irclog2html for #bzflag on 20030719

00:00.02patlabor221eww is not the best
00:00.07david_vnot good? :) =)
00:00.18david_vi can say that the first tutorial was quite weird
00:00.20david_vit works
00:00.27fiberchunksno, I tried that path too, and my wrists were smacked by herr labor ;)
00:00.31patlabor221yeah nehe is good
00:00.32david_vbut the coding... well, well, he seems to be an amateur
00:00.59patlabor221that is there first SDL/GL tut
00:01.04patlabor221makes a single triangle
00:01.16*** join/#bzflag Ralf_ (
00:01.25patlabor221they go from that all the way to reading and rending a quake 3 level
00:01.25david_vnehe WAS the one i was on
00:01.32david_vso, that one i know about :)
00:01.44david_vgametutorials though, will have a look
00:02.11patlabor221they even do octrees
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00:02.54david_voctrees? eight-sides?
00:03.02patlabor2218 branches
00:03.08patlabor221spacial partitioning
00:03.23patlabor221a cube can be broken into 8 sub cubes
00:03.42david_vto play with the parts, or what?
00:03.42captain_protonyay for bzflag with multitexturing
00:03.54captain_protonthe grass actually looks good
00:04.08fiberchunkscap, do you have a 'man sed' on your box?
00:04.10david_vif anyone could remove the annoying lines in the grass
00:04.18david_vquite disturbing
00:04.20patlabor221its a way to divde a world up so you can parse it fast. for like visibility and stuff
00:04.27captain_protonwell this isn't actually real bzflag
00:04.34captain_protonits pybzflag, so it didn't have those lines to begin with
00:04.43david_vpatlabor221: ah, ok, makes some sense. haven't dealt anything with it, though
00:04.45captain_protonfiberchunks: yeah
00:04.56fiberchunksdamnit -- why isn't it here :\
00:04.59patlabor221if your dealing with a 3d world you will be,
00:05.23david_vpatlabor221: not yet. it'll be 2D /3D
00:05.41patlabor221still you gonna draw the entire world every fame?
00:06.12david_vi haven't thought about that yet, i'm still at the stage of finding the technologies available and learning what i need to learn
00:06.26patlabor221like I say, you will :)
00:06.37david_vwhy? if it's just 2D objects i don't need any partitioning abstractions
00:06.45david_vcall it what you like, though :)
00:06.58patlabor221is every 2d object going to be on the screen at the same time?
00:07.19david_vin a way, probably
00:08.09david_vif it's just a matter of redrawing a 2D frame, it's no big deal. this is just for fun and learning, anyway
00:08.11patlabor221then if your gonna draw everything every frame then no, you don't need any. but if you have a "world" that is larger then the screen you need some way to figure out what is shown and what is not.
00:08.29patlabor221yeah this is the fun part of learning, the high level stuff :)
00:08.31david_vpatlabor221: that's still quite simple in a 2D world :)
00:08.54david_vyes it would, i'm not getting into it right now though
00:08.55patlabor221you may end up with a simple vis algo, but still you will have one
00:09.03david_vyes of course
00:09.15david_vbut i don't think cubes will help me :)
00:09.16patlabor221I'm just saying that that site goes thru a number of techiniqes for that
00:09.25patlabor221no the cubes won't
00:09.26patlabor221not for you
00:09.39patlabor221tho a quadtree may
00:09.44david_vdidn't see you were talking about the site heh :)
00:10.04patlabor221vis is allways the fun part for me
00:10.18patlabor221fun ways of figuring out what is shown in large world
00:10.31patlabor221cus often you can't test every single ojbect
00:10.31david_visn't it easier to just cloak all 2D objects. makes it more challenging for the player, too :)
00:10.51patlabor221that sounds like gameplay
00:10.53david_vyea, just draw a still background :)
00:11.28patlabor221the bigest thing I found to learn was to seperate gameplay from the tech in your mind
00:11.29david_vgood point about testing, this world won't get big though
00:12.11patlabor221BZ tests every object against the view frustum, thats one reason it's slow on maps with a lot of stuff
00:12.43david_vthat's heavy indeed
00:12.44patlabor221it needs the cube thing
00:13.13david_vactually, even if i've never dealt with cubes in this way, i came up with the idea one time ago, when thinking about 3D stuff
00:13.29david_vonly sounded tricky to me how to split the cubes properly etc etc etc
00:13.42patlabor221there are algos to do it
00:13.43david_vto organize it all
00:13.50patlabor221it's allways a tree
00:13.55david_vyeah sure, but i didn't know that then :)
00:13.57patlabor221there are BSPs too
00:14.59patlabor221well time to go home and UV map a hover tanky
00:15.18david_vthanks for your help, pat
00:15.24david_vgood night
00:15.40patlabor221ohh I live like 700 feet away, I'll be back on in like 6 min :)
00:15.44david_vthanks to everybody else as well. i'm leaving too, but to my bed :)
00:15.50david_vyou, yes :) hehe :)
00:15.56fiberchunkslater on david_v
00:16.45*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
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00:25.03captain_protonTupone: if you have something to say, just say it :P
00:25.19Tuponecaptain_proton: I found bzfs discarding PlayerMsgUpdate
00:25.40captain_protoni think that's MrAC's fault
00:25.44TuponeDon't know if it is an unfinished fixes or something wrong
00:25.56TuponeIt check for packet ordering
00:26.17Tuponebut no info is on the protocolo
00:26.42TuponeCan I fix that or wait dbrosius ?? to finish the fix
00:26.57captain_protontalk to him about it - see whats going on
00:26.57Ralf_did 1 try opacy?
00:27.32TuponeIs he here?
00:27.56sussifrom vuffy dark 1 step lighter
00:28.08sussieffect letter
00:29.11captain_protonTupone: no - he comes on as "MrApathyCream"
00:31.37captain_protoni just got a nigerian scam from an email address in the czech republic
00:31.55fiberchunkstheir multi-national now :)
00:32.08captain_protonwell they still claimed to be from nigeria
00:34.49dougheckadid they say they are hiding in czech republic? :)
00:36.00captain_protonyou know, i didn't really pay much attention to it
00:45.39CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (playing.cxx): C&P error: killing robots kills the true player
00:55.13*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
01:04.40CIA03atupone * 12bzflag/data ( added png & wav (white color) for Rabbit Hunting to distribution
01:09.44*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
01:21.56*** join/#bzflag doughecka ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:27.52*** join/#bzflag Tupone (
01:41.53*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
01:50.33captain_protonhiya scanline
01:52.35TuponeMrApathyCream: Are you putting in out of order msg check in bzfs?
01:59.34captain_protonscanline: the grass looks great, the concrete on the bottom looks great, the concrete on the top not so great
01:59.56scanlineyeah, it needs lots of tweaking...
02:00.05captain_protoni love the grass =)
02:01.19MrApathyCreamtupone, i think it might be messing up
02:02.43MrApathyCreami think the one coming across the net is unitialized,f or some reason on ther server
02:03.27*** join/#bzflag fiberchunks (
02:08.31*** join/#bzflag Quol (
02:09.23MrApathyCreamwow that code got merged out again ... gggrrrrrr
02:12.44*** part/#bzflag Tupone (
02:14.16CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/common (PlayerState.cxx): ooo code got merged out, put back in
02:16.54CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (16 files in 2 dirs): Tweak the textures some more
02:18.49bryjenscanline: not sharing graphics with the C code?
02:19.14scanlinenot really
02:19.29scanlinewe started with the same textures, but we're spiffing it all up into something hopefully more better :)
02:19.46scanlineI got the grass looking pretty nice with multitexturing.. trying something a little more risky with the boxen
02:22.20CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/common (PlayerState.cxx): oops incr order
02:24.03bryjen~see captain_proton ?
02:24.19bryjen~seen captain_proton ?
02:24.20bryjen: i haven't seen 'captain_proton '
02:31.37*** join/#bzflag Enotirab (
02:31.39bryjenhmm. everythings greenish again. its not that way at work. must be something with the video driver.
02:32.14*** part/#bzflag Enotirab (
02:34.23CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/common (PlayerState.cxx): sigh, init order to 0 in ctor
02:39.27CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/win32 (2 files): setup win32 debug directory correctly
02:39.44bryjenIs "bzflag -window" currently working for anyone?
02:40.40CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/data (thief.wav): thief sound
02:41.12bryjenhrm.  I'm getting segfaults if i don't specify a -geometry, and if I do, it doesn't seem to use the Y size
02:41.38*** part/#bzflag Quol (
02:41.51bryjenLooks like it falls back to the minimum Y size, a teeeny 192
02:48.11*** join/#bzflag captain_proton ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:57.53captain_protonscanline: you should move stuff off wasabi so we can tell it to record monk
02:59.36scanlinehmm yes.. off wasabi...
03:00.20captain_protontmbg time!
03:02.36learnerMmmm... dry martini on the rocks .. mmmm..
03:02.44learnerMmm.. Sam Adams summer ale
03:02.45fiberchunksvodka or gin?
03:02.50fiberchunksthat's better
03:03.17fiberchunksoh, well then that's acceptable too :)
03:03.36fiberchunksjust in case you gave a damn what I think about your drinking choices ;)
03:03.58learnerhehe, of course i do :)
03:04.08learnerespecially after I've been drinking :)
03:04.17learnerI feel much better now than when I was at work
03:05.15fiberchunksreally? how's that work? ;)
03:07.20*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
03:07.32*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
03:10.10*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
03:11.34*** join/#bzflag Enotirab (
03:12.13Enotirabhas asdf been on recently?
03:12.19learner~seen asdf
03:12.20asdf <> was last seen on IRC in channel #bzflag, 9d 3h 34m 38s ago, saying: 'lol'.
03:12.23Bagheeraguten tag
03:12.30Enotirabah thank you
03:12.42fiberchunksdo you sing?
03:12.50fiberchunksor play the sax?
03:13.11fiberchunksenotirab == baritone
03:13.23Enotirabbaritone is a brass instrument
03:13.34fiberchunksand also a voice characteristic
03:13.35Enotirabit's basically a miniture tuba
03:13.44Bagheerai used to play one...
03:13.46fiberchunksoh, the name of the instrument :)
03:14.03Enotirabhow long did you play Bagheera?
03:14.50Bagheera3 years, after playing trumpet for 3 years.......carrying the dang thing around was a pain, went to golf team instead
03:15.05Enotirabya kinda big isn't it
03:15.05Bagheerayou play?
03:15.09Enotirabof course
03:15.43Bagheerahow long
03:16.02Enotirabonly a year
03:16.16Enotirabbut it's cool
03:16.20Bagheerahad that much impact on you eh
03:16.41Enotirabya it's great
03:17.16Enotirabi got second part in my band so i'm not doing too horribly
03:17.24Bagheeraall they keep giving me to play was um-pa music......not that good though....congrats
03:17.33Enotirabah thanks
03:17.40Enotirabwe get a pretty cool part
03:17.51Enotirabnot just whole notes :P
03:19.09Enotirabwhat kind of band were you in?
03:20.02Bagheeraanyone know is someone is going to host a ctf like xmission but with lag limits and cheat kicks?
03:21.49captain_protonhopeless bleak dispair, it was always there, and then one day, it dissapeared
03:22.25MrApathyCreamanyone up for testing THIEF on xmission?
03:22.36captain_protonMrApathyCream: sure, one minute
03:23.13captain_protonok, ready
03:23.55captain_protonit keeps kicking me for being out of bounds
03:24.03MrApathyCreami think the server isn't updated
03:24.07MrApathyCreami thought it autobuild
03:24.37MrApathyCreamthe PlayerState-order bug is doing that to you
03:24.55MrApathyCreamyou prolly need to update
03:25.07*** part/#bzflag Enotirab (
03:25.19captain_protonscanline: gentoo's new 'block' thing is kind of nifty
03:29.54scanlineblock thing?
03:31.46*** join/#bzflag creeperz (
03:32.41captain_protonit will determine if existing packages conflict with a new install
03:32.48captain_protonand list those packages as blocking
03:34.16MrApathyCreambagheera: new flag
03:35.01captain_protonMrApathyCream: ready
03:41.09captain_protonMrApathyCream: perhaps a noninit counter somewhere for comparing PU order?
03:41.11*** join/#bzflag Michaelh_ (
03:44.09bryjencaptain_proton:  the -current files on sfsnap give me 403s - forbidden
03:45.11MrApathyCreamfound TH length problem
03:45.33captain_protonbryjen: dunno why, all the perms are set right
03:45.55captain_protoncould be a webserver config issue
03:53.10captain_protonUSE="usagi" emerge pfiefer-sources
03:54.42Michaelh_so pat changed the dir for the debug, but still copies the files to the old place.....
03:57.44Michaelh_the cvs client is currently fubar ...
03:58.42Michaelh_I just connect and get booted for being out of bounds...... type writes all over the place ...
03:59.20Michaelh_perhaps this has something to do with playerstate?
03:59.41captain_protonplayerupdate changes
04:00.02Michaelh_oops.. or perhaps the servers running are too old?
04:00.14captain_protonxmission should be newest code
04:00.19MrApathyCreamMichaelh_: yes
04:00.25captain_protonMrApathyCream: you find something?
04:00.32MrApathyCreamchecking in important patch now
04:00.45MrApathyCreamyes on rejoin, player.state.order was not reset to 0
04:01.10MrApathyCreamso if player a leaves slot 1, and player b joins and gets slot 1, bad things happen
04:01.42captain_protonthat would do it
04:01.44CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzfs (bzfs.cxx): reset players state.order to 0 on acceptClient
04:01.58MrApathyCreamwait a few minutes for xmission to rebuild
04:02.39MrApathyCreamthat's sad... goes to show you that no one is developing bzflag at the moment :(
04:03.03captain_protonwhich shows that i was the only one working on it before ;-)
04:03.32scanlineMrApathyCream: I wrote a font engine for ya
04:04.21*** join/#bzflag NonDeer (
04:04.32MrApathyCreamin python no doubt
04:04.43CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (ShotStrategy.cxx): Thief shot was way to long
04:04.47scanlinewhat? me write code in python?
04:04.58MrApathyCreamrumor has it
04:05.30bryjeni'd think it too dark to write code inside a python ;)
04:06.03*** join/#bzflag [STC]_creeperz (
04:06.11MrApathyCreamseems fixed now
04:06.27scanlineno no, you write the code in emacs or vim then feed it to Python
04:06.44scanlineI don't think Guido could find a python big enough to code in
04:07.27scanlinedecks looks a lot cooler with good textures on the edges of all the platforms
04:08.16learnerjust got dropped from Quols server.. ;(
04:08.30captain_protonpfiefer-sources supports packet writing to CD-RWs
04:08.36MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: care to come to xmission to eval Thief shot length?
04:08.50Michaelhtis still fubared.....................
04:09.08captain_protonMrApathyCream: lemme rebuild - my system is moving really slowly due to installing stuff
04:09.15Michaelhdoesn't seem to be updating screen after the connect......
04:09.30captain_proton<*>   The IPv6 protocol (EXPERIMENTAL) (NEW)
04:09.33MrApathyCreamMichaelh: ?
04:09.46Michaelhperhaps I should clean ?
04:10.11MrApathyCreamheh server just rebuilt
04:10.42MichaelhYou laffffffin at me?
04:11.52learnernow that was a good game of ctf.. me, quol, asdf, huh, fiber, sgi, and  a couple others.. that was good stuff
04:12.11learnertough as all heck
04:12.19fiberchunksheh, and I actually was able to do something :)
04:12.37learneryou held the fort down pretty tight there fiber, I was impressed :)
04:12.40bzgirlhow come his server dosnet allow observers?
04:12.57fiberchunksheh, it was a constant battle with the jump reflex ;)
04:13.00learneryou missed a few good battles, girl :)
04:13.07learnerlol, fiber
04:13.09bzgirli couldnt connect
04:13.15captain_protonMrApathyCream: ok, coming
04:13.17fiberchunksquol lost his link
04:13.18MrApathyCreamMichaelh: no i got kicked because riker autobuilds
04:13.45fiberchunksit's back now, but I dunno who all's there
04:13.47learnerMAC, did you get playerstate.cxx commited?
04:14.07learneror whichever one it was that was missing?
04:15.22fiberchunkshrm -- can't connect to his server either
04:15.36Michaelhwhat happens to you?
04:15.45MichaelhI get some funky happenings
04:16.04fiberchunkswell, I'm talking about quols server, not xmission
04:16.13*** join/#bzflag Quol (
04:16.57Quolit's midnight - and I have to start phoning my ISP...they just broke their SLA agreement with us...
04:21.08fiberchunksbzgirl> quols is back up -- join red
04:21.24bzgirlk one sec.
04:21.38Quolwait a minute fiber - they might have to take it own again - they are having routing problems....
04:22.15Quolgo figure - we have a killer connection with a guaranteed 100% uptime /year, redundant everything - and their down because of an OOPS :)
04:24.16fiberchunkswell, I'll idle here for a moment then
04:24.22learnerah, appears it did
04:24.36learnerask for your money back
04:24.54Quolya - this is going to be big....
04:25.10Quolwe have a contact with them that states that if this happens then we get 1 month free
04:25.10fiberchunkswho do you work for quol?
04:25.32Quolif it happens again then we get the whole year free  :)
04:25.41fiberchunkswow - that is neat
04:25.42Quollet's hear it for the first free month :)
04:25.52learnerwoo hoo - free unlimited streaming pr0n bandwidth for a month
04:26.31fiberchunkswget -r
04:27.18fiberchunksaieee, my head hurts from concentrating so much
04:27.27*** part/#bzflag [STC]_creeperz (
04:27.35learnerlol, fiber
04:27.51bzgirlcan wget download a site, say N links deep? like IE's "make avaiable offline"
04:27.53fiberchunkswell, not much, you'd have to specify a recursion level
04:27.59learneryup, gilr
04:27.59fiberchunksyah, it can
04:28.08*** join/#bzflag SGI (
04:28.16Quolhey SGI...
04:28.22fiberchunksgood battle, by the way :)
04:28.33learnerthe man with the pics more obscure than myself: sgi :)
04:28.36Quolya - who won fiber - you or me?
04:28.41bzgirlSGI: hello
04:28.47fiberchunksif we were playing golf -- me
04:28.56SGIyes but i have this strange prob with my connection
04:28.57learnernice gear, sgi :)
04:29.06SGInhi babe
04:29.10Quolme also SGI - it's not just you
04:29.12SGI]damm "n"
04:29.19fiberchunksonly by a couple o strokes though quol
04:29.27SGIwho won
04:29.34fiberchunksyou woulda had me on the 18th, but I chipped in ;)
04:29.35QuolI know fiber - I know, it was a close battlet here
04:29.51learnerit was all downhill after you left sgi ;(
04:29.54SGIlast time i checked it was 10-10
04:30.00learnercouldn't hold the fort together any longer
04:30.12Quolyou were doing great learner...
04:30.26Quoltoo bad you didn't get much support on my part :)
04:30.29SGIni know "quol" a bad player :o)
04:30.29learnermeh, I was a little over par
04:30.39learnerbut thanks :)
04:30.44SGII hate the "n"
04:30.44Quolthat's what I keep telling people....
04:30.51learnerni hate it too :)
04:30.54*** join/#bzflag Quol ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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04:31.10SGIBTW nice battle
04:31.14fiberchunksI don't have that problem -- cause I mapped all to W
04:31.18Quoldid you guys see that also?? or is that just me?
04:31.27fiberchunksyes, saw it
04:31.31SGIsee what
04:31.50Quolthe netsplit
04:31.50learnerquol, tiny netsplit
04:32.00fiberchunks3 person split :)
04:32.00learneryou trepan, and prot-work
04:32.12Quolya - just wonder if this is all related to the issues my ISP was/is having
04:32.27learnersomething bigger is probably going down
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04:33.00*** mode/#bzflag [+ooo captain_proton ChanServ Chestal] by
04:33.01learnerwow, see
04:33.01learnerbig problems
04:33.01Michaelhditto here
04:33.02fiberchunksfreenode is having issues lately as well
04:33.02Quol3 person - I saw everyone get kicked and then connect
04:33.15fiberchunkslike over the past 4 days there have been a large number of splits
04:33.39*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
04:33.45QuolI have noticed that also...
04:33.56learnerwow, asia and australia have taken a dive big time
04:34.05fiberchunkswhere are you seeing this?
04:34.10QuolSGI - you said TCP conflict - did you hear anything?
04:34.12learner60 and 75 %
04:34.27Quolya - my oversees links show that also....
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04:35.06*** mode/#bzflag [+ooo captain_proton ChanServ Chestal] by
04:35.08Quoli am looking at UUnet's graphs also
04:35.08learnerwhere are those graphs quol?
04:35.22Quolahh - you have to have the login - only  customers can get them...
04:35.26Michaelhinteresting what funky results can occur when you don't clean the code...
04:35.33learnerah, okay
04:35.46SGIQuol you changed the address
04:35.56MrApathyCreamcaptain_proton: how'd you implement that 1.8 thingy where deactivated windows didn't pause?
04:35.59Quolnot yet - I will now though....
04:36.15SGIbzg I finished my installer last night
04:36.17learnerapparently asia may be causing trouble for the rest of the world tonight..  I didn't remember seeing it marked on my calendar.. hrm.
04:36.33fiberchunksasia always causes problems -- troublemakers :p
04:36.54captain_protonMrApathyCream: huh?
04:36.54SGIthey dont have nothing to do
04:36.55bzgirlSGI good, you can play more bz now
04:37.05MrApathyCreamthere was some \set autoblabla command
04:37.07SGII did
04:37.09MrApathyCreamin 1.8
04:37.26captain_protonMrApathyCream: explain what you want to do?
04:37.32SGIyou missed a great battle
04:37.46*** join/#bzflag bryjen ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:37.59learnerthat was one of the better games I've played in a while, sgi -- great game
04:38.09fiberchunkswas much fun :)
04:38.13learnerwe had to fight for that flag
04:38.37MrApathyCreami want to run to bzflag's and have them both active
04:38.46SGIwe fought for every "meters"
04:38.51MrApathyCreamand tries
04:38.52captain_protonumm...the autopilot?
04:39.26QuolSGI: servers have been switched over to now....
04:39.30Quolthey should be OK
04:39.31captain_protoniirc autopilot was its own command
04:39.42captain_protonso if you want to do it, implement that command, then bind a key to it
04:39.42fiberchunksare we playing again?
04:39.44Michaelhyou just need to comment out where it "really" pauses
04:39.49SGIill check it  out tomorrow
04:39.55Michaelhthen it wont
04:40.03SGIno i cant
04:40.03MrApathyCreamautopilot yes
04:40.08Michaelhsays somethign like "pause now"
04:40.20fiberchunksis ctf fun with 2v2?
04:40.34SGII prefer 3vs3
04:40.40learnermegachirops, you in here?
04:40.55learnerfiber, oh yea -- good stuff
04:41.12fiberchunkswell, we got me you bzgirl and quol  ?
04:41.13learnermuch more personal team-play
04:41.17captain_protonMrApathyCream: we don't have a console atm, so you'll have to bind it
04:41.28learneroo, tough crew
04:41.31learnerthat could be godo
04:41.35SGI7th cavalry
04:42.04fiberchunksquol and I would stay behind and bring up the rear, you and bzg can hash it out face to face :)
04:42.16QuolI am going to my CTF server to test it out - since it is onthe new URL now and running on a new server....
04:42.27SGIyou need help
04:42.48SGIwe can test all together
04:42.53fiberchunksindeed :)
04:43.07fiberchunksbut first! another beer
04:43.14SGIwhic kind
04:43.16learnerah, good point
04:43.30Michaelhline 5551 of playing.cxx
04:43.35SGIfiber ...DDD
04:43.38Michaelh// now actually pause
04:43.56Quolanyone is welcome to come SGI - I am in there now....
04:43.58SGIQuol are oyu there
04:44.29captain_protonMichaelh: the autopilot is a bit of a better option
04:44.36captain_protonit follows around the closest tank =)
04:44.57CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (10 files in 4 dirs): More messing with the textures
04:45.07fiberchunkscrappy beer SGI, uber-crappy
04:46.37Michaelhah well .. it's what I did when I had to do something similar...
04:46.50Michaelhtakes 2 keystokes to do it :)
04:46.58captain_protonscanline: cvs add data/blue_concrete.jpeg
04:47.21Michaelhdoes it stay a certain distance away
04:47.28Michaelhor does it just run through it?
04:47.46CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/data (blue_concrete.jpeg): Forgot a file
04:47.46captain_protontries to set its own position to the same as theirs
04:47.55Michaelhkind of annoying :)
04:48.40captain_protonscanline: those rivets need to be bump-mapped
04:49.13scanlinecaptain_proton: shouldn't be that important considering we have a mostly static light source
04:49.38Michaelhwe need disco lights
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04:50.01Michaelhwe need disco lights
04:50.13captain_protonhow about red, green and blue lights in the corners?
04:50.20Michaelhaw man
04:50.21scanlinethat's a great idea!
04:50.36Michaelhof course it would have to be a pyramid :)
04:52.50Michaelhso does bzflag also do lunar eclipses etc?
04:53.58Michaelhcould periodically blow up the sun......
04:54.04*** part/#bzflag SGI (
04:54.41*** join/#bzflag NonDeer (
04:57.06scanlinemethinks it's naptime
04:58.09captain_protonnaptime? already?
04:58.11captain_protonits so early!
04:59.29*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
04:59.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/geometry (TankSceneNode.cxx): fix Thief visual size
05:04.28*** join/#bzflag MrApathyCream (
05:08.46MrApathyCreamanyone please join me on the 1.9 world called THIEF_TESTING?
05:10.10*** part/#bzflag Quol (
05:17.38MrApathyCreamprot, can you join me on the server that says THIEF_TESTING?
05:18.08prot-kernelnot at the moment
05:18.11prot-kernelsystem is a bit borked
05:32.18*** part/#bzflag bzgirl (
05:39.33*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
05:40.04JBDiGrizlearner: still around?
05:40.24learnerI had a little of that "feeling" tonight, jb
05:40.37fiberchunkslo jb! ;)
05:41.04*** join/#bzflag SGI (
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05:41.50JBDiGrizhigh fiber!
05:42.03fiberchunksno, regretfully, but thanks for asking :)
05:42.19JBDiGrizseemed an appropriate response tho!
05:42.39*** join/#bzflag SGI (
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05:43.39JBDiGrizwhat did you think of the game at the q?
05:43.53fiberchunksloved it -- much fun, but my brain hurts ;)
05:44.45fiberchunkscourse, thinking about anything more than a cheeseburger will usually evoke that response :)
05:45.11JBDiGrizYou live in the wrong part of the country. Cheeseburgers in paradise!
05:45.48fiberchunksheh, we used to have a 'margaritaville' till herr buffet decided he might sue -- now we have a margaritas
05:46.14JBDiGrizI'm surprised Jimmy had enough wits about him to think of suing.
05:46.36fiberchunkshe didn't most likely -- was probably the lawyers
05:51.17JBDiGrizThe kids are asleep, I can't make it too noisy right now!
05:51.31fiberchunksheh, I'm listening to techno
05:53.14JBDiGrizWho's this Norah you're "turning on"?
05:53.30learnerNorah Jones
05:54.01fiberchunksoooo, here's my lame attempt at creating my first blendered scene:
05:54.27fiberchunksgotta love them tutorials :)
05:54.41learnercool beans
05:55.21fiberchunksit is just a cube and a ball, with a wall and floor -- really spectacular stuff :)
05:55.46JBDiGrizWhat does prot-kernel mean?
05:55.54fiberchunkscourse, considering that hellacious interface, I'm pretty proud of myself
05:55.57learnerhe promoted himself
05:56.27prot-kerneli decided i wanted an ipv6 addy =)
05:56.27fiberchunksin 3 yrs he'll be equiv to admiral_electron
05:56.41fiberchunksah, cool - which sources you using?
05:57.04fiberchunksI've been thinking about twiddling with 2.6-test
05:57.18fiberchunksgot the sources, just haven't compiled yet
05:57.54JBDiGrizDoes you ISP support V6 address ranges?
05:58.03prot-kerneli'm gonna let them put out a few more test kernels before i do 2.6
05:58.11prot-kernelJBDiGriz: nope, but i'm gonna tunnel it through work ;)
05:58.24fiberchunksface get?
05:58.32learnerheh, testing features
05:58.43JBDiGrizDid you get my face?
05:59.17learnerhrm, not working
05:59.24fiberchunkswell, from the folks in #gentoo -- 2.6-test seems so far, pretty good, plus it doesn't need patching for alsa, iptables, or any of the other voodoo (O1 scheduler) which is nice
05:59.44prot-kerneli'm sure its ok
05:59.53prot-kernelsince they didn't label it greased turkey and put out test2 ;)
05:59.59learnerwow, 7 sec delay
06:00.22fiberchunksyou fiddle with any of the 2.5 branch?
06:00.26prot-kernelnaw, my roommate has
06:00.43fiberchunksI have no face
06:00.53learnerodd, though
06:00.53JBDiGrizI have no mouth
06:00.56learnerI'm not getting a reply
06:01.09fiberchunksyou behind a NAT? I am
06:01.21JBDiGrizI'm behind a NAT
06:01.30learnerI'm behind a NAT too
06:01.35fiberchunksprobably -- I can't dcc send anything cause of my nat
06:01.37learnerwe're all natty
06:01.52fiberchunksof course :)
06:01.52CIA03dbrosius * 12bzflag/src/bzflag (ShotStrategy.cxx): make thief shots last longer
06:02.04fiberchunks~dict natty
06:02.08learnerhrm.. time to kick my router -- bbs
06:02.11*** join/#bzflag Quol (
06:02.20learnercool, didn't know that
06:02.33JBDiGrizI have a face though.
06:02.45learnerI've seen that one jb :)
06:03.06learnerI was able to find a slew of people decoded
06:03.20fiberchunksyou face is there?
06:03.39*** part/#bzflag Quol (
06:04.00learnerIt's like "Where's Waldo"
06:04.26learnercept there's nobody named waldo
06:04.46learnerand not enough people
06:04.46learnerand not enough color
06:05.02JBDiGrizWe're not people of color....
06:05.09learneroooo  :)
06:06.50fiberchunksooo, asia's @ 59%
06:13.06JBDiGrizProbably the Cisco vulnerability which was attacked today.
06:13.32learnerhadn't heard about that yet
06:15.01fiberchunksit is summer time, so the script kiddies are rampant
06:15.34prot-kernelharumph, still building
06:16.21prot-kernelwelp, our ciscos are updated ;)
06:16.31prot-kernelexcept for our 7000, which isn't supported anymore :P
06:16.46prot-kernelgonna replace that one with a 1u pc running 802.1q
06:16.51fiberchunkswhat vulnerability is this?
06:17.00prot-kernelDoS in IOS
06:18.25*** join/#bzflag MrAC (
06:19.18prot-kernelhiya MrAC
06:25.14*** join/#bzflag learner (
06:26.21fiberchunksnite you weasels you -- I'm off :)
06:26.34learnersame here, gnite
06:26.43learnerwicked games, good times
06:26.49fiberchunksindeed :)
06:27.16*** join/#bzflag snyke ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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07:14.06prot-kernelbah, still panics :(
07:15.24*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
07:16.41fiberchunksyay! :)
07:36.25prot-kernelerg, wtf!
07:36.38prot-kerneli upgrade to x 4.3 and ctrl+alt+fkey doesn't work anymore
07:37.02fiberchunksooo, that's neat
07:37.18fiberchunksis it just alt+fkey?
07:38.00fiberchunksneat again
07:39.02fiberchunksim at 4.3.0-r2 and I don't have that problem
07:39.24fiberchunksyou emerge -r3 or the 4.3.99 stuff?
07:39.42fiberchunksactually, those are all masked anyway
07:42.08fiberchunksno screen for you! ;)
07:43.50prot-kernelhrm, weird
07:44.09prot-kernelthey work in straight X (no programs)
07:44.29fiberchunkswhat, no WM? or just no proggies in general?
07:44.39fiberchunkswell, nevermind that, I suppose twm is running
07:47.19prot-kernelseems to be something in the initrc
07:48.43fiberchunkswhat WM you use?
07:49.04prot-kerneli think it might be my modmap
07:49.20prot-kernelyep, 'tis the modmap
07:56.28prot-kernelok, time to try this funky funky kernel
07:56.42fiberchunksheh, enjoy :)
07:59.53prot-kernelhm, so i fugged the input config
07:59.55prot-kernelbut it booted
08:00.14fiberchunkswell that's a start then
08:00.43fiberchunksI've really gotta noodle with that kernel -- I really look forward to it, and the lack of extraneous bullshit required to get sound and such going
08:00.49prot-kernelyep, just forgot to activate HID in the usb config
08:02.11prot-kernelok, rebooting
08:04.04prot-kernelLinux bhaskara 2.6.0-test1 #2 Sat Jul 19 01:49:14 MDT 2003 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 1700MHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
08:04.24prot-kernello        Link encap:Local Loopback
08:04.31prot-kernel::1/128 =D
08:04.41fiberchunksnice ipv6 in nice little wrappers :)
08:05.12prot-kerneli wonder if sound works
08:05.24fiberchunksyou config alsa directly in the kernel??
08:05.50fiberchunksI'll be interested to hear what your results are
08:09.02prot-kernelwell X starts
08:09.20fiberchunksthat's a bonus -- what kind of vid card?
08:10.14fiberchunksa shame too - you missed some real good ctf action this evening
08:10.38fiberchunksah, you didn't have to reemerge nvidia-foo?
08:13.51prot-kerneli had to reemerge the kernel module
08:14.14prot-kernelthey call me doctor worm
08:14.43fiberchunkshrm -- /me ponders taking a spare box and making it all ~x86
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08:17.44prot-kernelok, time to detach from this screen
08:20.01*** join/#bzflag terras (
08:20.27fiberchunkslo again terras
08:24.49captain_protonfreenet6's web site seems to be down :(
08:24.49fiberchunkswhat now
08:25.09fiberchunksyah, probably a function of all the joy with cisco and what not
08:26.15terrasI thought freenet6 was going off the air soon
08:27.06captain_protonnaw, 6bone is going away
08:27.10captain_protonfreenet6 is still active
08:28.12terrasah... I've been meaning to try out ipv6
08:34.39fiberchunksso captain_proton, when you gonna have a full featured editor, so I have to pony up beverages for you and scan?
08:35.28captain_protoni think my nat is playing cranky with the freenet6 client =/
08:36.09fiberchunksthere's a dude on #gentoo, #gentoo-laptop, and #gentoo-dev who's a wiz with ipv6  -- latexer
08:39.29captain_protonwell - i can read more docs
08:40.03fiberchunksindeed, just lettin ya know -- he did a whole bunch of ipv6 work for gentoo recently, so you may wanna query him if necessary
08:44.24terrastime to sleep
08:44.32fiberchunkslater on
08:44.37*** part/#bzflag terras (
08:48.36captain_protonwhat does error code 310 mean??!
08:48.48fiberchunksI have no idea -- kernel panic?
08:49.03fiberchunkswhat proggie?
08:49.39captain_protonthe freenet6 client
08:49.58fiberchunksI have no idea
09:04.50fiberchunkslater on captain_proton, gonna get some shut-eye
09:17.52captain_protonwoof woof
09:17.59captain_protoni have no idea how to set the gateway on the route
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11:44.12larsl_56k~country .mk
11:44.13methinks country .mk is macedonia
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13:38.47Chikoritamornin all
13:42.24Chikoritahiyaz learner!
14:07.35*** join/#bzflag doughecka (
14:20.27learnerwake up fiber!
14:23.55Chikoritadat should wake him up
14:24.22Chikorita|:@ @:)
14:25.30Chikoritaimma make a lil irc cartoon
14:26.02Chikoritaitz called "learner wake ums fiber up da hard way"
14:26.13Chikorita-.-  zzzzzz               @:)
14:26.22Chikorita-.-zzzzzzzzzz       @:)
14:26.32Chikorita-.-  zzz  @:)
14:26.42ChikoritaO.O @:)
14:26.53ChikoritaO.O -owwie
14:27.08Chikorita(:@ @:)
14:27.20Chikoritathe end
14:27.25learneromg, lol
14:50.10*** join/#bzflag Smilodon_ (
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15:19.12Chestalhmm, strange. I do a cvs up and get nothing new? But I saw a couple commits on the ml?
15:28.28drinianSometimes it seems like SourceForge takes time to make the commits available.  I've noticed this happening at time, too.
15:28.40drinianOr something like that...
15:29.57Chestalanon CVS is supposed to lag liek 2 days behind, but I am using ssh
15:30.14ChestalI wodner whether the commits really took place, hmm
15:30.32drinianDoesn't seem possible for the ml to wrong, though
16:07.18*** part/#bzflag drinian (
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16:25.00learnerI think I made the last commit chestal, last night
16:26.22ChestalI jsut tried a fresh checkout, same result, I don't get yesterday's changes
16:26.25Chestalnot even the new data files
16:26.40learnerChestal: see if grep REG_NOSUB src/common/WordFilter.cxx returns anything
16:26.56learnershould be no match
16:28.32Chestalhmm, something is wrong here, will start over with a fresh directory
16:29.14learnerrevision number on that same file should be 1.8
16:30.55Chestalseems to have worked now, strange
16:32.38Chestal./configure: line 2655: C: command not found  uh?
16:33.24learneryea, I've seen that before
16:33.37learnernot sure how it ends up getting in there
16:33.52learnerit's right near the check for C++ in
16:34.16ChestalAC_LANG(C++)  is in
16:34.56Chestalwhatever that is supposed to do
16:35.01learnerright, and that is close to the corresponding code where the "C" get's dumped
16:35.44learnerAC_LANG(C++) is supposed to perform the check for what kind of C++ compiler you have
16:36.03learneror even if you have a C++ compiler
16:37.01Chestal'C' seems to be a somewhat quick test to me :-)
16:37.46learnerthere's no hidden control codes that I can find in there, so I'm not sure why it borks
16:43.13learnerChestal, what system are you? linux?
16:44.13ChestalDebian, with automake 1.4-p6
16:44.35Chestalat home I have 1.7.5, I will try there
16:44.57learnerwhat's your autoconf version?
16:45.23Chestalhmm, at home I don't see that message
16:45.45learnerhmm  I'm on 2.52, but it shouldn't matter..
16:45.52Chestalinstead I get 5 additional lines in configure at that place
16:45.58Chestalac_cpp='$CXXCPP $CPPFLAGS'
16:46.13Chestalhere I only have a single 'C' line
16:46.27Chestalright before LIBS="-framework OpenGL $GLIBS $ac_func_search_save_LIBS"
16:53.11learnerChestal, would you scp me your configure?
16:55.09Chestalwhere to?
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17:38.15fiberchunkslearner> ah, chestal has seen it to eh?
17:45.54learnerfrom what I can tell, autoconf version does seem to be the culprit
17:46.59learnerAC_LANG(C++) deprecates the prior AC_LANG_CXX macro
17:47.13fiberchunkswell, make it stop ;)
17:48.27learnerpeople have to upgrade autoconf :/
17:48.50fiberchunksto what version?
17:49.03learnerlatest :)
17:49.05fiberchunksI have 2.13 on my box, fyi
17:49.23learnerI'm on 2.52
17:49.55learneryou wouldn't think that'd be the problem, but I can't find another reason
17:51.14fiberchunkslearner> scratch that -- I have autoconf 2.57-r1 on my box
17:51.57learnerbugger all, I dunno
17:53.40*** join/#bzflag Chikorita (~Chikumz33@
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17:54.27MeanGeneanybody saw Storm around?
17:54.37MeanGeneBiPs need another teammate for a match
17:54.48MeanGeneSkipp is on ducati
17:54.53Chikoritaya i saw him
17:55.04Chikoritahe was jus on like 2 hours ago
17:55.14MeanGenechiko - i know - saw him too
17:57.10fiberchunkslearner> yah, for some reason, when you do autoconf --version  it reports something different than the installed package name
18:13.01*** join/#bzflag guest023 (
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18:18.56fiberchunksbzgirl you around?
18:19.28Chestalwe really need a good 'i am now the rabbit' sound
18:19.46fiberchunksgot a response back from kevin the nanoblogger -- would you like me to forward it to you?
18:19.53Chestalany1 up for a test of the thief flag?
18:20.21dougheckawhos kevin?
18:20.38fiberchunksoh, you already got it -- didn't realize he copied both of us
18:20.59bzgirloh i thought it was a new one
18:21.11bzgirldoughecka: he wrote a blog app
18:21.49fiberchunksthe one about the new release, with support for calendar
18:21.49dougheckabash!! hahahaha :)
18:22.10fiberchunksworks really well, once you understand the quirks
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18:43.59dougheckagah :)
18:49.23*** join/#bzflag Bagheera (
18:50.12Bagheerasry, needed to do that
18:50.35fiberchunks'tension breaker, had to be done'
18:51.06Bagheeragetting tired of the people in ctf who rejoin just to pick you off before you can get to their flag, that and life in general
18:51.31bzgirlits a popular tactic now
18:51.55fiberchunkslovely, that sounds as bad as the pause tactic
18:51.56Bagheerayepper it is
18:52.08bzgirlmaybe a rejoin timeout  -rj 5s
18:52.13Chikoritahi bagghera
18:52.14Bagheeraat least there is a delay on the pause now
18:52.35Bagheeraoooooooo, a rejoin timeout, that would be nice
18:52.45Bagheeraor timein as the case maybe
18:52.55bzgirlthe pause delay ended Ubik The Pauser's career, poor guy
18:52.56Bagheerahey chick
18:53.24Bagheeranew tank?
18:53.33Patlabor221our tank, tweaked
18:54.06fiberchunksI like the recoil suppressor :)
18:54.19Patlabor221the color is just to see the parts
18:54.23Patlabor221it hasn't been textured yet
18:54.43Patlabor221is the barel too long?
18:54.50Bagheeralooks more realistic
18:55.18fiberchunksno, the turret is positioned too far forward
18:55.28Patlabor221I didn't move it
18:55.30fiberchunksthe tank is proportionally 'weird'
18:55.39fiberchunksI know -- that's a general statement :)
18:55.39Patlabor221all I did was make it wider :)
18:55.55fiberchunksit would be top heavy in real life, imho
18:56.00Bagheeralooks ok to me.....looks like a car wing in the back
18:56.19Patlabor221that's from the origonal too
18:56.33Bagheeramaybe add some neon lights underneath :)
18:56.53fiberchunksheh, ground effects -- add some woofers to the ass end
18:56.54Chikoritayea a spoiler
18:56.58Chikoritajus like mah car
18:56.59bzgirlPatlabor221: i liked that blue one from the other day better
18:57.09Bagheeraholy mackerl, that is one expensive tool you are using
18:57.21fiberchunksslap some fuzzy dice on the end of the barrel ;)
18:57.37*** part/#bzflag drinian (
18:57.55Bagheerawhere does the bobble head dog go?
18:58.11Patlabor221the barrel is about 10% longer then the old tank
18:58.27Bagheerathat i did notice
18:58.29Patlabor221tho at least this one has some ground clearance
18:58.53fiberchunksif you shifted the turret back on the chassis about a cm (reference that sshot), then it'd look fine
18:59.42Bagheeraarent the recoil surpressers usually on the end?
19:00.03Patlabor221muzzle brakes are at the end
19:00.10fiberchunkssometimes, but I think the m1-a1 has a suppresor like that
19:00.10Patlabor221supporessiors more near the middle
19:00.30learneranyone here have dcc working through a firewall?  what port is it trying to use?
19:01.13fiberchunksyah, wow, I never noticed how far from the CG the turret was
19:01.16Bagheeranot me, that i know of
19:02.14fiberchunkslearner you could ask in #freenode what ports it uses
19:04.17Bagheerais the bullet collision still the bottom of the tank?......wondering if the visual ground cleareance may look wierd
19:04.47Patlabor221Mac made it 3d
19:04.48learnerthx fiber
19:05.20Chikoritadat would b kewl if wee could have our choice of tank types
19:06.00Chikoritalike fast buh shorter bullet range ...or slower buh longer bullet range ectect.
19:06.08Chikoritastuff like dat
19:06.44learnerheh, not too useful fiber...
19:06.46Bagheerathats what flags are for, that and parades
19:06.46Chikoritachoices r good :)
19:06.47learner#freenode The channel demigods have stolen your voice
19:06.54fiberchunkslearner> well that sucks
19:07.01fiberchunkshow bout just #chat then
19:07.07dougheckaits a moderated channel
19:07.44dougheckahow about #21wdsddsds
19:07.46dougheckaor #bzflagggg
19:09.20fiberchunksI suppose you could /msg lilo learner -- he's one of the IRCops
19:09.41Patlabor221DCC is a client client thing, dosn't use the server iirc
19:09.43Patlabor221check your IRC app
19:09.47Bagheerai think i liked it better without the recoil thingy
19:10.01learnerI think I'm supposed to message a particular person in #freenode
19:10.05learnerI'm going to give that a try
19:10.34dougheckawhats this about?
19:10.43fiberchunksthe recoil thing could probably use a little scaling down, but I'd like to see it with a texture first :)
19:11.43Bagheeralooks a little like a phallic end piece, textures might help, either that or clean my mind out a little
19:12.31fiberchunksthat might do it :)
19:13.48dougheckaalmost looks like a river barge with a big gun
19:13.58dougheckaneeds actual tracks :)
19:14.10Patlabor221it's not textured yet dingus
19:15.03fiberchunksdingus! ;)
19:15.40fiberchunksoooo, yeah, that's better
19:15.54Bagheerathe barrel got bigger at the end?
19:16.21fiberchunksand shortened too
19:16.48Patlabor221it got shorter
19:16.51Patlabor221and the brake moved
19:17.37Bagheeragas pedal still inthe same place
19:18.02fiberchunks'why are there 6 pedals, but only 4 directions?' ;)
19:18.17dougheckawhats that from?
19:19.08Patlabor221"now that you have masterd driveing the tank.." " no, no I haven't....."
19:19.27Patlabor221poor dohnut
19:19.43fiberchunksis ep13 out yet?
19:19.46Patlabor221plas to the mellon
19:19.50learnerfiber.. that worked :)
19:19.51Patlabor221I'm checking now
19:19.58fiberchunkswhat ports?
19:20.01learnerhad to talk to a channel staff first
19:20.21learnerand then they turned on my vocal chords (after they couldn't answer the question)
19:20.39learnerstill waiting on an answer, though..
19:20.46learnerwhich doesn't sound promising
19:20.54dougheckamost of them are out
19:20.59learnerapparently dcc uses random ports similar to ftp
19:21.04Bagheerareally should read a manual on the this irc stuff.......
19:21.17dougheckalearner: yea, it uses a port range
19:21.21Bagheerathat was directed at me
19:21.27learnerdo you know the range?
19:21.35dougheckaclient configurable
19:21.41dougheckacheck ur settings
19:22.07fiberchunkslearner-- xchat?
19:22.17learnerno, ircle
19:22.23fiberchunksah, phbbt
19:22.58Bagheerai need to get a translator for all the shortcuts put in here
19:23.01learneroh.. I've found the dcc settings
19:23.09learnerthere is a port range for sending
19:23.18learnerwhat about receiving?
19:23.26fiberchunksin /etc/services -- it states that irc uses 194 tcp/udp for something - I have no idea what though
19:23.42dougheckamaybe the clients talk to each other and swap port ranges it uses
19:26.13learnermy firewall already allows that port
19:26.45fiberchunkslearner> see here:
19:26.50fiberchunksit may help, dunno
19:31.21Bagheerafyi to all Pink Floyd fans, DONT GET THE PULSE ALBUM
19:35.44*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
19:54.36dougheckaits healthy stuff ya know
19:55.02*** join/#bzflag learner (
19:57.35*** join/#bzflag Smilodon_ (
19:57.51*** join/#bzflag learner (
19:57.59dougheckaconnection problems?
19:58.07learnerheh, no not really
19:58.15learnertrying to get dcc to work
19:58.22learnerdcc send apparently crashes my client
19:59.31learnerstill no go :(
19:59.33dougheckaI dunno, my firewall is icky too
19:59.43learnerI get the offer though.. must still be missing some ports
20:00.09dougheckabtw I have ports 1 65000 forwarded to myself
20:00.16dougheckait should work
20:00.32learnerheh, lemme try that for kicks
20:02.51*** join/#bzflag learner (
20:04.00*** join/#bzflag learner (
20:04.52doughecka*** DCC CHAT connection to learner lost.  Error code 10054
20:04.59dougheckaI bet its me
20:05.03learnerdid you initiate?
20:05.07dougheckaI never could get dcc to work
20:05.20learnerheh, I initiated at exactly the same moment
20:05.39dougheckacya :)
20:05.47dougheckalearner: hmm :)
20:06.07*** join/#bzflag learner (
20:06.11*** join/#bzflag sussi (
20:06.18learnerhi sussi
20:06.33sussihi all
20:08.54learnercat /dev/null > edonkey
20:09.14learnerer /dev/random
20:10.18dougheckacommandline doesnt work right...
20:12.01dougheckaits my end
20:12.05dougheckaI cant start anything
20:12.09dougheckatry sending to me
20:12.24learneruh.. heh.. can't send -- crashes
20:12.33dougheckaget a new client
20:12.33learnerI think it's just a bug, though
20:21.57learnerdoug, are you sending?
20:22.34dougheckabah, off to mow some grass
20:27.03*** join/#bzflag learner (
20:38.10fiberchunkslunch -- mmmm cheeseburger
20:39.08*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
20:39.24*** join/#bzflag Carnage (
20:43.21captain_pistachiohh right all the systems at work are down because they're working on the power distribution
20:52.02*** join/#bzflag captain_pistachi (
20:52.02*** mode/#bzflag [+o captain_pistachi] by ChanServ
20:52.22*** join/#bzflag larsl_56k (
20:52.40larsl_56kBuba is flipping direction in mid air.
20:53.57captain_protonfiberchunks: who was that guy?
20:55.21captain_protonnevermind, found it in the backlog
21:04.21fiberchunkslearner, you around?
21:06.12larsl_56kXUL is cheating too, he spawns carrying flags (GM, L, ST...).
21:06.32*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
21:08.46larsl_56kOr perhaps he's telling his client to spawn right on top of those flags, I don't know.
21:10.27CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ ( Make the worldviewer use the 3D view by default
21:10.35learnerI'm here
21:16.09captain_protonautoconf seems to be setting some default routes (that i can't get rid of?!) without thinking about maybe needing a gateway
21:21.14JBDiGrizlearner: How many people attend SIGGRAPH?
21:21.35learnerbetween 25-50K usually
21:21.44learnerdepends on location and economy
21:22.06*** join/#bzflag drinian (
21:22.11JBDiGrizI just came back from trying to get into the convention center for Comic-con. The entrance line was about 2 miles long.
21:23.25fiberchunksthat's precisely why I don't attend conferences
21:24.04learnerheh, siggraph's usually pretty darn organized
21:24.42learnerI've never waited more than a few minutes to register or get registration materials
21:26.01JBDiGrizWe decided to have lunch somewhere else, and forget the con for this year.
21:35.48*** part/#bzflag drinian (
21:41.20*** join/#bzflag david_v (
21:41.22fiberchunksis there such an animal for an IRC RFC?
21:41.33*** join/#bzflag Patlabor221 (
21:41.33*** mode/#bzflag [+o Patlabor221] by ChanServ
21:41.34fiberchunkss/for an/as an
21:45.31JBDiGrizfiberchunks: Googling for something like IRC RFC leads to RFC1459 and an assortment of other relevant RFC's. Try
21:45.32*** join/#bzflag sussi (
21:51.15fiberchunksyah, got that
22:00.01fiberchunkscaptain_proton> is there a list of all the messages that exist between the client and the server right now?
22:00.14captain_protonthere's the protocol doc...
22:00.17captain_protonwhich is mostly accurate
22:00.33fiberchunksk, cool
22:03.30captain_protoni've got a fang, i've got a fang, i've got a fang
22:05.12*** join/#bzflag JBDiGriz (
22:10.39CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (4 files in 3 dirs): New bricks
22:19.10Patlabor221cap did you see my redux of the BZ tank?
22:20.08*** join/#bzflag bzgirl (
22:20.18scanlineooh, tread covers
22:20.57Patlabor221just some updating of the old beast
22:21.09Patlabor221all the parts are closed now as well
22:25.29captain_protoni think i can't do this without a publically routable IP
22:27.42captain_protonand i'm workin' undercover for the man...cha la la la la
22:43.33CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (5 files in 3 dirs): New outer wall textures
22:45.41captain_protonapparently they're auctioning off JFK's underpants
22:45.53JBDiGrizPatlabor221: I'm glad you didn't make the trek to comic-con today.
22:46.49fiberchunkscomplete with 'chocolate joy sauce'?
22:48.33captain_protonoh man
22:48.45captain_protoni'd forgotten how good lisa's newer stuff is
22:48.55CIA03micahjd * 12pybzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): Tweak wall texture
22:52.48captain_protoni'm not so sure about your 'platform' boxsides
22:53.26captain_protoni do like the old wall texture
22:53.43scanlineit looked like an AOL web page background
22:53.54captain_protonperhaps instead of replacing it, it could just be enimproved with multitexturing?
22:54.33scanlineI didn't see how.. feel free to try though
22:58.12captain_protonone of my coworkers apparently just drew a picture of dirk and his powered-by-linux gun
22:59.15doughecka"just" drew? :) must be an artist
22:59.31fiberchunkshow hard would it be to add (if there isn't already) a 'gamestyle' flag?
22:59.42fiberchunksor is there already such a thing?
22:59.43captain_protongamestyle flag? huh?
23:00.01fiberchunksjust wondering, like a bitfield that specifies CTF, FFA, rabbit, etc
23:00.13captain_protonwe've got that
23:00.15Patlabor221it's sent
23:00.22fiberchunksah, what's it called?
23:00.31Patlabor221gamestyle I think
23:02.56Patlabor221yay bottom of the tank is UV maped :)
23:08.38*** join/#bzflag orchid (
23:10.02captain_protonmy card doesn't do ARB_fragment_program?? :P
23:37.58Patlabor221what card?
23:38.15Patlabor221GF3 right?
23:38.16Patlabor221it should
23:39.10captain_protonyeah, gf3
23:39.19captain_protonits weird
23:39.24captain_protoni've got ARB_vertex_program
23:39.37Patlabor221phear the power of full, proper UV maps,
23:40.00captain_protoni wanna see it textured
23:40.09Patlabor221that's what I'm doing now
23:40.13Patlabor221had to map it first
23:42.05captain_protonhm, looks like i have an older version of the glx package
23:43.23captain_protoncan a real artist please take pity on scanline and make some real textures for pybzflag?
23:43.43fiberchunksyah, pat ;)
23:46.34captain_protonfiberchunks: for what?
23:47.14fiberchunksto whangle an artist *ahem* pat to make textures for your fun thang ;)
23:47.29*** join/#bzflag dougheckaa (
23:47.35scanlinecaptain_proton: you'd think that if the pity thing actually worked, crystalspace would have some real art though
23:47.45captain_protonscanline: you'd think
23:48.13fiberchunkscourse, you could also ask derv -- too :)
23:48.40captain_protonno offsense to him, but he's a pain to deal with
23:48.53captain_protonmr "i'm a professional tester but can't provide a useful bug report to save my life"
23:49.48Patlabor221damnit, missed 2 faces
23:50.31captain_protonyay, new ietf shirt!
23:56.41captain_protonscanline: you should get CgLabs from nvidia and go through the two exercises
23:58.35captain_protonits this program thingy for writing/testing shaders
23:58.53scanlinegot a URL? searches at and google turn up nothing
23:59.52scanlineooh, big shell script

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.