irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030806

00:00.05CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files in 2 dirs): Tweak FOV control
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00:20.19CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Base VRML cache filenames on the model's MD5 hash rather than its filename, so I don't have to clear the darn cache by hand every time I update the model file
00:22.21*** join/#bzflag Quol (
00:23.33*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
00:23.58Carnagetheres a tk on ducati called nigglet
00:24.10Carnagecan someone kick him off
00:29.50*** join/#bzflag KTL (
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00:31.58CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Redid the sky model again, now with much more sane orientation and scaling
00:32.01hardwiredid I miss anything?
00:32.48CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): fix udp while using robots
00:33.15hardwirewtf is CIA
00:34.05[dmp]A bot that shows cvs-commits.
00:34.35scanlinehardwire: try #commits
00:39.21*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
00:43.17david_vnight all
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00:49.00Bagheeratime to shoot bzfs gui
00:56.29CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/data (sky_colors.png): Revert accidental commit
01:17.57CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Make bindTextures cleaner, and fix a bug in which textures would not be disabled properly for drawables with an empty texture list
01:30.02gonkulatoribot: 8*1024*768
01:30.52*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
01:30.53gonkulatoribot: 6*1024*768 + 2*1280*1024
01:33.41scanlineibot: 26*1600*1200*480
01:34.39MrApathyCreamwow full house! well of lurkers anyway
01:34.51bryjenscanline: ?!?
01:36.11scanline26-panel array of 1600x1200x480 holographic displays
01:36.28scanline23.9 billion voxels
01:36.39scanlineer, 24
01:36.43captain_protonthats a nice dream, scanline
01:37.20scanlinesure beats gonkulator's mere 7.3 million pixels :)
01:40.14MrApathyCreambzflag.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "struct GlobalDBItem * globalDBItems" (?globalDBItems@@3PAUGlobalDBItem@@A)
01:40.14MrApathyCream..\src\bzflag\bzflag.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
01:40.14MrApathyCreamError executing link.exe.
01:40.23captain_protonMrApathyCream: add global.cxx to the build
01:41.23CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( Double the default cloud resolution to 512x512. This still leaves something to be desired, but GLNoise would need a way of rendering in multiple tiles to get much higher
01:42.47MrApathyCreamadded to common.lib?
01:44.12MrApathyCreamhmmm, there seeems to be some confusion over the identify list
01:44.47MrApathyCreamidentifier 'list' i mean
01:46.00captain_protonbryjen: yeah. msvc's compiler sucks
01:46.04MrApathyCreamall over the code, variables called 'list' are getting compile errors
01:46.14MrApathyCreamthis is new
01:46.48bryjenis it a keyword or somesuch,  not a valid name for a variable?
01:47.13MrApathyCreamit used to be valid :)
01:47.13CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files in 2 dirs): Move CloudTexture from GLNoise to Sky
01:47.29MrApathyCreamfor instance...
01:47.30MrApathyCreamE:\bz\bz_cvs\bzflag\src\bzflag\RobotPlayer.cxx(411) : error C2955: 'list' : use of class template requires template argument list
01:47.42MrApathyCreamif you rename it to rlist, it compiles fine
01:48.34CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/win32 (common.dsp): add global.cxx to vc build
01:50.16bryjenthere was a word somebody used that was OK on one platform/compiler, but an-other-one didn't like it.
01:50.26MrApathyCreamdid you do using namespace std; by any chance?
01:58.04*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
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02:01.33bryjenStateDatabase.h includes CallbackList.h includes <list>
02:03.14bryjendonno if that means anything.  just looking at where the word "list" might be used already
02:08.08CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): don't reuse for loop vars for vc
02:08.32CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (RobotPlayer.cxx): rename vars called list
02:10.41*** join/#bzflag triclops (cbro903@bugle17.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
02:11.59MrApathyCreamcompiles now
02:22.44*** join/#bzflag scanline (
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02:43.18CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs): MAC lends a hand to the fist
02:43.41CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src (2 files in 2 dirs): MAC lends the fist a hand
02:49.32CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): MAC lends a hand to the fist
02:55.01gonkulatorscanline: are you poo poo ing my 6.3 million pixels :)
02:55.20scanlinegonkulator: I would be if I had my holographic video wall
02:55.44scanlinewith 24 BILLION VOXELS!
02:55.45gonkulatoruh huh :)
02:56.02gonkulatorbig monitors :)
02:56.26gonkulatoribot: 8*1024*768+2*1600*1200
02:56.33gonkulatorthats what I want :)
03:03.31*** part/#bzflag drinian (
03:34.26*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
03:43.14CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Something somewhat mountain-range-like
03:43.16*** join/#bzflag Quol (
03:44.28Michaelhbut the mountains are so realistic!
03:46.54scanlinethe mountains in pybzflag won't be nearly so close.. just hazy silhouettes to make the horizon less boring
03:47.23scanlineI think the mountains in bzflag were made far too large so the sky would be less boring :)
03:56.29CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag (2 files in 2 dirs): Add to the growing list of keyword parameters for PerlinNoise()
04:24.06CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag ( Fix Animated.PerlinNoise for new semantics regarding 1D perlin noise
04:39.46learnernvr mnd :)
04:41.01learnermac, which perlin noise model is that?  his stuff from 2000/2001 or his earlier noise stuff?
04:43.58*** part/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
04:45.14*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
04:45.35learnerwho is micahjd?
04:45.52learnerah, heh
04:46.26scanlinelearner: what is this new stuff from 2000/2001 you speak of?
04:48.09learnerhe presented some papers (or was it course material) last year (or the year before -- don't remember)
04:48.26captain_protonspeaking of papers... ;-)
04:48.37learnerha, yes cap ...
04:48.58scanlineI think I read his lecture slides from around that time.. he mentioned some new stuff involving a hardware implementation, but I don't think the algorithm has changed since shortly after it was invented
04:54.01learner_still_ haven't tried it Quol :(  I'm almost ashamed..
04:56.17Quolwhat - jail/chroot/sandbox?
04:57.12Quoli am trying out the new version of X-Chat - it's not bad...
04:57.39learneryes, that's the one, Quol
04:58.41Quolno problem learner - it's there for whenever people need it..
04:58.52Quoleven if it is only me :)
05:00.44learnerscanline .. here it is:
05:01.30learnerthat was a good presentation
05:01.39learnerKen's a pretty effective speaker
05:03.21scanlinewell, the slow algorithm pybzflag uses is the old one, or at least it should be if I haven't messed anything up
05:03.36learnerah .. :)  hehe
05:03.45scanlinethe fast one takes some shortcuts, but is close enough to perlin noise for these clouds
05:05.17scanlinebiggest one is that it uses linear linerpolation, since that's all OpenGL can do in hardware :)
05:05.56learnerah cooool... video from his talk last year is actually on that page
05:07.20scanlinehmm, xine can decode the video but not the audio
05:07.33learneraww.. that sucks
05:07.41learnerhis rap is hilarious :)
05:09.57learnerah cool:
05:10.04learnerreference implementation of the second model
05:10.07captain_protonlearner: hehehehe
05:10.31captain_protonNoise was fine, it was solid, I LIKED what I did
05:10.31captain_protonBut what did I know? I was just a kid.
05:10.31captain_protonNow I'm older and badder, and I got the groove,
05:10.31captain_protonGot no one to beat, got nothin' to prove.
05:11.00learnerhehe -- it's great
05:11.09captain_protonken perlin is my hero now
05:11.17learnerif you can get that video feed working, you can hear him sing it :)
05:13.25*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
05:15.49Quolg'night all
05:18.18learnerhaha -- tried compiling the source on ken's page?  funny :)
05:21.16CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Coalesce MsgTeamUpdate messages into one packet
05:27.56*** join/#bzflag |tim| (
05:29.30MrApathyCreamwhat exactly is the length of tim?
05:30.19learnerit's his "magnitude" :)
05:31.12learnerhe's a big fella, some I'm gonna have to guess he's a rather large int
05:31.16MrApathyCreamtim as a unit vector
05:31.18captain_protonMrApathyCream: does that make tim normal?
05:32.39MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: are you planning on caching eval values and using notify callbacks?
05:33.00captain_protonMrApathyCream: something like that
05:33.14MrApathyCreamwhere are you caching the values, per module? globally?
05:33.36captain_protontim wanted the caching to be a regular variable
05:33.39captain_protonso likely globally
05:34.01MrApathyCreamheh this is going to be confusing
05:34.13MrApathyCreamthe cached variable is found in StateDatabase? :)
05:34.14captain_protona little =)
05:34.26MrApathyCreamor global.h?
05:34.47captain_protoni'm going to move the symbolic constants out of statedatabase
05:34.56captain_protonprobably create some globals singleton
05:35.15MrApathyCreamfine, putting the regular vars there too?
05:35.30captain_protonsure, why not
05:35.33captain_protonok, shower time
05:35.48MrApathyCreamdo behind your ears
05:50.06MrApathyCreamwho's gettin rid of PlayerLink.cxx?
05:53.46captain_protonMrApathyCream: you're so helpful
06:01.24learnerhave fun ;)
06:03.07captain_protonor even better
06:03.47*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
06:11.30MrApathyCreamhhmmm when rolled when you have BU, you explode upward unbounded until you get kicked for being to high
06:41.55*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
07:14.24CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Something that looks more like correct mountains, but doesn't really work right due to a bug in SmoothedNoise
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08:04.23CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Mountains aren't convex
08:07.41CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Add a seemingly-infinite void to the sky model, represented as a cone directly below the horizon
08:13.38*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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08:14.40*** mode/#bzflag [+bb *gorb*!*@* *!*] by
08:16.40CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): revise notes about clouds
08:17.03*** join/#bzflag nikt (
08:21.14CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (4 files in 4 dirs): Flatten the sky dome by about half
08:22.27*** join/#bzflag triclops (
08:22.35CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Slow down the clouds
08:25.07*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
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08:56.17*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
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09:26.35CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): New and improved sky_colors, with mountains properly colorized according to the time of day
09:36.01CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Make the mountains work in ThreeDView
09:38.19CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Make the mountains a smidgen taller in the sky models
09:48.17*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
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10:03.46CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files in 2 dirs): Refactored color animation code, colorifize the clouds
10:17.59CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Finish reconfoobling the sky-widget
10:19.35CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( Make the day a little longer than 12 seconds
10:25.36*** join/#bzflag |tim| (
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10:50.23*** join/#bzflag rooter ([
10:50.32rooterhello all
10:51.33[dmp]hi root
10:51.40rooterducati seems to be down :(  I'm going through withdrawals
10:51.45rooterhey [dmp]
10:52.31[dmp]I dont have time of playing anyway :-)
10:52.49[dmp](Not that i didnt try)
10:53.15rooterChestal: file system again?
10:54.13rooterthere are only 31 people playing bzflag right now
10:54.19rooterwell... on a public server
10:56.09rooter[dmp]: thanks for calico's irq #... not that he's ever on :)
10:56.57[dmp]When you wrote me, you asked for calicos IRC :-)
10:57.12rooteri knew it wasn't that
10:57.26rooteri have too many acronyms in my head
10:57.41[dmp]and you are talking to one too :-)
10:58.04[dmp]Did you see BBs mail?
10:58.24*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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10:59.01rooterreally?  Dot Matrix Printer?
10:59.10rooterBBs mail?  nope
10:59.52rooterDisease Management Program?
10:59.58[dmp]Ah, he sent a teammessage to everyone, but says its for me and calico.
11:00.08[dmp]kinda funny, writing to everyone else.
11:00.25[dmp]And then i answered it, just to realize that i was about to write the whole team :-)
11:00.36[dmp]its abit old
11:00.40rooteri'll look
11:00.47[dmp]im slow in replying mails
11:00.57rooteri hardly ever look
11:01.03rooter3 messages!
11:02.37*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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11:42.34CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI ( Import division... from the __future__!
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13:34.03david_vhi all
13:43.21tea|treehuhu david_v
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14:13.49bzdougmoin TimRiker
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14:20.10david_vi suck today :)
14:20.44david_vthanks ;)
14:21.55bzdoughmm, not just scanning, but also attacking
14:21.57bzdougusing nessus
14:22.06bzdougHEY HARDWIRE!
14:22.11hardwirehiiii bzdoug
14:23.20bzdougmake one out of hay wire and a car battery
14:23.51bzdougppppssssttt pow, ok, that was one dash?
14:24.07hardwiremore like fizz
14:24.22bzdougWHOOooom as the gasoline ignites
14:24.33bzdougalmost done with the first ones...
14:25.25david_vi have... er, two... at home :)
14:25.31david_vout of ... two :)
14:25.55bzdougwell, 2 of those linux machines are now full blown ones... just a harddrive and a router :)
14:26.11bzdougand the other is struggling at this network scan thing
14:26.30bzdougthe switches are a-blinking like crazy
14:26.46hardwiredon't ever use nmap inside of a UML
14:27.51hardwireuser mode linux
14:27.51hardwireatleats to go outside thru a tap device
14:27.51hardwirethe tap device munches up 100% of the cpu
14:28.25bzdougnowthing to email mr boss... :)
14:28.52bzdoughumph, linux box has like 5 ports open...
14:29.01bzdougthe rest have like 30
14:29.58david_vdon't you have a decent firewall eh? :)
14:30.06hardwireI would hope so
14:30.12hardwirescanline: did it jump at your lap
14:30.17david_vi use iptables, works nicely
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14:30.21hardwireI have the same problem with caffinated women
14:30.34bzdougdavid_v: that wasnt the firewall, that was this linux box doin the scanning
14:30.34scanlinehardwire: indeed. It successfully executed its plan to slowly leak out of the bottom of the cup onto my shirt
14:30.56hardwireI don't remember the last time I walked away from a meal w/ my shirt getting attacked
14:31.01david_vbzdoug: no i mean iptables on the targets
14:31.07hardwirew/o my shirt getting attacked
14:31.25scanlinewell, I suppose it's payback for trying to eat a bagel and drink coffee on the bus
14:31.25bzdougwell, there all windows computers :)
14:31.29scanlineit was a bit more bumpy than usual
14:31.49scanlinebut the slow leak on the bottom of the cup? that was just playing dirty
14:31.59bzdougsue it
14:32.06hardwirebzdoug - now install ettercap and execute ettercap -O
14:32.18scanlineegads, don't tell bzdoug about ettercap
14:32.25bzdougbut you have to licence sueing from me :)
14:32.32bzdougposh, thats like weeks ago type stuff
14:32.37hardwirescanline: what about ptrace exploits.. canI tell him about that?
14:32.51scanlinehardwire: nope. he's enough of a script kiddie without your help :)
14:33.11KTL_ettercap fun:-)
14:33.23hardwiremy roomate wanted to know what it did
14:33.31hardwireso I modified is AIM connection
14:33.40KTL_comes in my list next to dsniff i guess
14:33.41hardwireeverytime he said hi it fired of yo
14:33.52hardwireeverytime he said heh it sad fuk
14:34.11KTL_ah and next to driftnet
14:34.12hardwireit was funny seeing fukeheheheh
14:34.25bzdougtrough ettercap?
14:34.27scanlinehehe, I remember driftnet...
14:34.39hardwiredriftnet eh?
14:34.41scanlinei's amazing how many of the images on the web are of text
14:34.51*** join/#bzflag Sniper50 (
14:35.23KTL_driftnet can be very funny
14:35.42Chestalhi Sniper
14:35.45KTL_it reveals how the true nature of my network: sex sex sex:-)
14:35.48hardwirewhaaaz driftnet?
14:36.03scanlinehardwire: http image sniffer thingy that makes a realtime collage
14:36.05KTL_euhm driftnet sniffes images
14:36.18hardwirescanline: haha
14:36.21hardwireoh this should be fun
14:36.26KTL_so people on the network are browsing and meanwhile you can see all their pics
14:36.43hardwireettercap ethereal and the like all have snaggers
14:37.00hardwireI think I will be installing this at a friends office right now
14:37.26hardwirethere is a porn master at his office nobody has wanted to catch.. but knows he should be caught
14:37.57hardwireI think it would be interesting to see a collage of a bunch of MCSE/CCNA/technical graphics and well.. porn
14:38.10scanlinestill fairly meaningless.. where the hell is this interrupt coming from?
14:38.28hardwireits the interrupt from hell.
14:38.59scanlinedamn this incomprehensible firmware and this place's lack of proper debugging tools
14:39.27hardwireso I get to go fulltime on the submersible stuff next week
14:39.41KTL_it will be fun
14:39.43hardwireno shit
14:39.47hardwireI will be uh.. payed
14:39.56scanlinethis is just jumping directly from this delay loop into the middle of an interrupt handler?
14:39.57*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
14:40.00hardwirethat hasn't happened in like 2 years
14:40.12scanlinethis might make sense if the board had a cache.. but I don't think el cheapo brand 8051 clones have caches
14:40.17hardwiremaybe it likes to stat that its delaying
14:40.48scanlineand maybe the logic analyzer is missing samples... but it captured a flawless trace of the delay loop right beforehand
14:42.09hardwirehumble wumble jumble
14:42.15hardwirethat would make a great exclaimation
14:43.02scanlineyumble is good too
14:43.15hardwirehow is yumble good?
14:43.19KTL_mmm maybe a grep needed on a dictionary file
14:43.29hardwireyumble bagel co
14:43.48scanlineor just a gigantic picture of a bagel with 'Yumble!' in cursive lettering below it
14:43.53hardwire"where have you been" .. "at yumbles!"
14:44.44hardwirewow exists
14:44.49scanlinemaybe it returned from one interrupt handler into another one
14:45.19scanlinebut damn.. it's jumping back in the middle of an instruction
14:46.30hardwireI love netflix
14:47.04hardwireFor Sat: The Last Starfighter - For Thu: Stargate: Ultimate Edition - For Thu: Batteries Not Included
14:47.33hardwirescanline: done psyco.log() yet?
14:47.43scanlinehardwire: haven't tried it
14:48.20hardwirehah.. that makes sense
14:48.35scanlineyep.. but the VRML parser is so horribly slow that I cache the loaded meshes anyway
14:48.50scanlinedisk cache, with cPickle
14:49.11hardwirethats when I usually use sockets to xfer the data into a completely seperate thread
14:49.20scanlinenot sure if it's the parser itself or the vertex normal calculations, since I wrote that before I decided to require Numeric for pybzflag
14:49.34hardwiremmmm.. Numeric
14:49.49hardwireits so sexthy
14:50.00scanlineanything that lets me do really fast spring mass simulations in Python is just makes me want to hug something
14:50.10scanlines/is just/just/
14:50.19hardwiretried scientific python?
14:50.28scanlinehaven't heard of it
14:50.35*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (
14:50.46hardwiregoogle away!
14:50.54hardwireyou must know scientific python
14:52.00hardwirebunched up comforter in the corner w/ me plopped against it
14:52.31scanlinesomehow they decided I needed to pretend to be an EE for this job
14:54.01hardwiremolex finally called me
14:54.15hardwirebtw.. never ... ever .. do business with foxconn
14:54.30hardwirethat is the worst company I have ever tried to do business with
14:54.36scanlineworse than SCO? :)
14:54.49hardwirenever tried sco
14:55.06hardwirelet me break down foxconn first
14:55.13hardwire1.) no address/phone on website
14:55.23hardwire2.) automated callback formon website goes to broken email address
14:55.27scanlinehe decided that the only people at SCO are two phone-answering-type-girls.. no management, no sofware people
14:55.44hardwire3.) after finding them in san jose california off of a google search I called to place a samples order
14:55.55hardwire4.) transferred to cyrus ca,
14:56.03hardwire5.) transfered back to san jose
14:56.14hardwire6.)transfered to palo alto
14:56.20hardwire7.) transfered back to san jose
14:56.34hardwire8.) finally got somebody that knew what he was talking about.. and spoke english too
14:56.43hardwire9.)he could not help me because I didn't have a website
14:56.53*** part/#bzflag drinian (
14:57.01hardwire10.) claimed w/o a website I will be turned down for sample and all order requests
14:57.21hardwire11.) exclaimed this is for lockheed martin and I am a 3rd party contractor just trying to get parts
14:57.25hardwire12.)got laughed at
14:57.32hardwire13.) got hung up on
14:58.18hardwireSCO might be as amazing
14:58.47david_vtalking about SCO, they countersue RedHat now :D
14:59.00david_vfunny bastards
14:59.44*** part/#bzflag Sniper50 (
15:00.25bryjenhardwire: meebee he thought  "No website? Even we have a website.  Yeah it sux0rs, but this guy cant even get that far!"  ;)
15:01.21hardwirewell I do have one.. but for billing reasons its not up ;)
15:02.47bryjenAnd we all know a website is such an indisputable form of identification....  Much more reliable than your phy addy, phone # and such. ;)
15:03.20hardwireor my email
15:03.24hardwirew. my companies domain on it
15:03.30hardwireeither way
15:03.39hardwirethey blow ass
15:08.12hardwiremy laptop has been replaced with a cat
15:11.17captain_protonscanline: nice mountains!
15:14.22david_vthat's why sleeping on the days is so good
15:14.34scanlinecaptain_proton: :)
15:20.20learnerlol, cap (re: short night comment)
15:27.38captain_protonlearner: its only about 10 freakin' seconds!
15:27.56scanlinehah.. loose socket
15:28.03scanlinecaptain_proton: I have that money for ya
15:28.13captain_protonyay money
15:30.02captain_protonthe macgyver torrent site is screwed up
15:32.30hardwirescanline: you had a leaky socket ;)
15:33.09captain_protonhardwire: you ARE a leaky socket!
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16:01.50CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): wow..something was finished
16:03.33bzdoughah, cool, I can change the message on all the hp printers :)
16:08.13bzdougits a small code snippit called hp.c
16:08.21bzdougwhats rawr?
16:08.51hardwireits the sound I make when I am confused
16:24.56well, n is LF?
16:25.09hmm... list is a member variable of a class?
16:25.40Chestal~forget list
16:25.40i forgot list, Chestal
16:25.51niktHi Chestal ->
16:25.55Chestalnikt: hoi
16:37.32learnerheh, probably
16:39.11captain_protonthe arb isn't specifying HARD enough!
16:42.39captain_protonaha, glslang does have a lerp function, they just call it mix()
16:43.14captain_protoneh - not really
16:43.21captain_protoni don't -have- to be there for another 40 minutes or so
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17:26.21scanlinethen I can 'print to disk'
17:28.52prot-worki -think- this thing was at 11:30
17:28.56scanlinehurray for using 25 channels on the big HP logic analyzer
17:32.21*** part/#bzflag eddienull (
17:36.48prot-workwell, activity is increasing a little
17:40.34scanlineprot-work: any ideas for lunchy-thingies?
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17:50.28prot-workscanline: hmm
17:50.45prot-workscanline: well, i brought a sandwich, but i was just offerend lunch by chris
17:52.02scanlinelet me know when you can accept that navi donation
17:52.07prot-workwell i
17:52.12prot-work'll be coming upstairs in a few minutes
17:52.16scanlineI should be on the computer more than usual today, since I'm debugging firmware
17:52.24scanlinewell I think I'll meet you on the way down then
17:58.20prot-workupstairs now
18:09.21*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
18:18.30scanlineprot-work: where are you now?
18:19.14bzdouglooks like hes hiding from you :)
18:19.44bzdougbwuhaha, now I have the printer playing an animation :)
18:21.02prot-workscanline: SEI
18:21.05prot-workroom behind you guys
18:21.21scanlineSearch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence? :)
18:28.19bzdoughow would I send something to a whole subnet?
18:28.32bzdougif its all ip addresses
18:30.51Chestalusign which protocol?
18:30.55bryjensend what?
18:31.55bzdougwell, just a packet
18:32.14bzdougbut I want to be sure to hit everything without having to tell it each ip
18:32.44TuponeBroadcast ???
18:33.10bryjenwhat are you going to use to send this packet ?
18:33.25bzdouga program called hp :)
18:33.43bzdougit basicly sends text to a hp printer and changes the display
18:34.05Chestalusign whcih protocol?
18:34.11Chestaltcp or udp or whatever?
18:34.19Tuponedont' work!
18:34.22Chestalthat you're lost, only unicast for you
18:34.28bryjendoes tcp do broadcast?
18:34.30bzdougI suppose, since it connects to port 9001
18:34.32bryjenudp does
18:34.53Tuponetcp is peer2peer
18:34.55bryjenthat could be either one, they both use port numbers
18:35.31bryjentcp is connection oriented.  connections are between two endpoints
18:35.35bzdoug1.255 doesnt work... :(
18:36.48bzdougso I guess I have to make a short script or something to do it
18:37.20TuponeTo collect address you could ping broadcast
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19:34.37david_vthese global notices are making me crazy soon
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21:16.07TimRiker|tim|: if you register with NickServ then you can kick your dead selves
21:16.19TimRiker|tim|: /msg NickServ help   to get started.
21:16.41|tim|i know how to register :p just never gotten around to it
21:16.47learneroh.. two tims
22:12.15*** join/#bzflag david_v (
22:17.45JBDiGrizlearner: SGI is asking for a bad words list on centrum. Go for it!
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22:21.10learnerheh, okay
22:21.29learnerdidn't know sgi had a server running
22:21.54JBDiGrizI'm not sure if he does, but he wants to collect the list. I don't know if he's aware of your work.
22:22.01prot-workoh the player SGI
22:22.03prot-worknot the company ;)
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22:23.02learnerpay attention cap :)
22:23.37patlabor221does he need more electro shock?
22:23.47learnerthat always helps
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22:26.11patlabor221turn all the warnings into pig latin!
22:27.01prot-workoh no! went down!
22:27.13prot-workhow will i be unproductive at work now?
22:27.40bzdougjoin about 5 more irc channels :)
22:28.01JBDiGrizThis one is sufficient for keeping people unproductive.
22:28.07Tuponeprot-work: you can give a look at my SDL patch
22:28.23prot-workTupone: but that would be doing something useful ;)
22:28.36JBDiGrizlearner: Which compiler?
22:30.05TuponeI'll enable profiling all bz-family - somebody against that?
22:30.32prot-workTupone: more seriously, in order to test that, i need to be somewhere that i can run it
22:30.55Tuponeabout SDL ?
22:31.02prot-workTupone: right
22:31.11JBDiGrizNow we're going to hear more complaints about the iBook! ;-P
22:31.18TuponeI have tested it!
22:31.47Tuponewhat about profiling bz ... can I put it in
22:32.02prot-workTupone: what do you mean by profiling?
22:32.22Tuponeonly for gcc machine
22:33.00prot-workask TimRiker
22:33.06TuponeIt works, You can know how much time is spent on each procedure
22:33.28JBDiGrizSo where are we wasting most of our time in the client?
22:33.48patlabor221glFlufPixels() :)
22:34.08prot-worklook at the time!
22:34.11TuponeOpenGLTexFont::draw(char const*, int, float, float, float) const
22:34.14prot-work4:30? close enough!
22:34.40JBDiGrizby what percentage?
22:35.18patlabor221how does BZ do it's fonts?
22:35.32prot-workpatlabor221: crappily
22:35.34JBDiGrizIt seems we might want to look at why we're doing so much with fonts.
22:35.34patlabor221it's all bitmaped itsn't it?
22:35.35prot-workand on that note, time to go
22:35.39patlabor221it shoudln't take that long
22:35.49TuponeI tryed to optimize it using list but it didi not work very well
22:36.03JBDiGrizIt easily could take that long, since that's not code we control.
22:36.20learnerTRY HARDER!
22:36.22TuponeIf we use GL list we could save a lot
22:36.26JBDiGrizIs this on linux?
22:36.50JBDiGrizCheck in the code, I would like to try it on the mac and see if we get similar results.
22:37.09Tuponewhich code?
22:37.26patlabor221OpenGLTexFont is our code
22:37.42JBDiGrizThinking about it, I should be able to just enable profiling in the mac project and check the results.
22:37.59patlabor221wow that is a lot of math just to draw a font
22:38.11JBDiGrizI thought OpenGLTexFont was a library call, sorry.
22:38.27patlabor221base GL dosn't realy have any font stuff
22:38.44TuponeWhich compiler you have? gcc?
22:38.44patlabor221good LORD
22:38.55patlabor221we flush the state on each glyph@?!?!
22:39.06JBDiGrizI have the Apple distribution of gcc.
22:39.23patlabor221damn may as well just call glPutPixels
22:40.16Tupone-pg enable profiling. You have to use even during linking
22:40.42JBDiGrizDefinitely, since I'll want the profile enabled libraries as well.
22:41.25patlabor221in that draw func, where do we spend most of the time?
22:42.07TuponeIt is just in the function, not on other proc called form that
22:42.42patlabor221you can't get any more granularity then that? like what part of that func?
22:43.33TuponeDon't remember yet
22:45.05TuponeWhat I did, but know I lost my fix, is rendering on a GL list, so just once per character.
22:45.42patlabor221that would just remove the calls to glVertex
22:45.54patlabor221I think it's something else
22:46.22patlabor221what is the second most used func?
22:47.25patlabor221do you have a list you can post so we can see?
22:48.13patlabor221I can't dcc
22:48.25patlabor221do you have webspace where everyone can see
22:48.59TuponeNoh! My adsl connection does not work very well. So I'm not prepared to do that
22:49.12JBDiGrizHow big is the file?
22:49.22patlabor221or post it on BZBB
22:49.49Tupone1537063 bytes
22:50.04JBDiGrizIs that the gmon.out, or the results?
22:50.11*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
22:50.17TuponeIts text.
22:50.33TuponeAnd it is just 1minute playing
22:50.56TuponeI can put the configure option on CVS. So you can run by yourself
22:51.19JBDiGrizI wonder if that TexFont is the opening menus then, and we're getting some skewed results.
22:52.13TuponeI had the same result, on the old 1.7, running long
22:52.53patlabor221well the text font will be called a lot, I can see that, I just don't see now anything in that func that will be that slow
22:53.02patlabor221we blow the state a bit more then we should
22:53.13patlabor221but that would show in a subcall
22:54.01patlabor221you sure that that's not just the most called func? not time spent?
22:54.05TuponeI could play with someone of you in a real environment, for , I see, 5 minute, to get more appropriate data
22:54.30patlabor221pop into a server and jsut let it go
22:55.19*** join/#bzflag KTL_ (
23:00.29TuponeAfter 5 minute ... very boring ... I get th following result :
23:00.59Tupone1st =>  16.02 1728673  FlagSceneNode::FlagRenderNode::render()
23:01.13Tupone2nd =>  11.39 1220982 OpenGLTexFont::draw(char const*, int, float, float, float) const
23:01.38Tupone3rd => 7.22 17807 RenderNodeList::render() const
23:02.05TuponeFirs is percentage, Second is calls
23:04.14patlabor221I don't see time in there
23:04.16Tuponepatlabor221: subcall are not in the percentage if the are profiled. GL library is not profiled, so ...
23:04.23patlabor221you sure that's not call count?
23:04.49TuponeGL are in the count
23:04.57patlabor221could stub em out and see if they go down.
23:06.16TuponeYou see how many time bs render string => 1220982 in 5 minute
23:06.46patlabor221but how long did each one take?
23:07.05Tuponeit say 0
23:07.28patlabor221we call glVertex3f() like 4 times per char
23:07.38patlabor221so it took no time?
23:07.45patlabor221that makes no sense
23:10.14TuponeHave you got the draw => line 534
23:10.34captain_protonTexFont::draw is per string or per char?
23:11.02patlabor221I really seems like you are doing just number of calls not time
23:11.03TuponeIt is that => OpenGLTexFont::draw(char const*, int, float, float, float) const
23:11.41patlabor221how much time is that taking on average?
23:12.39Tuponeit say that in total, it take 13.93 spending 5.79 on its own
23:13.19patlabor22113.9 seconds out of what total run time?
23:13.37patlabor2215 min?
23:14.01Tupone5 minutes but if you look at the table there is not that 5 minute time .... sum is not 300 sec
23:14.57patlabor221sounds not so kosher
23:17.01TuponeNormally I see only the percentage or the number of calls. They give me info on where most time is spent. The real number .. I just take that as ... number
23:17.53TuponeI could try to link a profiled glibc library. Possibly time is spent there.
23:18.19patlabor221well the func that is called the most, is not nesisaraly the one that takes the most time.
23:18.52TuponeBut if you see a proc called trillion of time ... investigate
23:19.04JBDiGriztime profiling on a Unix/Linux system is done by counting where in the program you are on each "tick".
23:19.34JBDiGrizIt's not completely accurate, but should be statistically significant.
23:19.57captain_protonthere are more efficient methods
23:19.59captain_protonoprofile is neat
23:20.04TuponeNumber of call, I think, are accurate, as profiled by compiler
23:20.06captain_protonwhere it actually profiles on the kernel level
23:20.07patlabor221I should hope there are.
23:20.23patlabor221Tupone, not all calls take the same time to finish
23:20.30patlabor221how can it be acurate at all
23:20.46patlabor221the function that sorts the world takes a LOT longer then a string call
23:20.55patlabor221we just draw more strings
23:20.58JBDiGrizThe number of calls is measured by entrance/exit, but that doesn't tell you where to start looking.
23:23.15JBDiGrizoprofile looks like a good package, but isn't supported on powerpc. I would like to hear what the results are under linux.
23:23.32patlabor221I could true time it
23:27.11TuponeIf you can wait, I'm trying to compile with -g to get line info ...
23:28.10JBDiGrizpatlabor221: What's your method for true timing it?
23:28.25patlabor221truetime it's an app we have
23:28.57JBDiGrizIs there any reason not to try it?
23:29.00patlabor221makes it run slower then snot, but gives you how much "time" takes place in each funch
23:29.06patlabor221well I have to install it
23:29.12patlabor221and it's painfully slow :)
23:29.49JBDiGrizInstalling it would be a good reason not to, but profiling is usually painfully slow!
23:31.04patlabor221I know that the best thing to speed up would be the world sort for visiblity
23:32.02captain_protonor eliminate some of the state checks
23:32.24patlabor221the state stuff can probably be simplifed a lot
23:32.56JBDiGrizI would appreciate anything that eliminates some of the jumpiness in the display these days!
23:33.10patlabor221it's not poly count
23:34.09JBDiGrizI'm not sure what it is, the frame rate is good, the lag is good, i'm not losing packets, but occasionally a tank will move out to a position and then magically jump back to a previous position.
23:35.07TimRikergprof should only include the time in the function, not the time in the functions it calls.
23:37.37learnerjust glancing at that OpenGLTexFont::draw() routine, there apears to be a rather unnecessary string dup in there..
23:39.38learnerit's used just to get a string length without ansi codes

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