irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030818

00:06.44*** join/#bzflag captain_pistachi (
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00:32.37gonkulatorlearner: join the navy
00:37.38learnerthat's part of the problem -- i *need* broadband high speed low latency
00:38.25gonkulatorwell, sattelite isn't all that low latency, but it is high bandwidth
00:38.32gonkulatorand thats what the ships use
00:41.31learnerknow any good academies? =)
00:45.34gonkulatorno :(
00:48.27gonkulatorI do know a good enlistment tent
01:09.02*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
01:16.52*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (
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01:22.05*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
01:38.00*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
02:08.13*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
02:36.57CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/include (VotingBooth.h): updated initial interface
02:39.55*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
02:57.13CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): initial voting booth implementation stubbed
03:16.52*** join/#bzflag heinola (~heinola@
03:17.03heinolawoohoo my bios are back
03:17.10heinolaback to playing bzflag  :)
04:00.21learneromg.. way cool -- aimee mann in magnolia
04:02.03captain_protonyay for a new apartment :)
04:18.27*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
04:38.56learnercleverly interesting movie
04:39.45*** join/#bzflag eddienull (
04:43.42CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): initial untested buildable implementation
05:55.31*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:55.31*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by
06:03.12CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): added methods for obtaining state info; added voter introspection (counts and names);
06:03.55captain_protonyou're not SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO ASSOCIATE A VOTE WITH A PERSON!
06:04.14learnerof course not, but you do want to know if a player has voted
06:04.46learnerthey're not directly linked -- just an array of who has voted
06:04.52learnerand a separate for the counts
06:22.19*** join/#bzflag iLLf8d (
06:22.27iLLf8dhey whats the flag reset command for one team?
06:22.41iLLf8d/flagreset color?
06:25.10captain_protonthere is no such command
06:26.17Chestalgoogle calculator is cool
06:30.30captain_protonit knows about meter hertz!
06:53.29learnerjeesh.. way too many newbies and cheaters on line at night
06:54.02learnershame i didn't have admin on quol's box
07:23.50iLLf8dnight all
07:43.34CIA03brlcad * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): implemented the vote method and added support for requiring a voter provide a name
08:39.22learneraimee mann rocks
08:39.36learnerg'night all you away lurkers
09:23.56*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
09:42.17*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
09:44.59*** join/#bzflag KTL (
10:18.16*** join/#bzflag bomber_ (
10:56.08*** join/#bzflag daBomb (
10:56.21daBombhi (?)
11:19.38*** join/#bzflag Scipio ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:19.46*** join/#bzflag bomber_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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11:38.49*** join/#bzflag daBomb (
11:40.01[dmp]howdy bomb
11:40.12daBombhi dmpy. at work?
11:40.40[dmp]1 of september, im back to uni
11:40.46daBombah. sorry :)
11:41.11daBombi got holiday today
11:41.13[dmp]Its okay. Next time, read my stars better, okay? :-)
11:41.37daBombyou can count on me :)
11:41.46[dmp]one! :)
11:42.02daBombso whats up?
11:42.06[dmp]Not much
11:42.40[dmp]trying to get some work done, but im not really up to it.
11:42.45[dmp]so i surf :)
11:42.48daBombi guess so. you r here all the time and i see no post here ...
11:43.24[dmp]well, i do speak from time to time :)
11:43.33[dmp]but its a bad habbit just idling.
11:43.55[dmp]Found on da net: "As of Postgres v6.2, time travel is no longer supported." -- PostgreSQL Tutorial
11:43.59daBombi got very short vacation on previous weekend. now i wanna rest for a while .... so thats y i am here ;)
11:44.09daBomblol :)
11:44.19[dmp]thats what i do :)
11:45.02daBombhehe. what do they mean in sentence above?
11:45.27[dmp]Its from a quote collection
11:45.45[dmp]not sure if they mean much, except for the fun
11:45.53daBombunquoted quote. i got it
11:46.34[dmp]so, what do a bomb do, for relaxing? :)
11:46.44daBombhaha. i glad u askin :)
11:47.13[dmp]i guess you get all excited, being loaded with explosive.
11:47.17daBombnnow i am listening to Hendrix's jammin
11:47.35rooter"sexy lady"
11:47.52daBombyeah, it will go in a while :)
11:47.55rooteri meant foxy
11:48.02daBombgot it
11:48.08rootertoo early in the morning
11:48.36daBombit has number 16 now i am on 3rd song :)
11:49.01daBombBTW. hi rooter
11:49.10rooterhi daBomb
11:49.14rooterand [dmp]
11:49.33rootertoday is the first day of class at the university
11:49.37daBombr u bzflagger? i havent see ya
11:49.48rooteryou have seen me
11:49.49daBombaua. sorry :)
11:50.25rooteri can't use root as a nick
11:50.31rooteron irc
11:50.44daBombits weird. on 1st spt i have never go to school
11:50.49daBombi see
11:51.14rooternever gone to school?  you mean university?
11:51.14daBombnot before 1st spt neither
11:51.39daBombi have finished it half year ago
11:52.05*** join/#bzflag larsl (
11:52.07rooterah... i wish i had
11:52.16daBombbut i always starded uni period on 1oct
11:52.34daBombi know EXACTLY what u mean :)
11:52.42rooteri've been in toooo long
11:52.53rooterso long that i work here now
11:53.00daBombwhich semi?
11:53.10daBombr u a teacher ???
11:53.30rooterstaff member
11:54.07daBombsupport for admin?
11:54.26rooteri'm the webmaster
11:54.33daBomblool. cool
11:54.52daBombr u a code writer?
11:55.06rooteryep, and a designer
11:55.12daBombwhich language do u prefer?
11:55.21daBombor which one do u use?
11:55.31rooterjava, php, perl, C++.... depending on the project
11:55.55daBombhmmmm. can i see any of your children ? ;)
11:56.24rooterlol... hmmm.... let's see... is the univ main site
11:56.55rooteror is my personal site
11:57.03rooterreload that page a lot
11:57.46daBomblool. whats on the front page? i mean the picutres (youre personal site)
11:58.03rooterstuff i've played around with
11:58.37larslIs the State University of West Georgia the same as the one that is called Georgia State?
11:58.55larslAh, that's only in Athens?
11:59.11rooternope... that's UGA university of georgia
11:59.19larslOh. and
11:59.51rooteri went there a while
12:00.07larslOK. I know some people on one of them, don't remember which one. =)
12:00.32larslAnd Georgia Tech too.
12:00.41daBombwheres the state u live in root?
12:00.58rooterGeorgia is in south east US
12:01.21daBombnear to florida?
12:01.26rooteri would show you code but it's all server side code
12:01.39rooteryep... florida is about 4 hours away
12:01.40daBombgot it
12:01.57rooteryou should check out my gallery... some cool pics
12:02.05[dmp]"near" .. In denmark 4 hours is very far :-)
12:02.16rooterin US... 4 hours is a weekend trip
12:02.27rooteri've been on 8 hour away weekend trips
12:02.32daBombhehehe. so its here in poland
12:02.46rootereverything is so far apart
12:02.49[dmp]funny.. my parents think i live almost in anohter world.. and it takes 4  hours by bus :-)
12:02.59rooterfrom one side of atlanta to the other is about 45 min
12:03.22larslDoesn't it take something like 4 hours to cross Denmark?
12:03.27rooterthat's going on a highway
12:03.44[dmp]larsl: yep
12:03.45larslToo hot.
12:03.47rooter:(  too bad.... i could have shown you some cool places
12:03.54rooterwhere does she live
12:03.56rooterin atl?
12:04.06rooterit is hot.... yesterday 90'F
12:04.23larslHumm... some suburb.
12:04.24[dmp]If i was working there, i would properly never been aware of bzflag in the first place :-)
12:04.28larslDon't remember the name.
12:04.40daBombcheer up dmp. i wanted to visit denmark in the past and i screw my only chance
12:04.54rooteri found bzflag while browzing sourceforge
12:05.19rootermy mom goes there every year
12:05.34rootershe sells ultrasound machines from a company based out of denmark
12:05.36[dmp]we started (at work) to play bzflag as we didnt get your monthly pay.
12:05.51rooter:)  i play at work
12:06.05[dmp]i got beaten quite badly, so i began to pratice :-)
12:06.08daBombi cannot play at work because of firewalls
12:06.22rooteri help administrate the firewalls here :)
12:06.33daBombah. that explains all :)
12:06.40larsldaBomb: What about bzfrelay?
12:06.57rooterwe don't stop things like bzflag
12:06.59daBombdunno what it is
12:07.07rooterit's not a bandwidth hog
12:07.47[dmp]when i think about it; they only allow ftp/ssh to the servers. :-|
12:07.51daBombpurple haze, yeah. its so cool
12:07.59[dmp]from outside
12:08.20rooterwell... that's to the servers... what about a lab machine?
12:08.25daBombthey need to open at least two ports for bzflag i think
12:08.39daBombor more?
12:08.49rooterhmmm... too bad
12:09.01larslDo we still use the reconnect port in 1.9?
12:09.24daBomb1.9? dunno
12:09.47larslIf not, it should only be one port (but for both TCP and UDP).
12:11.23daBombhere comes voodoo child
12:11.33*** part/#bzflag hhommers (
12:13.54daBombi off to 5156 ducati. brb
12:14.11rooteris it up?
12:14.21daBombnay. my mistake. i mean 5155
12:14.34rooterhave fun
12:19.15daBomblol. 5156 is up again
12:35.15*** join/#bzflag bomber_ (
13:34.43*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
13:57.45*** join/#bzflag drinian (
14:23.37CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): on MsgPlayerUpdate, use msg id to identify player. Only for Robot! Fix again Robot code.
14:32.41*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (
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14:32.59learnermoin Tim
14:39.36learnerhow's the new apartment?
14:40.02learneris that like winterfresh or spearmint?
14:40.12learnerthey enwaken in pairs
14:40.14captain_protonlearner: yep
14:40.47scanlinetime... for a shower!
14:40.52learnerin pairs?
15:01.07gonk{work}laters scanline
15:11.49*** join/#bzflag Legolas (
15:13.30*** join/#bzflag BagsAtWork (
15:14.17BagsAtWorkall those in favor of eliminating the genocide flag, or creating a rogue kill flag say Ya
15:16.46[dmp]wouldn't it be easier to remove the genocide flag from the server using options?
15:20.22captain_protonseems like that to me
15:26.59BagsAtWorkn elimination, can be either, not a source could removal
15:28.03BagsAtWorkforum got me thinking about all the poor playing attitudes lately
15:28.23*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
15:29.12BagsAtWorkstarted thinking that genocide seems to discourage teams on FFA servers
15:31.26BagsAtWorknewbies would benefit from a little team play on FFA, but with genocide, many newbies are left teamless very quickly
15:31.45bryjenYou're right, it probly doesn't help.  Most people don't seem interested in team play anyways
15:33.40CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): Removed autokick for using bad id on MsgPlayerUpdate. Temporary (hope)
15:34.29BagsAtWorkoh well, it would be an interesting social experiment.
15:34.33captain_protoni don't think its genocide
15:34.55captain_protonG is annoying sometimes, but not a reason for bad team play
15:36.12BagsAtWorki noticed on hashmark, the first time a geno is used, the team disbands.......except for us stubborn, vengeful players ;)
15:36.44BagsAtWorkn peoples tolerance to genocide is very low
15:37.25bryjenI think its just the way most people approach them game.  Its ad-hoc, structureless. They pop in and play whenever they feel like, and are there for themselves, not a team.
15:37.26BagsAtWorkisnt His Blind Ambition the server admin/owner, he has dropped off the planet lately....oh well
15:38.29BagsAtWorki like the ad-hoc and abu ST/GM dominated hashmark for quite a bit a few weeks back.
15:39.12bryjenFor most, teams just mean some people that you don't shoot or worry about them shooting you.
15:40.18BagsAtWorkyepper, for some that is true.
15:40.20bryjenSo if teammates become a liability 'cause someone is genociding them, they switch teams
15:41.53BagsAtWorkyep, thats the it.    except that they usually switch to rogue instead of another team.
15:42.25BagsAtWorkstill would like to see genocide used less often
15:42.36BagsAtWorkcheap/unskilled points
15:43.04bryjenand the frustration factor of dieing by no fault of your own.
15:43.24BagsAtWorkoh well, i am done venting
15:47.01*** join/#bzflag scan[lab] (
15:54.39*** join/#bzflag dheckaman (
16:05.40BagsAtWorkif blocks in 1.9 have shoot_through, drive_through variable, why not a richo variable.
16:05.48*** join/#bzflag patlabor221 (~jeffm@
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16:06.21*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
16:06.33patlabor221anyone know how I can undelete a file a user removed by accedent?
16:06.38patlabor221on linux
16:07.21patlabor221I know there are ways
16:07.52dheckamanusing software that supports the linux file system... but I cant think of any that do.
16:08.24patlabor221well I didn't tink you would know, I was thinking of somone who uses linux :)
16:08.42Chikoritada file maybee it iz hidden now..?
16:08.55BagsAtWorkhere is what google sent me to:'
16:09.15Chikoritaan ya hafta use a disk scan 2 find it?
16:09.36patlabor221I'm no unmounting the drive and puting it on a windows machine
16:09.46patlabor221and I know there is stuff built in
16:09.54dheckamanactully I have just experimented with many programs built for such recovery... hmmm encase might be able to.. I have a copy over here...
16:09.54patlabor221I'll ask cap or BZGirl when then get in
16:10.41BagsAtWorkgood luck pat
16:11.22patlabor221doug there are base comands for this stuff
16:11.27scanlinepatlabor221: there really isn't a good way to undelete files on linux
16:11.39dheckamanits only... umm, $2495
16:11.43scanlinepatlabor221: if it's ext2, I think there's an ext2 debugging tool that can do it
16:12.02scanlinepatlabor221: on non-FAT filesystems though, undelete is usually pretty unsuccessful
16:12.04patlabor221it's ether ext2 or ext3
16:12.17patlabor221well poopy
16:12.20scanlinebest way to recover files on unix is usually to have backups :p
16:12.31*** join/#bzflag larsl (
16:12.53scanlinecaptain_proton might know what that debug tool is when he comes in
16:12.57scanlineor you could try the almighty google
16:13.00*** join/#bzflag larsl_school (
16:13.07patlabor221been looking at google
16:13.10patlabor221it's not much help
16:15.06Chikoritaputer OS systems should have a trash file den a dumpster file , buh once itz in da dumpster it wil b gone 4 good ;)
16:15.39Chikoritada trash file wil go into da dumpsta afta like 24 or 48 hours automatically
16:15.48scanlineChikorita: gnome and kde and such have that, and there are some wrapper scripts you can replace rm with that move files to a trash, but generally rm'ing a file means it's gone forever
16:16.11Chikoritao okies
16:16.19patlabor221I don't know how this got trashes
16:17.35bryjenpatlabor221:    talks about tinkering with the filesystem
16:19.30Chikoritadat iz a kewl link
16:21.57Chikoritac i was essensually right .. hafta search ur disk an find where da data iz stil hiding..
16:22.52dheckamanyes, thats why people make lots of money selling money or services that do data recovery
16:23.02dheckamanselling software*
16:34.56*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
16:36.18Chikoritao u can d/l linux disk editor as a unerase tool
16:37.28Chikoritadats sum neet stuff
16:37.31patlabor221thanks, but I'm not gonna worry about it
16:37.41patlabor221the guy dosn't need the files anymore
16:37.47patlabor221he's gonna change his blog type
16:38.17Chikoritadis was 4 a blog?
16:38.30patlabor221somethiong blew out all the archives of one of them
16:42.12Chikoritaimma make a bz blog 4 meeself 1 day...
16:42.46patlabor221BZGirl showed you how to use your right?
16:42.53patlabor221I am looking for easer to use ones.
16:43.02Chikoritaya she show mee
16:43.23brlcadoooh... you have one on bakadigital too chika?
16:43.29Chikoritai wish webpage was easier 2 make , like composing a letta
16:43.56Chikoritau jus pick wut font an size an background color ect. from a menu
16:44.24Chikoritainstead itz like DOS commands an programming...
16:44.24patlabor221there are editors that let you do that
16:44.34patlabor221well that's the system your using
16:44.52Chikoritai mean . i dunt mind alil html , buh i dunt like programmin (sowee 2 all u prgrmmerz)
16:45.01patlabor221the blog system that is set for you now is rather unix based
16:45.19dheckamanhey learner!
16:45.24Chikoritaya or M$ page even
16:45.28brlcadhey doug!
16:45.50patlabor221chika this is the one we were thinking of for you
16:45.57Chikoritao okies
16:45.57patlabor221it's got a simple inteface to post a page
16:46.22patlabor221and a simple template to edit to change the look
16:46.33Chikoritao dat looks easy ya
16:46.41patlabor221do you want me to set that up for you?
16:46.43Chikoritakinda like a guestbook entry..
16:46.51patlabor221yeah it's similar
16:47.04Chikoritaya okies i try it thnx patty :)
16:47.37brlcadlol @ patty
16:47.38patlabor221I'll need a bit to set it up
16:47.42Chikoritagee i tho jeffs would b more complicated an complex ..i guess he likez it simple like mee :)
16:48.04patlabor221well BZGirl got the idea you didn't really like the more complex one
16:48.12Chikoritawait patty..
16:48.14patlabor221so I was looking for more simple ones
16:48.25patlabor221you can use what ever you wish
16:49.01Chikoritai didnt really give da 1 bzg show mee a try ...can i try it first an if it duz seem difficult den can wee go 2 da simple 1?
16:49.23patlabor221you just have to know how to use vim with the one you have now
16:49.29Chikoritak thnx pat ur da bomb :) :)
16:49.44Chikoritaya she show mee sum commands .. i wrote dem down
16:51.00Chikoritai jus hafta spend alil time wif it
16:53.53brlcadvim! ha
16:54.10patlabor221well or any other CLI editor
16:54.12brlcadthere's a way to scare someone off :)
16:55.47patlabor221hence why I'm looking at web based systems for those who don't like the ssh based method
16:56.21brlcadadd a php-wrapper interface to nanoblogger :)
16:56.44patlabor221I have thought about that
16:56.58patlabor221and it should be posible, I just don't know enough php
16:57.11patlabor221I was hoping to con fiber into it :)
16:57.28brlcadoh, it's certainly possible -- and not too hard really
16:57.47patlabor221yeah I didn't think it would be
16:57.49brlcadnot clear that's the best solution, but it's certainly an interesting idea :)
16:57.51patlabor221it's just editing text files
16:58.07patlabor221there are also some php/sql based ones
16:58.08bryjenthere's probly nicer tty based editors
16:58.22patlabor221pico seems nice
16:58.22prot-worknano/pico are pretty good for the newbie
16:58.28patlabor221but it has odd word wrap
16:58.56prot-workpretty much the same as pico but under a different license
16:59.06patlabor221I have one guy using pico
16:59.10patlabor221cus he's on a mac
16:59.20patlabor221and he got no insert key :)
16:59.43prot-workwho needs an insert key?
16:59.52brlcadthere's a guy here at work that code's like a mo-fo in pico
17:00.08brlcadI've tried bashing him into using emacs or vim, but he's in blissful ignorance
17:00.20patlabor221pico dosn't seem bad
17:00.28brlcadi started out with pico
17:00.54prot-workmost people start out with pico
17:00.56brlcadit's good -- but there are more efficient editors once you are proficient
17:01.07dheckamanlike vi :)
17:04.44Chikoritai luv toons
17:04.56Chikoritaesp. wen dey apply 2 peeple u kno
17:05.58ChikoritaGUI yay!
17:08.42*** join/#bzflag KTL (
17:08.51bryjenif you're ssh-ing into a linux box from Windows, the GUI won't work (well, not without some more stuff)
17:15.47*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
17:24.18rooteryou aren't making fun of VI are you?
17:28.50brlcadnah, vi does a good enough job of that on its own :)
17:32.19[dmp]Roman numbers; VI = 6
17:32.24rooterme too
17:32.26rooteri see
17:33.30rooteri use 110 too
17:34.01rootermostly i use vim
17:34.31[dmp]M .. thats 100? 1000 ?
17:34.53TuponeIt should be 1000 - 6
17:35.09rooterC is 100
17:35.17rooterL 50
17:35.21rooterD 500
17:35.45[dmp]X = 10 ?
17:35.47rooterme too
17:35.56TimRikeroh. cvi?
17:36.23*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
17:36.50patlabor221one of those organic computers
17:36.54[dmp].. and they say, 42 is the answer.
17:37.04brlcadbut only to everything
17:37.11rooter...what is the question?
17:37.32ChestalVIM is not a valid roman number :-)
17:37.47rooterwhy not? Aaah... order
17:38.04[dmp]No wonder nobody understands my 994-problems :-)
17:38.09Chestalyou'd have to use CMXCIV
17:38.18rooteror is VIM = 1006
17:38.45rooterCMXCIV =  994
17:39.15rooterGVIM is definatly not a roman numeral
17:39.58TimRikerXCIV == 994, no?
17:40.27Chestalacn't ibot do roman numbers? :-)
17:40.34Chestalgoogle obviously cannot
17:40.50TimRiker <- somewhat useful.
17:41.07TuponeI can do for you! I am from Roma.
17:41.20[dmp]heh :)
17:41.35ChestalTupone: then convert zero for us please
17:41.45TuponeHA snot been invented
17:41.50dheckamanwhen in rome, do as the tourists do
17:41.52TimRikerah. CMXCIV is correct to 994
17:42.12TimRiker"" is roman for 0
17:42.34Tupone0 is a post roman invention
17:42.45prot-workdiv0 is not a segmentation fault
17:42.54bryjen~dict sate
17:43.20patlabor221well that wuld be a good thing to share :)
17:44.07bryjendynamic shared satisfaction... hmmm
17:44.19rootercore dump
17:44.29prot-workthats a whole new business opportunity
17:45.09patlabor221Networked Virtual Environments: Design and Implementation
17:45.09patlabor221by Sandeep Singhal, Michael Zyda
17:45.23*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
17:46.29TimRikerhere's one:
17:47.12TimRikerclearly ibot needs a roman numerals converter.
17:47.33brlcadoh _clearly_ it does ... *ahem*
17:48.38TimRikerbut how to display the letters with the overlines?
17:52.03BagsAtWork"networked virtural environments" sounds like VNC+SSH to me...hahah
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17:54.58TimRikersounds like UML to me
17:55.41patlabor221It's very topical to BZ
17:55.51patlabor221since BZ is a NVE
17:56.07prot-workthat book was OK, but more suited to real simulation type things
17:56.17patlabor221it's is more of a VR book
17:56.24patlabor221but it has some good things
17:56.34patlabor221and at least shows what people have thought up off
17:56.45patlabor221it's what I based my ideas on
17:57.05patlabor221at least it's not "game programing for dummies"
17:57.20patlabor221where it's network chapter is "send messages, and make stuff happen"
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17:57.29BagsAtWorkyou mean there is a book like that.......dang have to find that thing
17:57.36patlabor221ohh yeah
17:57.55patlabor221it's an Andre La'Month book so you can't expect too much
17:58.29BagsAtWorkbook of laMonth club huh.....
17:58.31brlcadheh, his _first_ book was rather good
17:58.37patlabor221what one?
17:58.43patlabor221the guru one?
17:59.07patlabor221the for dummies one isn't as horible as his current ones
17:59.11patlabor221it's layed out decently
17:59.14patlabor2212d only
17:59.22brlcadyes, guru iirc
17:59.38brlcadhe's gotten into the book fad, now, though -- not same caliber
17:59.52patlabor221the orgiconal "secrets of the game progrming guru's" was decent, but he only made part of it
17:59.54BagsAtWorkbet his mortgage is paid off though.
18:00.02patlabor221that's where I wrote my first raycaster
18:00.22patlabor221the best book on general video games I ever read was "sex, lies, and videogames"
18:01.18patlabor221that's the for dummies one
18:04.37Chikoritawow dat wut i need 2 read
18:05.05BagsAtWorkadded to my wishlist, maybe i can get back to playing with screamers again.....arg
18:05.56Chikoritaimma program sum bzflag patches an turn it into sumtin like Mario Kart LoL
18:06.02Chikoritaj/k ;)
18:06.21brlcadthat would actually be kinda funny
18:06.33brlcadkinda like slow motion demolition derby
18:07.19Chikoritaheh ya
18:08.02brlcadthat gives me a great idea for a map..
18:09.04patlabor221mario cart just had flat worlds
18:10.06brlcadyes.. kinda like ducati-style :)
18:10.07dheckamanrpc worm?
18:10.56brlcadi don't think you're plants are going to appreciate you cutting off there cojones..
18:11.06brlcader, s/there/their/
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18:12.51patlabor221this is true
18:12.59patlabor221tho I don't have much to send him
18:13.46patlabor221actualy anyone to read it, and give comment :)
18:14.11patlabor221I think I got MAC to get the general idea, but I don't think he got itall
18:14.48prot-worklow ping bastard and high ping bastard?
18:15.03patlabor221you are an LPB
18:15.07patlabor221mac is an HBP
18:15.29brlcadwhat about us regular PB's?
18:15.38patlabor221therea re no RPBs
18:15.46brlcadI'm a PBJ
18:16.01patlabor221yeah you allways were a bit fruty
18:16.10dheckamanpeanuts are fruit?
18:16.12prot-workand nutty
18:16.18JBDiGrizPeanuts are legumes
18:16.21Chikoritapeanut butta jelly time
18:16.38patlabor221well and he's a little nutz
18:17.04Chikoritacrunchy or smooth?
18:17.21prot-workyay for legumes
18:17.26Chikoritai like crunchy  :)
18:17.27patlabor221mostly I just want somone to read it to see if I missed anything important, like "oh no UDP won't do that"
18:18.10ChestalI think we need a simulator
18:18.17Chestalwhere we can test lag compensation
18:18.31patlabor221that' is what I am working on chestal
18:18.36patlabor221a testbed app
18:18.39prot-workpatlabor221: what happens when the amount of data exceeds the MTU*throttle for a player?
18:18.39Chestalpatlabor: why not include a relative time stamp in each packet a player sends?
18:18.56prot-workChestal: how do you sync clocks on the client/server?
18:19.04Chestalwe dont
18:19.09Chestalit's just for jitter, not absoulte lag
18:19.13patlabor221I discuss a way to sycn clocls there
18:19.24Chestalrelative time stamps gives us jitter values
18:19.26patlabor221cap, the updates are skiped
18:19.34prot-workso time since last packet or something?
18:19.40Chestalyes, for example
18:19.43prot-workpatlabor221: so a client will just stop seeing some players moving?
18:19.51Chestalmigh tbe better to accumalute it, thoug
18:19.55patlabor221well they will move on there prediction
18:20.14patlabor221but if there is more data then can be sent down the pipe you are screwed
18:20.27patlabor221chestal, my idea does do an acumulation
18:20.29prot-workwith the current system it just increases your lag
18:20.37prot-workinstead of dropping updates from some players
18:20.45Chestalpatlabor221: but as I understood you do not measure latency differences for individual packets
18:20.45patlabor221you only send the latest update when it's your time to send
18:20.53prot-worki mean server->client
18:20.55Chestalbut I must confess that I am too lazy to actually read and think about it righ tnow :-)
18:21.00patlabor221no, I think that would take too much bandwith
18:21.08patlabor221latencey is recomped every 10-15 secs
18:21.18Chestalpatlabor: hmm, why? should only increase packet size player->server by 10% or so
18:21.38patlabor221ohh there will be a timestamp on everything
18:21.56patlabor221but the clocls will only resycn ever 10-15 secs
18:22.31*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
18:22.50patlabor221cap the idea is I can't send every update from a DSL user to a dialup user, there just isn't enough
18:23.29ChestalI think a rate of 30/s as we do now is sufficient
18:23.40ChestalI was experienting with serevr side throttling a year ago or so
18:23.40patlabor221now it's 60
18:23.48Chestal60? since when?
18:23.54patlabor221that's what mac says
18:24.05ChestalI'm sure it was set to 30
18:24.10Chikoritahi carny
18:24.15patlabor221and now it's 30*num players a second to each cllient
18:24.26patlabor221since each player sends on it's own timer
18:24.31Chestalanyway, when I did this server side throttling, at a rate of about 30/s the differences to the "real" positions were almost gone
18:24.38ChestalI made ghost tanks to compare
18:24.51Chestalyes, of course, receive rate can be much higher
18:24.57Chestalbut 30/s is the worst case of course
18:25.11patlabor221acutaly that's the best case
18:25.13patlabor221with 1 person
18:25.17patlabor221other then you
18:25.28Chestalworst case with 1 oth erperson
18:25.42Chestalworst as meanign maximum amount of packets
18:25.56bryjendepending on what is "worst" or "best"
18:25.57patlabor221cap , if you have more data then you can send this throtle, then you put those updates in the next throtle send at a priority
18:26.03Chestalwhen tank drives on a circle, it will send 1/s I think
18:26.47patlabor221this is just my idea, I wasn't taking how BZ did it into account when I made it.
18:26.55patlabor221it's not a "change" plan
18:26.58prot-workso it cuts the update rate in half?
18:27.15patlabor221so they update slower
18:27.26ChestalI am not so converned with slow connections at his point
18:27.28patlabor221and at some point your gonna have more data theny ou can send
18:27.29Chestalthis point
18:27.47Chestalthis is only a problem for dial ups and/or massive amounts of players
18:27.58ChestalI want lag to go fo rpeopel with fast connections :-)
18:28.12patlabor221then group the packets
18:28.25patlabor221and define lag
18:28.32patlabor221I don't think latency is our issue
18:28.39patlabor221I think it's too many packets
18:28.44patlabor221and not enough timeing
18:28.48patlabor221noone has the same state
18:28.51Chestalit's latency
18:28.55Chestalat least on ducati it is
18:28.59patlabor221so your saying you flood your pipe?
18:29.04patlabor221and increase your latency?
18:29.15Chestalit's just the basic network latency
18:29.22Chestal200ms is noticeable
18:29.28Chestaleven 100ms can be
18:29.29patlabor221then it's a timing issue
18:29.33bryjenits that thing about being on the wrong side of the planet
18:29.35patlabor221there are ways to comp for that
18:29.44Chestalhow? prediction?
18:30.03patlabor221more acurate prediction
18:30.03Chestalprediction will be wrong on every move the palyer makes
18:30.17patlabor221yeah but you can try to minimse that error
18:30.22patlabor221right now we do nothing
18:30.27Chestalbut what do you do when you have an error?
18:30.29patlabor221so it's allways the max wrongness
18:30.37Chestalyou predicted a wrong position, and now?
18:30.47Chestalteleport to new position?
18:30.51patlabor221now we asume that when we get a packet is when it happend
18:30.55patlabor221what happens now?
18:31.02Chestalrigh tnow we have no lag comp
18:31.03patlabor221you just voop from one to another
18:31.14patlabor221yeah so right now it's allways wrong
18:31.15Chestalso we see the tank pos with delta-t
18:31.31Chestalwell, wrong but consistent
18:31.34patlabor221yeah but the pos is wrong for the starting T
18:31.39Chestalwithotu jitter, there are no jumps
18:32.07patlabor221I'm just talking about trying to get a more accurate time
18:32.11Chestalbut when you do prediction to get rid of the dt, you'll have to do soemthing about the dx whenever your prediction is wrong
18:32.17prot-workpatlabor221: read the ATI presentation on superbuffers?
18:32.24patlabor221hun cap?
18:32.47patlabor221chestal, you can't be right all the time, we are wrong now, and we just teleport
18:33.18Chestalwithotu jitter we cannot be wrong now
18:33.24Chestalbecause we do not compensate for lag
18:33.43Chestalthe path I see for a tank is 100% exact when there is no jitter
18:33.46Chestalit#s just delayed
18:33.55patlabor221yeah, that's the error
18:34.05patlabor221position at time is an error to me
18:34.11ChestalI am just asking how to handl eprediction errors
18:34.25patlabor221same way we do now, just voop you there.
18:34.31ChestalI only see two options: teleport or interpolate, I don't liek either
18:34.39Chestalthat would happen very often then
18:34.45patlabor221I don't think so
18:34.45Chestaleach time a player changes dir you would see him skip
18:34.58Chestalwith a dx of latency*speed
18:34.58patlabor221and that dosn't hapen now?
18:35.14Chestalbecause there is no extrapolation
18:35.27Chestalwell, there is, but it is in synch with the sender
18:35.33Chestal(as long as there is no jitter)
18:35.39patlabor221what are you talking about? if I change dir the other clients are still moving me along my last vector
18:35.43patlabor221then they get my update
18:35.46patlabor221and voop you over
18:35.54patlabor221Iv'e seen it
18:35.59Chestalyes, with jitter
18:35.59patlabor221when I was working on side step
18:36.08Chestalbut when latency is constant there are no skps now
18:36.10patlabor221what do yoy mean "jitter" ?
18:36.18Chestalvarying latency
18:36.45ChestalI think I'll have to draw a sketch :-)
18:37.26patlabor221soo your artificaly messing with "lag" to make it so it dosn't jump?
18:37.32Chestalthe ore I think of it, the more I liek the idea of a simulator
18:37.34patlabor221that seems kinda hceap
18:37.38brlcadyay, for hand-drawn concept art
18:37.43Chestaljust wonder if I woudl have to collect some real life data to feed it with
18:37.57Chestalpat: we are not messing
18:38.03Chestalpat: we use observer time
18:38.09Chestalso each observer has his own world view
18:38.24Chestalwhich is consistent for each observer, but evryone sees sokethign different
18:38.36larslSounds like special relativity.
18:38.40Chestalwhen jitter kicks hin, the views get inconsistent in itself, so you see skipping
18:38.44BagsAtWorkhmmm, why try to solve this on the server side?.......why not predict the location, and force the laggy client to go there
18:39.01patlabor221bags, so YOU tell someone where they are?
18:39.05patlabor221who is right?
18:39.12patlabor221you or them?
18:39.17BagsAtWorkthe server
18:39.26patlabor221the server dosn't track anythign now
18:39.34prot-workwhat about if you turn around?
18:39.35patlabor221I am talking about having the server help
18:39.37BagsAtWorkthat would be a problem then
18:40.04patlabor221I still don't understand chestals statemsn when prediction is off now
18:40.15Chestalthere is predition, the dead reckoning
18:40.26patlabor221and when it is wrong?
18:40.32Chestalwithotu jitter, it is never
18:40.38patlabor221how do we get the client to the last update
18:40.41Chestalwith jitter, you get skips
18:40.52patlabor221ok so they jump
18:41.04Chestalbut only when latency is varying
18:41.06patlabor221that's what I call "teleporting"
18:41.21patlabor221you just put them at there last known pos
18:41.28patlabor221I am just talking about sending a time for that pos
18:41.29Chestalbut when we do real prediction to compensate for latency, we get an additional class of errors
18:41.38patlabor221I think they will be smaller
18:41.45Chestalbigger by far
18:41.51patlabor221and the jumps will be closer to where they are in real time
18:41.53Chestalbut maybe I am not understanding you
18:42.00Chestaldo you want to compensate lag, yes or no?
18:42.08Chestallet's say we have a constant latency of 1s
18:42.12patlabor221I send the time of each update
18:42.22Chestalright now I would see your position at t-1
18:42.25patlabor221and the client knows about how lagy the server is
18:43.17patlabor221so it can backplot that pos in time
18:43.52patlabor221then do the same prediction that is going on now, but use a posibly better staring point.
18:45.10Chestalok, let's take a simple case: tank moving forward at constant speed v
18:45.15Chestalthen tank makes a full stop
18:45.19patlabor221can't gotta go now
18:45.25Chestalhmm, ok, later then :-)
18:46.24larslChestal: I understand your point. The clients will always get velocity/direction updates from other clients _after_ it's supposed to happen on the screen.
18:46.56Chestalsubjective times are confusing
18:47.40prot-worki like the idea of custom throttle rates for each player
18:47.46prot-workbut i'm not so sure about prediction
18:49.54ChestalI always get confused when thinkign about these things
18:50.13Chestala lot of other games have similar problems
18:50.37ChestalI guess whatever you do, it all has its pros and cons
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18:59.37prot-worktoenail growing in the wrong direction
18:59.55prot-worksideways :P
19:02.16prot-workerg, made some progress, but its still quite painful :(
19:02.49Chestalproton the hobby surgeon
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19:42.59bryjenhobbiest_surgeon:  pouring out an empty pitcher?
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19:45.21hobbiest_surgeonDAMN THIS CRAPPY TERMINAL!
19:45.42bryjen~lart cap's crappy terminal
19:45.48JBDiGrizStill using the iBook?
19:46.28bryjenoopsa, i just slowed all his jobs ;)
19:46.30JBDiGrizI'll trade you for a Wyse-50!
19:47.15bryjenWe might have a 5250 somewheres...
19:47.35JBDiGrizEveryone is willing to help you out! ;-)
19:49.11hobbiest_surgeoni see
19:52.27bryjenthere might even be some twinax around here to hook it up with...
19:52.28*** join/#bzflag Quol_AtWork (~ianf@
19:54.31bryjennote to self: never give brlcad sharp objects!
19:54.55JBDiGrizbryjen: Give him good beer, it improves his demeanor! ;-)
19:55.35brlcadMmmmm.. beer
19:56.34brlcad"5:56 -!- ... Erroneous Nickname"
19:56.40hobbiest_surgeonT minus 30 minutes till we move the lunix cluster
19:57.09bryjenand put the vowels back where they belong?
19:57.32hobbiest_surgeonsure, why not
19:58.37bryjenor are they those three-letter machines?
19:59.32brlcadTLA TLD anyone?
20:00.11brlcadshame there are no more tla .com's left
20:00.50hobbiest_surgeonsome off-brand cluster
20:01.28hobbiest_surgeonif it was an altix i'd be much more excited
20:01.38JBDiGrizbrlcad: It looks like you've been updating the wiki, is it time to get subversive again?
20:03.01JBDiGrizI'll rework it so the future stuff gets put into a different section, and the code freeze is only related to what's available in 1.9
20:03.27brlcadthat'll do -- it was an on the seat-of-my-pants flying edit
20:03.42hobbiest_surgeonyou pants can fly?
20:03.58brlcadeveryone was ranting on soapboxes, and I got enough info to mark off items as done
20:04.01JBDiGrizI was away for the weekend, so I'm just getting back up to date on a number of things.
20:04.20brlcadhehe, you missed a good discussion friday/saturday
20:04.33JBDiGrizcap'n: We have ways of making your pants fly, either with or without you! :{)
20:04.55JBDiGrizI think that was the rant that pat posted.
20:05.19bryjenJB:  Tim updated the TODO too
20:05.19JBDiGrizHe's far too nice to get a good rant going!
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20:15.11Quol_AtWorkwell guys  I hope to be back later
20:15.14Quol_AtWorkC ya
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20:38.26patlabor221self loathing?
20:39.09bzgirlhi Legolas
20:39.32Legolashey bzgirl
20:41.38bzgirlLegolas: talk to bennie? why the team is abandonded?
20:42.52Legolasi dont know
20:42.56Legolasi was wondering
20:43.01Legolasill get him on IM
20:43.38brlcadibot: fishslap Legolas
20:43.40ACTION slaps Legolas up side the head with a wet fish.
20:44.10LegolasIM not working
20:45.09Legolasdo yuo know his IM address?
20:46.42*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
20:48.11bzgirli dont know it lego
20:48.59Legolashis im is
20:49.13Legolasforgot it
20:49.31patlabor221check bzbb, on his profile page
20:49.44brlcadbzgirl: he said he wanted to do other things
20:49.56Legolascarnagte said that
20:50.08Legolashe wanted to play matches adn bns didnt
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20:50.29brlcadwell.. true; I'm forwarding rumormill traffic
20:51.11JBDiGrizI'm changing all messages from brlcad to show up in a red font!
20:51.35bzgirli set them to a black font
20:51.42bzgirlon a black background
20:51.55JBDiGrizNasty girl! :{)
20:52.08patlabor221your just mad you didn't think of it JBD :)
20:52.23brlcadoh no!
20:52.24JBDiGrizNo I just like nasty girls!
20:52.30brlcadI'm wearing the scarlet font!
20:52.44brlcadbzgirl: :(
20:54.09*** part/#bzflag david_v (
20:54.42brlcadnot much point to that last message, I guess..
20:58.11Legolascya brlcad
20:58.41bzgirlbye learner
21:01.01brlcaddidn't say I was leaving..
21:01.12brlcadjust _ready_ to go
21:01.12patlabor221just that he was ready
21:01.20NidhoggrI'm on my first day at the new job, so there is not a lot for me to do yet.
21:01.44JBDiGrizNidhoggr: Then you're not trying hard enough.
21:02.32Nidhoggrtoday is the "set up your PC and desk" day.
21:02.44brlcadTRY HARDER!
21:03.10brlcader, s/f/ff/
21:03.27brlcaddamn, killed my pacing there :(
21:03.56JBDiGrizLuckily, he kept his clothes on this time!
21:04.10brlcadso you think..
21:04.21Nidhoggrsince I was a customer, I already had an access fob, so they just upgraded my access.
21:04.32JBDiGrizor the pacing was killed early enough so we didn't have to hear about it!
21:04.56brlcadi think [dmp] is going to his "happy place"
21:05.24[dmp]if happy-place means, no nude learner, i'm leaving now
21:05.25JBDiGrizAfter that conversation, I can understand why! Enjoy yourself, dmp!
21:05.37[dmp]Thanks :)
21:05.53brlcadI'm in your happy place?
21:06.01brlcadthat's messed up
21:06.10JBDiGrizI believe it's just the opposite!
21:06.33JBDiGrizNidhoggr: That's not allowed on your first day on the job!
21:06.58Nidhoggrthis company is very laid back, so I wouldn't be too surprised.
21:07.57patlabor221what does "sleep" take for a paramater in linux?
21:08.13JBDiGrizprobably the same as in unix
21:08.21patlabor221is it a float?
21:08.25brlcadno, int
21:08.34patlabor221what use is that
21:08.36larslunsigned too.
21:09.07patlabor221do I have to do anyting to give time back to the OS on *nix, or is it kinda automatic?
21:09.10JBDiGrizint  usleep(unsigned int microseconds);
21:09.15larslGive time back?
21:09.17patlabor221ahhhh that's teh bad boy
21:09.21JBDiGrizif you want something a little finer
21:09.32patlabor221I don't know how unix does it's multi tasking
21:09.54JBDiGrizUnix has ticks
21:10.21patlabor221like if I'm in a while(1) loop, am I gonna waste a lot of CPU?
21:10.52JBDiGrizYes, but it's going to only give it to you if it doesn't have something more important to do.
21:10.55patlabor221hmm what is a microsec? 1/100 or 1/10000 ?
21:11.24patlabor221is it a good thing to call like sleep if I don't need to come back for 1/60th of a sec?
21:11.47patlabor221ok, I figured it was
21:12.20patlabor221no wonder sleep(1) caused stuttering in BZFS :)
21:12.30JBDiGrizman usleep will give you more details
21:14.19brlcaddo you need fine timing, or are you trying to not starve other processes?
21:14.22patlabor221not very good ones :)
21:14.30patlabor221I'm trying to not starve
21:14.34patlabor221I'm just trying to be nice
21:14.42patlabor221I allready have the good timeing class
21:14.55brlcadcan't use nice?
21:15.23brlcadchanges your scheduling priority
21:15.28patlabor221didn't even know it existed :)
21:15.39patlabor221don't know what I "should" do
21:15.59patlabor221usleep works more like windows does
21:15.59brlcadmeh, both work well enough
21:16.04patlabor221void doSleep ( float fTime )
21:16.04patlabor221#ifdef _WIN32
21:16.04patlabor221Sleep(1000 * fTime);
21:16.04patlabor221usleep((unsigned int )(100000 * fTime));
21:16.52brlcadthat's being nice at a particular point in time, nice() will set the entire application's runtime priority to higher/lower
21:17.14patlabor221I'm cool with being situationaly nice :)
21:17.45brlcadusually better for games (although I don't think bzflag is so much an issue as most)
21:18.09patlabor221tis what it is :)
21:18.14patlabor221well a game
21:18.27patlabor221or at least behaves like it
21:19.56JBDiGrizI'm trying to sort the future ideas in the wiki. Everything is being put into miscellaneous if I'm not sure where it goes.
21:20.42larslIs that the wipi?
21:20.47JBDiGrizChanges are always appreciated!
21:20.54JBDiGrizThat's the wipi!
21:21.47larslWow, that's a lot of things marked as [DONE]. =)
21:23.56JBDiGrizWe need a couple more categorys of changes as well. I was just taking a first crack at it.
21:24.07brlcadjb: how can you tell who last edited it?
21:24.26JBDiGrizThe info tag in the column on the left
21:25.09*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
21:25.16brlcadoh, cool
21:25.24patlabor221"stupid changes"
21:25.27patlabor221"lame changes"
21:25.32patlabor221"changes that will never work"
21:25.37patlabor221"changes noone likes"
21:25.41bzgirlhello Carnage
21:25.42patlabor221"fun chnages" :)
21:26.23JBDiGrizI was deliberately avoiding editorializing in the wipi! ;-)
21:27.00patlabor221how bout geting some non dev testers together?
21:27.31JBDiGrizI thought we had some running around here already.
21:27.40patlabor221I'm sure we do
21:27.50patlabor221but they should be in a list somewhere or something
21:27.55patlabor221so we dn't have to guess
21:28.31JBDiGrizI have a list on the right side of my screen, I just have to do a database removal of the developers.
21:28.54JBDiGrizOf course those AtWorks, and the hobbiest_surgeon are going to mess up my scripts! ;-P
21:30.05patlabor221most of that list is lurkers
21:30.59JBDiGrizDo we have any lurkers who would assist in testing? (Server admins and players both needed)
21:31.23patlabor221damn learner beat me for words yesterdy
21:31.27patlabor221bu 29
21:31.31[dmp]JBDiGriz: 1.9 clients?
21:31.54[dmp]dont have it
21:32.15JBDiGrizThat's not an issue, we'll make sure you can get the clients and servers.
21:32.44*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
21:33.11[dmp]Got the source, but had trouble getting the egg/vorbis library installed (dont know which debian-package its in)
21:33.24patlabor221it's not used in 1.9
21:33.40larslIt's required by configure though.
21:33.49bzgirldmp get the vorbis-dev ones, libvorbis-dev
21:33.57bryjenyet another windows version
21:34.37patlabor221j00 1z sm4r7 :)
21:35.01bryjenthe box I build bz on has newer libs than the one I'm serving from (upgraded one and not the other, yet)
21:35.47JBDiGrizI'll add the issues to the wipi. We need to specify ogg/vorbis for all platforms, or remove it from configure.
21:36.15patlabor221done and uploaded
21:36.45hobbiest_surgeonshould be removed from configure for now
21:37.01hobbiest_surgeonsince there isn't a vorbis dependency in the code anymore (temporary)
21:37.02bryjenr j00 m0cki/\/ mee?
21:37.19patlabor221yes... yes I am ... :)
21:37.44bryjeni shouldn't've asked...
21:37.50*** join/#bzflag patlabor221_ (~Patlabor2@
21:38.16*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
21:38.25bryjenSee what you get? Be nice now. :)
21:38.53JBDiGrizHe gets channel operator status! Be careful now! ;-)
21:39.05Patlabor221I did that myself :)
21:39.14Patlabor221switched to X chat
21:39.22Patlabor221mirc won't show all the topic
21:39.35bryjenI thought maybe the evil peer got ya.  karma and all
21:39.54*** topic/#bzflag by Patlabor221 -> || || || forums || put javadoc-style /** comments */ in headers! || cvs snapshots: Win32 versions || Network Meeting Notes @
21:40.12Patlabor221why would peer call out for blood? :)
21:41.00bryjenWho knows?  Alls he ever seems to do is reset connections :)
21:42.41bryjeneh? whatyoutalkinbout 96 ?
21:42.53JBDiGrizRelative to a max 8 players, it's large
21:42.54Patlabor22196 max for they month
21:43.01Patlabor221across all servers
21:43.04larslOn all bzservers?
21:43.51larslI don't think I've ever seen that many. That's like 8 full xmissions.
21:44.14larslI wonder how many people there are on non-public servers.
21:44.18Patlabor221there were 49 servers at one point
21:44.23Patlabor221we averate 40
21:44.32bryjenThat's the weekly graph, 96
21:44.43Patlabor221ok 100 for the mont
21:44.49Patlabor221and the year
21:45.13Patlabor221it's actulay dropped a tad
21:45.27larslWe haven't been on Slashdot for a while. =)
21:45.44Patlabor221all year?
21:45.47bryjenusually all on the 1st page of 10 servers in the client.  people musn't like to PgDn
21:46.03hobbiest_surgeonslashdot was over a year ago
21:46.35larslPing sorting would be nice.
21:46.42Patlabor221perhaps in cool tree views
21:47.25bryjenFFA, CTF, Rabbit are obvious divisions.  what after that?
21:47.40Patlabor221like FFA < 2 shot, FFA <5 shot FFA >5 shot
21:47.49Patlabor221rico not rico
21:47.53Patlabor221thos thinkgs
21:48.19Patlabor221cus noone reads server descriptions
21:48.34larslI think FFA/CTF/RH and then ping would be enough.
21:48.46Patlabor221it would be better then what is there now
21:48.57bryjenselect * from servers where sucks=0
21:49.11Patlabor2210 records returned
21:50.42*** join/#bzflag evil_enchilada (
21:53.21bryjeni c
21:53.48Patlabor221there are more servers then are needed for the current player counts
21:54.04Patlabor221those stats show 2 players per sever
21:54.29bryjenhashmark's had over 20 at times recently
21:54.30Patlabor221if your target "fun" game is 4 players min, then there are 2x too many servers now
21:55.14protonic-work20 is too many for a standard size map
21:55.15Patlabor221I think target "fun" games are 6+
21:55.33larslDepends on the map.
21:55.43bryjenprotonic-work:  yeah. hardly any "safe" spawn spots
21:55.50Patlabor221you could make maxi decks now too, since size is variable
21:56.05JBDiGrizI wonder about the player counts. There seem to be well over a thousand different callsigns at stats. Assuming 10 callsigns per player seems a little overly conservative.
21:56.11protonic-workdecks is big enough for games up to about 15
21:56.12bryjenultra decks
21:56.15protonic-work20 if there are good players
21:56.21protonic-workbut not enough people are interested in it anymore
21:56.22larslJBDiGriz: Different timezones.
21:56.30protonic-workso i think i have to go smaller
21:56.36Patlabor221we have almost 200 people registerd on BZBB
21:57.09larslDecks, is that the one with the stairway in the middle and the layers of square/cross runways?
21:57.18Patlabor221I think there are 300-400 players in the world that play on ocasion
21:57.27larslThat was the first map I played on. =)
21:58.12Patlabor221I think there are less then 50 people who play activly in the leauges tho
21:58.24protonic-worklarsl: yep
21:58.30protonic-workmany people grew up on the decks
21:58.36protonic-workbut now all those people are considered "oldies"
21:58.37brlcad50?  hehe, I think less than that
21:58.45bryjenprotonic-work:  less XY more Z ?
21:58.45JBDiGrizI would guess more people play ffa than ctf
21:58.55larslDecks was fun. I almost never play FFA anymore though.
21:59.01Patlabor221Iw as being generousd
21:59.06Patlabor221I think it's less then 10 really
21:59.15Patlabor221CTF is too hard to get a pick up game
21:59.35Patlabor221that would be a nice thing to track
21:59.46Patlabor221game type for servers with more then 2 players
21:59.47JBDiGrizThere is typically one ctf game available whenever I go looking.
22:00.13JBDiGrizIt will often have 5-8 players. When there are 8 players, there's quite often a couple of observers.
22:00.28bryjengoes along with what I was saying the other day about people liking to just pop in whenever.  Scheduling matches is too much
22:00.30Patlabor221is it allways the same server?
22:00.32larslducati and xmission almost always have enough players.
22:00.45JBDiGrizI have seen 2 ctf games simultaneously, but rarely 3
22:01.19JBDiGrizThe ctf is usually ducati, and sometimes quol.
22:01.24brlcadthere are rarely 3 ctf 59999 fields running simultaneously :)
22:01.46bzgirltherse is
22:01.51JBDiGrizI have often seen people go to a private server or match from the ctf games.
22:01.55brlcadhehe, I know -- i'm kidding
22:02.06brlcadducati's often down, though
22:02.27brlcadand rosemeyer's was invisi.. well -- you know girl :)
22:02.33JBDiGrizI suspect the private ctf servers are getting more use these days than the public servers
22:03.25larslIsn't that X11?
22:03.29Patlabor221a yup
22:03.36Patlabor221hencey why I say it's bad :)
22:04.19bryjenack! text-mode bzflag!
22:04.39brlcadi was saying earlier.. i need a way to control my tank from within irc :)
22:04.48brlcadgo left
22:04.53Chestal'turn left, shoot, shoot, shoot, move forward'
22:04.55Chestalheh :-)
22:05.09bryjenChestal:  three shots? :)
22:05.20Chestalbryjen: no, but I was desperate
22:05.22bzgirland fast reload
22:05.27[dmp]he is a slow typer :-)
22:06.05bryjeneh.  I'd waste extra time typing JUMP
22:06.06brlcad"You are next to two large buildings.  There are three tanks off in the distance to your north.  There are bullets heading directly towards you from the south.  What would you like to do?"
22:06.15JBDiGrizladders shows a population of 150 ctf players on ducati last week.
22:06.17protonic-workgo north!
22:06.32Patlabor221you are about to be eaten by a grue.
22:06.41larsl"You find yourself in the village church."
22:06.58bryjenTimRiker:  you are kicked for jumping on a non-jump server. Have A Nice Day! :)
22:07.01bzgirlis this how you guys used to play games?
22:07.11JBDiGrizBats nearby
22:07.15Patlabor221naw, I hit N a lot :)
22:07.17brlcadeat bats
22:07.25larslbzgirl: All the way through highschool. =)
22:07.25Patlabor221can't eat bats.
22:07.28Chestal*rustle* *rustle* (must be bats nearby)
22:07.28Chestal*whoosh* (I feel a draft from some pits).
22:08.03Patlabor221my friend would allways try to do nasty things to the bats
22:08.28TimRikerbryjen: air strike!
22:08.50Patlabor221had one of those in treadmarks
22:09.00JBDiGrizbzgirl: You can tell how long people have been using computers depending on which code words and phrases they recognize.
22:09.17bzgirlJBDiGriz: im realizing that :)
22:09.22TimRikerPatlabor221: I've used 2401 and 6667 in the past. ;-)
22:09.41Patlabor2212501 is the one true port
22:09.47ChestalI spent hours typign in a hex dump of wumpus into an old KIM computer, only to play it for an hour or so and then loose it again by switching off the power
22:09.56protonic-work*thwock!* *groan* *crash*
22:10.15JBDiGrizChestal: a couple of versions of wumpus are still available on the net on emulators.
22:10.25bryjenrtsclient       2501/tcp   #Resource Tracking system client
22:10.26Chestalbsdgames contains wumpus
22:10.31protonic-workgentoo has wumpus in portage
22:10.37brlcadtake gold
22:11.23TimRikerDISK VOLUME 254
22:11.55bzgirlpong was cute
22:12.02bzgirl|    .
22:12.19protonic-workso we can spend many hours playing COMBAT
22:12.30Patlabor221move the lines and it's "tenis"
22:13.06Patlabor221don't get the new one :)
22:13.08Patlabor221it's horible
22:13.11Chestalwhat's combat?
22:13.20brlcadthere is no such thing as a "new one" pat :)
22:13.21Patlabor221you never had a 2600?
22:13.28Patlabor221yeah there is
22:13.31Patlabor221they made a new one
22:13.35Patlabor221all 3d n's tuff
22:13.52protonic-workcomplete with pole position II (the most technically impressive atari game ever)
22:13.57Patlabor221chestal it was the game that shiped with the first atari 2800 ysystems
22:14.06Patlabor221sorry 2600
22:14.41Chestalwow, great gfx
22:14.45Patlabor221campbat2 was purdy cool
22:15.01Patlabor221yup thats it
22:16.03bryjenoh, now I remeber that. didn't recall the name.  Don't think we had it.  A  cousin did.
22:16.14brlcadah.. here's a classic...
22:16.15larslTimRiker: Did you turn off the badwords filter on
22:17.16Patlabor221never get that one
22:17.19Patlabor221it's horible
22:17.28Patlabor221tho one of the tank models was kinda kewl
22:18.03brlcadah, that's like the 3d centipede remake
22:18.09TimRikerlarsl: hmm. I don't think so...
22:18.14Patlabor221and the froger
22:18.25brlcadhitchhikers was tough..
22:18.57larslTimRiker: I saw someone say the f-word. I just thought it was odd.
22:19.14protonic-workyay for centipede
22:19.35bryjenspace invaders
22:20.29bzgirlbrlcad: omg, that's what you call gaming "back in the day"?
22:21.00brlcaddid you at least get out of bed? :)
22:21.11bzgirli said walk
22:21.17bzgirlhe said which way
22:21.20bzgirli said left
22:21.27bzgirlhe said i dont know that word
22:21.30bzgirli wquit
22:21.39brlcadaww.. "walk left"
22:21.40larslOoh, like Larry.
22:21.48brlcador "go west" :)
22:21.56Patlabor221or N S W R
22:21.59brlcadturn on light
22:22.04brlcadget out of bed
22:22.07brlcadwear gown
22:22.10brlcadlook in pocket
22:22.17Patlabor221me played bards tale a lot :)
22:22.20brlcadtake analgesic
22:22.30brlcadbards tale was fun too :)
22:22.38Patlabor221least it had graphics
22:22.53ChestalI remember drawing dungeon maps
22:22.56brlcadyes.. but the original sierra's did a better job :)
22:23.07Patlabor221kings quest?
22:23.11Chestaland roasting 4*99 Skeletons with my fire horn
22:23.14brlcadof course.. and space quest!
22:23.33Patlabor221that was all "find the thing that this person needs" type of game
22:23.45Patlabor221BT was more ultima style
22:24.09brlcadah .. ultima just took out the text :/
22:24.23brlcadbut they did a good job of it (at least ultima v)
22:24.42ChestalUltima IV ruled
22:25.58JBDiGrizDid we ever get more than 2 volunteers for testing?
22:27.02bzgirlJBDiGriz: i can , gimme a sec to buid a client
22:27.12JBDiGrizPatlabor221: That's 3
22:27.15bzgirlor six mins 30 secs
22:27.43JBDiGrizI think we're just looking for names right now.
22:28.01bzgirloh o k
22:29.07*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
22:29.07*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_proton] by ChanServ
22:31.33JBDiGrizI would suggest asking the evil_enchilada, but I don't think he fulfills the qualifications.
22:32.22TimRikerthat host has a tcp connect to xmission, but no active player.
22:33.17JBDiGrizSounds like the ladders collecting stats
22:33.24[dmp]TimRiker: ladder
22:34.21JBDiGrizChestal: Are you still around? Try
22:35.38[dmp]Oh, didnt think you would mind. I'll remove it right away.
22:35.38Nidhoggrhrm. my blootbot is borked.
22:35.43*** join/#bzflag captain_pistachi (
22:35.43*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_pistachi] by ChanServ
22:36.36TimRiker[dmp]: I do mind permanent tcp connections that aren't players. I don't find the occational connect/disconnect.
22:36.48TimRikerer I don't mind...
22:37.01TimRikeris it supposed to be connected permanently?
22:37.06[dmp]TimRiker: no
22:37.13TimRikerthen how come it is?
22:37.55[dmp]I have no idea. I made a timeout, so the perl script should at least die by the alarm after 45 sec.
22:38.10Chestaljbd: bookmarked
22:38.14TimRiker[dmp]: it's been on for more than that.
22:38.49TimRikerthat's cause I banned it and it got kicked.
22:41.58[dmp]Im gonna setup a server tomorrow, and try to find why it do that. Until then it wont collect data
22:42.27TimRikeryou can have it collect again if you want. just watch for hung processes.
22:43.51[dmp]its on again.
22:43.57[dmp]chestal, you still here?
22:44.15JBDiGrizHe might be playing adventure!
22:44.40Chestaldmp: barely
22:44.46TimRikerlooks like it's doing a shutdownAcceptClient: close(12) sometimes and a addClient: close(14) othertimes.
22:45.23[dmp]Chestal: do ducati have any permanent connectins to my ip?
22:46.18TimRiker[dmp]: perhaps it's getting unexpected packet types?
22:46.51Chestal[dmp]: not right now
22:47.24[dmp]TimRiker: its with some db-stuff added + an alarm to avoid it hanging around (or that was the idea)
22:47.34TimRikerI've only started watching since I noticed 4 simutaneous tcp connects without players.
22:47.58TimRikernot sure what was the cause, and I'm not saying it's the ladder server.
22:48.06Chestalthere's one in TIME_WAIT status now
22:48.14TimRikerI reset the server before I looked into it too much.
22:49.31Chestalgood night
22:49.32TimRikerI hacked the query perl script to show IPs for diagnostics, but I have not seen a repeat of open non-player tcp connects till the one ladder script just now.
22:50.27[dmp]Night Chestal and thanks
22:50.27TimRiker[dmp]: I'll holler here if I see one again before ban/unbanning it to clear it.
22:50.34TimRikernite Chestal
22:52.23[dmp]TimRiker: I'll keep an eye on it, whenever i can
22:53.08TimRikernp. better to know, look for, and fix, than not to know. ;-)
22:54.59[dmp]Yep :)
22:55.21*** part/#bzflag drinian (
22:57.58protonic-workyay for having access to Yet Another SGI[tm]
23:05.23Patlabor221what are you gonna do with them all?
23:05.43*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
23:11.54*** join/#bzflag GrizzlyAdams (~JBDiGriz@
23:12.00*** part/#bzflag GrizzlyAdams (~JBDiGriz@
23:22.34*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
23:51.26*** join/#bzflag Quol (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.