irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030805

00:00.07bryjenthat would be a proxy
00:01.37[dmp]i havnt got any experience with those kind of stuff.
00:02.40*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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00:02.41*** join/#bzflag tommie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:02.41*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
00:02.41*** mode/#bzflag [+o Chestal] by
00:02.41*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
00:06.38patlabor221hmmmm numeric does not like gl
00:14.01*** join/#bzflag netnomad (
00:14.32netnomadI just downloaded g2 for win32 and it's showing my machine name when I login.  Is there a setting to change this to my e-mail address or something else?
00:14.42netnomadI sure as hell can't find it.  LOL.
00:15.39TimRiker-anonymous on the command line or "email" in the config
00:15.56netnomadOMG.  The real authentic TimRiker.  :D
00:17.38*** part/#bzflag bzdoug (
00:18.41*** join/#bzflag bzdoug (
00:36.01netnomadg2 seems to have a lotta neat stuff.
00:44.48*** join/#bzflag Michaelh (
00:45.36*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
00:45.54netnomadAnother Toronto'ite.  Wheeeeeee.
00:45.55bzdoughey bzgirl
00:47.07bzgirlnetnomad: form TO also?
00:47.17netnomadThe "greater Toronto Area"  ;)
00:47.33netnomadJust a stones throw past Oshawa on the way outta town.
00:48.15bzgirlahh ok, im waaay west, Missassuuga way
00:48.29*** join/#bzflag Quol (
00:48.57bzgirlhi quol
00:49.07Quolhey bzgirl - how are you today?
00:49.29bzgirlpretty good Quol
00:49.52bzgirlQuol you dont need armour against Doug
00:49.54Quolglad to hear it bzgirl
00:50.36bzdougcuz it just wont work agaist my new plasma cutter
00:50.41bzgirl~seen patlabor221
00:50.42patlabor221 <~jeffm@> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 44m 4s ago, saying: 'hmmmm numeric does not like gl'.
00:51.33bzgirlnetnomad: do you play bz?
00:52.13*** join/#bzflag Michaelh ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.13*** join/#bzflag netnomad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.13*** join/#bzflag |tim| ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.13*** join/#bzflag cods ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:52.13*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
00:52.29Quolanother netsplit??
00:52.38bzdougand another ban... wierd
00:52.57bzgirla ban is globally announced?
00:53.28captain_protonbzgirl: when the server that 'contains' the ban splits
00:56.06bzgirlnetburp :)
00:58.10bzgirlQuol you there?
00:58.41bryjentwice even
00:58.47bzgirlyour server on 8083 lists as 2 red 2 green, but i cant join
00:59.28Michaelhhard to find a burrow flag on the current servers .......
01:00.44bryjenbzgirl:  observer worked for me. not as a player tho.
01:00.55bzgirlok now
01:02.08bryjenpicky picky
01:03.50bryjeneep quol:8083 allows 4 red, 4 green, 4 *total* players
01:04.48bryjenits the 4 total capping it at 2:2
01:04.48*** join/#bzflag SGI (
01:06.51bzdougthats a cool idea :)
01:07.14SGIi love your idea
01:08.04netnomadis there a changelog somewhere for g2?
01:08.07netnomadI wouldn't mind reading it.
01:09.04SGI~seen Quol
01:09.05quol is currently on #bzflag (20m 36s).  Has said a total of 3 messages.  Is idling for 16m 36s
01:09.15Quolbryjen, should be a total of 13 players
01:09.19QuolSGI - how R ya?
01:10.39Quolbzgirl, i noticed that also once or twice - don't know what it is??
01:10.44SGIill be going to turn on the air conditioner hot
01:10.45bryjenQuol: is your server on port 8083 supposed to be limited to 4 _total_ players?
01:10.46QuolI restart it and everything is OK...
01:10.53Quolit should be 13
01:11.02bzgirlquol add some @ :)
01:11.22Quol4 green 4 red and 5 observers
01:11.33bryjenoooopsa. I was looking at the wrong side of the /
01:11.55SGI5 observer "UN" .....they are to many
01:13.32Michaelhthere's an idea, we could make white tanks and UN on them .. they could be observers ......
01:13.55SGIi think is better to leave the default  for observer in this way they dont stuck in one server
01:14.29SGIand probably move to another server and start another battle
01:14.37MichaelhThen if our bots get smart then if someone picked on the UN long enough, they could start shooting back :)
01:14.52netnomadty proton
01:15.20bryjenwhat a big ... url you have there ;)
01:16.27SGIQuol koba sent to you his /her new map and configuration
01:22.22QuolI didn't get it yet SGI..
01:22.32Quolhe sent me an e-mail about the configuration - but that's it
01:23.09SGIprobably he want only the flags configuration and thats it
01:23.56Quolya - he wants all flags and 5 shots
01:24.09Quoli am also thinking about hosting Gerbil's new CTF map
01:24.19Quolthe 4 teams I find are too much
01:24.25SGIyes me too
01:24.30Quolon my alt CTF site....
01:24.58QuolI will create a new server instance for the map makers to host their maps with whatever configuration they want
01:25.01SGI4 team are a lot but with only 3players for ateam
01:25.06Quolbut alt CTF is all mine :)
01:25.39Quolwe are doing some major backbone work - hopefully my server's won't cut in and out....
01:26.04SGIyou can call the new server  "Quol MDMaps"
01:26.25QuolMy ISP think's they have found the issue...
01:26.49SGInor better "Quol's MDM"
01:27.23SGIfor which server 8087
01:27.55Quolyou remember that my internet pipe was going up and down
01:28.33SGIyou changed the server 8087
01:28.33Quolwell looks like one of their redundant routers were not configured properly
01:29.01SGIand you think my problem it was that router
01:29.02Quolthey are changing it now, with me online - hopefully this fixes the packet loss issue
01:29.14QuolI don't know SGI  - I don't think so
01:29.17SGIare you in the office
01:31.44SGII need to lear how a can talk with you  with direct chat....
01:32.22Quolwhat chat client are you using?
01:32.36SGIxchat aqua ...mac osX
01:32.45Quolshould be easy
01:32.55QuolI am on xchat for the PC
01:33.13SGIright mouse btn....for Win
01:33.29SGIbut mac dont have right mouse btn
01:33.45Quolforgot that MAC's were stupid :)
01:34.05SGIfor graphics great
01:34.11Quolyes - it is
01:35.28bzdougtry that
01:36.57*** part/#bzflag SGI (
01:37.12*** join/#bzflag SGI (
01:37.47Quolnope what?
01:38.13SGIim typing /message Quol
01:38.15Quoldid you type in /msg Quol <message>
01:38.22Quolno - /msg
01:41.45bryjenthat sends a single private message, yes?
01:42.03bzdougthen if the person replys, it make a new tab
01:42.46bryjenmine doesn't.  i think
01:43.53bryjenodd. no special markup
01:44.36bryjeni sent you a /msg. but it looks like normal chat
01:44.49bryjendid you get it?
01:45.19bzdougI answer 5
01:46.33bryjenok.  that was /query bzdoug.  and it opened a new tab right off
01:47.00Quolto answer back you can use the /msg= command
01:47.12Quolmost GUI clients create a new window though
01:48.10QuolI am flodding my internet PIPE for testing - my servers may go down...
01:48.26Quolor seem to at least :)
01:57.24SGIif you are using Xchat aqua and you click on the chain on your left top side
01:57.42SGIyou can have two tab
01:58.27SGIthe server(#bzflag)and the direct chat (***)\
02:20.52QuolI am looking over my config for my CTF server
02:21.04Quolshould I specify a total in the -mp line?
02:21.07Quolright now ai have:
02:21.16Quol-mp 0,4,4,0,0
02:26.13*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
02:26.18bryjenthat should do
02:26.33bryjen4 red + 4 green
02:26.52bryjenand then use -mo #  for observers
02:27.20Quolya - that's what I am using...
02:27.26Quoltahnks for the confirmation bryjen
02:27.40bryjensounds good
02:28.54Quolbryjen, I got confused for a second - I am talking with others in other windows, and I typed the exact same "sounds good" and didn't know which window I was in there for a second :)
02:29.41SGIyou dont talk with someone else in other talking with the great SGI :o)
02:30.08Quol:) - lol
02:30.19SGIim looking you.....ill bring you down
02:30.30SGIilll bring you down in Chinatown
02:30.38SGIto many l
02:30.53QuolOK- I have time for a quick game of bz - then it's off to bed...
02:31.05SGIfrom the movie "meet the parents"
02:31.17SGIhave a nice game
02:31.25Quolsee you later guys....
02:31.25SGItalk you tomorrow
02:39.52*** join/#bzflag SGI (
02:40.10*** part/#bzflag SGI (
02:45.35*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 (
02:58.05*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
03:02.22*** join/#bzflag gotvim (
03:03.57*** join/#bzflag triclops (
03:05.04gotvimhi any idea why bzflag doesn't recognize myh sound device?  I get Failed to open audio device /dev/dsp or /dev/sound/dsp (16), thanks
03:08.31bryjensomething else ( like the sound server for gnome or kde )  has the device open already?
03:09.22gotvimahh, i'm running kde?  is there an easy way to disable kde's use of it?
03:09.52bryjenhmm.  not sure with kde
03:10.07gotvimwell, thanks it's a start, i'll work it out
03:11.27CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): drop MsgPlayerUpdate packets on client inbound side when packets are out of order or duplicated
03:12.13MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: i think you are confused, you're supposed to fix bugs in the code, not bugs in the bugs file
03:13.11bryjenor really not _just_ in the bugs file
03:21.19captain_protonMrApathyCream: ...really?
03:25.47captain_protonits moving beyond pybzflag :P
03:25.53captain_protoni'm about to register another project on sf
03:26.21MrApathyCreamthree-timer a small hill near nowhere in a quite ceremony that no one witnesses, the fist removes his hat for the last time, and pausing for only a nostalgic moment
03:45.54MrApathyCreamhands over the fist hat to MrApathyCream.
03:46.09MrApathyCream"Goodbye superhero, thanks for all you've done"
04:15.07captain_protonMrApathyCream has the hat?
04:23.00MrApathyCreamlast one here
04:23.07MrApathyCreami'll be sure to turn the lights out when i'm done
04:23.33MrApathyCreamBZFlag had to have an end sometime. 10 years is a pretty good run
04:55.52captain_protonwe could release 1.9 and see how riker reacts
05:00.10netnomadLeave it to me to discover something when it's dieing.
05:00.46captain_protonnetnomad: i don't think its dying
05:04.28MrApathyCreamif he hasn't reacted yet...
05:07.41MrApathyCream1.9 needs a day or two of testing...
05:07.52MrApathyCreamthat should only take about 3-4 months
05:10.36captain_protonMrApathyCream: what video card do you have?
05:14.04CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (Player.h): oops
05:27.45*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
05:34.32captain_protonMrApathyCream: seen
06:02.52MrApathyCreamwe really need a triangle primitive (for bmp2bzw type stuff)
06:03.05*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
06:03.14MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: where are you playing?
06:03.43captain_protonnowhere right now
06:04.05MrApathyCreamif only this room would all play on xmission... we could ship this puppy
06:04.16captain_protonthats a lie, but i'm not playing bz
06:11.49captain_protonsends a MsgShotEnd when the GM hits something
06:12.16MrApathyCreamcouldn't the server infer that from MsgKilled?
06:12.46captain_protonnot when a GM hits a building
06:13.24MrApathyCreami believe it's used for everything
06:13.54MrApathyCreamAlso for GM, who sends this message? the owner of the shot, or anyone who notices...
06:14.04captain_protonowner of the shot
06:15.08captain_protonshouldn't be everything\
06:15.14captain_protonnormal shots are computed on every client
06:15.59MrApathyCreambut tis
06:16.02MrApathyCreamplaying.cxx 3381
06:16.31captain_protonmight be possible its applicable in non-rico games?
06:16.39MrApathyCreamwell, for one thing you need it for Shield
06:16.51captain_protontrue 'nuff
06:17.12captain_protonit almost sounds like we're developin' here
06:25.50*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
06:36.57*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
06:38.04Carnageany admins for quols server on?
06:39.59Carnageanyone here?
06:48.25*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
07:01.37CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): begin adding symbolic constants for world variables
07:04.50MrApathyCreamheya carnage
07:06.23MrApathyCreamoo MsgSetVar
07:09.56captain_protonMrApathyCream: i'd better not end up being the only one developin now ;)
07:10.21MrApathyCreamjust call me friday
07:39.37CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12bzflag/ (11 files in 4 dirs): yay, a game variable is in bzdb now
07:51.08*** join/#bzflag triclops ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.08*** join/#bzflag bzdoug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.08*** join/#bzflag prot-work (~jupiter@
07:51.08*** join/#bzflag scanline (
07:51.08*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag tommie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag nikt ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag snyke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag Quol_AtWork (~ianf@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag trepan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.21*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
07:51.21*** mode/#bzflag [+oo Chestal ChanServ] by
07:51.22*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag Carnage ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag cods ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag |tim| ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag netnomad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
07:51.25*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
07:56.04CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12bzflag/ (9 files in 4 dirs): another variable...
08:15.21*** join/#bzflag Chestal ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.21*** join/#bzflag scanline (
08:15.21*** join/#bzflag prot-work (~jupiter@
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag bzdoug ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag triclops ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag Nidhoggr ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag netnomad ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag |tim| ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag cods ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag gonkulator (
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag CIA (CIA@cia.utility.freenode)
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag tommie ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag nikt ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag snyke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag Quol_AtWork (~ianf@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag trepan ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
08:15.22*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
08:15.22*** mode/#bzflag [+oo Chestal ChanServ] by
08:15.22*** mode/#bzflag [+b *!*] by
08:19.45CIA03davidtrowbridge * 12bzflag/ (6 files in 4 dirs): blah blah blah blah blah BLAH this is tedious
08:20.17*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
08:22.00*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
08:24.20*** join/#bzflag |tim| (
08:56.35*** join/#bzflag netnomad` (
09:09.59*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
09:11.39[dmp]does anyone know Goku/Lil dog ? Or heard the name?
09:12.11[dmp]Who is he?
09:12.25|tim|not really sure i remember playing him though
09:13.52[dmp]I just an odd message from him. For some reason he wants me to go to a site, register and see that he is my old pal. If i understand the mail correctly he was banned from jumping. But I dont think i've never seen him and i didnt kick nor ban anybody for jumping
09:41.18*** join/#bzflag snyke (
09:44.13*** join/#bzflag |tim| (
09:49.04*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
10:11.01*** join/#bzflag _snyke (
10:17.01*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
10:22.52*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
10:36.36*** join/#bzflag bomber (
10:37.08Chestalhi bomber
10:44.16*** join/#bzflag david_v (
10:44.23[dmp]iiya david
10:44.30david_vuh oh
10:44.40david_vi forgot my stealth uniform again
10:44.52david_vwell, hi then :)
10:46.17david_vhmmm :)
10:46.30david_vjust wait for the rain and bring your tape recorder
10:47.17david_vor go to the northern areas and record some funny dialects :)
10:47.55bzdougbork bork bork
10:48.04[dmp]The swedish chef!
10:48.16david_vhi doug
10:48.17bzdougxchat is very expandeble
10:48.24bzdouggreetings and salutations
10:48.26david_vyes, UNFORTUNATELY ;)
10:48.42david_vdon't speak so loudly about it when mister bracket is here :)
10:49.53david_v[dmp]: anyway, tried installing nVIDIA driver 1.0.4496 today. X wouldn't even load... so i can't tell how the driver is working hehe :)
10:50.02[dmp]onJoin #bzflag && $user=='david_v' then sql("update ladders SET secore-200 where user='$user'"); :)
10:50.14david_vtried reinstalling the driver but had to revert to the old to get X up
10:50.21david_vaha :)
10:50.40david_vsecore? :)
10:50.48[dmp]Odd. I havnt had any problems.
10:51.02bzdougthats like a better score than he has currently :)
10:51.04[dmp]its short for very-cool-and-secret-karma-algo.
10:51.15david_vi see :)
10:51.46bzdougsweet, my vpn stayed up all night
10:51.49david_vbzdoug: quiet you ;) it says secore-200 not secore=-200 :)
10:52.03bzdougah :)
10:52.08david_vnot that that code would actually work, but that's another story :)
10:52.21bzdougouch, what a put down :)
10:52.21[dmp]onJoin #bzflag && $user=='david_v' then sql("DELETE FROM ladders Where user='$user'"); :)
10:52.30[dmp]*grr* :)
10:52.42david_vi wasn't asking for corrections ok ;)
10:53.27david_vwonder if the code line works with the ":)" on the end :)
10:53.43bzdougas a comment :)
10:53.49david_vnevertheless i'd better change my nick soon :)
10:54.05[dmp]and use a ircbouncer :)
10:54.10david_vand use a proxy :)
10:54.22bzdougYes, today is "put-a-smily-after-each-sentance"!!!
10:54.26bzdouger, :)
10:54.44david_vi guess i'm just like this, normally... except for in RL of course hehe
10:55.24david_vi saw a guy on the Net who used quite a lot of smilies. met him in RL and he was about as dead serious as me :)
10:55.46bzdougheh :)
10:55.48[dmp]how do i implement verymeanfunction() in perl? :-)
10:56.04david_v# verymeanfunction() 1=2
10:56.05bzdougI dont know :)
10:58.11david_vhey, what's this headline on Slashdot:
10:58.20david_v"Danish computer user have caused an uproar in Sweden"
10:59.18david_v"Göran Persson to resolve diplomatic issues next week."
11:00.01bzdougIn other news: a large Squadron of Trained Ninjas helps an old lady across the street
11:00.20bzdouguh oh
11:00.20*** join/#bzflag [dmp] (
11:00.54[dmp]Dont worry, i didnt real it :)
11:01.16*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (
11:01.24david_vhey Chiko
11:01.29david_vwere where you yesterday? heh
11:01.36Chikoritahey davy
11:01.38[dmp]how do i unload scripts in xchat?
11:01.46david_v[dmp]: that's your problem ;)
11:01.51david_vhm, and mine :)
11:01.53Chikoritawhere was i?
11:01.57david_vChikorita: for the match?
11:02.12david_v[dmp]: Window -> Plugins and Scripts
11:02.21Chikoritao srry i was a lil late buh i showed up i did i did :)
11:02.22david_vdidn't know until you asked, actually
11:02.33david_vbut i think we waited almost an hour extra
11:02.42Chikoritai saw dabomb on an wee played sum
11:02.47david_v[dmp]: what? something wrong, dmp?
11:03.16Chikoritawel srry i was late buh anywayz i didnt have a teamie show up til much lata (greg)
11:03.17[dmp]Somebody "might" think its funny to write [dmp] .. just to trigger the  sound :-)
11:03.25david_vChikorita: i see
11:03.37david_v[dmp]: ohh .... [dmp] isn't that bad a nick though, nice to type
11:03.41bzdoughah, hes here, bbl :)
11:03.52[dmp]It dosnt work, unless i'm away :)
11:04.03david_vwe can scare you away :)
11:04.22david_vlisten, your very keyboard will smash into bits in your face if you don't stop typing on it
11:04.27[dmp]I know the unload feature, but try it: ""Unloading individual perl scripts is not supported.""
11:04.47[dmp]So i wonder how to unload all :)
11:04.51david_vunload the whole Perl interface then
11:05.09david_vit's there in the list
11:05.50[dmp]a 2nd xchat is easier, mr 2*wm :)
11:06.11david_vquite, single bracket :)
11:06.33Chikoritaim not a big fan of perls
11:06.39Chikoritai like beads betta
11:06.39david_vhow could you not be? hehe
11:06.42david_vwhy though?
11:06.57david_vk :)
11:06.59Chikoritadey jus dunt appeal 2 meee
11:07.42david_vit's not pearls, but perl
11:08.07Chikoritaduz chocolate have caffeine in it? duz any1 kno?
11:08.09david_vhm was that the right spelling...
11:08.12david_v~spel pearl
11:08.16david_v~spell pearl
11:08.17'pearl' may be spelled correctly
11:08.18david_vduh lol
11:08.24david_v~spell pearles
11:08.27possible spellings for pearles: Pearle's pearlies pearls Pearl's pearl's Pearlie's pearler's Peale's Perle's parleys pearl es pearl-es Perls pales peals pearled Pearla's Pearle peerless Perl's peal's
11:08.27[dmp]~spell spel
11:08.28possible spellings for spel: spell spiel spew Opel spec sped Shel sole spells spiels speak speck sepal Peel Pele Perl Sela Sol peal peel seal sell sol spill spoil spool suppl
11:09.02Chikoritaiznt Opel a european car?
11:09.24david_vpearls is correct anyway
11:11.09Chikoritada spiegel catalog has good stuff
11:11.30Chikoritasumbody iz poisoning dogz in portland :(
11:11.40Chikorita<<<watchin da morning news
11:11.50Chikoritadat iz terrible
11:12.16Chikoritaso duz chocolate have caffeine in it ? any1 kno?
11:12.58david_vcaffeine in chocolate? hehe no not normally
11:13.06Chikoritaaww okies
11:14.32david_v - this one's interesting too
11:14.45Chikorita"Linux, once viewed as an operating system that only computer geeks could appreciate..."
11:15.32Chikoritawow if linux eva becomes easy 2 use like winXP i would use it :)
11:15.32david_vwell, yes :)
11:15.52david_vthis study is rather limited though
11:16.09Chikoritaduz linux have background desktop settings?
11:16.21Chikoritalinux used 2 b so drab
11:16.42Chikoritaused 2 b jus da guy wif da hat
11:17.00david_vyes you can change background and apply some effects too
11:17.06Chikoritao okies kewl
11:17.44david_vRedHat, yes...
11:17.59david_vthere are lots of variants of Linux packages, though
11:18.09david_vhundreds, at least
11:18.27Chikoritao wow ibm gonna buy amd??!
11:18.47Chikoritahmm wonder if winky knows dis , he werks for AMD
11:18.48david_vwell, theoretically. they say they wouldn't be surprised
11:18.56david_vbut i don't know if they actually will do it
11:19.18Chikoritaduznt ibm make processor chips 2?
11:19.28Chikoritada PPC ship?
11:20.05Chikoritaor iz dat only like big mainframe an server chips only?
11:20.40[dmp]wHëÊ, ñÊw $ç®íþT. í wâñT tô jôíñ çôÑ$pήÃtÖR§
11:21.05david_vit was his inner secret
11:21.05Chikoritabenny would b happy 2 hear dat
11:21.08david_vrevealed by his stupid script
11:21.12Chikoritalol davy
11:21.14[dmp]I dont think this script works with bzflag :)
11:21.16david_vand now he desperately denies it :)
11:21.39[dmp]sHut up /)avi/)_v
11:21.42david_vmaybe BZflag 2 comes with Perl support :)
11:21.56david_vhmmmm :)
11:21.57Chikoritai tink dmp secretly wants ta join a noobie team an bring it up da rankings like how spiff did ;) (j/k)
11:22.08david_vthat's even worse than 1337 lang
11:22.08|tim|night all
11:22.12Chikoritanite tim
11:22.14david_vgood night
11:22.26[dmp]Actually quite a few options.. "Charset=messywin, 311337, k-rad" .. wordcaption, phrasecaption ... :-)
11:22.46Chikoritai wanna join da pranksters team LoL
11:22.56david_vi'm going for TXE :)
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11:42.52bzdougwoo, my proxy works :)
11:45.03bzdougit dumped everything that was said in the channel when I reconnected :)
11:46.10[dmp]was it dircproxy?
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12:16.16bombernot yet
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12:50.58bzdoug[dmp]: could you send me that?
12:51.16[dmp]bzdoug: send you what?
12:51.27bzdougthat whered script thing
12:51.33bzdougthat changed ur text :)
12:51.42[dmp]dooh :)
12:52.08bzdougI think I have a few uses for that :)
12:52.09[dmp]go to xchat , select plugins/addons (whatever) search for lamer .. :)
12:53.06[dmp]" 0.8"
12:54.50bzdougset slang
12:56.21[dmp]- /lameset slang
12:56.36bzdoughmm, testing
12:56.55bzdoughmm, testing
12:57.21[dmp]bzdoug kant get it to work :)
12:57.29david_vshh :)
12:57.30bzdoughmmm, t0taly 0ut 0f dis w0rld
12:57.35[dmp]ah :)
12:58.07bzdoughmm, now this mode is diferent
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14:15.41TimRikerstatic const std::stringBZDB_WORLDSIZE; ??? string?
14:15.50bzdougmornin TimRiker
14:16.36TimRikerworldsize should come from the server, it should not be in the client database at all, I would think.
14:17.04ChestalI think the idea is that the server can modify some of these variables which are in the client database
14:17.08Chestalbut I am just guessing
14:17.24bryjenMsgSetVar or something like that
14:18.25bryjenand would world size be two or three dimensions expressed like  800x800x800 perhaps ?
14:19.04bryjen~seen captain_proton
14:19.05i haven't seen 'captain_proton ', bryjen
14:19.12Chestalit probably assumes square worlds
14:19.16bryjenoh really
14:19.32david_vcaptain_proton IS here :)
14:19.44david_vbeen idling for 6:30 though heh
14:20.18bryjenhrm, is there a space in ibots reply?  quote-c_p-space-quote ?
14:20.38david_v~seen captain_proton
14:20.38captain_proton is currently on #picogui (6h 5m 16s) #bzflag (6h 5m 16s)
14:20.41david_vthat works
14:20.44david_vfunny bug
14:21.07david_vwho maintains ibot here? heh
14:21.11TimRikerserver can send client values anyway. that by itself is not a good reason to put them in the database imho.
14:21.15*** join/#bzflag tim (
14:21.44TimRikerdatabase access is much slower than variable access. There should still be server supplied variable values.
14:22.05ChestalTimRiker: the speed issue also bugs me, but that's not restricted to the new variables
14:22.21TimRikerI could see putting them in a struct perhaps so they can all be located, but db stuff should be the ones that need to get saved between runs.
14:22.38ChestalTimRiker: but I think the current approach is simply much mor flexible then an approch would be where we woul define a mesage for every variable or just sent a fixed set of variables
14:22.48rumour has it, owner is BZFlag.  TimRiker
14:23.04TimRiker~no, owner is TimRiker
14:23.27bryjenhehe.  ibot is 0wn3d
14:23.28TimRikeribot: owner is <reply> TimRiker (or BZFlag) is my owner
14:23.29...but owner is already something else...
14:23.35TimRikeribot: no, owner is <reply> TimRiker (or BZFlag) is my owner
14:23.36TimRiker: okay
14:23.39bryjenand stubborn
14:23.42TimRiker (or BZFlag) is my owner
14:23.49TimRiker~lock owner
14:23.49TimRiker: locking factoid owner
14:24.52TimRikerChestal: sure, the current would allow the server to send down anything. but the client won't use it until it has been modified.
14:25.01TimRikerso what's the point?
14:25.01captain_protonTimRiker: thats how 1.8 does it
14:25.14TimRikercaptain_proton: agreed, and I have the same issue there.
14:25.16captain_protonTimRiker: once i get server variables working, i'll add local caching
14:25.43TimRikerI don't mind the feature. I just don't think it's useful for frequently used items
14:26.01TimRikerstill have a lookup to get the "cached" value.
14:26.09Chestalhmm, caching? what would be cached exactly? Maybe I'm not understanding hwo it works now, but with the current interface I see no way of caching?
14:26.14TimRikerit's the lookup I want to remove.
14:26.21captain_protonTimRiker: hrm
14:26.35captain_protonright now the lookup is more expensive than needbe due to eval()
14:27.11captain_protonstd::map isn't fast enough? :P
14:27.29TimRikermake a struct (or class if you must) with the server supplied stuff that is referenced freequently.
14:27.47Chestalit seems to be a bit of voerkill for me to search in a map each tiem we need the curent gravity, which only changes whenever we join a different server I think
14:27.49TimRikerif we make the struct global and static, then it's not even an indirection.
14:28.17ChestalI'm not sure it makes any speed difference, but it still feels wrong
14:29.01TimRikerbuild a table of strings that map to the predefined entries in the struct and then set them into the struct if they are defined there.
14:29.35TimRikerthat way the server-> client view is the same, but the predefined variables don't go through the eval to get used.
14:30.00Chestalthat sounds ok
14:30.19TimRikerthe point is to use them on the client side without doing a db lookup each time.
14:30.38TimRikerditto on the server side if/when we have a db over there.
14:30.56captain_protonwe have a db over there now
14:31.43ChestalTimRiker: callbacks would do that. Queries would directly access the struct values, changes to the bzdb values would invoke callback which woudl copy the values from bzdb to struct
14:32.02Chestalshould be done for all bzdb values which are read frequently and only change rarely IMHO
14:33.19Chestalif I see a drop in fps, I will complain :-)
14:34.08ChestalI haven't really tested it, but as long as we know how we can optimize it, it is ok for me, so we can go down that route if it really starts to eat up a noticeable amount of CPU
14:34.43Chestalabout WorldSize: did the client code change to actually cope with a variabel WorldSize already?
14:35.05captain_protonChestal: i removed WorldSize from the list
14:35.16captain_protonlook in global.cxx
14:35.21captain_protonthose are the only variables used
14:36.13*** join/#bzflag MrCooper (
14:36.23captain_protonwe could switch to hash_map ;)
14:36.28captain_protonthats almost O(1)
14:36.49captain_protonChestal: global.cxx
14:37.00captain_proton{ "_gravity",         "-9.81",        false,  StateDatabase::Locked },
14:37.05captain_proton{ "_tankLength",      "6.0",          false,  StateDatabase::Locked },
14:37.09captain_proton{ "_tankWidth",       "2.8",          false,  StateDatabase::Locked }
14:37.18david_vah that theory might help ;)
14:37.55Chestalnow I am completely confused
14:38.46*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
14:38.52captain_protonChestal: what about?
14:39.32Chestalabout WorldSize
14:39.40Chestalit obviously is no longer a constant
14:39.44Chestal(in the client)
14:40.10captain_protonChestal: hmm, yeah
14:40.13Chestalinstead it's now an ugly extern in global.h
14:40.19captain_protoni think patlabor221 had a hand in that
14:41.12Chestalah, we got DEFAULT_GRAVITY and DEFAULT_WORLD there
14:41.22Chestalevil defines
14:41.45captain_protonnot quite as evil as the object-properties stuff used to be
14:42.01Chestalsymbolic constants are better, though
14:42.08captain_protonwe have:
14:42.10Chestalthe gravity can be rmeoved I guess, now that it is in bzdb?
14:42.13captain_proton#define _DRIVE_THRU     0x01
14:42.13captain_proton#define _SHOOT_THRU     0x02
14:42.13captain_proton#define _FLIP_Z         0x04
14:42.16captain_protonwhere we used to have:
14:42.24captain_proton#define _DRIVE_THRU     0x01
14:42.24captain_proton#define _SHOOT_THRU     0x02
14:42.24captain_proton#define _FLIP_Z         0x03
14:42.32captain_protonChestal: i thought i did?
14:42.42Chestalglobal.h: #define DEFAULT_GRAVITY -9.81f
14:42.46captain_protonohh the define
14:44.39Chestalall of these constants or in the future not-so-constants should be put into some class or whatever
14:44.55ChestalWodlSize is just a global variable now
14:45.27captain_protonmost of the constants can get folded into the globalDBItems stuff
14:45.42Chestalwhy exactly did you choose TankLength and TankWidth into bzdb? Does it make any sense to chaneg these values? Would it work?
14:46.39captain_protonbecause they were in the list - i'm not sure if it would work, but its possible, maybe?
14:48.01Chestalthey are used for collisons with buildings I assume
14:48.11Chestaltankradious is hit for shot collisions AFAIK
14:48.30*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
14:48.33bryjenWorldSize is just one number?  Worlds always square?
14:50.25bryjenhmm.. src/bzfs/WorldInfo.cxx: WorldInfo::WorldInfo() has a size[0] and size[1]   X and Y sizes?
14:51.09captain_protonChestal: i think my original motivation in 1.8 was that the huge list of globals made me feel dirty
14:51.36captain_protonseems like a lot of the world constants (PyrBase, etc) could be moved into bzfs
14:52.07Chestalbryjen: at least the cleint code assumes square worlds now
14:58.21bryjenand of course they're flat too ;)
14:59.10bryjenooof.  curves.
15:01.34bryjeneh.  or _a_ polygon, as the in only one world
15:03.34bryjens/the in/there is
15:05.03*** join/#bzflag learner (
15:06.12captain_protonwow...sco thing is getting -really- ugly
15:06.21captain_protonlearner: i want copies of the siggraph papers
15:09.08*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
15:12.34learnerbut apparently all flights through chicago use united
15:13.34learneroops.. pay no attention to the random babbling fool..
15:19.06scanlinehmm.. coffee...
15:19.49captain_protonmornin' scanline
15:22.25captain_protonso apparently wxPython is not the worlds most documented module
15:22.44scanlineisn't it just a straight swiggification of wxWindows?
15:22.59learnerand from what I hear, it's a module that doesn't work under os x "yet"
15:23.13scanlinecould just use Tk, it's sort of the standard for python GUIness
15:23.23learnerthat's rumor-mill jabber though -- could be wrong
15:23.37captain_protonlearner: doesn't really matter, as the Cg compiler/runtime don'
15:23.40captain_protont work on osx either
15:24.00*** part/#bzflag david_v (
15:24.22scanlinecould just use gtk, as I expect this tool will only get used on linux :)
15:24.35captain_protonscanline: probably
15:25.32captain_protonwhich leads to->gimme a password for navi-misc ;)
15:25.52scanlineI think you already have a password for navi-misc.. but if you're going to make a new sf project for this I should make a new repository in navi
15:26.07captain_protonno -real- reason to create a project yet
15:26.44scanlinehmm.. I have navi-misc and picogui running off the same passwd file =}
15:27.10scanlineoh well, send over an htpasswd line and I'll stick it in there is broken for me
15:27.24scanlinecaptain_proton: not worried about that, just noticing my own sloppy admin practices
15:28.00bryjenChestal:  no here either
15:28.02*** join/#bzflag Quol_AtWork (~ianf@
15:28.08captain_protonscanline: jupiter:Ex9OuQ.FbXrVc
15:28.44bryjen  works
15:28.55captain_protondirk wanted to make wild.cs a uniquid host (meaning it would be tied in with the rest of campus' auth stuff), and they told him he needs to let us manage the machine if he wants uniquid
15:29.06scanlinecaptain_proton: ok, you're in. just remember to use https://
15:30.53captain_protonscanline: any ideas?
15:32.01bryjenhmm different IP addy's for and
15:33.11scanlineThe Improved Python CG Development Platform Environment Widget++
15:34.23bryjenTIP-CG-D-PEW++  aww pewww
15:34.39captain_protonwe could infringe on pixar's trademarks and call it RenderMan!
15:35.22scanlineor the new fad, RenderGidget!
15:35.27bryjenwhy is it always fooMan ?
15:37.15captain_protonmy family enreturns today
15:37.45bzdougis that diferent than returns?
15:38.00captain_protonbzdoug: maybe
15:38.21bryjendouble prefixing
15:38.30gonkulatorbzdoug: think of the difference between date-uh and dat-uh
15:38.56bryjenor dat-uh and dis-uh
15:39.12Chikoritadis an dat
15:39.29Chikoritadat iz ova dere , an dis iz right here
15:40.46captain_protonyay for people sending my boss glowing feedback =)
15:40.57scanlinequick, decontaminate the feedback!
15:41.07TimRikerhmm. what's the dns deal?
15:41.11bzdouga glowing fish?
15:41.19captain_protonTimRiker: is broken
15:41.28bryjenen-  A prefix signifying in or into .... sometimes used to give a causal force ... sometimes merely gives an intensive force
15:41.42bryjenso they return with intensive force ?
15:42.01TimRikerlooks like SF issues?
15:42.01captain_protonbryjen: yes!
15:42.02bzdougwaving pitchforks
15:42.07captain_protonscanline: uhhuh
15:42.19Chikoritaips slightly diff
15:42.25bryjenhmmm "merely" an "intensive" oxymoron
15:42.47*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
15:42.47Chikoritalol ya spiffs lil strong bad duz a lil dance
15:43.25captain_protonbryjen: i'm of the opinion that every verb can and should be proceeded with en
15:44.21Chikoritahmm i dunt enthink so .
15:46.22Chikoritadang yall made mee laff an every1 in da office glanced at mee
15:46.35captain_protonwow, i guess there's something that i used to be interested in that i'm not so much anymore
15:46.52scanlineportable fruit?
15:47.15captain_protonnatural language
15:47.34captain_protonthough its not a terrible thing, because i'm sure i'll reinterest myself sometime
15:47.57Chikoritareinterest ....heh
15:47.57captain_protonyaknow, sometimes xpilot is just rediculous
15:48.08captain_proton"jupiter launched a modified nuclear cluster imploding missile!"
15:49.10Chikoritar wee under attack?
15:49.18Chikoritadam dem jupiterians
15:49.49Chikoritadat iz a neet gif Tim
15:50.01Chikorita4 sum reason it remindz mee of Enron tho :/
15:50.31scanlineit would take a heck of a lot of fog
15:50.48bzdougyea :)
15:50.53scanlineanyway, fog is the cheater's way out
15:51.11captain_protonscanline: make the ground a non-textured infinite plane
15:51.24captain_protonalthough hmm
15:51.31captain_protonthe camera can go below the ground
15:51.31scanlineI'm thinking it needs mountains, then either an infinite ground plane or an infinitely deep chasm :)
15:51.53bzdougwhats your idea?
15:52.04*** join/#bzflag netnomad` (
15:52.55Chikoritahow about a fading horizon?
15:53.58Chikoritaor like hazy mountains as u look further away?
15:54.19captain_protonChikorita: thats not -really- the issue
15:54.20scanlinewell yes, they would be the sort of hazy mountains you see near the horizon
15:54.30scanlinethe main problem is what goes in front of or below that?
15:54.50captain_protonnormal haze we can do with slight fog
15:55.00learnerthe world is flat -- pay up :)
15:55.24captain_protonworld is flat but the sky is spherical!
15:55.24scanlinecaptain_proton: don't need that, the haze can just be implied by the colors it renders the clouds and sky with
15:55.37scanlineer, mountains and sky
15:55.48captain_protonbut haze for clouds?
15:57.48scanlineI'm thinking we'd have the farthest away mountains you see meeting the sky, then below that either a ground plane (maybe with some hills or something) or it just fades off into nothingness as you look farther down
15:58.15*** join/#bzflag BagsAtWork (
15:58.18scanlinethose mountains need very little detail, since they are hazy- mainly just a sillhouette and a color that changes depending on the sky's lighting
15:59.21Chikoritawow dat iz a pretty pic scanny
15:59.36Chikoritawhere iz dat taken?
15:59.39scanlinewould be better if my digital camera didn't suck so much :)
15:59.46captain_protonwelp, time to go to work
15:59.50captain_protonmeeting-type thing in a bit
15:59.52scanlinetop of Mt. Bross.. I forget exactly where that is
15:59.54Chikoritabye capn
15:59.57scanlinebye captain_proton
16:00.08Chikoritain da usa?
16:00.19scanlinecolorado rockies, yep
16:00.22Chikoritao okies
16:01.42Chikoritai like ur idea scanny
16:01.50Chikoritait sounds good
16:02.41Chikoritalike in between da far away mountains u have da horizon fade out
16:04.01Chikoritai feel like goin 4 a hike now
16:04.36Chikoritak bbl is back
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16:34.44prot-workscanline: we still don't have a name
16:34.55scanlinehmm, there's that too
16:39.30prot-workscanline: hmm, neat
16:39.42prot-workthe little active->passive stereo converter uses frame sequential
16:39.54prot-work(in the DLC conference room)
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16:49.46bzdougRenderTennisGirl? :)
16:53.08prot-workpatlabor221: we need a name
16:54.02*** part/#bzflag cods (
16:54.21*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (~JBDiGriz@
17:03.37bzdougwonderfull lag there :)
17:04.04*** part/#bzflag Svartalf (
17:04.31patlabor221or wonderfull work :)
17:04.39patlabor221unlike you I have to do things at my job :)
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17:05.25patlabor221what is the name needed for?
17:05.45bzdougcaptain_proton's spiffy code for cg or something
17:06.03patlabor221what does it do?
17:07.06bzdougThe Improved Python CG Development Platform Environment Widget++
17:07.32scanlineit's like CgLabs, but better
17:07.45bzdougcglahbs :)
17:08.54patlabor221or just pyCg
17:14.30CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Tweak the cloud dome height in the sky model, add meshes for the horizon and horizon haze
17:17.09bryjenare the "clouds" flat and only visible from below?
17:17.48scanlinewell, they're curved
17:18.06scanlinebut they are only visible from below... there's no way to view them from above
17:18.33bryjenno height/volume 2d-like
17:19.35bryjenin C bz you can get above 'em in observer mode.   Or fall thru 'em from somebody's insanely high teleporters.
17:19.58scanlinethat can't happen in pybzflag, the sky never moves relative to the camera
17:20.15scanlinein bzflag, the clouds also aren't curved AFAIK
17:20.19Chestalthat's cheating ;-)
17:20.22bzdougso no matter how high, its higher?
17:20.26bryjennot that you really notice them as you plummet back to earth
17:20.37scanlinebzdoug: right
17:20.52scanlinethe sky is rendered separately from the rest of the world, using only the camera's rotation, not its position
17:21.02Chestalhmm, can I fly to the moon in bzflag observer mode?
17:21.15bzdoughmm, that would be a cool easter egg
17:21.43bryjenChestal: i'd imagine the moon/sun are done like scanline's clouds
17:21.58Chestalcheating moon :-)
17:22.03bzdougand the cows jumping over the moon?
17:22.11bryjenalways "up there" somewhere
17:23.13bryjenerrr, and at what speed does observer move? how long would it take to get to the moon? :)
17:23.55patlabor221at the speed of cheese
17:24.13Chestalsame speed as the moon then?
17:24.17bzdougjust wait till the moon is strait up, then make a teleporter thats 100000 miles high
17:25.11bryjenthe units are meters, does that overflow?
17:25.27bryjen~convert 100000 m mi
17:25.30scanlineit's floating point, takes a lot more than that to overflow
17:25.31bzdoug~covert 100000 miles to m
17:25.48scanlinebut with numbers that high, your tank probably wouldn't be able to move
17:25.49bzdoug~convert 100000 miles to meters
17:26.36Chestalthe moon is more than 100,000 miles away
17:26.47bryjen160 million < 2^32
17:26.53Chestalbzflag is usign floats, max float value is 3.40282346638528860e+38
17:26.59bzdougtut tut
17:27.08Chestalthat should put you well beyong the end of the visible universe
17:27.15bryjenMars, anyone?
17:27.52Chestalthe observer might have problems to moev there, though because the precision might not be sufficient to do all the small dt steps
17:27.55scanlineChestal: but with numbers that high, the tanks couldn't move, and any rendering would be way past the far clip plane
17:27.56Chestalwhatever, I'm off
17:29.09bryjensheesh.  i was just curious about realistic clouds.
17:29.52bryjenand having object "in" the clouds for a fog effect
17:30.06bzdougthe clouds are like, really thin :)
17:30.30bryjenmust be why it never rains :)
17:30.40bzdoug1.8 rained
17:33.00TimRiker~convert 3.40282346638528860e+38  meters into light years
17:33.10TimRiker~convert 3.40282346638528860e+38  meters to light years
17:33.40TimRiker~convert 3.4e+38 meters to light years
17:33.53bzdoug~convert 100000 miles to lightyears
17:35.17bzdougdarn 32 bit systems :)
17:35.28TimRiker~convert 3.4e38 meters to light years
17:39.58*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
17:40.21bzdougmoin bzgirl
17:40.29bzgirlhello #bz
17:55.58*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
18:05.33CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (11 files in 4 dirs): Metric handful of small tweaks
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18:08.55bryjenwould 3.5 light years even make it to the next closest star?
18:09.15patlabor221it wasn't 3.5
18:09.20patlabor221read the entire number
18:09.24bryjenwhoops, exponent
18:10.10bryjengazillions ;)
18:10.10patlabor221bit of a run
18:11.25bryjena digit past seven commas
18:16.46CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/ThreeDRender ( Keep rendering order predictable, with maybe a small speed boost
18:19.54*** join/#bzflag netnomad (
18:25.44TimRiker~convert zetalightyear to meters
18:25.51TimRiker~convert zettalightyear to meters
18:26.18bzdoug~convert zettalightyear to miles
18:26.24prot-work~convert zettalightyear to nanometers
18:26.30TimRiker~convert 3.40282346638528860e38 meters to zettalightyears
18:26.55TimRikeronly 3% of a zettalightyear
18:29.30CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag (2 files in 2 dirs): Removing automatic psyco profiling for now, it seems to make some of the tests run slower :-/
18:31.57bryjenzetta = 10^21 ?
18:32.35bryjen~convert 1 meter to zettameters
18:32.53bryjen~convert 1 zettameter to meters
18:33.03bryjen~convert 1 yottameter to meters
18:33.30bryjenhmmm.  the chart I looked at has them flipped
18:34.16TimRikerused to be flipped in ibot, but comments say that's the Right way.
18:34.59JBDiGrizIt has them flipped from ibot as well
18:35.16bryjen~dict zetta
18:35.22bryjen~dict zetta-
18:37.00CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Oops, remove a debuggative cruft
18:53.36*** join/#bzflag mmu_man (
18:57.28*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
18:57.51Chikoritathers a teamkiller on ducati ..aGaIn :/
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19:36.50[dmp]david isnt here :)
19:37.03JBDiGrizI see several David's here! ;-)
19:38.48[dmp]I need my own channel :)
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20:01.19bzdougSCO is charging 699 per processor for linux
20:02.39scanlineI love some of the bugs you get in OpenGL apps
20:03.59bzdougyou can SEE the bugs
20:04.01bzdougthats cool
20:12.21prot-workits like walking on a cloud of fresh pork
20:12.46learnerAtWorkmmmm... pork
20:15.27scanlinehmm.. the perlin noise code could easily be hacked up a bit to make clouds that are shaped like things :)
20:15.48bzdoug"that one looks like a whale"
20:16.15prot-work"that one looks like SCANLINE WITH A KNIFE!"
20:17.26JBDiGrizCanadian brass for a scary knife scene? You need to watch Psycho again!
20:19.11learnerAtWorkheh wwooa woa woa woooaah..  (hard to make scary string music readable)
20:20.00JBDiGrizThe curtains part, the knife is raised (woobeewoobeewoo!)
20:20.12JBDiGrizIt doesn't impart the feeling for me, how about you?
20:20.59CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (5 files in 2 dirs): Big viewport cleanup, break dynamic textures, yay
20:23.37scanlineI have a cloud that says "spinny-widget" on it
20:24.11scanlinethat's what I get for running this right after fonttest...
20:30.37JBDiGrizHe hears the door open, footsteps slowly approach his hiding place (wwooa woa woa woooaah..)
20:33.17prot-worki like the quotation tagline for this book
20:33.28CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Viewport ( Fix dynamic textures
20:33.29prot-work"photorealism, like pornography, leaves nothing to the imagination"
20:34.20bzdougpatlabor221: gee, you would think the cd would melt and fly apart :)
20:34.43patlabor221why dooug? it's not like its on fire or made of paper
20:34.47bzdougscanline: sheesh, should have made a video and sold it to some film making company for millions
20:34.52patlabor221why kind of CDs do you use?
20:34.59scanlinehmm, apparently these aren't quite as fixed as I thought
20:35.01bzdougburning paper ones
20:37.12scanlinedamn.. this new Viewport code speeds up skytest from 90 FHz to around 150
20:37.29prot-workscanline: looks like if you combine depth & normal map silhouetting, you get all the edges
20:37.38scanlineI'm sure it will go even faster once I fix up DynamicTexture
20:37.52scanlineprot-work: neat
20:38.22patlabor221cap, when I try to run they pyBZ stuff it tells me there is a bug in pyOpengl with numeric
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20:38.42scanlinepatlabor221: it also gives you a URL to download a workaround at
20:38.53patlabor221well to a tarbal
20:39.00prot-workhmm, does opengl do negative lights?
20:39.04scanlineit's source code
20:39.31patlabor221so just pop it into my python folder, all the other stuff was done with installers
20:39.31scanlinepatlabor221: also, you should only get that message on
20:39.42patlabor221got it on worldviewer
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20:40.08scanlinepatlabor221: it's installed the standard python way, with
20:40.21patlabor221I shall try that then
20:40.28scanlineI'll take a look at that, you shouldn't need that to run anything but clothtest at this point
20:42.21CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Only require the numeric_gl workaround if we're actually using ArraySurface
20:42.26scanlineok, that should fix it
20:42.43scanlineyou'll still need that numeric_gl module to run clothtest, but none of the other apps use ArraySurface yet
20:43.31CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Whitespace tweak
20:44.05patlabor221hmm is "random" still valid for a world?
20:44.23patlabor221then it's a pukin
20:44.27patlabor221let me get the data
20:44.46scanlinerandom works here.. I'm using it as we speak
20:46.40patlabor221that is what it does
20:47.31prot-workthere's a technique in here that makes 3d scenes look like dr. seuss
20:47.38scanlinethat looks kinda like a problem with your Numeric or LinearAlgebra modules
20:47.57patlabor221I got the 23 one like cap said.
20:48.56patlabor221but maybe I funked it up
20:49.28scanlinewell, it's also possible that PyOpenGL is returning something screwy, since it's providing the matrix that LinearAlgebra is supposed to be inverting
20:50.04scanlinetry sticking in "print m" before line 287 of BZFlag/UI/ThreeDRender/
20:50.42scanlineoh, you also don't need '-u3D' any more, 3D is the default
20:50.49patlabor221ahh cool
20:51.33scanlineshould also be more path-happy now.. you might be able to just drag world files onto worldviewer to open them
20:51.54patlabor221[[1065353216          0          0          0]
20:52.09prot-workscanline: some nifty stuff on view-dependent transformations
20:52.28scanlinepatlabor221: hmm, that's a pretty screwed up modelview matrix
20:52.39scanlinelooks like it's PyOpenGL's fault
20:52.41patlabor221I would concur
20:52.52patlabor221maybe there is a newer version I need
20:52.58scanlinecould be
20:53.16scanlinethis wouldn't be the first bug we've found in PyOpenGL, but I'm not sure why it would be windows-specifid
20:53.18scanlineer, specific
20:53.20patlabor221uesd to work
20:53.34patlabor221I will worry bout it later
20:53.38scanlinehave you tried it since I made the pyramids shiny?
20:53.40patlabor221gotta keep making CDs :(
20:53.50patlabor221no, I haven't tried it in a while
20:53.58scanlineok, then that'd be why.. there's a lot of new code
20:54.12prot-workhey look!
20:54.23prot-worki've seen that color plate before...
20:54.34scanlineprot-work: same one from the short paper?
20:55.19*** join/#bzflag Sniper50 (
20:55.26prot-workmost of this book is angled towards artistic rendering rather than useful rendering
20:55.46prot-workfor REAL WORK!
20:56.22patlabor221my real work today is sadly being a highly payed CDrom duplicator
20:57.09*** part/#bzflag Sniper50 (
20:57.21learnerAtWorkoh, sniper.. drat
21:00.23patlabor221in what?
21:00.40learnerAtWorkADC -- apple developer connection
21:02.31bzdougwhat cds are you making?
21:02.41*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:03.11patlabor221GibbsCAM 2002 v6.11
21:03.31scanlineah, last year's model
21:03.52patlabor2212004 is just going into beta
21:04.13patlabor221I just finished pre-beta testing on my part
21:04.42JBDiGrizlearnerAtWork: Are you going to WWDC next year?
21:05.17learnerAtWorknot sure -- I'd like to
21:05.32learnerAtWorkbut that is a rather expensive conference
21:06.06learnerAtWorkpremier would give me a "free" ticket, though... hrm
21:06.08JBDiGrizNot if you get the premier membership
21:07.27JBDiGrizI believe you can upgrade memberships fairly easily as well, if you get select and decide you need premier later.
21:09.09*** join/#bzflag carmee (
21:09.38learnerAtWorkyea, I noticed that.. tricky part is the billing
21:10.02learnerAtWorkwdyamean 'Not if you get the prem...'?
21:10.32JBDiGrizFree ticket to WWDC on premier, you said the same thing at the same time.
21:10.40learnerAtWorkah :)
21:10.44*** join/#bzflag c3po (
21:10.53c3po# Appears as ANNA
21:11.34learnerAtWorkI can bill 500 with no sweat -- 3500 or even 3000 will take a bit of work
21:12.26learnerAtWorkwhat's not clear is if there's a hardware discount with select (one page infers yes, another does not)
21:14.54JBDiGrizYou get 1 use of hardware discount with select, or 10 with premier
21:15.58learnerAtWorkthat, in *itself*, makes select worth-while..
21:16.52bzdougwow, are the sounds diferent in G2?
21:17.08bzdougon here its wierd...
21:17.45learnerAtWorkthere are new sounds in the latest source
21:18.40gee@angel: special observer able to throw good flags at sad players.
21:19.07bzdoughows that work?
21:19.53geewho throws flags: server?
21:20.45*** join/#bzflag ]Gorb[ (
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21:21.17patlabor221I love chanserv :)
21:21.22bzdoughow did that work?
21:21.35patlabor221thats just how kewl I am :)
21:21.45bzdouguh huh :)
21:22.05patlabor221how long have you been on IRC doug?
21:23.53JBDiGrizpatlabor221: You quickly quieted him with your quality of kewl!
21:24.32patlabor221more of just a good ban plan :)
21:24.35david_vguys have you seen this:
21:24.36bzdougthere we go :)
21:24.40bzdougbut about 5 years
21:24.47david_vSCO wants $699 for single CPU systems running Linux ... lol :)
21:24.59patlabor221and you don't know what chanservices can do doug?
21:25.11bzdougyea, but that was pretty clever :)
21:25.29patlabor221what akicking his known hosts and nicks?
21:25.37patlabor221I call that common sense
21:27.00*** part/#bzflag Legolas (
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21:28.57david_vpatlabor221: eh what?
21:29.10patlabor221sorry hasn't
21:29.12patlabor221not has :)
21:29.16david_vah lol
21:29.27patlabor221makes more sense that way :)
21:29.27david_vbut they can't be SERIOUS about this ********
21:29.29david_vyep :)
21:29.55david_v"With 1 CPU
21:29.55david_vWith 2 CPUs
21:30.02david_vWith 4 CPUs
21:30.11david_vWith 8 CPUs
21:30.19david_vEach Additional CPU
21:30.25david_voops sorry for spaces!
21:31.06patlabor221what do they say is there property?
21:31.08JBDiGrizIf you're trying to spread FUD about a product, you make sure it sounds more expensive than the alternate that you want people to buy.
21:31.32patlabor221XP pro sounds hella cheap now
21:31.50TimRikerwhere'd you get the smp pricing? the press release just mentions the single.
21:31.51david_vstill very few are listening to SCO
21:32.02TimRikeris anyone listening? ;-)
21:32.06JBDiGrizThey haven't said yet. They claimed to have shown some code to people who have signed their NDA.
21:32.09david_vTimRiker: no :)
21:32.29david_vyeah their stupid NDAs
21:32.48david_vthose 80 lines of code. recently someone said it was very simple code they showed
21:32.59david_vthat could even be found in other products
21:33.12david_vthat's why they'd better sue quickly
21:33.14patlabor221probably a for loop
21:33.20david_von 80 lines :)
21:33.26patlabor221a bad for lop
21:33.42JBDiGrizActually, they will do better if they drag out the process. If they sue quickly, there is less opportunity for FUD.
21:34.11prot-workplus the execs are dumping stock the whole time
21:34.15JBDiGrizThat's why the RedHat announcement is interesting. They might speed up the discovery process and force the evidence out into the open.
21:34.16david_vyes i know, i put it wrongly, i meant to say they'd better sue quickly so they have time to sue everybody in the world
21:34.27david_vJBDiGriz: true
21:34.37david_vSCO has already given a silly response though
21:34.59JBDiGrizIt's not silly to the MBA types, only to the techies.
21:35.03david_vJBDiGriz: (if there IS evidence :)
21:35.12david_vwell yes unfortunately
21:35.20patlabor221they should merget with rambus inc, 2 companys who survive on lawsuits
21:35.27JBDiGrizOf course there's evidence, but we don't know what it's evidence of! ;-)
21:35.54david_vprobably that the Linus poked too hard on the boss's child one time ago
21:35.59david_v*that Linus
21:36.02JBDiGrizI suspect it's evidence that they ripped off IBM for some of the filesystem code.
21:36.08david_vyep :)
21:37.08david_vbut hey these license fees are extremely unproportional, wouldn't it be possible to sue SCO for that? heh
21:37.24patlabor221isnt' redhat suing them?
21:37.40david_vhmm. doh
21:37.54JBDiGrizIf Red Hat lawyers are good in discovery, they might be able to uncover evidence of conspiracy with M$, and then we get some interesting fireworks!
21:38.09david_vuncover? why? it's all clear :)
21:38.24david_vthere was an evidence leak the other day
21:38.29JBDiGrizThey need evidence before the govt will get involved.
21:38.29david_van IBM guy presented it i think
21:39.40JBDiGrizI believe that was circumstantial, and would need a lot of support. It's great for replying to the FUD, but it's only FUD from the other side.
21:40.23david_vhey, found it... here:
21:41.11JBDiGrizIBM did not take the opportunity to elaborate on Zollar?s statement about the alleged relationship between the two companies.
21:42.09patlabor221well so much for the idea that linux was made by a bunch of hippies, unless the hippies went out and got MBAs :)
21:42.53david_v:) :)
21:43.54JBDiGrizThe people who mad linux are too young to have been hippies. ;-)
21:44.45*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
21:46.38david_vi wonder how long SCO can stay with their original statement that "they're not after hurting Linux". bah! :)
21:46.45david_v"this is just a contract issue"
21:48.15patlabor221they got the beards :)
21:49.40david_vwell, well, i'll go do some shooting on RTCW - ET
21:49.52*** join/#bzflag nikt (
21:51.59JBDiGrizI don't see a way to donate to the Open Source Now Fund, only the Red Hat web site.
21:52.57david_vwhat about OSI, FSF or similar?
21:53.15david_vOpen Source Now is RedHat's thing anyway i think?
21:53.19JBDiGrizThey're not directly involved in the lawsuit yet.
21:53.37david_voh you think like that, no i was just listing orgs in general
21:54.00JBDiGrizI support their objectives as well.
21:55.39david_vi think i have quite some browsing to do, have been missing out quite some informative sites i think
21:56.21*** join/#bzflag KTL (
21:56.30KTLKTL has 1000 score
21:56.34KTLat the moment
21:58.21bzdouglemme look :)
21:58.24KTLthe other record is a 102-2 also in there:-)
21:59.12*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
22:00.55KTLeuhm some idiot was stopwatching me
22:01.15KTLand he beats me everytime if i don't shoot someone in 30 secs
22:01.28KTLeuhm that resulted in 1000 score
22:01.40KTLand he is full of blue spots on his skin
22:01.44KTLni beat him back
22:02.04Chikoritablu spots?
22:02.21KTLeuhm, bruises it's called it seams
22:02.27ChikoritaooH heh
22:02.59*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
22:03.13Chikoritahi bzgirl
22:03.38ChikoritaKTL wut server r u playin on?
22:04.18Chikoritao okies
22:04.24KTLhello bzg:-)
22:04.38KTLmust go , see movie bye
22:05.06Chikoritamee 2 ...dinnertime ...bye
22:14.03bryjengood grief.   1022 (1379/357)  on
22:16.49bryjenthat must be KTL.  got the same email addy as his entry in the player directory
22:17.25bryjenwonder how many hours of play/pause/play that took
22:22.53*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
22:22.59bryjenhigh 3 : 1 ratio tho
22:24.29bryjentime to go home
22:25.14CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/ThreeDRender ( Fix the unspeakable horrors that would occur when setMainView() was called after add() but before preprocess()
22:37.46*** join/#bzflag DB7654321 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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22:39.58CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): Adding a note about cube map update times
22:40.44*** join/#bzflag captain_proton (
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22:44.19CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): Add a note on configuration
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22:56.30CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI/Drawable ( Use RampFunction in Clouds so the sky won't eventually fall apart due to floating point precision problems
22:57.42patlabor221do you call that the "chicken little" fix?
23:00.52*** join/#bzflag SGI (
23:01.14learnerhello sgi
23:01.18learnerplease don't kick me :)
23:01.40SGInsorry about last night
23:01.45SGIdam "n"
23:02.07SGIbut I know...somebody he was banned
23:02.15learnerI thought it was hilarious :)  enjoyed it, in fact
23:02.28SGIfrom his server
23:02.48david_vSGI: can we match your team this week?
23:03.15CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/doc (TODO): Add a note on cloud animation
23:03.23SGII hope but I have some work to do
23:03.35SGIand birthday party
23:03.58david_vSGI: can you try to push your team? sometime like 21:00 UTC would be suitable, maybe a bit earlier, not too late though
23:04.06SGIfriends, mother in law and mine..yes mine too
23:04.46SGIsorry man...we are busy with babies and family
23:05.01SGIIll try to have a match with you
23:05.16learnerYou'll just have to get them babies playing bzflag :)
23:05.42SGIshe was 2months old when I gave the mouse
23:06.06SGIbut now ...the little earthquake......hit my keyboard
23:06.30SGIand throw the mouse in the floor
23:06.36david_vSGI: we're probably having a rematch with conspirators tomorrow just FYI, hope it won't collide. not sure about exact time yet
23:06.52SGII g2g talk you later
23:06.58*** part/#bzflag SGI (
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23:35.29*** join/#bzflag BaDiN (Paramount@
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23:35.44BaDiNwhat's dmp's ladder url? is one
23:36.13[dmp]hi Badin :)
23:36.50BaDiNoh, there you are
23:37.00BaDiNwhy don't you answer me on icq?
23:37.05BaDiNugly bastard
23:37.23david_vah thanks for expressing my feelings for me, BaDiN ;)
23:37.25[dmp]got a gaydin filter.. sorry :)
23:37.44*** join/#bzflag drinian (
23:38.01BaDiN[00:41] BaDiN: hey
23:38.01BaDiN[00:41] BaDiN: what's your ladder url?
23:38.08BaDiNno away-message
23:38.10KTL_fun that monitoring, i don't know how but i hope they do happypinguin too
23:38.14[dmp]i like the part; " I might be abit slow to reply messages."
23:38.30BaDiNgen rommel is a banana too
23:38.33david_v[dmp]: i get an empty message if i check it
23:38.34BaDiNyou can put it in the ladder
23:38.53[dmp]BaDiN: it shoudl update automatically.
23:39.20[dmp]david_v: so im online?
23:39.27[dmp]david_v: as in not-away
23:39.29david_vuh yes? :) but N/A
23:39.50BaDiNthe man who let the dogs out should be online in 3 hours lol
23:39.51david_vbut no msg that i can see
23:39.59[dmp]stupid gaim
23:40.12david_vi use sim for icq, actually
23:40.32david_vi'll check with gaim... hang on
23:41.50david_vgaim doesn't give me the option to see an away message?
23:42.07david_vnothing comes back when i msg you though
23:42.24[dmp]right-click on my nick, get info
23:42.41[dmp]would be my guess
23:42.41david_vi did that already
23:43.46[dmp]oh well, cant get everything :)
23:44.08david_vhovering over your nick with the mouse cursor is the most useful option, but still doesn't show away msg
23:44.27david_veither gaim and sim are lacking resp. buggy on that point, or you have no msg :)
23:45.03CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/BZFlag/UI (2 files in 2 dirs): Add a Viewing control for changing the FOV
23:45.09BaDiN15,1Paramount 8Golden Edition ( Ok! Do you want something simple?
23:48.13BaDiNthat's easy
23:48.25BaDiNput a sign being replaced :)
23:48.40[dmp]cool, draw that for me :)
23:48.50[dmp]..and i'll update the ladder with teaminfo now :)
23:54.56KTL_what must be done exactly to climb in that ladder?
23:55.05KTL_ratio or score?
23:55.24KTL_but how is it calculated?
23:55.40KTL_and why only these particular servers?
23:56.41BaDiNclick on the "about" link
23:57.20niktBad popup window ;P
23:58.27KTL_Kill-ratio = "tanks shot" / "the number of time you get killed" * 100.

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.