food. It's easy to understand his motivations. ;)
03:38.13SGInobody else does either
03:38.35SGII am confused
03:38.42bryjenround and round we go...
03:39.02JBDiGrizlearner just ghosted SGI ;)
03:39.02learnerwhere we stop, only learner knows
03:39.09*** join/#bzflag I_want_mynickbac (
03:39.20alearneryou may have it :)
03:39.28MrApathyCreamnick /learner
03:39.39bryjenoh, I know where we stop.  Pat gets back from the movie and its ~baneveryone :O
03:39.47JBDiGrizother way around /nick learner
03:39.49learnersgi needs to learn how to kill nicks :)
03:40.00alearnerhe needs to register himself first
03:40.07SGIlearn from learner
03:40.10learnerthat too
03:40.17JBDiGrizhas everyone registered their nick?
03:40.21Quol_who's who now??
03:40.29learnerI lost tags long ago
03:40.31QuolI'm you now
03:40.33learnerer, tabs
03:40.35SGIbe or to be
03:40.41JBDiGrizWho do you need to know?
03:40.46Quol_ok ok - funny guy
03:41.07JBDiGrizThat ones dtr, ghost him.
03:41.15bryjenSQL ?
03:41.18Quolwhich one is me?
03:41.44JBDiGrizHe got away ;)
03:42.01KRthere's no returning for you now!
03:42.11Quol_I will stop trying to figure it out...
03:42.15JBDiGrizYou have a chance to ghost learner if you registered your nick.
03:42.20KRjust /whois whoever you want to know
03:42.32QuolI hereby bequeath all my hardware and network resources to learner
03:42.45SGIhow I can register my nick
03:42.53Guolno, give it to meeeeee! :)
03:42.56DTRemenakjust /msg nickserv register <password>
03:43.07DTRemenakif that doesn't work, /msg nickserv help everyone really back to who they really are?  weird
03:44.11*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
03:44.27DTRemenaknot pretty, whatever it is
03:44.28SGIare you DTR
03:44.35DTRemenakI am...just /whois me
03:44.56DTRemenakOn the other hand, maybe it just says "Me." for real name...
03:44.59SGIprove it
03:45.12KRlol the peeps on my distro channel are like "what is going on dude???"
03:45.20DTRemenakn/m /whois will work, it says "DTRemenak is an identified user"
03:45.31DTRemenakthat means I'm either me, or someone who knows my password
03:46.14DTRemenakfortunately there's noone on the other channel I'm on
03:46.37Quol_well -i am going to play some bz - then I am off to bed...
03:46.41KRnope this is not KR DTR
03:46.56KRbye Quol
03:46.58DTRemenakyes it is
03:47.06KRnot tis not!
03:47.35DTRemenak"KR is an identified user"
03:47.39DTRemenakthat's good enough for me
03:47.44JBDiGrizkr is on #xandros, but dtr is only on #bzflag
03:47.56KRwell, I am still confused, Jackie Chan style
03:48.06DTRemenakjb: no, I'm on #bzfsgui also
03:48.15DTRemenakas you would know, if you had /whoised me
03:48.32bryjeni did, and it didnt say so.
03:48.37JBDiGrizit's not listed.
03:48.38SGIbtw for the BZFSGUI
03:48.42DTRemenakhm, that's odd
03:48.46KRsame here
03:48.53SGIis great :o)
03:48.54DTRemenakwhen I did it said "DTRemenak: member of @#bzfsgui and #bzflag"
03:48.59bryjenfreenode or elsewhere ?
03:49.02DTRemenakmaybe I screwed up chanserv
03:49.22bryjenI'm telling, DTRemenak broke the IRC!
03:50.15SGIyes is cool
03:50.27SGIyou want to try
03:51.14KRok kids - I'm out - c ya'll later
03:51.24FamilyGuycya, boatman
03:51.26DTRemenakc'ya kr
03:51.32bryjenlater, whoever you may be ;)
03:51.48SGIOk when I have fixed that jump Ill send to you an email
03:52.22SGItime to sleep
03:52.28SGIgood night
03:52.33DTRemenakany chanserv experts know why #bzfsgui isn't showing up?
03:52.35bryjennite SGI
03:53.46SGIhave you a chan for the bzfsgui
03:54.04DTRemenakchanserv responds to /msg chanserv info #bzfsgui
03:55.00DTRemenakbut apparently /whois doesn't tell anyone about it :(
03:55.11bryjenhmm, while i was in there, your /whois had both, now its back to just #bzflag
03:55.16SGIcool and bad
03:55.22bryjencould be a mode setting
03:55.31DTRemenakcould be, but which...
03:56.37SGIok ok stop...nite
03:56.42*** part/#bzflag SGI (
03:56.46DTRemenakg'nite sgi
03:58.04bryjenare you mode +i ?
03:58.24DTRemenakme? yes
03:58.38bryjenhmm, looks like i am too. not sure if that's it.
03:58.52DTRemenakI imagine it's a channel mode thing
03:59.02DTRemenaknot a user mode
04:01.04bryjenor not
04:01.06DTRemenakthat's what I'm thinking, but I can't tell
04:01.42bryjeni just see +n, but my client isn't always too smart
04:02.03DTRemenaktry now
04:02.15bryjenno bzfsgui
04:02.21DTRemenaknuts, that's not it
04:02.57*** part/#bzflag KR (
04:03.01bryjentry setting your usermode -i for a sec
04:04.26DTRemenakdid that do it, or not?
04:05.33DTRemenakok, try that
04:05.49bryjenthere it is
04:05.58bryjenwhat did you do?
04:06.02DTRemenakunset i
04:06.14DTRemenakso it's not the channel at all
04:06.43DTRemenaktry again, see if it went away
04:06.59bryjenyup. just #bzflag
04:07.08DTRemenakwell, that's it then
04:08.04bryjen~seen DTRemenak
04:08.04dtremenak is currently on #bzflag (49m 47s).  Has said a total of 43 messages.  Is idling for 56s
04:08.25bryjenprobly because ibot isn't in bzfsgui to see you tho
04:08.47DTRemenakif I invite it, will it come (is it an it?)
04:08.58bryjenno idea
04:09.09bryjensome people claim ibot is a she
04:09.17DTRemenakdunno if it's a good idea, either, it's not my bot
04:10.07DTRemenakhow does one tell a bot's gender, anyway?
04:10.39bryjeni doubt shes anatomically correct :)
04:11.21DTRemenaknever know, I can't see him/her/it
04:11.36DTRemenak's just a name
04:11.40bryjenon the internet, nobody knows what you are.
04:12.11it has been said that ibot is a blootbot now, no longer an infobot. run by BZFlag (TimRiker) on his server. see blootbot also it uses SQLite but can use MySQL or other SQL for storage.
04:12.28it has been said that blootbot is is a SF project. Patches welcome, submit on SF or, or
04:12.46dtremenak, i love abuse, feed me!
04:12.55from memory, feed is a package repository. See,,{stable,testing,unstable}/feed, or
04:13.05thanks, bryjen
04:13.15:), DTRemenak
04:13.21dtremenak, i love abuse, feed me!
04:13.31DTRemenakwow, it doesn't like hearing about infobot
04:13.35bryjencareful of the abuse replies, she'll start ignoring you
04:13.45:), DTRemenak
04:13.51aw, gee, DTRemenak
04:14.15bryjenand you can't bribe her with snacks once she's not listening
04:14.46bryjenshe comes back around after a while
04:14.46DTRemenaksometimes bots are more trouble than they're worth...but don't tell ibot I said that
04:15.09DTRemenakI've gotta agree
04:15.12JBDiGrizthat's one of the reasons we treat her as a female
04:15.31DTRemenakdoes she take flowers too, or just chocolates?
04:15.39JBDiGriz~take flowers
04:16.38JBDiGrizIt doesn't look like she takes flowers
04:16.47bryjen~eat flowers
04:16.49ACTION eats flowers and falls over dead
04:17.17DTRemenaknot exactly the desired effect
04:17.31bryjenoh well. enough bot abuse. off to bed.
04:17.37FamilyGuyShe doesn't eat much..
04:17.52bryjennot much agrees with her.
04:18.10FamilyGuyShe's moody too
04:18.17DTRemenaklol..."blootbot...the slowest and most bloated bot in the world"
04:18.18bryjensmack and snacks
04:18.37DTRemenaksome slogan
04:18.40JBDiGrizjust snacks
04:19.44DTRemenakfunny how all the doc links on the blootbot site go to the "unavailable and coming soon" page
04:20.19JBDiGrizIt's been like that for a while. I suspect the maintainer isn't paying much attention to the project. ;)
04:20.46DTRemenakwhen there are no docs, look at the sources :)
04:21.04JBDiGrizUse the source, Luke.
04:21.35DTRemenakyeah, like that
04:23.16DTRemenakhm...they do have docs in the docman though
04:31.12DTRemenakok, question: I start a server (1.7g2) and try to connect to it with a reimplementation of the protocol (107e) that I wrote off some old docs I had (labelled 107b), and before I can send msgEnter, the server (running -dddd) reports "Player  [0] on 140 removed: Read Error"
04:31.18DTRemenakwhat am I doing wrong?
04:31.36MrApathyCreamtaking too much time?
04:31.50DTRemenakNot that I'm aware of
04:31.55DTRemenakhow much time am I allowed?
04:32.33DTRemenakEverything is right in a row, as soon as winsock connects on the reconnect port
04:32.58DTRemenakand it's over a loopback interface, so it's not net lag
04:33.13MrApathyCreami think 10 secs in 1.7
04:33.21DTRemenakway less time than that
04:33.25DTRemenak< 1 sec
04:33.35DTRemenaklike, as fast as I can switch windoes
04:34.25MrApathyCreamwhat MsgXX's did you send
04:34.47DTRemenakmsgenter is the first.  from the docs I'm gathering that msggetworld isn't really required
04:34.56DTRemenakam I wrong?
04:35.03MrApathyCreami guess not
04:35.11MrApathyCreamthe server doesn't care if yo don;t
04:36.18DTRemenakwinsock never reports any progress on actually sending msgenter...bzfs kills the connection even before that
04:36.37DTRemenakI can connect to the connect port fine, grab the version and reconnect info
04:36.47DTRemenakbut reconnecting seems to bounce off
04:36.53DTRemenakno errors or anything
04:37.11MrApathyCreamnot sure, but perhaps the order or closing old, opening new is important
04:37.22MrApathyCreamperhaps need to open new first
04:37.31MrApathyCreamdon't remember
04:37.33DTRemenakhm...I'll try
04:39.16MrApathyCreamwhy not write against 1.9 --- easier :)
04:40.17DTRemenaklol, that's what I'm, real documentation, and only one port!
04:40.32DTRemenakok, now it doesn't report a read error
04:40.41DTRemenakbut neither does it add me to the game
04:42.09DTRemenakbut then, winsock never tells me that it actually sent msgenter
04:45.49DTRemenakah, there we go
04:51.00DTRemenakok, thanks much MAC.
04:51.11DTRemenaktime to go to bed now, see you all later
05:11.55*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
05:11.55*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
05:12.16FamilyGuydarn.. nother bug
05:15.31CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): newly discovered os x gamma bug
05:16.08JBDiGrizwhat's that
05:17.08learnerif I set my second monitor to be the primary display, the game display is way too dark
05:17.31learnerit's like it's using the gamme from the first monitor on the seconds
05:17.34JBDiGrizHmm, I don't think anyone else will ever see that.
05:17.55JBDiGrizPat's back from the movie. How was it?
05:18.07learnerprobably not, but I thought I'd record it so I don't forget to fix it later when I finally get back to working on the display code
05:18.10Dahmphirevery entertaining
05:18.17learnerah yes.. was she hot?
05:18.27Dahmphiresome of the acting was "ehh"
05:18.45Dahmphireand the some parts a tad cofusing
05:18.49learnerthumb up for dumb acting, hot bodies, and lots of action though?
05:18.51JBDiGrizIt didn't look like a movie for plot or acting. ;)
05:18.55Dahmphirebut it was better then "the bulletproof monk"
05:19.10Dahmphirea number of the actors did quite well actualy
05:19.15Dahmphiresome people were just miscast
05:19.51Dahmphireand too me it looks like some parts were cut that should have been extended
05:20.04Dahmphireif there is a directors cut, it could take care of those parts
05:20.17Dahmphirebut it did not "suck" not by a long shot
05:21.30JBDiGrizYou missed out on the nickfest on the channel.
05:21.40Dahmphireohh my
05:24.22learnerJB.. it did lose track a bit, though.. I got credit for a slew of nicks I never used..
05:24.57learnerwell.. slew=2 nicks :)
05:25.22JBDiGrizWhich 2 didn't you use?
05:25.45learnerI didn't use DTRemenak, JamesTPopcorn, or JamesTPopkirk
05:27.44JBDiGrizKR was doing that as Popcorn, so it did lose track for a bit.
05:28.10learnerProbably because I switch to KR
05:28.14learnerand he to Popcorn
05:32.51CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): rewrote/refactored the aggressive filter.  got rid of tons of senseless bookkeeping; increased performance by a smidgen; reduced memory usage; fixed destructor; and finally properly handle words that begin with a non alphabetic.  still need to readd support for suffixes and prefixes as well as remove debug printing.
05:34.33learnerI think either MAC or DTR left things in a non-compile-committed state in the client.  I'm getting an error in bzflag.cxx
05:34.45learnerbzflag.cxx:868: no matching function for call to `ConfigFileManager::read(
05:35.02JBDiGrizWho was the last person to commit?
05:35.04learnerthere is a read(std::string&) which is probably what was meant
05:35.21learnerDunno, but my commit is my queue to sleep..
05:35.37JBDiGrizcvs log bzflag.cxx | more
05:37.38learnerthe problem's with the header
05:37.47learnerfor ConfigFileManager
05:38.06learnerand I use less :P
05:38.21learneryea.. mac "bit dwiddlin'"
05:39.10learnerthis is what did it:
05:39.11learnerdiff -r1.11 -r1.12
05:39.12learner<   bool                                read(std::string filename);
05:39.16learner>   bool                                read(std::string& filename);
05:39.32learnerneed to fix the usage in bzflag.cxx
05:39.40learnerg'night all
05:42.23learnerIf anyone gets the urge to figure out why the word filter is using so much memory, have at that one too :)  .. src/common/WordFilter.cxx:loadFromFile()
06:05.40*** join/#bzflag Spiff (
06:32.16*** join/#bzflag Spiff (
06:40.35*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
08:02.55*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:08.43*** join/#bzflag purple_c1w (
08:21.28*** join/#bzflag KTL_ (
08:25.46*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:45.55*** join/#bzflag bomber (
08:57.03KTL_what exactly is the Id of a player? the index from the player in player* ?
08:57.31KTL_how exactly does that array change when other players log in and out
08:58.14KTL_i've a vector of Enem-objects and these represent a part of the player*-objects
08:58.46KTL_and now i must find a way to update... eeej, idea:-)
09:10.32Chestalthe id is used as index into the Player array
09:10.40Chestalas long as it is a 'normal' id
09:11.19Chestalplaying.cxx has some helper functons, lookupPlayer() etc.
09:15.14KTL_ServerPlayer exist too... 'll look at it latr
10:27.27CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): use const string& when we only want to read
10:28.23CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/common (WordFilter.cxx): count counts, so use it
10:29.21CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/common (WordFilter.cxx): move #if 0 so we don't get unused var warnings
11:45.35*** join/#bzflag larsl (
11:59.35CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/common (WordFilter.cxx): thanks chestal.. I was looking for that header; made it really use count() like I intended
12:24.54larslTODO: "players can get autokicked for speeding if a theif steals their flag", BUGS: "thief gets kicked for speeding sometimes after stealing flag"
12:24.58larslIs it both?
12:26.35ChestalI think someone copied BUGS which he sees as critical over to the TODO before releasae section
12:26.58larslYes, but those sentences don't describe the same thing.
12:27.14larslIn TODO the victim is kicked, in BUGS the thief is kicked.
12:33.05ChestalI guess it's only the thief who gets kicked
12:33.08Chestalanyway, needs more testing
12:34.50triclopsHey chestal, what are your thoughts on including pathfinding stuff in a bot api/lib?
12:35.57Chestalwell, if we had a bot API we could also provide som eutility functions which sit on top of it
12:36.14Chestalthey wouldn't belong to the core functions, but might be used by most bots
12:37.19triclopsi think its a sensible option for increasing performance.
12:38.24triclops1: scripts wouldn't have to run search algos
12:38.34triclops2: collision detection can be combined
12:39.05triclopsbut i don't like forcing people to use a particular pathfinding method
12:39.32Chestalof course not
12:39.52Chestalthe basic API should be as small as possible and everythign else must be implemented using that API (albeit parts might be native)
12:40.48triclopshmm, good point
12:44.57*** join/#bzflag drinian (
12:53.44*** join/#bzflag mmu (
13:12.05*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
13:20.17*** join/#bzflag Luigi (
13:29.47triclopswee a thunderstorm :)
14:19.31larslDoes the server echo private messages back to the sender client again now?
14:27.41*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
15:10.36*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
15:10.37*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:30.39*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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15:41.38*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
15:47.57*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (david@electricelf.usercloak.freenode)
15:53.36*** join/#bzflag TyroneFHornigh (~TyroneFHo@
15:57.25CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (7 files in 2 dirs): bzadmin now works with XCurses, the X11 version of PDCurses, this should make it easier to build bzadmin for Win32
16:13.14CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (2 files): Use AC_DEFINE with 3 parameters
16:44.01TimRikerMakefile:364: warning: overriding commands for target `bzfs'
16:44.01TimRikerMakefile:184: warning: ignoring old commands for target `bzfs'
16:44.01TimRikerMakefile:355: warning: overriding commands for target `bzfls'
16:44.01TimRikerMakefile:175: warning: ignoring old commands for target `bzfls'
16:44.01TimRikerMakefile:392: warning: overriding commands for target `bzflag'
16:44.02TimRikerMakefile:209: warning: ignoring old commands for target `bzflag'
16:44.04TimRikerMakefile:378: warning: overriding commands for target `bzadmin'
16:44.06TimRikerMakefile:192: warning: ignoring old commands for target `bzadmin'
16:44.08TimRikerwhat's all that about?
16:44.58larslTupone wrote new targets to avoid compiling files depending on version.h when nothing had changed.
16:49.41brlcadSure... blame it on Tupone, yes who has been hacking on autoconf all morning :)
16:50.21larslI'm not _blaming_ anyone, I like it. =)
16:51.59TyroneFHornighSo lars fetishes are driving this morning's coding ;)
16:52.33larslNot really - I don't have a Win32 fetish.
16:52.49larslAnd I think that XCurses is really ugly.
16:53.32TyroneFHornighI don't think autoconf runs on win32, but all curses are really ugly. We don't have to put up with character oriented tty's anymore.
16:54.38larslXCurses won't work on Win32 anyway, you'd need the Win32 version of PDCurses. I just wanted XCurses support so that I could see that it actually worked with one version of PDCurses.
16:57.51TyroneFHornighcurses is an easy way to deal with user interface. I've used it for years because I've never written decent user interface code. Luckily, there's very little user interaction necessary in writing device drivers and protocol stacks. ;)
17:00.03*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
17:01.44TyroneFHornighThose text terminals seemed to object to your IRC connection. ;)
17:04.17Nidhoggrhey, larsl, how easy would it be to make bzadmin take commands from a script then exit?
17:05.24TyroneFHornighhi nid, it looks like Marty is veering east away from us, and heading in your direction.
17:05.42Nidhoggrmarty?  new storm?
17:06.11larslNidhoggr: This works for me:
17:06.24larsl./script | bzadmin -ui stdin me@myserver
17:06.27Nidhoggroooh, yeah... thunderstorms expected on wed-thur
17:06.35Nidhoggroh, cool, thanks, larsl.  
17:06.45Nidhoggrcan the script be commented?
17:07.02larslWhat kind of script are you talking about?
17:07.12TyroneFHornighIt's the hurricane that just hit cabo. It will travel up the gulf and come onshore south of you.
17:07.18larslI assumed it was just a shell script or Perl script or a program or something like that.
17:07.24Nidhoggrwell, since we'll never see an external banlist file, I'm going to work on another solution.
17:08.19Nidhoggrevery time I bring it up, I either get ignored or people get on my case for using bans.
17:08.28Nidhoggrso I figure that no one else wants it.
17:08.42larslI'd like a banlist. I haven't had the time to code it yet though.
17:08.53larslDoes anyone in here object to the feature itself?
17:08.58Nidhoggrcool.  I thought I was the only person. :)
17:09.20Nidhoggrsince I have to put the bans on a single line, it's hard to remember who we banned for what.
17:11.04NidhoggrI could make my own banlist and make bzadmin apply it, and grep -v ^# to remove the comments.
17:11.41Nidhoggruntil we can cover a better solution.
17:12.04NidhoggrI want to remove all the bans and start from scratch, since sw bell promised to smack spoogebob for me.
17:12.19larslI store bans in a 'jerks' file which I parse in the Makefile I use to start the server. =)
17:12.44Nidhoggryou use make to start the server?  that's fun. :)
17:13.46larslYes, I use a Perl script to generate one of the maps, so I use make to be sure that the map is regenerated if the script has changed.
17:15.25Nidhoggrhrm. I have old bzadmin
17:15.41Nidhoggris bzadmin in the 1.7 tree yet?
17:15.48Nidhoggror just the 1.9
17:16.32TimRikerdo we really need 4 buildDate.cxx files?
17:16.35larslNidhoggr: It's not in the 1.7 tree (probably won't get there either since we are making test releases for 1.10 now), but it is in the current CVS head.
17:16.43TimRikerwhy not one in src/common or somthing?
17:17.00TimRikerNidhoggr: just 1.9
17:17.46larslNidhoggr: There haven't been any large improvements since the last 1.7 version in the patch tracker, only protocol updates.
17:18.02larslAnd minor tweaks.
17:19.10larslTimRiker: Hm, good point. I don't remember if Tupone had any problems with that method, or just did it differently.
17:19.23*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
17:19.23*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
17:20.31Nidhoggrcool.  I'll just wait for the 1.10 final.
17:30.45larslShould bzadmin respond to a CLIENTQUERY with "bzadmin 1.9.3.etc..." or just the same as bzflag "Version 1.9.3.etc..." ?
17:32.25NidhoggrI think with bzadmin
17:32.57larslYes, that makes the most sense.
17:33.23Nidhoggrpeople sometimes don't understand how you can be on with a text only client.
17:33.31Nidhoggrso that would help
17:34.05larslHehe. =)
17:34.17larslDoesn't he use a lot of the GL-dependant code in bzflag?
17:34.26larslNidhoggr: New bot.
17:34.30Nidhoggrah, cool.
17:34.50Nidhoggryeah... I think bzadmin with a bot that hunts down annoying players might be fun. ;)
17:35.14brlcadlarsl.. as an intermediate solution prior ot a proper banlist, you can use the bad word filter to do just that
17:35.27larslbrlcad: For the IPs?
17:35.27CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (bzadmin.cxx): bzadmin responds to CLIENTQUERY
17:35.40brlcadno, it filter's the name
17:35.50Nidhoggrthat helps.
17:36.06brlcadif it finds even a partial match, it will disconnect the user
17:36.29Nidhoggrsome people like to join with offensive names and have adsl, so they get a new ip every time they query the dhcp server.
17:36.47NidhoggrI'm having that problem with "your mama"
17:37.12Nidhoggronce 1.10 is final, I'm replacing all my servers with it.
17:37.15TimRiker/msg rodger go kill <foo>
17:37.21Nidhoggrtim, yes. :)
17:37.53brlcadit'll only be as interesting to the limitation of the admins acutally turning on filtering..
17:37.58brlcadsince it is off by default
17:38.09NidhoggrI'll be using it.
17:38.35TimRikerxmission will have it on for example.
17:38.40brlcadI'd imagine most admins would want to run with at least a filter with "core' swears in them
17:39.37Nidhoggras it is, I am going to write a perl script that detects certain words and bzadmin's in to kick or ban.
17:39.56TimRikerheh. cool.
17:39.59Nidhoggrmost of the stuff I do during the day is watch the logs for language.
17:40.16Nidhoggroh, cool brlcad :)
17:40.36NidhoggrI may upgrade my minimum bandwidth usage by a few meg.
17:40.45Nidhoggrand run a few more servers.
17:41.01NidhoggrI get an incredible deal on colo bandwidth.
17:41.43NidhoggrI get such a good deal that I can resell for a lot less than most places. :)
17:41.46brlcadsomeone needs to upload some new clients onto bzbb.. I keep seeing people connecting and getting dropped
17:42.22larslDid we change the protocol?
17:42.43brlcadI think the one that was uploaded was pre-fix from last thursday/friday
17:43.02brlcadthe clients are sending a version with a space, iirc
17:43.19TyroneFHornighPat was going to bump the version number and tag the tree. After that we are planning on putting up the new clients.
17:43.32larslThe servers did, to the list server. I didn't know anything about the clients.
17:44.33brlcadmaybe it's something else going on altogether then.. just fishy accept/disconnects periodically
17:45.04larslIt's not the list server that connects to check the server? I remember reading something about that.
17:45.05TyroneFHornighDo you have a log of the IP's?
17:45.25brlcadhere is the most recent ""
17:45.38brlcadgerman, Are there a number from the same area?
17:58.42Nidhoggrhrm... if I am using a script to make awk time stamp a tail -f of the logs, why does it work when I just run it, but won't work if I use logger > datestamped.log ?
17:59.14larslNidhoggr: There might be a buffer in the redirection.
17:59.28NidhoggrI can let it sit for a long time, and still get nothing.
17:59.28Chestalit#s probably awk's input buffer
17:59.33Nidhoggrcould be.
17:59.34brlcadI might have spoke too soon.. most of the recent failures are from that IP alone, the rest appear to be ECONNRESET's for the list server
17:59.42larslI'm doing that, and the log lags a bit.
17:59.47Chestaldefault bufferign checks whether input is a tty, then uses line buffering, else uses block buffering
17:59.53brlcadlarsl .. question about ./bzadmin -ui stdin
18:00.22brlcadIf I feed it input and have it terminate.. sometimes not all of the text is sent to the server
18:00.36brlcadis there a way to limit/prevent this?
18:00.50TyroneFHornighDo you call fflush before termination?
18:00.52CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): Mountain background is broken for small or large world
18:01.02larslI think it's because the server ignores messages from a client when the client has disconnected.
18:01.05*** join/#bzflag PatlaborTRIL (~JeffM@
18:01.24brlcadit seems like it disconnects too quickly and the server drops the lost client
18:01.29brlcadyea.. what you said
18:01.43Nidhoggryeah.. it's the buffer.
18:01.44brlcadperhaps a sync/fflush/pause might help
18:02.05larslMaybe something like this: mycommands | (echo; sleep 3) | bzadmin -ui stdin me@myserver
18:02.15CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/common (WordFilter.cxx): squelch [char] warning
18:02.16larslIt should be fixed in bzadmin somehow, though.
18:03.31TyroneFHornighches, I didn't see an entry in the invisibles this week. We would have made it in with 12. ;)
18:03.40larslMaybe just add a sleep() after the main loop in bzadmin. But it would be cleaner if it could check that the server had parsed all commands.
18:03.43ChestalTyroneFHornigh: I remember having a utlity which faked a tty for this purpose
18:04.06*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
18:04.13brlcadhrm.. I was using a here-now doc.. hard to sleep on that :)
18:04.41larslAre the text messages sent as TCP or UDP?
18:05.01brlcadlarsl, as a last step, you could send yourself a private message and wait for the server to return it :)
18:05.17Nidhoggrwould a perl script have the same buffer issues or would it write as the input comes in?
18:05.40larslYes, I thought about that too. But that would only work if we knew that the messages arrived in the same order they were sent.
18:05.41brlcadlarsl, do you flush the buffer before exit?
18:05.53larslI don't remember...
18:06.02larslWhat buffer?
18:06.07TyroneFHornighIt's the way the kernel works. It buffers all input/output and sends when it can.
18:06.22brlcadyour network transmit buffer
18:06.35larslI thought ServerLink did that automagically.
18:07.20TimRikerwhere did the touch version.h used to be?
18:07.39larslTimRiker: include/ I think.
18:07.49TimRikerah yeah...
18:16.01SpiffHi all. :-)
18:16.25Nidhoggrhi spiff
18:16.35SpiffYooooooooooooooooo Nidhoggr.
18:17.26Nidhoggra few other things that might help... being able to kill -1 bzfs to restart the logging.
18:17.44Patlabor221*sigh* poor poor misguided lary
18:18.02Nidhoggrand the -d should have who private messages were sent to.
18:18.06Patlabor221Nidhoggr what was spooge's last name?
18:18.36Patlabor221knightmare is named larry too
18:18.48Nidhoggris he from richardson texas?
18:18.49Patlabor221Larry Wyble
18:19.00Patlabor221don't know the town, but somwhere in texas
18:19.25Patlabor221I think he also just tried to get into
18:19.33NidhoggrI've long suspected that SB might be an active member of the community.
18:26.47CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (bzadmin.cxx): Added primitive check to bzadmin that tries to wait until all commands have been processed by the server before it quits
18:26.54larslMaybe we could use a TCP Ping message.
18:26.57larslOr do we have one?
18:28.07*** join/#bzflag jolly (
18:35.41brlcadhrm.. that has to be scripted.. more connection attempts from
18:36.53larslMaybe someone is running a 1.9 ladders site?
18:37.36Patlabor221how would I find out if is pointing to an IP or another domain?
18:38.36Nidhoggrit's a cname
18:38.55brlcadthere's also "dig"
18:39.04Bagheeraman, now i will never found out what happened to the IT guy.......
18:39.37Bagheeraguess a real job took all of bzg's time....
18:40.04larslbrlcad: I have that IP logged too, connecting and disconnecting.
18:40.11Bagheerathats it then Tim is SB........just like jekel and hyde
18:40.51Nidhoggrtim, if we ever needed it, you could go visit spoogebob :)
18:41.12brlcadHrm.. TimRiker==KnightMare? :)
18:41.31Patlabor221is that where he is?
18:41.41Patlabor221isn't SB in that town?
18:41.41TimRikerbrlcad: uh... no. ;-)
18:41.44Nidhoggrhe's in Richardson, TX
18:41.52Nidhoggrsb is
18:42.51TimRiker/msg me his address? or check the distance to my office on : 7800 Banner Drive, Dallas TX
18:48.44TimRiker3.23 miles driving distance from here.
18:48.52Nidhoggrcool :)
18:49.10Nidhoggrhis provider has probably contacted him by now
18:49.19Nidhoggrhe hasn't been on the server in a while.
18:49.42TimRikermapquest estimates driving time of 6 minutes. sounds like they have never driven in dallas rush hour.
18:50.40Bagheeraon the way to pappasitos......worth the trip......
19:03.50*** join/#bzflag Spiff (
19:12.54CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/ (10 files in 6 dirs): date madness
19:15.18ChestalTim: src/ required directory src/date does not exist
19:15.22larslOne disadvantage is that all programs will be relinked when only one of them have changed.
19:15.39larslBut we still don't have to recompile lots of files every time.
19:17.07CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/date (3 files): Directory /cvsroot/bzflag/bzflag/src/date added to the repository
19:17.09TimRikerChestal: ugh.. adding.
19:18.03*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
19:18.03CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/date (2 files): date madness
19:18.15TimRikerChestal: fixed.
19:18.55TimRikerlarsl: nod. on my somewhat normal system I get 6 seconds to do a bare make. I can live with that.
19:19.41TyroneFHornighWhat's the time like on your abnormal system? ;)
19:19.46TimRikerdid the win/mac touch any files in the process?
19:20.00TimRikerTyroneFHornigh: about 1/3 second on my build machine.
19:21.53ChestalTim: src/ required directory src/date does not exist :-)
19:31.36TyroneFHornigh6 short matrix revolutions trailers, about 5MB apiece mpeg
19:32.04TimRikerChestal: I just commited it. do a cvs up -PdA
19:33.27Chestalah, ok
19:37.08*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
19:46.15Chestalhmm, I liked the build system better before
19:46.28Chestalit seems to relink everythign now even if there has not been a change
19:47.07TuponeI'm just seeing. I think it's using again touch
19:47.22ChestalTimRiker redid it
19:47.48ChestalI think he didn't liek multiple versons of that data file, but he shoudl speak for himself :-)
19:48.23TuponeThe previous could be redone with just one version, even with a library
19:48.33TuponeJust we cannot use dependecy
19:48.46Tuponedependency for the date
19:49.49brlcadI liked it better before too
19:49.59brlcadbuild at link time..
19:50.17TuponeHave we authorization to change a little little
19:50.37ChestalTimRiker: I summon thee
19:51.51TuponeI did not build, yet. I want to try before evoking the god
19:52.26brlcadI thought he was a daemon?
19:52.38Tuponerunning in background
19:53.00TyroneFHornighNo, he still receives input and emits output to the standard channels.
19:53.01TuponeOMG. I realize why they are called daemon
19:53.38TimRikerChestal: sup?
19:53.40Tuponethey run under grounf
19:53.54ChestalTimRiker: I don't like it that the build system now relinks everythign each time
19:54.56TimRikerok.. I didn't like source files with the same name in 4 places.
19:55.20TimRikerbzfsDate.cxx bzflsDate.cxx ... etc?
19:55.43Tuponenot needed. I think we can left in date directory
19:55.52TimRikerTupone: explain?
19:56.19TuponeThe problem, has you says, is to have multiple equal sources
19:56.37TimRikerby the time make knows that you rebuilt something in src/bzflag/ it would already have resolved all the dates for date/*
19:56.38Tuponewe can build executable taking object in the date directory (or library)
19:57.01TuponeWe can force the recompilation of the date library, just before the link
19:57.11TimRikerjust before each link?
19:57.30Tuponejust before, in the make before CXXLINK
19:57.50Tuponea script, or a shell command - have to see
19:57.52brlcadyou can just ${CC} -o buildDate.o ../date/buildDate.cxx like we were before, just referring to the new file
19:58.00TimRikerso buildDate.cxx would get compiled 4 times?
19:58.02brlcadduring link, that is
19:58.11brlcadonce per link
19:58.27TimRikerbrlcad: I guess I'm ok with that.
19:58.43brlcadwhich is technically true, and convenient if we ever threw in __TIME__ too..
19:58.57TimRikerstill means it's compiled 4 times, but it's a trivially small file. ;-)
20:00.30Tuponecan we avoid .a format
20:00.47TyroneFHornighWhat's the purpose of the date, outside of distribution to non-developers?
20:01.05TimRikerthe other thing is: if we are touching a file and compiling it. why not just write the date in there in the correct format instead of using __DATE__ and the extraction function?
20:02.15TimRikerecho "#define BZDATE "`date +%Y%m%d`" >> bzfsDate.cxx
20:02.30TimRikerthen add the time too if you like.
20:02.30Tuponeinstead of 4 time will write in this file a lot of times
20:02.48TimRikernot if it's in the CXXLINK rule
20:03.33TimRikerdate +%Y%m%d%H$M   even
20:03.34bryjenTyroneFHornigh: i thought it started as an attempt to get a reference point to CVS, but it was easier to get a build date. how useful build date is is debateble
20:03.37larslTimRiker: Then Mac and Win will have to generate their own files or use separate __DATE__ files.
20:04.07TimRikerlarsl: nod. does mac/win force a recompile now?
20:05.09TyroneFHornighThe reference point to CVS was to determine where a test build came from for a bug report. All of these issues seem to deal with developer's who don't need to know where the build came from. Let's get back to solving the primary issue.
20:05.53larslIf we wanted the CVS date we could parse all CVS/Entries files in the configure script.
20:06.10TyroneFHornighOr we could only distribute tagged sources.
20:06.16Chestalor auto-update a file in the repository
20:07.02Tuponenot tagged ... dated
20:07.02brlcadOne reason to avoid using `date` is that __DATE__ will work whether they have `date` or not (windows, for example, who knows what else later)
20:07.49larslFor "official" test versions a tag is enough.
20:07.56TyroneFHornighIs someone working on an OS/2 port? :)
20:08.17Tuponebut tag should be visible from the version string.
20:08.31larslTupone: Yes, but the tag could _be_ the version.
20:08.34ChestalTyrone: hmm, I guess apart from sound it should already run on OS/2, at least with XFRee
20:08.42TyroneFHornighWe can put it into the version string easily enough as part of the tag process.
20:08.44larslCVS tag v1_9_4, version 1.9.4.
20:09.46TyroneFHornighWe then need to modify the tag part of the version whenever someone else commits to the tree.
20:10.01TyroneFHornighPat is planning on tagging the tree when he updates version.h
20:10.19TuponeWe should manually tag, not releasing anything that is not coherent
20:10.30larslAre we still doing another test release tonight?
20:11.43Tuponewho is going to make the dirty date work
20:12.49Tuponenobody answer! Ok :~( I'll do then
20:13.16TyroneFHornighNobody is certain what the work really entails until we know what we want.
20:13.38TuponeI know we have to stop endless building.
20:14.01brlcadif you _really_ want to build only once and have only one file, you can do a make all in  date/ as part of the link step for bzfs, bzflag, etc
20:14.51brlcadand perhaps the last build product would do a make clean after it links in date/
20:15.11larslHow would make know which one was the last?
20:15.26TuponeI head a big Head Ache thniking at the consequence
20:15.57Tuponeprefer to compile 20 times 1 line of source code, instead of thinking the whole night
20:16.35TyroneFHornighmake distribution is the only time to rebuild the date. normal developer makes don't need to update the version for every build.
20:16.55brlcadlarsl, you make date/ the last product
20:19.44Patlabor221brlcad, same folder as the other music "10000maniacs"
20:23.23TimRikeronly way I've been able to avoid it in the past is to do one pass that compiles everything and then touches a file if anything compiled, then another pass that links.
20:23.35TimRikergnu makes are not setup to handle that very well.
20:24.26Patlabor221'scons" taste the rainbow
20:25.06brlcadthe "autogenerate-a-c-file-with-embedded-date-at-link-time" works very well for us here at work, but it is dependant upon unix facilities to generate the script
20:25.29*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
20:25.56TyroneFHornighDo you generate the file for every build, and do the developers complain about it?
20:26.12TimRikerand does it always relink anyway?
20:28.16TimRikerTupone: is there an issue with having a "touch" line? ie: does some non-unix platform not support touch?
20:28.42Tuponewith make, you mean?
20:28.44TimRikerthis would have to be a platform that uses the unix makefiles, but does not have touch.
20:29.26TuponeI think, all platform having make have some sort of touch, but I'm not sure
20:30.54brlcadthe file is only generated once, and thereafter merely updated
20:31.09brlcadnobody complains about it, it doesn't cause rebuilding or anything
20:31.13Chestalif we have no date or touch we can always write our own in C/C++ and ship it :-)
20:31.48Tuponebrlcad: a sort of binary patch?
20:33.22Tuponeor the way I implemented it
20:34.53TuponeChestal: what about your problem with duplicated entry on makefile. You fixed it and committed?
20:34.55brlcadsimilar to what you did, except that there is no version.h or buildVersion.cxx -- it generates a vers.c if needed at link time, builds, and links it
20:35.26ChestalTupone: no, I didn't commit
20:35.27TuponeYeah. I wanned to do that way, but I thought to windozish
20:35.37ChestalTupone: migh tbe gone, not sure
20:36.20TuponeChestal: with what is now in CVS, agree. But looking at the previous, you should continue to have that problem
20:36.30larslCan we remove acconfig.h from CVS? It is empty.
20:36.45TuponeChestal: if we restore that (in some way)
20:36.45ChestalTupone: it vasnished when I erase the $(EXEEXT) in
20:36.58ChestalTupone: and it worked with both automake 1.4 and 1.7 for me then
20:37.12TuponeChestal: re autogen -ing
20:37.18Chestalnot sure if that is true for all platforms, though. Probably not windows
20:37.43TuponeChestal: windows does not care. As I know, they are not using automake
20:37.48Chestaleh, yes of course
20:38.01Chestaldon't we support cygwin?
20:38.21larslI don't think so.
20:38.26TuponeYeah, but as far as I know, the only supported system is mine
20:39.02TuponeI build straighfull, :-)
20:39.23Tupone... without much effort
20:39.35Patlabor221sweeet baby jesus and all the orpahns.
20:40.40captain_protonohhhhhhhh man
20:40.51Patlabor221you need one of those don't you?
20:41.15captain_protonwho doesn't need one of those?
20:41.27Patlabor221the small 3 panel one is only 1500$
20:45.10Patlabor221you see the price on the large 4 panel one?
20:46.05Patlabor221takes a while to load all the zeros
20:46.26Patlabor22192" 6400x1200
20:46.27bryjengood grief. i dont think my truck cost that much.
20:47.48Patlabor221you could sleep in that
20:48.18bryjenand get a tan at the same time
20:48.21KTL_djeeeezes christ what a screeeeeen
20:48.35KTL_wanna wanna wanna haaave
20:49.15Patlabor221that sucks, they don't have a 3 panel one that uses 1600x1200 panels
20:49.57brlcadtupone.. widozish??  Our system uses unix scripts
20:50.31Tuponewhat is _your_system_ ?
20:51.04Patlabor221mingw /cygwin should be able to use the automake build system on windows
20:51.16brlcadWe are a unix shop .. sgi, solaris, osx, freebsd, linux, ...
20:51.53brlcadWe only reluctantly/recently got things working on windows
20:52.17CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (2 files): Don't include xcurses.h if we're using PDCurses on Win32
20:52.22Patlabor221yeah, I don't think anyone has even tried a windows command line build, so I would nto worry bout it
20:52.39TuponeHowever, bzflag with $(EXEEXT) does not work to me
20:53.47Patlabor221it's a good recording of them
20:54.49brlcadyes. yes, it is.
20:54.56larslAre we doing a test release tonight? I can make a RPM, but I need to go in ~1 hour.
20:55.15Patlabor221how is the bug list lookin?
20:55.22larslLonger, I think.
20:55.41brlcadhowdy [dmp]man
20:56.09TyroneFHornighlearner is acting a little bizarro today. ;)
20:56.27bryjentoday? ;)
20:56.59TyroneFHornighUsually you don't say hello when someone leaves. next you'll say goodbye when someone arrives. ;)
20:58.48BZarrogoodbye Mxyzptlk
20:59.05bryjenWould you like to buy a vowel?
20:59.07MrMxyzptlkI'm feeling a bit impish anyway. ;)
20:59.32Patlabor221now now don't be going all silly, aperantly I just live for baning people, and you wouldn't want to get baned now would you ? :)
20:59.39MrMxyzptlkNow we find out who the true old age comic book fans really are.
21:00.54bryjenAll the /nick'ing was getting out of hand last night...
21:01.05*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
21:01.36bryjennicking of nicks even ;)
21:01.46MrMxyzptlkHello Hal ;)
21:02.09IronLanternTony, Tony Jordan
21:02.30*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:05.19MrMxyzptlkSounds like a conflict of the various creations.
21:05.36IronLanternohh it was hal
21:05.42IronLanternI forgot what one
21:05.46IronLanterndid you ever read those?
21:05.50IronLanternthey were ufnny
21:06.04IronLanternX-patroll and spider-boy were great
21:06.46MrMxyzptlkThey were a bit after the times I was collecting, and I tended to prefer DC anyway. I was ever the oddball. ;)
21:07.06IronLanternthey even had Dr. StrangeFate
21:07.21MrMxyzptlkI do use Hal Jordan's incantation as part of my quit message occasionally.
21:07.29IronLanternthis I know
21:08.44MrMxyzptlkBut do people know how to get rid of an imp, or a Bizarro?
21:09.36Patlabor221smack it in a book?
21:09.43sure, wanna snort some with me?
21:09.44Patlabor221that works for fay
21:10.42MrMxyzptlkBlue Kryptonite against the Bizarro, and making Mr Mxyzptlk say his name backwards
21:12.13Patlabor221so the DU/Tungesten core kenetic penetrators won't be used then?
21:12.34TyroneFHornighNot today. ;)
21:12.55Patlabor221they don't last for ever you knowe
21:23.57*** join/#bzflag Merry (
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21:51.51CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src (6 files in 6 dirs): date is generated everytime, build are not
21:52.49Tuponefinger crossin'
21:58.15*** join/#bzflag KR (
21:58.24KRhi all
22:06.11*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (~JeffM@
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22:10.20*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
22:10.34sn0w_m0nkeygreetings earthlings
22:13.49TyroneFHornighHi Gordo ;)
22:19.39sn0w_m0nkeygordo is a pig
22:20.03TyroneFHornighGordo was the first monkey in space.
22:20.57sn0w_m0nkeyi thought curious george was the first?
22:21.09sn0w_m0nkeybut i will take a note..
22:21.43TyroneFHornighfollowed by the man in the yellow hat?
22:21.43SpiffCurious George r0x0rz.
22:26.21*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
22:27.28sn0w_m0nkeyspiff i am trying to view your pet pic on the forum but the bzbb is being strange
22:51.55Noodlemanthe cat in the hat 0wns curious george
23:02.55*** join/#bzflag larsl (
23:03.01larslsrc/bzfs/ invalid unused variable name: `AM_LDFLAGS'
23:03.13larslbzfls, bzflag, bzadmin.
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23:29.26TyroneFHornighI can only get one of the invisibles this week.
23:33.27patlabor221we have 32
23:33.29patlabor221soryr 3
23:33.48TyroneFHornigh32 out of 8 is doing very well. I'm impressed ;)
23:34.07TyroneFHornighI'm sure you got #8.
23:38.10SpiffHehehe Noodleman. :-)
23:38.24rumour has it, invisibles is at
23:43.20CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/ (5 files in 5 dirs): automake compatibility: buildDate.o now in LIBS

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.