irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030829

00:00.34patlabor221thankfully we don't really have any lumbergs in this dept
00:01.38brlcadhmm.. is that a shield on the captain's belt in 142.3?
00:01.51brlcadthat would suggest J.A.G or something
00:03.27*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:05.46JBDiGrizCould that be a police uniform instead of a military uniform on 142.3?
00:05.58brlcadwith captain's bars??
00:06.43JBDiGriza police captain chewing out a detective, perhaps
00:06.45brlcadalthough it certainly isn't "neat" like it should be
00:07.28brlcadeven looks wrinkled -- could be
00:10.57patlabor221cop uniform would have badge on the chest, and a unit insignia on the arm
00:11.50bzgirlits a prison uniform
00:12.07patlabor221they have epaulets?
00:12.13patlabor221and Hi :)
00:12.29bzgirlwhatever they are :)
00:13.12bzgirlthe big red light in the background is prolly prison light?
00:13.30patlabor221it does have an alarm esque look to it
00:13.38patlabor221but no bars on the windows
00:13.44bzgirl#4 is a Robert Redford movie
00:14.12bzgirlthey're doors i think, not windows
00:14.19brlcadthat room looks sorta like a mental hospital
00:14.29brlcador perhaps just a hospital
00:14.36patlabor221well still it would have bars on them if it was a prison
00:14.43JBDiGriz#4 isn't Redford, but the star was in a major movie with Redford
00:15.26patlabor221it's some kinda classroom or something, as there are chairs up on end in the background
00:16.25patlabor221tho I swear those are pre job, Demi boobs
00:16.58scanlineTortoiseSVN is rather cute
00:17.48patlabor221yes it is
00:17.57tea|tree_hello all
00:18.04bzgirlhello t
00:18.14tea|tree_hey angie ;D
00:18.55bzgirlgood evening Nickolas ;-)
00:33.16*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
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00:34.36bzgirlhi Chiko
00:52.42*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
00:53.15*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (
00:53.45bzgirlwhy did everyone look so happy in the 1950's?
00:54.44brlcadthe same reason why all "smokers" have such pearly white teeth
00:55.34bzgirlnot the ones i know
00:57.30bzgirl  heh
00:57.30brlcadsee anyone there with teeth rotting out of their head? :)
01:00.11bzdoug_gimme a photo! :)
01:01.34bzgirl:) j/k doug
01:02.48JBDiGrizShe didn't say she was smoking, just lighting it! ;-)
01:03.52JBDiGrizbrlcad: Are you going to have some time to chase down keyboard issues this evening?
01:04.22brlcadoh crap, jb
01:04.27brlcadI'd forgotten that was today
01:04.34brlcadyes, I can
01:05.01JBDiGrizease off on the pressure. We don't need you to blow up!
01:05.14brlcadhehe, no -- i just had my mind elsewhere
01:05.38brlcadeverythings working now -- I'm quite gleefully content right now
01:05.51brlcada bit giddy even that everything is working
01:18.19*** join/#bzflag aec (~aec@
01:30.42*** join/#bzflag rooter_the ([
01:37.34brlcadahh.. e-mail from friends far away when you don't expect it is nice..
01:44.28CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX/BZFlag.pbproj (project.pbxproj): Turned off linking to libogg and libvorbis until it is needed again
01:46.04captain_protonsilly extra build system thingies
01:53.39brlcadnot so silly when I have both processors churning away on a compile
01:53.50brlcador on a cluster once I get my hands on xcode :)
01:57.35scanlineor you could use make -j and distcc
02:01.02*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz_ (
02:01.50brlcadyes, but will it auto detect all of the available resources on your network and transparently optimally utilize everyone willing to contribute?  i think not
02:02.14brlcadall at the click of a button, too
02:02.58*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
02:12.34*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
02:12.35*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
02:15.04*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
02:15.06brlcadsomeone care to join for a sec
02:15.50Patlabor221I can when that is complete
02:16.27brlcadtupone -- kill jb, grab burrow and let one of us run you over
02:16.46brlcadi.e. become rabbit and be burrowed
02:20.13*** join/#bzflag Tupone_ (
02:21.29creeperzGod...Language Arts 9 in the morning
02:21.46Patlabor221I'm building now to asist you Gents if you still need it.
02:22.21creeperzMy Computer Apps teacher is a bitch
02:22.39Patlabor221thank you for leting us all know.
02:22.45creeperzNo problem
02:22.58brlcadthanks tupone
02:23.11Patlabor221are you still in need brlcad?
02:23.16TuponeYou're welcome
02:23.18Patlabor221oh and iHint++
02:23.20creeperzJust thought I'd let you all know
02:24.08JBDiGrizThanks, it's something after the keyboard event and before the bzdb interpretation
02:24.43creeperzAnyone know a good program (freeware if at all possible) to make hotkeys?
02:24.44Patlabor221I hope it wasn't my change to the key stuff that I made for the Mac with no way to test.
02:24.54Patlabor221Windows XP
02:24.56scanlinecreeperz: keyboard + blowtorch
02:25.09JBDiGrizThat was only a simple change and it couldn't have made a difference ;-)
02:25.12Patlabor221a Zippo would work too
02:25.24creeperzhotkeys... not hot keys
02:25.36Patlabor221I didn't think so JBDiGriz but it did seem to start hapening around that time.
02:25.41Patlabor221creeper for what app?
02:25.57creeperzNo particular application
02:26.01*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
02:26.06creeperzJust remap my copy and paste hotkeys
02:26.11Patlabor221apps handle there own "hot keys"
02:26.21Patlabor221sounds like you want a macro system
02:26.29Patlabor221only one I know is quickkeys
02:26.32creeperzI dunno know
02:26.33Patlabor221check google
02:26.42creeperzI heard something of HotKey XP or something :-S
02:26.49Patlabor221then go look for it
02:27.10Patlabor221use the net to help you.
02:27.58creeperzI could say something right now but it'd just piss yu off
02:28.06JBDiGrizPatlabor221: Then again, if it was that change, we'll have to hunt you down....
02:28.49Patlabor221JBDiGriz, this is why i mention it. I didn't recall learner having the issue till after I did that.
02:29.11Patlabor221you could temp undo it, it's a very very simple change, just to see if that's the issue.
02:29.33Patlabor221tho learner mentioned the project builder solving most of it, and that makes no sense to me
02:29.45Patlabor221I should steal my G4 back from the doc people.
02:29.51JBDiGrizWhat's the change, and I'll try it quickly
02:29.56Patlabor221creeperz: probably, depends what it is.
02:30.25Patlabor221in mac platform when it got a keyUP event it was setting the bz keydown event
02:30.31Patlabor221I change it from down to up
02:31.54Patlabor221The chang made sense and brlcad concured, so I commited with out testing.
02:32.06creeperzHotkeycontrol XP
02:32.24Patlabor221there ya go then
02:32.52creeperzYea, this is it
02:33.32Patlabor221I was just pondering if your keyboard issues were posibly due to that change I made for your "I" problem
02:33.40brlcadpat: it did make sense at the time
02:33.42Patlabor221since I dind't remember you having the problem before that
02:33.55Patlabor221yeah it does, but maybe that screwed up other stuff
02:34.00brlcadwell, it did fix the problem i was having briefly when building via make
02:34.15brlcadbut a day or two later the problem returned
02:34.37brlcadvery -- almost like corrupted memory randomness
02:34.44Patlabor221did you have issues where you would lose total keyboard before that?
02:34.44JBDiGrizok, i have a build with that change undone
02:35.03JBDiGrizwe don't lose total keyboard. the 't' and arrows work
02:35.15Patlabor221oh, very very odd
02:35.20JBDiGrizthose keys aren't changable, and are handled differently
02:35.41JBDiGrizit looks like the KEYMGR code which does some interpretation is broken
02:35.44Patlabor221It did seem that the key handaling stuff is ALL difrent
02:35.47Patlabor221yeah that
02:36.00Patlabor221it ties some stuff to key down, and some to key up
02:36.05Patlabor221bizare way if you ask me
02:36.16*** join/#bzflag SGI (
02:37.37JBDiGrizThat didn't affect it
02:38.04Patlabor221well was just a thought
02:38.26creeperzWorks good
02:38.51JBDiGrizIt never hurts to doublecheck
02:41.21Patlabor221will it build on OS 9.0, I can test it there ;)
02:41.54creeperz~seen noodleman
02:41.54noodleman <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 14d 10h 56m 55s ago, saying: 'we are at our destination, just don['t have a house yet'.
02:42.21creeperz14 days ago?
02:42.37Patlabor221yeah, he's doing a major move
02:42.49creeperzI talked to him yesterday for a little while
02:43.07creeperzHe came in here yesterday. Just left right away
02:43.13creeperzDidn't say anything
02:43.20Patlabor221probably still getting set up and stuff
02:43.40Patlabor221he was also not that chatty of a person here
02:43.41creeperzGot glasses back today
02:43.51creeperzIn Noodlebot, he was
02:43.58Patlabor221there is not here
02:43.58creeperzYesterday, anyways
02:44.06creeperzI know this
02:44.21JBDiGrizPatlabor221: If there's a problem building on 9, why don't you fix it? ;-)
02:44.29creeperzDidn't know if you were refering to IRC or #BZFlag
02:44.31Patlabor221would it even work?
02:44.40Patlabor221here is #bzflag
02:44.50Patlabor221I didn't think it would
02:45.00creeperzI know this now
02:45.03Patlabor221and there is no way to get OSX on a 601 is there?
02:45.44Patlabor221nuBus R0x0rz
02:45.53*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
02:57.39brlcadwhy does the doEvent() in playing.cxx disable the keyboard movement when the mouse moves?
02:58.02brlcadI can see why you might want the reverse..
02:58.19captain_protonthey're a little exclusionary
02:58.50brlcadit's relatively easy to cause a mouse event when playing with keys
02:59.18brlcadit's a pretty active effort to "accidentally" hit an arrow key while using a mouse, though
02:59.23captain_protoni'm not sure how it would react with both turned on at the same time
03:00.57brlcadah.. it's a hack fix
03:01.27brlcadthe mouse doesn't engage if the keyboard is active
03:02.09brlcadit does receive the events just fine, though.. no reason it couldn't
03:04.44TuponeJBDiGriz: I was an observer, did you noticed
03:05.11JBDiGrizTupone: I noticed, but I still wasn't able to get the keyboard to respond.
03:05.53TuponeHow? I did not see any sign of me to be an observer.
03:06.21JBDiGrizYou were listed below the regular players, and you're call sign was in black
03:06.50TuponeOK. My view as an observer was different. I'll try
03:08.46*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
03:09.14brlcadhowdy mac!
03:09.20MrApathyCreamheh learner
03:09.41JBDiGriz_Big MAC ...
03:10.11MrApathyCreamheh, wollman
03:15.16*** part/#bzflag SGI (
03:34.35*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
03:39.37MrApathyCream--slow nite-- i guess captain_proton is waiting another day to save the bzday
03:39.55captain_protoncan't save it until its truly in danger
03:41.08MrApathyCreamversion as strings as in 1.9.0-cvs20030604
03:41.22MrApathyCream1.9.0-win32:20030828 ?
03:41.29MrApathyCreamis that what he wants?
03:41.49MrApathyCream1.9.0-redhat9:20030828 ??
03:42.20captain_protonbut whats wrong with spaces?
03:44.04MrApathyCreamanother couple months, then, i guess... :(
03:44.05scanlineMrApathyCream: just install linux
03:44.19MrApathyCreami tried -- it was an abismal failure
03:44.31Patlabor221vmware it :)
03:44.33scanlineMrApathyCream: so install it correctly now
03:44.37JBDiGriz_Get a MAC!
03:44.50Patlabor221install it on an amiga!!!
03:44.51MrApathyCreamafter about 15 installation attempts, i concluded i didn't want it that bad
03:45.00brlcadyeah, mac -- get a mac
03:45.01MrApathyCreami have an amiga actually :)
03:45.10MrApathyCreami have a mac too
03:45.11Patlabor221there ya go
03:45.17Patlabor221linux runs on ANYTHING
03:45.19Patlabor221even my cat.
03:45.25MrApathyCreambut neither are the dev platform of choice
03:47.01scanlineIRIX is the dev platform of choice
03:47.09MrApathyCreamdoes your cat mind you constantly rebuilding her kernel?
03:47.41JBDiGriz_It's a very stable platform, once you rebuild the kernel once, the cat tends to stay up without crashing.
03:47.48MrApathyCreamthe 7 cd set looks nice on my bookcase tho
03:47.58Patlabor221I think she does that by herself, but only in the litterbox
03:49.01JBDiGriz_It looks like something is going funny with the shift on the key input, could someone join brlcad, and just hang out there for about 10 minutes?
03:50.29MrApathyCreami'm there
03:52.03JBDiGriz_Thanks, that's definitely something wrong, but now I have to figure out why it's setting it.
03:52.29MrApathyCream'core dump'
03:52.45brlcadgot it
03:52.50brlcaduninitialized data
03:53.25brlcadjb, join if you would to verify
03:54.16brlcador anybody for that matter
03:54.32JBDiGriz_mac and i are both there
03:55.00JBDiGriz_i'm in the middle of walking the code, but i can reset the breakpoints
03:55.39brlcadyou're on
03:55.45brlcador is mac autopilot?
03:55.53JBDiGriz_yes, and mac is autopilot
03:56.32brlcadyou nailed it jb
03:56.35brlcadit's the shift
03:56.46brlcadactually the whole event is uninitialized
03:56.52JBDiGriz_wish i had found the uninitialized code
03:57.00JBDiGriz_where are you?
03:57.17brlcadthe other clients apparently set the event.shift to 0
03:57.30brlcadthe mac event handler was only setting it to zero on a certain case
03:57.48Patlabor221so were all your keys having the shift modifyer?
03:57.51brlcadlook at MacDisplay.cxx
03:58.09brlcadbzf_even.keyDown.shift is never set
03:58.28Patlabor221so init to garbage?
03:58.50brlcadperhaps, or just never init
03:59.09Patlabor221well that would init it to garbage then wouldn't it :)
03:59.10brlcadit should be init prior to feeding it to clients (upon creation)
03:59.16Patlabor221cus it has to be someething
03:59.26brlcadand the clients should set it too..
04:00.38JBDiGrizIt looks like it initializes it on mouse events, but not keyboard events ...
04:00.40brlcadyep.. playing.cxx around 2335
04:00.59JBDiGrizDo you have a fix?
04:01.21brlcadthe quick fix is to zero it in the mac key handler
04:01.39brlcadI'm going to init that event in doEvent too
04:01.47JBDiGrizCheck it in, and let's cross the sucker off the list!
04:02.27JBDiGrizGet the fire hose ;-)
04:06.05CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX (MacDisplay.cxx): fixed uninitialized data bug -- initialized event in getEvent()
04:07.36*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
04:11.42CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/platform/MacOSX (MacDisplay.cxx): dang untested single line changes
04:12.11JBDiGrizProbably should have added a typedef to the initialization ;-)
04:13.20brlcadyes, i thought i'd "throw that one in as well" right before I commmited it ;)
04:13.34brlcadwithout checking the type :P
04:13.45JBDiGrizActually, the type is already set to -1 about 3 lines down from your change
04:13.55CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): removed redundant KEYMGR->get() for keytrokes not handled by the KEYMGR
04:16.37JBDiGrizI do like seeing warnings go away ;-)
04:17.51JBDiGrizcan someone join brlcad so I can test this build?
04:26.29brlcadpoor sick fella
04:32.24CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/include (BzfEvent.h): added default constructor so that event is properly initialized
04:32.53*** join/#bzflag SGI (
04:33.11*** part/#bzflag SGI (
04:34.33JBDiGrizI can't switch the radar view while burrowed. That's what I was seeing.
04:35.14CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): cleaned up after the learned one; added handle for unset event
04:38.27brlcadi see that too jb
04:39.12brlcadi notice that someone fixed the jumping while burrowed "feature"
04:41.22brlcadJBDiGriz: was the mac problem line-itemed somewhere?
04:41.33brlcadi don't see it in todo or bugs
04:44.14JBDiGrizI had listed it in the wipi, I'll remove it from there.
04:58.40brlcadi need a beer
04:59.13scanlineno beer make homer go something something
04:59.19MrApathyCreami fixed it
05:02.11*** join/#bzflag SGI (
05:02.21*** part/#bzflag SGI (
05:17.00brlcadhe's computing a distance to the other player -- if he's close to me he wouldn't shoot; when I moved away, he shot himself
05:17.25brlcadeven though he was against the wall both when I was near and when I was far
05:17.54MrApathyCreamit 'should' find distance to player, and then distance to closest building
05:18.02MrApathyCreamand if building is closer, don't shoot
05:18.36brlcadmaybe it's using building center points??
05:21.54*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
05:22.34creeperz...Where are all the ops??
05:26.57brlcadit's better
05:27.15brlcadstill overly sucks though ;)
05:28.18brlcadHmm.. more keyboard funkyness.. if I use binoculars -- i lose forward and backwards keystrokes
05:28.34brlcadcould someone test that?
05:28.59*** join/#bzflag SGI (
05:29.16SGI~seen DTRemenak
05:29.16dtremenak <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 1h 34m 34s ago, saying: 'ugh'.
05:29.21brlcadhrm, never mind.. now it seems to be working.. wonder if another player has to be on
05:29.25*** part/#bzflag SGI (
05:29.25brlcadhowdy sgi ;)
05:37.14MrApathyCreami'm on
05:59.21brlcadI'm a baked potato
05:59.26brlcadput a fork in me -- i'm done
06:10.28MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton, scanline, lil help?
06:10.51MrApathyCreami got a normal, i want the angle that is 90 degrees (either way) from that normal
06:13.27MrApathyCreamatanf(normal[0]/normal[1])  ?
06:19.56scanlineyou want a cross product type widget
06:20.44scanlinethough you really have to define the question better
06:21.04scanlinethere are an infinite number of vectors 90 degrees from any given 3d vector
06:21.32scanlinethe cross product of two vectors is perpendicular to both
06:21.57scanlineremember to normalize it if you go that route
06:22.55MrApathyCreamtwo d vector
06:24.26scanlinewell, you can think of it as a 3D vector with z=0, and take the cross product of it and either (0,0,1) or (0,0,-1) depending on which answer you want
07:03.18CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Roger needs alot of help
07:46.34*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
08:10.44*** join/#bzflag bomber_ (
08:26.15Chikoritahi bomba
08:29.39bomber_hi chiko
08:31.04Chikoritawutz a good song 2 d/l?
08:31.07Chikoritaany ideas?
08:32.59Chikoritawuts dat
08:33.01bomber_mission impossible
08:33.06Chikoritamission impossible?
08:33.19Chikoritada soundtrack?
08:33.53Chikoritafrom da movie yes?>
08:34.09ChikoritaU2's version?
08:34.53Chikoritaum okkayy
08:35.06Chikoritai'll look 4 it , thnx
08:35.11bomber_are you bored?
08:35.30Chikoritanot bored ..jus sleepless...
08:35.38Chikoritaur in germany yes?
08:35.47bomber_nyep...i am in work :o))
08:35.50Chikoritaitz 4am here
08:35.53bomber_also sleepless
08:36.40bomber_here is 10:35am
08:37.09Chikoritawutcha doin? do u werk wif puters? r u a puter programma?
08:38.14bomber_i am engineer....i do design of particle storage ring :o))
08:38.30Chikoritadat sounds kewl
08:38.43Chikoritao okies
08:38.56bomber_and u?
08:39.04Chikoritaimma student
08:39.14Chikoritaat university too
08:39.28Chikoritabuh im at home right now
08:39.42Chikoritacommunications ...buh i tink of changin mah major
08:40.22Chikoritai jus sed puter programma cuz most peepz here r
08:41.19Chikoritadie hauser <<dat means "the house" in german , yes?
08:41.51bomber_haus - häuser
08:41.59Chikoritaheehe yea
08:42.00bomber_but iam not german :o)
08:42.10Chikoritameine hauser
08:42.16bomber_you have to better ask native german people
08:42.20Chikoritai took german in HS
08:42.32Chikoritau dunt speak german?
08:42.39ChikoritaHS=High Skool
08:43.05bomber_ahh i speak....iam here already 6 year
08:43.17bomber_but i am from slovakia
08:43.32Chikoritasumtimes i like 2 c sum of da german players typing in german dey dunt kno dat i can undastand dem heehe
08:43.48ChikoritaooH slovakia
08:44.43Chikoritaim from da USA
08:44.50bomber_which part?
08:44.56Chikoritaeast part
08:45.06Chikoritahave u eva been 2 da USA?
08:45.06bomber_without electricity ? :o))
08:45.35Chikoritahaha no we have electricity othawise no BZ
08:45.55bomber_i have never been in us
08:46.24Chikoritamy puter runs on wata from da mill we have runnin in da stream in our backyard iz dat wut u wanna hear mee say?
08:46.34Chikoritalol j/k
08:47.36bomber_wau....its sounds like hessisch
08:47.54Chikoritai took german in HS cuz i want 2 visit there 1 day (an also cuz i heard it was easyest foriegn language 2 learn)
08:48.02Chikoritalol bomba
08:48.24Chikoritaja woh!
08:48.44bomber_when you compare hoch-deutsch and hessisch.....
08:49.17Chikoritar those diff dialects of german?
08:49.32Chikoritak dat wut i tho
08:50.13bomber_its something like yours english :o))
08:50.29Chikoritau have an evil laff
08:50.53Chikoritau kno , HoW iz active again...
08:51.03bomber_i saw it :o)
08:51.13Chikoritadey have been winnin sum good matches
08:51.24bomber_but actually i go to vacation for 2 weeks
08:51.37Chikoritawhere? j/c
08:51.54bomber_nyep :o)
08:52.10Chikoritatake mee 2
08:52.46bomber_it means me, my girlfriend and chikorita??? :o))
08:52.59Chikoritai had a friend she went there on holiday ..she sed dat da best way 2 c greece iz on a cruise ship
08:53.13Chikoritao u r goin wif ur g/f?
08:54.07Chikoritaokies nvrmnd
08:54.14bomber_have you find MI
08:54.45Chikoritai got it do u wanna hear it 2?
08:54.57Chikoritauh huh
08:55.03Chikoritawant mee 2 dorward it 2 ya?
08:55.17Chikoritaitz not bad
08:55.29Chikoritathnx 4 suggestin it
08:55.45Chikoritak i wil try 2 send it 2 u via irc
08:55.55Chikoritaor do u want it sent 2 ur email addy?
08:56.02bomber_via irc
09:17.39*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
10:36.57Chikoritadat DCC-send neva seems 2 work
10:37.49Chikoritao okies nOW itz workin  :P
10:38.27bomber_yep....u were long time away
10:38.51bomber_second file is the same or?
10:39.35Chikoritafirst 1 didnt go thru , second 1 iz ...
10:40.08Chikoritaitz stil sending
10:40.15Chikoritasame file
10:41.32Chikoritaim gonna b sendin u all kindsa crazee music i have LoL
10:43.43*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
10:44.23*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
10:44.23rooter_thegood morning
10:45.06Chikoritaguten morgen herr root :)
10:46.04Chikoritamorning L :D
10:46.24brlcadhello C :D
10:46.45brlcadwhat are you doing up so early??
10:46.58rooterme?  i'm always here at 6:30am
10:47.09brlcadno, chikorita :)
10:47.28rooterducati isn't showing up on the list server... but it is up
10:47.50Chikoritai couldnt sleep ..  :P
10:48.16rooterhello bomber
10:48.43*** join/#bzflag brlcad_ (
10:49.19bomber_gm rooter
10:49.44bomber_chiko: 38%
11:00.44rooterducati is usually hoppin' at this time
11:01.19Chikoritao yea?
11:01.25rootercalico's boss bust of come in early
11:01.38rooteryeah.. usually 3:3 at least
11:02.18rooterso... what are you sending bomber?
11:02.24Chikoritamus b all da european bz'ers play dis early
11:02.29rooteri'm there
11:02.36rooteron another computer
11:03.36Chikoritaim sendin him nuclear weapon secrets so he can sell dem 2 da arabians so he can pay 4 his vacation 2 greece
11:04.18rooterreally?  ;)
11:04.20Chikoritai sendin him sum music files of mine
11:04.57Chikorita...weird , moody music , dat eastern european peepz prolly like
11:05.15rooteri just synched my iPod
11:05.16Chikoritadark an creepy
11:05.27rooteroooh... dark is good
11:06.01Chikoritau mean ..techno trance stuff?
11:06.16rooterwell... there has to be instruments... what are they?
11:06.49rooternoh... someone on ducati... doh... they left
11:09.03Chikoritai dunno wut kinda instruments ..
11:09.17Chikoritamaybee synthesizers an like...a cow bell?
11:09.22rooterwell... it's probably generated
11:09.25Chikoritaor triangles?
11:09.30rooterthat would mean it was electronic
11:09.40Chikoritayea generated
11:09.44Chikoritao okies
11:09.52Chikoritayea electronic
11:10.55rooteri downloaded some creapy electronic stuff for a halloween party i threw last year
11:11.06Chikoritao yea?
11:11.30rooterit was cool... at least scared the trick-or-treaters
11:15.04rooteri'm going to the beach next week
11:15.37Chikoritawhich 1?
11:15.44rooteryeah.. i'm looking forward to it
11:15.50rooteremerald isle
11:15.58ChikoritaooH emerald isle n. carolina
11:16.20rooterhow did you know?
11:16.26Chikoritaneva been 2 dat beach
11:16.45Chikoritai been 2 myrtle beach tho , which iz kinda close y
11:16.57rooteryes... south of there
11:17.14rooterwe went to ocean isle last year
11:17.22rooterwhich is closer to myrte
11:17.43Chikoritawatch out 4 da jellyfish
11:17.56Chikoritalotts of dem there
11:18.05Chikoritain da tidewatas
11:26.10Chikoritabomba imma send u more stuff k? jus 1 momo
11:38.06bomber_chiko.....your music is so melancholic :o)
11:38.46bomber_i think you used it to go sleep :o)
11:39.50*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
11:40.23brlcadmornin' tupone
11:41.27Tuponebrlcad: where are you from? It's your morning or mine
11:41.31Chikoritai am gettin alil sleepy now afta listen 2 it
11:41.31Chikoritabuh dis next song should wake u upz
11:41.51brlcadit's morning UGT :)
11:42.36TuponeWe should say noon :)
11:42.52from memory, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. It states that it is always morning when person comes in, and it is always late when person leaves.  Local time of any member of channel is irrelevant.
11:43.09brlcadhence.. g'morning ;)
11:43.10Tuponegood to know
11:44.10*** join/#bzflag bomber_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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12:19.13brlcadhow goes the bombing bomber?
12:29.57*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
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12:30.47SGI~seen dtremenak
12:30.48dtremenak <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 8h 36m 6s ago, saying: 'ugh'.
12:30.53*** part/#bzflag SGI (
12:37.34bomber_Chikorita: files are ok....many thx :o))
12:46.40*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
12:48.56*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
12:59.12*** part/#bzflag bomber_ (
13:35.31Chestalany luck on 142.1 and .3? :-)
13:35.52fiberchunks_no -- I gave up after about an hour of searching / looking at em :\
13:37.06fiberchunks_a rather odd question: I just received a mail that said 'user unknown' -- the weird part is - I never sent out a mail to that user ...  so I'm wondering if some putz is spoofing my email account and tried to send a mail to someone that doesn't exist
13:37.53Chestalprobably a sobig.f
13:38.10fiberchunks_sobig.f ?
13:38.22Chestalthat worm gathers addresses, sends itself to those addresses and fakes the sener address, too
13:38.31Chestalso it probably sent itself to this unknown user in your name
13:39.01fiberchunks_is this a worm on my machine? or someone elses machine?
13:39.13Chestaldoes not mean it is on your machine
13:39.27ChestalI got a couple of this bounce messages, too
13:40.05ChestalI can send you the worm if you want to, though :-)
13:40.18fiberchunks_hrm -- is there some way to determine whose machine it originated from -- so I can tell them they're infectified?
13:40.29fiberchunks_no thanks -- thanks for the offer though ;)
13:40.31Chestalwith the bounce message probably not
13:40.41Chestalyou'd need the original mail's received-headers
13:41.55ChestalAFAIK sobig.f will deactivate itself soon anyway and will be replaced by sobig.g
13:42.35fiberchunks_isn't that precious
13:43.16*** join/#bzflag SGI (
13:43.32Chestalpeople just shouldn't click on .pif files they receive
13:43.38Chestalhi SGI
13:44.14SGIand she laaunched xchat
13:45.02fiberchunks_well, hello SGI's daughter! :)
13:47.15SGIok my monitor now its like a carbage disposal
13:50.04SGIok after she destroyed all my desktop.................
13:50.18SGII can write little bit
13:51.48*** join/#bzflag Mecworks (marc@
13:52.19*** join/#bzflag KTL_ (
13:56.17KTL_known: an ip, wanted: all possible info about the system. Tried the following: ping (system is on), traceroute (ok near me), whois (provider known), ftp (no ftp), http (no http), ssh (no ssh), smb (ok smb, maybe win)
13:57.12fiberchunks_for what reason?
13:57.48KTL_well, trace a very strange email, without contacting somebody about it
13:57.51fiberchunks_if you're really interested in the system in question -- toss off a very heavy nmap scan on the ip in question
13:58.05fiberchunks_ah, what kind of email did you get ?
13:58.40fiberchunks_I just received an odd email myself -- from someone I don't have on my address list, and have no idea who they are (but it's a bounce, so I don't know who originated it)
13:58.57KTL_well, a hotmail sender, call's himself tamara, want's to meet etc,
13:59.01KTL_strange thingie was:
13:59.11KTL_she he it new my name
13:59.24KTL_and in my language
13:59.26fiberchunks_do you own your own domain?
14:00.27KTL_(not my family name but my normal dayly name, that one, don't know how they call that in english if it isn't prename)
14:01.23fiberchunks_I'd toss off an nmap scan at the ip, but if the person on the other end is moderately intelligent, their logs will show the scan
14:02.07fiberchunks_but that'll show you what OS (perhaps), all open ports, etc, etc
14:02.07brlcadlol, SGI :)
14:02.16brlcadmornin' fiber
14:03.12brlcaddecided on a good name yet?
14:03.27Chestalbrlcad: any luck on 142? :-)
14:03.33fiberchunks_fabulous fish and the funky frood
14:03.57KTL_aha it runs gnutella napster microsoft thingies, ... smsp ... netbios...
14:03.57brlcadChestal: no :(
14:04.05KTL_it certainly is win
14:04.12SGII was playing with the little earthquake
14:04.37KTL_(maybe i 'll be of the network some days because i think this 'll be logged by my provider, who really looks at these things:-) )
14:04.41brlcadhehe, that is so much funnier when you know another langage sgi :)
14:05.03brlcadel pequeño terremota :)
14:05.44SGInio she is a big earthquake.........
14:06.15brlcader, la pequeña.. :)
14:06.43brlcadhehe, how old is she?
14:08.27KTL_("tamara"? dont know, it has 16 year old school girl elements, but the mail is technically more advanced, above that level)
14:08.38*** part/#bzflag Mecworks (marc@
14:11.47KTL_aha... she he it uses an advanced mail composer, that explains the well placed animated gifs
14:14.04KTL_she he it probably posted the subject after midnight
14:16.37fiberchunks_ah, sometimes people send something without their knowledge -- like this email I received today... very, very odd
14:35.59*** join/#bzflag bomber_ (
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14:55.03brlcaddamn government office politics!
14:55.31brlcadi am so utterly pissed right now
15:23.06*** part/#bzflag SGI (
15:24.42*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
15:34.24*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
15:34.37*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
16:02.20*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
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16:06.17*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
16:06.24Legolashey all
16:06.29Legolasback from vac :)
16:07.01patlabor221how was it?
16:07.30Legolasit was only for 5 days or so
16:07.39Legolasread about it on the centrum :)
16:08.14fiberchunks_so, has anyone had any experience with either or as hosting providers?
16:08.29patlabor221looks like magic mountan
16:08.39patlabor221never used them
16:08.43patlabor221I use
16:08.50Legolasit isnt that big
16:08.56fiberchunks_linux-based or windows based?
16:09.09patlabor221they have both, I think you have your choice
16:09.24fiberchunks_damn, unmetered data transfer?
16:09.37patlabor221I use there shared hosting
16:09.43patlabor221but they also have full servers
16:10.01fiberchunks_no python support -- do they provide shell / ssh access?
16:10.11patlabor221dono, I use a windows server with them
16:10.37fiberchunks_hrm -- do you host any mp3's on that site?
16:10.48patlabor221there are a couple, not many tho
16:11.10patlabor221but JeffC does on his RC sub account
16:11.16fiberchunks_cause one of the primary goals of getting a specific host for me is being able to host my buds' and my own 'original' mp3
16:11.28patlabor221yeah you can do that
16:11.33fiberchunks_ah, cool
16:11.44patlabor221call them up and see what they got, they have installed stuff for us when we have asked
16:12.04patlabor221we sent them some ASP commonents for our windows site, and they installed it.
16:12.14fiberchunks_they only use mssql?
16:13.12patlabor221they had a number of database options
16:13.49patlabor221and if you reg the domain tru them, they pay the reg fees
16:14.26patlabor221and aditional sub sites are 50% off
16:15.21fiberchunks_I noticed that as well
16:34.42fiberchunks_oooo, I gotta get them ;)
16:35.22*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
16:48.21fiberchunks_jeezus, there are just too many options to make an intelligent decision
16:48.58JBDiGrizThen raise the GDI quotient and use darts...
16:49.40patlabor221it's rather high today
16:50.42bryjenGDI ?
16:50.54JBDiGrizThe Dilbert newsletter arrived yesterday, I can deal with a higher GDI ;-)
16:52.22fiberchunks_what new and exciting things is the pointy haired one doing today ?
16:53.42JBDiGrizFind a typical in-duh-vidual, and recite the following encouragement to them "The key to our success will be your execution."
16:54.19fiberchunks_nice and ambiguous ;)
16:55.12JBDiGrizIt's not at all ambiguous to me. When I use a word, it means exactly what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.
16:55.37fiberchunks_execution -- it can be taken, in that context, in 2 different ways :)
16:57.16JBDiGriz"You're a minefield of information."
16:58.42JBDiGrizThat's also from the newsletter, I recommend receiving it.
16:58.47fiberchunks_patlabor221: what does asgard use regarding monthly bandwidth? (that's the current point that I'm having issues figuring out)
16:59.24patlabor221I dono, how do I tell?
17:00.14fiberchunks_I dunno if you can without a tool of some sort -- I'm having issues trying to relate how much bandwidth / month I would need -- anyone else have a clue how to figure that out?
17:00.21fiberchunks_or have any concrete numbers?
17:00.33fiberchunks_~seen quol
17:00.35quol <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 3d 21h 35m 43s ago, saying: 'hmm - now I can't browse the net at all'.
17:00.50patlabor221when I was loging I was doing about 100 megs a day of "not me" trafic
17:00.52JBDiGrizquol is on vacation for about 10 days
17:00.58bryjengo back in time a month, zero some counters, come back to now and tell us what they say
17:01.01fiberchunks_ah, really?
17:01.34fiberchunks_so that's what, 100*30 for average monthly bandwidth?
17:01.51fiberchunks_30,000 MB? that sound about right?
17:02.11patlabor221it must
17:02.18JBDiGrizHe did discuss some bandwidth figures about 4-5 days ago if you want to check the logs
17:02.19patlabor2213 gigs
17:02.27fiberchunks_30 gigs
17:02.34patlabor221no cus that would be a gig a day
17:02.44patlabor2213000 megs
17:02.51patlabor221math is fun :)
17:03.04JBDiGrizMind your decimal point.
17:03.24patlabor221onnly accept bounus zeros on your paychecks
17:03.35fiberchunks_indeed -- jeez -- I didn't used to be this bad at simple multiplication ;)
17:03.35JBDiGrizfiberchunks_: When you actually come to some conclusion, why don't you write it up for either centrum or the wiki?
17:03.39fiberchunks_must be the beer
17:04.00JBDiGrizMaybe it was 5 beers in 4 hours?
17:04.19fiberchunks_I think I may -- but this isn't really for bzfs specifically -- it's trying to find a host / bandwidth that fits my needs that is killing me
17:04.56JBDiGrizThe question comes up often enough in this forum that it would be nice to have some basis for the discussion each time.
17:05.38JBDiGrizI would doubt anyone is purchasing bandwidth specifically for bz, but I'm not a good judge of people's motivations ;-)
17:05.52fiberchunks_be nice if bzfs or bzadmin had a /stats command for admins / owners that showed usage / bandwidth stuff
17:06.27patlabor221well BZ is a bandwith whore imho
17:06.34JBDiGrizI don't think we're currently tracking the information.
17:06.40patlabor221tho I've never tracked stats
17:06.51fiberchunks_right, that's my point for an inclusion of such a command
17:08.24patlabor221would have to factor in packet headers and all that too
17:08.30JBDiGrizWe could do some analysis using netstat
17:08.45fiberchunks_or ntop
17:09.04fiberchunks_or nettop (whatever it's called) -- but I'm not sure if it works on winderz boxen as well
17:09.34bryjendoesn't the debug build dump some stats whenever a player leaves?
17:09.36patlabor221we have netstat yes
17:09.41fiberchunks_bryjen: yes
17:09.45patlabor221tho remember we have no piping
17:10.49fiberchunks_I dunno, I just figured that something like foo = sizeof(packet); bytecounter += foo;   and then /stats could just dump all those little counters
17:11.36patlabor221it could but you would have to add stuff to foo
17:11.44fiberchunks_I think it would be a handy tool for those of us who want to use bandwidth management tools on net-based processes
17:11.45patlabor221cus there is udp foo and tcp foo
17:11.50patlabor221and they have difrent header sizes
17:13.00fiberchunks_well, yeah, but that was just a general example: udpfoo = sizeof(udppacket); tcpfoo = sizeof(tcppacket); udpbytes += udpfoo; tcpbytes += tcpfoo;  if (/stats); sprintf .... etc etc
17:13.31patlabor221and you would want to keep the start time and current time to give a bytes/min or something like that
17:13.36fiberchunks_for tx, rx, playercounts per day, etc -- not sure how fine it should be resolved (i.e. per minute, day, etc)
17:13.36patlabor221it shoudl be easy to do
17:13.52patlabor221so code it up :)
17:14.11fiberchunks_patches welcome? ;)
17:14.32patlabor221no, no patch
17:14.35patlabor221code it and commit
17:17.50*** join/#bzflag anacondaac (
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17:23.42*** part/#bzflag SGI (
17:26.30patlabor221"... but the soul still burns!!!"
17:37.22*** join/#bzflag SGI (
17:38.37scanlinefiberchunks_: you should add an rrdtool option-doodad to bzfs :)
17:45.39patlabor221would that be bzfs --doodad?
17:46.59patlabor221hmm learner has got over 300 lines on me :(
17:49.39scanlinenah, bzfs has that weird syntax, so it'd be something like 'bzfs +option -- doodad"
17:51.02patlabor221ohh yeah I forgot
17:51.59patlabor221ohh you guys gonna get SG1 season 4?
18:11.24fiberchunks_a what?
18:11.33fiberchunks_rrdtool ?
18:14.00scanlinepatlabor221: eventually I'm sure
18:14.17scanlinefiberchunks_: rrdtool is a really spiffy data logger and grapher used all over the place for router monitoring
18:14.21scanlinefiberchunks_: look it up
18:14.47scanlineit's usually used for network monitoring, but it's generic and should work nicely for bzfs
18:21.19patlabor221I wonder if they are single layer disks
18:21.25patlabor221cus if so I could dupe them
18:22.44patlabor221so how is the new apt?
18:23.16scanlinequite nice
18:23.21scanlinelots of room
18:23.46patlabor221yeah nice to have a place that is quieter then a dorm I would guess
18:23.55scanlinethat too
18:24.04scanlineand it has a kitchen, and carpet
18:24.12patlabor221allways a bonux
18:24.32patlabor221my ex-gf was soo very happy when she got a dorm with a kitchen
18:24.50patlabor221how far from the campus?
18:26.17*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
18:26.22patlabor221must go yell at the head of testing.
18:27.28scanlinedon't know exactly how far it is.. but about a 15 minute walk I think
18:59.16*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
19:03.09fiberchunks_anyone know what the code is for the 'registration' mark on websites?  I know that &copy; gives you a copyright
19:11.05scanlinelook for a list of HTML entities
19:16.00fiberchunks_got it, thanks though :)
19:18.16*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
19:20.57*** join/#bzflag anacondaac_ (
19:22.06*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
19:31.04ElectricElfTimRiker: Do people get a message if they're banned?
19:33.26*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
19:33.29ElectricElfTimRiker: (If so, can we make sure that there's a point of contact or something?)
19:39.01bryjenElectricElf:  i think the message is builtin to the server, something like "You were banned by " whoever
19:39.14ElectricElfbryjen: Allright, thanks.
19:41.57bryjenErrr,  that's message is sent when you /ban somebody who is connected.  If they're already banned and they try to connect, I don't think they can tell why they're not getting in
19:42.32ElectricElfI think I'll file a feature request asking for the ability to assign messages to bans, so that I can set a custom message.
19:42.51ElectricElfI don't like the idea of banning people without them being able to contact me later in case there was a mistake or something.
19:45.02*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
19:45.40bryjenThere was talk of adding a textual "reason" field to BZ's Reject message...
19:49.33ElectricElfYeah, that's what I'm after.
20:03.18bryjenBut I think the check for banned addresses happens right after the connect, and it just closes the connection if you're banned :(
20:06.11*** join/#bzflag sussi (
20:08.55*** join/#bzflag wallydog (
20:09.51*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
20:09.51*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (david@electricelf.usercloak.freenode) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:09.51*** mode/#bzflag [+bb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@*] by
20:11.20patlabor221One ring to bind them, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.   became... Everything discovers the density and 1 ring and this person, with this
20:11.21patlabor221connection, the ring of ring 1 are this person, of whom repaired here.
20:12.06*** join/#bzflag KTL_ (
20:12.16JBDiGrizpatlabor221: It does not shake in the commerce with the Magiern for is final and
20:12.16JBDiGrizfast to be caused.
20:12.43patlabor221Umoungst of the moon and lascivi to the game robs he I them stars. You
20:12.44patlabor221see in the left, that one the force that motivates is like in Jupiter
20:12.44patlabor221and the dispersion.
20:15.09JBDiGrizIt does not shake in the commerce with the red one of deers which they fly for you knirschen and goodses of the assagiano with Ketschup.
20:15.27JBDiGrizI'm not even sure what most of that means.
20:15.49patlabor221how that that come from dragons
20:15.59JBDiGrizDo not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with catsup.
20:16.16patlabor221yeah that's what I figured too
20:16.23JBDiGrizI'm impressed that you recognized it at all.
20:16.38patlabor221the ketschup part clued me in
20:17.21JBDiGrizYou are unfairly raising the curve of the human population ;-)
20:19.42KTL_!dict catsup
20:19.48KTL_~dict catsup
20:20.16patlabor221its just got salt in it
20:20.21KTL_~dict assagiono
20:20.38JBDiGrizKetchup has a ton of sugar in it.
20:20.40KTL_~ispell ketschup
20:20.41possible spellings for ketschup: kitsches kitschy Netscape kitsch teacup kitsch's getup Katuscha
20:20.55patlabor221~dict getup
20:21.14KTL_~dict lascivi
20:21.16JBDiGriz~dict knirschen
20:21.25patlabor221~dict kitschy
20:21.41JBDiGriz~dict kitsch
20:21.58patlabor221whoot twardy
20:22.00KTL_~dict Katuscha
20:22.04JBDiGrizSounds like some of our participants
20:22.06patlabor221whoot twardy
20:22.23patlabor221~dict twardy
20:22.32JBDiGriz~dict tawdry
20:23.03JBDiGriz~dict dyslexia
20:23.31KTL_~dict eco
20:24.09KTL_(the language used above looked umberto eco-language)
20:25.24JBDiGrizHere's a challenge, I let it use the eastern languages for this one.
20:25.30*** join/#bzflag david_v (
20:25.35JBDiGrizThe song of the method is the cause that is the poetry strong of hes of goodses incorporates and drunk not its thing informed in handguard?  Disturba.  
20:25.39patlabor221yeah tha tmeks it fun
20:26.59JBDiGrizNow here's the original. Do not teach a pig how to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig.
20:27.09KTL_knor knor
20:28.02JBDiGrizTake a couple of quotes, babelize, add some connecting language, and we have a best seller. ;-)
20:28.26patlabor221yeah just say it's by Jack Handy
20:28.49KTL_can be true, and make a filosophy book with it
20:29.05JBDiGrizThat could get us sued, How about saying it's by Hans Jacky?
20:29.11*** join/#bzflag drinian (
20:29.13patlabor221and a philosophy book too
20:29.27KTL_hopefully they 'll teach it in the universities
20:29.46KTL_brings all the students to true enlightment
20:30.05JBDiGrizZen enlightenment (boot to the head)
20:50.24*** part/#bzflag drinian (
20:52.40bryjen~dict ketchup
20:58.18Chestaltime to read alt.ketchup again
20:58.36Chestalhmm, or was it
21:00.25bryjendo not let the ketchup hit the fan! ;)
21:02.06Chestalhm, I'm quite sure it was but it seems to have faded away. That's very sad, it was such a lively newsgroup 5 years or so ago
21:06.10*** part/#bzflag david_v (
21:06.54rooterbye all
21:07.02rooteri'm going on vacation all next week
21:10.58JBDiGriz~dict salsa
21:12.01JBDiGriz~dict marinara
21:12.23Chestalhmm, who is the master of WordFilter?
21:13.23JBDiGrizIs that the server side filter for questionable words?
21:13.44ChestalI think so
21:13.56JBDiGrizThat would be learner.
21:14.57JBDiGrizHow now purple cow?
21:15.30ChestalI dont thnk it's too compatible with non-ASCII characters
21:15.36Chestalbut then this is still a mess in bzflag all over
21:15.56bryjen3 moo
21:16.17bryjen6 moo
21:25.50patlabor221fiber, did you watch ep 17?
21:41.35CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): fix a warning and identation in autopilot code (remember that indentation depth is 2 and tab is 8)
21:41.45purple_cowa bzflag commit
21:43.03CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/common (WordFilter.cxx): fix some warnings because a char was used as array index; can cuase problem when char is signed and contains values<0 (>=128); does filter work at all for 8 bit characters? can that occur?
21:47.25CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): use curMaxPlayers whenever possible (maxPlayers does not seem to be used at all now, hmm)
21:50.25*** join/#bzflag BZSpiff (
21:50.39*** join/#bzflag BZSpiff (
21:53.15BZSpiffHey all. :-)
21:57.03BZSpiffBoredom. :-)
21:59.22*** join/#bzflag david_v (
22:00.10patlabor221what about your model?
22:00.20CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): sound problems
22:01.29patlabor221gonna crush some beer cans
22:02.23JBDiGrizI thought the squish from running over a burrowed tank is rather satisfying.
22:02.32CIA03chestal * 12bzflag/ (BUGS): selecting world weapon as message target crashes bzflag
22:02.33patlabor221I find it silly
22:03.04patlabor221dosn't match the feel of any of the other sounds
22:03.08Chestalwe still have no 'I am rabbit' sound
22:03.32patlabor221"run luke..Run..."
22:03.42Chestalhmm, the random world creation code scales buildings relative to worldsize
22:03.58Chestalnot sure this is a good idea
22:04.11patlabor221yes, I added that
22:04.18patlabor221cus small worlds ended up with no free area
22:04.31patlabor221the buildings were a fixed size
22:04.40Chestalmaybe we need to add even more parameters to bzfs
22:04.48patlabor221I did think that less buildings would be a better option
22:04.48Chestalalways wanted to have more influence on the creation of random worlds anyway
22:05.05patlabor221like min/max size number of objects, etc
22:05.05Chestalwhen you define a huge world now, you get huge buildings which is somewhat silly
22:05.14patlabor221this is true
22:05.21Chestalalso, maybe we need to do somethign about the radar for other world sizes
22:05.26patlabor221like I say , I think more or less buildings would be better
22:05.37patlabor221like change the zoom levels?
22:05.47Chestalyes, not quite sure
22:05.58Chestalrigh tnow they are relative to the world size, which makes sense at lweast for '§'
22:06.01Chestaleh, '3'
22:06.07Chestalso you can see all of the world at once
22:06.10*** part/#bzflag david_v (
22:06.16patlabor221I put in the scaling to get around the infinate loop situation that was hapening on small worlds
22:06.24patlabor221enhanceing it would be a good thing
22:06.33Chestalnot quite sure how
22:06.39Chestaldo we already have zoomin/zoomout keys?
22:06.50Chestalgues that would be easy to do now? was easy in 1.8
22:07.03Chestalalthough I am not sure if they are that useful
22:07.32Chestalhmm, why an infinite loop?
22:07.42patlabor221looking for a place to spawn
22:07.46*** join/#bzflag mmu (
22:07.50patlabor221had nowhere a tank would fit
22:07.53Chestalyes, though tyou were talkign about radar
22:07.57patlabor221ohh no
22:08.08patlabor221I never change radar range, tho I hear many many others do.
22:08.15Chestalall the time
22:09.27ChestalI wish that MAC would be here sometimes when I am here, too
22:09.51patlabor221he seems to be very much the night owl
22:09.56Chestalbtw., 1.9 seems to be noticeably slower than 1.7, although I have to do some real tests. I suspect it's the many bzdb lookups
22:10.15Chestalwe might need to think about a way to really cache soem of the variables
22:10.47ChestalI assuem we have lots of string lookups per frame now
22:11.11Chestalhmm, maybe we shoudl integrate stats into bzdb so we see which variables are accessed most often
22:11.35Chestalbut I'd assume that thigns like gravity, tankspeed etc. really must be wrapped
22:11.46TuponeI can run it with profiling ...
22:11.54patlabor221people are using BZDB for all kinds of stuff
22:12.00Chestalbzfalg is probably hard to profile
22:12.01*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (
22:12.19ChestalI mean, it will spent >90% doign GL stuff, but that is done asynchronously, or can
22:12.29patlabor221it can be wraped, but I don't think BZDB is the best wraper for common access stuff
22:12.33JBDiGrizTupone has managed to profile it before, but I don't think it will let us know which variables are being accessed.
22:12.36Chestalpatlabor: well, basically all of the global parameters are in there now
22:12.49patlabor221and I think many of them are access many times per frame
22:12.55Chestalpatlabor: it allows us to set those on the server now
22:12.55patlabor221and on a map lookup that will take time.
22:13.00patlabor221yeah I know
22:13.04patlabor221it IS a good thing
22:13.10Chestalbut I don't think that bzdb accesses should be cluttered all over the code, we must wrap them
22:13.14patlabor221just perhaps a hash would be better
22:13.24Chestalna, direct access
22:13.30patlabor221even better
22:13.37Chestalhash is still1 or 2 orders of magnitude slower than direct access
22:13.49patlabor221now it's a map is it not?
22:13.53Chestaland defien callbacks to change variables
22:13.57Chestalthey are basically constants
22:14.00BZSpiffEek.  Spaced out there.. *snicker*   My model.. hmmph.  Sorta mad at my lack of creativity right now... but I'll get to it.
22:14.10Chestalno idea, I think there is a map for cacheing or soemthing
22:14.18patlabor221then draw, and not model
22:14.19Chestalhaven't really looked at the code
22:14.23TuponeWith profiling, if working, we could see the number of call for each different access to bzdb
22:14.25patlabor221just doodle :)
22:15.36BZSpiffI'm considering that.  Although I think I may be better off to start over.
22:15.40patlabor221I wonder if there is an enet_copy_packet
22:16.31patlabor221BZSpiff I mean to get the creative juces flowing, just put that model away for now and sketch up what is in your mind. It dosn't have to be clean or neat, just let your imaginatioin move the pencel
22:16.49patlabor221and keep reworking it till you get a good idea
22:16.57patlabor221the ether clean up or model from that.
22:17.44Chestalchanging some of the game variables on the fly works quite nicely
22:17.59Chestalfor others, you have to reconnect to relaly make them work
22:18.39Chestalwell, do you need them? using pointers?
22:19.05Chestalbzflag is still using too many pointers in high-level code IMHO
22:19.32patlabor221each class has a pointer to it's "info" structure
22:19.50patlabor221since I can't expose STL containers in the header
22:20.15Chestalyou can't?
22:20.27patlabor221no, they are exported from a DLL
22:20.48Chestalhad some fun with using a map in a DLL some years ago
22:20.52patlabor221no templates cus the DLL caller would allocate the memory for them, and that's a nono
22:21.03patlabor221if you slap it in a pimple it's rather easy
22:21.06*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
22:21.46ChestalIIRC the issue back then was that the map code used some global static variable, but it referred to two different incarnations, one in the DLL and one in the exe data segment
22:22.03patlabor221that may be it
22:22.11Chestalhi bzg
22:22.16patlabor221but there would also be memory allocation issues posibly
22:22.23patlabor221so I just wrap them up, makes it easy
22:22.39Chestalbzg: we figured out almost all of the 2 new invisibles, but on 142 we are stillmissing 1 and 3
22:23.03Chestalok, then you betetr write cctor, = and dtor
22:24.04Chestalpatlabor: btw., cou coudl try to add #define for if (false) ; else  to some header file which is used for VC++ in bzflag and see if everythign works
22:24.18ChestalI am so sick of having to write aroudn the for scoping bug
22:24.31patlabor221we tried that, it didn't work
22:24.42Chestalwhy not?
22:24.43patlabor221MAC sugested the same thing
22:24.50patlabor221cus it errored out.
22:25.00Chestalhmm, I cannot imagine why
22:25.06patlabor221just did
22:25.13Chestalunless some windows specific code makes use of that bug
22:25.22patlabor221again, dono
22:25.28Chestalmaybe some windows header files get busted?
22:26.01patlabor22110 print "dono"; 20 goto 10
22:28.28BZSpiffWell..... maybe I'll do that, Patlabor. :-D  Although I've got about 500 IM windows open at the moment. ;-)
22:28.32BZSpiffAnd hi bzgirl. :-)
22:29.19Chestalhi SPiff. Maybe you can help:
22:30.26bzgirlchestal i have no clue on #1 or #3, but #3 looks very familiar, prison movie?
22:30.38bzgirlhi spiffy
22:30.40patlabor221#1 is NOT repo man
22:30.51Chestalbzgirl: well, there's the alarm light, hmm
22:30.59Chestaldo we agree that is is a woman in #3?
22:31.23patlabor221yes, I see boobs
22:31.24bzgirli think it might be a British Policewoman?
22:31.31bzgirlpatlabor221: :)
22:31.46patlabor221and waist and aproximate hip size seem to match
22:32.04bzgirlpatlabor221: you prolly say that whenever you walk around the mall :)
22:32.15patlabor221how did you know :)
22:32.35patlabor221some girls these days have little boy hips tho, it's disturbing.
22:33.16Chestal~dict androgynous
22:33.17patlabor221I also do't think a male uniform would have that cut on the collar
22:33.41patlabor221they would be more square
22:35.08BZSpiffEww@ little boy hips
22:35.55bzgirlchestal can you read her nametag?
22:36.37Chestalbzgirl: you can try zooming in ;-)
22:36.57bzgirlmy browser dosent support zooming :)
22:38.36patlabor221we did
22:38.41patlabor221it's like 5 vertical lines
22:38.52patlabor221even tryed messing with it in photoshop
22:39.08patlabor221but it seesm I don't have the "enhance" plugin like they show on the movies :)
22:39.37JBDiGrizThe "BladeRunner" enhancement machine would make life much easier ;-)
22:39.46Chestalna, the actual writing is only 1 to 2 pixels, no chance
22:39.54patlabor221"add infinate resolution, please"
22:40.05patlabor221yeah it's to small
22:40.18Chestalbut if you almost close your eyes, you can imagine things -)
22:40.18JBDiGrizReality vs. the movies.
22:40.34patlabor221reality sucks
22:40.44JBDiGrizSo do many movies.
22:40.54patlabor221just like many realitys
22:41.03bzgirlseariously, there arnet programs that can do that?
22:41.10patlabor221you can't add data
22:41.14patlabor221just interpolate it
22:41.31JBDiGrizYou can add data, but there's no reason to believe that it relates to anything.
22:41.44patlabor221you can't add detail is what I was trying to say
22:41.48scanlineyou can do more than interpolate...
22:41.55patlabor221you can jsut add data that is a guess
22:41.57scanlineunsharp masks for example
22:42.08scanlinebut it doesn't add any new information
22:42.16patlabor221but not to turn 2 pixels into a letter
22:42.26JBDiGrizI think we're all in violent agreement here.
22:42.36patlabor221yes DAMNIT!!! :)
22:42.37scanlinewell, there are some scary things you can do with frequency domain analysis :)
22:42.54patlabor221well then you try and figure out who she is :)
22:43.25JBDiGrizpat has already run it through his analyzer to get a match for body parts.
22:43.55patlabor221yeah it did match demi moore's boob to sholder distance ratio
22:44.11ChestalI need an image search engine which I can feed a similar image
22:44.20patlabor221pre-boob job tho
22:44.48patlabor221like in the movies :)
22:45.06patlabor221well they must pulled that from a DVD
22:45.50Chestalwoah, this is some hard stuff I am listening to. At least the frequency finally dropped below 15kHz
22:50.09bzgirlwhats going on in #1?
22:50.46patlabor221a post shower beer
22:52.49bzgirlyeah but the can isnt the right angle to drink from is it?
22:53.30patlabor221no it's not
22:53.50patlabor221we think the hands are up in some sort of animated jesture
22:54.24bzgirlso if the hands are up, whats holding the can?
22:55.00bzgirloh, maybe the other guy
22:55.10Chestalwasn't someone assuming that she is "fast-drinking" the can?
22:56.16patlabor221actualy she can't be holding it
22:56.21patlabor221no way no how
22:56.30patlabor221so it has to be him
22:56.44patlabor221tho his arm would have to be VERY long
22:57.08bzgirlthat rules out Kevin Bacon
22:57.42patlabor221elbows are at the wrong place for her to be able to hold it
22:59.16patlabor221yay I get to redo the entire Network Message class :)
23:19.24BZSpiffI'm curious....
23:19.34BZSpiffIs there a way to make the Silence command work by IP/
23:20.19*** join/#bzflag Skipp (
23:20.40BZSpiffHiya Skipp. :-)
23:20.46Skippi was wondering if pybzflag is playable yet :)
23:21.38Skipphey spiff
23:22.41fiberchunks_yes, I was thinking that she was learning to chug a beer from him (I could swear that I have seen that movie)
23:27.48*** part/#bzflag Skipp (
23:28.33patlabor221what is on the guys shirt?
23:31.39fiberchunks_some sort of caricature -- not sure, laurel and hardy? abbot and costello? dunno
23:32.06patlabor221no it's a man and a woman
23:32.09patlabor221woman has big hair
23:32.18patlabor221man looks like J Edgar Hoover
23:39.19tea|tree_Im quite angry about this post in the forum
23:39.33tea|tree_im damn angry
23:39.55patlabor221umm why?
23:40.04tea|tree_did u read the post?
23:40.19tea|tree_from Head?
23:40.24patlabor221yeah, It just seems to be somone sugesting an idea
23:40.38patlabor221it may be silly
23:40.41patlabor221but it's his idea
23:40.52tea|tree_would be able to travel 50% faster  ?!
23:40.54patlabor221and you stated your opionion
23:40.57tea|tree_hello ?!
23:41.06tea|tree_yeah im a bit bad mood sorry
23:41.14patlabor221he's sugesting a difrent game type
23:41.20patlabor221and wants input
23:41.28patlabor221I see nothing wrong with this
23:41.41patlabor221" I think it would be cool if..."
23:41.58tea|tree_can u delete my post
23:42.08tea|tree_im saying nothing to that
23:42.11tea|tree_no more
23:42.20JBDiGrizYou can go back and edit the post yourself.
23:42.21patlabor221you can post a follow up if you want
23:42.22tea|tree_sorry im very angry
23:42.48patlabor221just cus somone has an idea for a game type?
23:43.02tea|tree_Yes i understood
23:43.07tea|tree_sorry i am in a bad mood
23:43.15tea|tree_damn it
23:43.29patlabor221what did you think he was saying?
23:43.43tea|tree_that when its 3 vs 2
23:44.17JBDiGrizPerhaps you should edit the post to say nothing, and then take some time to relax before responding here or there.
23:44.33patlabor221I don't even see why anyone would get upset at this
23:44.59tea|tree_that the tanks the 2 tanks can move bloody 50% fast then the others because they aint so much and the 3 tanks can only carry flag to half way?!
23:45.07patlabor221I kinda like his idea, tho I don't think 50% is the right number
23:45.11tea|tree_JBDiGriz thats true
23:45.47tea|tree_i like the idea not capturing flags 3 vs 2 ore trying to help the 2 tanks but that with high speed ..
23:45.49tea|tree_i dunno
23:46.14tea|tree_no comment .... i think i am to thick for this ..
23:46.33JBDiGrizTake some deep breaths and relax. There's nothing wrong with the suggestion, and nobody is attacking you or the game.
23:46.56tea|tree_no reply more today
23:47.04tea|tree_im to angry with my self
23:47.12tea|tree_and its too late
23:47.16JBDiGrizThat's probably a good idea, you need to reconcile with yourself first.
23:47.16*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks__ (
23:47.35patlabor221well it is just a game
23:47.55tea|tree_well thats me if i hooked in to something i total flip out
23:48.05patlabor221soo really your repply shoudl be "good idea, tho I think 50% is too high"
23:48.17patlabor221that's all
23:48.18tea|tree_and i need a day to think about it to release what i have done rong and what i can do ..
23:48.25JBDiGrizYou need some other outlets in your life if you're flipping out over a game.
23:48.43tea|tree_ok i try another reply
23:49.38JBDiGrizAnd try to delete the post quickly, Head is a nice guy who is trying to keep the game interesting.
23:52.52tea|tree_so i replyed
23:52.56tea|tree_and sorry for this ...
23:53.11tea|tree_feel stupid now .
23:54.24JBDiGrizfiberchunks_: Did you choose that quote deliberately for your post? ;-)
23:55.12*** join/#bzflag SGI (
23:55.12fiberchunks__what quote?
23:55.22SGIhello babies
23:55.35SGI~seen dtremenak
23:55.37dtremenak <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 1d 20h 55s ago, saying: 'ugh'.
23:55.50JBDiGrizAt the end of your post, I wouldn't want anyone to take it personally.
23:59.01BZSpiffHey SGI. :-)
23:59.01*** join/#bzflag quol_vacation (~ianf@
23:59.24BZSpiffHiya Quol. :-)
23:59.28JBDiGrizHi quol_vacation, how's the trip?
23:59.30BZSpiffHow's NC?
23:59.33quol_vacationhello everyone
23:59.52quol_vacationnot bad spiff =- a little secluded here in elizabeth city though

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