irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030828

00:00.06*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (Paramount@
00:00.27BaDiNany teams to play against bips?
00:00.57BaDiNcan you find a team mate?
00:01.01Chikoritai hafta c if mah teamy wants ta
00:01.10BaDiNhope so
00:01.28BaDiNi'll be on 5156, okay?
00:01.30BaDiNplease play!
00:01.35BaDiNi'm dying for a match :)
00:01.42BaDiNgonna hangover if i dont :P
00:01.48BaDiNc u there
00:03.12Chikoritaibot:  botsnack
00:03.12Chikorita: :)
00:37.29*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:43.27tea|tree_good nite
01:00.47*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
01:15.56*** join/#bzflag tea|tree_ (~tea|
01:20.51*** join/#bzflag aba (
01:21.07abawho is  aba
01:21.18abalet me reconnect
01:21.21*** part/#bzflag aba (
01:21.41*** join/#bzflag SGI (
01:21.45SGIhello again
01:23.52SGIthese people are too busyyyyyyyyyyy
01:24.17SGIoh hi DTR
01:24.30DTRemenakhello SGI
01:24.35SGIi just downloaded your new gui
01:24.52DTRemenakdoes it fix the problems you were having?
01:25.28SGIbtw ...all my problem(this morning) are gone after i did a shortcut
01:25.46SGItrhe flags error 53
01:25.59SGII did a shortcut and ....noe anymore error
01:26.21SGIbtw the people in the office are really happy
01:26.28DTRemenakcool :)
01:26.44SGIbefore it was just a proble like tks or jerk
01:26.58SGIim working in a big company
01:27.11SGIand you know someone login and start tks
01:27.20SGInow im the server owner
01:27.27SGIand bye bye to the stupid
01:29.32DTRemenakah...I see :)
01:29.32DTRemenakmust be pretty big if you can't tell who the TKer is
01:29.32SGIand the server never crashed
01:29.33*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
01:29.33SGIcar company
01:29.33DTRemenakah...around my work, you always know who's misbehaving, since there are only ~15 employees anyway
01:29.33SGIwe are only 15 in us studio
01:29.37SGIand is the smaller studio in the all co
01:29.59SGIbut now there is a couple already banned
01:30.14SGIand no anymore bad words around
01:30.38SGIim trying the gui right now
01:31.15SGIfirst ,,errro 53
01:31.32*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (
01:31.39DTRemenakok...I almost expected that one.  Still don't know why, but it doesn't seem to hurt anything
01:32.02SGIyes just only one ....for now
01:32.16DTRemenakI've thought about just making it ignore it, but that seems rather hackish
01:32.20SGIabout robot..anyone know about smart robots
01:32.30bzdoug_hmm.... 11 percent packet loss... better :(
01:32.57DTRemenak11 percent is better?  what was before?
01:33.16bzdoug_darn linux firewall
01:33.20bzdoug_icky thing
01:33.33DTRemenakmine doesn't drop packets, just adds ~150 ms
01:33.49DTRemenakwhat distro are you using?
01:34.07bzdoug_well, it doesn tdrop packets, but if I do a ping blah -f it tells me the %
01:34.19DTRemenakah...never played with that one
01:34.29SGIi just lunched a server can see from the list
01:34.40DTRemenakI've done LRP and LEAF, and figgered my hacked redhat-6 worked better anyway
01:35.06DTRemenakBoth of the others were a pain to get working with PPP
01:35.06bzdoug_back up to 73%
01:35.25bzdoug_it fluctuates
01:35.28bzdoug_but its not the dsl
01:35.30bzdoug_its the router
01:35.32bzdoug_I think
01:35.47DTRemenakHave you run memtest on it?
01:36.04bzdoug_that would require having some floppys
01:36.07DTRemenakWe had one stick of ram that caused all sorts of problems in one of the routers we set up
01:36.15bzdoug_is there a bin that I can download?
01:36.19DTRemenakeven an occasional kernel panic
01:36.21DTRemenakprobably I think
01:37.32bzdoug_its better...
01:37.32bzdoug_I guess
01:38.12DTRemenak95% loss?
01:38.49bzdoug_ah, 31%..
01:38.56bzdoug_erk, 94%
01:39.00DTRemenakIt shouldn't be real big...but those lost packets really kill the connection
01:41.03bzdoug_at least with dial up the download compleates... sooner or later
01:41.03bzdoug_arg! 1 KB left!
01:41.12bzdoug_I have a modem...
01:41.30bzdoug_could you tell me a way to allow REAL easy switching from a dsl to modem?
01:41.43bzdoug_like a script I can run that would change all the NATin and routing out?
01:41.51bzdoug_from dsl to modem
01:41.51DTRemenakon what...the firewall, or your computer?
01:42.06DTRemenakno, not really
01:43.23DTRemenakYou'd have to set up PPP and all too...and if you were using PPPoE, that'd kinda wreck that part of the config too
01:43.24bzdoug_its all setup
01:43.24DTRemenakyou'd probl. be better off just hooking the modem straight into your computer
01:43.24bzdoug_it just takes a few min to switch it from RED>GREEN to RED (MODEM)>green
01:43.24bzdoug_I am sharing
01:43.27bzdoug_parents are kinda pissed, since I broke the hardware router :(
01:43.33DTRemenakhm...can you run the DSL and the dialup at the same time?
01:43.42DTRemenakprob. not
01:43.45bzdoug_changing the ip to does NOT work, btw
01:44.16bzdoug_yea... I suppose I can fireup a dial-on-demand connection till the isp gets on teh ball... but I dont think its the dsl...
01:45.39DTRemenakIf it's the router itself, dialup will have the same problem with lost packets, probably...over a 10x slower connection
01:46.09bzdoug_well, I can sorta say dont call the isp till I bring back a router..
01:46.29DTRemenakif you have a known good peice around
01:46.34bzdoug_oh yea
01:46.37bzdoug_lots ;)
01:57.51SGIi g2g I need to finish some script
01:58.16SGIIll let you know if I'' find new bugs DTR
01:58.35DTRemenakvery cool
01:58.50*** join/#bzflag aec (~aec@
01:58.51SGInice work DTR
01:59.09DTRemenakthx for finding the bugs you have so far
01:59.30SGIwelcome your bug are ...your
02:00.08*** join/#bzflag trepan (
02:36.51*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
02:37.26*** part/#bzflag creeperz (
02:38.07*** join/#bzflag SGI (
02:53.44*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:06.51*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
03:09.19SGIhow are you
03:09.31SGIi dont remembr PVT
03:09.55bzgirlim ok, im not impressed with lag tonight
03:10.05SGIis high
03:10.19SGIand Quol is down
03:10.23SGInall server
03:10.30SGII hate that N
03:10.47bzgirlrosemeyrs is up
03:11.05bzgirlctf is waste of time with lag over 200ms
03:11.09SGIyeah but stop bz tonight
03:11.21SGImine still under 150
03:12.03*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
03:12.04*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
03:12.14bzgirlyou see SGI on quols....
03:12.35bzgirlyou shoot me, and boom, instantly my tank blows up
03:13.05Patlabor221you actualy SHOT her?
03:13.08Patlabor221how rude:)
03:13.26SGI...mine shoot are like kiss.......
03:13.37SGIor roses for someone
03:13.51Patlabor221cept the burn and cause things to 'splode
03:14.10SGIcan explain bzg
03:14.25SGII shoot you
03:14.33SGIdammmmmm n
03:15.29SGIPat have you a nice BZFLAG picture........good really good
03:15.50*** join/#bzflag chatelaine (
03:16.23Patlabor221I can make one
03:16.26SGIa nice tank
03:16.27Patlabor221how large you want it?
03:16.37SGII want to try to buil an icon
03:16.46Patlabor221nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .... not BZG..... damn that peer
03:16.56Patlabor221what angle?
03:17.11Patlabor221oh, forget all that I just said :)
03:17.18ElectricElfSGI: Moo
03:17.25Patlabor221what size?
03:17.35SGIlet me see
03:19.27Patlabor221and what color?
03:20.49SGIwe can try 250x250
03:21.12SGIelectric that it was a cow
03:21.26bzgirlthats a big icon
03:21.57SGIno the program convert the immage in icon
03:22.04bzgirloh :)
03:22.16bzgirlI knew that
03:22.27Patlabor221what OS are you making the ICOn for?
03:23.13Patlabor221BZ has an icon for widows
03:23.43SGII know
03:24.06Patlabor221what's wrong with the existing icon?
03:25.31Patlabor221The Leaves of Lorien do not fall lightly.
03:25.52bzgirlhi JB
03:25.57JBDiGrizNo more fire alarms, power outages, or network server outages to deal with....
03:26.01creeperzCrap...I haven't even seen the first one yet :-)
03:26.18JBDiGrizRead the books first
03:26.23Patlabor221then what are you doing here, creeper? go get the DVDs
03:26.46creeperzPatlabor221: If I had a DVD player, I'd be buying the Trigun DVD's
03:26.55creeperzPlus, I have no money for books or anything
03:27.03Patlabor221so get a DVD players
03:27.06Patlabor221they is cheap
03:27.09creeperzNot only that, it's 10:30 :-)
03:27.18SGInothing wrong with bzf ...icons
03:27.19creeperzNo money :-/
03:27.33bzgirlcreeperz: libary will have those books
03:27.34creeperzI didn't even get a birthday present the other day :-/
03:27.40SGIbtw i cant retrieve the immage
03:27.48creeperzI don't have money to pay my existing fines :-(
03:27.52Patlabor221yeah library books are free too
03:28.05Patlabor221shoulda taken the books back on time them
03:28.12creeperzI was a little under a month overdue with a Perl book
03:28.16fiberchunks_indeed -- hello all
03:28.20creeperzWasn't here
03:28.31bzgirlhi fiberchunks
03:28.46creeperzBrb, thraot is soar
03:28.56JBDiGrizhigh fiber ...
03:28.59Patlabor221your throat can fly?
03:29.11Patlabor221CSS is kinda coo
03:29.29bzgirlfiberchunks_: it was my subject to learn last week
03:30.13Patlabor221they are handy
03:30.39fiberchunks_ooooo, jeezus!
03:30.53Patlabor221named "mr. Biggles"?
03:30.59fiberchunks_some dude just blew out his knee trying to lift 970 pounds
03:31.09CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (2 files): simple constification
03:31.13SGIyou saw that guy
03:31.35SGIand the guy with the motorcycle
03:31.47fiberchunks_I guess we're watching the same show
03:31.57SGIthey are bulls around
03:31.58bzgirlahh, gross-me-out-tv shows?
03:32.08fiberchunks_nah, some thing on TLC
03:32.17Patlabor221and what did you learn?
03:32.22fiberchunks_other people suffering, you know, nihilistic stuff
03:32.29Patlabor221"never lift that much stuff, not even to impress a lady"
03:32.36fiberchunks_I'm learning that some people are just too damn dumb ;)
03:32.36bzgirl"when humans get hurt, and other humans video tape it"
03:32.51Patlabor221all truths of the universe
03:33.13Patlabor221seriously the GDI index is way up today
03:33.38Patlabor221last letter means Idiot, I leave you to figure out the first 2
03:33.47fiberchunks_that's what I figured :)
03:33.52SGIits like SGI
03:34.00SGIsuck a Good idiot
03:34.08Patlabor221it's another unit of measure for the HSF
03:34.14Patlabor221or Human Stupidity Factor
03:35.29Patlabor221HSF (average) * number of humans/number of people who are cool = GDI
03:35.40fiberchunks_oh oh oh, chicken on motorcycles -- too funny
03:36.12SGIthe owner of the motorcycle dressed like a chicken
03:36.29fiberchunks_no - 2 motorcycles driving straight at each other
03:36.33DTRemenakNote the corallary to the HSF, the MIF.
03:36.39SGIand bannnnnng
03:36.41DTRemenakMob idiocy factor
03:36.48SGIboth legs ...broke
03:37.05SGIboth broken legs
03:37.31Patlabor221yes humans are stupid in groups
03:37.43fiberchunks_my kid started kindergarten today -- /me sheds a tear
03:38.09DTRemenakaw, cool.  I was really looking forward to kindergarten
03:38.13SGImy daughter started to ask me money...
03:38.15Patlabor221did you tell her not to eat paste?
03:38.31fiberchunks_he, and no -- let em eat it, I did ;)
03:39.06fiberchunks_non-toxic glue they used in school for collages and what not
03:39.24Patlabor221flour, water, and some salt
03:39.25SGIthey kick me out
03:40.53Patlabor221ahhh, got your ass kicked then did ya :)
03:41.29fiberchunks_no, I did the kicking of the ass, it was 'cause I went to a private school via family sacrifices (i.e. I wasn't a rich kid)
03:41.51fiberchunks_they did _not_ like me when I grew up (in 8th grade)
03:42.16fiberchunks_and played lacrosse, soccer, etc (I held grudges for amazingly long times back then :\ )
03:42.28SGI...and beer
03:43.53Patlabor221not much beer here in the 8th grade
03:44.23SGIare you still in the 8th grade
03:44.34Patlabor221umm, no
03:44.37fiberchunks_he is, he's just _really_ smart ;)
03:44.39DTRemenakwe had a big scandal in 8th grade when a couple kids walked around sticking empty beer cans in the lockers
03:45.09Patlabor221yeah, I have moved just a "bit" past 8th grade
03:47.16SGIthat is my IQ
03:53.08JBDiGrizMy daughter is starting 7th grade next week, she better not run into the likes of you guys. ;-)
03:53.28SGIbullet proof jacket
03:53.41DTRemenakUS guys?  I was well-behaved...
03:54.28JBDiGrizThere are no more lockers in the middle schools, now kids carry their books all day. :-(
03:54.51SGIi never used a locker
03:58.56JBDiGrizPanda closeups,
04:00.12fiberchunks_JBDiGriz: prob. the result of over-paranoid parents, and generally stupid kids
04:00.33creeperzI am back
04:00.34JBDiGrizAnd underdeveloped school administration
04:01.05fiberchunks_i think when my kid hits high-school, it'll be akin to a prison environment
04:01.10Patlabor221the pandas go to school?
04:01.18JBDiGrizZero tolerance seems to be the easiest method for them to deal with anything
04:01.34JBDiGrizNot yet, the baby is only a week old ;-)
04:01.38creeperzI go to school :-)
04:01.53Patlabor221are you a panda?
04:02.17fiberchunks_zero tolerance is a non-solution, imho -- we could do just about anything when I was in high school (/me wonders why people have gotten so violent lately)
04:02.19creeperzHath not a panda arms?
04:02.23JBDiGrizI don't think anyone has managed to put a cam on our local sharks
04:03.27Patlabor221yeah that would be rather hard
04:03.54*** part/#bzflag DTRemenak (
04:04.05JBDiGrizThey've taken several pictures of the 17 footer, who's wandering around.
04:04.24Patlabor221you gonna try and strap a cam on it? :)
04:05.11JBDiGrizThere are a few surfers who seem to enjoy playing with it. ;-) (How do you do a smiley with only half an arm?)
04:05.58Patlabor221"mmmmmmm.. people sticks"
04:06.52JBDiGrizreverse sushi...
04:06.56creeperzHoly crap! It's a Panda!
04:07.43creeperz...What ladder?
04:08.25Patlabor221if it has to be pointed out, your probably not ready for it
04:08.40Patlabor221wow, that's oddly true with so many things.
04:08.41creeperzThese leaves taste good
04:09.00creeperzMomma says I special
04:16.46JBDiGrizHave you ever seen Twelve Chairs?
04:17.04learneri've seen lots of chairs
04:17.31JBDiGrizEarly Mel Brooks, done just after The Producers. It's a funny movie...
04:18.45*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (
04:18.57*** join/#bzflag PatlaborFMP (
04:19.16JBDiGrizThat's Eye-gore
04:21.03*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
04:21.35Patlabor221I liked the prducers
04:21.39Patlabor221it was very very funny
04:22.08JBDiGrizDid you ever see "The Critic"?
04:22.47JBDiGrizI wish I could find that one on DVD or video. It's an animated short, narrated by Brooks.
04:22.50Patlabor221The play they did in the producers was halarous
04:23.10JBDiGrizI haven't seen the play yet. It's on my list.
04:23.42Patlabor221I mean the one they produced
04:23.49Patlabor221in the movie
04:24.03Patlabor221"spring time with hitler, for germany"
04:24.07Patlabor221it was a musical too :)
04:24.20JBDiGriz"Prisoners of Love"
04:24.48Patlabor221I need to get The Impostors too
04:25.53Patlabor221exceptonal movie
04:26.32creeperzThere...Now look at it
04:27.35SGIThe Impostors greart movie
04:35.52*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
04:38.52SGIgod night
04:39.06*** part/#bzflag SGI (
04:39.28JBDiGrizit's a religious crowd around here again.
04:40.31fiberchunks_blazing saddles is the best
04:44.55Patlabor221vood you like to have a rool in the hay?
04:45.27fiberchunks_'scuse me while I whip this out'
04:45.33JBDiGrizrool, rool, rool in ze hay!
04:48.08Patlabor221that was when Terry Garr was hot
04:49.04JBDiGrizWow, what knockers
04:49.11Patlabor221why thank you
04:49.51JBDiGrizFrau Blucher
04:50.31Patlabor221what does that mean?
04:51.11JBDiGrizI never looked it up, although Brooks used a lot of Yiddish expressions.
04:51.55Patlabor221it scared the horses
04:52.01Patlabor221mus mean castration or something
04:52.06JBDiGrizQuick google search reveals that Blucher is German for glue.
04:52.20Patlabor221makes sense
04:52.46creeperzI think my mind is snapping in two!
04:52.56Patlabor221PUT THE CANDLE BACK!
04:52.59JBDiGrizContinuing reveals that's an urban legend
04:53.31creeperzWhat's an unban legend?
04:53.45creeperzI mean what where u talkin bout
04:54.06Patlabor221Young Frankenstein
04:56.12creeperzAnyone help me install Shockwave? It won't install on Firebird Mozilla
04:56.31JBDiGrizBlucher is just a common German surname. It doesn't reveal anything further about it.
04:56.47Patlabor221worked for me when I did it
04:58.17creeperzWon't work for me
04:58.33JBDiGrizYes, Yes, he was my .....
04:58.35Patlabor221check there suport sites then
05:00.29JBDiGrizFunny thing, the source for the urban legend is an acquaintance of mine who used to work for the San Diego Tribune.
05:06.34creeperzThis really sucks
05:07.25creeperzScrew it
05:07.29creeperzI'm going to bed
05:07.41creeperzHave a Phy Science test in the morning
05:07.54creeperzSee yu
05:10.17Patlabor221"elevate me!
05:10.27JBDiGrizwhat here, now?
05:10.52Patlabor221yes yes, raise the platfrom
05:35.16*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:44.13*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:44.56*** mode/#bzflag [+bb *sussudio*!*@* *gorb*!*@*] by
05:50.00*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
05:58.23captain_protonHI MAC!
06:03.31CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/common (global.cxx): thief should shoot a lil shorter, with faster reload
06:05.30captain_protonso you still haven't just split distance & time and made both absolute?
06:06.19captain_protonthe existing techniques for determing things like length are crufty
06:06.27MrApathyCreamthe setings really _should be distance and speed
06:06.30MrApathyCreamnot lifetime
06:07.19captain_protonit seems like it would make sense to abstract things a little so lasers and such are easier
06:07.34MrApathyCreampatches welcome
06:07.45MrApathyCreamYAY for chestal!
06:09.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (TODO): wollman added rabbit info
06:15.27JBDiGrizWho is this wollman guy? Is he a developer?
06:15.45MrApathyCream~fishslap wollman
06:15.47ACTION slaps wollman up side the head with a wet fish.
06:16.05JBDiGrizIs he related to Brosman?
06:16.36MrApathyCreamok,ok, wollner
06:16.41captain_protonJBDiGriz: i think he's your evil twin
06:16.55JBDiGrizOh him, he never does anything anyway ;-)
06:17.32JBDiGriz~whaleslap MrApathyCream
06:17.58captain_protonJBDiGriz: i think learner got rid of the factoid
06:19.48captain_protonboing boing
06:23.50CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (TODO): His Majesty, David Wollner screwed around with rabbit doc too.
06:24.20JBDiGrizIt's good to be the king ...
06:25.30MrApathyCreaminterestingly i'm no longer email notifications from my own commits, others yes
06:25.44MrApathyCreamno longer getting
06:27.10JBDiGrizif you enable bzadmin in the build, it goes to check if you have curses
06:27.25JBDiGrizif you disable bzadmin in the build, it doesn't bother with this check
06:27.49JBDiGrizof course it checks for the curses macro at the end of configure, and nicely explodes if it hasn't checked for it.
06:53.28*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
07:08.26*** join/#bzflag Carnage_ (
09:08.04*** join/#bzflag bomber (
11:15.44*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
11:16.29Chikoritahello any1?
11:31.57*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
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12:20.04*** join/#bzflag Sniper50 (
12:22.22*** join/#bzflag larsl (
12:38.41CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ ( Moved AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_CURSES, ...) out from an if statement
12:51.12*** part/#bzflag Sniper50 (
13:36.25*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
14:02.30*** join/#bzflag tea|tree_ (~tea|
14:10.39*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (
14:41.12*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
14:41.18brlcadmoin, tim
14:41.25*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:43.08*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
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15:48.27tea|tree_G T
16:08.50*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
16:19.14*** join/#bzflag BZSpiff (
16:19.26BZSpiffHello all. :-)
16:38.40Chestalhi [dmp]
16:50.44BZSpiffHehehe. :-)
16:51.07[dmp]Problem is, i dont have any spam-filtering, so i get loads of nice offers. Whee.
16:57.39*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
17:12.10*** join/#bzflag drinian (
17:12.59BZSpiffOkies... Spiff is out.  C-ya later. :-D
17:28.58*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
17:42.44brlcadevenin' bags
17:44.06Bagheeramorning brlcad
17:44.15JBDiGrizGood Morning (UGT) Bagheera
17:44.44Bagheerawhoops, afternoon all
17:45.13brlcad~convert 2 UGT to EDT
17:45.27brlcad:( no timezone conversions..
17:46.11JBDiGrizUGT is Universal Greeting Time. It states that it is always morning when person comes in, and it is always late night when person leaves. Local time of any member of channel is irrelevant.
17:46.29brlcadlol, good one jb
17:46.43JBDiGrizNot mine at all, I'm copying and pasting from other sources.
17:47.25brlcadibot, UGT is Universal Greeting Time. It states that it is always morning when person comes in, and it is always late when person leaves.  Local time of any member of channel is irrelevant.
17:47.25okay, brlcad
17:47.51JBDiGrizIf you check with the bot in #proxs, you'll find a bit more info. That's where I got it!
17:48.09brlcadhehe -- proxs bot needs to have a little chat with ibot :)
17:48.38brlcadI want to see those two bots go at it in bzflag on the field  :)
17:49.35Bagheera~dict UGT
17:49.59Bagheeraooops, broke it.
17:50.01JBDiGrizI think ibot would be so weighted down with excess factoids, it would barely move. DyadyaVasya would look around and wonder what it's doing there.
17:50.48JBDiGrizibot: do you play bzflag?
17:50.48JBDiGriz: I don't know, could you explain it?
17:51.18brlcadthat could take a while :)
17:52.04JBDiGrizMaybe ibot would be wandering around in a fog as well ;-)
17:52.38brlcadibot would probably figure out how to self-distruct and just keep repeatedly doing that
17:52.39You are moron #5, brlcad
17:53.25brlcadthat is great...
17:53.31brlcadthat made my day :)
17:57.18Bagheeraguten tag, wie gehts?
17:57.25fiberchunks_nichts, und du?
17:57.35Bagheeragut, danke
17:57.53brlcadhowdy fiber
17:58.03fiberchunks_whaz happenin learned one
17:58.12JBDiGrizhigh fiber
17:58.21scanlinefiberchunks_: don't talk old, talk new
17:58.26fiberchunks_no, regretfully -- that might change later tonight
17:58.28scanlinetalk old: what is happening?
17:58.28brlcadgoing good, goin' good
17:58.32scanlinetalk new: whaz real?
17:58.49fiberchunks_indeed -- whaz real, yo?
17:58.49brlcadibot, sup G?
17:58.49nuthin, yous?
17:59.20JBDiGrizscanline: Some of our brains don't translate well. Have you got the universal translator bot working yet?
17:59.30fiberchunks_scanline: I ain't as hip as I used to be ;) (if I ever was)
17:59.50Bagheerai have two hips, it doesnt seem to help me
18:00.12fiberchunks_mine's a replacement hip, so it's just synthetic 'hipness'
18:00.15scanlineJBDiGriz: universal translator bot you say... brains? BRAINS!
18:00.18JBDiGrizGrab a couple more hips, it seems to help me ;-)
18:00.50JBDiGrizscanline: brains wear out with overuse, and the generation of the next generation. ;-)
18:09.14purple_cowyay for installing windows, or something
18:09.56JBDiGrizAs I curse windows and it's idiot development systems ...
18:10.40brlcadSounds like it's some time to chop up some beef tenderloin...
18:11.54brlcadnope -- purple beef ;)
18:12.51fiberchunks_ah - duh
18:13.01fiberchunks_kim chee rocks
18:13.30JBDiGrizI'm glad I turned off the smell-o-rama on the machines this morning. ;-)
18:17.07fiberchunks_oi - I gotta cut that thing up :\
18:17.24JBDiGrizThink of all the fun you had creating that bill ;-)
18:17.40fiberchunks_I try -- but most of it was appeasing relatives ;)
18:17.44brlcadhopefully, _he_ had the fun :)
18:17.57fiberchunks_precisely my point brlcad
18:18.32JBDiGrizAnd none of it was related to Montana traveling? ;-)
18:19.31fiberchunks_paid all that off just before I left
18:19.50fiberchunks_and used cash whilst in canada / montana
18:21.50fiberchunks_~seen patlabor221
18:21.51patlabor221 is currently on #bzflag (2h 38m 43s)
18:25.28fiberchunks_brlcad: any word on passing around my buddies tunage?
18:26.16JBDiGriz~dict tunage
18:26.17brlcadnot anything new yet -- i sent it to another buddy and haven't heard back from him
18:26.50JBDiGriz~spell tunage
18:26.52possible spellings for tunage: tun age tun-age tung tanager teenage tonnage tang teenager tinge Runge Tonga tango tangy tonger tongue tuna tune dung linage tong
18:27.17fiberchunks_heh -- good luck jb
18:28.08JBDiGrizcould be a bird, a kid, dance lessons, or two possibilities that brlcad is doing something I don't want to know about. ;-)
18:28.12fiberchunks_would you mind listening to a buddies song, and giving me feedback? (note: the quality is not there, as the stuff I have is just initial mix)
18:28.26fiberchunks_tunes, man, tunes :)
18:28.51JBDiGrizas long as I don't have to do anything with his tongue or his dung! ;-)
18:28.53fiberchunks_a friend of mine is about to release an album (within the next 3 months), and wants feedback on it
18:30.56fiberchunks_^^ that applies to any of the rest of you all too, of course -- the more feedback the better
18:31.27*** join/#bzflag KTL_ (
18:32.39Bagheerawhat format is ogg
18:32.54fiberchunks_whaddya mean? it's audio
18:33.12larslBagheera: Ogg Vorbis.
18:33.15fiberchunks_the windows media player, and every linux player should handle it
18:33.22Bagheeramozilla plugins.....bugga
18:33.25fiberchunks_oh yeah, and the *amps on windows too
18:33.39fiberchunks_ah, I don't think there's a moz plugin for .ogg
18:33.49fiberchunks_xmms handles it dandily though
18:34.02KTL_ogg is free
18:34.06KTL_mp3 is not
18:34.17Bagheeraeven if there were, mozilla would chunk it.......lets see......
18:35.19JBDiGrizbrlcad: What player are you using for Ogg?
18:36.32brlcadi use iTunes :)
18:36.55fiberchunks_ah, forgot about the mac crowd ;)
18:43.43fiberchunks_is there a tool for linux yet that can interface to iTunes?
18:43.50fiberchunks_or the network on which it's hosted?
18:44.01JBDiGrizNice bluesy feel, but not emotionally inspiring. It would work for background music for me, but I wouldn't feel that I really need it.
18:44.15fiberchunks_cool -- thanks for the input :)
18:44.30JBDiGrizThe ending didn't really end for me. just sort of stopped.
18:45.08fiberchunks_I think the lack of emotion may be a result of the lack of mastering -- all the frequencies on that song are flat, and the dynamic range is just not there (but that'll be taken care of in mastering)
18:45.09JBDiGrizOf course, I'm not a music critic, just a computer geek. ;-)
18:45.23fiberchunks_hey, the average person (musically), is what we're looking for
18:45.50JBDiGrizCool, I get to be average. Maybe I can keep working up from there. ;-)
18:46.01larslNot really my type of music, can't really comment.
18:47.24fiberchunks_interesting point about the ending -- I've never noticed that til you mentioned it -- but it is kinda lacking, huh
18:53.36fiberchunks_grab thyself winamp or xmms or freeamp, or liteamp, or ogg123 (if you're on linux), and check 'er out
18:56.40Bagheeralet me listen to it for awhile.........i have to listen to something for a bit to get a feel
18:56.51fiberchunks_cool, thanks much man :)
18:57.07Bagheeranp, blends well into my tastes right now
18:57.34Bagheeraadd it to  my marc cohn playlist i am repeating right now
18:58.57fiberchunks_here's another one
19:09.52brlcadinteresting... internic whois database isn't reporting one of my names correctly..
19:13.56Bagheeraoy, rap......where is that stop button
19:14.47JBDiGrizApparently they have forgotten about the .org domain
19:14.49Bagheerahey fiber, are these original songs or is he just re-mixing them.....
19:16.09fiberchunks_bagheera -- I'm glad you said that -- I hold the same opinion about it (and am trying to convince the author to eradicate it)
19:17.40Bagheerathey do sound like a re-mix, not original.........good songs though
19:18.21fiberchunks_well, you're listening to the raw mix of the songs, not the mastered versions or anything of that nature -- perhaps that's lending to it a bit?
19:18.59Bagheeramy hearing is also not what it used to be.......too much metallica.......  :)
19:20.45JBDiGrizHe relys a bit too much on the drums for my taste. He's got a good command of the language for lyrics. The poetry is nice. Ugh, the rap bridge needs complete redoing. Finally, a bit of nice riff in the background at the end. It makes the ending for it.
19:20.58*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
19:23.04fiberchunks_awesome - thx for input fellas - I appreciate it much
19:25.39fiberchunks_I wish I had more upstream bandwidth, so I could host albums, instead of songs (and even songs, I get maxed out @ 15K / s) -- I gotta get a t1 :)
19:25.47fiberchunks_or sdsl
19:28.05fiberchunks_hrm, any of you all have a recommendation for a solid host (linux-based), with shell access and a high monthly bandwidth limit, for relatively little coin?
19:30.11brlcadhehe, nobody likes the rap bridge :)
19:30.32brlcad'cept him ;)
19:36.57brlcadyes... but can you EAT it :)
19:39.32brlcadholly carp fish
19:40.01brlcadI think I finally have this code building with shared libraries on aix
19:45.58Bagheerathe sky is falling, the sky is falling
20:13.02*** join/#bzflag david_v (
20:13.13brlcadhowdy david_v
20:13.21david_vhey all
20:13.42david_vthought i'd drop by before going to sleep... heh
20:14.10david_vany special news? personally i'm just having some fun at the university, the real studies start on Monday
20:16.32david_vhey Ches
20:18.38brlcadChestal: still no luck?
20:19.08brlcadoh, the answers are posted..
20:19.35brlcadthe recruit! -- sheesh
20:19.53brlcadpacino!  AAaack!
20:20.02brlcadi think I tried everyone but him
20:20.05Chestalbrlcad: yes, and this week there's 2*8 movies
20:24.14*** part/#bzflag drinian (
20:26.22brlcadand they look harder this week to me :(
20:26.32brlcadI know 5 total
20:26.48Chestalto me as well, althoug I haven't tried very hard so far
20:27.13brlcadyes, this is just putting in my first guess, 3 for user-supplied, 2 for the new
20:27.41Chestalmust fire ub a browser, I'm currently updating
20:28.14brlcadyou've gotten me hooked on those you b*st*rd :)
20:28.37ChestalI'm not very good at it most of the time
20:28.53brlcadI'm not good at all, but it sure is fun
20:29.00ChestalI usually only get those that I have never seen :-)
20:29.41Chestalthey should include more non-US movies
20:32.22captain_protonmake part of the "flexible power source" a piezoelectric compound
20:32.24captain_protoncharge it as you use it :)
20:32.44Chestalgummi? rubber?
20:33.29ChestalI guess you can
20:33.48ChestalI'd assume that's it is more edible than Anglican cathedrals for examples
20:38.46*** join/#bzflag bzdoug_ (
20:46.19Chestalbrlcad: for the normal ones, I only got #2 and #4 so far
20:46.41Chestalanyone familiar with world weapons? except for MAC tha tis?
20:47.23brlcadwhat was 4?
20:47.48brlcadi think I could get that with enough tries -- I'm pretty sure I've seen it
20:47.55*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
20:47.56*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
20:48.54brlcad7 is my big fat greek wedding
20:49.19Chestalbrlcad: a classic one with Paul Newman
20:49.32ChestalbrlcaD: a, haven't seen that
20:49.44brlcadneither had I, my buddy told me :)
20:50.03Chestaljust got #8
20:50.20JBDiGrizI guessed Hud on #4, it came back as wrong.
20:50.21Chestalwhen you stare long enough at them the solution sometimes will manifest in your brain :-)
20:50.47JBDiGriza classic one with Paul Newman, unless my mind is mixing up his movies again.
20:50.48Chestalso, 4 out of 8 so far
20:51.48Chestalah, you're right, but it's the wrong one. It#s "Cool Hand Luke"
20:55.19*** join/#bzflag rooter ([
20:59.13JBDiGrizI'm going to be fairly useless on this week's quiz. Maybe after a night's sleep something will look familiar.
20:59.36ChestalI'm working on the user ones now
21:00.22JBDiGriz2,3,5 look familiar. 6 is too obvious
21:01.13brlcad8 is easy
21:01.23ChestalI have 2, 4, 5, 6
21:01.24brlcad2,6, & 8 for me
21:01.36brlcadthat's a mini in 8
21:01.46ChestalI'm entering it as "bzflag" :-)
21:01.50brlcadproject greenlight kid
21:02.13Chestalgreenlight what?
21:03.15brlcadmatt daemon and what's his name
21:03.22ChestalBen Affleck?
21:03.33Chestalthose two always seem to come in pairs :-)
21:03.36brlcadthey had a project called "project greenlight"
21:03.46brlcadthey were college buddies, iirc
21:04.03brlcadanyhow, that's one of matt's movies
21:04.11Chestalsadly he's been doing a lot
21:04.16ChestalI think I got it
21:04.18brlcadrecent, two years ago or so
21:04.27Chestalmovie was in a previous inivibles already
21:04.42ChestalBourne Identity?
21:04.51brlcadyes hehe
21:05.10JBDiGrizI didn't see that one, although I enjoyed that book.
21:05.15Chestalshall I spoil 4 and 5 or give useless hints? ;-)
21:05.38JBDiGriz3 looks like a small town disaster movie. What was the one with Dustin Hoffman a while back?
21:05.40brlcadit was a decent movie -- but I'd expect the book to have given better/more details (as usual)
21:05.59ChestalBI was ok, nothing great though
21:06.12JBDiGrizThe book was pretty good, but Ludlum couldn't write a decent ending for any of his books.
21:06.31Chestalseems there will be a sequel
21:06.50JBDiGrizHe did write a second Bourne book.
21:07.00Chestalyou meant 'Outbreak'?
21:07.14JBDiGrizThat sounds like it.
21:07.19Chestal#1 looks liek it should be eaasy, hmm
21:07.25ChestalJBDI: just tried, no
21:07.54JBDiGrizOh well, I was right the first time. (about being useless this week :-)
21:08.57Chestal#5 is a French movie, and #3 is with Philip Seymour Hoffman
21:09.36Chestal#7 looks also has a very charactersitic look, hmm
21:21.35*** join/#bzflag larsl (
21:22.29brlcadhowdy larsl
21:25.14JBDiGrizclose up of the baby on the panda cam
21:25.47fiberchunks_you guys doin the weekly invisibles quiz?
21:26.01Chestalfiber: yes, altogether we got 4/8 and 5/8
21:26.12fiberchunks_did you get #4?
21:26.21Chestaluser or normal?
21:26.26fiberchunks_and #6?
21:26.36fiberchunks_normal, I guess
21:26.51Chestal4 yes, 6 no
21:27.01fiberchunks_#4 is cool hand luke, #6 is 'priscilla, queen of the desert'
21:27.15Chestalah, thanks for #6, never ever heard of it
21:27.22fiberchunks_aussie film
21:27.35ChestalI tried 'Siam Sunset', so I was kinda close :-)
21:28.24Chestalok, 5/8 for both now
21:28.39brlcadcool :)
21:29.06Chestalbut I think we need at least 7, better 8 to make it into the 'charts'
21:29.10fiberchunks_'taking it off here boss'
21:29.46fiberchunks_which ones _did_ you get?
21:30.17Chestal2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 2, 4, 5, 6, 8
21:31.21brlcadlarsl: have y ou seen/tried this:
21:32.40fiberchunks_if you got 2,4,5 on the second attempt, what was the name of that film?
21:32.51fiberchunks_then you'd have 2,4,5,6,7, and 8
21:33.04brlcadfiberchunks_: there are two quizes
21:33.06fiberchunks_or is this by individual rather than group
21:33.08fiberchunks_oh, ic
21:33.21brlcad#142 and a user-provided one
21:33.56fiberchunks_was the first list the ones you got for #142?
21:35.03larslbrlcad: Thanks for the link, I don't have MSVC though.
21:35.32brlcadthat guy lost his source code, hehe, but if you can link and forget -- who cares :)
21:35.52JBDiGrizI can think of a good web site based on win curses, but it's not related to programming ;-)
21:36.05brlcadyou can find pccurses all over too -- which is what he started with
21:36.32brlcadJBDiGriz: hehe
21:36.49brlcadlarsl: yea, I know -- i don't care either; just in case someone asks you ;)
21:37.02fiberchunks_ah, #1 is that movie where the dude gets someone like renee zellweger to chug beer
21:37.10fiberchunks_damn, what's the name of that thing
21:37.37larslIt would be nice if bzadmin would work on Windows, I don't have a Windows machine to test it on though.
21:37.43Chestallike zellweger or zellweger?
21:38.11brlcadrenée zellweger
21:38.20fiberchunks_not sure -- but I remember that scene -- the person in the pajamas is chugging beer (hence the towel), and the other one is a dude
21:38.31fiberchunks_maybe police academy? (dunno fer sure)
21:38.36Chestalwell, it's not Bridget Jones's Diary
21:40.13larslncurses seems to be buildable in Cygwin though.
21:41.58brlcadi tried all of zellweger's movies -- none did the trick for me :?
21:42.36brlcadjust the windows users/developers don't use cygwin -- they use studio
21:42.52brlcadso a nice contained solution is good for them ;)
21:43.55patlabor221if it it dosn't use platform it should build on windows with cygwin
21:44.07patlabor221I think the only problem cygwin has on windows is with the DX stuff
21:44.43fiberchunks_well, I was guessing -- I can picture the scene, but I can't picture their faces :\
21:44.55fiberchunks_i.e. I _know_ I've seen that movie
21:45.25*** join/#bzflag BZSpiff (
21:46.07fiberchunks_are these supposed to be recent movies?
21:46.21JBDiGrizok, i'm an idiot. i know #3 of the user movies.
21:47.30Bagheera~seen trepan
21:47.31trepan is currently on #bzflag (19h 47m 23s)
21:47.54BZSpiffHmmph.  I'm curious... how do I retreve my password (for IRC) if I lost it? LoL
21:48.11BZSpiffThat'll teach me to use a new password. Heh.
21:49.22patlabor221you don't
21:49.26patlabor221you contact an andim
21:49.32BZSpiffThat bites.
21:50.58Bagheera~seen quol
21:50.59quol <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 3d 2h 26m 7s ago, saying: 'hmm - now I can't browse the net at all'.
21:51.48brlcadquol's on vacation
21:52.44JBDiGrizChestal: did you want #3, or a hint?
21:52.44Bagheerawas going to see if i could sucker.....uuhh, i mean, politely ask if he could sponser a map for a bit
21:53.02ChestalJB: hints are fun :-)
21:53.22JBDiGrizTiny hint, I should have recognized it immediately.
21:53.34Chestaltoo tiny for me
21:53.50JBDiGrizSlightly bigger hint, because it was filmed in San Diego.
21:53.55Bagheerachestal, you trying to recognize movies again
21:54.01brlcadcalifornia-dude -- that is too tiny :)
21:54.16brlcadconsidering how many films come out of there
21:54.16ChestalBag: yeah, new invisbles, help us
21:54.26Bagheeraforgot the link
21:54.30JBDiGrizLook at the picture, what do you see?
21:54.45fiberchunks_orange county?
21:55.05ChestalBag: #142 and user
21:55.37JBDiGrizFor current hint purposes, this is the user quiz.
21:55.43Bagheeraattack of the killer
21:55.44ChestalJB: two people lying on supermarket floor with tomatoes (?) on top of them
21:55.58JBDiGrizThat's it Chestal and Bagheera
21:56.00brlcada couple people on the ground with apples, one of the people probably works in produce
21:56.08Chestalhmm, indeed
21:56.14JBDiGrizbrlcad: No biscuit for you.
21:56.24Chestalnever endured to watch it in full length
21:56.39Chestalso, only 1 and 7 missing for user
21:56.47brlcadattack of the tiny killer tomatoes? :)
21:57.02JBDiGrizSome friends of mine went down to the stadium to help film the finale.
21:57.20JBDiGrizIf it were being done now, I would suggest they dress as pickles.
21:57.21fiberchunks_I wanna say 'fandango' for number seven, but I think they had a white car in the movie
21:57.40fiberchunks_it is fandango
21:57.58fiberchunks_one of my all-time favorites
21:58.19Chestalnever saw it
21:58.23fiberchunks_great film
21:58.40fiberchunks_with, believe it or not, kevin costner as a primary character
21:58.48ChestalIMDB ratign is kinda low
21:59.17fiberchunks_I have almost always found that whatever any 'major' place has to say about a film, I ignore, and end up liking it
21:59.51Bagheerayou have #142 completed?
22:00.06larslI don't recognize any of those pictures.
22:00.15Bagheeranumber 4 is that maritin lawarenc movie
22:00.26Bagheeralife, or something like that
22:00.39fiberchunks_cool hand luke, looks like to me
22:00.49Bagheeracould be either
22:01.16Chestalit's Luke
22:01.33Bagheerawhy does #3 remind of Ghostbusters
22:01.48Bagheerathink its the walls
22:03.05fiberchunks_I wanna say that #5 is something like american pie or something like that
22:03.51Chestal1, 3, and 5 missing from 142 btw.
22:03.56fiberchunks_thought #3 was a few good men, so that's no good
22:05.12Chestalzoom in on #3 so you can read the name badge ;-)
22:05.43fiberchunks_if only that would work :)
22:05.57brlcadlooks like 5 is some sort of medical room with the tv and monitor on the right
22:06.05JBDiGrizbrlcad might have some software that could do that sort of enhancement, but I sure don't ;-)
22:06.18Bagheeraor computer
22:06.36Chestalgot #5
22:06.46Chestalwas in invisbles before
22:06.51fiberchunks_please tell me it's not hollow man
22:06.56Chestaland he really is invisible
22:06.59Chestalit is
22:07.09fiberchunks_good ghod :\
22:07.31fiberchunks_I just tried big daddy, happy gilmore, billy madison for #1, no joy
22:08.01Bagheeraits a guy and a grirl, just finished washing hair, drinking a beer
22:08.20fiberchunks_I think the girl is chugging beer, not with washed hair
22:08.21Bagheeraor he is giving a hair cut
22:09.06fiberchunks_I remember seeing a flick where some girl chugs beer that looks like that -- but I can't remember what it was :\
22:09.15brlcadsame here.. :(
22:09.31Bagheeracomedy or drama
22:10.24fiberchunks_comedy, iirc
22:10.28Chestalanyone working on #1 from the user ones?
22:10.43*** join/#bzflag guest931 (
22:10.49Chestalthe shirt in 142.1 looks interesting
22:11.18brlcadreminds me of the girl in pulp fiction with bruce willis, but that's not it
22:12.29*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
22:12.30Bagheerawell its not, firstarter, men in black, signs
22:13.02fiberchunks_who, uma thurman?
22:13.34fiberchunks_I wanna say that the dude in the sweats and tank top is Steve Guttenberg for some reason
22:14.27brlcadno, fiber, the boxer's girlfriend
22:14.57brlcadnvr mind :)
22:15.36fiberchunks_oh oh, I gotcha
22:15.47fiberchunks_with the
22:16.06brlcadyea, pot belly girl :)
22:20.17*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
22:20.49Bagheerai am guess she is getting a hair cut, they are in a motel, she has the can to her head
22:21.29Bagheerathey would imply they are on the run from something
22:21.47*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
22:23.03Bagheerafrom the age of the tv......80s to early 70s
22:23.27Bagheerafrom the t-shirt, after johnny carson left
22:23.41Bagheeramight have that wrong
22:43.57Chestaluser one is complete now
22:48.46JBDiGrizChestal: Hint on #1?
22:49.12*** join/#bzflag tea|tree_ (~tea|
22:49.32brlcadany AIX guru's here?
22:49.52JBDiGrizLooking for someone who's smitten?
22:49.52ChestalJB: it's from 2001
22:50.16ChestalJB: but has been more widely spread in 2002
22:50.55JBDiGrizChestal: Is it a horror flick?
22:51.49ChestalI haven't seen it, but I would say yes, not supernatural though
22:52.21Chestaldirector also acts and it's a first time direction (when you do not count a video clip)
22:52.42JBDiGrizI probably haven't seen it either. It's not sounding at all familiar.
22:52.45*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
22:52.57Chestalit's "Frailty"
22:53.19JBDiGrizok, I haven't even heard of it.
22:53.32Chestaldirected by Bill Paxton
22:55.10Chestalbut I am out of ideas on 1 and 2 in 142
22:56.03JBDiGrizI thought you had 2, and were looking for 3.
22:56.15Chestalehm, right, 1 and 3
22:57.54JBDiGrizbrlcad: What's the AIX question?
22:58.21brlcadhaving a heck of a time linking shared libraries
22:58.50brlcader, actually, I can get everything to compile and link
22:58.57brlcadit's a runtime library finding issue
22:59.07brlcadala -rpath on sgi, etc
22:59.10brlcadSymbol ceil was referenced
22:59.21brlcadlots of things like that
22:59.51brlcadwhen I run a binary
23:01.49JBDiGrizIs your current working directory the same during execution and building?
23:02.35brlcadlibraries are built in their own directories, binaries are built in separate dirs too
23:03.13brlcadsame problem if cwd is same as during linking
23:03.32Tuponebrlcad: perhaps needing LD_LIBRARY_PATH . is linux can be it work on AIX too
23:07.30brlcadthere are three such vars on aix, though setting them all make no difference
23:08.46JBDiGrizIt sounds like it's finding the library, but not the symbol. It's as if it's using a different version of the library than you linked against.
23:11.22brlcadright, and it shouldn't find that symbol.. those are standard C lib symbols (ceil, atan, sin, sqrt, etc)
23:12.53JBDiGrizAren't those part of the math lib?
23:22.26brlcadindeed they are
23:26.31patlabor221what is #5
23:31.44patlabor221what all I asked is what #5 is?!?!
23:32.03brlcadhehe :)
23:32.18JBDiGrizon the user quiz or #142 ;-)
23:43.19brlcadsunuvabiatch, I think i figured it out
23:43.50brlcadit's wanting the symbols to be resolved in the shared library file beforehand..
23:44.18brlcadkinda the same problem like frameworks on os x
23:49.39brlcadwell, there might be a deeper issue, but this does fix things for me which is good enough
23:50.31brlcaddon't make me go get the gun again :)
23:51.08brlcadlol, ah.. hehe -- i needed that pat, thx
23:52.00brlcadhence my entertainment :)
23:52.02JBDiGrizHollow Man
23:52.21patlabor221that's what was thought, but noone remember a part in an attic
23:52.35patlabor221damn then I wonder what the 2 we got wrong was
23:53.06patlabor221was the military one "a few good men" ?
23:53.27brlcadit's unknown still
23:53.35patlabor221hmmm we did a demi moore boob comparison and it matched up
23:53.56brlcadi tried g.i.jane, too -- no luck
23:53.58patlabor221size, spacing and sag.
23:55.49patlabor221what was #1
23:57.04patlabor221we tried repo man and that didn't work
23:57.32patlabor2215 of us blew an hour here working on em :)
23:57.48patlabor221got 6 out of 8
23:58.03brlcadan hour? that's all?!?  c'mon man -- put some *effort* into it :)
23:58.23patlabor221well the bosses started coming by
23:58.34brlcaddid you ask them for help?
23:58.46patlabor221sadly no
23:59.06patlabor221they tend to frown upon the congregations that form around my desk
23:59.39*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
23:59.45brlcad"Lumbergh.. I'm kinda busy right now -- I'm gonna have to ask you to go away and come back some other time."

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