irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030826

00:04.13BZSpiffHehe.  He's cool. :-D
00:13.57*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:20.49*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
00:24.29BZSpiffWow... Apathy is still around? :-)
00:24.44*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
00:25.00DTRemenakApathy will be around as long as there are any issues to care about ;)
00:28.02BZSpiffHehe. ;-)
00:28.04BZSpiffDinner calls.
00:28.12BZSpiffC-ya in a bit peoples.
00:29.56MrApathyCreamjust got here
00:39.05*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
00:48.27*** part/#bzflag DTRemenak (
00:49.38*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
00:55.07*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
00:57.06tea|treegood nite all
01:00.25*** part/#bzflag tea|tree (~tea|
01:11.35*** join/#bzflag BZSpiff (
01:21.30*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
01:50.31BZSpiffIt's pretty quiet here tonight. :-)
02:00.49*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
02:01.23bzgirlhello, has anyone ever hooked a laptop to a television before?
02:01.40bzgirli have one of these
02:02.02bzgirldo i need software too?
02:02.29dougheckajust hook your TV to the connections
02:02.37dougheckaand look for the Funtion key on the keyboard
02:02.47doughecka(unless its linux, then who knows what happens :)
02:03.24bzgirlwhat function key?
02:03.26dougheckahold the Fn Key and press the monitor key, which should look like 2 squares
02:03.53dougheckathere should be 3 modes, TV, monitor, and TV AND monitor at the same time...
02:04.02bzgirl can you see that site? they say i need nview also
02:04.15dougheckaew, you do run linux dont ya? :)
02:04.28bzgirlyeah, but have XP) also
02:04.38dougheckaXP should work out of the vox
02:04.47dougheckaqhatever :)
02:05.22dougheckalinux you will have to fiddle with it. :)
02:05.46bzgirli dont have two sqaures (function)
02:06.13dougheckaits on the funtion keys
02:06.19bzgirlf5 has to a/a over it, a blacked out a and a white a in squares
02:06.34dougheckatry that, it cant hurt anything :)
02:06.40dougheckain XP that is
02:06.59dougheckayou have it all hooked up right?
02:07.12dougheckasome laptops autodetect the TV and switch to it by default
02:07.19dougheckawhen booting
02:08.10dougheckabut the a/a thing might be inversion, how old is it?
02:09.28Patlabor221usualy you hit a like a function key combo and it dumps it out to the TV
02:09.47Patlabor221I'v only ever needed to use twinview to have the TV and the lapy screen at the same time
02:12.57*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
02:16.50*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
02:42.05*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
03:27.56*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
03:28.55*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
04:09.37*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
04:09.37*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
04:25.05Patlabor221there is nothing wrong with the DR
04:25.17MrApathyCreamadding lag into the calc
04:25.57Patlabor221there is way more to it then that
04:26.11MrApathyCream(i wasn't being greedy)
04:26.20Patlabor221well that is the END part
04:26.27Patlabor221you cant get the end with out the base
04:29.51Patlabor221ha, rip the entire server, I think not
04:30.40learnermmmm.. good tough match
04:30.57learneri hadn't played with all the guys together in a while
04:31.38*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
04:33.12Patlabor221it will use as much as the client does when it picks it
04:33.20Patlabor221so is that More then expeted?
04:33.47MrApathyCreambut xN
04:34.38Patlabor221you want the client to keep doing it?
04:36.33MrApathyCreami don't see it as such a big problem
04:39.23Patlabor221and allows for changes in spawn logic to not require client changes
04:39.52MrApathyCreamthe logic should be simplified then, me thinks
04:40.17Patlabor221what's the spec for it?
04:40.35JBDiGrizspecs? we have specs?
04:40.50MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, we have complete specs for everything
04:40.55MrApathyCreamwe store them in cxx files
04:41.26JBDiGrizI've read those specs. The parsing and network specs are abysmal! ;-P
04:41.34Patlabor221if it works as speced, then you can't change it
04:41.57JBDiGrizI think he wants me to change the spec!
04:42.09MrApathyCreamplaying.cxx: 3603 -- restartPlaying
04:42.47learnerrtfs was a great game in the late 80's
04:42.51MrApathyCreamspecs: patches welcome
04:43.51Patlabor221so change it how ever you want, that's how you seem to wan it to work.
04:44.10JBDiGrizI think I'll change the spec so that anyone on windows machines runs twice as slow! ;-)
04:44.58MrApathyCreamwow day old email notifications
04:45.02Patlabor221yeah then they will run the same speed as mac :)
04:45.32JBDiGrizIt actually isn't my idea, M$ did that for word for mac! ;-P
04:46.39learnerwadayaknow -- sourceforge says I am no longer subscribed to any of the lists..
04:47.27JBDiGrizIt seems that word for mac ran too fast to suit them so they added timing loops to make it look slower!
04:47.33Patlabor221from what I understand the MAC office team is difrent then the windows version
04:48.10JBDiGrizWhen M$ bought several shares of Apple they opened a new office down in San Jose which was devoted to mac programming.
04:48.19MrApathyCreamtrue story:
04:48.34Patlabor221sounds like a good thing to do
04:48.38MrApathyCreamOur company wante to hire a VP in charge of architecture
04:48.48MrApathyCream(of which i was part)
04:49.01MrApathyCreamthis person was voted down by all that interviewed
04:49.08MrApathyCreamwas hired anyway... go figure
04:49.19MrApathyCreamOne day watched me edit something in the windows registry
04:49.30MrApathyCreamasked, "Did you write that?"
04:49.42learnerdid you say yes?
04:49.54MrApathyCreami should have, was too dumbfounded to reply
04:50.02JBDiGrizIf someone asks you if you're a god ...
04:50.11MrApathyCreamthat person lasted a year.
04:50.30Patlabor221ahh so now I see why you are anit archetecutre :)
04:50.49JBDiGrizI'm sure he enjoyed a nice severance package
04:50.56MrApathyCreami'm sure
04:51.08JBDiGrizso do you need another VP of architecture?
04:51.30MrApathyCreamno, the company decided that architecture wasn't important :)
04:52.22MrApathyCreama few months later, we got a resume of this person, from another person we knew at another company
04:52.32MrApathyCreamthis person was looking, you see.
04:52.52MrApathyCreamResume listed the person as a application developer while at my company
04:54.00JBDiGrizPeople should learn that lies on resumes are easy to detect, especially with the web available!
04:54.57JBDiGrizYou should also be careful whenever you post or email anything, it's amazing what you can find out there!
04:57.45learnerjeesh, look at all the commit goodness I've been missing
04:58.54learnerMac -- i think that's real, actually
04:59.00learnerit was in the news today
05:05.45JBDiGrizWe can add a plan to the wiki. I've been reformatting it to make it look ready for a release.
05:06.19learneris cap around?
05:06.24MrApathyCreamit would appear no one is interested in a release
05:07.32learneryou .. have .. a hand? jeesh.. lucky fella
05:07.34JBDiGrizThere are some news stories about a shark sighting locally, but none with the picture.
05:07.56JBDiGrizThat's a rude gesture MAC!
05:09.46JBDiGrizmessages in UTF8, that's what we need (see the latest feature request from the mailing list)
05:10.39JBDiGrizI have always wanted to send cyrillic messages to everyone playing!
05:10.54MrApathyCreami always thought we should hook up language conversions from player messages thru babelfish :)
05:12.49MrApathyCreamfragged its lame tank, boy of bz
05:14.50learnerPor qu้ quieren cosas extra๑as?
05:14.57JBDiGrizืฉืฉืšืฃื’ื“ืฉืฃื“ื’ืšื›ื—ืฃืฉืšื— ืฉืฃื“ืšื’ื›ื—ืœ ืฉืšืœื›ื— ืฉืฃืœื— ื›
05:15.12Patlabor221perhaps a list of the core probems/things that could be enhanced would be best
05:15.56JBDiGrizWhat do we want to do before we put out the next release?
05:16.10Patlabor221that's the question
05:16.32Patlabor221what were the goals when it was taged
05:16.33JBDiGrizI think it looks fairly good for features, but we need to fix the bugs.
05:16.36learnerI want to finish hooking up the voting...
05:16.52MrApathyCreamriker has a todo list in TODO
05:17.02learnerperfect time to add new features .. right before release :)
05:17.14MrApathyCreamthe ones written in english are understandable
05:18.03JBDiGrizI think cap ported those from 1.8 into the 1.9 tree. Feel free to add all the credits you would like!
05:20.25JBDiGrizWho is working on the 4 items in the TODO list?
05:22.06MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, take a guess
05:22.10MrApathyCreamfirst 20 don't count
05:22.15*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
05:22.30MrApathyCreamOK, but i do think this is doctored, not sure tho
05:22.43JBDiGrizMy guess on most of them would be nobody, but I can probably take a stab at updating the documentation.
05:23.12JBDiGrizI'm not sure what the gameinfo requests are.
05:24.25JBDiGrizIn the wipi, I tried to make sure that someone was actually working on changes that were going into the next version.
05:28.04MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, nobody is correct, you have 19 to spare
05:28.23MrApathyCreampresumably riker wants them done before he'll release
05:28.55MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, do you have a list of bugs that need fixing?
05:29.09Patlabor221you sure riker did that todo?
05:29.16MrApathyCreamthe top part yes
05:29.50JBDiGrizThe only current bug is keyboard input on the mac. It loses the ability occasionally.
05:30.06JBDiGrizI'm sure there are others, but I haven't heard about them.
05:30.10MrApathyCreamTODO 1.62
05:30.43MrApathyCream:) there's one that'll get fixed quick mac keyboard bugs.... :)
05:31.16JBDiGrizeither learner or I will get to that one.
05:31.20MrApathyCreamPatlabor221, i did most of the items that riker added
05:31.28MrApathyCreamjust 4 left, that didn't make much sense to me
05:31.35JBDiGrizin 1.8 or 1.9?
05:31.46Patlabor221musta been a drive by rikerning :)
05:32.30JBDiGrizI think it's pretty safe to assume that one was doctored! ;-)
05:32.51MrApathyCreami wanna know how you get to have that much time available to play!
05:34.27ElectricElfHey MrApathyCream :)
05:48.35JBDiGrizOff doing other things for a while!
05:51.31CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/package/win32/nsis (BZFlag.nsi): update the version #, just to see what it feels like
05:53.10MrApathyCreamHere's a list of things i know of in 1.9
05:53.13MrApathyCream08/24 - bullets bounce of buildings, ground in z direction
05:53.16MrApathyCream08/20 - World download now uses code/length prefixes
05:53.16MrApathyCream08/17 - voting booth
05:53.16MrApathyCream08/15 - default port changed to 5154
05:53.16MrApathyCream08/15 - -noudp option removed
05:53.16MrApathyCream08/15 - /set var command added
05:53.17MrApathyCream08/14 - Server side Game variable file support
05:53.19MrApathyCream08/13 - Coalesce MsgFlagUpdates into one packet
05:53.22MrApathyCream08/11 - Send Game vars from server to client
05:53.23MrApathyCream08/08 - Multicasting is removed
05:53.25MrApathyCream08/06 - Coalesce MsgTeamUpdates into one packet
05:53.28MrApathyCream08/04 - Remove out of order packets on client
05:53.29MrApathyCream08/03 - Burrow Flag
05:53.31MrApathyCream07/30 - MsgScore combined in one packet
05:53.36MrApathyCream07/28 - World Weapons
05:53.37MrApathyCream07/26 - Anaglyph view option
05:53.42MrApathyCream07/25 - Observer is now a team
05:53.43MrApathyCream07/21 - AutoPilot
05:53.45MrApathyCream07/17 - Thief Flag
05:53.48MrApathyCream07/16 - Strip out of order or dup'ed MsgPlayerUpdates
05:53.49MrApathyCream07/13 - Better Bad word filter
05:53.51MrApathyCream07/09 - Flag Negotiation between client and server
05:53.54MrApathyCream07/08 - Flag IDs removed for future flexibility
05:53.55MrApathyCream07/08 - New Seer Flag
05:53.57MrApathyCream07/08 - New Masquerade Flag
05:54.00MrApathyCream07/07 - Allow bigger world sizes(bytes)
05:54.01MrApathyCream07/04 - Break up bzfs project into several files
05:54.06MrApathyCream07/04 - convert rgb files to png
05:54.07MrApathyCream07/01 - Support for variable map size in world format
05:54.09MrApathyCream07/01 - Add drive and shoot thru flags to world format
05:54.12MrApathyCream07/01 - Player Scores come from server
05:54.13MrApathyCream06/25 - New BZDB Settings database
05:54.15MrApathyCream06/22 - Steamroller gets a sound
05:54.18MrApathyCream06/22 - Remove unneeded network msgs
05:54.19MrApathyCream06/21 - Network overhaul - single byte players, no reconnect
05:54.21MrApathyCream06/20 - New Game Style - Rabbit Chase
05:54.23MrApathyCream06/19 - Hunt a player
05:54.25MrApathyCream06/18 - Centralize/clean up flag code
05:55.52learnerHm.. more than I would have thought
05:56.21Patlabor221well most of that the end user dosn't see
05:57.07learnerhalf of it they will
05:57.15MrApathyCreami count 19 the end user sees
05:57.28Patlabor221in some way o another
05:58.00Patlabor221wow one for every 3 users :)
05:58.13MrApathyCream~fishslap Patlabor221
05:58.14ACTION slaps Patlabor221 up side the head with a wet fish.
05:58.33Patlabor221tis what the stats say
05:59.22Patlabor221wow 85 max today, was a good day
06:00.36Patlabor221number of servers has almost doubled since feb, that's good
06:00.59learnervoting booth is pretty useless in and of itself, btw
06:01.18MrApathyCreamit mirrors real life
06:01.21learner08/25 - added voting commands ;)
06:04.52MrApathyCreami wonder if purple_cow has ever said anything?
06:04.55Patlabor221if they are uselless why add them?
06:05.21MrApathyCreami think his point is the voting commands are what is useful
06:05.56MrApathyCreamhey, it's cap
06:10.40learnerthe "voting booth" is a generic counter class, it's the commands that are significant
06:10.52learner(which use the voting booth and other things)
06:13.59MrApathyCreamare u planning a graphical interface from the client to the 'booth'?
06:14.07MrApathyCreammaybe some curtains, and a lever?
06:14.18captain_protonjust remember
06:14.27captain_protona stitch in time is worth two in the bush
06:15.02MrApathyCreami'm not sure a bird in the hand saves nine, tho
06:15.54captain_protona bird in the hand is a penny earned
06:19.18learnercap IS awake
06:20.17learnercap, do/can you do approvals for the bzcops mailing list?
06:20.18scanlinenot just any movie
06:20.19scanlineoffice space!
06:20.28learnerooOH.  good one.
06:20.32scanlinehorrifyingly enough, lurgyman hadn't seen it yet
06:20.52learner"And and.. the squirrels.. dey were.. dey were .. married"
06:21.19scanlineand then they switched, from the swingline, to the boston stapler
06:21.21learner"Okaay, but that's the laast straw.."
06:21.41learner"I'll burn the place down"
06:21.52scanline"Mother.. shit... son of an... ass!"
06:22.05Patlabor221learner cops liust hasn't been used in almost 6 months
06:22.24learnerah, then never mind.. :)
06:26.13learner"No ... Naw man! .. I think you'd get yer ass kicked fer sayin somethin like that!"
06:42.43captain_protonMORE CEREAL!
06:49.11CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): teach autopilot bad habits
06:49.53captain_protonbad habits?
06:50.00MrApathyCreamhe jumps now
06:50.14MrApathyCreamif munitions are close
06:52.15MrApathyCreamanyone remember the name of the 'pilot' in airplane?
06:53.31MrApathyCreamyou are sick
06:53.51captain_protonits not hard to remember
06:53.53captain_protonroger, roger!
06:55.07MrApathyCreamthat was the blow up guy?
06:55.34CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): easy on the trigger finger, roger
06:56.21scanlinethat was the autopilot, it didn't have a name
06:56.46MrApathyCreamah, ok
07:00.56MrApathyCreamman the autopilot stinks, i can kill him at least 60% of the time
07:04.54MrApathyCreamwell bed time
08:40.25*** join/#bzflag bomber (
09:10.00*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
09:20.59*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
10:48.16*** join/#bzflag larsl (
11:27.50larslIf player A sends a message to player B on a 1.9 server, doesn't player A receive that message (with himself as source and B as destination)?
11:28.03larslOr did that change from 1.7?
11:59.13Chestallarsl: you talking about a MsgMessage, i.e. when a user types something?
12:06.49larslChestal: Yes.
12:07.58Chestallarsl: mesages that are addressed to one particular player are not broadcast in 1.9
12:08.09ChestalI think 1.7 always sent the msgs to everyone
12:08.12larslOK, thanks. That's what I needed to know.
12:08.17larslYes, it did.
12:08.45Chestalteam msgs still seem to go to everyone though
12:08.46larslSo private messages that I send to other people are printed to the HUD locally in 1.9.
12:11.58Chestalhmm, one would think this must be the case
12:13.26larslI'm porting bzadmin to the current CVS version, I was a bit surprised when private messages wouldn't show up on the sender's screen. =)
12:22.53larslMy thermometer is broken. =P
12:54.12*** join/#bzflag drinian (
13:11.41learnerkill -9 sleep && cat /dev/brain | restart
13:35.13*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
13:35.33CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (2 files): updated api and stubbed out functions
14:18.33*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
14:18.49*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
14:18.50*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
14:54.31*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
14:56.51brlcadIt's like I have my own personal "learned one" debugger ;)
15:11.38*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
15:11.38*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
16:19.08*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (~sn0w_m0nk@
16:21.13Chestalhi sm, still having issues?
16:21.23sn0w_m0nkeyhi ches
16:21.32sn0w_m0nkeyits seems to have cleared up mostly
16:21.50sn0w_m0nkeybut now school is in sessions, so network is loaded.
16:22.04*** join/#bzflag c_ (
16:22.49*** join/#bzflag _bryjen_ (~bryjen@
16:37.23*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
16:51.25*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (
16:51.45BaDiNany teams to play against bips?
17:11.40drinian~convert 259 CAD to USD
17:12.23drinian~convert 259 canadian dollars to USD
17:20.54Bagheera~kill the Co-Ops
17:20.55ACTION executes killall -9 the Co-Ops
17:21.11Bagheerathanks ibot
17:25.23Bagheeraibot how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll tootsie pop?
17:25.24You are moron #2, Bagheera
17:34.08TimRiker~change 259 CAD to USD
17:36.35brlcadconvert and change should be interconvertable
17:36.55CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): ]: is a msg
17:37.17CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/ ( check for AI
17:38.13larsl~change 259 CAD to SEK
17:38.30brlcadMmmm.. Corona
17:38.42larslThe plural form is actually "kronor". =)
17:39.13*** join/#bzflag KTL (
17:40.08brlcadibot, what is krona?
17:40.09brlcad: what are you talking about?
17:40.33larslSwedish for "crown".
17:40.38rumour has it, kroner is someone who drinks krona's
17:41.22Bagheerawonder how you drink a crown
17:41.24larsl~change 1 EUR to SEK
17:41.51brlcadcorona is crown in spanish, yet they manage to drink them too :)
17:42.11Bagheera~change 1 SEK to USD
17:42.32Bagheeraahhh, 10 cent crowns
17:43.35Bagheera~change 1 USD to DMK
17:44.04Bagheerathought it might be deustche mark
17:44.11larslThat doesn't exist any more.
17:44.20larsl~change 1 USD to EUR
17:44.47Bagheeragosh, i guess all those marks i have in the bank are not worth a whole lot
17:45.54brlcadfeel free to transfer those worthless funds my way..
17:46.25larslHas CIA stopped reporting new patches in the tracker?
17:48.31brlcadit's been reporting my patches
17:48.55brlcader, do you mean commits or actual patches?
17:49.07scanlineit's reporting commits, I don't know if the sf_tracker filter is still working
17:49.13scanlinethat's mostly captain_proton's work
17:49.23larslI mean actual patches.
17:49.32larslI suppose I'll have to do it myself:
17:49.43drinianTimRiker: Ah, thanks for showing me the syntax.
17:50.39larslNew patch in the SF tracker. The patch adds bzadmin to the bzflag source tree. Ugly and hackish, but it works. Please let me know how it works if you try it.
17:50.51drinian~change 499 CAD to USD
18:00.49patlabor221larsl, does the patch change the basic tree for BZFlag? or just add your stuff to it?
18:01.50larslpatlabor221: It adds a src/bzadmin directory.
18:02.05patlabor221why not just commit it?
18:02.06larslAnd makes some small changes to src/bzflag/Player.[h|cxx].
18:02.15larslBecause it's very, very ugly. =)
18:02.22patlabor221so is the rest of BZ
18:02.37patlabor221or add it to /misc
18:03.08patlabor221it seems to be a usefull tool, so I see no reason not to commit it.
18:03.15patlabor221just don't make it part of the default build.
18:03.47patlabor221will BZ build normal with the changes to player.h/cxx ?
18:04.05larslYes, I just move two functions from Player.cxx to Player.h and make them inline.
18:04.16larslTo remove some linking dependencies.
18:04.22patlabor221then commit that
18:04.35patlabor221and put your stuff in /misc/bzadmin/
18:04.37scanlinewhat's bzadmin's feature set?
18:04.39patlabor221and all should be well
18:05.06larslscanline: That's what it does, basically.
18:05.29larslscanline: It's like a simple version of the chat box in bzflag, implemented using ncurses.
18:05.33patlabor221for doing bans and stuff without running a real client right?
18:05.55brlcadwhy not src/bzadmin?
18:06.30patlabor221if it was in /src/bzadmin I woudl expet it to be part of the base build, or at least an option, if larsl says it's not ready for that
18:06.37patlabor221then /misc is where it could go
18:07.02larslI could put it in src/bzadmin too, as long it wouldn't be built by default.
18:07.13brlcadI think he's being modest
18:07.19brlcadit's rather useful as it is
18:07.35patlabor221hey whereever
18:07.51patlabor221I think it's usefull too, and a patch makes it harder for people to get to it :)
18:08.06patlabor221also less update work if it's in base CVS
18:08.13brlcadindeed -- that's why i've been poking him with sharp instruments to get it in cvs :)
18:08.22patlabor221so just do it
18:09.07larslI'll hunt down some curses detection macros for
18:09.43patlabor221or make it build with it's own build script
18:10.36patlabor221but that's up to you linux fellows
18:11.03brlcadlarsl: good idea, just make sure somehow that things don't go bonkers under windows
18:11.15brlcadeven if that means skipping it altogether
18:11.27patlabor221does anyone actualy build with make on windows?
18:11.48brlcaddunno -- good question
18:11.51larslbrlcad: It probably will, right now. ncurses isn't available for Win32, and the curses I've found aren't 100% compatible.
18:11.58patlabor221I don't even think it workes
18:12.06larslI'll need to tweak the code a bit to make it work with other curses.
18:12.24patlabor221larsl, all real windows builds are done with the DSW so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
18:12.25larslI almost built it using Cygwin once.
18:12.35larslIt wouldn't run though.
18:12.36brlcadlarsl, i had a link to some stuff that is compatible - if I can find them, I'll shovel them your way
18:12.48patlabor221yeah, like I say, I don't think it works
18:13.06larslOK, I'll start with getting it to work on UNIXes.
18:13.25brlcadthat's a good start
18:14.44JBDiGrizWhat are gameinfo requests? (from the TODO file as a prereq for release)
18:17.16Nidhoggrw00  I get to learn all about quicktime streaming in my new job.
18:26.30*** join/#bzflag tea|tree_ (~tea|
18:26.57captain_protonJBDiGriz: nobody knows what that TODO entry means
18:27.57JBDiGrizI'm trying to translate it for the wipi so we can do something about it. I added a couple of entries to the man pages for rabbit hunt, and I'll check those in tonight.
18:28.26patlabor221that would make sense to me
18:28.53patlabor221would make the world cache better as well
18:29.00patlabor221or is that not saved?
18:29.13scanlineit is saved
18:29.31scanlinewhich includes such nastiness as having the server's time saved in the world cache
18:29.39patlabor221that is lame
18:30.18JBDiGrizI'll put that in the wipi, and we'll go with it. I'm not sure who's planning on doing it yet.
18:30.33patlabor221noone plans anytyhing
18:30.53JBDiGrizExcuse me, but some people are trying! ;-P
18:31.01patlabor221ok, then you gonna do it?
18:31.19JBDiGrizPatches Welcome!
18:31.21patlabor221cus there are what 4 or 5 who do stuff?
18:31.25patlabor221see that's not planing
18:31.32patlabor221that's throwing crap on a fan
18:31.47JBDiGrizPlanning should come from the top down, not from the bottom up.
18:31.53patlabor221I concur
18:31.59patlabor221but we are topless
18:32.24JBDiGrizSo what I'm trying to do is provide some basis for the plan, and attempting to garner support.
18:32.42patlabor221so just asign it
18:33.14JBDiGrizThe first step is to describe it correctly!
18:33.17*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
18:33.27patlabor221"make game data not be in word file"
18:33.34patlabor221or asign the specing of it
18:34.31JBDiGrizRemove the game data from the world header message to a separate UDP message between bzfs and client.
18:35.45Bagheera...."we are topless"........bad picture
18:36.19JBDiGrizI think that quit message has more information than usual!
18:36.21*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
18:36.22*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
18:37.21TimRikercc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
18:37.22TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx: In method `void BoxBuilding::getNormal (const float *,
18:37.22TimRikerfloat *) const':
18:37.22TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:57: warning: passing `float' for argument passing 1 of
18:37.22TimRiker`abs (int)'
18:37.22TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:57: warning: argument to `int' from `float'
18:37.24TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:62: warning: passing `float' for argument passing 1 of
18:37.26TimRiker`abs (int)'
18:37.28TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:62: warning: argument to `int' from `float'
18:41.57JBDiGrizThe noudp option is still in the bzfs.6 man page. I thought this was removed. Am I wrong?
18:42.32captain_protoncheck the ChangeLog
18:44.44JBDiGrizcaptain_proton: There's no mention of removing the option.
18:58.05*** join/#bzflag Luigi (
18:59.01*** join/#bzflag prodan (
18:59.16prodanducati anyone?
19:00.04prodananybody for a game at
19:01.09prodanoops my fault
19:01.32prodanibot tr nidhoggr ch de
19:01.33prodan: I give up, what is it?
19:01.51*** join/#bzflag sn0w_m0nkey (
19:01.58*** part/#bzflag prodan (
19:11.28bryjenJBDiGriz: the gameinfo thing might've also been about being able to poll the servers for stats
19:12.15bryjenlike the ladders, high/low score list, current players online
19:14.59*** join/#bzflag elg (
19:15.07elgcan anyone tell me where to get bzedit for linux?
19:15.19elgor any bzflag world editor (even 2d) that works in linux
19:16.41larslOK, I have bzadmin in src/bzadmin as an optional target (have to use the configure option --enable-bzadmin to build it). Should I commit it?
19:17.00larslelg: The best option right now is to run the Windows BZEdit in Wine.
19:17.05Bagheera has  a list of linux world editors.....have not tried any myself
19:21.32*** join/#bzflag Noodleman (
19:23.40Bagheeraguess that helped
19:29.27JBDiGrizbryjen: I added it to the wipi as the client/server message. Now I need to wheedle someone into doing it! ;-)
19:29.44tea|tree_Bagheera ^^
19:29.46tea|tree_hello all
19:32.10sn0w_m0nkeyhi tea
19:32.14tea|tree_hey sm
19:32.25tea|tree_hmm BooZee
19:32.25sn0w_m0nkeywhat kind of bike brlcad?
19:32.32sn0w_m0nkeyboozee is ginku
19:32.54brlcada Specialized Allez Elite
19:32.59sn0w_m0nkeyahh nice
19:33.03sn0w_m0nkeygood buy
19:33.10brlcadthx ;)
19:33.12sn0w_m0nkeyroad biker eh
19:33.25brlcadi have a mountain bike already
19:33.36brlcadbut I'm going to start commuting to work with the road bike
19:33.45sn0w_m0nkeygood option
19:33.50brlcadat least I'm going to try ..
19:34.21sn0w_m0nkeysaves gas $, good reason alone
19:34.34brlcadhow far are you?
19:34.35JBDiGrizbrlcad: It will encourage you to leave before 11pm! ;-)
19:34.37sn0w_m0nkeyhow far bags?
19:34.46brlcadjb: indeed!
19:34.49Bagheera~25 miles
19:34.58Bagheeraone way
19:35.08Bagheeraall highway
19:35.11JBDiGrizBagheera: level or hills?
19:35.36Bagheeraie not florida, not CT either....somewhere inbetween
19:35.45brlcadIt'd be a great workout :)
19:36.03Bagheerarather kayak in.....its probably shorter as well
19:36.08Bagheerajust wet
19:36.15sn0w_m0nkeymotorcyle is a good choice
19:36.31brlcadMy path is going to be a bit hilly, but there's a nice large shoulder to ride up most of the way
19:36.52JBDiGrizbrlcad: How many miles?
19:36.55sn0w_m0nkeymake sure you slime your tubes brlcad
19:37.04brlcad15 miles to the door
19:37.05sn0w_m0nkeyor goo
19:37.21larsl~convert 15 miles to km
19:37.41larslA one hour ride?
19:37.44JBDiGrizThat's a good workout!
19:37.48brlcadmore or less
19:37.54Bagheera24 km!, gosh that sounds even farther...  :)
19:37.59brlcadmore for starters, hopefully less later :)
19:38.11JBDiGrizIn a couple of months it will definitely be an hour or less.
19:38.31brlcadthe hard part is going to be these first couple weeks
19:38.44brlcadmy legs aren't in shape for it right now
19:38.52JBDiGrizYou need tennis courts!
19:38.54Bagheerathats the easy part, it is still summer/fall.....wait till december...hahaha
19:39.32Bagheeragood luck, like i said, wish i could do it
19:40.03sn0w_m0nkeyeven if you ride 3 times a week, its a good work out
19:40.22sn0w_m0nkeyor 2
19:41.02brlcadI'm going to start out with 2 or 3 -- see how my legs and wrists hold out
19:42.22sn0w_m0nkeyfor commuting you might think about some beefier tires
19:42.28bryjenJBDiGriz:  i thought somewhere in network meeting discussion it had come up as common status blurb for the server to send to the list server, clients, stats collectors...
19:42.49sn0w_m0nkeyprevent flats and save your rims
19:43.11brlcadmy tires have a kevlar interior
19:43.53brlcadbut i will probably need to drag a spare with me -- the highway I'll be using is rather ghetto dirty
19:45.35sn0w_m0nkeyurg this mozilla java stuff is killing me
19:45.42CIA03dbw192 * 12bzflag/man (2 files): Describe rabbit-hunt in the man pages.
19:46.47larslI'll commit the bzadmin stuff now, unless there are any objections.
19:46.48JBDiGrizbryjen: I wandered through the network meeting notes looking for mention of gameinfo between bzfls, and the server. I didn't see anything.
19:47.15brlcadlarsl: I object! (j/k)
19:47.29JBDiGrizObjection overruled, sit down!
19:47.57bryjenhmmm.  Maybe it was tossed around in here.
19:48.09CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (3 files): Directory /cvsroot/bzflag/bzflag/src/bzadmin added to the repository
19:48.35larslHup! I didn't commit it yet, just 'cvs add'.
19:48.50JBDiGrizCIA is very enthusiastic!
19:49.00larslOh, directories are added right away.
19:49.18brlcadthere's no going back now
19:50.02JBDiGrizbryjen: I didn't think you were hallucinating either which is why I had checked the notes earlier. I just couldn't relate the item in the TODO to anything that was mentioned in the notes.
19:50.53JBDiGrizEvil laughs don't sounds as evil when you're sitting on the floor.
19:51.08bryjenUnder  "New Ping packet types"   in the summary outline?
19:52.42JBDiGrizI see serverinfo, and playerlist. It doesn't really give enough information to say what to do with them.
19:53.30JBDiGrizThat's why I was asking here, so that someone might be able to enlighten all of us.
19:54.24JBDiGrizlarsl: That was quick, nothing worth watching?
19:54.43larslThe X meter hurdles.
19:54.59bryjen~seen TimRiker
19:55.00i haven't seen 'timriker ', bryjen
19:55.22bryjen~heard TimRiker
19:55.46larsl~seen TimRiker
19:55.46timriker is currently on #elinux (1h 19m 25s) #openembedded (1h 19m 25s) #bzflag (1h 19m 25s).  Has said a total of 9 messages.  Is idling for 1h 18m 18s
19:56.15bryjen~dict watt
19:56.28larslIck, CVS conflicts.
19:56.28bryjen~dict lumen
19:57.34bryjenhow the heck did those two things get the same name?
19:58.31brlcadI see Tim's sense of humor is peeking it's head up
20:00.46larslDo you mean the AI check in =)
20:02.11brlcadyep :)
20:08.11JBDiGrizbrlcad: Have you looked at the bzflag keyboard input at all?
20:10.05brlcader, niet
20:10.23JBDiGrizI think I sort of understand the meaning! ;-)
20:11.02brlcadhaven't looked at why make-building completely borks it, and need multiple players to test why pb-built one loose input
20:11.29*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
20:11.34JBDiGrizWhen will you have some time so we can test that lose input?
20:13.06brlcadnot sure -- today is shot, but wed/thurs evening might work well
20:13.52JBDiGrizI think I'm good for thursday. Let me know and we can double-team the bug!
20:14.07brlcadmkay, that sounds like a good time
20:15.26brlcadonce we get that bug fixed, getting windowed mode working is going to be my top priority.. debugging a crashed fullscreen app is a royal pain
20:15.47JBDiGrizMultiple machines, it's the only way to go!
20:16.52CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (23 files in 4 dirs): Added bzadmin
20:17.14brlcadnice work, larsl
20:17.18JBDiGrizI'm just trying to knock off any reasons for holding off on the release. Then I'll let the powers-that-be decide what to do.
20:17.58brlcadyea, I wouldn't hold up a release for it
20:18.27brlcadfinishing the voting system is my current primary task, but that's just about finished -- just need a couple uninterrupted hours
20:18.29Bagheera<sniff> <sniff>   chinese
20:20.09JBDiGrizMy copy is waiting for me to pick it up.
20:20.40brlcadeep! conflicts galore on update..
20:21.48brlcadthink it was my fault for having something in the way .. heh
20:24.52CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ ( Fixed a bzadmin-related bug in
20:27.14tea|tree_what the hell is CIA
20:27.26well, cia is a CVS/Subversion commit notification bot run on #commits among other channels, originally by scanline.
20:35.06*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
20:35.50patlabor221who is ceadda / matthias on SF
20:36.01*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks_ (
20:36.27JBDiGrizfiberchunks_: queedle
20:37.47fiberchunks_nada, whaz happenin with you all?
20:38.03patlabor221wondering who this rude ass bastard is posting on SF
20:38.13fiberchunks_hrm? linkage?
20:39.45larslCan TimRiker or captain_proton remove that message?
20:39.52patlabor221I would hope so
20:40.03patlabor221seems he had a rash of posts
20:40.31fiberchunks_indeed, that is a rather nasty statement to make
20:41.16patlabor221I would like to repply but I do not know if I have the autority to do so. would be best from an admin
20:41.29fiberchunks_I'm tempted to respond to his / her / it's request for help concerning server ports in a similarly dickheaded fashion
20:45.01JBDiGrizAnyone can reply, but I don't see any way to remove it as a developer.
20:45.43patlabor221there isn't
20:46.35JBDiGrizInvoke( TimRiker )
20:47.24patlabor221ohh that never works
20:47.29patlabor221you need yack blood
20:48.56patlabor221that just makes em, angry
20:49.28brlcadindeed, that reply was not useful or constructive
20:49.47fiberchunks_lol, heh, I just responded to that post, and now my post looks like I'm talking to the original poster -- delete mine as well then
20:50.17brlcadhave a go at it, jb
20:50.25patlabor221how did you delete it learner?
20:50.27patlabor221was it you?
20:50.45patlabor221why so rude?
20:51.19fiberchunks_hrm, who, me?
20:51.26brlcadhow so? who? wha?
20:51.56patlabor221were you the origonal poster?
20:52.07patlabor221or did you just remmove the post?
20:52.23brlcadi just removed the post!
20:52.31fiberchunks_seems he fraggered the 'rude' post to chachies' question
20:52.42patlabor221cus It would shock me if that was you :)
20:53.04patlabor221I'll post a proper awnser
20:53.12fiberchunks_I need someone to delete my post
20:53.18patlabor221I will
20:54.04brlcadfiber: url?
20:54.21patlabor221I just did it
20:57.13captain_protonwhat was the post there?
20:57.37patlabor221I'd assume, no one has posted a reply to this because, well... its a really stupid question.
20:57.37patlabor221Cant remove read only file... well.. DO it yourself!
20:57.37patlabor221If your not capable of going to the file, and deleting, or making it a non read-only file with the whole 3 clicks it takes, maybe you should stay away from computers for while, and pick up a book on learning them, for your own good and ours.
20:57.49patlabor221that is what he wrote origonaly
20:58.23patlabor221I mean hell I think that about people all the time, but I don't say it to them
20:58.35patlabor221well if they arn't cell, creeper or hoda
20:58.39brlcadlooks better pat
20:59.12patlabor221I to am tempted to post on his request for help, but I don't want to stoop to his level
21:03.29JBDiGrizHaven't we seen that firewall question on centrum?
21:03.32*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
21:03.52Bagheerastorms....leaving quickly
21:06.38fiberchunks_why is bags so storm terrified?
21:06.59fiberchunks_lack of a good UPS,  I wager
21:07.11JBDiGrizStorms can be rather nasty in some parts of the world.
21:07.32bryjenOr he's lost equipment to lightening strikes afore
21:07.35*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:07.54JBDiGrizWe have a hurricane heading up on us from the southeast. I doubt it will get this far.
21:08.27fiberchunks_ah, if it's a hurricane or a tornado, you really shouldn't be online anyway ;)
21:09.07fiberchunks_I'm usually 'stupid' and go online or talk on the phone during lightning -- I also bathe, and have a tendency to sometimes swim or play golf during lightning as well ;)
21:09.32JBDiGrizYou must think you're Lee Trevino. ;-)
21:09.43fiberchunks_nah, I'm just not worried about the odds
21:09.59fiberchunks_and if I've got nine in, then by god, I'm finishing that round ;)
21:10.08JBDiGrizHave you played the lottery lately?
21:10.45patlabor221what is a "storm"?
21:10.47fiberchunks_I don't gamble anymore -- I took some good money from one of the local indian casinos, and haven't been back since
21:11.12fiberchunks_took, meaning won, not robbed ;)
21:11.19JBDiGrizpatlabor221: a character from x-men. terrifying to black panthers.
21:11.40patlabor221why would she zap him in a pool? is he an evil mutant?
21:12.02JBDiGrizShe's just a bit kinky!
21:14.22JBDiGrizfiberchunks_: We'll have to introduce you to Rogue, she'll cure that jealousy! ;-)
21:14.48fiberchunks_I was thinking that rogue would be a lot of fun -- sex would involve armor, I'm afraid
21:15.19JBDiGrizAnything would involve armor!
21:19.52patlabor221or magnetic fields
21:29.32brlcadokay, I'm off to check out my bicycle!
21:29.38brlcadcya laters
21:29.52patlabor221have fun
21:47.41*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
22:03.03*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
22:06.29Chikoritaibot: botsnack
22:06.29Chikorita: thanks
22:20.08larsl"larsl_school has quite a potty mouth. 2.2% words were foul language."
22:20.15larslCan't see anything in the logs though. =)
22:33.08*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
22:36.05CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (15 files): Added copyright notices to all bzadmin source files
22:39.33CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (3 files): Removed bzadmin.h, it's not needed since we don't build for 1.7
22:55.57*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
22:56.29Bagheeraand as the storms pass, bags creates a new map.
22:56.45Bagheerabzmapper is a lot of fun when the map is symmetrical
22:57.05Bagheerait does allow you to get a little carried away though
22:57.11JBDiGrizcats get scared during storms!
22:57.22Bagheerahide under the desk
22:58.10Bagheerait really sucks that some complicated maps just kill graphics cards...........oh well
22:58.42JBDiGrizI don't even bother trying to play on Spirals anymore!
22:59.15*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
22:59.20Bagheerai dont have any problems.........but thats mainly because i just upgraded all my cards
22:59.48Bagheeraeven the beast i just created is not an issue.........but those older cards just throw fits
23:00.38well, chikorita is da team captain of BzRebels .
23:00.40Bagheerahi chick
23:00.49Chikoritahi baggy
23:01.03JBDiGrizhi chika, feeding the bots again? ;-)
23:01.05Bagheerayou trained ibot in chick-ese
23:01.06Chikoritabaggy did u get any rain down dere in anna?
23:01.14Chikoritahey Jaybee
23:01.29Bagheeramajor rain, wind, lighting, the works
23:01.32Chikoritait thundastorm here ...kiknda skeery
23:01.45Bagheeratook all computers down for a bit
23:01.54Chikoritawel , BiPs an HoW r matchin right now on ducati 59999
23:02.05Chikoritayea i was worry mee puter go down 2
23:02.19Bagheeraok cya all, time to go home.....find out if my house is still there
23:02.26Chikoritai hoping learner was here so maybee wee could get in a match toos
23:02.33Chikoritak bye baggy
23:02.42Chikoritai go 2 , bbl
23:09.21CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (3 files): Moved the message formatting to a new function, use that for both server messages and local ones. Made the player map reference in CursesUI const
23:17.57*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
23:17.57*** mode/#bzflag [+o patlabor221] by ChanServ
23:21.28patlabor221wow, the linking god likes me :)
23:23.01JBDiGrizIt must be the yak's blood.
23:23.56patlabor221I think it was the bricardi 151
23:24.42patlabor221coudn't come up with a better name :)
23:24.48larslWhat is it?
23:24.58patlabor221a server that atempts to do bandwith metering
23:25.09patlabor221and soon lag compensations
23:25.21patlabor221now to make a nivie client
23:32.10DTRemenakstaring at?
23:32.16JBDiGrizNever take pat's spelling at face value. ;-)
23:32.50TimRikercc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
23:32.50TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx: In method `void BoxBuilding::getNormal (const float *,
23:32.50TimRikerfloat *) const':
23:32.50TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:57: warning: passing `float' for argument passing 1 of
23:32.50TimRiker`abs (int)'
23:32.51TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:57: warning: argument to `int' from `float'
23:32.53TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:62: warning: passing `float' for argument passing 1 of
23:32.55TimRiker`abs (int)'
23:32.57TimRikerBoxBuilding.cxx:62: warning: argument to `int' from `float'
23:34.08JBDiGrizTimRiker: Could you elaborate on the gameinfo requests listed in the TODO as a prereq to release?
23:37.31CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/ (TODO): more on locator
23:41.03CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/obstacle (BoxBuilding.cxx): fabs for floats
23:44.11TimRikerJBDiGriz: enough info? (in cvs now)
23:44.24CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): fabs for floats
23:46.50TimRikerServerLink.cxx link is evil
23:47.29patlabor221isn't it not needed?
23:48.14JBDiGrizTimRiker: I was looking it over. Now I have an idea of what it is. Who is working on it, or is that a TBD?
23:48.26TimRikermight want to move it to common and shar it there, or start a libbzflag or some such... linking it the other source is evil.
23:48.42TimRikerJBDiGriz: nobody yet.
23:49.36TimRikerJBDiGriz: bzfls should probably tell the clients which server have udp in the brave new world.
23:49.55TimRikerAutoCompleter.cxx:14:18: limits: No such file or directory
23:49.57*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
23:50.05JBDiGrizIs the noudp option still available in bzfs?
23:50.32MrApathyCream]: is a message?
23:50.37MrApathyCreama bull?
23:50.43JBDiGrizI noticed it was still in the bzfs man page. I'll remove it.
23:51.34CIA03timriker * 12bzflag/src/bzadmin (AutoCompleter.cxx): no limits here
23:51.50TimRikerMrApathyCream: so I can grep ']:' in the log for conversations only.
23:52.06TimRikernon msgs are just
23:52.13TimRikernon msgs are just '] '
23:52.31MrApathyCreami take it bzadmin is a *nix only thang?
23:52.31CIA03larsl * 12bzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added configure checks and automake conditionals so that people without curses can build the rest of bzadmin
23:54.10MrApathyCreamhas anyone reported any bugs in 1.9?
23:54.53JBDiGrizI have only found the mac keyboard, and we're scheduling some debug time to track it down.
23:55.00patlabor221I don't think it's used that much
23:55.11patlabor221the steamroller sound does SUCK tho :)
23:55.17MrApathyCreamso can we remove 'doc rabbit hunt' from TODO list now?
23:55.24MrApathyCreampatlabor221, patches welcome
23:55.31MrApathyCreamit might be sampled wrong
23:55.43patlabor221no, it's sampled fine, it's just a lame sound
23:55.51CIA03dbw192 * 12bzflag/man (bzfs.6s): Remove noudp from the man page.
23:55.54MrApathyCreamah, well, finda  better one
23:56.08patlabor221true open source sounds are hard to find
23:56.12patlabor221I have been looking
23:56.13JBDiGrizI added some commentary about rabbit hunt to bzfs.6s and bzflag.6s.
23:56.53MrApathyCreamTimRiker, is 'version as strings as in 1.9.0-cvs20030604' meant to be the network versions or just display ones?
23:57.07MrApathyCreamJBDiGriz, yes that's what i was refering to
23:57.11TimRiker-window does not work for me on cvs now
23:57.14TimRikerit used to.
23:57.28MrApathyCreamit works for me
23:57.45MrApathyCreamdelete bzc maybe?
23:58.03patlabor221-window -geometry 800x600 works for me as well
23:58.15MrApathyCreami can do just -window and it works
23:58.21MrApathyCreami guess it's getting values from bzc tho
23:58.34TimRikerMrApathyCream: all. we need to nuke the integer ones and send a string over the net with arch etc.
23:58.50MrApathyCreamok. Is that the literal format you want?

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.